Re: RHN ISO's and IE6

2002-03-28 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Jim" == Jim Bija <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Jim> I will be sending an email or 2 off to the RHN people and ask them to
Jim> look into and see what they say.

Have you contacted the RHN team?  If not, I urge you to do so...

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Autofs docs

2002-03-28 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Patrick" == Patrick Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Patrick> Anyone know of any documentation for autofs is?  Having a heck of
Patrick> a time getting it going.

$ rpm -qd autofs

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Re[2]: video card for RH 7.2

2002-03-08 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Brian" == Brian Ashe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Brian> Hello Trond, Friday, March 08, 2002, 3:55:43 PM, you textually
Brian> orated:

TEG> Billy R Nordyke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>> What's a good video card for RH 7.2?  Can't get my ati Rage Fury Pro to
>>> work.

TEG> Radeon 7500 if you're willing to upgrade XFree to 4.2.

Brian> How supported is this card (the 7500)? Is the support good enough to
Brian> run Tux racer and Chromium(sp?)? I've heard lots of good things
Brian> about these but I'm reluctant to go get a new card without knowing
Brian> how the OpenGL support is.  Any info would be appreciated.

I have this card at home and (running not-quite-final XFree-4.2)
accelerated 3D works fine.  I've run both of these games (and the various
OpenGL-based screensaver modules) , and I've seen no problems -- I can only
assume 4.2 gold would be the same (if not better)...


P.S. Actually, I take back that "no problems" statement; I do notice some
incorrectly drawn stuff when I logout from GNOME, and the screen darkens
around the logout confirmation window, but that is literally the only thing
I've seen that doesn't display properly...
Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Keyboard and mouse die

2002-03-08 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Chet" == Chet Nichols <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Chet> Hey there, I'm running Redhat 7.2 on an IBM Thinkpad i1300 series
Chet> laptop, and for some reason, the keyboard and/or mouse will just stop
Chet> working at random times. The system itself is still okay (ie: if im
Chet> playing an MP3 it will continue to play, or if I'm chatting in IRC
Chet> the chat will keep coming). I just won't be able to move the cursor,
Chet> enter text with the keyboard, or both.. I was wondering why this is
Chet> happening, and what I can do to fix it. Hopefully it's a pretty
Chet> common problem. Thanks in advance for helping!  :)

I had a ThinkPad 560 that did this a long time ago; I think it was related
to power-saving settings in the BIOS...

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: USB on an IBM Thinkpad i1300

2002-03-08 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Chet" == Chet Nichols <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Chet> Hey everyone, I've got an IBM Thinkpad i1300 with Redhat 7.2
Chet> installed, and I've had to disable USB on it because every time the
Chet> machine boots, it freezes at 'Initializing USB Controller'.

Dude -- you have mouse and keyboard problems, the mouse points to the wrong
place, *and* you also get USB-related hangs?

This is smelling like bad hardware (or at least misconfigured hardware) to

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: RH 7.2 CDROM issue, Dell OptiPlex GX1

2002-02-22 Thread Edward C. Bailey

On 17:03 21 Feb 2002, Trond Eivind Glomsrød <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| > I'd remark that the RH72 CDs won't boot off all machines (including machines
| > where the RH71 CDs _do_ boot).
| > I have a minitower here which has a RH71 distro on it because we couldn't get
| > the RH72 CDs to install. And the CDs themselves are fine.
| > I thinking it's a driver issue.
| They are using 2.88MB images, so it might very well be a BIOS
| issue. Or selfburnt CDs (e.g. one of my drives gets very confused over
| my high-speed CD-RWs). If you have official or otherwise known good
| CDs, try combining with a bootdisk.

>Um, I was talking about boot from CD, not floppy boot.
>Perhaps this wasn't clear.

So was Trond.  Perhaps *that* wasn't clear... :-)

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: broken link at redhat/download

2002-02-20 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Lewi" == Lewi  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Lewi> i know it's the right milis, but i don't know where i must report for
Lewi> broken links.  there is a broken link in
Lewi> postfix-20011125-1SASL.i386_dl.html when i try to search in

Lewi> the right link:

I've sent it to our web team.  Thanks for noticing this!

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Upgrading openssh with dependencies:

2002-02-20 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Matthew" == Matthew Simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Matthew> Hi David, What about is needed by openssh-2.5.2p2-5

[ed@pigdog ed]$ rpm -q --whatprovides

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: is there any script/program to strip out the attachment from the mail?

2002-02-20 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "li" ==   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

li> Is there any script/program to strip out the attachment from the mail?

How about metamail?

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Is this thing still on?

2002-02-18 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Mike" == Mike Burger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Mike> I hate doing this, but I haven't seen any traffic from the list all
Mike> day, and I can't get to the site.
Mike> comes up just fine, though.

