Re: AntiVirus!

2000-12-01 Thread Eric Garff

Visar Emini wrote:

> Hi everybody...
> I have qmail & vpopmail running on Linux machine and I was thinking on
> installing an antivirus on my mailserver, does anyone have any suggestions
> about this issue?!
> Thanks for your time
> V.

Before you get flamed by everyone for asking a "obvious" question, here is a
link that will help you in your

Eric Garff System Admin
Our Tools.  Your Site.

Just remember, if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.

Re: List Courtesy (was Newbie question)

2000-11-29 Thread Eric Garff

"Robin S. Socha" wrote:

> Indeed. Tell me, Jamin, does your inflatable sheep talk? If so, do you
> wait for it to ask you for a fag, then repeat everything it said during
> intercourse (including the funny noises your mother and the new neighbour
> were making as well as the TV) and then ask if you were /really/ good?
> More to the point: why do you not repeat everything that /your/ sheep said
> but rather Suresh's (two weeks ago, while thumbing the Sear's catalogue)?
> You don't? Then why do you behave this way on mailing lists,
> i.e. full quote including signature and everything below your text?

How does this post belong in a mature discussion/support/etc. list?  It seems
like it belongs in something like, or
the like.

This is just downright offensive, and tiring.  I feel as though I'm in middle
school listening to the jocks.

Everyone has to get thier word in (hey, look, I'm guilty too).  Pride is an
evil, evil thing, and looks to be something most of you need to get over.

Robin, a few questions:  Did your parents berate/abuse you as a child
(perhaps they called it rough justice to quote a post by you later)?  Or
perhaps you were spoiled monetarily, yet ignored.  Did the other school
children look down upon you?  Do you need anti depressives?  I only ask these
questions because of my background of misguided schooling in mental issues
(thank god I changed my major to CS, mental health is too depressing), and
have seen many many a case study.

I know this list gets quite a lot of mail, but perhaps it would be best
moderated, with a few choice moderators that are kind, who believe in
humility, not anger.  This would also stop all of the childish talk of
fornication with blow up creatures.

Another side note, I'm not sure about the qmail-newbies idea.  The issue is
that it WOULD go ignored and who is to prevent "newbies" from posting to this

Now please excuse me while I bow out.

Eric Garff System Admin
Our Tools.  Your Site.

Just remember, if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.

Tired of this virus

2000-11-15 Thread Eric Garff

I am using qmail-scanner, and it has been effectively blocking this
virus, although I'm tired of recieving the notifications about it (at
least 2-5 daily), yet I don't want to disable the mail me feature just
for this one virus.  Aside from setting up a filter in my MUA to delete
these, I would prefer to block it on the qmail side before it reaches
the qmail-scanner program.  Here is the header, it's all sorts of messed
up and they all come from different IP's (I think it's being spoofed),
and I've already attempted blocking it in the badmailfrom file as
anything from

Received: from (HELO v5o0d0) (
  by with SMTP; 15 Nov 2000 17:30:50 -
From: Hahaha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Branca de Neve pornĂ´!
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="--VE5UJG9UBW9EJKLAV49Q7"

Any ideas?

Thanks for your time,

Eric Garff System Admin
Our Tools.  Your Site.

Just remember, if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.

Re: Dots in .qmail-names

2000-11-08 Thread Eric Garff

This will be my last email on this, since "I hate to rant", but not liking to,
and not refusing to are two different things.

Peter Green wrote:

> The point is that by pointing the original poster to the documentation, he
> might actually do *his* *own* *homework* (horrors!). In the process, he
> might actually learn something more than what he was asking.
> For instance, what if, after his original question, he asked, ``What are the
> valid formats for lines in a .qmail file?'' Or what if he didn't ask but was
> curious? Wow, that appears in the dot-qmail manpage as well.

I give on this portion.  Though, perhaps it would have been better to say "here
is the answer, although if you look at the man page for  you may find
other useful information as well".

