[REBOL] Re: [modal windows] [inform]

2004-03-24 Thread philb

Hi Max,

Both Doc Kimble & Romano have done truly modal windows.

Cant Remember Link for Doc's onme  but Romanos website is at 

Cheers Phil

> === Original Message ===
> IIRC Inform is the only option ATM, but I have a few ideas for a truly modal
> system I just haven't had time to test them yet...
> HTH!!
> ~~Ammon ;~>
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Rebol-List (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 9:59 AM
> Subject: [REBOL] [modal windows] [inform]
> >
> > sorry for being lazy.
> >
> > what is the best way to open modal windows in view (windows which block
> events to other windows, like requesters and alerts).
> >
> > are there alternatives to using inform... IIRC it was quite buggy, and was
> prone to crash rebol...
> >
> > Since I'm building a shared tool, I just don't want a weak link to be
> included in the source, if its curable before release!
> >
> >
> > TIA!
> >
> >
> > -MAx
> > ---
> > "You can either be part of the problem or part of the solution, but in the
> end, being part of the problem is much more fun."
> >
> >
> > -- 
> > To unsubscribe from this list, just send an email to
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] with unsubscribe as the subject.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> -- 
> To unsubscribe from this list, just send an email to
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[REBOL] Re: [vid] Re: Text Area scroll.

2003-12-11 Thread philb

Hi Gabrielle,

That is great Gabrielle  it wasnt just me going mad then !!!
Have you submitted this patch for the consideration as part of vid 1.3 ?

The updated area/scroller program is as follows :

rebol [
title: "Area with scroller"
author: "Phil Bevan"
date: 10-Dec-2003
version 0.0.2

Slider: Slider with [
use [c] [
c: second :redrag
either 15470763 = checksum mold c [
insert c [state: none]
Scroller: Scroller with [
use [c] [
c: second :redrag
either 15470763 = checksum mold c [
insert c [state: none]

pos-scroll: func [tx sc /local tsize ts-max tmp] [
tsize: size-text tx  ; calculate size of text
either tsize/y <= tx/size/y  ; is text is smaller 
[sc/redrag 1 sc/data: 0] ; set dagger to 1, slider 
data to 0
sc/redrag tx/size/y / tsize/y; set dagger size  = (area y 
size)/(text y size)
show sc
ts-max: tsize/y - tx/size/y  ; ts-max = maximum value of 
top of dagger
tmp: min 1 (- tx/para/scroll/y / ts-max) ; calculate slider position
sc/data: tmp ; set slider poition
show sc  ; show scroller

lv-lay: layout [
space 0
tx: area 400x200 feel [ 
engage: func [face action event] [
ctx-text/edit/engage face action event
if all [event/type = 'key] [pos-scroll tx scrl]
scrl: scroller 16x200 [scroll-para tx scrl]

pos-scroll tx scrl   ; set initial dagger size
view lv-lay

> === Original Message ===
> Hi Phil,
> On Thursday, December 11, 2003, 4:41:52 AM, you wrote:
> puc> Does anyone know why I had to insert the ugly line
> puc>  if all [sl/data = 1 tmp = 1] [tmp: 0.999]
> puc> in this code.
> IIRC this is a workaround for a bug in slider/redrag.
> I use this patch that fixes the bug:
> Slider: Slider with [
> use [c] [
> c: second :redrag
> either 15470763 = checksum mold c [
> insert c [state: none]
> ]
> ]
> Scroller: Scroller with [
> use [c] [
> c: second :redrag
> either 15470763 = checksum mold c [
> insert c [state: none]
> ]
> ]
> Regards,
> -- 
> Gabriele Santilli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  --  REBOL Programmer
> Amiga Group Italia sez. L'Aquila  ---   SOON: http://www.rebol.it/
> -- 
> To unsubscribe from this list, just send an email to
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[REBOL] [vid] Re: Text Area scroll.

2003-12-10 Thread philb

Hi all,

Does anyone know why I had to insert the ugly line
if all [sl/data = 1 tmp = 1] [tmp: 0.999]
in this code.

if this line is commented out then even though the scroller data is set to 1 and the 
face shown, the dagger in the scroller is not moved to the bottom?

To see this, comment out the above line in the code below, run the program and keep 
adding new lines until the area scrolls.  You see that the dagger gets smaller but in 
not moved to the bottom even though sc/data is set to 1.

Below is the previous code but with some comments indicating what is going on.

rebol [
title: "Area with scroller"
author: "Phil Bevan"
date: 10-Dec-2003
version 0.0.2

pos-scroll: func [tx sc /local tsize ts-max tmp] [
tsize: size-text tx  ; calculate size of text
either tsize/y <= tx/size/y  ; is text is smaller 
[sc/redrag 1 sc/data: 0] ; set dagger to 1, slider 
data to 0
sc/redrag tx/size/y / tsize/y; set dagger size  = (area y 
size)/(text y size)
show sc
ts-max: tsize/y - tx/size/y  ; ts-max =  
tmp: min 1 (- tx/para/scroll/y / ts-max) ; calculate slider position
if all [sc/data = 1 tmp = 1] [tmp: 0.999]; ugly patch ???
sc/data: tmp ; set slider poition
show sc  ; show scroller

lv-lay: layout [
space 0
tx: area 400x200 feel [ 
engage: func [face action event] [
ctx-text/edit/engage face action event
if all [event/type = 'key] [pos-scroll tx scrl]
scrl: scroller 16x200 [scroll-para tx scrl]

pos-scroll tx scrl   ; set initial dagger size
view lv-lay


Cheers Phil

> === Original Message ===
> Use a newer View beta. I think you are using
> View 1.2.1 to test this ?
> It requires scroller style, which is only available
> in view betas newer than 1.2.1
> Anton.
> > Phil,
> > Am I supposed to initiate words tx and ls first?
> > Here I got an error
> > Carlos
> >

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[REBOL] Re: Text Area scroll.

2003-12-09 Thread philb

Hi Bruno/Carlos,

Here is another text-area scroll demo 

rebol [
Title: "Area with scroller"
Author: "Phhil Bevan"
Date: 10-Dec-2003
Version 0.0.1

pos-scroll: func [tx sl /local tsize ts-max tmp] [
tsize: size-text tx
either tsize/y <= tx/size/y 
[sl/redrag 1 sl/data: 0]
sl/redrag tx/size/y / tsize/y   
ts-max: tsize/y - tx/size/y
tmp: min 1 (- tx/para/scroll/y / ts-max)
if all [sl/data = 1 tmp = 1] [tmp: 0.999]
sl/data: tmp
show sl

lv-lay: layout [
space 0
tx: area 400x200 feel [
engage: func [face action event] [
ctx-text/edit/engage face action event
if all [event/type = 'key] [pos-scroll tx sl]
sl: scroller 16x200 [scroll-para tx sl]

pos-scroll tx sl ; set original size
view lv-lay


Cheers Phil

> === Original Message ===
> Bruno,
> I remember last time I asked here just the same
> and unfortunately I got only one reply from the list
> that didn't solve the problem at all.
> I still need to get the path to get this this "auto-move"
> you mentioned so in case you have a clue write me pls
> um abraƧo
> Carlos Lorenz
> Em Seg 08 Dez 2003 18:30, Bruno G. Albuquerque escreveu:
> > Hello.
> >
> > By know I learned how to use scroll bars in text areas to scroll the text
> > inside it (vertically and horizontally). Now I need the scroll bars to
> > auto-move to represent the current position being displayed in the text
> > view when I use the cursor keys to move around the text. I also need to
> > know how to scroll  the text area to a specific text position (like scroll
> > to top and scroll to bottom).
> >
> > Any help will be apreciated.
> >
> > -Bruno
> -- 
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[REBOL] Re: REBOL Mail List Changes

2003-12-05 Thread philb

Hi Sabu,

Have been looking at your send patch  everthing works fine.

I do have a query though  in the function 'sendProperFrom' you do a 
hObj/Return-Path: none 

Is there a reason for this?
The patch seems to work even if I comment this line out.

Cheers Phil

> === Original Message ===
> Hi: 
> Here is the complete, patched send function. 
> (There was a small typo in my earlier post)
>  I hope my email client does not word wrap this at the wrong places.
> Note that this is patched from the original "send" function, not the 
> one that Ingo has written.
> Please let me know if this is the correct way to
> handle it as I have tested this only using Qmail.
> What is the experience with other servers?
> Regards
> Sabu Francis
> send: func [
>  "Send a message to an address (or block of addresses)"
>  ;Note - will also be used with REBOL protocol later.
>  address [email! block!] "An address or block of addresses"
>  message "Text of message. First line is subject."
>  /only   "Send only one message to multiple addresses"
>  /header "Supply your own custom header"
>  header-obj [object!] "The header to use"
>  /attach "Attach file, files, or [.. [filename data]]"
>  files [file! block!] "The files to attach to the message"
>  /subject "Set the subject of the message"
>  subj "The subject line"
>  /show "Show all recipients in the TO field"
>  /local smtp-port content do-send boundary 
>   make-boundary tmp from sendProperFrom
> ][
>  make-boundary: does []
>  do-send: func [port data] [
>   foreach item reduce data [
>if string? item [replace/all item "^/." "^/.."]
>   ]
>   insert port reduce data
>  ]
>  sendProperFrom: func [ hObj s-port frm ]
> either get in hObj 'Return-Path 
>  [ do-send s-port ["MAIL FROM: <" hObj/Return-Path ">"] 
>hObj/Return-Path: none  
>  [do-send s-port ["MAIL FROM: <" frm ">"] ]
>   ]
>  if file? files [files: reduce [files]] ; make it a block
>  if email? address [address: reduce [address]] ; make it a block
>  message: either string? message [copy message] [mold message]
>  if not header [ ; Clone system default header
>   header-obj: make system/standard/email [
>subject: any [subj copy/part message any [find message newline 50]]
>   ]
>  ]
>  if subject [header-obj/subject: subj]
>  either none? header-obj/from [
>   if none? header-obj/from: 
> from: system/user/email 
>   [net-error "Email header not set: no from address"]
>   if all [string? system/user/name not empty? system/user/name][
>header-obj/from: rejoin [system/user/name " <" from ">"]
>   ]
>  ][
>   from: header-obj/from
>  ]
>  if none? header-obj/to [
>   header-obj/to: tmp: make string! 20
>   if show [
>foreach email address [repend tmp [email ", "]]
>clear back back tail tmp
>   ]
>  ]
>  if none? header-obj/date [header-obj/date: to-idate now]
>  if attach [
>   boundary: rejoin ["--__REBOL--" system/product 
>  "--" system/version "--" checksum form now/precise "__"]
>   header-obj/MIME-Version: "1.0"
>   header-obj/content-type: 
> join "multipart/mixed; boundary=" [{"} skip boundary 2 {"}]
>   message: build-attach-body message files boundary
>  ]
>  ;-- Send as an SMTP batch or individually addressed:
>  smtp-port: open [scheme: 'smtp]
>  either only [ ; Only one message to multiple addrs
>   ;commented out to handle Return-Path
>   ;do-send smtp-port ["MAIL FROM: <" from ">"]
>   sendProperFrom header-Obj smtp-port from
>   foreach addr address [
>if email? addr [
> do-send smtp-port ["RCPT TO: <" addr ">"]
>   ]
>   insert insert message net-utils/export header-obj newline
>   do-send smtp-port ["DATA" message]
>  ][
>   foreach addr address [
>if email? addr [
> ;commented out to handle Return-Path
> ;do-send smtp-port ["MAIL FROM: <" from ">"]
> sendProperFrom header-Obj smtp-port from
> do-send smtp-port ["RCPT TO: <" addr ">"]
> if not show [insert clear header-obj/to addr]
> content: rejoin [net-utils/export header-obj newline message]
> do-send smtp-port ["DATA" content]
>   ]
>  ]
>  close smtp-port
> ]
> -- 
> To unsubscribe from this list, just send an email to
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[REBOL] Re: Sharp Zaurus 5600

2003-12-05 Thread philb

Hi Petr/Sunada/James,

Well if we could have rebol view of a Linux Handheld like the Zaurus I would jump at 
buying one.
Wonder how much Carl would charge to do a a port?
(Probably too much for a few of us to club together and pay for it I would guess)

Cheers Phil

> === Original Message ===
> >James:
> >
> >  
> >
> >>Do any of you have a Zaurus? Can Rebol be ported? 
> >>
> >>
> >
> >Yes I do, but only a 5500 version.
> >
> >In theory, yes. In practice, REBOL needs a surprising amount of memory to 
> >run, so that may be a limiting factor for PDAs for a year or two.
> >
> >Max made a similar reply in a thread about porting to Palm/OS
> >
> >http://www.rebol.net/list/list-msgs/30028.html
> >
> >Me, I'd love REBOL on a PDA, so if RT are cooking up any plans, the sooner 
> >the better for me,
> >
> >Sunanda.
> >  
> >
> I think we don't need to wait year or two. Curent MDA from T-Mobile 
> sports e.g. 128MB RAM and 400MHz XScale CPU. That should be simply 
> enough. In fact - if we start to think about porting to mobile devices 
> in a year or two - it will be late. We have to think about it now, and 
> have rebol/view available next year ;-)
> As for me, I regard mobile devices View ports much more important than 
> some unix variants starting from Solaris, ending with BSD. My platform 
> priority is as follws:
> - Windows, Linux, MacOSx, mobile devices/consoles .. then nothing 
> for a looong time, then maybe other platforms 
> -pekr-
> -- 
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[REBOL] Re: List & text-list - font object

2003-12-03 Thread philb

Hi Anton,

Got it sorted now  the help available on this list is amazing.
Thanks again Volker 

The bug it was a little strange and I should really investigate further.

I tried to cut the problem down to a much smaller program, just list & text-list.  
I put a font [] on all the text items in the list.

Of course, the bug dissapeared.

Doing the same in my much larger program, the bug was still there :-( g

Following Volkers suggestion, I made a style with a  
with[append init [font: make font[]]]
as soon as I put this in my much larger program, and the bug went away.

As I said I should investigate further, as putting a font [] on each field should have 
sorted the problem,  but time is against me of course :-(

FYI the much larger program is an email client.
If the email is unread then the line in the list representing that email appears bold, 
otherwise it should have no 'style (if you see what I mean ;-) ). The problem was that 
all subsequent text-list appeared bold if the first item in a folder was unread.

Cheers Phil

> === Original Message ===
> Try restart rebol between tests.
> The font was maybe "permanently" changed by the last test.
> Show us your list layout (showing the fields).
> Anton.
> > Thanks Volker  
> > 
> > That's explained the cloning of the objects  and why adding 
> > font [] worked.
> > 
> > Unfortunately there must be a bug in my email program  adding 
> > the font [] to all the fields in my list didnt work  I'll do 
> > more debugging.
> > 
> > Cheers Phil
> -- 
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[REBOL] Re: List & text-list - font object

2003-12-03 Thread philb

Thanks Volker  

That's explained the cloning of the objects  and why adding font [] worked.

Unfortunately there must be a bug in my email program  adding the font [] to all 
the fields in my list didnt work  I'll do more debugging.

Cheers Phil

> === Original Message ===
> Am Mittwoch, 3. Dezember 2003 06:27 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I have a problem with list & text-list vid objects.
> >
> > If I set up a list with a particular font style all subsequent text-list
> > seem to use the same font object ... see example the code below.
> >
> > I dont want to specify a particular font style in my text-list  (as in
> > the real application there are many possible text-list's)
> >
> > Changing
> > text 100
> > to
> > text font [] 1000
> > seems to fix the problem in this particular example but in my real world
> > application, which has multiple columns in the list, is doesnt seem to fix
> > the problem.
> >
> > Any ideas? ... or perhaps an explanation of how to force a seperate font
> > object for the list object?
> >
> Reason:
> /font and /para are stored in sub-objects. and this objects are shared with 
> the base-style. So changing the sub-object affect every face using that font.
> Not only next text-lists, but everything using 'text.
> Solution:
> You have to clone the font-object for each face where you change it.
> You can trigger that with layout[text font[] para[]].
> This syntax is because the [] contains an object-spec.
> So you can say [text font[style: 'bold]] and have a unique bold font in your 
> face.
> view layout[
>   across
>   text "Hello" font[style: 'bold]
>   text "World" font[style: 'italic]
> ]
> Experiments:
> Writing [font[]] everywhere is annoying.
> So i tried using styles. (change in your text-list)
>   ;style tx text 100 font[] ;all 'tx share the same font
>   style tx text 100 with[append init [font: make font[]]]
>   ; ^ each tx own font
>   across a: tx b: tx
> I checked for cloning with [ probe same? a/font b/font ]
> With the first version: style tx text 100 font[]
>  the style 'tx gets its own font. then all 'tx share this font. that saves 
> some font-objects.
> Second version: style tx text 100 with[append init [font: make font[]]]
> this makes sure each face gets its own font. 
> the [append init[]] is the rebol way of a constructor.
> layout does it after it has filled the face from the arguments.
> So font and size etc are already calculated.
> Hint: when cloning objects, sub-objects stay shared, series (blocks, strings), 
> functions are copied.
> So the 'init -block is unique for each face, and we can simply append.
> Your example changed:
> rebol []
> data1: ["Hello" "world" "here" "are" "some" "lines" "in" "a" "list"]
> data2: ["This" "is" "a" "normal" "text" "list"]
> lv-lay: layout [
> my-list: list 400x200 with [picked: false]
> [
>   ;style tx text 100 font[] ;all 'tx share the same font
>   style tx text 100 with[append init [font: make font[]]]
>   ; ^ each tx own font
>   across a: tx b: tx
> ]
> supply [
> if count > length? data1 [face/show?: false exit]
> face/show?: true
> ; print [count index]
> ;print [count index pick data1 count]
> face/text: pick data1 count
> face/font/style: 'bold
> ]
> button "Show Text List" [
> view/new layout [text-list data data2]
>   probe same? a/font b/font
> ]
> ]
> view lv-lay
> quit
> > Cheers Phil
> >
> > 8< ---
> >
> -Volker
> -- 
> To unsubscribe from this list, just send an email to
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[REBOL] List & text-list - font object

2003-12-02 Thread philb

Hi all,

I have a problem with list & text-list vid objects.