We just moved our headquarters (including many of the systems that provide
various services -- like mailing lists) over this weekend.  Things should
be getting back to normal by now (modulo spooled mail still being

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: how to uninstall .src.rpm ?

2002-02-15 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Dumas" == Dumas Patrice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Dumas> Hi, I would like to uninstall some .src.rpm I have installed on my
Dumas> system. I may go into the BUILD, SPEC, SOURCE. directory and
Dumas> delete the directories/files by hand, but is there a more automated
Dumas> way of doing that ?

Not that I'm aware of, unfortunately...

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: RedHat 7.1 hangs durring startx

2002-02-14 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Christopher" == Christopher Rowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Christopher> Hey everyone, I'm having a problem with x-windows on a server
Christopher> running RH 7.1.  X has worked in the past so I don't know what
Christopher> has changed, but when I do a startx the system tries to go
Christopher> into Gnome and hangs.  I'm getting a "wrong permissions on
Christopher> /tmp/orbit-root" when I check the background scripts.  The
Christopher> permissions for that directory are 777 so I don't know what
Christopher> it's referring to.  Can someone give me some advice on this?

Well, I don't have a 7.1 box here, but on my 7.2 box /tmp/orbit-
is mode 700...

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Corrupt RPM Database

2002-02-07 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Badger" == Badger  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Badger> My rpm database is corrupt and I've tried both the "rpm
Badger> --rebuilddb," and the "rpm --initdb" and neither works.  When I try
Badger> to install and rpm, do a rpm -qa, or rpm -Va, I get a segmentation
Badger> fault and the screen spews around 5 "damaged package" headers.

You might want to try the rpm-list mailing list; it concentrates
exclusively on RPM-related issues...

You can signup here:


Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: IBM Microdrive

2002-02-04 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Matt" == Matthew Galgoci <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Matt> Micro drives should work fine with linux, but I have yet to see a
Matt> laptop that will allow you to boot from any kind of pcmcia
Matt> device.

Discounting the original HP OmniBooks, of course... :-)

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Newbie - Need help!

2002-02-04 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Ed" == Ed Wilts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Ed> The easiest thing to do is to have the Linux system tell you what it
Ed> found:

Ed> $ dmesg | grep eth

Ed> dmesg will print the kernel ring buffer, so do this shortly after a
Ed> boot - you may get away with it later, but the sooner the better.

Note also that a copy is saved in /var/log/dmesg, so timeliness is not 100%
necessary... :-)

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: syslog

2002-02-01 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Anthony" == Anthony E Greene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Anthony> On Wed, 30 Jan 2002, ann kok wrote:
>> Does anyone tell me how to configure syslog to recieve log from cisco
>> router in details?

Anthony> See the '-r' option in the man page.

More specifically, add '-r' to the SYSLOGD_OPTIONS line in
/etc/sysconfig/syslog.  It should look something like this:


Hope this helps,

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: what video card should I use Please Help I am desperate

2002-01-30 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Dave" == Dave Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Dave> I'm fairly certain the 7500 won't even work in 2D with the XFree
Dave> version that comes with Red Hat 7.2.

That's correct -- the card isn't recognized at all...

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: In theory question about RPM

2002-01-30 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Matthew" == Matthew Boeckman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Matthew> _in_theory_ you can do that.

Well, _in_reality_ we don't have access to the sources for Netscape 4.x, if
you get my drift.  Source RPMs can be very enlightening... ;-)

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Is RedHat droping the free subscriptors?

2002-01-29 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Tomás" == Tomás García Ferrari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Tomás> Ed, Thanks to point that. You know what's happening? All this rumors
Tomás> around AOL Time Warner buying RH, a lot of people asking about
Tomás> another distro to switch their machines and then this two messages
Tomás> combined (pay + busy)... Even if I'm not the suspicious kind, I was
Tomás> kind of angry!

It's understandable to be angry when things like this happen all at once.
But as Freud once said, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar... :-)

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Is RedHat droping the free subscriptors?

2002-01-29 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Tomas" == Tomas Garcia Ferrari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Tomas> Hello, A long time ago, when using the RHN was absolutely free I
Tomas> subscribe myself to it with several systems to check it out. At some
Tomas> point the testing period was over but RH offered the possibility of
Tomas> keeping 1 system registered for free. So I did. Now it seems to be
Tomas> that this service is over. Even if my system is listed like having a
Tomas> "basic" service when I run "up2date -l" I have a note saying this:
>> Error Message: Free service limited due to high load, please try again
>> later (server 142421) Error Class Code: 51 Error Class Info: Due to
>> extremely high traffic, access to Red Hat Network is currently limited
>> to subscription customers.  Please try again later.
Tomas> I don't want to understand this as an action to force users to
Tomas> upgrade their services, but if this is the case, I would had prefer
Tomas> to received a note in advance.

