Re: Newbie.....

2000-04-17 Thread Markus Fischer

On Mon, Apr 17, 2000 at 03:03:10PM -0300, Eduardo Moor wrote : 
> I have been running qmail for Internet mail for almost a year without
> special problems :-).
> Could anyone tell me if there is any way to  restrict access outside the
> local domain for some users,
> I don't want to allow them to send mail to the internet, but yes to the
> local domain.

I'm not an expert in this. For those users, remove access
to qmail-queue by chmod'ing it 4750 , chgrp into a group which is
allowed to send email and put every user in this group.

However, you can't prevent those users to send mail
directory from your host to internet via port 25. At least not if
you don't use smtp-auth.

Anyone else comment about this thoughts ?

kind regards,

Markus Fischer,
PGP Public  Key:
PGP Fingerprint: D3B0 DD4F E12B F911 3CE1  C2B5 D674 B445 C227 2BD0
- Free Software For A Free World -

No MAILER-DAEMON Mails from virtual domains using vpopmail ?

2000-04-12 Thread Markus Fischer


I've now up&running qmail 1.03 and vpopmail (latest stable). But
when sending mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED], the sender
gets no notification that the email could not be delivered. It's
silently delivered to [EMAIL PROTECTED], but the
sender gets no error mail back.

I tried to mv the ~vpopmail/valid-virtual.domain,.qmail-default
file out of the way, and then the sender gets back a
MAILER-DAEMON mail (delivery failed), but also with *valid*
mailboxes in ~vpopmail/valid-virtual.domain .

Any ideas whats going wrong ?

thanks in advice,


Markus Fischer,
PGP Public  Key:
PGP Fingerprint: D3B0 DD4F E12B F911 3CE1  C2B5 D674 B445 C227 2BD0
- Free Software For A Free World -

ip-based relaying with vpopmail

2000-04-05 Thread Markus Fischer


I'm runing latest stable vpopmail and I enabled roaming smtp on
running ./configure . But it doesn't seem to work.

When a user authenticates on the pop3d and then tries to send
mail via smtp he always gets relaying denied.

My qmail-smtpd lines looks like this (from debian):
ulimit -v 4096
sh -c "start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --user qmaild \
--exec /usr/bin/tcpserver -- \
-u qmaild -g 65534 -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb 0 smtp \
/usr/sbin/qmail-smtpd 2>&1 | $logger -t qmail -p mail.notice &"

and the pop3d:

sh -c "/usr/bin/tcpserver -g1002 -u1002 \
0 pop3 /usr/sbin/qmail-popup `hostname`.`dnsdomainname` \
/home/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw /usr/sbin/qmail-pop3d Maildir &"

AFAIk the file /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb should be moodified because
thats it where tcpserver reads the realyclients information. But
when doing ls -l /etc/tcp* I see that the current /etc/tcp.smtp*
is not modified in any way (nor the .cdb file, I'm looking and
the modfied time stamp).

Do I need some special suid/sgid program to archieve this ? Or am
I doing something wrong in the init-startup scripts ?

If anyone needs more configuration information I can paste
everything you want.

A sidequestion: is /etc/tcp.smtp* really sufficient to rellay for
qmail ? don't i need some entry in /var/qmail/control/* ?

And .. Is this line sufficient for /etc/tcp.smtp ? 
root@host1:/etc# cat /etc/tcp.smtp,RELAYCLIENT="",RELAYCLIENT=""

whereas is (pop|smtp|ns1), the

thanks for everyone spending time reading this,

Markus Fischer,
PGP Public  Key:
PGP Fingerprint: D3B0 DD4F E12B F911 3CE1  C2B5 D674 B445 C227 2BD0
- Free Software For A Free World -

virtual domains/users with vpopmail, but different pop-usernames ?

2000-04-04 Thread Markus Fischer


I'm now successfully running qmail/vpopmail. Everything works
fine, but I still have a little feature request ...

when there is [EMAIL PROTECTED] then the pop3 username
is 'virtualuser%virtual.domain'.

