RE: Concurrency connections

2001-07-26 Thread Joshua Nichols

 While transferring mail we were getting error
 deferral:qmail-spawn_unabme_to_fork_(#4.3.0) ...

I'm already thinking file handles.  What's the output of:
'cat /proc/sys/fs/file-*'

 when I changed control/concurrencyremote to 15 I could
 resolve the above mentioned problem ,

changed _from_ what?

  any other suggestion or patch you can suggest ...??

1.  Give the list more info.  For example, what's going on in
2.  Don't post html to a mailing list if you want the really smart guys to
help you.
3.  Always cut and paste log entries to this list, never retype.


disallowing certain remote recipients

2001-07-20 Thread Joshua Nichols

Hey all--

I've searched the archives and not found a solution that seems to solve the
following problem:

I have a box (lwq + qmail-verh basically) that runs a number of opt in
lists.  Recently, a user sent a bunch of UCE, and though that problem has
been solved, I'd like to be able to enforce the request of those who
complained and asked to never receive another email from us.

Because I anticipate other users breaking their TOS at some point in the
future, I'd like to be able to block certain outbound addresses at the
qmail-send or qmail-remote level.  Ideally, I would have a control file that
listed addresses and wildcards that this box would refuse to send mail to.
That is, if [EMAIL PROTECTED] requests that our service not allow
sending to his domain, I could put that restriction on the box, regardless
of whether [EMAIL PROTECTED] subscribes to one of these lists, or is
added against her will or whatnot.

Any and all advice would be appreciated, including pointing me to old
discussion in the archives which I may have missed in my search.

Thanks in advance,


RE: disallowing certain remote recipients

2001-07-20 Thread Joshua Nichols

 Try the badrcptto patch or the spamcontrol patch, either of which
 will check against the envelope recipient and refuse to accept the
 message. Alternately, nullroute all of the MX's for the domain in

Once again, these messages are not being received via qmail-smtpd.  They are
injected locally, so as far as I can tell, those patches will not help me.

That's why I'm thinking qmail-send level.


RE: Alias Error

2001-07-15 Thread Joshua Nichols


 Then under /var/qmail/alias

And the ownership on /var/qmail/alias?

It should be alias.qmail


qmail-spawn errors

2001-07-12 Thread Joshua Nichols

My logs are filling up with these errors:

starting delivery 14152: msg 582933 to remote [EMAIL PROTECTED]
status: local 0/10 remote 394/400
delivery 14150: deferral: qmail-spawn_unable_to_open_message._(#4.3.0)/
status: local 0/10 remote 393/400
starting delivery 14153: msg 582933 to remote [EMAIL PROTECTED]
status: local 0/10 remote 394/400
delivery 14152: deferral: qmail-spawn_unable_to_create_pipe._(#4.3.0)/
status: local 0/10 remote 393/400
delivery 14146: failure: Unable_to_run_qmail-remote./
alert: unable to append to bounce message; HELP! sleeping...

(timestamps removed for readability - cut and paste otherwise)

And the only thing unusual that has happened is that /var filled up during
an ezmlm-send.

Should I run queue-fix?  Does it look like a queue problem?

I'm not sure what other information would be helpful.  I'm convinced it must
have something to do with the full /var (now cleaned up a bit) but I'm not
sure how, if at all, to fix it.  I'd prefer to not lose the current queue.
No, I did not mess with the queue at all.



RE: Mailing from One connection

2001-07-09 Thread Joshua Nichols

 I am sending different mails to 20,000 recipients at a time.
 So, each qmail-remote sends a mail to each recipient.
 or am I wrong 

No, that's more-or-less how it works.

 If in the total 20,000 mails, say 5000 are hotmail, 5000 are
 yahoo and the rest are to other domains. Then, is it possible
 to open a single qmail-remote process and dump all messages
 to be sent to hotmail on one connection and open another
 connection for all yahoo messages 

Not without alot of patching.

 I guess this speeds up the mail delivery amazingly 

Nope.  It's pretty much a myth.  Maybe you gain a little by opening fewer
connections, but chances are some of them will timeout in the process and
have to start over.  This is covered in the archives, and discussed at some
length in the ezmlm mailing list archives.