This message is *not* an attempt to try to convert free subscriptions into
paying subscriptions.  The problem was two-fold:

o Recently there have been a number of errata that contained unusually
  large numbers of RPMs, meaning that lots of bytes need to be
  transferred to lots of customers (paying and non-paying).

o The bandwidth available to the RHN servers is not infinite; given the
  extraordinary load generated by the recent large errata, we were
  hitting the limits of our ability to get the errata out to everyone.

So don't think of it as a commercial to buy something, but more like a
telephone busy signal. :-)

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: [OT] FreeBSD (was: Changing from Red Hat to another distro: recom mendations?)

2002-01-25 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Frank" == Frank Carreiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Frank> I started with RedHat 4.x way back when.  Most windoze users
Frank> wouldn't feel comfortable installing 4.x compared to 7.x

Very true.  Having spent a good part of the last four years writing
Red Hat Linux documentation, it's been interesting to see how the customer
feedback has changed over the years.  It has gone from this:

"Your documentation said that the parameters for the foobar module are
IO= and IRQ=.  They are actually IO_ADDR= and IRQ_ADDR=.  You guys

To this:

"Your documentation doesn't describe how to use the little clicky thing
on the keyboard screen.  You guys suck!"


Frank> Consider it from the end user perspective.  This is another reason
Frank> microsoft is soo popular (one of many).  It doesn't take brains to
Frank> install a Windoze distro...

No -- the truth is the vast majority of people *never* do a completely
fresh Windows install.  They either do nothing (getting a new system -- and
therefore a new install -- every few years), or they apply upgrade after
upgrade (which is a much easier process than a fresh install)...

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: fetchmail?

2002-01-25 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "gary" == gary  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

gary> Dear all, I just started to explore to fetchmail  Any good/advise
gary> where can I get started from

After, about five minutes of poking around fetchmailconf I had it popping
mail from several different ISPs with no problems.  Never did get around to
reading the documentation... :-)

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: The worst question ever [fixed]

2002-01-25 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Stefan" == Stefan Rieger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Stefan> I fixed this stupid problem. Thanks for help!  But I won't tell why
Stefan> I receive them twice, it's too embarrassing!!

Subscribed twice, eh? ;-)

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Changing from Red Hat to another distro: recommendations?

2002-01-25 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Nick" == Nick Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Nick> If Trond speaks officially for RH we're all in a bad way because with
Nick> that kind of attitude from the Vendor I don't think many people would
Nick> be waiting to see what happens with RH/AOL.

Trond doesn't speak officially for Red Hat any more than I do.  He just
happened to act on the discomfort I'm sure all the Red Hatters on this list
feel at seeing this kind of discussion here.

My personal feeling on this is that I can deal with some discomfort in the
hopes of learning something from y'all.  But I confess that sometimes such
situations have a rather strange feeling to them.  :-}

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Files Quota's on Redhat 7.2

2002-01-25 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "AABAN34" == AABAN34  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

AABAN34>  It keep telling me "mount point 2 does not exist" what is that
AABAN34> telling me?

It's telling you that your /etc/fstab is likely screwed up.  Why don't you
post your latest version?

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: AOL (not) in Negotiations to Buy Red Hat

2002-01-25 Thread Edward C. Bailey

>>>>> "Ashley" == Ashley M Kirchner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Ashley> "Edward C. Bailey" wrote:
>> No, and by now you probably noticed that all you got from Red Hat is "no
>> comment".  In these kinds of situations, it's really the only option,
>> particularly for the smaller of the two companies involved in such a
>> rumor...

Ashley> Or what AOL claims:


And your point?  I'm not following you...

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: AOL in Negotiations to Buy Red Hat

2002-01-24 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Janyne" == Janyne Kizer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Janyne> I would think that if the article was entirely off base, RH would
Janyne> have denied it rather than saying "we don't comment on rumors."

No, because what happens the next time something like this happens, and
it's *not* a rumor?  Then you'd either have to tell the truth (most likely
before the negotiations have been completed -- putting them at risk), or
say no comment (which the media will then interpret as "it must be true"),
or lie, which is just wrong, and destroys your credibility once the truth
becomes public knowledge...

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: AOL in Negotiations to Buy Red Hat

2002-01-24 Thread Edward C. Bailey

(sorry for being so late to the party, but I called away on a high-priority
project just before all this craziness broke loose.  And no, it had
*nothing* to do with AOL... :-)

> "JW" == JW  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

JW> Say... has anyone from _redhat_ said anything about this?

No, and by now you probably noticed that all you got from Red Hat is "no
comment".  In these kinds of situations, it's really the only option,
particularly for the smaller of the two companies involved in such a

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Logitech QuickCam 3000 Pro problems

2002-01-24 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "tristan" == tristan  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

tristan> Has anyone got this to work with 7.1 (latest stock kernel)?

