2000-07-04 Thread Kristina

At 08:54 00/06/14 +0900, you wrote:
 Has anyone installed any of the POP-before-SMTP
 packages available on the page with qmail-ldap
 on Solaris 6 or 7 SUCCESSFULLY?
 Please let me know.


Well, here I am answering my own post!  Thanks to the owner of relay-ctrl-1.4,
Bruce, I was able to get over some of my troubles. I now have POP-before-SMTP
running on our qmail server serving ASP clients.  The following step-by-step
should get any newbie with POP-before-SMTP installed on Solaris 7. Works fine
on both qmail and qmail-ldap.

(1) decompress

% tar -xvf relay-ctrl-1.4.tar.gz?

(2) edit some files in the source

% cd relay-ctrl-1.4

a) EDIT THE defines.h FILE
% vi defines.h

#define AGE_MINUTES 15 - No of minutes user can SMTP after POP
#ifndef BUFSIZE
#define BUFSIZE 4096
#ifndef RULESDIR
#define RULESDIR "/etc/tcpcontrol" -The path to your database
#ifndef SPOOLDIR
#define SPOOLDIR "/var/spool/relay-ctrl"
#ifndef AGE_CMD
#define AGE_CMD "/usr/sbin/relay-ctrl-age"
#ifndef TCPRULES
#define TCPRULES "/usr/local/bin/tcprules" - change according to your system
#define SMTPRULES "smtp.rules" - name of the rules files
#ifndef SMTPCDB
#define SMTPCDB "tcp.smtp.cdb" - name of your cdb file
#ifndef SMTPFIXUP?
#define SMTPFIXUP "smtp.fixup" 

b) EDIT THE relay-ctrl-allow.c file

% vi relay-ctrl-allow.c
#include ctype.h
#include stdio.h
#include stdlib.h
#include string.h
#include sys/fcntl.h
#include sys/stat.h
#include sys/types.h
#include unistd.h
#include fcntl.h - add this

c) EDIT THE Makefile file
% vi Makefile

prefix = /usr
sbindir = $(prefix)/sbin
mandir = $(prefix)/man
man8dir = $(mandir)/man8
install = /usr/sbin/install - change according to your system
installdata = $(install) -m 644?
installbin = $(install) -m 755
installdir = $(install) -d


% make

% cp relay-ctrl-allow /usr/sbin
% cp relay-ctrl-age /usr/sbin
% cp relay-ctrl-age.8 /usr/man/man8/
% cp relay-ctrl-allow.8 /usr/man/man8/
% make install
% chmod u+s /usr/sbin/relay-ctrl-allow

(5) EDIT crontab

% setenv EDITOR vi
% crontab -e
0-59 * * * * /usr/sbin/relay-ctrl-age

% crontab -l

% mkdir /var/spool/relay-ctrl
% chmod 766 /var/spool/relay-ctrl
% mkdir /etc/tcpcontrol
% chmod 777 /etc/tcpcontrol


% vi /etc/rc2.d/S89tcpserver

PATH=/var/qmail/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin; export PATH

#SMTP for POP-before-SMTP
tcpserver -v -u x -g x -x /etc/tcpcontrol/tcp.smtp.cdb 0 smtp
qmail-smtpd 2
1 |splogger smtpd 

-u xx is the uid
-g xx is the gid
-x /etc/tcpcontrol/tcp.smtp.cdb  is the full path to your database which must
your entries for RULESDIR and SMTPCDB in defines.h



Where is sqwebmail in courier-imap?

2000-07-03 Thread Kristina

The sqwebmail page says that courier-imap includes
sqwebmail so there is no need to download sqwebmail
if you have courier-imap.

I cannot seem to find sqwebmail in my courier-imap-0.31

Anyone know where it could be?

I have done a find / -name sqwebmail -print.


Re: how to setup Maildir

2000-06-18 Thread Kristina

At 16:21 00/06/17 -0600, you wrote:
  can u help me setting up Maildir
  here iam not able to setup Maildir
   Easy, correct method:
 /var/qmail/bin/maildirmake {username}

Don't forget to "su" to the user before you
execute maildirmake.


