RE: [R] Installing packages from source on WindowsXP

2005-04-22 Thread Mulholland, Tom
I recall having this problem. I think I had a version that didn't work. Did you 
download the htmlhelp.exe from . The 
path does not matter as I have it in a folder on it's own. I think that I also 
had a path to the version that didn't work and I had to get my IT people to let 
me put my location first.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Tyler Smith
 Sent: Friday, 22 April 2005 1:27 PM
 To: R-Help
 Subject: [R] Installing packages from source on WindowsXP
 I'm having some problems installing packages from the source files on 
 Windows, using R CMD INSTALL pkg. I'm running WindowsXP, and I've 
 followed the instructions as per the README.packages file from the R 
 installation. I ran into a hitch, with the install failing 
 following a 
 hhc: not found warning. I figured out that this was related to the 
 html help workshop. Adding the HHW folder to the Path variable didn't 
 help. README.packages mentions that HHW should be in the same 
 drive as 
 the other tools, which it is, but in a different folder. So I 
 put a copy 
 of hhc.exe in the Rtools/bin folder and everything seems to 
 have worked out.
 My question is, is this going to cause me problems later on? Should I 
 transfer all the HHW files to the Rtools/bin? Is there a 
 better way to 
 arrange the HHW files?
 I'm installing from source files instead of using the automated GUI 
 feature because I want to read the original code to see how 
 users write functions. I'm using version 2.0.1 Patched (2005-04-16).
 Thanks for your time,
 Tyler Smith
 PhD Candidate
 Department of Plant Science
 McGill University
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Re: [R] R closes unexpectedly with write.dbf()

2005-04-22 Thread Roger Bivand
On Thu, 21 Apr 2005, Robin Schroeder wrote:

 Dear R-list,
 I am trying to do a relatively simple manipulation in R on a dbf file and 
 then write the dbf file back out the file system. Here are the commands:
 (load the foreign library package) 
 union - read.dbf(C:/ITRSampleData/fromGrass/union.dbf, 
 union$wu_fract - area_union*a_SUM/a_area_tor 
 write.dbf(union, C://ITRSampleData/fromR/union_postR.dbf) 
 after I run the last command, Windows tells me that R has encountered a
 problem and needs to shut down. It also asks if I want to report the
 problem to microsoft... R then shuts down completely.
 I have tried this with the factor2char=TRUE and FALSE, with the same result. 
 I checked and it is true.
 An empty dbf file is created in the correct place, so I know R has
 access/permissions and my file path is correct.
 I have used the write.dbf command in a number of other places and have
 never run into this problem.

Please state the version of the foreign library you are using, update
foreign to 0.8-7, and try again. There were two bugs in write.dbf() up to
0.8-5, one when a column of the data frame was all 0 and the other when a
column was all NA. Also please do summary(union$wu_fract) - I suspect it
is either all 0 or NA. 0.8-7 guards against both of these problems, which
are in code trying to work out the appropriate width of the output DBF

 I am running R 2.0.0 on windows xp.
 Any ideas?
 Thanks in advance,
 Robin Schroeder
  Robin Tori Schroeder (formerly Schoeninger)
  International Institute for Sustainability 
  P.O. Box 873211
  Arizona State University
  Tempe, Arizona 85287-3211
  Phone: (480) 727-7290
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Roger Bivand
Economic Geography Section, Department of Economics, Norwegian School of
Economics and Business Administration, Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen,
Norway. voice: +47 55 95 93 55; fax +47 55 95 95 43

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[R] Error when downloading and installing ALL R packages

2005-04-22 Thread Bernd Weiss

after updating to 2.1 (see below) I am no longer able to install all 
R packages as mentioned at 

After finishing the download, I received the following error:


trying URL 
Content type 'application/zip' length 102623 bytes
opened URL
downloaded 100Kb

trying URL 
Content type 'application/zip' length 168770 bytes
opened URL
downloaded 164Kb

package 'AMORE' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
package 'AlgDesign' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
Error in sprintf(gettext(unable to move temp installation '%d' to 
'%s'),  : 
use format %s for character objects



platform i386-pc-mingw32
arch i386   
os   mingw32
system   i386, mingw32  
status   Patched
year 2005   
day  18 
language R

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[R] Beginner in R

2005-04-22 Thread Norbert Billet
hello ( and sorry for my poor english ... )
I'm a newbie on R software and I need to obtain this kind of system :
a structure, like a liste :
my_struct - list()
my_struct$a - a_value
my_struct$b - another_value
my_struct$c - one_more_value
and a function with two args : the first is a instance of the structure, 
and the second is any component of the structure (here $a, $b or $c) and 
the function will do some transformations on this component :

my_func - function(a_struct, a_comp)
   a_comp - transformationFunct(a_comp)
   a_result - someComputation(a_struct)


In reallity, the structure have lot of components (+/- 40) who are input 
parameters for a time discret model and this function is to do selective 
sensitivity analysis.

Thanks in advance for this information and thanks for doing a open high 
quality software.

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Re: [R] pointer to comments re Paul Murrell's new book, R, SAS on Andrew Gelman's blog

2005-04-22 Thread Campbell
Brief comment on blog.  S Plus is mentioned only in passing.  I've
always thought comparisons between SAS and R are invalid as they do
different things.  If I wasn't using R I'd be coding in either C or

SAS appears to be a database with statistical functionality attached. 

I've always thought that R being open source makes the results more
reliable.  There is nothing like having your name attached to something
to ensure it is correct.  Also if you have any doubts about the
calculations it is possible to look at the source to see exactly what is
going on.

While I'm here I'd like to thank the R Core group and ETH for providing
the harware for the mailing list.

Phineas Campbell

 Tony Plate [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/22/05 4:15 AM 
There are some interesting comments re Paul Murrell's new book, R,  SAS

on Andrew Gelman's blog:

-- Tony Plate

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Re: [R] lme4: apparently different results between 0.8-2 and 0.95-6

2005-04-22 Thread Douglas Bates
Steve Cumming wrote:
I've been using lme4 to fit Poisson GLMMs with crossed random effects. The
data are counts(y) sampled at 55 sites over 4 (n=12) or 5 (n=43) years. Most
models use three fixed effects: x1 is a two level factor; x2 and x3 are
continuous. We are including random intercepts for YEAR and SITE. On
subject-matter considerations, we are also including a random coefficient
for x3 within YEAR.
Neglecting the log link, the model is
y_{i,j} = x'_i \beta + \eta_i + z'_i \phi_j + \epsilon_{i,j}
i indexes SITE and j indexes YEAR,
  \beta is the vector of fixed effects
\eta_i in the random intercept for SITE
\phi_j are the random intercept and coefficient for YEAR.
I have written x'_i because the covariates are assumed (reasonably) to be
constant over the 5 years. Thus, obviously, the z'_i = (1, x3_i) are
constant over j as well.
Using lme4 0.8-2 and R 1.9.0 (under Windows), the call
GLMM(y~x1 + x2 + x3,random = list(YEAR=~1+x3, SITE=~1), data=foo,
family=poisson, offset=log(reps))
seemed to work correctly, so far as I can tell. The fixed effects were
more-or-less consistent with those estimated by an ordinary GLM, and the
random YEAR effects had signs, magnitudes and correlation appeared to be
sensible and consistent with my expectations.
Earlier today, we updated to lme4 0.95-6 and R 2.1.0. When we try to use
lmer to fit the same model, it complains bitterly:
lmer(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + (1 + x3 | YEAR) + (1 | SITE), data=foo,
family=poisson, offset=log(reps))
Error: Unable to invert singular factor of downdated X'X
Simpler models still work (or at least return):
lmer(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + (1 + x3 | YEAR), ...)
lmer(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + (1 | YEAR) + (1 | SITE), ...)
As I mentioned, the design is unbalanced. But, we get same invert singular
factor Error using the balanced subset.
Can anybody advise? Are we using lmer incorrectly? Or is the new error
perhaps telling us that GLMM in 0.8-2 wasn't actually working in some sense?
I think you are using lmer correctly and that deep in the code there is 
a glitch related to exactly the circumstances you outlined - a model 
matrix with more than one column for one grouping factor (i.e. 
(x3|YEAR)) and a model matrix with a different number of columns for 
another grouping factor (1|SITE)).  Because, as you mentioned, YEAR and 
SITE are crossed, the internal representation gets more complicated than 
 it would be if you had nested grouping factors.

The fact that you can fit the simpler models (thanks for checking that) 
is a strong indication where the problem is.

Is it possible for you to share the data with Deepayan Sarkar and me? 
If so it would help us track down the bug.  Please contact us off list 
if you can do so.  In the meantime I suggest using GLMM for this 
particular problem if you still have access to the old copy of the lme4 
package.  If not, contact us off list and we will provide you with a 
replacement package that can be used in conjunction with the current lme4.

This is an exemplary bug report.  You did a great job of isolating the 

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Re: [R] pointer to comments re Paul Murrell's new book, R, SAS on Andrew Gelman's blog

2005-04-22 Thread Douglas Bates
Tony Plate wrote:
There are some interesting comments re Paul Murrell's new book, R,  SAS 
on Andrew Gelman's blog: 
I found the comments quite interesting.  I also find it somewhat amusing 
when people speculate on what is necessary if R truly wanted to compete 
in that space.  R doesn't compete with commercial software.  As our 
co-founder and resident sage, Ross Ihaka, characterizes our approach, 
We have a simple 'marketing strategy' - we put the software out there 
for you to use.  If you decide to use it, that's great.  If not, that's 
ok too.

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[R] Help needed with lattice graph!

2005-04-22 Thread Sander Oom
Dear R users,
If I manage to sort out this graph, it is certainly a candidate for the 
new R graph gallery 

I created the following lattice graph:
tmp - expand.grid(geology = c(Sand,Clay,Silt,Rock),
  species = 
  dist = seq(1,9,1) )
tmp$height - rnorm(216)
sps - trellis.par.get(superpose.symbol)
sps$pch - 1:6
trellis.par.set(superpose.symbol, sps)
  xyplot( height ~ dist | geology, data = tmp,
groups = species, type = b, cex = 1.2,
layout = c(2,2),
lines = list(col=grey),
key = list(columns = 2, type = b, cex = 1.2,
  text = list(paste(unique(tmp$species))),
  points = Rows(sps, 1:6)

However, for once, the R defaults are not to my liking. I plot the graph 
to postscript and the result is less then optimal.

I would like to plot the point symbols in black and white, both in the 
graphs and the key. I would like the lines to be a single style (grey or 
a light dash) and preferably the lines do not go through the symbols 
(like figure 4.11 in the MASS book).

I have tried many, many options, but results varied from wrong symbols 
to wrong things plotted. Splitting the lines and points over different 
panels seems the way, but I can not make it work.

Your help is much appreciated! This graph and the resulting black and 
white graph will be posted on the R graph gallery.



Dr. Sander P. Oom
Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences,
University of the Witwatersrand
Private Bag 3, Wits 2050, South Africa
Tel (work)  +27 (0)11 717 64 04
Tel (home)  +27 (0)18 297 44 51
Fax +27 (0)18 299 24 64
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[R] Intership: R programmer, London

2005-04-22 Thread Vincent_Zoonekynd

State Street Global Advisors (one of the world's leading
assets management companies)'s alternative strategies group
is looking for interns able to bring a significant
contribution to our RD projects.

Here are some of the directions we are currently investigating:
- Digital Signal Processing (Kalman filter, wavelets,
  Hilbert transform, etc.)
- New temporal database indexing methods
- Use of non-linear and/or robust methods to replace linear
- Generalization of algorithms or methods from daily data to
  intra-day (irregularly-spaced) data
- Automating, in R, the analyses used to assess and monitor our
  investment strategies.

The candidate:
- should have good programming skills (R, matlab, C++, etc.)
- should be proficient in a numeric subject (statistics, signal
  processing, numerical analysis, physics, bioinformatics, etc.)
- need not have any prior financial knowledge.

Length: At least three months, but we shall favour longer
periods (six months, possibly more).
The position is in London.
The pay and the contract will depend on the training period

Applications can be sent to me ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).

-- Vincent

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[R] How to tell if R is running in batch mode

2005-04-22 Thread Khabie-Zeitoune, David


Is there a way to programmatically tell whether R is running in batch or
GUI mode?






David Khabie-Zeitoune

Quantitative Arbitrage

Brevan Howard Asset Management

direct:  +44 (0)20 7022 6167
mobile:+44 (0)7799 411  797

Almack House

28 King Street

London SW1Y 6XA


[[alternative HTML version deleted]]

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Re: [R] Beginner in R

2005-04-22 Thread Peter Dalgaard
Norbert Billet [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 hello ( and sorry for my poor english ... )
 I'm a newbie on R software and I need to obtain this kind of system :
 a structure, like a liste :
 my_struct - list()
 my_struct$a - a_value
 my_struct$b - another_value
 my_struct$c - one_more_value
 and a function with two args : the first is a instance of the
 structure, and the second is any component of the structure (here $a,
 $b or $c) and the function will do some transformations on this
 component :
 my_func - function(a_struct, a_comp)
 a_comp - transformationFunct(a_comp)
  a_result - someComputation(a_struct)
 return(a_result)  }

If I catch your drift, you're looking for something like

my_func - function(a_struct, a_name) {
a_struct[[a_name]]  - transformationFunct(a_struct[[a_name]])

my_func(my_struct, b)

or maybe even a loop over all components with

lapply(names(my_struct), my_func, a_struct=my_struct)

 In reallity, the structure have lot of components (+/- 40) who are
 input parameters for a time discret model and this function is to do
 selective sensitivity analysis.
 Thanks in advance for this information and thanks for doing a open
 high quality software.

   O__   Peter Dalgaard Blegdamsvej 3  
  c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics 2200 Cph. N   
 (*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen   Denmark  Ph: (+45) 35327918
~~ - ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) FAX: (+45) 35327907

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Re: [R] How to tell if R is running in batch mode

2005-04-22 Thread Duncan Murdoch
Khabie-Zeitoune, David wrote:

Is there a way to programmatically tell whether R is running in batch or
GUI mode?
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Re: [R] How to tell if R is running in batch mode

2005-04-22 Thread Peter Dalgaard
Khabie-Zeitoune, David [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Is there a way to programmatically tell whether R is running in batch or
 GUI mode?

interactive() should do (it's not distinguishing between GUI and
terminal mode though).

