Re: [atlas] A number of built-ins stopped?

2022-12-23 Thread Robert Kisteleki


On 2022-12-23 18:25, Ernst J. Oud wrote:


All the probes in NL that I had a look at, in a variety of different ASN’s, 
have no data available via the Atlas web of via the api (JSON, Magellan) for 
a.o. built-in measurement 1009 (ping to and several others 
after December 22nd, around 18:00 hrs. UTC.

When I have a look at German probes there is data available. This thus appears 
to be a problem with all and only Dutch probes’ data.

A normal ping via a Windows command line works fine, i.e. is 

Creating a ping measurement via Magellan to using Dutch 
probes generates results, i.e. the probe infrastructure works but data storage 
does not, for data from probes in NL.

Rather serious problem I guess. No mentioning on though.

I just updated the status page with an entry about this.

Had an email conversation with Robert from the Atlas team today. No solution 

We believe we've found the reason [1], and we expect these measurements 
to go back to normal in the next couple of hours.

[1] from the status page: "the infrastructure declared some built-in 
measurements finished, therefore the probes stopped executing them"

Happy holidays!


Ernst J. Oud

Met vriendelijke groet,

Ernst J. Oud

ripe-atlas mailing list

Re: [atlas] A number of built-ins stopped?

2022-12-23 Thread Ernst J. Oud

All the probes in NL that I had a look at, in a variety of different ASN’s, 
have no data available via the Atlas web of via the api (JSON, Magellan) for 
a.o. built-in measurement 1009 (ping to and several others 
after December 22nd, around 18:00 hrs. UTC.

When I have a look at German probes there is data available. This thus appears 
to be a problem with all and only Dutch probes’ data.

A normal ping via a Windows command line works fine, i.e. is 

Creating a ping measurement via Magellan to using Dutch 
probes generates results, i.e. the probe infrastructure works but data storage 
does not, for data from probes in NL.

Rather serious problem I guess. No mentioning on though.

Had an email conversation with Robert from the Atlas team today. No solution 


Ernst J. Oud

Met vriendelijke groet,

Ernst J. Oud
ripe-atlas mailing list

Re: [atlas] Credit sponsorship

2022-12-23 Thread Guy Meyer

I am currently out of the office until January 2nd.

If this is an urgent message please reach out to my manager Robert Kisteleki or 
myself directly at +31 643419539.

Happy holidays :)
Guy Meyer

On 6 Nov 2022, at 08:02, Julian Panke via ripe-atlas  

> Hi Finn,
> I have transferred 5 million tokens to your account.
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
> Julian Panke
>  Original-Nachricht 
> Am 6. Nov. 2022, 08:57, schrieb Finn Holler < 
> Hello, I am looking for probe operators, with a credit surplus, who would 
> want to transfer some credits to my RIPE Atlas account (email: 
> These credits are required for me to 
> interact with the measurement API, which I want to explore and ideally use, 
> to implement a service indicating the connectivity status of various internet 
> services to tenants of local student housing. The plan is to register some 
> probes, so this credit sponsorship is only necessary for initial trials. 
> Best, -Finn -- ripe-atlas mailing list 
> -- 
> ripe-atlas mailing list
ripe-atlas mailing list

Re: [atlas] RIPE Atlas SMTP Measurement

2022-12-23 Thread Guy Meyer

I am currently out of the office until January 2nd.

If this is an urgent message please reach out to my manager Robert Kisteleki or 
myself directly at +31 643419539.

Happy holidays :)
Guy Meyer

On 16 Oct 2022, at 02:37, Simon Brandt via ripe-atlas  

> Hi Michael,
> Both netcat and openssl wait for the 220 to continue. If a timeout would 
> occur during the STARTTLS phase, or before the 220, would this differ from a 
> conclusion perspective? In other words, is it necessary to test once for the 
> 220 to appear (or a timeout), then another time to see if the STARTTLS 
> completes?
> If you have a timeout while waiting for the initial 220 response (service 
> ready), the service is not available. Maybe the SMTP daemon is not running or 
> not answering for some reason, or there's a network issue. If a timeout 
> occurs later during the STARTTLS phase, the server is available and also the 
> underlying network connection seems to be fine. So yes, the conclusion would 
> be a different. But we still don't have to run two separate tests, i think.
> Could this be folded into a single test that does a 220, then the STARTTLS 
> and will report error when there’s a fail in the process?
> Yes. Since we do not really want to send an e-mail, we can probably use 
> OpenSSL for everything in a single run. If you use the -debug parameter, 
> you'll get *very* detailed output which contains all informations we want 
> (except for response-times, i think). There might be a more elegant way to 
> get a better-looking output from OpenSSL. But I don't know how, to be honest. 
> I haven't read the whole man-page :)
> $ openssl s_client -starttls smtp -connect -debug
> Most work is probably to study the OpenSSL documentation, to find out the 
> different error messages we have to expect, depending on the problems we 
> might face:
> - TCP handshake not successfull
> - Server does not reply with 220 (timeout)
> - Server does not reply with 220 (server replies with another 4xx or 5xx code)
> - Server is not ESMTP capable**
> - Connection successfull, but the server does not offer 250-STARTTLS (not 
> supported or suppressed because of MITM attack)
> - 250-STARTTLS was offered, but establishing encryption was still not 
> successful for some reason
> and maybe other typical certificate problems like:
> - certificate invalid (self-signed)
> - certificate invalid (expired)
> - certificate invalid (broken chain)
> **
> SMTP Encryption is optional, but it is not supported by the original SMTP 
> protocoll (RFC 821). To use STARTTLS, the mailserver has to support SMTP 
> "Service Extensions" aka. ESMTP. ESMTP has been introduced 13 years later by 
> RFC 1869. From a communication perspective, the main difference is, that the 
> initiator of the SMTP connection (client) is using EHLO instead of HELO (EHLO 
> = Enhanced HELO). If the server does support ESMTP, it will tell the client 
> it's features. If the server does not support ESMTP, it will reply with an 
> error. I don't know what the OpenSSL output looks like, if you try to connect 
> to a server which does not support ESMTP. It will probably output some error 
> message. This error should be evaluated by the Atlas SMTP measurement too. 
> 99.9% of all mailservers nowadays should support ESMTP, but there might be 
> some usecases... "special application blabla". It could be possible that 
> someone would start a Atlas SMTP measurement for a non-ESMTP compliant 
> target. That's why i am mention this.
> BR,
> Simon
> On 05.10.22 17:55, Michel Stam wrote:
> Hi Simon,
> Thanks for the rundown, that helps.
> The Atlas measurement code uses something different than nc, but that isn’t 
> really relevant, the process is roughly the same.
> I have a question, though. Both netcat and openssl wait for the 220 to 
> continue. If a timeout would occur during the STARTTLS phase, or before the 
> 220, would this differ from a conclusion perspective? In other words, is it 
> necessary to test once for the 220 to appear (or a timeout), then another 
> time to see if the STARTTLS completes? Could this be folded into a single 
> test that does a 220, then the STARTTLS and will report error when there’s a 
> fail in the process?
> As to the TCP traceroute, this is something used by people to measure service 
> availability using Atlas. It isn’t something I came up with perse, but yes 
> its to measure response time as well as availability of the service at the 
> TCP level.
> With regard to additional check such as DANE, these lie somewhere between 
> DNSSEC and TLS measurement. I’ll make a note of this, thanks for the 
> suggestion.
> As to measurements in general, all currently support IPv6 to my knowledge. I 
> agree that new ones should support this too.
> Regards,
> Michel
> On 1 Oct 2022, at 17:11, wrote:
> Hi Michel,
> That would would indeed mean a 

