Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-04 Thread Paul Webster

Steve Baumgarten wrote: 
 I'd love to experiment with this -- does anyone have a How To guide
 get SqueezeSlave up and running on a Raspberry PI? Because to be honest
 that seems like a pretty fair replacement for the Duet receiver. (OK,
 maybe a little more hobbyist than some people might prefer, but then
 again, that gets us right back to Slimdevices's roots.)
Might be best continuing this in a different thread - but simplest way
... use SqueezePlug (complete image) - step-by-step see my blog for an
example (the video linked to above came from it).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-04 Thread nervoteso

mherger wrote: 
 After a week of questions and answers scattered all around the place I
 decided to 'review my initial posting'
 to give a more complete picture of the changes ahead. Please feel free
 to ask questions while we are preparing a FAQ section.

why not random play? for me it's very important, it's a good way to
listen to my whole library.

a question: how can i do to avoid next radio update? i don't want my
radio SB becomes as the new radio.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-04 Thread nervoteso

garym wrote: 
 yes, triode's plugins can work without

that would be good. now i need a spotify account...
also, lastfm would work without mysB?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-04 Thread pz1

mherger wrote: 
 What it does _NOT_ mean:

  - there are NO plans to pull the plug on anything SB related
   (, forums etc.)
The only thing I can conclude from this double negation that Logitech
WILL pull the plug.

I must say Logitech managers have done a miserable PR job not making a
clear public statement on their website along with the UE introduction
that there will be continuity for at least the to ensure that
users who bought a RADIO, will have a RADIO for a considerable time!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-04 Thread bluegaspode

nervoteso wrote: 
 a question: how can i do to avoid next radio update? i don't want my
 radio SB becomes as the new radio.
It won't upgrade automatically.

Users are supposed to decide on their own, whether they want to upgrade
to the UE platform (whenever Logitech is ready to have an official
upgrade path).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-04 Thread Ikabob

What good is it if one desires a COMPLETE music system when all you can
synch are multiple UE Radios. In order for the UE system to be a
complete home stereo audio system there must be a device
(Touch-equivelent) that connects your main stereo components to these
little monaural radios. And what good is having stereo capabilities in
the kitchen or bathroom when to do so you mus have TWO UE Radios. I know
my wife would object to that as do I. Who would actually think this is

By LOGITECH not producing a Touch-equivalant for the stereo system they
have lowered themselves in the marketplace and they no longer are
competitive with SONOS but are more like the GRACE Internet radio. I
believe that the sales of these radios are going to be limited just like
the GRACE radio. It's hard for me to believe that LOGITECH really wants
to go in that direction in that they have had the technological savvy to
be more than that. I don't think they want to lose that vast
audio-affectionado marketplace. I still believe that LOGITECH will not
let this full system capability fade away. Why would they?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-04 Thread ralphy

pssc wrote: 
 Did they stash the patches anyware uesful? looking like the audio may be
 a portaudio arm issue.

Nope.  Had to make them myself.


|Filename: sdl-event-cue-length.patch.txt   |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Error: Invalid Pandors Login Information

2012-09-04 Thread toby10

You are installing and managing the Pandora app from

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-04 Thread TheLastMan

Don't panic just yet. Wait and see, it is very early days for the
Logitech UE brand.

I am sure this is *not* going to be the only device from Logitech that
uses the web site and UE Music Library server
software. That would be a huge waste of opportunity and resources.  I am
actually quite optimistic that this merging of a headphone and portable
speaker brand with the Squeezebox technology will bring network music
steaming and sync to the mainstream.  It will become easy to set up
and use consumer electronics rather than sitting in a geeky
computer/hi-fi crossover niche.  That will give it broader
availability, wider marketing and a better chance of acceptance by the
general public and hence a a long term future as Sonos's first serious

It is Sonos's Play:5 and Play:3 boombox units that have widened their
appeal to the mass market and it is what they are marketing most
vigorously in the UK.  However they are seriously over-priced and a
competitor is needed to bring the entry cost down.  That is what
Logitech have a chance of doing with the UE brand, if they get it

Logitech cannot comment, because they never comment on products in
development, but if there is not -at least- one more UE / UE Music Library (UEML?) device available before
December I will eat my proverbial hat.  Personally I would like to see a
Touch-like player first, but with UE's portable speaker and headphone
heritage in mind I think it is more likely to be a portable stereo
boom-box to complement the Smart Radio.

