Re: Recommended GUI (KDE/GNOME)

2003-03-14 Thread Anthony E. Greene
Jeff Lane wrote:
Heh... YEAH  Personally, I dont really care for either one... 
WindowMaker is the only way to fly... 
I tried WindowMaker and a few others. I found XFCE to be pretty good, but 
I didn't feel like rebuilding my menu system almost from scratch.

I ended up using GNOME, Sawfish, and GMC (instead of Nautilus). I find 
that GMC is Good Enough for my GUI file managment needs, and it's a lot 
faster than Nautilus or Konqueror on my box.

Anthony E. Greene 
OpenPGP Key: 0x6C94239D/7B3D BD7D 7D91 1B44 BA26 C484 A42A 60DD 6C94 239D
AOL/Yahoo Chat: TonyG05   HomePage: 
Linux. The choice of a GNU generation. 

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Re: Recommended GUI (KDE/GNOME)

2003-03-14 Thread Michael Scottaline
On Fri, 14 Mar 2003 12:50:52 -0500
Jeff Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> scribbled furiously:

> Anthony E. Greene wrote:
> > You might not realize it, but you may be starting a flamewar :-)
> > 
> > Try both and use the one you like best. As long as you have both 
> > installed on you machine, you can run apps from either environment, 
> > regardless of the desktop you happen to be using.
> Heh... YEAH  Personally, I dont really care for either one... 
> WindowMaker is the only way to fly... 
> OF the two mentioned, however, I would prefer Gnome/Sawfish, however 
> that is still way behind WindowMaker..  ;)

Hm.,  My personal preference is ion.  Very simple WM.
"The man who views the world at 50 the same as he did at 20 has wasted 30
years of his life."
--Muhammad Ali

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Re: Recommended GUI (KDE/GNOME)

2003-03-14 Thread Jeff Lane
Anthony E. Greene wrote:

You might not realize it, but you may be starting a flamewar :-)

Try both and use the one you like best. As long as you have both 
installed on you machine, you can run apps from either environment, 
regardless of the desktop you happen to be using.
Heh... YEAH  Personally, I dont really care for either one... 
WindowMaker is the only way to fly... 

OF the two mentioned, however, I would prefer Gnome/Sawfish, however 
that is still way behind WindowMaker..  ;)

No real reason why I would prefer Gnome... I just do... its all about 
personal choice really.  KDE used to suck royally, however, KDE2 and 
beyond have actually become rather nice to use, and dont crash so much 

hope that adds fuel to the fire...


Jeffrey Lane / Internet of the Sandhills
chown -r us:us /yourbase/

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Re: Recommended GUI (KDE/GNOME)

2003-03-13 Thread Anthony E. Greene
Larry Brown wrote:
Personally I like KDE as CTRL+FunctionKey switches between desktops. 
Sawfish does that in GNOME, using the same keystrokes.

I lie the appearance of GNOME. I always though the widget and icon colors 
in KDE looked flat and cartoonish. That was a long time ago, but I've 
pretty mush settled on GNOME.

Anthony E. Greene 
OpenPGP Key: 0x6C94239D/7B3D BD7D 7D91 1B44 BA26 C484 A42A 60DD 6C94 239D
AOL/Yahoo Chat: TonyG05   HomePage: 
Linux. The choice of a GNU generation. 

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Re: Recommended GUI (KDE/GNOME)

2003-03-13 Thread Anthony E. Greene
Richard Sumilang wrote:
All Gurus,

I'm new to actually developing on Linux operating systems, moving from 
Winblows to Red Hat. I have KDE and GNOME installed, I simply just use 
MySQL, PHP, Apache, Zend Studio, and Mozilla. What GUI what you 
recommend for me to use and why? KDE or GNOME?
You might not realize it, but you may be starting a flamewar :-)

Try both and use the one you like best. As long as you have both installed 
on you machine, you can run apps from either environment, regardless of 
the desktop you happen to be using.

Anthony E. Greene 
OpenPGP Key: 0x6C94239D/7B3D BD7D 7D91 1B44 BA26 C484 A42A 60DD 6C94 239D
AOL/Yahoo Chat: TonyG05   HomePage: 
Linux. The choice of a GNU generation. 

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Re: Recommended GUI (KDE/GNOME)

2003-03-13 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2003-03-14 at 08:40, Technoslick wrote:

> I have spent more time in Mandrake, and therefore KDE. Now, in Red Hat
> 8.0, I am getting acquainted wit Gnome, again. It has come a long ways
> since Red Hat 6.0. So has KDE 3.0. Gnome has some outstanding looks and
> depth in ways that I wish to see in KDE, but Gnome isn't as mature and
> therefore doesn't have all the niceties that KDE now has. When it comes
> to configuring the way you want your Desktop, KDE is more
> generousand it's much easier to find what you wish to configure in
> KDE. 
Some will say that KDE is more "Windows Like" - but that's by default.
KDE can be made to be quite the opposite - but it's a matter of
customisation and configuration.