   Long, cumbersome, error-prone method:
 cd ~{username}
 mkdir Maildir
 mkdir Maildir/new
 mkdir Maildir/cur
 mkdir Maildir/tmp
 chown -R {username}[.:]{usergroup} Maildir
 chmod -R 600 Maildir

Re: mailbox dir

2000-06-16 Thread Kristina

What does your /var/qmail/control/defaultdelivery file say?

The most probable location is /home/username/Mailbox  or
/home/username/Maildir/cur, new, tmp

At 15:30 00/06/16 +0800, you wrote:
 i configured qmail succesfully but my problem is whenever i sent an email
 to one of the users where my qmail was install i cant find the mail. in
 sendmail i know it was var/spool/mail where can i check that in qmail?

Re: mailbox dir

2000-06-16 Thread Kristina

Make sure you have this:

% groupadd -g 110 qmgr ( A group id above 100)
% useradd -u 120 -g 110 mailuser (A group id above 100)

% chgrp qmgr /home
% chmod 775 /home


At 17:09 00/06/16 +0800, you wrote:
 Remove the write permissions for group and others from the directory. Qmail
is pretty strict on permissions.
 This is what Vince said:
  i have this message in my log file when i send a mail 
  Jun 16 17:15:51 procmail qmail: 961146951.320518 delivery 25: deferral:
  Jun 16 17:15:51 procmail qmail: 961146951.323302 status: local 0/10 remote
  At 04:17 PM 6/16/00 +0800, you wrote:
  You may try a 'ps -ef|grep qmail` and see if the appropriate qmail
  programs are running. Looking also at your log files may help in case th
  are errors. It is also important to note how you configured your qmail to
  deliver messages.
  This is what Vince said:
   i configured qmail succesfully but my problem is whenever i sent an
   to one of the users where my qmail was install i cant find the mail. in
   sendmail i know it was var/spool/mail where can i check that in qmail?

relay-ctrl-1.4 on Solaris

2000-06-14 Thread Kristina

Has anyone managed to successfully compile
relay-ctrl 1.4 on Solaris 6 or 7?

If so, please let me know how you managed to compile


AUTH-SMTP: Compling on Solaris

2000-06-14 Thread Kristina

I am trying to patch qmail-1.03 with qmail-smtpd-auth-0.24 on
Solaris 7 but the patch fails.

Please let me know what I should do.

% cd qmail-1.03
% patch  /usr/local/SRC/SMTPAUTH/qmail-smtpd-auth-0.24/qmail-smtpd.patch
  Looks like a new-style context diff.
Hunk #3 failed at line 25.
Hunk #5 failed at line 101.
Hunk #6 failed at line 116.
Hunk #8 failed at line 229.
Hunk #10 failed at line 369.
Hunk #11 failed at line 377.
Hunk #12 failed at line 394.
Hunk #13 failed at line 408.
8 out of 13 hunks failed: saving rejects to qmail-smtpd.c.rej

Thankyou in advance,


2000-06-13 Thread Kristina

Has anyone installed any of the POP-before-SMTP
packages available on the page on

Please let me know.


courier-imap: make check errors

2000-06-08 Thread Kristina

When I run make check for courier-imap on Solaris7 sparc using gcc-2.95.
I get the following output. Make check doesn't finish: it just
hangs with the last two lines "broken pipe". However, if
I go ahead and install it anyway, courier-imap appears to work fine.

Are the following errors something
to worry about?

Any help would be great,


* Sanity check in progress *

INFO: LOGIN, user=user, ip=[]
INFO: LOGOUT, user=user, ip=[]
INFO: LOGIN, user=user, ip=[]
INFO: LOGOUT, user=user, ip=[]
make[1]: *** [check] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/SRC/IMAP/courier-imap-0.31/imap'
make: *** [check-recursive] Error 1
ldaptest% INFO: LOGIN, user=user, ip=[]
INFO: LOGOUT, user=user, ip=[]
Broken Pipe
INFO: LOGIN, user=user, ip=[]
INFO: LOGOUT, user=user, ip=[]
Broken Pipe
Broken Pipe
INFO: LOGIN, user=user, ip=[]
INFO: LOGOUT, user=user, ip=[]
Broken Pipe
Broken Pipe
INFO: LOGIN, user=user, ip=[]
INFO: LOGOUT, user=user, ip=[]
Broken Pipe
Broken Pipe
INFO: LOGIN, user=user, ip=[]
INFO: LOGOUT, user=user, ip=[]
Broken Pipe
Broken Pipe


How to stop UUCP?

