[R] finding roots of multivariate equation

2007-06-20 Thread Bill Shipley
I want to find the roots of an equation in two variables.  I am aware of the
uniroot function, which can do this for a function with a single variable (as I
understand it...) but cannot find a function that does this for an equation
with more than one variable.  I am looking for something implementing similar
to a Newton-Raphson algorithm.

Bill Shipley
North American Editor for Annals of Botany
Subject Editor for Ecology
Département de biologie
Université de Sherbrooke
Sherbrooke (Québec) J1K 2R9

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[R] installing new packages

2007-04-13 Thread Bill Shipley


I have just installed the newest version of R (2.4.1) for Windows XP.  I can
no longer install new packages.  When trying to connect to a server (I have
tried several) I get the following message:


> chooseCRANmirror()

Error in open.connection(file, "r") : unable to open connection

In addition: Warning message:

unable to connect to 'cran.r-project.org' on port 80.


Have other people had the same problem with this version, or is it unique to
my computer?  Can someone suggest a solution?



Bill Shipley


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[R] Duncan post-hoc tests in R?

2007-03-13 Thread Bill Shipley
I am looking for an R function that impliments Duncan's post-hoc test.  I am
aware of multcomp and its function "glht" but, unless I am missing
something, this cannot impliment the Duncan test.
Any help of pointers are welcome.

Bill Shipley

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[R] dynamic loading error with Open Watcom object file

2007-02-02 Thread Bill Shipley
Hello.  I am trying to use a FORTRAN subroutine from within R (Windows
version).  This fortran subroutine is compiled using the Open Watcom Fortran
compiler and the compiled object file is called ritscale.obj.  Following the
explanation on pages 193-194 of "The New S language" I use the dyn.load

> dyn.load("f:/maxent/ritscale.obj")
Error in dyn.load(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now)) : 
unable to load shared library 'f:/maxent/ritscale.obj':
  LoadLibrary failure:  %1 n'est pas une application Win32 valide. 

The error message says:  LoadLibrary failure: %1 is not a valid Win32

I do not know what this means.  Can someone help?

Bill Shipley

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[R] setting new working directories

2007-01-04 Thread Bill Shipley
Hello, and Happy New Year.  My default working directory is getting very
cluttered.  I know that I should be using a different working directory for
each project (I work in Windows), but do not know how to go about creating
different ones and moving back and forth between them.  I have read Venables
& Ripley (Modern Applied Statistics with S-PLUS, 1994) but this seems out of
date with respect to this topic and have searched through the documentation
but cannot find a clear explanation for doing this.  Can someone point me to
the proper documentation for creating and using different working
directories from within Windows (please, no comments about switching to

Bill Shipley

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[R] help with syntax of nlme call.

2006-11-13 Thread Bill Shipley
I am getting an error message in a call to nlme and cannot understand what
is happening.  I explain the steps below in the hope that someone can
explain the error and how to correct it.
STEP 1: Data set: name: marouane.data.  This is a data frame whose first few
lines are as follows:
> marouane.data[1:13,]
   species plant leaf irradiance photosynthesis chlorophyll
1  Asclepias.incarnata 11  0  -2.091359 0.02619
2  Asclepias.incarnata 11 50   1.153241 0.02619
3  Asclepias.incarnata 11100   2.241963 0.02619
4  Asclepias.incarnata 11200   3.541258 0.02619
5  Asclepias.incarnata 11300   5.012547 0.02619
6  Asclepias.incarnata 11400   5.710689 0.02619
7  Asclepias.incarnata 11600   6.632571 0.02619
8  Asclepias.incarnata 11800   7.314284 0.02619
9  Asclepias.incarnata 11   1000   8.092402 0.02619
10 Asclepias.incarnata 11   1310   8.110368 0.02619
11 Asclepias.incarnata 12  0  -2.051934 0.02707
12 Asclepias.incarnata 12 50   1.213854 0.02707
13 Asclepias.incarnata 12100   2.271453 0.02707
   absorbance nitrogen   sla
1  0.8816 18.35913 77.53
2  0.8816 18.35913 77.53
3  0.8816 18.35913 77.53
4  0.8816 18.35913 77.53
5  0.8816 18.35913 77.53
6  0.8816 18.35913 77.53
7  0.8816 18.35913 77.53
8  0.8816 18.35913 77.53
9  0.8816 18.35913 77.53
10 0.8816 18.35913 77.53
11 0.8813 18.35913 77.53
12 0.8813 18.35913 77.53
13 0.8813 18.35913 77.53

The nesting structure is species (25), plants within species (4 each
species) and leaves within plants (2 each plant).  There is only 1 missing
value in the data set.
STEP 2: I constructed a self starting function (photo) that gives the
nonlinear function and provides initial estimates of the three parameters.
This self starting function works.  I use this to call the nlsList function,
which fits separate nonlinear functions to each species (I am only working
on a 2 level model so far: between and within species):
+ data=marouane.data,na.action=na.omit)

This works and I get the three parameter estimates per species.
STEP 3: use nlsList to call nlme.  I use the nlsList object (fit) to fit a
variance components model:
This works (at least it runs without an error message).  To see what syntax
is used, I extract the call:
> fit.nlme$call
nlme.formula(model = photosynthesis ~ photo(irradiance, Am, Q, 
LCP), data = marouane.data, fixed = list(Am ~ 1, Q ~ 1, LCP ~ 
1), random = list(species = c(2.41887429868478, -1.53351210977838, 
2.47282942435836, 0, 0, 0)), groups = ~species, start = list(
fixed = c(11.7384877502532, 0.109091641284836, 9.91905527125462
)), na.action = na.omit)

Question 1: the syntax to the random argument seems wrong!  It should be
something like: random=(list(Am~1,Q~1,LCP~1)).  I have no idea where the 6
numbers (2.41887...) are coming from in the random argument.  Can someone
explain how the nlme function obtains such an argument for random?  The
values in fixed are the estimated fixed effects from nlsList.
If I follow the instructions in Pinheiro & Bates, the call should be (with a
self-starting function):
nlme(model = photosynthesis ~ photo(irradiance, Am, Q, 
LCP), data = marouane.data, fixed = list(Am ~ 1, Q ~ 1, LCP ~ 
1), random = list(Am~1,Q~1,LCP~1),groups=~species,
When I use this, I get an error message:
>  nlme(model=photosynthesis~photo(irradiance,Am,Q,LCP),data=marouane.data,
+  fixed=list(Am~1,Q~1,LCP~1),groups=~species,
+ random=list(Am~1,Q~1,LCP~1),
+  na.action = na.omit)
Error in nlmeCall[[i]] <- NULL : subscript out of bounds

Bill Shipley

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[R] help with nlme function

2006-11-10 Thread Bill Shipley
Hello.  I am trying to fit a nonlinear mixed model involving 3 parameters.
I have successfully made a self-starting function.  getInitial() correctly
outputs the initial estimates.  I can also use the nlsList with this
function to get the separate nonlinear fits by group.  However, I get an
error message when using the nlme function.  Here is the relevent code:

+ na.action=na.omit)

This works, showing that the function "photo" works as a self-starting

+ data=marouane.data,fixed=Q+Am+LCP~1,
+ random=Q+Am+LCP~1|species,na.action=na.omit)
Error: subscript out of bounds

This is what happens when I use the nlme function.  I don't know what
"subscript out of bounds" means but I assume that there is something wrong
with the syntax of my code.