Dang -- I was toying with the idea of buying one a couple months ago, and
recall finding something about this unit only just starting to work with a
patch.  Unfortunately, I don't remember any more detail than that.  Curse
these old neurons... :-)

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: forcing fsck on ext3 devices on boot

2002-01-24 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "BobH" == BobH  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

BobH> Hi, I had a flat-panel monitor go out [dead as a doornail] and had to
BobH> [? but I did anyway] hard powerdown the PC.  Upon rebooting I'm
BobH> getting a lot of errors but didn't respond quick enough to force
BobH> filesystem check.  I'm using grub as my bootloader.  How do I force
BobH> fsck of the entire HD that is ext3 format?

I think if you touch a file called forcefsck in your root directory, you'll
get an fsck on reboot...

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: DSL + 2 Real IPs

2002-01-14 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "nit" == nit etc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

nit> Hi, I have DSL thru Verizon, and their DHCP server provides more than
nit> one IP address, so I can have more than one computer on DSL with real
nit> IP addresses.

nit> However, I want my internal machines to be behind my linux firewall,
nit> so anyone know how to configure things so that my internal network
nit> machines have real IP addresses as provided by Verizon?

The only thing that comes to mind is to do some script magic on your
firewall box.  If you're running 7.2 and dhcpcd, you'll find the
information returned by Verizon's DHCP server in
/etc/dhcpc/ (where  is your external
interface name).  I don't know if dhcpcd can handle multiple IPADDR
entries, but if you see the addresses in this file, just write a script to
take the address(es) and use them in your own /etc/dhcpd.conf file...

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Grub Splash!!

2002-01-11 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Neo" == Neo  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Neo>Let me refhrase this..  Has anyone of you tryed to change the GRUB
Neo> bootloader Splash screen..found in /boot/grub/splash.xpm.gz??  If so,
Neo> than pleas...share your most valuable piece of technologie with
Neo> us..<:)>

Um, gunzip a copy of it, and it's a regular old xpm file, 640X480, IIRC.
Keep the same number of colors, and you should be fine...

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: [REDHAT] Re: redhat start up generate random number

2002-01-09 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Bret" == Bret Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Bret> I wend down a rabbit trail of random noise generators and even found
Bret> on that took the input from a camera looking a 5 lava lamps that was
Bret> supposed to be random enough to make the most anal of cryptographers
Bret> happy ( They take this stuff really seriously) One of these days I
Bret> may do the lava lamp deal.  It was just quirky enough to peak my
Bret> interest.

I personally liked this one (now don't everybody go and suck their pool of
random bits dry all at once):
Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: USB mouse on laptop w/touchpad

2002-01-03 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Jeff" == Jeff Jeter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Jeff> I hope this is the right list.  If not, tell me an i'll repost I have
Jeff> a laptop running RedHat 7.2.  Often i attach an external USB wheel
Jeff> mouse.  When it is attached, however, the touchpad is still active.
Jeff> How do I make the USB mouse (w/ wheel) active.  It doesn't matter if
Jeff> the touchpad is also active.

Since you're running 7.2, you can try enigma-list; but maybe this will give
you a bit of a head-start.  It's a couple snippets from my XF86Config-4; my
comments will look like [** this **]:

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "Anaconda Configured"
Screen  0  "Screen0" 0 0
InputDevice"Mouse0" "CorePointer"
InputDevice"Mouse1" "SendCoreEvents"

[** The ServerLayout section is just as the 7.2 installer wrote it, with
the exception of the additional line for Mouse1 **]

InputDevice"Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"

[** ... **]

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier  "Mouse1"
Driver  "mouse"
Option  "Protocol" "IMPS/2"
Option  "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
Option  "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
Option  "AlwaysCore" "on"

[** This InputDevice section is added just below the original section for
Mouse0; my understanding is that the Protocol, Device, and AlwaysCore
options are important **]

The strange this about this for me was that I first did this on a Vaio
PictureBook, and had to freshly boot the system in order for the mouse to
be recognized by X (restarting X alone didn't do it).  I then bought a new
USB mouse for my desktop (replacing an old PS/2 unit), and making these
changes worked as soon as I restarted X -- no reboot needed.

However, one thing that I've not yet gotten to work properly is to be able
to simply plug/unplug the mouse and have everything work the way one would
think it should.  I still need to do some research into this...

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: External USB Fantom Drive, RH 7.1

2002-01-03 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Wartnick," == Wartnick, James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Wartnick,>  I just purchased an external USB fantom drive for my
Wartnick,> laptop. When I boot RH 7.1, it seems like it recognizes the
Wartnick,> drive (which I seemed to have forgotten to include in the log
Wartnick,> below), but doesn't give me a device for it.  I found a message
Wartnick,> stating that there is no driver for a device (not sure if it is
Wartnick,> the fantom drive or not). Anyone got any ideas?