2000-05-25 Thread Kristina

Does qmail accept UUCP-style addressing by default?  
I would like to disable qmail's acceptance of UUCP-style

Any help greatly appreciated,

ORBS prevention

2000-05-08 Thread Kristina

I am at the point of setting up my qmail-server as the mail-hub for my
organization.  I have only used qmail for testing purposes so far and I am not
experienced with anti-spam techniques.

Now that I want to use my qmail-server in real life, there are many 
other issues involved--like preventing my qmail server from being put on 
the ORBS database. I have referred to the archives, however, there is much
heated discussion without much pratical detail.

Pleae let me know what I need to do for ORBS prevention and any other
configuration details necessary for a secure, anti-spam mail-hub.

Thankyou in advance,

Re: Login problems with courier-imap

2000-04-26 Thread Kristina

Thankyou. I have changed the IP Address in imapd.config but
I still get the same "connection closed" error when I login to imap.

Besides IP Address, what else needs to be changed in imapd.config to
get it up and running?

Any hints would be great,


At 09:09 00/04/26 +0100, you wrote:
 On Wed, Apr 26, 2000 at 09:31:09AM +0900, Kristina wrote:
  I have courier-imap compiled correctly on Solaris7 but when I try to login
  "Connection closed by foreign host.".  In the syslog I only get,
  " imaplogin: Connection, ip=[]"  
  When I give the correct username and password I get the "connection clos
  error. When I enter a wrong username andpassword I do get the expected
   "Login incorrect" errorwhich means imap is authenticating.
  Any hints would be great. 
  Please note that I have not made any configuration changes to imap
  Perhaps imap requires some configuration in some files???
 Yes it does, you need to edit one or two entries in imapd.config, in
 particular you need to set ADDRESS to your real IP address.

 Chris Green ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Login problems with courier-imap

2000-04-25 Thread Kristina

I have courier-imap compiled correctly on Solaris7 but when I try to login I
"Connection closed by foreign host.".  In the syslog I only get,
" imaplogin: Connection, ip=[]"  

When I give the correct username and password I get the "connection closed"
error. When I enter a wrong username andpassword I do get the expected
 "Login incorrect" errorwhich means imap is authenticating.

Any hints would be great. 
Please note that I have not made any configuration changes to imap following
Perhaps imap requires some configuration in some files???

Thanks Kristina

*Actual output: (Note: "ldaptest" is hostname)

root@ldaptest(29)%telnet ldaptest imap
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
* OK Courier-IMAP ready. Copyright 1998-2000 Double Precision, Inc.  See COP
 for distribution information.
1 login kristina password
Connection closed by foreign host.

Actual output in syslog:
Apr 25 15:30:57 ldaptest imaplogin: Connection, ip=[]

Re: Login problems with courier-imap

2000-04-25 Thread Kristina

No I am not using the auth_imap authentication module yet because
I can't even get courier-imap to work using default authentication.  
Although, my ultimate goal is to use the auth_imap module I can't  
get courier-imap working with /etc/passwd. 

Any help appreciated as to why I am getting  "connection closed" as
soon enter the correct username an password!

Has anyone got courier-imap running correctly on Solaris 7?
Do I need to configure anything after compilation?


At 03:03 00/04/26 +0200, you wrote:
 Kristina wrote:
  I have courier-imap compiled correctly on Solaris7 but when I try to login
  "Connection closed by foreign host.".  In the syslog I only get,
  " imaplogin: Connection, ip=[]"
  When I give the correct username and password I get the "connection clos
  error. When I enter a wrong username andpassword I do get the expected
   "Login incorrect" errorwhich means imap is authenticating.
  Any hints would be great.
  Please note that I have not made any configuration changes to imap
  Perhaps imap requires some configuration in some files???
 Are you using the auth_imap authentication module from qmail-ldap?

