Re: Tape Backup

2003-10-23 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
 I'd like to mount my tape as file system to browse datas. Do someone can
 help me ?

I don't think you can.  However, if it contains a tar archive, you can
just to tar tf /tape/drive  file and browse the file.




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Re: Help! Basic Linux Introduction?

2003-10-21 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
You might check out the stuff at - it's not RH
specific, but you might find some good stuff in there.  That's what we use
for new Linux training.


On Tue, 21 Oct 2003, Benjamin J. Weiss wrote:


 I just got tasked with providing (by this afternoon!) a short primer on
 linux, preferably RH 9.  I need something that a group of MIS Windows folks
 can read in two evenings, such that I can then sit them down in front of RH
 9 boxes and show them how to administer the basics.

 I've found the RH 9 manuals on their site, and if I have to I will resort to
 printing off various sections of them and putting them together, but I was
 hoping for something a bit more coherent.  Basically, it should cover the
 basic concepts and such.

 I'm also looking at

 Anybody have something like this laying around?



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Re: RedHat 9.0 and Xwindows issue.

2003-10-20 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
My guess is bad hardware.


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RE: C++ lib compatibility between Red Hat 9 and 7.3

2003-10-17 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
 let me give you an example and if you have the resources try it.  Get a
 audigy soundcard and build it with gcc 2.96 now see if it works.  Take that
 same source and build it with a latter compiler and see if it builds.  Take
 both sources to any linux machine and see if it works.  Even better build
 some of the kernels with the old compiler and see if they work, take those
 same kernels and build with the latest compiler and see if they still work.
 My point is you don't know what you're going to get and if it's going to
 work with the compiler you select and throw in hardware and you have a even
 bigger problem.

Not specific to open-source software.


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RE: C++ lib compatibility between Red Hat 9 and 7.3

2003-10-17 Thread Jonathan Bartlett

 And further, I could understand the problem if it was different vendors.
 Imagine the problems if you bought a Borland compiler and then upgraded to a
 latter version of the same compiler and it didn't work.  That's what you

Ummm, I have had that happen.  Maybe you should try doing more complicated


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RE: C++ lib compatibility between Red Hat 9 and 7.3

2003-10-17 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
Otto is a troll.  Let's stop feeding him.  The obvious double standard is
apparent (i.e. - Windows can break compatibility because they are
improving their architecture, but Linux cannot, because systems like
Windows never would, and I'm ignoring the fact that Sun and others do
this as a amtter of course, too, but I'll blame it on the lack of
resources of open-source developers, even though it occurs with everyone
in the industry).


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RE: C++ lib compatibility between Red Hat 9 and 7.3

2003-10-16 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
 Look at it this way.  You should be able to move a c++ (not g++) compiler to
 any version of RH and it works!!! LIB's and all period, no explanation
 needed.  Fact, it doesn't.  The question is why.  The explanation is that it

Actually, it does.  If you were to use the same version of g++ on RH9 that
was used in RH7, and use the same libraries, it would work fine.

 is native to c++ and only c++ was stated.  I was pointing out that actually
 it is a problem of the community that I believe is related to the resources
 available to the developers.  The individual in question made a statement
 that effectively, it should be accepted without complaints and I said and I
 still say that is dumb.  This needs to be fixed to where anyone can select a
 new compiler and not worry that it will break everything else and you need

Now that C++ has been standardized and the standard is fairly fixed, you
will start to see this happen.  Multiple vendors have finally agreed upon
on ABI.  Yes, it is specific to C++, because the standard was in flux and
there wasn't vendor agreement.

 resources to test it against all previous versions.  If you don't then no
 one will accept open community software period.

That is one of the stupidest comments I've ever seen.  Now matter what
your opinion is of it, many people have obviously accepted community
software.  To ignore that is to be ignorant.


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RE: C++ lib compatibility between Red Hat 9 and 7.3

2003-10-16 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
What he's wanting is a standard C++ ABI.  However, no operating system I'm
aware of offers one.  There are standard ABIs for other languages such as
Objective-C (NeXT and Mac OS X) and C# (new windows) and Java (Sun), but I
haven't seen a standard C++ ABI for Windows.  Their ABIs are C-based.  I
think what you wanted is to link using -static and you forgot :)

For an example of a great proprietary app that works great on many, many,
many, many Linux distros, check out Mathematica.  The key is the build
process and installer - choice of compiler has little to do with it.  The
same Mathematica binaries run on pretty much every Linux out there.


On Thu, 16 Oct 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  The above attitude is the one that causes people to worry about using linux
  period.  Look at this way, you decide to drop Microsoft and go to linux, for
  whatever reasons.  You get there and decide to use version 7.3 and build
  your apps using the default compiler that comes with 7.3.  You get
  everything working with some effort.  Some A.H. comes along and says you
  ought to upgrade to version 9 and you do and get the default compiler with
  that version and in order to take advantage of the new version you rebuild
  all of your apps and they neither compile and definitely won't run.  This is
  the non-technical person that does that.  He did it all the time with the
  other OS (MS), but this new and great OS doesn't allow him to do something
  simple without causing him grief.  That's the problem that RH has faced with
  open source and it is the reason that large numbers of common users will not
  make the switch.
 First for the record I tried moving a large groups of apps from unix to
 windows many years ago I worked through many of the compatiblity problems,
 but gave up becauses windows kept crashing while I was trying to run their
 compilier I moved to linux instead it was a breeze.
 I missed the begining of the thread but if you wanted help changeing the
 code to meet the standard so it will compile you need to list the error
 and ask about what is needed. I know a year ago some one moved from 7 to
 8 and ask the list about programs failing to compile with the error
 undeclared function cout the fix was easy you just had to add the line
 using namespace std;
 after the includes I know this is a minor hassle but not really a big
 deal, and when I update I'll have to do it too. It is true that in
 a perfect world upgrades wouldn't break what is working however sometimes
 to improve you have to choose and it breaks things. Just to show this is
 not limited to linux, I have a new winxp computer I use to work with photo
 I was not happy to discover that the scanner and embrodery card writer do
 not work with XP luckily I still had a computer that ran win98 as the
 embrodery software  hardware is a few thousand dollars and no longer
 supported. I can run compiled old versions of software if I keep the old
 version of the library on Linux for instance I still run Word Perfect that
 ran with RH 6.0 without any problems. If you think you can upgrade without
 any hassles or surprises in any operating system you are living in a dream
 world. That is why most of us try it first at home before we upgrade
 critical systems. If you upgrade and have trouble this list is an
 incrediblely helpful source for working out your problems but ranting
 doesn't help solve the problem.
  Linda Hanigan

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Re: adding title to mpg files.

2003-10-15 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
Forgot to mention that you really should do that with source files, and
not with MPEG files.  MPEGs are already compressed, so you'll get pretty
ugly results, AND it will have to re-encode your movie, degrading the
quality of the whole thing.  Come to think of it, kino only works on .dv
files.  I think cinelerra will handle .mpg files, though.


On Tue, 14 Oct 2003, Bo Peng wrote:

 Hello, everyone,

 I am sorry if my question is far off topic. I do not know exactly which
 mailinglist I should post this question to.

 I have a bunch of mpg files. I would like to add/overlay a simple title
 (e.g., 1 second long of 'in backyard') to each file.

 I thought this is easy but I found nothing after 30min googling. Can
 anyone give me a hint about which tool to use? (I am thinking of
 memcoder a jpg file to mpg movie and then ...  overlay?)

 Many thanks in advance.


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Re: adding title to mpg files.

2003-10-15 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
Cinelerra. I think.  Also try kino.

On Tue, 14 Oct 2003, Bo Peng wrote:

 Hello, everyone,

 I am sorry if my question is far off topic. I do not know exactly which
 mailinglist I should post this question to.

 I have a bunch of mpg files. I would like to add/overlay a simple title
 (e.g., 1 second long of 'in backyard') to each file.

 I thought this is easy but I found nothing after 30min googling. Can
 anyone give me a hint about which tool to use? (I am thinking of
 memcoder a jpg file to mpg movie and then ...  overlay?)

 Many thanks in advance.


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Re: C++ lib compatibility between Red Hat 9 and 7.3

2003-10-15 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
 The obvious question is of course: Why not?

Because of variations within C++, especially in regard to implementation
of name mangling, default function attributes, implementation of classes,
RTTI, etc.  Anytime the standard changes, you have to change binary
compatibility.  Likewise, many new optimizations require binary
differences.  Since there hasn't until recently been a C++ binary
standard, each compiler was free to implement the language however they
wish, so if your first compiler compiles the function foo() as
foo_returns_int() and another compiler compiles foo() as foo$intpp(), then
applications compiled for one won't work for the other, because the
function names would be different.  In addition, to support RTTI, you need
some method of determining types at runtime, which would require
additional space in each class, which means that the library would be
expecting an object of X size, when you send it an object of Y size.

Exceptions are even nastier, because they _really_ slow down your code.
Therefore, everyone is always trying to make that faster, each time
breaking binary compatibility.


 - Toralf

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RE: C++ lib compatibility between Red Hat 9 and 7.3

2003-10-15 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
No, the problem is specific to C++.  It isn't even specific to
open-source, it's specific to C++.  Other non-open-source C++ compilers
have the same problems.

You don't have the same problem with C.  You don't have the same problem
with objective-C, you don't have the same problem with Python, and you
rarely have the same problem with Perl (there were a few versions that
broke binary compatibility, I believe, but not many).

When you have a constantly changing standard that few know even how to
_interpret_ right, it's hard to create a stable API from that.


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Re: C++ lib compatibility between Red Hat 9 and 7.3

2003-10-14 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
Are the DSOs C++?

RH9 uses an updated libstdc++ which can cause problems.  Also, if you are
exporting anything but c-style functions declared with extern c or
whatever that is, you will NOT have compatibility at all.  There is some
work for a standard C++ ABI, but it's still a little fluid.


On Tue, 14 Oct 2003, Toralf Lund wrote:

 We're having problems linking C++ objects compiled with g++ 3.2 on Red
 Hat 9 with libraries (DSOs) built using g++ 2.96 on Red Hat 7.3. Does
 anyone have details about the (in)compatibility between these releases?

 - Toralf

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Re: C++ lib compatibility between Red Hat 9 and 7.3

2003-10-14 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
 software certainly runs on 9; I'm not sure what happens if you mix
 binaries from the two versions (e.g. by replacing one of the DSOs
 without relinking the app.)

If the C++ was exposed in anything except extern C blocks, then no, you
can't mix binaries from the two versions.


 - Toralf

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Re: Asynchronous I/O (AIO) on Linux

2003-10-09 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
Check out
and pay attention to EAGAIN and O_NONBLOCK.


On Wed, 8 Oct 2003, Iulian Musat wrote:


 I think select/poll is more appropriate when you deal with more than one
 file descriptor at a time (ex. a server watching couples of sockets).

 My problem is very simple:
 - read data from a file
 - process data (CPU intensive)
 - write data.

 The processing part and the IO takes comparable times. All I'm trying to
 do is to use two buffers, and while one is loaded/saved to disk, the
 other get processed (in theory the CPU should be free, since the disk
 transfer is done using DMA).

 Nothing new here, I just wanted to have a cleaner code - using only the
 POSIX standard if possible and not messing with any multithreading
 library just for this (at least not calling it directly from my code).


 Jonathan Bartlett wrote:
  Or just use select/poll
  As far as I'm aware, kernel-level AIO is only in Enterprise Red hat.
  There may be some libraries that simulate it with threads, however.
  On Wed, 8 Oct 2003, Iulian Musat wrote:
 Hello everybody !
 I have a project where I/O operations are going to take a significant
 amount of time, and I think that I could use asynchronous I/O to gain
 some CPU cycles while a read/write operation is on progress.
 It will be grate if anyone can point me to some documentation about AIO
 on Linux? Does anyone know if this is working with the default kernel
 that comes with Redhat 8+ ?
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Re: Virus protection

2003-10-09 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
 via email+attached virus on a *nix system. A live person please, and
 not theories or reports from vendors with vested interests protecting
 an entire industry built around really shoddily designed software.
 Over and above that, I don't beleive the inherent MS design flaw of
 auto-executing binary email attachments is even possible on Nix (is

It's possible, but the current market of stupid users on Unix is not large
enough to attract the number of stupid developers Windows has.


 Hal Burgiss

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RE: Can I burn a CD containing Power Point files with X-CD Roast

2003-10-08 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
Your problem is the filenames - they are not ISO-compliant.  Burning CDs
has nothing to do with the format of the individual files. The file format
it was complaining about was that of the ISO image, not the files.

Basically, your files should be unique in their first 8 characters, and if
you want to go beyond 8.3 filenames, you need to enable either Joliet or
Rock Ridge.


On Wed, 8 Oct 2003, Jason Staudenmayer wrote:

 Try running mkisofs from the command line.
  mkisofs -r -J -o cd_image what_ever_dir_with_files/

 -Original Message-
 From: damovand [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2003 11:43 AM
 Subject: Can I burn a CD containing Power Point files with X-CD Roast

 Hello all,

 I tried tried to burn a CD with power point files on it for a lecture that
 preparing.  I followed the instructions on Redhad site how to use X-CD ROM

 But when I clicked the tab for create session/image I got and error message.

