Re: [R-pkg-devel] Help needed with CRAN check error under MacOS and old-rel

2024-06-30 Thread Spencer Graves

Hello, Pedro et al.:

	  Your package is on GitHub with GitHub Actions.[1] If whoever manages 
GitHub actions feels inclined to add macos-latest (oldrel-1), this would 
be one argument for doing that, though this kind of problem may be too 
rare to justify the expense. That's particularly true since it's with 

	  However, the fact that your ggpp package is available on GitHub would 
make it easy with a Mac user with oldrel installed to run that for you. 
If you don't the problem fixed from help on this list, you could try 

	  I just noticed that the error is in a vignette. I don't know if 
vignettes are run by GitHub Actions. I recently had a latent bug in a 
vignette reported to me by another user who updated a package that 
depended on mine. It was apparently reported to him by 
revdepcheck::revdep_check. I found the bug in the vignette and added a 
small test cases to add to the examples of the problem function. Then I 
fixed the problem (with help from Ivan Krylov on this list).

  hope this helps.
  spencer graves


On 6/30/24 04:17, Aphalo, Pedro J wrote:

A few days ago I submitted to CRAN an updated version of package 'ggpp', it 
passed checks during submission and version 0.5.8 is now on CRAN. However I see 
errors for old-rel only for MacOS at and I am stuck as 
I do not have where to rerun this test.

The error itself is surprising as it seems to be caused by not finding df1, 
which is just a data frame defined in a code chunk in the same vignette, which 
uses 'pkgdown'. This error is limited to MacOS R old-rel but affects both arm64 
and x86_64. (For either of these, I could not find a working setup for GitHub 
integration or at

The offending code is in nudge-examples.Rmd starting at line 250. This file was 
last modified six-months' ago, i.e., it is the same as in the previous CRAN 
version of 'ggpp'.

(I would rather track the origin of the problem than disable all three possibly 
affected code examples.)

Thanks in advance for any help,


Pedro J. Aphalo
Senior University Lecturer, Principal Investigator
(Room 5605, Biocenter 3, Viikinkaari 1, Helsinki)
Organismal and Evolutionary Biology

P.O. Box 65
00014 University of Helsinki

Tel. (mobile) +358 50 4150623
Tel. (office) +358 2941 57897

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Re: [R-pkg-devel] Vignette error: "there is no package called 'markdown'"

2024-06-29 Thread Spencer Graves

  That was it. Thanks very much.

	  Now I can go back to working on the "[.findFn" problem that you 
helped me identify. (I translated the Sweave vignette to RMarkdown to 
isolate that. Progress, with your help.)


On 6/29/24 04:47, Ivan Krylov wrote:

В Fri, 28 Jun 2024 22:55:23 -0500
Spencer Graves  пишет:

  I'm getting, "Error: processing vignette 'sos.Rmd' failed
with diagnostics: there is no package called 'markdown'":

  This is in:

This is an rmarkdown vignette, but you're setting
\VignetteBuilder{knitr::knitr}. Does the error go away if you set

Also, it's best to put both knitr and rmarkdown in the VignetteBuilder
field of the DESCRIPTION, because both packages are required to process
the vignette successfully.

__ mailing list

[R-pkg-devel] Vignette error: "there is no package called 'markdown'"

2024-06-28 Thread Spencer Graves

Hello, All:

	  I'm getting, "Error: processing vignette 'sos.Rmd' failed with 
diagnostics: there is no package called 'markdown'":

  This is in:

	  This package has been on CRAN with a vignette since 2009. To isolate 
a new bug, I tried to translate the vignette from Sweave to RMarkdown. 
I've cut the vignette to almost nothing and still cannot see what's wrong.

      Spencer Graves

__ mailing list

Re: [R-pkg-devel] Package bioOED has been removed from CRAN just for personal reasons

2023-11-02 Thread Spencer Graves

On 11/2/23 2:52 PM, Rolf Turner wrote:

On Wed, 1 Nov 2023 16:10:34 +
David Hugh-Jones  wrote:

Aside from the package question, surely the other issue here is that
Prof Ripley’s email is extraordinarily rude. Any paid employee would
be sacked for that. I appreciate R and CRAN are volunteer-run
organisations, but I don’t think that should be an excuse for this
level of, frankly, toxicity. Why is he allowed to get away with it?


I've just had a look at the initial posting in this thread

and can see nothing rude or offensive in the email from Prof. Ripley
that was copied and pasted into that posting.

I find *your* email far more offensive than anything that Prof. Ripley
has ever written.  Get a life.


Rolf Turner

P.S.  See fortunes::fortune(88).

R. T.

Hi, David:

	  You do, of course, know that "Ripley" is a verb? People on this list 
take pride in how many times they've been Ripleyed ;-)

	  I've been in the military, and I've learned to ignore the tone and 
look for the value in comments I receive. I've learned a lot from 
Professor Ripley, and others. When the tone seemed less supportive or 
even insulting, I'm very glad the person took the time to comment and 
didn't decide not to reply for fear of offending me. I'm more productive 
and a better human for all the help I've gotten from this and other 
R-related lists.

fortunes::fortune('Spencer Graves')


__ mailing list

Re: [R-pkg-devel] Too many cores used in examples (not caused by data.table)

2023-10-24 Thread Spencer Graves
	  Chapter 15 in Wickham and Bryan, R Packages, discuss "Advanced 
Testing Techniques". Their current section "15.4.1 Skip a test" includes 
the following:

test_that("some long-running thing works", {
  # test code that can potentially take "a while" to run

	  Have you tried writing directly to Jennifer Bryan 
? She and Hadley might be able to get help from the 
CRAN maintainers in getting help with this particular problem AND 
getting more documentation on this in their book ;-)

  hope this helps.
  spencer graves

On 10/24/23 6:03 AM, Greg Hunt wrote:

In my case recently, after an hour or so’s messing about I disabled some
tests and example executions to get rid of the offending times. I doubt
that i am the only one to do that.

On Tue, 24 Oct 2023 at 9:38 pm, Helske, Jouni  wrote:

Thanks for the help, I now tried resubmitting with
Sys.setenv("OMP_THREAD_LIMIT" = 2) at the top of the exchange example, but
I still get the same note:

Examples with CPU time > 2.5 times elapsed time
   user system elapsed ratio
exchange 1.196   0.04   0.159 7.774

Not sure what to try next.


From: Ivan Krylov 
Sent: Friday, October 20, 2023 16:54
To: Helske, Jouni 
Subject: Re: [R-pkg-devel] Too many cores used in examples (not caused by

В Thu, 19 Oct 2023 05:57:54 +
"Helske, Jouni"  пишет:

But I just realised that bssm uses Armadillo via RcppArmadillo, which
uses OpenMP by default for some elementwise operations. So, I wonder
if that could be the culprit?

I wasn't able to reproduce the NOTE either, despite manually setting
the environment variable
check, but I think I can see the code using OpenMP. Here's what I did:

0. Temporarily lower the system protections against capturing
performance traces of potentially sensitive parts:

echo -1 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid

(Set it back to 3 after you're done.)

1. Run the following command with the development version of the
package installed:

  perf record --call-graph drawf,4096 \
  R -e 'library(bssm); system.time(replicate(100, example(exchange)))'

OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS=1 will prevent OpenBLAS from spawning worker
threads if you have it installed. (A different BLAS may need different
environment variables.)

2. Run `perf report` and browse collected call stack information.

The call stacks are hard to navigate, but I think they are not pointing
towards Armadillo. At least, setting ARMA_OPENMP_THREADS=1 doesn't
help, but setting OMP_THREAD_LIMIT=1 does.

Best regards,

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Re: [R-pkg-devel] URL syntax causes R CMD build failure - a fix

2023-09-02 Thread Spencer Graves
I've encountered similar issues. However, it has been long enough ago 
that I don't remember enough details to say more without trying to 
update my CRAN packages to see what messages I get and maybe researching 
my notes from previous problems of this nature. Spencer Graves

On 9/2/23 4:23 PM, Greg Hunt wrote:

The percent encoded characters appear to be valid in that URL, suggesting
that rejecting them is an error. That kind of error could occur when the
software processing them converts them back to a non-unicode character set.

On Sun, 3 Sep 2023 at 4:34 am, J C Nash  wrote:

I'm posting this in case it helps some other developers getting build

Recently package nlsr that I maintain got a message that it failed to
build on
some platforms. The exact source of the problem is still to be illuminated,
but seems to be in knitr::render and/or pandoc or an unfortunate
An update to pandoc triggered a failure to process a vignette that had been
happily processed for several years. The error messages are unhelpful, at
to me,

 Error at "" (line 5419, column 1):
 unexpected end of input
 Error: pandoc document conversion failed with error 64
 Execution halted

Unfortunately, adding "keep_md: TRUE" (you need upper case TRUE to save it
there is no error of this type), did not save the intermediate file in this
case. However, searching for "pandoc error 64" presented one web page
where the author
used brute force search of his document by removing / replacing sections
to find
the line(s) that caused trouble. This is a little tedious, but effective.
In my
case, the offending line turned out to be a copied and pasted URL

The coded characters can be replaced by a hyphen, to give,

and this, when pasted in Mozilla Firefox at least, will go to the
wikipedia page.

I'd be interested in hearing from others who have had similar
difficulties. I
suspect this is relatively rare, and causing some sort of infelicity in the
output of knitr::render that then trips up some versions of pandoc, that
for instance, be now applying stricter rules to URL syntax.


John Nash

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[R-pkg-devel] gfortran: command not found

2023-07-05 Thread Spencer Graves


  "R CMD build KFAS" under macOS 11.7.8 stopped with:

using C compiler: ‘Apple clang version 12.0.5 (clang-1205.0.22.9)’
sh: gfortran: command not found
using SDK: ‘MacOSX11.3.sdk’
gfortran -arch x86_64  -fPIC  -Wall -g -O2  -c  approx.f90 -o approx.o
make: gfortran: No such file or directory
make: *** [approx.o] Error 1
ERROR: compilation failed for package ‘KFAS'

	  My web search suggests several different ways to fix this problem, 
but I don't know which to try.

      Spencer Graves

p.s.  I have both "brew" and "port" installed.  I recently used "port" 
to upgrade another software package.  A web search suggested the 

sudo port install gcc48
sudo port select -set gcc mp-gcc48

	  However, this comment was posted roughly 9 years ago.  Below please 
find sessionInfo().

R version 4.3.1 (2023-06-16)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin20 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Big Sur 11.7.8

Matrix products: default

 LAPACK version 3.11.0

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

time zone: America/Chicago
tzcode source: internal

attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods   base

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] compiler_4.3.1  R6_2.5.1magrittr_2.0.3  cli_3.6.1
 [5] tools_4.3.1 glue_1.6.2  rstudioapi_0.14 roxygen2_7.2.3
 [9] xml2_1.3.4  vctrs_0.6.2 stringi_1.7.12  knitr_1.42
[13] xfun_0.39   stringr_1.5.0   lifecycle_1.0.3 rlang_1.1.1
[17] purrr_1.0.1

__ mailing list

Re: [R-pkg-devel] GitHub Action not triggered by a commit to a fork

2023-07-05 Thread Spencer Graves

Hi, Diego:

  Thanks for the reply.

On 7/5/23 4:50 PM, Diego Hernangómez Herrero wrote:


GH actions are disabled by default on forks, have you checked 
<>> and clicked on the green 

  Got it.  I pushed another change, and that triggered GitHub Action.

  Thanks again, Spencer Graves


El mié, 5 jul 2023 a las 23:45, Spencer Graves 
(<>>) escribió:


           Can someone help me understand why a commit to
<>" does not trigger the GitHub
Actions specified in ".github/workflows/check-standard.yaml"?

           Spencer Graves

p.s.  This is a branch of helske/KFAS:master.  That may have something
to do with the problem.

__ <>
mailing list


Have a nice day!

__ mailing list

[R-pkg-devel] GitHub Action not triggered by a commit to a fork

2023-07-05 Thread Spencer Graves


	  Can someone help me understand why a commit to 
"; does not trigger the GitHub 
Actions specified in ".github/workflows/check-standard.yaml"?

      Spencer Graves

p.s.  This is a branch of helske/KFAS:master.  That may have something 
to do with the problem.

__ mailing list

Re: [R-pkg-devel] Change package name

2023-06-21 Thread Spencer Graves

On 6/21/23 8:33 PM, Rolf Turner wrote:

On Tue, 20 Jun 2023 17:39:48 -0400

If you really need a new package name, is there an accepted way to
update the old name to at least provide a message for a while as to
the new name to use and perhaps have the load otherwise fail?

I don't know about "accepted", but the following paradigm seems to me
to be sensible and reasonably efficacious:

* you have a package "foo" the name of which you wish to change to "bar"
* create a new package "bar" which is the same as "foo" except for its
* now replace foo with a skeleton package which has only the file
   First.R in its R directory
* the file First.R should be something like:

.onAttach <- function(lib, pkg) {
ver <- read.dcf(file.path(lib, pkg, "DESCRIPTION"), "Version")
 packageStartupMessage(paste(pkg, ver))
 msg <- paste("\n This package, \"foo\" is now",
  " deprecated.  Users",
  "\n should install and use its",
  " successor  \"bar\".\n")
 packageStartupMessage(msg) }

* submit both "bar" and "foo" to CRAN

	  Years ago, I had package "RSiteSearch".  I asked some R list what 
might be a better name for that.  "sos" was suggested, and Duncan 
Murdoch contributed code for an enhancement.  Then I added something 
like ".onAttach" to "RSiteSearch" and kept it on CRAN for a couple of 
years after introducing "sos".  That allowed people to use the old 
package for a couple of years without forcing them to switch immediately.

  I think that worked quite well.

  Hope this helps.
  Spencer Graves


Rolf Turner

__ mailing list

[R-pkg-devel] masked from 'package:utils':,, ?-2

2023-05-23 Thread Spencer Graves

Hello, All:

	  CRAN checks for sos on 8 of the 13 platforms complain about the 

The following object is masked from 'package:utils':


	  This is code that Duncan Murdoch contributed to this package around 
2009.  I have no idea how to fix this.  It's only a NOTE, so CRAN would 
probably accept it.  However, I felt a need to ask about this before I 
submitted the package to CRAN without asking this group for suggestions.

  What do you think?
  Spencer Graves


__ mailing list

[R-pkg-devel] masked from 'package:utils':,, ?

2023-05-23 Thread Spencer Graves

Hello, All:

	  CRAN checks for sos on 8 of the 13 platforms complain about the 

The following object is masked from 'package:utils':


	  This is code that Duncan Murdoch contributed to this package around 
2009.  I have no idea how to fix this.  It's only a NOTE, so CRAN would 
probably accept it.  However, I felt a need to ask about this before I 
submitted the package to CRAN without asking this group for suggestions.

  What do you think?
  Spencer Graves

__ mailing list

Re: [R-pkg-devel] help fixing CRAN package sos-now fails on GitHub

2023-05-23 Thread Spencer Graves

On 5/22/23 2:38 PM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

On 22/05/2023 3:07 p.m., Ivan Krylov wrote:

I fed your vignette to R CMD Sweave, and here's the relevant fragment
from the resulting *.tex file:

This returned a {\tt "findFn"} object identifying 405 help pages.
When this was run while preparing this manuscript, the sixth row was
{\tt pspline_checker} in the \pkg{JOPS} package, which has a {\tt
Score} of 47. (On another day, the results could be different,
because CRAN changes over time.)  This was the sixth row in this
table, because it is in the \pkg{JOPS} package, which had a total of
54 help pages matching the search term, but this was the only one
whose name matched the {\tt pattern} passed to {\tt grepFn}.

This corresponds to the following part of the vignette:

This returned a {\tt "findFn"} object identifying \Sexpr{nrow(g)}
help pages.
When this was
run while preparing this manuscript, the sixth row was
{\tt \Sexpr{gFunc6}} in the
\pkg{\Sexpr{gPac6}} package, which has a {\tt Score} of

So, you need to escape the underscores in gFunc6. Probably not gPac6
because underscores are not allowed in package names.

Nice find.  Just in case Spencer has trouble with escaping the escapes, 
I think he should change

   "{\tt \Sexpr{gFunc6}}"


   "{\tt \Sexpr{sub("_", "_", gFunc6)}}

CLOSE:  That didn't work, but the following did:

{\tt \Sexpr{gsub("_", "_", gFunc6)}}

Even better would be to write a little function "sanitizeForLatex" that 
did this and any other necessary changes, and call that.

	  That would doubtless be better, but I don't know enough to do that, 
and the above worked.

	  Thanks very much to Duncan, Ivan, Vincent and Uwe, who contributed to 
this thread and the resolution of this problem.

  Spencer Graves

Duncan Murdoch

__ mailing list

Re: [R-pkg-devel] help fixing CRAN package sos-now fails on GitHub

2023-05-22 Thread Spencer Graves

Hi, Uwe et al.:

	  The sos vignette sos.Rnw now fails on GitHub, complaining of a LaTeX 
error in "{\tt pspline_ checker}".  I don't find it in the code for 
sos.Rnw.  It may be triggered by a response to an internet search that's 
different from before.

	  Uwe suggests I postprocess output with gsub("_", "_", output). 
It's not clear to me where I should apply this.  I am not eager to 
change the code in the package, because it could break something else 
that's currently working.

  Spencer Graves

On 5/16/23 7:41 AM, Uwe Ligges wrote:

On 16.05.2023 14:02, Spencer Graves wrote:

On 5/16/23 6:06 AM, Uwe Ligges wrote:

On 16.05.2023 01:46, Spencer Graves wrote:

Hello, All:

   The sos package is failing some CRAN checks, complaining:[1]

LaTeX errors:
! Missing $ inserted.

l.303 {\tt pspline_
    checker} in the

I can only guess this is part of the response you got from some sos 
request? I cannot reproduce it currently.

So check:
Does your package pass check if some function names including an 
underscore in the name is returned from an sos request?

Hi, Uwe et al.:

   Thanks, Uwe, for your reply.

   It's complaining about something in a vignette that has been 
part of the package since it appeared in The R Journal in Volume 1/2 
in 2009.  I received an email from Prof. Ripley complaining that it 
reported problems ("WARN") on some of the CRAN checks.  When I asked, 
Prof. Ripley reply's reply included:

 >>  l.303 {\tt pspline_
 >>   checker} in the
 >>  ! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!
 >> Underlines need to be escaped in LaTeX.  And as your results 
depend on

 >> Internet downloads,
 >> "Packages which use Internet resources should fail gracefully with an
 >> informative message if the resource is not available or has changed
 >> (and not give a check warning nor error)."
 >> applies: you need to anticipate that the results might include
 >> underlines.

   I don't know how to detect, let alone fix the "Underlines" that 
"need to be escaped in LaTeX."

If you receive an output, postprocess it via

gsub("_", "_", output)

   Regarding the other issue that "Packages which use Internet 
resources should fail gracefully with an informative message if the 
resource is not available or has changed (and not give a check warning 
nor error)", I assume I should wrap in "try" all tests in *.Rd files 
that access the Internet and make sure that they don't fail "R CMD 
check" if the Internet is not available.


Uwe Ligges

   Thanks again,
   Spencer Graves

p.s.  Yesterday I remember I got "WARN" on three of six CRAN checks 
against r-devel on different platforms and NOTE on four of the seven 
other CRAN checks.  Today I see "WARN" on only two.  If I just wait, 
these "WARN" problems may go away by themselves.  However, Prof. 
Ripley gave me other problems to fix, and I want to support our kind, 
smart and generous English professor.

Uwe Ligges

! Emergency stop.

l.303 {\tt pspline_
    checker} in the
! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!
--- failed re-building 'sos.Rnw'

   I can NOT replicate these locally nor with GitHub action, and 
I failed to find 'psp' in 'sos.Rnw'.[2]  This raises two issue:

OBVIOUS:  What can I do to fix this error, or at least to understand 
it better?

SUBTLE:  How can I configure "github action", so it can replicate 
the errors reported on CRAN?




 Forwarded Message 
Subject: Re: CRAN package sos
Date: Sun, 14 May 2023 14:46:06 +0100
From: Prof Brian Ripley 
Reply-To: CRAN 
To: Spencer Graves 

On 12/05/2023 13:03, Spencer Graves wrote:

Hello, All:

You have just spammed my personal email address, contrary to the 
CRAN policy and done so deliberately and/or recklessly, overriding 
the Reply-To header.

   Is MASS being withdrawn along with multiple other packages 
(mgcv, survival, boot, lattice)?

Not so.  And that was a failure to do your own homework as you 
should have looked on CRAN to see that they are still available.



does not respect the user's choice of repository: that seems to make 
re-making it unreasonably slow.  On my very fast MacBook Pro

* checking re-building of vignette outputs ...^R
  [26s/265s] OK

so it is waiting 90% of the ti

Re: [R-pkg-devel] help fixing CRAN package sos

2023-05-22 Thread Spencer Graves

Hi, Uwe et al.:

	  Uwe suggests I postprocess output with gsub("_", "_", output). 
It's not clear to me where I should apply this.  The "WARN" flags the 
sos vignette sos.Rnw, but the offending code refers to pspline_checker, 
which is not in the version of the vignette available on CRAN.[1] The 
text of sos.Rnw is available on GitHub.[2] I am not eager to change the 
code in the package, because it could break something else that's 
currently working.

  Spencer Graves



On 5/16/23 7:41 AM, Uwe Ligges wrote:

On 16.05.2023 14:02, Spencer Graves wrote:

On 5/16/23 6:06 AM, Uwe Ligges wrote:

On 16.05.2023 01:46, Spencer Graves wrote:

Hello, All:

   The sos package is failing some CRAN checks, complaining:[1]

LaTeX errors:
! Missing $ inserted.

l.303 {\tt pspline_
    checker} in the

I can only guess this is part of the response you got from some sos 
request? I cannot reproduce it currently.

So check:
Does your package pass check if some function names including an 
underscore in the name is returned from an sos request?

Hi, Uwe et al.:

   Thanks, Uwe, for your reply.

   It's complaining about something in a vignette that has been 
part of the package since it appeared in The R Journal in Volume 1/2 
in 2009.  I received an email from Prof. Ripley complaining that it 
reported problems ("WARN") on some of the CRAN checks.  When I asked, 
Prof. Ripley reply's reply included:

 >>  l.303 {\tt pspline_
 >>   checker} in the
 >>  ! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!
 >> Underlines need to be escaped in LaTeX.  And as your results 
depend on

 >> Internet downloads,
 >> "Packages which use Internet resources should fail gracefully with an
 >> informative message if the resource is not available or has changed
 >> (and not give a check warning nor error)."
 >> applies: you need to anticipate that the results might include
 >> underlines.

   I don't know how to detect, let alone fix the "Underlines" that 
"need to be escaped in LaTeX."

If you receive an output, postprocess it via

gsub("_", "_", output)

   Regarding the other issue that "Packages which use Internet 
resources should fail gracefully with an informative message if the 
resource is not available or has changed (and not give a check warning 
nor error)", I assume I should wrap in "try" all tests in *.Rd files 
that access the Internet and make sure that they don't fail "R CMD 
check" if the Internet is not available.


Uwe Ligges

   Thanks again,
   Spencer Graves

p.s.  Yesterday I remember I got "WARN" on three of six CRAN checks 
against r-devel on different platforms and NOTE on four of the seven 
other CRAN checks.  Today I see "WARN" on only two.  If I just wait, 
these "WARN" problems may go away by themselves.  However, Prof. 
Ripley gave me other problems to fix, and I want to support our kind, 
smart and generous English professor.

Uwe Ligges

! Emergency stop.

l.303 {\tt pspline_
    checker} in the
! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!
--- failed re-building 'sos.Rnw'

   I can NOT replicate these locally nor with GitHub action, and 
I failed to find 'psp' in 'sos.Rnw'.[2]  This raises two issue:

OBVIOUS:  What can I do to fix this error, or at least to understand 
it better?

SUBTLE:  How can I configure "github action", so it can replicate 
the errors reported on CRAN?




 Forwarded Message 
Subject: Re: CRAN package sos
Date: Sun, 14 May 2023 14:46:06 +0100
From: Prof Brian Ripley 
Reply-To: CRAN 
To: Spencer Graves 

On 12/05/2023 13:03, Spencer Graves wrote:

Hello, All:

You have just spammed my personal email address, contrary to the 
CRAN policy and done so deliberately and/or recklessly, overriding 
the Reply-To header.

   Is MASS being withdrawn along with multiple other packages 
(mgcv, survival, boot, lattice)?

Not so.  And that was a failure to do your own homework as you 
should have looked on CRAN to see that they are still available.



does not respect the user's choice of repository: that seems to make 
re-making it unreasonably slow.  On my very fast MacBook Pro

* checking re-building of vignett

Re: [R-pkg-devel] help fixing CRAN package sos

2023-05-16 Thread Spencer Graves

On 5/16/23 6:06 AM, Uwe Ligges wrote:

On 16.05.2023 01:46, Spencer Graves wrote:

Hello, All:

   The sos package is failing some CRAN checks, complaining:[1]

LaTeX errors:
! Missing $ inserted.

l.303 {\tt pspline_
    checker} in the

I can only guess this is part of the response you got from some sos 
request? I cannot reproduce it currently.

So check:
Does your package pass check if some function names including an 
underscore in the name is returned from an sos request?

Hi, Uwe et al.:

  Thanks, Uwe, for your reply.

	  It's complaining about something in a vignette that has been part of 
the package since it appeared in The R Journal in Volume 1/2 in 2009.  I 
received an email from Prof. Ripley complaining that it reported 
problems ("WARN") on some of the CRAN checks.  When I asked, Prof. 
Ripley reply's reply included:

>>  l.303 {\tt pspline_
>>   checker} in the
>>  ! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!
>> Underlines need to be escaped in LaTeX.  And as your results depend on
>> Internet downloads,
>> "Packages which use Internet resources should fail gracefully with an
>> informative message if the resource is not available or has changed
>> (and not give a check warning nor error)."
>> applies: you need to anticipate that the results might include
>> underlines.

	  I don't know how to detect, let alone fix the "Underlines" that "need 
to be escaped in LaTeX."

