RE: [QUAD-L] Night Shivering

2007-02-11 Thread Dan Tessiatore
Greg, I agree, the majority of my dysreflexia comes from my bladder.  Maybe 
it's got some mucus or other crap obstructing its somewhat, or possibly kinked 
were the top of the leg bag is bunched etc.  The bowel is also a source of 
hyperreflexia including flatulence.  isn't quadriplegia wonderful? hang in 
there, Dan T.

Greg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  @page Section1 {size: 8.5in 11.0in; 
margin: 1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; }  P.MsoNormal {   FONT-SIZE: 12pt; MARGIN: 
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P.MsoEnvelopeReturn {   FONT-SIZE: 9pt; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; FONT-STYLE: 
italic; FONT-FAMILY: Arial  }  LI.MsoEnvelopeReturn {   FONT-SIZE: 9pt; MARGIN: 
0in 0in 0pt; FONT-STYLE: italic; FONT-FAMILY: Arial  }  DIV.MsoEnvelopeReturn { 
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}  A:link {   COLOR: blue; TEXT-DECORATION: underline  }  SPAN.MsoHyperlink {   
COLOR: blue; TEXT-DECORATION: underline  }  A:visited {   COLOR: purple; 
TEXT-DECORATION: underline  }  SPAN.MsoHyperlinkFollowed {   COLOR: purple; 
TEXT-DECORATION: underline  }  SPAN.EmailStyle18 {   COLOR:
 windowtext; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-style-type: personal  }  SPAN.EmailStyle19 
{   COLOR: navy; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-style-type: personal-reply  }  
DIV.Section1 {   page: Section1  }I think the night shivers are a 
slight case of Autonomic Disraflexia(sp?) 
  When I get it, once I get moved a bit it goes away. Most of my AD is bladder 
related, so maybe the SP cath is in a bad position and irritating my bladder. 
One time I woke up so cold and shivering so bad, I was sure I had a bad UTI. As 
soon as I got up I went to the ER. My arm was shivering so bad I was jerking as 
I was driving my chair. My temp was at 94 degrees. The ER line was very long so 
I went outside to sit in the sun. By the time they called me, I was warming up 
(it was over 105 out side). AD slows things down and can lower your temp as it 
raises you blood pressure. It is a dangerous thing.


[QUAD-L] when I get hot...

2007-02-11 Thread Hecedman

Hi guys,

Well when I get hot it feels good to be in the AC or Fan... I sleep  
naked (TMI)
BUT.. it feels good to sleep that way... just need to keep the ladies  
off... sigh,  high price to paylol


RE: [QUAD-L] Night Shivering

2007-02-11 Thread Greg
I think the night shivers are a slight case of Autonomic Disraflexia(sp?) 

When I get it, once I get moved a bit it goes away. Most of my AD is bladder
related, so maybe the SP cath is in a bad position and irritating my
bladder. One time I woke up so cold and shivering so bad, I was sure I had a
bad UTI. As soon as I got up I went to the ER. My arm was shivering so bad I
was jerking as I was driving my chair. My temp was at 94 degrees. The ER
line was very long so I went outside to sit in the sun. By the time they
called me, I was warming up (it was over 105 out side). AD slows things down
and can lower your temp as it raises you blood pressure. It is a dangerous


Re: [QUAD-L] severe chills

2007-02-11 Thread delimited4
Overheating is miserable, but being cold hurts like , you know. Both make it so 
you can't think straight and it gets hard to be patient and nice to everyone. A 
few hours of it and I'm not fit for human company. A dog would be nice.
-Original Message-
Sent: Sun, 11 Feb 2007 5:33 PM
Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] severe chills

My 65 pound Golden Retriever “service dog” at my side in bed doesn’t resolve 
much but it sure is comforting

From: Jessica Ann Gordon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2007 1:23 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] severe chills
i am ALWAYS cold. i hate it and feel like no one understands how frustrating it 
can be. i know heating pads can be dangerous but it's worth the risk to me! an 
awesome alternative though, can be found here:
they sell microwavable blankets, neck wraps, socks, mittens, scarves, 
headbands, etc. i have the body shawl and it warms me right up. if i'm extra 
cold i'll put it on my head. looks funny but does the trick. i highly recommend 
these products and they seem like the perfect solution for u in a care facility 
-- just need your own microwave! careful to feel for hot spots though before 
putting it anywhere w/out sensation -- i have burned myself badly after too 
much time in the microwave. 
On Feb 11, 2007, at 1:03 PM, Dan Tessiatore wrote:

I feel very cold off and on. I layer my clothing and use a hat like you do. I 
also use a high tight turtleneck. They seem to help me. I think it helps keep 
the heat in. Get warm... Dan T.

LTeasley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
Hi Everybody,
I am a C4-5 complete since July 31, 05. I know I don't have a UTI, nor am I 
sick in any other manner. What I would like to know, is if anybody else suffers 
from extreme chills radiating from the core of the body with no apparent cause 
or solution. The heat at 76+ degrees and multiple layers including hat and 
scarf do not help. I am currently staying at an extended care facility where 
they do not allow us to use heating pads, hot water bottles, or electric 
blankets. I try to drink as much hot tea and coffee as I can throughout the day 
in hopes to do some warming from the inside out, also to no avail. 
Any ideas or solutions would be most appreciated.
Journey well through life,

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AOL Mail and more.

RE: [QUAD-L] this is crazy

2007-02-11 Thread Dan Tessiatore
Hang in there Joan, staying in bed will pay off.  I have been in bed off and 
on, more recently in bed a lot and I got up for the first day in about 10 days. 
 The doctors suggest getting up once a day for about an hour when I am trying 
to heal a pressure sore.  But I find that my sore is in a crevis of of my skin 
and getting up and down caused setbacks.
Stay strong... Dan T
poajoan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  It sure seems like most of us share a lot 
of the same problems. If it's any
help, I have found that in the last three or four years I am better at
regulating my body temperature. I don't get as cold nearly as much as I used
to, but I am often cold when I go to bed and then wake up several hours
later roasting. That's when my fan goes on, and then a while later it will
have to go off. For those of us who are higher quads, just the lack of
ability to move and warm those muscles is a primary reason for the slowness
in our responding to temperatures. I absolutely love my wood stove, and the
fact that it has a glass window makes it even more appealing. For these last
five weeks of bed rest, the thing I miss the most is my wood stove -- of
course realistically I miss being up.

Joan C4 :-)

-Original Message-
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2007 1:54 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] this is crazy

Hi everyone this is crazy, everyone here is talking about being 
cold. I FEEL ON FIRE 95% of the time so I sleep with a fan on my 
face. Explain that one??


Re: [QUAD-L] this is crazy

2007-02-11 Thread delimited4
It would seem that somewhere there is a hormone produced by the glands under 
the brain that could be synthesized and used to treat this temp disorder. On a 
normal day my temp is 96. While I've grown use to dealing with it, I think it 
would be a leap forward for so many new quads that are struggling. 
Does aspirin help any? It thins the blood and should help lower blood temp. I 
have had luck with over the counter drugs and different herbal stuff from GNC. 
Do beware of over cooling as well as over heating. I don't know much about MS, 
but I am leary of devices like AC's and heating pads that can overdo the job.
-Original Message-
Sent: Sun, 11 Feb 2007 5:24 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] this is crazy

I have Multiple Sclerosis.  Was told that our temp is regulated by the central 
nervous system which is where MS does it damage.