If I set up a list with a particular font style all subsequent text-list seem to use 
the same font object ... see example the code below.

I dont want to specify a particular font style in my text-list  (as in the real 
application there are many possible text-list's)

text 100 
text font [] 1000
seems to fix the problem in this particular example but in my real world application, 
which has multiple columns in the list, is doesnt seem to fix the problem.

Any ideas? ... or perhaps an explanation of how to force a seperate font object for 
the list object?

Cheers Phil

8< ---

rebol []

data1: ["Hello" "world" "here" "are" "some" "lines" "in" "a" "list"]
data2: ["This" "is" "a" "normal" "text" "list"]

lv-lay: layout [
my-list: list with [picked: false]
text 100
supply [
if count > length? data1 [face/show?: false exit]
face/show?: true

; print [count index]
;print [count pick data1 count]
face/text: pick data1 count
face/font/style: 'bold

button "Show Text List" [
view/new layout [text-list data data2]

view lv-lay
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[REBOL] Re: REBOL mailing list problems

2003-12-01 Thread philb

Hi James,

As John's messages appear on the ML then I assume he must be subscribed.
So either he is still subscribed or he somehow got re-subscribed.

Anyway the messages seem to have stopped for now.

Cheers Phil

> === Original Message ===
> I'm beginning to suspect that John is trolling rather than having 
> difficulties getting off the list..
> Isn't there SOMEONE in charge of the list we can contact - even if its 
> to ban mail from john?
> Regards,
> James.
> Maarten Koopmans wrote:
> >John,
> >
> >I take it you still have problems with getting off the list? Although I 
> >understand the *major* annoyance 64 forwards isn't too swell for the 
> >rest of us.
> >What's the point in annoying hundreds of people because you have a 
> >problem? How would you feel if you were on a list and somebody behaves 
> >like you do?
> >
> >--Maarten
> >
> >  
> >
> -- 
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[REBOL] rebol headers when sending mail have no "textual" user name

2003-11-11 Thread philb

Hi Max,

I believe Gabrielle has a patch that enables you to do this.

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===


something is nagging me about the way rebol builds the header when sending mail.

we can't seem to add a label to the from: mail address

here are two valid headers:

From: "Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


note that the first one contains a string-based name to itself, so that all the tools 
like a mailer, can properly identify the sender, by something others than a cryptic 
mail address...

is there a way to construct a mail header is such a way that the name is always 
included like in the first example?



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[REBOL] Re: Please help me to promote REBOL

2003-11-08 Thread philb

Hi Andrew,

Yes ... but that isnt using the suggested method of set/any 'error try [..]

for eample

>> set/any 'error try [print " "]

>> disarm error
** Script Error: error has no value
** Near: disarm error

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

Phil wrote:
> How do you test for an error?
> any time I try to do anything with error I get an error :-)

>> disarm error: try [1 / 0]
>> probe error
** Math Error: Attempt to divide by zero
** Near: 1 / 0
>> probe disarm error

make object! [
code: 400
type: 'math
id: 'zero-divide
arg1: none
arg2: none
arg3: none
near: [1 / 0]
where: none

Andrew J Martin
Speaking in tongues and performing miracles.
ICQ: 26227169

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[REBOL] Re: Please help me to promote REBOL

2003-11-08 Thread philb

Hi Anton,

Bit slow on the uptake here 
If you do a 
set/any 'error try [print ""]

How do you test for an error?

any time I try to do anything with error I get an error :-)  for example

>> print error
** Script Error: error has no value
** Near: print error

Cheers Phil
=== Original Message ===

Good site.
Bad colours - that's ok! I set my browser
to overide your colours with my preferred
colours. >:D

In the errors handling document, I think you
should set people to use

set/any 'error try 

rather than

error: try 

because in some cases the second one leads to another
error. For a beginner that would be frustrating.

>> error: try [print ""]

** Script Error: error needs a value
** Near: error: try [print ""]

print returns an unset!, so there is nothing to
set error to, and a new error is generated.


> Hi guys,
> since some time I have got my REBOL promotion website 
> http://home.zonnet.nl/rebolution running.
> In order to serve the REBOL community best, I ask you to check my 
> site for correctness and completeness. If you think it's 
> worthwile, please link to my site. Do not hesitate to comment, I 
> am just a newbie :-)
> Met vriendelijke groet / with kind regards,
> Arie van Wingerden

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[REBOL] Please help me to promote REBOL

2003-11-08 Thread philb

Hi Arie,

Nice site  keep it up.

Just one point  as much as I am a rebol supporter, I think claimimg that it has a 
very small footprint is an exageration  

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

Hi guys,

since some time I have got my REBOL promotion website http://home.zonnet.nl/rebolution 

In order to serve the REBOL community best, I ask you to check my site for correctness 
and completeness. If you think it's worthwile, please link to my site. Do not hesitate 
to comment, I am just a newbie :-)

Met vriendelijke groet / with kind regards,
Arie van Wingerden

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[REBOL] UniqueID for email messages

2003-11-08 Thread philb

Hi all,

When an email is send from rebol by default it doesnt have a message-ID
By using send/header we can add text to the message-ID field, but how should the 
message-ID be calculated?

Cheers Phil

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[REBOL] Re: complete rebol mail client ?

2003-10-07 Thread philb


FYI the latest version is 3.0.23  (just uploaded).
Sorry the docs are way out of date  just not enough hours in the day.

The code has been accumulated over a number of years so its a bit ugly (OK vey).

The source is freeware and until recently was on the IOS server but since upgrading to 
WinXP I havent reloaded IOS on my machine.  (The version on my Rebsite is a compressed 

Feel free to hack away to implement the features you need !!

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

Hi Maxim,

MOA> Does anybody have a fully functional mail client written in
MOA> REBOL which is available as share ware, open source or
MOA> anything of the like?

Phil Bevan's is by far the most complete one I have seen. You can get
at if from his Reb site, but I'm not sure what the latest version is.

-- Gregg 

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[REBOL] edit-text

2003-10-04 Thread philb

Hi Romano,

I cany see this on your Rebsite  Is the on a Web site? 
(this would be useful for my email client  it would get tested every day!)

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

Other changes to my site.

Among others things, i have added a patch for area and field:


which should fix area and field behaviour.

It also and optional undo/redo and Esc key (to fields, like in Windows)

Please, let me know if it does not work.

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[REBOL] Re: Installation Help

2003-09-29 Thread philb

Hi Nath,

Can you take us through what you are doing 1 step at a time.

1.2.1 is the latet non-beta release, but I would recomend 1.25 or 1.2.8 even though 
these are beta releases they are stable enough for most purposes. (Though I cant think 
off the top of me head where the latest beta's are).

Still 1.2.1 should install just fine.

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

Thanks for the replies thus far.

For starters, I am on the admin account, so I shouldn't be locked out of
installing files.

Secondly, I downloaded the view-pro031.zip file and am using that to install
it.  The website says its version  Still haven't been able to
figure out what I could be doing wrong.

- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 10:19 AM
Subject: [REBOL] Installation Help

> Hi,
> Which version of Rebol are you setting up.
> 1.2.8 sohuld go in smoothly.
> 1.2.10 does not need an instal (but has a few things that are not set 
view desktop doesnt function, the browser path isnt set  but sound is
> Are you installing into the same directory that the executable is in?   If
so dont, create a temporary directory, run the executable from there to
create the installed version of View.
> As I remeber I didnt have any problems getting 1.2.8 going when I
installed XP a few months ago 
> If you are still having problems get back to this list  there are lots
of helpfull people here.
> Cheers Phil
> === Original Message ===
> Hello,
> I'm trying to install Rebol/View for windows XP and I'm having a bit of
> difficulty understanding how the program works.  Essentially I accept the
> license agreement but when prompt for an installation directory, no matter
> what value I put in there I get the error:
> "** Access Error: Bad file path: Install/
> ** Where: copy-exe
> ** Near: rebol-exe-path: join form home-dir: to-local-file
> ** Press enter to quit..."
> It manages to create an actual directory Install, along with a subfolder
> public, but that's about as far as it goes.  If instead of clicking
> I click on the window terminate button, it continues along with the
> installation and brings me to the user properties.  After that though it
> goes to install in HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%/ but returns an error. I don't
> what I'm doing wrong.  I spent quite a bit of time setting this up with
> little to no luck.  Can anyone help?
> -- 
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> To unsubscribe from this list, just send an email to
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[REBOL] Installation Help

2003-09-29 Thread philb


Which version of Rebol are you setting up.

1.2.8 sohuld go in smoothly.
1.2.10 does not need an instal (but has a few things that are not set  view 
desktop doesnt function, the browser path isnt set  but sound is enabled).

Are you installing into the same directory that the executable is in?   If so dont, 
create a temporary directory, run the executable from there to create the installed 
version of View.

As I remeber I didnt have any problems getting 1.2.8 going when I installed XP a few 
months ago  
If you are still having problems get back to this list  there are lots of helpfull 
people here.

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===


I'm trying to install Rebol/View for windows XP and I'm having a bit of
difficulty understanding how the program works.  Essentially I accept the
license agreement but when prompt for an installation directory, no matter
what value I put in there I get the error:
"** Access Error: Bad file path: Install/
** Where: copy-exe
** Near: rebol-exe-path: join form home-dir: to-local-file
** Press enter to quit..."

It manages to create an actual directory Install, along with a subfolder
public, but that's about as far as it goes.  If instead of clicking install
I click on the window terminate button, it continues along with the
installation and brings me to the user properties.  After that though it
goes to install in HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%/ but returns an error. I don't know
what I'm doing wrong.  I spent quite a bit of time setting this up with
little to no luck.  Can anyone help?
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[REBOL] Re: Newbie: some questions about VID

2003-09-28 Thread philb

Hi Arie,

I have never used show-popup . seems like you are displaying an error message.
You may like to use inform  

INFORM panel /offset where /title ttl /timeout time

 Display an exclusive focus panel for alerts, dialogs, and requestors.
 INFORM is a function value.

Using this with hide-popup may be a solution.

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

Hi Sunanda,

thanks! The Zines docs are indeed nice.

Perhaps you or somebody else can help me with something else.

I've got this pop-up layout:
popup: layout/offset [
 backcolor red
 errtxt: info 500 return
 button "OK" [ hide-popup ] return
] 200x200
When I've showed the pop-up (SHOW-POPUP POPUP) from within my main window
layout and have pressed the OK button, the whole program seems to end
instead of returning to my main window. I tried to use UNVIEW instead of
HIDE-POPUP. But in that case the main window is there, but seems to "hang".

Any ideas?

Of course I am sorry for the kind of questions. They ARE real beginners
questions, since it is my very first REBOL program ever ... ;-) The more
grateful I am for the help in this list !

Kind regards,

- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2003 2:03 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Re: Newbie: some questions about VID

> Arie:
> > Concerning "compose": is there some good documentation on that subject?
> Two references from REBOL.com:
> www.rebol.com/docs/words/wcompose.html
> www.rebol.com/docs/core23/rebolcore-7.html
> and one from Allen's much-missed 'zine:
> http://www.rebolforces.com/zine/rzine-1-03/
> Sunanda
> -- 
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[REBOL] Newbie: some questions about VID

2003-09-27 Thread philb

Hi Arie,

You need to move "show emails" down 1 line outside the if count = 0 block.

Use the pwd/data with the hide attribute.

A couple of suggestions :
1. You could use compose to compose the user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
something like 
mb: compose [scheme: 'pop host: (pop-server) user: (user) pass: (password)]

2. You can use import-email to parse the email for you.

 help import-email

 Constructs an email object from an email message.
 IMPORT-EMAIL is a function value.

 data -- The email message (Type: string)

The email object returned has all the fields you want To/From/Subject

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===


in the following trial program I have a few difficulties using VID.
Question 1:
how can I fill out the text-list. The results never show up
Question 2:
I tried the "hide"attribute on the pwd field; if I print the pwd field,
I don't see the actual value,
but only the ***. How to get (and print) the real value ?

Kind regards,
Arie van Wingerden

 The program: ==
REBOL [  ]

lay: layout [
 style lab label 100 right
 vh2 "Provide your e-mail account information" return
 lab "Userid" uid: field return
 lab "Password" pwd: field return
 lab "POP3 server" pop: field return
 lab button "Fetch e-mails" [fill] return
 lab "E-mails" emails: text-list 600x200 return

fill: does [
 clear emails/data
 count: 0
 mails: read/lines to-url rejoin [ "pop://" uid/text ":" pwd/text "@"
pop/text ]
 foreach mail mails [
  count: count + 1
  insert emails/data rejoin [ "=   mail #" count "   =" ]
  parse mail [ thru "From:" copy from to "^/" ]
  insert emails/data rejoin [ "From   :" from ]
  parse mail [ thru "Date:" copy date to "^/" ]
  insert emails/data rejoin [ "Date   :" date ]
  parse mail [ thru "Subject:" copy subject to "^/" ]
  insert emails/data rejoin [ "Subject:" subject ]
 if count = 0 [
  insert emails/data " --- no e-mails found ---"
 show emails

focus uid
view lay

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[REBOL] Re: How can I implement the POP TOP command in Rebol?

2003-09-21 Thread philb

Hi Dide,

I was inspired by code from one of the RT guys (posted to this Mailing List  sorry 
but I cant remember who ... either Stirling or Jeff)  just wanted to give credit 
where it is due.

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

RE: How can I implement the POP TOP command in Rebol?
Hi conrad, 

'Import-email construct an object base on the string you pass. This string can contain 
all the message or just part of it (the header).

If you want to know how to do, and perhaps as a beginning for your own work, I made a 
Rebol script to delete spam mails directly on the server without loading them.


(This tool will be improve soon (I hope) with new features).

I'm investigating the way to automaticaly select spams in the list.

Code regarding the read of the header (TOP) is in the 'read-mails-list function.

Thank's again to Philb who have made the first script that inspire me.


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[REBOL] Re: array referencing

2002-10-02 Thread philb

Hi James,

You could try creting the array with 1 extra dimension

n: 4
bob: array/initial [8 8 1] 1

; this works
bob/4/:n/1: 2

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

Thanks Tom,

I seem to remember using POKE back when I first started using REBOL, haven't
had to do any array work since then.

I sat down and tried to think of a better way to handle the get/set paradox
but the existing methods seem the only viable (non-complex) methods.
Pointer notation *(): would seem too cumbersome and non-rebolish and
redirective assignment clashes with other rebol ways of doing things.

In short, POKE is good.  POKE is simple and best of all it works! :P


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[REBOL] Re: text-list bug

2002-09-18 Thread philb


OK ... 

The error occurs in 
REBOL/View 3-Aug-2002  (View Beta)
REBOL/Link 3-Aug-2002  (IOS) 

Doesnt occur in 
REBOL/View 21-Jun-2001 (Current View)

I will report to feedback.

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

On 18-Sep-02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi All,

> After selecting multiple items from a text list it doesnt seem
> possible to unselect a particular item. They get unselected in the
> order that they were selected.

> for example type at the console

> view layout [text-list data [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]]

> Hold down the ctrl key ... select items 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 in that order,
> then try and unselect item 5 by ctrl clicking on it  item 1 is
> unselected?

> Is this a known bug?

Hi Phil,

I don't get that with Amiga View - item 5 is unselected as you would
expect.  Have you tested it from a fresh console?  (It's just
possible you'd corrupted the text-list style somehow.)  If so, I'd
report it to feedback, with a mention of which OS you're using.  It
certainly looks like a bug.

