Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] WiFi connection unstable/lost on three Radios

2021-03-23 Thread RichardDavies

POMdev wrote: 
> A few additional questions:
> Does the radio respond to pings from the desktop? How about ssh? The
> optional web server?
> What does the squeezebox say under Network Info? Wireless Info?
> Can it play any music source? Is the wireless icon red?
> Does your router report the radio on some other ip address (look for
> its mac address)

I downgraded back to v0.6.3 just to confirm I wasn't crazy. (I wasn't.
The radio's connection has been solid again for 48+ hrs since
downgrading.) I'll upgrade to the latest v0.7.x and try some of your
troubleshooting steps. 'I created an issue on GitHub'
( where I'll post the
results so that we're not spamming this thread with a bunch of
diagnostic details. Thank you again for your time and assistance with
this script.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Community Build Radio Firmware

2021-03-21 Thread RichardDavies

POMdev wrote: 
> This has produced output condensed into the following ~25 hour report
> for 7 radios:
> > 

  >   >   number of failed pings: --- - quick, full 
  > dev/loc  paramsindex: 0   1  2 3 4  5 6 7  8  9 10 
  > Ofc  2S Ping 2s3q6f Fails[9]: 33429 225  1 0 0  0 0 0  0  0 0
  > bsmt  M Ping 2s3q6f Fails[9]: 33381  58  0 0 1 69 2 0 75  3 0
  > LR   1F Ping 2s3q6f Fails[9]: 32106 178  3 0 4 54 2 0 76 16 0
  > Kit  1E Ping 2s3q6f Fails[9]: 33261 168  1 1 3 67 1 0 77  5 0
  > MBR  2E Ping 2s3q6f Fails[9]: 28918 748 58 3 1 36 2 0 53 11 0(22 hours)
  > Ofc  2N Ping 2s3q6f Fails[9]: 34452 130  1 1 0 21 0 0 32 10 0
  > bsmt  W Ping 2s3q6f Fails[9]:  7487  14  0 0 0  0 0 0  0  0 0(<6 hrs)
  >  activity ---okq  fq  f 

> > 
> A quick reset was performed after 3 failed pings, and a full reset
> after 6. Array indexes [0 - 7] display the number of failed pings
> counted before the system had a successful ping. Array indexes [8] and
> [9] count the number of times the quick and full reset actions were
> performed. The full reset sets the failed ping counter to 1 (to keep
> trying), so index [7] is zero. Index [10] is unused.
> By far, the pings succeed with zero intervening failures, so the [0]
> numbers are large. The radios had some 1, and just a few 2 ping
> failures, which likely would not be noticed. Three ping failures
> before recovery were not seen in earlier testing, so the radios
> performed a quick reset [8] at the 3rd ping failure. These succeeded
> most of the time, with recoveries shown in indexes [3..6]. These lower
> outages might not cause interruption. Full recoveries were required in
> 3/75 to 10/32 of the cases. The reason the quick reset works or
> doesn't is unknown at this time. The full recovery has worked reliably
> for the last 6 months.

Could you please try to explain this a little more clearly? I'm not
completely following your explanation of the various numbers. I assume
that based on your explanation, "Ping 2s3q6f" indicates that it's
pinging every 2 seconds and doing a quick reset after 3 failed pings and
a full reset after 6 failed pings. But I get lost on the 10 array
digits. What's the difference between array indexes 0-7 if they're all
counts of failed pings? When does a failed ping increment index 0 vs 1
vs 2, etc? What event(s) triggers each index to reset (if they do

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] WiFi connection unstable/lost on three Radios

2021-03-21 Thread RichardDavies

POMdev wrote: 
> This is the first report of the mitigation not working in every case.
> How many times has this happened? What wlanpoke version are you running?

I want to add another report of the mitigation not working in every
case. I have four SB Radios connected to WiFi in my house. All four were
successfully using wlanpoke v0.6.3 to mitigate all lost connections. I
updated one of them to v0.7.0 (and then later to v0.7.1 and v0.7.2) and
since updating it to 0.7.x it now loses its connection after about 12-24
hours and requires a manual reboot. When I updated it from 0.6.3 to
0.7.2, the only thing I changed with the configuration was to add "-W
quick" to enable the quick webserver.

The other radios still using 0.6.3 are still staying connected without
any issue. Can you think of any reason why 0.7.2 would be less reliable
than 0.6.3 at restoring the lost WiFi connection?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Wi-Fi 6

2021-03-08 Thread RichardDavies

I'm not sure if this has been mentioned in this thread or not, but
there's a solution/workaround to this issue mentioned in another thread.
It's a little script called ''wlanpoke'
that you install on your radio and it basically monitors the WiFi
connection and automatically resets the connection whenever it goes out.
I experienced WiFi connection issues for months with my four SB radios
and I tried all sorts of different router settings and Vonets Ethernet
bridges, but nothing I tried was successful for me. Finally I stumbled
across this wlanpoke script and since installing it on my radios they
have been working great again. No more lost WiFi connections!!

