Re: From sendmail to Qmail

1999-02-08 Thread John Gonzalez/netMDC admin

AFAIK, qmail does not do return receipts, which IMHO, are retarded. But :)
that doesnt mean some users dont require/use them. So, someone might have
made a patch for qmail, check out and search the archives or
read the FAQ?

On Mon, 8 Feb 1999, Robert Adams wrote:

-| Hello all,
-| We just moved our mail server from sendmail to qmail... and I received the
-| following from one of our users. Anyone have a clue on this?
-| >A)  When I send mail now, it works much faster with being accepted.
-| >B)  But, when I request a return receipt (I use Netscape
-| >Communicator/Messenger 4.05), it comes back with a message that the SMTP
-| >server cannot process a return receipt request.  Return receipts are one
-| >of the most useful functions I utilize in my mail.  Can it be turned
-| >back on?
-| -jason
-| ---
-| Robert J. Adams [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-| Looking to outsource news?
-| SISCOM Network Administration - President, SISCOM Inc.
-| Phone: 888-4-SISCOM 937-222-8150 FAX: 937-222-8153

  ___   _  __   _  
__  /___ ___    /__  John Gonzalez/Net.Tech
__  __ \ __ \  __/_  __ `__ \/ __  /_  ___/ MDC Computers/netMDC!
_  / / / `__/ /_  / / / / / / /_/ / / /__ (505)437-7600/fax-437-3052
/_/ /_/\___/\__/ /_/ /_/ /_/\__,_/  \___/
[-[system info]---]
  5:05pm  up 3 days, 23:45,  4 users,  load average: 0.16, 0.09, 0.08

Re: From sendmail to Qmail

1999-02-08 Thread Sam

Robert Adams writes:

> Hello all,
> We just moved our mail server from sendmail to qmail... and I received the
> following from one of our users. Anyone have a clue on this?
> >A)  When I send mail now, it works much faster with being accepted.
> >B)  But, when I request a return receipt (I use Netscape
> >Communicator/Messenger 4.05), it comes back with a message that the SMTP
> >server cannot process a return receipt request.  Return receipts are one
> >of the most useful functions I utilize in my mail.  Can it be turned
> >back on?

No clue is required.  Qmail simply does not support DSN, a.k.a. "return


Re: From sendmail to Qmail

1999-02-08 Thread Mirko Zeibig

On Mon, 08 Feb 1999 22:57:47 GMT, Sam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Robert Adams writes:
>> Hello all,
>> We just moved our mail server from sendmail to qmail... and I received the
>> following from one of our users. Anyone have a clue on this?
>> [...]
>> >B)  But, when I request a return receipt (I use Netscape
>> >Communicator/Messenger 4.05), it comes back with a message that the SMTP
>> >server cannot process a return receipt request.  Return receipts are one
>> >of the most useful functions I utilize in my mail.  Can it be turned
>> >back on?
>No clue is required.  Qmail simply does not support DSN, a.k.a. "return
What Robert's users may be able to do (and which is IMHO more interesting)
is a return receipt when the receipient has read the mail. However this is a
function of the MDA, so with the receipient having NS this will work,
whereas most text oriented MDAs won't. 
At least NS4.5 will act like this.

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] myhome_aka_~:
XL97-Classes ~/vba-classes/
be aware of culture

Re: From sendmail to qmail

2001-04-06 Thread Brett Randall

Believe it or not, all the answers to your questions can be found at !


> "Boris" == Boris  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Greetings.  I am writing a small book about Linux/FreeBSD since 1999
> (just for fun, maybe it will be released someadays, maybe not, who
> knows).

> Currently i try to find out the advantages of qmail. It took me some
> time to get it working, but I am very surprised about the speed. I
> have changed my production server in realtime from sendmail to
> qmail.  It was not easy, but I have it done. And I was not required
> to delete sendmail.

> There are some things I need to know about qmail to complete my work
> on this chapter.