Carl Read

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[REBOL] text-list bug

2002-09-18 Thread philb

Hi All,

After selecting multiple items from a text list it doesnt seem possible to 
unselect a particular item. They get unselected in the order that they 
were selected.

for example type at the console

view layout [text-list data [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]]

Hold down the ctrl key ... select items 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 in that order,  then try 
and unselect item 5 by ctrl clicking on it  item 1 is unselected?

Is this a known bug?

Cheers Phil
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[REBOL] ML unsubscription

2002-09-13 Thread philb


Absolutely  I was somehow unsubscribed for no apparent reason.
Worse still I couldnt resubscribe myself as when I tried to browse the 
Rebol homepage (http://www.rebol.com) IE came back with "Page not found".
(I couldnt ping it either).  Yet other people would see the page.

I didnt get any ML mail for about 2 weeks.

Then a few days ago (10 Sept) I tried the homepage again and IE found it, and 
I managed to re-subscribe.


Cheers Phil (Bevan)

=== Original Message ===

Since Monday I did not get any messages from this mailing list.

When checking with Listar, I was told, that I was unsubscribed.
But I did not unsubsribe, as far as I know.

So I am asking, are there others who got unsubscribed with out doing this by


GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.

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[REBOL] Testing

2002-09-10 Thread philb

Just testing ... please ignore


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[REBOL] Sending email via a different SMTP server.

2002-07-29 Thread philb

Hi everyone,

I want to send email via a different SMTP server than the default one set in 

But I want to leave everything unchanged after the email, so anything I replace 
must be put back.

Is there an offical way of doing this?

Cheers Phil

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[REBOL] Re: Inform & keyboard

2002-07-10 Thread philb

Hi Scott/Volker,

Based on Volkers example I tried this  no as nice as RT's request 
(the size of the text field is hard coded for example)
but does the job I need  

rebol [title: "OK Cancel Dialog box with keboard shortcuts"]

inform-kb: func [ip-text /local lay lv-ok] [
lay: layout [
space 5
origin 5x5
at 5x5
vtext ip-text bold 300x24
button "OK" #"^M" [lv-ok: true hide-popup]
button "Cancel" #"^[" [lv-ok: false hide-popup]

lay/feel: system/view/window-feel

inform lay [system/view/screen-face/size - lay/size / 2]

print inform-kb "This is a dialog box - Escape = Cancel Enter = OK"

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

Am Mittwoch, 10. Juli 2002 16:09 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> Hi Guys,
> I have a problem with Rebol & Dialog boxes.
> I want to put up a dialog box and press Escape to cancel it or Enter to
> confirm it.
> But it looks like inform isnt compatible with keyboard input.
> Sensors dont seem to work and keyboard shortcuts on buttons dont work
> either.
> Its not a showstopper but would make my program more user friendly.
> Any ideas  or does anyone have some example for me to study?

hotkeys are evaluated in system/view/window-feel.
and that is set automatic by 'view only for the first window.
one can set it by hand. try:

lay: layout [
tf: title "press control-t" 400
button "test" #"^t" [
tf/text: "you pressed the button or the key"
show tf
lay/feel: system/view/window-feel
inform lay

> Cheers Phil

Cheers Volker

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[REBOL] Inform & keyboard

2002-07-10 Thread philb

Hi Guys,

I have a problem with Rebol & Dialog boxes.

I want to put up a dialog box and press Escape to cancel it or Enter to confirm 

But it looks like inform isnt compatible with keyboard input.
Sensors dont seem to work and keyboard shortcuts on buttons dont work either.

Its not a showstopper but would make my program more user friendly.

Any ideas  or does anyone have some example for me to study?

Cheers Phil
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[REBOL] Re: E-Mail saving & loading

2002-07-09 Thread philb

Hi Gabriele/Scott,

For those of you with access to the IOS developer server the latest source to 
my email client is avaiable under the users/philb/email-client/source folder.
Just click on the readmail icon.

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

From: phil
> I have a problem with my email client  if I save an email that is
> to multiple users andd then reload it in using import-email the to field
> gets set with a single user.

rest of email can be seen at:

Hi, Phil,

I was checking it out when Gabriele made reference to one essential issue
and one work around:

Knowing that you are working on your most-excellent REBOL email client, I
suspect that your sample script shows how you hoped to store multiple email
addresses, namely:

> lv-hdr: make system/standard/email  [
> Subject: "Subject Line"
> date: to-idate now
> Content-Type: {text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"}
> ]

suggests to me that you hoped to store the multiple email addresses in a
block.  In addition to Gabriele's suggestion, I can find two alternative
approaches that you can explore.  One is to present the block as a string,
with a comma or semicolon separator:


Another approach is to hack the parser.  The "offending" routine can be seen

probe mail-list-rules

where the mail list rule considers addresses as being separated by a comma
or semicolon:

maillist: [
mailbox (append addr-list to-email addr)
[[thru "," | thru ";"] maillist | none]

Appending the option of addresses as being separated by a space will "fix"
the problem.

append mail-list-rules/maillist/3/1 [| thru " "]

What I fear is that this "fix" might end up "breaking" something else.  I
have no easy way to test this concern.  (If it works for the purposes of
your program, then great, but warning to other users, I would hesitate
adding this to a user.r file, since it may break other scripts.)

I personally do not think that this is a bug, per se, in that the parse
rules seem to follow the standards.  But as Gabriele points out, I guess the
rules could be just a bit "smarter" to accept a more REBOL way of
storing/presenting multiple addresses.

These are just my thoughts.  Keep up the good-work on the email client, and
I hope that this helps.
--Scott Jones

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[REBOL] Re: E-Mail saving & loading

2002-07-09 Thread philb

Hi Gabriele/Scott,

Thanks for the suggestions  I worked around the 'problem' by converting
the block of email addresses to a comma seperated list (As both you and Gabriele
suggested) just before I save the email, but after the email has been sent.

This has solved the problem, which was ocurring when saving an email that is
addressed to multiple recipients then sending at a later date or time.

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

From: phil
> I have a problem with my email client  if I save an email that is
> to multiple users andd then reload it in using import-email the to field
> gets set with a single user.

rest of email can be seen at:

Hi, Phil,

I was checking it out when Gabriele made reference to one essential issue
and one work around:

Knowing that you are working on your most-excellent REBOL email client, I
suspect that your sample script shows how you hoped to store multiple email
addresses, namely:

> lv-hdr: make system/standard/email  [
> Subject: "Subject Line"
> date: to-idate now
> Content-Type: {text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"}
> ]

suggests to me that you hoped to store the multiple email addresses in a
block.  In addition to Gabriele's suggestion, I can find two alternative
approaches that you can explore.  One is to present the block as a string,
with a comma or semicolon separator:


Another approach is to hack the parser.  The "offending" routine can be seen

probe mail-list-rules

where the mail list rule considers addresses as being separated by a comma
or semicolon:

maillist: [
mailbox (append addr-list to-email addr)
[[thru "," | thru ";"] maillist | none]

Appending the option of addresses as being separated by a space will "fix"
the problem.

append mail-list-rules/maillist/3/1 [| thru " "]

What I fear is that this "fix" might end up "breaking" something else.  I
have no easy way to test this concern.  (If it works for the purposes of
your program, then great, but warning to other users, I would hesitate
adding this to a user.r file, since it may break other scripts.)

I personally do not think that this is a bug, per se, in that the parse
rules seem to follow the standards.  But as Gabriele points out, I guess the
rules could be just a bit "smarter" to accept a more REBOL way of
storing/presenting multiple addresses.

These are just my thoughts.  Keep up the good-work on the email client, and
I hope that this helps.
--Scott Jones

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[REBOL] E-Mail saving & loading

2002-07-08 Thread philb

Hi Guys,

I have a problem with my email client  if I save an email that is addressed
to multiple users andd then reload it in using import-email the to field only
gets set with a single user.
I have isolated the code to the following

rebol []

; Make the Header
lv-hdr: make system/standard/email 
Subject: "Subject Line"
date: to-idate now
Content-Type: {text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"}

; Convert the email to text
lv-em-text: rejoin [net-utils/export lv-hdr "^/" "Test Message"]
; I save the email text here 
print lv-em-text

; Try to import it here
lv-em: import-email lv-em-text

probe lv-em

The impoorted email has only 1 entry in its to field.
Is this a bug in import-email? or net-utils/export?
It seems inconsistent that I can save the email but then cant re-load back in
with the same infomation.

Any ideas?

Cheers Phil

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[REBOL] Re: Assorted bugs?

2002-05-06 Thread philb

Hi Anton,

now this is strange 

Example where as-is works ...


files: copy []

foreach file read %. [
 insert tail files reform ["o^-" file]

view center-face layout [text-list data files as-is] 
view center-face layout [text-list data files] 

Example that doesnt work ...


files: copy []

foreach file read %. [
 insert tail files reform ["o^-" file]

view center-face layout [text-list data files] 
view center-face layout [text-list data files as-is] 

A further view bug ?

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

That didn't seem to work for me.
ie. The following two lines show the same error:

view center-face layout [text-list data files]
view center-face layout [text-list data files as-is]


> Hi Ashley,
> Work around for #2 is to use the AS-IS keyword.
> i.e. change the text-list to :
>  text-list data files as-is
> Cheers Phil
> === Original Message ===

> 2. text-list anomalies with first entry

> files: copy []
> foreach file read %. [
>  insert tail files reform ["o^-" file]
> ]
> view center-face layout [
>  text 200 {Click "Area" then type two lines of text in the 
> area, close and reopen the window.
>   Notice how the field text has been repositioned.}
>  button 200 "Area" [
>   view/new center-face layout [
>field 50 "Text"
>area 50x30
>   ]
>  ]
>  text 200 {Notice how the first tab is ignored.}
>  text-list data files
>  text 200 {Click rapidly with the left then right mouse buttons.
>Notice how left clicks are faster than right 
> clicks [on Windoze].}
>  box blue 200x50 "Click here" with [
>   data: now/time/precise
>   feel: make feel [
>engage: func [face action event] [
> if action = 'alt-down [
>  print reform ["Right" now/time/precise - 
> face/data] face/data: now/time/precise
> ]
> if action = 'down [
>  print reform ["Left" now/time/precise - 
> face/data] face/data: now/time/precise
> ]
>   ]
>  ]
>  text 200 {The first result counts values within a block, the 
> second the number of blocks.}
>  button 200 "Load block(s)" [
>   write/lines %test.dat remold [now now]
>   print length? load %test.dat
>   write/append/lines %test.dat remold [now now]
>   print length? load %test.dat
>  ]
> ]

> Regards,
>  Ashley

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[REBOL] Assorted bugs?

2002-05-06 Thread philb

Hi Ashley,

Work around for #2 is to use the AS-IS keyword.
i.e. change the text-list to :

 text-list data files as-is

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

Another marathon weekend with REBOL and a few more "things that don't work
the way I expect them to". Apologies in advance if some of these have
already been covered in depth (eScribe searches just don't cut it ;) ).

Problems I hit were:

1. Scrolled area text affecting other field(s)
2. text-list anomalies with first entry
3. alt-down SLOW under windows (but OK under Linux)
4. load treating a one line block as a block, but multi-lines as blocks
within a block, makes it hard to write something like:

foreach block load %test.dat [print block/1]  ; this handles 0 and > 1
lines but not 1 line

Anyway, the code to demo these "problems" is given below, any advice on
simple work-arounds / misconceptions greatly appreciated. If any need to go
to feedback let me know. (On a related matter, how can one tell what has
already been sent to feedback . . . is there a "reported bug" summary of
some sort?).


files: copy []

foreach file read %. [
 insert tail files reform ["o^-" file]

view center-face layout [
 text 200 {Click "Area" then type two lines of text in the area, close and reopen 
the window.
  Notice how the field text has been repositioned.}
 button 200 "Area" [
  view/new center-face layout [
   field 50 "Text"
   area 50x30
 text 200 {Notice how the first tab is ignored.}
 text-list data files
 text 200 {Click rapidly with the left then right mouse buttons.
   Notice how left clicks are faster than right clicks [on Windoze].}
 box blue 200x50 "Click here" with [
  data: now/time/precise
  feel: make feel [
   engage: func [face action event] [
if action = 'alt-down [
 print reform ["Right" now/time/precise - face/data] 
face/data: now/time/precise
if action = 'down [
 print reform ["Left" now/time/precise - face/data] face/data: 
 text 200 {The first result counts values within a block, the second the number of 
 button 200 "Load block(s)" [
  write/lines %test.dat remold [now now]
  print length? load %test.dat
  write/append/lines %test.dat remold [now now]
  print length? load %test.dat



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[REBOL] Re: using Rebol for mail client app

2002-04-23 Thread philb


You may like to try 2.0.3 just uploaded 

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===


On 1 & 3 ...
Multiple accounts should be working  I have 2 seperate email acccounts here
and I can fetch email for both accounts.

On pressing the Fetch Mail button I just wanted to display the Account Name 
in the Pop-up window  this shouldnt be input capable.
The popup is only there to fetch the password.
(The user name used is derived from the account name on the rotary button.)

I could display the user name if required.
(This I have been meaning to fix for a while but havent got around to it ... will 
look at it tonight ... but its easily fixed).

The POP scheme the program uses is taken from 
My ISP doesnnt support APOP so I cant test it :-(

As I am the only person to be uding this Mail program the testing hasnt been 
really extensive.

If you are still having problems  then let me know.

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

Thank  you Phil, the mail client is good.  I spotted a few issues.
1.  Fetchmail should use user name instead of account name.
2.  Sendmail dosen't authenticate.  This can be done by opening and closing the pop 
server before and after the send.
3.  Multiple account seems not working.

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[REBOL] Re: using Rebol for mail client app

2002-04-22 Thread philb


On 1 & 3 ...
Multiple accounts should be working  I have 2 seperate email acccounts here
and I can fetch email for both accounts.

On pressing the Fetch Mail button I just wanted to display the Account Name 
in the Pop-up window  this shouldnt be input capable.
The popup is only there to fetch the password.
(The user name used is derived from the account name on the rotary button.)

I could display the user name if required.
(This I have been meaning to fix for a while but havent got around to it ... will 
look at it tonight ... but its easily fixed).

The POP scheme the program uses is taken from 
My ISP doesnnt support APOP so I cant test it :-(

As I am the only person to be uding this Mail program the testing hasnt been 
really extensive.

If you are still having problems  then let me know.

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

Thank  you Phil, the mail client is good.  I spotted a few issues.
1.  Fetchmail should use user name instead of account name.
2.  Sendmail dosen't authenticate.  This can be done by opening and closing the pop 
server before and after the send.
3.  Multiple account seems not working.

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[REBOL] Re: using Rebol for mail client app

2002-04-20 Thread philb

Hi Robert,

I think the latest version is up on my Rebsite.
It should be Version 2.0.0 with size 48055 bytes.
(if it isnt then its probably a cache problem)

Also if you ever tried an earlier version I have changed the format of the 
preferences file and the way in wwhich locale's work. If you have old versions 
of these then that would cause a problem.

Try clearing your cache for www.upnaway.com/~philb/.

I just did that and View correctly downloaded version 2.0.0 created the default
folders & default preferences file for me.

Let me know if you still cant get it to work. I can email you the program direct 
if you wish.

The code is compressed to keep the download time (and to hide some of my ugly \

As has been pointed out there are still bugs to iron out  but it seems pretty 
stable here.  I use it for all my email requirements  it has processed over
19000 emails ... mostly from the Rebol mailing list.

Cheers Phil

p.s. I used your make-doc-pro.r to create the helptext  much easier than 
coding it by hand :-)
(Good stuff)

=== Original Message ===

> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 6:49 PM
> Subject: [REBOL] using Rebol for mail client app

> I have just uploaded the latest version 2.0.0 to my Rebsite
> This is a 46k script that I have been using as my mail Mail reader
> for 6 months.

Hi Phil, somehow I missed this Reblet and would like to try it. The uploaded
version seems to be missing some files: prefs, locals etc. could you please
check this? I wan't able to get the client to work. Robert

PS: With a Rebol mail client my outlook days might have been counted :-))

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[REBOL] Re: using Rebol for mail client app

2002-04-19 Thread philb

Hi Anton,

Yes still some bugs :-(   and a few important things missing 
(Forwarding, CC ing, Sending to multiple recipients, Up to Date documentation etc 
 they just havent been important enough for me to fix  yet).
Hopefully it will improve over the next few months.

But I just wanted to show Boris that it is possible to write an email client.

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===


I just looked at your client, it seems to be fairly complete, but still 
needs a few things & has a few bugs.  I was unable to test it as the account 
selector down by the "get mail" button wouldn't update itself when I added 
new accounts.


