Re: QMail Performance Question Miscellaneous Issues

2000-05-12 Thread Neil Schemenauer

On Thu, May 11, 2000 at 10:54:37PM -0700, John White wrote:
 If you're looking for queue speed, you want RAID 1+0 with a
 NVRAM cache to accellerate the small block writes.

zeroseek would be even cooler.


There are two rules for success in life:
Rule 1:  Don't tell people everything you know.

Re: QMail Performance Question Miscellaneous Issues

2000-05-12 Thread John White

On Fri, May 12, 2000 at 12:40:28AM -0600, Neil Schemenauer wrote:
 On Thu, May 11, 2000 at 10:54:37PM -0700, John White wrote:
  If you're looking for queue speed, you want RAID 1+0 with a
  NVRAM cache to accellerate the small block writes.
 zeroseek would be even cooler.
Don't use zeroseek!  Any writes made to vaporware are automatically
lost!!! :)


RE: QMail Performance Question Miscellaneous Issues

2000-05-11 Thread Steve Craft

To throw my $.02 at this issue, if this is looking like a "low level" speed
issue, why not tinker with the hardware?  Taking the two disks that hold
/var and putting them on a RAID0 set should give you a serious speed boost
without touching your (otherwise working) qmail config.

-Original Message-
 On a dual celeron 466 with 512Mb ram. and 3 10k scsi drives (one for
 /var/qmail/queue, one for /var/log, one for /usr/home)
While it's hard to tell without looking, by guess is that your inbound
submission rate is killing the spindle that your disk lives on.
 If nothing is coming in, the remote processes usually are 20-80, and only
 on a very rare occasion would get close to my 200 concurrencyremote.
That suggests to me that something is awry. I have never seen any properly
setup system achieve the configured concurrencyremote. Not getting your
concurrencyremote implies that qmail-send (via qmail-rspawn) cannot fork
prepare a message and fork a qmail-remote process quickly enough to keep
up with the exit rate. Thus *usually* means that qmail-send hasn't
resources (such as spindle or file system performance).
 So .. eh... would it likely be my disk I/O that slows it down (how do I
 test that?), or should I be switching to FreeBSD, or am I doing something

Re: QMail Performance Question Miscellaneous Issues

2000-05-11 Thread John White

On Thu, May 11, 2000 at 09:01:27AM -0400, Steve Craft wrote:
 To throw my $.02 at this issue, if this is looking like a "low level" speed
 issue, why not tinker with the hardware?  Taking the two disks that hold
 /var and putting them on a RAID0 set should give you a serious speed boost
 without touching your (otherwise working) qmail config.
Definitely don't do that. :)

With disk striping, any disk failure = total loss of the queue.

If you're looking for queue speed, you want RAID 1+0 with a
NVRAM cache to accellerate the small block writes.


Re: QMail Performance Question Miscellaneous Issues

2000-05-10 Thread Flemming Funch

At 02:40 AM 5/10/2000, Neil Schemenauer wrote:
You should find the bottleneck before you jump to any
conclusions.  What version of the Linux kernel are you using?

2.2.12 compiled with higher process limit (4090), higher file and inode 
limits (16000/48000), smp support, and drivers for SCSI and network card 
compiled in.

you have any strange looking error messages in your log files?

Nothing that looks unusual. A ton of "in.identd started" messages. No 
unusual error messages.

What does "vmstat 1" show?

I didn't know that one. I'll check when the servers are busy the next time. 
Generally top shows relatively low memory use and no swap space used.

Perhaps you should install sar(sp?)
and profile your disk IO.

I don't think sar or sarcheck runs on Linux at this point, as far as I can 
quickly figure out. But something like that would be very useful.

At 07:09 AM 5/10/2000, Ricardo D. Albano wrote:
Are you using syslogd ?

No. Or, rather, it is there, but I'm  not using it for qmail, so it is not 
doing much. Back when I was using sendmail and syslogd, that was indeed a 
big bottleneck, ending up consuming a majority of server resources.

