[REBOL] Re: Default button appearance

2002-04-16 Thread Gregg Irwin

<< The text of a button has two colors
. orange(?) when selected
. white when not selected

I would like to change this default behavior for all the layouts. >>

I'm not a VID guru but you can change some of the colors in


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[REBOL] Re: Interrupt long time run

2002-04-16 Thread Gregg Irwin

<< I've a program under VID that executes a lot of calculations.
...I would like to stop these loops at any time.
...Second solution (prefered) : a stop button that, when pressed, will stop
the loops.
But the click event will not be immediatly recognized, while the loops are
What is the solution? >>

Do you have any WAIT statements inside your loops to give other things a
chance to process? That should do it.


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[REBOL] Simple VID window style

2002-04-16 Thread atruter

Some folks may find the following of use . . . (or at least as a basis for
something more elegant / complex).


stylize/master [
 bar-title: text with [
  size: 24x24
  font: [size: 14 valign: 'middle]
  feel: make feel [
   engage: func [face action event] [
if action = 'down [
 face/data: event/offset
 face/help: face/parent-face/size
 face/parent-face/size: face/size
 show face/parent-face
if event/type = 'move [
 face/parent-face/offset: face/parent-face/offset + 
event/offset - face/data
 show face/parent-face
if action = 'up [
 face/parent-face/size: face/help
 show face/parent-face
 bar-close: button 24x24 "X" bold #"^(ESC)"

display: make object! [
 window-title: none

 window: func [title block /local pos] [
  insert block [pad 24 across]
  insert tail block compose/deep [
   pos: at
   origin 0x20
   space 0
   at 0x0
   window-title: bar-title white navy (title) bold pos/x - 12
   bar-close [unview]
  view/options center-face layout block [no-title]

 title: func [text] [window-title/text: text show window-title]

display/window "Simple VID window style" [
 title "Click & drag title bar"
 return button "Change title" [display/title form now/time/precise]
 return label "Restrictions:"
 return text "1. Direction must end as 'across'"
 return text "2. 'origin' will confuse it"
 return text "3. Largest (or equal largest) face must be last"



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[REBOL] Re: Default button appearance

2002-04-16 Thread atruter

Sounds like you want stylize/master


stylize/master [
  button: button font [colors: reduce [white green]] with [
effects: [[gradient 0x1 192.192.192 128.128.128] [gradient 0x1 128.128.128 

view layout [button "New"]



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[REBOL] FPS test utility

2002-04-16 Thread atruter

Too much spare time over the weekend ;) The following FPS test utility may
be of interest to some . . . (In my case I used it to "Prove" that a faster
clocked Celeron was slower than a higher bus bandwidth Pentium - confirming
my gut feel about relative speeds under differing workflow conditions).


count: 100

do-test: func [label info /local img-size start end] [
 img-size: to-pair label/text
 img: to-image layout [
  origin 0 size img-size title green reform ["Testing" img-size ". . ."]
 view/new/options center-face layout [
  origin 0 i: image img img/size effect [none]
 ] [no-title no-border]
 start: now/time/precise
 loop count [i/image: img show i]
 end: now/time/precise
 info/text: form to-integer count / (to-decimal end - start)
 show info

view center-face layout [
 title "FPS Test"
 return la: label 100 "320x240" ia: info 100
 return lb: label 100 "640x480" ib: info 100
 return lc: label 100 "800x600" ic: info 100
 return ld: label 100 "1024x768" id: info 100
 return button "Run" [
  do-test la ia
  do-test lb ib
  do-test lc ic
  do-test ld id
 button "Close" [quit]



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[REBOL] Re: to-offset

2002-04-16 Thread Gregg Irwin

Hi Romano,

Ahh, yes. If my brain was working properly I would have thought instantly of
ORIGIN for layouts. Well...this is annoying. :(

Thanks for catching this. I'll have to think about it some more to decide
what I want to do.


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[REBOL] Re: makespec.r

2002-04-16 Thread Gregg Irwin

Hi Richard,

<< I try to use the script makespec.r but I have a problem.
To define the different sections, we should use strings like "===", "---",
The problem is that in the generated HTML file these strings still be there.
Why ? >>

I haven't used makespec except to test it once or twice. make-doc is the
more current tool, and Robert Muench has a nicely updated version on his reb


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[REBOL] Re: Using a printer in Windows

2002-04-16 Thread Izkata

Why don't you just use:

printer: func [
 text [file! string!]
 if file? text [text: read text]
 write %printing.html rejoin [{

} text {

  browse %printing.html

Or something like that. I'm not sure if the onLoad function
is window.print, or if I need something else to make it work -
something similar is what I used to use.

Daniel S.

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[REBOL] Re: Using a printer in Windows

2002-04-16 Thread Izkata

Why don't you just use:

printer: func [
  text [file! string!]
  if file? text [text: read text]
  write %printing.html rejoin [{

} text {


Or something like that.  I'm not sure if the onLoad function
is window.print, or if I need something else to make it work -
something similar is what I used to use.

 Daniel S.

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[REBOL] Re: Using a printer in Windows

2002-04-16 Thread Dr. Louis A. Turk

Hi rebols,

There doesn't seem to be much in the archives about printing to a real 
printer (in my case a HP LaserJet III).  I found the following code from 
Andrew, but I can't seem to get it to work.  Perhaps my problem is that my 
printer is on port lpr2:

I thought that I had this figured out once, but I can't seem to find the 
script that used it.

I'm using Windows 2000, but also would like to do it running under Linux.

For my particular need right now I want to print plain text directly to the 
printer.  I would rather not have to make html or pdf files first.


At 09:19 AM 1/9/2002 +1300, you wrote:
>Philippe wrote:
> > I want to know if it's possible to user a printer from a rebol program ?
>Try something like this:
> Name: 'Printer
> Title: "Printer"
> File: %"Printer.r"
> Author: "Andrew Martin"
> Date: 27/Sep/2001
> Example: [
> Printer "This goes to the printer!"
> Printer/Page "This prints this line and feeds a page!"
> ]
> ]
>Printer: func [
> "Sends text to printer on //prn."
> [catch]
> Text [string!]"The text to be printed."
> /Page"Append Carriage Return (CR) and Page Feed."
> ][
> throw-on-error [
> secure [
> %//prn [allow write]
> ]
> write %//prn Text
> if Page [write/binary %//prn "^(0D)^(page)"]
> Text
> ]
> ]
>It works OK on Windows PCs. For other computers, you might have to change
>the %//PRN to something else.
>Andrew Martin
>ICQ: 26227169 http://valley.150m.com/
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[REBOL] Re: recycle

2002-04-16 Thread Dr. Louis A. Turk


Thanks.  I guess I was hoping for some way to unset all the variables with 
one word.  :>)


