[TANKS] Re: (small) Tiger update

2011-04-02 Thread Jeremy Joker Brosious
Just FYI, your link sends me to a site that tries to get me to sign up
for some AOL program called "AOL Lifestreams", and has no way to get
to your pics or site w/o creating a log-in.

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[TANKS] Re: Sabertooth 2x25 ESC-wiring short issue

2011-04-02 Thread Jeremy Joker Brosious
I had problems getting the unit to work correctly when connecting a
power supply to the reciever at first.   I re-read the instructions
and found this:  "If using a receiver pack, do not connect power to
the 5V line of the Sabertooth because the maximum voltage it can
tolerate is 6V." I took the reciever power away, and it runs
perfectly.  I can't explain the science, but it works.  From my
understanding of the instructions, it would also work if i left the
battery and disconnected the power lead from the rc plug (don't
connect the red rc wire to the 5v terminal, just the grnd(black) lead
and reference (yellow/white) lead.  It works for me so far, when i
power up the tank, its just one switch righ now.

I'm using a Spektrum 6xi, and dual recievers, one for the drive system
and one for the turret.  Figure if the drive system craps out in
battle, i'll still have a working gun emplacement... :)

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[TANKS] Re: Rhino coating the tracks?

2011-04-01 Thread Jeremy Joker Brosious
I was actually thinking about the round headed screw idea... even
bought the screws to do it.  Figured i'd try the Rhino lining first.
I was wondering if the screws would add traction on grass, and the
last time i had the tank out i had some troubles doing full skid turns
on high grass from a stop.  I didn't want to make that any worse.  I
figured i'd try out the new motor controller, and go from there.  So
far, with one coating, the tracks seem to have a more plastic feel to
them.  A bit more shiney than i would like, but i'm hoping the
scuffing from road wear will reduce that.  I'm going to try to put a
few coats on before i take it back out (with all this rain, i should
be able to get that done).

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[TANKS] Re: Rhino coating the tracks?

2011-03-31 Thread Jeremy Joker Brosious
I thought about that, but the trouble would be getting it on there.
I'd have to cut each piece, and secure it on with some kind of glue,
or cut thick pieces and secure them on with bolts or screws. I'm
looking for something servicable, but low on cost and man hours.
Thats why i though:  "Bed liner"  It's tough stuff, says you can put
it on wood, its basically emulsified rubber coating mixed with an
adhesive... brilliant!  It seems to stick well, (my hands prove this,
luckily just a little before i remembered to use gloves).

BTW:  I've already started doing it.  I just wanted to see if anyone
else has tried, and wanted to share their results.  Thanks for the
reply though.  :)

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[TANKS] Rhino coating the tracks?

2011-03-31 Thread Jeremy Joker Brosious
Anyone else try this?  I got tired of the tracks getting chewed up
while riding it on the street.  Now, you could just say "stop driving
it on the street", but i live in the city and its sometimes easier to
just run it up the street and back for a quick test. This chewed up
the wood, and started turning my nice black tracks to brown again.  I
was thinking, if i coated them in multiple coats of Rhino liner truck
bed liner, i would:  1.  Water proof them.  2.  Paint them black
again.  3.  Give them a coating of rubber.  all at the same time.  If
it scratches off, or peels, i just dress them up with another few
coats of goop, and bam back on the street.  I'm trying to see if there
are any negatives with this idea (besides price, mess, and time to do

Other than that, just working on a few odds and ends with T-60.
Trying to get all the final details finished up.  I'm trying out a
Sabertooth 2x25.  I know they don't have a sterling rep here, but my
other controller just kept frying on me, and i want to take it out and
run it for more than 5 minutes w/o it crapping out.

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[TANKS] Re: T-60 Update

2011-03-25 Thread Jeremy Joker Brosious
Some more parts showed up, and another week's progress on the turret:




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[TANKS] Re: T-60 Update

2011-03-15 Thread Jeremy Joker Brosious
Due to the limited height in the turret and verticle feed of the
marker, i toyed with the idea of a gravity feed, but found it less
than reliable.  I bought a Q-Feeder, but did not like that setup
either.  My new idea is to modify the internals of a Empire-B loader
into a small force feed for the marker.