   O__   Peter Dalgaard Blegdamsvej 3  
  c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics 2200 Cph. N   
 (*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen   Denmark  Ph: (+45) 35327918
~~ - ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) FAX: (+45) 35327907

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[R] Anova - interpretation of the interaction term

2005-04-22 Thread michael watson \(IAH-C\)

So carrying on my use of analysis of variance to check for the effects
of two factors.  It's made simpler by the fact that both my factors have
only two levels each, creating four unique groups.

I have a highly significant interaction term.  In the context of the
experiment, this makes sense.  I can visualise the data graphically, and
sure enough I can see that both factors have different effects on the
data DEPENDING on what the value of the other factor is.  

I explain this all to my colleague - and she asks but which ones are
different?  This is best illustrated with an example.  We have either
infected | uninfected, and vaccinated | unvaccinated (the two factors).
We're measuring expression of a gene.  Graphically, in the infected
group, vaccination makes expression go up.  In the uninfected group,
vaccination makes expression go down.  In both the vaccinated and
unvaccinated groups, infection makes expression go down, but it goes
down further in unvaccinated than it does in vaccinated.

So from a statistical point of view, I can see exactly why the
interaction term is significant, but what my colleage wants to know is
that WITHIN the vaccinated group, does infection decrease expression
significantly?  And within the unvaccinated group, does infection
decrease expression significantly?  Etc etc etc  Can I get this
information from the output of the ANOVA, or do I carry out a separate
test on e.g. just the vaccinated group? (seems a cop out to me)

Many thanks, and sorry, but it's Friday.


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RE: [R] Required Packages etiquette

2005-04-22 Thread Liaw, Andy
[This is probably more appropriate for R-devel rather than R-help.]

IMHO the criterion for requiring a package (say `X') is that, if some
function(s) in your package can not perform its tasks correctly without
something in `X', then you should list `X' as required.  You can not assume
the user will have `X' loaded (or even installed) if you do not list it as


 From: GiusVa
 Dear friends,
 I am writing a package that I think may be of interest to 
 many people so I
 am in the process to build-check-write-thedocumentation for it. 
 I have some questions regarding the rules  that a package
 should abide in order to be consistent with the other 
 packages on CRAN.
 I have read and reread the Writing R extension manual and googled the
 mailing list and I have found answers to many questions, but some have
 been left unanswered. Sorry if they may seem trivial, but I have
 joined the R community only 4 months ago and I still I do not have a
 feeling of what is the right course of action.
 1) the package I am writing ( MYPKG throughout the rest of 
 the message)
 makes use of many packages. Some of them are fundamental to MYPKG and
 are pervasive, i.e. without them the package will not work and many
 functions are used. For these class of packages I (think) know what to
 The second class of package interests MYPKG only for specific
 task. For example, I need the coda package if one wants to use a
 specific function of MYPKG that produces a MCMC chain. What is the
 best way to require the package? Inside the function that request it?
 The relation between the  third class of packages and MYPKG is very
 tricky. For example, from the MASS package MYPKG only uses ginv to
 get the generalized inverse. ginv is an important function, i.e. it
 is used in many functions. Do I have to require MASS? Or should I just
 include only ginv in the package?
 Thank you for patience.
 |Giuseppe Ragusa
 |University of California, San Diego
 |9500 Gilman Dr. 0508
 |La Jolla, CA 92093
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Re: [R] pointer to comments re Paul Murrell's new book, R, SAS on Andrew Gelman's blog

2005-04-22 Thread Peter Dalgaard
Douglas Bates [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Tony Plate wrote:
  There are some interesting comments re Paul Murrell's new book, R, 
  SAS on Andrew Gelman's blog:
 I found the comments quite interesting.  I also find it somewhat
 amusing when people speculate on what is necessary if R truly wanted
 to compete in that space.  R doesn't compete with commercial
 software.  As our co-founder and resident sage, Ross Ihaka,
 characterizes our approach, We have a simple 'marketing strategy' -
 we put the software out there for you to use.  If you decide to use
 it, that's great.  If not, that's ok too.

Just to prevent misattribution: Notice that this is from the comments
*to* Andrew Gelman's note, not comments *by* A.G.

(And at least some of us do think about the market requirements from
time to time. I agree with Ross that we can afford to try to do it
right rather than be driven by marketing, though.) 

   O__   Peter Dalgaard Blegdamsvej 3  
  c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics 2200 Cph. N   
 (*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen   Denmark  Ph: (+45) 35327918
~~ - ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) FAX: (+45) 35327907

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Re: [R] Installing packages from source on WindowsXP

2005-04-22 Thread Uwe Ligges
Tyler Smith wrote:
I'm having some problems installing packages from the source files on 
Windows, using R CMD INSTALL pkg. I'm running WindowsXP, and I've 
followed the instructions as per the README.packages file from the R 
installation. I ran into a hitch, with the install failing following a 
hhc: not found warning. I figured out that this was related to the 
html help workshop. Adding the HHW folder to the Path variable didn't 
help. README.packages mentions that HHW should be in the same drive as 
the other tools, which it is, but in a different folder. So I put a copy 
of hhc.exe in the Rtools/bin folder and everything seems to have worked 

My question is, is this going to cause me problems later on? Should I 
No, only if you want to update and forget to update that file as well.
Uwe Ligges
transfer all the HHW files to the Rtools/bin? Is there a better way to 
arrange the HHW files?

I'm installing from source files instead of using the automated GUI 
feature because I want to read the original code to see how experienced 
users write functions. I'm using version 2.0.1 Patched (2005-04-16).

Thanks for your time,
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RE: [R] Anova - interpretation of the interaction term

2005-04-22 Thread Ted Harding
On 22-Apr-05 michael watson \(IAH-C\) wrote:
 So from a statistical point of view, I can see exactly why the
 interaction term is significant, but what my colleage wants to know is
 that WITHIN the vaccinated group, does infection decrease expression
 significantly?  And within the unvaccinated group, does infection
 decrease expression significantly?  Etc etc etc  Can I get this
 information from the output of the ANOVA, or do I carry out a separate
 test on e.g. just the vaccinated group? (seems a cop out to me)

If I understand right, each of these questions can only be answered
in terms of the changes in mean level *within* group.

However, you are entitled to use the residual sum of squares
(after estimating both effects and interaction) for the estimate
of SE to which you compare these within-group changes. Provided,
of course, that the variance is homogenous across groups (i.e.
treatment and/or infection has no influence on variability).

You can get the latter from the original ANOVA (interaction term
included) but I think you should get the difference of means
(infected vs non-infected) by a separate anlysis of each group.

 Many thanks, and sorry, but it's Friday.

Don't apologise. Not your fault it's Friday. (Who *can* I blame?)


E-Mail: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 22-Apr-05   Time: 11:52:40
-- XFMail --

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Re: [R] How to know if a classification tree is predicitve or not?

2005-04-22 Thread Uwe Ligges
Laure Maton wrote:
I would like to know how to know if a classification tree is predictive 
or not ?
Is it sufficient to analyse results of cross validation?
Depends on your interpretation of predictive, maybe you want to look 
at stuff like sensitivity and specificity as well.

Uwe Ligges

Thanks for your help
Laure Maton
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RE: [R] Using R to illustrate the Central Limit Theorem

2005-04-22 Thread Ted Harding
On 21-Apr-05 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here's a bit of a refinement on Ted's first suggestion.
 [ corrected from runif(M*k), N, k) to runif(N*k), N, k) ]
  N - 1
  par(mfrow = c(1,2), pty = s)
  for(k in 1:20) {
 m - (rowMeans(matrix(runif(N*k), N, k)) - 0.5)*sqrt(12*k)
 hist(m, breaks = FD, xlim = c(-4,4), main = k,
 prob = TRUE, ylim = c(0,0.5), col = lemonchiffon)
 pu - par(usr)[1:2]
 x - seq(pu[1], pu[2], len = 500)
 lines(x, dnorm(x), col = red)
 qqnorm(m, ylim = c(-4,4), xlim = c(-4,4), pch = ., col = blue)
 abline(0, 1, col = red)

Very nice! (I can better keep up with it mentally, though, with
Sys.sleep(2) or Sys.sleep(3), which moght be better for classroom

One thing occurred to me, watching it: people might say Yes,
we can see how the distribution - Normal, nice and smooth,
especially in the tails and side-arms; but the peaks always look
a bit rough.

Which could be the cue for introducing SD(ni) = sqrt(E[ni]),
and the following hack of the above code seems to show this OK
in the rootograms:

N - 1
par(mfrow = c(1,2), pty = s)
for(k in 1:20) {
   m - (rowMeans(matrix(runif(N*k), N, k)) - 0.5)*sqrt(12*k)
   hm - hist(m, breaks = FD, xlim = c(-4,4), main = k, plot=FALSE,
   prob = TRUE, ylim = c(0,0.5), col = lemonchiffon)
   hm$counts-sqrt(hm$counts) ; 
   plot(hm,xlim = c(-4,4),main = k,ylab=sqrt(Frequency))
   pu - par(usr)[1:2]
   x - seq(pu[1], pu[2], len = 500)
   lines(x, sqrt(N*dnorm(x)*(hm$breaks[2]-hm$breaks[1])), col = red)
   qqnorm(m, ylim = c(-4,4), xlim = c(-4,4), pch = ., col = blue)
   abline(0, 1, col = red)

(and also shows clearly how the tails of the sample move outwards
into the tails of the Normal, as in fact you expect from the finite
range of mean(runif(k)), especially initially: very visible for
k up to about 5, and not really settled down for k10).

Next stop: Hanging rootograms!

Best wishes,

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 22-Apr-05   Time: 13:10:19
-- XFMail --

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RE: [R] Assign factor and levels inside function

2005-04-22 Thread Tim Howard
   You've just opened the door to another level for this blundering R
user.  I even went back to my well-used copy of An Introduction to R
to see where I missed this standard approach for processing new data. 
Nothing clear but certainly alluded to in many of the function examples.
 I don't know why I was stuck in that rut.

I'm sure 99.9% of you on this list know this, but... To be clear for
anyone searching these archives later:  Don't bother to ask your
function to make assignments to pos=1 (the global environment), just do
the assignment yourself when calling the function. For example, instead
of coding a function call like this:


to assign the processed data to pos=1, simply make the assignment when
calling the function:

dat - processData(dat)

Thanks for being gentle on me, Andy.


 Liaw, Andy [EMAIL PROTECTED] 4/21/2005 9:57:22 PM 

 From: Tim Howard 
   Thank you for the help. Yes, my question really did seem like I
 going through a lot of unnecessary steps just to define levels of a
 variable. But that was just for the example. In my 
 application, I bring
 new datasets into R on a daily basis. While the data differs, the
 variables are the same, and the categorical variables have the same
 levels. So I find myself daily applying the same factor and level
 definitions (by cutting and pasting the large chunk of commands from
 text file). It really would be simpler to have it wrapped up in a
 function.  That's why I asked the question about putting this into a
   Upon reading your answer, I thought maybe I could use your example
 and use the super-assignment '-' in the function. But, your method
 assigns levels, but does not define the var as a factor 
   levels(y$one) - seq(1, 9, by=2)
 [1] 1 1 3 3 5 7
 [1] 1 3 5 7 9
 [1] FALSE

Ouch!  levels- is generic, and the default method simply attach the
levels attribute to the object.  You need to coerce the object into a

 Unfortunately, whenever I try to use - with the dataframe as the
 variable, I get an error message: 
  fncFact - function(datfra){
 + datfra$one - factor(datfra$one, levels=c(1,3,5,7,9))
 + }
 Error in fncFact(y) : Object datfra not found

I believe the canonical ways of doing something like this in R is
along the line of:

processData - function(dat) {
dat$f1 - factor(dat$f1, levels=...)
...  ## any other manipulations you want to do

Then when you get new data, you just do:

newData - processData(newData)


  Liaw, Andy [EMAIL PROTECTED] 4/20/2005 4:03:24 PM 
 Wouldn't it be easier to do this?
  levels(y$one) - seq(1, 9, by=2)
 [1] 1 1 3 3 5 7
 [1] 1 3 5 7 9
  From: Tim Howard
After cogitating for a while, I finally figured out how to
  data.frame column as factor and assign the levels within a
  BUT I still need to pass the data.frame and its name 
  separately. I can't
  seem to find any other way to pass the name of the data.frame,
  than the data.frame itself.  Any suggestions on how to go 
  about it?  Is
  there something like value(object) or name(object) that I can't
  #sample dataframe for this example
  y - data.frame(
   levels(y$one)   # check out levels
  # the function I've come up with
  fncFact - function(datfra, datfraNm){
  datfra$one - factor(datfra$one, levels=c(1,3,5,7,9))
  assign(datfraNm, datfra, pos=1)
  fncFact(y, y)
  [1] 1 3 5 7 9
  I suppose only for aesthetics and simplicity, I'd like to have
  pass the data.frame and get the same result.
  Thanks in advance,
  Tim Howard
  platform i386-pc-mingw32
  arch i386   
  os   mingw32
  system   i386, mingw32  
  year 2004   
  day  15 
  language R
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[R] fBasics question: Get dates corresponding to maximum values

2005-04-22 Thread Neuro LeSuperHéros
fBasics question: Get maximum dates
This two series data set has been created with the timeSeries() function 
from fBasics

Formal class 'timeSeries' [package fBasics] with 7 slots
 ..@ Data : num [1:262, 1:2] 8703 8603 8573 8680 8668 ...
 .. ..- attr(*, dimnames)=List of 2
 .. .. ..$ : chr [1:262] 2004-04-19 01:00:00 2004-04-20 01:00:00 
2004-04-21 01:00:00 2004-04-22 01:00:00 ...
 .. .. ..$ : chr [1:2] TS.1 TS.2
 ..@ positions: chr [1:262] 2004-04-19 01:00:00 2004-04-20 01:00:00 
2004-04-21 01:00:00 2004-04-22 01:00:00 ...
 ..@ format   : chr %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
 ..@ FinCenter: chr London
 ..@ units: chr [1:2] TS.1 TS.2
 ..@ title: chr Time Series Object
 ..@ documentation: chr Created at London 2005-04-22 12:54:36

Here are the first three lines:
  TS.1  TS.2
2004-04-19 01:00:00 8702.82 55.18
2004-04-20 01:00:00 8602.98 48.48
2004-04-21 01:00:00 8573.05 46.65
I managed to get the maximum for each series:
maxima-c(max([EMAIL PROTECTED],1]), max([EMAIL PROTECTED],2]))
[1] 9927.20   83.11
But now, I'd like to get the CORRESPONDING DATES  for these maxima.
Another question, is there a way to refer to data as TS.1 or TS.2 in 
function instead of  [EMAIL PROTECTED],1:2]?

platform i386-pc-mingw32
arch i386
os   mingw32
system   i386, mingw32
year 2005
day  18
language R
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[R] lsfit result - how to compute t-values for coefficients

2005-04-22 Thread Christoph Lehmann
I used lsfit instead of lm since I have a huge Y data-set (X being 
constant for all Y).