At 12:29 AM 4/17/2002 +1000, you wrote:
>Recycle will not free memory which is still referenced
>by some word.
>So, if you close your window, but you have set a word
>to one of your buttons (or fields etc.) in that window, then
>the window will not be freed because the button's 'parent
>facet will be referring to the window.
> lay: layout [
> b: button
> ]
>(Layout sets b/parent to lay.)
>If you do this:
> unset 'lay
> recycle
>lay is still referred to via b/parent.
>Therefore, you need to also:
> unset 'b
> recycle
>I haven't checked this. 'lay and 'b may be
>referenced elsewhere in the view/VID system
>(and so would not be freed).
>For another example, if you use 'load-image
>to load some images, they will not be recycled
>because there is a reference to them in the
>image cache that load-image maintains.
>(See the source.)
>I almost never use recycle.
>The recycler is automatically on  by default, so you
>shouldn't have to think about it unless you have
>special circumstances.
>To free all the memory you must try to unset
>all the words which you have set running the
>A few people here know how to check the words
>before and after running a program and can
>get the difference (ie. the words that were set).
>Check out this cool memory information program by DocKimbel.
>I've never more than tinkered with it but I am glad it's
>there in case I need it some day.
>Good questions, by the way.
> > What exactly does recycle do, and how is it supposed to be used?
> >
> > Let's say that you end a program in a rebol window, and want to
> > reclaim all
> > the memory.  Can you just type recycle at the command line?  If
> > the recycle
> > command is executed immediately before exiting a program will it reclaim
> > all the memory?
> >
> > Louis
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[REBOL] Re: Destroy no more useful functions

2002-04-16 Thread Dr. Louis A. Turk


Interesting.  This is what I was thinking that recycle might do.  I am 
beginning to see more all the time that using objects can be very useful.


At 05:38 PM 4/16/2002 -0400, you wrote:
> > In a program, i then write
> >  do %funcsrc.r
> >   calling funcs
> >  When my program ends, i want to destroy all the funcs included by
> >  But writing unset 'func1, unset 'func2 ... is a bit boring and much 
> unsure.
> >  Has anybody an idea ?
>I put all the functions in a source module into an object:
>funcsrc.r contains:
>   funcsrc: make object! [
> func1: func [] []
> func2: func [] []
> ] ; object
>This has three main advantages:
>3. You are less likely to create a name clash with a Rebol function, or
>another module you have included, because your names have two parts. So you
>could have the functions:
> funcsrc/print
> funcscr/return
>   etc without clashing with the "global" 'print or 'return functions
>2. Similarly, you can have "module-local" variables: accessible to any
>function in the object, but not clashing in name with any variable declared
>   funcsrc: make object! [
> var1: 666
> func1: func [] [print var1]  ;; prints funcsrc/var1
> func2: func [] [print var1]  ;; ditto
> ] ; object
>1. Finally, you can trash the object, and all its functions and variables in
>one go:
>unset 'funcsrc
>You decide if that's funky or boring,
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[REBOL] Re: Destroy no more useful functions

2002-04-16 Thread Joel Neely

Hi, Didier,

Here's my preferred approach...

Didier Jacquemart wrote:
> Hello.
> I wrote a source file, containing several general purpose functions,
> called funcsrc.r
> In a program, i then write
> do %funcsrc.r
>  calling funcs
> When my program ends, i want to destroy all the funcs included by
> funcsrc.r. But writing unset 'func1, unset 'func2 ... is a bit
> boring and much unsure.
> Has anybody an idea ?

Assuming that funcsrc.r contains a related collection of functions,
modify funcsrc.r so that it defines a single object having all of
those functions as members/methods.


make object! [
func1: func [...] [...]
func2: func [...] [...]

You can use this in the following manner:

fns: do %funcsrc.r
fns/func1 ...
fns/func2 ...

then, at the end of the useful life for the function library

unset 'foo


foo: none

or whatever.

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[REBOL] Re: Rebol : The Official Guide

2002-04-16 Thread Geza Lakner MD

Hello Gawain,

> Other good documentation is unfortunately rare.
> There only are 4 books  ...
Olivier Auverlot: Programmation REBOL.
A french book from Edition Eyrolles. From the Eyrolles site you can
download some sample chapters and the source code of the examples.

I've just bought it in Bruxelles and I think it is worth every euro
:-) (40 or so).

Best regards,

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[REBOL] Re: Choice faces

2002-04-16 Thread SunandaDH

> The maximum size of a choice face seems to be 8 lines.
>  Where to change this (less or more) ?

I have a choice field with 26 choices (A...Z).

Your problem (I'm guessing) is that the choice dropdown is clipped by the 
bottom of the panel in which it occurs.

Make the panel deeper, or move your Choice closer to the top of the panel, 
and you'll see more choices displayed.

Someone really ought to rewrite Choice so it is a wee bit more intelligent in 
this area,

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[REBOL] Re: makespec.r

2002-04-16 Thread Mike Myers

A guess  because the === and --- did not immediately follow a \n
i.e they have to be in column 1 or they are part of the text.

I try to use the script makespec.r but I have a problem.
To define the different sections, we should use strings like "===", "---",
The problem is that in the generated HTML file these strings still be there.

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[REBOL] Re: Destroy no more useful functions

2002-04-16 Thread SunandaDH

> In a program, i then write
>  do %funcsrc.r
>   calling funcs  
>  When my program ends, i want to destroy all the funcs included by 
>  But writing unset 'func1, unset 'func2 ... is a bit boring and much unsure.
>  Has anybody an idea ?

I put all the functions in a source module into an object:

funcsrc.r contains:
  funcsrc: make object! [
func1: func [] []
func2: func [] []
] ; object

This has three main advantages:

3. You are less likely to create a name clash with a Rebol function, or 
another module you have included, because your names have two parts. So you 
could have the functions:


  etc without clashing with the "global" 'print or 'return functions

2. Similarly, you can have "module-local" variables: accessible to any 
function in the object, but not clashing in name with any variable declared 

  funcsrc: make object! [
var1: 666
func1: func [] [print var1]  ;; prints funcsrc/var1
func2: func [] [print var1]  ;; ditto
] ; object

1. Finally, you can trash the object, and all its functions and variables in 
one go:

   unset 'funcsrc

You decide if that's funky or boring,

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[REBOL] Default button appearance

2002-04-16 Thread Didier Jacquemart


The text of a button has two colors
. orange(?) when selected
. white when not selected

I would like to change this default behavior for all the layouts.

I think a way would be to use feel events.
Is this possible with a custom style ?
Is there an easiest way to proceed (general parameter or other ?)

These questions also are valuable for the background color of a button and for all 
other faces.

Thank you for your help.

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[REBOL] Re: Choice faces

2002-04-16 Thread alan parman

I suspect your problem is the size of the face that the 'choice is shown in. It is not 
tall enough (y-value of XxY) to display all of your choices.

Try the following ...
view layout [size 150x180 choice "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "0"]
view layout [size 150x250 choice "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "0"]

Make the choice parent-face taller.

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[REBOL] Re: Tip for splitting very long string ?

2002-04-16 Thread Ingo Hohmann

Hi Carl,

Am Die, 2002-04-16 um 13.16 schrieb Carl Read:
> I tried to cut out the need for the charset in the following function
> but it ends up in an infinate loop when it starts comparing an empty
> string with an empty string.  Can anyone think of a rule that would
> override that?  Be interesting to know if this would be faster than
> the above.  (If it worked...)
> split2: func [
> "This don't work..."
> str [string!]
> num [integer!]
> /local blk s
> ][
> blk: copy []
> parse/all str [some[
> s: (s: copy/part s num) s (insert tail blk s)
> ]]
> blk
> ]

you could do it like this:

split2: func [
"This don't work... Now it does ;-)"
str [string!]
num [integer!]
/local blk s
blk: copy []
parse/all str [some[
s: (s: copy/part s num insert tail blk s) num skip

just 'skip the right number of characters.

