Re: split local domain addressing - similar question.

2000-08-14 Thread Marc-Adrian Napoli

hi all,

just a question similar to this split local domain addressing issue. and are both locally delivered domains.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] is a functioning mailbox.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] is to go elsewhere.

in the ~sales/.qmail file i have put:

|/var/qmail/bin/condredirect [EMAIL PROTECTED] [ `echo
"$RECIPIENT" | tr A-Z a-z` = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" ]

can anyone else think of a better of way of doing this? its the only way i
have found to do it so far.


Marc-Adrian Napoli
Network Admin
Connect Infobahn Australia
+61 2 9281 1750

qmail-default and bounce

2000-08-16 Thread Marc-Adrian Napoli

hi all,

sure to be a question asked before, but i can't seem to find a working

/var/qmail/alias/.qmail-default cops all the bad addresses, but if i forward
that to a mailbox the people don't get a bounce.

At the moment the file contains:


which is a mailbox i've setup as a catchall.

I tried adding:

|echo 'No such user'; exit100

in the first line which bounces the mail, but no mail is put into the
defaultalias mailbox.

Is there anyway to do both?


Marc-Adrian Napoli
Network Admin
Connect Infobahn Australia
+61 2 9281 1750

Re: qmail-default and bounce

2000-08-17 Thread Marc-Adrian Napoli

Hi Chris,

> > |echo 'No such user'; exit100
> This is same as using ``|bouncesaying "No such user"''.
> > in the first line which bounces the mail, but no mail is put into the
> > defaultalias mailbox.
> >
> > Is there anyway to do both?
> Yes. Put your mailbox _before_ the bouncesaying line. e.g.,
> ./Maildir/
> |bouncesaying "No such user"

What about something like:

|bouncesaying "No such user"

work? i would assume it should if the maildir is right, but i have the right
maildir there and it doesn't want to deliever to that directory!


Marc-Adrian Napoli
Network Admin
Connect Infobahn Australia
+61 2 9281 1750

Re: qmail-default and bounce

2000-08-17 Thread Marc-Adrian Napoli

Hi all,

> > |bouncesaying "No such user"
> >
> > This should work without requiring tweaks to ownership.
> This will NOT work. Excerpt from man dot-qmail:
> >qmail-local handles forwarding
> >after all other instructions, so any error in another type of
> >delivery will prevent all forwarding.
> What you describe will not work. You would have to forward to two
> pseudo-accounts, "deliverer" and  "bouncer"; bouncer would call
> "bouncesaying".

Yep, i tried every way i could and the only way to do it is this:

in .qmail-default put:


and then have defaultaliasmailbox as your catchall mailbox, and a
|bouncesaying file in the .qmail for bouncer.

Thanks for everyone who's helped.


Marc-Adrian Napoli
Network Admin
Connect Infobahn Australia
+61 2 9281 1750


1999-07-22 Thread Marc-Adrian Napoli


We run qmail 1.03.

I've been asked if we support "ERTN".

Reading around... it looks like I have to have serialmail installed to
support it. However, I don't know how to find out if i have serialmail

Someone tells me that the person here before me had setup.

Two quick questions:

1. How do I find out if I have serialmail installed?

2. If I do have serialmail installed, what is the difference between ERTN
and people just dialing in and collecting their mail normally?

Thanks for help in advance. :)


Marc-Adrian Napoli
Connect Infobahn Australia
+61 2 92811750

Hi again!

1999-08-05 Thread Marc-Adrian Napoli

Hi there :)

I've just been reading over the docs for qmail. It says to HUP the server if
you change any files in the /var/qmail/control directory..

What is a safe way to do this?

I've got a /etc/init.d/qmail script which doesn't actually work. I know that
I have to HUP the tcpserver processes and the qmail-smtpd processes, but
does anyone know exactly what to do?

Any help is most appreciated :)


Marc-Adrian Napoli
Connect Infobahn Australia
+61 2 92811750

20,000 mailboxes...

1999-08-09 Thread Marc-Adrian Napoli

Hi there,

I was just wondering if anyone is running a qmail server with 20,000 users?