Since I require the t-values for all coefficients: which would be the 
fastest way to compute them, eg for the example:

## using lsfit with a matrix response:
t.length - 5
d.dim - c(t.length,7,8,9) # dimesions: time, x, y, z
Y - array( rep(1:t.length, prod(d.dim)) + rnorm(prod(d.dim), 0, 0.1), 
X - cbind(c(1,3,2,4,5), c(1,1,1,5,5))

rsq -lsfit(X, array(c(Y), dim = c(t.length, 
prod(d.dim[2:4]$coef[2,] #coef for first non-const pred
names(rsq) - prod(d.dim[2:4])
rsq - array(rsq, dim = d.dim[2:4])

what would be the best way to get the t-value for all coef,
not only (as above illustrated for the beta value) for one predefined coef?
many thanks
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Re: [R] Error when downloading and installing ALL R packages

2005-04-22 Thread roger bos
I have no idea how to solve that error, but I use the following bit of
code (which I picked up from someone else on this list) to update ALL
packages on CRAN and it works on 2.1.0:

x - packageStatus(repositories=;)
st - x$avai[Status]
install.packages(rownames(st)[which(st$Status==not installed)])

May want to give it a try and see if it also produces that error.



On 4/22/05, Bernd Weiss [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 after updating to 2.1 (see below) I am no longer able to install all
 R packages as mentioned at
 After finishing the download, I received the following error:
 trying URL
 Content type 'application/zip' length 102623 bytes
 opened URL
 downloaded 100Kb
 trying URL
 Content type 'application/zip' length 168770 bytes
 opened URL
 downloaded 164Kb
 package 'AMORE' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
 package 'AlgDesign' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
 Error in sprintf(gettext(unable to move temp installation '%d' to
 '%s'),  :
use format %s for character objects
 platform i386-pc-mingw32
 arch i386
 os   mingw32
 system   i386, mingw32
 status   Patched
 year 2005
 day  18
 language R
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[R] ugly loop

2005-04-22 Thread Bill Simpson
The following code is slow and ugly:

for(i in 1:nrow(ver))
  for(j in 1:ncol(ver))

Please help me make it better.



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Re: [R] ugly loop

2005-04-22 Thread Dimitris Rizopoulos
maybe you want something like this:
x - c(t(pt$x))

Dimitris Rizopoulos
Ph.D. Student
Biostatistical Centre
School of Public Health
Catholic University of Leuven
Address: Kapucijnenvoer 35, Leuven, Belgium
Tel: +32/16/336899
Fax: +32/16/337015
- Original Message - 
From: Bill Simpson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: r-help
Sent: Friday, April 22, 2005 2:58 PM
Subject: [R] ugly loop

The following code is slow and ugly:
for(i in 1:nrow(ver))
 for(j in 1:ncol(ver))
Please help me make it better.
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Re: [R] ugly loop

2005-04-22 Thread Marc Schwartz
On Fri, 2005-04-22 at 08:58 -0400, Bill Simpson wrote:
 The following code is slow and ugly:
 for(i in 1:nrow(ver))
   for(j in 1:ncol(ver))
 Please help me make it better.

The following should work:

 ver - matrix(sample(1:16, 16), ncol = 4)
 pt - data.frame(x = sample(1:16, 16), 
+  y = sample(1:16, 16),
+  z = sample(1:16, 16))
 [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,]895   13
[2,]   14   161   10
[3,]   122   117
[4,]634   15
x  y  z
1   6 15 15
2   9  2  3
3  11  1  5
4  14  4 10
5  13  7 14
6   1 14  7
7  15 10  4
8  10  5 12
9   4 12  2
10  8  8 13
11 16 11  1
12  7 13  9
13  2 16 11
14  3  9 16
15  5  6  8
16 12  3  6

 x - pt$x[ver]
 y - pt$y[ver]
 z - pt$z[ver]
 [1] 10  3  7  1  4 12  9 11 13  6 16 14  2  8 15  5
 [1]  5  9 13 14 12  3  2  1  7 15 11  4 16  8 10  6
 [1] 12 16  9  7  2  6  3  5 14 15  1 10 11 13  4  8

Keep in mind that a matrix is a vector with dims, so you can fill a
vector from the matrix simply by doing the indexing with a single value,
which will do the fill indexed column by column.


Marc Schwartz

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Re: [R] ugly loop

2005-04-22 Thread Bill Simpson
To clarify: I want to get rid of the loop over i,j
Here is a simpler example. ver is a 2D matrix

for(i in 1:nrow(ver))
  for(j in 1:ncol(ver))


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RE: [R] lsfit result - how to compute t-values for coefficients

2005-04-22 Thread Liaw, Andy
You can try something like:

fit - lsfit(X, array(Y, dim = c(t.length, prod(d.dim[2:4] 
rsq - sapply(ls.print(fit,$coef.table,
  function(x) x[-1,c(1, 3)])
dim(rsq) - c(ncol(X), 2, dim(rsq)[2])
dimnames(rsq) - list(NULL, c(Estimate, t-value), prod(d.dim[2:4]))


 From: Christoph Lehmann
 I used lsfit instead of lm since I have a huge Y data-set (X being 
 constant for all Y).
 Since I require the t-values for all coefficients: which would be the 
 fastest way to compute them, eg for the example:
 ## using lsfit with a matrix response:
 t.length - 5
 d.dim - c(t.length,7,8,9) # dimesions: time, x, y, z
 Y - array( rep(1:t.length, prod(d.dim)) + rnorm(prod(d.dim), 
 0, 0.1), 
 X - cbind(c(1,3,2,4,5), c(1,1,1,5,5))
 rsq -lsfit(X, array(c(Y), dim = c(t.length, 
 prod(d.dim[2:4]$coef[2,] #coef for first non-const pred
 names(rsq) - prod(d.dim[2:4])
 rsq - array(rsq, dim = d.dim[2:4])
 what would be the best way to get the t-value for all coef,
 not only (as above illustrated for the beta value) for one 
 predefined coef?
 many thanks
 __ mailing list
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Re: [R] ugly loop

2005-04-22 Thread Dimitris Rizopoulos
then use
x - c(t(ver))

Dimitris Rizopoulos
Ph.D. Student
Biostatistical Centre
School of Public Health
Catholic University of Leuven
Address: Kapucijnenvoer 35, Leuven, Belgium
Tel: +32/16/336899
Fax: +32/16/337015
- Original Message - 
From: Bill Simpson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: r-help
Sent: Friday, April 22, 2005 3:17 PM
Subject: Re: [R] ugly loop

To clarify: I want to get rid of the loop over i,j
Here is a simpler example. ver is a 2D matrix
for(i in 1:nrow(ver))
 for(j in 1:ncol(ver))
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Re: [R] ugly loop

2005-04-22 Thread Bill Simpson
Thanks Marc for your help.

  The following code is slow and ugly:
  for(i in 1:nrow(ver))
for(j in 1:ncol(ver))
  Please help me make it better.
 The following should work:
  ver - matrix(sample(1:16, 16), ncol = 4)
  pt - data.frame(x = sample(1:16, 16), 
 +  y = sample(1:16, 16),
 +  z = sample(1:16, 16))
  [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
 [1,]895   13
 [2,]   14   161   10
 [3,]   122   117
 [4,]634   15
 x  y  z
 1   6 15 15
 2   9  2  3
 3  11  1  5
 4  14  4 10
 5  13  7 14
 6   1 14  7
 7  15 10  4
 8  10  5 12
 9   4 12  2
 10  8  8 13
 11 16 11  1
 12  7 13  9
 13  2 16 11
 14  3  9 16
 15  5  6  8
 16 12  3  6
  x - pt$x[ver]
  y - pt$y[ver]
  z - pt$z[ver]
This doesn't give the same results as my original code -- it scrambles the 

OK I will explain my example.

pts contains the x, y, z coordinates of some 3D points. These points are 
the vertices of 3D triangles.

ver contains the indexes into pts.

each line of ver contains 3 vertices -- they are the corners of a 
triangle. For example, if line 1 of ver is
10 9 7
That means I need to draw a triangle whose coordinates are

Now it should be clear why the ordering is critical.
I am using rgl.triangles() to plot. It requires the x,y,z coordinates in 
the order I gave in my original code.


__ mailing list
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Re: [R] ugly loop

2005-04-22 Thread Woodrow Setzer
Almost there; you need the transpose of v, since Bill originally had columns 
changing faster:
x - pt$x[t(ver)]

-Original Message-
From: Marc Schwartz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Apr 22, 2005 9:17 AM
To: Bill Simpson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: R-Help
Subject: Re: [R] ugly loop

On Fri, 2005-04-22 at 08:58 -0400, Bill Simpson wrote:
 The following code is slow and ugly:
 for(i in 1:nrow(ver))
   for(j in 1:ncol(ver))
 Please help me make it better.

The following should work:

 ver - matrix(sample(1:16, 16), ncol = 4)
 pt - data.frame(x = sample(1:16, 16), 
+  y = sample(1:16, 16),
+  z = sample(1:16, 16))
 [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,]895   13
[2,]   14   161   10
[3,]   122   117
[4,]634   15
x  y  z
1   6 15 15
2   9  2  3
3  11  1  5
4  14  4 10
5  13  7 14
6   1 14  7
7  15 10  4
8  10  5 12
9   4 12  2
10  8  8 13
11 16 11  1
12  7 13  9
13  2 16 11
14  3  9 16
15  5  6  8
16 12  3  6

 x - pt$x[ver]
 y - pt$y[ver]
 z - pt$z[ver]
 [1] 10  3  7  1  4 12  9 11 13  6 16 14  2  8 15  5
 [1]  5  9 13 14 12  3  2  1  7 15 11  4 16  8 10  6
 [1] 12 16  9  7  2  6  3  5 14 15  1 10 11 13  4  8

Keep in mind that a matrix is a vector with dims, so you can fill a
vector from the matrix simply by doing the indexing with a single value,
which will do the fill indexed column by column.


Marc Schwartz

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Re: [R] ugly loop

2005-04-22 Thread Marc Schwartz
On Fri, 2005-04-22 at 09:31 -0400, Bill Simpson wrote:
 Thanks Marc for your help.
   The following code is slow and ugly:
   for(i in 1:nrow(ver))
 for(j in 1:ncol(ver))
   Please help me make it better.
  The following should work:
   ver - matrix(sample(1:16, 16), ncol = 4)
   pt - data.frame(x = sample(1:16, 16), 
  +  y = sample(1:16, 16),
  +  z = sample(1:16, 16))
   [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
  [1,]895   13
  [2,]   14   161   10
  [3,]   122   117
  [4,]634   15
  x  y  z
  1   6 15 15
  2   9  2  3
  3  11  1  5
  4  14  4 10
  5  13  7 14
  6   1 14  7
  7  15 10  4
  8  10  5 12
  9   4 12  2
  10  8  8 13
  11 16 11  1
  12  7 13  9
  13  2 16 11
  14  3  9 16
  15  5  6  8
  16 12  3  6
   x - pt$x[ver]
   y - pt$y[ver]
   z - pt$z[ver]
 This doesn't give the same results as my original code -- it scrambles the 
 OK I will explain my example.
 pts contains the x, y, z coordinates of some 3D points. These points are 
 the vertices of 3D triangles.
 ver contains the indexes into pts.
 each line of ver contains 3 vertices -- they are the corners of a 
 triangle. For example, if line 1 of ver is
 10 9 7
 That means I need to draw a triangle whose coordinates are
 Now it should be clear why the ordering is critical.
 I am using rgl.triangles() to plot. It requires the x,y,z coordinates in 
 the order I gave in my original code.

That's what I get for not comparing your results against my own.  I just
noted that you are going by row and not by column. So, using the same
data above:

 for(i in 1:nrow(ver))
+   for(j in 1:ncol(ver))
+ {
+ count-count+1
+ x[count]-pt$x[ver[i,j]]
+ y[count]-pt$y[ver[i,j]]
+ z[count]-pt$z[ver[i,j]]
+ }
 [1] 10  4 13  2  3 12  6  8  7  9 16 15  1 11 14  5
 [1]  5 12  7 16  9  3 15  8 13  2 11 10 14  1  4  6
 [1] 12  2 14 11 16  6 15 13  9  3  1  4  7  5 10  8

Thus, I just need to use t(ver) instead of ver:

 x - pt$x[t(ver)]
 y - pt$y[t(ver)]
 z - pt$z[t(ver)]
 [1] 10  4 13  2  3 12  6  8  7  9 16 15  1 11 14  5
 [1]  5 12  7 16  9  3 15  8 13  2 11 10 14  1  4  6
 [1] 12  2 14 11 16  6 15 13  9  3  1  4  7  5 10  8

That should do it?


Off to make another pot of coffee

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[R] Installing packages from source on WindowsXP

2005-04-22 Thread Tyler Smith
Ok, I uninstalled my copy of HHW (and deleted the extra file from the 
Rtools/bin folder), and reinstalled from the murdoch-sutherland site. 
From what I read there I think it's the same version, and I actually 
get a warning that I already have a newer version installed on my 
machine (1.3.1) anyways. Just for good measure I installed it to 
C:\HTMLHelpWorkshop, instead of the default location in Program 
Files\HTML Help Workshop, in case the spaces in the folder names was an 
issue. I updated the Path variable and voila, everything seems to be 
working fine. So, whatever the actual problem was, it's gone now. Magic. 

On a related note, now that I seem to be on top of installing packages 
from source files, is there any advantage to installing the R software 
itself from source files? From the help files that sounds even trickier...

Tyler Smith
PhD Candidate
Department of Plant Science
McGill University
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[R] density estimation

2005-04-22 Thread Bernard Palagos
sorry for my english
I would like  estimate density  for multivariate variable,( f(x,y) , f(x,y 
,z) for example) ; for calculate mutual information
how is posible with R?