	  Regarding the other issue that "Packages which use Internet resources 
should fail gracefully with an informative message if the resource is 
not available or has changed (and not give a check warning nor error)", 
I assume I should wrap in "try" all tests in *.Rd files that access the 
Internet and make sure that they don't fail "R CMD check" if the 
Internet is not available.

  Thanks again,
  Spencer Graves

p.s.  Yesterday I remember I got "WARN" on three of six CRAN checks 
against r-devel on different platforms and NOTE on four of the seven 
other CRAN checks.  Today I see "WARN" on only two.  If I just wait, 
these "WARN" problems may go away by themselves.  However, Prof. Ripley 
gave me other problems to fix, and I want to support our kind, smart and 
generous English professor.

Uwe Ligges

! Emergency stop.

l.303 {\tt pspline_
    checker} in the
! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!
--- failed re-building 'sos.Rnw'

   I can NOT replicate these locally nor with GitHub action, and I 
failed to find 'psp' in 'sos.Rnw'.[2]  This raises two issue:

OBVIOUS:  What can I do to fix this error, or at least to understand 
it better?

SUBTLE:  How can I configure "github action", so it can replicate the 
errors reported on CRAN?




 Forwarded Message ----
Subject: Re: CRAN package sos
Date: Sun, 14 May 2023 14:46:06 +0100
From: Prof Brian Ripley 
Reply-To: CRAN 
To: Spencer Graves 

On 12/05/2023 13:03, Spencer Graves wrote:

Hello, All:

You have just spammed my personal email address, contrary to the CRAN 
policy and done so deliberately and/or recklessly, overriding the 
Reply-To header.

   Is MASS being withdrawn along with multiple other packages 
(mgcv, survival, boot, lattice)?

Not so.  And that was a failure to do your own homework as you should 
have looked on CRAN to see that they are still available.



does not respect the user's choice of repository: that seems to make 
re-making it unreasonably slow.  On my very fast MacBook Pro

* checking re-building of vignette outputs ...^R
  [26s/265s] OK

so it is waiting 90% of the time.

   That's responsible for 3 of the 4 'warnings' listed there.  
The warning for r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc says "LaTeX errors:
! Missing $ inserted ... Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file 
produced! ... Vignette re-building failed."

   These all sound to me like operating system errors.  If 
there's something here I should do, I could use help in understanding 

Do read the message -- it is a LaTeX error in the LaTeX code your 
package's vignettes generates.

    LaTeX errors:
 ! Missing $ inserted.
 l.303 {\tt pspline_
  checker} in the
 ! Emergency stop.
 l.303 {\tt pspline_
  checker} in the
 ! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!

Underlines need to be escaped in LaTeX.  And as your results depend on 
Internet downloads,


[R-pkg-devel] help fixing CRAN package sos

2023-05-15 Thread Spencer Graves

Hello, All:

  The sos package is failing some CRAN checks, complaining:[1]

LaTeX errors:
! Missing $ inserted.

l.303 {\tt pspline_
   checker} in the
! Emergency stop.

l.303 {\tt pspline_
   checker} in the
! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!
--- failed re-building 'sos.Rnw'

	  I can NOT replicate these locally nor with GitHub action, and I 
failed to find 'psp' in 'sos.Rnw'.[2]  This raises two issue:

OBVIOUS:  What can I do to fix this error, or at least to understand it 

SUBTLE:  How can I configure "github action", so it can replicate the 
errors reported on CRAN?




 Forwarded Message 
Subject: Re: CRAN package sos
Date: Sun, 14 May 2023 14:46:06 +0100
From: Prof Brian Ripley 
Reply-To: CRAN 
To: Spencer Graves 

On 12/05/2023 13:03, Spencer Graves wrote:

Hello, All:

You have just spammed my personal email address, contrary to the CRAN 
policy and done so deliberately and/or recklessly, overriding the 
Reply-To header.

   Is MASS being withdrawn along with multiple other packages (mgcv, 
survival, boot, lattice)?

Not so.  And that was a failure to do your own homework as you should 
have looked on CRAN to see that they are still available.



does not respect the user's choice of repository: that seems to make 
re-making it unreasonably slow.  On my very fast MacBook Pro

* checking re-building of vignette outputs ...^R
 [26s/265s] OK

so it is waiting 90% of the time.

   That's responsible for 3 of the 4 'warnings' listed there.  The 
warning for r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc says "LaTeX errors:
! Missing $ inserted ... Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file 
produced! ... Vignette re-building failed."

   These all sound to me like operating system errors.  If there's 
something here I should do, I could use help in understanding what.

Do read the message -- it is a LaTeX error in the LaTeX code your 
package's vignettes generates.

   LaTeX errors:
! Missing $ inserted.

l.303 {\tt pspline_
 checker} in the
! Emergency stop.

l.303 {\tt pspline_
 checker} in the
! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!

Underlines need to be escaped in LaTeX.  And as your results depend on 
Internet downloads,

"Packages which use Internet resources should fail gracefully with an 
informative message if the resource is not available or has changed (and 
not give a check warning nor error)."

applies: you need to anticipate that the results might include underlines.

   Spencer Graves
m:  1-408-655-4567

On 5/12/23 1:38 AM, Prof Brian Ripley wrote:

Dear maintainer,

Please see the problems shown on

Please correct before 2023-05-26 to safely retain your package on CRAN.

The CRAN Team

Brian D. Ripley,
Emeritus Professor of Applied Statistics, University of Oxford

__ mailing list

Re: [R-pkg-devel] Package submission rejected as it fails checks on Debian

2023-02-21 Thread Spencer Graves

On 2/21/23 2:34 AM, Vasileios Nikolaidis wrote:
Yes, with all this I can think where I may have messed up. So thanks for 
the help, at least it verified it is indeed an issue with the code. As 
far as OSs, I use Ubuntu variants a lot and (on several machines) but 
these days I have easier access to Windows (with WSL2 btw). I also like 
a strict compiler (and linker), there is usually a reason why they are 
strict. So if it is not obvious from examining the code,  I will set up 
something (be it WSL, VM or Docker) for testing.

	  If you have NOT tried "GitHub Action" yet, I highly recommend it. 
For my packages, every time I do "git push", it automatically runs "R 
CMD build / check" on 5 different platforms -- with no further effort on 
my part other than checking the results.

	  It should be easy to get something to work following the instructions 
in Wickham and Bryan, R Packages[1] or copying the code from another 
package.[2] If that fails, you might be able to get help from this list. 
 I got valuable suggestions from Dir Eddelbuettel and Duncan Murdoch.

	  I don't know if any version of Debian is available on GitHub Action. 
However, if CRAN is rejecting your package on GitHub Action, a question 
about that to this list might help make it available.  If you have 
special Ubuntu configuration issues that are not provided in the 
standard GitHub Action configurations, asking here might help you with 

      Hope this helps,
  Spencer Graves


[2] e.g.,

Thanks again,


Στις 2023-02-20 23:09, Dirk Eddelbuettel έγραψε:

On 20 February 2023 at 22:37, Vasileios Nikolaidis wrote:
| Thanks for taking the time to check it. The hint about the virtual
| 'layer' class is valuable.
| I will look into it.

Sounds good, glad to have been of assistance.  On a lark, I also tried 

most recent CRAN release, and it installs and loads fine here.

| PS I am tempted to set up a Debian test platform to speed up fixing the
| package.
| (Or abandon submitting the package to CRAN alltogether.)

I love working on Linux. And these days I hear from some friends that 

WSL2 on a (recent enough) Windows computer is also good as it effectively
gives a second machine with Ubuntu on it.  Docker can also be helpful, 
as are
the online resources -- rhub has helped me with both macos and windows 


__ mailing list

__ mailing list

Re: [R-pkg-devel] Package submission rejected as it fails checks on Debian

2023-02-20 Thread Spencer Graves

Hi, Vasileios:

  Do you have it on GitHub?

	  If yes, do you use "GitHub Action" to test the package on multiple 
platforms?  I'm a contributor to the "fda" package.  It's version on 
GitHub is configured so every "git push" triggers auto tests on five 
different platforms, testing it against the current "release" version of 
R on the latest versions of macOS, Windows and Ubuntu plus the 
development and previous release on Ubuntu.[1]  I don't know if GitHub 
action would support testing under Debian nor if testing under Ubuntu 
would catch the problem that CRAN is catching on Debian.

	  However, having the package on GitHub also makes it easier for 
someone else to clone the package and test it it for you ;-) This 
community of R developers provides very valuable support for problems 
like this.

      Hope this help.
  Spencer Graves


On 2/20/23 6:38 AM, Vasileios Nikolaidis wrote:
Dear R-developers, I apologize for posting something that has probably 
been discussed before (but missed it while searching the archives).

While trying to submit a newer version of my package to CRAN, it is 
rejected as it fails on Debian. I will call this package APACKAGE below 
(although it is named differently). It has passed all checks on my 
Windows system (no errors or warnings).

The package (for many versions now) is configured as follows:
Imports: Rcpp , methods
LinkingTo: Rcpp
Suggests: R.rsp

The previous version of the package (already on CRAN) shows no errors on 
CRAN checks, only NOTES for some platforms. Interestingly, a couple of 
days ago I checked the CRAN checks and noticed that this exact 
(previous) version of the package had one ERROR indicated, occurring in 
some Debian flavor (r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc, if I remember 
correctly). I changed nothing, but now it shows no errors for all 
platforms (including Debian).

Now I am trying to submit a newer version and it not accepted as it 
fails on Debian. Checking the log I see no syntax errors or warnings.

** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘APACKAGE’ in dyn.load(file, 
DLLpath = DLLpath, ...):
  unable to load shared object 

 undefined symbol: _ZTIN6nnlib25layerE
Error: loading failed.

I tried the R-Hub builder and it also fails for Platform Debian Linux, 
R-devel, GCC. The process goes fine until the following:

Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘APACKAGE’ in dyn.load(file, 
DLLpath = DLLpath, ...):
  unable to load shared object 
undefined symbol: _ZTIN6nnlib25layerE

Error: loading failed
Execution halted
ERROR: loading failed
* removing ‘/home/docker/R/APACKAGE’
Warning message:
In i.p(...) :
   installation of package 
‘/tmp/Rtmp7eBDvE/file1377f5861e3/APACKAGE_0.2.0.tar.gz’ had non-zero 
exit status

It maybe something obvious, but I really cannot think of what else to 
try to fix this issue.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

__ mailing list

__ mailing list

Re: [R-pkg-devel] corrupted NAMESPACE file

2023-01-20 Thread Spencer Graves

On 1/20/23 7:32 PM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

On 20/01/2023 8:16 p.m., Spencer Graves wrote:

Hello, All:

  My attempts to fix this problem exposed what seems to be a 

unrelated problem:  All five GitHub Actions end now with:

Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘fda’ in namespaceExport(ns,
   undefined exports: refinery

  The package includes ~man/refinery.Rd, ~data/refinery.rda, and
NAMESPACE includes "export( ... refinery, ...)".

I think if you declare something as data by putting it in the data 
directory and using LazyData:true, you shouldn't also declare it as an 
export in the NAMESPACE file.

	  I got the same negative results after deleting "LazyData: true" from 
DESCRIPTION.  (That's what I would expect, because there are 17 other 
*.rda files in the data subdirectory that are are mentioned in NAMESPACE 
and are not creating a problem.  In 2009 the package included both 
"data/refinery.rda" and "man/refinery.Rd".  They were erroneously 
removed at some point.  I'm now trying to restore them.)


Duncan Murdoch

  I have Bitdefender installed on this computer.  A "Quick Scan"
produced nothing just now.


On 1/20/23 5:08 PM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

On 20/01/2023 6:02 p.m., Greg Hunt wrote:
xFEFF isn't a BOM in a UTF-8 file, its not anything.   The UTF-8 BOM 
is a

different sequence of bits.  If tools treat it as a BOM, that is
arguably a

You're right.  FEFF is the UTF-16 big endian BOM.  UTF-16 is a 16 bit
encoding, not at all the same as UTF-8.  I don't know how to read UTF-16
in R. Uwe's advice was for UTF-8.

Duncan Murdoch

On Sat, 21 Jan 2023 at 05:09, Bill Dunlap 

Setting the locale to "C" (or perhaps some other non-UTF-8 locale) 

show the BOM bytes.  E.g., on Windows I get:


[1] "LC_COLLATE=English_United States.utf8;LC_CTYPE=English_United
States.utf8;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=English_United States.utf8"


what="raw", n=20))
[1] "export(AmpPhasDec"


[1] "C"

1: export(AmpPhasDecomp,

what="raw", n=20))
[1] "\357\273\277export(AmpPhasDec"


On Fri, Jan 20, 2023 at 9:16 AM Spencer Graves <> wrote:

Hi, Ivan and Uwe:

    Thanks for your suggestions, but I've so far been unable
to get
to work.  see below.

On 1/20/23 9:22 AM, Uwe Ligges wrote:

On 20.01.2023 15:53, Ivan Krylov wrote:

В Fri, 20 Jan 2023 08:41:25 -0600
Spencer Graves  пишет:

** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
Error in parse(nsFile, keep.source = FALSE, srcfile = NULL) :
  1:1: unexpected input


# 1: export(AmpPhaseDecomp,

You'll need to remove it, e.g. by re-creating the first line.

Note that this is also called "byte order mark" (BOM). Tell your
not to create files with BOM.

You can also fix in R:

x <- readLines(..., encoding="UTF-8-BOM")
writeLines(x, ..)

    In RStudio 2022.12.0+353 (the current version),


returned "char(0)".  'readLines' and 'writeLines' as Uwe suggested
failed to fix it for me.

    The first problem I noticed with this was that RStudio 


the NAMESPACE file.  When I tried, it said, "File is binary rather 

text so cannot be opened by the source editor."  I changed something
using a different editor and did "git commit" and "git push", and got
the error on GitHub that I reported above.  I copied the file
deleted it locally and from GitHub, then recreated it in 
LibreOffice by

manually typing the first and last lines then copying the rest from a
copy I had saved elsewhere.  The RStudio would open the file, but I
still get the same error message as above from both "R CMD build fda"
locally and from GitHub Action at:

    Other suggestions?
    Spencer Graves

Uwe Ligges

__ mailing list

Re: [R-pkg-devel] corrupted NAMESPACE file

2023-01-20 Thread Spencer Graves

Hello, All:

	  My attempts to fix this problem exposed what seems to be a completely 
unrelated problem:  All five GitHub Actions end now with:

Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘fda’ in namespaceExport(ns, 

 undefined exports: refinery

	  The package includes ~man/refinery.Rd, ~data/refinery.rda, and 
NAMESPACE includes "export( ... refinery, ...)".

	  I have Bitdefender installed on this computer.  A "Quick Scan" 
produced nothing just now.


On 1/20/23 5:08 PM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

On 20/01/2023 6:02 p.m., Greg Hunt wrote:

xFEFF isn't a BOM in a UTF-8 file, its not anything.   The UTF-8 BOM is a
different sequence of bits.  If tools treat it as a BOM, that is 
arguably a


You're right.  FEFF is the UTF-16 big endian BOM.  UTF-16 is a 16 bit 
encoding, not at all the same as UTF-8.  I don't know how to read UTF-16 
in R. Uwe's advice was for UTF-8.

Duncan Murdoch

On Sat, 21 Jan 2023 at 05:09, Bill Dunlap  

Setting the locale to "C" (or perhaps some other non-UTF-8 locale) will
show the BOM bytes.  E.g., on Windows I get:


[1] "LC_COLLATE=English_United States.utf8;LC_CTYPE=English_United
States.utf8;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=English_United States.utf8"


what="raw", n=20))
[1] "export(AmpPhasDec"


[1] "C"

1: export(AmpPhasDecomp,

what="raw", n=20))
[1] "\357\273\277export(AmpPhasDec"


On Fri, Jan 20, 2023 at 9:16 AM Spencer Graves <> wrote:

Hi, Ivan and Uwe:

   Thanks for your suggestions, but I've so far been unable 
to get

to work.  see below.

On 1/20/23 9:22 AM, Uwe Ligges wrote:

On 20.01.2023 15:53, Ivan Krylov wrote:

В Fri, 20 Jan 2023 08:41:25 -0600
Spencer Graves  пишет:

** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
Error in parse(nsFile, keep.source = FALSE, srcfile = NULL) :
 1:1: unexpected input


# 1: export(AmpPhaseDecomp,

You'll need to remove it, e.g. by re-creating the first line.

Note that this is also called "byte order mark" (BOM). Tell your 

not to create files with BOM.

You can also fix in R:

x <- readLines(..., encoding="UTF-8-BOM")
writeLines(x, ..)

   In RStudio 2022.12.0+353 (the current version),


returned "char(0)".  'readLines' and 'writeLines' as Uwe suggested
failed to fix it for me.

   The first problem I noticed with this was that RStudio could


the NAMESPACE file.  When I tried, it said, "File is binary rather than
text so cannot be opened by the source editor."  I changed something
using a different editor and did "git commit" and "git push", and got
the error on GitHub that I reported above.  I copied the file 

deleted it locally and from GitHub, then recreated it in LibreOffice by
manually typing the first and last lines then copying the rest from a
copy I had saved elsewhere.  The RStudio would open the file, but I
still get the same error message as above from both "R CMD build fda"
locally and from GitHub Action at:

   Other suggestions?
   Spencer Graves

Uwe Ligges

__ mailing list

 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]

__ mailing list

[[alternative HTML version deleted]]

__ mailing list

__ mailing list

__ mailing list

Re: [R-pkg-devel] corrupted NAMESPACE file

2023-01-20 Thread Spencer Graves

Hi, Ivan and Uwe:

	  Thanks for your suggestions, but I've so far been unable to get them 
to work.  see below.

On 1/20/23 9:22 AM, Uwe Ligges wrote:

On 20.01.2023 15:53, Ivan Krylov wrote:

В Fri, 20 Jan 2023 08:41:25 -0600
Spencer Graves  пишет:

** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
Error in parse(nsFile, keep.source = FALSE, srcfile = NULL) :
    1:1: unexpected input

# 1: export(AmpPhaseDecomp,

You'll need to remove it, e.g. by re-creating the first line.

Note that this is also called "byte order mark" (BOM). Tell your editor 
not to create files with BOM.

You can also fix in R:

x <- readLines(..., encoding="UTF-8-BOM")
writeLines(x, ..)

  In RStudio 2022.12.0+353 (the current version),


returned "char(0)".  'readLines' and 'writeLines' as Uwe suggested 
failed to fix it for me.

	  The first problem I noticed with this was that RStudio could not read 
the NAMESPACE file.  When I tried, it said, "File is binary rather than 
text so cannot be opened by the source editor."  I changed something 
using a different editor and did "git commit" and "git push", and got 
the error on GitHub that I reported above.  I copied the file elsewhere, 
deleted it locally and from GitHub, then recreated it in LibreOffice by 
manually typing the first and last lines then copying the rest from a 
copy I had saved elsewhere.  The RStudio would open the file, but I 
still get the same error message as above from both "R CMD build fda" 
locally and from GitHub Action at:

  Other suggestions?
  Spencer Graves

Uwe Ligges

__ mailing list

[R-pkg-devel] corrupted NAMESPACE file

2023-01-20 Thread Spencer Graves

Hello, All:

  The NAMESPACE file in

is corrupted.  RStudio 2022.12.0+353 (the current version) won't open 
it, complaining, "File is binary rather than text so cannot be opened by 
the source editor."  TextEdit (macOS 11.7.2) opened it as normal, as did 
vi.  Both allowed me to make and save changes, but RStudio still gave 
the same error.  Worse, after "git push", GitHub Action on 5 platforms 
ended with:

** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
Error in parse(nsFile, keep.source = FALSE, srcfile = NULL) :
  1:1: unexpected input

  That's the same error I've gotten with "R CMD build fda" locally.

  Spencer Graves

__ mailing list

Re: [R-pkg-devel] Mysterious "invalid z limit"

2023-01-08 Thread Spencer Graves

On 1/8/23 11:36 AM, Kevin Coombes wrote:
I have been using R-Forge for many years for package development. And I 
have been using GitLab for other projects almost as long.

However, over the past few months, the R-Forge support seems to be 
decaying, and I now have several projects that won't currently build 
there because of various items that appear to need fixing at their end. 
So, I am actively exploring what it will take to move packages and 
projects to git.

	  R-Forge was wonderful for me when I started using it.  Then several 
years ago, I started having problems like you described.  A few years 
ago I migrated from R-Forge to GitHub.

	  One problem I encountered in the transition:  On R-Forge, I had 
multiple packages in the same R-Forge project.  I had to split them 
apart for GitHub.

I already know how to use a git client to clone a Subversion repository 
from R-Forge (using "git svn"). And how to change the remote origin to 
push it to a new git location. (And I  may also be willing to lose the 
revision history if it is going to make the transition easier.)

I am now at the step of understanding the recent changes at GitLab with 
respect to support for "Educational" or "Open Source" status, especially 
in terms of how many monthly minutes of CI/CD time I can use for free. 
When working on a new package, I tend to make lots of small 
commit-pushes, and it sounds like each one of those will eat up minutes. 
So, any advice on how to manage that issue would be greatly appreciated.

	  When I first got into Subversion, I remember Doug Bates saying, 
"Commit early and often."  The word "Commit" doesn't mean the same in 
Git as in Subversion, so I would encourage you to "Git push early and 

	  There may be limits on free use of GitHub, but I'm not aware of them: 
 If you want a private account, you need to pay for that, but the 
charges for that are not much.

	  If anyone knows anything different from what I've just said, I hope 
they will disabuse my of this part of my ignorance.



On Sun, Jan 8, 2023, 11:30 AM Spencer Graves 
<>> wrote:

           If you use GitHub, I highly recommend using "GitHub
Action" as
described by Wickham and Bryan, R Packages:

           I'm not sure the best way to get it set up, but I have
all my
packages on GitHub configured so each "push" that changes anything has
"R CMD Check" run on 5 different platforms:  The release version of
R on
the latest Windows, macOS, and Ubuntu plus the development version and
the most recent old release on Ubuntu.  I rarely run R CMD check on my
local machine anymore:  I just "git commit" and "git push".  Then
Action manages testing on those 5 platforms.

           To be precise, I do "git status" before "git push" to
make sure I
have "committed" everything I want to commit before I "git push". 
And I

do "git pull" to make sure a collaborator hasn't "pushed" something new
I should look at before I "git push".

           Finally, I want to thank again Gábor Csárdi who helped me
greatly get
past problems I hand with "GitHub Action" for my "sos" package.  He
provided example workflows in: 

           I also needed LaTeX support, for which Gábor suggested
the following:

           Spencer Graves

On 1/8/23 9:11 AM, Kevin R. Coombes wrote:
 > A very helpful answer. For some reason (probably because I have an
 > ancient perl script that automates the steps i take when building
 > checking packages), I keep forgetting that the "tools" package
let's me
 > do these things from within R.
 > I had already isolated the offending line ("plot(obj)") inside
the chunk
 > where the error occurred, and removed any additional arguments. I
 > wrapped that line in a "try" command followed by a conditional
 > "traceback()" to find the problem.  This allowed the package
build to
 > knit the vignette and provide some feedback about what was going
on. It
 > turned out that I had copied and pasted an assignment line of the
 > main

Re: [R-pkg-devel] Mysterious "invalid z limit"

2023-01-08 Thread Spencer Graves
	  If you use GitHub, I highly recommend using "GitHub Action" as 
described by Wickham and Bryan, R Packages:

	  I'm not sure the best way to get it set up, but I have all my 
packages on GitHub configured so each "push" that changes anything has 
"R CMD Check" run on 5 different platforms:  The release version of R on 
the latest Windows, macOS, and Ubuntu plus the development version and 
the most recent old release on Ubuntu.  I rarely run R CMD check on my 
local machine anymore:  I just "git commit" and "git push".  Then GitHub 
Action manages testing on those 5 platforms.

	  To be precise, I do "git status" before "git push" to make sure I 
have "committed" everything I want to commit before I "git push".  And I 
do "git pull" to make sure a collaborator hasn't "pushed" something new 
I should look at before I "git push".

	  Finally, I want to thank again Gábor Csárdi who helped me greatly get 
past problems I hand with "GitHub Action" for my "sos" package.  He 
provided example workflows in:

  I also needed LaTeX support, for which Gábor suggested the following:

  Spencer Graves

On 1/8/23 9:11 AM, Kevin R. Coombes wrote:
A very helpful answer. For some reason (probably because I have an 
ancient perl script that automates the steps i take when building and 
checking packages), I keep forgetting that the "tools" package let's me 
do these things from within R.

I had already isolated the offending line ("plot(obj)") inside the chunk 
where the error occurred, and removed any additional arguments. I 
wrapped that line in a "try" command followed by a conditional 
"traceback()" to find the problem.  This allowed the package build to 
knit the vignette and provide some feedback about what was going on. It 
turned out that I had copied and pasted an assignment line of the form

main <- [compute the title]

from earlier in the code and pasted it directly as an argument to the 
call to image.default. And R did exactly what I told it to (not 
surprisingly), and interpreted the value of that assignment as the 
unnamed "zlim" option that would have been the corresponding positional 
argument that should have been there.

And yes, I still use "left arrow" <- instead of equals = as assignments. 
(Heck, I even use emacs and ESS with a leftover keybinding that uses the 
underscore key to insert the left arrow. Apparently, I'm ancient myself.)


On 1/8/2023 5:04 AM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

On 07/01/2023 8:43 p.m., Kevin R. Coombes wrote:


I am in the middle of developing a new package, which contains a
markdown-knitr-html vignette. When I try to run

R CMD build [mypackagedirectory]

I get an error message

Quitting from lines 330-336
Error: processing vignette  failed with diagnostics:
invalid z limits

If I run the same markdown script interactively inside R Studio, there
is no error.
If I knit the markdown script inside R Studio, it produces the correct
HTML output, with no error.

The offending lines of code (the chunk at 330-336) invoke an "image"
method on an object of a class defined in the package, which in turn
computes a matrix from items inside the object and calls image.default,
which is presumably where the error is coming from.

Two questions: (1) How is it possible that the same code works error
free in the RStudio contexts, but fails in the attempt to build the 

(2) Any suggestions on how to debug something that only throws an error
from "R CMD build" would be most welcome.