 Reading through it seems to indicate a problem with the format of the file.
 Can anyone confim this for me? Do I understand it correctly, that there is
 no way to burn a CD containing files with formats  unknown to Liunx
 environment?  Is there anything I can do?

 Thanks very much

 This is the content of the error message:

 Warning: creating filesystem that does not conform to ISO-9660.
 Using PPT_CHP3000.PPT;1 for  root/ppt_chp3.ppt (ppt_chp3.ppt)
 Using PROCESS000.PPT;1 for  root/process.ppt (process.ppt)
 mkisofs: Error: '/root/ppt_chp3.ppt' and '/root/ppt_chp3.ppt' have the same
 Rock Ridge name 'ppt_chp3.ppt'.
 mkisofs: Error: '/root/process.ppt' and '/root/process.ppt' have the same
 Ridge name 'process.ppt'.
 mkisofs: Unable to sort directory root

 - mkisofs reported an error while calculating the session size!

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Re: Asynchronous I/O (AIO) on Linux

2003-10-08 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
Or just use select/poll

As far as I'm aware, kernel-level AIO is only in Enterprise Red hat.
There may be some libraries that simulate it with threads, however.


On Wed, 8 Oct 2003, Iulian Musat wrote:

 Hello everybody !

 I have a project where I/O operations are going to take a significant
 amount of time, and I think that I could use asynchronous I/O to gain
 some CPU cycles while a read/write operation is on progress.

 It will be grate if anyone can point me to some documentation about AIO
 on Linux? Does anyone know if this is working with the default kernel
 that comes with Redhat 8+ ?


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Re: OS Desktop Business Model?

2003-10-06 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
The money would be made by offering services to companies like Dell, to
help them differentiate their products from others.  For example, helping
Dell to make a Multimedia PC where the whole thing is oriented around
doing Multimedia in Linux.  Things like knowing what music composition
programs to add, perhaps customizing them to work together better, etc.


On Sat, 4 Oct 2003, Herculano de Lima Einloft Neto wrote:

 Given that most of Microsoft's profit comes from the desktop, I'm wondering:
 if Linux, as I see it, is on its way to becoming a complete, competitive
 desktop system, would this money simply cease to flow? Is there any model at
 sight for profitable Desktop distros? It looks like RedHat has given up on

 Herculano de Lima Einloft Neto

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RE: Looking for ISP class email package

2003-10-02 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
What do you use to manage email and do webmail for these accounts?


On Thu, 2 Oct 2003, James Williams wrote:

 Postfix, Sendmail, or Qmail will all do the job. I've had sendmail
 working with 400+ domains at my previous employeer. I prefer postfix now
 because it seems to be more secure, stable, and efficient.

 James Williams

 -Original Message-
 On Behalf Of Michael Gargiullo
 Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2003 8:49 AM
 To: redhat mailing list
 Subject: Looking for ISP class email package

 Hey all,

   I'm looking for an ISP class email package.  I need to host
 about 130
 domains with several thousand users.  I'd love to find one where we can
 designate one user per domain to handle user creation via a web

   Anyone have any ideas?  Right now we run IMail from ipswitch on
 windows box.  I'd prefer opensource, but would pay for a good close

 Michael Gargiullo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Warp Drive Networks

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Re: fork() failed with ENOMEM, free indicates enough, tune what kernel parameter

2003-10-02 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
It depends on how big your processes are, and whether or not you have
kernel safety features turned on.

For example, if I have a 500M program that tries to run a program that
fits in 30K of space, I still have to have 500M of free memory to run it.
why?  The way UNIX creates processes is by forking before execing.
Forking creates two IDENTICAL copies of a process, with the only
difference between the ttwo being the return value of fork().  That means
it has to copy the ENTIRE process in order to fork, so you have to have
that much memory available (it doesn't physically copy it - it's got lots
of nifty optimizations including Copy-On-Write, but it has to at least
reserve the space first).  So, if you have a large process trying to run
external commands, that could easily bbe causing your problems.

There's some overcommit setting that you can turn off, but I forget what
this is.


On Thu, 2 Oct 2003, Tom Stevelt wrote:

 We are having issues with fork() failing sporadically -- but we can't
 figure what resource is short supply.

 This shows we still have 45 meg of ram available.

 rhd /home/tms/src/systest$ free -m
  total   used   free sharedbuffers cached
 Mem:   123113  9  0  4 30
 -/+ buffers/cache: 78 45
 Swap:  250 19231

 This is the strace output from a test program.  Can anybody suggest how
 to tell which kernel parameter is in short supply?

 rhd /home/tms/src/systest$ strace -f  -ores forktest 3
 fork failed, errno 12
 rhd /home/tms/src/systest$
 rhd /home/tms/src/systest$ cat res
 4042  execve(./forktest, [forktest, 3], [/* 26 vars */]) = 0
 4042  uname({sys=Linux, node=rhd, ...}) = 0
 4042  brk(0)= 0x80497dc
 4042  open(/etc/, O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
 4042  open(/etc/, O_RDONLY) = 3
 4042  fstat64(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=48658, ...}) = 0
 4042  old_mmap(NULL, 48658, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, 3, 0) = 0x40014000
 4042  close(3)  = 0
 4042  open(/lib/i686/, O_RDONLY) = 3
 4042  read(3, \177ELF\1\1\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\3\0\3\0\1\0\0\0\260Y\1..., 512) = 512
 4042  fstat64(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=1452984, ...}) = 0
 4042  old_mmap(0x4200, 1290052, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE, 3, 0) = 
 4042  old_mmap(0x42134000, 20480, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED, 3, 
 0x134000) = 0x42134000
 4042  old_mmap(0x42139000, 8004, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, 
 4042  close(3)  = 0
 4042  old_mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 
 4042  munmap(0x40014000, 48658) = 0
 4042  mmap2(NULL, 1052672, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 
 4042  fork()= -1 ENOMEM (Cannot allocate memory)
 4042  fstat64(1, {st_mode=S_IFCHR|0620, st_rdev=makedev(136, 0), ...}) = 0
 4042  write(1, fork failed, errno 12\n, 22) = 22
 4042  munmap(0x40014000, 4096)  = 0
 4042  _exit(22) = ?
 rhd /home/tms/src/systest$

 Thanks - Tom

 -Tom SteveltVictory Wholesale Grocers---
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]400 Victory Drive
  513-746-1742 ext 1224  Springboro, OH 45066

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Re: using bash features in init scripts

2003-09-28 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
The reason that normal startup scripts don't, is that there's no guarantee
/bin/sh will point to bash, or even that bash is installed.

If you want to use bash, the first line should be /bin/bash instead of
/bin/sh, so it's obvious it needs bash specifically.


On Sun, 28 Sep 2003, [iso-8859-1] Manoj Kumar wrote:

 Is there any reason not to use bash features in init
 Consider, for example, this fragment from

 DEVICETYPE=`echo $DEVICE | sed s/[0-9]*$//`
 REALDEVICE=`echo $DEVICE | sed 's/:.*//g'`
 if echo $DEVICE | grep -q ':' ; then

 In bash we can do this much faster with something like

 while [[ $DEVICETYPE == *[0-9] ]]; do
 if [[ $DEVICE == *:* ]]; then

 Okay, the loop that replaces the first line is messy,
 but it saves
 a couple of forks and an exec.  The other two changes
 are both
 simpler and faster.

 So why do most init scripts use sed and grep to
 strings?  It can't be a desire to allow them to work
 with the
 Bourne shell (why would we want that anyway?) because
 scripts do use bash features.


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Re: Writing a HOWTO from XML... why so BLEEPING difficult!?

2003-09-28 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
Are you aware that the SGML and XML processes are exactly the same, except
when writing XML you just have to obey more specific rules?


On Sat, 27 Sep 2003, Rodolfo J. Paiz wrote:

 Starting from here:

 I am trying to write an XML text that will become a Mini-HOWTO. I have read
 the whole guide above as well as another solid FOUR HOURS of documentation,
 and I have written a bare outline of what will later become a Mini-HOWTO in
 XML. However, I'll be damned if I can get any tool I find to render this
 XML into HTML or TXT. Now, I have installed the following packages in order
 to solve dependencies with linuxdoc-tools:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] dsssl]# rpm -qa --last | more
 linuxdoc-tools-0.9.20-8   Sat 27 Sep 2003 05:36:03 PM CST
 tetex-latex-1.0.7-66  Sat 27 Sep 2003 05:35:29 PM CST
 netpbm-progs-9.24-10  Sat 27 Sep 2003 05:34:53 PM CST
 netpbm-9.24-10Sat 27 Sep 2003 05:34:38 PM CST
 tetex-1.0.7-66Sat 27 Sep 2003 05:34:12 PM CST
 dialog-0.9b-20020814.2Sat 27 Sep 2003 05:33:27 PM CST
 openjade-1.3.1-12 Sat 27 Sep 2003 05:33:11 PM CST
 docbook-dtds-1.0-17   Sat 27 Sep 2003 05:32:47 PM CST
 libxml2-2.5.4-1   Sat 27 Sep 2003 05:32:39 PM CST
 xml-common-0.6.3-14   Sat 27 Sep 2003 05:32:36 PM CST
 tetex-fonts-1.0.7-66  Sat 27 Sep 2003 05:32:11 PM CST
 libtiff-3.5.7-11  Sat 27 Sep 2003 05:31:28 PM CST
 libpng-1.2.2-16   Sat 27 Sep 2003 05:31:25 PM CST
 libjpeg-6b-26 Sat 27 Sep 2003 05:31:18 PM CST
 sgml-common-0.6.3-14  Sat 27 Sep 2003 09:56:28 AM CST

 However, I find in the LDP Author's Guide a note about a DSSSL by Walsh and
 another by the LDP, which seem NOT to be installed with the RPM packages
 that I have but which seem to be required. Of course, there is also no note
 on where to put them on my system once I get them. I've now spent well over
 five hours reading lots and lots of documentation everywhere and nothing
 seems to match or make sense.

 This whole writing an XML text to make a HOWTO thing just C-A-N-N-O-T be
 that hard, I refuse to believe it! Can anyone offer any tips on what I need
 to do to get my XML text rendered into HTML or other formats? If not,
 tomorrow I'm just going to have to rewrite that mother in SGML, where I can
 just use the sgml2html command and be done with it because I am just about
 out of patience.

 Sheesh! *grmbl* *grmbl*

 Thanks for any help you can offer.

 Rodolfo J. Paiz

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Re: question on symbolic link

2003-09-27 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
 Or symbolic link is a one-way knowledge that only A2 knows about it but
 R has no clue at all?

Yes, R has no clue.  You can even create symlinks to nonexistent files.



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Re: Domain Controller in Linux

2003-09-26 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
 I know this is something silly, but it will help me clear my confusion
 that I have about DNS and Domain Controllers thanks to Windows
 Networking Styles.

DNS and Domain Controllers have nothing to do with each other.

You may be confusing DNS with name resolution in general.  DNS is only one
method of resolving names.  For example, in Linux, there are several ways
to resolve names:

 * /etc/hosts
 * DNS
 * NIS

In Windows, there are also several ways to resolve names:

 * DNS
 * SMB

My guess is that your question is how does SMB name resolution work.
Basically, with SMB, your Windows clients send out a broadcast request on
their local LAN segment to get the names of all of the computers on that
segment.  With this, it does not matter if a domain controller is present.
It also doesn't matter what IP addresses the clients have.  If you have
their name set up in their Network Identification tab, no matter what IP
address they have, when someone broadcast queries them, they will report
their assigned name.

So basically, you don't need to do anything with Linux or DNS to get the
Windows computers to talk to each other and recognize each other's names
on the network.  All you need to do is set up a DHCP server to assign
everyone an IP address, and do IP masquerading.

If you want to set up your server as a domain controller as well, you can,
but it still has nothing to do with name resolution, which is handled by
the SMB protocol, not DNS.  If this is what you want, let me know, and
I'll pass you some links.


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Re: Domain Controller in Linux

2003-09-26 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
The main thing for PDCs is to READ SEVERAL DOCUMENTS.  All of them
approach it from a different direction, and assume that you already have
some things configured which you may not.  So, read several, and then do
your own thing.  Here's some URLs:,l39a=Samba
(have to register for the tutorial)

Search around for more, there's a lot of them.  In addition, if you want
to make your users REALLY happy, you can use your Linux box to let them
all print to PDFs from any application.  See these articles:

You may want to play with the ps2pdf options a bit.  Search the web for
distparm.pdf to see what switches do what.  Or you may just want to leave
them at their defaults.