RE: Quick question re maildir

2001-07-05 Thread Joshua Nichols

 weeks, and as part of the planning process am wondering if the
 general consensus is that the maildir method is the way to
 go.  Appreciate comments/advice.


Check the archives, there's alot of info there about the benefits of
Maildirs.  Recently, someone posted some excellent statistics on Maildir v.


RE: Unable_to_open_./Maildir:_is_a_directory._(#4.2.1)/

2001-07-05 Thread Joshua Nichols

 @40003b4528aa1125e674 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20

 eventhough i set the mode to 777 at my Maildir, it didn't take any effect

Listen to the error.  It is not a DNS problem.  Post the contents of
/var/qmail/rc.  Chances are REALLY good there's a typo there.

Here's mine:

exec env - PATH=/var/qmail/bin:$PATH \
qmail-start '|dot-forward .forward ./Maildir/'

Oh, and change your permissions back.  They should be 700.  While you're at
it, make sure the user owns the Maildir.

This problem is all over the archives.  Look there.


RE: Error in patching Qmail with Krzysztof Dabrowski 's SMTP-AUTH patch

2001-06-28 Thread Joshua Nichols

  patch  qmail-smtpd.patch
  What might be happening

Well first, if you're using gnu patch (which you should be) that command is
malformed.  If it weren't, I may guess wrong -pnum.

'man patch'


RE: problem starting qmail

2001-06-25 Thread Joshua Nichols

 svok: fatal: unable to chdir to /services/qmail-send:
 file does not exist qmail-send service no running

If you followed Life with Qmail, there is no services, just service.

If you didn't follow Life with Qmail, you should've.

If this doesn't fix the problem, you'll need to post alot more information
about how you are trying to start qmail.  inetd or supervise?  contents of
run files?  what command yields those errors?  di it ever work, or is this a
new install?  etc, etc...


RE: Help with Installation

2001-06-25 Thread Joshua Nichols

 I have been able to telnet to the SMTP service and send a message
 from myself to

So smtp is running, are you sure that it's qmail-smtpd?  Did you remember to
kill sendmail?

 What do I need to check to make sure mail is getting delivered to
 where I want it?

Did you properly configure /var/qmail/users/assign?

You should also check your home directory on the server.  Is there a
Maildir?  does the new directory contained delivered but unretrieved
messages?  Remo could well have a point about UW IMAP, if that is indeed
what you're still using.  Did you install a pop server?  Is it working?

What do your logs say?

If you aren't getting any error messages, and the emails aren't bouncing,
then they must be going somewhere?

Please post your /var/qmail/rc file (and probably at least a sample of your
assign file--we don't need 2000+ essentially identical lines) and tell us
both how you are checking for messages, and where on the server you are
expecting them to show up.  Then maybe someone will be able to tell you why
you're wrong, and where they're actually going.

Oh yeah, and what Andrew said... permissions and ownership are crucial with


RE: Maildir permissions

2001-06-20 Thread Joshua Nichols

 I want to take the general precaution of making the maildirs 
 readable only to their owners (700).  Will this cause qmail
 any fits?
No.  In fact, it's the default.


.qmail files and list delivery

2001-06-18 Thread Joshua Nichols

I'm having a problem getting an ezmlm list setup.  I know that it has a
seperate list, but I think this is a qmail configuration problem.

Here is users/assign (yes, I ran qmail-newu):

[snip - standard, functioning users, and yes, it ends with a single .]

The list is called soccer-sunday.

here is /home/soccer:
total 16
drwxr-xr-x5 soccer   soccer   4096 Jun 18 13:43 Desktop
drwx--5 soccer   soccer   4096 Jun 18 15:41 Maildir
drwx--8 soccer   soccer   4096 Jun 18 15:48 sunday
drwx--2 soccer   soccer   4096 Jun 18 13:43 supervise

and here is the .qmail-sunday file:
|/usr/bin/ezmlm-check /home/soccer/sunday
|/usr/bin/ezmlm-reject '/home/soccer/sunday'
|/usr/bin/ezmlm-send '/home/soccer/sunday'
|/usr/bin/ezmlm-warn '/home/soccer/sunday' || exit 0

I put ezmlm-check in to see is the mail was even hitting the file.  It

The problem is this:

All the messages sent to soccer-sunday@host are being delivered to the 'jjn'
account.  Shouldn't the more precise wildcard assignment '+soccer' take
precedence over the less precise '+'?

