Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] The alarm worked this morning!

2010-05-12 Thread Nicnac

While I am glad there are still tons of these complaints here, it
baffles me that this hasn't been officially addressed and/or fixed. I
like how each thread puts the burden on the complainer to post logs of
the issue, which is - I am sorry - way too frikking complicated and
pointless since a: the result always seems to be "huh it looks like
your radio lost connection with your server, check your router" or "b:
there are SO many of these complaints, what are you hoping to learn
that Logitech already doesn't know.
Just figure out what they broke in the latest firmware and stop
pretending this is random and rare, and user error.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] The alarm worked this morning!

2010-05-12 Thread Nicnac

bluegaspode;545570 Wrote: 
> I don't like your way of complaining here about people offering their
> free time to help others.

brucegrr;545575 Wrote: 
> Shooting those who want to help is not the answer.

Can either of you gentlemen point out where in my post I blame anyone
NOT Logitech, and address my anger at 'you' and not 'them'?
Can either of you point out where in my post I attacked ANYONE on this
All I said is... do not ask me for a log. I am not here to be told that
my Radio is losing connection to my server.
Perhaps the senior members here DO need to create a section to isolate
all the alarm complaints...
The result appears to be the same. Nothing from LOGITECH.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] I am getting totally fed up!

2010-05-12 Thread Nicnac

notwired;545145 Wrote: 
> They have adopted the "head buried in sand approach". How long has your
> SBR been having issues? Feels like mine has been problematic for over a
> month and I actually delayed moving to the new firmware until I could no
> longer stand the nag screen!
> Call their support folks and they will only "help" you fix your issues
> one at a time. There is no firmware issue - it's your router, it's
> something you've installed on the SBR, it's your internet connection,
> etc...
> Very sad state of affairs for Logitech "customers".

I just got chewed out by two senior members for saying pretty much
everything you have said here, in another thread. They are frustrated
by this too but choose to defend Logitech "they are silent because they
must be working hard on this problem" and continue to ask us to provide
logs, suggest our networks are bad (even though they were fine under
the last firmware)... or perhaps its your router.
Senior members: Can we in any way, shape or form, get an official word
from Logitech that this issue will be fixed this month, this summer,
this year, or never?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Fallback alarm and SBR off after firmware update to 7.5

2010-05-12 Thread Nicnac

as a followup to my first complaint (pandora for 4 minutes followed by
the LOUD beats.
I have since installed squeezebox server and switched to local
This worked for about a month.
Last week, the Radio started SCREAMING right upon alarm activation.

It's one thing to scare me, but when it scares my wife, I want to kill

And to anyone who offers help in the form of "post your logs". No, I
will not. You know what my logs will say. They will say the Radio lost
connection with the server.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Alarming number of alarm threads

2010-05-12 Thread Nicnac

nsfw;545468 Wrote: 
> Although I appreciate people want to use their SB Radio's as an alarm
> clock, there are so many threads about the alarm clock, it seems to
> hijacking this forum.  Is there any way to make a Alarm Clock master
> sticky thread or create a new forum for alarm clocks?
> I don't have any particular problems with my radio, but just enjoy
> reading the forums and maybe solving some users simple problems.

Here's a problem I have with your request. Despite the 'hijacking' of
this forum with alarm clock complaints, the issue has been completely
ignored by Logitech. Now, let me ask you. What can we (yes I am one of
them who gets SCARED along with my wife, at random by some damn loud
noise instead of my soothing classical music, seemingly EVERY morning
now), hope to achieve if our threads are segregated to a cordoned off
section of the forums?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] SB Alarm Clock Mystery Deepens!

2010-05-12 Thread Nicnac

dwstuck;544152 Wrote: 
> 2 days ago, a new wrinkle! On a whim, I set the alarm for 7:03am instead
> of 7.
> IT WORKED. No fallback alarm! No disco!

Hilarious... for the last few days our Radio has started the alarm at
9:00 (soothing classical music) with the SCREAMING default, making both
me and my wife JUMP. So, last night, I set it to 9:01 just on a whim.
This morning, at 9:01, we both had near heart attacks.
Thanks, Logitech. 
Tonight, I will switch the box back to Pandora for the alarm and see if
it doesn't scare the crap out of us tomorrow.
Here's my history:
1: The day the new firmware came out, my Radio started screaming at us
after a few minutes of Pandora.
2: I 'fixed' it by installing Squeezebox Server and creating
3: Last week sometime, the music on the server is no longer good enough
and we are back to being terrified.

