[REBOL] Re: Strange parsing behavior

2002-08-02 Thread Robert M. Muench

> -Original Message-
> On Behalf Of Brett Handley
> Sent: Saturday, August 03, 2002 2:04 AM
> Subject: [REBOL] Re: Strange parsing behavior
> I run your code and I get an error straight away:
> ** Script Error: string1 has no value
> ** Where: rejoin
> ** Near: mold name: get name
> So you probably had string1 set before you ran your test code.

Hi, hmm... I used the link-client to test it, or there was a problem
with line breaks?

> > rule1: [start: copy string1 [to " - " (?? string1) | to newline]
copy string2 to end]
> To start, lets just look at the first COPY in your Rule1. The 
> variable is string1, the pattern is
> [to " - " (?? string1) | to newline]

So far we agree ;-)

> Rule1 looks bad to me because you are asking parse to COPY 
> the input stream matched by the pattern into string1, but 
> then from inside the pattern (and therefore before the 
> pattern completes) you try to print string1.

Well, this dependes how you expect parse to work. The rule
[to " - " (?? string1) | to newline] is a choice and Rebol parse uses a
one-shot evaluation while parsing, this means, it executes a rule as
long as possible starting with the first rule from several choices. As
soon as the rule, in this case to " - " could be parsed successfully,
the rule block ends. I expect parse to be in sync with the progress of
the parsing. So, after parse did to " - " I expect the copy operation as
terminated because internally it look like this:
Copy string to " - " which can be executed successfully. So the print
should succeed.

The question is what is the trigger for the copy: You say it's the end
of the rule block (lat trigger) and I would expect as soon as copying
makes sense (early trigger). From a debugging point of view an early
trigger is much more useful, further it would allow to create
context-sensitive grammars, as you could chnage parsing rules on the
fly. Robert

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[REBOL] Re: Strange parsing behavior

2002-08-02 Thread Robert M. Muench

> -Original Message-
> On Behalf Of Tom Conlin
> Sent: Saturday, August 03, 2002 6:02 AM
> To: Rebollist
> Subject: [REBOL] Re: Strange parsing behavior
> maybe this is what you were after
>  rule1: [start: copy string1 [ [to " - " (?? string1)] | to 
> newline] copy string2 to end] == [start: copy string1 [[to " 
> - " (?? string1)] | to newline] copy string2 to end]
> >> string1
> == "this is a - "

Shouldn't this be "this is a"? IIRC to indicates parsing up to the
pattern not thru it... I have the same effect here and IMO this is

> notice the first optional matching pattern is in its own block.

I play around with this a bit to see if it helps but I don't thing so.

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[REBOL] REBOL/Core 2.5.3 Released

2002-08-02 Thread Carl at REBOL

A new REBOL/Core has been released for testing purposes.
Check out the list of changes and find out where to get
it at:


Some of the changes include:

 MAKE-DIR Rewritten
 New Bitset Functions: CLEAR, LENGTH?, EMPTY?
 Changes to SKIP Function
 ARRAYs Initialized with Block Values
 Fix to OPEN on Network Ports
 Fixed Crash on Modified Functions
 Unset Object Variables (on Exit)
 Added BUILD-MARKUP Function
 Revised BUILD-TAG Function
 Revised DECODE-CGI Function
   and more...

Some of the changes to functions like BUILD-TAG might be
worth discussing... because the old function was pretty bad,
and the new one is not that compatible with it (if anyone
was in fact using the old one.)

Let me know what you think. There's more to do, but we didn't
want to hold up some of the nicer changes to wait for everything.

Newer versions of /View, /Command, /Encap, /Link, and /Serve
will be made available soon.


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[REBOL] Re: Strange parsing behavior

2002-08-02 Thread Tom Conlin

maybe this is what you were after

 rule1: [start: copy string1 [ [to " - " (?? string1)] | to newline] copy
string2 to end]
== [start: copy string1 [[to " - " (?? string1)] | to newline] copy
string2 to end]
>> string1
== "this is a - "
>> string2
== "parsing test"

notice the first optional matching pattern is in its own block.