On Fri, 26 Sep 2003, Harish Sabnani wrote:

 Hi Jon

 Thanks a ton for response,will appreciate if you can send me some links
 about how Doamin Controllers work in Linux so that I can have a broader



 - Original Message -
 From: Jonathan Bartlett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 9:22 PM
 Subject: Re: Domain Controller in Linux

   I know this is something silly, but it will help me clear my confusion
   that I have about DNS and Domain Controllers thanks to Windows
   Networking Styles.
  DNS and Domain Controllers have nothing to do with each other.
  You may be confusing DNS with name resolution in general.  DNS is only one
  method of resolving names.  For example, in Linux, there are several ways
  to resolve names:
   * /etc/hosts
   * DNS
   * NIS
  In Windows, there are also several ways to resolve names:
   * DNS
   * SMB
  My guess is that your question is how does SMB name resolution work.
  Basically, with SMB, your Windows clients send out a broadcast request on
  their local LAN segment to get the names of all of the computers on that
  segment.  With this, it does not matter if a domain controller is present.
  It also doesn't matter what IP addresses the clients have.  If you have
  their name set up in their Network Identification tab, no matter what IP
  address they have, when someone broadcast queries them, they will report
  their assigned name.
  So basically, you don't need to do anything with Linux or DNS to get the
  Windows computers to talk to each other and recognize each other's names
  on the network.  All you need to do is set up a DHCP server to assign
  everyone an IP address, and do IP masquerading.
  If you want to set up your server as a domain controller as well, you can,
  but it still has nothing to do with name resolution, which is handled by
  the SMB protocol, not DNS.  If this is what you want, let me know, and
  I'll pass you some links.
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Re: Chroot Jail Time

2003-09-26 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
I'd use a wall clock.  You might have to pull out a second-grade math


On Fri, 26 Sep 2003, Brett Franck wrote:

 How do you teach a chroot jail the correct time?


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Re: Burning CD fails: OPC error

2003-09-26 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
On Fri, 26 Sep 2003, Harold Martin wrote:

 No I haven't.
 How does magicdev relate to CD burning?

magicdev probes your removable devices to see if something's been
inserted.  However, if it probes your CD drive while you're burning, it
can kill your burn.  I think you have to remove it using GNOME's session
manager.  I hate magicedev anyway :)


 On Thu, 2003-09-25 at 21:18, Jonathan Bartlett wrote:
  Did you kill magicdev and make sure your session manager didn't restart
  On Thu, 25 Sep 2003, fred smith wrote:
   On Thu, Sep 25, 2003 at 09:09:38AM -0700, Harold Martin wrote:
Thanks for your suggestion, only problem is I can't 'alias
scsi_hostadapter ide-scsi' because scsi_hostadapter is already alias'd
to my real SCSI adapter. Any ideas?
   I don't have ANY if those items in my modules.conf, and my sony
   CRX210A1 CDRW works fine for me. The only configuration setting is in
   /etc/grub.conf, where it says:
 kernel /vmlinuz-2.4.9-34 ro root=/dev/hda5 hdc=ide-scsi hdf=ide-scsi
   so tht both of my CD drives use scsi emulation.
   I HAVE had trouble, in the past (with another much older CDRW drive) with
   certain brands/types of CDRW media that it either refused to recognize,
   or would recognize then fail during the burn operation.  have you tried
   a different brand of blank CDRW? I've had best luck with TDK or Fuji
   700 meg media. I had a batch of memorex last year that the older burner
   would burn onto but then refused to recognize once the burn was done.
On Thu, 2003-09-25 at 07:45, Gerhard Magnus wrote:
 On Wed, 2003-09-24 at 20:19, Harold Martin wrote:
  Whenever I try to burn I CD I get the error:
  cdrecord: OPC failed.
  Yes, I know OPC means Optical Power Calibration.
  But why is it failing? I'm using a brand new CD-RW!
  Thanks for your help,

 I've been trying to hack a similar problem for months on my RH8 system
 and finally got the burner to work.  (I don't think the burner is
 anything out of the ordinary: a SONY CD-RW CRX220E1, 52X/24/X/52X).  I
 have little more than a vague understanding as to why this fix works and
 would be interested in any comments from the more technically

 (1) I use cdrecord from the command line or xcdroast (one of its GUIs)
 (2) cdrecord -scanbus lists the device as 0,0,0
 (3) /etc/modules.conf includes the lines:
 options ide-cd ignore=hdc
 alias scsi_hostadapter ide-scsi
 alias scsi_cd ide-scsi
 alias scd0 sr_mod
 (4) Although the burner specs give a write speed of 24X I don't use
 speeds higher than 8X.
 (5) I have the FIFO Buffer set to 16MB, the largest value possible in
 the xcdroast Setup - CD Settings menu.
 (6) I've been using heavily discounted Memorex CD-R's.

 I hope this helps!


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   Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of
heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
   -- Matthew 7:21 (niv) -

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Re: Burning CD fails: OPC error

2003-09-25 Thread Jonathan Bartlett

Did you kill magicdev and make sure your session manager didn't restart


On Thu, 25 Sep 2003, fred smith wrote:

 On Thu, Sep 25, 2003 at 09:09:38AM -0700, Harold Martin wrote:
  Thanks for your suggestion, only problem is I can't 'alias
  scsi_hostadapter ide-scsi' because scsi_hostadapter is already alias'd
  to my real SCSI adapter. Any ideas?

 I don't have ANY if those items in my modules.conf, and my sony
 CRX210A1 CDRW works fine for me. The only configuration setting is in
 /etc/grub.conf, where it says:

   kernel /vmlinuz-2.4.9-34 ro root=/dev/hda5 hdc=ide-scsi hdf=ide-scsi

 so tht both of my CD drives use scsi emulation.

 I HAVE had trouble, in the past (with another much older CDRW drive) with
 certain brands/types of CDRW media that it either refused to recognize,
 or would recognize then fail during the burn operation.  have you tried
 a different brand of blank CDRW? I've had best luck with TDK or Fuji
 700 meg media. I had a batch of memorex last year that the older burner
 would burn onto but then refused to recognize once the burn was done.

  On Thu, 2003-09-25 at 07:45, Gerhard Magnus wrote:
   On Wed, 2003-09-24 at 20:19, Harold Martin wrote:
Whenever I try to burn I CD I get the error:
cdrecord: OPC failed.
Yes, I know OPC means Optical Power Calibration.
But why is it failing? I'm using a brand new CD-RW!
Thanks for your help,
   I've been trying to hack a similar problem for months on my RH8 system
   and finally got the burner to work.  (I don't think the burner is
   anything out of the ordinary: a SONY CD-RW CRX220E1, 52X/24/X/52X).  I
   have little more than a vague understanding as to why this fix works and
   would be interested in any comments from the more technically
   (1) I use cdrecord from the command line or xcdroast (one of its GUIs)
   (2) cdrecord -scanbus lists the device as 0,0,0
   (3) /etc/modules.conf includes the lines:
   options ide-cd ignore=hdc
   alias scsi_hostadapter ide-scsi
   alias scsi_cd ide-scsi
   alias scd0 sr_mod
   (4) Although the burner specs give a write speed of 24X I don't use
   speeds higher than 8X.
   (5) I have the FIFO Buffer set to 16MB, the largest value possible in
   the xcdroast Setup - CD Settings menu.
   (6) I've been using heavily discounted Memorex CD-R's.
   I hope this helps!
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  Fred Smith -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
 Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of
  heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
 -- Matthew 7:21 (niv) -

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Re: load balancing with two computers?

2003-09-24 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
You can configure multiple A records for the same DNS entry.  However, if
you want redundancy, you'll need to keep the computers on the same network
segment, and have them monitor each other and do IP takeover if the other
one falls down.


On Wed, 24 Sep 2003, Salvador Santander wrote:

 Hello, We've two servers, the first one is the primary dns server and the
 second one is the secondary. Both servers are web servers too, both with the
 same information and my question is: how can i configure them to have load
 balancing? Are there any way to configure dns service for use the first or
 the second web server in function of the servers load?

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Re: EPS/RIP program for Linux?

2003-09-19 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
Isn't that what Ghostscript does?  Perhaps if Ghostscript knows the HP's
native format, you can simply set up a Linux print server to do the PS-HP
conversion through it's normal drivers.


On Fri, 19 Sep 2003, Chris W. Parker wrote:

 Hey everyone.

 We have an HP 8500 printer in our office and it's dang slow. I'm
 currently looking into speeding it up and I thought maybe a separate
 RIPer might do the trick.

 A RIPer (as I understand it) is a computer that takes the task of
 changing the data sent from a computer into the data a printer can
 understand. When dealing with large files (say pages in a catalog) with
 hires (300 dpi) images, the printer gets a little slow. A RIPer takes
 the burden off of the printer and puts it on itself. After the RIPer is
 done converting the data it sends it off to the printer to print.

 Is there such a thing for Linux (specifically Redhat)?


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Re: PDF Converter on Linux/Redhat

2003-09-16 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
What exactly are you trying to do?  Every Linux application prints to
Postscript, and you can easily convert Postscript to PDF.

In addition, if you want to save license costs in your organization, you
can set Samba up as a virtual printer, which touts itself as a
Postscript printer, and then takes what Windows gives it and converts it
to a PDF and stick it in the user's home directory.  We haven't had to pay
a cent for Acrobat because of this.

Tell me what you're trying to do, and I might be able to help (include me
personally in your To: list, otherwise I might miss the email).


 Sorry if this has been asked before. I'm looking for a PDF converter
 that will run on Linux for a web application. I did some googling and
 found some that did specific things, like postscript to PDF, but not

 There are some apps that run on Windoze that will convert html, word
 docs, excel docs, text files, JPG,  etc to PDF. I'm trying to find one
 that will do these conversions on a Linux machine or else I'm going to
 be stuck running Windoze.

 Any help is appreciated. Thanks,

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Re: PDF Converter on Linux/Redhat

2003-09-16 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
 He's writing a web application. A desktop/interactive app is not a

If it can be remotely controlled it can be a solution.  Just run Xvfb on
your server and you're set.


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2003-09-15 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
mount /mnt/cdrom

assuming it's the first drive on the bus.  mount /mnt/cdrom1 if it's the


On Mon, 15 Sep 2003, Shariq Ali wrote:

 Hello everyone,

 Can any please provide me with some guidance on how to
 mount my rewriteable CD-ROM drive on redhat Linux 9.0.



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Re: SCP:File too large

2003-09-12 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
 The size of the tar-gzed file is 2.9GB. Is this because of the  2GB file
 limitation thing? The system is RH 7.1
 If scp does not work, what will? Will things like exporting the directory
 using NFS, and thenmount it in remote system, and then copy it works, or will
 I hit the same wall?

My guess is that the destination computer does not support files  2GB,
and it's not an SCP problem.  If it is an scp problem, it is easily
avoidable by doing the following

cat filename.tar.gz | ssh DESTCOMPUTER 'cat  /path/to/destination'



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Timeline-Generating Software

2003-09-05 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
Does anyone know of good Linux software to generate nice-looking
timelines?  I looked in freshmeat but the ones I found there all had
problems.  Perhaps its a feature of one of the Office packages?


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Re: Timeline-Generating Software

2003-09-05 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
I'm looking for historical timelines (like from 2500 BC to 300 AD) not
project timelines.  Good thought, though.


On Fri, 5 Sep 2003, gh wrote:

 Is this:
 what you are looking for?


 On Friday 05 September 2003 10:27, Jonathan Bartlett wrote:
  Does anyone know of good Linux software to generate nice-looking
  timelines?  I looked in freshmeat but the ones I found there all had
  problems.  Perhaps its a feature of one of the Office packages?

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Re: Timeline-Generating Software

2003-09-05 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
Wow!  An offer to write software.  Sweet.  I can do back-end coding but
graphics kills me.  Anyway, probably XML would make the best file format,
so something like:

event year=3000 position=BC
titleA long time ago/title

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, some stuff happened.
period startyear=100 startposition=AD endyear=300 endposition=AD
titleThe years between 100 and 300 AD/title

Wow, these were some great years, weren't they?

The period tags aren't necessary for my purposes, but I'm sure others
would like it.


On 5 Sep 2003, Jason Dixon wrote:

 On Fri, 2003-09-05 at 10:43, Jonathan Bartlett wrote:
  I'm looking for historical timelines (like from 2500 BC to 300 AD) not
  project timelines.  Good thought, though.

 If you give me some standard input and output formats, I could probably
 hack something together for you in Perl.

 Jason Dixon, RHCE
 DixonGroup Consulting

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Re: Timeline-Generating Software

2003-09-05 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
 And the output format?

Just a vertical bar for the timeline with lines coming out at alternating
sides , which have the event title and date in a largish font, and the
description below it in a lesser font.  Colors don't make a lot of
difference, as I can't even match my clothes :)  Once I see how it's done
I could probably tweak it anyway.


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RE: Service command

2003-09-05 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
Remember that su - will alter your environment to include /sbin and
/usr/sbin, while su will not.