The data frame (marouane.data) has dimensions of 1000 and 9.  The first
three columns give the group structure (species, plants within species,
leaves within plants).  "species" is a factor while "plants" is coded 1 or 2
and "leaves" is also coded 1 or 2.  The other columns give values of
measured variables.

Could someone explain what I am doing wrong?  Alternatively, is there
another text besides Pinheiro & Bates that explains the basic syntax of the
nlme function?

Bill Shipley

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[R] residual df in lmer and simulation results

2006-07-26 Thread Bill Shipley
Hello.  Douglas Bates has explained in a previous posting to R why he does
not output residual degrees of freedom, F values and probabilities in the
mixed model (lmer) function:  because the usual degrees of freedom (obs -
fixed df -1) are not exact and are really only upper bounds.  I am
interpreting what he said but I am not a professional statistician, so I
might be getting this wrong...
Does anyone know of any more recent results, perhaps from simulations, that
quantify the degree of bias that using such upper bounds for the demoninator
degrees of freedom produces?  Is it possible to calculate a lower bounds for
such degrees of freedom?

Thanks for any help.

Bill Shipley
North American Editor, Annals of Botany
Editor, "Population and Community Biology" series, Springer Publishing
Département de biologie, Université de Sherbrooke,
Sherbrooke (Québec) J1K 2R1 CANADA

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[R] using split.screen?

2006-07-18 Thread Bill Shipley
Hello.  I am having trouble understanding the use of split.screen.  I want
to divide the device surface first into 4 equal screens:
This works.
I next want to subdivide each of these 4 screens into 10 subscreens.  I do,
for the first of these 4 screens:
and then: split.screen(figs=c(10,2))
My understanding is that this should split screen 1 (i.e. top right) into 10
screens within its area.  However, this does not work and I get the
following error message: Error in plot.new() : figure margins too large

Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? 

Bill Shipley



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[R] superimposing histograms con't

2006-06-28 Thread Bill Shipley
Earlier, I posted the following question:
I want to superimpose histograms from three populations onto the same graph,
changing the shading of the bars for each population. After  consulting the
help files and the archives I cannot find out how to do  this (seemly)
simple graph. To be clear, I want
- a single x axis (from -3 to 18)
 - three groups of bars forming the histograms of each population (they
will not overlap much, but this is a detail)
- the bars from each histogram having different shadings or other  visually
distinguishing features.
Gabor Grothendieck [EMAIL PROTECTED] pointed to some code to to this
but I have found another way that works even easier.
hist(x[sel1],xlim=c(a,b),ylim=c(A,B))  - this plots the histogram for the
first group (indexed by sel1) but with an x axis and a y axis that spans the
entire range.
par(new=T)  - to keep on the same graph
hist(x[sel2],main=Null,xlab=NULL,ylab=NULL,axes=F) -superimposes the second
par(new=T)  - to keep on the same graph
hist(x[sel3],main=Null,xlab=NULL,ylab=NULL,axes=F) -superimposes the third

Bill Shipley

North American Editor, Annals of Botany

Editor, "Population and Community Biology" series, Springer Publishing

Département de biologie, Université de Sherbrooke,

Sherbrooke (Québec) J1K 2R1 CANADA





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[R] superimposing histograms

2006-06-28 Thread Bill Shipley
I want to superimpose histograms from three populations onto the same graph,
changing the shading of the bars for each population.  After consulting the
help files and the archives I cannot find out how to do this (seemly) simple
graph.  To be clear, I want
- a single x axis (from -3 to 18)
- three groups of bars forming the histograms of each population (they will
not overlap much, but this is a detail)
- the bars from each histogram having different shadings or other visually
distinguishing features.
Can anyone explain how to do this?

Bill Shipley



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[R] help with syntax of nlme function

2006-06-01 Thread Bill Shipley
I am having difficulty understanding the syntax of the nlme() function for
nonlinear mixed models.  The data frame is called Marouane.chlorophyll.  The
model involves a dependent variable (Absorb) and an independent variable
(Ch.surf), which are both numeric variables in the data frame.  The data are
hierarchically grouped as Espece, Plante nested within Espece, and Feuille
nested within Plante (i.e. leaves within plants within species).  Espece is
defined as a factor and Plante and Feuille are defined as numeric in the
data frame.  There are two parameters (k1 and b) and I want to fit a model
in which these two parameters vary randomly across Espece and Plante (with
Feuille being the residual level).  Here is how I have specified the call to
> fit<-nlme(model=Absorb~ k1 - (1/(b*Ch.surf)),
+ data=Marouane.chlorophyll,fixed=k1+b~1,
+ groups=~Espece/Plante,
+ start=list(k1=97.8, b=4.68))
However, there is something wrong with this syntax because I get the
following error:
Problem in names<-: Invalid length for names attribute: structu
re(.Data = list(structure(.Data = numeric(0), class  
Can someone explain what I am doing wrong?


Bill Shipley

North American Editor, Annals of Botany

Editor, "Population and Community Biology" series, Springer Publishing

Département de biologie, Université de Sherbrooke,

Sherbrooke (Québec) J1K 2R1 CANADA





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[R] using panel functions in pairs()

2006-05-25 Thread Bill Shipley
Hello.  I want to construct a scatterplot matrix in which the above-diagonal
panels represent values from a control group while the below-diagonal values
represent values from a treatment group.  I have managed to write primative
panel functions (below) but cannot figure out how to pass arguments to these
panel functions.
Here is the panel function for the upper.panel argument of pairs:
> my.upper.panel
Here is the panel function for the lower.panel agument of pairs:
> my.lower.panel

Now, if I simply call: >
I get what I want.  "dat" is a data frame with four columns called "treat",
x, y, z and "treat" has values of 1 or 2.
I want to be able to specify the value of "treat.value" in my panel
functions within the call to pairs in cases in which the values of "treat"
are different from 1 or 2.  Something like:
However, when I do this, I get the error message:
Error in points(x[dat$treat == treat.value], y[dat$treat == treat.value],  :

argument "x" is missing, with no default

Question: how can one pass along different values of arguments from within a
panel function such as I have described?


Bill Shipley



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[R] obtaining residuals from lmer

2006-04-13 Thread Bill Shipley
Hello.  I cannot find out how to extract the residuals from a mixed model
using the lmer function.  Can someone help?

Bill Shipley

North American Editor, Annals of Botany

Editor, "Population and Community Biology" series, Springer Publishing

Département de biologie, Université de Sherbrooke,

Sherbrooke (Québec) J1K 2R1 CANADA





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[R] error message explanation for lmer

2006-04-10 Thread Bill Shipley
I am getting the following error message using the lmer function for mixed
models with method="Laplace":
"nlminb returned message false convergence (8) in: LMEopt(x=mer,value=cv)"
Could anyone explain what this means, and how I might overcome (or track
down) the problem?

Bill Shipley



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[R] documentation for lmer?