A short time ago, [EMAIL PROTECTED], sent an email stating:
> Hi Boris,
> Well you might want to take a peek at my email client.
> (desktop->sites->philb->email client)
> I have just uploaded the latest version 2.0.0 to my Rebsite
> This is a 46k script that I have been using as my mail Mail reader for 6
> months.
> Cheers Phil
> === Original Message ===
> We are kindly asking experts' opinions on this list about reasonability of
> using Rebol technology for mail client app.
> The whole list of possibilities includes HTML, applet, JavaWebStart, Flash,
> IFRAME, Rebol IOS, WebCream, Maui. Can briefly comment on basic
> capabilities of your IOS? After reading short description on your web site
> I am under impression that it is some inter-organizational environment like
> Lotus Notes or FiloSafe to share data and services. What we are looking for
> is some base technology (like applets were intended to be) to run our thin
> client application for paid customers across the web. Sincerely yours,
> Boris.
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[REBOL] using Rebol for mail client app

2002-04-19 Thread philb

Hi Boris,

Well you might want to take a peek at my email client.
(desktop->sites->philb->email client)

I have just uploaded the latest version 2.0.0 to my Rebsite
This is a 46k script that I have been using as my mail Mail reader for 6 months.

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

We are kindly asking experts' opinions on this list about reasonability of
using Rebol technology for mail client app.
The whole list of possibilities includes HTML, applet, JavaWebStart, Flash,
IFRAME, Rebol IOS, WebCream, Maui. Can briefly comment on basic capabilities
of your IOS? After reading short description on your web site I am under
impression that it is some inter-organizational environment like Lotus Notes
or FiloSafe to share data and services. What we are looking for is some base
technology (like applets were intended to be) to run our thin client
application for paid customers across the web. Sincerely yours, Boris.

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[REBOL] Re: Who knows where to get Core 2.5.1 ?

2002-04-12 Thread philb

Hi Petr,

Is the IOS trial open to anyone?
The Trial Download page seems more oriented towards companies rather than 

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

Anton wrote:

>I saw it mentioned a few times
>but I don't see it at
>or anywhere else.
it is beta release to IOS users  Just join IOS community ;-)


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[REBOL] ms dos file paths

2002-03-29 Thread philb

Hi Graham,

Do you mean ms-dos (8.3) format or Windows (long filename) format?

You can use to-rebol-file to convert a file name from Windows format to Rebol
format (in Rebol/view at least).

Nothing built in for the opposite way around though.

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

Anyone written a utility to convert msdos paths to and from
Rebol file names

Graham Chiu
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2002-03-21 Thread philb

Ooops that should read 
   mailbox: open pop://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===


After your mailbox is openened 
   mailbox: open user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

You can determine how many emails that are in your inbox by using
   no-mails: length? mailbox

You can also see the sizes of the emails
   probe mailbox/locals

You can then read & remove as many emails by using a loop.


Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

Is there away to set the limit on the number of emails when using the POP read object? 

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2002-03-21 Thread philb


After your mailbox is openened 
   mailbox: open user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

You can determine how many emails that are in your inbox by using
   no-mails: length? mailbox

You can also see the sizes of the emails
   probe mailbox/locals

You can then read & remove as many emails by using a loop.


Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

Is there away to set the limit on the number of emails when using the POP read object? 

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[REBOL] Re: Using call with view/pro

2002-03-14 Thread philb

Hi Terry/Gregg,

thanks for the help  this works fine

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

Copying creates new file info, moving retains the old.

;To copy a file...

kern32: load/library %kernel32.dll

CopyIt: make routine! [
lpExistingFileName  [string!]
lpNewFileName [string!]
return: [integer!]
] kern32 "CopyFileA"

;CopyIt "C:/original.r" "C:/trash/copy.r" 0

;To move a file...

MoveIt: make routine! [
lpExistingFileName  [string!]
lpNewFileName [string!]
] kern32 "MoveFileA"

;MoveIt "C:/file.r" "D:/file.r"


- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 1:18 AM
Subject: [REBOL] Re: Using call with view/pro

> Hi Gregg,
> Running executables/batch files works OK.
> However I particularly wanted to copy a file from 1 location to another on
Win98 without having to read the file in in Rebol and writting it back out
> This would preserve the date/time stamp.
> I am unsure as to what I should pass into file  or is there a
different API
> for this?
> Cheers Phil
> (I have successfully made a batch file that receieves parameters that does
the job).
> === Original Message ===
> Hi Phil,
> << On Win98 when I run a native command using 'call is it possible to stop
> the MS DOS box being flashed up. >>
> Someone had this issue a while back, and calling the API directly solved
> if you're not concerned about portability. Here's an excerpt from an
> I use with various API stuff in it:
> win-lib: load/library %shell32.dll
> execute: make routine! [
> hwndParent  [integer!]
> Operation   [string!]
> File[string!]
> Parameters  [string!]
> Directory   [string!]
> ShowCmd [integer!]
> return: [integer!]
> ] win-lib "ShellExecuteA"
> ; Operation values
> ;   "open"
> ;   "print"
> ;   "explore"
> ; ShowCmd values
> ; 0   Hides the window and passes activation to another window.
> ;
> ; 1   Activates and displays a window. If the window is minimized
> ; or maximized, Windows restores it to its original size and
> ; position (same as 9).
> ;
> ; 2   Activates a window and displays it as an icon.
> ;
> ; 3   Activates a window and displays it as a maximized window.
> ;
> ; 4   Displays a window in its most recent size and position. The
> ; window that is currently active remains active.
> ;
> ; 5   Activates a window and displays it in its current size and
> ; position.
> ;
> ; 6   Minimizes the specified window and activates the top-level
> ; window in the system's list.
> ;
> ; 7   Displays a window as an icon. The window that is currently
> ; active remains active.
> ;
> ; 8   Displays a window in its current state. The window that is
> ; currently active remains active.
> ;
> ; 9   Activates and displays a window. If the window is minimized
> ; or maximized, Windows restores it to its original size and
> ; position (same as 1).
> execute 0 "open" "notepad.exe" "" "" 1
> execute 0 "open" "calc.exe" "" "" 1
> HTH!
> --Gregg
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the
> subject, without the quotes.
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
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[REBOL] Re: Using call with view/pro

2002-03-13 Thread philb

Hi Gregg,

Running executables/batch files works OK.

However I particularly wanted to copy a file from 1 location to another on Win98 
without having to read the file in in Rebol and writting it back out again.
This would preserve the date/time stamp.

I am unsure as to what I should pass into file  or is there a different API 
for this?

Cheers Phil

(I have successfully made a batch file that receieves parameters that does the job).

=== Original Message ===

Hi Phil,

<< On Win98 when I run a native command using 'call is it possible to stop
the MS DOS box being flashed up. >>

Someone had this issue a while back, and calling the API directly solved it,
if you're not concerned about portability. Here's an excerpt from an object
I use with various API stuff in it:

win-lib: load/library %shell32.dll

execute: make routine! [
hwndParent  [integer!]
Operation   [string!]
Parameters  [string!]
Directory   [string!]
ShowCmd [integer!]
return: [integer!]
] win-lib "ShellExecuteA"

; Operation values
;   "open"
;   "print"
;   "explore"
; ShowCmd values
; 0   Hides the window and passes activation to another window.
; 1   Activates and displays a window. If the window is minimized
; or maximized, Windows restores it to its original size and
; position (same as 9).
; 2   Activates a window and displays it as an icon.
; 3   Activates a window and displays it as a maximized window.
; 4   Displays a window in its most recent size and position. The
; window that is currently active remains active.
; 5   Activates a window and displays it in its current size and
; position.
; 6   Minimizes the specified window and activates the top-level
; window in the system's list.
; 7   Displays a window as an icon. The window that is currently
; active remains active.
; 8   Displays a window in its current state. The window that is
; currently active remains active.
; 9   Activates and displays a window. If the window is minimized
; or maximized, Windows restores it to its original size and
; position (same as 1).

execute 0 "open" "notepad.exe" "" "" 1
execute 0 "open" "calc.exe" "" "" 1



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[REBOL] Re: Using call with view/pro

2002-03-13 Thread philb

Hi Gregg,

Excellent, I will give it a go  

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

Hi Phil,

<< On Win98 when I run a native command using 'call is it possible to stop
the MS DOS box being flashed up. >>

Someone had this issue a while back, and calling the API directly solved it,
if you're not concerned about portability. Here's an excerpt from an object
I use with various API stuff in it:

win-lib: load/library %shell32.dll

execute: make routine! [
hwndParent  [integer!]
Operation   [string!]
Parameters  [string!]
Directory   [string!]
ShowCmd [integer!]
return: [integer!]
] win-lib "ShellExecuteA"

; Operation values
;   "open"
;   "print"
;   "explore"
; ShowCmd values
; 0   Hides the window and passes activation to another window.
; 1   Activates and displays a window. If the window is minimized
; or maximized, Windows restores it to its original size and
; position (same as 9).
; 2   Activates a window and displays it as an icon.
; 3   Activates a window and displays it as a maximized window.
; 4   Displays a window in its most recent size and position. The
; window that is currently active remains active.
; 5   Activates a window and displays it in its current size and
; position.
; 6   Minimizes the specified window and activates the top-level
; window in the system's list.
; 7   Displays a window as an icon. The window that is currently
; active remains active.
; 8   Displays a window in its current state. The window that is
; currently active remains active.
; 9   Activates and displays a window. If the window is minimized
; or maximized, Windows restores it to its original size and
; position (same as 1).

execute 0 "open" "notepad.exe" "" "" 1
execute 0 "open" "calc.exe" "" "" 1



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[REBOL] Using call with view/pro

2002-03-12 Thread philb


On Win98 when I run a native command using 'call is it possible to stop the MS DOS box 
being flashed up.

I have tried all the refinements redirecting input, output & error to none ... 
but to no avail.

eg call/input/output/error "copy c:\panel.r c:\panel2.r" none none none

Cheers Phil

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[REBOL] What am I doing wrong?

2002-03-10 Thread philb

Hi Porter,

Was there a reson why were you using the crop effect? 
You could use the offset of the face  below is an update to your program to 
demonstrate (I changed the gif to a png, but you could change it back).

rebol []

imagefile: %bigsky.png   ;a 320x200 png
imagedata: to-image load imagefile

imageoffs: 0x0
imagesize: 160x100

mylayout: layout [
at 0x0
imagedisp: image imagedata rate 30 size 160x100

imagedisp/feel: make imagedisp/feel [
engage: func [f a e] [
either imageoffs/x < 100 
[imageoffs/x: imageoffs/x + 1]
[imageoffs/x: 0 print "back to zero"]
imagedisp/offset: - imageoffs
show imagedisp

view mylayout

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

OK -

all I want to do is load an image, and be able to pan around on it...  I
figured I could do this using the crop effect to make a "viewport" to the
image.  Unfortunately I seem to be braindead, and cannot seem to make this
work out.  Here's a rough script I've been fiddling with:

rebol []

imagefile: %test.gif   ;a 320x200 gif
imagedata: to-image load imagefile

imageoffs: 0x0
imagesize: 160x100

mylayout: layout [
 at 0x0
 imagedisp: image imagedata rate 15 size 160x100

imagedisp/feel: make imagedisp/feel [
 engage: func [f a e] [
  either imageoffs/x < 100 [
   imageoffs/x: imageoffs/x + 1
   imageoffs/x: 0
   print "back to zero"
  f/effect: [crop imageoffs imagesize]
  hide/show [imagedisp]
  show f

view mylayout

What am I doing wrong?

- Porter Woodward

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[REBOL] Re: loneliness

2002-03-02 Thread philb

Hi Scott,

A quick analysis of the number of emails to this ML  since 01/01/2002 gives the 
details below.
It is not completely accurate as I have moved some emals with example code to a 
different folder ... but roughly speaking 28 Feb / 1 Mar doesnt seem unusual 
 it may just have been emails held up moving between servers??

(Its seems odd but when I read the original message I was surprised it was the only 
one that arrived at that time  semms like more arrived later...)

1-Jan-2002 11
2-Jan-2002 31
3-Jan-2002 22
4-Jan-2002 21
5-Jan-2002 33
6-Jan-2002 19
7-Jan-2002 41
8-Jan-2002 80
9-Jan-2002 51
10-Jan-2002 38
11-Jan-2002 39
12-Jan-2002 29
13-Jan-2002 45
14-Jan-2002 57
15-Jan-2002 64
16-Jan-2002 46
17-Jan-2002 51
18-Jan-2002 56
19-Jan-2002 28
20-Jan-2002 12
21-Jan-2002 26
22-Jan-2002 18
23-Jan-2002 32
24-Jan-2002 34
25-Jan-2002 15
26-Jan-2002 22
27-Jan-2002 19
28-Jan-2002 32
29-Jan-2002 29
30-Jan-2002 31
31-Jan-2002 63
1-Feb-2002 22
2-Feb-2002 11
3-Feb-2002 15
4-Feb-2002 51
5-Feb-2002 31
6-Feb-2002 22
7-Feb-2002 21
8-Feb-2002 38
9-Feb-2002 24
10-Feb-2002 9
11-Feb-2002 23
12-Feb-2002 41
13-Feb-2002 41
14-Feb-2002 41
15-Feb-2002 31
16-Feb-2002 9
17-Feb-2002 11
18-Feb-2002 50
19-Feb-2002 68
20-Feb-2002 72
21-Feb-2002 33
22-Feb-2002 37
23-Feb-2002 30
24-Feb-2002 16
25-Feb-2002 42
26-Feb-2002 38
27-Feb-2002 30
28-Feb-2002 15
1-Mar-2002 14
2-Mar-2002 5  (so far!)

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

From: Patrick
> Where are you ? I am receiving almost nothing from
> the list for two days. Something happening ?

Hi, Patrick,

It has been eeriely quiet.

I suspect that it is like the sound of one hand clapping: it is there; you
just don't hear it.  A while back. one of the main trunks in to Australia
was cut, and we lost our Australian friends for a few days.

I've been updating some programs, figuring out how to simulate menu
behavior, looking into natural language processing, and, oh yeah, looking
for a next work contract opportunity.

Regards | Respects | Beachtungen | Riguardi | Respetos | ConsideraĆ§Ć£o,
--Scott Jones

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[REBOL] Re: Morpheus site

2002-03-01 Thread philb

Hi Petr,

After reading all the news about Morpheus users being shut out the P2P network and how 
Morpheus was bringing out updated software in a few days, I couldnt quite decide if 
the update was the RT rewite on not.

Seems like they are going to swap over which P2P network technology they are using.
So is the new version of Mopheus the one written in Rebol or not? 
I could deciede what Holger was saying No to :-)
Just curious 

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

Holger Kruse wrote:

>On Wed, Feb 27, 2002 at 04:26:58PM +0100, Petr Krenzelok wrote:
>>I just hope they are not talking Rebol there -
Yes, it came to my mind few minutes later, re-reading below paragraph 
once again - there was no significant upgrade to Rebol for nearly one 
year already, at least - not public one, unless you wouldn't throw at 
them your secretly developed Rebol/Universe, which will blow MS's socks 
off, and make them throw away their crappy .NET framework, in favor of 
Rebol :-) But be carefull, now as your competing Amiga Inc. is 
partnering MicroSoft (and the are next month!), they -MS - can change 
their mind, seeing unbeatable AmigaDE :-)

Well, I had to use another email to explain it is not RT but Kaazaa 
changing the technology, but strangely, sometimes I can see replies to 
my email appearing here faster than my original email :-)


>>We understand that some of you are having difficulties connecting to 
>>your Morpheus User Network. As you know from recent newsletters, 
>>Morpheus has been preparing to substantially upgrade the Morpheus 
>>software. Unexpectedly, one of our software providers made a significant 
>>upgrade to their technology that is currently incompatible with Morpheus.

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[REBOL] Re: How to refresh a text-list

2002-02-27 Thread philb

Hi Ashley,

Not too sure about tell-list fro all occasions.

Suppose I had a text list with say 3000 entries 
(I have a text-list as part of my emailer reader has at least one folder with this 
many enteries).
If I delete a single entry then tell-list will clear the whole list and copy (3000 -1) 
items from value back into fce/data.
fix-slider assumes that the face data has been amended.

Of course you could supply a refinment to decide whether to clear & replace the data,
tell-list/replace and get the best of both worlds. 