Re: [atlas] RIPE Atlas SMTP Measurement

2022-12-23 Thread Guy Meyer

I am currently out of the office until January 2nd.

If this is an urgent message please reach out to my manager Robert Kisteleki or 
myself directly at +31 643419539.

Happy holidays :)
Guy Meyer

On 23 Sep 2022, at 16:08, Simon Brandt via ripe-atlas  

> Hi Michel,
> >Are we monitoring the Internet or monitoring a service using the proposed 
> >SMTP measurement?
> First of all, we are monitoring the service of a specific target. Same as 
> http or ntp measurements, just another protocol. But we also monitor the 
> Internet. Using an SMTP measurement, we could identify censorship or discover 
> Man-in-the-middle attacks (downgrade attack by suppressing the STARTTLS 
> command).
> >Can we achieve the first 2 items of this measurement by doing a TCP 
> >traceroute on port 25?
> I would say no. Using TCP Traceroute, you can may check for 
> reachability/responsiveness of the host, but not the actual service (smtp).
> >Does the SSL measurement cover the intended use cases?
> I would say no. Correct me if am am wrong. Usually (for example HTTPS or 
> LDAPS) the SSL/TLS encryption starts right after the TCP 3-way Handshake was 
> successfull. For SMTP, that doesn't work. That's because regular SMTP 
> communication starts first, so both sides can negotiate if SSL/TLS encryption 
> is possible (via Enhanced SMTP Status Codes). However, as far as i know, 
> OpenSSL does support SMTP and STARTTLS. So you could probably modify the 
> existing SSL measurement.
> Keep in mind that there's also MTA-STS and DANE, which are really enhancing 
> SMTPs security. A dedicated SMTP measurement would be a good thing.
> BR,
> Simon
> On 23.09.22 16:04, Michel Stam wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Great that this request sparked a good discussion on the merits of a 
> measurement, as well as its potential impact on servers around the world. 
> Good to see this!
> So I’m going to do a quick recap here, hoping that I capture the intent and 
> the concerns correctly. Please correct me if I err.
> The intent of the measurement would be to validate whether an SMTP server is:
>   •   reachable
>   •   responsive
>   •   capable of secured transmissions
> The concern is that such a check would trigger one of a variety of anti spam 
> measures in place around the world, and/or cause undue traffic to SMTP server 
> operators.
> With this in mind, I am wondering: 
>   •   Are we monitoring the Internet or monitoring a service using 
> the proposed SMTP measurement? 
>   •   Can we achieve the first 2 items of this measurement by doing a 
> TCP traceroute on port 25?
>   •   Does the SSL measurement cover the intended use cases?
>   ◦    Is it worth exploring STARTTLS support as an extension and 
> what would the implications be?
> Have a good weekend!
> Best regards,
> Michel
> On 21 Sep 2022, at 00:11, Avamander  wrote:
> > Making arguments based upon extreme cases, assumptions, or 
> > potential-for-collateral-damage is not scientific. "I know one that even 
> > [...]" Anecdotal  evidence isn't scientific.
> From the perspective of your previous sentences that's kinda humorous. "To 
> avoid unnecessary costs incurred from disruption of service, excessive 
> traffic, annoyances using up *my* time, and countless other reasonable 
> rationale from *my* point of view." Because sure, a few (hypothetical RIPE 
> probe) connections are exactly that, zero exaggeration, right?
> In the end such fail2ban-fueled (or similar) behaviour I initially addressed, 
> is exactly a non-scientific extreme-case assumption-based approach. There are 
> better and even more standard ways. 
> Crutch solutions out in the wild shouldn't be a showstopper for measuring the 
> ecosystem. (That is already quite neglected)
> > What _objective_ risk/benefit analysis are you basing your opinions upon?
> And you? What's the implication here about systems being as trigger-happy as 
> previously described?
> Because sure, at some point rate limits make total sense, but certainly not 
> at the point where it would ban any potential RIPE probes.
> >  Are you a systems administrator?
> Let's not get into such measuring contests, even if it is the RIPE Atlas 
> mailing list.
> On Tue, Sep 20, 2022 at 11:42 PM Paul Theodoropoulos via ripe-atlas 
>  wrote:
> On 9/20/2022 10:45 AM, Avamander wrote:
> Great to hear it works for you, but the potential unfortunate collateral from 
> such a blanket action is not really RIPE Atlas' problem. There are more 
> fine-grained methods against bruteforce attempts and open relay probes, than 
> triggering on a few connections.
> What _objective_ risk/benefit analysis are you basing your opinions upon? Are 
> you a systems administrator? My responsibility is to avoid unnecessary costs 
> incurred from disruption of service, excessive traffic, annoyances using up 
> *my* time, and countless other reasonable 

Re: [atlas] Tagging probes which are using the ISP's DNS server?