2006-04-07 Thread Bill Shipley
Hello.  Besides the short paper in the May 2005 edition of R News, I have
not found any documentation concerning the lmer function in the lme4
package.  Does anyone know of anything more substatial?  Also, does anyone
know if the nonlinear equivalent of lmer exists yet?

Bill Shipley 


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[R] more documentation on lmer?

2006-04-07 Thread Bill Shipley
Hello.  Is there any documentation on the lmer function in the lme4 package
beyond what was published in the May 2005 R News (vol.5/1)?  As well, has
the nonlinear version of lmer appeared yet?

Bill Shipley

North American Editor, Annals of Botany

Editor, "Population and Community Biology" series, Springer Publishing

Département de biologie, Université de Sherbrooke,

Sherbrooke (Québec) J1K 2R1 CANADA





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[R] glm binomial with zero proportions

2006-03-01 Thread Bill Shipley
Hello.  I must fit a logistic regression to data in the form of
proportions, but in which some of the proportions are zero.  I therefore
cannot use the glm function with a binomial link since the link function
is not defined for p=0 or 1.  What other solutions are available?  Any
references to this specific problem (i.e. regression using proportions,
of which some are zero) would be welcome.

Bill Shipley 


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[R] help downloading lme4 from CRAN

2006-02-16 Thread Bill Shipley
Hello.  I am having trouble downloading the lme4 package from the CRAN
site.  The error is:
> local({a <- CRAN.packages()
+ install.packages(select.list(a[,1],,TRUE), .libPaths()[1],
available=a, dependencies=TRUE)})
trying URL `http://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/contrib/2.0/PACKAGES'
Content type `text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1' length 26129 bytes
opened URL
downloaded 25Kb
also installing the dependencies 'Matrix', 'latticeExtra', 'mlmRev'
trying URL
Error in download.file(url, destfile, method, mode = "wb") : 
cannot open URL
In addition: Warning message: 
cannot open: HTTP status was `404 Not Found' 
Can someone please explain what I am doing wrong?  

Bill Shipley

North American Editor, Annals of Botany

Editor, "Population and Community Biology" series, Springer Publishing

Département de biologie, Université de Sherbrooke,

Sherbrooke (Québec) J1K 2R1 CANADA





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[R] strategies to obtain convergence using nlme

2005-11-09 Thread Bill Shipley
Hello.  I am working on an analysis involving the nonlinear mixed model
function (nlme) in R.  The data consist of measures of carbon fixation
by leaves as a function of light intensity and the parametric function
(standard in this area because it has a biological interpretation) is a
non-rectangular hyperbola.  I cannot get the nonlinear mixed model
(nlme) function to converge cleanly. I am hoping that others have found
strategies for getting starting values that might solve this problem.  I
have a request (below), some details of the problem, and then a question
(at the end of this posting).


Request 1:  Any documents that you can point to would be welcome,
especially if they involve a non-rectangular hyperbola.  I have already
searched the archives and have read the book by Pinheiro & Bates (2000)
and, although they give many useful suggestions, none seem to work in my




In particular, I can obtain convergence for each group (plant)
separately using either nls or nlsList, but cannot get convergence using


My function is a non-rectangular hyperbola with 4 parameters (theta, Am,
alpha, Rd):


#Nonrectangular hyperbola for photosynthesis

# myfunct


alpha*Irr + Am -sqrt((alpha*Irr+Am)^2-4*alpha*theta*Am*Irr))-Rd


I have written a self-starting function (NRhyperbola) to provide
starting values. This self-starting function works.  When I use this
self-starting function with nlsList using a data set with the grouping
variable (and after removing a few groups for which there is an
insufficient range of the independent variable to provide estimates), I
get convergence and reasonable estimates.  Similarly if I use nls
separately for every group I obtain reasonable estimates of the 4


If I then use the fixed effect values from nlsList (i.e. the average
value of each parameter over the groups) to do a nonlinear mixed model
(nlme) using the fixed effects estimates from nlsList, I fail to
converge after 50 iterations and get two types of  warning:


(1): "NaNs produced in: sqrt(.expr10)"  - this is because the parameter
values drift into regions in which the sqrt in the function is

 (2) "Singular precision matrix in level -1, block 1". - I do not know
what this warning means.


I have tried many different changes in the starting values and none


Question: what does the second warning mean?


Thanks for any help.


Bill Shipley


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[R] source of "susbcript out of bounds error" in nmle

2005-11-09 Thread Bill Shipley
A few days ago I posted a question to this discussion group concerning
to origin of an error message < subscript out of bounds > while using
the nonlinear mixed model (nlme) function in R with a self-starting
function.  Thanks for those who responded. This posting is to explain
what (I think) it causing the error.


Pinheiro & Bates (2000, pages 342-347) describe how to construct a
self-starting function for use in nls, nlsList and nlme.  A
self-starting function provides, not only the function to be evaluated,
but also estimates of initial values of the parameters that are to be
estimated.  I have written a self-starting function (NRhyperbola) for a
non-rectangular hyperbola with 4 parameters (theta, Am, alpha, Rd).  The
function works:



  theta  Am   alpha  Rd 

 0.69495045 35.32201003  0.03156335  1.26873011


If one calls the nlsList function with a grouping variable using
NRhyperbola one gets the parameter estimates for each group:





  thetaAm  alpha   Rd

1   0.442150628  3.303208 0.00659723 -3.229906256

2   0.838342670 26.331938 0.05824155  0.239244579

3   0.513979519  8.650714 0.07326543  1.931373980

4   0.304795985  6.080392 0.06161286  1.194595984

5   0.870235949  5.245667 0.04243476  1.873685797

6   0.882610059  7.732813 0.04409574  0.039987285

7   0.901297969 12.655540 0.07025121  0.288532206

8   0.319134655 10.378213 0.01228871 -0.009558434

9   0.173420670 18.799837 0.02182253  0.025902109

10   NANA NA   NA

11   NANA NA   NA

12   NANA NA   NA

13  0.898779206 28.232093 0.06589758 10.130898439

14   NANA NA   NA

15  0.588541525 16.076403 0.05198140  4.102262827

16 -0.579787245 85.421300 0.06644187  4.879817577

17  0.538103607 34.046475 0.06338304  3.230418320

18 -0.149304124 46.348766 0.14660061  2.816890625

19  0.001826296 42.038952 0.09758133  0.175960147

20   NANA NA   NA


Degrees of freedom: 175 total; 115 residual

Residual standard error: 1.257301


Parameter values for some groups cannot be estimated because there is
insufficient variation in the independent value.  Notice that the call
to nlsList returns the 4 parameter values for each group.  To get the
average (fixed effect) values one must use fixef(obj):



  theta  Am   alpha  Rd 

 0.43627516 23.42282078  0.05883306  1.84600701


When one calls the nonlinear mixed model function (nlme) using this
selfstarting function one gets an error stating that the "subscript is
out of bounds".  However, this error does not occur if one explicitly
gives the starting values as those obtained using the fixed effects.


It seems as if the nlme function is receiving more than 1 starting value
for each of the 4 parameters when it uses the self-starting function.  I
suspect that the nlme function calls nlsList to get its starting values
but does not request the fixed effects (i.e. it uses the output from
nlsList rather than the output from fixed(nlsList).  I can't get inside
the nlme function to verify this.



