Re: [QUAD-L] Food

2017-08-30 Thread Carolyn Boyles
If anyone has problems with vocal chord spasms making it difficult to 
swallow, my allergy doctor has given me a sheet of relaxation exercises 
for the vocal chords. I can upload it to the group. Let me know.


Re: [QUAD-L] Food

2017-08-29 Thread Carolyn Boyles
The curse of reflux. Our bodies are under such high stress and so are we 


[QUAD-L] Another good soap

2017-08-25 Thread Carolyn Boyles
My husband has many allergies and I have an SCI. Years ago we discovered 
Kirk's Castile Soap and neither of us has had any problems with it. You 
can find it online for about $1 a bar if you do a careful search.


[QUAD-L] surgery inquiry?

2017-08-25 Thread Carolyn Boyles

Has anybody on the loop had shoulder replacement surgery?


Re: [QUAD-L] Itching scalp

2017-08-25 Thread Carolyn Boyles
Hubby and I use coal tar shampoo. I've got Sebhorreic Dermatitis (long 
predating the spinal cord injury) and so does he.


Re: [QUAD-L] Movie

2017-08-09 Thread Carolyn Boyles
My husband and I like Netflix online. It's like nine bucks a month. It's 
preinstalled on our TV also.


[QUAD-L] Please forgive me if I've asked this question on the loop before

2017-07-29 Thread Carolyn Boyles
Does anyone else suffer from spasms of the vocal chords, which causes 
problems with swallowing and problems with breathing? Have you found 
anything that helps? The liquids I drink need to be room temperature, 
which I hate.


C3-7 Incomplete

Re: [QUAD-L] I have a question for you guys

2017-07-27 Thread Carolyn Boyles
If you have a Tuesday Morning store near you, they have great prices on 


Re: Fwd: [QUAD-L] Fell Forward, bad time

2017-07-21 Thread Carolyn Boyles

Gravity hates me.


[QUAD-L] Some information about breathing difficulties

2017-06-24 Thread Carolyn Boyles

Hi All,

I learned some information I didn't know about breathing problems that I 
am sharing, in case it might do anyone on the loop any good.

I went back to my allergy and asthma doctor last week after a long 
absence on my part. What I learned that I had never been clear on, is 
how your specific breathing problem defines which problem you have.

Here goes:

If you have difficulty breathing in, then you are having spasms of the 
vocal chords. If you are having trouble breathing out, then you have 
asthma. Inhalers are the course of action for both problems.

My initial injury caused damage to the vocal chords, and then three 
spinal cord surgeries required moving the vocal chords out of the way, 
which would have caused further injury.

Hope this helps someone.


C3-7 Incomplete

Re: [QUAD-L] the wheelchair junkie

2017-06-21 Thread Carolyn Boyles
There have been so many reports of fake deaths of famous people in the 
last few years, it's just insane. I read that one of the original 
members of the rock group Journey had died. He's fine and still 
performing on his own.


Re: [QUAD-L] Pressure sore on foot, suggestions?

2017-06-20 Thread Carolyn Boyles
I'd put Colloidal Silver on it because CS kills all bacteria. We use the 
Sovereign Silver brand as it has had the best results on wounds for my 
husband and myself.


Re: [QUAD-L] New Chair

2017-06-19 Thread Carolyn Boyles
A lot of the folks in the Arkansas Spinal Cord Commission's support 
group use the same chair as Debra and really like it. Most of these I'm 
thinking of are on workman's compensation and that's how they get their 
chairs paid for.


Re: [QUAD-L] why is it so difficult to find a mouthstick??? This is driving me batty

2017-06-18 Thread Carolyn Boyles 

Hope this helps.


[QUAD-L] a hard-learned health lesson

2017-06-17 Thread Carolyn Boyles

Hi All,

I have the problem I don't get thirsty, and with the brain injury, I'm
not always good about remembering to drink water.

I knew dehydration could cause low blood pressure, but never knew it
could cause high blood pressure. So now I know why my blood pressure has
been so high (not AD high), but much higher than it has ever been before.

With the heat and humidity where I live, it's very easy to get
dehydrated, even in an air-conditioned house.

Hope all of you are doing well.


[QUAD-L] I've Learned A Difficult Health Lesson These Past Few Days

2017-06-17 Thread Carolyn Boyles

Hi All,

I have the problem I don't get thirsty, and with the brain injury, I'm 
not always good about remembering to drink water.

I knew dehydration could cause low blood pressure, but never knew it 
could cause high blood pressure. So now I know why my blood pressure has 
been so high (not AD high), but much higher than it has ever been before.

