Re: Dual boot question

2002-04-15 Thread Reuben D Budiardja

On Monday 15 April 2002 08:41 pm, you wrote:
> Can I put the boot loader in the MBR, if I'm using XP?  Seems to me
> there was a caveat with respect to NT and Win 2000.

Yes, you should be able to do that. During the installation, there are option 
that you can choose what boot loader and where you want to install it. 
Install it in MBR of the master (hda ussually) even if that drive containts 
XP. As I said, I tried this with Grub and it worked. Hope it'll do the same 
for you. 


> Thanks,
> Rob Yale

Redhat-list mailing list

RE: Dual boot question

2002-04-15 Thread Rob Yale

Can I put the boot loader in the MBR, if I'm using XP?  Seems to me
there was a caveat with respect to NT and Win 2000.


Rob Yale

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Reuben D Budiardja
Sent: April 15, 2002 4:15 PM
Subject: Re: Dual boot question

On Monday 15 April 2002 03:55 pm, you wrote:
> Ok, let me add this to my original question; if I buy a second Hard
> Drive, and have one drive completely Linux and the other completely
> Windows XP, where do I put the boot loader.  Also, what boot loader
> should I use: GRUB, LILO, or Boot Magic?
> Thanks,
> Rob Yale

Put XP in the master drive, linux in the slave. The boot loader should
be in 
the MBR of the master drive. I'd prefer LILO and/or Grub, just because
familiarity. Last time I tried dual boot this way, it worked like a
(using GRUB, RedHat 7.2), with no extra configuration needed.


Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

RE: Dual boot question

2002-04-15 Thread BG

You may have to force LBA32 (see the RH install screen for boot loader
slection and check the box).  I had to do that myself, as I was unable to
get any of the boot loaders to work without it and was stuck with booting
from a floppy.  Also, I use Norton Ghost to create image files for backup
and each time I restore I have to run /sbin/lilo to reinstall to the MBR.
This can only work with the aid of a boot floppy because lilo hangs at boot
after restore, so my advice is to be sure to create a boot floppy as well.

I look forward to the day when I will no longer need a dual boot system and
can run only Linux.


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of rob
> Sent: Monday, April 15, 2002 8:37 AM
> To: 'RedHat ListServ'
> Subject: Dual boot question
> Hi folks,
> I have a Dell box that I want to make dual boot.
> The box:
> P4, 512meg RDRAM, 20 gig hard drive, Windows XP
> The problem:
> The problem is the cylinder 1024 problem, I think.
> What I've tried:
> 1) I used Partition Magic to create 6gig of empty space, and
> I moved the
> NTFS partition a bit higher so that I could create a 50 meg /boot
> partition well below cylinder 1024.
> 2) The partitions on the drive go like this (in order)
>  a) Dell Utility (50 or so meg in size)
>  b) /boot ext3 partition (50 meg)
>  c) NTFS Win XP partition (12 gig)
>  d) Extended partition containing:
> i)  /swap (1024 meg)
> ii) / (the rest of the hard drive which is about 6 gig)
> 3) Since Boot Magic won't work on NTFS, I specified GRUB in the RH
> installer as my bootloader.
> When I boot the computer, it goes directly into Windows, and
> doesn't go
> into GRUB.  Do I have to do something in BIOS?  Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Rob Yale
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Re: Dual boot question

2002-04-15 Thread Reuben D Budiardja

On Monday 15 April 2002 03:55 pm, you wrote:
> Ok, let me add this to my original question; if I buy a second Hard
> Drive, and have one drive completely Linux and the other completely
> Windows XP, where do I put the boot loader.  Also, what boot loader
> should I use: GRUB, LILO, or Boot Magic?
> Thanks,
> Rob Yale

Put XP in the master drive, linux in the slave. The boot loader should be in 
the MBR of the master drive. I'd prefer LILO and/or Grub, just because of 
familiarity. Last time I tried dual boot this way, it worked like a charm 
(using GRUB, RedHat 7.2), with no extra configuration needed.


Redhat-list mailing list

RE: Dual boot question

2002-04-15 Thread rob

Ok, let me add this to my original question; if I buy a second Hard
Drive, and have one drive completely Linux and the other completely
Windows XP, where do I put the boot loader.  Also, what boot loader
should I use: GRUB, LILO, or Boot Magic?


Rob Yale

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of rob
Sent: April 15, 2002 2:11 PM
Subject: Dual boot question

Hi folks,

I have a Dell box that I want to make dual boot.