Re: Compiling

2000-04-18 Thread Kristina

I have posted the same question in the past. Apparently it is not an error.
Nothing to worry about. If you need a technical explanation  you will
find it in the archives as their was much discussion as the result of my post.


At 02:04 00/04/19 +0200, you wrote: 

 what it means when i compile qmail with make setup check:
 ./load auto-uid substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a 
 ./compile auto-gid.c
 auto-gid.c: In function `main':
 auto-gid.c:20: warning: return type of `main' is not `int'
 ./load auto-gid substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a 
  ... in the complete proccess...
  qmail-start.c: In function `main':
 qmail-start.c:31: warning: return type of `main' is not `int'
 ..*it's really an error main is not int and what ?
 Thanks. mike

Avoiding qmail being listed on ORBS

2000-03-26 Thread Kristina

I have seen messages posted on the mailing list regarding
qmail failing orbs tests etc. I do understand that it is not
a qmail problem, however, I would like to know if there is anyway
qmail can be configured to avoid being damned as an open relay by
these organizations?


The following is quoted from:

Properly configured non-relaying qmail installations appear to fail some
simpleminded relay tests. These tests assume that if the SMTP server
doesn't reject MAIL/RCPT commands that could cause relaying in some
MTA's, that the tested MTA might relay them.

Re: Anti-Relay

2000-03-22 Thread Kristina

The following may help:


At 10:13 00/03/23 +0600, you wrote:
 Any good site or documentation to look for the qmail to stop the spawming,
 I mean how to configure the anti-relay.
 Thank you.
 Upendra Shrestha

RE: POP-before-SMTP implementations

2000-03-16 Thread Kristina

Yes I want to use smtp-poplock but I am having trouble compiling it
on Solaris7.  Compiling it not as easy as the INSTALL file says.  Compile fa
with the following errors.  Any help greaty appreciated.


%cd /usr/src
%zcat smtp-poplock-2.04.tar.gz
%cd smtp-poplock-2.04
% make install

installing /usr/sbin
installing /usr/sbin/fifo-safety
find: cannot follow symbolic link /usr/sbin/.qmail-postmaster: No such file or
install: fifo-safety was not found anywhere!

*My .qmail-postmaster is configured as in the Life with qmail manual**

echo dave  /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-root
echo dave  /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-postmaster
ln -s .qmail-postmaster /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-mailer-daemon
chmod 644 /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-root /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-postmaster

At 14:07 00/03/16 -0500, you wrote:
 You could do this with smtp-poplock easily enough.
 To get the logging information from one host to another, you could do a few
 things. First, perhaps setup syslog to log to a remote host. But syslog is
 annoying, so I'd avoid that.
 All you need to do is setup a system of pipes and sockets to get logging
 from your POP3 host to the SMTP host where you can run the readlog program.
 the POP3 host setup your pop3 software to log to a fifo, and then have
 process reading that fifo and catting the stuff to a mconnect(1) program
 connected to a tcpserver(1) program on the SMTP host. The tcpserver on the
 host would read from the socket and write to a fifo, which would then be r
 by readlog, which would locally maintain your database file.
 This would all be very easy to setup with smtp-poplock, shell scripts, and
 ucspi-tcp. Or, perhaps you could use a different pop-before smtp solution 
 the same socket and fifo idea.
 smtp-popock is at
  - David Harris
Principal Engineer, DRH Internet Inc.
 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Erik
 Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2000 4:48 AM
 Subject:  POP-before-SMTP implementations
 Has anyone implemented a POP-before-SMTP (selective relaying) system
 that doesn't rely on the assumption that qmail and the POP daemon are
 on the same host? Those I found on the qmail page unfortunately did.

smtp-poplock-2.04 install problems

2000-03-09 Thread Kristina

I have qmail on Solaris7 sparc and I tried to install smptp-poplock but 
when I do make install I get the following errors. 

Any help greatly appreciated.