What am I missing?  Why isn't qmail delivering to either the Maildir for
soccer or to the list?



RE: beginner of qmail - creating of users cdb database

2001-06-16 Thread Joshua Nichols

 database, I receive following error message: qmail-newu: fatal: bad format
 in users/assign

 Could you tell me plese, what is wrong?

Well, you really ought to have posted the file, but I'd be willing to bet
you forgot the last line.

It is documented in the man pages that the last line of users/assign must
contain a single period.



Also, you may have a problem delivering to 'martin' because your account
appears to be in the root group (GID=0).  I know qmail won't deliver to
root, can anyone confirm if it will deliver to members of group 0?

Good luck


Mail with many BCC:s and delivery delays

2001-06-13 Thread Joshua Nichols

I need a bit of behavior clarification for injecting a single mail to many

If I send 1 message to 100,000 people using BCC:s, what happens if another
such message is sent, or, for that matter, a regular (i.e. non-list)

What I mean is, if qmail processes message in the order received, and it
receives a message to 100,000 recipients, does that mean that it won't start
sending the next injected message until the first is completely delivered?
(or at least attempted and deferred?).

Like with this list... Let's say Charles sends a message 1/10 of a second
after I send this one.  Does that mean that qmail won't even /try/ to send
his until mine has been completely delivered?  If so, how does anyone run
both standard email accounts and large lists on the same box without
experiencing HUGE delays on their regular outbound email?

Sorry, I'm sure this is a FAQ, but I couldn't seem to find a clear answer in
the archives.


RE: many mails

2001-06-11 Thread Joshua Nichols

Gianni Campanile [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A specialized process gets the body of the messages and the addressees
 and it is ready to call a mailer . I wonder if qmail can help me:
 my real problem is that I don't wont to call a command (like
 qmail-inject) for each mail to send, that would slow down terribly.

How exactly do you plan to do it faster than qmail-inject, and anyway, what
could you possibly need to get out faster than qmail-inject is capable of

I use a PERL script that can queue up 10,000 messages in a few minutes, and
that uses the sendmail replacement--calling qmail-inject directly would
probably be a bit faster.

Does /anyone/ have a qmail system that can deliver faster than qmail-inject
can queue?  For that matter, can any mta do it faster than qmail-inject can
queue?  I'm sure there's one somewhere, but I think it would take a hell of
a lot more than 10,000 messages to make a noticeable difference.


RE: Multiple recipients to remote domain

2001-06-11 Thread Joshua Nichols

  Not true.  It simply means that the remote system would have to
  implement VERP when qmail-remote tells the smtpd that the envelope
  sender is list-@[]  Unfortunately, qmail-remote and
  VERP-compatible smtp servers do not cooperate in that manner.

All this talk of delivery optimization and VERP actually raises a few
question for me:

1. Is there a seperate instance of qmail-remote for each bcc: header?

2. If so, how does one message with many recipients save memory or run
faster?  Wouldn't there be an identical number of messages in memory as
sending many messages with one recipient?  I'm assuming the answer is no,
otherwise it wouldn't be recommended, right?

4. Does the existing qmail-verh patch work on the body of the message?  The
archives suggest that this would be VERB, not VERP or VERH.

5. If qmail-verh won't do replacements on the body, did anyone ever write a
qmail-verb patch?

6. Does implementing VERB or VERH negate the benefits of 1 message, many

Lyris and L-soft both claim that their mtas are better (faster) because they
will do domain batching.  If they are not misleading the masses, has
anyone thought of ways (or developed patches) to implement this behavior in
qmail?  Russ?

Perhaps this is all misguided conversation, but it seems to me that most of
the threads on the list fall into 1 of 2 categories:

1. Qmail doesn't work (read as I broke it * ).
2. How can I get ___ to work better? (Expect What problem are you
trying to solve?)

What are people's thoughts?  Feel free to respond off-list if you feel this
is off-topic.  I am thinking of assembling a document containing (founded
upon) the best advice from the gurus, because these sorts of issues so often
make it to the list (and past the archives).


