Re: [QUAD-L] Birthdays - I'm another year older

2006-02-10 Thread Gloria Matthews

I have unsubcrbed to this list.thank you
Gloria Matthews

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2006 10:28 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Birthdays - I'm 
  another year older
  Happy Birthday Smurffette!
  Love and best wishes always!
  In a message dated 2/9/2006 10:10:38 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Happy belated B-day Smurfette- cheers! I will 
be lordy lordy lordy; never turning 40 39 and holding on the 20th.


  Hey ya peeps, 
  I wanted to share with you my birthday so hopefully, you will all 
  have some form of a drink with me to help me celebrate?!  It was 
  my actual birthday yesterday (6th Feb) but I've been celebrating 
  today.  My first full day of being 22!
  It'll be awesome if you will join in with me, let's make it a 
  huge party and celebrate all of our lives while we are there!  So 
  come on, who's up for it.  
  (Please?!?!?!  ) hehe!
  Love Smurf 

[QUAD-L] unsubcribe

2006-02-09 Thread Gloria Matthews

Gloria Matthews

Re: [QUAD-L] Driving

2006-01-14 Thread Gloria Matthews

Ohyeah...he has that..
Gloria MatthewsSwansboro, NC  28584

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2006 9:28 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Driving
  I'm sure they were referring to "Zero Effort Steering"
  In a message dated 1/13/2006 9:27:48 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Not sure what "o power steering 
is" that that little wheel on the steering wheel? We have a friend 
quad who has that.
 A huge ole transfer truck whizzed 
by us causing it to "fish tail"...and of course it went right on 
by..yespraise God.we were both fact, had we not 
had the accident, his lung cancer would not have been 


Re: [QUAD-L] Driving

2006-01-13 Thread Gloria Matthews

 Not sure what "o power steering 
is" that that little wheel on the steering wheel? We have a friend quad 
who has that.
 A huge ole transfer truck whizzed by 
us causing it to "fish tail"...and of course it went right on 
by..yespraise God.we were both fact, had we not had 
the accident, his lung cancer would not have been 
Gloria Matthews hubby quad for 43 yearsSwansboro, NC  

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, January 13, 2006 8:08 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Driving
  In a message dated 1/12/2006 9:51:20 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  My husband who is quad has been driving about 15 
years, but lately..I am terrified to ride with him since we had a 
horrendous accident (he was driving and lost control of our van while 
pulling our travel trailer and we miraculously 
  That's interesting. My van has 0 effort steering and & I can't fathom 
  towing anything with it! Is-was your husband's van regular power steering? I 
  assume you both are ok from the accident.

Re: [QUAD-L] Driving

2006-01-13 Thread Gloria Matthews

Gloria Matthews hubby quad for 43 yearsSwansboro, NC  

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, January 13, 2006 4:24 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Driving
  I once insisted in giving an old woman a ride to the city and after we 
  got there safely, I unlocked the door and her seat belt and beam'd with 
  delight as I just knew she enjoyed
  the ride.  Then she told me that she was only try to cross the 
  street this day and thought
  I was a Boy Scout, trying to help her.
  I ended up taking her back to where I had first pick'd her up, then took 
  her across the street
  to the mailbox, so she could catch the city bus.  (go figure) 
  In a message dated 1/13/2006 11:50:49 AM Central Standard Time, 
You have to respect someone who makes a 
decision that they feel directly impacts their life.
c5/6 quad  (will be driving in one 

[QUAD-L] Good for you......keep at it

2006-01-12 Thread Gloria Matthews

 I am glad you are able to go and do what you 
do...keep doing it as long as you  can. 
 I have to help my husband get in and out of 
bed, get him dressed and undressed, change his urostomy bag (like a colostomy 
except for urine)get him on the potty chair and give him an enema...back him 
over the commode and see if he goes.get him in the showercut up 
his food,...etc etc...He requires a lot of equipment to 
  Been doing this caregiving thing for 
probably more years than you are body has worn slam 
 You keep on going and enjoying 