%cd /usr/src
%zcat smtp-poplock-2.04.tar.gz
%cd smtp-poplock-2.04
% make install

installing /usr/sbin
installing /usr/sbin/fifo-safety
find: cannot follow symbolic link /usr/sbin/.qmail-postmaster: No such file 
or d
install: fifo-safety was not found anywhere!

*My .qmail-postmaster is configured as in the Life with qmail manual**

echo dave  /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-root
echo dave  /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-postmaster
ln -s .qmail-postmaster /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-mailer-daemon
chmod 644 /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-root /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-postmaster


mail quota with return mail function

2000-03-07 Thread Kristina

I am a little unclear on a few things regarding setting up a 
mail quota for users.

I understand a mail quota is set  at
/control/databytes but how do I set the number? In KB
or MB?  I want to set it at 5MB.

Can I set a unique mail quotas for different users?

By default, does qmail send a return mail to the sender?
I would like a return mail telling the sender the user is
above their limit.  Do I require any patches for this?
I have read about the mailquotacheck patch and it says on
the page that it is "clearly only effective on a userless mail
Why is that?


RE: mail quota with return mail function

2000-03-07 Thread Kristina

Thankyou for your responses. I was confused on mail quota for users
and max. message size. Sorry!

I am interested in mail quota for users.  I was told there are two levels:
delivery level and file-system level. I would like delivery level.

How can I set delivery level mail quota for each user?


At 02:05 00/03/08 +, you wrote:
 On 08-Mar-2000 Kristina wrote:
  I am a little unclear on a few things regarding setting up a 
  mail quota for users.
  I understand a mail quota is set  at
  /control/databytes but how do I set the number? In KB
  or MB?  I want to set it at 5MB.
 no, the control/databytes defines the maximum lenght for a message received
 SMTP. this value is in bytes.
 real user-quotas should be done at delivery level... or at file-system lev
  Can I set a unique mail quotas for different users?
 you can define a diferent DATABYTES env. var. for diferent instances of
 qmail-smtpd (for various interfaces, etc)
  By default, does qmail send a return mail to the sender?
  I would like a return mail telling the sender the user is
  above their limit.  Do I require any patches for this?
 by default, when you exceed DATABYTES qmail will return an error during the
 SMTP conversation.
  I have read about the mailquotacheck patch and it says on
  the page that it is "clearly only effective on a userless 
  Why is that?
 it's a box that don't have users (no control/locals). This box receives the
 mail and forwards it to another server.
 E-Mail: RaTao von J [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 08-Mar-2000
 Time: 01:57:23

RE: mail quota with return mail function

2000-03-07 Thread Kristina

At 03:08 00/03/08 +, you wrote:
 Hi again,
 On 08-Mar-2000 Kristina wrote:
  Thankyou for your responses. I was confused on mail quota for users
  and max. message size. Sorry!
  I am interested in mail quota for users.  I was told there are two levels:
  delivery level and file-system level. I would like delivery level.
  How can I set delivery level mail quota for each user?
 it depends on the delivery agent you picked :)
 there are some in /var/qmail/boot (read the INSTALL file)
 if you're delivering to $HOME/Mailbox or /var/spool/mail/$USER you could p
 the message through a simple program that checks the size/quota and acts
 acordingly. (I don't know where you can find such a program, anyone?)
 anyway, to do this kind of quota enforcing i would choose the standard
 "file-system quotas" and apply this:
 good luck,

Thanks. I have taken a look at
and it says the following :

"The virgin code as distributed by DJB treats this as a 'temporary
error on maildir' and leaves the message in the queue for later
delivery retries.  The modified code treats it as a permanent error
and immediately returns the message to the sender."

What is it referring to when it says "The virgin code as distributed by DJB "?

Does it mean that by default when a users maildir gets over the system-quota 
any mail sent to the user is retried over a certain number of days and then
back as return mail while the above patch makes qmail to send a return email

Currently I am using Maildir.