The 'insert is in the first paren!, because otherwise the last
charecters would be added if the string does not contain a multiple
of num characters.

Kind regards,


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[REBOL] Destroy no more useful functions

2002-04-16 Thread Didier Jacquemart


I wrote a source file, containing several general purpose functions, called funcsrc.r

In a program, i then write
do %funcsrc.r
 calling funcs

When my program ends, i want to destroy all the funcs included by funcsrc.r.
But writing unset 'func1, unset 'func2 ... is a bit boring and much unsure.
Has anybody an idea ?

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[REBOL] Choice faces

2002-04-16 Thread Didier Jacquemart


The maximum size of a choice face seems to be 8 lines.
Where to change this (less or more) ?

When the choice contains more than 8 lines, how to scroll to see the next ones?

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[REBOL] Interrupt long time run

2002-04-16 Thread Didier Jacquemart


I've a program under VID that executes a lot of calculations.
In order to follow the progression of the work, from time to time, i display the 
number of loops executed.

I would like to stop these loops at any time.

First solution : esc key, but the program ends

Second solution (prefered) : a stop button that, when pressed, will stop the loops.
But the click event will not be immediatly recognized, while the loops are running.
What is the solution?


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[REBOL] Re: Info on 'list style

2002-04-16 Thread Felix Sheldon

Hi Alan,

I had the same problem but I found


I played with it a little and ended up with this

( I took out the 3l33t column sorting bit though ;)


 row-item: make object! [

  val1: copy ""
  val2: copy ""
  val3: copy ""


 list-data: copy []

 for i 1 50 1 [ append list-data make row-item [ val1: reform ["Item" i]
val2: "Column number 2" val3: "Col 3"] ]

 onSel: func [row-index] [
   itm: pick list-data row-index
   if none? itm [exit]

   print reform ["picked:" itm/val1]


  ;- For the scroll bar
 cnt: 0
 sel: -1
 curr: 0
 count: 0

 data-list: layout [

  origin 0x0
  space 0x0
   button "Col1" 50
   button "Col2" 180
   button "Col3" 74
   tbl: list 300x200 [
   origin 0
   pad 0x0
   space 0
   txt 50x20  [sel: curr  unfocus  show tbl  onSel sel]
   txt 180x20 [sel: curr  unfocus  show tbl  onSel sel]
   txt 74x20  [sel: curr  unfocus  show tbl  onSel sel]
  ] supply [

   curr: count + cnt

   face/text: copy ""
   face/color: ivory
   if even? count [face/color: ivory - 20.20.20]
   row-itm: pick list-data curr
   if none? row-itm [exit]
   switch index [
1 [ str: row-itm/val1 ]
2 [ str: row-itm/val2 ]
3 [ str: row-itm/val3 ]
   face/text: str
   face/font/color: black
   if sel = curr [face/color: 160.255.160]


  sld: slider 16x200 [
   c: max 0 to-integer (length? list-data) * value
   if c <> cnt [cnt: c show tbl ]


 view data-list


One thing I'm not sure of how to do though, is to make this into a reusable
widget. Could anyone give me an idea of where to start on that?


- Original Message -
From: "alan parman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 11:05 AM
Subject: [REBOL] Re: Info on 'list style

> Thanks for the pointers, Anton and Geza!
> I now have nearly complete success with what I wanted to do with 'list and
> One more thing though, if you all would be so kind...
> Anton's scroller demo is still a bit complex for me (especially given that
I am still learning the 'list style).  Anton, the demo mentions that your
special scroller style is not necessary for scrolling a 'list.
> What are the essentials for scrolling a 'list?
> (I know about 'scroll-para and have and have used 'crop on images, and
investigated the origin method, but none of these work on 'list).  Is it
similar to a 'text-list, with face/sld/data and face/sn, etc?
> --
> ___
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[REBOL] Re: Rebol : The Official Guide

2002-04-16 Thread Ronald Gruss

Bonjour Gawain,

Tuesday, April 16, 2002, 4:32:44 PM, vous avez écrit:

GM> Hello Richard.

GM> The Official Guide is the best of the books, IMO.
GM> Other good documentation is unfortunately rare.
GM> There only are 4 books  ...

GM> Offical Guide
GM> View User Guide
GM> Command User Guide (View Guide + 2 or 3 chapters at the end)
GM> Rebol for Dummies (beginners only)

GM> They are also all in need of an update.

GM> arra best,
GM> Gawain

GM> - Original Message -
GM> Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 3:19 PM
GM> Subject: [REBOL] Rebol : The Official Guide

GM> Hi fellows,

GM> What do you think about this book ?
GM> BTW is there any other book useful to go deeper in Rebol ?


GM> Richard Coffre
GM> France Telecom Orbiscom
GM> Tél. : 01 47 61 46 28
GM> "Share what you know, learn what you don't"

GM> --
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Hello rebolers,

There's another one, but in french : go to Auverlot reb site on


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[REBOL] Re: Info on 'list style

2002-04-16 Thread alan parman

Thanks for the pointers, Anton and Geza!

I now have nearly complete success with what I wanted to do with 'list and supply.

One more thing though, if you all would be so kind...

Anton's scroller demo is still a bit complex for me (especially given that I am still 
learning the 'list style).  Anton, the demo mentions that your special scroller style 
is not necessary for scrolling a 'list.

What are the essentials for scrolling a 'list?
(I know about 'scroll-para and have and have used 'crop on images, and investigated 
the origin method, but none of these work on 'list).  Is it similar to a 'text-list, 
with face/sld/data and face/sn, etc?

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[REBOL] Free Movie/Rebol flash

2002-04-16 Thread Alan Crandall

Just ran across these on slashdot:

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[REBOL] Re: Evaluation and writing in a file

2002-04-16 Thread Tom Conlin

rejoin does work

>> lines: {line1 line2 line3 line4 line5}
== "line1 line2 line3 line4 line5"
>> count: 0
== 0
>> output: %out.dat
== %out.dat
>> write output ""
>> foreach line parse lines none [
[write/append/lines output rejoin[ count: count + 1 " - " line ]
>> print read %out.dat
1 - line1
2 - line2
3 - line3
4 - line4
5 - line5

On Tue, 16 Apr 2002, COFFRE Richard FTO wrote:

> Hi Tom,
> I have tried it but it failed
> -Message d'origine-
> De : Tom Conlin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Envoyé : lundi 15 avril 2002 19:02
> Objet : [REBOL] Re: Evaluation and writing in a file
> not tried but I would try and reduce the problem...
> write/append/lines output reduce [ count " - " ligne ]
> tom
> On Mon, 15 Apr 2002, COFFRE Richard FTO wrote:
> > Hi Rebol fellows,
> > 
> > I use to code below to write something in a file :
> > 
> > write/append/lines output reduce [ count " - " ligne ]
> > 
> > where count is a number and ligne a character string. It doesn't work
> > because I don't have any block, but when I write 
> > 
> > write/append/lines output [ count " - " ligne ]
> > 
> > count isn't evaluated so how can I do ?
> > 
> > So far, I split it in 3 instructions.
> > 
> > Any ideas ?
> > 
> > TIA
> > 
> > Richard Coffre
> > France Telecom Orbiscom
> > Tél. : 01 47 61 46 28
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
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> > 
> > 
> -- 
> To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the 
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> -- 
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[REBOL] Re: Rebol : The Official Guide

2002-04-16 Thread Anton

It's kind of boring because the subject is a
simple database... But having said that I am glad I
got it. I read about half of it and learned
quite a few things that I didn't know before.
It has a very good introduction to rebol,
and discusses series, which is at the heart
of rebol.