I have the air conditioner running all year (Houston TX area) plus a fan on the 
face & a fan at my feet.

When my body temp gets to 99 I need to take something to reduce the fever.

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Re: [QUAD-L] this is crazy

2007-02-11 Thread Dan Tessiatore
Have you taken your blood pressure when feeling hot?  Sometimes when my 
hyperreflexia acts up it makes it makes me feel hot.  Dan T.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Your hypothalmus gland is wack and in your case, it 
is making you feel hot. It is not the average, but it is not uncommon. Do bring 
it up with your doctor even if they can't do anything. maybe someone else has 
an idea? I'm thinking an ice cold hand towel on the chest and around your neck.
-Original Message-
Sent: Sun, 11 Feb 2007 4:54 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] this is crazy

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HEIGHT: 1px  }  .AOLWebSuite .AOLPicturesFullSizeLink {   OVERFLOW: hidden; 
WIDTH: 1px; HEIGHT: 1px  }  BODY {   BORDER-RIGHT: 0px; BORDER-TOP: 0px; 
BACKGROUND-COLOR: white  }  .AOLWebSuiteCompose P {   PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; 
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#f4f4f4 no-repeat center center; BORDER-LEFT: #dadad6 1px solid; WIDTH: 275px; 
BORDER-BOTTOM: #dadad6 1px solid; HEIGHT: 206px  }  Hi everyone this is 
crazy, everyone here is talking about being cold. I FEEL ON FIRE 95% of the
 time so I sleep with a fan on my face. Explain that one?? 

  Check out the new AOL. Most comprehensive set of free safety and security 
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[QUAD-L] medical bills could bankrupt all of us.

2007-02-11 Thread LadyOnWheels725
Hi Joan,
You should ask the hospital if they have  a charity program.  We have filled 
out applications and had them to write  off the entire bill.  This was 
blessing before I was able to get on  Medicare and the Medicaid waiver program.
The largest bill for me was  $160,000.  My husband has Medicare only. He can 
go to any doctor in their  clinics and they usually will tell him to fill out 
a yearly application and they  will take his Medicare.   Thru the pain clinic 
they will get his meds  that aren't covered by Medicare from the drug 
This saves about $1000.00 a  month.
I hope some of this helps.

Re: [QUAD-L] this is crazy

2007-02-11 Thread delimited4
Your hypothalmus gland is wack and in your case, it is making you feel hot. It 
is not the average, but it is not uncommon. Do bring it up with your doctor 
even if they can't do anything. maybe someone else has an idea? I'm thinking an 
ice cold hand towel on the chest and around your neck. 
-Original Message-
Sent: Sun, 11 Feb 2007 4:54 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] this is crazy

Hi everyone this is crazy, everyone here is talking about being cold. I 
FEEL ON FIRE 95% of the time so I sleep with a fan on my face. Explain that 

Check out the new AOL.  Most comprehensive set of free safety and security 
tools, free access to millions of high-quality videos from across the web, free 
AOL Mail and more.

Re: [QUAD-L] severe chills

2007-02-11 Thread LTeasley
Hi Linda,
I know the little bubble wrap water things are that you're talking about but 
unfortunately this facility does not have any here.  I agree that John's 
explanation was a really good one; it put things in a little bit different 
perspective.  I've heard from my acupuncturists that drinking ginger tea is 
really helpful to warm you from the inside out, but I've not had anybody pick 
some up for me yet.  I hope that I too will be able to handle the cold better 
as I'm further out from injury.
Journey well through life,
  I am a C4-5 complete also & I use to stay cold all the time, but now I handle 
the cold much better. Hopefully with time you won't be so cold. I know what you 
mean about the facility not letting you use a neck warmer or heating pad. I was 
in a facility for 5 1/2yrs. So I had my Dr write for an order thru PT to let me 
use one of these warmers, can't remember what they are called, that have a pad, 
looks like bubble wrap on one side & has a little warmer the nurses fills up 
with water. John's explanation was great. Hopefully your scarf around your neck 
will help. Sitting in the sun also helps, find a nice sunny window.

Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta.

Re: [QUAD-L] severe chills

2007-02-11 Thread LTeasley
Hi Gina,
Yeah, my baseline is 90/50 and I also take midodrine to control it with a 
little bit of florinef.  If you are able to raise your blood pressure with 
midodrine, does that help with raising your body temperature as well?  That 
would be great!  I'll just be midodrine happy the rest of my life!  Usually 
when my blood pressure dropped below 90/50, I would seriously just want to fall 
Journey well through life,

gina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Have you checked your blood pressure? I 
know when mine gets really low.  Mine runs real low anyway usually 80/60, but 
when it gets lower I get chills, my doctor gave me midrodrine it highers the 
blood pressure.

LTeasley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Everybody,
  I am a C4-5 complete since July 31, 05.  I know I don't have a UTI, nor am I 
sick in any other manner.  What I would like to know, is if anybody else 
suffers from extreme chills radiating from the core of the body with no 
apparent cause or solution.  The heat at 76+ degrees and multiple layers 
including hat and scarf do not help.  I am currently staying at an extended 
care facility where they do not allow us to use heating pads, hot water 
bottles, or electric blankets.  I try to drink as much hot tea and coffee as I 
can throughout the day in hopes to do some warming from the inside out, also to 
no avail.  
  Any ideas or solutions would be most appreciated.
  Journey well through life,

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Re: [QUAD-L] severe chills

2007-02-11 Thread Nichole Rohling
  - Original Message - 
  From: Merrill Burghardt 
  To: 'LTeasley' 
  Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2007 4:20 PM
  Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] severe chills

  In a reply to you I forgot to mention that drinking water ALL DAY does help 
along with reclining if possible for an hour or two before going to bed.  Also 
once in bed stay sitting up to sleep.  Sometimes I will sleep sitting up most 
of the night.  If long enough sitting I am able to lie flat and sleep again.  
If I have not sat up long enough the shivering begins.


  Merrill C/5



  From: LTeasley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Saturday, February 10, 2007 4:49 PM
  Subject: [QUAD-L] severe chills


  Hi Everybody,


  I am a C4-5 complete since July 31, 05.  I know I don't have a UTI, nor am I 
sick in any other manner.  What I would like to know, is if anybody else 
suffers from extreme chills radiating from the core of the body with no 
apparent cause or solution.  The heat at 76+ degrees and multiple layers 
including hat and scarf do not help.  I am currently staying at an extended 
care facility where they do not allow us to use heating pads, hot water 
bottles, or electric blankets.  I try to drink as much hot tea and coffee as I 
can throughout the day in hopes to do some warming from the inside out, also to 
no avail.  


  Any ideas or solutions would be most appreciated.