2022-12-23 Thread Guy Meyer

I am currently out of the office until January 2nd.

If this is an urgent message please reach out to my manager Robert Kisteleki or 
myself directly at +31 643419539.

Happy holidays :)
Guy Meyer

On 6 Oct 2022, at 12:32, Simon Brandt via ripe-atlas  

> Hi,
> Since a lot of probes use RFC1918 DNS resolvers (like home DSL/Cable routers 
> etc.) you can't tell, if an ISP-resolver or Public-resolver is actually used.
> Another thing I noticed is, that some eyeball providers stopped provisioning 
> their own DNS resolvers. Instead, they assing public resolvers like 
> Cloudflare to their customers.
> If the distinction isn't to difficult to implement, I would prefer these 
> three types as system tags:
> Inside-AS DNS
> Outside-AS DNS
> RFC1918 DNS
> Best Regards,
> Simon
> On 6 October 2022 09:23:15 UTC, Robert Kisteleki  wrote:
> Hello,
> This seems to be an interesting question.
> We can certainly apply some (system) tags for probes that have the popular 
> resolvers, and so on in the resolver configuration. This 
> would allow users like you to easily filter for, or filter out, probes that 
> do this.
> One complication is that in many cases probes (an by extension, the users) 
> have such a public resolver *in addition to* whatever else they use - which 
> complicates the semantics of what resolver was actually used. But I guess one 
> can accept that as a fact and still consider the feature to be useful.
> As an extension, we can, if that's deemed useful, tag other resolvers, along 
> the lines of:
> * resolvers on private IPs (ie. on-net in the home?)
> * mixed private-and-quadX
> * mixed private-and-public
> If we go this far, a probe could have multiple tags, eg. uses- + 
> uses-private + mixed-private-and-quad. This may be overdoing it...
> We'd be curious about what you think.
> Regards,
> Robert
> On 2022-10-06 03:38, Max Grobecker wrote:
> Hi,
> a few days ago I wanted to debug a name resolution problem of one of our 
> domains.
> For this reason, I wanted to test if probes inside a specific ASN are having 
> difficulties to resolve a specific name (because only customers of this ISP 
> were complaining).
> This lead to very mixed results, mostly because some of the selected probes 
> did queries to a public DNS service like Google, Quad9 and so on.
> The problem existed only with the provider's DNS servers for some reason.
> It did take some time to make a script which tried to filter out these 
> probes, so I wondered if anyone else had the same use-case and problem.
> Is there a way to automatically tag probes, which are (seemingly) using the 
> ISP's own DNS servers, or, at least, not a well-known public service?
> This could be done maybe by querying a special DNS name which returns the IP 
> address from where the query was received (like "").
> By comparing the ASN of the probe and the ASN of the IP address returned by 
> the DNS query, one could determine, if the ISP's servers are used.
> This would also be true for people running their own recursor, but this could 
> be filtered as well very easy.
> If an ISP is using multiple ASN, this could be a problem. Maybe there's an 
> easy solution for this as well.
> Probes which pass this test, could then be tagged with "DNS-using-ISP-server" 
> or something like that and explicitly be selected for specific DNS resolution 
> tests.
> Greetings,
>   Max
> -- 
> ripe-atlas mailing list
> -- 
> ripe-atlas mailing list
ripe-atlas mailing list

Re: [atlas] v4 Probe Available

2022-12-23 Thread Guy Meyer

I am currently out of the office until January 2nd.

If this is an urgent message please reach out to my manager Robert Kisteleki or 
myself directly at +31 643419539.

Happy holidays :)
Guy Meyer

On 10 Oct 2022, at 10:06, Alexander Burke via ripe-atlas  

> Hello all, 
> I have one more v4 probe available for distribution. If anyone is interested 
> in (reliably!) hosting it, please email me off-list with your address, and 
> I'll get it out to you. 
> First reply gets it. 
> Cheers, 
> Alex 
> -- 
> ripe-atlas mailing list
ripe-atlas mailing list

[atlas] Apologies for OOO reply

2022-12-23 Thread Guy Meyer
Hi all, 

As some of you might have seen, something went wrong with my out-of-office 
email settings, and I'm sorry that you received the email multiple times. 

We're cleaning up the mailing list, and I wish you all happy holidays and a 
great year ahead.

Kind regards,
Guy Meyer
ripe-atlas mailing list

Re: [atlas] RIPE Atlas SMTP Measurement

2022-12-23 Thread Guy Meyer

I am currently out of the office until January 2nd.

If this is an urgent message please reach out to my manager Robert Kisteleki or 
myself directly at +31 643419539.