  - Original Message - 
  Aaron Mann 
  To: Gloria Matthews ; 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 10:58 
  Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Just 
  I'm just catching up with posts and saw yours.  I'm 
  a C4-5 and travel a lot.  Car, plane, train, and boat are ones I've 
  been on multiple times.  I try to get away at least one weekend a month 
  and do one or two "1 to 2 week" vacations a year.  I'm not sure what 
  level your husband is or what equipment you need, but I've been able to get 
  all my traveling needs into one duffel bag.  I do not bring my "sit" 
  chair for weekend getaways, but do on the long trips.  I use a low effort 
  lift that folds up to be pretty compact.  Unless I'm going to a semi 
  "third world" country I don't bring anything else. (Most things can be 
  bought in any major city)
  I just toss it all in my mini-van and off we 
  I've found lodging pretty easy.  If my chair will 
  get through the door, it's good for me.  I can do washing and bowel 
  program in bed, then wash my hair over a sink, trash can, or 
  bucket.  So, that eliminates the need for an accessible 
  Also, find a travel buddy.  Someone who'll go with 
  to help.  I've got 2 or 3 people who don't mind going as long as I give 
  them food and a place to sleep.
  Any more questions, just ask.  Be creative and 
  determine what is needed to travel.  I found I could cut out a third of 
  what I normally bring. (I'm planning my second skiing trip this week, can't 
  From: David K. Kelmer 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 
  2006 9:14 AMTo: Gloria Matthews; 
  quad-list@eskimo.comSubject: Re: [QUAD-L] Just 
  Hi Gloria,
  I saw your post, both here and on the SCIC Group, but the only traveling 
  I've done was cross country air-flight to a friend or family's home.  I 
  would take my chair and my 'supply bag' but no hoyer.  I've seen some 
  answers that might be helpful on the SCIC Group's posts.  Good luck with 
  your question, and stay strong.
  With Love,
  CtrlAltDel aka DaveC4/5 Complete - 29 Years PostTexas, 
  USA  Gloria Matthews 
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I posted a "traveling dilema" concerning the 
fact that me and my hubby ( quad for 43 years) can not travel anymore due to 
my inability any longer to load all the stuff we need and ! finding 
accessible lodging..just wonder if it got posted (as I am new to this) 
and if anyone has similar concerns or suggestions.
 Thanks you guys,
Gloria Matthewscaregiver of hubby, 43 
years postSwansboro, NC  28584

Re: [QUAD-L] Medicaid Doctor is coming to my apartment ~ Help

2006-01-10 Thread Gloria Matthews

My husband gets a new power wheelchair every 5 years.5 years is a 
lot of wear and tear ...I'd say whatever it takes to get a new one, the 
truth usually works pretty good plus, the older you get, the more one relies on 
a power're entitled..
Gloria MatthewsSwansboro, NC  28584
hubby quad for 43 years

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 12:29 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Medicaid Doctor is 
  coming to my apartment ~ Help
  Hi All,
     I ordered a brand new power chair and 
  this morning Dr. Kay, the Medicaid Doctor, called and said she 
  want's to come over to my apartment and meet me to discuss my new power 
  chair order.
    What should I say? What shouldn't I 
  The power chair I'm in now is only 5 years old BUT it 
  malfunctions a lot, like stopping whenever it wants to. It also move's on it's 
  own and it tip backwards very easily.
   In December 2005 I had an MRI that showed I have a syrinx 
  on C 6 and osteoporosis in my neck.
   OH, and I've ordered a tilt for the very first time in 33 
   What would you guys do and not do to get this new power 
  chair approved?
    ~ Bobbie ~