Debugging that sort of thing is hard.  Here's what I would try:

From inside an R session, run


That runs the code that R CMD build runs, so it might trigger the same 
error.  If so, debug in the usual way, with traceback(), etc.

If that doesn't trigger the error, try it using a different front-end, 
e.g. running R at the command line instead of running it in RStudio.

If you still can't trigger it, then start modifying the vignette to 
find the exact line that causes the error (e.g. by commenting out the 
second half of the code in that chunk; did the error go away? etc.). 
Then modify it again to save all the inputs to the bad line in a file 
before running it, and see if running that line in a different context 
still triggers the error. Etc.

Duncan Murdoch

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Re: [R-pkg-devel] Current recommendations re. GitHub Action?

2023-01-02 Thread Spencer Graves

On 1/2/23 12:38 PM, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:

As the error is common against your _all three_ of your Ubuntu runs, you
could consider the possibility that the events are correlated.  Most often it
simply means a (temporary, usually) network or server outage.  I would wait,
and then relaunch (which these days you can do just for the failed jobs).

It is also worth paying attention to warnings such as

Warning: r-lib/actions/setup-r@v1 is deprecated. Please update your
workflow to use the 'v2' version. Also look at the examples at because '@v2' workflows
are much simpler than 'v1' workflows.

	  Thanks to Zhian Kamvar and Dirk Eddelbuettel for encouraging me to 
look at the warning.

	  I replaced a few lined of my "R-CMD-check.yaml" file with the the 
"v3" and "v2" versions in the example in 
"; and deleted 
subsequent lines that I didn't understand, and I got an instant failure: 
 It didn't run even one of the 5 tests.  Then I did "git revert" with 
the version number from GitHub and changed several lines to match the 
example with the succeeding yaml code.  GitHub Action ran and failed on 
all 5 platforms.  I did "git revert" with that and changed 
"r-lib/actions/setup-r@v1" to "r-lib/actions/setup-r@v2".  With that, 
R-release ran successfully on Unbuntu as well as Windows and macOS.

	  However, Ubuntu failed with devel and oldrel1, complaining, "there is 
no package called ‘rcmdcheck’".


  Spencer Graves

Hth,  Dirk

__ mailing list

[R-pkg-devel] Current recommendations re. GitHub Action?

2023-01-02 Thread Spencer Graves

Hello, All:

  What are current recommendations for GitHub Action?

	  My most recent change to "sos" generated "Failed to get R" for 
ubuntu-latest (release, devel, and oldrel-1).

  I would happily rtfm if I only knew which fmtr.

  Spencer Graves

__ mailing list

Re: [R-pkg-devel] How to reduce examples in a package that takes more than 5 seconds to run?

2022-12-15 Thread Spencer Graves

On 12/15/22 9:02 AM, Ben Bolker wrote:

On 2022-12-15 9:57 a.m., Brian G. Peterson wrote:

On 12/15/22 08:34, Ismail Otoakhia wrote:
The R package 'ardl.nardl' has some examples that take more than 5 
to run. I was advised by the CRAN team to reduce the run time to less 

5 seconds.

How can this be achieved?

- you can lower the amount of data in the example

- you can use a faster method than your default method

- you can wrap the example in a dontrun tag so it will not run during 

   If your example involves something like a fitted model object that 
takes a long time to compute, you can pre-compute the model fit and 
store the object in an inst/testdata directory, then use something like

fitted_model <- readRDS(system.file("testdata", "my_example.rds", 
package = "mypackage"))

to retrieve it

	  The "sos" package includes a function "CRAN", which is used for that 
purpose.  The examples section in "findfn.Rd" includes the following:

# Skip these tests on CRAN,
# because they take more than 5 seconds

	  I know that some on this list do not like this construct, but it has 
helped me manage this problem for several years.  NOTE:  This CRAN 
function is NOT maintained by anyone on CRAN, so it is NOT guaranteed to 
work.  However, the "sos" package is currently on CRAN, and I have not 
seen an email asking me to avoid it ;-)

  Hope this helps.
  Spencer Graves

__ mailing list

__ mailing list

Re: [R-pkg-devel] Error uploading file on CRAN

2022-11-27 Thread Spencer Graves

On 11/27/22 10:44 AM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

On 27/11/2022 11:29 a.m., Jahajeeah, Havisha wrote:

Dear CRAN team,

The Greymodels package has been debugged and the updated package has been
published on Github.

I would be very much grateful if the app could be updated on CRAN.

That needs to be done by the maintainer (that's you, I think), according 
to the CRAN submission instructions here: .  The last 
section tells you how to do an update, but don't skip the earlier ones.

Duncan Murdoch

Thanks, Duncan.

	  In addition to Duncan's comments, I perceive the development version 
of Wickham and Bryan's "R Packages" to be also quite useful:

	  To make this simpler for me, I've summarized what I've gotten from 
the CRAN source Duncan mentioned and from Wickham and Bryan in a file 
with a name like "release_to_CRAN.R".  I add such a file to the packages 
I maintain on GitHub, while adding that file name to ".Rbuildignore". 
Anything in ".Rbuildignore" is available to me but is not submitted to 
CRAN.  For an example of the current status of one such file, see:

  Hope this helps.
  Spencer Graves

I look forward to hearing from you.

Thanking you and sincerely
Havisha Jahajeeah

On Mon, Nov 7, 2022 at 12:30 PM Jahajeeah, Havisha 

Dear CRAN team,

The package 'Greymodels' has just been published on CRAN. After loading
the package on CRAN, when I try to upload file (xlsx or xls)
the following error appears:

Error: cannot open the connection

What could be the problem? Is it because of the working directory?

Please advise on how to fix this.

Many thanks,
Havisha Jahajeeah

[[alternative HTML version deleted]]

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Re: [R-pkg-devel] Problems with news in ‘NEWS’

2022-10-13 Thread Spencer Graves

On 10/13/22 4:34 AM, Ivan Krylov wrote:

В Wed, 12 Oct 2022 20:16:20 -0500
Spencer Graves  пишет:

I copied NEWS to and tried to format it as described in:

  Sadly, I still get the same error.  It seems to be ignoring
my file and continuing to tell me I haven't fixed NEWS.

Does it help to remove the NEWS after you've created in the
root directory of your package? In theory, takes precedence
over everything except inst/NEWS.Rd, but maybe that's not the case when
checking the package.

Thanks.  I did that, and it worked.

For the record, both the plain text format R expects in the NEWS file
and the Markdown format for are described in help(news).

Thanks, I missed that reference but managed to find something that worked.


__ mailing list

[R-pkg-devel] Problems with news in ‘NEWS’

2022-10-12 Thread Spencer Graves

Hello, All:

  devtools::check_rhub("Ecdat") complained:

Problems with news in ‘NEWS’:
   Cannot process chunk/lines:
   Cannot process chunk/lines:
 Ecdat 0.4-2 updated "terrorism" to 2020.

  For more see below.  This is with the current version of

  I copied NEWS to and tried to format it as described in:

	  Sadly, I still get the same error.  It seems to be ignoring my file and continuing to tell me I haven't fixed NEWS.

  What do you suggest?
  Spencer Graves

 Forwarded Message 
Subject:Ecdat 0.4-2: NOTE
Date:   Thu, 13 Oct 2022 00:55:10 +
From:   R-hub builder 

Ecdat 0.4-2: NOTE

Ecdat 0.4-2: NOTE
*Build ID:* |Ecdat_0.4-2.tar.gz-aec6a2cb4b8a43cfbab0405f54e67c64|
*Platform:* Windows Server 2022, R-devel, 64 bit
*Submitted:*5 minutes 25 seconds ago
*Build time:*   5 minutes 16.2 seconds


* checking package subdirectories ... NOTE
Problems with news in 'NEWS':
   Cannot process chunk/lines:
   Cannot process chunk/lines:
 Ecdat 0.4-2 updated "terrorism" to 2020.
   Cannot process chunk/lines:
   Cannot process chunk/lines:
 Ecdat 0.4-1 replaced non-breaking spaces that used Latin-1 
encoding with " " in 4 "demoFiles/NIPA6.16*.csv" files, because the said 
non-breaking spaces were not valid in UTF-8 and were rejected by a 
development version of R.

   Cannot process chunk/lines:
 Ecdat 0.4-0 adds new datasets USnewspapers and USPS (US Postal 
Service) while adding federal government budget data to USGDPpresidents.

   Cannot process chunk/lines:
   Cannot process chunk/lines:
 Ecdat 0.3-9 deletes ~demoFiles/*_data.xls, because they were used 
to test Ecfun::financialDataFiles and Ecfun::readFinancialDataFiles, and 
those two functions were removed, because they used gdata, which was not 
being maintained, and the work required to maintain them exceeded the 
current need of the maintainer.

   Cannot process chunk/lines:
 2020-02-08:  Ecdat 0.3-6 adds variables popM, popYr, GDP_B, and 
GDPyr to data set "nuclearWeaponStates".

   Cannot process chunk/lines:
 2019-12-05:  Ecdat 0.3-5 corrects the description of Crime$density 
to read, "hundreds of people per square mile" from "people per square 
mile".  Thanks to Yungfong "Frank" Tang for identifying this error and 
confirming the needed correction.

   Cannot process chunk/lines:
 2019-11-05:  Ecdat 0.3-4 adds variable 'firstTestYr' to 
'nuclearWeaponStates'.  It also corrects an error in the 'Mroz' data 
set, in that "work" had the names of the levels incorrectly swapped.

   Cannot process chunk/lines:
 Ecdat 0.3-3 adds data set "nuclearWeaponStates", which might be 
used to model the probability distribution of the time to the next new 
nuclear weapon state.

   Cannot process chunk/lines:

* checking for detritus in the temp directory ... NOTE
Found the following files/directories:

See the full build log: HTML 

Have questions, suggestions or want to report a bug? Please file an 
issue ticket at GitHub <>. Thank You 
for using the R-hub builder.

(c) 2016 The R Consortium

__ mailing list

Re: [R-pkg-devel] Misspelled words in descrition and tar.gz inside folder

2022-08-10 Thread Spencer Graves

Hello, Edward Wei:

	  Are you familiar with R Packages (2nd edition) Hadley Wickham and 
Jenny Bryan?

	  This book is the most up-to-date information I know on preparing 
something for CRAN.  To your question specifically, I have a "WORDLIST" 
file in an "inst" folder.

	  Below please find notes I've prepared for myself on the various tests 
I've gotten from their book, etc.  The section numbers refer to an 
earlier version of this book.  Ignore or use with caution.

  Hope this helps.
  Spencer Graves

# File > "Open Project..." > [parent of Package file]


#20.1.  Pick a version number:
#   in DESCRIPTION: must be later than any version on CRAN
#20.3.  The submission process
#   Store submission comments in
#20.3.1.  Test environments
# devtools::check_win_*()

PkgName <- "Ecdat"
PkgRegExpr <- paste0('^', PkgName, '$')
(Pkg <- dir(pattern=PkgRegExpr))


# devtools::check_rhub(Pkg)
#Error in match_platform(platform) :
#   Unknown R-hub platform, see rhub::platforms() for a list
# on 2022-07-04.

# now recommends:


# Select
# 3.  Apple Silicon (M1), macOS 11.6 Big Sur, R-release 

# This may not be correct:  I have mac)S 11.6.7 running an Intel core i7.

#20.3.3.  Reverse dependencies

# install.packages("revdepcheck")

# revdepcheck::revdep_reset(Pkg)

# revdepcheck::revdep_check(Pkg, num_workers = 4)

#20.4.  Update and

#20.5.  Submit to CRAN

# spell_check(Pkg)


#20.6.  Update the version number for the future
#20.7.  Publicise

#20.1.  Pick a version number:  in DESCRIPTION > what's on CRAN

#20.2.  Run & document R CMD check
# 2.1-0 because this is to match the move of
# the database maintenance to

#20.3.  Check CRAN policies
#20.4.  Update and
#20.5.  Submit to CRAN
#20.6.  Update the version number for the future
#20.7.  Publicise

On 8/9/22 3:38 PM, Edward Wei wrote:

Hello. Here is my "NOTE" message.

* checking CRAN incoming feasibility ... NOTE
Maintainer: ‘Edward Wei ’

New submission

Possibly misspelled words in DESCRIPTION:
   alphavantager (8:3, 9:7)
   Alphavantager (7:32)
   api (7:58, 8:36)
   Avfintools (10:18)
   Vantager (3:55, 10:46, 11:56)

* checking top-level files ... NOTE
Non-standard file/directory found at top level:

My questions are:

1. My misspelled words are just referencing names of packages and
programming terms etc. Is there a way to get around this or should I omit
them from my description and put them somewhere else.

2. I wanted to confirm this, but the tar.gz for CRAN submission SHOULD NOT
be in the folder of the directory for my package.

Thanks for your time,

[[alternative HTML version deleted]]

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__ mailing list

[R-pkg-devel] Thanks -- success after 4 package submissions in 3 days

2022-07-23 Thread Spencer Graves

Hello, All:

	  Thanks to Uwe Ligges, Max Turgeon, Duncan Murdoch, Ivan Krylov, Jeff 
Newmiller, Ben Bolker, Bill Dunlap, and Tomas Kalibera, Ecfun 0.3-0 is 
now available on CRAN, after three earlier versions were rejected in 
three days due to my limited ability to understand the error messages I 

	  My excuse for being so dense is that all the problems I encountered 
were changes required to meet new, more stringent standards implemented 
to reduce ambiguity and tighten coding standards to convert more subtle, 
intermittent problems that are difficult to trace into coding errors 
that are more easily fixed.

  Spencer Graves

On 7/20/22 11:50 AM, Uwe Ligges wrote:
Or simply read ?news which explains how the three formats (plain text 
NEWS, NEWS.Rd and should look like.

Uwe Ligges

On 20.07.2022 03:27, Max Turgeon wrote:

Hi Spencer,

This NOTE was discussed a couple weeks ago on this list, it's (as you 
may expect) a new check in R-devel. Here's what Ivan had to say:

Others also chimed in, you can see the first message of the thread 

Good luck!

Max Turgeon<>
Assistant Professor

Department of Statistics
University of Manitoba<>

From: R-package-devel  on 
behalf of Spencer Graves 

Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2022 8:05 PM
To: List r-package-devel 
Subject: [R-pkg-devel] NOTE, Problems with news in '':, No news 
entries found.

Caution: This message was sent from outside the University of Manitoba.

Hello, All:

   Winbuilder with R-Devel complains, " NOTE
Problems with news in '': No news entries found." See below.

   What should I do with this?  Document it in 
"" and

not worry about it otherwise?  Thanks,

   Spencer Graves

 Forwarded Message 
Subject: winbuilder: Package Ecfun_0.2-7.tar.gz has been checked and 

Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2022 00:22:40 +0200

Dear package maintainer,
   this notification has been generated automatically.
Your package Ecfun_0.2-7.tar.gz has been built (if working) and checked
for Windows.
Please check the log files and (if working) the binary package at:
The files will be removed after roughly 72 hours.
Installation time in seconds: 16
Check time in seconds: 141
Status: 1 NOTE
R Under development (unstable) (2022-07-18 r82603 ucrt)
   All the best,
Uwe Ligges
(CRAN maintainer of binary packages for Windows)

__ mailing list

[[alternative HTML version deleted]]

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Re: [R-pkg-devel] Warning... unable to translate 'Ekstrm' to a wide string; Error... input string 1 is invalid

2022-07-19 Thread Spencer Graves

Hi, Ivan et al.:

On 7/19/22 1:03 PM, Ivan Krylov wrote:

On Tue, 19 Jul 2022 12:32:20 -0500
Spencer Graves  wrote:

Can someone provide me with a link to the correct development
version of help('iconv')?  The current version includes the exact
offending "\x" strings that I have.

It still does, because it works with byte strings the right way: by
passing them to iconv(), which is designed to work with bytes in
"unknown" encodings.

In contrast, your use of arbitrary bytes with gsub() is invalid,
because gsub() assumes that the strings match their declared encoding:
UTF-8, Latin-1, or the native locale encoding. (See ?Encoding.)

When you write "Ekstr\xf8m", you get a string that consists of Latin-1
bytes but has the wrong encoding property set. Given this string,
gsub() and friends will break on a UTF-8 system (because "r\xf8m" is
not a valid UTF-8 sequence of bytes), while iconv() will not.

Depending on the desired semantics of subNonStandardCharacters(), you
might be able to avoid the failures with the useBytes argument, or you
might silently return invalid data in some corner cases. Is the "x"
argument supposed to be bytes in arbitrary encoding, or properly decoded
characters that might include those that don't map to ASCII?

  Wow.  So what's the recommended fix?

	  If I understand correctly, "\u**" should work with ** being f8, f6, 
df, or fc [all hex digits, I assume?].  However, "\u00**" may be 
preferred over "\u**", and "\u{**}" may be better still.

	  The blog that Tomas wrote might be more useful if it included a 
recommendation like this.

	  Thanks for all your work to make R better and thereby help people 
everywhere extract better information from the data available to them.


__ mailing list

Re: [R-pkg-devel] Rd cross-references ... NOTE, Undeclared packages ... in Rd xrefs

2022-06-13 Thread Spencer Graves

On 6/13/22 5:05 PM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

On 13/06/2022 5:11 p.m., Spencer Graves wrote:

On 6/13/22 1:26 PM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

On 13/06/2022 12:12 p.m., Spencer Graves wrote:

Hello, All:

   How do I fix "Rd cross-references ... NOTE
Undeclared packages ‘EnvStats’, ‘drc’, ‘zoo’, ‘prodlim’, ‘plyr’,
‘TRAMPR’, ‘raster’ in Rd xrefs"?

   This occurs with

and with

    However, this error is not raised on other platforms.  My search 

this note produced essentially the same message for other packages but
no advice on how to fix it.

   These are references to other packages that I do not use in my
packages but that some users may wish to consider.  If needed, I will
add them to "Suggests" for the packages.  However, that seems overkill,
because I do not use them myself.  ???

Section 2.5 of Writing R Extensions says "Packages referred to by these
‘other forms’ should be declared in the DESCRIPTION file, in the
‘Depends’, ‘Imports’, ‘Suggests’ or ‘Enhances’ fields."  Of those
fields, Suggests looks like the best fit.  You'd use Enhances if your
package provides "methods for classes from these packages, or ways to
handle objects from these packages".

  GitHub Actions failed after I added those packages to Suggests: 

That log doesn't really give much info about what went wrong.  Maybe 
some of the packages in the Suggests list weren't available?

	  Is there a way in GitHub Action to NOT fail when a package is not 
available -- or at least to give a more useful diagnostic?

	  There probably is, but I don't know how to find the right manual to 
read nor any better place to ask for help with that than here.

  Thanks, sg

Duncan Murdoch

__ mailing list

[R-pkg-devel] NOTE: Escaped LaTeX specials: \$

2022-06-13 Thread Spencer Graves

Hello, All:

	  CRAN checks of "Ecdat" on several platforms includes multiple "NOTEs" 
complaining "Escaped LaTeX specials" highlighting use of "\$", "\_", and 

  What do you suggest I do with these?

	  I could replace "\$1,000" with "1,000 US dollars", and "R\" could 
be replaced with "R and D".

	  However, a dataset "Benefits" includes a column that is "a factor 
with levels (slack\_work,position\_abolished,seasonal\_job\_ended,other)".

  Spencer Graves

[1] e.g.:

__ mailing list

Re: [R-pkg-devel] Rd cross-references ... NOTE, Undeclared packages ... in Rd xrefs

2022-06-13 Thread Spencer Graves

On 6/13/22 2:22 PM, Ivan Krylov wrote:

On Mon, 13 Jun 2022 13:59:24 -0500
Spencer Graves  wrote:

I probably should have just used "Suggests" and not
bothered this list with this issue.

Why not use the \link{foo} form and let the HTML help system resolve
the link at run time? Is it considered bad form to use unqualified
links to help pages in other packages?

	  The problem is that \link{foo} cannot distinguish between 
\link[a]{foo} and \link[b]{foo}.  Using "Suggests" sounds to me more 
like how how the R Core and CRAN teams probably think the system should 

  But Duncan or someone else may think differently.

  Thanks, Spencer

__ mailing list

Re: [R-pkg-devel] GitHub error

2022-04-20 Thread Spencer Graves
Hi, Andrew:  Thanks.  I think that was exactly what I needed:  I was in 
particular unsure about "git push --force".  Spencer Graves

On 4/20/22 8:22 PM, Andrew Simmons wrote:

Not really the place for this type of thing, but here's what I'd do:

add .DS_Store to your .gitignore file, this should ignore both
.DS_Store and inst/.DS_Store
delete both .DS_Store files from your repository
then try to pull again. You can use --force in git push, that should
force them to combine, ignoring the overwrite warning

On Wed, Apr 20, 2022 at 9:17 PM Spencer Graves

Hello, All:

   When I do "git pull", I get "error: Your local changes to the
following files would be overwritten by merge: .DS_Store .gitignore

   I've done "git rm --cached .DS_Store", etc., which some web page told
me would remove ".DS_Store" from GitHub but not from my local copy.
Then when I try, "git push", I get "! [rejected] // master -> master
(non-fast-forward) // error: failed to push some refs to

   What do you suggest?  Manually delete those files from the GitHub

   Spencer Graves

p.s.  This is with ";.

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__ mailing list

Re: [R-pkg-devel] doi confusion and Data codoc mismatches--AND THE VALUE OF GITHUB

2022-01-04 Thread Spencer Graves
	  Thanks to Duncan and Kurt for looking into this, recommending a patch 
for my code, and implementing a change to codocData.

VALUE OF GITHUB:  This exchange illustrates the value of GitHub:

	  1.  It made it easier for Duncan to diagnose the problem and 
recommend fixes both to me and to Kurt.

	  2.  I missed this email when it arrived five days after my post but 
found it after noticing a pull request from Duncan on GitHub.  I 
implemented it, and it worked!  Then I checked for a reply to my earlier 
post, and found Duncan's comment below.


On 1/1/22 1:11 PM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

On 26/12/2021 8:03 a.m., Duncan Murdoch wrote:

I've now submitted a bug report for R: along with a suggested
patch to remove the first of these.

And this patch was committed to the trunk by Kurt Hornik, so it should 
appear in R 4.2.0 or maybe some 4.1.x release.  Thanks Kurt!

Duncan Murdoch

Duncan Murdoch

On 26/12/2021 5:55 a.m., Duncan Murdoch wrote:

On 26/12/2021 12:07 a.m., Spencer Graves wrote:

Hello, All:

  The latest checks on

identify two problems I don't know how to fix:

FIRST:  Data codoc mismatches from documentation object 'USnewspapers':
  Variables in data frame 'USnewspapers'
    Code: AdsProportion Ads_G2012dollars Ads_currentGdollars
  Circ_G2012dollars Circ_currentGdollars GDP_G2012 

  Population_M RevenuePerCap_2012 RevenuePerCap_nominal
  Revenue_G2012dollars Revenue_currentGdollars Year
    Docs: Ads_G2012dollars Circ_G2012dollars Circ_currentGdollars
  Revenue_G2012dollars Revenue_currentGdollars 

  Ads_currentGdollars GDP_G2012 GDP_nominalG Population_M
  RevenuePerCap_2012 RevenuePerCap_nominal Year 

  I believe that the column names in the data.frame 'USnewspapers'
match the names in the order given in the *.Rd file and the variable
list following "Code" here matches that following "Docs" using, e.g.,

You can debug this by running tools::codocData("Ecdat") after the
package is installed.  It appears that some of the names in the docs are
picking up newlines, specifically the ones documented like this:


I think that's a bug in codocData.  A workaround is to put those all on
one line.  You don't get a "line too long" warning, because they'll be
reformatted in the display.

SECOND:  Found the following URLs which should use \doi (with the DOI
name only):
    File 'AccountantsAuditorsPct.Rd':
    File 'OCC1950.Rd':

  My concern here is that these two urls are in, e.g.,
\href{}{text to display to click to
link to the doi url}.  If it were, e.g.,
\url{} I would try replacing it with
\doi{10.18128/D010.V8.0}.  However, if I do that, I don't know what to
do with the "text to display to click to link to the doi url".

The first of those links to a page with this version of the reference:

Steven Ruggles, Sarah Flood, Ronald Goeken, Josiah Grover, Erin Meyer,
Jose Pacas, and Matthew Sobek. Integrated Public Use Microdata Series:
Version 8.0 [dataset]. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, 2018.

You'd get a format pretty close to that if you don't try to make the
title into a link, just enter it as

 Steven Ruggles, Sarah Flood, Ronald Goeken,
   Josiah Grover, Erin Meyer, Jose Pacas, and
   Matthew Sobek (2018)
   USA: Version 8.0 [dataset]. Minneapolis, MN:
   IPUMS. \doi{10.18128/D010.V8.0}

Duncan Murdoch

__ mailing list

[R-pkg-devel] doi confusion and Data codoc mismatches-confusing check

2021-12-26 Thread Spencer Graves

Hello, All:

	  The latest checks on 
identify two problems I don't know how to fix:

FIRST:  Data codoc mismatches from documentation object 'USnewspapers':
  Variables in data frame 'USnewspapers'
Code: AdsProportion Ads_G2012dollars Ads_currentGdollars
  Circ_G2012dollars Circ_currentGdollars GDP_G2012 GDP_nominalG
  Population_M RevenuePerCap_2012 RevenuePerCap_nominal
  Revenue_G2012dollars Revenue_currentGdollars Year
Docs: Ads_G2012dollars Circ_G2012dollars Circ_currentGdollars
  Revenue_G2012dollars Revenue_currentGdollars AdsProportion
  Ads_currentGdollars GDP_G2012 GDP_nominalG Population_M
  RevenuePerCap_2012 RevenuePerCap_nominal Year newspapers_p_GDP

	  I believe that the column names in the data.frame 'USnewspapers' 
match the names in the order given in the *.Rd file and the variable 
list following "Code" here matches that following "Docs" using, e.g., 

SECOND:  Found the following URLs which should use \doi (with the DOI 
name only):

File 'AccountantsAuditorsPct.Rd':
File 'OCC1950.Rd':

	  My concern here is that these two urls are in, e.g., 
\href{}{text to display to click to 
link to the doi url}.  If it were, e.g., 
\url{} I would try replacing it with 
\doi{10.18128/D010.V8.0}.  However, if I do that, I don't know what to 
do with the "text to display to click to link to the doi url".