On Fri, 5 Sep 2003, Mark Haney wrote:

 Leonard Miller wrote:
  Who are you running the command as?  Root should be the only person
  that can run the service command.  If you su to root and it doesn't
  work, try to use su - instead.  Or just type /sbin/service.  If it
  still says command not found, do a which service and see what it
  Automatically inserted lawyer supplied confidentiality notice follows.
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/05/03 03:10PM 
  Okay, I've been meaning to ask this question several times and never
  got around to it, but now I'm curious.  I've seen on this list
  several times commands like: service blah blah restart.  When I try
  the command bash tells me 'service: command not found'.  What am I
  missing to allow me to use this?  This would be much easier than
  going through init.rd to get a particular daemon to restart, start or
  otherwise.  Could someone clue me in on this?
  Jesus is coming - look busy!
  Mark Haney
  Polk County Schools IT Staff/Technical Guru
  The information contained in this e-mail may be confidential and/or
  privileged and is intended for the sole use of the individual or
  organization named above.  If you are not the intended recipient or an
  authorized representative of the intended recipient, any review,
  copying or distribution of this e-mail and its attachments, if any,
  is prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please
  notify the sender immediately by return e-mail and delete this
  message from your system.

 Okay, someone please smack the idiot!  I have been trying to run the
 command as root, but every time I've seen it in various postings, the
 path wasn't included.  In my decayed brain, I thought that the command
 would work exactly as typed, so I never thought to look for the path.  I
 am deeply embarrassed.  And with that I go home to my pool and my beer.
 Thanks, Mr. Miller.

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Re: Timeline-Generating Software

2003-09-05 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
If you want to make something with your own file format, I can do the XML


On 5 Sep 2003, Jason Dixon wrote:

 On Fri, 2003-09-05 at 14:23, Benjamin J. Weiss wrote:
   And the output format?
 On Fri, 2003-09-05 at 10:43, Jonathan Bartlett wrote:
  I'm looking for historical timelines (like from 2500 BC to 300 AD)
  project timelines.  Good thought, though.

 If you give me some standard input and output formats, I could
 hack something together for you in Perl.
  Are you going to use ImageMagick?

 If you're referring to the Perl modules, yes, probably.  I haven't done
 a lot with the XML modules, so it might take me a few days, but I should
 hopefully have something cranked out by the end of this weekend.

 Jason Dixon, RHCE
 DixonGroup Consulting

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Re: Clarification on license and distribution on RH Advanced Server 2.1

2003-09-05 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
Basically, there are a few things missing from the source, but I believe
it is mostly things like database drivers and other connectivity things
that are not GPL.


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RE: Service command

2003-09-05 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
A slightly expanded explanation:

su only changes permissions of the current process

su - does a full login.


On Fri, 5 Sep 2003, Mark Haney wrote:

 Jonathan Bartlett wrote:
  Remember that su - will alter your environment to include /sbin and
  /usr/sbin, while su will not.

 I did not know that.  In all the years I've been doing this, I've never
 heard that.  A day is not wasted when you learn something new.  Thanks
 for the tidbit.

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Re: PostgreSQL or MySQL on RedHat

2003-09-03 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
 I have been using MySQL on RedHat for about a year now. My hardcode
 geek friends keep telling me that PostgreSQL is better. Can anyone offer
 some insight as to the advantages of using one over the other? Thanks.

PostgreSQL has the following:
 * user-defined functions (can be defined from C, Perl, Python, or Tcl)
 * views
 * better transaction handling
 * support for custom data types
 * support for nested SQL statements
 * support for query rewrite rules
 * support for indexes on function results
 * support for database-enforced constraints (MySQL may have this)
 * support for triggers
 * support for rtree indexes for geographical information
 * other cool stuff


 nick marsh

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Re: Writing Greek in Linux

2003-08-29 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
Using a symbol font is improper, and doesn't actually spit out proper
Greek.  Greek characters exist in Unicode, but if you use Symbol you are
actually using the ASCII characters, not the Greek ones.  In addition you
can't properly represent accents with Symbol.

With Hebrew, it's more than right-to-left.  In Hebrew, the vowels go
beneath the letters, and sometimes there are other marks as well (accent
marks, the sheva, etc).  In fact, most people don't know this, but the
Hebrew bible originally had no vowels, spaces, or punctuation.


On Thu, 28 Aug 2003, Reuben D. Budiardja wrote:

 On Thursday 28 August 2003 05:22 pm, Jonathan Bartlett wrote:
  Does anyone know how to write Greek in Linux?  I'm using a standard US
  Keyboard.  I found a little information at
  but it doesn't tell how to type in the Greek into applications, or which
  applications support complex writing layouts.
  Any links would be appreciated.  Also, if anyone knows how to do the same
  with Hebrew...

 Not sure about Greek. Can't you just use the font Symbol?
 But if you're trying to write document in Hebrew, you may want to check
 Abiword out. It has a bi-directional support (Right to left and Left to right


 Reuben D. Budiardja
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Writing Greek in Linux

2003-08-28 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
Does anyone know how to write Greek in Linux?  I'm using a standard US
Keyboard.  I found a little information at
but it doesn't tell how to type in the Greek into applications, or which
applications support complex writing layouts.

Any links would be appreciated.  Also, if anyone knows how to do the same
with Hebrew...


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Re: segmentation error in c programming.

2003-08-27 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
I don't see where you are setting n.  Give a complete program as a
testcase and I'll look into it.


On Wed, 27 Aug 2003, reza saeidinia wrote:

 I hava a program that contains following codes :
 static int ** mat1=NULL;
 static int * a=NULL;
 mat1=(int **) malloc((sizeof (int *)*n));
 for (i=0; in;i++)
mat1[i]=(int *) malloc(sizeof(int)*n);
 a=(int *) malloc(sizeof(int)*n);
 for (i=0;in;i++)
 for (j=0;jn;j++)
 when I compile this code there is no error. but when run it (debbug) the program is 
 executed until line /*comment*/ and the message segmentation fault  apear.even if 
 I delete line a[i]=0 from program the code printf(ok2) is'nt execute.
 how I can solve this problem?

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Re: advance routing

2003-08-27 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
 an ip will be assigned to both nics on the same subnet.
 how would i setup the route so that traffic coming in from
 one nic is passed back out the same nic. ??

I'm at a loss for what you're trying to do.  Why would you spit traffic
out on the same subnet it came in on?

 it appears that it travels back the same route ( eth0 )
 that is set for the default route.

Check out the route command for adding more specific routes than the
default one.  There's a newer command these days, but I've always just
used route :)


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RE: Remote access full graphical interface RH9

2003-08-25 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
Also, for a full remote session (rather than just specific apps), run

Xnest -query HOSTNAME :1


On Mon, 25 Aug 2003, Go, Jeffrey wrote:


 when you installed RH , you should hve been given an option to install the X, GNOME 
 and KDE packages...

 edit /etc/inittab to start at runlevel 5 after installing these packages...

 hope that helps,.

 -Original Message-
 From: Kevin Fjelsted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2003 12:37 PM
 Subject: Remote access full graphical interface RH9

 Is there a program that I can install that will provide me remote access to the GUI 
 for RH9 instead of the command shell?

 Kevin Fjelsted, President
 AltiCom CTI, Inc.

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RE: Remote access full graphical interface RH9

2003-08-25 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
ssh into your box, and then run a graphical command.  It should appear on
the local box (assuming your local box is running Linux).



This will open up gedit, where it is running on the remote box, and
displaying locally.


On Mon, 25 Aug 2003, Go, Jeffrey wrote:


 when you installed RH , you should hve been given an option to install the X, GNOME 
 and KDE packages...

 edit /etc/inittab to start at runlevel 5 after installing these packages...

 hope that helps,.

 -Original Message-
 From: Kevin Fjelsted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2003 12:37 PM
 Subject: Remote access full graphical interface RH9

 Is there a program that I can install that will provide me remote access to the GUI 
 for RH9 instead of the command shell?

 Kevin Fjelsted, President
 AltiCom CTI, Inc.

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Re: RH9 and memory leak ?

2003-08-18 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
A little more info would be helpful.  How about

ps -e -opid,comm,pcpu,vsz,user,group


ps afx

Also, check your syslog.

On Mon, 18 Aug 2003, Cedric MARSOT wrote:


 I have installed a RH9 box on a Dual XEON 3Ghz, with 1GB of memory and two 36GB
 RAID 1 SCSI hard drive.

 The kernel is 2.4.20-19.9smp

 I have a big problem. I have today only one local sendmail running, and mrtg.
 Afer one week, I have a little message on the console:

 (CRON) error (can't fork)
 (CRON) error (can't fork)

 I watched with SAR what happened ... and I saw that there was not enough
 If I do a TOP, or PS, all processes are eating in total something like 1% of
 memory  Very strange.

 Anyone had this problem ?
 Do I need to compile a new kernel ?


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Re: Failed Prints from Mozilla

2003-08-18 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
It could be a Mozilla bug.  Try printing to a file and using your
Postscript Viewer to view the file.


On Mon, 18 Aug 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I see this problem infrequently from RH8, and quite often from RH9.
 I will print an article from Mozilla, only to find that the item
 did not print in my postscript printer (HP4M+).

 On RH8 the failure is always in the printer, on RH9 (with CUPS) it
 is often the 'lpr' process that fails, as if its looking at the generated
 Postscript, and fails when it gets the error.

 So, anyone (everyone?) else seeing this too (with Postscript printers?).
 Any solutions?

 Here is the output from the most recent failure (a CNN article on
 the West Nile Virus)

 (after having put a few marks on the page, titles at the top and bottom,
 a couple of small pictures, I get:

 ERROR: undefinedresult


 (currentfile rowdata readhexstring pop }
 [5 0 0 5 0 0 ]


 This is getting to be a pain, so any solution would be appreciated.


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Re: Linux Memory Behavioir

2003-08-14 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
I was under the impression that only 2GB was mapped to userspace, and the
other 2GB was mapped for kernel data, although I could be wrong.


On Tue, 5 Aug 2003, Robert Vaughn wrote:

 During some tests we have observed some odd memory
 behavior in Linux.  It appears that our Linux server
 with 10 GB of RAM will only allocate a maximum of 2.8
 GB per process.  When we try to exceed 2.8 GB per
 process the process dies.  We are interested in
 finding why and how to fix the behavior.

 Our questions are...
 1) What is limiting the amount of memory that we can
 access?  I understand that we should not be able to
 access above 4GB per process on a 32 bit system.
 However, being able to access only 2.8GB is not very
 2) What can we do about the rather low memory limit?

 Following is some information about what we have been
 doing.  I can provide additional details as requested.

 The program...
 The program that we're using to perform the tests is a
 Perl script that consumes a specified amount of memory
 through a loop of stuffing characters into an array.
 I wrote the Perl script.  We are going to create a C++
 version of the Perl script.  However, we do not think
 that Perl is the problem.  Previously I have used the
 same script to consume about 3.8 GB of memory before
 the script gets killed.  When the script runs we
 observe no swap behavior.  We can run multiple scripts
 of say 2GB memory consumption and eat up the entire
 free memory space and then start eating into swap.

 Intel Xeon 8X
 10 GB ram
 Redhat As 2.1, 2.4.9-e.3enterprise

 Memory Info with No Load on Server...
 Total: 10303272 KB
 Used: 315512 KB
 Free: 9987760 KB


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Re: Homemade Cluster, anyone?

2003-08-14 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
 For what purposes are you clustering?  There are 2 basic types of
 clusters - high availability clusters, and compute clusters.  Assuming
 you want HA clusters, visit

Also, within the compute clusters, you have essentially 3 different types
- massively parallel clusters, shared-memory clusters, and pipeline
clusters, each of which are better for different workloads.

Massively parallel clusters - The computation is easily dividable among
any number of nodes, and very little data is needed to be shared among

Pipeline clusters - There are X independent jobs, so you can split up the
process by at most X nodes.

Shared memory clusters - same as either above, but a lot of memory sharing
needs to take place.  This usually requires specialized equipment.


 Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA
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Re: Deleting Zombie Process

2003-08-14 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
 Uhm, does not look like I made your day 

No, I was complaining about Sun Support employees not knowoing about
Zombie processes.  It's not something that's focused on in books, but
someone who works support at Sun should know better.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# ps aux | grep 27440
 root 27440  0.0  0.0 00 ?Z07:38   0:00
 [linksysmon-watc defunct]

ps -ef showns parents (PPID column), and ps afx shows it in an actual
process tree.

 I now understand why it cannot be killed since it is already dead.

 Just for education purposes; however, how do I find the zombie's parent
 processes to kill them?

See above


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Re: Deleting Zombie Process

2003-08-09 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
See my rant on Zombies - should have the info you need -


On Fri, 8 Aug 2003, Mike Vanecek wrote:

 I have searched around looking for a definition of a zombie process and found
 this one:

 a zombie process is basically an ill-behaving creature that might mess up the
 system (usually because it is dead but not quite dead, whereas it should be
 quite dead, hence the name zombie). But since linux identifies it as zombie,
 it's constrained to the graveyard, so that won't actually happen. The only
 real danger with zombies is when you have lots of them.

 While running top, I saw that I had a zombie process. Best I could tell, it
 was left over from testing linksysmon. I did a sigterm on it and trucked on.

 Question, I assume that a zombie is something that did not get terminated
 cleanly? Will I ever run into a problem with doing a sigterm on the zombie
 process? If yes, when and what should I watch out for?