The box:

P4, 512meg RDRAM, 20 gig hard drive, Windows XP

The problem:

The problem is the cylinder 1024 problem, I think.

What I've tried:

1) I used Partition Magic to create 6gig of empty space, and I moved the
NTFS partition a bit higher so that I could create a 50 meg /boot
partition well below cylinder 1024.

2) The partitions on the drive go like this (in order) 
 a) Dell Utility (50 or so meg in size)
 b) /boot ext3 partition (50 meg)
 c) NTFS Win XP partition (12 gig)
 d) Extended partition containing:
i)  /swap (1024 meg)
ii) / (the rest of the hard drive which is about 6 gig)

3) Since Boot Magic won't work on NTFS, I specified GRUB in the RH
installer as my bootloader.

When I boot the computer, it goes directly into Windows, and doesn't go
into GRUB.  Do I have to do something in BIOS?  Any ideas?


Rob Yale

Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

Dual boot question

2002-04-15 Thread rob

Hi folks,

I have a Dell box that I want to make dual boot.

The box:

P4, 512meg RDRAM, 20 gig hard drive, Windows XP

The problem:

The problem is the cylinder 1024 problem, I think.

What I've tried:

1) I used Partition Magic to create 6gig of empty space, and I moved the
NTFS partition a bit higher so that I could create a 50 meg /boot
partition well below cylinder 1024.

2) The partitions on the drive go like this (in order) 
 a) Dell Utility (50 or so meg in size)
 b) /boot ext3 partition (50 meg)
 c) NTFS Win XP partition (12 gig)
 d) Extended partition containing:
i)  /swap (1024 meg)
ii) / (the rest of the hard drive which is about 6 gig)

3) Since Boot Magic won't work on NTFS, I specified GRUB in the RH
installer as my bootloader.

When I boot the computer, it goes directly into Windows, and doesn't go
into GRUB.  Do I have to do something in BIOS?  Any ideas?


Rob Yale

Redhat-list mailing list

Dual boot question

2002-04-15 Thread rob

Hi folks,

I have a Dell box that I want to make dual boot.

The box:

P4, 512meg RDRAM, 20 gig hard drive, Windows XP

The problem:

The problem is the cylinder 1024 problem, I think.

What I've tried:

1) I used Partition Magic to create 6gig of empty space, and I moved the
NTFS partition a bit higher so that I could create a 50 meg /boot
partition well below cylinder 1024.

2) The partitions on the drive go like this (in order) 
 a) Dell Utility (50 or so meg in size)
 b) /boot ext3 partition (50 meg)
 c) NTFS Win XP partition (12 gig)
 d) Extended partition containing:
i)  /swap (1024 meg)
ii) / (the rest of the hard drive which is about 6 gig)

3) Since Boot Magic won't work on NTFS, I specified GRUB in the RH
installer as my bootloader.

When I boot the computer, it goes directly into Windows, and doesn't go
into GRUB.  Do I have to do something in BIOS?  Any ideas?


Rob Yale

Redhat-list mailing list

RE: Dual boot question

2000-10-03 Thread Stephen_Reilly

>> [1] Anybody  setup  a dual boot using NT(NTFS) and RH7

>Worked OK for me.  I just made the first partition /boot on the first disk
>(important that it's below 1024 cylinders sometimes).  Then put Linux in
>MBR, and it could boot NT4 and Win2k just fine (like you describe).

But do make sure to install NT first, then RH. (for multi-boot install 9x,
then NT, then 'nix  .  .  .  it's just the way it is, windows likes to


Redhat-list mailing list

RE: Dual boot question

2000-09-26 Thread Dan Browning

Worked OK for me.  I just made the first partition /boot on the first disk
(important that it's below 1024 cylinders sometimes).  Then put Linux in
MBR, and it could boot NT4 and Win2k just fine (like you describe).

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2000 6:15 AM
> Subject: RE: Dual boot question
> Hash: SHA1
> [1] Anybody  setup  a dual boot using NT(NTFS) and RH7
> [2] Did lilo work properly?(i.e get )
> Lilo:
> NT
> Linux
> [3] Was Lilo put in the MBR or in the first sector of the
> root partition ?
> Version: GnuPG v1.0.3 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: For info see
> iD8DBQE50fK/q3uBt76RTogRAmJjAJ9blUAmMLcs0xkggiOjCMqKqo7juACgnx0G
> taN7qVjG5DEJQwefr14XnQo=
> =s3Ka
> ___
> Redhat-list mailing list

Redhat-list mailing list

RE: Dual boot question

2000-09-26 Thread kabir

Hash: SHA1

[1] Anybody  setup  a dual boot using NT(NTFS) and RH7 
[2] Did lilo work properly?(i.e get )
[3] Was Lilo put in the MBR or in the first sector of the root partition ?