NOTE:  I tried changing \href{}{} to \doi{}{} in 
'AccountantsAuditorsPct.Rd' and got what I expected:  First, I failed to 
mention before that this complaint does NOT appear in R CMD check on my 
local computer;  see sessionInfo() below.  when I checked how that doi 
reference displayed in Ecdat-manual.pdf, I found that "doi: 
10.18128/D010.V8.0" was displayed, followed by the "text to display to 
click to link to the doi url".

Specifically, I got:

Steven Ruggles, Sarah Flood, Ronald Goeken, Josiah Grover, Erin Meyer, 
Jose Pacas, and Matthew Sobek (2018) doi: 10.18128/D010.V8.0IPUMS USA: 
Version 8.0 [dataset]. Minneapolis, MN: IPUMS.

	  With \href{}{}, "doi: 10.18128/D010.V8.0" does not appear, and I get 
that URL by clicking on "IPUMS USA: Version 8.0 [dataset]. Minneapolis, 
MN: IPUMS."  With this version, clicking on "IPUMS USA: Version 8.0 
[dataset]. Minneapolis, MN: IPUMS." does nothing, whild clicking on 
"doi: 10.18128/D010.V8.0" takes me to that URL.

	  This looks like a change to how *.Rd files are rendered that has 
appeared in the process on GitHub but not in my local computer.  ???

  Spencer Graves

> sessionInfo()
R version 4.1.2 (2021-11-01)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Big Sur 11.6.2

Matrix products: default

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets
[6] methods   base

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] compiler_4.1.2 tools_4.1.2

__ mailing list

[R-pkg-devel] doi confusion and Data codoc mismatches

2021-12-25 Thread Spencer Graves

Hello, All:

	  The latest checks on 
identify two problems I don't know how to fix:

FIRST:  Data codoc mismatches from documentation object 'USnewspapers':
  Variables in data frame 'USnewspapers'
Code: AdsProportion Ads_G2012dollars Ads_currentGdollars
  Circ_G2012dollars Circ_currentGdollars GDP_G2012 GDP_nominalG
  Population_M RevenuePerCap_2012 RevenuePerCap_nominal
  Revenue_G2012dollars Revenue_currentGdollars Year
Docs: Ads_G2012dollars Circ_G2012dollars Circ_currentGdollars
  Revenue_G2012dollars Revenue_currentGdollars AdsProportion
  Ads_currentGdollars GDP_G2012 GDP_nominalG Population_M
  RevenuePerCap_2012 RevenuePerCap_nominal Year newspapers_p_GDP

	  I believe that the column names in the data.frame 'USnewspapers' 
match the names in the order given in the *.Rd file and the variable 
list following "Code" here matches that following "Docs" using, e.g., 

SECOND:  Found the following URLs which should use \doi (with the DOI 
name only):

File 'AccountantsAuditorsPct.Rd':
File 'OCC1950.Rd':

	  My concern here is that these two urls are in, e.g., 
\href{}{text to display to click to 
link to the doi url}.  If it were, e.g., 
\url{} I would try replacing it with 
\doi{10.18128/D010.V8.0}.  However, if I do that, I don't know what to 
do with the "text to display to click to link to the doi url".

  Spencer Graves

__ mailing list

Re: [R-pkg-devel] [External] Re: What is a "retired"package?

2021-09-22 Thread Spencer Graves

On 9/22/21 2:38 AM, Martin Maechler wrote:

Lenth, Russell V
 on Tue, 21 Sep 2021 18:43:07 + writes:

 > As I suspected, and a good point. But please note that the term "retired" causes 
angst, and it may be good to change that to "superceded" or something else.

well,  some of us will  become "retired" somewhere in the
future rather than "superseded" .. ;-)

yes, but we'll become "superseded" long before we want to admit it ;-)

__ mailing list

__ mailing list

Re: [R-pkg-devel] Change package maintainer

2021-07-02 Thread Spencer Graves
	  I can suggest one example: multcompView:  I created it during or 
before 2006 and passed it during or before 2011 to Luciano Selzer 
.  I do not remember the exact process, and 
procedures could have changed since then.  However, I think I remember 
communicating with the CRAN maintainers after Selzer and I agreed he 
would take it over.  Beyond that, I see that the DESCRIPTION file for 
multicompView0.1-3 lists BOTH of us as Maintainer.  The version before 
that lists me only, and the one after lists him.[1]

	  Second, last September, Brian Ripley sent an email to 50 different 
people saying gdata had problems, the maintainer had not responded, and 
it was scheduled to be archived along with all its strong reverse 
dependencies on 2020-09-25.  I don't know what happened from that except 
that the package is still on CRAN with date Published: 2017-06-06, but 
my Ecfun package no longer uses it.

	  Beyond that, I'm pretty sure that anyone can adopt a package in the 
archives that is no longer on CRAN and resurrect it if you agree to fix 
the problems.  However, you should discuss with the CRAN maintainers.



On 7/2/21 5:30 AM, Lluís Revilla wrote:


I agree that the email handshake is the best approach (and very
reasonable to expect it).
I thought that maybe in cases like this there was a waiting period
and/or multiple attempts to contact the maintainer and someone on the
mailing list might have had some experience with the process.
When I'm ready to take over the package I will ask the CRAN team and
give them more details.

Many thanks to all.

Lluís Revilla

On Fri, 2 Jul 2021 at 08:38, Uwe Ligges  wrote:

On 01.07.2021 23:52, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

On 01/07/2021 3:11 p.m., Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:

On 1 July 2021 at 20:00, Lluís Revilla wrote:
| I have a question related to changing maintainers.
| What happens when the old/current maintainer does not respond to
| emails or other methods of contact?
| Would the new maintainer need to wait until the package is removed
| from CRAN to submit it again?

Not speaking for CRAN here but my understanding always was that a full
complete 'email handshake' with both old and new maintainer was strongly
preferred / the default simply to prevent misunderstandings or

I'd agree in the normal case where the package is still active on CRAN.

In the case where a package has unaddressed issues with no response to
CRAN from the maintainer, they'd probably be quite happy to have someone
volunteer to take over.

... and if in doubt, ask the CRAN team and give them details.

Uwe Ligges

Duncan Murdoch

__ mailing list

__ mailing list

__ mailing list

[R-pkg-devel] Warning in dir.create(vd2 <- "vign_test") : 'vign_test' already exists

2021-06-29 Thread Spencer Graves

Hello, All:

	  "R CMD check Ecfun_0.2-5.tar.gz" with R 4.1.0 under macOS 11.4 gave 
"Warning in dir.create(vd2 <- "vign_test") : 'vign_test' already 
exists".  It ultimately said, "Status: OK", so maybe I shouldn't worry 
about it.  It's available at:

	  This passed all 4 GitHub Actions, so maybe I should not worry about 

  Spencer Graves

R version 4.1.0 (2021-05-18)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Big Sur 10.16

Matrix products: default

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods
[7] base

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] compiler_4.1.0 tools_4.1.0

__ mailing list

Re: [R-pkg-devel] How to communicate WARNINGS fixed from *last* CRAN version of a package

2021-06-22 Thread Spencer Graves
Have you followed the advice in chapter 20 of Wickham and Bryan, R 

	  In particular, does your package include a file "", 
as described therein?

  I believe that's where the CRAN maintainers look for info like that.

	  Also, those instructions suggest you check reverse dependencies.  The 
last time I tried to follow those instructed, it didn't work.  Instead I 




  Hope this helps.
  Spencer Graves

On 6/22/21 6:53 AM, Alberto Garre wrote:

Thanks. I just "replied-to-all" again. Gmail then sends the email to Is this the correct address?

El mar, 22 jun 2021 a las 12:38, Georgi Boshnakov (<>) escribió:

... Hence please reply-all and explain: Have these been fixed?

Maybe 'reply-all' to CRAN team's  email?

Georgi Boshnakov

-Original Message-
From: R-package-devel  On Behalf
Of Alberto Garre
Sent: 22 June 2021 09:11
Subject: [R-pkg-devel] How to communicate WARNINGS fixed from *last* CRAN
version of a package


I submitted yesterday a new version of the biogrowth package ( In the automatic response,
I got the following message:

The auto-check found additional issues for the *last* version released on
   donttest <>
   M1mac <>
CRAN incoming checks do not test for these additional issues.
Hence please reply-all and explain: Have these been fixed?

I resubmitted mentioning in that these problems had been
resolved, but I got again the same automatic response. Then, I answered
directly to the automatic email with no effect.

How should I communicate these issues have been fixed? Is there any
additional issue I am not seeing?

Thank you,

 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]

__ mailing list

[[alternative HTML version deleted]]

__ mailing list

__ mailing list

Re: [R-pkg-devel] Question about preventing CRAN package archival

2021-06-02 Thread Spencer Graves
	  The CRAN maintainers almost certainly have tried to contact the 
maintainer.  You can ask if he plans to fix the bug.  If not, if it's 
that easy to fix, you could offer to both the maintainers of both 
matrixcalc and CRAN to take over maintenance.


On 6/2/21 2:41 PM, Roy Mendelssohn - NOAA Federal via R-package-devel wrote:

After looking up matrixcalc on CRAN,  I would recommend contacting the 
maintainer,  who is listed as:

Frederick Novomestky 

The reason I say this is what is blowing up the package in the nightly builds 
is a careless error in one Example:

   > x <- matrix( c( 2, 4, 2, 1, 3, 1, 5, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3 ), nrow=4, ncol=4, 
byrow=TRUE )
 Error in matrix(c(2, 4, 2, 1, 3, 1, 5, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3), nrow = 4, ncol = 4, 
  data length differs from size of matrix: [12 != 4 x 4]

That should be pretty easy for the maintainer to fix and to resubmit.


On Jun 2, 2021, at 10:36 AM, Ben Staton  wrote:

My package uses the MIT license, so would that not meet the compatibility

I will attempt to reach out to the package author - thanks for your help!

On Wed, Jun 2, 2021 at 10:31 AM Ben Bolker  wrote:

That all sounds exactly right.
   GPL >= 2 allows you to use the material without asking permission as
long as your package is compatibly licensed (e.g. also GPL).
   Under normal circumstances it would be polite to ask permission, but
if the reason for doing this is that the maintainer is unreachable in
the first place ...

  If you want to try a little harder, it seems quite possible that you
can reach the matrixcalc maintainer at the (personal) e-mail address
shown in this page:

   (Possibly an identity confusion, but I rate that as unlikely based on
other facebook snooping)

   I don't think a short, polite e-mail request would be out of bounds,
they can always ignore it or tell you to go away.

Ben Bolker

On 6/2/21 1:15 PM, Ben Staton wrote:


Thank you for your detailed list of solutions.

I was initially tempted to go with option 1 (move matrixcalc to suggests
and check for its existence before using functions that rely on it), but


mentioned, this is not a long term fix.

I unfortunately can't take on the responsibilities of option 2 (becoming
the package maintainer) -- there is much that this package does that I do
not understand, and do not wish to feign authority!

I plan to take option 3 (copy the needed functions into my package).


are only three functions I need from matrixcalc, and all three are fairly
simple (is.square.matrix
, and
) and


is only one function in postpack that needs them. I plan to define them
within the postpack function. matrixcalc is licensed under GPL >= 2 and
based on my scan of the license text, this is allowed. Is that correct?

Regarding option 4 (contacting the matrixcalc maintainer), the original
email from CRAN mentioned that they have attempted to contact the package
author with no response.

Thank you!

On Wed, Jun 2, 2021 at 9:52 AM J C Nash  wrote:

I just downloaded the source matrixcalc package to see what it


The functions
I looked at seem fairly straightforward and the OP could likely develop
equivalent features
in his own code, possibly avoiding a function call. Avoiding the


call means NAMESPACE etc. are not involved, so fewer places for getting
trouble, assuming the inline code works properly.


On 2021-06-02 12:37 p.m., Duncan Murdoch wrote:

On 02/06/2021 12:13 p.m., Ben Staton wrote:


I received an email notice from CRAN indicating that my R package
('postpack') will be archived soon if I do not take any action and I


to avoid that outcome. The issue is not caused by my package, but

instead a

package that my package depends on:

"... package 'matrixcalc' is now scheduled for archival on 2021-06-09,
and archiving this will necessitate also archiving its strong reverse

Evidently, xyz has been returning errors on new R builds prompting



list it as a package to be archived. My package, 'postpack' has
'matrixcalc' listed in the Imports field, which I assume is why I


this email.

I want to keep 'postpack' active and don't want it to be archived. I


need package 'matrixcalc' for my package, but not for most functions.


I simply move package 'matrixcalc' to the Suggests list and submit the


version to CRAN to remove the "Strong Reverse Dependency" issue that
triggered this email to avoid CRAN from archiving my package?

That's part of one solution, but not the best solution.

If you move it to Suggests, you should make sure that your package

checks for it 

Re: [R-pkg-devel] \donttest{} and writing outputs to tempdir()

2021-06-02 Thread Spencer Graves

	  You surely should be able to have some examples that would run in 
less than 5 seconds.

	  I almost never use "donttest".  Instead I use conditional skips, and 
those only on examples that I believe are likely to run too long.  In 
those cases, I believe the standard recommendation is:


HOWEVER:  To use this, users must manually set Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN") to 
"true" if they want the tests to run in environments that are not CRAN. 
 I don't perceive the documentation on this to be adequate;  I'd rather 
not have to set an environment variable in every new environment that 
I'd like to have run all the tests.  Therefore, some years ago, I added 
a CRAN function to the fda package, which I use as follows:


# code I don't want to run on CRAN
# but do want to run elsewhere.
# You can use:
# R CMD check --as-cran
# to see if it works OK on CRAN



On 6/2/21 12:29 AM, Jeff Newmiller wrote:

Make examples shorter so they can run faster. Wrapping everything in donttest 
means that running examples() does nothing, which is counterproductive.

Techinically, vignettes are not tests or examples... but they do have the 
advantage that they don't have to run quickly. But that doesn't make a vignette 
a substitute for either examples or tests.

As for writing to the wrong place, you should probably just double check.

On June 1, 2021 9:39:43 PM PDT, Danielle Maeser  wrote:


I received the following comments from a CRAN maintainer, and I don't
understand why they were an issue. I'd appreciate any insight you can


*All your examples are wrapped in \donttest{} and therefore do not
gettested.Please unwrap the examples if that is feasible and if they
beexecuted in < 5 sec for each Rd file or create additionally small
toyexamples to allow automatic testing.*

I don't think I can unwrap the examples in \donttest{} because they
be executed in <5 seconds for each Rd file, and the automatic testing
toy data is satisfied in the vignettes I provide for each function.
Therefore, I am not sure what change to make here.

*Please ensure that your functions do not write by default or in
yourexamples/vignettes/tests in the user's home filespace (including
thepackage directory and getwd()). This is not allowed by CRAN
your examples/vignettes/tests you can write to tempdir().*

Additionally, all of my vignettes write the output of each function to
tempdir(). Therefore, I am not sure why this is a problem.

__ mailing list

Re: [R-pkg-devel] GitHub Action failed re-building 'sos.Rnw'

2021-05-25 Thread Spencer Graves

Hi, Duncan:

	  I apologize for bothering you with such an obvious thing as using 
"CRAN() before library(sos)".

	  Now I have another problem:  "zq <- ???spline(2)" now retrieves the 
default 100 pages, not the 2 requested.

	  I think the processing of "???" has changed between 4.0.3 and 4.1.0. 
 I've done "debug(`?`)" in both 4.0.3 and 4.1.0:  The condition 
(! || length(topicExpr1) != 2 || topicExpr1[[1]] !=

"?" || ![[2]]) || length(topicExpr1[[2]]) !=
2 || topicExpr1[[2]][[1]] != "?") evaluates initially to FALSE in 
4.0.3 but TRUE in 4.1.0.

	  You graciously contributed that code several years ago when I changed 
the name of the package from RSiteSearch to sos, and it has worked 
wonderfully ... until now.  If you don't have time to look at this, I 
will try to understand it and fix it myself.  However, I really don't 
understand the code, and you certainly did when you wrote it ;-)

  Spencer Graves

On 5/24/21 10:35 AM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

On 24/05/2021 10:17 a.m., Spencer Graves wrote:

Hi, Duncan:

  Thanks again.

  I found XQuartz-2.8.1.dmg and added the 5 lines you suggested
(modified to 2.8.1) to "R-CMD-check.yaml".  However, the "GitHub Action"
status symbols disappeared, so I deleted them.

  I copied the "CRAN" function from fda to sos and deleted the
reference to fda from sos.

  Now I'm getting, 'could not find function "CRAN"' in "processing
vignette 'sos.Rnw'", even though CRAN is in the NAMESPACE for sos.


This one is easy.  You use CRAN() before library(sos).


p.s.  To use Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN"), I'd have to set the environment
variable "NOT_CRAN" on all the test platforms other than CRAN, and
that's a level of complexity I'd rather not get into.

I wouldn't call it "complex", but it could be tedious.

Duncan Murdoch

__ mailing list

Re: [R-pkg-devel] GitHub Action failed re-building 'sos.Rnw'

2021-05-24 Thread Spencer Graves

Hi, Duncan:

  Thanks again.

	  I found XQuartz-2.8.1.dmg and added the 5 lines you suggested 
(modified to 2.8.1) to "R-CMD-check.yaml".  However, the "GitHub Action" 
status symbols disappeared, so I deleted them.

	  I copied the "CRAN" function from fda to sos and deleted the 
reference to fda from sos.

	  Now I'm getting, 'could not find function "CRAN"' in "processing 
vignette 'sos.Rnw'", even though CRAN is in the NAMESPACE for sos.



p.s.  To use Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN"), I'd have to set the environment 
variable "NOT_CRAN" on all the test platforms other than CRAN, and 
that's a level of complexity I'd rather not get into.

On 5/23/21 7:03 PM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
Okay, I just worked out the chain:  The fda package depends on fds.  fds 
depends on rainbow. rainbow imports ks. ks imports plot3D. plot3D 
imports misc3d.  misc3d imports tcltk.  tcltk on macOS needs XQuartz.

I saw this item online: .  It's a 
suggestion to add this to the default macOS VM, but apparently they 
didn't act on it.  You could try adding it to yours:

  if: runner.os == 'macOS'
     run: |
   sudo hdiutil attach XQuartz-2.7.11.dmg
   sudo installer -package /Volumes/XQuartz-2.7.11/XQuartz.pkg 
-target /

(Though the current XQuartz version is 2.8.1, and the URL above doesn't 
work for me, so you'll probably have to spend some time finding one that 

What should you do?  I can suggest a couple of things other than 
installing XQuartz:

1.  Drop the fda dependency, and work around the lack of fda::CRAN.  It 
seems you're pulling in an awful lot of stuff for that one function. The 
on_cran function in testthat has this definition:

function ()
!identical(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN"), "true")

so I'd copy that to your package and then define environment variable 
NOT_CRAN=true on your Github machine (in the "env:" section).  But this 
might be inconvenient working on your own machine, where you'll also 
need to define NOT_CRAN=true.

2.  Leave in the fda dependency, but make the test conditional, i.e. change

  if (fda::CRAN())


  if (requireNamespace("fda") && fda::CRAN())

I'd do number 1, or just assume everything is being run on CRAN.

Duncan Murdoch

On 23/05/2021 6:49 p.m., Spencer Graves wrote:

Hi, Duncan et al.:

  Thanks again.  I removed fda from "suggests" and added it to
"imports" in DESCRIPTION.  I also added "importFrom('fda', 'CRAN')" to
NAMESPACE.  Sadly, the result was the same:  It passed "R CMD check" on
Windows, ubuntu, and my local Mac but not macOS on GitHub Action.

  How do you suggest I proceed from here?

  You may recall that I started using "if(fda::CRAN())" as a way to
keep checks for routine testing that take too much time on CRAN.  I've
looked at Wickham's "skip_on_cran" but concluded, perhaps incorrectly,
that it was not self contained and required more work to use than
"if(fda::CRAN())".  If I'm incorrect in that assessment, I will happily
accept instructions on how to convert "if(fda::CRAN())" to use

  Again, I really appreciate the help.

On 5/23/21 4:44 PM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

I don't see where the connection is, but it's almost certainly coming in
through your unconditional use of "fda::CRAN()".  Since "fda" is not a
hard requirement, this should be conditional on having it installed.

Duncan Murdoch

On 23/05/2021 5:25 p.m., Spencer Graves wrote:

Hi, Duncan et al.:

   I inserted "the lines from the rgl workflow to work around the
XQuartz issues" that Duncan provided after "env" in TWO places in
R-CMD-check.yaml with the same result:  GitHub Action worked fine on
Windows and ubuntu (both release and devel) but failed on macOS
complaining, "there is no package called 'ks'".

   HOWEVER, I can NOT see how I even ask for ks.  The error message

processing the following file failed: 'sos.Rnw'
Error: Error: Vignette re-building failed.
Execution halted
Error: Error in proc$get_built_file() : Build process failed
Calls:  ... build_package -> with_envvar -> force ->

Execution halted
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.

   I can NOT find it with "grep 'ks' sos.Rnw".  It's NOT in

   I do NOT see how I am even asking for it.

   PROPOSED NEXT STEP:  Do as outlined in
"; and submit to CRAN
with a note on this problem in if the package passes
all other tests.

   Other suggest

Re: [R-pkg-devel] GitHub Action failed re-building 'sos.Rnw'

2021-05-23 Thread Spencer Graves

Hi, Duncan et al.:

	  Thanks again.  I removed fda from "suggests" and added it to 
"imports" in DESCRIPTION.  I also added "importFrom('fda', 'CRAN')" to 
NAMESPACE.  Sadly, the result was the same:  It passed "R CMD check" on 
Windows, ubuntu, and my local Mac but not macOS on GitHub Action.

  How do you suggest I proceed from here?

	  You may recall that I started using "if(fda::CRAN())" as a way to 
keep checks for routine testing that take too much time on CRAN.  I've 
looked at Wickham's "skip_on_cran" but concluded, perhaps incorrectly, 
that it was not self contained and required more work to use than 
"if(fda::CRAN())".  If I'm incorrect in that assessment, I will happily 
accept instructions on how to convert "if(fda::CRAN())" to use 

  Again, I really appreciate the help.

On 5/23/21 4:44 PM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
I don't see where the connection is, but it's almost certainly coming in 
through your unconditional use of "fda::CRAN()".  Since "fda" is not a 
hard requirement, this should be conditional on having it installed.

Duncan Murdoch

On 23/05/2021 5:25 p.m., Spencer Graves wrote:

Hi, Duncan et al.:

  I inserted "the lines from the rgl workflow to work around the
XQuartz issues" that Duncan provided after "env" in TWO places in
R-CMD-check.yaml with the same result:  GitHub Action worked fine on
Windows and ubuntu (both release and devel) but failed on macOS
complaining, "there is no package called 'ks'".

  HOWEVER, I can NOT see how I even ask for ks.  The error message 

processing the following file failed: 'sos.Rnw'
Error: Error: Vignette re-building failed.
Execution halted
Error: Error in proc$get_built_file() : Build process failed
Calls:  ... build_package -> with_envvar -> force -> 

Execution halted
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.

  I can NOT find it with "grep 'ks' sos.Rnw".  It's NOT in 


  I do NOT see how I am even asking for it.

  PROPOSED NEXT STEP:  Do as outlined in
"; and submit to CRAN
with a note on this problem in if the package passes
all other tests.

  Other suggestions?
  Thanks again, Duncan.

On 5/23/21 2:36 PM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

For ks, if you look here: 

in the "Install Dependencies" section, you'll see these errors:

trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 1076044 bytes (1.0 MB)
downloaded 1.0 MB

* installing *source* package ‘plot3D’ ...
** package ‘plot3D’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
** using staged installation
** R
** data
*** moving datasets to lazyload DB
** inst
** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
Error: Error: .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'tcltk', details:
ERROR: lazy loading failed for package ‘plot3D’
    call: fun(libname, pkgname)
* removing ‘/Users/runner/work/_temp/Library/plot3D’
    error: X11 library is missing: install XQuartz from
Execution halted
ERROR: dependency ‘plot3D’ is not available for package ‘ks’
* removing ‘/Users/runner/work/_temp/Library/ks’

so the problem is really with plot3D, and indirectly with rgl and tcltk.
I'm familiar with problems like that!  Here are the lines from the rgl
workflow to work around the XQuartz issues:

    RSPM: ${{ matrix.config.rspm }}
    GITHUB_PAT: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    RGL_USE_NULL: true

The last line might be enough for you, but I think the 2nd line


may be more important:  you use ks, it imports plot3D, plot3D imports
misc3d, but it only suggests rgl and tkrplot:  so that would let ks load
without XQuartz support.

Duncan Murdoch

On 23/05/2021 3:09 p.m., Spencer Graves wrote:

Hi, Duncan et al.:

   Thanks again to Duncan.  Your suggestions worked for the LaTeX
problem, though it required multiple iterations, adding a total of 7
different "tinytex::parse_install" clauses to overcome other LaTeX and
pdfTeX errors.

   However, macOS still says, "there is no package called 'ks'", 

though I added 'install.packages("ks")' as you suggested -- to three
different places, all without solving the problem.  I posted this
question to

as suggested in line 2 of "~/.github/workflows/R-CMD-check.yaml".  See:


On 5/23/21 11:03 AM

Re: [R-pkg-devel] GitHub Action failed re-building 'sos.Rnw'

2021-05-23 Thread Spencer Graves

Hi, Duncan et al.:

	  I inserted "the lines from the rgl workflow to work around the 
XQuartz issues" that Duncan provided after "env" in TWO places in 
R-CMD-check.yaml with the same result:  GitHub Action worked fine on 
Windows and ubuntu (both release and devel) but failed on macOS 
complaining, "there is no package called 'ks'".

  HOWEVER, I can NOT see how I even ask for ks.  The error message says:

processing the following file failed: 'sos.Rnw'
Error: Error: Vignette re-building failed.
Execution halted
Error: Error in proc$get_built_file() : Build process failed
Calls:  ... build_package -> with_envvar -> force -> 
Execution halted
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.