Here are some intial pictures:




I'm working on a mounting system, and from there a reloading system so
that magazine can be re-loaded quickly with ease.  I figure that if i
keep the system close to the feed neck, and use a small amount of the
q-loader tubing for feeding, i should have reliable magazine feeding
for about 35 rounds, and only rely on gravity for the remaining 5 or
so.  The Empire-B is the sound activated version of the halo loader,
and uses a spring loaded drive cone to force feed the paintballs into
the marker, giving a quick and reliable feed for the marker.  Its
rated to about 30bps in the paintball world, but i'll be using it
mostly for the tricky feed angles involved with the space i have.  If
you mess up, spare motor housing cones can be found on e-bay for about
$20 USC.  With the advent of the Dye rotor, the empire and halo
systems are old tech, and i'm sure anyone looking to do this mod can
find them on ebay for a decent price.

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[TANKS] T-60 Update

2011-03-11 Thread Jeremy 'Joker' Brosious
I've been working dilligently on T-60, trying to get it ever closer to
battle condition.  I fried some more relays on my last test, and i'm
waiting for some replacements.  I made some electronic changes, and
hope to have eliminated the problems, but thats what field tests are
for.  Waiting for motor parts, i'm moving back to the turret.  I got
stuck trying to make some bad ideas work, and the time away gave me
some insight (i got rid of the stuff that didn't work) and i re-
engineered the internals.  I'm currently waiting to get a 12v ESC in
the mail, for turret rotation, and i was working on the elevation
system today.  I'm happy with the results, and hope to finish it this
week.  Here is a short video of the new elevation system:


I also had some videos of the tank prior to full motor control
failure.  Check'em out:




I also have some plans for a full suspension upgrade in the future,
but i figure getting to a battle this year would be more of an

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[TANKS] Re: M1A1/M1A2 need help

2011-03-11 Thread Jeremy 'Joker' Brosious
new link should work.   :)

Jeremy B

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[TANKS] Re: M1A1/M1A2 need help

2011-03-11 Thread Jeremy 'Joker' Brosious
Lets try this link:


Jeremy B

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[TANKS] Re: M1A1/M1A2 need help

2011-03-11 Thread Jeremy 'Joker' Brosious
Ok, lets try this:


Jeremy B

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[TANKS] Re: M1A1/M1A2 need help

2011-03-11 Thread Jeremy 'Joker' Brosious
This is my new idea, with borrowed key concepts from other tanks.

height="108" width="144" />From https://picasaweb.google.com/109147730611355671707/Tank?

This should allow me to use the barrel's weight to lower the gun, and
the cam will elevate it.  I'm using a cam from above so that when the
barrel rotates to the rear it can just 'ride' the rear deck without
binding up the servo. I will set up a spring system to counter balance
the barrel just enough so that the servo won't be killing itself to

(This is my first attempt to embed a photo, so excuse me if it doesn't

Jeremy B

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[TANKS] Re: M1A1/M1A2 need help

2011-03-10 Thread Joker
I've been working on the turret elevation problem with t-60.  I just
recently scrapped all my old ideas (which kinda worked, but weren't
what i was looking for), and re-started with some new ideas.  A quick
question:  For battle, is the max elevation 10 degrees?  I figure if
this is so, then full range of motion isn't really needed/allowed.
Anyhow, i'm working on a cam and lever system hooked up to a 1/4 scale
servo.  If it works, i'll take some pictures.  Been meaning to take
some more pics and post them to the tank section anyhow.

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[TANKS] Re: I know this isn't real ......

2011-02-14 Thread Joker


Thanks for sharing that.  Its basically like a tank killing shotgun...
they just use the 6 106mm recoilless rifles to blast the hell out of
an enemy tank for a 'sure' kill.  I love learning something new.

Now, will anyone build it, and can it get a special ruling that if 5/6
shots hit its an instant kill?  ;)

Jeremy B.