I also imagine it will more closely resemble the UE portable bluetooth
speakers rather than the old Squeezebox Boom, so a bigger redesign would
be needed and hence it would take longer to bring to the market.
Eventually I am sure there will also be a speaker-less player, but
suspect this will be the last new product line as it will have least
mass-market appeal.

As a geeky computer / hi-fi crossover myself I will miss Squeezebox
when it finally goes, however I fully understand Logitech's reasoning in
shifting its focus to the consumer electronics mainstream where, in my
opinion, this technology rightly belongs.

Ikabob wrote: 
 What good is it if one desires a COMPLETE music system when all you can
 synch are multiple UE Radios. In order for the UE system to be a
 complete home stereo audio system there must be a device
 (Touch-equivelent) that connects your main stereo components to these
 little monaural radios. And what good is having stereo capabilities in
 the kitchen or bathroom when to do so you must have TWO UE Radios. I
 know my wife would object to that as do I. Who would actually think this
 is cool???
 By LOGITECH not producing a Touch-equivalant for the stereo system they
 have lowered themselves in the marketplace and they no longer are
 competitive with SONOS but are more like the GRACE Internet radio. I
 believe that the sales of these radios are going to be limited just like
 the GRACE radio. It's hard for me to believe that LOGITECH really wants
 to go in that direction in that they have had the technological savvy to
 be more than that. I don't think they want to lose that vast
 audio-affectionado marketplace. I still believe that LOGITECH will not
 let this full system capability fade away. Why would they?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-04 Thread Steve Baumgarten
 Might be best continuing this in a different thread - but simplest way
 ... use SqueezePlug (complete image) - step-by-step see my blog for an
 example (the video linked to above came from it).

Makes sense. Thanks for the tip about your blog, good step-by-step there:

Was also just thinking about getting another Radio (while possible) and
using the headphone out jack to drive L/R RCA audio in on an amp that
doesn't have an HDMI connector (which I think is needed w/the Raspberry
Pi). My Duet receiver is hooked up this way now; I'm just thinking ahead
to when the receiver dies.

Compared to the Pi, the radio costs about $100 more (though still less
than a Touch, or for that matter the combo of an iPod Touch running iPeng
as the client, and a dock of some kind). On the other hand it has Wifi
built in and in general requires zero setup, runs fanless, etc., all those
good things, and like all Squeezebox gear you can stick it in a closet and
forget it, control via iPeng or the like.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-04 Thread pippin

Just to clarify one thing that may be a bit misleading here:

mherger wrote: 

  - no need to create an account to use it - only once you decide to
   use one of the music services you need an account on (I'll refer to this as Connect it to
   your network - done.
  - local music still can be listened to through the UE Music Library.
   This successor of LMS concentrates on inventorying your music files,
   but doesn't have the bells and whistles and overwhelming number of
   options of LMS.

You will also need to create an account if you want to use either of

- remote control through the App
- local music listening.

So essentially the only thing you can do without an account is play
internet radio using the built-in UI on the Radio.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-04 Thread squishy

bluegaspode wrote: 
 I fully agree to you whole post, but I don't expect anything for
 christmas. Typically companies use big consumer shows to introduce stuff
 and to create buzz and this was IFA in Germany now, but next bing thing
 is only CES in January?
 So I rather expect anything for easter earliest.
 If they would have something in their minds that has a chance to become
 real life for christmas, they would have it announced by now I guess.
 And I they don't have anything with finished looks, than its unrealistic
 that they get it ready for christmas (beta testing + production etc.)

That's what worries me.

The new future *currently* defines only a standalone UE smart radio -
and anything else (eg a Touch equivalent) presumably depends on it's
So Logitech must be gambling that there is enough take-up of the UE
radio to provide the needed momentum for their new Smart model.
With no backward compatibility, its unlikely to be the existing
community that drive the sales. I know I won't be buying one.

Three years ago I bought into the Squeezebox paradigm - based primarily
on the radio.
So am I evidence of a market for standalone radios ? I'm not so sure...

I knew that there were other clients (Transporter/Classic) and I planned
to grow my system.
As it turned out, I ended up expanding using the new Touch, but my
decision was based on the knowledge of existing products.
I was also investing in a NAS (and disks) to run SBS so I'm fairly sure
I wouldn't have taken a huge leap of faith if all that existed was the

So, I personally think that it would be insanity to not have an
audiophile product as a fast-follower of the radio.
Ben's enlightening email doesn't give me a warm fuzzy feeling that
Logitech have their finger on the pulse.
We can only hope that those employees who contribute here are listened

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-04 Thread erland

squishy wrote: 
 So Logitech must be gambling that there is enough take-up of the UE
 radio to provide the needed momentum for their new Smart model.
 With no backward compatibility, its unlikely to be the existing
 community that drive the sales. I know I won't be buying one.
This community represents a tiny part of all Squeezebox users.