	  I can NOT find it with "grep 'ks' sos.Rnw".  It's NOT in DESCRIPTION 

  I do NOT see how I am even asking for it.

	  PROPOSED NEXT STEP:  Do as outlined in 
"; and submit to CRAN 
with a note on this problem in if the package passes 
all other tests.

  Other suggestions?
  Thanks again, Duncan.

On 5/23/21 2:36 PM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
For ks, if you look here:

in the "Install Dependencies" section, you'll see these errors:

trying URL ''
Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 1076044 bytes (1.0 MB)
downloaded 1.0 MB

* installing *source* package ‘plot3D’ ...
** package ‘plot3D’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
** using staged installation
** R
** data
*** moving datasets to lazyload DB
** inst
** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
Error: Error: .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'tcltk', details:
ERROR: lazy loading failed for package ‘plot3D’
   call: fun(libname, pkgname)
* removing ‘/Users/runner/work/_temp/Library/plot3D’
   error: X11 library is missing: install XQuartz from
Execution halted
ERROR: dependency ‘plot3D’ is not available for package ‘ks’
* removing ‘/Users/runner/work/_temp/Library/ks’

so the problem is really with plot3D, and indirectly with rgl and tcltk. 
I'm familiar with problems like that!  Here are the lines from the rgl 
workflow to work around the XQuartz issues:

   RSPM: ${{ matrix.config.rspm }}
   GITHUB_PAT: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
   RGL_USE_NULL: true

The last line might be enough for you, but I think the 2nd line


may be more important:  you use ks, it imports plot3D, plot3D imports 
misc3d, but it only suggests rgl and tkrplot:  so that would let ks load 
without XQuartz support.

Duncan Murdoch

On 23/05/2021 3:09 p.m., Spencer Graves wrote:

Hi, Duncan et al.:

  Thanks again to Duncan.  Your suggestions worked for the LaTeX
problem, though it required multiple iterations, adding a total of 7
different "tinytex::parse_install" clauses to overcome other LaTeX and
pdfTeX errors.

  However, macOS still says, "there is no package called 'ks'", even
though I added 'install.packages("ks")' as you suggested -- to three
different places, all without solving the problem.  I posted this
question to

as suggested in line 2 of "~/.github/workflows/R-CMD-check.yaml".  See:


On 5/23/21 11:03 AM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

This page

suggests that executing this in R should fix the tikz issue:

    text = "! LaTeX Error: File `tikz.sty' not found."

The "ks" message looks like a missing R package rather than a missing
LaTeX package, so running install.packages("ks") would fix it.

So the only question is how to do these things in a Github action.  I
don't know if there's a pre-made recipe for this, but this one should do

    - name: Install tikz.tex and ks
      run: |
    install.packages(c('tinytex', 'ks')) # Maybe tinytex is
already there?
       text = "! LaTeX Error: File `tikz.sty' not found."
      shell: Rscript {0}

Duncan Murdoch

On 23/05/2021 11:28 a.m., Spencer Graves wrote:

Hi, Duncan et al.:

   Thanks very much to Duncan for his suggestion.  I did added the
Duncan suggested in three slightly different places.  That fixed the
problems with missing tex and pdflatex, but exposed two new problems:

   On Windows and ubuntu (both release and devel) I now get:

LaTeX Error: File `tikz.sty' not found.

   On macOS

Re: [R-pkg-devel] GitHub Action failed re-building 'sos.Rnw'

2021-05-23 Thread Spencer Graves

Hi, Duncan et al.:

	  Thanks again to Duncan.  Your suggestions worked for the LaTeX 
problem, though it required multiple iterations, adding a total of 7 
different "tinytex::parse_install" clauses to overcome other LaTeX and 
pdfTeX errors.

	  However, macOS still says, "there is no package called 'ks'", even 
though I added 'install.packages("ks")' as you suggested -- to three 
different places, all without solving the problem.  I posted this 
question to 
as suggested in line 2 of "~/.github/workflows/R-CMD-check.yaml".  See:


On 5/23/21 11:03 AM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

This page

suggests that executing this in R should fix the tikz issue:

   text = "! LaTeX Error: File `tikz.sty' not found."

The "ks" message looks like a missing R package rather than a missing 
LaTeX package, so running install.packages("ks") would fix it.

So the only question is how to do these things in a Github action.  I 
don't know if there's a pre-made recipe for this, but this one should do 

   - name: Install tikz.tex and ks
     run: |
   install.packages(c('tinytex', 'ks')) # Maybe tinytex is 
already there?

  text = "! LaTeX Error: File `tikz.sty' not found."
     shell: Rscript {0}

Duncan Murdoch

On 23/05/2021 11:28 a.m., Spencer Graves wrote:

Hi, Duncan et al.:

  Thanks very much to Duncan for his suggestion.  I did added the 

Duncan suggested in three slightly different places.  That fixed the
problems with missing tex and pdflatex, but exposed two new problems:

  On Windows and ubuntu (both release and devel) I now get:

LaTeX Error: File `tikz.sty' not found.

  On macOS, I got a different error:

there is no package called 'ks'

  I added "ks" to "suggests" in DESCRIPTON but still got "no package
called 'ks'.  And I studied README in,
and I did some other searches without figuring out how to fix
"`tikz.sty' not found."

  For more details, see:


On 5/23/21 4:43 AM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

On 22/05/2021 10:05 p.m., Spencer Graves wrote:


   What do you suggest I do to enable GitHub Action to process

   The development version of my "sos" package passes "R CMD 
check" on

my Mac but fails in all four platforms under GitHub Action on

   The error messages on macOS and Ubuntu release and devel all 

the same:

 * Error: processing vignette 'sos.Rnw' failed with
Running 'texi2dvi' on 'sos.tex' failed.  Messages: You don't have a
working TeX binary (tex) installed anywhere in your PATH, and texi2dvi
cannot proceed without one.

   The error message under Windows seemed crudely similar but

 * Error: processing vignette 'sos.Rnw' failed with
pdflatex is not available

   What do you suggest?

The virtual machines that run Github actions have lots of tools
installed, but apparently not LaTeX.  So you need to figure out the
"step" to install it.  I'm not currently using Rnw with Github actions,
but by looking at the README for, I'm
pretty sure all you need is to add

    - uses: r-lib/actions/setup-tinytex@v1

somewhere after

    - uses: actions/checkout@master

__ mailing list

Re: [R-pkg-devel] GitHub Action failed re-building 'sos.Rnw'

2021-05-23 Thread Spencer Graves

Hi, Duncan et al.:

	  Thanks very much to Duncan for his suggestion.  I did added the line 
Duncan suggested in three slightly different places.  That fixed the 
problems with missing tex and pdflatex, but exposed two new problems:

  On Windows and ubuntu (both release and devel) I now get:

LaTeX Error: File `tikz.sty' not found.

  On macOS, I got a different error:

there is no package called 'ks'

	  I added "ks" to "suggests" in DESCRIPTON but still got "no package 
called 'ks'.  And I studied README in, 
and I did some other searches without figuring out how to fix 
"`tikz.sty' not found."

  For more details, see:


On 5/23/21 4:43 AM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

On 22/05/2021 10:05 p.m., Spencer Graves wrote:


  What do you suggest I do to enable GitHub Action to process 


  The development version of my "sos" package passes "R CMD check" on
my Mac but fails in all four platforms under GitHub Action on

  The error messages on macOS and Ubuntu release and devel all seems
the same:

    * Error: processing vignette 'sos.Rnw' failed with 

Running 'texi2dvi' on 'sos.tex' failed.  Messages: You don't have a
working TeX binary (tex) installed anywhere in your PATH, and texi2dvi
cannot proceed without one.

  The error message under Windows seemed crudely similar but 

    * Error: processing vignette 'sos.Rnw' failed with 

pdflatex is not available

  What do you suggest?

The virtual machines that run Github actions have lots of tools 
installed, but apparently not LaTeX.  So you need to figure out the 
"step" to install it.  I'm not currently using Rnw with Github actions, 
but by looking at the README for, I'm 
pretty sure all you need is to add

   - uses: r-lib/actions/setup-tinytex@v1

somewhere after

   - uses: actions/checkout@master

__ mailing list

[R-pkg-devel] GitHub Action failed re-building 'sos.Rnw'

2021-05-22 Thread Spencer Graves


	  What do you suggest I do to enable GitHub Action to process "sos.Rnw" 

	  The development version of my "sos" package passes "R CMD check" on 
my Mac but fails in all four platforms under GitHub Action on

	  The error messages on macOS and Ubuntu release and devel all seems 
the same:

		* Error: processing vignette 'sos.Rnw' failed with diagnostics: 
Running 'texi2dvi' on 'sos.tex' failed.  Messages: You don't have a 
working TeX binary (tex) installed anywhere in your PATH, and texi2dvi 
cannot proceed without one.

  The error message under Windows seemed crudely similar but different:

		* Error: processing vignette 'sos.Rnw' failed with diagnostics: 
pdflatex is not available

  What do you suggest?
  Spencer Graves

__ mailing list

Re: [R-pkg-devel] autotesting on GitHub with Travis or ...?

2021-05-20 Thread Spencer Graves

Hi, Ben:

  Thanks very much.

  This fixed my problem.

	  For others who may be reading this later, I missed a couple of points 
when first working through 

* On first pass, I missed the need to "git add" and "git commit" .github".

* And when using "usethis::use_readme_rmd()", I initially missed the 
need to "knit" the file to produce the

  Spencer Graves

On 5/13/21 7:04 PM, Ben Bolker wrote:

   GitHub Actions


   Probably start here if you are moving from Travis:

On 5/13/21 8:00 PM, Spencer Graves wrote:

Hello, All:

   What are the current recommendations for automatic testing of 
an R package on GitHub?

   Section 19.3 in the current version of "R Packages" describes 
"Checking after every commit with Travis".  It recommends Travis.  It 
says to use Travis, first "Run usethis::use_travis()".[1]

   However, 'help("use_travis", package="usethis")' says it's 
deprecated, but I don't understand what is recommended as an alternative.

   What do you suggest?

   Spencer Graves


__ mailing list

__ mailing list

__ mailing list

[R-pkg-devel] autotesting on GitHub with Travis or ...?

2021-05-13 Thread Spencer Graves

Hello, All:

	  What are the current recommendations for automatic testing of an R 
package on GitHub?

	  Section 19.3 in the current version of "R Packages" describes 
"Checking after every commit with Travis".  It recommends Travis.  It 
says to use Travis, first "Run usethis::use_travis()".[1]

	  However, 'help("use_travis", package="usethis")' says it's 
deprecated, but I don't understand what is recommended as an alternative.

  What do you suggest?

  Spencer Graves


__ mailing list

Re: [R-pkg-devel] Used package not updated - needs java < V 11

2020-12-17 Thread Spencer Graves

On 2020-12-17 12:22, Knut Krueger wrote:

   Also, I received an email from CRAN maintainers months ago 
saying that "gdata" was being obsoleted.  It's still on CRAN with a 
date of 2017-06-06 and a huge number of reverse dependencies.  The 
CRAN maintainers may have gotten someone to agree to take it over who 
just hasn't finished fixing whatever deficiencies it has.  However, 
you might see how difficult it might be to do without "gdata" as well.

   Spencer Graves

    Is it permissible to copy the code from rename.vars (gdata) inside 
my package with an hint:

"  Function rename.vars Source code from gdata as gdata is unmaintained 
since 2017-06-06 Rename variables in a dataframe

Don MacQueen (package gdata), macq\"

it is the only function I am using from gdata.

	  That's definitely consistent with the GPL-2 license it carries as 
long as you aren't trying to charge royalties for use of your package. 

	  And the tarball is available at this link to make it easy for you to 
do that.

	  Regarding my earlier comment about to gdata being potentially 
obsoleted, I don't see evidence of that now:  There is only one "Note" 
in the "CRAN checks", and that would seem to be a problem more with that 
platform than with the gdata package.  The problem that Brian Ripley 
mentioned in his email about this 2020-09-11 may have been with 
something else that gdata used that has since been fixed.

	  I would normally prefer to let the gdata maintainers continue to 
maintain a function like this.  However, you seem to have a compelling 
reason for copying that function and only citing the original for the 
source of where you got the code.  You might include, e.g., 

	  CAVEAT:  Please ignore the above if contradicted by someone more 
knowledgeable than I am about CRAN and R policies and recommendations.



__ mailing list

__ mailing list

Re: [R-pkg-devel] Used package not updated - needs java < V 11

2020-12-15 Thread Spencer Graves
	 I suggest NOT using "XLConnect".  "sos" now uses WriteXLS.  "Ecfun" 
now uses "openxlsx".

	  Also, I received an email from CRAN maintainers months ago saying 
that "gdata" was being obsoleted.  It's still on CRAN with a date of 
2017-06-06 and a huge number of reverse dependencies.  The CRAN 
maintainers may have gotten someone to agree to take it over who just 
hasn't finished fixing whatever deficiencies it has.  However, you might 
see how difficult it might be to do without "gdata" as well.

  Spencer Graves

On 2020-12-15 07:37, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

On 15/12/2020 8:02 a.m., Knut Krueger wrote:

I am using in my Package XlConnect. If the Computer is using Java < 11
all is working. But if not, the package can not be used.

inside teh functions tehre is an ' @importFrom XLConnect createSheet
writeWorksheet saveWorkbook

but only used for additional comfort to use excel sheets

The package is usable without XlConnect if I change

Imports:  igraph,chron,gdata, XLConnect

but then I get the error

checking package dependencies ... ERROR
    Namespace dependency not required: ‘XLConnect’

Just now the new version is on my private repository and working with or
without Xlconnect depending on the java version

How can I submit the package to cran  until XlConnect is working with
java > 11

You should not have

@importFrom XLConnect createSheet writeWorksheet saveWorkbook

in your ROxygen comments; that results in an unconditional import. 
Instead, you should use fully qualified calls each time, i.e.

XLConnect::createSheet, XLConnect::writeWorksheet, XLConnect::saveWorkbook

in your code.  You should also wrap every use of those functions in 
checks like

if (requireNamespace("XLConnect")) {
   run code
} else {
   report that you can't run that code

and make sure none of your examples or vignettes fail if XLConnect is 
not present.

Duncan Murdoch

__ mailing list

__ mailing list

Re: [R-pkg-devel] CRAN packages suggesting other packages but not using them conditionally

2020-12-12 Thread Spencer Graves

On 2020-12-12 19:50, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

On 12/12/2020 6:01 p.m., Ben Bolker wrote:

On 12/12/20 5:50 PM, Duncan Murdoch wrote:

On 12/12/2020 4:08 p.m., Spencer Graves wrote:

Hi, Ben et al.:

On 2020-12-12 13:43, Ben Bolker wrote:

     Apologies if I'm telling you something you already know:

     By default, fda::CRAN() uses the presence of environment 
matched by the regexp "^_R_" as a heuristic to decide whether it's 

running on CRAN.

     testthat::skip_on_cran()  calls testthat::on_cran() to look 
for an

environment variable called NOT_CRAN equal to "true". The
devtools::check() machinery automatically sets this variable.

   > testthat::on_cran
Error: 'on_cran' is not an exported object from 'namespace:testthat'

   Besides, on my Mac, I get:

   > testthat:::on_cran()
[1] TRUE

   My Mac is NOT CRAN, and I don't want that function to return
my computer unless I explicitly run "R CMD check --on-cran".

     So: fda::CRAN() depends on breakable assumptions, defaults to 

in an empty environment.  skip_on_cran() defaults to TRUE in an empty
environment (but defaults to FALSE in a devtools::check() 

   If future changes break fda::CRAN, I will have to deal with it

   I'd be happier if the CRAN maintainers would develop a 
procedure to

make it easier for package maintainers do two things:

 * Include tests in their package that run longer than the
limit permitted on CRAN.

That's very easy now.  Just put them in a "slowtests" directory, and
tell R CMD check to use that.  How could it be easier?

 How would you do that?  In "R CMD check --help" I see that one can
use --test-dir= to specify the test directory, but I don't see a way to
specify _additional_ test directories; short of setting a tests/
directory with CRAN-specific tests and a slowtests/ directory with
*both* CRAN-specific and CRAN-excluded tests (thus duplicating files,
which seems clunky), I don't see how to do this within a standard R CMD
check framework (without testing a CRAN-indicating environment variable,
which gets us back where we started ...)  Or would you run R CMD check
twice, once without and once with --test-dir=slowtests ?

What I would do is have the slowtests run the regular tests.  So if I 
want both, I run slowtests.  If I want just the fast ones, I don't 
specify.  I can't think why I wouldn't want to run the slow ones without 
the fast ones, but if I did, it's not too hard to figure out a scheme 
that runs fast by default, slow when requested, and both if you request 
that instead.

    There doesn't seem to be very much in "Writing R Extensions" about
testing - a little bit in 

    What am I missing?

   Just to clarify, the ideal would be to be able to designate a separate
set of tests that were *not* run on CRAN, and to be able to run them in
the same "R CMD check" pass as the CRAN-specific tests. 

Yes, do that as described above.

There are a

bunch of ways to achieve this, but I think Spencer is saying (and I
agree) that it would be nice if it were there an official mechanism that
made this easier (and it seems pretty easy if the CRAN maintainers were
agreeable to the idea ...

There is such a mechanism, and I've just described it (and not for the 
first time; it's also described in WRE).  I think the problem is that 
you and Spencer are looking for something that's more complicated.  It 
doesn't need to be complicated.

	  I want to put all the tests of a particular function in the 
"\examples" section.  If some things are too pedantic to show to a user, 
I can put them in "\dontshow".  If they run too long for CRAN, I wrap 
them in "if(!fda::CRAN()){...}", as I previously noted.

	  Putting slow tests in a "slowtest" directory to me violates a 
sensible rule of documentation, because it makes it harder to think 
about how complete a test suite is.

	  I probably should not broaden this discussion to include "\dontrun", 
but I will:  I think any example in "\dontrun" should be made to work 
and wrapped in something like "if(!fda::CRAN()){...}" if you don't want 
it to be run on CRAN, where you don't care if it breaks or not.  I've 
read too many books with examples that didn't work!  The "fda" package 
has 76 reverse dependencies.  I think most of those are attributable to 
the quality of the fundamental ideas, but I'd like to think that some of 
them are because I insisted in included decent unit tests in the 
"\examples" -- AND because I insisted on make sure all but a couple of 
the examples in the book actually worked!

	  Thanks very much to everyone who has contributed to this thread.  I 
don't think we've reached a consensu

Re: [R-pkg-devel] CRAN packages suggesting other packages but not using them conditionally

2020-12-12 Thread Spencer Graves

Hi, Ben et al.:

On 2020-12-12 13:43, Ben Bolker wrote:

   Apologies if I'm telling you something you already know:

   By default, fda::CRAN() uses the presence of environment variables 
matched by the regexp "^_R_" as a heuristic to decide whether it's being 
running on CRAN.

   testthat::skip_on_cran()  calls testthat::on_cran() to look for an 
environment variable called NOT_CRAN equal to "true". The 
devtools::check() machinery automatically sets this variable.

> testthat::on_cran
Error: 'on_cran' is not an exported object from 'namespace:testthat'

  Besides, on my Mac, I get:

> testthat:::on_cran()
[1] TRUE

	  My Mac is NOT CRAN, and I don't want that function to return TRUE on 
my computer unless I explicitly run "R CMD check --on-cran".

   So: fda::CRAN() depends on breakable assumptions, defaults to FALSE 
in an empty environment.  skip_on_cran() defaults to TRUE in an empty 
environment (but defaults to FALSE in a devtools::check() environment).

  If future changes break fda::CRAN, I will have to deal with it then.

	  I'd be happier if the CRAN maintainers would develop a procedure to 
make it easier for package maintainers do two things:

		* Include tests in their package that run longer than the time 
limit permitted on CRAN.

		* Give error messages that the package maintainer wants to see but 
that should be suppressed on CRAN or when the user decides to run "R CMD 
check --as-cran".

	  In any event, I hope that I'll be able to continue using fda::CRAN as 
I have been.  If not, I will be forced to reduce the coverage of test 
suites everywhere I use fda::CRAN.  That in turn will make the code 
harder to maintain and more easily broken in ways that I can no longer 
easily test.


On 12/12/20 2:19 PM, Spencer Graves wrote:
   I have tests in my code to detect when something like that is 
not available.

   I also have code in "\examples" to skip tests that would 
encounter that.

   Hadley's "testthhat:skip_on_cran" is supposed to suppress tests 
like that on CRAN.  I have so far failed to understand how to use this 
function that Hadley wrote.  Instead, I use things like the following:

# Code that I want to run everyplace that's NOT CRAN


   When I wrote "fda::CRAN", I was told that I shouldn't do it, 
but I didn't see a better option, and I've been using it for several 
years now without being given a reason to discontinue using it or 
(better?) being given an alternative that seems better to me.


On 2020-12-12 12:40, Michael L Friendly wrote:

Thanks, Dirk

Just to clarify--
In my packages, candisc, heplots, vcdExtra I have mostly 2D graphic 
methods, but some 3D methods that use

rgl.  I therefore put rgl into Suggests:

Could I solve this by making rgl a Depends: ?


-Original Message-
From: Dirk Eddelbuettel 
Sent: Saturday, December 12, 2020 12:46 PM
To: Michael L Friendly 
Cc:; Prof Brian Ripley 

Subject: Re: [R-pkg-devel] CRAN packages suggesting other packages 
but not using them conditionally

On 12 December 2020 at 16:24, Michael L Friendly wrote:
| I got the email below concerning 3 of my packages but wonder if they
| are false alarms or if not, how to locate & fix the problem.
| This concerns packages: ...
| Suggested packages should be used conditionally: see 
of 'Writing R Extensions'.  Some of these are hard to install on a 
platform without X11 such as M1 Macs: see the logs at

| You can check all of the suggested packages by setting 
environment variable _R_CHECK_DEPENDS_ONLY_=true  -- see .

| Is this a false alarm?
| In each case, the outfile contains:
| * checking package namespace information ... OK
| * checking package dependencies ... NOTE
| Package suggested but not available for checking: 'rgl'
| indicating that rgl is not avaiable on the testing machine.  Then,
| when checking examples an error is triggered when an example calls 
something that requires rgl.

| >
| > heplot3d(Adopted.mod, hypotheses=list("Reg"=c("AMED", "BMIQ")),
| + col = c("red", "blue", "black", "gray"), wire=FALSE)
| Loading required namespace: rgl
| Failed with error:  'there is no package called 'rgl''
| Error in heplot3d.mlm(Adopted.mod, hypotheses = list(Reg = 
c("AMED", "BMIQ")),  :

|   rgl package is required.
| Calls: heplot3d -> heplot3d.mlm
| Execution halted
| Yet, heplot3d seems to contain the required way to refer to the 
suggested rgl package:

| if (!requireNamespace("rgl")) stop("rgl

Re: [R-pkg-devel] CRAN packages suggesting other packages but not using them conditionally

2020-12-12 Thread Spencer Graves
	  I have tests in my code to detect when something like that is not 

	  I also have code in "\examples" to skip tests that would encounter 

	  Hadley's "testthhat:skip_on_cran" is supposed to suppress tests like 
that on CRAN.  I have so far failed to understand how to use this 
function that Hadley wrote.  Instead, I use things like the following:

# Code that I want to run everyplace that's NOT CRAN


	  When I wrote "fda::CRAN", I was told that I shouldn't do it, but I 
didn't see a better option, and I've been using it for several years now 
without being given a reason to discontinue using it or (better?) being 
given an alternative that seems better to me.


On 2020-12-12 12:40, Michael L Friendly wrote:

Thanks, Dirk

Just to clarify--
In my packages, candisc, heplots, vcdExtra I have mostly 2D graphic methods, 
but some 3D methods that use
rgl.  I therefore put rgl into Suggests:

Could I solve this by making rgl a Depends: ?


-Original Message-
From: Dirk Eddelbuettel 
Sent: Saturday, December 12, 2020 12:46 PM
To: Michael L Friendly 
Cc:; Prof Brian Ripley 
Subject: Re: [R-pkg-devel] CRAN packages suggesting other packages but not 
using them conditionally

On 12 December 2020 at 16:24, Michael L Friendly wrote:
| I got the email below concerning 3 of my packages but wonder if they
| are false alarms or if not, how to locate & fix the problem.
| This concerns packages: ...
| Suggested packages should be used conditionally: see of 'Writing 
R Extensions'.  Some of these are hard to install on a platform without X11 
such as M1 Macs: see the logs at
| You can check all of the suggested packages by setting environment 
variable _R_CHECK_DEPENDS_ONLY_=true  -- see .
| Is this a false alarm?
| In each case, the outfile contains:
| * checking package namespace information ... OK
| * checking package dependencies ... NOTE
| Package suggested but not available for checking: 'rgl'
| indicating that rgl is not avaiable on the testing machine.  Then,
| when checking examples an error is triggered when an example calls something 
that requires rgl.
| >
| > heplot3d(Adopted.mod, hypotheses=list("Reg"=c("AMED", "BMIQ")),
| + col = c("red", "blue", "black", "gray"), wire=FALSE)
| Loading required namespace: rgl
| Failed with error:  'there is no package called 'rgl''
| Error in heplot3d.mlm(Adopted.mod, hypotheses = list(Reg = c("AMED", 
"BMIQ")),  :
|   rgl package is required.
| Calls: heplot3d -> heplot3d.mlm
| Execution halted
| Yet, heplot3d seems to contain the required way to refer to the suggested rgl 
| if (!requireNamespace("rgl")) stop("rgl package is
| required.")
| So, I'm mystified.  Can anyone help?

This is not conditional use in the sense of my reading of WRE.

What you have here is essentially an "assert()" and equivalent to
which, in turn, is equivalent to a strong Depends or Imports as your package 
will experience a _critical error_ triggered by `stop()` if rgl is missing.