And if so, how does it handle and what hardware are you running?

Any help is most appreciated!


Marc-Adrian Napoli
Connect Infobahn Australia
+61 2 92811750

syslog question.

1999-11-09 Thread Marc-Adrian Napoli


been looking through the archives, can't seem to find my answer.

this is in my /etc/init.d/qmail file:

#Starts qmail-send and qmail-l/rspawn etc.
csh -cf 'qmail-start ./Maildir/ splogger qmail &'

#Starts qmail-smtpd for incoming smtp connections.
/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -D -b30 -H -R -c100 -x/var/qmail/tcp.s
mtp.cdb -u71 -g65534 0 smtp
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 2>&1 | /var/qmail/bin/splogger smtpd &

#Starts qmail-popup for incoming pop connections to maildirs.
/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -D -b40 -H -R -c100 0 pop3
.au /work/bin/checkpassword /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir &

Question 1:

qmail-smtpd isn't logging. is this because i don't have a "recordio"
parameter there?

if this in the case.. piping it out through splogger is unnecessary correct?

Question 2:

I am getting a growing mail.log with presumably lots of qmail-send messages.
However, i specified a tag of "qmail" for splogger, but i am getting
"splogger" as the description in my mail.log file. Any ideas?


Marc-Adrian Napoli
Connect Infobahn Australia
+61 2 92811750

logging confusion..

1999-11-11 Thread Marc-Adrian Napoli

Hi all, sorry for the ofllowing long mail.

I'm running tcpserver with the -v option and splogger to catch stuff.

I run qmail-send as follows:

csh -cf 'qmail-start ./Maildir/ splogger qmail &'

and i run smtpd as follows:

/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -v -D -b30 -H -R -c100 -x/var/qmail/tc
p.smtp.cdb -u71 -g65534 0 sm
tp /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 2>&1 | /var/qmail/bin/splogger smtpd &

Syslog has a line pointing mail.* to /var/log/mail.log

Consequently, here is a snippet of my mail.log file:

ov 12 10:55:12 newmi5 splogger: 942364512.563582 tcpserver: end 19025 status
Nov 12 10:55:12 newmi5 splogger: 942364512.606325 starting delivery 43168:
msg 38869 to remote dgoldney@
Nov 12 10:55:12 newmi5 splogger: 942364512.606648 status: local 1/10 remote
Nov 12 10:55:13 newmi5 splogger: 942364513.013454 tcpserver: pid 19042 num
10 from
Nov 12 10:55:13 newmi5 splogger: 942364513.014911 tcpserver: ok 19042 :208.21
Nov 12 10:55:13 newmi5 splogger: 942364513.563590 new msg 38870
Nov 12 10:55:13 newmi5 splogger: 942364513.563991 info msg 38870: bytes
57672 from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
et> qp 19040 uid 3487
Nov 12 10:55:13 newmi5 splogger: 942364513.611796 starting delivery 43169:
msg 38870 to local allistar_t
Nov 12 10:55:13 newmi5 splogger: 942364513.612124 status: local 2/10 remote
Nov 12 10:55:13 newmi5 splogger: 942364513.612363 delivery 43167: success:
Nov 12 10:55:13 newmi5 splogger: 942364513.612575 status: local 1/10 remote
Nov 12 10:55:13 newmi5 splogger: 942364513.612770 end msg 38859

I'm assuming that there aer two things coming up in my log:

1. The incoming smtpd connections that qmail-smtpd is dealing with, and

2. The qmail-send program which is deciding whether to spawn qmail-lspawn or
qmail-rspawn for outgoing mails.

Now, if my assumption is right, can anyone else think of any other handy
information to log?

And, can anyone suggest how i use qmail-analog to parse my mail.log file?
Running matchup < /var/log/mail.log just cats the mail.log file and gives me
no useful information :(

Thanks for your help!


Marc-Adrian Napoli
Connect Infobahn Australia
+61 2 92811750

Re: qmailanalog question

1999-11-14 Thread Marc-Adrian Napoli

Just to add..