At 10:09 AM 5/10/2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
It's not clear to me that these are valid comparisons. Is the 12mill per day
mean 12M individual messages individually queued? Are is it a much smaller
number of messages with a larger number of recipients?

I'd like to know that too. What I'm doing is individual messages 
individually queued, so if somebody can get 12M that way, I'm certainly 
paying attention. I'd be perfectly happy doing 2M per machine without 
crashing anything.

While it's hard to tell without looking, my guess is that your inbound
submission rate is killing the spindle that your disk lives on.

Sort of looks like it. I suppose there is no meaningful way of separating 
the stuff I put in from what needs to go out, as it is obviously the same 

And, still, I don't get it. I can't seem to feed much more than 60,000 
messages per hour into the queue. That's between two machines standing next 
to each other, on a 100Mbps switched network. SMTP or QMTP seems to make no 
difference. That's no faster than the machine can go and deliver the 
messages remotely, when it is in a good mood, and nothing is coming in at 
the time.

I would be able to create 60,000 mail message files in a couple of minutes. 
Should I be thinking along the lines of putting the files directly into the 
queue myself? I'd really be much more comfortable leaving that kind of 
stuff to qmail-qmtp and qmail-queue.

In other words, expect to reach your concurrencyremote. Not getting their
when everything appears right, is a sign of some other underlying problem.

Now, after saying all of this, I did get a hint yesterday that my outgoing 
bottleneck might possibly relate to bandwidth problems. I was mailing from 
3 machines at the same time, each with around 100,000 messages in the queue 
and concurrencyremote set at 200. And for the first time I saw one of them 
actually sneak up to 200, with ~3Mbps outgoing traffic, without even 
working very hard. However, while the other two were idling around 20-30. 
And a little later another of the machines went up towards 200, while the 
first one dropped down to 20-30. Seemed kind of bizarre, but might indicate 
some kind of "smart" network switch that's trying to apportion out 
bandwidth according to some algorhitm. I'm looking into that.

- Flemming

Re: QMail Performance Question Miscellaneous Issues

2000-05-10 Thread Neil Schemenauer

On Wed, May 10, 2000 at 01:30:53AM -0700, Flemming Funch wrote:
 So .. eh... would it likely be my disk I/O that slows it down
 (how do I test that?), or should I be switching to FreeBSD, or
 am I doing something stupid?

You should find the bottleneck before you jump to any
conclusions.  What version of the Linux kernel are you using?  Do
you have any strange looking error messages in your log files?
What does "vmstat 1" show?  Perhaps you should install sar(sp?)
and profile your disk IO.

Regarding FreeBSD...

The VM system in Linux 2.2 and 2.3 is fucked.  I am (used to be?)
a big fan of Linux but I can't believe what is happening on
linux-kernel lately.  Rather than sitting down and figuring out
the problems people just keep screwing around with things hoping
somehow it will get fixed.  Things have gotten progressively
worse.  The latest kernel (pre7) is a joke.  Many people report
their system is unusable.

The 2.4 release is approaching.  Now is not the time to be
totally overhauling the VM code.  Being unafraid to shake things
up and change code is one thing but this is ridiculous.  The same
thing happened before the 2.2 release.  Major changes were made
right up to the release.  I think significant changes happened
even in the 2.2 releases (people say 2.2.10 is better than

David Miller is supposed to be working on a new design similar to
the FreeBSD VM.  I still have some faith that he will do a good
job.  In the mean time I have installed FreeBSD-stable on an
extra partition and am planning my cutover.

Okay, I'm feeling much better now.  Sorry for that.

If it doesn't cost you too much time, trying FreeBSD would be a
very interesting experiment.  If you do switch would you mind
posting a summary of the results?