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

Thanks to all who responded. Of the two solutions that addressed the slider
issue, I believe the "tell-list" solution appears to work better (please
note that this is more a comment on the vagaries of text-list usage than
the code snippets received!). Try the following with the first dir listing
larger than the second (ie. showing what happens when the number of entries
is reduced).

rebol []

tell-list: func [fce value] [
 append clear fce/data copy value
 clear fce/picked
 fce/sld/data: 0
 fce/sn: 0
 fce/line-list: none
 fce/sld/redrag fce/lc / max 1 length? head fce/lines
 show fce

fix-slider: func [faces [object! block!]] [
 foreach list to-block faces [
  list/sld/redrag list/lc / max 1 length? head list/lines

view layout [
 a: text-list data read %..
 button "Tell" [tell-list a read %.]
 b: text-list data read %..
 button "Fix" [b/lines: read %. fix-slider b show b]

Click on the last row of each list and then press "Tell" followed by "Fix" . . .



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[REBOL] Re: specifiv position in area

2002-02-25 Thread philb

Hi Thorsten,


view layout [
field silver silver
area silver silver

This should give you the save color in fields & areas when in focus as when out of 
Of course you can use any color in place of silver.

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

Hi Brett,

your new sample avoids the crash of the window. During the weekend i found
some time to work on the code and found out what "system/view/caret" is for
(previously i didn't know that). So, the problem was that when i type some
extra lines and then want to insert some text in or behind the new lines, a debug
printout for "system/view/caret" returns none and gives an error for the
insert function. Your new code avoids this crash problem, but still lacks the
functionality of inserting text right after the new textlines. 

I found out that just refocussing the area solves the problem like:

 view layout [
 a: area "place your cursor then click button" button "insert" [

 focus a
 ;--a/line-list: none ; *Forces recalculation of line offsets.
 system/view/caret: insert system/view/caret ""
 show a

This solves the problem, but is not very nicefor a user, cause the window is
blinking due to setting the focus. Is there a way that when the area is
active it has the same color as being not active?

Perhaps you, as a more advanced Rebol-Programmer, have a more elegant way to
solve this.


> Hi Thorsten,
> I did reproduce the problem once but failed many other times to reproduce
> it.
> So I cannot say for sure what the problem is. If you have worked out how
> to
> produce the problem consistently then could you try to see if this code
> has
> the same problem please?
> view layout [
> a: area "place your cursor then click button" button "insert" [
> if all [
> system/view/caret
> ] [
> a/line-list: none ; *Forces recalculation of line offsets.
> system/view/caret: insert system/view/caret ""
> show a
> ]
> ]
> ]
> Regards,
> Brett.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Thorsten Moeller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 8:03 PM
> Subject: [REBOL] Re: specifiv position in area
> >
> > Hi Brett,
> >
> > i tried out the code from your latest post and received som strange
> results.
> >
> > if i don't modify the text associated to the area and put the cursor
> > somewhere in the text, the insertion works pretty well.
> >
> > if i add some lines and the try the insert, the window dissappeares (
> some
> > sort of crash ).
> >
> > Any ideas for this behaviour?
> >
> > Thorsten
> >
> > --
> > GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.
> > http://www.gmx.net
> >
> > --
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[REBOL] Re: About View "Skinz" Contest

2002-02-25 Thread philb

Hi Patrick,

its working for me  now: 25-Feb-2002 at 09:15:29 
(I am now behind a firewall though)

The skins work well in the demo.

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===


The FX5 site (both HTML or RebSite) seams out of order (impossible to test


- Original Message -
To: "Rebol-list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 12:32 AM
Subject: [REBOL] About View "Skinz" Contest

> Hi all,
> I noticed the View "Skinz" Contest. It's a very good idea indeed :-)
> 2 remarks :
> -1) Don't forget that winamp is for Window$. Many people don't use
> Window$ but Apple or Linux or others OS with View. If you want to make
> an Mp3 player for everybody, you can't do this specially for Window$ OS.
> -2) About my skins : yes, I built skins for View. Everybody can use them
> for any app. But it was a test. The code is not optimized, can contain
> bugs, is slow on slower machines (especially complex widgets), and will
> not run with the next View version (this version will be derived from
> IOS with better graphical support, I presume). The net update is not
> optimal (the best approach is to implement a sharing file system, with
> file replication, like in IOS => this could be an interesting contest).
> Other thing, I would like to see different implementations for skinning,
> because I think other people could have other good ideas. Try for
> instance the FX5 skin, the Dockimbel's Winskin, ...
> --
> regards.
> ---
> Etienne
> ---
> --
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ifrance.com, l'email gratuit le plus complet de l'Internet !
vos emails depuis un navigateur, en POP3, sur Minitel, sur le WAP...

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[REBOL] What keycodes can sensors detect

2002-02-24 Thread philb


Is there a list of keycodes a sensor can process.
(I want to process PageUp/Down & Cursor Keys)

Or is there a program that will display keycodes?

Cheesr Phil
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[REBOL] Re: Applying Focus

2002-02-18 Thread philb

Hi Romano,

Yes, when you use do [focus "] in your your layout the field's text is 
highlighted (I just tried it).

Thanks for all the help guys  these little things just make programs that little 
bit more productive/user friendly.

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

Hi, Allen

I think that the 'field flag should be enouph to highlit, look at the source
of focus:

if flag-face? face field [hilight-all face]

and the standard function:

ctx-text/hilight-all: func [face][
view*/highlight-start: head face/text
view*/highlight-end: tail face/text


- Original Message -
From: "Allen Kamp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2002 9:59 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Re: Applying Focus

> And if you want it highlighted too, here's how. (from
> http://www.rebolforces.com/view-faq.html#sect2.4.)
> highlight-text: func [face][
> focus face
> system/view/highlight-start: head face/text
> system/view/highlight-end: tail face/text
> system/view/caret: head face/text
> ]
> view layout [name: field "" do [highlight-text name]]
> Cheers,
> Allen K
> --
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[REBOL] Re: Function Keys in a sensor

2002-02-17 Thread philb


Answering my own message here 

got the syntax

view layout [field "Test" sensor 0x0 keycode [f1] [print "f1 pressed"]]

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===


What is the syntax for testing for function keys f1,f2 etc in a sensor?
(I assume it is possible)

Cheers Phil
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[REBOL] Function Keys in a sensor

2002-02-17 Thread philb


What is the syntax for testing for function keys f1,f2 etc in a sensor?
(I assume it is possible)

Cheers Phil
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[REBOL] Applying Focus

2002-02-17 Thread philb


When opning a new window is it possible to get focus to be applied to the first field 
so text can be entered without using the mouse to select the field?

Cheers Phil
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[REBOL] Re: colour of text-list/picked

2002-02-13 Thread philb

Hi Romano,

This is nice  I dont that yellow color ... 

I suppose it is consitent with the focus color in fields & areas but it doesnt look 
great next to white lines in a text-list. 

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

Hi, Hallvard,

>I'm too tired to probe through my text-list object or the documentation
available here and there. Can anyone tell me the path to the colour of the
highlighting of picked elements in a text-list, please?

It is hard-wired in the init field of the styles. It is not simple to change
it for many reasons (binding). Here it is an example:

high-col: 163.223.220
ly: layout [tl: text-list data ["a" "b"][]]
tl/iter/feel: make tl/iter/feel [
redraw: func[f a i] bind [
f/color: either find picked f/text [high-col] [slf/color]
] in tl 'self
view ly

Now you can also change the high-col var to change the color.

You could also change the init field of the style. But it is more complex.


P.S. If you don't know it, try AnaMonitor to look in the vid objects.

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[REBOL] Hiding faces in a Panel

2002-02-12 Thread philb


Is there a simple way of hiding faces in a panel?  (using hide on a Panel that 
contains multiple faces doesnt seem to work).

Do I have to have to hide each individual face in the Panel?

Cheers Phil

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[REBOL] Re: to-char

2002-02-10 Thread philb

Hi Daniel,

try something like

cb: copy []
foreach lv-char "abcd" [append cb lv-char]
probe cb

just need to wrap it in a function.

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

sorry, I'm not used to the harder stuff like
parsing, yadda, yadda, yadda.

What I'm looking for is a function/native that
will change a word into a block of characters,
for example:

tochar "Hello"

Word: [

Daniel S

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[REBOL] Re: VID focus questions

2002-02-04 Thread philb

Hi Dave,

for problem 2 use could use the code Sterlings posted a few days ago 
for example

view layout [
info with [flags: [field]]

Now you cant tab into the info item.

On a related question what stops shift & tab working in the following code 

view layout [
field "AAA"
field "BBB"
field "CCC"

Tabbing between the fields works.
When you shift tab out of anything other than the first field that works.
But why cant you shift tab out of the first field, positioning you in the last field??

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

Any ideas on this anyone?

David Hawley wrote:

> How does one do the following:
> 1: give focus to a check, choice, button
> 2: keep focus off of an info or list
> 3: make radio's non-exclusive
> 4: make a choice keycode pickable
> I have a layout with fields which tab OK, then the cursor gets stuck 
> in an info field and one has to mouse to get to check and button 
> fields. Shouldn't tab normally just go to the next thing? And 
> shouldn't an info be totaly ignored?
> note: View on WinMe
> Thanks,
> Dave

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[REBOL] Re: Unable to retrieve Lycos email in Rebol

2002-02-04 Thread philb

Hi Holger,

Yep that worked 

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

On Mon, Feb 04, 2002 at 12:25:28AM -0500, Charles wrote:
> Phil;
>Well, that was about the extent of my knowledge on the matter :/  It
> might be something like pop.lycos.com, or mail.lycos.com, or maybe
> lycosmail.com .. I don't know.  Am doing a touch of research right now, just
> a quick skim..
>Okay, I just snagged this from the lycos.co.uk email section:
> POP3 Access
> Please use the following settings for POP3 access:
> Server for incoming messages (POP3): pop.lycos.co.uk
> Server for outgoing messages (SMTP): smtp.lycos.co.uk
> Login: your Lycos Email address (e.g [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Password: your Lycos Email password
> I'm not sure who mentioned it (was it Dr. Turk?  Did I even get the name
> right?) but it looks like you might need to use the whole email address for
> your login.  So, 'read pop:[EMAIL PROTECTED]@pop.lycos.co.uk isn't really an
> option.  Shoot, I don't know the way to set this up, but there is a way to
> do this through a block.  Someone else have better knowledge of this?

Try something like

read [
scheme: 'pop
host: "pop.lycos.co.uk"
pass: "mypassword"

Holger Kruse

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[REBOL] Re: Rebol & Linux

2002-02-04 Thread philb

Hi Jason,

I would have tried this all long ago if I was free to wipe my hard disk.
However I have to run Wondoze for my work.
As I work from home  I really cant afford to be without my machine for too long.
And I dont want to really have to re-install all my software.

I read a bit about fips and didnt feel confident with that.

I have a copy of Mandrake which came with a Book for Xmas, I also have a copy of Suse 
... but have been looking at RedHat whih is available to buy here relatively cheaply.  

The decieding factor for me is how easy/safe am I going to be when partionin my hard 

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

> I want to test my Rebol scripts on Linux.
> Dont want to start a flame war  but can anyone suggest a *simple*
Linux installation, one that preferably has partitioning as part of the
setup, or even doesnt need partitioning.
> I was considering RedHat 7.2  but this may be overkill for what I

Q1: Do you want to keep an existing OS/Partition for running say Windows?

I am no expert, but may be this is helpful to you:

RedHat 7.2 installation includes options for partitioning with choice of
several tools.  You can choose

= Automatically partition and REMOVE DATA
= Manually partition with disk druid
= Manually partition with fdisk[experts only]

The automatic partitioning is a reasonable place to start, especialy if you
are free to wipe data. After you select it it still allows you
see and edit the partitions via clean interface. You can step back and redo
befoer comit. The worst that will happen is you might decide to redo your
intallatino again a couple of times to get more familiar, tweak things or if
you mess it up. This morning it only took me 30 mins to do a fresh install
of 7.2. If you don't have any legacy data this is perhaps quickrest way to
get real familiar with installation options. Just run throught them over the

If you have only one disk and need to keep an existing OS and files in place
for a dual boot, then you need to be more careful. [see below]

AS long as you dont have some low level hardware voodoo incompatibility,
RedHat 7.2 is a very easy install. RedHat package management is easy.
Each step has some basic guide docs on screen next to back/next buttons. You
can see a preview right of that what it will be like:


Today I chose GRUB, which is the new default loader instead of traditional
LILO. They both work well, but GRUB is supposed to be friendlier for
multiple operationng systems and has better features if you do run into
trouble or want to change settings during the bootup.

If your are installing on laptop you may want to do some reasearch first on
Linux Laptop site:

I did install Caldera a couple of years ago on an older Win95 laptop for an
experiment, precisely because it did not involve any repartitioning.
Installed just like a windows program. It was very easy to remove. Then I
installed 'System Commander' which is still one the most highty rated tools
for booting multiple OS. It has a sister program whihc lets you change
partitions pretty much on the fly without damage. I installed Mandrake was
easy. The default GUI then was KDE which I think they developed a lot of.

RedHat 7.2 has good options for GUIs. At installation you just tick 'em off:
Classic Xwindows, X Windows, Gnome, KDE.. Your system can boot directly into
one these, or select 'choose login as text'. You can launch the GUI with
'startx' command. If you have space install XWindows and KDE and Gnome and
see what you prefer.

my impressions..
a. = Suse seems to have really good search docs on line.
http://sdb.suse.de/sdb/en/html/key_form.html is helpful if you have a
problem with another distro.

b. = Debian is very cool but requires deeper learning curve and readiness to
juggle with config files.
++ ???

I'd like to learn what you decide on and how it goes.
good luck...


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[REBOL] Draw Dialect

2002-02-04 Thread philb


trying to get to grips with the draw dialiect 

How do I draw a single point?
Do I have to draw a line with the same start & end points?
Or have I missed something in the docs??

Cheers Phil

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[REBOL] Re: Rebol & Linux/partition magic

2002-02-03 Thread philb

Hi Tim/Charles

I was aware that I may need to partition my hard drive.
I do have a partion tool ACRONIS OS Selector which repartions without destroying the 
whole hard drive.

But if the distro comes with Partition Magic then I would prefer to use that (its the 
one everyone recomends).  Does in come on RedHat 7.2??

Backing up my 20G HD (16G full) will be a pain though!  Just gotta be selective  I 
should be able to restore mode of it from CD anywaty.

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

* Charles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020203 20:47]:
> Phil:
>Before we get too far into this, I just want to make sure that you
> understand that, in most cases, partitioning a drive results in the
> destruction of ALL contents of the drive.  There are a couple tools out
> there which can partition without destroying contents.  Just wanted to make
> sure you were aware.
> --Charles

Partition Magic comes with most linux distros... 
it will handle (for instance) re-partitioning an existing
drive and perserving the contents.

1)Having said that, it is still very important to back up existing
  data of importance.
2)It is good to review the installation process ahead of time.
3)Many areas have Linux user groups. They often constitute a
  community of mutual help. It is likely (and perhaps recommended)
  that you will find someone to help and advise you.

I must also caution, that even tho' I am a strong supporter of
linux and I much prefer this as a working environment, that there
can be a steep learning curve attached. Again, a users group and
appropriate mailing lists can be very helpful.

Just as this mailing list is wonderful in learning rebol, there
are many mailinng lists that are wonderful for learning linux
and it's components.

But I will repeat that it is important to back up data, review
the installation process first and not be too proud to ask
for help.

> > Hi,
> >
> > I want to test my Rebol scripts on Linux.
> > Dont want to start a flame war  but can anyone suggest a *simple*
> Linux installation, one that preferably has partitioning as part of the
> setup, or even doesnt need partitioning.
> >
> > I was considering RedHat 7.2  but this may be overkill for what I
> want.
> >
> > Cheers Phil
> > --
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[REBOL] Re: Unable to retrieve Lycos email in Rebol

2002-02-03 Thread philb

Hi Charles,

Lycos advertise their email as being available from a POP client.

I believe I am using the correct user name and server though, but I will double check 
it. Putting in an invalid user does give me the same invalid password error though.
Cant seem to access the server through Outlook Express so looks like I cant access the 
server for some reason (I can ping it though, so I think I have the right server name).

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

   Are you 100% sure you have access to the POP server?  Have you tried accessing your 
Lycos mail with a normal email client?  For instance, just because you have 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] doesn't mean me:[EMAIL PROTECTED] will work (in fact, it won't).  
Many webmail systems do not have POP access for their clients.
   And I don't know about POP/Lycos/etc, but with many systems (like *nix), if you try 
logging in, it will tell you the password is incorrect, even if the *user* doesn't 
exist - keeps you guessing.  I don't know if it would be reported that the user 
doesn't exist.  I'd suggest trying some gobbldy-gook username in your attempt next 
time - if it gives you "incorrect password", then you definitely do not have access to 
that server's POP system.


Original Message:
Date: Sun, 3 Feb 2002 9:52:39 +0800
Subject: [REBOL] Unable to retrieve Lycos email in Rebol


Has anyone succesfully used Rebol to access their Lycos email?

Running a trace, my password is rejected, yet when I go to their site I can sign and 
get my mail using the password.