Happy holidays :)
Guy Meyer

On 1 Oct 2022, at 16:11, Simon Brandt via ripe-atlas  

> Hi Michel,
> That would would indeed mean a combination of TCP and SSL measurement to 
> achieve all 3 required functions. Is it problematic if the result comes from 
> multiple steps? If so, can you explain how?
> The intent of the measurement would be to validate whether an SMTP server is:
>   •   reachable
>   •   responsive
>   •   capable of secured transmissions
> First, let's define the testmethod. In my opinion:
> - reachable
> 3-way TCP Handshake with target on tcp/25 successful?
> - responsive
> when establishing and SMTP connection, does the smtp-server signalize 
> readiness of the service (SMTP 220)?
> - capable of secured transmissions
> when sending an EHLO, the server will tell us his features. 250-STARTTLS 
> should be there.
> For all three checks, it's the easiest to use netcat.
> Reachability:
> $ nc -vz 25
> [] 25 (smtp) open
> Note, that we have not measured the response time. That's why you wanted to 
> use TCP Traceroute, right? We can also go with TCP Traceroute here.
> Responsiveness (wait for 220):
> $ nc -C 25
> 220 ESMTP Sat, 01 Oct 2022 15:25:22 +0200
> quit
> 221 closing connection
> You might want to use the -w option here, to specify a timeout.
> capable of secured transmissions (send EHLO and check response):
> $ nc -C 25
> 220 ESMTP Sat, 01 Oct 2022 15:54:04 +0200
> Hello []
> 250-SIZE 52428800
> 250-8BITMIME
> 250-ETRN
> 250 HELP
> To check the Certificate validity and if encryption is indeed successful, we 
> can use OpenSSL:
> $ openssl s_client -starttls smtp -connect
> (output to long, i stripped it)
> You’re correct, the current SSL measurement does not support any form of 
> STARTTLS, this is something that would have to be considered for 
> implementation. I assume, much like with SMTP, similar cases could be made 
> for IMAP4/POP3 or XMPP.
> Yeah, as far as i know, STARTTLS is also used for imap, pop3, xmpp and ftp 
> (ftps, not sftp).
> As i said before, there are additional e-mail security features that we could 
> check. There's MTA-STS, where we would have to perform a combination of HTTP 
> and SSL check. Also, there is DANE, where we would perform a combination of 
> DNS and SSL check (including DNSSEC). But DANE can be used for other 
> protocols as well, not only SMTP. DNSSEC/DANE are perhaps worth a separate 
> check type.
> Last but no least, we should check for Forward-confirmed reverse DNS and 
> matching SMTP banner, which is a combination of DNS and netcat check. This 
> would be a reasonable part of every smtp measurement.
> Please note, that the creator of the measurement should either specify the 
> exact mailserver FQDN, or the target Domain. In the latter case, an MX record 
> lookup has to be performed before the measurement starts, not while the 
> measurement is running. Otherwise it could cause credit consumption trouble, 
> if suddenly multiple mx records are added the domain, while the measurement 
> is running.
> Oh, and please make the SMTP measurement IPv6 capable :)
> BR,
> Simon
> On 29.09.22 11:50, Michel Stam wrote:
> Hi Simon,
> >Can we achieve the first 2 items of this measurement by doing a TCP 
> >traceroute on port 25?
> I would say no. Using TCP Traceroute, you can may check for 
> reachability/responsiveness of the host, but not the actual service (smtp).
> That would would indeed mean a combination of TCP and SSL measurement to 
> achieve all 3 required functions. Is it problematic if the result comes from 
> multiple steps? If so, can you explain how?
> I just noticed that the SSL measurement offers a time to connect, response 
> time, certificates as well as SSL alerts which may be leveraged, see here: 
>, under "Version 
> 4610 TLS (SSL) GET Cert”. TCP traceroute may not be necessary in this case, 
> although I understand it is typically used to determine service availability.
> >Does the SSL measurement cover the intended use cases?
> I would say no. Correct me if am am wrong. Usually (for example HTTPS or 
> LDAPS) the SSL/TLS encryption starts right after the TCP 3-way Handshake was 
> successfull. For SMTP, that doesn't work. That's because regular SMTP 
> communication starts first, so both sides can negotiate if SSL/TLS encryption 
> is possible (via 

Re: [atlas] V5 probes

2022-12-23 Thread Guy Meyer

I am currently out of the office until January 2nd.

If this is an urgent message please reach out to my manager Robert Kisteleki or 
myself directly at +31 643419539.

Happy holidays :)
Guy Meyer

On 30 Sep 2022, at 17:38, Simon Brandt via ripe-atlas  

> It was shown at RIPE84:
> BR,
> Simon
> On 30.09.22 18:17, Ernst J. Oud wrote:
> L.S.
> Is there a sneak preview of the V5 probes available somewhere?
> Regards,
> Ernst J. Oud
> -- 
> ripe-atlas mailing list
ripe-atlas mailing list

Re: [atlas] RIPE Atlas SMTP Measurement

2022-12-23 Thread Guy Meyer

I am currently out of the office until January 2nd.

If this is an urgent message please reach out to my manager Robert Kisteleki or 
myself directly at +31 643419539.