Version: GnuPG v1.0.3 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Redhat-list mailing list

Re: dual boot question

1999-11-17 Thread Hal Burgiss

On Wed, Nov 17, 1999 at 12:47:03PM -0500, jack wallen, jr. wrote:
> hey everyonei'm wondering:
> the Linux+Win95 mini howto says the following:
> "With a Linux/Win9x installation It is VERY IMPORTANT that your Linux
> partition start before (below) the 1024th cylinder, otherwise you will be
> unable to boot the machin.  What exactly is the 1024th cylinder? That's
> where IDE ends and EIDE begins-- that's the 528M "mark" on your hard disk.
> Start your Linux partition at around 520M, so the entire kernel and other
> boot/loader files will completely reside below that cylander."
> has this changed with the newer releases of Red Hat or the newers kernels?
> the reason i ask is that i've done many successful Red Hat+Win9x dual
> boots where Linux resides well beyond the 528M "mark" (unless i'm
> misunderstanding this information).  if i'm clueless on this 'mark' could
> someone set me straight?

I think by 'mark' they are meaning boundary. This is a BIOS
limitation. IOW it is the limit which a typical PC BIOS is capable of
reading and goes back to early DOS when no one foresaw larger disks
ever being used on PCs. This depends on disk geometry too (or how your
BIOS sees the geometry). One common way to extend this is with LBA
which tricks the BIOS into seeing the disk geometry in a more
favorable way. This typically pushes the limit up to around 8G, though
the actual limitation is whatever number of cylinders are being
reported. 'Mark' is a curious choice of words though.  

The kernel does not figure into this at all. It is lilo that must rely
on what the BIOS is capable of 'seeing'. Once lilo is loaded and finds
the kernel, the limit then becomes irrelevant.  Since lilo is using
the BIOS inititally, and the BIOS can only see 1023 cylinders, then we
have this limitation.

Hal B
Linux helps those who help themselves

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Re: dual boot question

1999-11-17 Thread Maziar Mahzari

Dear Jack;
There is another howto on the RH cd which describes this problem in detail
(I don't exactly remember it now). For new motehrboards with new bios this
problem hardly exist.
Maziar Mahzari

On Wed, 17 Nov 1999, jack wallen, jr. wrote:

> hey everyonei'm wondering:
> the Linux+Win95 mini howto says the following:
> "With a Linux/Win9x installation It is VERY IMPORTANT that your Linux
> partition start before (below) the 1024th cylinder, otherwise you will be
> unable to boot the machin.  What exactly is the 1024th cylinder? That's
> where IDE ends and EIDE begins-- that's the 528M "mark" on your hard disk.
> Start your Linux partition at around 520M, so the entire kernel and other
> boot/loader files will completely reside below that cylander."
> has this changed with the newer releases of Red Hat or the newers kernels?
> the reason i ask is that i've done many successful Red Hat+Win9x dual
> boots where Linux resides well beyond the 528M "mark" (unless i'm
> misunderstanding this information).  if i'm clueless on this 'mark' could
> someone set me straight?
> thanks to all.
> Jack Wallen, Jr.
> Editor in Chief of Linux Content
> -- 
> To unsubscribe: mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe"
> as the Subject.

To unsubscribe: mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe"
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dual boot question

1999-11-17 Thread jack wallen, jr.

hey everyonei'm wondering:

the Linux+Win95 mini howto says the following:

"With a Linux/Win9x installation It is VERY IMPORTANT that your Linux
partition start before (below) the 1024th cylinder, otherwise you will be
unable to boot the machin.  What exactly is the 1024th cylinder? That's
where IDE ends and EIDE begins-- that's the 528M "mark" on your hard disk.
Start your Linux partition at around 520M, so the entire kernel and other
boot/loader files will completely reside below that cylander."

has this changed with the newer releases of Red Hat or the newers kernels?
the reason i ask is that i've done many successful Red Hat+Win9x dual
boots where Linux resides well beyond the 528M "mark" (unless i'm
misunderstanding this information).  if i'm clueless on this 'mark' could
someone set me straight?

thanks to all.

Jack Wallen, Jr.
Editor in Chief of Linux Content

To unsubscribe: mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe"
as the Subject.