Bernard Palagos
Unité Mixte de Recherche Cemagref - Agro.M - CIRAD
Information et Technologie pour les Agro-Procédés
Cemagref - BP 5095
34033 MONTPELLIER Cedex 1
Tel: 04 67 04 63 13
Fax: 04 67 04 37 82

[[alternative HTML version deleted]]

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Re: [R] ugly loop

2005-04-22 Thread Bill Simpson
On Fri, 22 Apr 2005, Marc Schwartz wrote:
 Thus, I just need to use t(ver) instead of ver:
  x - pt$x[t(ver)]
  y - pt$y[t(ver)]
  z - pt$z[t(ver)]

 That should do it?

Thanks very much Marc and others who suggested this.


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Re: [R] Installing packages from source on WindowsXP

2005-04-22 Thread Uwe Ligges
Tyler Smith wrote:
Ok, I uninstalled my copy of HHW (and deleted the extra file from the 
Rtools/bin folder), and reinstalled from the murdoch-sutherland site. 
 From what I read there I think it's the same version, and I actually 
get a warning that I already have a newer version installed on my 
machine (1.3.1) anyways. Just for good measure I installed it to 
C:\HTMLHelpWorkshop, instead of the default location in Program 
Files\HTML Help Workshop, in case the spaces in the folder names was an 
issue. I updated the Path variable and voila, everything seems to be 
working fine. So, whatever the actual problem was, it's gone now. Magic. 

On a related note, now that I seem to be on top of installing packages 
from source files, is there any advantage to installing the R software 
itself from source files? From the help files that sounds even trickier...
Yes, there some advantages, for example:
 - if you want to change something in the sources
 - if you want to link against some CPU optimized linear algebra system 
such as Goto's BLAS, etc.

But if you want to use R as is anyway (as most several users do), you 
won't have advantages from my point of view.

Uwe Ligges

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[R] hi: I am newbie for R too...

2005-04-22 Thread hau chung chan
I have so much questions about using R...but i will try my best to solve myself 
before bothering you guys
firstly...yes no
   maleold   13070
 young34  48
  female old5060

can I do a chisq.test for such contingency table? is not 2 
dimension is there any other method to test the independency to the answer 
for the factors (male, female) (old, young) 
or you guys will suggest me to add them up and do chosq.test 2 times.. thank 
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]

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Re: [R] Installing packages from source on WindowsXP

2005-04-22 Thread Marc Schwartz
On Fri, 2005-04-22 at 09:46 -0400, Tyler Smith wrote:
 Ok, I uninstalled my copy of HHW (and deleted the extra file from the 
 Rtools/bin folder), and reinstalled from the murdoch-sutherland site. 
  From what I read there I think it's the same version, and I actually 
 get a warning that I already have a newer version installed on my 
 machine (1.3.1) anyways. Just for good measure I installed it to 
 C:\HTMLHelpWorkshop, instead of the default location in Program 
 Files\HTML Help Workshop, in case the spaces in the folder names was an 
 issue. I updated the Path variable and voila, everything seems to be 
 working fine. So, whatever the actual problem was, it's gone now. Magic. 
 On a related note, now that I seem to be on top of installing packages 
 from source files, is there any advantage to installing the R software 
 itself from source files? From the help files that sounds even trickier...

R Windows FAQ 2.17 R can't find my file, but I know it is there!

 Another possible source of grief is spaces in folder names.

Also, from the R Admin Manual (page 35):

Do not use filepaths containing spaces

If you want to compile from source, be sure to completely review the R
Admin Manual for details on this process under Windows.

There are some potential advantages relative to using optimized
libraries (ie. BLAS). These are mentioned in the Admin Manual.


Marc Schwartz

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Re: [R] Factor Analysis functions...

2005-04-22 Thread Pierre BADY
hi all,

In the library ‘ade4’, there are two eigenanalysis which enable the ordination
of the categorical variables.

1- Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA, Tenenhaus  Young 1985) performs the
multiple correspondence analysis of a factor table (see the
function ‘dudi.acm’). this function is equivalent to functions mca of the 

2- the “mixed factorial analysis” (Hill  Smith 1976) enables the ordination
of tables mixing quantitative variables and factors (functions ‘dudi.mix’
or ‘dudi.hillsmith’).

I hope this helps,


At 15:47 21/04/2005 -0500, Chris Bergstresser wrote:
Hi all --

 I'm running a Factor Analysis on my dataset, and I've located the 
 factanal() and princomp() methods.  I don't want to do a PCA, so it 
 looks like I should use factanal(), but factanal() requires specifying 
 the number of factors you expect from the analysis.
Are there any packages out there explicitly for Exploratory Factor 
 Analysis that do not require specifying the number of expected factors?

-- Chris

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Pierre BADY °)
Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
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MEL : [EMAIL PROTECTED] (in construction)

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Re: [R] Problem with R-2.1.0: install.packages() doesn't work

2005-04-22 Thread Uwe Ligges
Waichler, Scott R wrote:
I installed R-2.1.0 from source on a Linux box running Red Hat
Enterprise Linux WS release 4 but install.packages() wouldn't work (see
below).  When I install R-2.0.1 from RPM on the same system, everything
is fine.
Version 2.1.0  (2005-04-18), ISBN 3-900051-07-0
. . . 

options(CRAN =;)
options(CRAN = ...) is outdated. See ?options.

--- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---
Error in inherits(x, factor) : Object res not found

Quite probably you have no X11 connection to this machine.
R tries to ask you which CRAN mirror you are going to choose, and it 
fails to present the tcltk window.
You might want to call
prior to install.packages().

Uwe Ligges

Scott Waichler
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
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Re: [R] Problem with R-2.1.0: install.packages() doesn't work

2005-04-22 Thread Peter Dalgaard
Manuel Morales [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Fri, 2005-04-22 at 17:48 +0200, Uwe Ligges wrote:
  Waichler, Scott R wrote:
   I installed R-2.1.0 from source on a Linux box running Red Hat
   Enterprise Linux WS release 4 but install.packages() wouldn't work (see
   --- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---
   Error in inherits(x, factor) : Object res not found
  Quite probably you have no X11 connection to this machine.
  R tries to ask you which CRAN mirror you are going to choose, and it 
  fails to present the tcltk window.
  You might want to call
  prior to install.packages().
  Uwe Ligges
 I have the same problem after building R-2.1.0 from source on Fedora
 Core 3. The suggestion above fixes this, but what do you mean by Quite
 probably you have no X11 connection on this machine? I'm guessing you
 don't mean that X11 is not running (I use Gnome for my desktop).

Gnome runs on top of X11, so that's not possible. However, if you're
running remotely, or for some reason lost your DISPLAY setting, you
might not have a connection to X11.

There's a buglet somewhere. AFAICS, we end up calling
chooseCRANmirror() with the default graphics=TRUE, even when
capabilities(X11) is FALSE. Probably easiest to fix inside menu(),
so that it produces the text menu if asked for a graphics menu with
insufficient capabilities.

   O__   Peter Dalgaard Blegdamsvej 3  
  c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics 2200 Cph. N   
 (*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen   Denmark  Ph: (+45) 35327918
~~ - ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) FAX: (+45) 35327907

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Re: [R] Problem with R-2.1.0: install.packages() doesn't work

2005-04-22 Thread Marc Schwartz
On Fri, 2005-04-22 at 15:44 -0400, Manuel Morales wrote:
 On Fri, 2005-04-22 at 17:48 +0200, Uwe Ligges wrote:
  Waichler, Scott R wrote:
   I installed R-2.1.0 from source on a Linux box running Red Hat
   Enterprise Linux WS release 4 but install.packages() wouldn't work (see
   --- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---
   Error in inherits(x, factor) : Object res not found
  Quite probably you have no X11 connection to this machine.
  R tries to ask you which CRAN mirror you are going to choose, and it 
  fails to present the tcltk window.
  You might want to call
  prior to install.packages().
  Uwe Ligges
 I have the same problem after building R-2.1.0 from source on Fedora
 Core 3. The suggestion above fixes this, but what do you mean by Quite
 probably you have no X11 connection on this machine? I'm guessing you
 don't mean that X11 is not running (I use Gnome for my desktop).

For both Scott and Manuel,

Can you post back with the output of:


It should look something like:

jpeg  pngtcltk  X11 http/ftp  sockets   libxml fifo
  cledit  IEEE754iconv

Pay attention specifically to the values under 'tcltk' and 'X11'. Having
built from source tarballs, I am wondering if something got borked in
the build of the tcltk package or you don't have the X11 (xorg) devel
RPMS installed.

If the latter problem (X11) is the issue, you should not be able to
create any plots to the screen either so try:


and see if a graphic window comes up.

Marc Schwartz

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Re: [R] Problem with R-2.1.0: install.packages() doesn't work

2005-04-22 Thread Uwe Ligges
Roger D. Peng wrote:
What happens if you don't set the 'CRAN' option via 'options()' first 
and just run 'install.packages()'?
Should be the same as long as no CRAN mirror has been choosen and X11 is 
not accessible (see my other message). The code needs to be a bit more 
defensive here - or present a better error message.

Uwe Ligges

Waichler, Scott R wrote:
I installed R-2.1.0 from source on a Linux box running Red Hat
Enterprise Linux WS release 4 but install.packages() wouldn't work (see
below).  When I install R-2.0.1 from RPM on the same system, everything
is fine.
Version 2.1.0  (2005-04-18), ISBN 3-900051-07-0
. . .
options(CRAN =;)

--- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---
Error in inherits(x, factor) : Object res not found
Scott Waichler
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
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[R] an interesting qqnorm question

2005-04-22 Thread WeiWei Shi
Hi, r-gurus:

I happened to have a question in my work:

I have a dataset, which has only one dimention, like

the data is saved in a file called f392.txt.

I used the following codes to play around :)

k-read.table(f392.txt, header=F)# read into k
while (i=lenk){
diff[i]=l$y[i]-l$x[i]   # save the difference of therotical quantile
and sample quantile
   # remember, my sample mean is around 1
while the therotical one, 0
hist(diff, breaks=300)  # analyze the distr of such diff

my question is:
from l-qqnorm(kk), I wanted to know, from which point (or cut), the
sample points start to become away from therotical ones. That's the
reason I played around the diff list, which gives me the difference.
To my surprise, the diff is perfectly normal. I tried to use some
kk-c(1, 2, 5, -1 , ...) to test, I concluded it must be some
distribution my sample follows gives this finding.

So, any suggestion on the distribution of my sample?   I think there
might be some mathematical inference which can leads this observation,
but not quite sure.

 fitdistr(kk, 't')
m  s  df
  9.65e-01   7.630770e-03   3.742244e+00
 (5.317674e-05) (5.373884e-05) (8.584725e-02)

btw2, can anyone suggest a way to find the cut or threshold from
my sample to discretize them into 3 groups: two tail-group and one
main group.- my focus.



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RE: [R] if(foo == TRUE) .. etc

2005-04-22 Thread bogdan romocea
Great suggestion; it made me change all my Ts/Fs to TRUE/FALSE. 
   F - TRUE
   T - FALSE
is it possible to forbid T to stand for TRUE, and F for FALSE in 
Or, alternatively, never allow F - whatever and T - whatever?

I don't know what the technical side is, but I think it would be much
better if this particular blunder (major, yet rather easy to overlook)
was impossible to make.

-Original Message-
From: Martin Maechler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 8:31 AM
Subject: [R] if(foo == TRUE) .. etc

 Andy == Andy Bunn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 on Tue, 19 Apr 2005 10:27:04 -0400 writes:

Andy is.tuesday - as.POSIXlt(Sys.time())$wday == 2
Andy if (is.tuesday == T) { }

aaah, this really hurts my eyes or rather the brain behind! 
And it's by far not the first such instance...

Rather use   if (is.tuesday) {  } 

More generally, please, please, everyone :

if (something == TRUE)
withif (something)
if (something.or.other == FALSE)
withif (!something.or.other)

{and even more for cases where you have 
 'T' and 'F' instead of 'TRUE' and 'FALSE' - 
 which is against all recommendations, since
  F - TRUE
 are valid statements, probably not common, but think what
 happens when you accidentally have the equivalent of T - 0
 somewhere in your global enviroment!

Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich

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Re: [R] Help needed with lattice graph!

2005-04-22 Thread Romain Francois
Well done !
The result of your work has been uploaded to the gallery (graph 48).
Le 22.04.2005 22:39, Paul Murrell a écrit :
Deepayan Sarkar wrote:
On Friday 22 April 2005 03:29, Sander Oom wrote:
Dear R users,
If I manage to sort out this graph, it is certainly a candidate for the
new R graph gallery
I created the following lattice graph:
tmp - expand.grid(geology = c(Sand,Clay,Silt,Rock),
  species =
  dist = seq(1,9,1) )
tmp$height - rnorm(216)
sps - trellis.par.get(superpose.symbol)
sps$pch - 1:6
trellis.par.set(superpose.symbol, sps)
  xyplot( height ~ dist | geology, data = tmp,
groups = species, type = b, cex = 1.2,
layout = c(2,2),
lines = list(col=grey),
key = list(columns = 2, type = b, cex = 1.2,
  text = list(paste(unique(tmp$species))),
  points = Rows(sps, 1:6)

I would do something like this instead:
lattice.options(default.theme = canonical.theme(color = FALSE))
tmp -
expand.grid(geology = c(Sand,Clay,Silt,Rock),
species = c(ArisDiff, BracSera, CynDact, 
ElioMuti, EragCurS, EragPseu),
dist = seq(1,9,1) )

tmp$height - rnorm(216)
sp - list(superpose.symbol = list(pch = 1:6, cex = 1.2),
   superpose.line = list(col = grey, lty = 1))
xyplot(height ~ dist | geology, data = tmp,
   groups = species,
   type = b,layout = c(2,2),
   par.settings = sp,
   auto.key = list(columns = 2, lines = TRUE))

However, for once, the R defaults are not to my liking. I plot the 
to postscript and the result is less then optimal.

I would like to plot the point symbols in black and white, both in the
graphs and the key. I would like the lines to be a single style 
(grey or
a light dash) and preferably the lines do not go through the symbols
(like figure 4.11 in the MASS book).

type='b' is the right choice, and it works in standard graphics, but 
not in lattice (where it's same as type='o'). If you really want it, 
bug Paul to add support for it in grid.