Thanks Kristina

  At 02:05 00/03/08 +, you wrote:
  On 08-Mar-2000 Kristina wrote:
   I am a little unclear on a few things regarding setting up a 
   mail quota for users.
   I understand a mail quota is set  at
   /control/databytes but how do I set the number? In KB
   or MB?  I want to set it at 5MB.
  no, the control/databytes defines the maximum lenght for a message
  SMTP. this value is in bytes.
  real user-quotas should be done at delivery level... or at file-system 
   Can I set a unique mail quotas for different users?
  you can define a diferent DATABYTES env. var. for diferent instances of
  qmail-smtpd (for various interfaces, etc)
   By default, does qmail send a return mail to the sender?
   I would like a return mail telling the sender the user is
   above their limit.  Do I require any patches for this?
  by default, when you exceed DATABYTES qmail will return an error during
  SMTP conversation.
   I have read about the mailquotacheck patch and it says on
   the page that it is "clearly only effective on a userle
   Why is that?
  it's a box that don't have users (no control/locals). This box receives
  mail and forwards it to another server.
  E-Mail: RaTao von J [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: 08-Mar-2000
  Time: 01:57:23

 E-Mail: RaTao von J [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 08-Mar-2000
 Time: 02:57:37

RE: mail quota with return mail function

2000-03-07 Thread Kristina

So if I  configure /control/queuelifetime with zero seconds, will
the mail be returned immediately? If yes, what is the purpose of the 


At 03:42 00/03/08 +, you wrote:
 On 08-Mar-2000 Kristina wrote:
  Thanks. I have taken a look at
  and it says the following :
  "The virgin code as distributed by DJB treats this as a 'temporary
  error on maildir' and leaves the message in the queue for later
  delivery retries.  The modified code treats it as a permanent error
  and immediately returns the message to the sender."
  What is it referring to when it says "The virgin code as distributed by 
  Does it mean that by default when a users maildir gets over the
  any mail sent to the user is retried over a certain number of days and t
  back as return mail while the above patch makes qmail to send a return
 yes. the amount of time is defined in control/queuelifetime
 until then qmail tries to deliver the message. if the user is (still) over
 quota, qmail will try again after. when queuelifetime is reached (value in
 secs) qmail tries one more time and if unsuccessfull bounces the message b
 to the sender.
  Currently I am using Maildir.
 this apply to maidir also.
  Thanks Kristina
 E-Mail: RaTao von J [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 08-Mar-2000
 Time: 03:37:07

qpopper and ~username/Mailbox format

2000-03-05 Thread Kristina

I want to use qpopper2.53 to work with mail in the ~/Mailbox format.
At the moment qpopper2.53 will not get mail in ~/username/Mailbox.

What changes do I need to do to qpopper to get it to work?

Any hints appreciated,

forcing /var/spool/mail delivery using a dot-qmail file

2000-02-20 Thread Kristina

I want to configure qmail-local to deliver mail to /var/spool/mail/username/
The /usr/share/man/cat5/dot-qmail.0 file tells you how to write a
.qmail file to change delivery, however its too difficult for me to comprehe

I do understand that forcing qmail-local to deliver to /var/spool/mail is ve
ry anti-qmail. I am using qmail with ldap and the ldap patch gets applies ch
anges to qmail-local to make it work with ldap beautifully. This is why I ca
nnot use the alternative methods, namely /bin/mail or procmail to deliver to

I would very much appreciate some hints on how to write up the .qmail file.

Thanks in advance,

P.S Thanks to Peter Green, Racerx and Tim Hunter for your replies one month 
ago.  Unfortunately, your replies were offering me alternatives which just d
on't work with the qmail-ldap situation. 

/var/spool/mail delivery using a dot-qmail file

2000-02-04 Thread Kristina

I want to configure qmail-local to deliver mail to /var/spool/mail.
The /usr/share/man/cat5/dot-qmail.0 file tells you how to write a
.qmail file to change delivery, however its too difficult for me to comprehe

Can someone help me here?
Thanks in advance,

P.S I do not want to use /bin/mail or procmail for /var/spool/mail delivery.
I want to use qmail-local.

mbox format on qmail

2000-01-25 Thread Kristina

Has anyone set up qmail to use the mbox format without using bin/mail??
I want qmail-local to deliver messages to /var/spool/mail.