(Mmm.. it's those simple database examples that
fail to excite the reader. I think it's a fact
of life I have to face.)


> Hi fellows,
> What do you think about this book ?
> BTW is there any other book useful to go deeper in Rebol ?
> Richard Coffre

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[REBOL] copy conventions

2002-04-16 Thread Robert M. Muench

Hi, don't know if this was discussed in deep already. Did someone already wrote
a memo about the copy conventions used in Rebol? When do values get referenced
and when are these values copied? Are there are implicit copies done?

I mostly get things correct but IMO it's more of the right feeling (and
experience) but not of pure knowledge ;-)) Robert

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[REBOL] Re: Circular forwarding?

2002-04-16 Thread Anton

To get more information for feedback you should
try it again after doing:

trace/net on


> Hi, Charles,
> From: "Charles"
> >Yo all.  I get a funny thing here.  First, backstory:
> >I've registered both chalz.net and chalz.com, but both point to the
> same
> > site.  I use chalz.net primarily, and my host provider has set it up as
> such.
> > When I execute the whois script from the IE address bar, it 
> works OK.  But
> when
> > trying it from REBOL, it bonks out.
> > >> print read http://www.chalz.com/cgi-bin/whois?chalz.net
> > connecting to: www.chalz.com
> > connecting to: www.chalz.net
> > ** User Error: Error.  Target url:
> http://www.chalz.net/cgi-bin/whois?chalz.net
> > could not be retrieved.  Circular forwarding detected
> > ** Near: print read http://www.chalz.com/cgi-bin/whois?chalz.net
> >
> >What does "circular forwarding detected" mean?  And how come 
> I can get
> a
> > proper result using a web browser, but not REBOL?  Thanks all.
> I don't know precisely what "circular forwarding detected" means either.
> REBOL can be thrown by certain redirects, but gets better with 
> each release.
> Interestingly, the command works fine in REBOL/View 1.2.1, but 
> only balks on
> REBOL/Core 2.5 on my Win 98SE.  My guess is that /Core 2.6 will fix the
> problem.  To be sure, I would **quickly** place a bug report.  
> Meanwhile, a
> peak at the source of the HTTP schemes of each version will likely reveal
> the problem.  I would do it, but I'm out of time this morning.  Best of
> luck.
> --Scott Jones

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[REBOL] Re: My function seems to have no effect

2002-04-16 Thread Anton


{ ^-^/}

Ceci une chaine contenant trois caractères:
This is a string containing three characters:
1) a space
2) a tab
3) a newline

The /all refinement of parse directs parse to
consider all characters, including whitespaces.
See the help for parse.


> Can you give more explanation about the boilerplate.
> I believe that gap is not a refinement of parse but I don't really
> understand the link between the boilerplate and the parse command
> : how can
> Rebol use the whitespace definition into parse ... ???
> :-O
> -Message d'origine-
> De : Joel Neely [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Envoyé : mardi 16 avril 2002 14:21
> Objet : [REBOL] Re: My function seems to have no effect
> Hi, Richard,
> In that case...
> COFFRE Richard FTO wrote:
> >
> > Hi Joel,
> >
> > Indeed, the lines I need to "clean" look like
> >Call ("GetOCode:initData")
> > where I need to delete "Call ("" and the final ").
> >
> Some sample data:
> bletch: {
> Call ("Get0Code:initData")
>   call("TestFunc:blahblah")
> call("Quux:flarp")  call("Quux:spoo")
> call ( "Layout:spaceObsessively" )   CALL ( "The:end" )
> }
> Some generic boilerplate:
> whitespace: charset { ^-^/}  gap: [any whitespace]
> The real work happens here:
> parse/all bletch [
> any [
> {call} gap {(} gap {"} copy fn to {"} {"} gap {)} (
> print fn
> )
> |
> skip
> ]
> ]
> This produces the following output:
> Get0Code:initData
> TestFunc:blahblah
> Quux:flarp
> Quux:spoo
> Layout:spaceObsessively
> The:end
> You can, of course, do something inside the parens more interesting
> than just print out to the console...
> HTH!
> -jn-
> --
> ; Joel Neely joeldotneelyatfedexdotcom

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[REBOL] Re: My function seems to have no effect

2002-04-16 Thread Joel Neely

Hi, Richard,

I'll try to explain and fix...

COFFRE Richard FTO wrote:
> ... the double quotes are optional ...
> Can you give more explanation about the boilerplate.
> I believe that gap is not a refinement of parse but I don't
> really understand the link between the boilerplate and the
> parse command : how can Rebol use the whitespace definition
> into parse ... ???

Briefly, the parse rules specify a "grammar" which must be satisfied
by the series being parsed.  (In the comments below, I'll stick to
parsing a string.)

A BITSET! value can be used by PARSE in the sense of "one of these
characters", so the definition

whitespace: charset { ^-^/}

means that the value of WHITESPACE will match anywhere that a space,
tab, or newline occurs.  Within the parsing dialect, the keyword ANY
means zero or more occurrences of what follows, so the definition

gap: [any whitespace]

means that GAP will match anywhere that an optional run made up of
spaces, tabs, and newlines (in any order/combination) occurs.

If the quotation marks are optional, then the grammar gets a bit
more complicated, especially if we're going to worry about whether
the quotation marks must balance.  Of course, we can cheat and
assume that whatever is creating the input data will deal with
that issue.  In other words, I'll assume that presence/absence
of properly-balanced quotation marks isn't a significant issue for
the present purpose.

> Some sample data:
> bletch: {
> Call ("Get0Code:initData")
>   call("TestFunc:blahblah")
> call("Quux:flarp")  call("Quux:spoo")
> call ( "Layout:spaceObsessively" )   CALL ( "The:end" )
> }

bletch: {
Call ("Get0Code:initData")
call("Quux:flarp")  call("Quux:spoo")
   CALL (MoreStuff:unQuoted)
call ( MoreStuff:quotesMustMatch )
   call("Cheat:caseOne)   call(Cheat:caseTwo")
call ( "Layout:spaceObsessively" )   CALL ( "The:end" )

whitespace: charset { ^-^/}  gap: [any whitespace]

parse/all bletch [
any [
{call} gap {(} copy fn to {)} {)} (
print trim/with fn {" }

This provides the following output:


and returns TRUE because it consumed the entire string.