  Journey well through life,





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Re: [QUAD-L] this is crazy

2007-02-11 Thread LTeasley
Hey everyone,
Oh Jessica I so agree with you!  I currently live in Minnesota, transplanted 
from Georgia so I absolutely hate being cold.  I was a huge freeze puppy before 
my accident; honestly I didn't think it could get worse.  Boy, was I wrong!  
There's been talk about the stem cell surgery in China and Portugal with people 
wanting to get use of their hands back etc. etc., but it's been my hope (if I 
can ever afford to go) to be able to get rid of my abdominal Binder for blood 
pressure, stop taking lyrica for nerve pain, and to be able to get rid of the 
57 some odd scarves and hats that I own, not to mention the 83 blankets that I 
own.  All that stuff takes up a lot of room in my closet!
Thanks so much you guys for all your suggestions; and I plan on doing some 
shopping at grandpa's garden as soon as I'm discharged from this place.  
Luckily, it should be the end of this month or early next month!
Journey well through life,

Jessica Ann Gordon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  i'm jealous. i'd way rather be 
hot than cold -- but as the saying 
goes -- the grass is always greener...


On Feb 11, 2007, at 4:54 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi everyone this is crazy, everyone here is talking about being 
> cold. I FEEL ON FIRE 95% of the time so I sleep with a fan on 
> my face. Explain that one??
> Hec

TV dinner still cooling?
Check out "Tonight's Picks" on Yahoo! TV.

RE: [QUAD-L] this is crazy

2007-02-11 Thread poajoan
It sure seems like most of us share a lot of the same problems. If it's any
help, I have found that in the last three or four years I am better at
regulating my body temperature. I don't get as cold nearly as much as I used
to, but I am often cold when I go to bed and then wake up several hours
later roasting. That's when my fan goes on, and then a while later it will
have to go off. For those of us who are higher quads, just the lack of
ability to move and warm those muscles is a primary reason for the slowness
in our responding to temperatures. I absolutely love my wood stove, and the
fact that it has a glass window makes it even more appealing. For these last
five weeks of bed rest, the thing I miss the most is my wood stove -- of
course realistically I miss being up.

Joan C4 :-)

-Original Message-
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2007 1:54 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] this is crazy

Hi everyone this is crazy, everyone here is talking about being  
cold.  I FEEL ON FIRE 95% of the time so I sleep with a fan on my  
face. Explain that one??


RE: [QUAD-L] Homeless dumping paraplegic

2007-02-11 Thread poajoan
My daughter is not a quad or a paraplegic, but because she has no medical
insurance, they asked her to leave the hospital just as soon as she wasn't
critical anymore. Their excuse, she should go on a diet and lose weight, and
as soon as she left the hospital, she should go to her doctor.

Even though two of us told the doctor that she had gained 45 pounds in two
weeks, his answer was that diet and exercise would take care of everything.
For five days in the hospital, the bill was $21,000. And because she has no
insurance, she will be paying this off the rest of her life probably. And
the result of her going to a doctor was, he gave her water pills and three
weeks later she was down 51 pounds! Guess hospitals are only for the rich
and the healthy!

Joan ;-)

-Original Message-
From: Tim Thompson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2007 9:14 AM
Cc: Quad-list
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Homeless dumping paraplegic

I'll bet they don't dump illegal immigrant paras...
LA's medical services (including Medicade) is going broke providing
manditory care for illegals. But the Politicaly Correct crowd refuse
to acknowledge the consequences "we" pay for "their" feel good
I've been writing letter after letter, but my Representative is outnumbered.
God help us if billary gets her way.
Health care services will go broke and we'll be left out in the cold.
I for 1 am doing much better service wise now than 6 yrs ago.

On 2/10/07, RollinOn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is really cruel!
> Mark Jackson

[QUAD-L] Stevia For UTI's

2007-02-11 Thread Merrill Burghardt
Sorry about the miss-spelling of this herb/sweetener.  Only as I read, this
sweetener has UTI reducing effects.  My problem was gaining weight.  Do the
research, perhaps it is a solution for other issues.



RE: [QUAD-L] Vista & Dragon NaturallySpeaking 8

2007-02-11 Thread poajoan
Hi Dana.


I got my new laptop, is an HP pavilion 2000 -- it comes with Vista, and the
new speech recognition program. I don't think I'm going to have any problem
with the speech recognition program. I am using Dragon down on the desktop,
and responding to you that way, because I don't have Microsoft Outlook
installed on the laptop yet. However, I have played with the laptop for a
couple of hours, and it is even easier to use than Dragon NaturallySpeaking
9.1. It is quicker than Dragon NaturallySpeaking, and so far I have not been
able to find a way to move the mouse without using MouseGrid.


Get your laptop back, and try speech recognition. It also has an on-screen
keyboard that can be minimized so you don't have to see it, but that you can
utilize to spell at any time by just saying "press a" etc.. I really like
that. I'll let you know, as I find more out about this program.


Right now, I have two microphone set up, one for the desktop, and one for
the laptop. The biggest problem I have had with the laptop so far is that it
is supersensitive and wakes up very easily. So I am trying to problem--solve


Joan :-)



Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2007 1:51 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Vista & Dragon NaturallySpeaking 8


Hi Naomi,


How much RAM do you have?  Is it is 64 bit and what brand?  Mine is a
Hewlett-Packard with 1 MB and it will need another and my brother said
Dragon said they could not promise Vista would work with Dragon 9.  That is
what his computer guy for his business told him they said.


I guess my brother said he could add 1 MB of RAM.  I could not really find a
number to call other than a number on the Nuance web site.  


They seem to suggest Dragon 9.5 professional version which is not out.  I
wish I knew how soon as my brother wants to take my bedroom computer to work
on.  He needs to set up the laptop to use instead.


I'm glad you say it works with Dragon 9 , but I don't like to buy upgrades
because it is so confusing for me to install.  I always do it wrong unless
my computer friend from Hallmark is available, because I always do something


I need to find out what kind of Hewlett-Packard I have as my brother has it.


Thank you for the information and please send me your MG, brand and if you
have 64-bit.



Re: [QUAD-L] Stuntman's Bare Bears

2007-02-11 Thread wheelchair
Amen and Amen again.
In a message dated 2/11/07 2:44:12 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< There are a lot more players coming up from reform schools and being 
released from prisons. Shoot, a few are going to even graduate college and 
getting arrested for doing the stuff they were always let off on. I know it 
isn't nice to generalize, but I'm in Cincinnati. The Bengals don't only play 
football, they keep the police busy. If you go through the NFL you will find 
one player in three has been arrested in the last 4 years and 1 out of every 5 
of those committed a feloney. The NFL doesn't even want to  talk about the 
ones that aren't paying child support. On that remark, the ABA doesn't want 
people asking about lawyers and judges that don't pay child support. >>

[QUAD-L] (no subject)

2007-02-11 Thread LadyOnWheels725
Hi Everyone
First of all--welcome JessicaAs you  can tell,,when somebody has a 
question we share what is going on with us, and  sometimes you may hear a 
to your problem.   This group is  unlike most support groups that you will find 
.  We are committed to being  here for each other.
Like several of you,,I stay cold and at  times I cannot get warm.  I feel 
like I am cold from the inside out.   As strange as it sounds My upper body 
be cold and my feet will be burning  and stinging.  My doctor said it was from 
brain stem and nervous system  damage.  