Re: Linux/NT dual boot question

1998-06-02 Thread ramon

I wouldn't mind having this information either.


On Tue, 2 Jun 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I would like it.
> thanks
> david
> Date forwarded:   2 Jun 1998 19:34:51 -
> Date sent:Tue, 2 Jun 1998 13:50:29 -0500 (CDT)
> From: Matt Housh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject:  Re: Linux/NT dual boot question
> Forwarded by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Send reply to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> > It is indeed possible, and in fact doesn't involve NTLDR. Lilo
> > doesn't "point to" NTLDR, it "points to" the partition on which NT is
> > installed, like it would for dos or windows 95. You can even put linux in
> > the NT boot menu. I have NT, Dos, and Linux all loading from the boot menu
> > here, and it works great. Also, you can compile NTFS support into the
> > kernel, and read your NT partitions from Linux (which, incidentally, you'd
> > HAVE to, to get linux to load from the boot menu on an NTFS-only
> > system...) I wrote a small NT Boot Menu + Linux tutorial some time ago
> > that I feel is worded in a better way than the Linux+NTLDR howto, let me
> > know if you'd like it.
> > 
> > HTH, Matt
> > 
> > ---
> > Matt Housh email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > MicroComputer SpecialistUniversity of Tulsa
> >Engineering and Natural Sciences
> > 
> > "I don't remember yesterday. And today, it rained."
> > 
> > On Tue, 2 Jun 1998, George Lenzer wrote:
> > 
> > > Is it possible to set up a Linux/NT dual boot IF NTFS is the only filesystem 
> > > used by NT?  My inclination is to say no. considering that LILO has to be able 
> > > to point to the NTLDR.  If the NTLDR is on an NTFS partition, would LILO be 
> > > able to point to it?
> > > 
> > > The reason I ask, is that I have an NT system here at work with all drives 
> > > formatted in NTFS for security.  If I begin the Linux install, I am going to 
> > > have to use fdisk to set up the new partitions to install Linux and the swap 
> > > space to.  Where should I locate LILO?  If I put it in the MBR, then wouldn't 
> > > NT have problems booting up?  Has anyone else done this successfully?
> > > 
> > > Thanks
> > > 
> > > ***
> > >  George H. Lenzer
> > >  Technology Specialist[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >  Cleveland Heights-University Heights Public Library
> > >
> > >  2345 Lee Rd.  Voice: (216) 932-3600 X274
> > >  Cleveland Hts, OH   44118 Fax: (216) 371-9148
> > > ***
> > > 
> > > 
> > > -- 
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> > > /RedHat-Errata /RedHat-Tips /mailing-lists
> > >  To unsubscribe: mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 
> > >"unsubscribe" as the Subject.
> > > 
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
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> > /RedHat-Errata /RedHat-Tips /mailing-lists
> >  To unsubscribe: mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 
> >"unsubscribe" as the Subject.
> > 
> > 
> -- 
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> /RedHat-Errata /RedHat-Tips /mailing-lists
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Re: Linux/NT dual boot question

1998-06-02 Thread dbrett

I would like it.


Date forwarded: 2 Jun 1998 19:34:51 -
Date sent:  Tue, 2 Jun 1998 13:50:29 -0500 (CDT)
From:   Matt Housh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:Re: Linux/NT dual boot question
Forwarded by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>   It is indeed possible, and in fact doesn't involve NTLDR. Lilo
> doesn't "point to" NTLDR, it "points to" the partition on which NT is
> installed, like it would for dos or windows 95. You can even put linux in
> the NT boot menu. I have NT, Dos, and Linux all loading from the boot menu
> here, and it works great. Also, you can compile NTFS support into the
> kernel, and read your NT partitions from Linux (which, incidentally, you'd
> HAVE to, to get linux to load from the boot menu on an NTFS-only
> system...) I wrote a small NT Boot Menu + Linux tutorial some time ago
> that I feel is worded in a better way than the Linux+NTLDR howto, let me
> know if you'd like it.
> HTH, Matt
> ---
> Matt Housh email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> MicroComputer SpecialistUniversity of Tulsa
>Engineering and Natural Sciences
> "I don't remember yesterday. And today, it rained."
> On Tue, 2 Jun 1998, George Lenzer wrote:
> > Is it possible to set up a Linux/NT dual boot IF NTFS is the only filesystem 
> > used by NT?  My inclination is to say no. considering that LILO has to be able 
> > to point to the NTLDR.  If the NTLDR is on an NTFS partition, would LILO be 
> > able to point to it?
> > 
> > The reason I ask, is that I have an NT system here at work with all drives 
> > formatted in NTFS for security.  If I begin the Linux install, I am going to 
> > have to use fdisk to set up the new partitions to install Linux and the swap 
> > space to.  Where should I locate LILO?  If I put it in the MBR, then wouldn't 
> > NT have problems booting up?  Has anyone else done this successfully?
> > 
> > Thanks
> > 
> > ***
> >  George H. Lenzer
> >  Technology Specialist[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >  Cleveland Heights-University Heights Public Library
> >
> >  2345 Lee Rd.  Voice: (216) 932-3600 X274
> >  Cleveland Hts, OH   44118 Fax: (216) 371-9148
> > ***
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> >   PLEASE read the Red Hat FAQ, Tips, Errata and the MAILING LIST ARCHIVES!
> > /RedHat-Errata /RedHat-Tips /mailing-lists
> >  To unsubscribe: mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 
> >"unsubscribe" as the Subject.
> > 
> -- 
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> /RedHat-Errata /RedHat-Tips /mailing-lists
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Re :Linux/NT dual boot question