I have come THIS close to throwing the thing out the window a few times
I should probably raise a stink and get a full refund and start looking
at Chumby or something else...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Fallback alarm and SBR off after firmware update to 7.5

2010-05-12 Thread Nicnac

bluegaspode;545569 Wrote: 
> It also doesn't help, when you spam each alarm related thread.
> As you possibly found and read every thread you will also have found
> instructions on how to change the fallback-sound and its volume.
> Noone wants you to kill someone.
> As much as I agree with you that you shouldn't take that burden and
> that logitech should fix the problem:
> it won't happen in reasonable time for you - so either its
> - selling the SBRadio and hope that some other device is better
> - fix it on your own with the help of the people in the forum (which
> are not paid by logitech, so be nice to them!)
> - call the Logitech CEO, maybe he can help.
> - vote on bugs like screaming backup-alarms:

I will respond since you appear to be addressing me personally. I have
not here or anywhere else singled out anyone on this forum to be blamed
for these issues. I have always been clear (like many others) that I
feel Logitech continues to disappoint its customers by not saying
anything about this issue.
Let me answer your points one by one.
1: Sell the SBRadio. Why? If I buy a new car and the radio doesn't
work, it gets fixed by the dealer. I don't sell the entire car used for
a loss.
2: Fix it on my own ... Where on the forums is there a fix for the
screaming alarm? I like all the other people here continue to be
plagued by this problem? I have tried Pandora online, Pandora via my
server, local media, and all randomly SCREAM the default alarm.
3: I will just ignore this comment as being unprofessional.
4: Voting on bugs is similar to asking me for a log. Logitech has
thousands of complaints about this. Besides, how do you know I have NOT
voted on the bugs?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Alarming number of alarm threads

2010-05-12 Thread Nicnac

JJZolx;545565 Wrote: 
> It hasn't been ignored.  You can tell that a problem is serious when
> nobody from Logitech comments.  If it were a relatively easy fix you'd
> get a one-liner.  "Try tonight's nightly beta and see how that works
> for you".  More serious issues get no comment and a lot of attempts at
> a fix.  There are obviously some fundamental flaws at the heart of the
> alarm problems that will either take a long time to fix, or a complete
> redesign.  Usually it's a long time to realize that it can't be fixed
> and _then_ a complete redesign.

See the thing is JJ... a lot of senior members here are now using
similar language: This must be a major fix, a big rewrite, complete

What is at the heart of the complaints here is a: this was not an issue
before 7.5 so something was broken in that update. As far as I know,
Logitech 'could' renumber 7.4.x to 7.6 and release it and 90% of the
alarm complaints would go away.
b: When in the history of technology has a company remained completely
silent about a major problem in a product because they are busy working
on a solution. In my life, using computers, I have always head companies
ANNOUNCE when they are working on a fix even if they don't have a
timeline. When they don't say anything, they a: don't intend to fix it.
b: cannot fix it. c: will not acknowledge the problem.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Fallback alarm and SBR off after firmware update to 7.5

2010-04-15 Thread Nicnac

Rikk;531606 Wrote: 
> Hi everybody. This morning the radio failed to play the channel set for
> the alarm and played the fallback alarm instead. After this, it asked
> me to update to the new firmware version 7.5! This sounds quite
> strange.
> After the update it isn't able to connect to mySB anymore!
> Tryed to reset to factory settings with no success, as I rember it came
> with version 7.4.3 and now, after the reset the fw version is still
> 7.5.
> Then I had to go to work, so I unplugged it! Damn!
> Note: I did all this while listening to the music from my SB3!
> I'm getting quite tired of these constant problems...

Ah exactly what happened to me! My Radio played the default upbeat
alarm LOUDLY the morning of the update (BEFORE I applied it)... Perhaps
the problem is not only with the update but with something on Logitech's
Anyway, since then, my radio plays exactly 4 minutes of Pandora, then
goes to the default alarm EVERY morning... wonderful.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] 7.5.0 Hell -- when will 7.5.1 be out?

2010-04-15 Thread Nicnac

eap;534895 Wrote: 
> 7.5 appears to have broken the reliability of alarm fade-in.  Sometimes
> it fades in and sometimes not (usually not).   Not an issue previously.

my alarm is completely hosed... and like someone else said, the problem
started BEFORE I upgraded to 7.5...
My alarm plays for 4 minutes EXACTLY... 4 minutes of my music, then the
default damn upbeat built in alarm, super loud. Next morning, 4 minutes
of my music then the damn default.
Almost threw the damn box out the window this morning...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] plays about 4 minutes of alarm, then ghost alarm

2010-04-09 Thread Nicnac

bluegaspode;532383 Wrote: 
> Where do you live ?
> US or Europe ?

Thanks for the quick response, bluegaspode. I am in the US. I also find
it hard to believe the problem has coincidentally appeared along with
the firmware update...

I guess at this point, I will wait a few more days (since it's the
weekend and I only have weekday alarms). If it's not fixed by Monday, I
will follow your suggestions to get an error log.

Thanks again.


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[SlimDevices: Radio] plays about 4 minutes of alarm, then ghost alarm

2010-04-09 Thread Nicnac

1st post, 1st major problem with the Radio:

The day 7.5 was released, but BEFORE I updated my radio, the alarm did
not play my Pandora station as it did with 7.4x. Instead it played the
stupid upbeat built in. I saw there was a new firmware and ran it and
now I have a new reproducible issue:

Every morning, the alarm starts at the correct time, plays for about 4
minutes, switches to the annoying ghost alarm, then craps out (freezes,
can't access home, can't stop, can't do anything.) Waiting a while
allows one to go back to the currently playing song on Pandora and

1: some update broke my radio before I even applied it.
2: this same update broke it worse after I applied it.
I spent the last couple of days trying to trouble shoot to no avail.
Searching here shows it's not an isolated issue.

So here's the deal. I don't run the server software. My server is not
even on most nights. Under 7.4 this wasn't a problem. Is 7.5 going to
force me to run the server just so my alarm clock works properly?


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