Segmentation fault (core dumped)

RE: QMail Performance Question Miscellaneous Issues

2000-05-10 Thread Flemming Funch

At 09:39 AM 5/9/2000, Matthew B. Henniges wrote:
On a dual celeron 466 with 512Mb ram. and 3 10k scsi drives (one for
/var/qmail/queue, one for /var/log, one for /usr/home)
concurrency remote at 500
concurrency local at 50
FreeBSD 3.4-S
localhost dnscache

It will push 12 Million on a good day. (4% local delivery).

This is qmail 1.03 + big-todo + big-concurrency + qmailqueue

I'm green with envy. Now, I administer around 6 qmail servers. Typically a 
dual-600PIII with 1G of RAM, with /var on a 10K SCSI, and everything else 
on other disks. I also use qmail 1.03 + big-todo + big-concurrency. Remote 
concurrency set for 200. Queue set for a split of 293. Linux RH6.1 or 2. 
Outgoing mail is handled on different servers than the incoming. The 
machines are co-located on several different networks with plenty of bandwidth.

The machines are mostly sending out daily newsletters which are being fed 
in from another machine by smtp or qmtp (seems to make no difference in 
performance which I use), and I've experimented with various numbers of 
incoming smtp processes.

If I'm sending more in more than a couple of smtp connections at the same 
time (e.g. 10 or 20), concurrent remote processes drop to a crawl of 2-10, 
the machine's load gets really high, 6-20, and the queue gets filled up 

If nothing is coming in, the remote processes usually are 20-80, and only 
on a very rare occasion would get close to my 200 concurrencyremote.

So .. eh... would it likely be my disk I/O that slows it down (how do I 
test that?), or should I be switching to FreeBSD, or am I doing something 

What is localhost dnscache about? A local name server, to limit outgoing 
DNS lookups?

- Flemming

RE: QMail Performance Question Miscellaneous Issues

2000-05-09 Thread Matthew B. Henniges

I have a question about qmail regarding its mail handling capacity.
How many remote emails can qmail send simulataneously, assuming it is run
on a Dual-CPU PIII 500Mhz with 512Mb RAM and a SCSI hard disk? The internet
bandwidth is 10 Mbps.

On a dual celeron 466 with 512Mb ram. and 3 10k scsi drives (one for
/var/qmail/queue, one for /var/log, one for /usr/home)
concurrency remote at 500
concurrency local at 50
FreeBSD 3.4-S
localhost dnscache

It will push 12 Million on a good day. (4% local delivery).

This is qmail 1.03 + big-todo + big-concurrency + qmailqueue

What is the general number of emails that a machine with the above
specifications can send per second/hour/day? How do I fine-tune it to send
off millions? I only know of changing the "concurrencyremote" figure in
/var/qmail/control/concurrencyremote. I set it to 100 for testing. What
should be a good figure assuming that I will do free email hosting on the
server for hundreds of thousands of users?

whoa there...hundreds of thousands of users? You are going to need much
better disk performance than one scsi disk will give you. More info below

I have also noticed that some free email services like Yahoo also uses
QMail (if I'm not mistaken). They have millions of users, so I assume they
host the email service on multiple machines.

I think that's a safe bet.

How is it possible to do
load-balancing for emails on multiple machines? 'cause everyone will have
an email address like [EMAIL PROTECTED], but how does Yahoo redirect
portions of users to different machines for mail receival/sending?

Well, I don't work at yahoo, but off the top of my head something like this
comes to mind: has a large, fast raid array attached to it. ...
are all servers running qmail/qmail-smtpd. There are set up to do local
delivery to maildirs in /usr/home/popuser (For more information on running
multiple pop boxes under one UID, follow some links on the qmail home page
(like vpopmail and pop toaster).
/usr/home/popuser is mounted via nfs from the machine via a
separate 100mbit ethernet segment. ...
are all servers running qmail-pop3d and friends... There serve the pop boxes
from /usr/home/popuser, which they mount from points to smtp1, smtp2, smtp3 ... points to pop1, pop2, pop3 ...