Happy holidays :)
Guy Meyer

On 27 Sep 2022, at 00:12, Simon Brandt via ripe-atlas  

> Hi everyone,
> multiple times, i wrote about "enhanced SMTP Status Codes". That was 
> nonsense. What i meant were Extended SMTP commands (e.g. 250-STARTTLS). 
> Sounds similar, but is something different:
> Enhanced Status Codes - 
> My apologies!
> Best regards,
> Simon
> On 23.09.22 17:08, Simon Brandt via ripe-atlas wrote:
> Hi Michel,
> >Are we monitoring the Internet or monitoring a service using the proposed 
> >SMTP measurement?
> First of all, we are monitoring the service of a specific target. Same as 
> http or ntp measurements, just another protocol. But we also monitor the 
> Internet. Using an SMTP measurement, we could identify censorship or discover 
> Man-in-the-middle attacks (downgrade attack by suppressing the STARTTLS 
> command).
> >Can we achieve the first 2 items of this measurement by doing a TCP 
> >traceroute on port 25?
> I would say no. Using TCP Traceroute, you can may check for 
> reachability/responsiveness of the host, but not the actual service (smtp).
> >Does the SSL measurement cover the intended use cases?
> I would say no. Correct me if am am wrong. Usually (for example HTTPS or 
> LDAPS) the SSL/TLS encryption starts right after the TCP 3-way Handshake was 
> successfull. For SMTP, that doesn't work. That's because regular SMTP 
> communication starts first, so both sides can negotiate if SSL/TLS encryption 
> is possible (via Enhanced SMTP Status Codes). However, as far as i know, 
> OpenSSL does support SMTP and STARTTLS. So you could probably modify the 
> existing SSL measurement.
> Keep in mind that there's also MTA-STS and DANE, which are really enhancing 
> SMTPs security. A dedicated SMTP measurement would be a good thing.
> BR,
> Simon
> On 23.09.22 16:04, Michel Stam wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Great that this request sparked a good discussion on the merits of a 
> measurement, as well as its potential impact on servers around the world. 
> Good to see this!
> So I’m going to do a quick recap here, hoping that I capture the intent and 
> the concerns correctly. Please correct me if I err.
> The intent of the measurement would be to validate whether an SMTP server is:
>   •   reachable
>   •   responsive
>   •   capable of secured transmissions
> The concern is that such a check would trigger one of a variety of anti spam 
> measures in place around the world, and/or cause undue traffic to SMTP server 
> operators.
> With this in mind, I am wondering: 
>   •   Are we monitoring the Internet or monitoring a service using 
> the proposed SMTP measurement? 
>   •   Can we achieve the first 2 items of this measurement by doing a 
> TCP traceroute on port 25?
>   •   Does the SSL measurement cover the intended use cases?
>   ◦    Is it worth exploring STARTTLS support as an extension and 
> what would the implications be?
> Have a good weekend!
> Best regards,
> Michel
> On 21 Sep 2022, at 00:11, Avamander  wrote:
> > Making arguments based upon extreme cases, assumptions, or 
> > potential-for-collateral-damage is not scientific. "I know one that even 
> > [...]" Anecdotal  evidence isn't scientific.
> From the perspective of your previous sentences that's kinda humorous. "To 
> avoid unnecessary costs incurred from disruption of service, excessive 
> traffic, annoyances using up *my* time, and countless other reasonable 
> rationale from *my* point of view." Because sure, a few (hypothetical RIPE 
> probe) connections are exactly that, zero exaggeration, right?
> In the end such fail2ban-fueled (or similar) behaviour I initially addressed, 
> is exactly a non-scientific extreme-case assumption-based approach. There are 
> better and even more standard ways. 
> Crutch solutions out in the wild shouldn't be a showstopper for measuring the 
> ecosystem. (That is already quite neglected)
> > What _objective_ risk/benefit analysis are you basing your opinions upon?
> And you? What's the implication here about systems being as trigger-happy as 
> previously described?
> Because sure, at some point rate limits make total sense, but certainly not 
> at the point where it would ban any potential RIPE probes.
> >  Are you a systems administrator?
> Let's not get into such measuring contests, even if it is the RIPE Atlas 
> mailing list.
> On Tue, Sep 20, 2022 at 11:42 PM Paul Theodoropoulos via ripe-atlas 
>  wrote:
> On 9/20/2022 10:45 AM, Avamander wrote:
> Great to hear it works for 

Re: [atlas] V5 probes

2022-12-23 Thread Guy Meyer

I am currently out of the office until January 2nd.

If this is an urgent message please reach out to my manager Robert Kisteleki or 
myself directly at +31 643419539.

Happy holidays :)
Guy Meyer

On 2 Oct 2022, at 02:05, Simon Brandt via ripe-atlas  

> By the way, a lot of them are already registered (Probe IDs 6).
> ...
> Currently, there are ~3100 registered v5 probes, of which only 35 are online. 
> The others are not yet in use (never connected). As far as i can see, the 
> first v5 probes went online in january this year. The architecture type is 
> "atlas-mox".
> BR,
> Simon
> On 30.09.22 18:38, wrote:
> It was shown at RIPE84:
> BR,
> Simon
> On 30.09.22 18:17, Ernst J. Oud wrote:
> L.S.
> Is there a sneak preview of the V5 probes available somewhere?
> Regards,
> Ernst J. Oud
> -- 
> ripe-atlas mailing list
ripe-atlas mailing list

Re: [atlas] V5 probes

2022-12-23 Thread Guy Meyer

I am currently out of the office until January 2nd.

If this is an urgent message please reach out to my manager Robert Kisteleki or 
myself directly at +31 643419539.

Happy holidays :)
Guy Meyer

On 2 Oct 2022, at 14:27, Simon Brandt via ripe-atlas  

> You can get the specs from the RIPE84 photo:
> 256MB DDR3L - SK Hynix H5TC4G63CFR
> 4GB eMMC Flash - SK Hynix H26M31001HPR
> ARMv8 CPU - Marvell Armada 3720 (88F3720)
> Micro-USB Port
> But the sample shown at RIPE84 was a prototype. Some things might have 
> changed.
> However, it looks like the prototype has some GPIO ports? Oh boy, what can we 
> expect? Hardware extension boards? Maybe we could create some sort of global 
> radiation measurement network, connect outdoor heat sensors or stuff like 
> that^^
> BR,
> Simon
> On 02.10.22 14:58, Eric Kochen wrote:
> Have a look at this:
> Might be USB-C?
> Op 2 okt. 2022, om 14:33 heeft Alexander Burke via ripe-atlas 
>  het volgende geschreven:
> I really hope that's USB-C and not Micro USB. 
> -- 
> ripe-atlas mailing list
> -- 
> ripe-atlas mailing list
ripe-atlas mailing list

Re: [atlas] V5 probes

2022-12-23 Thread Guy Meyer

I am currently out of the office until January 2nd.

If this is an urgent message please reach out to my manager Robert Kisteleki or 
myself directly at +31 643419539.

Happy holidays :)
Guy Meyer

On 2 Oct 2022, at 21:39, Alexander Burke via ripe-atlas  

> Hi Bjørn,
> Micro-USB is mechanically inferior: less reliable (easier to accidentally 
> disconnect) and less robust than USB Type-C.
> Oct 2, 2022 16:12:35 Bjørn Mork :
> Alexander Burke via ripe-atlas  writes:
> I really hope that's USB-C and not Micro USB.
> Why would that matter?  It's not like you're going to share the cable
> with other devices, or ever unplug it from the probe.
> The only factor I can imagine matter to anyone would be plug-n-play
> replacement of older probes. Which gives Micro USB a small advantage.
> Bjørn
> -- 
> ripe-atlas mailing list
ripe-atlas mailing list

Re: [atlas] API error

2022-12-23 Thread Guy Meyer

I am currently out of the office until January 2nd.