Thanks in advance,

Mbox format with qmail-local possible?

2000-01-22 Thread Kristina

Is there a way I can get qmail-local to deliver to /var/spool/mail/username 

I know you can get the mbox format by using /bin/mail but I want
mbox format delivery with qmail-local!


MUA's compatible with Maildir

2000-01-12 Thread Kristina

Life-with-qmail talks says that the Maildir format has less
MUA support.  Which MUA's are not compatible with the
Maildir format? 


Maildir format

2000-01-11 Thread Kristina

I thought that configuring the /var/qmail/control/defaultdelivery file
and /var/qmail/rc files was all you needed for the maildir format.
However, as I was not getting tmp, cur and new directories created
I rechecked the Life with Qmail documentation again to find out that
I may need the .qmail file! Is this true??

Do I need a .qmail file to configure the maildir format. If so, how do I
configure it. Please let me know.

Thankyou in advance,

qmail-smtpd error: 502 unimplemented

2000-01-07 Thread Kristina

I have qmail-smtpd setup using inetd. .
However when I try to send mail I get the error below:

telnet localhost 25

Mail test

qmail-smtpd error: 502 unimplemented

2000-01-07 Thread Kristina

I have qmail-smtpd setup using inetd. .
However when I try to send mail I get the error below:

telnet localhost 25

Mail test

test only

2000-01-07 Thread Kristina

Please ignore this test.

smtp error

2000-01-07 Thread Kristina

I have qmail-smtpd setup using inetd. .
However when I try to send mail I get the error below:

telnet localhost 25

Mail test

qmail-smtpd error: 502 unimplemented

2000-01-07 Thread Kristina

 have qmail-smtpd setup using inetd. .
However when I try to send mail I get the error below:

telnet localhost 25

Mail test

qmail-smtpd error: 502 unimplemented

2000-01-07 Thread Kristina

 have qmail-smtpd setup using inetd. .
However when I try to send mail by 
telnet localhost 25. I get the following error:

502 unimplemented (#5.5.1)  $B!!(B***ERROR HERE

Does anyone know what may be causing this?

Thanks in advance,

qmail-smtpd error: 502 unimplemented

2000-01-07 Thread Kristina

I have qmail-smtpd setup using inetd. .
However when I try to send mail I get the error below:

telnet localhost 25

Mail test

Re: SMTP error= okay now!

2000-01-07 Thread Kristina

Please ignore this message as I have a solved the problem.
It was just a silly mistake that was causing the error.


At 12:54 00/01/08 +0900, you wrote:
 I have qmail-smtpd setup using inetd. .
 However when I try to send mail by 
 telnet localhost 25. I get the following error:
 502 unimplemented (#5.5.1)  $B!!(B***ERROR HERE
 Does anyone know what may be causing this?
 Thanks in advance,
 P.S Sorry about the empty message before!

error at compile time

2000-01-04 Thread Kristina

At compile time for qmail-1.03 on solaris7 I get the following in syslog

Jan  4 11:14:49 ldaptest qmail: 946952089.151836 alert: unable to opendir to

In the end, qmail seems to compile okay and I can send mail as normal. Howev
I am wondering how to solve the above error?
The "to do" directory it is probably referring to is  /var/qmail/queue/todo.
I also get the same error when starting qmail for the first time. By stopping
qmail and then starting it again, the error disappears!!

Any help appreciated,

compile error

2000-01-03 Thread Kristina

When I compile qmail-1.03 on Solaris 7 the following error is produced throu
the compile for all *.c files.  In the end, qmail compiles okay so I am wond
ering if
the following is something I should be worried about?

qmail-local.c:448: warning: return type of `main' is not `int'

Thanks for any help,

How do I empty the mailbox?

2000-01-03 Thread Kristina

Is there a command where I can delete all past messages in a users
mailbox, eg. /home/kristina/Mailbox.  ?