For all things USB, I check and

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: MBR tool

2001-12-28 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Keith" == Keith Morse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Keith> Well, since the topic was broached.  Would doing this be a
Keith> satisfactory way of "zeroing" out the hard drive (no data retrevial
Keith> possible) if the system was being sent to salavage (sold off)?

It should do the trick for the usual situations; however, for classified
data there are other, more stringent, measures.

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: IPTables Information

2001-12-28 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "BobH" == BobH  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

BobH> Hi all, I just ppurchased "Linux Firewalls - 2nd ed" by Robert
BobH> Ziegler and would recommend it for anyone who does not have the
BobH> background experience and desires to UNDERSTAND IPTables .  It has
BobH> helped this newbie very much.

I got a copy of it (just about a month after I bought the first edition
), and I'd have to agree -- it's a goodie!

Oh -- just a satisfied customer, yadda yadda :-)

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: dhcpcd problems

2001-12-28 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Jake" == Jake Colman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Jake> I modified my script to create a file in /tmp in order to prove
Jake> whether it is executed.  The file is create if I execute the script
Jake> manually but never executed when I 'ifup' the interface.

Read the man page -- based on what I read there, I think you'll only see
that script execute when the IP address actually changes (which --
depending on the DHCP server's configuration -- is probably a pretty rare

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Announcing

2001-12-28 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "rpjday" == rpjday  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
rpjday> sorry to harp on this, but i think this is a fairly serious issue.

Tell me about it -- I've been spending a fair bit of my holiday working on
this issue in one way or another.  Believe me, all of us in the company
understand the gravity of the situation...

rpjday> anyway, i'll just hang out and wait for the word from red hat.

We'll get the word out as soon as humanly possible...

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Announcing

2001-12-25 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "rpjday" == rpjday  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
rpjday> which brings up a sticky issue: given that the main page of that
rpjday> site clearly states that "This site is NOT an official Red Hat
rpjday> site.", by whose authority are you using the trademarked name "Red
rpjday> Hat Linux", not to mention incorporating the trademarked shadow man
rpjday> logo on that web page?

He's a Red Hat employee.

rpjday> some day, it really would be nice if we could get this whole
rpjday> trademark issue settled.

The issue is being discussed within the company.  Unfortunately, due to the
holiday shutdown, it will be a while before anything is publicly
announced.  Rest assured that the issue is not going to stand as-is

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: RAID question-ATA133 hard disc and hard discs connection

2001-12-25 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Stephen" == Stephen Liu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Stephen> I have some further RAID questions to ask :

I suggest doing a google search on "RAID", and doing some reading to learn
more about RAID...

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: RAID Question !

2001-12-22 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "christoph" == christoph pirchl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
christoph> You forgot RAID 4 it is stripping with parity on one Disc ! It s
christoph> normally not used any longer as i know !

Actually, a few years back I sat in on a presentation put on by Network
Appliance.  It seems that they (at least at that time) used RAID 4.  The
downside to RAID 4 is that the parity drive is normally the bottleneck
(since the parity must be written to with every write I/O -- no matter
which of the other drives are written to, the parity drive gets hit as

It seems that Network Appliance's log-structured filesystem got around the
problem by somehow reducing the parity drive's I/O load.  Then, because the
rest of the drives in a RAID 4 array follow a set pattern of sector
interleaving, it was possible to allow additional drives to be added into
the array dynamically -- it was a pretty cool solution to a tough

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: red hat 7.2 rebate offer and really p*ssing one off

2001-12-22 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "rpjday" == rpjday  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

rpjday>   a number of folks on this forum probably remember the rebate
rpjday> offer associated with red hat 7.2: send in proof of purchase for
rpjday> both 7.2 and a recent, previous version of red hat, and get $20
rpjday> back.  sounded like a nice idea at the time.
rpjday>   and just now, i got an email from "the rebate center" (clearly an
rpjday> independent organization to whom red hat sub-contracted the rebate
rpjday> process), telling me that my rebate has been denied.  reason?
rpjday> original rebate form not submitted.
[much unfortunate unpleasantness snipped]
rpjday> so, red hat, i'm curious -- did you *deliberately* look for the
rpjday> most inflexible, bureaucratic, incompetent company to handle these
rpjday> rebates?  or did it just turn out that way?

I'm sorry you had this much hassle.  I'll make sure your email gets to the
people in charge of choosing/working with this subcontractor.  It shouldn't
be this messed up (although I can see a kind of "Department of Motor
Vehicles" logic in the "you don't have the form, you don't get the rebate"
statement).  Most of the company (in the US at least) is out of the office
until January, so it might be a while before the right people get

rpjday> god help us all if you hire your trademark lawyers from the same
rpjday> place.