The way that parse rule works is as follows:

-  a string is assumed to be made up of zero or more parts
   (that's the role of ANY )

-  each part is either a function call or a single character
   whose value we don't care about
   (that's the role of | )

-  a function call must contain the following parts:
   - the literal word "call"
   - an optional run of whitespace
   - an open parenthesis
   - any characters (no constraints on what may appear here)
 up to but not including a close parenthesis --
 all of which will be saved in the word FN
   - a close parenthesis

-  if we do match a function call with the above syntax, remove
   all spaces and quotation marks from the string in FN and print
   what's left
   (that's the role of the parentheses enclosing the PRINT...

Note that this version will allow unbalanced quotation marks around
the name of the function being called.

Hope this helps!

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[REBOL] Re: Evaluation and writing in a file

2002-04-16 Thread Ronald Gruss

write/append/lines output rejoin ["Etude du fichier '" file "'"]

makes the job !!


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[REBOL] Re: Rebol : The Official Guide

2002-04-16 Thread Gawain MacMillan

Hello Richard.

The Official Guide is the best of the books, IMO.
Other good documentation is unfortunately rare.
There only are 4 books  ...

Offical Guide
View User Guide
Command User Guide (View Guide + 2 or 3 chapters at the end)
Rebol for Dummies (beginners only)

They are also all in need of an update.

arra best,

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 3:19 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Rebol : The Official Guide

Hi fellows,

What do you think about this book ?
BTW is there any other book useful to go deeper in Rebol ?


Richard Coffre
France Telecom Orbiscom
Tél. : 01 47 61 46 28
"Share what you know, learn what you don't"

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[REBOL] makespec.r

2002-04-16 Thread COFFRE Richard FTO


I try to use the script makespec.r but I have a problem.
To define the different sections, we should use strings like "===", "---",
The problem is that in the generated HTML file these strings still be there.
Why ?


Richard Coffre
France Telecom Orbiscom
Tél. : 01 47 61 46 28
"Share what you know, learn what you don't"

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[REBOL] Re: recycle

2002-04-16 Thread Anton

Recycle will not free memory which is still referenced
by some word.
So, if you close your window, but you have set a word
to one of your buttons (or fields etc.) in that window, then
the window will not be freed because the button's 'parent
facet will be referring to the window.


lay: layout [
b: button

(Layout sets b/parent to lay.)
If you do this:

unset 'lay

lay is still referred to via b/parent.
Therefore, you need to also:

unset 'b

I haven't checked this. 'lay and 'b may be
referenced elsewhere in the view/VID system
(and so would not be freed).

For another example, if you use 'load-image
to load some images, they will not be recycled
because there is a reference to them in the
image cache that load-image maintains.
(See the source.)

I almost never use recycle.
The recycler is automatically on  by default, so you
shouldn't have to think about it unless you have
special circumstances.

To free all the memory you must try to unset
all the words which you have set running the

A few people here know how to check the words
before and after running a program and can
get the difference (ie. the words that were set).

Check out this cool memory information program by DocKimbel.


I've never more than tinkered with it but I am glad it's
there in case I need it some day.

Good questions, by the way.


> What exactly does recycle do, and how is it supposed to be used?
> Let's say that you end a program in a rebol window, and want to 
> reclaim all 
> the memory.  Can you just type recycle at the command line?  If 
> the recycle 
> command is executed immediately before exiting a program will it reclaim 
> all the memory?
> Louis

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[REBOL] Re: to-offset

2002-04-16 Thread Romano Paolo Tenca

Hi Gregg,

> 1) face/offset start from 0x0
> 2) draw position start from 0x0

I forgot the most important:

3) event offset start from 0x0


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[REBOL] Re: Evaluation and writing in a file

2002-04-16 Thread G. Scott Jones

Hi, Richard,

From: "COFFRE Richard FTO"

I use to code below to write something in a file :

write/append/lines output reduce [ count " - " ligne ]

where count is a number and ligne a character string. It doesn't work
because I don't have any block, but when I write

write/append/lines output [ count " - " ligne ]

count isn't evaluated so how can I do ?

I apologize in advance if I missed some critical piece of this thread.  I
also am not entirely sure that I understand the final format of which you
seek.  Assuming, for example, :

count: 3
ligne: "I don't know French"
 write/append/lines output rejoin [ count " - " ligne ]
;should produce
;3 - I don't know French
;in the file referred to by 'output

If you are looking for a different final format, please give an example of
what you wish to see..

Hope this helps, and good luck.

--Scott Jones

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[REBOL] Re: Circular forwarding?

2002-04-16 Thread G. Scott Jones

Hi, Charles,

From: "Charles"
>Yo all.  I get a funny thing here.  First, backstory:
>I've registered both chalz.net and chalz.com, but both point to the
> site.  I use chalz.net primarily, and my host provider has set it up as
> When I execute the whois script from the IE address bar, it works OK.  But
> trying it from REBOL, it bonks out.
> >> print read http://www.chalz.com/cgi-bin/whois?chalz.net
> connecting to: www.chalz.com
> connecting to: www.chalz.net
> ** User Error: Error.  Target url:
> could not be retrieved.  Circular forwarding detected
> ** Near: print read http://www.chalz.com/cgi-bin/whois?chalz.net
>What does "circular forwarding detected" mean?  And how come I can get
> proper result using a web browser, but not REBOL?  Thanks all.

I don't know precisely what "circular forwarding detected" means either.
REBOL can be thrown by certain redirects, but gets better with each release.
Interestingly, the command works fine in REBOL/View 1.2.1, but only balks on
REBOL/Core 2.5 on my Win 98SE.  My guess is that /Core 2.6 will fix the
problem.  To be sure, I would **quickly** place a bug report.  Meanwhile, a
peak at the source of the HTTP schemes of each version will likely reveal
the problem.  I would do it, but I'm out of time this morning.  Best of
--Scott Jones

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[REBOL] Rebol : The Official Guide

2002-04-16 Thread COFFRE Richard FTO

Hi fellows,

What do you think about this book ?
BTW is there any other book useful to go deeper in Rebol ?


Richard Coffre
France Telecom Orbiscom
Tél. : 01 47 61 46 28
"Share what you know, learn what you don't"

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[REBOL] Re: My function seems to have no effect

2002-04-16 Thread COFFRE Richard FTO


Can you give more explanation about the boilerplate.
I believe that gap is not a refinement of parse but I don't really
understand the link between the boilerplate and the parse command : how can
Rebol use the whitespace definition into parse ... ???

-Message d'origine-
De : Joel Neely [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoyé : mardi 16 avril 2002 14:21
Objet : [REBOL] Re: My function seems to have no effect

Hi, Richard,

In that case...

COFFRE Richard FTO wrote:
> Hi Joel,
> Indeed, the lines I need to "clean" look like
>Call ("GetOCode:initData")
> where I need to delete "Call ("" and the final ").

Some sample data:

bletch: {
Call ("Get0Code:initData")
call("Quux:flarp")  call("Quux:spoo")
call ( "Layout:spaceObsessively" )   CALL ( "The:end" )

Some generic boilerplate:

whitespace: charset { ^-^/}  gap: [any whitespace]

The real work happens here:

parse/all bletch [
any [
{call} gap {(} gap {"} copy fn to {"} {"} gap {)} (
print fn

This produces the following output:


You can, of course, do something inside the parens more interesting
than just print out to the console...