1998-06-02 Thread Kotik Besch

Hey ! I used small program "boopart" ( you should be able to find it on the
web) it creates file with bootsector from the partition and drive you
specify, even more , it edits "boot.ini" for you :) . So , when you install
linux , DO NOT install lilo to manage your boot process. Next time you
reboot you shouldn't see any changes ,so boot to NT and run bootpart ,
after rebooting you will have you menu with "RedHat Linux 5.x" in there. 

P.S. Hope this helps 

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Re: Linux/NT dual boot question

1998-06-02 Thread Matt Housh

It is indeed possible, and in fact doesn't involve NTLDR. Lilo
doesn't "point to" NTLDR, it "points to" the partition on which NT is
installed, like it would for dos or windows 95. You can even put linux in
the NT boot menu. I have NT, Dos, and Linux all loading from the boot menu
here, and it works great. Also, you can compile NTFS support into the
kernel, and read your NT partitions from Linux (which, incidentally, you'd
HAVE to, to get linux to load from the boot menu on an NTFS-only
system...) I wrote a small NT Boot Menu + Linux tutorial some time ago
that I feel is worded in a better way than the Linux+NTLDR howto, let me
know if you'd like it.

HTH, Matt

Matt Housh email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MicroComputer SpecialistUniversity of Tulsa
   Engineering and Natural Sciences

"I don't remember yesterday. And today, it rained."

On Tue, 2 Jun 1998, George Lenzer wrote:

> Is it possible to set up a Linux/NT dual boot IF NTFS is the only filesystem 
> used by NT?  My inclination is to say no. considering that LILO has to be able 
> to point to the NTLDR.  If the NTLDR is on an NTFS partition, would LILO be 
> able to point to it?
> The reason I ask, is that I have an NT system here at work with all drives 
> formatted in NTFS for security.  If I begin the Linux install, I am going to 
> have to use fdisk to set up the new partitions to install Linux and the swap 
> space to.  Where should I locate LILO?  If I put it in the MBR, then wouldn't 
> NT have problems booting up?  Has anyone else done this successfully?
> Thanks
> ***
>  George H. Lenzer
>  Technology Specialist[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  Cleveland Heights-University Heights Public Library
>  2345 Lee Rd.  Voice: (216) 932-3600 X274
>  Cleveland Hts, OH   44118 Fax: (216) 371-9148
> ***
> -- 
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> /RedHat-Errata /RedHat-Tips /mailing-lists
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Re: Linux/NT dual boot question

1998-06-02 Thread Mike Zanker

On Tue, 2 Jun 1998 09:30:28 -0400 , George Lenzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
.us>  wrote:

> Is it possible to set up a Linux/NT dual boot IF NTFS is the only filesystem 
> used by NT?

Yes, that's exactly what I'm doing. I have a small (700 MB) NTFS 
partition in the first partition (/dev/hda1) and then a number of Linux 
partitions with the root partition in /dev/hda2. My lilo.conf is pretty 


lilo is installed in /dev/hda2 rather than the MBR.


Mike Zanker | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network and Computer Services Group | Tel  : +44 1908 652726
The Open University | Fax  : +44 1908 652193
Milton Keynes, UK   | PGP public key available

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Re: Linux/NT dual boot question

1998-06-02 Thread Ronald Pottol

I'm not 100% sure, but I do believe that putting it in the mbr should be
just fine, LILO goes, and just hands it off to NT normally as I recall.