> >qmail-1.03, qmailanalog-0.70
> >
> >I'm truing to make two quieries for a user:
> >
> >1. Who the user sends mail to (and how many)?
> >2. Who the user receives mail from (and how many)?
> >
> >So, I do the folloing with my processed "mail.log":
> >
> >cat mail.log | xsender [EMAIL PROTECTED] | zrecipients
> >cat mail.log | xrecipient [EMAIL PROTECTED] | zsenders
> >
> >The first one works fine, but the second one doesn't.
> >May be I'm wrong somewhere ...
> Does "xrecipient [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Does "zsenders 
> How does "xrecipient [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

sorry to bother again!

1999-11-14 Thread Marc-Adrian Napoli

Hi everyone,

sorry to bother you all again.

today i decided to monitor incoming pop connections. you know.. so the
support guys can see if people are typing in their
username incorrectly.

In /etc/init.d/qmail i usually have:

/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -D -b40 -H -R -c100 0 pop3
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup /work/bin/checkpassword
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir &

that lines starts the pop side of things all well and good.

However, if i try and put:

/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -D -b40 -H -R -c100 0 pop3
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup /work/bin/checkpassword
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir & | /var/qmail/bin/splogger qmail &

I get an error when trying to start the /etc/init.d/qmail file?

Is there something wrong with that? Looks okay to me!


Marc-Adrian Napoli
Connect Infobahn Australia
+61 2 92811750

Re: How to log the qmail-pop3d connection

1999-11-17 Thread Marc-Adrian Napoli

Hi all,

Regarding pop-3d.

> Yea but the original post wanted to record cmd's, kinda like tcpservers -v
> option.  Sure you can sniff and dump etc, but nothing built in (aka fool
> proof).

I asked this question a while back, and found out that there is no way. :(

tcpserver -v won't give you anything useful when running pop-3d. Therefore
piping the output through splogger (and consequently syslog)  gives you
nothing, i am logging mail.* in syslog and get nothing. (i've tried!)

The only way is for someone to edit some source code of pop-3d to spit out
some info. (Or as mentioned, use tcpdump for this sort of thing.. but this
will most definitely not giev useful information about incorrect passwords

Anyone already done this?


Marc-Adrian Napoli
Connect Infobahn Australia
+61 2 92811750

Re: How to log the qmail-pop3d connection - sorta on the same track...

1999-11-17 Thread Marc-Adrian Napoli

hi all,

How did we go with getting some qmailanalog commands that actually work?

Anyone? :)


Marc-Adrian Napoli
Connect Infobahn Australia
+61 2 92811750

hi guys.. quick answer..

1999-11-25 Thread Marc-Adrian Napoli

Hi there,

Just looking through the FAQ's now but if anyone knows how to make a ezmlm
mailing list archive web-able that'd be great.

The mailing list in question is archived, i'm just wondering how i would get
that onto the web.



Marc-Adrian Napoli
Connect Infobahn Australia
+61 2 92811750

ezmlm archives..

1999-11-30 Thread Marc-Adrian Napoli

Hi all.

I'm trying to get a www interface to my ezmlm archives.

This page tells me there is an ezmlm-archive command i can use, however i'm
using ezmlm-idx 0.3.1 and there is no such command?

Apart from writing a script that converts the index file (for each n
directory of the /archive directory) to a html file, can any think of
anything else?

> If and the archives under
> look ok to you all you have to do is wait for
> ezmlm-idx-0.40. I'm waiting for ezmlmrc translations but other wise
> it's pretty much done.

What will ezmlm-idx-.0.40 that will allow me to do this?


Marc-Adrian Napoli
Connect Infobahn Australia
+61 2 92811750

looping delivered-to autoresponder stuff...

1999-12-09 Thread Marc-Adrian Napoli

hi all,

i have an autoresponder line in a customers .qmail file as follows:

| /var/qmail/bin/autorespond AutoReplyBot [EMAIL PROTECTED]

this works fine. (I don't know why, the syntax is totally different to what
the documentation for autoresponder says..) when you email the customer, you
get the text in /www/db/user/respond.txt back.

However, the user doesn't receive the mail that you send! I then tried to


in the next line of the .qmail file but i get the autoresponder back, but i
also get a mail with the following:

Hi. This is the qmail-send program at
I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.
This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.