[Paul exhibits bug-avoidance behaviour by suggesting a low-level 
workaround ...]

xyplot(height ~ dist | geology, data = tmp,
   groups = species,
   layout = c(2,2),
   panel = function(x, y, type, ...) {
 panel.superpose(x, y, type=l, ...)
 lpoints(x, y, pch=16, col=white, cex=2)
 panel.superpose(x, y, type=p...)
   par.settings = sp,
   auto.key = list(columns = 2, lines = TRUE))

To get the points and lines combined in the key, you could do
xyplot(height ~ dist | geology, data = tmp,
   groups = species,
   type = b,layout = c(2,2),
   par.settings = sp,
   key =
   list(columns = 2, lines = list(col=grey, type = 
b, cex = 1.2, pch = 1:6),
text = list(levels(tmp$species

but evidently there's no way to separately control the color of the 
line and the points on it.

__ mailing list
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~~  Romain FRANCOIS - ~~
Etudiant  ISUP - CS3 - Industrie et Services   
~~  ~~
   Stagiaire INRIA Futurs - Equipe SELECT  
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Re: [R] Error when downloading and installing ALL R packages

2005-04-22 Thread Uwe Ligges
Bernd Weiss wrote:
after updating to 2.1 (see below) I am no longer able to install all 
R packages as mentioned at 

After finishing the download, I received the following error:
trying URL 
Content type 'application/zip' length 102623 bytes
opened URL
downloaded 100Kb

trying URL 
Content type 'application/zip' length 168770 bytes
opened URL
downloaded 164Kb

package 'AMORE' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
package 'AlgDesign' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
Error in sprintf(gettext(unable to move temp installation '%d' to 
'%s'),  : 
use format %s for character objects
Maybe your disc is full or a package is already in use and one of its 
files is locked? Unfortunately, we don't know which packages comes after 
AlgDesign, because of the bug in
   sprintf(gettext(unable to move temp installation '%d' to '%s'))
you just have discovered.

Uwe Ligges


platform i386-pc-mingw32
arch i386   
os   mingw32
system   i386, mingw32  
status   Patched
year 2005   
day  18 
language R

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Re: [R] Problem with R-2.1.0: install.packages() doesn't work

2005-04-22 Thread Manuel Morales
On Fri, 2005-04-22 at 15:42 -0500, Marc Schwartz wrote:
 On Fri, 2005-04-22 at 15:44 -0400, Manuel Morales wrote:
  On Fri, 2005-04-22 at 17:48 +0200, Uwe Ligges wrote:
   Waichler, Scott R wrote:
I installed R-2.1.0 from source on a Linux box running Red Hat
Enterprise Linux WS release 4 but install.packages() wouldn't work (see

--- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---
Error in inherits(x, factor) : Object res not found
   Quite probably you have no X11 connection to this machine.
   R tries to ask you which CRAN mirror you are going to choose, and it 
   fails to present the tcltk window.
   You might want to call
   prior to install.packages().
   Uwe Ligges
  I have the same problem after building R-2.1.0 from source on Fedora
  Core 3. The suggestion above fixes this, but what do you mean by Quite
  probably you have no X11 connection on this machine? I'm guessing you
  don't mean that X11 is not running (I use Gnome for my desktop).
 For both Scott and Manuel,
 Can you post back with the output of:

This is what I got:
jpeg  pngtcltk  X11 http/ftp  sockets   libxml fifo
  cledit  IEEE754iconv

I recompiled after downloading the tc and tk development packages, which
gave tcltk as TRUE. update.packages() works if tcltk is enabled, but it
seems not to revert to the non-graphical interface otherwise...

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Re: [R] Problem with R-2.1.0: install.packages() doesn't work

2005-04-22 Thread Manuel Morales
On Fri, 2005-04-22 at 17:48 +0200, Uwe Ligges wrote:
 Waichler, Scott R wrote:
  I installed R-2.1.0 from source on a Linux box running Red Hat
  Enterprise Linux WS release 4 but install.packages() wouldn't work (see

  --- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---
  Error in inherits(x, factor) : Object res not found
 Quite probably you have no X11 connection to this machine.
 R tries to ask you which CRAN mirror you are going to choose, and it 
 fails to present the tcltk window.
 You might want to call
 prior to install.packages().
 Uwe Ligges

I have the same problem after building R-2.1.0 from source on Fedora
Core 3. The suggestion above fixes this, but what do you mean by Quite
probably you have no X11 connection on this machine? I'm guessing you
don't mean that X11 is not running (I use Gnome for my desktop).


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RE: [R] Problem with R-2.1.0: install.packages() doesn't work

2005-04-22 Thread Liaw, Andy
 From: Uwe Ligges
 Waichler, Scott R wrote:
  I installed R-2.1.0 from source on a Linux box running Red Hat
  Enterprise Linux WS release 4 but install.packages() 
 wouldn't work (see
  below).  When I install R-2.0.1 from RPM on the same 
 system, everything
  is fine.
  Version 2.1.0  (2005-04-18), ISBN 3-900051-07-0
  . . . 
 options(CRAN =;)
 options(CRAN = ...) is outdated. See ?options.

But section 5.1 of R-admin still has:

Alternatively, packages can be downloaded and installed from within R. First
set the option CRAN to your nearest CRAN mirror, for example 

  options(CRAN =;)

(You can also supply this as the repos argument.) 

This should probably be updated, too...

  --- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---
  Error in inherits(x, factor) : Object res not found
 Quite probably you have no X11 connection to this machine.
 R tries to ask you which CRAN mirror you are going to choose, and it 
 fails to present the tcltk window.
 You might want to call
 prior to install.packages().
 Uwe Ligges
  Scott Waichler
  Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  __ mailing list
  PLEASE do read the posting guide!
 __ mailing list
 PLEASE do read the posting guide!

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[R] Re: an interesting qqnorm question

2005-04-22 Thread WeiWei Shi
hope it is not b/c some central limit therory, otherwise my initial
plan will fail :)

On 4/22/05, WeiWei Shi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, r-gurus:
 I happened to have a question in my work:
 I have a dataset, which has only one dimention, like
 the data is saved in a file called f392.txt.
 I used the following codes to play around :)
 k-read.table(f392.txt, header=F)# read into k
 while (i=lenk){
 diff[i]=l$y[i]-l$x[i]   # save the difference of therotical quantile
 and sample quantile
# remember, my sample mean is around 1
 while the therotical one, 0
 hist(diff, breaks=300)  # analyze the distr of such diff
 my question is:
 from l-qqnorm(kk), I wanted to know, from which point (or cut), the
 sample points start to become away from therotical ones. That's the
 reason I played around the diff list, which gives me the difference.
 To my surprise, the diff is perfectly normal. I tried to use some
 kk-c(1, 2, 5, -1 , ...) to test, I concluded it must be some
 distribution my sample follows gives this finding.
 So, any suggestion on the distribution of my sample?   I think there
 might be some mathematical inference which can leads this observation,
 but not quite sure.
  fitdistr(kk, 't')
 m  s  df
   9.65e-01   7.630770e-03   3.742244e+00
  (5.317674e-05) (5.373884e-05) (8.584725e-02)
 btw2, can anyone suggest a way to find the cut or threshold from
 my sample to discretize them into 3 groups: two tail-group and one
 main group.- my focus.

__ mailing list
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Re: [R] Help needed with lattice graph!

2005-04-22 Thread Deepayan Sarkar
On Friday 22 April 2005 03:29, Sander Oom wrote:
 Dear R users,

 If I manage to sort out this graph, it is certainly a candidate for the
 new R graph gallery

 I created the following lattice graph:

 tmp - expand.grid(geology = c(Sand,Clay,Silt,Rock),
species =
dist = seq(1,9,1) )
 tmp$height - rnorm(216)
 sps - trellis.par.get(superpose.symbol)
 sps$pch - 1:6
 trellis.par.set(superpose.symbol, sps)
xyplot( height ~ dist | geology, data = tmp,
  groups = species, type = b, cex = 1.2,
  layout = c(2,2),
  lines = list(col=grey),
  key = list(columns = 2, type = b, cex = 1.2,
text = list(paste(unique(tmp$species))),
points = Rows(sps, 1:6)

I would do something like this instead:


lattice.options(default.theme = canonical.theme(color = FALSE))

tmp -
expand.grid(geology = c(Sand,Clay,Silt,Rock),
species = c(ArisDiff, BracSera, CynDact, 
ElioMuti, EragCurS, EragPseu),
dist = seq(1,9,1) )

tmp$height - rnorm(216)

sp - list(superpose.symbol = list(pch = 1:6, cex = 1.2),
   superpose.line = list(col = grey, lty = 1))

xyplot(height ~ dist | geology, data = tmp,
   groups = species,
   type = b, 
   layout = c(2,2),
   par.settings = sp,
   auto.key = list(columns = 2, lines = TRUE))


 However, for once, the R defaults are not to my liking. I plot the graph
 to postscript and the result is less then optimal.

 I would like to plot the point symbols in black and white, both in the
 graphs and the key. I would like the lines to be a single style (grey or
 a light dash) and preferably the lines do not go through the symbols
 (like figure 4.11 in the MASS book).

type='b' is the right choice, and it works in standard graphics, but not in 
lattice (where it's same as type='o'). If you really want it, bug Paul to add 
support for it in grid.

To get the points and lines combined in the key, you could do 

xyplot(height ~ dist | geology, data = tmp,
   groups = species,
   type = b, 
   layout = c(2,2),
   par.settings = sp,
   key =
   list(columns = 2, 
lines = list(col=grey, type = b, cex = 1.2, pch = 1:6),
text = list(levels(tmp$species

but evidently there's no way to separately control the color of the line and 
the points on it.


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Re: [R] R 2.1.0 for Windows installation error? atanh not in R.dll?

2005-04-22 Thread Uwe Ligges
Could someone please tell me what I did wrong to create this message or what I 
should do to correct this problem?
I downloaded 2.1.0 Windows binary and installed into C:/R/rw2010, using the installer. I 
ran md5check.exe in C:/R/rw2010/bin/ and got No errors.
The problem is this:
When I start up Rgui.exe from its shortcut (target= C:\R\rw2010\bin\Rgui.exe 
--save -sdi, Start in C:\R\rw2010), I get a message box with:
R Console: Rgui.exe - Entry Point Not Found
The procedure entry point atanh could not be located in the dynamic link 
library R.dll.
and the console shows:
Error in dyn.load(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now)) : 
unable to load shared library 'C:/R/rw2001pat/library/stats/libs/stats.dll':
So may I guess that you have an R session of R-2.0.1 patched still 
*running* that uses stats.dll, and since Windows caches this file, it 
doesn't load the correct one when trying to access the one for R-2.1.0.

If not: Which version of Windows is this, and is the message above the 
right one you got from R-2.1.0? Why do you have installed it in 
rw2001pat, then?

  LoadLibrary failure:  The specified procedure could not be found.
During startup - Warning message:
package stats in options(defaultPackages) was not found
I also tried 2.1.0 patched and got the same results.
Of course, I cannot do much without the stats package.
stats.dll does exist in that location:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /cygdrive/c/R/rw2010/library/stats/libs
R for Windows is *not* supposed to run in a cygwin environment.
Uwe Ligges

$ ls -lA
total 207
-rwx--+   1 davidr      211456 Apr 18 08:19 stats.dll
version info:
platform i386-pc-mingw32
arch i386   
os   mingw32
system   i386, mingw32  
year 2005   
day  18 
language R  

I do have several other versions of R installed in other subdirectories under 
C:/R/. I have searched the archives to no avail.
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
David L. Reiner
Rho Trading
440 S. LaSalle St -- Suite 620
Chicago  IL  60605
312-362-4963 (voice)
312-362-4941 (fax)

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RE: [R] Hoaglin Outlier Method

2005-04-22 Thread Liaw, Andy
That looks just like how `outliers' are determined in boxplots.  You can use
the output of boxplot.stats() to compute the limits.

[EDA purists would tell you that those shound be letter values (or `F' for
fourths), not quartiles.]


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
 Sent: Friday, April 22, 2005 11:23 AM
 Subject: [R] Hoaglin Outlier Method
 I am a new user of R so please bear with me.  I have reviewed 
 some R books,
 FAQs and such but the volume of material is great.  I am in 
 the process of
 porting my current SAS and SVS Script code to Lotus Approach, R and
 My question is, can you help me determine the best R method 
 to implement
 the Hoaglin Outlier Method?  It is used in the Appendix A and 
 B of the fo
 llowing link.
 The sample data from Appendix A for determining outliers in R:
 T314Data -
 structure(list(Lab = as.integer(c(1:60)), X = c(4.89, 3.82, 2.57, 2.3,
 2.034, 2, 1.97, 1.85,
 1.85, 1.85, 1.84, 1.82, 1.82, 1.77, 1.76, 1.67, 1.66, 1.63, 1.62,
 1.62, 1.55, 1.54, 1.54, 1.53, 1.53, 1.44, 1.428, 1.42, 1.39,
 1.36, 1.35, 1.31, 1.28, 1.24, 1.24, 1.23, 1.22, 1.21, 1.19, 1.18,
 1.18, 1.18, 1.17, 1.16, 1.13, 1.13, 1.099, 1.09, 1.09, 1.08,
 1.07, 1.05, 0.98, 0.97, 0.84, 0.808, 0.69, 0.63, 0.6, 0.5), Y 
 = c(5.28,
 3.82, 2.41, 2.32, 2.211, 1.46, 2.24, 1.91, 1.78, 1.63, 1.81,
 1.92, 1.2, 1.67, 1.28, 1.59, 1.45, 2.06, 1.91, 1.19, 1.26, 1.79,
 1.39, 1.48, 0.72, 1.29, 1.517, 1.71, 1.12, 1.38, 0.93, 1.36,
 1.2, 1.23, 0.71, 1.29, 1.26, 1.48, 1.26, 1.33, 1.21, 1.04, 1.57,
 1.42, 1.08, 1.04, 1.33, 1.33, 1.2, 1.05, 1.24, 0.91, 0.99, 1.06,
 1.27, 0.702, 0.77, 0.58, 1, 0.38)), .Names = c(Lab, X, Y
 ), class = data.frame, row.names = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27,
 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38,
 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49,
 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60
 From this point on, I could use your advise.  There are several other
 methods for determining outliers in R.  I'd rather not 
 re-invent the wheel
 or use a brute strength and force method if there is a better 
 way in R.
 Our usual method for determining outliers is a student's T 
 test as in ASTM
 E 178 or when the standard deviation for a lab is 3 or more.  
 We normally
 have 120 labs to evaluate for outliers similar what is shown 
 in T312Data.
 On occasion, I have used the Wilk-Shapiro W statistic in SAS. 
  A point in
 the right direction or an R code example would help greatly.  
 After I trim
 the outliers, I will need to show which labs were eliminated but that
 should be fairly trivial.
 The reference in Appendix A is:
 Hoaglin, D. C., Iglewicz, B., Tukey, J. W., Performance of 
 Some Resistant
 Rules for Outlier Labeling, Journal
 of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 81, No. 396 
 (Dec., 1986), pp.
 The ASTM E 178 reference is:
 Shapiro, S. S., and Wilk, M. B., An Analysis of Variance Test for
 Non-Normality (Complete Samples), Biometrika, BIOKA, Vol 52,
 1965, pp. 591-611.
 Kenneth Ray Hobson, P.E.
 Oklahoma DOT - QA  IAS Manager
 200 N.E. 21st Street
 Oklahoma City, OK  73105-3204
 (405) 522-4985, (405) 522-0552 fax
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Re: [R] Help needed with lattice graph!