On Fri, 2 Aug 2002, Robert M. Muench wrote:

> Hi, please have a look at this code and try it out:
> ---START
> rebol []
> rule1: [start: copy string1 [to " - " (?? string1) | to newline] copy
> string2 to end]
> rule2: [start: copy string1 [to " - " (?? string1) 3 skip | to newline]
> copy string2 to end]
> text: "this is a - parsing test"
> parse/all text rule1
> ?? string1
> ?? string2
> print "-"
> parse/all text rule2
> ?? string1
> ?? String2
> ---END
> >> do %parsing-error.r
> string1: "this is a - "
> string1: "this is a"
> string2: " - parsing test"
> -
> string1: "this is a"
> string1: "this is a - "
> string2: "parsing test"
> == "parsing test"
> I find some things very strange here:
> Rule1:
> - Why does string1 contain " - " when printed from inside
>   the rule? The rule states 'to and not 'thru? IMO string1
>   should be "this is a"
> - After the parsing string1 holds what I did expect in the
>   first place too. This indicates that the varaibles input
>   gets copied to will be changed after the parsing. But when and how?
> Rule2:
> - This time the string1 is as expected inside the rule but
>   changes to include the to " - " sequence after the parsing
> Any idea what's up here? Is this a bug? Robert
> --
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[REBOL] Re: fun with for loops

2002-08-02 Thread Charles

> Is really indentation such a big problem?
   Yeah, for me, anyways.  Further down, I'm nested some 6 times, and that's
leaving a ton of white space and extraneous scrolling past the edge.  For
readability, I always indent whenever a new block is opened.

> Anyway, I think you could do something like:

> or maybe use something like:

   Thanks, for the thousandth time, to everyone who's responded.  I will be
taking all of your suggestions into consideration.
   Er, that sounds like the response to a job application.  What I mean is,
I've spent the past, hm, 6 years working in this one language which is rather
C-like, but it's not C - it's an interpreted language in a specific development
environment.  In it, I could do things like:

for line in text {
if blank line {
// makes the for loop go to the next line
everything else

   So, I could use 'break' to cancel the for entirely, or use 'continue' to
just skip on by.  I have come into the habit of frequently using if blocks at
the beginning of functions to test various conditions for which other blocks of
code should be ignored.  Ie, if the line is blank, skip it all.  Further down,
it checks if the line is commented; skip everything else, then.  Otherwise, do
everything else.
   I think that Gabriele's idea of setting up another function is what I will
most likely have to do.  Oh well - that main function was getting awful hefty
anyways ;)  Thanks folks.


> Regards,
> --
> Gabriele Santilli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  --  REBOL Programmer
> Amigan -- AGI L'Aquila -- REB: http://web.tiscali.it/rebol/index.r
> --
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[REBOL] Re: Strange parsing behavior

2002-08-02 Thread Brett Handley

Hi Robert,

I run your code and I get an error straight away:

** Script Error: string1 has no value
** Where: rejoin
** Near: mold name: get name

So you probably had string1 set before you ran your test code.

> rule1: [start: copy string1 [to " - " (?? string1) | to newline] copy
> string2 to end]

To start, lets just look at the first COPY in your Rule1. The variable is
string1, the pattern is
[to " - " (?? string1) | to newline]
Rule1 looks bad to me because you are asking parse to COPY the input stream
matched by the pattern into string1, but then from inside the pattern (and
therefore before the pattern completes) you try to print string1. So the
short answer to your first question is - nothing has been copied to string1
by the time you want to print it from inside the rule.

> - After the parsing string1 holds what I did expect in the
>   first place too. This indicates that the varaibles input
>   gets copied to will be changed after the parsing. But when and how?

When the pattern completes (after the first ] ). Compare with this:

>> parse/all "this is a - parsing test" [copy string1 to " - " (??
string1: "this is a"
== false

In this case the pattern is just
to "- "
and so copy has finished by the time string1 is printed.

> Rule2:
> - This time the string1 is as expected inside the rule but
>   changes to include the to " - " sequence after the parsing
> Any idea what's up here? Is this a bug? Robert

Same explanation as for Rule1.
Not a bug.


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[REBOL] Re: Email spam bots Was: Re: Re: I've had it with email.

2002-08-02 Thread Andrew Martin

Thanks, jim!