This message is looping: it already has my Delivered-To line. (#5.4.6)

Any ideas why?


Marc-Adrian Napoli
Connect Infobahn Australia
+61 2 92811750


1999-12-21 Thread Marc-Adrian Napoli

hi there..

we usually have a local queue that sits at about 10 and a remote queue that
sits at 100 or so.

This afternoon i realised that we were running out of space on our /mail

At the same time, I realised that i wasn't receiving any mail. I killed all
qmail processes and started again...

Then, strangely, our local/remote queue shot right up! We had 1500 in the
local queue and 1000 in the remote queue..

At that point they started to settle down and now it is getting back to

Any ideas of what may have caused this?

I checked both queues and all the messages in them seemed to be to various
addresses, neither queue contained hundreds of the same mails.

Anyone know how i could chase this up?


Marc-Adrian Napoli
Connect Infobahn Australia
+61 2 92811750

3 quickies!

1999-12-21 Thread Marc-Adrian Napoli

hi all!

1. anyone have any suggestions as to what to use for anti-spam measures?
there seems to be a number of options.

2. anyone have any ideas on putting restrictions on the size of
incoming/outgoing mails to certain mailboxes?

3. anyone on the list have details on the up and coming ezmlm-idx 0.40? :-]


Marc-Adrian Napoli
Connect Infobahn Australia
+61 2 92811750

Re: 3 quickies!

1999-12-22 Thread Marc-Adrian Napoli

Hi all,

> > 1. anyone have any suggestions as to what to use for anti-spam
> > measures? there seems to be a number of options.

As far as I can see, this only blocks certain mail servers - I could do this
at my border routers and save myself from installing any software. (Blocking
from certain IP's on port 25).

What i'm after is a solution that falls into place at the
qmail-send/qmail-local stage that will quickly check the headers of the
message to be delivered locally first for any particular strings. (Silly
email addresses or anything with the word "buy now" or "sell now" etc)

Is there something that can do this?

Appreciating all the help.


Marc-Adrian Napoli
Connect Infobahn Australia
+61 2 92811750


2000-01-17 Thread Marc-Adrian Napoli

Hi All,

> The host receiveing your message isn't looking up in DNS for that MX
> because it's config say's it's allowed to handle the message itself.
> Configuring the domain in /var/qmail/control/smtproutes might help, but
> if the other two servers go down the messages will just sit in the local
> hosts queue until they expire or one of the hosts come up.
> Also are you aware that a lower number for an MX record means a higher
> preference.

Even if qmail is configured to handle mail for a domain (through rcpthosts)
it should do the lookup on the MX for that domain right?

I've had situations where we are the second priority mail server for a
domain , and sending mail from our mail server to their domain doesn't go to
their server but to the local machine because we have that domain in
rcpthosts. Once i've taken the domain out of rcpthosts file it goes to the
first priority mail server not a problem.

This seems to be intimittent, so i must be missing something here.



Marc-Adrian Napoli
Connect Infobahn Australia
+61 2 92811750

Re: viewing an ezmlm archive with web

2000-02-09 Thread Marc-Adrian Napoli

Hi there,

> Barry Smoke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes on 9 February 2000 at
02:10:18 -0600
>  > Any suggestions on what to set up to view a threaded mailing list
archive on the web.  Is there anything out there in php3?  >There are
several php forum packages that could be adaptedhow easy would this be?
>  >
>  > I noticed that ezmlm-web was at 2.0 nowhow good is this?...and does
it do the web archive?
>  >
>  > What is everyone else using?
> There's now web archive display in ezmlm+idx, as of 0.40

Yep, i use this and it works very very well.

I'd highly suggest you use it.


Marc-Adrian Napoli
Connect Infobahn Australia
+61 2 92811750

hotmail to a 5.5 exchange box..

2000-02-13 Thread Marc-Adrian Napoli

Hi qmailers,

We have a 5.5 exchange box somewhere on our network. When we send to that
exchange box from hotmail we get the following message:

> Hi. This is the qmail-send program at
> I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following
> addresses.
> This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.
> Connected to XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX but connection died. Possible duplicate!
> I'm not going to try again; this message has been in the queue too long.