The idea of a conditional use is to, well, be conditional. Below I make use of 
Rcpp if is present, but it is only a suggests:

   ## see the source files in the snippets/ directory of the package
   ## check for (optional, only in Suggests:) Rcpp, and also wrapped in a
   ## dontrun as it takes 10s at CRAN (yet only 3.5 here) yielding a NOTE
   if (requireNamespace("Rcpp", quietly=TRUE)) {
   Rcpp::sourceCpp(system.file("snippets", "convolveExample.cpp", 

If the _suggested_ package is present, it is used. If not we quietly move on.
(It's not the full story as the compilation occassionally takes longer, Windows 
complained so all this is now in a \dontrun{} block too. But the idea is 
generic and there are many more examples to be found.)

Hope this helps,  Dirk

-- | @eddelbuettel |
__ mailing list

__ mailing list

[R-pkg-devel] devtools::release() does not release

2020-11-26 Thread Spencer Graves

Hi folks,

  devtools::release() gave the following errors:

Ready to submit fda (5.1.7) to CRAN?
1: Not yet
2: Absolutely
3: U... Maybe?

Selection: 2
Uploading package & comments
Confirming submission
Error in if (new_url$query$submit == "1") { : argument is of length zero
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In charToRaw(enc2utf8(val)) :
 argument should be a character vector of length 1
all but the first element will be ignored
2: In charToRaw(enc2utf8(val)) :
 argument should be a character vector of length 1
all but the first element will be ignored

	  Jim Ramsay got this after setwd to what seemed to be the appropriate 
working directory and then running devtools::release(), as noted above. 
As near as both of us can determine, we've followed essentially the same 
protocol here as with other package submissions.

	  In case you want the entire devtools::release() transcript, it 
appears below running under Big Sur on a Mac.

      Spencer Graves & Jim Ramsay



Have you checked for spelling errors (with `spell_check()`)?
1: Not yet
2: Nope
3: Absolutely

Selection: 3
Have you run `R CMD check` locally?
1: Yes
2: I forget
3: No

Selection: 1
── Running additional devtools checks for fda 
Checking version number has three components... OK
Checking dependencies don't rely on dev versions... OK
Checking DESCRIPTION doesn't have Remotes field... OK
Were devtool's checks successful?
1: I forget
2: No
3: Absolutely

Selection: 3
Have you fixed all existing problems at ?
1: Yes
2: Not yet
3: No

Selection: 1
Have you checked on R-hub (with `check_rhub()`)?
1: Not yet
2: I forget
3: Definitely

Selection: 3
Have you checked on win-builder (with `check_win_devel()`)?
1: No
2: Nope
3: Absolutely

Selection: 3
Have you checked the 67 reverse dependencies (with the revdepcheck 


1: Definitely
2: No
3: U... Maybe?

Selection: 1
Have you updated `` file?
1: U... Maybe?
2: No
3: Yeah

Selection: 3
Have you updated `DESCRIPTION`?
1: Yup
2: Nope
3: I forget

Selection: 1
Have you updated ``
1: Nope
2: Not yet
3: Yeah

Selection: 3
── Running Git checks for fda 
Current branch: master
Checking uncommitted files...
WARNING: All files should be tracked and committed before release. 

Please add and commit.

Checking synchronisation with remote branch...
ERROR: Error in 'git2r_remote_fetch': unsupported URL protocol

Were Git checks successful?
1: Not yet
2: Nope
3: Yup

Selection: 3
Is your email address
1: Yup
2: I forget
3: U... Maybe?

Selection: 1
✓  checking for file 

‘/Users/jamesramsay/Documents/R/fda_work/fda/DESCRIPTION’ (437ms)

─  preparing ‘fda’: (5.8s)
✓  checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ...
─  checking for LF line-endings in source and make files and shell 

scripts (1.6s)

─  checking for empty or unneeded directories
─  building ‘fda_5.1.7.tar.gz’

Submitting file: 


File size: 102.9 Mb
Ready to submit fda (5.1.7) to CRAN?
1: Not yet
2: Absolutely
3: U... Maybe?

Selection: 2
Uploading package & comments
Confirming submission
Error in if (new_url$query$submit == "1") { : argument is of length zero
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In charToRaw(enc2utf8(val)) :
 argument should be a character vector of length 1
all but the first element will be ignored
2: In charToRaw(enc2utf8(val)) :
 argument should be a character vector of length 1
all but the first element will be ignored

__ mailing list

[R-pkg-devel] RMarkdown vignettes with Wikiversity?

2020-10-22 Thread Spencer Graves

Hello, All:

  Two questions:

		1.  Might anyone have any thoughts on posting an RMarkdown 
vignette like an appendix to an article on Wikiversity?

		2.  In particular, might it be feasible to post a link to an 
online RStudio instance that could be provided with the RMarkdown source 
for a vignette that's posted to Wikiversity?

	  I've written Wikiversity articles for which the detailed statistical 
analysis is currently in vignettes in the Ecfun package.  However, that 
seems somewhat inconsistent with my understanding of the purpose of 
vignettes, and posting such directly like an appendix with the companion 
Wikiversity article seems to make more sense, anyway.

	  For comments about this by a Wikiversity "Bureaucrat", who is also a 
Professor of Computer Information Systems at Harper College in Palatine, 
Illinois, see:

      Spencer Graves

__ mailing list

[R-pkg-devel] "--resave-data" doesn't work

2020-10-22 Thread Spencer Graves


	  With "R CMD check Ecdat_0.3-8.tar.gz" both locally (under macOS 
10.15.7 with R 4.0.3) and with Travis (below), I'm getting "Warning: 
large data files saved inefficiently: ...  significantly better 
compression could be obtained by using R CMD build --resave-data".  This 
is AFTER I do "R CMD build Ecdat --resave-data".

  What do you suggest I do to get past this problem?

  Spencer Graves

p.s.  My ".travis.yml" file ends with "r_build_args: --resave-data".  I 
had trouble with this a year ago, and I think it was fixed then, as 
documented in:

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Re: [R-pkg-devel] CRAN pending status , left up in the air

2020-10-19 Thread Spencer Graves

On 2020-10-19 10:34, Rafael H. M. Pereira wrote:

Thank you  Dirk and Hugo for your responses. I guess I'll just have to be
patient and wait.

I can only imagine how the CRAN team is overwhelmed by the exponential
growth of package submissions. I wonder, though, whether the CRAN
maintainers and the R community more broadly are thinking about
alternatives to deal with such growing demand without compromising the
speed and consistency/quality of package development. Expanding the team of
CRAN maintainers would be the most obvious solution but I confess I'm not
familiar enough with the whole process to assess what would be the best
routes of action to tackle this bottleneck.

	  From my experience, it looks to me like their primary approach to 
handling the increased volume has been to improve automation.  In the 
spirit of brainstorming, I'd like to share other ideas on this:


	  For example, every article on Wikipedia has a "View History" tab. 
That lists the dates of all the revisions with a terse summary of what 
was changed in each.  I can click on any two and then click "Compare" to 
see all the changes in that period.

	  I'm not going to reread every word of "Writing R Extensions" every 
time I submit something to CRAN.  However, I would be willing to review 
a diff file if it were easy for me to do that.  (And I'm NOT going to 
create my own private file copy of "Writing R Extensions" and manually 
create such a diff file.)


  I know two sources of information on that:

		* Wickham and Bryan, R Packages (  I created a 
"" file based on their recommendations, and missed their 
comment that it should be in ".Rbuildignore".  My latest CRAN submission 
was rejected partly because of that.

		* Colin Fay, "Preparing your package for a CRAN submission" 
(  These instructions 
follow Wickham and Bryan in recommending "devtools::revdep_check()". 
Sadly, "revdep_check" is not currently in devtools but in a package 
called revdepcheck.  Worse, that package is not available on CRAN and 
appears twice on GitHub.  The original by bbolker has not been updated 
in 5 years.  The version that is currently maintained is 
";.  Fortunately, Hadley Wickham is 
the leading contributor to the latter, so writing him may help correct 
that infelicity, but I should also write to Colin Fay.

CRAN REVIEW GROUPS:  There are now 41 different "CRAN Task Views".  We 
could ask the maintainer of each Task View to try to recruit a committee 
around each one to discuss coverage and integration.  Each committee 
could be asked to coordinate via email and in virtual meetings.  They 
could be asked to pick 3 standard times for their virtual meetings, so 
anyone in the world would not always be excluded from a meeting that was 
3 AM their time.  Each package maintainer would be asked to specify at 
least one "Task View" for each package and be willing to discuss 
overlap, etc., with others.  This might be a topic for the next useR 

  Best Wishes,
  Spencer Graves


Rafael H M Pereira

On Mon, Oct 19, 2020 at 5:46 AM Hugo Gruson 

Hi all,

this is a bit tricky since the documentation on the dashboard comes from
an official, authoritative, source: the R journal [1].

"pending: if a decision is pending a response from the package
maintainer: If an additional issue was present in the package that we
cannot check for in the incoming checks (such as the BLAS issues
mentioned in the section above), the maintainer is automatically asked
whether these issues have been fixed. Same is true for change of
maintainer (or maintainer's mail address) where the old maintainer (old
address) is automatically asked to confirm the maintainer change. The
answers have to be processed manually."

As Dirk explains and as reported in, it is likely not true
anymore but in the absence of further official information, it is
difficult to issue a fix.

A later issue of the R journal [2] introduces the "waiting" and
"newbies" categories but does not expand on the new role of "pending".




On 19/10/2020 02:18, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:

On 18 October 2020 at 20:56, Rafael H. M. Pereira wrote:
| The CRAN incoming Dashboard indicates that the status of my package


| is &qu

Re: [R-pkg-devel] How to remove rJava from Ecfun when it's not called directly or indirectly

2020-10-16 Thread Spencer Graves

On 2020-10-11 10:34, Enrico Schumann wrote:

On Sat, 10 Oct 2020, Spencer Graves writes:

Hello, All:

  "R CMD check Ecfun_0.2-4.tar.gz" fails under
Windows 10 with "Error: package or namespace load
failed for 'Ecfun': .onLoad failed in loadNamespace()
for 'rJava'".

  However, I cannot find where Ecfun calls rJava.  This is in:

  I get nothing from "grep 'rJava'" in the
DESCRIPTION and NAMESPACE files plus in the man and R
subdirectories.  I ran tools:package_dependencies
recursively starting with Ecfun until I got all NULLs
and could not find rJava anywhere.

  Spencer Graves


* installing *source* package 'Ecfun' ...
** using staged installation
** R
** inst
** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
** building package indices
** installing vignettes
** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location
*** arch - i386
Error: package or namespace load failed for 'Ecfun':
  .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'rJava', details:
   call: inDL(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now), ...)
   error: unable to load shared object 'C:/Program
   LoadLibrary failure:  %1 is not a valid Win32 application.

Error: loading failed
Execution halted
*** arch - x64
ERROR: loading failed for 'i386'
* removing 'C:/Users/spenc/Documents/R/Ecfun/Ecfun.Rcheck/Ecfun'


* using log directory 'C:/Users/spenc/Documents/R/Ecfun/Ecfun.Rcheck'
* using R version 4.0.2 (2020-06-22)
* using platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32 (64-bit)
* using session charset: ISO8859-1
* checking for file 'Ecfun/DESCRIPTION' ... OK
* this is package 'Ecfun' version '0.2-4'
* checking package namespace information ... OK
* checking package dependencies ... OK
* checking if this is a source package ... OK
* checking if there is a namespace ... OK
* checking for executable files ... OK
* checking for hidden files and directories ... OK
* checking for portable file names ... OK
* checking whether package 'Ecfun' can be installed ... ERROR
Installation failed.
for details.
Status: 1 ERROR

Hello Spencer

Just a wild guess: the CRAN version of your package
does not list 'xlsx'; but your GitHub version does.
Now, 'xlsx' depends on 'rJava'.  So perhaps start there?

As I said, only a wild guess; but maybe it helps.

Yes, it helps.  I removed that dependency, and the package now passes "R 
CMD check on my Mac;  it didn't before.

Thanks again, Spencer Graves

Kind regards

__ mailing list

[R-pkg-devel] How to remove rJava from Ecfun when it's not called directly or indirectly

2020-10-10 Thread Spencer Graves

Hello, All:

	  "R CMD check Ecfun_0.2-4.tar.gz" fails under Windows 10 with "Error: 
package or namespace load failed for 'Ecfun': .onLoad failed in 
loadNamespace() for 'rJava'".

  However, I cannot find where Ecfun calls rJava.  This is in:

	  I get nothing from "grep 'rJava'" in the DESCRIPTION and NAMESPACE 
files plus in the man and R subdirectories.  I ran 
tools:package_dependencies recursively starting with Ecfun until I got 
all NULLs and could not find rJava anywhere.

  Spencer Graves


* installing *source* package 'Ecfun' ...
** using staged installation
** R
** inst
** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
** building package indices
** installing vignettes
** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location
*** arch - i386
Error: package or namespace load failed for 'Ecfun':
 .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'rJava', details:
  call: inDL(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now), ...)
  error: unable to load shared object 'C:/Program 

  LoadLibrary failure:  %1 is not a valid Win32 application.

Error: loading failed
Execution halted
*** arch - x64
ERROR: loading failed for 'i386'
* removing 'C:/Users/spenc/Documents/R/Ecfun/Ecfun.Rcheck/Ecfun'


* using log directory 'C:/Users/spenc/Documents/R/Ecfun/Ecfun.Rcheck'
* using R version 4.0.2 (2020-06-22)
* using platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32 (64-bit)
* using session charset: ISO8859-1
* checking for file 'Ecfun/DESCRIPTION' ... OK
* this is package 'Ecfun' version '0.2-4'
* checking package namespace information ... OK
* checking package dependencies ... OK
* checking if this is a source package ... OK
* checking if there is a namespace ... OK
* checking for executable files ... OK
* checking for hidden files and directories ... OK
* checking for portable file names ... OK
* checking whether package 'Ecfun' can be installed ... ERROR
Installation failed.
See 'C:/Users/spenc/Documents/R/Ecfun/Ecfun.Rcheck/00install.out' for 

Status: 1 ERROR

__ mailing list

Re: [R-pkg-devel] installed package size problem on Mac but not Linux nor Windows

2020-09-22 Thread Spencer Graves

On 2020-09-22 02:22, Hugh Parsonage wrote:
One of your vignettes is a 52-page pdf. It may be more suitable to 
provide a link to it rather than distributing it with the package, or 
distribute an excerpt.

Some the images in the PDFs could be PDFs themselves, or be pngs with 
lower resolution.

	  Yes.  That's done by default by "R CMD build / check" on my Mac but 
not on Linux nor Windows 10.  I'm not sure, but I think this problem is 
fairly recent:  I think that "R CMD build / check" on Mac used to run 
like on Linux and Win10 without creating these huge PDF and HTML files 
from vignettes.  If it's only the figures, I would naively think there 
should be an option to make sure that the figures were coded in svg so 
it wouldn't take up as much space.  Or, failing that, if the problem is 
the figures, I can code it so the figures don't plot unless people run 
them manually.  Or maybe I shouldn't be trying to distribute vignettes 
like this.

  Thanks for the reply.

On Tue, 22 Sep 2020 at 5:04 pm, Spencer Graves 
<>> wrote:

Hello, All:

           R CMD check of "; on
Mac produces
the following NOTE:

* checking installed package size ... NOTE
    installed size is  5.9Mb
    sub-directories of 1Mb or more:
      doc   5.2Mb

           It doesn't do that with Travis CI[1] nor on a Windows 10
computer I
have.  "Writing R Extensions" suggested using "--compact-vignettes"
qpdf.  That changed nothing.

           Will this be problem on CRAN?


__ <>
mailing list

__ mailing list

[R-pkg-devel] installed package size problem on Mac but not Linux nor Windows

2020-09-22 Thread Spencer Graves

Hello, All:

	  R CMD check of "; on Mac produces 
the following NOTE:

* checking installed package size ... NOTE
  installed size is  5.9Mb
  sub-directories of 1Mb or more:
doc   5.2Mb

	  It doesn't do that with Travis CI[1] nor on a Windows 10 computer I 
have.  "Writing R Extensions" suggested using "--compact-vignettes" with 
qpdf.  That changed nothing.

  Will this be problem on CRAN?


__ mailing list

Re: [R-pkg-devel] "non-ASCII input" and "--data-compress" ignored

2020-07-17 Thread Spencer Graves

Hello, Ivan et al.:

  I tried escaping "%" every time it occurred without success, but 
adding "\encoding{UTF-8}" as the 4th line of nuclearWeaponStates.Rd 
eliminated that problem.

  Sadly, I tried "R CMD build --resave-data=best Ecdat", "R CMD 
build --resave-data Ecdat", "R CMD build Ecdat --resave-data", and "R 
CMD build Ecdat --resave-data=best", all without success.  I also noted 
that .travis.yml contains "r_build_args: --resave-data", which I 
remember adding some time ago to fix this problem.  And Travis reported 
this problem as well.  This suggests to me that a change was introduced 
with R 4.0.0 that disabled this option.

  I also tried loading and resaving all the files in the data 
directory.  This seemed to achieve some additional compression on 
average, but I still got, "Note: significantly better compression could 
be obtained by using "R CMD build --resave-data".  I then tried load and 
saveRDS on each one individually, but at least the first of the 
resulting *.rda files was corrupted, so I restored what I had before.

  Anyway, Ivan's suggestion fixed the UTF-8 problem and Travis 
confirmed that it can't make "--resave-data" work, either ;-)  If a CRAN 
maintainer complains about the compression problem, I can report what I 
tried and see what they suggest.

  Thanks again,
  Spencer Graves

On 2020-07-17 04:10, Ivan Krylov wrote:

On Fri, 17 Jul 2020 02:02:36 -0500
Spencer Graves  wrote:

If I copy this URL into a browser and back out again, I get
the following:

    However, if I use this inside "\href", "R CMD check" doesn't
recognize the close curly bracket because of the presence of the
non-ASCII characters.

WRE section 2.3 [*] provides an example of \href with RFC3986
percent-encoding. Since % is a comment character in Rd, the percent
signs have to be escaped with backslashes:

Bolton (2012) North Korea's Nuclear Program}

This only works correctly in R >= 3.1.3, but results in correct output
in both HTML and PDF formats.

Alternatively, it should be possible to declare the encoding of the Rd
file using \encoding{UTF-8} (WRE 2.14 [**]), but in my tests (R 3.6.3,
could have been fixed in later versions) it results in a broken link in
Rd2pdf output.

    I'm getting, " Note: significantly better compression could be
obtained by using R CMD build --resave-data".  I get this message
even though I use "R CMD build --data-compress Ecdat".  I also tried
"R CMD build Ecdat --data-compress" and got the same result.

The note offers you to try adding --resave-data to R CMD build, not
--data-compress. What happens if you use --resave-data=best?
--data-compress doesn't seem to be an R CMD build option; at least
it's not mentioned in R CMD build --help.

WRE 1.1.6 [***] provides an example of --data-compress as an option of
R CMD INSTALL (not build).

__ mailing list

Re: [R-pkg-devel] Note: information on .o files is not available / Found '_exit', possibly from '_exit' (C)

2020-07-17 Thread Spencer Graves
  Can you run the checks only on the subdirectory containing the 
compiled code?  If yes, then you can run it only on half of that 
directory and identify it with a binary search.

  Some years ago, I found a particularly difficult bug that way.  
If I recall correctly, I made a copy of the package, deleted half of the 
*.Rd files, etc., until I identified which *.Rd file. Then I deleted 
~half of the contents of that *.Rd file until I isolated the problem.  
It was neither easy nor fun, but it was what I did to find and then fix 
the problem.

  Hope this helps,

On 2020-07-17 07:34, Marcin Jurek wrote:

So maybe you tried that already but I noticed that sometimes when I do the
check on the package directory rather than on the tarball I get similar
errors. I don't know if that's the problem but it should be a quick thing
to try.

On Fri, Jul 17, 2020 at 5:05 AM Fabio Sigrist 

Dear all,

I am trying to get an R package with C++ code on CRAN and I have one NOTE
remaining, for which I can't find a solution:

Note: information on .o files for x64 is not available
 Found '_exit', possibly from '_exit' (C)
 Found 'abort', possibly from 'abort' (C), 'runtime' (Fortran)
 Found 'exit', possibly from 'exit' (C), 'stop' (Fortran)
 Found 'printf', possibly from 'printf' (C)

As much as I search through my code, I can't find the place / headers where
these calls / symbols originate. Also, I have no idea how to add
information on .o files (apart from the shared library, there are no .o
files). The .tar.gz file for the package can be found on Note
that the shared library is compiled using install.libs.R (this is a
deliberate choice) and the flag "GPB_R_BUILD" is set when compiling for the
R package (I have tried to put "#ifndef GPB_R_BUILD" around all headers
that could cause the problems with exit / abort calls, but apparently I
have not been able to find all).

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Best regards,
Fabio Sigrist

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[R-pkg-devel] "non-ASCII input" and "--data-compress" ignored

2020-07-17 Thread Spencer Graves

   I'm getting two warnings that I don't know how to fix on both 
4.0.2 under macOS 10.15.5 and 4.0.0 under TRAVIS-CI; the email from 
Travis CI  is copied below.


* checking Rd files ... WARNING
man/nuclearWeaponStates.Rd: non-ASCII input and no declared encoding
problem found in ‘nuclearWeaponStates.Rd’

   I'm virtually certain this comes from the following:

   \href{ Reports/Ref 0072 - 
North Korea’s Nuclear Program .pdf}{Derek Bolton (2012) North Korea's 
Nuclear Program} (2012-08, American Security Program, accessed 2020-07-15)

   If you look carefully, you see spaces and a right single quote in 
the URL.  If I copy this URL into a browser and back out again, I get 
the following:

   However, if I use this inside "\href", "R CMD check" doesn't 
recognize the close curly bracket because of the presence of the 
non-ASCII characters.  I could leave out the URL, but that would degrade 
the quality of the documentation.


   I'm getting, " Note: significantly better compression could be 
obtained by using R CMD build --resave-data".  I get this message even 
though I use "R CMD build --data-compress Ecdat".  I also tried "R CMD 
build Ecdat --data-compress" and got the same result.

   Spencer Graves

R version 4.0.2 (2020-06-22)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Catalina 10.15.5

Matrix products: default

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets  methods base

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] compiler_4.0.2

 Forwarded Message 
Subject:Broken: sbgraves237/Ecdat#33 (master - a049665)
Date:   Fri, 17 Jul 2020 06:05:20 +
From:   Travis CI 





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build has failed
Build #33 was broken 
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a049665 CHANGESET → 

fix nuclearWeaponStates so it now has all the desired data

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Re: [R-pkg-devel] email misleading: checking CRAN incoming feasibility ... NOTE Maintainer

2020-06-08 Thread Spencer Graves

Hi, Uwe et al.:

  What's the preferred way to eliminate tests on CRAN that the 
maintainer still wants to run on other platforms?

  For several years, I've been using "if(!fda::CRAN()){...}". I've 
been told that I should NOT do that, but it has worked for me, and I 
haven't found anything better.  I've recently seen 
"testthat::skip_on_cran(...)", but I have yet to understand enough of 
how it works to actually use it.

  Spencer Graves

On 2020-06-08 09:43, stefano wrote:

Hello Uwe,

OK sorry for that.

Best wishes.

*Stefano *

Stefano Mangiola | Postdoctoral fellow

Papenfuss Laboratory

The Walter Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research

+61 (0)466452544

Il giorno mar 9 giu 2020 alle ore 00:40 Uwe Ligges <> ha scritto:

On 08.06.2020 16:26, stefano wrote:


I would like to point out that I (and others in various forums) find that
the CRAN check with the note :

*checking CRAN incoming feasibility ... NOTEMaintainer*

Not true, it also says

Flavor: r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64
Check: running examples for arch 'x64', Result: NOTE
Examples with CPU (user + system) or elapsed time > 10s
  user system elapsed
lower_triangular-methods 11.48  011.5

Please reduce each example to less than 5 sec.

Uwe Ligges

Triggers an email saying

1) *package nanny_0.1.7.tar.gz does not pass the incoming checks

2) *Please fix all problems and resubmit a fixed version via the webform*

While apparently nothing should be done, at least according to some forum

It would be nice to avoid this from the test side or the email side. It


pretty confusing for developers who think that they have to act.

Best wishes.

*Stefano *

Stefano Mangiola | Postdoctoral fellow

Papenfuss Laboratory

The Walter Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research

+61 (0)466452544

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Re: [R-pkg-devel] [R] a question of etiquette

2020-06-02 Thread Spencer Graves

On 2020-06-02 14:24, Avraham Adler wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 2, 2020 at 5:04 PM Spencer Graves 
>  <>> wrote:
> > QUESTION:  How much money have people on this list received for what
> > they've written?  I've received not one penny for any technical article
> > I've written or for software contributed to CRAN.
> >
> >        Spencer
> Ditto. What's even more annoying is when people clearly use one's 
> package in their published work and do not cite it, but that is for a 
> different thread.

   Might that be a copyright violation or just intellectual laziness 
or in some cases dishonesty but short of a level that could lead to some 
disciplinary action in a university or research organization?


> Avi

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__ mailing list

Re: [R-pkg-devel] [R] a question of etiquette

2020-06-02 Thread Spencer Graves

On 2020-06-02 10:14, Adelchi Azzalini wrote:

In  general, "check the license" is a very sensible indication. In the specific 
case, the Matlab code comes with no licence indication - nothing.

  I'm not an attorney, but it's my understanding that "no license 
indication" is a legal minefield:  You can be sued for copyright 
infringement, even with anything that "comes with no license indicate - 
nothing."  For horror stories in that regard, see the Wikipedia article 
on Lawrence Lessig's "Free Culture (book) 
[]:  Hollywood has lots 
of money for SLAPP lawsuits, and they've used it to stifle competition.

  To me, this is in blatant violation of the Copyright Clause of 
the US Constitution, which says, "[the United States Congress shall have 
power] To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing 
for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their 
respective Writings and Discoveries."[1]  However, as Lessig documented, 
the US Supreme Court disagreed.

QUESTION:  How much money have people on this list received for what 
they've written?  I've received not one penny for any technical article 
I've written or for software contributed to CRAN.



Best regards,

Adelchi Azzalini
__ mailing list

__ mailing list

Re: [R-pkg-devel] [R] a question of etiquette

2020-06-02 Thread Spencer Graves
  Can Dr. Sharp kindly provide a credible reference, discussing the 
alleged ambiguities in GPL-2 and GPL-3 that convince some companies to 
avoid them?