Bill Shipley


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[R] coding nesting in data for nlme example of Wafer data set.

2005-11-01 Thread Bill Shipley
I am trying to understand the proper way to encode the nesting structure
for data in the context of nlme, in the specific case of individuals
nested within species for which each individual is unique.  I have
searched through Pinheiro & Bates and also past postings, but without


Take the Wafer data set which has 2 levels: Wafer (8 values) and Site
nested within Wafer (10 values for each value of Wafer)  (Pinheiro &
Bates book).  The data set has Sites coded as values from 1 to 8 for
Wafer 1, values 1 to 8 for Wafer 2 etc.  Does this mean that the SAME
sites are used for each Wafer (i.e. site 1 of water 1 is the same as
site 1 of wafer 2)?  If different sites were chosen for each of the
wafers would one have to code the sites = 1 to 8 for Wafer 1, sites = 9
to 16 for Wafer 2, and so on?

In the case of individuals nested within species, each individual is
unique - analogous to different sites being chosen for each wafter.  




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[R] syntax of nlme with nesting

2005-10-27 Thread Bill Shipley
This may appear too elementary to some on this list, but not to me.  My
apologies if this is the case.  I have mastered the lme function but the
nlme function has me stumped.


I am attempting to fit a nonlinear mixed model with 4 levels of nesting.
I am getting a cryptic error message and do not know what is wrong with
the syntax of the call.  This is the call:


> nlme(Photosynthese~NRhyperbola(Irr,theta,Am,alpha,Rd),

+ fixed=theta+Am+alpha+Rd~1,

+ random=theta~1|Reference/Espece/Plante/Groupe,

+ data=lit.data)


NRhyperbola is a self-starting function with one variable (Irr) and four
parameters (theta,Am,alpha,Rd).  The data set (lit.data) contains
Photosynthese (dependent variable) and Irr, as well as the grouping
structure, which is Reference, Espece nested in Reference, Plante nested
in Espece and Groupe nested in Plante.  I want to allow only the
parameter theta to vary randomly.  I get the following error message:
"Error: subscript out of bounds".


What does this mean?  There are some "Plante" for which there is only
one "Groupe" , some "Espece" for which there is only one "Plante" etc.
Is this the source of the error?  If so, how can one solve this?


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[R] self starting function for nonlinear least squares.

2005-10-26 Thread Bill Shipley
Following on my posting of this morning, concerning a problem that I am
having constructing a self-starting function for use with nls (and
eventually with nlsList and nlme), the following is the self-starting
function called NRhyperbola:


> NRhyperbola

function (Irr,theta,Am,alpha,Rd) 


# Am is the maximum gross photosynthetic rate

# Rd is the dark resiration rate (positive value)

# theta is the shape parameter

# alpha is the initial quantum yeild



(alpha*Irr + Am - sqrt((alpha*Irr + Am)^2 -4*alpha*theta*Am*Irr))- Rd



function (mCall, LHS, data) 


xy <- sortedXyData(mCall[["Irr"]], LHS, data)

if (nrow(xy) < 3) 

stop("Too few unique irradiance values")

fit <- smooth.spline(xy[, "x"], xy[, "y"])

alpha <- predict(fit, x = 0, deriv = 1)$y



# to correct for minimal values greater that zero

Rd <- (predict(fit, 0)$y - delta.for.zero)

# to correct for maximal values

alpha <- predict(fit, x = max(xy[,"x"],na.rm=T), deriv = 1)$y


Am <- predict(fit,

Am <- Am - Rd


theta1 <- rep(NA, 4)

light <- c(100, 200, 500, 800)

for (i in 1:4) {

y.pred <- predict(fit, light[i])$y

theta1[i] <- ((y.pred + Rd) * (alpha * light[i] + Am) - 

alpha * Am * light[i])/(y.pred + Rd)^2


theta <- mean(theta1)

Rd<- -1*Rd

value <- c(theta, Am, alpha, Rd)

names(value) <- mCall[c("theta", "Am", "alpha", "Rd")]




[1] "selfStart"


This function was created, following pp. 345-346 of Pinheiro & Bates
(Mixed-effects models in S and S-PLUS) by first creating NRhyperbola:


NRhyperbola<- function (Irr,theta,Am,alpha,Rd) 


# Am is the maximum gross photosynthetic rate

# Rd is the dark resiration rate (positive value)

# theta is the shape parameter

# alpha is the initial quantum yeild



(alpha*Irr + Am - sqrt((alpha*Irr + Am)^2 -4*alpha*theta*Am*Irr))- Rd



then creating a function 


function (mCall, LHS, data) 


xy <- sortedXyData(mCall[["Irr"]], LHS, data)

if (nrow(xy) < 3) 

stop("Too few unique irradiance values")

fit <- smooth.spline(xy[, "x"], xy[, "y"])

alpha <- predict(fit, x = 0, deriv = 1)$y



# to correct for minimal values greater that zero

Rd <- (predict(fit, 0)$y - delta.for.zero)

# to correct for maximal values

alpha <- predict(fit, x = max(xy[,"x"],na.rm=T), deriv = 1)$y


Am <- predict(fit,

Am <- Am - Rd


theta1 <- rep(NA, 4)

light <- c(100, 200, 500, 800)

for (i in 1:4) {

y.pred <- predict(fit, light[i])$y

theta1[i] <- ((y.pred + Rd) * (alpha * light[i] + Am) - 

alpha * Am * light[i])/(y.pred + Rd)^2


theta <- mean(theta1)

Rd<- -1*Rd

value <- c(theta, Am, alpha, Rd)

names(value) <- mCall[c("theta", "Am", "alpha", "Rd")]




and then using "selfStart"



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[R] help with a self-starting function in nonlinear least squares regression.

2005-10-26 Thread Bill Shipley
Hello.  I am having a problem setting up a self-starting function for
use in nonlinear regression (and eventually in the mixed model version).
The function is a non-rectangular hyperbola - called "NRhyperbola" -
which is used for fitting leaf photosynthetic rate to light intensity.
It has one independent variable (Irr) and four parameters (theta, Am,
alpha and Rd).  I have created this to act as a self-starting function.
The self-starting function seems to work (i.e. when I call "getInitial"
it provides the initial values), but I can't get it to work when used
within "nls".  Here is an example:




thetaAm alphaRd 

 0.5021546914  3.7466359015  0.0005743723 -3.0685671752


So, "getInitial" succeeds in extracting the initial values from the




Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : Object "theta" not found


But the call to "nls" does not find the parameter theta, even though the
call "getInitial" did find it and returned its initial value.


I am working from the Pinheiro & Bates book on mixed-effects models in S
and S-PLUS.  According to that book (p. 346): "When nls is called
without initial values for the parameters and a self-start model
function is provided, nls calls getInitial to provide the initial


Two questions:


1)   what am I doing wrong?

2)   When a self-Starting model is called from within nlsList or
nlme, is getInitial only called one (to get the values ignoring any
hierarchical structure in the data) or is it called for each group?




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[R] summary of problem with mCall function.