>> mailbox: open pop://philiphbevan:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
URL Parse: philiphbevan mypassword pop.lycos.co.uk none none none
Net-log: ["Opening" "tcp" "for" "POP"]
Net-log: [
none "+OK"]
Net-log: "+OK POP Lycos/Caramail (version 1.2a) starting"
Net-log: [
["USER" port/user] "+OK"]
Net-log: "+OK password required for philiphbevan."
Net-log: [
["PASS" port/pass] "+OK"]
** User Error: Server error: tcp -ERR Password supplied for philiphbevan is incorrect.
** Near: mailbox: open pop://philiphbevan:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Any ideas ??

Cheers Phil

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[REBOL] Rebol & Linux

2002-02-03 Thread philb


I want to test my Rebol scripts on Linux.
Dont want to start a flame war  but can anyone suggest a *simple* Linux 
installation, one that preferably has partitioning as part of the setup, or even 
doesnt need partitioning.

I was considering RedHat 7.2  but this may be overkill for what I want. 

Cheers Phil
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[REBOL] Unable to retrieve Lycos email in Rebol

2002-02-02 Thread philb


Has anyone succesfully used Rebol to access their Lycos email?

Running a trace, my password is rejected, yet when I go to their site I can sign and 
get my mail using the password.

>> mailbox: open pop://philiphbevan:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
URL Parse: philiphbevan mypassword pop.lycos.co.uk none none none
Net-log: ["Opening" "tcp" "for" "POP"]
Net-log: [
none "+OK"]
Net-log: "+OK POP Lycos/Caramail (version 1.2a) starting"
Net-log: [
["USER" port/user] "+OK"]
Net-log: "+OK password required for philiphbevan."
Net-log: [
["PASS" port/pass] "+OK"]
** User Error: Server error: tcp -ERR Password supplied for philiphbevan is incorrect.
** Near: mailbox: open pop://philiphbevan:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Any ideas ??

Cheers Phil

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[REBOL] Re: strange results with decimal!

2002-01-10 Thread philb

Hi Thorsten,

I would think that the problem is the way computers hold decimals.
As a decimal is held as a binary representaion of the decimal in a finite number of 
digits (usually 16,32 or 64) in most cases it cannot hold a decimal exactly and some 
rounding occurs.

We dont know how internally Rebol hold decimal numbers but as its C based it may well 
hold them in base 2 decimal form.
For example 
9.3 = 9 * 10 + 3 * 0.1 
has the binary form
1001.01001 (recurring)
1*2^3 + 0*2^2 + 0*2^1  + 1*2^0 + 0*2^-1 + 1*2^-2 + 0*2^-3 + 0*2^-4 + 1*2^-5
As this is a recurring binary decimal some rounding will occur so the decimal number 
is not held exactly.

Consider the following (typed at the console)

>> 0.33 + 0.333 + 0.333
== 0.996

This indicates that the number 0.33 was truncated.

I would suggest that one or both of numbers in your example was truncated and gave you 
the unexpected result.

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

Hi Joel,

thanks for your reply. If devision or multiplication is involvolved i could
follow your samples. Perhaps i should be more detailed, as i am only using
addition and substraction.

File sheme:

15888;some text;1.000,50;1.000,50;some text
15889;some text;50,49;50,48;some text

As the first line contains german values, i have to parse out the "." and
the convert the field to a decimal like 1.000,50 to 1000,50.

After that i add the values to a sum with a foreach loop. the result is:

sum-a: 1050,99
sum-b: 1050,98

Now i want the difference to be displayed.

print sum-a - sum-b

The result is, even with this example, "9.999091E-3" instead of

If you just type in the lines with the sums and the print statement you can
follow the example.

Is that the same problem as you described?


> Hi, Thorsten,
> Thorsten Moeller wrote:
> > 
> > Hi rebolers,
> > 
> > i have a script that gives to produce an output when there is a
> > difference between two values. Therefore i read a textfile,
> > convert some fields to decimal values and add them together to
> > one or another sum. if a specific condition comes true they are
> > are compared should be 0 (checked manually with a small amount).
> > For some reason i get results like "-1.3476653466456E-12".
> > 
> > Does anybody understand this?
> > 
> > Any suggestions will be appreciated!!
> > 
> I strongly suspect you're falling victim to binary round-off.
> In general it is A Bad Idea to perform floating-point (decimal!)
> calculations and then expect to get an exact equality; rather
> you should check for the difference between two values being
> very small.  For example, instead of
>a: ...lots of decimal! calculation...
>b: ...more decimal! calculation or literal...
>if a = b ...
> you should try
>a: ...as above...
>b: ...as above...
>if 1.0e-10 > a - b ...
> This is a well-known phenomenon in numerical analysis; to see
> why it's the case, imagine performing the following decimal
> calculation on a calculator with a fixed number of digits (or
> with pencil and paper using only e.g., 5 digits):
> a: 1.0 / 3.0
> b: 1.0 / 3.0
> c: 1.0 / 3.0
> print a + b + c
> If you use exactly 5 digits of precision, you'll get
> a = 0.
> b = 0.
> c = 0.
> a + b + c = 0.
> since 1/3 does not have a terminating fractional expansion.
> The only divisors which produce terminating fractions are
> those containing only powers of 2 and/or 5, since those are
> the only divisors of 10.
> Since nothing but 2 divides 2, the only terminating binary
> fractions are those with divisors of powers of two.  Since
> we use decimal externally, the conversion to binary and
> subsequent calculation are likely to produce the phenomenon.
> The reason why most desk calculators will perform the above
> computation and return 1.0 is that they keep additional
> "hidden" digits beyond what is displayed, and then round to
> the display size.  If we had kept 6 digits and rounded to 5
> digits for display, we'd have gotten a result of
> 0.9
> and rounded that to the (displayable)
> 1.
> HTH!
> -jn-
> -- 
> Shouting at the ground doesn't enable it to hear any better.
> -- Henry Warwick
> joel^dot^FIX^PUNCTUATION^neely^at^fedex^dot^com
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[REBOL] Re: source code layout question

2002-01-04 Thread philb

Hi Joel,

using the extra do [ before pasting is a really neat trick  it will sure come in 

Seems like the console was designed by/for people who code in style A

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

Hi, Carl,

Carl Read wrote:
> ...  It's only drawbacks I think are three extra spaces on
> some lines (minor) ...

Those are there to make the content of multi-line blocks (or
multiple consecutive blocks, where some may be multi-line)
all line up indented under the controlling expression.

> and not being able to cut and paste it into the Console -
> a major disadvantage, I think.  If it wasn't for that, it'd
> be tempting to switch to it...

Actually, I've been cutting and pasting with it (just with
a tad of cheating ;-).  I simply type into the console

do [

then paste in whatever I've cut from wherever, then type a


and press return.  That bit of extra typing (which does take
more effort than just using control-C...) wraps everything in
an extra attention-span-preserving block to keep the console's
attention until the input expression is explicitly closed by
the last right bracket.

> My current style (such as it is:) is much the sames as Petr's

> I'd write...
> either x = 0 [z][
> either y = 0 [head reverse z][
> while [x < y][
> y: y - x
> append z "x"
> ]
> foo y x z
> ]
> ]

I've tried that myself, but it seems to break the symmetry between
the two blocks managed by the EITHER.  Conceptually I "see" them as
being at the same "level" under the control of the first argument
to EITHER; therefore I prefer a typographical structure that makes
them appear "side by side".  Having one of them on the same line as
EITHER and the controlling expression versus the other being
indented below seems to hide their side-by-side relationship.

I've certainly written my share of

either blahblahblah [t-option][f-option]

when all will fit on one line, however.


; sub REBOL {}; sub head ($) {@_[0]}
# despam: func [e] [replace replace/all e ":" "." "#" "@"]
; sub despam {my ($e) = @_; $e =~ tr/:#/.@/; return "\n$e"}
print head reverse despam "moc:xedef#yleen:leoj" ;
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[REBOL] source code layout question

2002-01-04 Thread philb

Hi Joel,

Well for good or bad I code pretty much in style B in all the langauges I use
C, C++, Progress, Rebol. 

I just like my braces or square brackets lined up !!

Everything inside the brackets indented of course, unless it fits on a single line in 
which case save some space by having the close bracket on the same line.

foo: func [x [integer!] y [integer!] z [integer!]]
either x = 0
either y = 0
[head reverse z]
while [x < y]
y: y - x
append z "x"
foo y x z

of course everyone will have their own variation on one of the styles.

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

Hi, all,

WARNING #1:  None of the code in this post is meaningful, and may
 not even be legitimate.  It's only included for
the purpose of illustration.

WARNING #2:  This is a controversial and sensitive subject with
 some folks.  I'm not trying to start a flame war, and
I have not interest in debating aesthetic opinions.  I *am* very
interested in objective criteria which identify strengths and
weaknesses of the alternatives.

That said...

I've recently been pondering source code layout.  I, like many of
us on the list, have been writing REBOL in a style similar to the
following, which I'll call Style B:

foo: func [x [integer!] y [integer!] z [integer!]] [
either x = 0 [
either y = 0 [
head reverse z
while [x < y] [
y: y - x
append z "x"
foo y x z

This style is fairly conventional for block-structured languages
(i.e. descendants of Algol, including Pascal, c, Java, Perl, etc.)

Some programmers use a variation on this style, which I'll call
Style C:

foo: func [x [integer!] y [integer!] z [integer!]]
either x = 0
either y = 0
[head reverse z]
while [x < y]
y: y - x
append z "x"
foo y x z

LISP (and Scheme) programmers often use a bracketing style which
emphasizes the indentation of actual content, and relegates the
punctuation to a minor role.  This approach would give us a
different look, which I'll call Style L:

foo: func [x [integer!] y [integer!] z [integer!]]
   [either x = 0
   [either y = 0
   [head reverse z]
   [while [x < y]
   [y: y - x
append z "x"]
foo y x z]]]

REBOL isn't Algol, Lisp, or c (etc...), so perhaps its style is
not subject to the constraints of those languages.  Here's my
assessment of some of the strengths and weaknesses of these
styles.  (Again, I'm trying to deal with measurable features
and human factors, regardless of what I personally like or
dislike!)  As all of these styles use indentation of source
text to show nesting, that issue is irrelevant to a contrast.

Style   Pros Cons
-   --
  B Familiar, even to people Deeply-nested code can
used to other common require lots of lines that
programming languages.   only close blocks ("]").

Can be cut-and-pasted into   May obscure distinctive
REBOL console, since openREBOL concepts (e.g., the
blocks signal that the   brackets commonly written
current expression is notaround WHILE arguments are
yet complete.not "required syntax" as
 with c parentheses and/or

Easy to insert/delete lines
within a multi-line block
while revising code.

  C Ease of insertion/deletion   Requires more lines than
as with Style B. other styles to express the
 same code.

  L Keeps short blocks on theLong runs of "]" at the end
same line, thus saving   of multiple nesting can be
vertical layout space.   difficult to count (and get

 Inserting/deleting block
 content can require more
 editing work.

I'm interested in any other comments on the objective pros/cons
of these styles.

For the sake of experiment, I've been experimenting with a hybrid
style, which I'll call Style R.  It is intended to meet the
following criteria:

*  Use indentation to make nesting visible (as do B, C, and L).
*  Emphasize the idea of block-as-value (in contr

[REBOL] Interesting P2P article on ZDNet

2002-01-04 Thread philb


Just seen an intersting P2P article on ZDNet

Cheers Phil
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[REBOL] Happy New Year ....!!!!

2001-12-31 Thread philb

Hi All,

Happy new Rebolling Year from Perth (Austraili)

Cheers Phil
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[REBOL] Re: Problem with negative offset of layout

2001-12-27 Thread philb

Hi Sunanda,

I use REBOL/View/Pro on Win98 here and I see the problem with the grid

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

> > Could you tell me whether you have the same problem? Or whether there
>  > is something wrong in my code?
>  REBOL/Command/View [Win98se] => works OK here

But does not work for Rebol/View [Win98]. Two earlier responses duplicated 
the error on Win NT4 and 2000 (Rebol version not specified). Could it be a 
bug in the freebie version?

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[REBOL] Re: Confused over Contexts

2001-12-23 Thread philb

Hi Volker,

Excellent  this solves another long term bug in my Mailer.

Cheers Phil

p.s.  Merry Xmas to everyone on the Rebol Mailing list

=== Original Message ===

RE: [REBOL] Confused over Contexts

> Hi Guys,
> I have a simple progam ... 
> rebol []
> fn-win: func [/local lv-fld]
> [
> view/new layout
> [
> lv-fld: field 
> button "Value" [print lv-fld/text]
> ]
> ]

fn-win: func []
lv-fld: none
view/new layout
lv-fld: field 
button "Value" [print lv-fld/text]

difference is, functions share the context for their locals,
only saving/restoring content for recursion.
so if a function gives a word to the outside,
all blocks share the same word.
with context a real new word is created each time.
also RT says they may cange function-behavior,
setting all locals to none on return.
so using locals in code which "lives" after return may break then. 

> main: view layout
> [
> button "Window" [fn-win]
> ]
> 1.  Run program to open Window #1
> 2.  Press button to open a Window #2
> 3.  On Window #2, Enter ""
> 4.  Press Button on window #2
> 5.  Program prints ""
> 6.  Press button on Window #1 to Open Window #3
> 7.  On Window #3, Enter ""
> 8.  Press Button on Window #3
> 9.  Program prints ""
> 10. Press Button on Window #2 (again)
> 11. Prigram prints "" 
> :-(
> Even though I declare lv-fld as local the there only seems to be 1 version of 
>lv-face ??
> Is there a simple solution to this problem ?
> Cheers Phil

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[REBOL] Confused over Contexts

2001-12-22 Thread philb

Hi Guys,

I have a simple progam ... 

rebol []
fn-win: func [/local lv-fld]
view/new layout
lv-fld: field 
button "Value" [print lv-fld/text]

main: view layout
button "Window" [fn-win]

1.  Run program to open Window #1
2.  Press button to open a Window #2
3.  On Window #2, Enter ""
4.  Press Button on window #2
5.  Program prints ""
6.  Press button on Window #1 to Open Window #3
7.  On Window #3, Enter ""
8.  Press Button on Window #3
9.  Program prints ""
10. Press Button on Window #2 (again)
11. Prigram prints "" 

Even though I declare lv-fld as local the there only seems to be 1 version of lv-face 

Is there a simple solution to this problem ?

Cheers Phil

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[REBOL] Re: Converting Errors to a string?

2001-12-21 Thread philb

Thanks Volker,

I passed something back in the end  but using 'ok would be better.

I had never used unset before  didnt realise that print returns unset  I learn 
something new from this list almost every day 

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

RE: [REBOL] Re: Coerting Errors to a string?

  if error? lv-err: try [Print "AAA" 'ok] [Print "Error"]

if there is no error, try works like do, returning the last value.
  if error? lv-err try [1 / 2] [Print "Error"] ; works 
you return a number, but with
  if error? lv-err try [Print "AAA"] [Print "Error"] ; does not work
you return unset! (the result of a 'print)
so return something, i suggest 'ok here, anything goes.
or use
  if error? set/any 'lv-err try [Print "AAA"] [Print "Error"]  
which works ok with unset! too.


> Thanks Volker,
> I will use this in my error handling
> The next question is am I handling my errors correctly?
> For Example
> if error? lv-err: try [1 / 0] [Print "Error"] ; works
> if error? lv-err try [1 / 2] [Print "Error"] ; works
> However
> if error? lv-err try [Print "AAA"] [Print "Error"] ; does not work
> gives
> ** Script Error: lv-err needs a value
> ** Near: if error? lv-err: try [Print "AAA"]
> Cheers Phil
> === Original Message ===
> RE: [REBOL] Coerting Errors to a string?
> (original by Bo somewhere, called print-error. forgot if i changed something.)
> form-error: func [
> error [object!] 
> /local arg1 arg2 arg3 message out
> ] [
> out: make string! 100 
> set [arg1 arg2 arg3] [error/arg1 error/arg2 error/arg3] 
> message: get in get in system/error error/type error/id 
> if block? message [bind message 'arg1] 
> append out reform reduce message 
> append out reform ["^/Near:" mold error/near] 
> append out reform ["^/Where:" mold get in error 'where]
> ] 
> use with [print form-error disarm error]
> -Volker
> > 
> > Hi Guys,
> > 
> > Given that my program recieves an error I disarm it, and I have an error object, 
>for  example
> > 
> > err: disarm try [a: 1 / 0]
> > 
> > probe err
> > 
> > make object! [
> > code: 400
> > type: 'math
> > id: 'zero-divide
> > arg1: none
> > arg2: none
> > arg3: none
> > near: [a: 1 / 0]
> > where: none
> > ]
> > 
> > How do I convert it to a nicely formatted readable string ?
> > 
> > >> err
> > ** Math Error: Attempt to divide by zero
> > ** Near: a: 1 / 0
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
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> > subject, without the quotes.
> > 
> -- 
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[REBOL] Re: Coerting Errors to a string?