Nice sniping.

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Cheapbytes

2001-12-19 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "rpjday" == rpjday  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
rpjday> IMHO, red hat is just confusing the bejeezus out of everyone by
rpjday> now.  they should take a deep breath, step back, and try to come up
rpjday> with a coherent policy that *they* can follow.  all i got out of
rpjday> the linuxtoday story is that red hat is still trying to figure out
rpjday> what to do.

That's not the case, but be aware that it takes a while to get things
changed in a company our size; it's not like when I first came here, and
the entire company could go out to lunch in four cars... :-)

The upcoming holidays are not helping speed up the process, either... :-\

rpjday> i sincerely hope they can come up with a solution that doesn't
rpjday> antagonize loyal users.

That is a key issue for us...

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Cheapbytes

2001-12-18 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Leonard" == Leonard den Ottolander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Leonard>Hi Ed, Thanx for the links.  In regard to Robert's question
Leonard> I found an interesting link myself:
Leonard> :).

Well, I'm glad you like that link. I think it's nice, too... :-)

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Cheapbytes

2001-12-18 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Leonard" == Leonard den Ottolander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Leonard>  The problem with this particular case is that you have a GPLed
Leonard> content that can be freely distributed, but there is uncertainty
Leonard> on how to identify the content. If people go to Cheapbytes they
Leonard> will probably not be buying "Green Socks Linux 7.2" even though it
Leonard> is a verbatim copy of the FTP version of Red Hat Linux 7.2.

All I'm going to say is that I am aware that the appropriate people in the
company are aware of the implications, and that this is a topic of
discussion for those people.  I am not Red Hat's legal counsel, so I'm not
going to say more than that...

Leonard>  Maybe you could reply to Robert's statement?
>> Frankly, i don't see how red hat can prevent someone like cheapbytes
>> from selling a distribution of linux entitled "an unsupported but exact
>> copy of red hat 7.2".  they wouldn't be claiming it's red hat 7.2, just
>> something bit-for-bit identical to it on the physical CD.  i fail to see
>> how this would constitute a violation of red hat's trademark.

Nope, I'm not going to reply -- that requires an interpretation of
trademark law, and Red Hat doesn't pay me to do that... :-)

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Cheapbytes

2001-12-18 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Leonard" == Leonard den Ottolander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Leonard>Hi again Ed,
>> Instead, if you're unsure about how trademarks work, do what I did --
>> run a couple google searches with the appropriate search terms, and read
>> up on it...

Leonard>  Did you find any sites of particular interest? Could you provide
Leonard> us with some URLs?

Sure -- here's a few:
(easy to read...)
(centers on trademark law and Internet domains, but many of the issues are
still the same...)
(The actual law; this'll put you to sleep *very* quickly!) :-)

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Updated Install of 7.1

2001-12-18 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Robert" == Robert Canary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Robert> I just finished an upgrade of a RHL 5.2/6.0 upto a BoxSet RHL 7.1.
Robert> The install went fine, and all the updates installed fine.

Robert> However, I hate this damn desktop.  It looks like crap and is
Robert> sluggish.  When I open a term takes forever.  And when
Robert> I click on a term window it takes forever to redraw.  And that
Robert> toolbar at the bottom is completely useless.  1" of the lower
Robert> screen realstate is wasted.

Robert> How can I get me old taskbar back with the CPU usage graph, desktop
Robert> space, and time?  I tried using the Gnome toolbox to change the
Robert> window manager back to the fvmw2 but it didn't change the things
Robert> that most annoying.

Robert> Any suggestion?

Look at the switchdesk man page...

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Cheapbytes

2001-12-18 Thread Edward C. Bailey

Hello all,

I was originally going to post a long description of trademark law, but
rather than have people feel that my motives were more than to help shed
light on how trademarks works, I decided against it.  Instead, if you're
unsure about how trademarks work, do what I did -- run a couple google
searches with the appropriate search terms, and read up on it...

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Cheapbytes

2001-12-17 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "David" == David Talkington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

David> Carter, Shaun G wrote:
>> This is most likely in response to the letter from Red Hat advising that
>> their version of Linux can be distributed, just not as the Red Hat name.

David> Has the policy changed?  I have a copy of Red Hat Linux 5.2 around
David> here that was sold by MacMillan, with explicit support disclaimers
David> of course ...

In those days, we had a relationship with Macmillan; as time went on we
went our separate ways, but there was a period of time where they were
selling a copy of Red Hat Linux, and providing support themselves...

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: 2 quick questions

2001-12-12 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Devon" == Devon  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Devon> On Tuesday 11 December 2001 03:11 pm, Ian Truelsen wrote:
>> First question: I am thinking of picking up one of the new ATI Radeon
>> all in wonder cards, the 8500 AGP card (merry christmas to me) and I was
>> wondering how well RedHat deals with it. Has anyone tried one? Any known
>> problems with it?