*often: I broke it, but am so used to paying too much for crappy software,
that I naturally assume that something is wrong with the program.

RE: Suspending an POP3 account.

2001-06-11 Thread Joshua Nichols

 (lack of payment) clients when using a passwd/shadow
 authentication method.

 Any ideas on a solution?

Though different checkpassword and pop programs will handle the problem
differently, changing the _permissions_ on the ~Maildir/* so the owner
doesn't have read access will work.  That is, typical Maildir perms are 700,
change it to 300.

All mail will be delivered as usual, but the pop account will not work.  If
the user has telnet access, they will be able to circumvent this, but in a
situation where you have expiring pop accounts, I'm assuming they don't.

I imagine you could easily set the return error so that the user's mta tells
them they're delinquent.  It's not everyday the problem is a permission
denied read on the Maildir.


RE: bounce handling

2001-06-08 Thread Joshua Nichols

Charles Cazabon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 No need for a special header; there are options to qmail-inject
 to make qmail
 use per-recipient VERP.

 Handling the bounces is up to you; in essence, you create a
 .qmail-something-default file and pipe the messages to a script of your
 choosing.  In your case, you'd just log the $DEFAULT portion to a file.

What I'd like to do though, is take advantage of the ~20 day testing that
ezmlm provides.  I don't want to end up unsubscribing people because of an
Out of office message or a temporary errors like mailbox full unless
they've been occurring for a few weeks.

If I understand the documentation correctly, VERP will just add the
recipient address (or certain other info) to the envelope, and I don't see
how that helps me.  If I set up a .qmail-something file, and then piped all
the messages through a script, wouldn't that catch ALL messages (misdirected
unsubscribes, out of office, mailbox full, delivery delays, etc.)?

Or, are you saying that duplicating this is just a matter of using VERP and
writing my own ezmlm-warn and ezmlm-return?  Heh, just...


RE: No mailbox for root

2001-06-08 Thread Joshua Nichols

 Whenever I send mail to root@localhost I get an error message

 Sorry, no mailbox here by that name. (#5.1.1)

qmail won't deliver to root.

You want somethin like this in /var/qmail/users/assign


I'm making alot of assumptions here, but since you didn't give us any

Why do you need to email root anyway?


RE: ms-outlook bug

2001-06-08 Thread Joshua Nichols

 The problem I am referring to is the one where Outlook Express and Outlook
 2000 get stuck while downloading certain messages, supposedly due to a bug
 in the MUA's. (The only solution I heard of is deleting the offending

I have been using Outlook for ~2-3 years on a vpopmail server, and have
never had a single message cause a problem like this.  In fact, this is the
first I'd ever heard of such a thing.

Currently I'm just using vanilla qmail-pop3d, and in 25,000 or so messages,
I haven't run into such a thing, but I haven't really hit widespread use


RE: pop server

2001-06-07 Thread Joshua Nichols

 What about mail clients mail readers (mutt, elm pine, etc)
 using Maildir?

Mutt plays well with Maildirs.

Good mutt.


bounce handling

2001-06-07 Thread Joshua Nichols

Hey all--

I have ezmlm installed, and really like it's bounce detection, but for
certain reasons I must use a different mailing list manager.  I'd like to
take advantage of it's bounce handling though.  Is there a way to have qmail
watch for a certain header, and then implement bounce tracking on a
non-ezmlm message?

That is, let's say I send out a message to the list nicholsfamily.  If I
put a header in the message that says X-List-Message: yes-nicholsfamily
I'd like qmail to treat it like an outgoing ezmlm message, so that if it
bounces, it's tracked in the ezmlm manner.  At the last minute though, when
ezmlm would unsubscribe the user, I'd like it to do something else, like add
the user to a text file, or send an email to a specific address--probably
ideal would be to just run a script, that way the script could do any
combination of the above as the admin saw fit.

Does anybody have or know of anything that aproximates this kind of behavior
in qmail?  I think it would be a very useful feature for many users of qmail
who run other mailing list managers for whatever reason.