Andrew Martin
ICQ: 26227169 http://valley.150m.com/

- Original Message -
From: "xo xo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2002 12:35 AM
Subject: [REBOL] Re: Email spam bots Was: Re: Re: I've had it with email.

> Dear Andrew,
> From what I can gather after reading this promo blurp, the answer is no,
> sort of.
> Why?...
> Because if you notice the words "It can verify more than..." you will
> realize that what they are doing is connecting to the mail server and
> engaging in a conversation that entails using the "verify" command to
> test the validity of an address.
> More than likely it generates the address prefixes from a pool of words
> and or letter/number combinations. If an ISP uses a serialized number
> scheme for user accounts then yes I guess you could say they are
> harvesting addresses.
> Basically they are exploring email addresses prefixes on a per domain
> basis by using the mail server as a sieve. By searching this way they
> eliminate the need for dns resolutions for multiple domains, which would
> precede the sending of actual mail or contacting a given server.
> I could go on about the finer details of spam but time is limited.
> jim
> Andrew Martin wrote:
> >
> > I've just got this spam:
> > --
> > Easy Email Searcher  is  a  powerful  Email  software   that  harvests
> > general Email lists from mail servers   Easy Email Searcher can get
> > Email addresses directly from the Email servers in only one hour!
> >
> >   a.. Easy Email Searcher is a 32 bit Windows Program for e-mail
> > It is intended for easy and convenient search large e-mail address lists
> > from mail servers. The program can be operated on Windows 95/98/ME/2000
> > NT.
> >   b.. Easy Email Searcher support multi-threads (up to 512 connections).
> >   c.. Easy Email Searcher has the ability  to reconnect to the mail
> > if the server has disconnected and continue the searching at the point
> > it has been interrupted.
> >   d.. Easy Email Searcher has an ergonomic interface that is easy to set
> > and simple to use.
> >
> > Easy Email Searcher is an email address searcher and bulk e-mail sender.
> > It can verify more than 5500 email addresses per minute at only 56Kbps
> > speed. It even allows you send email to valid email address while
> > You can save the searching progress and load it to resume work at your
> > convenience. All you need to do is just input an email address, and
> > the "Search" button.
> > 
> >
> > It advertises the spam program being able to harvest email addresses
> > mail servers!
> >
> > Is this possible?
> >
> > Andrew Martin
> > ICQ: 26227169 http://valley.150m.com/
> > -><-
> >
> > --
> > To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the
> > subject, without the quotes.
> --
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[REBOL] Re: Email woes on IBM/AIX Risc 6000

2002-08-02 Thread Ed Dana

Mat Bettinson wrote:

>Hi Ed,
>Ed> connecting to: smtprelay.avnet.com
>Ed> ** Access Error: Network timeout
>Ed> ** Where: confirm
>Ed> ** Near: smtp-port: open [scheme: 'smtp]
>Ed> if email?
>I had something like this once. The problem was due to the mail server
>attempting to do an ident check on the machine which was talking to
>it. The timeout period of this on the mail server was longer than the
>default timeout period in Rebol.
>The solution was to turn the ident request off on the mail server
>although if you have no access to that you should be able to increase
>the Rebol timeout value instead.
You are correct, there is little I can do about the mail server. I did 
try changing the default system timeout *and* the SMTP system timeout, 
but neither made a difference.

Sincerely, | Control is an illusion, you infantile egomaniac.
Ed Dana| Nobody knows what's gonna happen next: not on a 
Software Developer | freeway, not in an airplane, not inside our own
1Ghz Athlon Amiga  | bodies and certainly not on a racetrack with 40
   | other infantile egomaniacs. 
   |   -- Days of Thunder 
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[REBOL] Re: Email woes on IBM/AIX Risc 6000

2002-08-02 Thread Ed Dana

G. Scott Jones wrote:

>Hi, Ed,
>From: "Ed Dana"
>>G. Scott Jones wrote:
>>>It is not obvious from what you wrote about. ...
>>Nope, it's not obvious from what I wrote. But then, that's my whole
>>problem, I'm not sure where I should start looking. :)
>Sorry.  I didn't mean to imply that your description was in any way
>inadequate or lacking.  I should have written something more like that I
>agreed that it certainly wasn't obvious what was going on.  My blunder;
Think nothing of it. I did. :)