Devon> Last I knew, 3D acceleration support for the 8500 series cards was
Devon> about a month off. I believe it is to be included in XFree86-4.2. I
Devon> don't know if it is currently supported in 2D, but I suspect it is
Devon> not.

Um, I'm not an XFree hacker, so don't take this to bank, but I think that
*2D* support for the 8500 is going to be in 4.2, with 3D coming at some
unspecified later time.  I remember this because I was thinking about
giving myself a Christman present, too... ;-)

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: command to modify words?

2001-12-12 Thread Edward C. Bailey

>What is the command to modify words 
>This is what I am trying to do
>delete everything after the "@" from a file of one line email addresses.


/me runs! :-)

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: How to for Iptables

2001-12-12 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Ragnar" == Ragnar Wiencke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Ragnar> Hi guys.  Is there a howto doc for iptables. I can't find it. Does
Ragnar> it have another name or doesn't it exist?

I know this is a "spend money" type of suggestion, but I just bought the
second edition of Ziegler's _Linux Firewalls_ book.  It's been completely
rewritten to cover iptables, and it looks *very* good:

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: IP something confusion

2001-12-10 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Jim" == Jim Bija <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Jim> Ive also noticed that by default IPTABLES seems to be broken in 7.1
Jim> AND 7.2, i have had no luck with iptables at all, hopefully this will
Jim> be fixed soon in the next release of redhat, it realy should work out
Jim> of the box.

Nothing is broken.  The firewall support was originally written when only
ipchains was "ready for primetime"; rather than change it over to iptables
in the middle of the 7.x releases, it was decided to leave include iptables
support, but leave the default to ipchains.  If you get rid of the ipchains
rules (and the ipchains module), iptables works just fine...

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: cannot upgrade 6.2

2001-12-10 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Hidong" == Hidong Kim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hidong> Hi,
Hidong> Trond Eivind Glomsrød wrote:
>> 1) Try the bootoption nodma. This addresses one category of broken
>> hardware

Hidong> nodma?  I don't recall this boot option.  Do I type "nodma
Hidong> "?

At the boot prompt, type:

  linux ide=nodma

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: FUD alert!

2001-12-08 Thread Edward C. Bailey

Sorry about coming late to the conversation, but I've been in all day
meetings for the past couple days; I'm starting to catch up on my mail

> "Mike" == Mike  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Mike> How much of what they say is true?  

They've got the basic facts just about 100% correct.  However, they sure
didn't make any effort to keep the report unemotionally factual, did they?

If this person wrote about somebody drinking a glass of water, it would
read something like:

Then Mike, completely unaware of the situation, drank the water.
Water that, in other situations could cause drowning.  The ice cubes --
the exact same substance responsible for sinking the great ship
Titanic, clinked against, the glass.  And the glass -- need we state
the risk of injury that can come from broken glass?  And despite all
this, Mike had the audacity to say that it "tasted good"...

Hey, that was kinda fun! :-)

Mike> Did RedHat act badly by releasing information and a patch before
Mike> others?

I am not directly involved in this part of the company, but I did see
internal mails confirming that a mistake was made, and that the process
used to release patches was being modified to prevent it from happening
again.  I also recall a public email stating basically the same thing.

That's what's so annoying about FUD -- the facts are usually correct; it's
just the spin that drives you crazy... :-)

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: DHCP & IPTables on 7.1

2001-12-08 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> ">" ==   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> Yeah, so do I. The down side is every time you upgrade it gets
>> overwritten. Maybe Red Hat will make this one of those nifty files
>> containing network parameters int he future so we don't have this
>> problem in the future?

Well, Starting with 7.2 (I think; it's not on my 7.0 box) there is

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: What's that issue with Samba passwords again.

2001-12-05 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Justin" == Justin  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Justin> Sounds like you have a mixup with password encryption. on your
Justin> linux box set encrypt password = no, and then in windows you have
Justin> to go to the registry and set EnablePlainTextPassword to 1. wish i
Justin> could tell you the location of that key, you should be able to
Justin> search for it.

Just the other day I needed to look at some Samba docs in
/usr/share/doc/samba*, and I found a whole bunch of .reg files in the
"docs" subdirectory there.  I think you'll find what you're looking for on
your own system...

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: DHCP & IPTables on 7.1

2001-12-05 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Mike" == Mike Burger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Mike> Actually, I only wanted DHCP for my internal interface...but until I
Mike> spefically added accept rules for udp and tcp on ports 67 and 68 on
Mike> the internal interface, my server/firewall would not accept dhcp
Mike> requests, nor dole out the addresses.

Mike> And that, specifically, was the problem.  And I'm 100% sure that's
Mike> the problem with Mike's network, too.