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2011-02-06 Thread Joker
Hello,  had the tank on the back burner for a while, but i'm back at

I've been working on getting some problems sorted out, and i'm
wondering if i have a faulty Crydom D1D40.  I'm using one of Anvilus
motor controllers, and on one motor i get proportional speed control,
but on the other i just get 'on' or 'off'.  Is there a defined way to
check the Crydom D140 SSR published?  I did a search but couldn't find
anything.  I'm sure i can just swap the working one for the bad one
but i was wondering if there is a way to check new ones when purchased
to see if they are 'good'.

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[TANKS] Re: drum servos

2009-02-23 Thread Joker

Not to hijack or anything, but wouldn't adding those two switchs just
give you 'full on' or 'full off' in either direction?  I"m not a
electronics expert or anything, but i did hack a servo in an attempt
to making a reliable elevate system, and when i took out the pot i
found as a nice little bonus the 'gear motor' i basically had would go
slow in one direction with a little push, and fast in that same
direction when pushed all the way.  If you can set up a regular gear
motor to do that, can you show me how since i'm planning on using a
gear motor to run my rotation?  I figured i'd need some kind of speed
control to get the motor to do that.

On Feb 22, 6:34 pm, Frank Pittelli  wrote:
> Joker wrote:
> > Analog servos can be 'hacked' to remove the stops.  You basically need
> > to remove the pot from the servo, and you get a gear motor that does
> > free rotation in either direction, and its still has its 'speed
> > control' so you can go slow or fast.
> Hmmm ... last time I checked, that's exactly what a geared motor will
> do.  Throw two inexpensive switches on a servo (aka. MAG Speed Control)
> and wire them to an inexpensive geared motor and you have a far more
> powerful solution.
>         Frank P.
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[TANKS] Re: drum servos

2009-02-22 Thread Joker

Analog servos can be 'hacked' to remove the stops.  You basically need
to remove the pot from the servo, and you get a gear motor that does
free rotation in either direction, and its still has its 'speed
control' so you can go slow or fast.  I did it to one servo to get it
to twist a piece of threaded rod.  Its easy, compared to building the
rest of the tank's systems ;).  For instructions you can do a google

Jeremy B.
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[TANKS] Re: Motor Noise

2009-02-05 Thread Joker

Actually, thats what i did, and i'm pretty sure thats what all the
diagrams told me to do.  Seems crazy, but thats the recomendation.
One cap going from + to -, one cap going from + to case, one cap going
from - to case.  I found multiple articles suggesting this.  Here is
the link to one article:  http://www.teamdelta.com/pdf/tde_an1.pdf

So far, i just did it to my 'test' motor.  I figured i'd use an extra
motor in case i messed up, or couldn't put it back together, but i
figured that part out. I figure this, along with the new automotive
relays with diodes in them, should do the trick, or else its back to
the drawling board.