>>I don't believe that the server requires authentication. Working with
>>our SA, we were able to send an email on that box using a unix command
>>(I forget which, I'm not a unix dude), it worked fine.
>I also should clarify at this point that I, too, am not a AIX/unix/*nix
>dude, but I played one at an improv theater once.  (<< Attempt-At-Humor
>Alert >>)  So like all good actors, then I'm probably over qualified.
That's OK, I slept at a Holiday Inn... (Funny only if you live here in 
the States and pay attention to Holiday Inn commercials :)

>Actually I don't think that this is an AIX issue, or I wouldn't be wasting
>your time.  Just that in being a close follower of the list, I've noticed
>certain recurring patterns of problems.  This one *appears* to be a
>requires-some-sort-of-authentication-that-is-not-fully-supported category,
>which can be further subcategorized into a
>using-a-"non-standard"-user-account-name or
>using-one-of-the-many-non-standardized-authenticated-smtp issues.
My problem is: I don't know. Personally, I think it is a configuration 
issue, but where? It's either REBOL, or it's the AIX box. And I gotta 
eliminate one in order for it to be the other.

>>I'll try it, but I'm not sure what you mean by "your-client-url"? Do you
>>mean the url of the box I'm trying to email from? Please clarify...
>I guess that was a bit nebulous.  Sorry.  As Anton pointed out in a separate
>response, it may not matter what is typed in here because many email servers
>will determine what it needs, namely your machine's URL, and therefore, your
>machine's IP.
>Assuming that you are emailing from within the network (which I assume you
>are since I cannot ping nor telnet to your server from the Internet), your
>client url would likely look something like "dana.avnet.com" or maybe
>"dana.bestdivision.avnet.com".  The email server will then get the IP
>address that belongs to this url.  My foggy-headed understanding of this is
>that some email servers can be configured to only accept email from within
>certain subnets as a further means of avoiding the unintended hosting of a
>promiscuous email server (I just love that expression).  Further
>authentication is a redunduncy added in case the url/ip has been spoofed, or
>authentication can be used to accept email from outside the subnet or
>network (like if you are working from home), in which case the url/ip is
>unimportant, but the user account name and password is crucial to avoid
>being a promiscuous email server (there's that expression again).
>Since you didn't mention having a user account name that includes an @ (like
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]) and that you use (or will be using) Exchange server,
>then you may wish to try the hack I made April '01 for Nick Carson.
I am using an Exchange Server (or will be), unfortunately, I don't know 
if smtprelay is an exchange server or not. It's supposed to be a simple 
relay server, but I know little of these things. But it is definitely 
not the server I am ultimately going to connect to. At this point, I've 
done nothing more than try and send an email.

Maybe I should spend another night in a Holiday Inn? =)

>In this solution, I provide two scripts that add hacked versions of the smtp
>scheme and the send function.  Watch for line breaks.  I renamed these to
>avoid any conflict with REBOL's official version, but can be named to
>overwrite the default code.  As it stands, these scripts are designed to be
>run from a REBOL console, but can be easily rewritten to run as a /View gui.
>The authenticating username and password are requested from the console
>prompt on first use, and stored internally for the rest of the session.
>These values are not saved to permanent storage locally for security
>reasons.  Please note that if this script is to be provided for multiple
>user use, it would be trivial to halt a script then hack and get the
>username and password once entered (meaning, security risk).  If this is the
>situation, then the scripts should be changed to ask for the
>username/password *each time* needed.
I'll give this a try next week.

>If these scripts do not work, then I would try the telnet route.  From
>Windows, open a dos box and type in:
>telnet smtprelay.avnet.com 25
>After the email server responds, type
>EHLO your-client-url-as-discussed-above
>then see what returns.  This return infomation wil

[REBOL] Re: Email woes on IBM/AIX Risc 6000

2002-08-02 Thread Ed Dana

Anton wrote:

>I tried it with the smtp server at my dialup isp.
>I could type just random characters for "your-client-url"
>and it said:
>   Hello po-202-x-x-x.izone.net.au [202.x.x.x],
>   pleased to meet you
>so you see it determined the ip address (202.x.x.x) that my
>isp assigned to me when I dialed in. This "HELO/EHLO" stage
>may or may not be a problem for you.
>Also, try typing "HELP" for a list of commands.
I telneted to the server, looks like it connected no problem, but all I 
got back when I HELOed was "OK". Nothing else happened.