; Joel Neely joeldotneelyatfedexdotcom
REBOL [] do [ do func [s] [ foreach [a b] s [prin b] ] sort/skip
do function [s] [t] [ t: "" foreach [a b] s [repend t [b a]] t ] {
| e s m!zauafBpcvekexEohthjJakwLrngohOqrlryRnsctdtiub} 2 ]
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subject, without the quotes.

[REBOL] Re: My function seems to have no effect

2002-04-16 Thread COFFRE Richard FTO

It's really great but the double quotes are optional so what should be
update in your code ?

You're really fast for me and I don't have the time to understand everything
but with this easy example I can realize all the power of Rebol.

Let's go to the Rebolution ...

-Message d'origine-
De : Joel Neely [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoyé : mardi 16 avril 2002 14:21
Objet : [REBOL] Re: My function seems to have no effect

Hi, Richard,

In that case...

COFFRE Richard FTO wrote:
> Hi Joel,
> Indeed, the lines I need to "clean" look like
>Call ("GetOCode:initData")
> where I need to delete "Call ("" and the final ").

Some sample data:

bletch: {
Call ("Get0Code:initData")
call("Quux:flarp")  call("Quux:spoo")
call ( "Layout:spaceObsessively" )   CALL ( "The:end" )

Some generic boilerplate:

whitespace: charset { ^-^/}  gap: [any whitespace]

The real work happens here:

parse/all bletch [
any [
{call} gap {(} gap {"} copy fn to {"} {"} gap {)} (
print fn

This produces the following output:


You can, of course, do something inside the parens more interesting
than just print out to the console...



; Joel Neely joeldotneelyatfedexdotcom
REBOL [] do [ do func [s] [ foreach [a b] s [prin b] ] sort/skip
do function [s] [t] [ t: "" foreach [a b] s [repend t [b a]] t ] {
| e s m!zauafBpcvekexEohthjJakwLrngohOqrlryRnsctdtiub} 2 ]
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subject, without the quotes.

[REBOL] Re: My function seems to have no effect

2002-04-16 Thread Joel Neely

Hi, Richard,

In that case...

COFFRE Richard FTO wrote:
> Hi Joel,
> Indeed, the lines I need to "clean" look like
>Call ("GetOCode:initData")
> where I need to delete "Call ("" and the final ").

Some sample data:

bletch: {
Call ("Get0Code:initData")
call("Quux:flarp")  call("Quux:spoo")
call ( "Layout:spaceObsessively" )   CALL ( "The:end" )

Some generic boilerplate:

whitespace: charset { ^-^/}  gap: [any whitespace]

The real work happens here:

parse/all bletch [
any [
{call} gap {(} gap {"} copy fn to {"} {"} gap {)} (
print fn

This produces the following output:


You can, of course, do something inside the parens more interesting
than just print out to the console...



; Joel Neely joeldotneelyatfedexdotcom
REBOL [] do [ do func [s] [ foreach [a b] s [prin b] ] sort/skip
do function [s] [t] [ t: "" foreach [a b] s [repend t [b a]] t ] {
| e s m!zauafBpcvekexEohthjJakwLrngohOqrlryRnsctdtiub} 2 ]
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[REBOL] Re: Tags, anyone?

2002-04-16 Thread Christopher Ross-Gill

Hi Ammon,

> Has anyone delt with the Tag! datatype?  I am trying to do some XML stuff,
> & I figured that REBOL probably has some neat things for dealing with tags
> seems on how they have a tag! datatype.  I didn't see much in RCUG 2.3 on
> tags so I thought I might ask someone who knows. ;-)  So what's neat about
> tags?

I like 'build-tag.  Here's a one-liner I have to clean bad markup.  It pulls
apart a tag, 'tag and makes it into an editable block, 'blk and back into an
xml tag.  Easily extensible.

tag:  build-tag blk: to-block replace/all tag "=" " "

- Chris

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[REBOL] Re: Evaluation and writing in a file

2002-04-16 Thread COFFRE Richard FTO

And the winner is Ronald.

Thanks you, it works fine.

-Message d'origine-
De : Ronald Gruss [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoyé : mardi 16 avril 2002 10:30
À : COFFRE Richard FTO
Objet : [REBOL] Re: Evaluation and writing in a file

Bonjour COFFRE,

Monday, April 15, 2002, 3:56:09 PM, vous avez écrit:

CRF> Hi Rebol fellows,

CRF> I use to code below to write something in a file :

CRF> write/append/lines output reduce [ count " - " ligne ]

CRF> where count is a number and ligne a character string. It doesn't work
CRF> because I don't have any block, but when I write 

CRF> write/append/lines output [ count " - " ligne ]

CRF> count isn't evaluated so how can I do ?

CRF> So far, I split it in 3 instructions.

CRF> Any ideas ?


CRF> Richard Coffre
CRF> France Telecom Orbiscom
CRF> Tél. : 01 47 61 46 28

CRF> --
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write/append/lines output reform [count " - " ligne]

should make it



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[REBOL] Re: Evaluation and writing in a file

2002-04-16 Thread Ladislav Mecir

Hi Richard,

I have got no idea, what you want to achieve. That said, here is a piece of
code, that doesn't fail:

write/append/lines output rejoin [count " - " ligne]


- Original Message -
Subject: [REBOL] Re: Evaluation and writing in a file

Hi Gregg,

It failed in my case as you can see below :
** Script Error: Expected block of lines
** Near: write/append/lines output compose [(count) " - " ligne]


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[REBOL] Re: Tip for splitting very long string ?

2002-04-16 Thread Carl Read

On 16-Apr-02, Richard Coffre wrote:

> That's just I want to avoid but thanks because it's always useful to
> have several solutions.

Indeed - so here's another one that uses parsing instead of loops...

split: func [
"Copy sub-strings of a set length from a string."
str [string!] "String to be split."
num [integer!] "Length of sub-strings."
/local c-set blk s
c-set: charset [#"^(00)" - #"^(ff)"]
blk: copy []
parse/all str [some [
s: 1 num c-set (insert tail blk copy/part s num)

>> split "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" 5
== ["abcde" "fghij" "klmno" "pqrst" "uvwxy" "z"]

I tried to cut out the need for the charset in the following function
but it ends up in an infinate loop when it starts comparing an empty
string with an empty string.  Can anyone think of a rule that would
override that?  Be interesting to know if this would be faster than
the above.  (If it worked...)

split2: func [
"This don't work..."
str [string!]
num [integer!]
/local blk s
blk: copy []
parse/all str [some[
s: (s: copy/part s num) s (insert tail blk s)

> Message d'origine
>> Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 08:27:36 -0500
>> De: Joel Neely <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Sujet: [REBOL] Re: Tip for splitting very long string ?
>> Hi, Richard,
>> COFFRE Richard FTO wrote:
>>> Hi Rebol fellows,
>>> Is there a tip to quickly split a very long string more than
>>> 2000 characters into n characters sub strings and to create
>>> a list with these subsets ?
>>> For instance :
>> ...
>>> I want to split this string into substrings of 5 characters...
>> Here's a quick-and-dirty solution:
>>>> longstring: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
>>== "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
>>>> i: 1
>>== 1
>>>> stringblock: []
>>== []
>>>> while [i <= length? longstring] [
>>[append stringblock copy/part at longstring i 5
>>[i: i + 5
>>== 31
>>>> stringblock
>>== ["abcde" "fghij" "klmno" "pqrst" "uvwxy" "z"]
>> -jn-

Carl Read

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[REBOL] Re: Evaluation and writing in a file

2002-04-16 Thread COFFRE Richard FTO

One more thing, when I use reform or some other functions, it adds some
extra spaces before and after, e.g. with 

write/append/lines output reform ["Etude du fichier '" file "'"]

I have 

Etude du fichier ' generic4.txt '

What can I do to avoid the extra space insertion ?