If this is an urgent message please reach out to my manager Robert Kisteleki or 
myself directly at +31 643419539.

Happy holidays :)
Guy Meyer

On 5 Oct 2022, at 05:32, Dimeji Fayomi via ripe-atlas  

> Hi, 
> I have also been experiencing this authorization error when I attempt to 
> download first and second hop ping data of public probes.
> I'd please appreciate any tips or pointers to dealing with this.
> Thanks
> Dimeji
> -- 
> Dimeji Fayomi
> -- 
> ripe-atlas mailing list
ripe-atlas mailing list

Re: [atlas] V5 probes

2022-12-23 Thread Guy Meyer

I am currently out of the office until January 2nd.

If this is an urgent message please reach out to my manager Robert Kisteleki or 
myself directly at +31 643419539.

Happy holidays :)
Guy Meyer

On 2 Oct 2022, at 13:33, Alexander Burke via ripe-atlas  

> I really hope that's USB-C and not Micro USB. 
> -- 
> ripe-atlas mailing list
ripe-atlas mailing list

Re: [atlas] V5 probes

2022-12-23 Thread Guy Meyer

I am currently out of the office until January 2nd.

If this is an urgent message please reach out to my manager Robert Kisteleki or 
myself directly at +31 643419539.

Happy holidays :)
Guy Meyer

On 3 Oct 2022, at 11:37, Simon Brandt via ripe-atlas  

> Hi Robert,
> i noticed that v1 probes are stuck with Firmware Version 4790. Does that 
> mean, they are missing crucial functionalities of the later firmwares?
> BR,
> Simon
> On 03.10.22 09:37, Robert Kisteleki wrote:
> Deal All, 
> Let me provide some information about the v5 probes, as it seems some of you 
> are interested in the details :-) 
> The technical bits: the probes are derived from Turris Mox, "simplified" to 
> match our need (e.g. no WiFi). The specs include: Marvell Armada 3720 CPU, 
> 4GB eMMC, 512MB RAM, 1Gb ethernet, microUSB power. 
> A few of these are up and running already, hosted by testers (incl. some 
> staff). We are gearing up to start distributing them via the usual channels 
> (applications, ambassadors, sponsors, ...) 
> We do not (yet) recommend "upgrading" form earlier probes, as long as those 
> still work. Of course we're always interested in new locations/networks to 
> cover, so feel free to propose that! :-) 
> Regards, 
> Robert Kisteleki 
> for the RIPE Atlas team 
> -- 
> ripe-atlas mailing list
ripe-atlas mailing list

Re: [atlas] Tagging probes which are using the ISP's DNS server?

2022-12-23 Thread Guy Meyer

I am currently out of the office until January 2nd.

If this is an urgent message please reach out to my manager Robert Kisteleki or 
myself directly at +31 643419539.

Happy holidays :)
Guy Meyer

On 6 Oct 2022, at 19:11, Karsten Thomann via ripe-atlas  

> On Thursday, 6 October 2022 19:42:58 EEST wrote:
> On Thu, 6 Oct 2022 at 13:32, Simon Brandt via ripe-atlas
>  wrote:
> If the distinction isn't to difficult to implement, I would prefer these
> three types as system tags:
> Inside-AS DNS
> Outside-AS DNS
> RFC1918 DNS
> Agreed, these three tags would IMO satisfy *most* use cases. Certainly
> mine, too.
> I'm now curious how that would work with dual-stack probes using different 
> providers for v4 and v6...
> My probe uses my local Provider for v4 and HE for IPv6 (static /48 network 
> with reverse dns delegation would never be possible from my local provider).
> According to that logic, using my local router as dns server for the probe, 
> could set all three tags depending on the used dns server.
> As an example depending on the transport protocol used for dns:
> - v4 uses RFC1918 IP as resolver IP and inside AS DNS Server
> - v6 uses public IP of subnet and resolves via a different AS if the query is 
> sent over v6 
> It could also be argued, that the v6 case is still Inside-AS DNS, but it 
> should be clear how the tags are determined.
> Or is this case in the meantime special enough to ignore it due to the rising 
> native v6 rollout by providers?
> -- 
> ripe-atlas mailing list
ripe-atlas mailing list

Re: [atlas] Apply for Quantum Internet Hackathon: 1-2 December, 6 locations & online

2022-12-23 Thread Guy Meyer

I am currently out of the office until January 2nd.

If this is an urgent message please reach out to my manager Robert Kisteleki or 
myself directly at +31 643419539.

Happy holidays :)
Guy Meyer

On 15 Oct 2022, at 12:20, Gery Escalier via ripe-atlas  

> Fantastic Vesna! thank you so much for sharing it on the list!
> Gery
> -- 
> ripe-atlas mailing list
ripe-atlas mailing list

Re: [atlas] V4 probe looses connection

2022-12-23 Thread Guy Meyer

I am currently out of the office until January 2nd.

If this is an urgent message please reach out to my manager Robert Kisteleki or 
myself directly at +31 643419539.

Happy holidays :)
Guy Meyer

On 22 Oct 2022, at 18:12, Szabolcs Sipos via ripe-atlas  

> Hi,
> I have a probe (#53985, V4, fw: 5070) that goes offline after 1-2 days
> of uptime and does not recover unless rebooted. The probe responds to
> ping (even from a different subnet). Packet capture reveals that it
> renews its DHCP lease normally, but does not initiate any higher level
> connection.
> I will try to keep the probe online for a few days so that you can run
> some tests if you wish.
> Regards,
> Szabolcs
> -- 
> ripe-atlas mailing list
ripe-atlas mailing list

Re: [atlas] atlas related mails come 4 times

2022-12-23 Thread Guy Meyer

I am currently out of the office until January 2nd.