2001-12-20 Thread philb

Thanks Volker,

I will use this in my error handling

The next question is am I handling my errors correctly?
For Example

if error? lv-err: try [1 / 0] [Print "Error"] ; works
if error? lv-err try [1 / 2] [Print "Error"] ; works

if error? lv-err try [Print "AAA"] [Print "Error"] ; does not work

** Script Error: lv-err needs a value
** Near: if error? lv-err: try [Print "AAA"]

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

RE: [REBOL] Coerting Errors to a string?
(original by Bo somewhere, called print-error. forgot if i changed something.)

form-error: func [
error [object!] 
/local arg1 arg2 arg3 message out
] [
out: make string! 100 
set [arg1 arg2 arg3] [error/arg1 error/arg2 error/arg3] 
message: get in get in system/error error/type error/id 
if block? message [bind message 'arg1] 
append out reform reduce message 
append out reform ["^/Near:" mold error/near] 
append out reform ["^/Where:" mold get in error 'where]

use with [print form-error disarm error]


> Hi Guys,
> Given that my program recieves an error I disarm it, and I have an error object, for 
> example
> err: disarm try [a: 1 / 0]
> probe err
> make object! [
> code: 400
> type: 'math
> id: 'zero-divide
> arg1: none
> arg2: none
> arg3: none
> near: [a: 1 / 0]
> where: none
> ]
> How do I convert it to a nicely formatted readable string ?
> >> err
> ** Math Error: Attempt to divide by zero
> ** Near: a: 1 / 0
> -- 
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[REBOL] Re: Converting Errors to a string?

2001-12-20 Thread philb

Hi Larry,

Well yes I could do that but what I really want to do is to display an alert box of 
some kind with a more "user friendly" error message.

By the way the code snippet was for demonstration purposes only 
My code is more like  
   if error? lv-err: try [...some code here ]
   ; process lv-err here
   ; alert ...something here...

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

Hi Phil,

How about MOLD? It will convert to a string formatted the same as PROBE.

>> print mold :err

make object! [
code: 400
type: 'math
id: 'zero-divide
arg1: none
arg2: none
arg3: none
near: [a: 1 / 0]
where: none


- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2001 4:20 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Coerting Errors to a string?

> Hi Guys,
> Given that my program recieves an error I disarm it, and I have an error
object, for  example
> err: disarm try [a: 1 / 0]
> probe err
> make object! [
> code: 400
> type: 'math
> id: 'zero-divide
> arg1: none
> arg2: none
> arg3: none
> near: [a: 1 / 0]
> where: none
> ]
> How do I convert it to a nicely formatted readable string ?
> >> err
> ** Math Error: Attempt to divide by zero
> ** Near: a: 1 / 0
> --
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[REBOL] Coerting Errors to a string?

2001-12-20 Thread philb

Hi Guys,

Given that my program recieves an error I disarm it, and I have an error object, for  

err: disarm try [a: 1 / 0]

probe err

make object! [
code: 400
type: 'math
id: 'zero-divide
arg1: none
arg2: none
arg3: none
near: [a: 1 / 0]
where: none

How do I convert it to a nicely formatted readable string ?

>> err
** Math Error: Attempt to divide by zero
** Near: a: 1 / 0

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[REBOL] size?

2001-12-20 Thread philb

Hi Fabrice,

just leave out the %
   print size? to-file "/c/foo.txt"
will work

Using to-file on "%/c/foo.txt" gives %%/c/foo.txt which of course probably wont exist. 

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

Hello to all !
I have a prob with size?

print size? %/c/foo.txt ;;is ok
print size? to-file "%/c/foo.txt" ;;always answers none

did i miss something ?


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[REBOL] Re: Newbie query on array indexing

2001-11-23 Thread philb

Hi Guys,

My 3D Chess program uses arrays to specify the location of a piece on the 3D board.

I wanted to set what piece is at a x,y,z wuth board/:x/:y/:z = #"Q"

As pointed out this is not a valid syntax (at least in the current version of Rebol.

The work around I was given was to declare my array with 1 extras dimension
board: array/initial [5 5 5 1] #"."

I can then use 
board/:x/:y/:z/1: = #"Q"

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

On Thu, Nov 22, 2001 at 10:14:04AM +, John R wrote:
> Hi Tim,
> Thanks for your examples. Sorry if I was not too clear on last post - I did
> already check out and understand (I hope) all techniques mentioned by Greg
> and Brett and noted the initialisation behaviour with strings, pointers etc.
> IMO it would be nice if "unusual" behaviour like this were highlighted in
> the Rebol documentation.
> My outstanding query was trying to assign a value to an array element using
> path syntax with subscript variable. Console session extract below.
> Thanks
> John
> >> arr-test: array 10 ""
> == ""
> >> loop 10 [append arr-test copy ""]
> == [none none none none none none none none none none "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
> "" "" ""]
> >> arr-test/1: "Entry1"
> == ["Entry1" none none none none none none none none none "" "" "" "" "" ""
> "" "" ""
>  ""]
> >> arr-test/3: "Entry3"
> == ["Entry1" none "Entry3" none none none none none none none "" "" "" "" ""
> "" "" "
> " "" ""]
> >> n: 3
> == 3
> >> print arr-test/:n
> Entry3
> >> arr-test/:n: "AmendedEntry3"
> ** Syntax Error: Invalid word -- :n:
> ** Near: (line 1) arr-test/:n: "AmendedEntry3"
> >>
The short answer is: I believe that you can't do it.
poke arr-test n "Amended Entry3" 
; does the trick.
I do agree that it would be a good idea to have a "gotchas" page.
And I do agree that it really makes sense to me to be able to
make assignments directly to path notation. 

Many of rebol features are the result of input from mailing list

It is possible that some of the more advanced users or RT members
could point out why this wasn't implemented.

I would point out, that for me, when maintaining code that I haven't
worked with in some time - 
poke arr-test ndx "AmendedEntry3" 
is more readable and pops out in my conciousness more so than
arr-test/:n: "AmendedEntry3"
but then 'poke has similar connotations in other languages.
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[REBOL] Re: text-list/text (scroll bar problem)

2001-11-18 Thread philb

Hi Daniel,

see Romano's earlier answer  it works for me.

Thanks for asking the original question  it has fixed a long standing but in one 
of my programs.

My example program now works 

rebol []

; fix slider when text list is updated
fix-slider: func [faces [object! block!]] 
foreach lv-list to-block faces 
; print [length? head lv-list/lines lv-list/lc]
lv-list/sld/data: 0
lv-list/sn: 0; this is the Romano's change
lv-list/sld/redrag lv-list/lc / max 1 length? head lv-list/lines
show lv-list

tl-data: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20]

view layout
tl: text-list data tl-data 100x100
button "Update it" 
clear tl-data
insert tl-data [1 2 3 4]
fix-slider tl

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

From: "Gregg Irwin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Phil, et al
> << There is a bug in that if you are in a large directory and and scrolled
> to the bottom and select a small directory you get duplicate entries at the
> top of the newly displayed directory. >>
> I hope RT can give us a definitive solution to this problem. In the
> meantime, the most complete solution I've come up with is to do:
>   sld/data: 0
> before you do the sld/redrag call. In my empirical testing here, it seems to
> solve the problem. YMMV.

Thanks Gregg,

It works partially. The bar now covers the whole vertical space available, that 
is good, but then I still need to _try_ to drag the slider to update the list 
of items. Otherwise the list shows no items, it appears empty.


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[REBOL] Re: text-list/text (scroll bar problem)

2001-11-17 Thread philb

Hi Gregg/Romano

This has fixed a long standing bug in my emailer :-)
1.1.15 will be posted shortly :-)

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

<< Add to your code:

 lv-list/sn: 0

it is not a bug, it is a non-feature (!): View-vid offer only basically
services to slider/text-list, you must almost adjust every field manually
without doc!). >>

Thanks Romano! I hadn't tracked that one down.


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[REBOL] Simple 'choice' example?

2001-11-17 Thread philb


try using PatentServer/text in the function call

Cheers Phil
=== Original Message ===

I'm stuck on a simple problem, hope some one can help me out.

First of all is there any one URL or REB site that has link to all of the 
various HowTo's and Docs?I've looked for the last hour trying to find 
some thing that would explain what I'm doing wrong, but with out luck.

I want a 'choice' button that returns some text such as "Dog", "Cat", "Duck", 
then pass this to a function.

Problem is when I get to the function, shown below it prints out the message 

Assuming I get that working, how do I get 'choice' to return a block and pass 
that block to a function?


GetPatent: func [
] [
; Prints out ?object?, WHY???
print PatentServer
; Does the right thing:
print PatentNumber

; Derived from emailsend.r:
view layout [
backdrop 30.40.100 effect [grid 10x10]
origin 40x20
PatentServer: choice "EP" "US" "WO"
msg: field "Enter WO Patent Number here..." 210
text white "Options:"
across return
button "Get Patent" [GetPatent PatentServer msg/text]
button "Quit" [quit]
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[REBOL] Re: text-list/text (scroll bar problem)

2001-11-17 Thread philb

Hi Gregg,

This certianly fixes the duplicates problem.

Unfortuntely it still leaves an outstanding bug.

If I have a text list with many entries update the slider to a smaller list the slider 
gets fixed and moved to the top of its container but the text list is not refreshed 
until you press the slidder.

See the program below.
Drag the slider to the bottom.
Press the update button.
The text-list is updated but nothing is displayed in the text list until you drag the 
appently fixed slider downwards :-(

rebol []

; fix slider when text list is updated
fix-slider: func [faces [object! block!]] 
foreach lv-list to-block faces 
; print [length? head lv-list/lines lv-list/lc]
lv-list/sld/data: 0
lv-list/sld/redrag lv-list/lc / max 1 length? head lv-list/lines
show lv-list

tl-data: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20]

view layout
tl: text-list data tl-data 100x100
button "Update it" 
clear tl-data
insert tl-data [1 2 3 4]
fix-slider tl

Any ideas??

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

Phil, et al

<< There is a bug in that if you are in a large directory and and scrolled
to the bottom and select a small directory you get duplicate entries at the
top of the newly displayed directory. >>

I hope RT can give us a definitive solution to this problem. In the
meantime, the most complete solution I've come up with is to do:

sld/data: 0

before you do the sld/redrag call. In my empirical testing here, it seems to
solve the problem. YMMV.


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[REBOL] How to crahed your palmpilot (joke)

2001-11-16 Thread philb

Hi Arnaud,

I beleive Jeff posted a program to scroll around a large face, it automatically added 
scroll bars if the image was too big to fit in the window(?).
It did however not show the extreme edges of the image though.

I posted an update to the a image scroller started by Bo
This one does show the edges of the image as it increaces the face size to add the 
scroll bars.

Title:  "Automated scrolling"
Date:   22-Dec-2000
Author: "Bohdan Lechnowsky"
File:   %scroll-face.r
Version: 1.2.0
Purpose: {
Demonstrates a way to write a scrollable face.
Comments: {
This is a generalized function with 100% environmentally-friendly
local variables.  It can operate on any number of scrollable 
windows in the same main face--even scrollable windows nested
inside other scrollable windows--as the example shows.
History: [
0.9.0   ["Initial concept explored" "Bohdan Lechnowsky"]
0.9.1   ["Tweaks" "Bohdan Lechnowsky"]
1.0.0   ["Fully working version" "Bohdan Lechnowsky"]
1.1.0   ["Added arrows and size option plus minor mods" "Bohdan Lechnowsky"]
1.1.1   ["Bug fix with local variable" "Bohdan Lechnowsky"]
1.1.2   ["Another bug fix with local variable" "Bohdan Lechnowsky"]
1.2.0   ["Add horizontal Scroll Bar & Arrows" "Phil Bevan"]

scroll-face: func [
{Returns vertically & horizontally scrollable version of input face.}
at  {Face to attach scroll-face bar to}
v   {Visible size of the attach-to face}
/arrows {Include arrows}
/size   {Change size of scroll bar/arrows}
s   {New size for scroll bar/arrows}
/local l a f
if not size [s: 16]
l: layout/offset 
backdrop 0.0.0
space 0
size (v + (s * 1x1))
origin 0x0
at 0x0
box (v)
slider (v * 0x1 + (s * 1x0)) []
at (v * 0x1)
slider (v * 1x0 + (s * 0x1)) []
at (v * 1x1)
box gray (s * 1x1)
] 0x0

if arrows 
l/pane/3/size/y: l/pane/3/size/y - (s * 2)
l/pane/4/size/x: l/pane/4/size/x - (s * 2)

arrow: layout/offset 
arrow up (s * 1x1) [
f: face/parent-face/pane
f/2/offset/y: min 0 f/2/offset/y + 15
f/3/data: negate f/2/offset/y / (f/2/size/y - v/y)
show face/parent-face
arrow down (s * 1x1) [
f: face/parent-face/pane
f/2/offset/y: max v/y - f/2/size/y f/2/offset/y - 15
f/3/data: negate f/2/offset/y / (f/2/size/y - v/y)
show face/parent-face
] 0x0

arrow-lr: layout/offset 
arrow left (s * 1x1) [
f: face/parent-face/pane
f/2/offset/x: min 0 f/2/offset/x + 15
f/4/data: negate f/2/offset/x / (f/2/size/x - v/x)
show face/parent-face
arrow right (s * 1x1) [
f: face/parent-face/pane
f/2/offset/x: max v/x - f/2/size/x f/2/offset/x - 15
f/4/data: negate f/2/offset/x / (f/2/size/x - v/x)
show face/parent-face
] 0x0

arrow/pane/1/offset: l/pane/3/offset * 1x0 + (l/pane/3/size * 0x1)
arrow/pane/2/offset: l/pane/3/offset * 1x0 + (l/pane/3/size * 0x1 + (s * 0x1))

arrow-lr/pane/1/offset: l/pane/4/offset * 0x1 + (l/pane/4/size * 1x0)
arrow-lr/pane/2/offset: l/pane/4/offset * 0x1 + (l/pane/4/size * 1x0 + (s * 

append l/pane arrow/pane
append l/pane arrow-lr/pane


l/pane/2: at
func [f a] compose 
f/parent-face/pane/2/offset/y: (negate at/size/y - v/y) * f/data
show f/parent-face
l/pane/3/redrag v/y / at/size/y
func [f a] compose 
f/parent-face/pane/2/offset/x: (negate at/size/x - v/x) * f/data
show f/parent-face
l/pane/4/redrag v/x / at/size/x

siz: 400x400

;-- A simple example
f: layout 
backdrop 0.100.0
t: box (siz + 16x16)
;button "Quit" [quit] 

f-im: scroll-face/arrows layout/offset 
backdrop 0.70.0 
origin 0x0 
space 0
at 0x0
image %large.jpg   ; your image here
] 0x0 siz
t/pane: f-im

view/offset f 140x130


Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

Try this boring script (big view of WTC, NY..)

Title:   "Remake of view-image.r ;-)"
Author:  "Arnaud DanassiƩ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - Badger Dev"
Purpose: {Wonderful 14 Mo JPG of WTC,
  upload on aminet by [EMAIL PROTECTED]}
Category: [view VID 1]

view layout

[REBOL] Transparency

2001-11-16 Thread philb

Hi Brent,

I never managed to get the key effect to work ... excellent.

The version of graph.r you are using is rather old.

I did start work on a version that used the draw dialect to draw lines instead of  
poke'ing the image.
As the lines are just enties in a block it is possible to remove the lines by removing 
the entries in the block & re-showing the face.

This is much quicker than clearing the image as the program currently does (by poking 
every pixel!!).

It may solve your transparency problem.

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

I need to plot some points dynamically over an image.  I thought I could
do it easily by adapting graph.r by Phil Bevans.  I'd just make the
"paper" transparent and make the image the backdrop.  This sorta
worked.  I made the "paper" color, white, transparent in the panel on
which the plot is done.  That works up until I clear the plot to update
it.  Then the "paper" goes back to white - which should be OK since
I've made white the transparent color - but it isn't transparent
anymore.  Is it a bug that white doesn't remain transparent - or do I
just not know how to keep it that way.

Below is the code of graph.r with my few mods to it.  If you search down
for ";;;this works" and ";;;this makes paper opaque again" you'll see
where I think the problem is - but then I obviously don't understand
the problem.