RE: better methods to install qmail on linux ( Redhat 6.2 or 7.0)

2001-06-06 Thread Joshua Nichols

 like volume wise

 what is the space for /
 what is the space for /boot
 what is the space for /home
 what is the space for /usr
 what is the space for /var
 what is the space for /swap
 what is the space for /tmp

 thanks for the help in advance

If you use Red Hat, it will try to set up appropriate server partitions
for you, but it will fail:

/usr will be WAY too big
/home will probably be too big
/var will be WAY too small to accommodate any serious volume of qmail

I can say this with some confidence, because my server (using the 'standard'
partition sizes) has quite a bit of software installed on /usr, and is 90%
free, but after one week of qmail use, /var filled up (from both queue and


RE: qmail is slow

2001-06-05 Thread Joshua Nichols

 Don't pass the deliveries off to relays. In doing so, you're taking
 one message with 45000 recipients and making it 45000 messages with
 one recipient.

This brings up an interesting question.  If I'm sending a message to 100k
people, but I need a unique unsubscribe link at the end, can qmail be
convinced that it's only one message, and 100k recipients?  I.E.

Dear reader-

samesamsamesame samesame ... same.

My Company

To remove yourself from this list, click here:

In this example everything is the same except the link, and the link is
derived from the To: header.

Basically, what I'm asking is if there is a more efficient way of creating
the unique link than injecting the message 100k times.


RE: big-concurrency patch

2001-06-04 Thread Joshua Nichols

 to put it into appropriate patch files, but when I run patch -p1 
 big-concurrency.patch it asks me what file I want to patch.

Strictly speaking, it's /possible/ that your version of patch is getting
screwed up by the email header.  Try removing everything above the first
'diff' line.  Then copy it to your qmail-1.03 src directory, then just try
counting your peas.  :)

patch -p0 big-concurrency.edited
patch -p1 big-concurrency.edited

at least one of them should work...

unless you have applied another patch?


/var partition, queue size, and sendmail

2001-05-30 Thread Joshua Nichols

I recently discovered that my /var partition is not going to be large enough
to accomodate  my queue at certain times, and was hoping for some insight.

As a temporary fix, I moved the queue to another partition (/home of all
places) and created a symbolic link.  I realize that there are some security
concerns with this solution, so I am seeking advice.  Is there a
(reasonably) safe utility to resize my partitions without starting over
(which is not really an option)?  Is there another acceptable place to store
the queue?  And if so, is a symbolic link acceptable, or should I recompile
to reflect the new queue location?  Are there performance concerns here?
Here's my partition table, and the output of 'df' for your consideration.
The system is RedHat 7.0.

partition table:
Disk /dev/sda: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 2202 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes

   Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id  System
/dev/sda1   * 1 3 24066   83  Linux
/dev/sda2 4  2202  17663467+   5  Extended
/dev/sda5 4  1002   8024436   83  Linux
/dev/sda6  1003  2001   8024436   83  Linux
/dev/sda7  2002  2034265041   83  Linux
/dev/sda8  2035  2067265041   83  Linux
/dev/sda9  2068  2100265041   82  Linux swap

Filesystem   1k-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda8   256667243418 0 100% /
/dev/sda123302  9106 12993  42% /boot
/dev/sda6  7898380 97088   7400072   2% /home
/dev/sda5  7898380   1000684   6496476  14% /usr
/dev/sda7   256667 57363186052  24% /var

The cause of the large queue is a mailing list that sends about 150,000
messages at 10-25k per message once a week (via qmail's replacement for
sendmail), so I figure I'll bring up the large queue problem as well.  I
know this borders on an FAQ, but what I'm not sure of is this--is there
/any/ way to avoid the queue size limit of 20ish thousand messages?  As I
understand it, the big-todo patch doesn't actually solve it, it just splits
up the todo directory, and conf-split is only able to increase performance.
Please tell me I'm wrong, because I'm not /positive/ that this will be an
avoidable problem in the future.

Thanks to everyone for any suggestions they can offer.


RE: gcc programming with qmail

2001-05-23 Thread Joshua Nichols

 i want to develop an application which can send mail through the
 qmail system.  could you please give me a starting point of this?

I would take advantage of qmail's sendmail compatibility.  That is to say,
do it just as though you were running sendmail, that way your code doesn't
end up limited to qmail systems.