Is there a way to 

1) Make one of the local system accounts, whose homedir is _not_
pointing to ~vpopmail/domains/virtual.domain/virtualuser, be used
for accessing [EMAIL PROTECTED] ./Maildir/ ?


2) Or just make some lokal alias so e.g. only username 'e820'
has to be used to access the mailbox for

The whole thing is for two reason: keep consistency with ftp
uploads and pop3 usernames and second for migrating the site ...

kindly regards,

Markus Fischer,
PGP Public  Key:
PGP Fingerprint: D3B0 DD4F E12B F911 3CE1  C2B5 D674 B445 C227 2BD0
- Free Software For A Free World -

Re: vpopmail, virtual users on [...] -> solved!

2000-04-03 Thread Markus Fischer

Just for anyone interested (mostly for people using debian!):

Compiling vpopmail with ./configure leaves a problem:
'vadddomain' needs to call 'qmail-newu' after modifieng
/var/qmail/control/users/assign . ./configure detects
'/var/qmail/' and assumes 'qmail-newu' is in '/var/qmail/sbin/',
which is _not_ true for debian (potato at least).

So after 'vadddomain' calling 'qmail-newu' re-generates
/var/qmail/control/users/cdb and now the virtual user on the
virtual domains do work.

Maybe vpopmail's ./configure should be clever enough to detect
where 'qmail-newu' actually is (e.g. in $PATH)

thanks go to all poeple who helped my and iv0 which gave me free
assistance on irc, thank you ;)


Markus Fischer,
PGP Public  Key:
PGP Fingerprint: D3B0 DD4F E12B F911 3CE1  C2B5 D674 B445 C227 2BD0
- Free Software For A Free World -

Re: SV: vpopmail, virtual users on virtual domains always gives 'Sorry,_no_mailbox_here_by_that_name.'

2000-04-03 Thread Markus Fischer

Hello Klaus,

On Mon, Apr 03, 2000 at 03:18:41PM +0200, Klaus Hviid wrote : 
> here is a little checklist - see if you have remembered everything.

er... sorry, which checklist ?

> I had the same error once - I'd forgotten the d in qmail-pop3d init-script :)

well, my init script in full ist pasted here:

alias_empty="./Maildir/"   # This uses qmail prefered ~/Maildir/ directory
logger="splogger qmail"

echo -n "Starting mail-transfer agent: qmail"
sh -c "start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --user qmails \
 --exec /usr/sbin/qmail-send \
 --startas /usr/sbin/qmail-start -- \"$alias_empty\" $logger &"
# prevent denial-of-service attacks, with ulimit
ulimit -v 4096
sh -c "start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --user qmaild \
--exec /usr/bin/tcpserver -- \
-u qmaild -g 65534 -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb 0 smtp \
/usr/sbin/qmail-smtpd 2>&1 | $logger -t qmail -p mail.notice &"

# Uncomment the following lines to automatically start the pop3 server
sh -c "/usr/bin/tcpserver -g1002 -u1002 \
0 pop3 /usr/sbin/qmail-popup `hostname`.`dnsdomainname` \
/home/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw /usr/sbin/qmail-pop3d Maildir &"

echo "."

but I have to note that all services are running properly, pop3
authentiactiopn for virtual users on virtual domains does work !

and local mail deliver does work too for system users but just not virtual
users on virtual domains :(

than you, maybe you have additional idea ?


Markus Fischer,
PGP Public  Key:
PGP Fingerprint: D3B0 DD4F E12B F911 3CE1  C2B5 D674 B445 C227 2BD0
- Free Software For A Free World -

Re: vpopmail, virtual users on virtual domains always gives 'Sorry,_no_mailbox_here_by_that_name.'

2000-04-03 Thread Markus Fischer

On Mon, Apr 03, 2000 at 01:34:33AM -0400, anindya wrote : 
>   quick check: is in /var/qmail/control/rcpthosts?
Yes it is.