Brent Meeker
  "A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in
history--with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila." 
  --Mitch Ratcliffe


; functions
paper: make object! 
size: 0x0
x-min: -1 
x-max: 1
y-min: -1 
y-max: 1
grid: yes
x-grid: 20
y-grid: 20
grid-color: red
axes: yes
axes-color: black
paper-color: white
pen-color: black
axes-color: black
image: none
crt: func 
size [pair!] 
xmin [decimal!] 
xmax [decimal!] 
ymin [decimal!] 
ymax [decimal!] 
self/size: size
self/x-min: xmin
self/x-max: xmax
self/y-min: ymin
self/y-max: ymax
self/image: to-image to-pair reduce [size/x size/y]
clear-im self/image self/paper-color

; clear the image to a colour
clear-im: func [im [image!] color [tuple!] /local j]
repeat j im/size/x * im/size/y [poke im j color]

; plot a point
plot: func [im [image!] p col [tuple!] /local i xs ys]
set [xs ys] [im/size/x im/size/y] 
if any[p/x < 1 p/x > xs p/y < 1 p/y > ys]
i: ys - p/y * xs + p/x
if any [i <= 0 i > (im/size/x * im/size/y)] 
poke im i col

draw-line: func [
{draw line from point a to b using Bresenham's algorithm}
im [image!]
a [pair!]
b [pair!]
color [tuple!]
/local d inc dpr dpru p set-pixel xs ys
set [xs ys] [im/size/x im/size/y] 
set-pixel: func [p c] [poke im (ys - p/y * xs + p/x) c]

if any [a/x < 1 a/y < 1 a/x > xs a/y > ys b/x < 1 b/y < 1 b/x > xs
b/y >
ys] [return]

d: abs (b - a)
inc: 1x1
if a/x > b/x [inc/x: -1]
if a/y > b/y [inc/y: -1]
either d/x >= d/y [
dpr: 2 * d/y
dpru: dpr - (2 * d/x)
p: dpr - d/x 
loop d/x + 1 [
set-pixel a color
either p > 0 [
a: a + inc
p: p + dpru
a/x: a/x + inc/x
p: p + dpr
dpr: 2 * d/x
dpru: dpr - (2 * d/y)
p: dpr - d/y
loop d/y + 1 [
set-pixel a color
either p > 0 [
a: a + inc
p: p + dpru
a/y: a/y + inc/y
p: p + dpr

; Convert Degrees to Radians & Radians to Degrees 
rad: function [x] [] [ x * pi / 180 ]
deg: function [x] [] [ x * 180 / pi ] 

; trig functions
sin: function [x] [] [return sine/radians x]
cos: function [x] [] [return cosine/radians x]
tan: function [x] [] [return tangent/radians x]

; square-root
sqrt: function [x] [] [return square-root x]

; hyperbolic trig functions
sinh: function [x] [] [return ((exp(x)) - (exp(- x))) / 2]
cosh: function [x] [] [return ((exp(x)) + (exp(- x))) / 2]
tanh: function [x] [] [return ((exp(2 * x)) - 1) / ((exp(2 * x)) + 1)]

fac: func [x [integer!] /local fa i]
if x < 0 [return none]
fa: 1.0
i: 1
while [i <= x]
fa: fa * i
i: i + 1
return fa

; create a function
create-function: function [t-func [string!]] [f] 
; return a newly created function
if error? try [f: to-block load t-func]
[return none]
function [x [any-type!]] [] f

mod: func 
{compute a non-negative remainder}
a [number!]
b [number!]
/local r
either negative? r: a // b [
r + abs b

[REBOL] Re: Transparency

2001-11-16 Thread philb

Hi Anton,

the make object in this program (to create the paper attibutes) really was an object 
not a face.

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

Also it was mentioned before, by
Holger I think, that it is not recommended
to roll your own object!s to be used as

ie. if you want a face, then

  make face [...]


  make object! [...]

It should be more future-proof that way.


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[REBOL] Re: text-list/text (scroll bar problem)

2001-11-15 Thread philb

Hi Daniel,

I am not an expert on scrollers and I cant remember where this function came from (I 
picked it up from the list sometime) but you could try this  it fixes the size of 
the dagger but it needs to reposition the slider to the top.

There is a bug in that if you are in a large directory and and scrolled to the bottom 
and select a small directory you get duplicate entries at the top of the newly 
displayed directory.
(This is why I didnt immediately volunteer this function  no point giving you 
bugged code :-( )

If anyone can fix this I would be very grateful as I use this funcction elsewhere  

REBOL [Title: "File Selector and Directory Navigator"]

; fix slider when text list is updated
fix-slider: func [faces [object! block!]] 
foreach lv-list to-block faces 
lv-list/sld/redrag lv-list/lc / max 1 length? head lv-list/lines
show lv-list

curr-dir: change-dir %.
lv-data: sort read curr-dir

view layout 
vh2 "Current Dir"
curr: vtext to-string curr-dir 200x24
vh2 "File List:"
fileList: text-list data lv-data
either dir? rejoin [curr-dir value]
curr-dir: rejoin [curr-dir value]
curr/text: to-string curr-dir
clear lv-data
foreach lv-file sort read curr-dir
[insert lv-data lv-file]
fix-slider fileList
show curr
[fileLocal/text: value show fileLocal]

fileLocal: field
button "Great!" [
print join "fileList/data: " fileList/data
show fileList

=== Original Message ===

Cheers wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> you cant directly change the block that the text list references.
> ie You cant redefine the variable.
> You have to use insert/remove/clear etc.
> Below is some revised code  there are still problems with the scroll bar though.

And how could that be fixed?? (I did tried and failed)


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[REBOL] Series/import-email

2001-11-09 Thread philb

Hi Jon,

This code seems to work here???

rebol []
mb: pop://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailbox: open mb

displayFields: [["Jon" "message" "one"]]
while [not tail? mailbox] [
msg: import-email first mailbox
print msg/subject
insert tail displayFields [[msg/from msg/subject msg/date]]
mailbox: next mailbox
close mailbox

Cheers Phil

=== Original Message ===

Hi all, having some trouble with this code snippet (and being a newbie):

displayFields: [["Jon" "message" "one"]]
while [not tail? mailbox] [
msg: import-email first mailbox
insert tail displayFields [[msg/from msg/subject msg/date]]
mailbox: next mailbox

I've got a read mailbox item, which I'm now trying to separate only the from, subject 
and date, and I'm trying to put those three things into a series (I think), so I can 
then plop those results into a GUI list..  it just keeps repeating the last message 
over and over..

I know the pop stuff works just find, and I can print out with a join right before 
insert tail - what am I missing?  Thanks!


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[REBOL] Problem with attach.r?

2001-10-15 Thread philb

Hi Koie,

Looks like you are passing the lines of test.txt.
These lines will just be strings.
You should be passing in a block of files ... ie something of type? file

Assuming test.txt contains a list of file names then you should try something like 

lv-att: copy []
foreach lv-line read/lines %test.txt [insert lv-att to-file lv-line]
mail mesg lv-header lv-att

the foreach reads through the lines one at a time, converts the text to a file and 
inserts it into lv-att.

Cheers Phil

-- original message --

Ok i've got my email program working almost the way i want it. The problem is when it 
attachs if makes all the files named o. Can anyone please tell me whats going on with 

Koie Smith

My test.txt looks like... 


   Title:   "Emailer that sends attachments"
   Author:  "Koie Smith"
   Purpose: {
A simple script, which uses the e-mail capabilities 
along with attach.r to send attachments.

do %user.r
do %attach.r
do %lower.r
if (mesg: ask "Please Enter Message: ") = "" [mesg: "(None)"]

lv-header: make system/standard/email
Subject: "New Order"
date: to-idate now
Content-Type: {text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"}

lv-att: read/lines %test.txt
mail mesg lv-header lv-att

It looks like this while attaching and sending...

Please Enter Message: this is a test message
attaching non-string object as:  o
attaching non-string object as:  o
attaching non-string object as:  o
attaching non-string object as:  o
connecting to: mail.tkweb.net

Koie Smith

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[REBOL] Re: SHEEP vs Rebol (Pythagoras Tree)

2001-10-14 Thread philb

H Gregg/Allen,

Wow that really surprised me 

Not Pre-allocated


05.49 seconds


0.5 seconds

That a 10 times improvement  
This is on Windoze 98SE with 128 Mb of ram.

Cheers Phil

-- original message 

Hi Gregg,

I think the modified script below will improve the first time performance by
quite a bit
for you. Pre allocating the space needed makes a big diff. (1/3 the time on
my machine)


Allen K

Comment: {
Converted to REBOL by Gregg Irwin for testing purposes.
  Some speed mods. Pre-allocated block size, REBOLised the maths Allen K

pyth-tree: func [
a[pair!] b[pair!]
depth[integer!] face
/local c d e color
c: d: e: 0x0
color: depth * -10 + 0.255.0
c/x: a/x - a/y + b/y
c/y: a/x + a/y - b/x
d/x: b/x + b/y - a/y
d/y: a/x - b/x + b/y
e/x: c/x - c/y + d/x + d/y * 0.5
e/y: c/x + c/y - d/x + d/y * 0.5
append draw-cmds compose [pen (color) line (c) (a) (b) (d) (c) (e) (d)]
;append draw-cmds reduce [c a b d c e d]
;print [c a b d c e d]
;show face
if depth < 12 [
pyth-tree c e depth + 1 face
pyth-tree e d depth + 1 face
;wait .05

world-size: 640x520
start-pt-1: 266x450
start-pt-2: 374x450

lay: layout [
size world-size
backdrop black
origin 0x0
canvas: image 640x480
button "go" [
clear draw-cmds
;show canvas
print now/precise
pyth-tree start-pt-1 start-pt-2 0 canvas
print now/precise
  ;print length? draw-cmds
show canvas
button "quit" [quit]
; preallocate the space needed
canvas/effect: reduce ['draw draw-cmds: make block! 9]

print ""
view lay

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[REBOL] text-list/text

2001-10-14 Thread philb

Hi Daniel,

you cant directly change the block that the text list references.
ie You cant redefine the variable.

You have to use insert/remove/clear etc.

Below is some revised code  there are still problems with the scroll bar though.

Cheers Phil

REBOL [Title: "File Selector and Directory Navigator"]

curr-dir: change-dir %.
lv-data: sort read curr-dir

view layout 
vh2 "Current Dir"
curr: vtext to-string curr-dir 200x24
vh2 "File List:"
fileList: text-list data lv-data
either dir? rejoin [curr-dir value]
curr-dir: rejoin [curr-dir value]
curr/text: to-string curr-dir
clear lv-data
foreach lv-file sort read curr-dir
[insert lv-data lv-file]
show curr
show fileList
[fileLocal/text: value show fileLocal]

fileLocal: field
button "Great!" [
print join "fileList/data: " fileList/data
show fileList

-- original message -- 

Why can't I change the value of a text-list with 

fileList/data: ...
fileList/text: ...

in this code? Is there any other way?

REBOL [Title: "File Selector and Directory Navigator"]

view layout [
vh2 "File List:"
fileList: text-list data sort read %. [
either dir? value [
fileList/data: read value show fileList
] [
fileLocal/text: value show fileLocal

fileLocal: field
button "Great!" [
print join "fileList/data: " fileList/data
show fileList


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[REBOL] Re: Email Attachments

2001-10-13 Thread philb

Hi Koie,

Well the attachments are sent to attach.r as a block, so just create a block of the 
files you wish to attach.

To create a list of files in a directory just do a read on it.
For each of those file names join the directory name and add to block of files to pass 
to attach.r.
To count the number of files ... just use length? 

You may also like to check out my email client  
which allows multiple attachements to be appended to an email.

The source may be a bit long for you though.

Cheers Phil

-- original message --

hey thanks alot for the tip with the attach.r ... someone should update that
on rebol.com! i've came along way with learning this language in like 2 1/2
days. Its a very smooth language so far and easy to understand and i'm not
even really a programmer. i'm wanting to use the attach.r in a different
want than i'm using it now tho and i think its gonna take alot of experiance
to do what i'm wanting. I'm wanting to count all the files in say c:\1order
and then attach them all and if the email sends sucessful then delete all
the files from the 1order directory. Also when it attachs them all it says
there are X number of files being sent. Anyways if anyone could give me
advice on what i need to learn or help with the code i'd be very thankful.
Thanks guys so much!

Koie Smith

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 8:53 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Re: Email Attachments

> Hi Koie,
> think this is a bug in attach.r ... or maybe in the Rebol send command ...
> if you change the line in attach .r
> send/header header/to mesg header
> to
> send/header copy header/to mesg header
> you will get your "to" address.
> Cheers Phil
> -- original message --
> i also for some reason cannot get the from field to show up in outlook
> express when i send myself email.. it always is blank or says none. can
> anyone tell me why this might be happening?
> Koie Smith
> - Original Message -
> From: "mechtn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 9:16 AM
> Subject: [REBOL] Email Attachments
> >
> > Hey, This is Koie again working on this email attachments. I have
> figured it out and am making progress with learning how to send email and
> such. My question is i want the program to prompt me on what file name to
> attach and then it send.. currently my program looks like...
> >
> > rebol
> >  [
> >Title:   "Emailer that sends attachments"
> >Author:  "Koie Smith"
> >Date:5-Oct-2001
> >File:%koie.r
> >Purpose: {
> > A simple script, which uses the e-mail capabilities
> > along with attach.r to send attachments.
> > }
> >   ]
> > system/user/email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > system/schemes/default/host: "mail.networktel.net"
> > do %attach.r
> > if (mesg: ask "Please Enter Message: ") = "" [mesg: "(None)"]
> > lv-header: make system/standard/email
> > [
> > Subject: "New Order"
> > date: to-idate now
> > Content-Type: {text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"}
> > ]
> > lv-att: [%test.doc]
> > mail mesg lv-header lv-att
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks Guys for the help!
> > Koie Smith
> >
> > --
> > To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the
> > subject, without the quotes.
> >
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the
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> --
> To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
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[REBOL] vconsole error report: request-file

2001-10-12 Thread philb

Hi Cyphre,

bug report

start normal rebol console ...

do http://www.rebol.cz/~cyphre/vconsole.r

press close window & return to normal rebol console

do http://www.rebol.cz/~cyphre/vconsole.r
** Internal Error: Stack overflow
** Near: v-con/view/new v-f

Also is it possible to change the font for the console (I would prefer a fixed width 

Cheers Phil

> I would like to hear your comments, bugreports etc.

...ok Here'e one


>>> udata: request-file

opens request-file but does not respond to SELECT  button
then opens rebol shell with this report:

** Script Error: tail expected series argument of type: series port
** Where: go-bottom
** Near: ctx-text/view*/caret: tail ctx-text/view*/caret
tmp: (second caret-to-offset v-con tail ctx-text/view*/caret)

There is no problem in default rebol shell, for example

>> udata: request-file
== [%/C/rebol/view/user.r]
>> udata
== [%/C/rebol/view/user.r]

But request-date works OK in both vconsole + rebol shell :-)

>> thedate: request-date
== 12-Oct-2001
>> thedate
== 12-Oct-2001

- Jason

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[REBOL] Re: Email Attachments

2001-10-12 Thread philb

Hi Koie,

think this is a bug in attach.r ... or maybe in the Rebol send command ...

if you change the line in attach .r

send/header header/to mesg header
send/header copy header/to mesg header

you will get your "to" address.

Cheers Phil

-- original message --

i also for some reason cannot get the from field to show up in outlook
express when i send myself email.. it always is blank or says none. can
anyone tell me why this might be happening?

Koie Smith

- Original Message -
From: "mechtn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 9:16 AM
Subject: [REBOL] Email Attachments

> Hey, This is Koie again working on this email attachments. I have finally
figured it out and am making progress with learning how to send email and
such. My question is i want the program to prompt me on what file name to
attach and then it send.. currently my program looks like...
> rebol
>  [
>Title:   "Emailer that sends attachments"
>Author:  "Koie Smith"
>Purpose: {
> A simple script, which uses the e-mail capabilities
> along with attach.r to send attachments.
> }
>   ]
> system/user/email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> system/schemes/default/host: "mail.networktel.net"
> do %attach.r
> if (mesg: ask "Please Enter Message: ") = "" [mesg: "(None)"]
> lv-header: make system/standard/email
> [
> Subject: "New Order"
> date: to-idate now
> Content-Type: {text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"}
> ]
> lv-att: [%test.doc]
> mail mesg lv-header lv-att
> Thanks Guys for the help!
> Koie Smith
> --
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[REBOL] attach.r usage examples ?

2001-10-07 Thread philb

Hi Jason,

Asuming this scripts lives in the same directory as attach.r & bay.jpg you can try


; assumes bay.jpg & attach.r are in the same direcory

do %attach.r

lv-header: make system/standard/email 
Subject: "A subject Line"
date: to-idate now
Content-Type: {text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"}

lv-att: [%bay.jpg]

mail "Some Content" lv-header lv-att


Cheers Phil

-- original message --

Please can anyone be so kind as to provide some syntax examples of how to use attach.r


- Jason 

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