Also, when searching on Google for Squeezebox this forum ends on the
first page of the results, when searching for UE Smart Radio this forum
is not anywhere near the the top. So I think it's unlikely that this
community will drive any sales, neither directly nor indirectly through
recommendations in the near future. If Logitech want the sales of UE
Smart Radio to increase quickly they need to find other places to
advertise it than through this forum and its members. This might also be
something they are aware of and might be a reason why we have seen so
little about Squeezebox and this community in the official

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-04 Thread Gealt

There is a precedent, Freecom brought out a ir, MusicPal, c 2007. They
dropped the product about 2 years ago yet they they continue their
support on the Freecom forum. Unfortunately they are not as successful
as Castalla on his Reciva forum in repelling the spam merchants.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-04 Thread umapati

Don't know what others feel, but I am a die hard user of to play internet radio endlessly.I have stored nos of
stations in favorite and using other application like Spotify, Tune in
radio,Shoutcast  others.I was very happy as it doesn't force me to keep
any pc ON only for the sake of running LMS on it.Now, with present
scenario I am really worried about the fate of can
be the other alternative ? Will i have to keep my PC or laptop ON
dedicatedly for enjoying Internet Radio ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-04 Thread castalla

Gealt wrote: 
 There is a precedent, Freecom brought out a ir, MusicPal, c 2007. They
 dropped the product about 2 years ago yet they they continue their
 support on the Freecom forum. Unfortunately they are not as successful
 as Castalla on his Reciva forum in repelling the spam merchants.

Just a clarification ... it's not my reciva forum.  I'm just a mod -
it's run by That British Bloke (Alan Hill).  Spammers are kept out by a
strict registration procedure where the user ip is checked against a
spammer database system.  Even I got banned once because my ip had been
detected as a spammer due to a very severe virus infection!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-04 Thread TheLastMan

umapati wrote: 
 Don't know what others feel, but I am a die hard user of to play internet radio endlessly.I have stored nos of
 stations in favorite and using other application like Spotify, Tune in
 radio,Shoutcast  others.I was very happy as it doesn't force me to keep
 any pc ON only for the sake of running LMS on it.Now, with present
 scenario I am really worried about the fate of can
 be the other alternative ? Will i have to keep my PC or laptop ON
 dedicatedly for enjoying Internet Radio ?
You are Logitech's ideal customer for the UE Smart Radio. But you won't
need to buy one, Logitech have provided a way of simply upgrading the
firmware of your current Radio to the new UE system (sometime in the
next year or two, no need to panic yet!!) and you will be able to
continue using it without a local server.  Unfortunately you will lose
all your favorites - a real pain.  You will just have to write down all
the relevant URLs before you perform the switch from Squeezebox to UE
Smart Radio firmware.

As far as I can tell all the radio stations and streaming services
currently available via will continue to be offered by

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-04 Thread umapati

TheLastMan wrote: 
 You are Logitech's ideal customer for the UE Smart Radio. But you won't
 need to buy one, Logitech have provided a way of simply upgrading the
 firmware of your current Radio to the new UE system (sometime in the
 next year or two, no need to panic yet!!) and you will be able to
 continue using it without a local server.  Unfortunately you will lose
 all your favorites - a real pain.  You will just have to write down all
 the relevant URLs before you perform the switch from Squeezebox to UE
 Smart Radio firmware.
 As far as I can tell all the radio stations and streaming services
 currently available via will continue to be offered by
 The list is here:
 Anything missing?
thanks a lot for the reply..but will it allow me to play my local music
(which I seldom play) stored on my PC or A connected external powered HD
to that PC ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-04 Thread didjean

TheLastMan wrote: 
 Logitech cannot comment, because they never comment on products in
 development, but if there is not -at least- one more UE / UE Music Library (UEML?) device available before
 December I will eat my proverbial hat.  Personally I would like to see a
 Touch-like player first, but with UE's portable speaker and headphone
 heritage in mind I think it is more likely to be a portable stereo
 boom-box to complement the Smart Radio.

Well if they want to create a Touch like player, they did 3 bad moves:
- The website naming: (they didn't think of the
future when choosing such a URL)
- The fact that we always need to be connected to the internet to be
able to listen to local content
- The Random Mix is missing!