It's fairly easy to install if you're comfortable using a command line.
Just download the zip file and follow the installation instructions in
the manual.txt file.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] WiFi connection unstable/lost on three Radios

2021-02-11 Thread RichardDavies

P Nelson wrote: 
> I previously posted about my attempt to use the Vonets VAP11G-300 as a
> wifi bridge to solve the random wifi disconnection.  After removing the
> Vonets, I cannot get the internal wifi on the Radio to work... Has
> anyone else using the Vonets experienced this problem? 

I didn't have any similar issues with my four radios. After removing the
Vonets the radio's internal wifi still works just fine on all my radios
(at least for a limited time before it quits working). I can't think of
any reason why connecting/disconnecting the Vonets' ethernet would
affect or break the internal wifi functionality.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] WiFi connection unstable/lost on three Radios

2021-02-10 Thread RichardDavies

P Nelson wrote: 
> On another thread, some people have used a Vonets VAP11G-300 as a Wifi
> to Ethernet bridge to by-pass the SB Radio's internal Wifi so solve the
> disconnection problem.  The nice thing about the Vonets device is that
> you can plug in a 5-15 volt power supply into the Vonets and then there
> is a barrel connector that can be plugged into the Radio.  This avoids
> have to run a seperate power supply for the Vonets.  (Caution, the SB
> Radio is 18 Volts, and the Vonets rating is 5-15 volts.  When I tested
> it, the Vonets did not burn out immediately.  Who know how long it might
> last.) 

I have 4 SB Radios and tried using those Vonets bridges with each one of
them. Although the programming can take a bit to figure out as you
mentioned, I eventually figured it out and was very excited to have my
radios working again. However, all but one of the devices quit working
within about 3-30 days. I even returned several of them as defective and
had them replaced and the replacements eventually quit working as well
too (that is all but the one that has somehow continued to keep
working... ) I suspect that the radio pulls just a little too much
voltage and causes them to wear out prematurely. Anyway, I just wanted
to share my experience with them. I had high hopes as they are
relatively inexpensive, but they ultimately didn't work out for me.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio keeps losing wireless connection and won't reconnect - any ideas?

2020-11-15 Thread RichardDavies

I have 4 Squeezebox Radios in my house connected to my WiFi network.
After months of frustration with them mysteriously losing their WiFi
connection, I was relieved to find this thread and the relatively simple
and cost effective suggestion of using a Vonets WiFi bridge to work
around this problem. So I purchased a VAP11N-300 adapter for each radio
and used the SB radio power supply to power both the adapter and radio
as others suggested.

Although this initially worked, I've had problems with the
durability/reliability of these adapters. Sometimes after a day or two,
or a few weeks, or even a month or more, an adapter will suddenly quit
working. When this happens they don't seem to power up any longer, no
lights come on, and power is no longer passed through to the SB radio. I
wonder if maybe the radio draws a little more power than the adapter was
meant to handle and eventually it burns up/wears out something inside
the adapter?

Anyway, I've had Amazon replace several of them as "defective" so I
think over time I've tried a total of 7 different adapters and 5 of them
have eventually quit working. I'm getting frustrated again because I
can't keep replacing these adapters. I was curious what other people's
experience has been with these adapters? Have they been more reliable
for you? Is the "G" version (VAP11G-300) better? Does anyone have any
recommendations for a similar adapter that might last longer?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio in the bathroom

2010-05-25 Thread RichardDavies

I have a SB Radio in my master bath mounted on a shelf about 5 ft off
the floor and about 2 ft from the shower. I use it all the time and it
works great (so far at least). I've only had it there for about 2
months or so, so I can't really comment on the long term effects of
humidity. But I do always run the exhast fan when showering, and the
fan is almost directly overhead, so I don't expect any major issues.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Does anyone recommend the SB Radio?

2010-05-13 Thread RichardDavies

When visiting product forums to make purchasing decisions, it always
helps to remember that most people only come to report problems. There
is little point in a bunch of I love it posts. That is why the
majority of posts will always be negative.

Anyway, I have to SB Radios and a SB Duet. I love my Radios! Are they
perfect? No. Do they occasionally exhibit some of the problems in this
forum? Yes. But those issues are just minor annoyances and/or
inconveniences. Hopefully they will get resolved with future firmware
updates. Bottom line, it's still a good product, despite it's minor


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Album Art size

2010-05-12 Thread RichardDavies

Give the big wheel/knob a good spin... that should toggle between full
screen artwork and a smaller size.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] How to get a traditional alarm sound?

2010-04-22 Thread RichardDavies

This is ridiculous! You shouldn't have to hack your squeezebox or
manually add a custom alarm sound just to get a normal alarm clock
sound. Logitech can provide 100+ alarm sounds, but can't include a
signle normal alarm clock sound? What's up with that? (What's even
worse is that it actually IS there, just hidden as the backup alarm

Logitech, please make the backup sound available as a regular alarm!


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