However, we don't get problems sending to that exchange server from anywhere
else. even other web based email systems.

any ideas anyone?


Marc-Adrian Napoli
Connect Infobahn Australia
+61 2 92811750

Fw: ezmlm warning

2000-03-19 Thread Marc-Adrian Napoli

Hi all,

Has anyone received a message like this recently? has nothing to do with us and is definitly not listed
as an MX for us!


Marc-Adrian Napoli
Connect Infobahn Australia
+61 2 92811750

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2000 3:02 PM
Subject: ezmlm warning

> Hi! This is the ezmlm program. I'm managing the
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list.
> Messages to you seem to have been bouncing. I've attached a copy of
> the first bounce message I received.
> If this message bounces too, I will send you a probe. If the probe
> I will remove your address from the mailing list, without further notice.
> I've kept a list of which messages bounced from your address. Copies of
> these messages may be in the archive. To get message 12345 from the
> archive, send an empty note to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Here are the message numbers:
> --- Below this line is a copy of the bounce message I received.
> Return-Path: <>
> Received: (qmail 11739 invoked for bounce); 7 Mar 2000 13:42:02 -
> Date: 7 Mar 2000 13:42:02 -
> Subject: failure notice
> Hi. This is the qmail-send program at
> I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following
> This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.
> does not like recipient.
> Remote host said: 553 sorry, that domain isn't in my list of allowed
rcpthosts (#5.7.1)
> Giving up on

dot-qmail files in /var/qmail/alias

2000-03-28 Thread Marc-Adrian Napoli

hi all,

We have two locally delivered domains: and

We have a user willows who wants to receive mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
wants [EMAIL PROTECTED] to be forwarded somewhere else. I've tried


with a line:


but this file is ignored and any mail that comes in to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] just goes straight into the willows mailbox.

Anyone have any ideas?


Marc-Adrian Napoli
Connect Infobahn Australia
+61 2 92811750

two quickies..

2000-03-29 Thread Marc-Adrian Napoli

hi all,

just created a mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] through ezmlmidx and it
works fine for the users that i add with ezmlm-sub, however when i send a
mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] i get a message back saying no

do i need to create a /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-all-news-subscribe link to
some sort of /var/qmail/alias/all-news file like the other aliases that are

secondly, a repeat of a question i posted a couple of days ago. is it
possible to use the .qmail-domain:com:au-username dot-qmail format in
/var/qmail/alias for locally delivered domains?

thanks a heap.


Marc-Adrian Napoli
Connect Infobahn Australia
+61 2 92811750

Re: two quickies..

2000-03-29 Thread Marc-Adrian Napoli


> > just created a mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] through ezmlmidx and it
> > works fine for the users that i add with ezmlm-sub, however when i send
> > mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] i get a message back saying no
> > mailbox?
> >
> > do i need to create a /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-all-news-subscribe link to
> > some sort of /var/qmail/alias/all-news file like the other aliases that
> > created?
> No. That's handled by /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-all-news-default

Cool, I worked out why i was getting that error too, had misconfigured the
mail server long story don't worry :-]

> > secondly, a repeat of a question i posted a couple of days ago. is it
> > possible to use the .qmail-domain:com:au-username dot-qmail format in
> > /var/qmail/alias for locally delivered domains?
> I don't really see what you mean here, but I have a few examples here:

Okay now this one is really bugging me. I will spell it out once more:

Two locally delivered domains, "" and "" - both of
these *must* stay in "locals" and we *cannot* put them in "virtualdomains".
(If we could, this problem would be easily).

I have one particular user, who wants to receive [EMAIL PROTECTED] mail
but have [EMAIL PROTECTED] go elsewhere. I've tried creating a
.qmail-ezeelynx:com:au-username file in his home directory but it is

Does *anyone* please have any suggestion on how to resolve this? Customer is
getting edgy :-]


Marc-Adrian Napoli
Connect Infobahn Australia
+61 2 92811750

deletion of large queue.