That setup should be able to scale pretty well, as long as the NFS box is up
to the challenge...
(quad zeon connected to 3 firewire raid 5 arrays and running software raid 0
over them? :D)

This sound reasonably to the rest of you?

Matthew B. Henniges
CoPresident Communications
(203) 552-1714

Re: QMail Performance Question Miscellaneous Issues

2000-05-08 Thread Steve Wolfe

  Another allows increasing the maximum number of
 concurrent remotes beyond 250.  The patch allows up to 500 but that limit
 seems to be linux related.

  I would imagine that to be because Linux by default only allows 1024 file
handles to be open at once.  If each of the qmail-remotes has a message in
the queue open, then having too many can cause "bad things", as we found
when we needed to run a few hundred extra virtual domains on our web server,
and the same thing happened.

  Despite the docs at, saying how easy it is to increase the
file-handle limit on the new kernels, I found that it simply didn't work.
Editing the source and recompiling the kernel (as you had to in older
kernels) did the trick.

   It's not even that hard, that was the first time I had ever fiddled with
the Kernel source.  We went to 4096, which should allow for quite a few
qmail-remotes. : )


Re: QMail Performance Question Miscellaneous Issues

2000-05-08 Thread Neil Schemenauer

On Sun, May 07, 2000 at 01:17:13PM -0600, Steve Wolfe wrote:
 Despite the docs at, saying how easy it is to
 increase the file-handle limit on the new kernels, I found that
 it simply didn't work. Editing the source and recompiling the
 kernel (as you had to in older kernels) did the trick.

The documentation of is technically accurate, just not
complete.  There are two limits.  One is the total number of
files handles for all processes.  This is adjustable through
/proc/sys/fs/file-max.  The other limit is the number of file
handles opened by a single process.  This is dynamic in the newer
kernels.  You are probably running into a resource limit.  Try:

ulimit -n

I just opened 2000 files after using "ulimit -n 2048" (the
default was 1024).  No recompile was required.


Re: QMail Performance Question Miscellaneous Issues

2000-05-08 Thread Bryan White

It's not even that hard, that was the first time I had ever fiddled
 the Kernel source.  We went to 4096, which should allow for quite a few
 qmail-remotes. : )

Do you have any feel for how to evaluate what is an optimum number of
remotes?  At 400 remotes I still have 80% CPU idle time.  The load average
is around 4.  This suggests to me that the system is limited by disk I/O,
network I/O or the responsiveness of remote servers.  If it is Disk I/O more
remotes won't help.  I track network traffic through our router fairly
closely and don't think that is the bottle neck.  If it is the
responsiveness of remote servers then more remotes will help.

Re: QMail Performance Question Miscellaneous Issues

2000-05-08 Thread Steve Wolfe

 The documentation of is technically accurate, just not
 complete.  There are two limits.  One is the total number of
 files handles for all processes.  This is adjustable through
 /proc/sys/fs/file-max.  The other limit is the number of file
 handles opened by a single process.  This is dynamic in the newer
 kernels.  You are probably running into a resource limit.  Try:

 ulimit -n

 I just opened 2000 files after using "ulimit -n 2048" (the
 default was 1024).  No recompile was required.

Ah.  In this case, the number of files that a user can have open (1024) was
the same as the total number of files that the entire system could have - I
imagine that raising user files above total system files doesn't do much
good. : )


Re: QMail Performance Question Miscellaneous Issues

2000-05-08 Thread markd

On Mon, May 08, 2000 at 10:56:43AM -0400, Bryan White wrote:
 It's not even that hard, that was the first time I had ever fiddled
  the Kernel source.  We went to 4096, which should allow for quite a few
  qmail-remotes. : )
 Do you have any feel for how to evaluate what is an optimum number of
 remotes?  At 400 remotes I still have 80% CPU idle time.  The load average
 is around 4.  This suggests to me that the system is limited by disk I/O,
 network I/O or the responsiveness of remote servers.  If it is Disk I/O more
 remotes won't help.  I track network traffic through our router fairly
 closely and don't think that is the bottle neck.  If it is the
 responsiveness of remote servers then more remotes will help.