> and what is the contents of your /var/qmail/control/{default|locals|me}?
default does not exist

locals contains _not_ any of the virtual domains (

me contains:

> The output of /var/qmail/bin/qmail-showctl might be helpful also.

no abnormal output :(

> Also what happens if you telnet to localhost 110 and enter
> POP commands manually?

pop authentication works without problems also for
virtual domains/users, but of course the boxes are empty. but it

thanks for your time, any additional ideas ?


Markus Fischer,
PGP Public  Key:
PGP Fingerprint: D3B0 DD4F E12B F911 3CE1  C2B5 D674 B445 C227 2BD0
- Free Software For A Free World -

vpopmail, virtual users on virtual domains always gives 'Sorry,_no_mailbox_here_by_that_name.'

2000-04-02 Thread Markus Fischer


I'm running debian frozen (potato) with deb's mail and vpopmail
set up from source.

I'm locally runing bind so for testing I set up a domain
'' in bind and with vadddomain

Bt no mail for gets received, I always get back
'Sorry,_no_mailbox_here_by_that_name.' :(

ls -l ~vpopmail/domains/
total 6
drwx--3 vpopmail vchkpw   1024 Apr  3 05:14 mfischer
drwx--3 vpopmail vchkpw   1024 Apr  3 05:14 postmaster
-rw---1 vpopmail vchkpw190 Apr  3 05:14 vpasswd
-rw---1 vpopmail vchkpw   2282 Apr  3 05:14 vpasswd.cdb

cat /var/qmail/control/virtualdomains

grep testdomain /var/qmail/control/users/assign

uid and gid are also right.
Local delivery to users works fine!

If any additional information is needed its no problem.

Here are the startup scripts:

echo -n "Starting mail-transfer agent: qmail"
sh -c "start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --user qmails \
 --exec /usr/sbin/qmail-send \
 --startas /usr/sbin/qmail-start -- \"$alias_empty\" $logger &"

# prevent denial-of-service attacks, with ulimit
ulimit -v 4096
sh -c "start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --user qmaild \
--exec /usr/bin/tcpserver -- \
-u qmaild -g 65534 -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb 0 smtp \
/usr/sbin/qmail-smtpd 2>&1 | $logger -t qmail -p mail.notice &"

# Uncomment the following lines to automatically start
# the pop3 server
sh -c "/usr/bin/tcpserver -g1002 -u1002 \
0 pop3 /usr/sbin/qmail-popup `hostname`.`dnsdomainname` \
/home/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw /usr/sbin/qmail-pop3d Maildir &"

But these are the standard debian entries. Only pop3 ist modified
to meet vpopmails needs

thanks for your time,

Markus Fischer,
PGP Public  Key:
PGP Fingerprint: D3B0 DD4F E12B F911 3CE1  C2B5 D674 B445 C227 2BD0
- Free Software For A Free World -

Virtual Users ?

2000-03-31 Thread Markus Fischer

Hello list,

I've read the documentation about virtual domains and it seems
fairly clear to me. I also came over vchkpw (oder vpoper
nowadays). In 'vchkps' is described how to create pop accounts
vor virtual users, e.g. users that are not in /etc/passwd but in
a flat text file or even in a mysql database.

Is there a way to configure qmail to look up users from a simple
flat text file (so not /etc/passwd) or even a mysqldatabase
(okok, performance penalty) when accepting mails for local
deilvery via port 25 ? [and this for virtual domains, too]

thanks for your time,

    Markus Fischer

Markus Fischer,
PGP Public  Key:
PGP Fingerprint: D3B0 DD4F E12B F911 3CE1  C2B5 D674 B445 C227 2BD0
- Free Software For A Free World -

Can default configuration handle ?

1999-08-29 Thread Markus Fischer

Hello all,

Is the default configuration able to handle those relaying test
from ? Does someone know if
those tests are sufficient to determine that a given host is
protected against relaying ?

If not, is there some kind of hint what the minimal changes
whould be so qmail can handle those tests ?

thanks in advice,

Speaking mutt/vim/slrn/screen/perl/html/php/perl/sgml/bash/eperl.