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Re: two basic questions

2003-08-07 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
 1) what is manual command for deleting an ip address
 from an physical interface? tried ifconfig eth0 del and seemed that it doesn't have any
 effect. which file controls those interfaces?

ifdown eth0

 2) does route add eth0 up take
 effect permanently or i have to edit some files in
 order to make change permanently?

Routing commands are not permanent.  Static routes can be added to
/etc/sysconfig/static-routes, but I don't know the format.



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Re: Thinking of switching to Linux (from Mac!) and have a fewquestions

2003-08-07 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
 (1) Can somebody recommend a good quality, not too heavy, not overly
 expensive notebook computer for day-to-day work in Linux?

Haven't tried, but these are preloaded w/ Linux and start at $799

 (2) Do Linux and most Intel-based notebook computers support multiple
 (external) monitors, either as a second monitor or as a mirrored monitor? I
 often give presentations and need to connect my notebook computer to a
 display projector. This is trivially easy with my Mac, and I was just
 wondering if it would be as easy with Linux?

This is a bit more difficult, as it requires you to perform incantations
while installing XFree86.  You may have to sacrifice a goat as well.  I'd
look in the XFree FAQ.


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Re: C question

2003-08-02 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
man getch

Looks like it's found in curses.h


On Sat, 2 Aug 2003, Benjamin J. Weiss wrote:

 On Sat, 2 Aug 2003, Buz Davis wrote:

  I would like a routine to read the keyboard and report the single key
  and give me control back without waiting for ENTER to be pressed.
  Under MSDOS (where all of my c experience has been) there was a c
  called getch() that would do just this.  I can't seem to find one under

 Okay, this is going to be an unorthodox answer, but it may get you where
 you need to go...

 If your program is only going to run on PC's, you can always go to the
 BIOS memory.  I can't remember the exact address (though I'll look it up
 when I get home, if you like) but the BIOS has a keyboard buffer and two
 pointers.  When I was writing a video game way back in '91-'92, we took
 control of the buffer and buffer pointers with C pointers, and it worked

 Of course, you'd have no portability


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Re: Xterminal Chooser

2003-08-01 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
You might try posting to the k12osn list, as they have _much_ more
experience with terminal servers. and look for the mailing lists.


On 1 Aug 2003, Andrew Telesco wrote:

 Thanks Jon,

 But I would like to get the chooser to come up have the user select from
 a list of servers that are up now.

 I have this working on Exceed however we have other problems with exceed
 and want to move off Micro$oft. I have a script that cheeks that the
 primary server is up if not then the script start xdm on the backup
 server and the users will now see the backup server in the chooser
 window. However I can not get the chooser to come up with a list of
 broadcasted host.  I got it to come up once behind the login screen with
 a list of host that I gave it, but that is not any good.

 And is there a way to incorporate the chooser into the login like CDE
 does.  I remember distro that had it incorporated into the login screen
 (I think it was corel).


 On Thu, 2003-07-31 at 17:09, Jonathan Bartlett wrote:
  X -indirect hostname
  On 31 Jul 2003, Andrew Telesco wrote:
   Yes I have that setup but how do I get the chooser to run at startup?
   On Thu, 2003-07-31 at 16:42, Jonathan Bartlett wrote:
View section 4.5 of the following:
On 31 Jul 2003, Andrew Telesco wrote:
 Hi Everyone,

 I am trying to get a chooser to run when I start X to allow my users to
 login to remote systems.
 I have the xdm setup to allow remote login and I can have a script that
 allows them to chose which host and starts X however the users would
 like to have a chooser like exceed.
 Andrew Telesco [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Caxton Associates, LLC

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   Andrew Telesco [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Linux Mailserver

2003-08-01 Thread Jonathan Bartlett

On Fri, 1 Aug 2003, [iso-8859-1] Joseph Aphraim Kaliyadan wrote:

 Hi All,
   I would like to know the best and free linux mail
 server which is highly scalable. The traffic could be
 around 1000 user accounts and around 200 users
 accessing simutaneously.
   If anybody has previous experience in this domain,
 kindly let me know the software and hardware configure
 you have used. If any details from my side are missing
 kindly let me know.
  Waiting for your earliest responses.

 Best Regards,
 Joseph Aphraim

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Re: increasing Apache MaxClients 2048

2003-08-01 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
Why do you want to?

256 is plenty, even to survive a slashdotting.  Why do you want more?


On Sat, 2 Aug 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Anyone has experiences in re-compile apache-1.3.27-2.src.rpm and increasing Apache 
 MaxClients 2048?

 i try to recompile  apache-1.3.27-2.src.rpm
 like rpm -ivh  apache-1.3.27-2.src.rpm
 then i go to /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/apache_1.3.27/src/include/httpd.h and changed 
 256 to 2048
 then  go to /usr/src/redhat/SPECS did rpm -bp apache.spec ,
 then go /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386 and did rpm -Uvh apache-1.3.27-1.7.2.i386.rpm 
 last i goto edit httpd.conf changed MaxClients 450 and restart apache

 then show:
 Starting httpd: WARNING: MaxClients of 450 exceeds compile time limit of 256 
  lowering MaxClients to 256.  To increase, please see the
  HARD_SERVER_LIMIT define in src/include/httpd.h.

 Can someone tell me in details how can I do so? Thank you very much

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Re: Linux Mailserver

2003-08-01 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
 Another important thing to consider when choosing a mail server, is that it
 has a large user base, from which you can ask questions, and bounce ideas
 off.  PostFix seems to have a very large user base, which makes it a good
 choice, IMO.

And it's being developed by IBM.



 At 05:53 PM 8/1/2003 +0200, you wrote:
 Aly Dharshi wrote:
 Hi Joseph,
  I think that exim mail server is a great mail server and is
  quite good
 with loads. I have previously used Dell PE2500/2650 for the mail servers
 and PE1550 for mail relays. You can outfit them to suit your price range.
 Exim is fine on any machine. I does not use a lot of memory, and is very
 configurable. Be sure to subscribe the exim mailinglist though, to be able
 to get hints from others.
 Before you choose mailserver, be sure to ask yourself what you want the
 mailserver to do, and find a system (probably exim)  which have the
 requirements. I have exim scan my mail for spam, virus check and so on.
 - asbjørn
 On Fri, 2003-08-01 at 09:17, Joseph Aphraim Kaliyadan wrote:
 Hi All,
   I would like to know the best and free linux mail
 server which is highly scalable. The traffic could be
 around 1000 user accounts and around 200 users
 accessing simutaneously.  If anybody has previous experience in this domain,
 kindly let me know the software and hardware configure
 you have used. If any details from my side are missing
 kindly let me know.
 Waiting for your earliest responses.
 Best Regards,
 Joseph Aphraim
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Re: Help with shell script

2003-07-31 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
 I'd appreciate if you can guide me/help me on a script on deleting files/directories 
 more than two days old on Redhat servers.

find WHATEVER -mtime +2 -type f -exec rm \{} \;

substitute WHATEVER with the top-level directory you want to purge on.
Follow this with.

find WHATEVER -mtime +2 -type d -exec rm -f \{} \;

Which will delete empty directories which haven't been modified for two

DISCLAIMER: Test these before use.  I provide no guarantees that anything
here will work as promised.  This is provided merely as an aid to help you
develop your own system.  No implication of usefulness is made by my post.


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Re: nohup question

2003-07-31 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
No, but you could use the screen program to get similar effects.


On Thu, 31 Jul 2003, Andre Kirchner wrote:


 after I start an application with nohup and closed the term where I started it, does 
 exist a way to open a new term, and make this appication run on it without killing 
 it and starting it again?



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Re: How to use a slave hard disk?

2003-07-31 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
What do you mean?

If it's the slave on the first IDE channel, it's /dev/hdb.  You need to
partition it w/ fdisk, and then mount the partitions wherever you want it.


On Thu, 31 Jul 2003, Andre Kirchner wrote:


 what does I need to configure to the able to use a slave hard disk?



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Re: Help with shell script

2003-07-31 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
 find / -mtime +2 -type d -exec rm -rf \{} \;

 I wonder how long that will run before it eats itself?  Hasn't anyone
 wanted to do that just to see...

I wouldn't do that, because the directory doesn't change if the file
contents change.


 *Note: The above line is a joke, please don't run it on your system

 Michael Gargiullo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Warp Drive Networks

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Re: Help with shell script

2003-07-31 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
 *Note: The above line is a joke, please don't run it on your system

Ah!  I seee.

Long day.


 Michael Gargiullo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Warp Drive Networks

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Re: linux xwindows web browsers?

2003-07-31 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
 hello I am in search of some good web browsers that are either java based
 and use the java swing tool kit or browsers that use the gtk 2.0 tool kit.
 any recommendations?

Any particular reason?  I've never heard of a good Java browser (HotJava
was trash).

Epiphany uses gtk2 -

The galeon 1.3 series also does so -



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Re: Xterminal Chooser

2003-07-31 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
View section 4.5 of the following:


On 31 Jul 2003, Andrew Telesco wrote:

 Hi Everyone,

 I am trying to get a chooser to run when I start X to allow my users to
 login to remote systems.
 I have the xdm setup to allow remote login and I can have a script that
 allows them to chose which host and starts X however the users would
 like to have a chooser like exceed.
 Andrew Telesco [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Caxton Associates, LLC

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RAID problems on 8.0

2003-07-30 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
Has anyone had RAID troubles with RH 8?  I'm trying to find out if I have
flaky hardware or software.  I'm running software RAID on RH 8, and I've
had two different arrays throw a disk within their first few days of

Has anyone else seen this problem?



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Re: A c programming question?

2003-07-30 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
It means you forgot to include a main function - that's where the
program starts.  Let me know if you need more help.

This can happen if you forget to specify '-c' when compiling source files


On Wed, 30 Jul 2003, reza saeidinia wrote:

 Hello .
 whats the following messages mean:
 /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/2.96/crt1.o In  function ''_start':
 /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/2.96/crt1.o(.text+ox18):undefined refrence to 
 thank you.

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Re[2]: lib directory overflowing!!! Help

2003-07-28 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
Not familiar with up2date, but yes, I would remove all kernels prior to
the one you are running.

Just to be sure of your kernel version, do uname -a.


On Mon, 28 Jul 2003, George wrote:


 Thanks for your help.  Maybe you can explain this in a little more
 detail teach me and simplify the process even more.

 The problem in /lib/modules directory (Over 75% of the disk
 space) which appears to hold old and current of the kernel files.
 Running the du sk command shows these directories:

 27308   2.4.18-27.8.0
 27573   2.4.18-14
 28174   2.4.20-18.8
 28195   2.4.20-19.8
 28203   2.4.20-13.8
 28274   2.4.18-27.8.0smp
 28545   2.4.18-14smp
 29255   2.4.20-18.8smp
 29279   2.4.20-19.8smp
 29284   2.4.20-13.8smp

 Since up2date has provided previous kernel updates, I'm guessing this
 is the original kernel plus all of the updates.  Can I delete old
 kernels?  And can I set up2date with a different configuration
 to prevent all of these extra files?


 Friday, July 25, 2003, 12:01:35 PM, you wrote:

  Find out what files are doing this.  I have NEVER seen /lib getting huge.

  cd /lib; du -sk *|sort -n

  Yes, you can move files and symlink.  In fact, you can probably move files
  withoug smylinking, as long as you add the directory to and run
  ldconfig afterward.


  On Fri, 25 Jul 2003, George wrote:

My disk partition is almost full, due to a large /lib directory.
What can I do about this?
-- Can I delete files off?  How do I know if something isn't being
-- Can I move files to another partition?  Can I use links to
accomplish this?  Are there any down sides to this method?
Thanks in advance for all suggestions and help.
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Re: RAID 1: Can't mirror drives

2003-07-28 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
If you have a system disk, and want to add a spare disk and make the two
together a RAID-1 drive, do the following:

* Add your disk (let's say it's hdb).
* Set up your raid config with your current system disk as a fiailed disk
(let's say it's hda).
* Start up your RAID volume and mount it somewhere
* Copy your system disk to your RAID volume.
* Modify /etc/fstab of your RAID system, GRUB, and/or LILO to boot off of
your RAID volume.  You may need to mkinitrd as well.
* Make a grub boot disk just to be safe, and read the grub manual so that
you know how to use it.
* Reboot your system.  The raid device should be your root device.  Check
that everything works.  If so, add your original system disk back to the
array, and let it resync.


On Mon, 28 Jul 2003, Cosmo Lee wrote:

 RH 7.2

 OK, is there a better source of instructions on creating RAID 1 configs
 on existing drives for Red Hat distributions?

 I checked the Red Hat Docs and can only find instructions for setting up
 RAID upon new installation, not on an existing system.

 The FAQ that I referred to:

 doesn't mention that you can't mirror a mounted partition or address the
 issue of how to set up mirrors w/ production drives that have existing
 data.  The FAQ does have a separate section on setting up RAID on Red
 Hat systems, but only addresses changes needed booting w/ LILO, but not
 the current default boot manager GRUB.

 I'd like to get as much relevant info as possible to avoid blowing my
 system away and being very sorry...


 ps: I'm surprised to be informed that one can't mirror a mounted drive.
   Doesn't a recovery from a failed RAID drive involve replacing a bad
 drive with a good one, and then re-mirroring the new one from an
 existing on-line copy - w/o taking the original off-line?