If this is an urgent message please reach out to my manager Robert Kisteleki or 
myself directly at +31 643419539.

Happy holidays :)
Guy Meyer

On 2 Dec 2022, at 10:28, Peter Eckel via ripe-atlas  wrote:

> Hi Endre, 
> looking at your E-Mail-Address I'd suspect some issue at the service 
> providing the "" addresses. 
> Can you look at the full headers of all emails and see if you can finde 
> differences in mail routing?
> I never had any problems of that kind with this list, so I suspect the 
> problem lies somewhere else.
> Best regards, 
>  Pete.
> -- 
> ripe-atlas mailing list
ripe-atlas mailing list

Re: [atlas] Atlas api down

2022-12-23 Thread Guy Meyer

I am currently out of the office until January 2nd.

If this is an urgent message please reach out to my manager Robert Kisteleki or 
myself directly at +31 643419539.

Happy holidays :)
Guy Meyer

On 14 Dec 2022, at 09:03, Alexander Burke via ripe-atlas  

> Hi Robert,
> If the status page is manually updated, it should probably show a prominent 
> note to that effect so that it is consumed well-salted.
> -- 
> ripe-atlas mailing list
ripe-atlas mailing list

Re: [atlas] Atlas api down

2022-12-23 Thread Guy Meyer

I am currently out of the office until January 2nd.

If this is an urgent message please reach out to my manager Robert Kisteleki or 
myself directly at +31 643419539.

Happy holidays :)
Guy Meyer

On 14 Dec 2022, at 09:22, Alexander Burke via ripe-atlas  

> Hi,
> The event shows up in the "past incidents" section of the page. Is that what 
> you're looking for
> ?
> I'm sure it does now, but I was referring to this:
> Dec 13, 2022 20:22:57 Ernst J. Oud :
> After some two hours it appears to work again.
> showed no problems…
> and:
> Dec 14, 2022 09:39:25 Robert Kisteleki :
> I am updating the status page now.
> Dec 14, 2022 10:09:25 Robert Kisteleki :
> On 2022-12-14 10:03, Alexander Burke via ripe-atlas wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> If the status page is manually updated, it should probably show a prominent 
> note to that effect so that it is consumed well-salted.
> Hi,
> The event shows up in the "past incidents" section of the page. Is that what 
> you're looking for?
> Robert
> -- 
> ripe-atlas mailing list
ripe-atlas mailing list

Re: [atlas] Credit sponsorship

2022-12-23 Thread Guy Meyer

I am currently out of the office until January 2nd.

If this is an urgent message please reach out to my manager Robert Kisteleki or 
myself directly at +31 643419539.

Happy holidays :)
Guy Meyer

On 6 Nov 2022, at 08:07, Simon Brandt via ripe-atlas  

> Hi Finn,
> i've just send you 10 million as well. Have fun!
> Gruß,
> Simon
> On 06.11.22 09:02, Julian Panke via ripe-atlas wrote:
> Hi Finn,
> I have transferred 5 million tokens to your account.
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
> Julian Panke
>  Original-Nachricht 
> Am 6. Nov. 2022, 08:57, schrieb Finn Holler < 
> Hello, I am looking for probe operators, with a credit surplus, who would 
> want to transfer some credits to my RIPE Atlas account (email: 
> These credits are required for me to 
> interact with the measurement API, which I want to explore and ideally use, 
> to implement a service indicating the connectivity status of various internet 
> services to tenants of local student housing. The plan is to register some 
> probes, so this credit sponsorship is only necessary for initial trials. 
> Best, -Finn -- ripe-atlas mailing list 
> -- 
> ripe-atlas mailing list
ripe-atlas mailing list

Re: [atlas] RIPE Atlas SMTP Measurement

2022-12-23 Thread Guy Meyer

I am currently out of the office until January 2nd.

If this is an urgent message please reach out to my manager Robert Kisteleki or 
myself directly at +31 643419539.