Re: [QUAD-L] this is crazy

2007-02-11 Thread LINDA FERRELL
I know what you are talking about with the feeling of being on fire, the 
burning sensation. A lot of us have it too, with sitting in the sun, it 
diffuses that burning sensation not totally but does help.

- Original Message 
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2007 3:54:28 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] this is crazy

Hi everyone this is crazy, everyone here is talking about being  
cold.  I FEEL ON FIRE 95% of the time so I sleep with a fan on my  
face. Explain that one??


Re: [QUAD-L] severe chills

2007-02-11 Thread LINDA FERRELL
Hi Belle,
I am a C4-5 complete also & I use to stay cold all the time, but now I handle 
the cold much better. Hopefully with time you won't be so cold. I know what you 
mean about the facility not letting you use a neck warmer or heating pad. I was 
in a facility for 5 1/2yrs. So I had my Dr write for an order thru PT to let me 
use one of these warmers, can't remember what they are called, that have a pad, 
looks like bubble wrap on one side & has a little warmer the nurses fills up 
with water. John's explanation was great. Hopefully your scarf around your neck 
will help. Sitting in the sun also helps, find a nice sunny window.

RE: [QUAD-L] severe chills

2007-02-11 Thread Merrill Burghardt
Guess I started something here.  Great idea to be checking blood pressure
and to keep some sort of log to help your doctor out. Mine raises to a low
AD 130/80 within an hour lying down.  BP drops after five hours of





From: gina [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2007 2:20 PM
To: LTeasley; quad-list
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] severe chills


Have you checked your blood pressure? I know when mine gets really low.
Mine runs real low anyway usually 80/60, but when it gets lower I get
chills, my doctor gave me midrodrine it highers the blood pressure.


LTeasley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Everybody,


I am a C4-5 complete since July 31, 05.  I know I don't have a UTI, nor am I
sick in any other manner.  What I would like to know, is if anybody else
suffers from extreme chills radiating from the core of the body with no
apparent cause or solution.  The heat at 76+ degrees and multiple layers
including hat and scarf do not help.  I am currently staying at an extended
care facility where they do not allow us to use heating pads, hot water
bottles, or electric blankets.  I try to drink as much hot tea and coffee as
I can throughout the day in hopes to do some warming from the inside out,
also to no avail.  


Any ideas or solutions would be most appreciated.


Journey well through life,





  miss an email again!
Yahoo! Toolbar alerts you the instant new Mail arrives.
  Check it out.

RE: [QUAD-L] severe chills

2007-02-11 Thread Merrill Burghardt
My 65 pound Golden Retriever "service dog" at my side in bed doesn't resolve
much but it sure is comforting



From: Jessica Ann Gordon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2007 1:23 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] severe chills


i am ALWAYS cold. i hate it and feel like no one understands how frustrating
it can be. i know heating pads can be dangerous but it's worth the risk to
me! an awesome alternative though, can be found here:


they sell microwavable blankets, neck wraps, socks, mittens, scarves,
headbands, etc. i have the body shawl and it warms me right up. if i'm extra
cold i'll put it on my head. looks funny but does the trick. i highly
recommend these products and they seem like the perfect solution for u in a
care facility -- just need your own microwave! careful to feel for hot spots
though before putting it anywhere w/out sensation -- i have burned myself
badly after too much time in the microwave. 





On Feb 11, 2007, at 1:03 PM, Dan Tessiatore wrote:

I feel very cold off and on. I layer my clothing and use a hat like you do.
I also use a high tight turtleneck. They seem to help me. I think it helps
keep the heat in. Get warm... Dan T.

LTeasley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

Hi Everybody,

I am a C4-5 complete since July 31, 05. I know I don't have a UTI, nor am I
sick in any other manner. What I would like to know, is if anybody else
suffers from extreme chills radiating from the core of the body with no
apparent cause or solution. The heat at 76+ degrees and multiple layers
including hat and scarf do not help. I am currently staying at an extended
care facility where they do not allow us to use heating pads, hot water
bottles, or electric blankets. I try to drink as much hot tea and coffee as
I can throughout the day in hopes to do some warming from the inside out,
also to no avail. 

Any ideas or solutions would be most appreciated.

Journey well through life,



  miss an email again!
Yahoo! Toolbar alerts you the instant new Mail arrives.
  Check it out.



Re: [QUAD-L] this is crazy

2007-02-11 Thread KK
I have Multiple Sclerosis.  Was told that our temp is regulated by the central 
nervous system which is where MS does it damage.

I have the air conditioner running all year (Houston TX area) plus a fan on the 
face & a fan at my feet.

When my body temp gets to 99 I need to take something to reduce the fever.

Re: [QUAD-L] Subscribing

2007-02-11 Thread gina
congrats on getting dsl, sorry about the dilemma with the emails from the list, 
but i dont know why your not.

RollinOn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm in the middle of changing my e-mail address because I finally have 
  Now I subscribed to the list with my new address but haven't had any mail 
show up from the list yet.
  How long does it take for my new address to start getting e-mail from the 
  Mark Jackson

RE: [QUAD-L] severe chills

2007-02-11 Thread Merrill Burghardt
In a reply to you I forgot to mention that drinking water ALL DAY does help
along with reclining if possible for an hour or two before going to bed.
Also once in bed stay sitting up to sleep.  Sometimes I will sleep sitting
up most of the night.  If long enough sitting I am able to lie flat and
sleep again.  If I have not sat up long enough the shivering begins.


Merrill C/5



From: LTeasley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, February 10, 2007 4:49 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] severe chills


Hi Everybody,


I am a C4-5 complete since July 31, 05.  I know I don't have a UTI, nor am I
sick in any other manner.  What I would like to know, is if anybody else
suffers from extreme chills radiating from the core of the body with no
apparent cause or solution.  The heat at 76+ degrees and multiple layers
including hat and scarf do not help.  I am currently staying at an extended
care facility where they do not allow us to use heating pads, hot water
bottles, or electric blankets.  I try to drink as much hot tea and coffee as
I can throughout the day in hopes to do some warming from the inside out,
also to no avail.  


Any ideas or solutions would be most appreciated.


Journey well through life,






  miss an email again!
Yahoo! Toolbar alerts you the instant new Mail arrives. Check it out.

Re: [QUAD-L] severe chills

2007-02-11 Thread gina
Have you checked your blood pressure? I know when mine gets really low.  Mine 
runs real low anyway usually 80/60, but when it gets lower I get chills, my 
doctor gave me midrodrine it highers the blood pressure.