2005-04-22 Thread Paul Murrell
Deepayan Sarkar wrote:
On Friday 22 April 2005 03:29, Sander Oom wrote:
Dear R users,
If I manage to sort out this graph, it is certainly a candidate for the
new R graph gallery
I created the following lattice graph:
tmp - expand.grid(geology = c(Sand,Clay,Silt,Rock),
  species =
  dist = seq(1,9,1) )
tmp$height - rnorm(216)
sps - trellis.par.get(superpose.symbol)
sps$pch - 1:6
trellis.par.set(superpose.symbol, sps)
  xyplot( height ~ dist | geology, data = tmp,
groups = species, type = b, cex = 1.2,
layout = c(2,2),
lines = list(col=grey),
key = list(columns = 2, type = b, cex = 1.2,
  text = list(paste(unique(tmp$species))),
  points = Rows(sps, 1:6)

I would do something like this instead:
lattice.options(default.theme = canonical.theme(color = FALSE))
tmp -
expand.grid(geology = c(Sand,Clay,Silt,Rock),
species = c(ArisDiff, BracSera, CynDact, 
ElioMuti, EragCurS, EragPseu),
dist = seq(1,9,1) )

tmp$height - rnorm(216)
sp - list(superpose.symbol = list(pch = 1:6, cex = 1.2),
   superpose.line = list(col = grey, lty = 1))
xyplot(height ~ dist | geology, data = tmp,
   groups = species,
   type = b, 
   layout = c(2,2),
   par.settings = sp,
   auto.key = list(columns = 2, lines = TRUE))


However, for once, the R defaults are not to my liking. I plot the graph
to postscript and the result is less then optimal.
I would like to plot the point symbols in black and white, both in the
graphs and the key. I would like the lines to be a single style (grey or
a light dash) and preferably the lines do not go through the symbols
(like figure 4.11 in the MASS book).

type='b' is the right choice, and it works in standard graphics, but not in 
lattice (where it's same as type='o'). If you really want it, bug Paul to add 
support for it in grid.

[Paul exhibits bug-avoidance behaviour by suggesting a low-level 
workaround ...]

xyplot(height ~ dist | geology, data = tmp,
   groups = species,
   layout = c(2,2),
   panel = function(x, y, type, ...) {
 panel.superpose(x, y, type=l, ...)
 lpoints(x, y, pch=16, col=white, cex=2)
 panel.superpose(x, y, type=p...)
   par.settings = sp,
   auto.key = list(columns = 2, lines = TRUE))

To get the points and lines combined in the key, you could do 

xyplot(height ~ dist | geology, data = tmp,
   groups = species,
   type = b, 
   layout = c(2,2),
   par.settings = sp,
   key =
   list(columns = 2, 
lines = list(col=grey, type = b, cex = 1.2, pch = 1:6),
text = list(levels(tmp$species

but evidently there's no way to separately control the color of the line and 
the points on it.

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Dr Paul Murrell
Department of Statistics
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
New Zealand
64 9 3737599 x85392
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[R] shared library configuration; Gnome GUI

2005-04-22 Thread Paul Johnson
Hello, everybody:
On a Fedora Core 3 Linux system, I built R-2.1 using an updated version 
of the spec file that was used to make the RPMs for version 2.0.1 on the 
CRAN system.  The build was fine, and packages updates perfectly.  Thanks!

Then I got curious about the package gnomeGUI. While trying to build 
that, I see errors
* Installing *Frontend* package 'gnomeGUI' ...
Using R Installation in R_HOME=/usr/lib/R
R was not built as a shared library
Need a shared R library
ERROR: configuration failed for package 'gnomeGUI'

So then I look back at re-building R, and see
 ./configure --help
I see these two items that seem to contradict each other.  Why is the 
first defaulted to no and the second one yes?  What's the difference?

 --enable-R-shlibbuild R as a shared library [no]
  build shared libraries [default=yes]
I built with --enable-R-shlib and all seemed fine.
Anyway, it turns out it was all for nothing, because the Gnome package 
wants the Gnome-1.4 libraries, whereas I have 2.0X. So, I'm going to 
forget about gnomeGUI, but I wonder: did I do any harm by building R 
with the non-default --enable-R-shared?  Can it potentially break something?

As far as I can see, new R runs great.
Paul E. Johnson   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept. of Political Science
1541 Lilac Lane, Rm 504
University of Kansas  Office: (785) 864-9086
Lawrence, Kansas 66044-3177   FAX: (785) 864-5700
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[R] dr ()

2005-04-22 Thread Jessica Higgs
Hi all--
A quick question about the dr () function. I am using this function to 
reduce the dimensions of a data set I have that involves 14 predictor 
variables and one predictant or response. The goal is to discover which 
variables play the most important role in determining the response and, 
thus, to reduce the variables. I would like to use the sliced inverse 
regression method (SIR) within this function but each time I specify 8 
slices, it only performs 5 slices. Any suggestions/thoughts?

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RE: [R] if(foo == TRUE) .. etc

2005-04-22 Thread Liaw, Andy
 From: bogdan romocea
 Great suggestion; it made me change all my Ts/Fs to TRUE/FALSE. 
 is it possible to forbid T to stand for TRUE, and F for FALSE in 
 Or, alternatively, never allow F - whatever and T - whatever?
 I don't know what the technical side is, but I think it would be much
 better if this particular blunder (major, yet rather easy to overlook)
 was impossible to make.

R FAQ 3.3, bullet #3:

In R, T and F are just variables being set to TRUE and FALSE, respectively,
but are not reserved words as in S and hence can be overwritten by the user.
(This helps e.g. when you have factors with levels T or F.) Hence, when
writing code you should always use TRUE and FALSE. 

If T and F are changed as you suggested above, it will break S compatibility
in lots of code.

 -Original Message-
 From: Martin Maechler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 8:31 AM
 Subject: [R] if(foo == TRUE) .. etc
  Andy == Andy Bunn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  on Tue, 19 Apr 2005 10:27:04 -0400 writes:
 Andy is.tuesday - as.POSIXlt(Sys.time())$wday == 2
 Andy if (is.tuesday == T) { }
 aaah, this really hurts my eyes or rather the brain behind! 
 And it's by far not the first such instance...
 Rather use   if (is.tuesday) {  } 
 More generally, please, please, everyone :
   if (something == TRUE)
   withif (something)
   if (something.or.other == FALSE)
   withif (!something.or.other)
 {and even more for cases where you have 
  'T' and 'F' instead of 'TRUE' and 'FALSE' - 
  which is against all recommendations, since
   F - TRUE
   T - FALSE
  are valid statements, probably not common, but think what
  happens when you accidentally have the equivalent of T - 0
  somewhere in your global enviroment!
 Martin Maechler, ETH Zurich
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[R] Need help arranging the plot in different fashion than the default format

2005-04-22 Thread Ghosh, Sandeep
I want to change the way the plot is appearing in the barchart ..

testdata -,2004,LV1,3.8,2,87,2,2004,LV1,3.2,3,28,3,2004,LV1,3.4,3,88,4,2004,LV1,3,2,26,5,2004,LV1,3.8,2,87,6,2004,LV1,3.2,3,28,7,2004,LV1,3.4,3,88,8,2004,LV1,3,2,26,9,2004,LV1,3.8,2,87,10,2004,LV1,3.2,3,28,11,2004,LV1,3.4,3,88,12,2004,LV1,3,2,26,1,2005,LV1,3.8,2,87,2,2005,LV1,3.2,3,28,3,2005,LV1,3.4,3,88,4,2005,LV1,3,2,26),
colnames(testdata) - c('month', 'year', 'dataset','mean','stdDev','miceCount');
testdata[c(month, mean)] - lapply(testdata[c(month, mean)], 
function(x) as.numeric(levels(x)[x]));
testdata - testdata[, testdata), ];
trellis.par.set(theme = col.whitebg());
barchart(month ~ mean | year, data=testdata)

I want to have the years come one below the other rather than next to each 
other which can be achieved by layout(c(1,2)), and the x axis to be the month 
and the y axis to be the mean. I would really appreciate if someone can tell me 
how to achieve this

barchart(mean ~ month | year, data=testdata, layout=c(1,2)) #doing this is not 
producing the intended result

Any suggestion and help is greatly appreciated..


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[R] Problems with help.start()

2005-04-22 Thread Kenneth Roy Cabrera Torres
Hi R users and developers:
I just install the new R version 2.1.0 in a
linux platform.
I get this error when I call the function
Making links in per-session dir ...
Error in gsub(pattern, replacement, x,, extended, fixed) :
input string 28 is invalid in this locale
What am I missing? (It works fine with version 2.0.1)
Kenneth Roy Cabrera Torres
Uninversidad Nacional de Colombia
Sede Medellin
Tel 430 9351
Cel 315 504 9339
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[R] help with POSIX

2005-04-22 Thread Ghosh, Sandeep
For the r script below 

datestr - 01/01/2004
as.POSIXct(as.Date(datestr, %d/%m/%Y))
I get the following output
 2003-12-31 18:00:00 Central Standard Time

Why is the date a day before. I guess its something to do with the time, but is 
there a way to get it to return 2004-01-01 instead?

Thanks in advance...

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Re: [R] algorithm used in k-mean clustering

2005-04-22 Thread Gavin Simpson
Asha Jayanthi wrote:
I have used the kmean fucntion in R to produce some results for my 

I like to know the specific underlying algorithm used for the 
implementation of the function kmean in R. I tried looking for some 
documents but could not find any.

I obtained the kmean result for k ranging from 2 to 10. When i did this 
initally it worked perfectly. When i tried running again i get the error

Error: empty cluster: try a better set of initial centers
and i have not changed anything in the code. And i get this error only 
for k = 2 and 10.

does anyone know why it worked well intially and failed now?
help for all R functions available on your system can be viewed using 
?function_name - e.g. in your case ?kmeans displays the help for the 
kmeans function.

Doing this gives:
 centers: Either the number of clusters or a set of initial (distinct)
  cluster centres.  If a number, a random set of (distinct)
  rows in 'x' is chosen as the initial centres.
So the randomness you are experiencing is related to the choice of centers.
Search the archives of this mailing list as this question was asked 
recently - e.g.

Read all of ?kmeans as it has references for the algorithm used.
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[R] Problem with R-2.1.0: install.packages() doesn't work

2005-04-22 Thread Waichler, Scott R

I installed R-2.1.0 from source on a Linux box running Red Hat
Enterprise Linux WS release 4 but install.packages() wouldn't work (see
below).  When I install R-2.0.1 from RPM on the same system, everything
is fine.

Version 2.1.0  (2005-04-18), ISBN 3-900051-07-0
. . . 
 options(CRAN =;)
--- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---
Error in inherits(x, factor) : Object res not found

Scott Waichler
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

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[R] Alternative to aggregate() for averaging

2005-04-22 Thread Sebastien Durand
I am working with very large matrices 1 by 2000
and for each row I have a grouping vector and I 
would like to average each row by groups...

Presently I am using this command and it behaves 
correctly even with NA values is the groupvector:

Is there a faster method
 Sébastien Durand
Maîtrise en biologie
Université de Montréal
(514) 343-6864
Université du Québec à Montréal
(514) 987-3000 (1572#)
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[R] defining custom survreg distributions

2005-04-22 Thread Michael Townsley

Dear R Helpers,

I am trying to carry out survival analysis in the presence of long term 
survivors (immunes/cureds).  This involves using a split population model 
(some call it a mixture model) where the assumption of eventual failure is 
relaxed.  I am following closely the formulation by Maller and Zhou (1996).

Parametric modelling in this situation involves the introduction of a new 
parameter, p: the proportion of susceptibles.  For the Weibull the 
cumulative distribution function would look like:

F(t) = p*[1  e^(-lambda*t)^scale]

where [...] is the conventional CDF for the Weibull distribution.

I have spent a fair deal of time trying to create a new survreg 
distribution but have made next to no progress.  I understand that there 
are four 'primary' distributions and any other distribution can be derived 
from transformations of these.  I am unclear how I might 'declare' this new 
parameter in the newly defined distribution.  I am keen to establish how to 
do this for more than just the Weibull.

Searching R-Help hasn't led me to any obvious solution.  The 
survreg.distribution help page has an example for user-defined 
distributions but it only looks like a name change.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?  It had occurred to me that I 
could define the likelihood function myself and use mle() but I am 
uncertain whether this is appropriate for censored data.

Thanks for any advice (and great software..and support),


Michael Townsley
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Re: [R] if(foo == TRUE) .. etc

2005-04-22 Thread Vincent Goulet
Le 22 Avril 2005 13:41, Liaw, Andy a écrit :
  From: bogdan romocea
  Great suggestion; it made me change all my Ts/Fs to TRUE/FALSE.
     F - TRUE
     T - FALSE
  is it possible to forbid T to stand for TRUE, and F for FALSE in
  Or, alternatively, never allow F - whatever and T - whatever?
  I don't know what the technical side is, but I think it would be much
  better if this particular blunder (major, yet rather easy to overlook)
  was impossible to make.

 R FAQ 3.3, bullet #3:

 In R, T and F are just variables being set to TRUE and FALSE, respectively,
 but are not reserved words as in S and hence can be overwritten by the
 user. (This helps e.g. when you have factors with levels T or F.)
 Hence, when writing code you should always use TRUE and FALSE.

 If T and F are changed as you suggested above, it will break S
 compatibility in lots of code.