  Hi Cosmo,
  /dev/sda2 is mounted
  mkraid: aborted, see the syslog and /proc/mdstat for potential clues.
   You can't make a raid device using a mounted device. Unmount it and
  build the array from a rescue system. Not sure if that will preserve
  the data on /dev/sda2 though.

  I can't get my RAID 1 mirrors set up.  Following instructions from the Software 
  RAID HowTo at
  I've run `mkraid /dev/md0` but get the following errors.  However, there are no 
  errors in the message syslog file, nor any indication from /proc/mdstat.
  What's up wit that?
  My /etc/raidtab:
  # root partition mirrors
  raiddev /dev/md0
  raid-level  1
  nr-raid-disks   2
  nr-spare-disks  0
  chunk-size 4
  persistent-superblock 1
  device  /dev/sda2
  raid-disk   0
  device  /dev/hdc2
  raid-disk   1
  Both /dev/sda2 and /dev/hdc2 have partition types of fd (linux-raid).
  /dev/sda2 is my root partition, currently mounted.
  `fdisk` reports /dev/sda2 as having 3,855,600 blocks
  `fdisk` reports /dev/hdc2 as having 3,856,104 blocks
  Output from `mkraid`:
  # /sbin/mkraid /dev/md0
  handling MD device /dev/md0
  analyzing super-block
  disk 0: /dev/sda2, 3855600kB, raid superblock at 3855488kB
  /dev/sda2 is mounted
  mkraid: aborted, see the syslog and /proc/mdstat for potential clues.
  # cat /proc/mdstat
  Personalities :
  read_ahead not set
  unused devices: none
  Help, please.  Thanks.

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Re: Help! How to restore glibc on a broken system?

2003-07-25 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
I think if you go from a Red Hat rescue disk, RPM will do fine, you just
have to use the chroot option of RPM.


On Fri, 25 Jul 2003, Olivier Dony wrote:

 On Friday, 25 July, 2003 16:50 Michael Schwendt wrote:
   In my case this is a remote server on which I have only
   ssh access, and thus no option of using a CD. I think
   I need a solution to replace this broken glibc with the
   original one coming with RedHat 7.2, but using only basic
   things I can download.
   I guess what I'm trying to do is manually do what
   rpm -Uvh -oldpackage glibc-*-2.2.4-32.i386.rpm
   would accomplish. But I have no idea where to begin.
  If rpm still works, rpm -ivh --force glibc*.i686.rpm
  glibc-common*.i386.rpm should be fine.
  What other tools do still work? rpm2cpio maybe?

 Rpm doesn't work anymore, or at least segfaults after the
 preparing stage whenever I try to rpm -Uvh or rpm -ivh,
 whatever package I choose.
 As for other commands I am not sure. rpm2cpio seems to
 work, or at least I can issue something like
rpm2cpio glibc-common-2.2.4-32.i386.rpm   test
 and I get a big file test. Can I use this to restore the
 older glibc2.2.4 on my system without using the rpm command

 The problem comes in the first place because I used
 option -nodeps of rpm to force the install of glibc-2.3.2-57,
 which wouldn't work because of a weird dependency problem
 with glibc-common-2.3.2-57 :
   rpmlib(PartialHardlinkSets) = 4.0.4-1
 I'm not sure if I used the i686 or i386 version of glibc
 when I issued this dreaded command, and I can see I have
 both version of the package in the directory :/

 Thanks a lot for your help!


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Re: Help! How to restore glibc on a broken system?

2003-07-25 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
I think you're stuck with rpm2cpio.  Alternatively, you could build RPM
statically on your machine, but my guess is that rpm2cpio would be easier.

Another possibility is to see what RPM links to, and upload your own
versions of those into like /home/tmplib, and preload them.

Do like:


and use those while you are upgrading.  Try it and see if it works.


On Fri, 25 Jul 2003, Olivier Dony wrote:

 On Friday, 25 July, 2003 17:36, Jonathan Bartlett wrote:
  On Fri, 25 Jul 2003, Olivier Dony wrote:
   On Friday, 25 July, 2003 16:50 Michael Schwendt wrote:
 In my case this is a remote server on which I have only
 ssh access, and thus no option of using a CD. I think
 I need a solution to replace this broken glibc with the
 original one coming with RedHat 7.2, but using only basic
 things I can download.


 [moved from top-post] :

  I think if you go from a Red Hat rescue disk, RPM will do fine, you just
  have to use the chroot option of RPM.

 Yes I think it would be the solution but unfortunately I
 have only ssh access to the box, which is at hundreds of
 kilometers away, and I don't even think the cdrom drive
 is still inside, it was probably unmounted after the
 installation. So I am really looking for a solution using
 only packages and stuff I can download from the web, and
 not directlt via rpm because it is broken.

 Thanks for your comment anyway, I'm lost so anything is
 useful :)


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Re: Help! How to restore glibc on a broken system?

2003-07-25 Thread Jonathan Bartlett

 Ah yes but I have no idea as to how I can use rpm2cpio to bypass
 rpm and install a package. Can you explain this a bit, I am very
 new to redhat. (this is on RH7.2- Enigma)

I've never used cpio either.  I just know it exists.

 Ah that sounds like a great idea too, how can I easily see what RPM
 links to? I guess I could look at the source but I'm sure there must
 be some command to find out easily?

ldd /bin/ls

You may also need to do the same with the .so files it mentions.  Remember
that ldd requires the FULL path name.


  Do like:
  and use those while you are upgrading.  Try it and see if it works.

 Ok I understand this, I just need to find out what libraries I must build
 and how I can build them. ;-)

 Thank you a lot for your answers!

 Olivier the redhat newbie

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Re: lib directory overflowing!!! Help

2003-07-25 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
Find out what files are doing this.  I have NEVER seen /lib getting huge.

cd /lib; du -sk *|sort -n

Yes, you can move files and symlink.  In fact, you can probably move files
withoug smylinking, as long as you add the directory to and run
ldconfig afterward.


On Fri, 25 Jul 2003, George wrote:


   My disk partition is almost full, due to a large /lib directory.

   What can I do about this?
   -- Can I delete files off?  How do I know if something isn't being
   -- Can I move files to another partition?  Can I use links to
   accomplish this?  Are there any down sides to this method?

   Thanks in advance for all suggestions and help.


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Re: linux upgrade....

2003-07-25 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
I imagine there's a way with up2date, but I would only do it with extreme
caution, and only if you're willing to be down a few days (assuming it is
difficult to get someone to the keyboard if something goes wrong).

However, if you have serial access to the BIOS, it wouldn't be as bad
(using the PC Weasel 2000 or something).


On Fri, 25 Jul 2003, bruce wrote:


 I have a couple of Linux 7.2 servers. I'm trying to find out if there is a
 way to do a remote upgrade of the systems to 9.x. In other words, can I log
 into the server and upgrade without having to be there with

 I know there's a way...but I can't seem to find out how...

 Pointers/assistance would be greatly appreciated!


 Bruce Douglas
 (925) 866-2790
 (925) 277-0804 (h)

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Re: Win-XP, Samba, and printing-PDF creator

2003-07-24 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
My guess is that it doesn't like the reconnection back to the host.  My
PDF printer works just fine with Win XP, but it stores the files locally.
You might also try changing the printer driver.  I have mine set to an HP.
I don't know if it makes a difference, but there may be a bug in that
postscript converter.


On Thu, 24 Jul 2003, Gary Stainburn wrote:

 Hi folks,

 I set up a while back, a Samba printer on one of my Linux (RH7.3+errata) that
 converts the postscript file generated (using a Apple Laserwrite driver) on a
 Win9x box into a PDF file and then transfers that PDF file to a shared folder
 on the originating PC - see below.

 However, I have now set up a WinXP Pro box as a client for this printer, and
 while it works to the extent that the PDF file is generated and put on the
 client's disk, the originating application - Windows test page, or Outlook
 print were the ones I tried - hangs and then times out.

 Has anyone got any ideas why this is happening, and how I can fix it?

 smb.conf entry:
comment = PDF Generator
path = /var/spool/samba
browseable = yes
public = yes
guest ok = yes
printable = yes
print command = /usr/bin/smbtopdf '/var/spool/samba/' '%f' '%J' '%m'

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# cat /usr/bin/smbtopdf
 #!/bin/bash -x

 exec /tmp/smbtopdf
 exec 21
 echo $@

 Job=`echo $3|perl -plne 's/[:\\\[\] ]/_/g'`

 echo machine='$machine' file='$fname' job='$Job'
 cd $path
 /usr/bin/ps2pdf -sPAPERSIZE=a4 $fname $fname.pdf
 /usr/bin/smbclient //$machine/PDFS$ -NEOF
 put $fname.pdf $Job.pdf

 rm $fname $fname.pdf

 echo Done

 Gary Stainburn

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Re: Need your help [arguments for open source databases]

2003-07-24 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
  I would like to have your opinions about open source databases versus
  commercial ones. I had a _serious_ debate with some of my colleagues
  about open source in general but when I started to compare mysql to
  oracle, they literally fired at me as if I had made a blasphemy... They
  are stating that Oracle is above any comparison and that it is the must
  in the universe of relational databases.

As well they should.  There's nothing wrong with open-source databases,
it's just that MySQL doesn't qualify.  It doesn't fulfill hardly ANY of
the requirements of a relational database, like views, updatable views,
subselects, triggers, custom functions/procedures, and other such things.
Although it has finally started supporting transactions, I don't know if
it supports fully serializable transactions.  I would suggest before
making recommendations on databases, you pick up one of the suggested
books on

Open Source databases are great.  Just choose a real one like PostgreSQL
or SAP-DB.  Firebird may be a decent one, but I don't know much about it.

  Since, I am searching some objective informations in order to classify
  these databases. I found (and was surprise to find) that the real
  alternative to oracle were rather postgresql than mysql: when comparing
  the features.

Don't forget SAP-DB.

The main difference between PostgreSQL and Oracle is manageability.  With
Oracle, I can split up my table where all of the values where id3 are
on disk A, and all of the values wher id=3 are on disk B, thus
allowing full table scans to go at double speed.  With Postgres, the best
you can do is store different tables on different disks, and even that is
a bit hacky.

The nice thing about Postgres is that it is much easier to tune.  After
you get done changing the hideously low default values in their
configuration file, it does pretty well itself.  Using the explain
command you can even have the optimizer tell you why it performed a
certain query a certain way.

Note that the defaults on Postgres are set for 80s-era machines - so that
it will work out-of-the-box for all configurations.  You should ALWAYS
modify those values before doing tests.

Anyway, PostgreSQL is VERY quick and VERY snappy.  With a bunch of work,
you can even get some replication on it.

PostgreSQL also has a really nice rewriting system which allows for very
intricate updateable views.  I do not know if Oracle has as good of a
system here, although I think Oracle is SQLXX compliant while PostgreSQL
is not.

As to benchmarks, Oracle doesn't allow the release of benchmarks without
the approval of the marketing department.  Doing otherwise is a violation
of their licensing agreements, and they can sue your pants off.  Likewise
with SQL Server.

Now, if you want Oracle's manageability, you can use SAP-DB.  In fact, it
has an Oracle 7 compatibility mode, which allows you to basically use your
Oracle DBAs for MySQL stuff.  However, SAP-DB is terrible to set up.

Oracle also has the ability to link tables on separate database systems.
PostgreSQL does not have this, but I'm not sure about SAP-DB.

Personally, I would use PostgreSQL any day of the week, because I'm not a
big fan of paying full-time DBAs, and Postgres, although has fewer
management features, more or less self-optimizes.  However, for extremely
intensive workloads, Oracle would probably be a better choice.  For
example, the travel industry is probably well off that they use Oracle
over PostgreSQL, but most of the rest of us are probably better off with


  But I didn't find any head to head comparison between open
  source/commercial databases.
  Do you know any benchmark results that made this kind of comparison?
  Thanks a lot for any suggestion.
  And again, my apologizes if this is not the right place to ask such
  Best regards,

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RE: Rehat 8 - How to Setup FTP Server

2003-07-24 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
I think you have to restart xinetd manually.  I could be wrong and am too
lazy to test :)


On Thu, 24 Jul 2003, Rigler, Steve wrote:

 It sounds like there may be some confusion as to what the service
 command does.

 /sbin/service is basically a script that prepends /etc/init.d to
 whatever argument you feed it.  When you enter service vsftpd start
 it says service not found because it has no script in /etc/init.d.
 The reason it has no script in /etc/init.d is because it is an xinetd
 service and must be started/stopped within xinetd.

 The easiest way to manage services (xinetd based or other) is through
 chkconfig.  Just type chkconfig --list service name and it will
 tell you whether it is enabled or not.  To enable a service, do
 chkconfig service name on.  If it is xinetd based, it will change
 to disabled to no and restart xinetd for you.  Naturally xinetd
 should also be enabled to run at boot chkconfig --list xinetd.


 -Original Message-
 From: Real Cucumber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2003 12:58 PM
 Subject: RE: Rehat 8 - How to Setup FTP Server

 Disable is already set to no.