With the heat and humidity where I live, it's very easy to get 
dehydrated, even in an air-conditioned house.

Hope all of you are doing well.


Re: [QUAD-L] Pressure sore

2017-06-15 Thread Carolyn Boyles

Have someone rub it with Colloidal Silver.


Re: [QUAD-L] pertaining to the Griffin Fw: mmouth stick… Discontinued…Support Ticket # 751497 update

2017-06-15 Thread Carolyn Boyles
There are several Mouthsticks for sale on eBay of a different brand. 
There is also a website which seems to be down while I'm writing this 
message called which sells Mouthsticks and accessories.

Hope this helps.


[QUAD-L] Quads Coping With Situations Normal People Wouldn't Understand

2017-06-14 Thread Carolyn Boyles
I've got an example. I have a problem with dry eyes. I went to my eye 
doctor yesterday. There is a new product on the market that you put in 
your microwave, heat up, and put it over your eyes for about five 
minutes. He was telling me to lean my head back. I couldn't make him 
understand I can't lean my head back because I'm fused solid from C3 
through C7. He finally understood and said I could lie flat on my back 
and it would serve the purpose.


[QUAD-L] Some local news for you folks with MS

2017-06-08 Thread Carolyn Boyles

I thought you might find this interesting:


[QUAD-L] Fwd: local article on new MS treatment

2017-06-08 Thread Carolyn Boyles


  For you folks with MS:
  about the underlining


[QUAD-L] Fwd: local article on new MS treatment

2017-06-07 Thread Carolyn Boyles

For you folks with MS:
  about the underlining


[QUAD-L] local article on new MS treatment

2017-06-07 Thread Carolyn Boyles

For you folks with MS:
about the underlining



2017-06-06 Thread Carolyn Boyles
Drink colloidal silver for bladder infections (for any infection). 
Nothing is immune to it, even MRSA bacteria.


Re: [QUAD-L] Abdomen Pain

2017-06-03 Thread Carolyn Boyles

kidney stone?


Re: [QUAD-L] the case of the sliding pillow

2017-05-23 Thread Carolyn Boyles
Try putting a towel flat under it between it and the mattress. That will 
put some friction against the bottom and it will have more resistance 
when it tries to move.


Re: [QUAD-L] Sennheiser PC 8 USB…

2017-05-23 Thread Carolyn Boyles

Contact Sennheiser. They may be able to help you. They are a
  reputable company with a long history making headsets and
  headphones. Hope this helps.


Re: [QUAD-L] would I be able to change the TV channels by voice, Using this?… I've been trying for years to find something to use with a smart TV

2017-05-15 Thread Carolyn Boyles
We had Roku unit for music on the music server years ago and it didn't 
work very well. I have no personal experience with their TV device though.


Re: [QUAD-L] device to hold cell phone that clamps onto the bed rail of a hospital bed

2017-05-15 Thread Carolyn Boyles

Hi All,

A similar gadget is available on eBay much cheaper (no offense). See the 
link I sent.


Re: [QUAD-L] device to hold cell phone that clamps onto the bed rail of a hospital bed

2017-05-14 Thread Carolyn Boyles

I did a quick search on the Internet and  came up with this:


[QUAD-L] Another Question

2017-05-12 Thread Carolyn Boyles

Hi All,

I have recently developed a new symptom from the SCI/TBI: hands 
releasing when you don't want them to (ie holding something in your hand).

It's been 22 years since my accident. I'm guessing it's age-related.

Does anybody else have this problem and is there a way to make it stop?



[QUAD-L] Need Advice On Swallowing Problems From Other Quads

2017-05-12 Thread Carolyn Boyles

Good Morning All,

Over the years I have developed increasing difficulty swallowing. Some 
of it is because I have had three spinal cord operations in my neck. I 
also have a Traumatic Brain Injury.

How does a person get this tested, diagnosed, and get a treatment plan 
worked up? I'm getting tired of having food go into my windpipe and 
cough until I throw up. I don't want to give up foods that make me do 
this if I can avoid it. I've had it happen with taco chips and 
separately with Twinkies.



Re: [QUAD-L] Purple or black colored toes and feet

2017-04-29 Thread Carolyn Boyles
It sounds like a very dangerous situation to me, one requiring a 
doctor's advice ASAP so as not to lose the toes to gangrene.