I think it used to be that the situation about T/TRUE and F/FALSE being 
preassigned/reserved was exactly the opposite between R and S-Plus. However, 
in S-Plus 6.1.2 for Linux and S-Plus 6.2.1 for Windows, TRUE and FALSE and 
still preassigned values of T and F, respectively, but one cannot redefine 
them. In other words, TRUE and FALSE are also reserved names in S-Plus.

So, using TRUE and FALSE seems to be a common denominator for R and S-Plus 
(and a sensible choice, for that matter). That's what I teach my students.


  Vincent Goulet, Associate Professor
  École d'actuariat
  Université Laval, Québec

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[R] algorithm used in k-mean clustering

2005-04-22 Thread Asha Jayanthi
I have used the kmean fucntion in R to produce some results for my analysis.
I like to know the specific underlying algorithm used for the implementation 
of the function kmean in R. I tried looking for some documents but could not 
find any.

I obtained the kmean result for k ranging from 2 to 10. When i did this 
initally it worked perfectly. When i tried running again i get the error

Error: empty cluster: try a better set of initial centers
and i have not changed anything in the code. And i get this error only for k 
= 2 and 10.

does anyone know why it worked well intially and failed now?
Will he be rookie of the year?
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Re: [R] Tool for update

2005-04-22 Thread Ronaldo Reis-Jr.
Em Sex 25 Mar 2005 11:16, abunn escreveu:
 I edited Rprofile to update everything on Tuesdays. I've been doing this
 since 2.0 and I think I've had R running almost every Tuesday, which begs
 the question of what I would be doing if R hadn't come into existence.

 In any case, It works pretty well:

 ## This script gets all the packages I don't already have
 # Run this once a week - say Tuesdays
 if (interactive() ) { library(utils)}
 is.tuesday - as.POSIXlt(Sys.time())$wday == 2
 if (is.tuesday == T)
 cat(Running a package check...\nOccurs once a week, on Tuesdays\n)
 cat(Upgrade existing packages and check for new packages (y/N)? ) - as.character(readLines(n = 1))
 if (any( == y, == Y))
 options(CRAN =;)
 cat(This can take a few seconds...\n)
 x - packageStatus(repositories = getOption(repositories)()[[1]])
 install.packages(x$avail$Package[x$avail$Status == not
 installed]) cat(Upgrading to new versions if available\n)


I make a little adapt to this script and try to use.

But, when a file dont exist, the installation is aborted.

trying URL `'
Error in download.file(url, destfile, method) :
cannot open URL 
In addition: Warning message:
cannot open: HTTP status was `404 Not Found'

Is possible to force R to continue the installation.

|   // | \\   [***]
|   ( õ   õ )  [Ronaldo Reis Júnior]
|  V  [UFV/DBA-Entomologia]
|/ \   [36571-000 Viçosa - MG  ]
|  /(.''`.)\  [Fone: 31-3899-4007 ]
|  /(: :'  :)\ [EMAIL PROTECTED]]
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Re: [R] when can we expect Prof Tierney's compiled R?

2005-04-22 Thread Luke Tierney
On Wed, 20 Apr 2005, Peter Dalgaard wrote:
Luke Tierney [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Vectorized operations in R are also as fast as compiled C (because
that is what they are :-)).  A compiler such as the one I'm working on
will be able to make most difference for non-vectorizable or not very
vectorizable code.  It may also be able to reduce the need for
intermediate allocations in vectorizable code, which may have other
benefits beyond just speed improvements.
Actually, it has struck me a couple of times that these operations are
not as fast as they could be, since they are outside the scope of fast
BLAS routines, but embarrassingly parallel code could easily be
written for the relevant hardware. Even on uniprocessor systems there
might be speedups that the C compiler cannot find (e.g. because it
cannot assume that source and destination of the operation are
My guess is that for anything beyond basic operations we are doing OK
on uniprocessors. but it would be useful to do some testing to be
sure.  For the basic operations I suspect we are paying a heavy price
for the way we handle recycling, both in terms of overhead as such and
in terms of inhibiting compiler optimizations. For performance it
would probably be better to code the scalar-vector,
equal-length-vector, and general cases separately, though keeping the
code maintainable may be a bit of a challenge.  Again testing on a
range of platforms and compilers would be useful.
With multiprocessors likely to become more widely available it would
be good to look into ways of factoring the vectorized math code so we
can slide in one that uses threads when approprate.  This should
dovetail nicely with compilation to identify larger vectorized
expressions that can be parallelized as a unit; I hope to look into
this a bit this summer.

Luke Tierney
Chair, Statistics and Actuarial Science
Ralph E. Wareham Professor of Mathematical Sciences
University of Iowa  Phone: 319-335-3386
Department of Statistics andFax:   319-335-3017
   Actuarial Science
241 Schaeffer Hall  email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Iowa City, IA 52242 WWW:
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[R] density

2005-04-22 Thread Hui Han
I used the density function in the R package, and got the following 
results. I just wonder how to explain them.
What is Min, 1st Qu, Median, and so on? I could not find an explanation 
from help(density). The plot doesn't seem to match
the x and y value either.

Thanks in advance for any help that you can give me!

   density(x = x2, kernel = gaussian)
Data: x2 (6437 obs.);   Bandwidth 'bw' = 0.1209
  x y
Min.   :-1.8856   Min.   :5.851e-06  
1st Qu.:-0.1629   1st Qu.:2.262e-03  
Median : 1.5599   Median :3.945e-02  
Mean   : 1.5599   Mean   :1.450e-01  
3rd Qu.: 3.2826   3rd Qu.:2.738e-01  
Max.   : 5.0054   Max.   :5.761e-01

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[R] How to override coerion error in 'scan'

2005-04-22 Thread Kittler, Richard
I am using 'read.csv' in V2.0.1 to read in a CSV file with the
colClasses option and am getting an error from 'scan' when it encounters
a non-numeric value for a 'numeric' column, i.e. 

  ds - read.csv(in_file, nrows=irow, row.names=NULL,
  Error in scan(file = file, what = what, sep = sep, quote = quote, dec
= dec, :
 scan expected a real, got 03/15/200523:56:03

Is there a way to override this and just have it convert those values to
NA? The dataset is large so I would prefer not to have to import the
columns as character and convert them to numeric afterward.  


Richard Kittler 

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[R] Hoaglin Outlier Method

2005-04-22 Thread khobson

I am a new user of R so please bear with me.  I have reviewed some R books,
FAQs and such but the volume of material is great.  I am in the process of
porting my current SAS and SVS Script code to Lotus Approach, R and

My question is, can you help me determine the best R method to implement
the Hoaglin Outlier Method?  It is used in the Appendix A and B of the fo
llowing link.

The sample data from Appendix A for determining outliers in R:
T314Data -
structure(list(Lab = as.integer(c(1:60)), X = c(4.89, 3.82, 2.57, 2.3,
2.034, 2, 1.97, 1.85,
1.85, 1.85, 1.84, 1.82, 1.82, 1.77, 1.76, 1.67, 1.66, 1.63, 1.62,
1.62, 1.55, 1.54, 1.54, 1.53, 1.53, 1.44, 1.428, 1.42, 1.39,
1.36, 1.35, 1.31, 1.28, 1.24, 1.24, 1.23, 1.22, 1.21, 1.19, 1.18,
1.18, 1.18, 1.17, 1.16, 1.13, 1.13, 1.099, 1.09, 1.09, 1.08,
1.07, 1.05, 0.98, 0.97, 0.84, 0.808, 0.69, 0.63, 0.6, 0.5), Y = c(5.28,
3.82, 2.41, 2.32, 2.211, 1.46, 2.24, 1.91, 1.78, 1.63, 1.81,
1.92, 1.2, 1.67, 1.28, 1.59, 1.45, 2.06, 1.91, 1.19, 1.26, 1.79,
1.39, 1.48, 0.72, 1.29, 1.517, 1.71, 1.12, 1.38, 0.93, 1.36,
1.2, 1.23, 0.71, 1.29, 1.26, 1.48, 1.26, 1.33, 1.21, 1.04, 1.57,
1.42, 1.08, 1.04, 1.33, 1.33, 1.2, 1.05, 1.24, 0.91, 0.99, 1.06,
1.27, 0.702, 0.77, 0.58, 1, 0.38)), .Names = c(Lab, X, Y
), class = data.frame, row.names = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27,
28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38,
39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49,
50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60

From this point on, I could use your advise.  There are several other
methods for determining outliers in R.  I'd rather not re-invent the wheel
or use a brute strength and force method if there is a better way in R.

Our usual method for determining outliers is a student's T test as in ASTM
E 178 or when the standard deviation for a lab is 3 or more.  We normally
have 120 labs to evaluate for outliers similar what is shown in T312Data.
On occasion, I have used the Wilk-Shapiro W statistic in SAS.  A point in
the right direction or an R code example would help greatly.  After I trim
the outliers, I will need to show which labs were eliminated but that
should be fairly trivial.

The reference in Appendix A is:
Hoaglin, D. C., Iglewicz, B., Tukey, J. W., Performance of Some Resistant
Rules for Outlier Labeling, Journal
of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 81, No. 396 (Dec., 1986), pp.

The ASTM E 178 reference is:
Shapiro, S. S., and Wilk, M. B., An Analysis of Variance Test for
Non-Normality (Complete Samples), Biometrika, BIOKA, Vol 52,
1965, pp. 591611.

Kenneth Ray Hobson, P.E.
Oklahoma DOT - QA  IAS Manager
200 N.E. 21st Street
Oklahoma City, OK  73105-3204
(405) 522-4985, (405) 522-0552 fax

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Re: [R] help with POSIX

2005-04-22 Thread Peter Dalgaard
Ghosh, Sandeep [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 For the r script below 
 datestr - 01/01/2004
 as.POSIXct(as.Date(datestr, %d/%m/%Y))
 I get the following output
  2003-12-31 18:00:00 Central Standard Time
 Why is the date a day before. I guess its something to do with the
 time, but is there a way to get it to return 2004-01-01 instead?

Just move to Denmark:

 datestr - 01/01/2004
 as.POSIXct(as.Date(datestr, %d/%m/%Y))
[1] 2004-01-01 01:00:00 CET

The convention is that Date objects are pegged to 0:00 GMT (not sure
what the rationale is -- ISOdate uses 12:00 GMT -- but Brian probably
thought about it). An easy workaround is to add 12 hours...

   O__   Peter Dalgaard Blegdamsvej 3  
  c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics 2200 Cph. N   
 (*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen   Denmark  Ph: (+45) 35327918
~~ - ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) FAX: (+45) 35327907

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Re: [R] Problem with R-2.1.0: install.packages() doesn't work

2005-04-22 Thread Marc Schwartz
On Fri, 2005-04-22 at 18:00 -0400, Manuel Morales wrote:
 On Fri, 2005-04-22 at 15:42 -0500, Marc Schwartz wrote:
  On Fri, 2005-04-22 at 15:44 -0400, Manuel Morales wrote:
   On Fri, 2005-04-22 at 17:48 +0200, Uwe Ligges wrote:
Waichler, Scott R wrote:

 I installed R-2.1.0 from source on a Linux box running Red Hat
 Enterprise Linux WS release 4 but install.packages() wouldn't work 
 --- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---
 Error in inherits(x, factor) : Object res not found

Quite probably you have no X11 connection to this machine.
R tries to ask you which CRAN mirror you are going to choose, and it 
fails to present the tcltk window.
You might want to call
prior to install.packages().

Uwe Ligges

   I have the same problem after building R-2.1.0 from source on Fedora
   Core 3. The suggestion above fixes this, but what do you mean by Quite
   probably you have no X11 connection on this machine? I'm guessing you
   don't mean that X11 is not running (I use Gnome for my desktop).
  For both Scott and Manuel,
  Can you post back with the output of:
 This is what I got:
 jpeg  pngtcltk  X11 http/ftp  sockets   libxml fifo
   cledit  IEEE754iconv
 I recompiled after downloading the tc and tk development packages, which
 gave tcltk as TRUE. update.packages() works if tcltk is enabled, but it
 seems not to revert to the non-graphical interface otherwise...

Ok. So that suggests a problem with capabilities(tcltk) == FALSE, which
will be the result of not having the tcl/tk devel RPMS installed.

To Peter's prior post, my read of the code for menu() suggests that
there is a problem in the conditional code:

function (choices, graphics = FALSE, title = )

The code check there is:

if (graphics) {
if (.Platform$OS.type == windows || .Platform$GUI ==
res - select.list(choices, multiple = FALSE, title = title)
return(match(res, choices, nomatch = 0))
else if (.Platform$OS.type == unix  capabilities(tcltk) 
res - tcltk::tk_select.list(choices, multiple = FALSE,
title = title)
return(match(res, choices, nomatch = 0))

If my read is correct, it looks like there might be a missing brace pair
for the 'else if' part?

Shouldn't that section read:

   if (graphics) {
if (.Platform$OS.type == windows || .Platform$GUI ==
res - select.list(choices, multiple = FALSE, title = title)
return(match(res, choices, nomatch = 0))
else if (.Platform$OS.type == unix  capabilities(tcltk) 
capabilities(X11)) { #  NOTE OPEN BRACE HERE 
res - tcltk::tk_select.list(choices, multiple = FALSE,
title = title)
return(match(res, choices, nomatch = 0))

Without the braces, it will get to:

 return(match(res, choices, nomatch = 0))

whether all of the checks are TRUE or not, the latter being the case at
least for Manuel.


Marc Schwartz

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RE: [R] if(foo == TRUE) .. etc

2005-04-22 Thread Thomas Lumley
On Fri, 22 Apr 2005, bogdan romocea wrote:
Great suggestion; it made me change all my Ts/Fs to TRUE/FALSE.
  F - TRUE
is it possible to forbid T to stand for TRUE, and F for FALSE in
Or, alternatively, never allow F - whatever and T - whatever?
Allowing T and F to be used as variables is deliberate. R CMD check will 
check to see if you use T and F without defining them, which catches most 
examples.  This is done using makeActiveBinding, see the help to find out 
how you can use it yourself.

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RE: [R] Tool for update

2005-04-22 Thread Andy Bunn
Hi Ronaldo: First, this script was discussed a few days ago. Note that under
2.1 update.packages() has changed for the better. Look at the NEWS file.