 When I do:

 service xinetd stop or start - it works

 When I do:

 service vsftpd stop or start - it says unrecognized service.

 However when I go through the Gnome GUI and click Services, it is listed and 
 checked, but the stop/start buttons are greyed out...

 I have no idea what is going on - its a fresh install of RH8 in server mode - and I 
 can't get vsftp to run.

 Thomas E. Dukes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think you need to look in /etc/xinetd and find the file for vsftpd.  Open it and 
 change disable=yes to disbale = no

 Palmetto Shopper
 Serving all of South Carolina and beyond!
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 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Real Cucumber
 Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 7:24 PM
 Subject: Re: Rehat 8 - How to Setup FTP Server

 It won't let me... it just says I need to enable xinetd - but that is already 

 Wendell MacKenzie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 did you enable the vsftp service?
 - Original Message -
 From: Real Cucumber
 Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 8:10 PM
 Subject: Rehat 8 - How to Setup FTP Server


 I'm a linux n00b and I've just installed a fresh server install of Redhat 8.

 I see that it installed 2 FTP packages:

 -vsftp  (secure/full featured ftp)
 -anonftp (anonymous/read only)

 So I wanted to get vsftp working, however when I checked in services and tried to 
 start vsftp - it said it required me to enable xinted... however xinetd is already 
 checked and started, I've even tried restarting it yet it will still not let me 
 click the start button for vsftp - its greyed out.

 I can't find any documention or help or even files when searching the hard drive 
 related to vsftp

 If anyone has some kind of a user's guide or quick-start manual it would be 

 I'd like to be able to setup user accounts and limit their access to specified 
 directories etc... as well as use SSH FTP and normal FTP connectoins...

 Any help appreciated.

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RE: Rehat 8 - How to Setup FTP Server

2003-07-24 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
chkconfig does NOT show what is running.  It shows what is configured to
start when you ENTER a given run level (usually by booting to it).

To check if a service is running, do

service SERVICENAME status

To start a service, do

service SERVICENAME start


On Thu, 24 Jul 2003, Real Cucumber wrote:

 It shows vsftp on when I did the chkconfig --list

 But I still can't connect to the server thorugh ftp, telnet, web, nothing - and I 
 installed with firewall off... and I really don't know how to get this machine to 
 accept connections and make sure everything is working.

 Even apache is running and I've placed an index.htm file in the virtual host web 
 folder and I can't view it when I try http://ipaddress/

 Is there some kind of global setting for me to make sure that RH8 allows connections?

 I'd ideally like to have FTP, Web, MySQL, and Telnet services running - this machine 
 is on a local area network with a gateway setting and is not directly connected to 
 the net.

 Rigler, Steve [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It sounds like there may be some confusion as to what the service
 command does.

 /sbin/service is basically a script that prepends /etc/init.d to
 whatever argument you feed it. When you enter service vsftpd start
 it says service not found because it has no script in /etc/init.d.
 The reason it has no script in /etc/init.d is because it is an xinetd
 service and must be started/stopped within xinetd.

 The easiest way to manage services (xinetd based or other) is through
 chkconfig. Just type chkconfig --list  and it will
 tell you whether it is enabled or not. To enable a service, do
 chkconfig on. If it is xinetd based, it will change
 to disabled to no and restart xinetd for you. Naturally xinetd
 should also be enabled to run at boot chkconfig --list xinetd.


 -Original Message-
 From: Real Cucumber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2003 12:58 PM
 Subject: RE: Rehat 8 - How to Setup FTP Server

 Disable is already set to no.

 When I do:

 service xinetd stop or start - it works

 When I do:

 service vsftpd stop or start - it says unrecognized service.

 However when I go through the Gnome GUI and click Services, it is listed and 
 checked, but the stop/start buttons are greyed out...

 I have no idea what is going on - its a fresh install of RH8 in server mode - and I 
 can't get vsftp to run.

 Thomas E. Dukes wrote:
 I think you need to look in /etc/xinetd and find the file for vsftpd. Open it and 
 change disable=yes to disbale = no

 Palmetto Shopper
 Serving all of South Carolina and beyond!
 Palmetto Politics

 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Real Cucumber
 Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 7:24 PM
 Subject: Re: Rehat 8 - How to Setup FTP Server

 It won't let me... it just says I need to enable xinetd - but that is already 

 Wendell MacKenzie wrote:
 did you enable the vsftp service?
 - Original Message -
 From: Real Cucumber
 Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 8:10 PM
 Subject: Rehat 8 - How to Setup FTP Server


 I'm a linux n00b and I've just installed a fresh server install of Redhat 8.

 I see that it installed 2 FTP packages:

 -vsftp (secure/full featured ftp)
 -anonftp (anonymous/read only)

 So I wanted to get vsftp working, however when I checked in services and tried to 
 start vsftp - it said it required me to enable xinted... however xinetd is already 
 checked and started, I've even tried restarting it yet it will still not let me 
 click the start button for vsftp - its greyed out.

 I can't find any documention or help or even files when searching the hard drive 
 related to vsftp

 If anyone has some kind of a user's guide or quick-start manual it would be 

 I'd like to be able to setup user accounts and limit their access to specified 
 directories etc... as well as use SSH FTP and normal FTP connectoins...

 Any help appreciated.

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Re: Data Migration

2003-07-23 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
What are you trying to do?

If you are just _moving_ the data one-time, I would probably use something
other than NFS.  However, if it's a remote filesystem for Multimedia, I
would use NFS.


On Wed, 23 Jul 2003, Kelerion wrote:

 I'm not exactly an expert on this subject (or many others for that
 matter) but is NFS really a suitable solutions to transfering 1.5TB+ of
 data over a network?? I didn't think it was *very* stable...

 Just a thought


 van Aswegen, Marinus (ZA - Johannesburg) wrote:
  Hi Alan
  There are many transfer mechanism you can use provided you have space on the
  Is the information confidential ? You can try FTP, NFS or even RSYNC.
  Marinus van Aswegen
  Principal Consultant
  Deloitte  Touche
  Security Services Group
  Phone: +27-(0)11-209-6324
  Fax: +27-(0)11-806-5202
  All parts should go together without forcing. You must remember that the
  parts you are reassembling were disassembled by you. Therefore, if you can't
  get them together again, there must be a reason. By all means, do not use a
  hammer. -- IBM maintenance manual, 1975
  -Original Message-
  From: Alan Harding [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: 23 July 2003 12:43
  To: Redhat List
  Subject: Data Migration
  Hello Chums I wonder if you could help me with a quick question
  I have an oppurtunity to migrate some data from one Unix server to
  another. I was going to use *nix tools to do it and had plumped for Rsync. I
  have a lot of data to move (1.5Tb+ from one site and 1Tb+ from another), but
  time is not an issue, reliability of the data is. Is Rsync the correct
  animal for the job, or is there something better that I could Use. Concerns
  have been raised by some in the organisation who had heard that Rsync misses
  data. Any comments I can use to confirm or deny that?
  As I said its a large amount of data, but we have Gigabit links, and time to
  do it properly
  Any Help is appreciated

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Re: Migrating from a WinNT-2K server network to a Linux network

2003-07-23 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
I haven't done a _migration_, but all my W2K users are authenticated off
of a Linux PDC.  In addition (I found out about this _after_ I did my
setup), there is a nifty program out there for Windows called pGina that
will modify how Windows does it's authentication (you can do LDAP
authentication, NIS, etc.)


On Wed, 23 Jul 2003, James D. Parra wrote:


 I want to make a smooth transition from a windows server environment to a
 pure (or almost pure) Linux server environment. The most important aspect of
 this change over would be moving all of the user accounts from a WinNT
 server to a Linux server while also maintaining it as an analogous PDC/Login
 server for workstations. Included in this move would be the necessity to
 provide shares to users and groups regardless what OS is running on their
 workstations, either windows or Linux.

 Has anyone on this list had any experience in this sort of migration? Is
 there any documentation covering, in detail, how such a migration can be

 Many thanks in advance,

 James D. Parra

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Re: [OT] Does this mean that IP was proven on the SCO case?

2003-07-22 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
  That is a disputed argument. If this code had slipped in without their
 prior knowledge and consent and they didn't notice it until lately this
 GPL argument doesn't fly. The fact that they didn't notice it for years
 makes them look quite silly, but it is not a justification for stealing

However, the fact that they had a developer working on the supposed
sections of code for many years seems to imply that they did have that



 How clean is a war when you shoot around nukelar waste?
 Stop the use of depleted uranium ammo!
 End all weapons of mass destruction.

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Re: Root is GONE

2003-07-21 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
IF you have been hacked, you should just backup your data and reinstall.

Are you sure theres no other way you could have lost your /etc/passwd
file?  That's basically the problem - /etc/passwd is either missing or
corrupted - and thus it can't find the root user.  I don't think shadow
has much to do with it.

If you can copy /etc/passwd from a good RH machine of the same version,
and then run the passwd command from single-user mode, you should be at
least in a little better shape.


On Mon, 21 Jul 2003, Mr. L.R. Adrian wrote:

 Assistance is both urgent and appreciated.
 Obviously i have been compromised.
 I run 7.3 Valhalla.
 i went to login to my server as root today and recieved the message.
 Usr root does not exist
 upon research this is in fact the case.
 i boot from grub and as the boot sequence progresses it gives:
 getpwnam failed for  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Swap Space [OK]
 I can log in as user only.
 I think it is my shadow thats been breached.
 boot disk does not even work. {possibly because of an earlier kernel config.
 This is my only server ..please help if you can.

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Re: Red Hat 9.0 One user and multiple mailboxes.

2003-07-18 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
Why not use Postfix?  It comes w/ RH.  You have to do something like

alternatives mta /usr/sbin/sendmail.postfix

followed by

chkconfig sendmail off
chkconfig postfix on
service sendmail stop
service sendmail start

But it works like a beauty, and is fully open source unlike Qmail.

On Fri, 18 Jul 2003, Lorenzo Prince wrote:

 John Nichel staggered into view and mumbled:
  Ditch Sendmail, and install qmail with vmailmgr.  Works like a charm.

 But how do you get qmail to work on RH9?  I went to to try to get qmail 
 cause I heard it was good, but when I
 got there, it said it didn't work with later versions of gcc.  It said I needed a 
 lot of patches and that it would be a
 lot of trouble just to get it to work on any new distro.

 Loenzo Prince
 happy Red Hat 9 user ;)
 I once witnessed a long-winded, month-long flamewar over the use of
 mice vs. trackballs...It was very silly.
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Re: NFS newbie question

2003-07-18 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
It could be your mp3 player.  Perhaps the others are preloading to remove
skips and your Linux one isn't?


On Fri, 18 Jul 2003, G. Douglas Burton (RH 8.0) wrote:

 Okay, something has to be wrong with the way I'm doing it.  On this same RH
 8.0 desktop machine I have Win4Lin installed.  I just started it up and
 opened up Explorer.  Found my Linux server in the network neighborhood and
 double-clicked on an MP3 file.  This brought up FreeAmp, a known resource hog
 and played the song just fine.  All this with Mozilla and Kmail running in
 Gnome at the same time.  Can't be a resource problem, has to be the way I'm
 mounting the Samba share in Linux I think.  Anyone out there use this kind of
 setup to play MP3s in Gnome or KDE from a Linux server?  If so I'd like to
 get an idea of how you word your smbmount command.  Thanks for listening...

 Just a message from Doug...

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Re: Apache and Perl

2003-07-17 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
I use phpGroupware.  It's a little quirky, but works well.

As for your problems, you need to make sure that you have the following
line somewhere in your httpd.conf:

AddHandler cgi-script .pl

In addition, in the directory configuration you will need

Options +ExecCGI

For your directory listings to work, I think you need

Options +Indexes

But I could be wrong on that one.  In addition, if it needs mod_perl
(rather than just perl executing as a CGI), you'll need even more


On Thu, 17 Jul 2003, Mark Haney wrote:

 Has anyone ever setup/used CyberCalendar?  I'm really looking for a good Web-based 
 Calendar for our website.  I followed the install instructions for CyberCalendar, 
 but I can't get any of the perl scripts to execute.  I must have apache configured 
 wrong, but I can't figure out what's not right about it.  Instead of executing the 
 script, I get the source code.  The script is supposed to bring up a login 
 page so I can login to configure additional options for the Calendar.

 Also, I'm getting an Access Denied error on the directories where the calendar 
 resides, even though I chmod the folder to world readable.  Any ideas what's going 
 on?  Or, any suggestions on a Web Calendar program that anyone else uses and likes?

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Re: motherboard change

2003-07-17 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
Hmmm I've never had that happen to me.   Wierd.  Usually an install
will work on multiple computers.   What were the symptoms of the problem?
My guess is that there was probably a pretty easy fix but he didn't ask :)


On Fri, 18 Jul 2003, Sachintha Karunaratne wrote:

 i wish to change my motherboard. but
 one of my friends had to reinstall linux
 after changing his motherboard. i
 want to know whether that situation is

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Re: How to rip vcd's on Linux

2003-07-16 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
You want to take a VCD and extract the mpegs?  That's actually pretty

First of all, if all you want to do is copy, then you just need cdrdao.
It copies VCDs just fine.