2005-09-07 Thread Bill Shipley
Last week I posted a question concerning the mCall function, which is
used to create self-starting functions and is described in the book by
Pinheiro, J.C. and Bates, D.M. (Mixed-effects models in S and S-PLUS).
On page 345 one finds the following call:


xy<-sortedXyData(mCall[["x"]], LHS,data)


It is necessary to replace the "x" in the call to mCall by the actual
variable name for the dependent variable.  The error message that I was
getting was due to the fact that I had called by dependent variable in
the data frame (data) by another name than x without changing this in
the call to mCall.



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[R] making self-starting function for nls

2005-09-01 Thread Bill Shipley
Hello.  Following pages 342-347 of Pinheiro & Bates, I am trying to
write a self-starting nonlinear function (a non-rectagular hyperbola) to
be used in nonlinear least squares regression (and eventually for a
mixed model).  When I use the getInitial function for my self-starting
function I get the following error message:


> getInitial(photo~NRhyperbola(Irr,theta,Am,alpha,Rd),dat)

Error in tapply(y, x, mean, na.rm = TRUE) : 

arguments must have same length


Since I do not explicitly call tapply in my function that makes
NRhyperbola a self-starting function (called NRhyperbolaInit, see
below), I assume that the error is coming from within the mCall function
but I can't figure out where or how.


Would someone who has successfully done this be willing to look at my
code and see where the problem arises?


> NRhyperbolaInit





 stop("Too few unique irradiance values")




Am<-max(xy[,"y"]) + abs(Rd)








Bill Shipley




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[R] function for maximum entropy distributions

2005-07-06 Thread Bill Shipley
Hello.  I have written a function (Maxent), based on the improved
iterative scaling algorithm of Della Pietra et al., that calculates the
maximum entropy distribution given moment constraints. That is, it
obtains the probability distribution (p) with maximum entropy given
constraints linear in p.

If anyone is interested in this function, or is willing to test it, I
will send it to them.


Bill Shipley

North American Editor, Annals of Botany

Département de biologie, Université de Sherbrooke,

Sherbrooke (Québec) J1K 2R1 CANADA




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[R] 1st derivatives using gam.

2005-06-10 Thread Bill Shipley
Hello.  Using the smooth.spline function one can obtain the 1st
derivatives by specifiying < deriv=1 > in the predict function (i.e.
predict(fit,fit$x,deriv=1) where fit is the object created by


Can one obtain the first derivatives using gam() and predict.gam?  If
so, how?


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[R] planned means and loess?

2005-06-06 Thread Bill Shipley
Hello.  I am trying to figure out how (if?) I can adapt a test of
planned means (Dunnett's test?) to a loess fit.


Context:  The experiment consists of growing plants in hydroponic
solution of a period of time (t=0 to crit), after which the nutrient
solution concentration is decreased to a new (lower) level.  Plants are
harvested daily during the course of the experiment and the foliar
nitrogen concentration is measured each day from these destructive
harvests.  The statistical goal is to determine the shortest time
following the change in nutrient solution concentration at which one can
detect a significant (p=0.05) decrease in the foliar nitrogen
concentration.  Therefore, I wish to compare the predicted foliar N
concentration at t=crit to the foliar N concentrations at time t=crit+1,
+2, ..  Because the time course of N does not follow any simple
parametric function, I am using smoothing splines via loess.


Is there any way to adapt a test of planned means (say, Dunnett's test)
to this problem?  If not, can anyone suggest how this problem can be
tackled via loess?

Any suggestions are gratefully welcomed.


Bill Shipley


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[R] problem with intervals in mixed model

2005-05-10 Thread Bill Shipley
Hello.  I am analysing data from a mixed model perspective using the
lme() function.  The fixed effects model is a quadratic (Y~X+X2) where
X2 is the square of X and the data have a 3-level structure.  I fitted a
series of three models with the same fixed effects but differing in the
random effects (only intercept, intercept + X, intercept +X +X2).  The
anova shows that all three parameters vary significantly (p<0.001)
across groups.  I have therefore chosen the third model, in which all
three parameters vary.

When I attempted to obtain the confidence intervals for the correlations
between the random components, using:




I get the following error message:


Problem in intervals.lme(fit3, which = "var..: Cannot get confi

dence intervals on var-cov components: Non-positive definite ap

proximate variance-covariance



I assume that this arises because the correlation between two of the
parameters at the 2nd lowest level is -0.998.  Can anyone tell me how to
deal with this problem?  Specifically,

1) how should I interpret such a strong correlation?

2) how can I obtain confidence intervals for these correlations between
the random components?


Any help is appreciated.


Bill Shipley


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[R] anova with gam?

2005-04-08 Thread Bill Shipley
Hello. In SPLUS I am used to comparing nested models in gam using the
anova function.  When I tried this in R this doesn't work (the error
message says that anova() doesn't recognise the gam fit).  What must I
do to use anova with gam?  To be clear, I want to do the following:








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[R] constraining initial slope in smoother.spline

2005-03-01 Thread Bill Shipley
Hello.  I want to fit a smoother spline (or an equivalent local
regression method) to a series of data in which the initial value of the
1st derivative (slope) is constrained to a specific value.  Is it
possible to do this?  If so, how?


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[R] shrinkage estimates in lme

2005-02-15 Thread Bill Shipley
Hello.  Slope estimates in lme are shrinkage estimates which pull the
OLS slope estimates towards the population estimates, the degree of
which depends on the group sample size and the distance between the
group-based estimate and the overall population estimate.  Although
these shrinkage estimates as said to be more precise with respect to the
true values, they are also biased.  So there is a tradeoff between
precision and bias.

Are there rules of thumb to help determine when it is better to use the
OLS slope estimates and when to use the mixed model (lme) shrinkage
estimates?  I have 35 groups but the numbers per group vary from over 50
to as low as 4.

Thanks for any help.


Bill Shipley

Subject Matter Editor, Ecology

North American Editor, Annals of Botany

Département de biologie, Université de Sherbrooke,

Sherbrooke (Québec) J1K 2R1 CANADA




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[R] testing equality of variances across groups in lme?

2005-02-14 Thread Bill Shipley
Hello. I am fitting a two-level mixed model which assumes equality of
variance in the lowest-level residuals across groups.  The call is:



+ na.action="na.omit",random=~1+CLnRGR|study.code)


I want to test the assumption of equality of variances across groups at
the lowest level.  Can someone tell me how to do this?  I know that one
can test a nested model in which the residuals are given weights, such



+ na.action="na.omit",random=~1+CLnRGR|study.code,


This allows the residual variances to increase with the independent
variable. However, I have no expectation of how the variances might
change, only that they might be different across groups. 



Bill Shipley

Subject Matter Editor, Ecology

North American Editor, Annals of Botany

Département de biologie, Université de Sherbrooke,

Sherbrooke (Québec) J1K 2R1 CANADA




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[R] cubic spline smoother with heterogeneous variance.

2005-01-05 Thread Bill Shipley
Hello.  I want to estimate the predicted values and standard errors of
Y=f(t) and its first derivative at each unique value of t using the
smooth.spline function.  However, the data (plant growth as a function
of time) show substantial heterogeneity of variance since the variance
of plant mass increases over time.  What is the consequence of such
heterogeneity of variance in terms of bias in the estimate of the
predicted value of Y and its first derivative?  I could Ln-transform the
data to achieve homogeneity of variance, but this would give me the mean
of Ln(Y) at each time (i.e. the mode of Y when back-transformed) and the
derivative of Ln(Y) with time (i.e. d(Ln(Y))/dt = dY/YDt), not dY/dt.