-Message d'origine-
De : Ronald Gruss [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoyé : mardi 16 avril 2002 10:30
À : COFFRE Richard FTO
Objet : [REBOL] Re: Evaluation and writing in a file

Bonjour COFFRE,

Monday, April 15, 2002, 3:56:09 PM, vous avez écrit:

CRF> Hi Rebol fellows,

CRF> I use to code below to write something in a file :

CRF> write/append/lines output reduce [ count " - " ligne ]

CRF> where count is a number and ligne a character string. It doesn't work
CRF> because I don't have any block, but when I write 

CRF> write/append/lines output [ count " - " ligne ]

CRF> count isn't evaluated so how can I do ?

CRF> So far, I split it in 3 instructions.

CRF> Any ideas ?


CRF> Richard Coffre
CRF> France Telecom Orbiscom
CRF> Tél. : 01 47 61 46 28

CRF> --
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CRF> subject, without the quotes.

write/append/lines output reform [count " - " ligne]

should make it



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[REBOL] Re: Evaluation and writing in a file

2002-04-16 Thread Ronald Gruss

Bonjour COFFRE,

Monday, April 15, 2002, 3:56:09 PM, vous avez écrit:

CRF> Hi Rebol fellows,

CRF> I use to code below to write something in a file :

CRF> write/append/lines output reduce [ count " - " ligne ]

CRF> where count is a number and ligne a character string. It doesn't work
CRF> because I don't have any block, but when I write 

CRF> write/append/lines output [ count " - " ligne ]

CRF> count isn't evaluated so how can I do ?

CRF> So far, I split it in 3 instructions.

CRF> Any ideas ?


CRF> Richard Coffre
CRF> France Telecom Orbiscom
CRF> Tél. : 01 47 61 46 28

CRF> --
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CRF> [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the
CRF> subject, without the quotes.

write/append/lines output reform [count " - " ligne]

should make it



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[REBOL] recycle

2002-04-16 Thread Dr. Louis A. Turk

Hi rebols,

What exactly does recycle do, and how is it supposed to be used?

Let's say that you end a program in a rebol window, and want to reclaim all 
the memory.  Can you just type recycle at the command line?  If the recycle 
command is executed immediately before exiting a program will it reclaim 
all the memory?


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2002-04-16 Thread COFFRE Richard FTO

Hi Rebol fellows,

Is there any script to transform XML to RTF doc ?


Richard Coffre
France Telecom Orbiscom
Tél. : 01 47 61 46 28
"Share what you know, learn what you don't"

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[REBOL] Re: Can't Open file for Read in CGI

2002-04-16 Thread Gabriele Santilli

Hi Tim,

On Monday, April 15, 2002, 6:38:27 PM, you wrote:

TJ>   Error is Cannot open /home/tim/.bashrc.
TJ>   As per my response to pekr, the problem is
TJ>   with absolute file paths. 

Youmean,youcan   access   it   with   something   like
../../../home/tim/.bashrc (with the proper number of ..)?

If  not, then it's just a matter of permissions. The OS takes into
consideration  not  only the permissions of the file, but also the
permissions  of  /home  and  /home/tim.  If  they  don't allow the
Apache's  user  to  enter,  you  won't be able to read any file in
them.  It's  usual  for  Linux  to make personal directories (like
/home/tim) only accessible by the owner.

Gabriele Santilli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  --  REBOL Programmer
Amigan -- AGI L'Aquila -- REB: http://web.tiscali.it/rebol/index.r

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[REBOL] Re: My function seems to have no effect

2002-04-16 Thread COFFRE Richard FTO

Hi Joel,

Your explanation is very very useful for a newbie like me and it helps to
understand the philosophy of Rebol.

Indeed, the lines I need to "clean" look like  Call ("GetOCode:initData")
where I need to delete "Call ("" and the final ").

I'm sure now I can use parse with the option {"} to get only the tail but
I'm learning day after day.

I repeat I really appreciate your didactic explanation.

Thanks a lot

-Message d'origine-
De : Joel Neely [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoyé : lundi 15 avril 2002 15:48
Objet : [REBOL] Re: My function seems to have no effect

Hi, Richard,

The definition of your GET_FUNC_NAME seens to want a string
argument, but you're handing it a block.

However, let's look a little deeper...

COFFRE Richard FTO wrote:
> Hi Rebol fellows,
> Hereafter my code :
> get_func_name: make function! [ chaine ] [
> use [ guillemet ] [
>guillemet: make string! {"}
>remove/part chaine 6
>foo: copy/part chaine 1 1
>if foo == guillemet [ remove/part chaine 1 ]
>; Supprimer les 2 derniers caractères
>clear skip tail chaine -2
>return (chaine)
> ]

1)  You should establish types for function arguments whenever
possible.  That will help you catch any mismatch errors
(whether typos or thinkos ;-).

get_func_name: func [chaine [string!]] [

2)  If you need a local value within a function, use the right
mechanism for that purpose.  There are some potentially
confusing interactions between USE and FUNC which you can avoid
by saying

get_func_name: func [chaine [string!] /local guillemet] [

to put GUILLEMET in the context of the GET_FUNC_NAME function.

3)  That said, in this case you don't need GUILLEMET at all,
since you're only using it as a constant value in the
test to see whether to snip off the leading quote.  You also
don't need FOO (which you use but allow to remain global!)

get_func_name: func [chaine [string!]] [
remove/part chaine 6
if chaine/1 = #"^"" [ remove/part chaine 1 ]
; Supprimer les 2 derniers caractères
clear skip tail chaine -2

because a string is just a series of characters, so you can
explicitly test (e.g.) the first character of a string vs.
a character value.

4)  REMOVE defaults to removing one element, so the /PART
refinement isn't needed for a single element removal.

get_func_name: func [chaine [string!]] [
remove/part chaine 6
if chaine/1 = #"^"" [ remove chaine ]
; Supprimer les 2 derniers caractères
clear skip tail chaine -2

5)  CLEAR returns the tail of its argument series, and you
apparently want the head of that series as your result,
so why not...

get_func_name: func [chaine [string!]] [
remove/part chaine 6
if chaine/1 = #"^"" [ remove chaine ]
head clear skip tail chaine -2

6)  REMOVE returns the remainder of the series, so...

get_func_name: func [chaine [string!]] [
if #"^"" = first remove/part chaine 6 [
remove chaine
head clear skip tail chaine -2

After the above changes, we have this behavior

>> get_func_name "123456fonction rearzer  r r12"
== "fonction rearzer  r r"

Is that what you wanted as the result for this test case?