Sincerely, | When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries of 
Ed Dana| life disappear and life stands explained.
Software Developer |   -- Mark Twain
1Ghz Athlon Amiga  | 
=== http://members.cox.net/edanaii/Home/Default.html ===

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[REBOL] Re: fun with for loops

2002-08-02 Thread Ladislav Mecir

Hi Charles,

if I understood correctly, you would like to have:

set-words: function [
{Get all set-words from a block}
block [block!]
] [elem words] [
words: make block! length? block
parse block [
any [
set elem set-word! (
insert tail words to word! :elem
) | skip

cfor: function [
{a C-like for function}
init [block!]
test [block!]
inc [block!]
body [block!]
] [use-words cont] [
use-words: append set-words init [continue]
body: append reduce [:catch body] inc
cont: reduce [does [throw none]]
use use-words reduce [
:set [continue] cont
:do init
:while test body


cfor [i: 1] [i <= 3] [i: i + 1] [
if i = 2 [continue]
print i



- Original Message -
From: "Charles"

   Howdy folks.  Got a bit of a difficulty here.  Say I'm evaluating a for
loop, like reading lines of text from a file.  At the beginning of my for
I have it check to see if the line is commented, blank, or neither.  If it's
commented or blank, I want it to just skip to the next iteration of the for
loop; however, if it's neither, let it keep going.  I would prefer to do
with a simple if [] as opposed to a heavy either [][]...  'break' doesn't do
what I need - it kills the for loop entirely, instead of skipping to the
iteration.  If I use either [][], I have to do:
either condition? [
if true do this
if false
do these
next 20 lines
all indented
with more indentation
yet to come
very long lines

   You follow me?  It's a coding habit I've picked up from another language.
Thanks folks.


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[REBOL] Rugby -- security

2002-08-02 Thread ammon


Robert (or anyone else with the knowledge), what kind of authentication are 
avaialable with Rugby?  I  want to be able to only grant access to those who log in 
with the proper username & password.  What do you recomend?


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[REBOL] Re: Rebol and ISPs

2002-08-02 Thread Valentin Kaelin

If you would like to have your web site accessible by anyone, yes. If you're
just testing, a local web server will be fine.

But don't forget that your ISP will need to have a REBOL interpreter
installed on the system your web site is located.

Val Kaelin
- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, August 02, 2002 9:57 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Rebol and ISPs

> Hi,
> Forgive me ... to embed Rebol in a web page, is it necessary to have
> Rebol on ISP's server?
> Thanks,
> Dick
> Download NeoPlanet at http://www.neoplanet.com
> --
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[REBOL] Strange parsing behavior

2002-08-02 Thread Robert M. Muench

Hi, please have a look at this code and try it out:


rebol []

rule1: [start: copy string1 [to " - " (?? string1) | to newline] copy
string2 to end]
rule2: [start: copy string1 [to " - " (?? string1) 3 skip | to newline]
copy string2 to end]

text: "this is a - parsing test"

parse/all text rule1

?? string1
?? string2

print "-"

parse/all text rule2

?? string1
?? String2


>> do %parsing-error.r
string1: "this is a - "
string1: "this is a"
string2: " - parsing test"
string1: "this is a"
string1: "this is a - "
string2: "parsing test"
== "parsing test"

I find some things very strange here:

- Why does string1 contain " - " when printed from inside
  the rule? The rule states 'to and not 'thru? IMO string1
  should be "this is a"
- After the parsing string1 holds what I did expect in the
  first place too. This indicates that the varaibles input
  gets copied to will be changed after the parsing. But when and how?

- This time the string1 is as expected inside the rule but
  changes to include the to " - " sequence after the parsing

Any idea what's up here? Is this a bug? Robert

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[REBOL] Re: fun with for loops

2002-08-02 Thread Gregg Irwin

Hi Charles,

Using ";" as an example for comment lines, but writing a COMMENT? function
might be a good idea.