2000-05-08 Thread Marc-Adrian Napoli


Today i got into work to be faced with a local queue of 17000 odd messages.
We were spammed by an american company who offered cheap university

Anyhow.. this is what i did to remove the messages and was wondering if
anyone has a better alternative:

1. killed qmail-send
2. found out that the spam message contained "UNIVERSITY DIPLOMA" somewhere
within the mail
3. went into /var/local/queue/mess and did a grep on all files for
4. piped these to /tmp/messagenumbers which contained a list of 17000 odd
message id numbers of spammed mail
5. opened up three terminals to machine running qmail, one in
/var/qmail/queue/info, one in /var/qmail/queue/local and one in
/var/qmail/queue/mess and wrote a for loop to remove all the files that were
in the /tmp/messagenumbers file
6. restarted qmail-send and everything was okay again, queue was back down
to a couple of hundred mails which were cleared in 10 minutes or so

I originally tried using the qmhandle.cgi script that is floating around..
that works fine, however looking at the cgi it is obvious it takes time to
decide whether the mail is local or remote... and seeing as i knew these
were all in the local queue, i didn't have that time, i just had to remove
the mails myself.

Can anyone see if there is anything i've done wrong here?


Marc-Adrian Napoli
Network Administrator
Connect Infobahn Australia
+61 2 9281 1750


2000-05-08 Thread Marc-Adrian Napoli

Hi all,

Just getting conflicting information here.. i know badmailfrom and badrcptto
work with the standard qmail-smtpd, but do i need to patch with anything to
get the badmailpattern file to work as well?

I'm assuming yes, as i put in a string into
/var/qmail/control/badmailpattern and it didn't work.


Marc-Adrian Napoli
Network Administrator
Connect Infobahn Australia
+61 2 9281 1750

MX vs virtualdomains.

2000-05-09 Thread Marc-Adrian Napoli

Hi there,

This is the scenario. We have a customer who had one MX record pointing to
our mail server so we handled mail for that domain by putting in a rcpthosts
entry and a virtualdomains entry pointing mail to one mailbox, everything
worked fine.

The customer then took mail into their own hands. The MX was pointed
elsewhere, dns was updated throughout the entire network including our mail

When i try to send a mail to that domain now, instead of going to the new
mail server, the mail still comes back to our mail server, even though the
MX record is correct.

I had a play around and found out the following. If you remove the entry
from the rcpthosts, mail still doesn't go to the new mail server. If you,
however, remove the entry from the virtualdomains file and leave it in the
rcpthosts (possible for secondary mail purposes) then it works.

Why is this? Why doesn't qmail forget its own control files and read
straight off the MX?

I remember this argument before and remember people saying that qmail reads
the MX records first - obviously this is not the case!


Marc-Adrian Napoli
Network Administrator
Connect Infobahn Australia
+61 2 9281 1750

maximum recipients.

2000-06-05 Thread Marc-Adrian Napoli

Hi all,

Is there any control file for qmail that will set a maximum recipient count
for any mail coming into qmail-smtpd?


Marc-Adrian Napoli
Network Administrator
Connect Infobahn Australia
+61 2 9281 1750

lots of qmail-smtpd processes...

2000-06-19 Thread Marc-Adrian Napoli

hi all,

on my qmail box i can see about 20 qmail-smtpd processes. now, this can
either mean that one of my users (allowed through tcp.smtp) is sending lots
of mail out, or another mail server out on the internet is sending lots of
mail in.

about 5 of these processes are from IP addresses that i recognise (in my
system), a couple of them are IP addresses of mail servers that i know, but
there are a substantial number qmail-smtpd processes that have
TCPREMOTEIP= (i can tell this by doing a psaxfe)

what is my course of action? these qmail-smtpd processes are just sitting
there... is this a legitimate mail server sending me mail, or someone trying
to spam my system? (or trying to relay through my system?)

I traceroute to the IP address and get no where.


Marc-Adrian Napoli
Network Administrator
Connect Infobahn Australia
+61 2 9281 1750

Re: Very long mail queue.... help a newbie !!!