[QUAD-L] Re: TRAVEL--Us too

2006-01-09 Thread Gloria Matthews

Hello Bettye,
 It is so nice to hear from 
you...seems you might be the only other "long time" caregiver of hubby quad 
too. We also only travel to doctor appts and those are within a 30 min drive. 
Charles is recovering still from lung cancer treatment.
 When we were younger and 
healthier (I am 55 and he is 64), we were able to just pack up and go about 
anywhere.that has all changed in the last 2 years mostly due to my painful 
back and more equipment needed now then use to. We have a hospital bed at home 
with electronic air flow mattress and of course trapeze bar. Also since the 
partial lung removal, his muscles aren't as strong as they once 
 Everyone keeps telling us we 
should just be thankful for our blessings, that Charles is a lung cancer 
survivor and ALIVE and just stay home and be satisfied. This is very very hard 
especially when Charles keeps mentioning over and over that he would like to see 
the NC mountains ONE more time..go to Florida in the winter ONE more time, 
take ONE more cruiseon and on and on.Yet, he does not one thing to search 
and search for accessibility, beg someone to go with us and drive and help out 
with all that's needed.(course he never has...I've always done the asking, 
the searching, the planning...hence the frustration.)
 It is awfully hard when I think 
my husband may not be around another year and I can not grant his "last wishes." 
We can't even go visit our kids and grandkids who are only 3 hours away, as he 
can't take the 2 way travel in a day trip. They don't come visit us much and 
even so, we live in a mobile home and there's not a lot of room. 
  And when they do come, they 
never offer to help get Dad in and out of bed, undressed, dressed, 
etc...they can do it and they have done it but they NEVER offer to help 
MOM out.
  We did travel the 3 hrs 
Christmas weekend to see our kids and stayed in a Microtel motel nearby. Our son 
lived near by enough to come over and help out. We have to move the bed out from 
the wall to set up the trapeze, use bed risers (these flower pot looking things 
we carry around) to make the bed high enough so I won't have to bend over so far 
to help him get in and out & it makes wheelchair transfers 
do-able) getting dressed, eggcrate mattress we duct tape to the 
mattressthe wheelchair battery that weighs about 10 lbs, his potty/shower 
chair on wheels. He has to get from bed onto potty chair, get in bathroom for an 
enema, back over the commode, then roll into the shower. Like I think it was 
Lori that said, once you get all that stuff in the van, Charles can't get out 
till it's all unloaded.
  Anyway, I just get so sad and 
frustrated sometimes when all our friends are going on trips and they just say, 
"hey, why don't you come with us?"I know they don't have a clue as to what's 
involved, so when I explain this to themthey still forget and sometime 
later will say"hey, why don't you come see us?".then I have to 
explain all over again...
 I have vented enough for this 
morning...I know you know where I'm coming fromI sure do 
need some support sometimes.
Gloria Matthews1204-58 Cedar Pt. Blvd.Swansboro, NC  
hubby quad for 43 years

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2006 2:53 
  Subject: Re: TRAVEL
  Hi Gloria,
  No my hubby and I do not travel at all. The only traveling we do 
  is to doctors. His health is failing and we would not be able to 
  physically do all that it would entail. They have a lot of trips set up, there 
  is a place in Co. I think that is actually free to disabled Vets. U will hear 
  from me soon with the imfo.

[QUAD-L] Just wondering

2006-01-07 Thread Gloria Matthews

I posted a "traveling dilema" concerning the fact 
that me and my hubby ( quad for 43 years) can not travel anymore due to my 
inability any longer to load all the stuff we need and finding accessible 
lodging..just wonder if it got posted (as I am new to this) and if anyone 
has similar concerns or suggestions.
 Thanks you guys,
Gloria Matthewscaregiver of 
hubbySwansboro, NC  28584

[QUAD-L] first time user

2005-12-29 Thread Gloria Matthews
Hello. This is my first time so I'm not sure if I'm doing this right or 
not.maybe I'm suppose to post on the site and not just "reply." Anyway, 
until I figure that out...
 My husband is quad and we're looking for the impossible...accessible 
vacation rental in Florida or NC or Virginia mountains.I've been 
searching for 25 years nowhave accessed all the sites and 
magazines..but maybe you guys can helpneed cottage or condo with 
roll in shower, roll under know, a USABLE wheelchair 
place...not just "accessibile" ya get IN, one can 
actually DO something in there!

Thanks for any help.

Gloria Matthews

Swansboro, NC  28584

- Original Message - 
From: "Brien Stocker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2005 3:58 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] vitamins

William Willis wrote:

Did someone post a vitamin regimen for presure sores a while back, or did 
I just dream it? If so, would you post it again? Thanks.

Here is a long but possible answer to your vitamin question:

I have been on Dr Perricones diet "The Perricone Weight loss Diet"  for 
about 2 months.  The number of supplements is pretty significant but the 
way he teaches you to eat is so healthy, will help keep you or help you 
attain a healthy weight and is such a good diet that your skin is more 
durable and less susceptible to problems.  His first books were actually 
anti aging and improved skin and complexion books.  This weight loss book 
embraces all the previous diet aspects.  I have a 2 year old pressure sore 
on my outer ankle bone that is finally healing.  It may be due to this 
diet but, the great thing about this diet is that I FEEL better mentally 
and physically and I am never hungry between meals.

I am 44 and it is the best lifestyle I have ever encountered.  I used to 
do Ironman Qualifiers.  If I had known about this lifestyle and way of 
eating then, my performance WOULD definitely have been better.  I know 
many people with SCI are looking for good, healthy and satisfying ways to 
eat.  This book may help you:

my best,