> * First, I need to know is there a similar way to stop spammers as
> in sendmail with /etc/access. This is a very important feature to
> me. I dont want to use procmail or similar for such a feature, is
> there an option for it?

> * Is there a way to forward all outgoing mails to a specific SMTP?

> * Are there somewhere detailed instructions about implementing

> * I have read some solution about SMTP AUTH and I need to know what
> the people outside are using to stop spammers and to authenticate
> users before they are allowed to send e-mails. What are the
> currently most used solutions? I have found some, but I would like
> to know what is used in real environments.

> It would be great for detailed informations, because its not very
> easy to find all neccessary informations.

> Thanks for your time.

> -- Boris [MCSE, CNA]
> ...
> X-ITEC : Consulting * Programming * Net-Security * Crypto-Research
> : Grüne 33-57368 Lennestadt Germany Tel: +49
> (0)2721 989400 : 101 PERFECTION - SECURITY - STABILITY -
> :..

> Everything I am writing is (c) by Boris Köster and may not be
> rewritten or distributed in any way without my permission.

"I wonder what Jesus would do if HE had to reload Windows 95 for the
eighth time today ?"

- Mirabour Gilbride

Re: From sendmail to qmail

2001-04-06 Thread Charles Cazabon

Boris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There are some  things I need to know about qmail to complete my work on
> this chapter.
> * First, I need to know is there a similar way to stop spammers as in
> sendmail with /etc/access.

Many people on this list will not be familiar with the detailed workings of
sendmail; in general, we run qmail because (among other reasons) we don't want
to have to learn sendmail's byzantine configuration.  Please explain how 
this works with sendmail; then we can tell you if there's a qmail equivalent.

> * Is there a way to forward all outgoing mails to a specific SMTP?

Yes, smtproutes.  It's trivial.  `man qmail-remote` for details.

> * Are there somewhere detailed instructions about implementing

Yes, in many places, including djb's site and

> * I have read some solution about SMTP AUTH and I need to know what
> the people outside are using to stop spammers and to authenticate
> users before they are allowed to send e-mails. What are the currently
> most used solutions?

There are SMTP-AUTH patches for qmail.  Two other techniques widely employed
include selective relaying by IP address, and SMTP-after-POP3/SMTP-after-IMAP.

Charles Cazabon<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

Re: From sendmail to qmail

2001-04-08 Thread Frank Tegtmeyer

Boris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Thats all to check for valid ip/dns of the sender.

What are `valid IP addresses'? I assume you expect a check if the
given sender domain has a valid MX or A record. I think it's a bad
idea to do such checking for several reasons:

1. I costs time and other resources. SMTP latency is high and this approach
   increases it by orders of magnitude. In other words - it decreases
2. It doesn't help against spammers.
   Like all other technical approaches it is subject to the anti-fax effect
   (look at the qmail list archive to see what this means:
   The approach only forces spammers to use resolveable domain names with all
   the bad consequences for the owners of that domains.
3. It's often plain wrong implemented - about half of the double bounces I have to
   manage at work result from brain dead anti-spam patches on sendmail boxes
   that don't let through the empty envelope sender.
   A quarter of double bounces results from boxes that check the envelope sender
   and generate permanent errors when their BIND server is overloaded.
   I personally tend to block all of such hosts until they fix their broken setup
   but many of them are important partners and clients of our company. My boss
   even doesn't allow me to tell them that they are doing something wrong.
   Shitty politics ...

I agree with Dan Bernstein that the only ways to fight SPAM are legal actions
against them and transferring the costs for email to the sender.

> Is there an option for qmail? I only found some ugly
> patches/scripts/workarounds?
There are patches that do this. If they are ugly, I don't know.

Regards, Frank

Re: From sendmail to qmail

2001-04-08 Thread Frank Tegtmeyer

>A quarter of double bounces
Sorry, I meant bounces, not double bounces.