[QUAD-L] Need recommendations for a good online pharmacy (preferably Canada)

2017-04-26 Thread Carolyn Boyles

Hi All,

I'm on 100 mg of Lyrica twice a day. As you know, the generic won't come 
out in this country until 2018. My insurance has raised the co-pay on 
this prescription to $350 a month which I can't afford. I really need 
the stuff to be able to function. I can't take Gabapentin because it 
makes me shake violently. Generic Lyrica is available in some other 

Has anyone had a good experience with a particular online pharmacy you 
would recommend?



[QUAD-L] question about hypersensitivity to pain

2017-04-24 Thread Carolyn Boyles

Hi All,

I've developed a new symptom after all these years. I've become 
hypersensitive to things that shouldn't hurt as much as they do, such as 
pulling a tangle with a brush out of my hair.

Any advice on this?


C3-7 Incomplete

Re: Fwd: [QUAD-L] Sleepy

2017-03-30 Thread Carolyn Boyles
I take a lot of Melatonin on top of all of the medication and still 
don't sleep well.


Re: [QUAD-L] Sleepy

2017-03-30 Thread Carolyn Boyles
I can't drink Ensure. I think it's the canola oil in it, but it gives me 
diarrhea. I have found that vitamins and minerals do help, especially 
the combination of D3 and K for energy.


[QUAD-L] New hope for those with MS

2017-03-29 Thread Carolyn Boyles

Have you folks seen this?


Re: [QUAD-L] Great Quad movie "Waterdance"

2017-03-13 Thread Carolyn Boyles
I couldn't find a DVD of Waterdance and it was such a good movie I 
bought it on VHS just to have a copy.

Breaking the Waves is another movie. I have it, but haven't watched it. 
It's a foreign film.


Re: [QUAD-L] serious mass for quadriplegic

2017-03-10 Thread Carolyn Boyles
With the changes to the metabolism SCI causes, I'd be afraid to try 
anything like that. There are better ways to gain weight.


Re: [QUAD-L] Botox For Spasms

2017-02-25 Thread Carolyn Boyles
I have no personal experience with it, but I would have concerns about 
being injected with the same bacteria that causes botulism, especially 
with a spinal cord injury.

Carolyn C3-7 Incomplete

Re: [QUAD-L] Raining

2017-02-23 Thread Carolyn Boyles

Anything above 50 with low humidity.

Arkansas is even more bipolar than Oklahoma. We've had days that started 
around 80 and ended around 20.

Keep things about 73 all year long.


Re: [QUAD-L] Why keep pushing on

2017-01-28 Thread Carolyn Boyles
My husband of 33 years (in March) and a houseful of special needs cats. 
We couldn't have children so we started adopting special needs cats. We 
did get carried away over the years, but we younger and in better health.

In a more technical sense we keep pushin' on because we haven't died yet.:-)

I believe in God. Spinal cord injuries typically happen because of an 
accident. Each of us could easily have been killed, but we were spared. 
I think it happens for a reason. My husband thinks it's to change the 
path your life was on because it would be worse in some way.

That's my two cents' worth.


Re: [QUAD-L] Electric ⚡️ toothbrush

2017-01-12 Thread Carolyn Boyles
My dentist recommended I buy one because I need shoulder replacement 
surgery and am having trouble brushing my teeth. I discovered I can't 
use it because it causes the titanium fusions in my neck to vibrate. My 
husband really likes it, though.


Re: [QUAD-L] Regarding Medicare

2017-01-10 Thread Carolyn Boyles
I think we as individuals no longer have much control over how we live 
our lives. For example, prescriptions that were covered last year by my 
health insurance are no longer covered. I see no opportunity for any 
quality of life and little freedom of choice. Call me jaded if you will 
but it's not the world I grew up in.


Re: [QUAD-L] Pretty Cool

2017-01-10 Thread Carolyn Boyles
Yes, if you're filthy rich. For the rest of us, nevermind. It might as 
well not even be invented. People can't even get powered wheelchairs 
they need now.


Re: [QUAD-L] If you won 500,000 how would it change your life as a quad?

2017-01-04 Thread Carolyn Boyles
I'd pay off the house, other debts, and if it were possible for hubby to 
"buy" the extra years he needs to retire at full benefits, we might do 
that. I know he'd like a larger house so we'd just have to juggle the 


Re: Fwd: [QUAD-L] What did fellow quads get for christmas?

2016-12-28 Thread Carolyn Boyles
I got a Dragonfly Red DAC. It's a USB stick that plugs into your 
computer. You then plug your sound cable into it, and it makes the music 
playing on your computer sound incredibly better.