On Feb 5, 7:29 pm, "Doug Conn"  wrote:
> I can't tell from the photo ... did you solder one lead of the capacitor to
> a motor power line and the other end to the motor case ? If so, I don't
> think that's wise.
>         - Doug
> -Original Message-
> From: rctankcombat@googlegroups.com [mailto:rctankcom...@googlegroups.com]
> On Behalf Of Joker
> Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 7:20 PM
> To: R/C Tank Combat
> Subject: [TANKS] Re: Motor Noise
> Ok, took a few more days then i figured, but i finally got some
> pictures.  I posted them in the files section.  Uh, how do i put them
> in the message?  I'm sure i use to know how, but i forgot.  Anyhow,
> they are in the files section.  Name stars "M" and has the specific
> thing that i'm trying to point out.  I put it all back together, and
> works as good as when i started.
> On Jan 31, 1:14 am, Don Shankin  wrote:
> > I was going to suggest that you buy some diodes as well, but it looks like
> > you're all set.  What type of caps did you buy? (electrolytic, ceramic,
> > expensive mylar...?)
> > Also, I don't know what you paid for the caps from Amazon, but if you've
> > never been to the site before I usually get all of my stuff from
> > futurlec.com.  They are by far the cheapest place I've ever seen for
> general
> > components all the way up to things like ADCs and microcontrollers.  The
> > only downside is that the shipping can be hit or miss sometimes, and on
> one
> > order (out of dozens that I've placed) I had to wait for a while.
>  Otherwise
> > they've been awesome.  Also, I think they're based in australia, so you
> guys
> > may have better luck with shipping down there
> > On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 3:26 PM, Joker  wrote:
> > > I broke one open.  I'll take pictures of it tonight and post them.
> > > Didn't see any capitors in the one's i bought off ebay.  Bought a
> > > whole bunch of 0.1uf cap's off amazon.  figured i'd try to install
> > > them to keep from frying relays.  I also bought some relays with
> > > diodes in them, in another attempt to keep me from frying relays.
> > > I'll have to see if all my little bits work soon.  I figure its this,
> > > or start running my tank at 12v instead of 24v.
> > --
> > --
> > Donald Shankin
> > Computer Engineering Undergrad
> > Blue Marble Security Member
> > IEEE Vice Chair, MTU Chapter
> > NSBE Telecommunications Chair, MTU Chapter
> > CAEL Partner
> > (507) 301-2499
> > dtsha...@mtu.edu
> > dshan...@gmail.com
> > --- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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[TANKS] Re: Motor Noise

2009-02-05 Thread Joker

Ok, took a few more days then i figured, but i finally got some
pictures.  I posted them in the files section.  Uh, how do i put them
in the message?  I'm sure i use to know how, but i forgot.  Anyhow,
they are in the files section.  Name stars "M" and has the specific
thing that i'm trying to point out.  I put it all back together, and
works as good as when i started.

On Jan 31, 1:14 am, Don Shankin  wrote:
> I was going to suggest that you buy some diodes as well, but it looks like
> you're all set.  What type of caps did you buy? (electrolytic, ceramic,
> expensive mylar...?)
> Also, I don't know what you paid for the caps from Amazon, but if you've
> never been to the site before I usually get all of my stuff from
> futurlec.com.  They are by far the cheapest place I've ever seen for general
> components all the way up to things like ADCs and microcontrollers.  The
> only downside is that the shipping can be hit or miss sometimes, and on one
> order (out of dozens that I've placed) I had to wait for a while.  Otherwise
> they've been awesome.  Also, I think they're based in australia, so you guys
> may have better luck with shipping down there
> On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 3:26 PM, Joker  wrote:
> > I broke one open.  I'll take pictures of it tonight and post them.
> > Didn't see any capitors in the one's i bought off ebay.  Bought a
> > whole bunch of 0.1uf cap's off amazon.  figured i'd try to install
> > them to keep from frying relays.  I also bought some relays with
> > diodes in them, in another attempt to keep me from frying relays.
> > I'll have to see if all my little bits work soon.  I figure its this,
> > or start running my tank at 12v instead of 24v.
> --
> --
> Donald Shankin
> Computer Engineering Undergrad
> Blue Marble Security Member
> IEEE Vice Chair, MTU Chapter
> NSBE Telecommunications Chair, MTU Chapter
> CAEL Partner
> (507) 301-2499
> dtsha...@mtu.edu
> dshan...@gmail.com
> --
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[TANKS] Re: Motor Noise

2009-01-30 Thread Joker

I broke one open.  I'll take pictures of it tonight and post them.
Didn't see any capitors in the one's i bought off ebay.  Bought a
whole bunch of 0.1uf cap's off amazon.  figured i'd try to install
them to keep from frying relays.  I also bought some relays with
diodes in them, in another attempt to keep me from frying relays.
I'll have to see if all my little bits work soon.  I figure its this,
or start running my tank at 12v instead of 24v.
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[TANKS] Motor Noise

2009-01-29 Thread Joker

I saw that motor noise may be causing my contacts to fry on my relay
motor controller.  I bought some capcitors to try to fix this, but i
was wondering if you have to have them as close to the motor as
possible (or to get the best effect), or if i can wire them into
places where i already have connectors (like near the fuses, with a
wire leading to the motor housings for that).  I know logic says that
near the motor is probably best, but the wires for the brushes lead
into the case, and i'd have to cut the wires close to the case, and i
don't prefer to do that.  Just FYI, i'm using the MY1016 motors.