I'm still inclined toward KDE just due to productivity and
functionality. Even after upgrading/updating and getting Gnome 2.2.0, it
is still lacking in alot of functionality and consistency throughout all
the "Gnome" applications - consistency in dialogs, window operations,
program operations - still a bit of a kludge - but that's IMHO.

> So, my recommendation, at least through Red Hat 8.0, is to taker them
> both! When I installed, I took the max apps and applets on both. Now, I
> have a mixture of the two, really the best of the two, and it seems
> pretty seamless having the two that way.
I'd recommend the same - although, as stated before, Gnome applications
are lacking a bit in consistency, but hey, it ain't hard to use
Gnome/GTK applications whilst running KDE, or vice-versa.

Everyone likes their coffee/tea different - so experimentation is the
biggest thing - what feels the best is what you end up using.

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Refers to someone who has homes in Nome, Alaska, and Buffalo, New York.

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Re: Recommended GUI (KDE/GNOME)

2003-03-13 Thread Technoslick
On Thu, 2003-03-13 at 14:41, Richard Sumilang wrote:
> All Gurus,
> I'm new to actually developing on Linux operating systems, moving from 
> Winblows to Red Hat. I have KDE and GNOME installed, I simply just use 
> MySQL, PHP, Apache, Zend Studio, and Mozilla. What GUI what you 
> recommend for me to use and why? KDE or GNOME?

I have spent more time in Mandrake, and therefore KDE. Now, in Red Hat
8.0, I am getting acquainted wit Gnome, again. It has come a long ways
since Red Hat 6.0. So has KDE 3.0. Gnome has some outstanding looks and
depth in ways that I wish to see in KDE, but Gnome isn't as mature and
therefore doesn't have all the niceties that KDE now has. When it comes
to configuring the way you want your Desktop, KDE is more
generousand it's much easier to find what you wish to configure in

So, my recommendation, at least through Red Hat 8.0, is to taker them
both! When I installed, I took the max apps and applets on both. Now, I
have a mixture of the two, really the best of the two, and it seems
pretty seamless having the two that way.

Whatever our preferences...we are all correct. It's a matter of what you
like. Try them out and see what you like for your own reasons.


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Re: Recommended GUI (KDE/GNOME)

2003-03-13 Thread James Jensen
On Thursday 13 March 2003 13:41, Richard Sumilang wrote:
> All Gurus,
> I'm new to actually developing on Linux operating systems, moving from
> Winblows to Red Hat. I have KDE and GNOME installed, I simply just use
> MySQL, PHP, Apache, Zend Studio, and Mozilla. What GUI what you
> recommend for me to use and why? KDE or GNOME?
> Thanks
> - Richard

I use GNOME. When I first seriously tried to use GNU/Linux, it was with RedHat 
7.0 and KDE 1.x.  KDE 1.x just stunk for me as I was still a Windows user who 
hated the idea of having to have a seperate panel for the taskbar, so GNOME 
has been my choice ever since. KDE's got a *lot* of niceties these days, so 
I'm not going to reccommend against it, either.

The GNOME programs seem to run much faster and be more useful than equivalent 
KDE apps.  In KDE's defense, however, I am using KMail right now because ever 
since I upgraded Evolution through Red Carpet, it hasn't been working 
properly, and the Qt toolkit has nicer results.

If you *really* want to think differently, however, you might want to try 
WindowMaker, which is based on the OpenStep specs (first used in Steve Jobs' 
NeXTStep computers). But WindowMaker isn't as useful as GNOME/KDE, so 
consider that, too.

Hope this helps.

-J. Jensen

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Re: Recommended GUI (KDE/GNOME)

2003-03-13 Thread Ric Tibbetts
On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 11:41:48AM -0800, Richard Sumilang wrote:
> All Gurus,
> I'm new to actually developing on Linux operating systems, moving from 
> Winblows to Red Hat. I have KDE and GNOME installed, I simply just use 
> MySQL, PHP, Apache, Zend Studio, and Mozilla. What GUI what you 
> recommend for me to use and why? KDE or GNOME?

Actually, anymore, there is little difference (from the user standpoint)
between them. They're both very good. KDE is a bit older, and a more
mature product. Gnome has some fresh(er) ideas, but is still lacking in
some features.

It's really a matter of personal choice. Try them both. Spend a week
with each. At the end that, one of them will "feel" better to you.


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RE: Recommended GUI (KDE/GNOME)

2003-03-13 Thread Larry Brown
Personally I like KDE as CTRL+FunctionKey switches between desktops.  Other
than the fact that I got used to that and can't stand not having it, either
is fine.  I don't do themes and what not so one may have more to offer in
that respect.

Larry S. Brown
Dimension Networks, Inc.
(727) 723-8388

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Richard Sumilang
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 2:42 PM
Subject: Recommended GUI (KDE/GNOME)

All Gurus,

I'm new to actually developing on Linux operating systems, moving from
Winblows to Red Hat. I have KDE and GNOME installed, I simply just use
MySQL, PHP, Apache, Zend Studio, and Mozilla. What GUI what you
recommend for me to use and why? KDE or GNOME?

- Richard

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