Thanks for your help,

qmail-inject error

2000-01-03 Thread Kristina

The first time I did a mail test to my mailbox kristina it worked. However,
the second time it wouldn't work any more. I get the following error:

% echo to: kristina | /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject: to:: not found

the second part "/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject" seems to be causing the error.
The permissions for qmail-inject are: 
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root qmail 13 Jan  4 11:47 qmail-inject

Thanks in advance for your help,


1999-12-27 Thread Kristina

My qmail is starting okay, however when I try to do a mail test:
echo to: kristina | /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject

The following error is returned:
stty: : No such device or address

Does anyone know what could be causing this?

Thanks in advance,

Re: qmail-inject

1999-12-27 Thread Kristina

Thanks! I  have the solved the problem by switching to shell instead of cshe

My new problem is that I get absolutely no response from the system when I
execute the same command:
echo to: kristina | /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject

Even /var/log/syslog produces nothing!

Why is this command not executing?

Thanks in advance,

At 05:37 99/12/28 +0200, you wrote:
 Kristina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on Tue, 28 Dec 1999:
  My qmail is starting okay, however when I try to do a mail test:
  echo to: kristina | /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject
  The following error is returned:
  stty: : No such device or address
  Does anyone know what could be causing this?
 I'm not sure, but I'm guessing you have a stty command in either your
 personal .profile for that user, or in the /etc/profile file.  The shell
 gets invoked for the pipe, including executing the startup file(s), but
 there's no attached tty, and so stty complains.
 If you're using something else than bash (or relative), adjust the above
 by substituting your shell's startup files...
 In any case, it's very likely not a qmail problem, qmail doesn't execute
 // Mikko H$BgO(Bninen, aka. Wizzu  //  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  //
 // The Corrs list maintainer  //   net.freak  //   DALnet IRC operator /
 // Interests: roleplaying, Linux, the Net, fantasy  scifi, the Corrs /
 I havent't lost my mind -- I'm sure it is backed up somewhere.

ldap and qmail

1999-12-21 Thread Kristina

So far the only documentation I have found on the qmail-ldap patch is

Are there any other documents around?

Your response much appreciated,

Re: ldap and qmail

1999-12-21 Thread Kristina

I want to do email routing where qmail on the mail hub looks up the ldap
for mail host information so that it can route mail to the mail servers. That
way I
do not have to add user accounts on solaris. All user info for email routing
centrally administered on the LDAP server.

By the way, the QLDAPINSTALL document mentions that I need Netscape LDAP sdk
What is this for and where do I download it??

Thanks for any help,

At 02:20 99/12/22 -0500, you wrote:
 Kristina writes:
   So far the only documentation I have found on the qmail-ldap patch is
 Yeah, they're assuming that you want everything they want: ldap user
 lookups, clustering, and gratuitious anti-spam patches.
   Are there any other documents around?
 No, but it's really not too hard to hack something up.  Exactly what
 you need depends on exactly what your ldap is exporting.
 -russ nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Crynwr sells support for free software  | PGPok | Government schools are so
 521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315 268 1925 voice | bad that any rank amateur
 Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | +1 315 268 9201 FAX   | can outdo them. Homescho

Compiling qmail on Solaris

1999-12-19 Thread Kristina

I am new to qmail and  I have just installed and compiled qmail-1.03 on
ultrasparc Solaris 7. When I start qmail I get the following errors in 

Dec 17 16:10:16 host1 qmail: 945414616.234284 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20
Dec 17 16:10:17 host1 qmail: 945414617.771422 alert: unable to opendir mess/0
, sleeping...

I understand the first line is not an error, but the second line definitely 
looks like one.
Does anyone know what is causing this? Is there something I need to do for q
mail to
run on Solaris?

Thanks in advance,

alert:unable to opendir mess/0

1999-12-16 Thread Kristina

*Sorry for sending this twice!

I am new to qmail and  I have just installed and compiled qmail-1.03 on
ultrasparc Solaris 7. When I start qmail I get the following error in 

Dec 17 16:10:16 host1 qmail: 945414616.234284 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20
Dec 17 16:10:17 host1 qmail: 945414617.771422 alert: unable to opendir mess/0
, sleeping...

I understand the first line is not an error, but the second line definitely 
looks like one.
Does anyone know what is causing this,

Thanks in advance,