>> b: ["" "data" ";Comment" "data 2" "" "data 3"]
== ["" "data" ";Comment" "data 2" "" "data 3"]
>> foreach item b [
[if all [(not empty? item) (#";" <> item/1)][
[print item
data 2
data 3


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[REBOL] Rebol and ISPs

2002-08-02 Thread reffy


Forgive me ... to embed Rebol in a web page, is it necessary to have
Rebol on ISP's server?


Download NeoPlanet at http://www.neoplanet.com

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[REBOL] Re: Regarding tags

2002-08-02 Thread Gregg Irwin

Hi Charles,

<< The emphasis here is the ability to get the image's path so I can append
it to a URL, and when I'm done, alter the image's path and save the new >

I haven't done much with tags myself, but there are often times where it
just isn't as easy as you think it should be to modify data while preserving
original formatting. Here I use the /ALL refinement on parse and MOLD to try
and simplify things.

>> imgtag: 
>> parse/all imgtag {"}
== ["IMG SRC=" "../somedir/someimage.jpg"]
>> b/2: "../somedir/newimg.jpg"
== ["IMG SRC=" "../somedir/newimg.jpg"]
>> to tag! join b/1 mold b/2


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[REBOL] Re: Circular forwarding, once again

2002-08-02 Thread G. Scott Jones

From: "Charles"
>Argh.  Not to be a complete dumbass, but I took a look at e-scribe for
> on the circular forwarding problem, and .. well, found a couple things,
> also a some successive posts that said it didn't work right.  For
instance, I
> found these two:
> http://www.escribe.com/internet/rebol/m10481.html
> http://www.escribe.com/internet/rebol/m11480.html
>Although, I'm not clear on how I should add this change.  Copy&paste
> entire block of code with the suggested change before loading my actual
> What if one were to simply (in post m11480) replace the code which causes
> to dump on circ forward and instead carry on?

Hi, Charles,

There are at least two ways to achieve the change mentioned by Maarten in
the archived email.

One way is to create your own copy of the http scheme, edit it with your
favorite text editor, then load the scheme into REBOL.  One way to do this
is to:

1) Open fresh REBOL console
2) Type "echo %/path/to/a/file/my-http.r" and return key
3) Type "probe system/schemes/http" and return key
4) Type "quit" and return key

Then go to the directory where you choose to save the file, and open the
file with your favorite text editor.  Remove the ">>" at the beginning of
the file and insert "system/schemes/http:" just before the word "make".
Then remove the ">>" from the end of the file and save.  This is the RT
version of the http scheme.  Now, scanning down the file, locate the
'handler object, then the 'open function within the 'handler object, then
the 'forward block in 'open.  Toward the end of this block, you will see the
line that Maarten referred to "build-port".  Following this line, insert
that line that he recommended trying:
http-get-header/host: port/host
then save the altered scheme.

Now at a fresh REBOL console, load that scheme with something like
do %/path/to/a/file/my-http.r
Note, that this method *replaces* the default scheme with your new http
scheme in the current session only.  Now work on the circular forwarding
problem to your heart's content.

The alternative approach to "patching" REBOL requires some trial and error.
In my version of REBOL/View, the following will locate the scheme as it
exists at runtime and insert the desired line directly:
insert next find second get in system/schemes/http/handler  'open
'build-port reduce [to-set-word "http-get-header/host" 'port/host]
Watch for the line wrap (this should all be on one line in the script or
console).  In addition to trial and error, this method is also potentially
more fragile, hence some people's preference to copy the scheme to a file
and make changes there.

>Even better, though, would be to take this first address, perform... I
> know, SOME function on it to find out what the REAL URL should be, and let
> access that - server and subdirs all together.  I would really like to try
> do this without messing with system functions...  *sighs*

There is a way to capture the information that you seek by directly using
the ports, but my guess is that you will end up with a less flexible
reimplementation of what is already a part of the http scheme.  You can of
course hack the http scheme protocol to capture the information during
processing, but you might as well add the functionality you seek right into
the scheme in use, or you will find yourself having to "always" make at
least two calls for each url access (first to find if it is forwarded then a
second call to the next url).  Maarten's basic approach is to let the scheme
automatically manage a forwarding request, but as he implies, it may not be
fully tested.  It has been over a year since I played with a forwarding
problem.  If his suggested addition does not accomplish your need, let the
list know, along with the url, and we may be able to hack a more robust

Hope this helps.
--Scott Jones

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[REBOL] Re: PC Uptime

2002-08-02 Thread Christian Langreiter

> There is a way how to "draw" directly into Rebol's face image using dll
> callsI did a library wrapper for reading/writing/showing more than 200
> image formats using xnview library...I'll release it soon. I think using
> this method we could even for show Direct3D/OpenGL output embedded in
> Rebol gui.