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[TANKS] Re: Weight distribution.

2009-01-28 Thread Joker

Build it, test it, break it, replace it.  Nothing beats real world
engineering... except for that pesky calculation stuff... but i don't
know enough of that (and what i did i'm starting to forget).  Guess
thats why i left engineering school.

On Jan 28, 5:07 pm, Aahz  wrote:
> Guy Gregoire wrote:
> > Hi Aahz
> > I use myself 16 gage steel so I can give a guess out of experience, im
> > not an engineer.
> > I would say your 8 sets will hold the weight very well, until the tank
> > climb on a rock and
> > most of his weight is on only one set.
> Yea, that's just my worry "Everything is fine... on flat ground... at
> slow speeds."
> Aahz.
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[TANKS] Re: Drive Cog Patterns

2008-12-09 Thread Joker

Thanks. This was great.  I took the photo, scalled it, inverted the
colors, and i'm using it as the template.  Thanks again.

On Dec 8, 4:41 am, "Chrysanthos Kanellopoulos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> The diameter of the inner circle (green) could be 0.0873, with the clear
> distance between the teeth 0.0350  = 1 3/8". That way, the pads fit between
> the teeth.
> The width of the tooth ~ 0.064 or 0.0638 m. or 1/4" wide.
> The diameter of the outer circle, on the edge of the teeth would then be
> 0.0993 m. = 3,901 "
> I hope that helps and it is not more confusing!
> Chrys
>  JOkers sprocket7.3.jpg
> 123KViewDownload
>  JOkers sprocket7.4.jpg
> 66KViewDownload
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[TANKS] Drive Cog Patterns

2008-12-07 Thread Joker

I'm re-thinking my drive system, and after seeing a few people making
some nice looking drive wheels, i was wondering how to do it.  I've
come to the conclusion that i should make a pattern, and try building
from the pattern, as i have no way to CNC or computer aided building
to assist me.  The problem i'm facing is that i have been hand
drawling patterns, and they just don't seem to come out right.  Is
there a simple program or does someone have a pattern that i could re-
size and use?

I'm looking to build one with 7 teeth, about 4" diameter, 1/4" wide
teeth, and if possible 1 3/8" spacing between the teeth.  I realize
that the diameter will probably have to change to something a little
bigger, and from my own drawlings i figure its somewhere between 4
1/8" and 4 1/4".

If anyone is especially good with cad or something it would be really,
really helpfull, as this is driving me nuts why i can't figure this
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[TANKS] Re: T062 Designated

2008-11-14 Thread Joker

Thats funny, because thats the same idea i have been trying to use.
It's working less than perfect, but let me know if you have better
luck getting it to work.  Mine might just be the less than perfect
circles i cut.  I was wondering if maybe someone else's idea would
work better.

Looks good though.


Matt wrote:
> I don't think they are from reinforced rubber, but I bought a 4x8
> sheet of 1/8inch rubber and cut it into sheets. I think it cost around
> 40-50 dollars. TONS left over.
> On Nov 13, 11:07�pm, james <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hay Matt
> > �I'd like to say that's a very neat job on your tank.
> >
> > Your tracks Are thay made from strait rubber or renforced rubber.
> >
> > What is the thickness of it
> >
> > Hope you understand my writting
> > James
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[TANKS] Re: T062 Designated

2008-11-13 Thread Joker

Looks really nice.  How were you planning on doing turret rotation?


On Nov 11, 12:18 am, Matt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The Webspace for T62 has been updated if anyone wants to look at it.
>       -Matt
> On Nov 9, 1:25 am, Marc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Very nice! I like the tracks, very detailed.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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