RE: manymanymany splogger processes

2001-05-22 Thread Joshua Nichols

Sorry about the long posting, but at least everythings in one place.

It seems to me that qmail-pop3d is not running correctly, thus explaining
the errors in /var/log/maillog, but is that also causing my splogger process

  I just sent out a sizable mailing, so I expect the server to be busy and
  working hard, but seriously... thousands of copies of splogger?  Is it
  /supposed/ to run a new instance for each outgoing message?

 No, not at all. You are obviously doing something wrong. Please
 provide more detail:
 - how are you starting qmail

With supervise.  I've added several key files below for a more complete

 - how are you sending out the mailing
It's a perl script that uses sendmail, but it is the qmail replacement for

 - are the splogger processes visibly doing something towards syslog

Well, /var/log/maillog has tons of these error messages:

May 22 11:31:57 nsc pop3d: 990545517.798654 tcpserver: fatal: unable to
bind: address already used


exec /var/qmail/rc

exec /usr/local/bin/setuidgid qmaill /usr/local/bin/multilog t s250

tcpserver -v -R 0 pop3 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup
/bin/ \
checkpassword /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir 21 |
/var/qmail/bin/splogger \

exec /usr/local/bin/setuidgid qmaill /usr/local/bin/multilog t s250

#!/bin/sh -e
# /etc/init.d/qmail : start or stop the qmail mail subsystem.
# borrowed from http://Web.InfoAve.Net/~dsill/lwq.html#start-qmail
# modified by Adam McKenna [EMAIL PROTECTED]


case $1 in
echo -n Starting mail-transport-agent:
svc -u /var/qmail/supervise/*
echo -n  qmail
svc -u /var/qmail/supervise/*/log
echo  logging.
echo -n Stopping mail-transport-agent: 
echo -n  qmail
svc -d /var/qmail/supervise/*
echo  logging
svc -d /var/qmail/supervise/*/log
$0 stop
$0 start
echo Reloading 'locals' and 'virtualdomains' control files.
svc -h /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-send
echo 'Usage: /etc/init.d/qmail {start|stop|restart|reload}'
exit 1

exit 0

/etc/rc.local (partial)
/etc/init.d/svscan start
tcpserver 0 110 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup \
/bin/checkpassword /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir 

RE: qmail and sqwebmail

2001-05-18 Thread Joshua Nichols

 -Original Message-
 From: Chris Hellberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 9:09 PM
 Subject: Re: qmail and sqwebmail

 I've installed the two, but not with checkpassword, so take my advice
 with a grail of salt.

It sounds as though no one has.  Is there a way to install vpopmail without
installing all of Courier?


qmail and sqwebmail

2001-05-17 Thread Joshua Nichols

I am trying to install sqwebmail on a server running qmail.

I followed the (limited) installation documentation, and seem to have gotten
it installed and partially running.  qmail is installed and working
correctly (as far as I can tell), as is qmail-pop3d.  The sqwebmail
documentation makes occasional references to vpopmail, which concerns me
slightly considering the problem I'm having.

I cannot login.  I am using a functional account, but sqwebmail rejects the

I know this does not provide you with much specific error data, but
hopefully someone out there has tried this, and can tell me what I have to
do to get the authentication working.  Has anyone ever gotten this working
with qmail-pop3d and checkpassword?  Do I need to use a different pop

Any assistance/direction would be greatly appreciated.


RE: OT: where are you from

2001-05-16 Thread Joshua Nichols

  what does .to stand for, as in [EMAIL PROTECTED]?

 The island of Tonga.

This could be a redundant reminder to many, but a few years back, Tonga
realized that the four-or-so computers on their entire island did not really
warrant a great need for domains.  Hence, their governtment decided to start
selling the somewhat attractive .to domain.  I vaguely remember a follow up
story in which they were able to pay off millions of dollars of debt to
other countries from the proceeds of such sales.

So, while a domain /could/ actually be from Tonga, chances are it
belongs to some clever americans (,, etc).


DISCLAIMER: The use of hyperbole in this email should not be construed as
any form of disrespect being shown or felt toward the people or government
of Tonga.  ;)