LTeasley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Everybody,
  I am a C4-5 complete since July 31, 05.  I know I don't have a UTI, nor am I 
sick in any other manner.  What I would like to know, is if anybody else 
suffers from extreme chills radiating from the core of the body with no 
apparent cause or solution.  The heat at 76+ degrees and multiple layers 
including hat and scarf do not help.  I am currently staying at an extended 
care facility where they do not allow us to use heating pads, hot water 
bottles, or electric blankets.  I try to drink as much hot tea and coffee as I 
can throughout the day in hopes to do some warming from the inside out, also to 
no avail.  
  Any ideas or solutions would be most appreciated.
  Journey well through life,

  Never miss an email again!
Yahoo! Toolbar alerts you the instant new Mail arrives. Check it out.

RE: [QUAD-L] Subscribing

2007-02-11 Thread Eric W Rudd
should b instant
Eric W Rudd

Re: [QUAD-L] this is crazy

2007-02-11 Thread Jessica Ann Gordon
i'm jealous. i'd way rather be hot than cold -- but as the saying  
goes -- the grass is always greener...


On Feb 11, 2007, at 4:54 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi everyone this is crazy, everyone here is talking about being  
cold.  I FEEL ON FIRE 95% of the time so I sleep with a fan on  
my face. Explain that one??


[QUAD-L] this is crazy

2007-02-11 Thread Hecedman
Hi everyone this is crazy, everyone here is talking about being  
cold.  I FEEL ON FIRE 95% of the time so I sleep with a fan on my  
face. Explain that one??


[QUAD-L] Subscribing

2007-02-11 Thread RollinOn
I'm in the middle of changing my e-mail address because I finally have dsl!
Now I subscribed to the list with my new address but haven't had any mail show 
up from the list yet.
How long does it take for my new address to start getting e-mail from the list?

Mark Jackson

RE: [QUAD-L] Shivering

2007-02-11 Thread Merrill Burghardt
I am confused.  Suggesting a pulled pubic hair is gutter minded?   Wow!
Thanks to everyone taking time to help trouble shoot this issue.


-Original Message-
From: Tim Thompson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2007 9:20 AM
To: Nichole Rohling
Cc: Quadlist
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Shivering

I won't go there.
You really left yourself open for a mind in the gutter to formulate a
response that might be X rated.


On 2/10/07, Nichole Rohling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> - Original Message -
> From: Merrill Burghardt
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, February 10, 2007 6:51 PM
> Subject: [QUAD-L] Shivering
> Thanks for the good responses regarding my night long shivering after I
> been in bed a half hour or more.  The hours of shivering are not cold
> related, but the ideas of an infection some place are interesting.
> As long as I stay sitting the shivers do not begin.  As long as I continue
> to stay in bed supine and flat, the shivering will not start again unless
> sit up for several hours.  As directed by several list members I saw a
> doctor.  Urine and blood tests were negative.
> I have taken to sleeping in my chair sitting, or to sleep in bed at 30
> degrees or more to avoid the night long ordeal awake shivering
> uncontrollable for fours.  So, still not to rule out an infection yet, but
> am still requesting ideas or someone else who has done this.
> The members contributing on this list have more savvy, experience, and
> knowledge than most doctors I've worked with in my years as a c/5
> quadriplegic.

RE: [QUAD-L] severe chills

2007-02-11 Thread RollinOn
I often feel like I have ice water for blood so what I do is put on a fleece 
tabogan and use a microwavable neck wrap until I feel warm and I use an 
electric blanket in bed.
But there's no real cure for it and hydracodone seems to help also.

Good luck,

Mark Jackson

- Original Message - 
From: LTeasley 
Sent: 2/10/2007 6:49:02 PM 
Subject: [QUAD-L] severe chills

Hi Everybody,

I am a C4-5 complete since July 31, 05.  I know I don't have a UTI, nor am I 
sick in any other manner.  What I would like to know, is if anybody else 
suffers from extreme chills radiating from the core of the body with no 
apparent cause or solution.  The heat at 76+ degrees and multiple layers 
including hat and scarf do not help.  I am currently staying at an extended 
care facility where they do not allow us to use heating pads, hot water 
bottles, or electric blankets.  I try to drink as much hot tea and coffee as I 
can throughout the day in hopes to do some warming from the inside out, also to 
no avail.  

Any ideas or solutions would be most appreciated.

Journey well through life,

Never miss an email again!
Yahoo! Toolbar alerts you the instant new Mail arrives. Check it out. 

Re: [QUAD-L] severe chills

2007-02-11 Thread Jessica Ann Gordon
i am ALWAYS cold. i hate it and feel like no one understands how  
frustrating it can be. i know heating pads can be dangerous but it's  
worth the risk to me! an awesome alternative though, can be found  

they sell microwavable blankets, neck wraps, socks, mittens, scarves,  
headbands, etc. i have the body shawl and it warms me right up. if  
i'm extra cold i'll put it on my head. looks funny but does the  
trick. i highly recommend these products and they seem like the  
perfect solution for u in a care facility -- just need your own  
microwave! careful to feel for hot spots though before putting it  
anywhere w/out sensation -- i have burned myself badly after too much  
time in the microwave.


On Feb 11, 2007, at 1:03 PM, Dan Tessiatore wrote:

I feel very cold off and on.  I layer my clothing and use a hat  
like you do.  I also use a high tight turtleneck.  They seem to  
help me.  I think it helps keep the heat in.  Get warm... Dan T.

LTeasley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Everybody,

I am a C4-5 complete since July 31, 05.  I know I don't have a UTI,  
nor am I sick in any other manner.  What I would like to know, is  
if anybody else suffers from extreme chills radiating from the core  
of the body with no apparent cause or solution.  The heat at 76+  
degrees and multiple layers including hat and scarf do not help.  I  
am currently staying at an extended care facility where they do not  
allow us to use heating pads, hot water bottles, or electric  
blankets.  I try to drink as much hot tea and coffee as I can  
throughout the day in hopes to do some warming from the inside out,  
also to no avail.

Any ideas or solutions would be most appreciated.

Journey well through life,

Never miss an email again!
Yahoo! Toolbar alerts you the instant new Mail arrives. Check it out.

Re: [QUAD-L] severe chills

2007-02-11 Thread delimited4
If you have a cervical break then in most cases your hypothalmus gland has 
stopped functioning properly. This gland controls your body's ability to 
maintain a steady temperature. That is why you get cold fast and easily, as 
well as overheat quickly. With time, you should become better at dealing with 
it. I haven't asked any doctor's if there is a med that could help. Like most 
of you, I adjust my bed and take a benadryl to help sleep. 
I'm more comfortable with warm temps. Cold actually hurts and shivering is the 
worst. Normal people will shiver when their body temp changes faster than one 
tenth of a degree in ten minutes. I don't know the rule for quads but I know if 
I get cold and warm up to fast, I'll chill. 
Here is my big suggestion. Try elevating your feet before getting into bed. If 
you've had your legs down a long time then blood has pooled there and lowered 
in temp. When you return to bed that blood moves back up and alters the temp 
throughout your body. 
good luck
-Original Message-
Sent: Sun, 11 Feb 2007 1:03 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] severe chills

I feel very cold off and on.  I layer my clothing and use a hat like you do.  I 
also use a high tight turtleneck.  They seem to help me.  I think it helps keep 
the heat in.  Get warm... Dan T.