Re: [QUAD-L] Tissues and issues

2016-12-20 Thread Carolyn Boyles

A good pain management specialist might be able to help with the pain.

I've had one implant done, years ago. I broke another tooth last year 
right behind the implant, had to have it removed under general 
anesthesia. Implants are just too expensive at about $5K each, just not 
worth it. I decided I'd rather have the gap between the teeth.


[QUAD-L] Any of you folks had L level discectomies and fusions?

2016-12-04 Thread Carolyn Boyles
Haven't had the MRI done yet. I'm completely fused at the other end, but 
I may be facing L-level surgery. What should I expect in terms of loss 
of movement etc if I have to have it done? I've already lost the finer 
coordination of choosing where I put my feet. We also don't know if the 
problem is related to the SCI or the TBI.

Any advice would be appreciated. Lovely thing to have 22 years post 
injury esp when I need shoulder replacement surgery.



Re: [QUAD-L] Has anyone heard much about the Republicans cutting Medicare and Medicaid by $1 BILLION? :|

2016-11-29 Thread Carolyn Boyles
I haven't been able to find anything about the current version of the 
bill doing so. There have been so many revamps and revisions of the bill 
and it's still constantly being changed and argued over.


Re: [QUAD-L] Is this real??? Thoughts?

2016-11-29 Thread Carolyn Boyles

Yes, as far as I know.

The other amazing breakthrough has been in Japan. The Japanese doctors 
have fitted an SCI survivor with a metal cyborg-like frame that allows 
the person to walk for short periods of time. The breakthrough they 
didn't count on is that the body and the brain are relearning how to 
work together for the person to walk and the person who is testing the 
unit is able to walk longer and longer periods of time and the doctors 
think with this type of therapy it may be possible to retrain the body 
how to walk again without the apparatus. My husband saw a documentary on 
this in the past few weeks on TV.


Re: [QUAD-L] Unidentified subject!

2016-11-28 Thread Carolyn Boyles
My hands go numb when I'm asleep in this weather. I have to sleep in 
wrist splints.


Re: [QUAD-L] what cell phone are you using? I need to know what to buy

2016-11-25 Thread Carolyn Boyles
If you wear hearing aids, you will have to get an iPhone. Otherwise the 
device to feed the TV sound and stereo sound through hearing aids is an 
extra $300. Otherwise, don't get a Samsung. Motorola Droids are supposed 
to have the longest battery life of any of the Smartphones (2 days).

Hope this helps.


Re: [QUAD-L] samsung tv

2016-11-25 Thread Carolyn Boyles

I bought a Samsung TV in October. Here is the website link I
  found for you:



is my second Samsung TV and I won't buy any other brand because
of the beautiful picture.
this helps.


Re: [QUAD-L] Wheelchair cushion's

2016-11-12 Thread Carolyn Boyles
The retired editor is coming out in me. Please do not put an apostrophe 
to make a word plural. You only need to add the letter s in most cases. 
So it should be cushions not cushion's. Don't mean to offend anybody, 
just reminding everybody what they learned in grade school.


Re: [QUAD-L] Groin rash

2016-10-20 Thread Carolyn Boyles
I've seen it for sale at my local pharmacy and have always wondered if 
it worked well or not. I might have to pick up a tube to keep on hand 
(or elsewhere if need be:-D).



2016-10-14 Thread Carolyn Boyles
My husband is not a quad, but has had heart trouble all of his life. At 
one point during his childhood his blood pressure was 70/0. The doctor 
took it three times and said my husband shouldn't have been alive much 
less conscious. My husband said he felt perfectly fine. These bodies do 
things doctors just can't explain.


Re: [QUAD-L] How many pills?

2016-10-03 Thread Carolyn Boyles

Can you please clarify what you mean by "different types of pills?"



Re: [QUAD-L] Sore near my tailbone, got to stay off, need advice.

2016-09-22 Thread Carolyn Boyles
Also be sure to get plenty of Vitamin C. If you're not on blood thinners 
or other prescription medications that would prohibit its use, then you 
need to take 6,000 mg a day. But don't get it from a grocery store or 
pharmacy. Find out what the most absorbable type of C is online (my 
memory escapes me at the moment) and get it from a vitamin specialty 
store. If you don't have one locally, is a good place to 
buy supplements. Hope this helps.