Can anyone suggest the best strategy for solving this problem?


Bill Shipley

Subject Matter Editor, Ecology

North American Editor, Annals of Botany

Département de biologie, Université de Sherbrooke,

Sherbrooke (Québec) J1K 2R1 CANADA




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[R] variance of combinations of means - off topic

2005-01-05 Thread Bill Shipley
Hello, and please excuse this off-topic question, but I have not been
able to find an answer elsewhere.  Consider a value Z that is calculated
using the product (or ratio) of two means X_mean and Y_mean:
Z=X_mean*Y_mean.  More generally, Z=f(X_mean, Y_mean).  The standard
error of Z will be a function of the standard errors of the means of X
and Y.  I want to calculate this se of Z.  Can someone direct me to a
reference (text book or other) that gives the solution to this *general*



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[R] inferential test for smoother df?

2004-10-18 Thread Bill Shipley
Hello.  In loess regression (or gam with cubic spline smoothers, I
think) it is possible to fit models with different numbers of equivalent
parameters – thus model df –and then conduct an inferential test via
anova.  Is this a valid way of choosing the smoother df?  

Specifically, I fix a significance level of alpha and then fit a
sequence of models with increasing numbers of model df (say 2,3,4…).  I
conduct an anova to compare this sequence of models and choose the
smoother df as the one at which models fit with further increases do not
result in a significant improvement.


If this is not an acceptable strategy, what would people recommend
beyond using the built in cross-validation criterion?


Thanks for any leads.


Bill Shipley

Département de biologie, Université de Sherbrooke,

Sherbrooke (Québec) J1K 2R1 CANADA




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[R] question about df in linear mixed model function lme

2004-10-07 Thread Bill Shipley
I have looked through Pinheiro and Bates (2000) but have not found an
explanation, so I post my question to the group.  Pages 90-92 explain
how the denominator df are calculated, but not why.  Consider a mixed
model with two predictor variables (Y, Z) in which Y only varies between
groups while Z varies at both levels.  The denominator df for the test
of the marginal effect of Y is based on the number of groups.  The
denominator df for the marginal effect of Z is based on the total number
of observations.  I understand the logic of both.  However, why is the
denominator df for the interaction term (Y:Z) also based on the total
number of observations?


Bill Shipley

Subject Matter Editor, Ecology

North American Editor, Annals of Botany

Département de biologie, Université de Sherbrooke,

Sherbrooke (Québec) J1K 2R1 CANADA




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[R] (off topic) article on advantages/disadvantages of types of SS?

2004-10-04 Thread Bill Shipley
Hello.  Please excuse this off-topic request, but I know that the
question has been debated in summary form on this list a number of
times.  I would find a paper that lays out the advantages and
disadvantages of using different types of SS in the context of
unbalanced data in  ANOVA, regression and ANCOVA, especially including
the use of different types of contrasts and the meaning of the
hypotheses that are tested in such cases.

Thanks for any leads.   


Bill Shipley

Subject Matter Editor, Ecology

North American Editor, Annals of Botany

Département de biologie, Université de Sherbrooke,

Sherbrooke (Québec) J1K 2R1 CANADA




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[R] lme function with marginal terms for ANOVA?

2004-10-02 Thread Bill Shipley
Hello.  The linear mixed model (lme) function has an anova (anova())
function.  This anova function has a type argument that can be
“marginal”.  I understood that this was equivalent to the “type III”
(type=ssType3) sum of squares of the ordinary linear model.  Is this
correct?  Specifically,  if “fit” is a lme object, and I specify
anova(fit,type=”marginal”), so I get the type III sum of squares?




Bill Shipley

Subject Matter Editor, Ecology

North American Editor, Annals of Botany

Département de biologie, Université de Sherbrooke,

Sherbrooke (Québec) J1K 2R1 CANADA




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[R] controlling colour in Trellis histogram

2004-10-01 Thread Bill Shipley
Hello.  I am sorry for posting a (seemingly) simple question, but I have
just spent 2 hours trying to find the answer, without success.  I want
to make a histogram with conditioning on a factor, using Trellis
graphics.  However, I do not want any colours (only black and white)
either in the histograms or in the strip.  There must be some simple
argument but I can’t find it.  Here is my code so far:


> histogram(~GRC.SLA|as.factor(species.type),data=group.means,

+ strip=function(...)



As a default, this produces the bars in a pale blue and the strip in




Bill Shipley

Subject Matter Editor, Ecology

North American Editor, Annals of Botany

Département de biologie, Université de Sherbrooke,

Sherbrooke (Québec) J1K 2R1 CANADA




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[R] histograms with more than one variable

2004-09-30 Thread Bill Shipley
Hello.  I want to plot the distribution of a continuous variable (y) in
each of two groups on the same graph as histograms.  I suppose one could
call this a 2-d histogram?  Can this be done in R?  Here is a typical


y  group

1.2   1

3.3   1

2.4   2

5.7   1

0.2   2



Bill Shipley

Subject Matter Editor, Ecology

North American Editor, Annals of Botany

Département de biologie, Université de Sherbrooke,

Sherbrooke (Québec) J1K 2R1 CANADA




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[R] specifying a complex function in nls

2004-07-16 Thread Bill Shipley
Earlier, I posted a question concerning the syntax of nls() when the
nonlinear function within the call is specified outside of nls().
Sundar showed me how to do this.  Now I have a slightly more complex
problem that is analogous to a broken-stick regression but in a
non-linear context.


I want my data to be fit to a non-rectangular hyperbola if the value of
the independent variable (I) is less than some value (“Icut”, to be
estimated) and to be fit to a constant value (to be estimated) if the
value of the independent variable is greater than or equal to “Icut”.
That is, if the value of the independent variable is less than Icut,
then fit the non-rectangular hyperbola, otherwise fit a constant.  

Here is the function that I wrote.  “a” is the non-rectangular hyperbola
and “b” is the constant.  When I give this to nls() I get an error
message stating:

Error in nlsModel(formula, mf, start) : singular gradient matrix at
initial parameter estimates


> NRHyperbolic.cut

function (Am,alpha,theta,Rd,I,Icut,const) 



yes<- (I>=Icut)







This is a non-rectangular hyperbola (a)


Bill Shipley

Subject Matter Editor, Ecology

North American Editor, Annals of Botany

Département de biologie, Université de Sherbrooke,

Sherbrooke (Québec) J1K 2R1 CANADA




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[R] specifying a function in nls

2004-07-16 Thread Bill Shipley
Hello.  I am trying to understand the syntax of the nonlinear least
squares function (nls) when the function definition is made outside of
the call.  Here is the context.

1.  If I specify the following command, it works fine:


> fit2<-nls(

+ A~Am*(1-exp(-alpha*(I-LCP))),data=dat1,

+ start=list(Am=3.6,alpha=0.01,LCP=20))


2.  Now, I want to be able to specify the function definition
outside of nls.  I do the following:


> Mitscherlich<-function(Am,alpha,I,LCP,...){




and then:


> fit3<-nls(

+ A~Mitscherlich,data=dat1,

+ start=list(Am=2.7,alpha=0.006,LCP=45))


and I get the error message: Error in lhs - rhs : non-numeric argument
to binary operator


What am I doing wrong?