  I like Wikimedia Foundation projects like Wikipedia, where almost 
anyone can change almost anything, and what stays tends to be written 
from a neutral point of view, citing credible sources.  I get several 
emails a day notifying me of changes in articles I'm "watching".  FUD, 
vandalism, etc., are generally reverted fairly quickly or moved to the 
"Talk" page associated with each article, where the world is invited to 
provide credible source(s).

  Spencer Graves

On 2020-06-02 10:12, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:

On 2 June 2020 at 10:06, R. Mark Sharp wrote:
| The GPL-2 and GPL-3 licenses are apparently sufficiently ambiguous in the 
legal community that some companies avoid them.

Wittgenstein:  'That whereof we cannot speak, thereof we must remain silent'

This is a mailing list of the R project. R is a GNU Project. R is licensed
under the GPL, version two or later. That has not stopped large corporations
from using R, adopting R, or starting or acquiring R related businesses.

If you have a strong urge to spread FUD about the GPL and R, could you have the
modicum of etiquette to not do it on a mailing list of the R Project?


__ mailing list

Re: [R-pkg-devel] [BULK] Re: [Rd] "not a valid win32 application" with rtools40-x86_65.exe on Windows 10

2020-05-12 Thread Spencer Graves

Hi, Simon et al.

[changing to "R-package-devel, because I've heard complaints that this 
may not be appropriate for R-devel.]

  I'm still having problems.  I found that I had Java twice in the 
path and deleted both versions (~\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-\bin 
and ~Java\jre1.8.0_241). That seemed not to change anything as far as I 
can tell.

  I have both directories for both "~Rtools" and "~rtools40", and 
the path includes "~rtools40\bin".  When running R4.0.0 within RStudio, 
"install.package('rJava', type='source', INSTALL_opts = 
'--merge-multiarch') complained, "WARNING:  Rtools is required ... but 
no version compatible ... was found.  Note that the following 
incompatible versions(s) ... were found:  - Rtools 3.5".  When I run r 
in a CMD prompt, I don't get that warning.  However, both complain,

  warning in system("sh ./") : 'sh' not found

  When I tried "install.packages('rJava')", it seemed to work OK 
(though I still got the complaint from R within RStudio that it could 
not find rtools40).

  And my primary problem is unchanged:  "R CMD check 
Ecfun_0.2-4.tar.gz" ends with the following:

Error:  package or namespace load failed for 'Ecfun':
  .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'rJava', details
   call: inDL(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now), ...)
   error:  unable to load shared object 'c:/Program
   LoadLibrary failure: ^1 is not a valid win32 application

  The same package on my Mac quits with a LaTeX error I have yet to 
figure out how to fix.

  Spencer Graves


* installing *source* package 'Ecfun' ...
** using staged installation
** R
** inst
** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
** building package indices
** installing vignettes
** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location
*** arch - i386
Error: package or namespace load failed for 'Ecfun':
 .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'rJava', details:
  call: inDL(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now), ...)
  error: unable to load shared object 'C:/Program 

  LoadLibrary failure:  %1 is not a valid Win32 application.

Error: loading failed
Execution halted
*** arch - x64
ERROR: loading failed for 'i386'
* removing 'C:/Users/spenc/Documents/R/Ecfun/Ecfun.Rcheck/Ecfun'

On 2020-05-02 02:20, Simon Urbanek wrote:


you shouldn't have anything on the PATH, the location of Java is taken from the 
registry so you only need t have a valid installation of Java. Better don't set 
PATH or JAVA_HOME as it will stop rJava from working if you get it wrong. The 
errors on Windows are confusing, the actual error is shown via GUI as pop-up, 
what they report in the console is not the real error.

Re installation from source - it sooks like you either don't have Rtools40 or 
you didn't set PATH properly. If I recall the new Rtools40 no longer set the 
PATH (for whatever reason) so you have to do it by hand and the instructions it 
gives you are not working for the command shell.


On 1/05/2020, at 4:51 PM, Spencer Graves  wrote:

Hi, Jeroen et al.:

On 2020-04-30 03:15, Jeroen Ooms wrote:

On Thu, Apr 30, 2020 at 6:38 AM Spencer Graves

Hello, All:

"00install.out" from "R CMD check Ecfun_0.2-4.tar.gz" includes:

Error:  package or namespace load failed for 'Ecfun':
   .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'rJava', details
call: inDL(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now), ...)
error:  unable to load shared object 'c:/Program
LoadLibrary failure: ^1 is not a valid win32 application

This is an error in loading the rJava package, so it is not related to
rtools40, and probably inappropriate for this mailing list.

As Simon suggested, you may have to install the 32-bit Java JDK. See
also this faq:

   In fact I had both 32- and 64-bit Java installed but only the 64-bit was in the 
path.  I added the 32-bit, but that did not fix the problem.  The last 2.5 lines in the 
section "How to install rJava on Windows?" to which you referred me reads:

to build rJava from source, you need the --merge-multiarch flag:

install.packages('rJava', type = 'source', INSTALL_opts='--merge-multiarch')

   When I tried that, I got:

Warning in system("sh ./") : 'sh' not found

*** ON THE OTHER HAND:  The error message above says 'c:/Program
LoadLibrary failure: ^1 is not a valid win32 application

Is "rJava.dll" a valid win32 application?


Re: [R-pkg-devel] More GitHub problems

2020-04-21 Thread Spencer Graves

Hi, Ivan et al:

On 2020-04-21 02:15, Ivan Krylov wrote:

On Mon, 20 Apr 2020 23:44:43 -0500
Spencer Graves  wrote:

Is there a way to restore the functionality of a local clone of a
GitHub repository after the SSH key it used was replaced?

Does `git remote -v` in the repo directory show
or or ssh://... URLs?

Can you add the new SSH key on <> and
check ~/.ssh/config to make sure that it's used when connecting to You can verify that the SSH part of the stack works by
running `ssh`:

PTY allocation request failed on channel 0
Hi ! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not
provide shell access.
Connection to closed.

    I have a local clone that previously worked fine but now asks
for a password that I don't think I have when I try "git push".

This sounds like it's using an https:// remote URL, not ssh. But I
might be mistaken.

You were absolutely correct.  The problem was fixed by copying "url =" from a repository 
where it worked properly into this one, and it worked.

  Spencer Graves

__ mailing list

[R-pkg-devel] More GitHub problems

2020-04-20 Thread Spencer Graves


  Is there a way to restore the functionality of a local clone of a 
GitHub repository after the SSH key it used was replaced?

  I have a local clone that previously worked fine but now asks for 
a password that I don't think I have when I try "git push".

      Spencer Graves

__ mailing list

Re: [R-pkg-devel] GitHub problems

2020-04-03 Thread Spencer Graves
Hi, Max et al.:

 ��� � With SSH established:

git clone

 ��� � Worked.

 � I had tried something like "git clone" before, but I either did not have 
that exact syntax or I tried that before I had SSH.

 � Thanks again,
 ����� Spencer Graves

On 2020-04-03 15:17, Max Turgeon wrote:
> Hi Spencer,
> Did you follow the instructions here? 
> Once the key is setup, you should be able to do "git clone 
>", without any need to input a 
> token or a password in the command. Similarly, git push/pull/fetch 
> should all work seamlessly.
> This is how I've used Github for many years, and it's always worked fine.
> Best,
> Max
> Connecting to GitHub with SSH - GitHub Help 
> <>
> You can connect to GitHub using SSH.
> Max Turgeon
> Assistant Professor
> Department of Statistics
> Department of Computer Science
> University of Manitoba
> <>
> *From:* R-package-devel  on 
> behalf of Spencer Graves 
> *Sent:* April 3, 2020 3:03:12 PM
> *To:* Hugh Parsonage
> *Cc:* List r-package-devel
> *Subject:* Re: [R-pkg-devel] GitHub problems
> Caution: This message was sent from outside the University of Manitoba.
> Hello, All:
> �� I've been unable to get SSH to work with
> ";, documented in my email to this
> group almost 3 weeks ago.� I've been able to do "git clone
>", then
> change a file, do "git commit" and "git push".
> �� However, this has my GitHub password in a plain text ".git" file
> on my hard drive.� I think the hard drive on my computer is encrypted,
> so maybe that's not a problem.
> �� Am I not allowed to use SSH with a GitHub repository that's not
> my own?
> �� Thanks,
> �� Spencer Graves
> p.s.� Since my previous email, Ramsay added "" to that
> repository.� I can do "git clone" and get it, then edit it, then "git
> commit".� However, "git push" keeps giving me errors:
> git push
> remote: Invalid username or password.
> fatal: Authentication failed for
> ''
> �� A few hours ago, the owner, JamesRamsay5, went to "Settings" >
> "Manage access", then invited me as a collaborator.� I got an email
> asking me to "view invitation", which I did.� I got another email
> saying, "Hey there, we�re just writing to let you know that you�ve been
> automatically subscribed to a repository on GitHub." Sadly, I still
> couldn't access it, so I I deleted my token and created a new one.� I
> also deleted my previous local clone of "fda" and recreated it using
> "git clone".� Then I did a
> test edit to the one file in that repository,� I think did
> 'git commit -m "tst edit"'.� Then "git push" keeps giving me
> the error just mentioned.
> �> sessionInfo()
> R version 3.6.3 (2020-02-29)
> Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
> Running under: macOS Catalina 10.15.4
> Matrix products: default
> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Versions/A/libBLAS.dylib
> /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib
> locale:
> [1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
> attached base packages:
> [1] stats graphics� grDevices utils datasets
> [6] methods�� base
> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
> [1] compiler_3.6.3 tools_3.6.3
> On 2020-03-14 02:33, Spencer Graves wrote:
> > Thanks very much.
> >
> >
> > I deleted my token.� I will forward your comment to Jim Ramsay to try
> > to figure out the permissions question.
> >
> >
> > Spencer
> >
> >
> > On 2020-03-14 01:35, Hugh Parsonage wrote:
> >>
> >> You published your token. You s

Re: [R-pkg-devel] GitHub problems

2020-04-03 Thread Spencer Graves
Hello, All:

   I've been unable to get SSH to work with 
";, documented in my email to this 
group almost 3 weeks ago.  I've been able to do "git clone", then 
change a file, do "git commit" and "git push".

   However, this has my GitHub password in a plain text ".git" file 
on my hard drive.  I think the hard drive on my computer is encrypted, 
so maybe that's not a problem.

   Am I not allowed to use SSH with a GitHub repository that's not 
my own?

   Spencer Graves

p.s.  Since my previous email, Ramsay added "" to that 
repository.  I can do "git clone" and get it, then edit it, then "git 
commit".  However, "git push" keeps giving me errors:

git push
remote: Invalid username or password.
fatal: Authentication failed for 

   A few hours ago, the owner, JamesRamsay5, went to "Settings" > 
"Manage access", then invited me as a collaborator.  I got an email 
asking me to "view invitation", which I did.  I got another email 
saying, "Hey there, we’re just writing to let you know that you’ve been 
automatically subscribed to a repository on GitHub." Sadly, I still 
couldn't access it, so I I deleted my token and created a new one.  I 
also deleted my previous local clone of "fda" and recreated it using  
"git clone".  Then I did a 
test edit to the one file in that repository,  I think did 
'git commit -m "tst edit"'.  Then "git push" keeps giving me 
the error just mentioned.

 > sessionInfo()
R version 3.6.3 (2020-02-29)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Catalina 10.15.4

Matrix products: default

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics  grDevices utils datasets
[6] methods   base

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] compiler_3.6.3 tools_3.6.3

On 2020-03-14 02:33, Spencer Graves wrote:
> Thanks very much.
> I deleted my token.  I will forward your comment to Jim Ramsay to try 
> to figure out the permissions question.
> Spencer
> On 2020-03-14 01:35, Hugh Parsonage wrote:
>> You published your token. You should revoke it.
>> You probably don’t have the right permissions associated with git.
>> On Sat, 14 Mar 2020 at 2:14 pm, Spencer Graves 
>> > <>> wrote:
>> Hello, All:
>>    What do you suggest Jim Ramsay and I do to migrate the fda
>> package to GitHub?
>>    Jim successfully created an empty repository:
>>    He told me he had officially made me a "contributor".  I did:
>> git clone
>> <>
>> Cloning into 'fda'...
>> warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.
>> Checking connectivity... done.
>>    Then I copied files into this directory, did "git add" and
>> "git
>> commit".
>>    Then I did "git push", and it wouldn't let me:
>> SpenceravessMBP:fda sbgraves$ git push
>> remote: Permission to JamesRamsay5/fda.git denied to sbgraves237.
>> fatal: unable to access
>> '':
>> The requested URL returned error: 403
>>    Suggestions?
>>    Thanks,
>>    Spencer Graves
>> __
>> <> mailing list

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__ mailing list

[R-pkg-devel] Warning in dir.create(vd2 <- "vign_test"): 'vign_test' already exists

2020-03-15 Thread Spencer Graves

Hello, All:

  Under Windows 10, "R CMD check sos_2.0-1.tar.gz" cloned from 
"; ends with:

* checking rebuild of vignettes outputs ...Warning in dir.create(vd2 <- 
"vign_test"):  'vign_test' already exists

  Under macOS 10.15.3 it finishes fine.

  "grep 'vign_test'" failed to find anything.

  Spencer Graves

p.s.  Running R 3.6.3 on both machines with "update.packates()" clean.

__ mailing list

Re: [R-pkg-devel] GitHub problems

2020-03-14 Thread Spencer Graves
Thanks very much.

I deleted my token.  I will forward your comment to Jim Ramsay to try to 
figure out the permissions question.


On 2020-03-14 01:35, Hugh Parsonage wrote:
> You published your token. You should revoke it.
> You probably don’t have the right permissions associated with git.
> On Sat, 14 Mar 2020 at 2:14 pm, Spencer Graves 
>  <>> wrote:
> Hello, All:
>    What do you suggest Jim Ramsay and I do to migrate the fda
> package to GitHub?
>    Jim successfully created an empty repository:
>    He told me he had officially made me a "contributor".  I did:
> git clone
> <>
> Cloning into 'fda'...
> warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.
> Checking connectivity... done.
>    Then I copied files into this directory, did "git add" and
> "git
> commit".
>    Then I did "git push", and it wouldn't let me:
> SpenceravessMBP:fda sbgraves$ git push
> remote: Permission to JamesRamsay5/fda.git denied to sbgraves237.
> fatal: unable to access
> '':
> The requested URL returned error: 403
>    Suggestions?
>    Thanks,
>    Spencer Graves
> __
> <> mailing list

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__ mailing list

[R-pkg-devel] GitHub problems

2020-03-13 Thread Spencer Graves

Hello, All:

  What do you suggest Jim Ramsay and I do to migrate the fda 
package to GitHub?

  Jim successfully created an empty repository:

  He told me he had officially made me a "contributor".  I did:

git clone
Cloning into 'fda'...
warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.
Checking connectivity... done.

      Then I copied files into this directory, did "git add" and "git 

  Then I did "git push", and it wouldn't let me:

SpenceravessMBP:fda sbgraves$ git push
remote: Permission to JamesRamsay5/fda.git denied to sbgraves237.
fatal: unable to access 
The requested URL returned error: 403

  Spencer Graves

__ mailing list

[R-pkg-devel] Internet security software?

2020-02-24 Thread Spencer Graves

Hello, All:

  What antivirus / internet security software do you use and 

  I've used Bitdefender for years.  However, I've been encountering 
an increasing number of problems with software I've used for years.  
Some of my problems disappear when I turn off parts of Bitdefender.  
However, I've been unable to use RStudio on my Windows 7 computer since 
early last November.  Also, when I turn off certain features of 
Bitdefender, "R CMD build sos" (with sos cloned from 
";) completes in a few minutes.  With 
Bitdefender configured normally, "R CMD build sos" stops without warning 
on "* creating vignettes".  I've left it for days like that without it 
moving beyond that point.  No error message but also no progress.

  Rather than doing a web search for alternative internet security 
software, I thought I'd ask you all:  If some of you have had similar 
problems with other antivirus / internet security software, I think I'd 
be more likely to hear it from you than from a web search.  Some of my 
problems may not be due to Bitdefender, but I know that some are, and 
Bitdefender tech support answers the phone but fails to fix these problems.

  Spencer Graves

__ mailing list

[R-pkg-devel] MiKTex v. TeX Live?

2020-02-24 Thread Spencer Graves

Hello, All:  Two related questions:

SHORT QUESTION:  Which version of LaTeX does the R Project prefer and 
why?  I'm having trouble with MiKTeX, and one source suggested I switch 
to TeX Live.  (e.g., ";)


   "R CMD build sos" under Windows 7 on a clone from 
"; ended with, 'The required file 
tex\latex\pgf\frontendlayer\tikz.sty" is missing.'  I clicked "Install" 
and got "MiKTeX Update Wizard:  The operation could not be completed for 
the following reason:  No data.  Details:  get host by name failed in 

  I get the same error when I try to run MiKTeX 2.9 Update and 
"Update (Admin)".  (I got the "tikz.sty is missing" message only after I 
had turned off everything I could find to turn off in "Bitdefender Total 
Security".)  I think I saw a suggestion to manually delete "C:Program 
Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9" and manually remove the reference from the path, 
then reinstall into a different directory that the operating system and 
anti-virus would not by default identify as part of the operating system.

  Spencer Graves

p.s.  This is using R 2.6.2 immediately after running "update.packages()".

__ mailing list

[R-pkg-devel] Error: Symbol \textasciigrave not provided by (textcomp)

2020-02-16 Thread Spencer Graves

Hello, All:

  "R CMD check Ecfun_0.2-4.tar.gz" ends with 8 repetitions of the 

! Package textcomp Error: Symbol \textasciigrave not provided by
(textcomp)    font family zi4 in TS1 encoding.
(textcomp)    Default family used instead.

See the textcomp package documentation for explanation.
* checking PDF version of manual without hyperrefs or index ... ERROR

  This is using R 3.6.2 under macOS 10.15.3 applied to the current 
development version of "".  Travis 
CI reported that the build passed;  see 

  This looks to me like it's complaining about the use of the back 
tick character ("`", below "~" on the top left key on a standard 
American English keyboard), which I assume is equivalent to 
"\textasciigrave" in certain contexts.

  Six out of those 8 repetitions occur in the examples sections of 
files "grepNonStandardCharacters.Rd", "subNonStandardCharacters.Rd", and 
"subNonStandardNames.Rd".  Those functions were written to fix parsing 
errors with names like "Raúl" that had been mangled by different 
software before I could get it into R.

  After a day's work failed to produce a work around, I decided to 
ask this group.

  What do you suggest?
  Spencer Graves

__ mailing list

[R-pkg-devel] revdepcheck::revdep_check interpretation problem

2020-02-10 Thread Spencer Graves

Hello, All:

  I just ran "revdepcheck::revdep_check" on my development version 
of "";  copied below. It ended with 
"OK: 16, BROKEN: 0".  That sounds good, except that it also says 
"gamclass 0.58:  E: 1", so I'm confused.

  Two questions:

        1.  What does the "E: 1" for "gamclass" mean?  It sounds 
like an error to me, but that contradicts the final message,

"OK: 16, BROKEN: 0".

        2.  How can I even find gamclass?  It's not available on 
CRAN.  There, Ecdat only has 15 reverse dependencies, not 16.  I tried 
install.packages('gamclass');  it said, "package ‘gamclass’ is not 
available".  I tried githubinstall::githubinstall('gamclass'). It said:

Select a number or, hit 0 to cancel.

1: pik-piam/magclass    Tools for managing classroom organizations
2: tscheypidi/magclass  Tools for managing classroom organizations
3: rundel/ghclass   Tools for managing classroom organizations

  ** None of that sounds like "gamclass".

      What do you suggest?

  I should probably ignore this?
  Spencer Graves

Registered S3 method overwritten by 'revdepcheck':
  method    from
  print.maintainers devtools
── INIT  Computing revdeps ──
── INSTALL  2 versions ──
Installing CRAN version of Ecdat
Installing DEV version of Ecdat
── CHECK ─ 16 packages ──
✓ catdata 1.2.2  ── E: 0 | W: 0 | N: 0
✓ DCchoice 0.0.15    ── E: 0 | W: 0 | N: 0
✓ discSurv 1.4.1 ── E: 0 | W: 0 | N: 0
✓ DStree 1.0 ── E: 0 | W: 0 | N: 1
✓ DWreg 2.0  ── E: 0 | W: 0 | N: 0
✓ Ecfun 0.2-2    ── E: 0 | W: 0 | N: 0
✓ flexmix 2.3-15 ── E: 0 | W: 0 | N: 0
✓ gamclass 0.58  ── E: 1 | W: 0 | N: 0
✓ gk 0.5.1   ── E: 0 | W: 0 | N: 0
✓ micEcon 0.6-14 ── E: 0 | W: 1 | N: 0
✓ micEconIndex 0.1-6 ── E: 0 | W: 0 | N: 0
✓ miscTools 0.6-26   ── E: 0 | W: 0 | N: 0
✓ mssm 0.1.3 ── E: 0 | W: 0 | N: 0
✓ plm 2.2-0  ── E: 0 | W: 0 | N: 0
✓ sampleSelection 1.2-6  ── E: 0 | W: 0 | N: 0
✓ SeleMix 1.0.1  ── E: 0 | W: 0 | N: 0
OK: 16
Total time: 36 min

__ mailing list

[R-pkg-devel] finding "logo.jpg" [was: "try" malfunctions on Ubuntu Linux 16.04 LTS, R-release, GCC]

2020-02-03 Thread Spencer Graves
  Thanks to Iñaki Ucar for identifying a second error that 
explained why I still got an error after wrapping one in "try".

  That still leaves a question of how to find a file like 
"logo.jpg" in a platform independant way.

      The following had worked for several years and now broke on rhub 
"Ubuntu Linux 16.04 LTS, R-release, GCC" but not on several other 
computers I tried:

        logo.jpg <- paste(R.home(), "doc", "html", "logo.jpg", sep 
= .Platform$file.sep)

  On that Ubuntu platform, "readJPEG(logo.jpg)" stopped with "Error 
in readJPEG(logo.jpg) : unable to open /usr/lib/R/doc/html/logo.jpg".

  I replaced the above "paste" with the following:

RdocDir <- dir(R.home(), pattern='^doc$', full.names = TRUE)
RhtmlDir <- dir(RdocDir, pattern='^html$', full.names=TRUE)
JPGs <- dir(RhtmlDir, pattern='.jpg$', full.names=TRUE)
  logoJPG <- paste0(.Platform$file.sep, 'logo.jpg$')
  logo.jpg <- grep(logoJPG, JPGs, value=TRUE)
  if(length(logo.jpg)>1)logo.jpg <- logo.jpg[1]
  if(length(logo.jpg)<1)logo.jpg <- JPGs[1]
} else logo.jpg <- JPGs
  cat('logo.jpg not found.\n')
  if(!fda::CRAN())stop('logo.jpg not found')
} else {
# length(logo.jpg)==1 so continue:
## 1.  Shrink as required
    Rlogo <- readJPEG(logo.jpg)


      This gave me no error message, which I believe means that either 
length(logo.jpg) == 1 or fda::CRAN() returns TRUE.  Sadly, I could not 
find the standard test file to see which of these is the case.

  I should proceed to submit the current Ecfun package to CRAN. 
Then I might modify this test sequence to force an error, so I can see 
more what is happening.


On 2020-02-03 03:06, Iñaki Ucar wrote:

On Mon, 3 Feb 2020 at 03:16, Spencer Graves

Hello, All:

devtools::check_rhub failed to trap an error wrapped in "try",
per the email below.  This came from running
devtools::check_rhub(Ecfun_dir), where Ecfun_dir = the path to a copy of

That's improbable.

This is the development version of Ecfun, which I want to submit
to CRAN as soon as I can do so without offending the sensibilities of
the overworked CRAN maintainers.

Spencer Graves

 Forwarded Message 
Subject:Ecfun 0.2-2: ERROR
Date:   Sun, 02 Feb 2020 23:27:10 +
From:   R-hub builder 

## 2.9.  A more complicated example with elements to eval
logo.jpg <- paste(R.home(), "doc", "html", "logo.jpg",

+   sep = .Platform$file.sep)


+   Rlogo <- try(readJPEG(logo.jpg))
+   if(!inherits(Rlogo, 'try-error')){
+ # argument list for a call to rasterImage or rasterImageAdj
+ RlogoLoc <- list(image=Rlogo,
+   xleft.0 = c(NZ=176.5,CH=172,US=171,
+   CN=177,RU= 9.5,UK= 8),
+   xleft.1 = c(NZ=176.5,CH=  9,US=-73.5,
+   CN=125,RU= 37, UK= 2),
+   ybottom.0=c(NZ=-37,  CH=-34,US=-34,
+   CN=-33,RU= 48, UK=47),
+   ybottom.1=c(NZ=-37,  CH= 47,US= 46,
+   CN= 32,RU=55.6,UK=55),
+   xright=quote(xleft+xinch(0.6)),
+   ytop = quote(ybottom+yinch(0.6)),
+   angle.0 =0,
+   angle.1 =c(NZ=0,CH=3*360,US=5*360,
+  CN=2*360,RU=360,UK=360)
+ )
+ RlogoInterp <- interpPairs(RlogoLoc,
+ .proportion=rep(c(0, -1), c(2, 4)) )
+ # check
+ ## Don't show:
+ stopifnot(
+ ## End(Don't show)
+ all.equal(names(RlogoInterp),
+c('image', 'xright', 'ytop', 'xleft', 'ybottom', 'angle'))
+ ## Don't show:
+ )
+ ## End(Don't show)
+ }
+ # NOTE:  'xleft', and 'ybottom' were created in interpPairs,
+ # and therefore come after 'xright' and 'ytop', which were
+ # already there.
+ ##
+ ## 2.10.  using envir
+ ##
+   RlogoDiag <- list(x0=quote(Rlogo.$xleft),
+   y0=quote(Rlogo.$ybottom),
+   x1=quote(Rlogo.$xright),
+   y1=quote(Rlogo.$ytop) )
+   RlogoD <- interpPairs(RlogoDiag, .p=1,
+ envir=list(Rlogo.=RlogoInterp) )
+ ## Don't show:
+ stopifnot(
+ ## End(Don't show)
+ all.equal(RlogoD, RlogoDiag)
+ ## Don't show:
+ )
+ ## End(Don't show)
+ }
Loading required package: jpeg
Error in readJPEG(logo.jpg) : unable to open /usr/lib/R/doc/html/logo.jpg
Error in interpPairs.list(RlogoDiag, .p = 1, envir = list(Rlogo. = 
RlogoInterp)) :
object 'RlogoInterp' not found
Calls: interpPairs -> interpPairs.list
Execution halted

There it is: "Error in interpPairs.list [...] 'RlogoInterp' not
found". T

Re: [R-pkg-devel] "try" malfunctions on Ubuntu Linux 16.04 LTS, R-release, GCC

2020-02-02 Thread Spencer Graves

Hi, Dirk:

  The short answer is that's part of what's on "rhub".