If that really works (which I don't doubt ;-), then - WOW! This is
the most amazing REBOL news I've read in weeks.

Best regards,
-- Chris

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[REBOL] Re: Email woes on IBM/AIX Risc 6000

2002-08-02 Thread G. Scott Jones

Hi, Ed,

From: "Ed Dana"
> G. Scott Jones wrote:
> >It is not obvious from what you wrote about. ...
> Nope, it's not obvious from what I wrote. But then, that's my whole
> problem, I'm not sure where I should start looking. :)

Sorry.  I didn't mean to imply that your description was in any way
inadequate or lacking.  I should have written something more like that I
agreed that it certainly wasn't obvious what was going on.  My blunder;

> >If the email server requires "authentication" and your user name has an
> >let me know and I can dig up the patch.  If you don't know if it is
> >authenticating, try a telnet session, something like:
> >
> I don't believe that the server requires authentication. Working with
> our SA, we were able to send an email on that box using a unix command
> (I forget which, I'm not a unix dude), it worked fine.

I also should clarify at this point that I, too, am not a AIX/unix/*nix
dude, but I played one at an improv theater once.  (<< Attempt-At-Humor
Alert >>)  So like all good actors, then I'm probably over qualified.

Actually I don't think that this is an AIX issue, or I wouldn't be wasting
your time.  Just that in being a close follower of the list, I've noticed
certain recurring patterns of problems.  This one *appears* to be a
requires-some-sort-of-authentication-that-is-not-fully-supported category,
which can be further subcategorized into a
using-a-"non-standard"-user-account-name or
using-one-of-the-many-non-standardized-authenticated-smtp issues.

> >telnet smtprelay.avnet.com:25
> >type:
> >EHLO your-client-url
> >and return and wait to see if amongst the return messages you see:
> >S: 250-AUTH=LOGIN
> >
> I'll try it, but I'm not sure what you mean by "your-client-url"? Do you
> mean the url of the box I'm trying to email from? Please clarify...

I guess that was a bit nebulous.  Sorry.  As Anton pointed out in a separate
response, it may not matter what is typed in here because many email servers
will determine what it needs, namely your machine's URL, and therefore, your
machine's IP.

Assuming that you are emailing from within the network (which I assume you
are since I cannot ping nor telnet to your server from the Internet), your
client url would likely look something like "dana.avnet.com" or maybe
"dana.bestdivision.avnet.com".  The email server will then get the IP
address that belongs to this url.  My foggy-headed understanding of this is
that some email servers can be configured to only accept email from within
certain subnets as a further means of avoiding the unintended hosting of a
promiscuous email server (I just love that expression).  Further
authentication is a redunduncy added in case the url/ip has been spoofed, or
authentication can be used to accept email from outside the subnet or
network (like if you are working from home), in which case the url/ip is
unimportant, but the user account name and password is crucial to avoid
being a promiscuous email server (there's that expression again).

Since you didn't mention having a user account name that includes an @ (like
[EMAIL PROTECTED]) and that you use (or will be using) Exchange server,
then you may wish to try the hack I made April '01 for Nick Carson.


In this solution, I provide two scripts that add hacked versions of the smtp
scheme and the send function.  Watch for line breaks.  I renamed these to
avoid any conflict with REBOL's official version, but can be named to
overwrite the default code.  As it stands, these scripts are designed to be
run from a REBOL console, but can be easily rewritten to run as a /View gui.
The authenticating username and password are requested from the console
prompt on first use, and stored internally for the rest of the session.
These values are not saved to permanent storage locally for security
reasons.  Please note that if this script is to be provided for multiple
user use, it would be trivial to halt a script then hack and get the
username and password once entered (meaning, security risk).  If this is the
situation, then the scripts should be changed to ask for the
username/password *each time* needed.