To rip the mpegs, grab the latest vcdimager from  Go
forthe development series - it's muy muy better.  It comes with a utility
called cdxa2mpeg, which does what you need.  It also has vcdxrip which
does what you're looking for.


On Wed, 16 Jul 2003, Didier Casse wrote:

 Hi there,
 Which tools do you guys use to rip vcds on Linux? I've checked on
 Google and everything pointed to DVD ripping instead of VCD ripping@




 PhD student

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RE: Edit httpd.conf file

2003-07-16 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
I have never used the GUI to configure httpd, in fact, I didn't know it
existed.  It really seems like you're mistyping something.  What are the
contents of :

ls -l /etc
ls -l /etc/httpd
ls -l /etc/httpd/conf


On Wed, 16 Jul 2003, Mark Haney wrote:

 Yeah, I get that.  The point is, when I vi the file it's blank.  Even
 when apache is stopped.  I get a [NOEOL] message at the bottom of vi.
 It's a bit aggravating that I can't apparently edit the .conf file
 without using X and the redhat-config-httpd app.  Surely they intend on
 making CLI editing an option at some point right?

 -Original Message-
 From: Kelerion [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 11:47 AM
 Subject: Re: Edit httpd.conf file

 when apache is installed you *should* get a ready made httpd.conf in
 either /etc/httpd.conf or /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf or similar... just
 need to tweak it for your config..



 Mark Haney wrote:

 Okay, how do I edit the apache configuration file running a headless
 server and SSHing to the box itself?  The httpd.conf file is blank when

 I vi it.  I've not done much in the way of apache config in a long
 time, so it looks like I'm having to start over.  Is it something easy?
 Jesus is coming - look busy!
 Mark Haney
 Polk County Schools IT Staff/Technical Guru

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RE: Edit httpd.conf file

2003-07-16 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
Try rpm --verify apache.

Also, an ls -l on /etc/httpd/conf would be nice.


On Wed, 16 Jul 2003, Mark Haney wrote:

 Here's what I get when I 'locate httpd.conf'

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] markh]# locate httpd.conf

 -Original Message-
 From: Jonathan Bartlett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 12:11 PM
 Subject: RE: Edit httpd.conf file

 I have never used the GUI to configure httpd, in fact, I didn't know it
 existed.  It really seems like you're mistyping something.  What are the
 contents of :

 ls -l /etc
 ls -l /etc/httpd
 ls -l /etc/httpd/conf


 On Wed, 16 Jul 2003, Mark Haney wrote:

  Yeah, I get that.  The point is, when I vi the file it's blank.  Even
  when apache is stopped.  I get a [NOEOL] message at the bottom of vi.
  It's a bit aggravating that I can't apparently edit the .conf file
  without using X and the redhat-config-httpd app.  Surely they intend
  on making CLI editing an option at some point right?
  -Original Message-
  From: Kelerion [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 11:47 AM
  Subject: Re: Edit httpd.conf file
  when apache is installed you *should* get a ready made httpd.conf in
  either /etc/httpd.conf or /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf or similar...
  just need to tweak it for your config..
  Mark Haney wrote:
  Okay, how do I edit the apache configuration file running a headless
  server and SSHing to the box itself?  The httpd.conf file is blank
  I vi it.  I've not done much in the way of apache config in a long
  time, so it looks like I'm having to start over.  Is it something
  Jesus is coming - look busy!
  Mark Haney
  Polk County Schools IT Staff/Technical Guru
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Re: Apache throws PHP errors at starup on RH9 upgrade.. Ideas ??

2003-07-15 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
 I have done some research but nothing makes sense
 with these errors. I can remove the php4.conf and
 the errors go away  but there must be something
 simple that is missing to cause all this grief

It appears that there is something wrong with the imap and ldap modules.
I would remove the reference to these modules from the php.ini file.  My
guess is that you have duplicate .so files somewhere or are using old


 Here is an output from the error log file

 PHP Warning:  Function registration failed - duplicate name - imap_open in
 Unknown on line 0
 PHP Warning:  Function registration failed - duplicate name - imap_popen in
 Unknown on line 0
 PHP Warning:  Function registration failed - duplicate name - imap_reopen in
 Unknown on line 0
 PHP Warning:  Function registration failed - duplicate name - imap_close in
 Unknown on line 0
 PHP Warning:  Function registration failed - duplicate name - imap_num_msg
 in Unknown on line 0
 PHP Warning:  Function registration failed - duplicate name -
 imap_num_recent in Unknown on line 0
 PHP Warning:  Function registration failed - duplicate name - imap_headers
 in Unknown on line 0
 PHP Warning:  Function registration failed - duplicate name -
 imap_headerinfo in Unknown on line 0
 PHP Warning:  Function registration failed - duplicate name -
 imap_rfc822_parse_headers in Unknown on line 0
 PHP Warning:  Function registration failed - duplicate name -
 imap_rfc822_write_address in Unknown on line 0
 PHP Warning:  Function registration failed - duplicate name -
 imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist in Unknown on line 0
 PHP Warning:  Function registration failed - duplicate name - imap_body in
 Unknown on line 0
 PHP Warning:  Function registration failed - duplicate name -
 imap_bodystruct in Unknown on line 0
 PHP Warning:  Function registration failed - duplicate name - imap_fetchbody
 in Unknown on line 0
 PHP Warning:  Function registration failed - duplicate name -
 imap_fetchheader in Unknown on line 0
 PHP Warning:  Function registration failed - duplicate name -
 imap_fetchstructure in Unknown on line 0
 PHP Warning:  Function registration failed - duplicate name - imap_expunge
 in Unknown on line 0
 PHP Warning:  Function registration failed - duplicate name - imap_delete in
 Unknown on line 0
 PHP Warning:  Function registration failed - duplicate name - imap_undelete
 in Unknown on line 0
 PHP Warning:  Function registration failed - duplicate name - imap_check in
 Unknown on line 0
 PHP Warning:  Function registration failed - duplicate name - imap_mail_copy
 in Unknown on line 0
 PHP Warning:  Function registration failed - duplicate name - imap_mail_move
 in Unknown on line 0
 PHP Warning:  Function registration failed - duplicate name -
 imap_mail_compose in Unknown on line 0
 PHP Warning:  Function registration failed - duplicate name -
 imap_createmailbox in Unknown on line 0
 PHP Warning:  Function registration failed - duplicate name -
 imap_renamemailbox in Unknown on line 0
 PHP Warning:  Function registration failed - duplicate name -
 imap_deletemailbox in Unknown on line 0
 PHP Warning:  Function registration failed - duplicate name - imap_subscribe
 in Unknown on line 0
 PHP Warning:  Function registration failed - duplicate name -
 imap_unsubscribe in Unknown on line 0
 PHP Warning:  Function registration failed - duplicate name - imap_append in
 Unknown on line 0
 PHP Warning:  Function registration failed - duplicate name - imap_ping in
 Unknown on line 0
 PHP Warning:  Function registration failed - duplicate name - imap_base64 in
 Unknown on line 0
 PHP Warning:  Function registration failed - duplicate name - imap_qprint in
 Unknown on line 0
 PHP Warning:  Function registration failed - duplicate name - imap_8bit in
 Unknown on line 0
 PHP Warning:  Function registration failed - duplicate name - imap_binary in
 Unknown on line 0
 PHP Warning:  Function registration failed - duplicate name - imap_utf8 in
 Unknown on line 0
 PHP Warning:  Function registration failed - duplicate name - imap_status in
 Unknown on line 0
 PHP Warning:  Function registration failed - duplicate name -
 imap_mailboxmsginfo in Unknown on line 0
 PHP Warning:  Function registration failed - duplicate name -
 imap_setflag_full in Unknown on line 0
 PHP Warning:  Function registration failed - duplicate name -
 imap_clearflag_full in Unknown on line 0
 PHP Warning:  Function registration failed - duplicate name - imap_sort in
 Unknown on line 0
 PHP Warning:  Function registration failed - duplicate name - imap_uid in
 Unknown on line 0
 PHP Warning:  Function registration failed - duplicate name - imap_msgno in
 Unknown on line 0
 PHP Warning:  Function registration failed - duplicate name - imap_list in
 Unknown on line 0
 PHP Warning:  Function registration failed - duplicate name - imap_lsub in
 Unknown on line 0
 PHP Warning:  Function registration failed - duplicate name -
 imap_fetch_overview in Unknown on line 0
 PHP Warning:  Function 

Re: glibc compilation

2003-07-15 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
Is there a reason you are compiling glibc?  I've always put that on my
official bad idea list because of how intrusive it is.

It looks like the file is missing an #include statement.


On Tue, 15 Jul 2003, Lisa Ryan wrote:


 I am configuring glibc-2.2. When I do a mak, I get the following error:

 Can anyone tell me what the problem could be ?


  -I../sysdeps/wordsize-32 -I../sysdeps/ieee754/ldbl-96 -I../sysdeps/ieee754/
 dbl-64 -I../sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32 -I../sysdeps/ieee754 -I../sysdeps/generic
 /elf -I../sysdeps/generic   -D_LIBC_REENTRANT -include
 ../include/libc-symbols.h -o malloc.o
 malloc.c: In function `ptmalloc_init':
 malloc.c:1698: `__pthread_initialize' undeclared (first use in this
 malloc.c:1698: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
 malloc.c:1698: for each function it appears in.)
 malloc.c:1699: `__pthread_initialize' used prior to declaration
 malloc.c:1699: warning: implicit declaration of function
 make[1]: *** [malloc.o] Error 1
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/apps/glibc-2.2/malloc'
 make: *** [malloc/subdir_lib] Error 2

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RE: glibc compilation--Help needed!

2003-07-15 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
 I installed glibc-2.2.4 and the configuration, make  make install said that
 the installation was successful.
 However, now whe I run any commands such as ls-l, su etc.. all I get is a
 segmentation fault.
 Is there a way of fixing this or reversing it as I can't leave it as it is

Hmmm... have you tried ldconfig?
Also try running 'ldd ls' and see what it puts out.
If strace works, strace output could help
You could also go in and modify the glibc symlinks in /lib to point to the
old versions if they are still there.

What version were you upgrading from?



 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Jonathan Bartlett
 Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 5:20 PM
 Subject: Re: glibc compilation

 Is there a reason you are compiling glibc?  I've always put that on my
 official bad idea list because of how intrusive it is.

 It looks like the file is missing an #include statement.


 On Tue, 15 Jul 2003, Lisa Ryan wrote:

  I am configuring glibc-2.2. When I do a mak, I get the following error:
  Can anyone tell me what the problem could be ?
   -I../sysdeps/wordsize-32 -I../sysdeps/ieee754/ldbl-96 -I../sysdeps/ieee75
 dbl-64 -I../sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32 -I../sysdeps/ieee754 -I../sysdeps/generic
  /elf -I../sysdeps/generic   -D_LIBC_REENTRANT -include
  ../include/libc-symbols.h -o malloc.o
  malloc.c: In function `ptmalloc_init':
  malloc.c:1698: `__pthread_initialize' undeclared (first use in this
  malloc.c:1698: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
  malloc.c:1698: for each function it appears in.)
  malloc.c:1699: `__pthread_initialize' used prior to declaration
  malloc.c:1699: warning: implicit declaration of function
  make[1]: *** [malloc.o] Error 1
  make[1]: Leaving directory `/apps/glibc-2.2/malloc'
  make: *** [malloc/subdir_lib] Error 2
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Re: is it alright to move /var/spool/mail ?

2003-07-14 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
None at all.  I have done this many, many times.


On Mon, 14 Jul 2003, Tom W wrote:

 I am working with a RH box that someone else had setup and they did not
 allocate enough room on the /var partition and its getting close to getting
 full occasionally. I was wondering if their are any problems with just
 symlinking /var/spool/mail to /usr/spool/mail and putting all the mail files
 there, since the /usr partition has plenty of room?


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Re: what is .bz2 extension??

2003-07-11 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
tar xjf xyz.bz2


On Fri, 11 Jul 2003, Christian Paul wrote:

 Am Donnerstag, 10. Juli 2003 23:42 schrieb Sambit Nanda:
  I thought to install blackdown java 1.1.8 on my RH9,
  after i downloaded i found all files having extension
  file name.tar.bz2,
  This is the new extension i am not aware of this, What
  is .bz2 mean? i tried tar zxvf did not work, how can i
  extract this files.

  bunzip2 -c xyz-1.0.0.tar.bz2 | tar xf -
 works for me.

 Christian Paul

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Re: linux program that merges mpg/avi

2003-07-10 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
What do you mean by merge/combine?  You could convert one to the other and
then combine them.  If you don't mind going graphical Cinelerra does this
easily (but with a hideous interface).  There are many tools in the
lavtools that do this (lavtrans, I think) which is part of mjpegtools.


On Fri, 11 Jul 2003, Didier Casse wrote:

 Does anybody know a good Linux program that can merge/combine mpg movies
 or avi movies? Preferably it has to work from command line. Thanks a lot.


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