As always, there is a bottleneck. I like to see everything on an email
system as a set of queues. While some are tangible, such as the physical
mail queue, some are less so, such as the queue of I/O requests to the
disks, the queue of packets coming in and out of the interface, the
queue of processes to be run, the receiving servers at the other end, etc.

It is very rarely the case that all of these queues are in perfect
balance such that they all fill up and degrade at the same rate. Consequently
there has to be a slowest queue. That's your current bottleneck.

the slowest of those queues is going to be your current bottleneck. You
fix that, then the next slowest queue becomes your bottleneck. Keep fixing
until the first bottleneck comes around again, and you start the whole
process over.

As you say, in your case the bottleneck may well be disk or network I/O or
even a queue at the other end, namely the remote servers. If you have
good connectivity and a diverse range of recipients and a large
concurrencyremote, then it's probably not the remote servers.

But there's only one way to find out. Analyze each queue and find
out where it's currently at in terms of utilization. Start tuning
the queue with the highest utilization and you'll probably see


Re: QMail Performance Question Miscellaneous Issues

2000-05-08 Thread Dave Sill

"Bryan White" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Do you have any feel for how to evaluate what is an optimum number of

Measure the delivery rate at various settings of concurrencyremote.
Choose the setting that yields the highest delivery rate.

At 400 remotes I still have 80% CPU idle time.

400 qmail-remote processes running, or concurrencyremote=400? Some
systems never hit their concurrencyremote due to I/O restriction.

The load average
is around 4.  This suggests to me that the system is limited by disk I/O,
network I/O or the responsiveness of remote servers.

You should be able to monitor disk I/O rates and see if they go up as
concurrencyremote is raised. Same with network I/O.

...  If it is the responsiveness of remote servers then more remotes
will help.

So add more remotes. If it helps, you aren't I/O (network or disk)
limited yet.


Re: QMail Performance Question Miscellaneous Issues

2000-05-07 Thread Bryan White

 I have a question about qmail regarding its mail handling capacity.
 How many remote emails can qmail send simulataneously, assuming it is run
 on a Dual-CPU PIII 500Mhz with 512Mb RAM and a SCSI hard disk? The
 bandwidth is 10 Mbps.

 If I run 2 parallel processes that sends out emails, does it mean twice
 amount of emails get sent off simultaneously? if so, does that mean the
 more processes I run in parallel, the more emails get sent off at the same
 time? or will most of the emails get stored in the queue?

 What is the general number of emails that a machine with the above
 specifications can send per second/hour/day? How do I fine-tune it to send
 off millions? I only know of changing the "concurrencyremote" figure in
 /var/qmail/control/concurrencyremote. I set it to 100 for testing. What
 should be a good figure assuming that I will do free email hosting on the
 server for hundreds of thousands of users?

There are patches available that you will need to apply to achive maximum
throughput.  You can find them on the qmail web page.  One allows you to run
much larger queues efficiently by increasing the number of directoies the
queue is spread accross.  Another allows increasing the maximum number of
concurrent remotes beyond 250.  The patch allows up to 500 but that limit
seems to be linux related.

Set /var/qmail/control/timeoutremote to a number lower than the default.  I
think the default is about 600 (10 minutes).  I run it at 120 and have been
tempted to lower it to 60.  A few weeks ago had a problem where
they I could connect to there smtp servers and then it would hand on there
side.  This means that remote would sit around for the timeout period.  80
or 90 percent of my remotes were tied up in connections to yahoo.