If these scripts do not work, then I would try the telnet route.  From
Windows, open a dos box and type in:
telnet smtprelay.avnet.com 25
After the email server responds, type
EHLO your-client-url-as-discussed-above
then see what returns.  This return infomation will be very valuable for
determining what to do next in making REBOL compatible.  You may sign-off
the telnet session with "QUIT" and return.

(BTW, if you cannot see what you type, then in the telnet menu, click
preferences, and select "local echo".)

I hope I have further clarified what was evidently a less than clear
explanation.  I'm interested in hearing what you find.
--Scott Jones

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[REBOL] Re: fun with for loops

2002-08-02 Thread Gabriele Santilli

Hi Charles,

On Friday, August 02, 2002, 4:24:21 AM, you wrote:

C> either condition? [
C> if true do this
C> ][
C> if false
C> do these
C> next 20 lines
C> all indented
C> with more indentation
C> yet to come
C> very long lines
C> ]

Is really indentation such a big problem?

Anyway, I think you could do something like:

processing-func: func [etc.] [
if condition? [exit]

for etc. [
processing-func args

or maybe use something like:

for etc. [catch[
if condition? [throw 'get-me-out-of-here]

Gabriele Santilli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  --  REBOL Programmer
Amigan -- AGI L'Aquila -- REB: http://web.tiscali.it/rebol/index.r

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[REBOL] Re: fun with for loops

2002-08-02 Thread AR

How about this

while [
it is true
] [
catch [
if condition1 [
do something
if condition2 [
do it too
do something else

or just use switch as it is mostly suitable.


Anton wrote:

>Whoops, I missed an argument to 'loop:
>   for ... [
>   loop 1 [ ; only once
>   if condition [break]
>   ; other code
>   ]
>   ]

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[REBOL] Re: PC Uptime

2002-08-02 Thread Anton

How portable is OpenGL ?

I got interested in SDL - Simple DirectMedia Layer
SDL is a free cross-platform multi-media development API .
It's currently ported to
MacOS, MacOS/X

but I only did some simple tests to see if I could
call a routine!
I wanted to use SDL for graphics.

I'll probably get back into it some time, so then
I'd be very interested how you got the pointer to
the face frame buffer.


> Hi all,
> There is a way how to "draw" directly into Rebol's face image using dll
> callsI did a library wrapper for reading/writing/showing more than 200
> image formats using xnview library...I'll release it soon. I think using
> this method we could even for show Direct3D/OpenGL output embedded in
> Rebol gui.
> regards,
> Cyphre

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[REBOL] Re: PC Uptime

2002-08-02 Thread Cyphre

Hi all,

There is a way how to "draw" directly into Rebol's face image using dll
callsI did a library wrapper for reading/writing/showing more than 200
image formats using xnview library...I'll release it soon. I think using
this method we could even for show Direct3D/OpenGL output embedded in
Rebol gui.



- Original Message -
From: "Anton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 02, 2002 2:53 AM
Subject: [REBOL] Re: PC Uptime

> How do we get a pointer to the rebol window frame
> buffer from rebol? I don't think there is a way
> in rebol.
> However, that sparks an idea. You can probably
> open your own "windows" window, then you can find
> the pointer to its frame buffer.
> Anton.
> > While we are on the subject of using Windows calls to do fancy stuff . .
> > anyone tried "wrapping" the DC (Device Context?), SetPixel and FreeDC
> > routines to enable direct pixel manipulation. I don't know enough
> > about the
> > Windows API set myself but was told by a C programmer type that
> > these three
> > would be a good start for fast drawing on large faces. Comments?
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> >  Ashley
> --
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[REBOL] Re: Email woes on IBM/AIX Risc 6000

2002-08-02 Thread Mat Bettinson

Hi Ed,

Ed> connecting to: smtprelay.avnet.com
Ed> ** Access Error: Network timeout
Ed> ** Where: confirm
Ed> ** Near: smtp-port: open [scheme: 'smtp]
Ed> if email?

I had something like this once. The problem was due to the mail server
attempting to do an ident check on the machine which was talking to
it. The timeout period of this on the mail server was longer than the
default timeout period in Rebol.

The solution was to turn the ident request off on the mail server
although if you have no access to that you should be able to increase
the Rebol timeout value instead.



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