I have lilo in my MBR, and a fat c: partition, and NT actually boots out of
an NTFS partition.  Lilo comes up, I type dos, and am then in the NT loader.

Make an emergency recovery disk, and try it.  I think the dos "FDISK /MBR"
command will put things back the way they were.

At 09:30 AM 6/2/98 -0400, you wrote:
>Is it possible to set up a Linux/NT dual boot IF NTFS is the only filesystem 
>used by NT?  My inclination is to say no. considering that LILO has to be
>to point to the NTLDR.  If the NTLDR is on an NTFS partition, would LILO be 
>able to point to it?
>The reason I ask, is that I have an NT system here at work with all drives 
>formatted in NTFS for security.  If I begin the Linux install, I am going to 
>have to use fdisk to set up the new partitions to install Linux and the swap 
>space to.  Where should I locate LILO?  If I put it in the MBR, then
>NT have problems booting up?  Has anyone else done this successfully?
> George H. Lenzer
> Technology Specialist[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Cleveland Heights-University Heights Public Library
> 2345 Lee Rd.  Voice: (216) 932-3600 X274
> Cleveland Hts, OH   44118 Fax: (216) 371-9148
>  PLEASE read the Red Hat FAQ, Tips, Errata and the MAILING LIST ARCHIVES!
> /RedHat-Errata /RedHat-Tips /mailing-lists
> To unsubscribe: mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 
>   "unsubscribe" as the Subject.

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Re: Linux/NT dual boot question

1998-06-02 Thread Clemens Adler

Just get the 'NT OS Loader +Linux mini-HOTO' (at any Linux ftp-site like
sunsite etc. under ../doc/HOWTO/mini/. There everything is described.
One thing which might cause a problem is, that Redhat wants to boot after
installation without giving you the opinion to install everything like it
should be, and you might have Linux installed but not be able to boot your
installed kernel, then use some boot/emergency or whatever disk to boot
do everything as described in the above mentioned document, and boot again
when your done.
It works very nice, however you have to go through the whole procedure
everytime you compile a new kernel ( which shouldn't actually be too
good luck,

Clemens Adler e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Institut fuer Kernphysik
Universitaet Frankfurt   office phone:  069-798-24285
August-Euler-Strasse 6
60486 Frankfurt

On Tue, 2 Jun 1998, George Lenzer wrote:

> Is it possible to set up a Linux/NT dual boot IF NTFS is the only filesystem 
> used by NT?  My inclination is to say no. considering that LILO has to be able 
> to point to the NTLDR.  If the NTLDR is on an NTFS partition, would LILO be 
> able to point to it?
> The reason I ask, is that I have an NT system here at work with all drives 
> formatted in NTFS for security.  If I begin the Linux install, I am going to 
> have to use fdisk to set up the new partitions to install Linux and the swap 
> space to.  Where should I locate LILO?  If I put it in the MBR, then wouldn't 
> NT have problems booting up?  Has anyone else done this successfully?
> Thanks
> ***
>  George H. Lenzer
>  Technology Specialist[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  Cleveland Heights-University Heights Public Library
>  2345 Lee Rd.  Voice: (216) 932-3600 X274
>  Cleveland Hts, OH   44118 Fax: (216) 371-9148
> ***
> -- 
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Re: Linux/NT dual boot question

1998-06-02 Thread James Youngman

> "GL" == George Lenzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  GL> Is it possible to set up a Linux/NT dual boot IF NTFS is the
  GL> only filesystem used by NT?  

Yes; see the Linux+NT-Loader mini-HOWTO.

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Linux/NT dual boot question

1998-06-02 Thread George Lenzer

Is it possible to set up a Linux/NT dual boot IF NTFS is the only filesystem 
used by NT?  My inclination is to say no. considering that LILO has to be able 
to point to the NTLDR.  If the NTLDR is on an NTFS partition, would LILO be 
able to point to it?

The reason I ask, is that I have an NT system here at work with all drives 
formatted in NTFS for security.  If I begin the Linux install, I am going to 
have to use fdisk to set up the new partitions to install Linux and the swap 
space to.  Where should I locate LILO?  If I put it in the MBR, then wouldn't 
NT have problems booting up?  Has anyone else done this successfully?


 George H. Lenzer
 Technology Specialist[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cleveland Heights-University Heights Public Library
 2345 Lee Rd.  Voice: (216) 932-3600 X274
 Cleveland Hts, OH   44118 Fax: (216) 371-9148

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