So, if you want to keep updating on Tuesdays, despite sensible advice to the
contrary offered in this thread

you'll have to change the script to something like this:

# Run this once a week - say Tuesdays
if (interactive() ) { library(utils)}
is.tuesday - as.POSIXlt(Sys.time())$wday == 2
if (is.tuesday == T)
cat(Running a package check...\nOccurs once a week, on Tuesdays\n)
cat(Upgrade existing packages and check for new packages (y/N)? ) - as.character(readLines(n = 1))
if (any( == y, == Y))
cat(This can take a few seconds...\n)

Second, you wrote:

 I make a little adapt to this script and try to use.

 But, when a file dont exist, the installation is aborted.

If you really need to automate this and use download.file then look at using
try() to catch errors. I suggest you look at the file structure of the
src/contrib folder at CRAN and modify your code if you need to. For
instance, point to src/contrib/assist_1.0.tar.gz and not assist_0.1.2.tar.gz
as the source version is now 1.0 for assist.

But, as mentioned earlier, it would be better to move this all to a chron

HTH, Andy

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Re: [R] hi: I am newbie for R too...

2005-04-22 Thread ronggui
i think the log-linear model can deal with this.
and the glm with poisson family,loglin,loglm from MASS packages can estimate 
log-linear model.
hope help:)

On Fri, 22 Apr 2005 22:15:23 +0800
hau chung  chan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have so much questions about using R...but i will try my best to solve 
 myself before bothering you guys
 firstly...yes no
maleold   13070
  young34  48
   female old5060
 can I do a chisq.test for such contingency table? is not 2 
 dimension is there any other method to test the independency to the 
 answer for the factors (male, female) (old, young) 
 or you guys will suggest me to add them up and do chosq.test 2 times.. thank 
   [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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Re: [R] Need help arranging the plot in different fashion than the default format

2005-04-22 Thread Marc Schwartz
On Fri, 2005-04-22 at 16:19 -0500, Ghosh, Sandeep wrote:
 I want to change the way the plot is appearing in the barchart ..
 testdata -
28,3,2005,LV1,3.4,3,88,4,2005,LV1,3,2,26), .Dim=c(6,16;
 colnames(testdata) - c('month', 'year',
 testdata[c(month, mean)] - lapply(testdata[c(month, mean)],
 function(x) as.numeric(levels(x)[x]));
 testdata - testdata[, testdata), ];
 trellis.par.set(theme = col.whitebg());
 barchart(month ~ mean | year, data=testdata)
 I want to have the years come one below the other rather than next to
 each other which can be achieved by layout(c(1,2)), and the x axis to
 be the month and the y axis to be the mean. I would really appreciate
 if someone can tell me how to achieve this
 barchart(mean ~ month | year, data=testdata, layout=c(1,2)) #doing
 this is not producing the intended result
 Any suggestion and help is greatly appreciated..

I suspect you want:

 barchart(mean ~ month | year, data = testdata, horizontal = FALSE,

Note the use of 'horizontal = FALSE'


Marc Schwartz

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[R] Expression in panel.text

2005-04-22 Thread David Orme
I've got a lattice xyplot and I want to superimpose correlation 
coefficients and p values on each panel. I've been trying to get this 
to work using something of the form:

x - rnorm(400)
y - rnorm(400)
a - gl(4, 100)
xyplot(y~x | a,
panel=function(x,y, ...){
panel.xyplot(x,y, ...)
curr.cor - cor.test(x,y)
crho - round(curr.cor$estimate,2)
cpv - format.pval(curr.cor$p.value, eps = 0.01, digits=2)
exprrho - substitute(rho == crho, list(crho=crho))
exprpv - substitute(italic(p) == cpv, list(cpv=cpv))
panel.text(-2, 2, label=exprrho)
panel.text(2, 2, label=exprpv)
The two expressions (expprho and exprpv) plot as expected on a normal 
text() call  but in the panels, all that appears at the coordinates is 
==. This is the first element in exprrho; other than that,  I can't 
figure out what is going wrong.

Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
platform powerpc-apple-darwin6.8
arch powerpc
os   darwin6.8
system   powerpc, darwin6.8
year 2004
day  04
language R
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Re: [R] Problem with R-2.1.0: install.packages() doesn't work

2005-04-22 Thread Roger D. Peng
What happens if you don't set the 'CRAN' option via 'options()' 
first and just run 'install.packages()'?

Waichler, Scott R wrote:
I installed R-2.1.0 from source on a Linux box running Red Hat
Enterprise Linux WS release 4 but install.packages() wouldn't work (see
below).  When I install R-2.0.1 from RPM on the same system, everything
is fine.
Version 2.1.0  (2005-04-18), ISBN 3-900051-07-0
. . . 

options(CRAN =;)
--- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---
Error in inherits(x, factor) : Object res not found
Scott Waichler
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
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Re: [R] Expression in panel.text

2005-04-22 Thread Deepayan Sarkar
On Friday 22 April 2005 10:12, David Orme wrote:

 I've got a lattice xyplot and I want to superimpose correlation
 coefficients and p values on each panel. I've been trying to get this
 to work using something of the form:

 x - rnorm(400)
 y - rnorm(400)
 a - gl(4, 100)

 xyplot(y~x | a,
   panel=function(x,y, ...){
panel.xyplot(x,y, ...)
  curr.cor - cor.test(x,y)
  crho - round(curr.cor$estimate,2)
  cpv - format.pval(curr.cor$p.value, eps = 0.01, digits=2)
  exprrho - substitute(rho == crho, list(crho=crho))
  exprpv - substitute(italic(p) == cpv, list(cpv=cpv))
  panel.text(-2, 2, label=exprrho)
   panel.text(2, 2, label=exprpv)

 The two expressions (expprho and exprpv) plot as expected on a normal
 text() call  but in the panels, all that appears at the coordinates is
 ==. This is the first element in exprrho; other than that,  I can't
 figure out what is going wrong.

 Any suggestions?

I believe this came up a few days back. 

 exprrho - substitute(rho == crho, list(crho=.12))

i.e., the label you are using is not an expression. The 'panel.text' you have 
didn't take this possibility into account (unlike 'text').

The good news is that this has been fixed in R 2.1.0.


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[R] Cyrillic R: how can I help? (or Re: R 2.1.0, Windows, non-Latin locales)

2005-04-22 Thread iit512
Dear R-experts,

I am using R in Russia since 2000. One can find some Russian documentation for 
R (including the reference card) on:

All your criticism would be appreciated.

 We really do need help from the users in the beta-test period, 
 especially in languages not used by the core team...

I think that I can help in: (1) translation of messages to Russian (I see that 
only introductory message is now translated); (2) testing R on Windows98 SE and 
XP Professional, maybe also on Linux (Debian Woody and Sarge). Please explain 
how to do this.

With best wishes and regards,

Alexey B. Shipunov
Institute of Information Technologies, Moscow

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RE: [R] Anova - interpretation of the interaction term

2005-04-22 Thread Bill.Venables

: -Original Message-
: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
: michael watson (IAH-C)
: Sent: Friday, 22 April 2005 7:47 PM
: To:
: Subject: [R] Anova - interpretation of the interaction term
: Hi
: So carrying on my use of analysis of variance to check for the effects
: of two factors.  It's made simpler by the fact that both my 
: factors have
: only two levels each, creating four unique groups.
: I have a highly significant interaction term.  In the context of the
: experiment, this makes sense.  I can visualise the data 
: graphically, and
: sure enough I can see that both factors have different effects on the
: data DEPENDING on what the value of the other factor is.  
: I explain this all to my colleague - and she asks but which ones are
: different?  This is best illustrated with an example.  We have either
: infected | uninfected, and vaccinated | unvaccinated (the two 
: factors).
: We're measuring expression of a gene.  Graphically, in the infected
: group, vaccination makes expression go up.  In the uninfected group,
: vaccination makes expression go down.  In both the vaccinated and
: unvaccinated groups, infection makes expression go down, but it goes
: down further in unvaccinated than it does in vaccinated.
: So from a statistical point of view, I can see exactly why the
: interaction term is significant, but what my colleage wants to know is
: that WITHIN the vaccinated group, does infection decrease expression
: significantly?  And within the unvaccinated group, does infection
: decrease expression significantly?  Etc etc etc  Can I get this
: information from the output of the ANOVA, or do I carry out a separate
: test on e.g. just the vaccinated group? (seems a cop out to me)

No, you can't get this kind of specific information out of the anova
table and yes, anova tables *are* a bit of a cop out.  (I sometimes 
think they should only be allowed between consenting adults in private.)

What you are asking for is a non-standard, but perfectly reasonable
partition of the degrees of freedom between the classes of a single
factor with four levels got by pairing up the levels of vaccination and
innoculation.  Of course you can get this information, but you have to
do a bit of work for it.  

Before I give the example which I don't expect too many people to read
entirely, let me issue a little challenge, namely to write tools to 
automate a generalized version of the procedure below.

Here is the example, (drawing from the explanation given in a certain 
book, to wit chapter 6):

 dat - expand.grid(vac = c(N, Y), inf = c(-, +))
 dat - rbind(dat, dat)  # to get a bit of replication

Now we make a 4-level factor from vaccination and infection and
generate a bit of data with an infection effect built into it:

 dat - transform(dat, vac_inf = vac:inf, 
 y = as.numeric(inf) + rnorm(8))
   vac inf vac_inf  y
1N   - N:-  0.2285096
2Y   - Y:-  1.3504610
3N   + N:+  2.5581254
4Y   + Y:+  2.9208313
11   N   - N:- -0.8403039
21   Y   - Y:- -0.2440574
31   N   + N:+  2.4844055
41   Y   + Y:+  2.0772671

Now give the joint factor contrasts reflecting the partition
we want to effect:

[1] N:- N:+ Y:- Y:+
 m - matrix(scan(), ncol = 4, byrow = T)
1: -1  1  0  0
5:  0  0 -1  1
9:  1  1 -1 -1
Read 12 items
 fractions(ginv(m))  ## just to see what it looks like
 [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] -1/20  1/4
[2,]  1/20  1/4
[3,]0 -1/2 -1/4
[4,]0  1/2 -1/4

Note that we could have simply used t(m), but this
is not always possible.  Associate these contrasts, fit
and analyse:

 contrasts(dat$vac_inf) - ginv(m)
 gm - aov(y ~ vac_inf, dat)
Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value  Pr(F)
vac_inf  3 12.1294  4.0431   7.348 0.04190
Residuals4  2.2009  0.5502

This doesn't tell us too much other than there are differences,
probably.  Now to specify the partition:

split = list(vac_inf = list(- vs +|N = 1, 
- vs +|Y = 2)))
Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value  Pr(F)
vac_inf  3 12.1294  4.0431  7.3480 0.04190
  vac_inf: - vs +|N  1  7.9928  7.9928 14.5262 0.01892
  vac_inf: - vs +|Y  1  3.7863  3.7863  6.8813 0.05860
Residuals4  2.2009  0.5502

As expected, infection changes the mean for both vaccinated and
unvaccinated, as we arranged when we generated the data.

: Many thanks, and sorry, but it's Friday.
: Mick
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Re: [R] Problem with R-2.1.0: install.packages() doesn't work

2005-04-22 Thread Marc Schwartz
Hi all,

In follow up to my message earlier, I spent some time applying the
modification to the menu() function that I referenced earlier. I also
recompiled a local copy of R on my FC3 system using:

./configure --without-tcltk

This results in:

jpeg  pngtcltk  X11 http/ftp  sockets   libxml fifo
  cledit  IEEE754iconv

The first time around, I ran the menu() function unchanged and got the
same error that Scott and Manuel reported earlier:

Error in inherits(x, factor) : Object res not found

'res' is the value returned from the tcltk function
used in menu().

This appeared for the series of functions that call menu(), such as
update.packages(), install.packages(), chooseCRANmirror(), contrib.url
(), etc.

After modifying the menu function, I was able to get:

--- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---
CRAN mirror

 1: Australia   2: Austria
 3: Brasil (PR) 4: Brasil (MG)
 5: Brasil (SP 1)   6: Brasil (SP 2)
 7: Canada (BC) 8: Canada (ON)
 9: Denmark10: France (Toulouse)
11: France (Lyon)  12: France (Paris)
13: Germany (Berlin)   14: Germany (Koeln)
15: Germany (Mainz)16: Germany (Muenchen)
17: Hungary18: Italy (Arezzo)
19: Italy (Ferrara)20: Japan (Aizu)
21: Japan (Tsukuba)22: Poland
23: Portugal   24: Slovenia (Besnica)
25: Slovenia (Ljubljana)   26: South Africa
27: Spain  28: Switzerland (Zuerich)
29: Switzerland (Bern 1)   30: Switzerland (Bern 2)
31: Turkey 32: Taiwan
33: UK (Bristol)   34: UK (London)
35: USA (CA 1) 36: USA (CA 2)
37: USA (MA)   38: USA (MI)
39: USA (NC)   40: USA (PA 1)
41: USA (PA 2) 42: USA (WA)


So, with the modification in menu() and without tcltk available, the
text menu now comes up properly.

The proposed patch for .../src/library/utils/menu.R is attached.


Marc Schwartz

--- R-2.1.0/src/library/utils/R/menu.R  2005-04-18 05:18:57.0 -0500
+++ R-2.1.0-patch/src/library/utils/R/menu.R2005-04-22 22:08:23.0 
@@ -6,9 +6,10 @@
 res - select.list(choices, multiple=FALSE, title=title)
 return(match(res, choices, nomatch = 0))
 } else if(.Platform$OS.type == unix
- capabilities(tcltk)  capabilities(X11))
+ capabilities(tcltk)  capabilities(X11)) {
 res - tcltk::tk_select.list(choices, multiple=FALSE, title=title)
 return(match(res, choices, nomatch = 0))
 nc - length(choices)
 if(length(title)  nchar(title[1])) cat(title[1], \n)
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[R] ANOVA with both discreet and continuous variable

2005-04-22 Thread array chip
Hi all,

I have dataset with 2 independent variable, one (x1)
is continuous, the other (x2) is a categorical
variable with 2 levels. The dependent variable (y) is
continuous. When I run linear regression y~x1*x2, I
found that the p value for the continuous independent
variable x1 changes when different contrasts was used
(helmert vs. treatment), while the p values for the
categorical x2 and interaction are independent of the
contrasts used. Can anyone explain why? I guess the p
value for x1 is testing different hypothesis under
different contrasts? If the interaction is NOT
significant, what contrast should I use to test the
hypothesis that x1 is not significantly related with




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