2000-06-27 Thread Marc-Adrian Napoli


Yesterday i was called into work early ebacuse we had 41000 messages in our
outgoing remote queue. (As opposed to an average of a couple of hundred).

Luckily, there were 39,000 mails in there to the one address. How to fix?

Grep /var/qmail/queue/info/* for that email address. Get a whole list of
message numbers. Stop qmail-send and delete any files with this message
number in /info, /mess and /remote.


rm /var/qmail/queue/info/0/10345
rm /var/qmail/queue/remote/0/10345
rm /var/qmail/queue/mess/0/10345

after removing all the files from these three directories our queue was back
to normal. as far as i know, there is no script that anyone has written to
this, so i had to make a little one up myself.


Marc-Adrian Napoli
Network Administrator
Connect Infobahn Australia
+61 2 9281 1750


2000-11-21 Thread Marc-Adrian Napoli


does anyone know how to set ezmlm up for a particular mailing list so only
people subscribed can send to it?

(and then a way for me to close off the mailing list so no one can
subscribe, leaving new additions to be done by me from the command line of
the mail server?)


Marc-Adrian Napoli
Network Admin
Connect Infobahn Australia
+61 2 9212 0387

Re: ezmlm...

2000-11-22 Thread Marc-Adrian Napoli


> Marc-Adrian Napoli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes on 22 November 2000 at
17:53:10 +1100
>  > hi,
>  >
>  > does anyone know how to set ezmlm up for a particular mailing list so
>  > people subscribed can send to it?
>  >
>  > (and then a way for me to close off the mailing list so no one can
>  > subscribe, leaving new additions to be done by me from the command line
>  > the mail server?)
> Are you using ezmlm + idx, or bare ezmlm?  If bare ezmlm, my first
> advice is to install the idx "patch" (VERY major enhancement).
> If running idx, then use the -u and -s switches to ezmlm-make to make
> it subscription-moderated and subscriber-only.

yup im running ezmlmidx and i've just installed (thanks to daniel dagneaux
for this tip) the ezmlm-web interface to my mailing lists.

its a great litte package if anyone else is thinking of using it, its
located at:

and its those -u and -s switches that i need! perfect!


Marc-Adrian Napoli
Network Admin
Connect Infobahn Australia
+61 2 9212 0387

2000-12-14 Thread Marc-Adrian Napoli

hi all,

this [EMAIL PROTECTED] email thats going around sends [EMAIL PROTECTED] as
an in-line "From:" header not "MAIL FROM" out-of-band info.

does anyone know how to block based on the header not the "MAIL FROM"?


Marc-Adrian Napoli
Network Admin
Connect Infobahn Australia
+61 2 9212 0387

Re: etern

2001-01-07 Thread Marc-Adrian Napoli


yup etern works if you patch a few of the qmail source files. (there is a
patch floating around somewhere)

we've done it, and when the customer has a static IP address it works not a


Marc-Adrian Napoli
Network Admin
Connect Infobahn Australia
+61 2 9212 0387

> On Sat, 6 Jan 2001, Bill Hults wrote:
> > Hi
> > I need to grab mail from a qmail server via etern. Can this be done?
> > Thanks
> No.
> James Smallacombe   PlantageNet, Inc. CEO and Janitor
> =


2001-01-07 Thread Marc-Adrian Napoli

has anyone used this file with success?

and if not why is it still in the docs?


Marc-Adrian Napoli
Network Admin
Connect Infobahn Australia
+61 2 9212 0387

Re: badmailpattern

2001-01-08 Thread Marc-Adrian Napoli


i dont mean the badmailfrom file, i use that successfully already.

i want to block all mails with a particular pattern inside them. i see there
is a "badmailpattern" control file on the qmail webpage but no one can
verify if it works or not. (it doesnt work for me, ive already tried. i was
wondering if it worked for anyone else).


Marc-Adrian Napoli
Network Admin
Connect Infobahn Australia
+61 2 9212 0387

> On Mon, 8 Jan 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > has anyone used this file with success?
> >
> > and if not why is it still in the docs?
> Do you mean badmailfrom? Yes I have used it with success, very easy to
> --
>   B r e t t  R a n d a l l
> brett  _ @ _