Interesting.  Did you happen to tell dhcpd to use only your internal
interface name?  If you didn't, it might be that dhcpd was attempting to
service both your internal and external interface, and was wedging when it
couldn't get out via the external interface...

Just a thought,

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: GO

2001-11-27 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "cameron" == cameron  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

cameron> Anyone know if the game of GO has been released in a Linux format?

Look here:

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Red Hat 7.2: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

2001-11-26 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Mariusz" == Mariusz Pekala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Mariusz> On Fri 23 November 2001 17:03, you (Ed Wilts) wrote:
>> "The minimum size of your swap partition should be equal to twice the
>> amount of your computer's RAM or 32 MB, whichever is larger."

Mariusz> I'm curious... why 2xRAM ? If I have 360 MB of RAM I should also
Mariusz> set up a 720 MB swap? Why so much? Why twice?

As one of the people involved in drafting the 7.2 release notes, there was
a fair bit of discussion on this subject while the release notes were being
written.  The bottom line is that it's possible to come up with examples
and counter-examples showing why 2xRAM swap is necessary or not.

At the time the release notes were written, the kernel developers were
still working on our kernel's VM subsystem, so the 2xRAM figure was
considered a conservative figure.  We also figured that the downside in
most cases was minimal, particularly in those instances where the user is
not that experienced (in other words, newbies are more likely to have
relatively small-memory machines, making the 2xRAM recommendation a small
burden in terms of disk space), and that people that *were* experienced
would have a better idea than we would as to whether their 4-way, 2GB
server box really needs 4GB or swap or not...

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Is LABEL syntax in fstab really a good thing?

2001-11-25 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Bruce" == Bruce Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Bruce>   How do I modify an existing label or label a new partition?  While
Bruce> I agree that using labels in fstab can be safer, I have difficulty
Bruce> locating documentation.  What happens if I want to re-partition my
Bruce> system?  I have found no MAN page documenting how to either change a
Bruce> label on a partition or how to label a new partition.  Therefore, I
Bruce> find myself modifying /etc/fstab to point at a physical device, like
Bruce> /dev/sda6.

Check out "e2label" -- there's a man page for it as well...

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: md5sum question

2001-11-21 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Dave" == Dave Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>  In theory at least, a 1 in 1^128 chance...
>> Ed

Dave> I hope that's 10^128 or 2^128 and not 1^128 :-)

D'oh!  I think I'll just go back to sleep now... :-)

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: another md5sum question

2001-11-21 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Chris" == Chris Watt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Chris> You can view an RPM file as three pieces: The actual installable
Chris> package, the MD5 checksum of the installable package, and an
Chris> (optional) GPG signature for the installable package.

I think this is still correct:

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: md5sum question

2001-11-21 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Statux" == Statux  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Statux> Quickly, you could just do: # md5sum filename

Statux> and then compare that against the md5 checksum that's listed on the
Statux> server for the file.

Statux> disclaimer: md5 checksums only prove that the files are in all
Statux> probability the same, but there's still an ever-so-slight chance of
Statux> them being different.. cept I don't think that such a case has ever
Statux> happened anyway :)

In theory at least, a 1 in 1^128 chance...

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: user groups and permissions - getting the information of what they _should be_ from rpm?

2001-11-12 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Simon" == Simon J Mudd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Simon> Hello, I recently noticed a few problems with file permissions of
Simon> the dev package, I think due to another package which had modified
Simon> them.

Simon> How can I see the file permissions and ownergroup as recorded by
Simon> rpm?

rpm -qlv 

(Looks like ls -l)

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: MKKICKSTART replacement???

2001-11-12 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Leonard" == Leonard den Ottolander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Leonard>Hi Edward,
>> $ rpm -qf /usr/sbin/ksconfig ksconfig-1.9.8-4 $
>> Look for the ksconfig RPM on your CDs (or on the FTP site of your
>> choice)...

Leonard>  But IIRC this is an X utility. What about a kickstart utility
Leonard> that runs from the command prompt? I don't know about you, but my
Leonard> servers run without X.

Yes, ksconfig requires X.  Your point is taken -- although I've personally
run remote X in such cases; after all, it's a lot more comfortable to sit
at my desk and work on this kind of stuff than it is to hunch over a screen
in the server room... :-)

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: MKKICKSTART replacement???

2001-11-12 Thread Edward C. Bailey

> "Graham" == Graham Hemmings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Graham> Upon running mkkickstart under RH7.2 it informs me that it is no
Graham> longer used under RH7.2 and that I should use ksconfig.

Graham> Does anyone know where I can actually find ksconfig as it's not
Graham> installed on my system?

$ rpm -qf /usr/sbin/ksconfig 

Look for the ksconfig RPM on your CDs (or on the FTP site of your

Ed BaileyRed Hat, Inc.

Redhat-list mailing list