LTeasley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
Hi Everybody,
I am a C4-5 complete since July 31, 05.  I know I don't have a UTI, nor am I 
sick in any other manner.  What I would like to know, is if anybody else 
suffers from extreme chills radiating from the core of the body with no 
apparent cause or solution.  The heat at 76+ degrees and multiple layers 
including hat and scarf do not help.  I am currently staying at an extended 
care facility where they do not allow us to use heating pads, hot water 
bottles, or electric blankets.  I try to drink as much hot tea and coffee as I 
can throughout the day in hopes to do some warming from the inside out, also to 
no avail.  
Any ideas or solutions would be most appreciated.
Journey well through life,

Never miss an email again!
Yahoo! Toolbar alerts you the instant new Mail arrives. Check it out.

Check out the new AOL.  Most comprehensive set of free safety and security 
tools, free access to millions of high-quality videos from across the web, free 
AOL Mail and more.

Re: [QUAD-L] Stuntman's Bare Bears

2007-02-11 Thread Hecedman

did i hear say GO COLTS!

Re: [QUAD-L] Quads and Hospitals

2007-02-11 Thread Angie Novak
You can request a patient advocate, if need be.  That makes them listen to the 
patient, so I've been told.

  I was in the hospital getting my colonoscopy 2 years ago and the iv they put 
in me caused me to go into dysreflexia. I watched my blood pressure go up on 
the machine right b4 my eyes. I was scared as hell and neither the people 
prepping me for the colonoscopy or my mother believed anything was wrong. It 
was a very scary momment for me because they were putting me asleep. With the 
grace of god I made it through, but Im kinda bitter because noone ever believes 
anything I say when I go in the hospital. 
  Ron c7 St Louis 

Be a PS3 game guru.
Get your game face on with the latest PS3 news and previews at Yahoo! Games.

Re: [QUAD-L] Stuntman's Bare Bears

2007-02-11 Thread delimited4
There are a lot more players coming up from reform schools and being released 
from prisons. Shoot, a few are going to even graduate college and start getting 
arrested for doing the stuff they were always let off on. I know it isn't nice 
to generalize, but I'm in Cincinnati. The Bengals don't only play football, 
they keep the police busy. If you go through the NFL you will find that one 
player in three has been arrested in the last 4 years and 1 out of every 5 of 
those committed a feloney. The NFL doesn't even want to  talk about the ones 
that aren't paying child support. On that remark, the ABA doesn't want people 
asking about lawyers and judges that don't pay child support.

-Original Message-
Sent: Sun, 11 Feb 2007 11:14 AM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Stuntman's Bare Bears

Unfortunately, professional football is not that forgiving.  Many of the Bear 
players will be free agents this year and may not stay with Chicago in their 
quest for another successful year.  Money is everything in sports these days 
when you consider those old players who are badly injuried without money.  
Wilbur Marshall, just may be one of those who played and is now poor.
Who Knows

In a message dated 2/11/07 10:06:29 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< Da Bears are a young team fortunetly. This was Grosemans first full

year, hopefully this embarrasement will motivate him into greatness.

The offense needs to learn how to be more agressive, and the Defense

needs more red meat.

Maybe after the hibernation season???

Stunt >>

Check out the new AOL.  Most comprehensive set of free safety and security 
tools, free access to millions of high-quality videos from across the web, free 
AOL Mail and more.


2007-02-11 Thread Nichole Rohling


Re: [QUAD-L] severe chills

2007-02-11 Thread Dan Tessiatore
I feel very cold off and on.  I layer my clothing and use a hat like you do.  I 
also use a high tight turtleneck.  They seem to help me.  I think it helps keep 
the heat in.  Get warm... Dan T.

LTeasley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Hi Everybody,
  I am a C4-5 complete since July 31, 05.  I know I don't have a UTI, nor am I 
sick in any other manner.  What I would like to know, is if anybody else 
suffers from extreme chills radiating from the core of the body with no 
apparent cause or solution.  The heat at 76+ degrees and multiple layers 
including hat and scarf do not help.  I am currently staying at an extended 
care facility where they do not allow us to use heating pads, hot water 
bottles, or electric blankets.  I try to drink as much hot tea and coffee as I 
can throughout the day in hopes to do some warming from the inside out, also to 
no avail.  
  Any ideas or solutions would be most appreciated.
  Journey well through life,

  Never miss an email again!
Yahoo! Toolbar alerts you the instant new Mail arrives. Check it out.

Re: [QUAD-L] Shivering

2007-02-11 Thread Dan Tessiatore
Could it be your muscles twitching after sitting in one position for a certain 
amount of time?  Maybe try to change our position more often.  Dan T.

Merrill Burghardt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  @font-face {   font-family: 
Comic Sans MS;  }  @page Section1 {size: 8.5in 11.0in; margin: 1.0in 1.25in 
1.0in 1.25in; }  P.MsoNormal {   FONT-SIZE: 12pt; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; 
FONT-FAMILY: "Times New Roman"  }  LI.MsoNormal {   FONT-SIZE: 12pt; MARGIN: 
0in 0in 0pt; FONT-FAMILY: "Times New Roman"  }  DIV.MsoNormal {   FONT-SIZE: 
12pt; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; FONT-FAMILY: "Times New Roman"  }  
P.MsoEnvelopeReturn {   FONT-SIZE: 9pt; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; FONT-STYLE: 
italic; FONT-FAMILY: Arial  }  LI.MsoEnvelopeReturn {   FONT-SIZE: 9pt; MARGIN: 
0in 0in 0pt; FONT-STYLE: italic; FONT-FAMILY: Arial  }  DIV.MsoEnvelopeReturn { 
  FONT-SIZE: 9pt; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; FONT-STYLE: italic; FONT-FAMILY: Arial  
}  A:link {   COLOR: blue; TEXT-DECORATION: underline  }  SPAN.MsoHyperlink {   
COLOR: blue; TEXT-DECORATION: underline  }  A:visited {   COLOR: purple; 
TEXT-DECORATION: underline  }  SPAN.MsoHyperlinkFollowed {   COLOR: purple;
 TEXT-DECORATION: underline  }  SPAN.EmailStyle18 {   COLOR: windowtext; 
FONT-FAMILY: Arial; mso-style-type: personal-compose  }  DIV.Section1 {   page: 
Section1  }Thanks for the good responses regarding my night long 
shivering after I have been in bed a half hour or more.  The hours of shivering 
are not cold related, but the ideas of an infection some place are interesting.
  As long as I stay sitting the shivers do not begin.  As long as I continue to 
stay in bed supine and flat, the shivering will not start again unless I sit up 
for several hours.  As directed by several list members I saw a doctor.  Urine 
and blood tests were negative. 
  I have taken to sleeping in my chair sitting, or to sleep in bed at 30 
degrees or more to avoid the night long ordeal awake shivering uncontrollable 
for fours.  So, still not to rule out an infection yet, but I am still 
requesting ideas or someone else who has done this.
  The members contributing on this list have more savvy, experience, and 
knowledge than most doctors I’ve worked with in my years as a c/5 quadriplegic.