Finally, I don't know your application, but I'm a bit puzzled
by the issue of checking for (and removing if found) the
quotation mark.  Do you really have data in your application
that looks like

123456"fonction rearzer  r r12

with an embedded quotation mark?  If there's a quotation mark
after the first six characters, is there a matching quotation
mark later on in the line?  If so, should it be removed as well
(either before or after deleting the last two characters)?



; Joel Neely joeldotneelyatfedexdotcom
REBOL [] do [ do func [s] [ foreach [a b] s [prin b] ] sort/skip
do function [s] [t] [ t: "" foreach [a b] s [repend t [b a]] t ] {
| e s m!zauafBpcvekexEohthjJakwLrngohOqrlryRnsctdtiub} 2 ]
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[REBOL] Re: Evaluation and writing in a file

2002-04-16 Thread COFFRE Richard FTO

Hi Gregg,

It failed in my case as you can see below :
** Script Error: Expected block of lines
** Near: write/append/lines output compose [(count) " - " ligne]

-Message d'origine-
De : Gregg Irwin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoyé : lundi 15 avril 2002 18:21
Objet : [REBOL] Re: Evaluation and writing in a file

Hi Richard,

write/append/lines output reduce [ count " - " ligne ]

where count is a number and ligne a character string. It doesn't work
because I don't have any block, but when I write 

write/append/lines output [ count " - " ligne ]

count isn't evaluated so how can I do ?

Have you tried COMPOSE?

E.g. write/append/lines output compose [ (count) " - " ligne ]

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[REBOL] Re: My function seems to have no effect

2002-04-16 Thread COFFRE Richard FTO

Thanks for your optimization

-Message d'origine-
De : Gabriele Santilli [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoyé : lundi 15 avril 2002 18:20
À : COFFRE Richard FTO
Objet : [REBOL] Re: My function seems to have no effect


On Monday, April 15, 2002, 11:46:04 AM, you wrote:

CRF> get_func_name: make function! [ chaine ] [
CRF> use [ guillemet ] [
CRF>guillemet: make string! {"}
CRF>remove/part chaine 6
CRF>foo: copy/part chaine 1 1
CRF>if foo == guillemet [ remove/part chaine 1 ]

CRF>; Supprimer les 2 derniers caractères
CRF>clear skip tail chaine -2
CRF>return (chaine)   
CRF> ]

I  see  others  have answered your question, but I'd like to point
out another way to write your function; I hope it can be useful.

get_func_name: func [chaine /local chars-to-skip start end] [
chars-to-skip: either chaine/7 = #"^"" [7] [6]
start: skip chaine chars-to-skip
end: skip tail chaine -2
copy/part start end

which can be reduced to:

get_func_name: func [chaine] [
copy/part  skip chaine either chaine/7 = #"^"" [7] [6]  skip tail
chaine -2

which will probably be much faster than your version.

Gabriele Santilli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  --  REBOL Programmer
Amigan -- AGI L'Aquila -- REB: http://web.tiscali.it/rebol/index.r

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[REBOL] Re: Evaluation and writing in a file

2002-04-16 Thread COFFRE Richard FTO

Hi Tom,

I have tried it but it failed

-Message d'origine-
De : Tom Conlin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoyé : lundi 15 avril 2002 19:02
Objet : [REBOL] Re: Evaluation and writing in a file

not tried but I would try and reduce the problem...

write/append/lines output reduce [ count " - " ligne ]


On Mon, 15 Apr 2002, COFFRE Richard FTO wrote:

> Hi Rebol fellows,
> I use to code below to write something in a file :
> write/append/lines output reduce [ count " - " ligne ]
> where count is a number and ligne a character string. It doesn't work
> because I don't have any block, but when I write 
> write/append/lines output [ count " - " ligne ]
> count isn't evaluated so how can I do ?
> So far, I split it in 3 instructions.
> Any ideas ?
> Richard Coffre
> France Telecom Orbiscom
> Tél. : 01 47 61 46 28
> -- 
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[REBOL] Re: issue-to-tuple

2002-04-16 Thread Anton

Yes, I thought there must be more to it after I posted.
It always pays to think what the original problem is.


> Hi Anton,
> <>
> I guess it depends on the format of his issue! values. From his original
> post I deduced it was hex format (e.g. #FF), but I could be 
> wrong. Yours
> is better if they're in tuple-normal form.
> --Gregg

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[REBOL] Re: Tags, anyone?

2002-04-16 Thread Brett Handley

> > There is also form-markup which converts this representation back into a
> > string:
> >
> > >> form-markup [ [p] "paragraph 1" [p] "paragraph2" ]
> > == "paragraph 1paragraph2"
>Quick question:  Why?  You could just as easily work with  instead,
> it's valid.

It is the opposite of my load-markup function. My example was poor.

> > I did this to give a basic markup manipulation facility:
> >
> > m: load-markup {some text}
> > change next find first m 'bgcolor "blue"
> > form-markup m
>You could also use your import-tag and build-tag for the same purposes,
if I
> follow correctly.

Yep. These are what load-markup and form-markup actually use to produce
their results.
All I am doing with load-markup is to first do LOAD/MARKUP an to change each
into a block! so that manipulating the attributes of the tag is much easier.

form-markup just converts the block back to a string so that you can for
write out that html file you just edited.

>And how would load-markup display the value of m there?

You could have tried that for yourself! :^)

>> m: load-markup {some text}
== [[body bgcolor "white"] "some " [b] "text" [/b] [/body]]
>> change next find first m 'bgcolor "blue"
== []
>> m
== [[body bgcolor "blue"] "some " [b] "text" [/b] [/body]]
>> form-markup m
== {some text}

>I'm not critiquing so much as asking for verifications and
> Thanks for the work, Brett!

You're most welcome.


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[REBOL] Re: Aplication crashes - not sure why

2002-04-16 Thread Graham Chiu

On Sun, 14 Apr 2002 09:26:07 -0700
 Holger Kruse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > have managed to get
> > > rebol to crash (in Windows2000) on a regular basis.
> I
> > 
> > IOS also crashes under XP.
> Not here. If you get crashes in IOS then please report
> them through
> the bug report mechanism in IOS.

Ooops, missed a comma.

I meant to say, James' code also crashes in IOS running in

Graham Chiu
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[REBOL] Re: issue-to-tuple

2002-04-16 Thread X

>How about
>   to-tuple form issue

If I understand it well Oldes needs that function for converting hexa
RGB values to REBOL format so this won't work.

I vote for [to-tuple debase/base clr 16] :)


> << Does anybody know, if there is better way how to convert issue to 
> tuple then this one?
> issue-to-tuple: func[clr ][
> to-tuple load head insert tail insert next clr: mold clr "{" 
> "}" ]
> >>
> I don't know if it's better, but here's what I came up with from
> tinkering a
> bit.
> issue-to-tuple: func[clr ][
> to-tuple debase/base clr 16
> ]
> --Gregg

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