I have played with removing flush statements from qmail-queue.c.  This
dramatically increases the rate at which qmail-inject puts stuff into the
queue.  This led to very large queues (my sending process backs off when the
queue gets to 100K messages).  Overall throughput was not improved much.
Also if a box does crash then messages will be lost.   My guess is your SCSI
drive makes this unneeded.

I currently run 6 qmail boxes set at 400 remotes.  A PIII 650 with 512MB,
one IDE disk for the OS and another for /var/qmail gives me about 45-60 K
emails per hour.  I had similar results with a Dual Celeron 500's but the
two boxes I had would crash about once a day.  I don't know if there is a
problem with dual celerans or not.  When I pulled the 2nd CPU out of both
boxes they became rock solid.  They now get 30 to 40 K emails per hour.

Note my email mix is not random.  We are sending newsletters / ezines.  They
are typically 8KB in size and the individual boxes are sending and handling
bounces only.  All other incomming email comes to another box setup for that

Re: QMail Performance Question Miscellaneous Issues

2000-05-07 Thread Peter van Dijk

On Sun, May 07, 2000 at 08:41:11AM -0400, Bryan White wrote:
 I have played with removing flush statements from qmail-queue.c.  This
 dramatically increases the rate at which qmail-inject puts stuff into the
 queue.  This led to very large queues (my sending process backs off when the
 queue gets to 100K messages).  Overall throughput was not improved much.
 Also if a box does crash then messages will be lost.   My guess is your SCSI
 drive makes this unneeded.

The moment qmail-queue says flush, the OS buffers come into play, including
a context switch. That takes time, even with SCSI.

There is no reliability problem. The first flush() is there to make sure
the 'Received' line gets written anyway, to identify potential
troublemakers (and neutralize them - blatant rip from Killing in the name).

Hmmm... now that I look again, the second flush actually writes the mail
out.. I think that is relevant to actual delivery :)

Greetz, Peter.
Peter van Dijk - student/sysadmin/ircoper/madly in love/pretending coder 
| 'C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot;
|  C++ makes it harder, but when you do it blows your whole leg off.'
| Bjarne Stroustrup, Inventor of C++

Re: QMail Performance Question Miscellaneous Issues

2000-05-07 Thread Bob Rogers

   From: "Steve Wolfe" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Date: Sat, 6 May 2000 21:22:30 -0600

   . . .
Another question is about the Mail header. What is the header that I
add into a generated email so that undelivered/bounced emails go to this
specific email address instead? For example, I send an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED], it will by default bounce back to my sending
account. How do I make it bounce to another account instead? Should I use
Errors-To:, or Undeliverables-To: or any other header?

 I've heard of "Bounce-to:" being used, but I'm not hip on the RFC's like
   others on the list. : )


I probably don't qualify as "RFC-hip", but I'd like to be, so this query
prompted me to do some digging.  The only thing I could find was a
mention of "Errors-To:" in RFC2076.  Here's what RFC2076 says (bottom of
page 10):

 Address to which notifications   Errors-To:,Non-standard,
 are to be sent and a request to  Return-discouraged.
 get delivery notifications.  Receipt-To:
 Internet standards recommend,
 however, the use of RCPT TO and
 Return-Path, not Errors-To, for
 where delivery notifications are
 to be sent.

So the "official" word would seem to be "use the envelope FROM address."
I know that many mailing lists use "Errors-To:", but I'm not sure what
percentage of mailers actually use this header.  (Of course, qmail does
not, nor does the one sendmail installation to which I have access.)
[At the top of p11 are a handful of X.400 delivery-related headers,
which are probably even less widely implemented.]

-- Bob Rogers

QMail Performance Question Miscellaneous Issues

2000-05-06 Thread Chun Hoh

Dear QMail users,

I am a QMail newbie and I would like some advice on some qmail performance

I have a question about qmail regarding its mail handling capacity.
How many remote emails can qmail send simulataneously, assuming it is run
on a Dual-CPU PIII 500Mhz with 512Mb RAM and a SCSI hard disk? The internet
bandwidth is 10 Mbps.