Bill Shipley

Subject Matter Editor, Ecology

North American Editor, Annals of Botany

Département de biologie, Université de Sherbrooke,

Sherbrooke (Québec) J1K 2R1 CANADA




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[R] error message in mle function

2004-04-19 Thread Bill Shipley
I am getting an error message concerning the estimation of confidence
intervals when fitting a mixed model and don't know what the problem is,
or its solution.


Just to provide context: the model is describing the effects of age,
exp(age), harvest age, and climate variables on bighorn horn annular


The data structure is repeated measures (between individuals, within
individuals over time).


Id is a random effect (there are between 3-11 horn measurements per ram,
one horn measurement per age, over the 25 year period in the dataset).


The mixed effect results is unable to provide confidence intervals for
the fixed and random effects because: of an error in the
variance-covariance structure. The error says that the intervals are
non-positive definitive. 



Bill Shipley


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[R] nls function

2004-04-01 Thread Bill Shipley
Hello.  I am trying to fit a non-rectangular hyperbola function to data
of photosynthetic rate vs. light intensity.  There are 4 parameters that
have to be estimated.  I find the nls function very difficult to use
because it often fails to converge and then gives out cryptic error
messages.  I have tried playing with the control parameters but this
does not always help.

Is there another non-linear regression function in R that I might try
(other than regression smoothers, which won’t give the parameter
estimates of the specified function)?


Bill Shipley

Subject Matter Editor, Ecology

North American Editor, Annals of Botany

Département de biologie, Université de Sherbrooke,

Sherbrooke (Québec) J1K 2R1 CANADA




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[R] controlling nls errors

2004-02-19 Thread Bill Shipley
Hello.  I am using the nonlinear least squares function (nls).  The
function that I am trying to fit seems to be very sensitive to the
starting values and, if these are not chosen properly, the nls function
stops and gives an error message:


Error in numericDeriv(form[[3]], names(ind), env) : 

Missing value or an Infinity produced when evaluating the model

In addition: Warning message: 

NaNs produced in: sqrt((quantum.yeild * I + Amax)^2 - 4 * theta *
quantum.yeild *  


I want to embed the nls function within a loop so that if it gives an
error message I can automatically adjust the starting value and retry.
To do this I have to be able to test if the function has converged
within the loop.  I need something like an “if.error(fit)” function that
will return true if there has been an error.  Does such a thing exist?


Bill Shipley

Associate Editor, Ecology

North American Editor, Annals of Botany

Département de biologie, Université de Sherbrooke,

Sherbrooke (Québec) J1K 2R1 CANADA




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[R] specifying partial nesting in lme

2004-02-16 Thread Bill Shipley
Hello.  I am fitting a repeated measures model using the mixed model
function of R (lme).  However, the hierarchical structure is
complicated.  Each individual sheep is measured a number of times (once
per year) over its life (ranging from once to 12 consecutive years).
However, this longitudinal study involves many different cohorts and so
many different individuals (of different ages) are measured each year.
Therefore, individuals measured in the same year are not independent.  A
typical data set might look like this:

Ind   age   year  mass

1 1 1984  2.3

1 2 1985  4.3

1 3 1986  5.5


2 1 1985  3.3

2 2 1986  4.1



Can someone explain how to specify this in the random part of the model
specification in the lme function of R?  If I were to ignore the "year"
effect, I would specify: lme(mass~age, random=age|ind)



Bill Shipley

Associate Editor, Ecology

North American Editor, Annals of Botany

Département de biologie, Université de Sherbrooke,

Sherbrooke (Québec) J1K 2R1 CANADA




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[R] typeIII SS for lme?

2003-12-11 Thread Bill Shipley
To avoid angry replies, let me first say that I know that the use of
Type III sums of squares is controversial, and that some statisticians
recommend instead that significance be judged using the non-marginal
terms in the ANOVA.  However, given that type III SS is also demanded by
some…  is there a function (equivalent to drop1 for lm) to obtain type
III sums of squares for mixed models using the lme function?


Bill Shipley

Associate Editor, Ecology

North American Editor, Annals of Botany

Département de biologie, Université de Sherbrooke,

Sherbrooke (Québec) J1K 2R1 CANADA




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[R] using pdMAT in the lme function?

2003-11-25 Thread Bill Shipley
Hello.  I want to specify a diagonal structure for the covariance matrix
of random effects in the lme() function.

Here is the call before I specify a diagonal structure:


> fit2<-lme(Ln.rgr~I(Ln.nar-log(0.0011)),data=meta.analysis,

+ random=~1+I(Ln.nar-log(0.0011)|STUDY.CODE,na.action=na.omit)


and this works fine.  Now, I want to fix the covariance between the
between-groups slopes and intercepts to zero.  I try do do this using
the pdDiag command as follows, but it does not work:


> fit2<-lme(Ln.rgr~I(Ln.nar-log(0.0011)),data=meta.analysis,



I get back an error saying that I have zero degrees of freedom.
Clearly, the syntax of the command is wrong but I can’t figure out why.
The data set (meta.analysis) is not defined as a groupedData object.


Any help is appreciated.


Bill Shipley

Associate Editor, Ecology

North American Editor, Annals of Botany

Département de biologie, Université de Sherbrooke,

Sherbrooke (Québec) J1K 2R1 CANADA




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[R] help specifying error structure in lme

2003-11-11 Thread Bill Shipley
I am having difficulty in properly specifying the error structure for an
experiment that is being analysed using the lme() function.  Physically,
I have 15 plots. Each plot contains 8 subplots.  Each subplot is
measured at 3 different times.  One treatment variable (L), containing 3
levels, is randomly assigned to the whole plots; thus there are 5
replicate plots for each of the 3 levels of L.  Two other treatment
variables (K, F), each having 2 levels, are randomly assigned to the
subplots within each plot; thus there are 2 replicates of each
combination of K and F in each of the 15 plots.

The fixed formula is y~L*K*F*time.  What is the proper formula for the
random effects?  I had thought that it was random=~1|L/plots/subplots
(i.e. subplots nested within plots nested within the L treatments) but
this is wrong because, using this formula, I have no degrees of freedom
for the L term.


Bill Shipley

Associate Editor, Ecology

North American Editor, Annals of Botany

Département de biologie, Université de Sherbrooke,

Sherbrooke (Québec) J1K 2R1 CANADA




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[R] interpreting output of lme

2003-11-11 Thread Bill Shipley
Hello.  This is not a technical question but rather an interpretational
one, so I apologise if it is not appropriate for this discussion group.
I am fitting a mixed model involving two predictor variables: x1 and x2.
x1 varies between groups but is constant within groups while x2 varies
both between and within groups.  I fit two nested models.

Model 1:  lme(y~x1*x2, random=~1|groups).  In this model, in which only
the intercepts randomly vary, both main fixed terms and their
interaction are highly significant.

Model 2: lme(y~x1*x2, random=~1+x1|groups).  In this model, in which
both the intercepts and the partial slope of x1 randomly vary, only x2
remains significant as a fixed term; both x1 and x1:x2 loose
significance (p>0.05).