> Further, Mr. Cazabon did NOT treat anyone ``like an idiot''. He *did* say,
> basically, RTFM even while pointing out the exact FM. What exactly would you
> have him do, reproduce the documentation for the mailing list everytime the
> question comes up? That's why there is documentation at all!

I feel that he did treat him like an idiot with the blatant statement "It's
documented, so it must be true.", it's a statement of "Haha, a opportunity to
be snide".

> One last interesting comment: In two years of running qmail on about six or
> seven different machines in different environments, I have *never* (that I
> can remember) found the documentation lacking. Chaotic or not, the qmail
> home page at <> is as comprehensive as anything I've
> ever seen.

Re-reading my original email to verify, I discovered that I had said the same
exact thing, that being "...The fact of the matter is that there is SO much
information available to the qmail community and it's not well organized...".
I guess it was my hidden call for some organization of documentation.

Eric Garff System Admin
Our Tools.  Your Site.

Just remember, if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.

Re: Dots in .qmail-names

2000-11-08 Thread Eric Garff

I hate to rant, and I know that the it says to read the FAQ and documentation,
etc., before posting, but wouldn't it have been easier than writing the complete
response to just give him the answer, and even if you didn't know the answer, not
comment at all and let someone who does, give the answer.

It's so much easier than the "treat someone like an idiot and tell them to
RTFM" approach.  Someone asks in ignorance and you smack him down.  The fact of
the matter is that there is SO much information available to the qmail community
and it's not well organized, I'm surprised we don't see more of these questions.
It's a known flaw to open source (ok, so this is flame bait, but it's true, and I
support open source).

Sorry, just my $0.02

Charles Cazabon wrote:

> Gary Richardson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I am trying to use a dot-qmail file called .qmail-clayton.cottingham and it
> > seems that qmail can't handle files with dots in them. It works fine without
> > the dot. Is this true?
> It's documented, so it must be true.
> > How can I make it work?
> Read any of the numerous qmail FAQs, or the man page for dot-qmail.  Pay
> particular attention to the "Extension Addresses" section.
> Charles
> --
> ---
> Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> GPL'ed software available at:
> Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.
> ---

Eric Garff System Admin
Our Tools.  Your Site.

Just remember, if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.

pop3 question

2000-10-17 Thread Eric Garff

I know this may be a stupid question, but I cannot access the qmail home
page at the moment, so I figured I'd ask.

I'm setting up a new server using qmail-pop3d, previously I used qmail
with the "standard" ipop3d binary.

I'm running into a dilemma, I have it almost completely setup, but I get
this notification when I try to verify it works:

Escape character is '^]'.
-ERR syntax error
user egarff
-ERR this user has no $HOME/Maildir
Connection closed by foreign host.

I thought that qmail used default "Mailbox" instead of Maildir, here is
my inetd.conf entry:

pop3stream  tcp nowait  root/var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup
qmail-popup  /bin/checkpassword
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Mailbox

all on one line.

Any ideas?


Eric Garff System Admin
Our Tools.  Your Site.

Just remember, if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.

Re: Qmail not logging to the maillog..

1999-12-03 Thread Eric Garff

I also have the same issue.  My syslog.conf has the entry "mail.*" and my rc
file is as follows:


# Using splogger to send the log through syslog.
# Using qmail-local to deliver messages to ~/Mailbox by default.

exec env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:$PATH" TZ=PST8PDT \
qmail-start ./Mailbox splogger qmail

I really do need to find out some information from my maillog due to some list
issues we are having, any help is appreciated.


Eric Garff

Philip Gabbert wrote:

> This is odd. All of the sudden, qmail isn't logging to the maillog. I know
> it's writeable, courier-imap still uses it.
> Where should I be looking to find out the reason? All I can think of is my
> rc file, but it looks like fine:
> -
> #!/bin/sh
> # Using splogger to send the log through syslog. # Using procmail to deliver
> messages to /var/spool/mail/$USER by default.
> exec env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:$PATH" \ qmail-start '|preline procmail'
> splogger qmail
> --
> trigger is also just fine. No change to it.
> Any suggestions??
> Thnx
> Philip