If I run 2 parallel processes that sends out emails, does it mean twice the
amount of emails get sent off simultaneously? if so, does that mean the
more processes I run in parallel, the more emails get sent off at the same
time? or will most of the emails get stored in the queue?

What is the general number of emails that a machine with the above
specifications can send per second/hour/day? How do I fine-tune it to send
off millions? I only know of changing the "concurrencyremote" figure in
/var/qmail/control/concurrencyremote. I set it to 100 for testing. What
should be a good figure assuming that I will do free email hosting on the
server for hundreds of thousands of users?

I have also noticed that some free email services like Yahoo also uses
QMail (if I'm not mistaken). They have millions of users, so I assume they
host the email service on multiple machines. How is it possible to do
load-balancing for emails on multiple machines? 'cause everyone will have
an email address like [EMAIL PROTECTED], but how does Yahoo redirect
portions of users to different machines for mail receival/sending?

Another question is about the Mail header. What is the header that I should
add into a generated email so that undelivered/bounced emails go to this
specific email address instead? For example, I send an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED], it will by default bounce back to my sending
account. How do I make it bounce to another account instead? Should I use
Errors-To:, or Undeliverables-To: or any other header?

Sorry for my huge number of questions. Your prompt help is greatly

Yours sincerely,

Re: QMail Performance Question Miscellaneous Issues

2000-05-06 Thread Steve Wolfe

 I have a question about qmail regarding its mail handling capacity.
 How many remote emails can qmail send simulataneously, assuming it is run
 on a Dual-CPU PIII 500Mhz with 512Mb RAM and a SCSI hard disk? The
 bandwidth is 10 Mbps.

  A lot. : )

  There is a hard-coded limit to the numebr of concurrent remote sessions,
somewhere around 200, if I recall, but you can certainly increase that in
the source, if necessary.  Below 200, it is controlled by a "soft limit"
contained in the file "concurrencyremote".  I'm sure that your machine could
handle 200 with ease.

 If I run 2 parallel processes that sends out emails, does it mean twice
 amount of emails get sent off simultaneously? if so, does that mean the
 more processes I run in parallel, the more emails get sent off at the same
 time? or will most of the emails get stored in the queue?

  As long as you aren't maxing out CPU or bandwidth, then yes, sending them
in parallel is better.  That way, things like waiting for DNS lookups don't
kill your performance.  That's why qmail spawns a new instance of
qmail-remote for each message to be delivered.

 What is the general number of emails that a machine with the above
 specifications can send per second/hour/day? How do I fine-tune it to send
 off millions? I only know of changing the "concurrencyremote" figure in
 /var/qmail/control/concurrencyremote. I set it to 100 for testing. What
 should be a good figure assuming that I will do free email hosting on the
 server for hundreds of thousands of users?

I'd watch your bandwidth, but I'd bet that 200 would be perfectly
reasonable.  I've raised it to 100 on a Pentium 233 w/ 512k bandwidth, and
it definitely speeded things up quite a bit.  500 emails took ~45 seconds to
clear, perhaps a bit less.  That's about a million per day.  With your
system, you should be able to handle more, although sooner or later, you'll
hit the major limiting factor:  I/O.  It sounds like you're just starting
up, so you should be fine for some time.   Once things get severely large,
you'll need to at least go to a hardware RAID setup, with multiple disks on
multiple channels/controllers to get the throughput.

 Another question is about the Mail header. What is the header that I
 add into a generated email so that undelivered/bounced emails go to this
 specific email address instead? For example, I send an email to
 [EMAIL PROTECTED], it will by default bounce back to my sending
 account. How do I make it bounce to another account instead? Should I use
 Errors-To:, or Undeliverables-To: or any other header?

  I've heard of "Bounce-to:" being used, but I'm not hip on the RFC's like
others on the list. : )