Re: [QUAD-L] introductions

2007-02-11 Thread Tim Thompson

Welcome back!

On 2/10/07, Jessica Ann Gordon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

hi all!

my name is jessica. i'm new to the list -- kinda. i was a subscriber
a few years back but had technical difficulties. s, i'm back! i'm
a c6/c7 quad due to a car accident 7 years ago. i'm 26 years old and
live in maine with my boyfriend and our great dane and 2 kitties.

look fwd to future correspondence!


Re: [QUAD-L] Shivering

2007-02-11 Thread Tim Thompson

I won't go there.
You really left yourself open for a mind in the gutter to formulate a
response that might be X rated.


On 2/10/07, Nichole Rohling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


- Original Message -
From: Merrill Burghardt
Sent: Saturday, February 10, 2007 6:51 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Shivering

Thanks for the good responses regarding my night long shivering after I have
been in bed a half hour or more.  The hours of shivering are not cold
related, but the ideas of an infection some place are interesting.

As long as I stay sitting the shivers do not begin.  As long as I continue
to stay in bed supine and flat, the shivering will not start again unless I
sit up for several hours.  As directed by several list members I saw a
doctor.  Urine and blood tests were negative.

I have taken to sleeping in my chair sitting, or to sleep in bed at 30
degrees or more to avoid the night long ordeal awake shivering
uncontrollable for fours.  So, still not to rule out an infection yet, but I
am still requesting ideas or someone else who has done this.

The members contributing on this list have more savvy, experience, and
knowledge than most doctors I've worked with in my years as a c/5

Re: [QUAD-L] Homeless dumping paraplegic

2007-02-11 Thread Tim Thompson

I'll bet they don't dump illegal immigrant paras...
LA's medical services (including Medicade) is going broke providing
manditory care for illegals. But the Politicaly Correct crowd refuse
to acknowledge the consequences "we" pay for "their" feel good
I've been writing letter after letter, but my Representative is outnumbered.
God help us if billary gets her way.
Health care services will go broke and we'll be left out in the cold.
I for 1 am doing much better service wise now than 6 yrs ago.

On 2/10/07, RollinOn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This is really cruel!

Mark Jackson

Re: [QUAD-L] Stuntman's Birthday?

2007-02-11 Thread LINDA FERRELL
By the way, Happy Birthday Stunt!

Re: [QUAD-L] Stuntman's Bare Bears

2007-02-11 Thread LINDA FERRELL
You know what guys,  
The Bears did a great job this year & they have nothing to hang their heads 
about. Hopefully Grossman will be back & the rest of the players. They were fun 
to watch this year & this season will hopefully give them even more confidence 
for next year. Go Bears!

Re: [QUAD-L] How Do You Read Books?

2007-02-11 Thread Tim Thompson

All you need is the INTERNET!
Read over 10,000 books on line or download  them:


On 2/10/07, KK <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

BOO-HOO!!!  I have a Mac without windows.  Guess I'll just have to wait for
the digital.


[QUAD-L] Stuntman's Bare Bears

2007-02-11 Thread wheelchair

Unfortunately, professional football is not that forgiving.  Many of the Bear 
players will be free agents this year and may not stay with Chicago in their 
quest for another successful year.  Money is everything in sports these days 
when you consider those old players who are badly injuried without money.  
Wilbur Marshall, just may be one of those who played and is now poor.
Who Knows

In a message dated 2/11/07 10:06:29 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< Da Bears are a young team fortunetly. This was Grosemans first full

year, hopefully this embarrasement will motivate him into greatness.

The offense needs to learn how to be more agressive, and the Defense

needs more red meat.

Maybe after the hibernation season???

Stunt >>

Re: [QUAD-L] Stuntman's Birthday?

2007-02-11 Thread Tim Thompson

Da Bears are a young team fortunetly. This was Grosemans first full
year, hopefully this embarrasement will motivate him into greatness.
The offense needs to learn how to be more agressive, and the Defense
needs more red meat.
Maybe after the hibernation season???

On 2/10/07, David K. Kelmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Tim,

You don't have to tell me about trying to get caught-up on e-mails, I'm
lucky to get through 20 a day.  With 6 days to look back on the SB I'd say
the Colts should have been able to score more, but the Bears hung in there
and kept it from being a 'blow-out.'  Ya gotta give 'em that!

With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 30 Years Post

Texas, USA

Tim Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm way behind on my e-mails, just now recovering from a cath pull induced
Looking fwd to "Da Bears" ride the Colts in the Superbow!.


On 1/29/07, David K. Kelmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Stuntman,
> If I recall correctly you have a birthday coming up.  If I'm correct I
want to wish you a very Happy Birthday.  If I'm not I will just wish you a
very Happy Day!
> With Love,
> CtrlAltDel aka Dave
> C4/5 Complete - 30 Years Post
> Texas, USA

Re: [QUAD-L] severe chills

2007-02-11 Thread wheelchair

In a message dated 2/10/07 6:49:15 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


Fwd: [QUAD-L] Vista & Dragon NaturallySpeaking 8

2007-02-11 Thread DAANOO
Hi Naomi,
How much RAM do you have?  Is it is 64 bit and what brand?  Mine  is a 
Hewlett-Packard with 1 MB and it will need another and my brother said  Dragon 
they could not promise Vista would work with Dragon 9.  That is  what his 
computer guy for his business told him they said.
I guess my brother said he could add 1 MB of RAM.  I could not really  find a 
number to call other than a number on the Nuance web site.  
They seem to suggest Dragon 9.5 professional version which is not  out.  I 
wish I knew how soon as my brother wants to take my bedroom  computer to work 
on.  He needs to set up the laptop to use instead.
I'm glad you say it works with Dragon 9 , but I don't like to buy upgrades  
because it is so confusing for me to install.  I always do it wrong unless  my 
computer friend from Hallmark is available, because I always do something  
I need to find out what kind of Hewlett-Packard I have as my brother has  it.
Thank you for the information and please send me your MG, brand and if you  
have 64-bit.
I try to install Dragon 9.00 on my laptop and my laptop did  not have enough 
RAM and the Pentium processor wasn't fast enough to run  it.  I had 8.0 on 
their and that worked fine.  I bought a new laptop  and installed 9.0 on it and 
it works fine.

C-4 quad since July 2, 2005
Transverse  Myelitis

--- Begin Message ---
I try to install Dragon 9.00 on my laptop and my laptop did  not have enough 
RAM and the Pentium processor wasn't fast enough to run  it.  I had 8.0 on 
their and that worked fine.  I bought a new laptop  and installed 9.0 on it and 
it works fine.