On 9/21/2016 9:46 PM, wrote:
I too had a pressure sore and the wound Doc said to keep off it. I 
spent 6 months in bed and only got up once a week to go to the wound 
Doc. It finally did heal and I am back in my chair with a Roho cushion 
all the time.  Be sure and eat plenty of protein. I did not want to 
stay in bed either BUT the sore did heal,   Rose
In a message dated 9/21/2016 6:43:58 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

i have a sore starting near my tailbone thats having trouble
healing because im always on it.
My wound doc says i have to relive the pressure at times by
shifting my hips side to side.
Even when im sleeping on my back i have to do that.
He said about a wedge. I looked online but i think before i order one.
Can you guys please give me some advice on what you use or used.
Thanks alot.

Re: [QUAD-L] 50 years

2016-07-09 Thread Carolyn Boyles
I believe my accident was the reason that Landers Road and Warden Road 
in North Little Rock, Arkansas are now each one way. Someone tried to 
make a left turn in front of me while they were coming out of a Walmart 
parking lot. Needless to say, there wasn't enough time. I broadsided 
them at 35 mph, no time to hit my brakes. That was going on 22 years 
ago. Arthritis is what's getting me now in addition to the SCI. There 
was an ambulance about five cars behind me in the line of traffic and 
the EMTs saw the wreck. When the EMT got to my car door and found I was 
still alive, he told me he was expecting to find a corpse. Needless to 
say, I could have done without the Traumatic Brain Injury from my 
forehead hitting the windshield. An airbag wouldn't have done me any 
good. I saw the same wreck reenacted on TV years later with a car with 
an airbag and it didn't set off the airbag.


Re: [QUAD-L] 50 years

2016-07-08 Thread Carolyn Boyles
I am so grateful to have others to communicate with who are in a similar 
situation. I have learned much from the discussions.

Thank you.


C3-7 Incomplete Quad

[QUAD-L] cooling clothing and gear

2016-06-14 Thread Carolyn Boyles

Hi All,

As this summer is supposed to be beastly hot, and I don't sweat, can 
anyone point me to a good website for buying cooling clothing? I have a 
baseball cap that can be soaked in water, but I don't think it's going 
to be enough. It's strange, I sweat when I'm sick but I don't react to 
the heat. I sure used to before the accident. I would be drenched if I 
were outside in hot weather, but also I grew up further north than I'm 
living now with higher temperatures but lower humidity.



[QUAD-L] my condolences

2016-06-05 Thread Carolyn Boyles
I, too, am writing to express my sympathy. At least he made a positive 
difference in the world, and for that, he will never truly be forgotten.

Carolyn Boyles

C3-7 Incomplete

going on 22 years post accident

Re: [QUAD-L] One Comment and Two Questions Needing Advice On

2016-05-05 Thread Carolyn Boyles

First, thanks to all of you. I have learned so much I didn't know
  since joining the loop.
Second, both my husband and myself have medical conditions. We
  are on prescription medications. In the job he has just started he
  has to drive himself all over the state unlike his previous job
  where there was always an investigator with him. Also, we aren't
  getting any younger. We know it is possible that a situation might
  arise for either one of us where we have to call for an ambulance
  but might not be able to communicate what is the immediate
  concern, our medical histories, and what prescription drugs we are
  on. I know there are companies in the US that make a variety of
  products for this purpose. I have seen an ad for Road ID. We tried
  medic alert bracelets for just basic information, but they just
  don't hold up over time (but for that matter, neither have we:-)). I am looking for
  recommendations of products/services in the US for something we
  can carry with us to communicate necessary information.
Third, before my injury, I sweated like a pig. Since the injury
  unless I'm about to go into autonomic dysreflexia, I don't sweat.
  I live in a hot, humid Southern state in the US. I am looking for
  recommendations on gear I can buy to keep me cool. I have a
  baseball cap that holds water in it, but it's not enough. Please


Re: [QUAD-L] Women

2016-04-06 Thread Carolyn Boyles

I still insist not if it's the right woman. My husband and I have
never been as well-to-do as we should have given our educations, but
we're still together.

My late Great Aunt had the best advice on deciding whether or not to
marry someone: if you can't stand the thought of sharing a
toothbrush with that person, you shouldn't marry her/him. Probably
true now for dating, living together etc.


Re: [QUAD-L] Squish

2016-04-05 Thread Carolyn Boyles

When we first moved into our house there were a lot of skinks all
around. Now they have all vanished. We also had a hive of carpenter
bees. Also gone.

Seeing fewer and fewer Monarch butterflies. I understand they are
expected to become extinct within 20 years.


[QUAD-L] Re: Shoulder Replacement Surgery?