  When I run devtools::check_rhub, I get emails with test results 
from three platforms:  (1) Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, R-devel, 32/64 
bit.  (2) Ubuntu Linux 16.04 LTS, R-release, GCC. And (3) Fedora Linux, 
R-devel, clang, gfortran.  I've been getting a NOTE of "Packages 
unavailable to check Rd xrefs: ‘EnvStats’, ‘drc’, ‘zoo’, ‘prodlim’, 
‘TRAMPR’" from the Windows and Fedora tests and the "try" malfunction 
that I reported from Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.

  I don't know who maintains rhub, but I would naively think that's 
a separate issue from the "try" malfunction that I reported.


On 2020-02-02 23:27, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:

On 2 February 2020 at 21:47, Ben Bolker wrote:
|   Maybe an Rhub glitch.  I just ran R CMD check with a recent r-devel
| (2019-12-03 r77509) on Ubuntu 16.04 with no problems.

Is there a reason that keeps _both_ of you on Ubuntu 16.04 which has been
replaced _nearly two years ago_ by the subsequent LTS release 18.04 ?

Michael works hard to provide _an awesome_ experience using the current LTS
release_ 18.04 that I am really hard-pressed to see why 16.04 would matter.


__ mailing list

[R-pkg-devel] "try" malfunctions on Ubuntu Linux 16.04 LTS, R-release, GCC

2020-02-02 Thread Spencer Graves
Hello, All:

   devtools::check_rhub failed to trap an error wrapped in "try", 
per the email below.  This came from running 
devtools::check_rhub(Ecfun_dir), where Ecfun_dir = the path to a copy of 

   This is the development version of Ecfun, which I want to submit 
to CRAN as soon as I can do so without offending the sensibilities of 
the overworked CRAN maintainers.

   Spencer Graves

 Forwarded Message 
Subject:Ecfun 0.2-2: ERROR
Date:   Sun, 02 Feb 2020 23:27:10 +
From:   R-hub builder 

Ecfun 0.2-2: ERROR

Ecfun 0.2-2: ERROR
*Build ID:* |Ecfun_0.2-2.tar.gz-a5518fc2c19c4cd191a5d67b55c45603|
*Platform:* Ubuntu Linux 16.04 LTS, R-release, GCC
*Submitted:*1 hour 55 minutes 18.7 seconds ago
*Build time:*   1 hour 49 minutes 23.6 seconds


* checking examples ... ERROR
Running examples in ‘Ecfun-Ex.R’ failed
The error most likely occurred in:

> base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
> ### Name: interpPairs
> ### Title: interpolate between pairs of vectors in a list
> ### Aliases: interpPairs interpPairs.function
> ###   interpPairs.list
> ### Keywords: manip
> ### ** Examples
> ###
> ###
> ### 1.  interpPairs.function
> ###
> ###
> ##
> ## 1.1.  simple 
> ##
> plot0 <- quote(plot(0))
> plot0. <- interpPairs(plot0)
> # check 
> ## Don't show: 
> stopifnot(
+ ## End(Don't show)
+ all.equal(plot0, plot0.)
+ ## Don't show:
+ )
> ## End(Don't show)
> ##
> ## 1.2.  no op 
> ##
> noop <- interpPairs(plot0, iFrame=-1)
> # check
> ## Don't show: 
> stopifnot(
+ ## End(Don't show)
+ all.equal(noop, enquote(NULL))
+ ## Don't show:
+ )
> ## End(Don't show)
> ##
> ## 1.3.  a more typical example
> ## example function for interpPairs 
> tstPlot <- function(){
+   plot(1:2, 1:2, type='n')
+   lines(firstFrame=1:3,
+ lastFrame=4,
+ x.1=seq(1, 2, .5),
+ y.1=x,
+ z.0=0, z.1=1,
+ txt.1=c('CRAN is', 'good', '...'),
+ col='red')
+ }
> tstbo <- body(tstPlot)
> iPlot <- interpPairs(tstbo[[2]])
> # check 
> iP <- quote(plot(1:2, 1:2, type='n'))
> ## Don't show: 
> stopifnot(
+ ## End(Don't show)
+ all.equal(iPlot, iP)
+ ## Don't show:
+ )
> ## End(Don't show)
> iLines <- interpPairs(tstbo[[3]], nFrames=5, iFrame=2)
> # check:  
> # .proportion = (iFrame-firstFrame)/(lastFrame-firstFrame)
> #  = c(1/3, 0, -1/3)
> # if x.0 = 0 and y.0 = 0 by default:  
> iL <- quote(linex(x=c(1/3, 0), y=c(1/9, 0), z=c(1/3, 0), 
+tst=c('CR', '')))
> ##
> ## This example seems to give the wrong answer
> ## 2014-06-03:  Ignore for the moment 
> ##   
> #all.equal(iLines, iL)
> ##
> ## 1.4.  Don't throw a cryptic error with NULL 
> ##
> ip0 <- interpPairs(quote(text(labels.1=NULL)))
> ###
> ###
> ### 2.  interpPairs.list
> ###
> ###
> ##
> ## 2.1.  (x.0, y.0, x.1, y.1) -> (x,y)
> ##
> tstList <- list(x.0=1:5, y.0=5:9, y.1=9:5, x.1=9,
+ ignore=letters, col=1:5)
> xy <- interpPairs(tstList, 0.1)
> # check 
> xy. <- list(ignore=letters, col=1:5, 
+ x=1:5 + 0.1*(9-1:5),
+ y=5:9 + 0.1*(9:5-5:9) )
> # New columns, 'x' and 'y', come after 
> # columns 'col' and 'ignore' already in tstList 
> ## Don't show: 
> stopifnot(
+ ## End(Don't show)
+ all.equal(xy, xy.)
+ ## Don't show:
+ )
> ## End(Don't show)
> ##
> ## 2.2.  Select the middle 2:  
> ##  x=(1-(0,1))*3:4+0:1*0=(3,0)
> ##
> xy0 <- interpPairs(tstList[-4], c(-Inf, -1, 0, 1, 2) )
> # check 
> xy0. <- list(ignore=letters, col=3:4, x=c(3,0), y=7:6)
> ## Don't show: 
> stopifnot(
+ ## End(Don't show)
+ all.equal(xy0, xy0.)
+ ## Don't show:
+ )
> ## End(Don't show)
> ##
> ## 2.3.  Null interpolation because of absence of y.1 and x.0  
> ##
> xy02 <- interpPairs(tstList[c(2, 4)], 0.1)
> # check 
>  NOT the current default answer;  revisit later.  
> xy02. <- list(y=5:9, x=9)
> # NOTE:  length(x) = 1 = length(x.1) in testList
> #all.equal(xy02, xy02.)
> ##
> ## 2.4.  Select an empty list (make sure this works)
> ##
> x0 <- interpPairs(list(), 0:1)
Warning message:
In checkNames(object, avoid = pairs[c(1, 4, 2, 5)]) :
   object:  names = NULL; returning make.names(character(length(x))), TRUE)
> # check 
> x0. <- list()
> names(x0.) <- character(0)
> ## Don't show: 
> stopifnot(
+ ## End(Don't show)
+ all.equal(x0, x0.)
+ ## Don't show:
+ )
> ## End(Don't show)
> ##

Re: [R-pkg-devel] CRAN rules re. web scraping?

2020-01-23 Thread Spencer Graves
  Thanks very much to Iñaki Ucar, Adam H Sparks, and Roy 
Mendelssohn for their replies that helped me understand what I needed to 
do to fix problems identified in the CRAN Checks.  I believe that those 
problems are not fixed in the development version of Ecfun available at 
"".  The package still needs more 
work, but I will make Prof. Ripley's Feb. 4 deadline.

  Thanks again,
      Spencer Graves

On 2020-01-23 01:55, Iñaki Ucar wrote:

On Thu, 23 Jan 2020 at 02:49, Spencer Graves

Hello, All:


* First the good news:  I heard from Brian Ripley;  see below.
His web site says, "He retired in August 2014 on grounds of ill health."
(  I was pleased to see that he seems
to be well enough to send me the email below.

* BAD NEWS:  My Ecfun package is violating current CRAN rules
regarding "not writing anywhere in the file space".  (See below.)


How do you suggest I respond to this?

It's hard for me to fix, because I cannot replicate the error and
I don't understand the rules Prof. Ripley is trying to enforce. The
"CRAN Package Check Results for" this package show an error on 1
platform (r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc), NOTEs on 3 platforms
(Fedora-clang and Debian), and "OK" on 9 others.  I can program selected
tests not to run on CRAN, e.g., with (!fda::CRAN()).

However, I suspect I should be able to do better than that.


The message from Prof. Ripley is crystal-clear, and exposes two issues
(Internet access, writing files) that have been discussed many times
in this list. A quick scan of the CRAN policy [1] yields:

- Packages which use Internet resources should fail gracefully with an
informative message if the resource is not available (and not give a
check warning nor error).

- Packages should not write in the user’s home filespace (including
clipboards), nor anywhere else on the file system apart from the R
session’s temporary directory.



Spencer Graves

p.s.  The development version of this package is available at

 Forwarded Message 
Subject:CRAN package Ecfun
Date:   Tue, 21 Jan 2020 21:26:02 +
From:   Prof Brian Ripley 
Reply-To:   CRAN 
To: Spencer Graves 

This has been intermittently failing its checks for a week: different
check runs failed (in the 24h prior to) the 14th, 15th, 17th and today.
The current failure is

Check: examples
Result: ERROR
Running examples in ‘Ecfun-Ex.R’ failed
The error most likely occurred in:

  > ### Name: read.testURLs
  > ### Title: Read a file produced by testURLs
  > ### Aliases: read.testURLs
  > ### Keywords: IO
  > ### ** Examples
  > # Test only 2 web sites, not the default 4,
  > # and test only twice, not the default 10 times:
  > tst <- testURLs(c(
+ PVI=";,
+ house=";),
+ n=2, maxFail=2)
1579634784, PVI, TRUE 0.828
1579634785, house, FALSE 0.051
1579634785, house, FALSE 0.048
1579634785, PVI, TRUE 0.043
1579634785, house, FALSE 0.11
1579634785, house, FALSE 0.035
  > # The above should have created a file 'testURLresults.csv'
  > # in the working directory. Read it.
  > dat <- read.testURLs()
Error in read.table(file = file, header = header, sep = sep, quote =
quote, :
more columns than column names
Calls: read.testURLs -> read.csv -> read.table

That does not conform to the policy on Internet access, not least as no
attempt is made to check if the file was created, let alone that it has
the expected layout. Nor does it conform to the policy on not writing
anywhere in the file space (and that shows on its CRAN results page too).

Please correct ASAP and before Feb 4 to safely retain the package on CRAN.

Brian D. Ripley,
Emeritus Professor of Applied Statistics, University of Oxford

 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]

__ mailing list

__ mailing list

[R-pkg-devel] CRAN rules re. web scraping?

2020-01-22 Thread Spencer Graves
Hello, All:


   * First the good news:  I heard from Brian Ripley;  see below.  
His web site says, "He retired in August 2014 on grounds of ill health." 
(  I was pleased to see that he seems 
to be well enough to send me the email below.

   * BAD NEWS:  My Ecfun package is violating current CRAN rules 
regarding "not writing anywhere in the file space".  (See below.)


   How do you suggest I respond to this?

   It's hard for me to fix, because I cannot replicate the error and 
I don't understand the rules Prof. Ripley is trying to enforce. The 
"CRAN Package Check Results for" this package show an error on 1 
platform (r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc), NOTEs on 3 platforms 
(Fedora-clang and Debian), and "OK" on 9 others.  I can program selected 
tests not to run on CRAN, e.g., with (!fda::CRAN()).

   However, I suspect I should be able to do better than that.


   Spencer Graves

p.s.  The development version of this package is available at 

 Forwarded Message 
Subject:CRAN package Ecfun
Date:   Tue, 21 Jan 2020 21:26:02 +
From:   Prof Brian Ripley 
Reply-To:   CRAN 
To: Spencer Graves 

This has been intermittently failing its checks for a week: different 
check runs failed (in the 24h prior to) the 14th, 15th, 17th and today. 
The current failure is

Check: examples
Result: ERROR
Running examples in ‘Ecfun-Ex.R’ failed
The error most likely occurred in:

 > ### Name: read.testURLs
 > ### Title: Read a file produced by testURLs
 > ### Aliases: read.testURLs
 > ### Keywords: IO
 > ### ** Examples
 > # Test only 2 web sites, not the default 4,
 > # and test only twice, not the default 10 times:
 > tst <- testURLs(c(
+ PVI=";,
+ house=";),
+ n=2, maxFail=2)
1579634784, PVI, TRUE 0.828
1579634785, house, FALSE 0.051
1579634785, house, FALSE 0.048
1579634785, PVI, TRUE 0.043
1579634785, house, FALSE 0.11
1579634785, house, FALSE 0.035
 > # The above should have created a file 'testURLresults.csv'
 > # in the working directory. Read it.
 > dat <- read.testURLs()
Error in read.table(file = file, header = header, sep = sep, quote = 
quote, :
more columns than column names
Calls: read.testURLs -> read.csv -> read.table

That does not conform to the policy on Internet access, not least as no 
attempt is made to check if the file was created, let alone that it has 
the expected layout. Nor does it conform to the policy on not writing 
anywhere in the file space (and that shows on its CRAN results page too).

Please correct ASAP and before Feb 4 to safely retain the package on CRAN.

Brian D. Ripley,
Emeritus Professor of Applied Statistics, University of Oxford

[[alternative HTML version deleted]]

__ mailing list

Re: [R-pkg-devel] How to create a new project on GitHub?

2020-01-15 Thread Spencer Graves

On 2020-01-15 17:18, Gábor Csárdi wrote:

Seems like you skipped step 1?

"1. Create a new repo on GitHub: Give it the
same name as your package, and include the package title as the repo
description. Leave all the other options as is, then click Submit."


  Thanks.  I now have ";. Then I 
did "git push --set-upstream origin master", and it seemed to work.

  Thanks again.

On Wed, Jan 15, 2020 at 11:15 PM Spencer Graves

Hello, All:

How can I create a new project within my GitHub account

I'm trying to follow "":

Synchronising with GitHub

  Open a shell, then follow the instructions on the new repo page.
They’ll look something like this:

  git remote add origin
  git push -u origin master

I tried:

...$ git remote add origin
...$ git push -u origin master
ERROR: Repository not found.
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

*** That didn't work, so I tried

...$ git remote add origin https://[my ssh code]
fatal: remote origin already exists.
...$ git push -u origin master
ERROR: Repository not found.
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

*** What do I need to do to fix the mess I seem to have created
and get what I want?

*** Thanks, Spencer Graves

p.s.  If you know the fda package, you know that James Ramsay is the
primary author, and I'm one of his long-time collaborators.  He has a
new version he wants to clean up and submit to CRAN, and I'm trying to
help him.  Thanks.  sg

__ mailing list

__ mailing list

[R-pkg-devel] How to create a new project on GitHub?

2020-01-15 Thread Spencer Graves

Hello, All:

  How can I create a new project within my GitHub account 

  I'm trying to follow "":

Synchronising with GitHub

    Open a shell, then follow the instructions on the new repo page. 
They’ll look something like this:

    git remote add origin
    git push -u origin master

I tried:

...$ git remote add origin
...$ git push -u origin master
ERROR: Repository not found.
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

*** That didn't work, so I tried

...$ git remote add origin https://[my ssh code]
fatal: remote origin already exists.
...$ git push -u origin master
ERROR: Repository not found.
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

  *** What do I need to do to fix the mess I seem to have created 
and get what I want?

  *** Thanks, Spencer Graves

p.s.  If you know the fda package, you know that James Ramsay is the 
primary author, and I'm one of his long-time collaborators.  He has a 
new version he wants to clean up and submit to CRAN, and I'm trying to 
help him.  Thanks.  sg

__ mailing list

[R-pkg-devel] default col.names from data.frame not the same as

2019-12-10 Thread Spencer Graves

Hello, All:

  What names should be given a matrix or data.frame that does not 
have names for use in ""?

  I ask for two reasons:

        * "base" R is inconsistent:  "data.frame(matrix(1:2, 1))" 
defaults to "X1", "X2" but ", 1))" defaults to 
"V1", "V2".

        * I want to use a toy example like this in the 
documentation for "BMA:::bic.glm.matrix" and "", 
and since "base" R is inconsistent, I felt a need to ask a group like 
this for their preferences.

  Spencer Graves

__ mailing list

Re: [R-pkg-devel] compression of vignettes

2019-11-24 Thread Spencer Graves
  I encountered this or a similar problem with 
I tried both "R CMD build Ecfun" and R CMD build Ecfun 
--compact-vignettes".  With both, "R CMD check Ecfun_0.2-2.tar.gz" 
included the following:

* checking installed package size ... NOTE
  installed size is  7.2Mb
  sub-directories of 1Mb or more:
    doc   6.6Mb

  Spencer Graves

On 2019-11-21 11:43, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:

On 21 November 2019 at 16:43, Joris Meys wrote:
| The workflow as described in the manual :

| is as follows :
| R CMD build pkg --compact-vignettes
| R CMD check pkg_x.y.z.tar.gz --as-cran
| In a basic Travis script this can be used as:
| script:
| - R CMD build . --compact-vignettes=gs+qpdf
| - R CMD check *tar.gz --as-cran
| You find more information here :

You can also call the base R helper functions directly.

I like having simple command-line wrapper, so I added one to `littler` 

I can call as `compactpdf.r`. All it does (besides argument checking) is
loop over either the given pdf files (or those found in the current
directory) to then call

tools::compactPDF(f, gs_quality="ebook")

for each of them. That way you can simply compare 'before' and 'after'.

Similarly, I made compacting an option to the rendering script 
`render.r` I

often call directly from my editor when working on markdown files.


__ mailing list

[R-pkg-devel] devtools::build_win()?

2019-10-31 Thread Spencer Graves


  Hadley Wickham's otherwise wonderful "R packages" book recommends 
using "devtools::build_win()" in the "Test environments" section of his 
chapter on "Releasing a package".  However, devtools 2.2.1, which seems 
to be the current version, contains no such "build_win" function.

  This section of "R packages" also says, says that 
"devtools::revdep_check()" "Runs R CMD check on each [reverse 
dependency] and Summarises the results in a single file."  However, the 
current version of "devtools::revdep_check()" seems only to identify the 
reverse dependencies without testing them.

  That do you suggest?
  Spencer Graves

__ mailing list

[R-pkg-devel] How to submit to CRAN from GitHub?

2019-09-22 Thread Spencer Graves

   Two questions:

HOW TO SUBMIT TO CRAN FROM GITHUB:  Is there a standard method for 
submitting to CRAN from GitHub?  (There's a simple protocol for 
submitting to CRAN from R-Forge, but I've experienced insurmountable 
problems using R-Forge recently.)

PACKAGE STILL FAILING TRAVIS CI:  The latest report from on my Ecdat package for R on GitHub ends with 
"Found warnings, treating as errors (as requested)."  The word "warning" 
appears in that report over 100 times.  I didn't see anything there that 
suggested to me anything I understand how to change.

NOTE:  "R CMD build Ecdat --resave-data" followed by "R CMD check 
Ecdat_0.3.3-tar.gz" completed with no errors, warnings or notes under 
macOS 10.14.6 and Windows 7 and 10.

   Spencer Graves

 Forwarded Message 
Subject:Still Failing: sbgraves237/Ecdat#9 (master - c680f08)
Date:   Sun, 22 Sep 2019 15:21:08 +
From:   Travis CI 





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[R-pkg-devel] incomplete final line found on 'growth_model.log'

2019-09-20 Thread Spencer Graves
   "R CMD build bssm" on a Windows 10 machine ends by complaining, 
"  incomplete final line found on 'growth_model.log'". This problem was 
not fixed by adding a couple of blank lines to 'growth_model.Rmd'.

   Spencer Graves

p.s.  The same command worked fine on a Windows 7 computer.  The "bssm" 
package used here was cloned from 
""":  This is not identical to 
helski/bssm, but close.


* creating vignettes ... ERROR
--- re-building 'bssm.Rmd' using rmarkdown
[WARNING] Note with key '1' defined at line 318 column 1 but not used.
--- finished re-building 'bssm.Rmd'

--- re-building 'growth_model.Rmd' using rmarkdown
Warning in readLines(log) :
   incomplete final line found on 'growth_model.log'
Error: processing vignette 'growth_model.Rmd' failed with diagnostics:
Failed to compile growth_model.tex. See for debugging tips.
--- failed re-building 'growth_model.Rmd'

SUMMARY: processing the following file failed:

Error: Vignette re-building failed.
Execution halted


*2019-09-19 08:11:08,435-0500 INFO  pdflatex - starting with command 
line: C:\PROGRA~1\MIKTEX~1.9\miktex\bin\x64\pdflatex.exe -halt-on-error 
-interaction=batchmode bssm.tex
2019-09-19 08:11:08,435-0500 WARN  pdflatex - running with administrator 
2019-09-19 08:11:08,450-0500 INFO  pdflatex - running 'initexmf' to 
refresh the file name database
2019-09-19 08:11:13,734-0500 INFO  pdflatex - running 'initexmf' to 
create font map files
2019-09-19 08:11:22,735-0500 INFO  pdflatex - allowing known shell commands
2019-09-19 08:11:22,735-0500 INFO  pdflatex - enabling input (output) 
from (to) processes
2019-09-19 08:11:22,798-0500 INFO  pdflatex - going to create file: 
2019-09-19 08:11:31,033-0500 FATAL pdflatex - GUI framework cannot be 
2019-09-19 08:11:31,033-0500 FATAL pdflatex - Info:
2019-09-19 08:11:31,033-0500 FATAL pdflatex - Source: 
2019-09-19 08:11:31,033-0500 FATAL pdflatex - Line: 77
2019-09-19 08:11:31,033-0500 INFO  pdflatex - finishing with exit code 1
2019-09-19 08:12:53,079-0500 INFO  pdflatex - starting with command 
line: C:\PROGRA~1\MIKTEX~1.9\miktex\bin\x64\pdflatex.exe -halt-on-error 
-interaction=batchmode growth_model.tex
2019-09-19 08:12:53,079-0500 WARN  pdflatex - running with administrator 
2019-09-19 08:12:53,079-0500 INFO  pdflatex - allowing known shell commands
2019-09-19 08:12:53,079-0500 INFO  pdflatex - enabling input (output) 
from (to) processes
2019-09-19 08:12:53,392-0500 FATAL pdflatex - GUI framework cannot be 
2019-09-19 08:12:53,392-0500 FATAL pdflatex - Info:
2019-09-19 08:12:53,392-0500 FATAL pdflatex - Source: 
2019-09-19 08:12:53,392-0500 FATAL pdflatex - Line: 77
2019-09-19 08:12:53,392-0500 INFO  pdflatex - finishing with exit code 1
2019-09-19 13:15:45,812-0500 INFO  pdflatex - starting with command 
line: C:\PROGRA~1\MIKTEX~1.9\miktex\bin\x64\pdflatex.exe -halt-on-error 
-interaction=batchmode growth_model.tex
2019-09-19 13:15:45,815-0500 WARN  pdflatex - running with administrator 
2019-09-19 13:15:45,819-0500 INFO  pdflatex - allowing known shell commands
2019-09-19 13:15:45,819-0500 INFO  pdflatex - enabling input (output) 
from (to) processes
2019-09-19 13:15:46,231-0500 FATAL pdflatex - GUI framework cannot be 
2019-09-19 13:15:46,231-0500 FATAL pdflatex - Info:
2019-09-19 13:15:46,231-0500 FATAL pdflatex - Source: 
2019-09-19 13:15:46,231-0500 FATAL pdflatex - Line: 77
2019-09-19 13:15:46,231-0500 INFO  pdflatex - finishing with exit code 1
2019-09-19 13:22:55,302-0500 INFO  pdflatex - starting with command 
line: C:\PROGRA~1\MIKTEX~1.9\miktex\bin\x64\pdflatex.exe -halt-on-error 
-interaction=batchmode growth_model.tex
2019-09-19 13:22:55,302-0500 WARN  pdflatex - running with administrator 
2019-09-19 13:22:55,302-0500 INFO  pdflatex - allowing known shell commands
2019-09-19 13:22:55,302-0500 INFO  pdflatex - enabling input (output) 
from (to) processes
2019-09-19 13:22:55,640-0500 FATAL pdflatex - GUI framework cannot be 
2019-09-19 13:22:55,640-0500 FATAL pdflatex - Info:
2019-09-19 13:22:55,640-0500 FATAL pdflatex - Source: 
2019-09-19 13:22:55,640-0500 FATAL pdflatex - Line: 77
2019-09-19 13:22:55,641-0500 INFO  pdflatex - finishing with exit code 1
2019-09-19 13:22:56,136-0500 INFO  pdflatex - starting with command 
line: C:\PROGRA~1\MIKTEX~1.9\miktex\bin\x64\pdflatex.exe -halt-on-error 
-interaction=batchmode growth_model.tex
2019-09-19 13:22:56,139-0500 WARN  pdflatex - running with administrator 
2019-09-19 13:22:56,154-0500 INFO  pdflatex - allowing known shell commands
2019-09-19 13:2

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