As a massive Squeezebox user (owner of 8 players), I won't be upgrading
and/or buy and/or promote UE devices unless they would find a solution
- Random Mix 
- playing local music without internet 
- synch with new/old devices. 

I really understand they want to simplify the user experience. But they
could also have given the possibility for Squeezebox users to offer an
advanced user experience we used to have...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-04 Thread pz1

Logitech seems to make make wrong suggestions on their product WEB site
about UE smartradio. After reading the Technical Specifications, an
un-educated reader might expect to buy a stereo radio, which I think it

 Technical Specifications
 2.4-inch color LCD
 Ambient light sensor to adjust display brightness according to
 Six preset buttons allow one touch access to favorite radio stations
 and playlists
 Alarm clock with 7 days of settings
 Line-in via 3.5 mm stereo jack Built-in 802.11g (802.11b compatible)
 Speakers and Amplifier
 ¾-inch high-definition, soft-dome tweeter and 3-inch high-power,
 long-throw woofer
 Bi-amplified class D design with digital electronic crossover

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-04 Thread sadglad

Hi, I only have a SB Radio (I listen to all my music in my home through
it) so this doesn't have to be the end of the world for me but I have a
couple of questions.

1. Can the new Radio scrobble music to

2. Can I make playlists with a mix of local music and music from spotify
and save these playlists either on computer, app on a iOS device or on

I guess my existing playlists will be of no use. I was going to buy
another SB Radio because the old Boom does not work with the official
Spotify plugin but I think I have to wait now.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-04 Thread squishy

erland wrote: 
 This community represents a tiny part of all Squeezebox users.

You may be right of course. If there is a legion of radio-only users out
there who are content with the sound of one small speaker and very litte
bass, then by the same token the UE radio should sell like hot cakes.

Don't get me wrong, I love my radio - but as a standalone music player
it's uses are specific. It's not hifi. So I have assumed (maybe
incorrectly) that most owners use it like myself, with at least one
other product. Which puts them in the camp of legacy users. That's the
group I was really referring to as the community - rather than
necessarily this forum.

But Logitech presumably have the data from mysb registrations to know
the demographics. So maybe it's a calculated gamble - although that's
giving them a lot of credit.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-04 Thread autopilot

Osamede wrote: 
 Logitech has no clue. What they need to do is focus on making
 outstanding hardware, provide a nice interface and the platform for
 people to create and - then get out of the way. Instead they are busy
 trying to build some sort of 3rd rate walled garden. Doomed to fail.

This I agree with, sadly. Have you seen that UE intro video for the new
brand? It's bizarre. There is a company that has absolutely no idea what
they are doing. It's a confusing mashup of products, some Bluetooth,
some based on Squeezebox, some tacky looking earphones (oooh, their
bendy...). No focus, they just lumped a load of stuff together and
thrown it at the wall to see what sticks. There is no commonality or
design ethic between then, other than being music related. I have to
agree, the UE and smart radio approach certainly does seem likely to
fail IMO.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-04 Thread TheLastMan

autopilot wrote: 
 This I agree with, sadly. Have you seen that odd UE intro video for the
 new brand? It's bizarre. There is a company that has absolutely no idea
 what they are doing. It's a confusing mashup of products, some
 Bluetooth, some based on Squeezebox, some tacky looking earphones (oooh,
 their bendy...). No focus, they just lumped a load of stuff together and
 thrown it at the wall to see what sticks. There is no commonality or
 design ethic between them, other than being music related. I have to
 agree, the UE and smart radio approach certainly does seem likely to
 fail IMO.Actually these are mainly just rebranded items previously available 
Ultimate Ears before they were bought out by Logitech.  They are a brand
that previously only sold items for music on the move (earphones,
headphones and portable speakers).  The Radio is probably their least
substantial product. UE had the SB technology foisted on them and are
probably not too happy about it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-04 Thread pallfreeman

Osamede wrote: 
 Instead they are busy trying to build some sort of 3rd rate walled

Logitech exec #1: Hey, if Apple can do it, why can't we? 

 Doomed to fail.

Logitech exec #2: Yeah! And we could sell them the tracks for $5 each!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-04 Thread castalla

pallfreeman wrote: 
 Logitech exec #1: Hey, if Apple can do it, why can't we? 
 Logitech exec #2: Yeah! And we could sell them the tracks for $5 each!