2016-03-28 Thread Carolyn Boyles


Has anyone on the loop had shoulder replacement surgery? It looks
like I'm going to have to have it done later this year.

Please reply either to the loop or to me privately about your




2016-03-25 Thread Carolyn Boyles

I know this works for kidney stones and it may help for UTIs.

I'll give you links to the webpages for the items you need. I'm not 
associated with any of the mentioned companies. I did this research many 
years ago for my husband who gets kidney stones.

1. The first item you'll need is the system in which to make the tea you 
are going to drink:

Buy this at any retailer of your choice that sells it. Also buy the 
filters that go into the basket. They're regular paper coffee filters.

2. The second item you will need is tea, but not Lipton or most anything 
sold in grocery stores because that type of tea causes kidney stones. 
What you need is Rooibos tea. Various companies sell this such as The 
Repubic of Tea, health food stores, etc. Buy whatever flavor you would 
like to drink (without caffeine).

3. The third item is the sweetener of your choice. I'm not a fan of 
artificial sweeteners, but go with what works for you.

4. Finally, the most important item in this is ground watermelon seeds: 

A few other companies sell them, but this is the cheapest I have found 
them. The packets of seeds need to be refrigerated after being opened, 
but they last forever.

Brew the tea according to the instruction and add about 1/4 cup of the 
seeds to the filter basket. You will need a lot of sweetener because the 
tea by itself is very bitter. This has saved my husband from lithotripsy 
many times and has cured a few UTIs over the years.


Re: Fwd: [QUAD-L] Question

2016-03-18 Thread Carolyn Boyles

Fluoride is not an effective dental remedy, despite what the dental
community will cram down your throat that it is. The government
needed a way to get rid of all the excess fluoride so they put it in
drinking water, claiming it would improve the dental health of the
country. Getting one of those WaterPik, HydroFloss, etc. treatment
units for your teeth is very helpful. I have terrible teeth and
gums. Tooth powder is almost more effective than toothpaste (see
IPSAB tooth powder below). Closys mouthwash is also very effective.

Here is a link I found to cures for Burning Mouth Sydrome:

If you want some truly effective remedies for tooth problems
(disclaimer: I'm not associated with the company I'm recommending; I
just buy their products), look up The Heritage Store on the
Internet. You will find powdered IPSAB tooth powder, gum rinse, and
other related products. Read up on Edgar Cayce and you will discover
how he came up with all these cures. If you suffer from frequent
kidney stones and bladder infections, buy the watermelon seeds
powdered and make tea out of them. It works well making the tea with
a Mr. Coffee iced tea maker. The seeds are very bitter so you will
need to add a lot of sweetener to the tea. Use with tea from a
company like The Republic of Tea (TROT) because you don't want to be
drinking storebought tea since it contains things that actually
cause kidney stones. If you want a recommendation on the types of
tea we use to dissolve my husband's chronic kidney stores, e-mail me
off loop and I'll tell you which two teas we use from TROT.


[QUAD-L] Increased Spasticity After A Bad Case Of The Flu?

2016-03-14 Thread Carolyn Boyles

Most of you folks are more severely injured than I am, as my injury
was a crush injury to the spinal cord rather than a cut injury from
broken vertebrae.

I had both types of flu in February, and I'm not only having trouble
getting my strength back, but my spasticity has gotten a lot worse.
I also have a TBI.

Is this common after the flu and will the spasticity go back to its
normal levels, given enough time?



Re: [QUAD-L] Women

2016-03-10 Thread Carolyn Boyles

You just haven't found the right woman yet.


[QUAD-L] medical insurance etc.

2016-02-19 Thread Carolyn Boyles

I don't think dumping tea into Boston Harbor would help much right
now, even if any of us could still lift the crates of tea. :-) 


[QUAD-L] re: Shoulders

2016-02-19 Thread Carolyn Boyles

Not growing old as a Quad is an even great b**tch.

I need to have an arthritic shoulder replaced someday. Someday.


Re: [QUAD-L] body temp

2016-02-16 Thread Carolyn Boyles

Actually, it's too cold by normal human body standards. I'm always cold.


[QUAD-L] body temp

2016-02-16 Thread Carolyn Boyles

Mine is complicated by the fact that I am also hypothyroid,
apparently unrelated to the SCI.

I'm usually between about 98.0 and 98.5, but lower when I'm asleep
or very sick.


[QUAD-L] level and year

2016-02-14 Thread Carolyn Boyles


First C5-7 then C4-7 from adjacent segment disease then C3-7 also
from adjacent segment disease; lucky me, I failed upward instead of