Here is my interpretation, and I would like to know if it is correct:

The partial slope of x2 changes as a function of x1 (thus, a real
interaction).  However, because x1 only varies between groups,  the
variation in the partial slopes of x2 only occurs between groups.  Thus,
when I allow the partial slope of x2 to be random, these between-group
changes in its partial slope remove the effect of x1 (whose only effect
is to change these partial slopes between groups).


Does this make sense?  If not, how should one explain the differences in
the significance of the fixed terms in these two nested models?


Bill Shipley

Associate Editor, Ecology

North American Editor, Annals of Botany

Département de biologie, Université de Sherbrooke,

Sherbrooke (Québec) J1K 2R1 CANADA




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[R] help with lme()

2003-11-04 Thread Bill Shipley
Hello. I am trying to determine whether I should be using ML or REML
methods to estimate a linear mixed model.   In the book by Pinheiro &
Bates (Mixed-effects models in S and S-PLUS, page 76) they state that
one difference between REML and ML is that « LME models with different
fixed-effects structures fit using REML cannot be compared on the basis
of their restricted likelihoods.  In particular, likelihood ratio tests
are not valid under these circumstances.”

I am not sure what “fixed-effects structures” means.  Does it mean that,
as long as the types of contrasts are the same between two models, they
ARE comparable, but are NOT comparable if the types of contrasts are
changes?  Or rather, does it simply mean that one should use t or F
tests for the fixed effects, and restrict the likelihood ratio tests to
the random effects only if using REML?


Bill Shipley

Associate Editor, Ecology

North American Editor, Annals of Botany

Département de biologie, Université de Sherbrooke,

Sherbrooke (Québec) J1K 2R1 CANADA




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[R] help with constrOptim function

2003-10-31 Thread Bill Shipley
Hello.  I had previously posted a question concerning the optimization
of a nonlinear function conditional on equality constraints.  I was
pointed towards the contrOptim function.  However, I do not understand
the syntax of this function with respect to specifying the constraints
and so I don’t know if it is what I need.  The command is:

constrOptim(theta, f, grad,ui,ci,…).  “theta” is the initial value of
the variables in the function, “f” and “grad” are the function to be
optimized and its gradient functions (partial deriviatives).  Now, “ui”
and “ci” are stated to be constraints in the help documentation but it
is not explained how these constraints are to be specified.  To be
concrete, here is my objective function:


f<- -1*pi*log(pi)  i.e. the entropy of a vector of probabilities (pi)


The constraints are the first moments of the distribution:


C1=sum(k1*pi); C2<-sum(k2*pi); etc.


Any help is appreciated.


Bill Shipley

Associate Editor, Ecology

North American Editor, Annals of Botany

Département de biologie, Université de Sherbrooke,

Sherbrooke (Québec) J1K 2R1 CANADA




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[R] constrained nonlinear optimisation in R?

2003-10-31 Thread Bill Shipley
Hello.  I have searched the archives but have not found anything.  I
need to solve a constrained optimisation problem for a nonlinear
function (“maximum entropy formalism”).  Specifically,

Optimise: -1*SUM(p_ilog(p_i)) for a vector p_i of probabilities,
conditional on a series of constraints of the form:


SUM(T_i*p_i)=k_i  for given values of T_i and k_i  (these are
constraints on expectations).


Can this be done in R?


Bill Shipley

Associate Editor, Ecology

North American Editor, Annals of Botany

Département de biologie, Université de Sherbrooke,

Sherbrooke (Québec) J1K 2R1 CANADA




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[R] setting up complicated ANOVA in R

2003-10-28 Thread Bill Shipley
Hello.  I am about to do a rather complicated analysis and am not sure
how to do it.  The experiment has a split-plot design and also repeated
measures.  Both of these complications require one to define an error
term and it seems that one cannot specify two such terms.  The
split-plot command is:


aov(y~covariates +A*B+Error(C), data=) where A and B are the fixed
effects and C is the plot-level source of error.


The repeated measures command is:

aov(y~covariates+A*B*time + Error(subject), data=) where subject is the
error source for the repeated measures over time.


Can these be somehow combined to include a split-plot &
repeated-measures design?  If not, can I perhaps use a mixed-model
analysis with random subjects nested within the whole-plot?


Any suggestions or leads are appreciated.


Bill Shipley

Associate Editor, Ecology

North American Editor, Annals of Botany

Département de biologie, Université de Sherbrooke,

Sherbrooke (Québec) J1K 2R1 CANADA




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[R] summary of "explaining curious results of aov"

2003-10-21 Thread Bill Shipley
Earlier, I had posted the following question to the group :

> Hello.  I have come across a curious result that I cannot explain. 

> Hopefully, someone can explain this.  I am doing a 1-way ANOVA with 6 

> groups (example: summary(aov(y~A)) with A having 6 levels).  I get an 

> F of 0.899 with 5 and 15 df (p=0.51).  I then do the same analysis but

> using data only corresponding to groups 5 and 6.  This is, of course, 

> equivalent to a t-test.  I now get an F of 142.3 with 1 and 3 degrees 

> of freedom and a null probability of 0.001.  I know that multiple 

> comparisons changes the model-wise error rate, but even if I did all 

> 15 comparisons of the 6 groups, the Bonferroni correction to a 5% 

> alpha is 0.003, yet the Bonferroni correction gives conservative 

> rejection levels.


> How can such a result occur?  Any clues would be helpful.


Brian Ripley, Robert Balshaw, Peter Dalgaard and Ted Harding all
responded.  The answer was basically the same from all:  If there is
heterogeneity of variances between the groups, and the variances of
groups 5 and 6 are smaller than the others, then my result could occur
because the average within-group variance over all groups in the general
ANOVA is higher than the within-group variance when looking only at
groups 5 and 6.  Combine this with the very small sample size and
unequal group membership.

A number of reference books state that ANOVA is fairly robust to
moderate degrees of heterogeneity of variance but not what constitutes


Bill Shipley

Associate Editor, Ecology

North American Editor, Annals of Botany

Département de biologie, Université de Sherbrooke,

Sherbrooke (Québec) J1K 2R1 CANADA




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[R] explaining curious result of aov

2003-10-21 Thread Bill Shipley
Hello.  I have come across a curious result that I cannot explain.
Hopefully, someone can explain this.  I am doing a 1-way ANOVA with 6
groups (example: summary(aov(y~A)) with A having 6 levels).  I get an F
of 0.899 with 5 and 15 df (p=0.51).  I then do the same analysis but
using data only corresponding to groups 5 and 6.  This is, of course,
equivalent to a t-test.  I now get an F of 142.3 with 1 and 3 degrees of
freedom and a null probability of 0.001.  I know that multiple
comparisons changes the model-wise error rate, but even if I did all 15
comparisons of the 6 groups, the Bonferroni correction to a 5% alpha is
0.003, yet the Bonferroni correction gives conservative rejection

How can such a result occur?  Any clues would be helpful.



Bill Shipley

Associate Editor, Ecology

North American Editor, Annals of Botany

Département de biologie, Université de Sherbrooke,

Sherbrooke (Québec) J1K 2R1 CANADA




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