Surely they already skim something off for all those paid/sub apps ...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-04 Thread GeeJay

TheLastMan wrote: 
 Actually these are mainly just rebranded items previously available from
 Ultimate Ears before they were bought out by Logitech.  They are a brand
 that previously only sold items for music on the move (earphones,
 headphones and portable speakers).  The Radio is probably their least
 substantial product. UE had the SB technology foisted on them and are
 probably not too happy about it.

I think this is also the answer to the question as to why they
introduced UE Smart Radio as their first and so far only offering on the
music streaming front: it already exists. 

Sounds like the work of some marketing genius. No innovative products
ready to introduce, so let's just change up the website and change the
logo on some 3-year old hardware, and voila! A whole new product line!

Interestingly, Logitech UE is playing up its audiophile pretensions on
its website, yet the one SB it keeps is the furthest thing from
audiophile in the legacy portfolio. How strange.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-04 Thread the nightfly

squishy wrote: 
 So, I personally think that it would be insanity to not have an
 audiophile product as a fast-follower of the radio.

I'm none too sure Logitech agrees with you on that. The whole Squeezebox
product line began as a way to do audiophile (in those days, defined as
using lossless files instead of MP3s) to your home audio system. Their
next product was an even higher-end transport that could do 24/96. As
far as I can tell, neither of those was a major hit in the marketplace. 
It was only when decidedly non-audiophile SB radios came along that
sales started climbing. 

Does that mean that I think an audiophile, high-res streaming device for
one's stereo is a non-starter? Not necessarily, only that Logitech is
the wrong company for marketing to that group. The fact is that Logitech
is primarily a volume peripherals and accessories company whose
mission is to deliver inexpensive products just below the price-point
of their major competitors (i.e. mice and keyboards for slightly less
than Microsoft).  I think they can get their head around an inexpensive
desktop radio that allows you to stream content online.  A device that
allows you to build a collection of music on your computer, then stream
it wirelessly to a digital input on your DAC or receiver? Not so much. 

Then again, Sonos hasn't been setting the world on fire, either. 

Maybe it's just the case that the market for audiophile streaming
products tends to be more upscale and more ready to go with solutions
from established manufacturers and dealers. Maybe, say, if the Touch had
been developed by a company like Krell or Audio Research, and had cost
ten times its retail price, it might have done...well, not better in
terms of sales, but possibly in terms of overall profit.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-04 Thread Osamede

Actually Logitech should have put more effort into licensing to AV
receiver makers higher end models ( specifically allowing them to build
in the Squeezebox streaming system and perhaps even the touch control
interface). Then kept the mono radio business on its own alongside that.
And put more effort into dummy options for the interface and back end
server. Not dumbing down the capabilities - just making simpler options
for the half-wit majority.

As it is Logitech have basically thrown away their business here, by
first crippling the product and then incurring the cost of rebranding it
with a near-useless brand. name. This is 1+1=0. Very hard to do, but
they've pulled it off here. Impressive.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-04 Thread garym

sadglad wrote: 
 Hi, I only have a SB Radio (I listen to all my music in my home through
 it) so this doesn't have to be the end of the world for me but I have a
 couple of questions.
 1. Can the new Radio scrobble music to
 2. Can I make playlists with a mix of local music and music from spotify
 and save these playlists either on computer, app on a iOS device or on
 I guess my existing playlists will be of no use. I was going to buy
 another SB Radio because the old Boom does not work with the official
 Spotify plugin but I think I have to wait now.

I'm not sure anyone knows the answers to these questions yet. Probably
yes to both, but just not sure based on everything I've read so far.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Error: Invalid Pandors Login Information

2012-09-04 Thread MDubya

toby10 wrote: 
 You are installing and managing the Pandora app from

Yes.  On the page it correctly shows my current Pandora
account in the Current Accounts box, with the option to remove it.

Below that it says: Player (SqueezePlay), Account (my correct Pandora
account), Status (Enabled), Home (Do not display on Home menu).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] New Squeezebox Radio

2012-09-04 Thread ARTMU

Does killing SB line indicates end of all my  (our- SB lovers) devices.
I just love SB3 white genuine Slimdevices version that is like my first
SB family baby I will never sell. I have less attachment to the
Controller and the Squeezebox Receiver but it is my music family I
cannot live without. I gave one radio to my brother to bring him to SB
family. Just all these news breaks my heart. I believe Squeezebox is my
best ever discovery in new ways of listening to music and radio when I
am at home at work and far away from home. I even travel every year to
Europe with Controller and the Squeezebox Receiver to listen to my stuff
over audio system while visiting parents for Christmas. I am in deep
shock. Sorry for all this talk.
Hope all these old SB units will be functional for more than
sometime Any ideas?

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