C-4 quad since July 2,  2005
Transverse Myelitis

--- End Message ---

Re: [QUAD-L] Vista & Dragon NaturallySpeaking 8

2007-02-11 Thread DAANOO
Hi Naomi,
How much RAM do you have?  Is it is 64 bit and what brand?  Mine  is a 
Hewlett-Packard with 1 MB and it will need another and my brother said  Dragon 
they could not promise Vista would work with Dragon 9.  That is  what his 
computer guy for his business told him they said.
I guess my brother said he could add 1 MB of RAM.  I could not really  find a 
number to call other than a number on the Nuance web site.  
They seem to suggest Dragon 9.5 professional version which is not  out.  I 
wish I knew how soon as my brother wants to take my bedroom  computer to work 
on.  He needs to set up the laptop to use instead.
I'm glad you say it works with Dragon 9 , but I don't like to buy upgrades  
because it is so confusing for me to install.  I always do it wrong unless  my 
computer friend from Hallmark is available, because I always do something  
I need to find out what kind of Hewlett-Packard I have as my brother has  it.
Thank you for the information and please send me your MG, brand and if you  
have 64-bit.

Re: [QUAD-L] How Do You Read Books?

2007-02-11 Thread delimited4
I'm sorry I respomnded so slowly. Sleeping a lot. Thank you all very much
-Original Message-
Sent: Sat, 10 Feb 2007 8:08 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] How Do You Read Books?

Hi All,
I am not sure if my emails are going through in response to this thread, but I 
sent along two links to sites where you can read books on your computer.  One 
is  and the other is
Let me know if this works, if it goes through, if anybody gets this...

"David K. Kelmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi John,
This Site provides free downloads of talking books through the Texas Talking 
Book Program.
Contact them to see what you can do to get eligible.  I hope this helps.  Stay 
With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 30 Years Post
Texas, USA

Naomi is right and has hit a sore point with me. Yea, I can move both arms but 
my hands do not possess the dexterity needed to read and flip pages in most 
books with any degree of comfort. I fumble through books I have to read but I 
haven't read a book for fun in years. The books on tape is ok if you like that. 
I do not. I can't just flip to a page, it is a struggle and I think something 
should be done. I have read where some books may be made available on cd. I 
have not seen any books on cd unless someone is reading to me again. I have a 
distinct feeling that most books being printed today are being printed from 
cd's and electronic media. I just don't know who to contact. I would so love to 
read a book for entertainment purposes again. On my last trip to the library I 
looked for some filthy paperback novels and couldn't even find one on tape. 
I have this feeling that the solution to my problem is going to cost me money. 
-Original Message-
Sent: Fri, 2 Feb 2007 9:42 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] How Do You Read Books?

You might try a mouthstick to turn the pages on your book stand but that has 
pitfalls also.  A company also makes an automatic page turner but I have not 
had experience with it.  The library of congress has a program of books on 
tapes but it is antiquated as they are updating their technology and trying 
pilot programs.  My local library has started offering books that you can 
download on the Web.  Its catalog could be better but it gives me more options. 
 Check with your library.  I recently completed Shadow Divers my robertkurson 
and enjoyed it very much.  It is a true story is about a German U-boat laying 
off the coast of New Jersey.  Have you read anything good lately?  Dan T.

I am having a dilemma.  I was an avid book reader before I became a 
quadriplegic due to Transverse Myelitis.  Now I am in a dilemma as to how do I 
manage to read a book.  I have a book stand, but it is virtually impossible for 
me to turn the pages.  I have looked on the Internet for page turners, but I 
haven't found any that are suitable for my need.  This is really driving me 
crazy, especially since there are so many things I need to read.  I would like 
to know how anyone else manage to read a book.  For novels, I get books on 
tape, if they're available, but some things I need to read, do not come on a 
tape.  I would appreciate any suggestions.

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Re: [QUAD-L] Homeless dumping paraplegic

2007-02-11 Thread delimited4
 I sent that to my representative and congratulated him on ending the wasteful 
spending for all those leeches without insurance. My rep makes hitler look like 
a liberal.
-Original Message-
Sent: Sat, 10 Feb 2007 7:26 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Homeless dumping paraplegic

This is really cruel!
Mark Jackson

Check out the new AOL.  Most comprehensive set of free safety and security 
tools, free access to millions of high-quality videos from across the web, free 
AOL Mail and more.

Re: [QUAD-L] How Do You Read Books?

2007-02-11 Thread delimited4
Thank you very much Dave. I appreciate that.
-Original Message-
Sent: Sat, 10 Feb 2007 5:04 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] How Do You Read Books?

Hi John,
This Site provides free downloads of talking books through the Texas Talking 
Book Program.
Contact them to see what you can do to get eligible.  I hope this helps.  Stay 
With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 30 Years Post
Texas, USA

Naomi is right and has hit a sore point with me. Yea, I can move both arms but 
my hands do not possess the dexterity needed to read and flip pages in most 
books with any degree of comfort. I fumble through books I have to read but I 
haven't read a book for fun in years. The books on tape is ok if you like that. 
I do not. I can't just flip to a page, it is a struggle and I think something 
should be done. I have read where some books may be made available on cd. I 
have not seen any books on cd unless someone is reading to me again. I have a 
distinct feeling that most books being printed today are being printed from 
cd's and electronic media. I just don't know who to contact. I would so love to 
read a book for entertainment purposes again. On my last trip to the library I 
looked for some filthy paperback novels and couldn't even find one on tape. 
I have this feeling that the solution to my problem is going to cost me money. 
-Original Message-
Sent: Fri, 2 Feb 2007 9:42 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] How Do You Read Books?

You might try a mouthstick to turn the pages on your book stand but that has 
pitfalls also.  A company also makes an automatic page turner but I have not 
had experience with it.  The library of congress has a program of books on 
tapes but it is antiquated as they are updating their technology and trying 
pilot programs.  My local library has started offering books that you can 
download on the Web.  Its catalog could be better but it gives me more options. 
 Check with your library.  I recently completed Shadow Divers my robertkurson 
and enjoyed it very much.  It is a true story is about a German U-boat laying 
off the coast of New Jersey.  Have you read anything good lately?  Dan T.

I am having a dilemma.  I was an avid book reader before I became a 
quadriplegic due to Transverse Myelitis.  Now I am in a dilemma as to how do I 
manage to read a book.  I have a book stand, but it is virtually impossible for 
me to turn the pages.  I have looked on the Internet for page turners, but I 
haven't found any that are suitable for my need.  This is really driving me 
crazy, especially since there are so many things I need to read.  I would like 
to know how anyone else manage to read a book.  For novels, I get books on 
tape, if they're available, but some things I need to read, do not come on a 
tape.  I would appreciate any suggestions.

Check out the new AOL. Most comprehensive set of free safety and security 
tools, free access to millions of high-quality videos from across the web, free 
AOL Mail and more.

Check out the new AOL.  Most comprehensive set of free safety and security 
tools, free access to millions of high-quality videos from across the web, free 
AOL Mail and more.

Re: [QUAD-L] introductions

2007-02-11 Thread delimited4
Nice to have you on the list jessica, or maybe it's nice to meet you again. TBI 
with an SCI makes it hard to remember, but I'm glad you're joining us, again.
john c-5

Check out the new AOL.  Most comprehensive set of free safety and security 
tools, free access to millions of high-quality videos from across the web, free 
AOL Mail and more.