Happy holidays :)
Guy Meyer

On 11 Nov 2022, at 13:16, Simon Brandt via ripe-atlas  

> Hi Michel,
> Thanks for your feedback!
> Note: the SSL measurement currently does not use the OpenSSL library.
> Is that a reason to not use OpenSSL for SMTP measurements? Are there any 
> reasons to not use OpenSSL?
> BR,
> Simon
> On 11.11.22 13:57, Michel Stam wrote:
> Hi Simon,
> This seems to have gotten a bit idle since RIPE85. Let me give a bit of an 
> update:
>   •   Adding TLSv1.3 is gonna be tricky since the SSL measurement 
> implements the first stages of the TLS handshake only. This means adding that 
> complexity to the code, which as Niall commented to me is not trivial. Note: 
> the SSL measurement currently does not use the OpenSSL library.
>   •   Other than retrieving the certificate from the peer, no other 
> validation happens in the current SSL measurement. This includes not 
> validating the certificate chain, which may be a self-signed certificate.
>   •   Adding STARTTLS the way OpenSSL has done it involves issuing 
> the appropriate command after receiving certain output from the remote end, 
> then starting the TLS handshake. This should be doable.
> Hope this helps, have a nice weekend!
> Regards,
> Michel
> On 20 Oct 2022, at 17:30, Michel Stam  wrote:
> Hello Simon,
> I’ll first have a look at OpenSSL to gauge the amount of effort required. 
> I’ll also look at the existing SSL measurement to see what that offers. That 
> will likely provide the best path forward. Lastly, I’ll have an internal 
> discussion on measuring SMTP/STARTTLS/etc.
> Ripe 85 is up next week, I’ll be attending there, so my response may be 
> delayed somewhat.
> Please bear with me.
> Regards,
> Michel
> On 16 Oct 2022, at 03:37, wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> Both netcat and openssl wait for the 220 to continue. If a timeout would 
> occur during the STARTTLS phase, or before the 220, would this differ from a 
> conclusion perspective? In other words, is it necessary to test once for the 
> 220 to appear (or a timeout), then another time to see if the STARTTLS 
> completes?
> If you have a timeout while waiting for the initial 220 response (service 
> ready), the service is not available. Maybe the SMTP daemon is not running or 
> not answering for some reason, or there's a network issue. If a timeout 
> occurs later during the STARTTLS phase, the server is available and also the 
> underlying network connection seems to be fine. So yes, the conclusion would 
> be a different. But we still don't have to run two separate tests, i think.
> Could this be folded into a single test that does a 220, then the STARTTLS 
> and will report error when there’s a fail in the process?
> Yes. Since we do not really want to send an e-mail, we can probably use 
> OpenSSL for everything in a single run. If you use the -debug parameter, 
> you'll get *very* detailed output which contains all informations we want 
> (except for response-times, i think). There might be a more elegant way to 
> get a better-looking output from OpenSSL. But I don't know how, to be honest. 
> I haven't read the whole man-page :)
> $ openssl s_client -starttls smtp -connect -debug
> Most work is probably to study the OpenSSL documentation, to find out the 
> different error messages we have to expect, depending on the problems we 
> might face:
> - TCP handshake not successfull
> - Server does not reply with 220 (timeout)
> - Server does not reply with 220 (server replies with another 4xx or 5xx code)
> - Server is not ESMTP capable**
> - Connection successfull, but the server does not offer 250-STARTTLS (not 
> supported or suppressed because of MITM attack)
> - 250-STARTTLS was offered, but establishing encryption was still not 
> successful for some reason
> and maybe other typical certificate problems like:
> - certificate invalid (self-signed)
> - certificate invalid (expired)
> - certificate invalid (broken chain)
> **
> SMTP Encryption is optional, but it is not supported by the original SMTP 
> protocoll (RFC 821). To use STARTTLS, the mailserver has to support SMTP 
> "Service Extensions" aka. ESMTP. ESMTP has been introduced 13 years later by 
> RFC 1869. From a communication perspective, the main difference is, that the 
> initiator of the SMTP connection (client) is using EHLO instead of HELO (EHLO 
> = Enhanced HELO). If the server does support ESMTP, it will tell the client 
> it's features. If the server does not support ESMTP, it will reply with an 
> error. I don't know what the OpenSSL output looks like, if you try to connect 
> to a server which does not support ESMTP. It will probably output some error 

Re: [atlas] What is the trick with "+Reuse a set from a measurement" ?????

2022-12-23 Thread Guy Meyer

I am currently out of the office until January 2nd.

If this is an urgent message please reach out to my manager Robert Kisteleki or 
myself directly at +31 643419539.

Happy holidays :)
Guy Meyer

On 21 Nov 2022, at 03:17, Malte Tashiro via ripe-atlas  

> Hi Barry,
> this function does indeed still work, but it appears that the web interface 
> for it is somewhat broken?
> If I search for "traceroute" one of the results is measurement 1001589 [0], 
> which has this term in the description, but searching for that measurement id 
> gives no result. And in any case, the only available results seem to be very 
> old looking at the ids.
> What _does_ work is using the measurement API, for example:
> "probes": [
>  {
>   "type": "msm",
>   "value": your_msm_id_here,
>   "requested": number_of_probes_here
>  }
> ]
> Not sure this is the answer you wanted to hear, but maybe someone from the 
> Atlas development team can figure out what's up with the web interface.
> Best,
> Malte
> [0]
> On 11/21/22 03:16, Barry Greene wrote:
> Hi Team,
> I’m trying to use “+Reuse a set from a measurement.” (See 
> )
> I’m going back to my own measurements and trying different Measurement IDs. 
> None of them work. I try from someone else’s test. None of them work.
> Q. Does this function work anymore?
> Barry
> -- 
> ripe-atlas mailing list
ripe-atlas mailing list

Re: [atlas] Unknown probe in my account

2022-12-23 Thread Guy Meyer

I am currently out of the office until January 2nd.

If this is an urgent message please reach out to my manager Robert Kisteleki or 
myself directly at +31 643419539.

Happy holidays :)
Guy Meyer

On 26 Nov 2022, at 20:09, Simon Brandt via ripe-atlas  

> Hi Giuseppe,
> it's one of the new v5 probes. The RIPE Atlas team was not able to send out 
> new probes for a while, due to a shortage of new probes.
> Did you apply for a new probe some time ago?
> New probes are currently being shipped. If you are about to receive a new 
> probe, you can already see it in your userprofile, even before it arrives.
> BR,
> Simon
> On 26.11.22 18:41, Giuseppe Macario wrote:
> Hello everyone, I have a probe that works properly but, a few weeks ago, my 
> account also started to show a probe that doesn't work and that I don't know. 
> I contacted atlas to ask for clarification but I didn't get 
> anything (apart from a semi-automated message). So could anyone delete this 
> unknown probe? Thank you.
> -- 
> ripe-atlas mailing list
ripe-atlas mailing list

Re: [atlas] Unknown probe in my account

2022-12-23 Thread Guy Meyer

I am currently out of the office until January 2nd.

If this is an urgent message please reach out to my manager Robert Kisteleki or 
myself directly at +31 643419539.

Happy holidays :)
Guy Meyer

On 26 Nov 2022, at 20:40, Simon Brandt via ripe-atlas  

> Hi Giuseppe,
> Did you apply for another probe some time ago?
> If so, that's probably why you see a probe in your user profile, that you 
> don't own (yet).
> If you did not apply for a new probe, be patient and wait for an answer from 
> Maybe it happened by accident.
> BR,
> Simon
> On 26.11.22 21:29, Giuseppe Macario wrote:
> My working probe is
> So, if I understand correctly, am I receiving a new probe?
> Il giorno sab 26 nov 2022 alle ore 21:11 Simon Brandt via ripe-atlas 
>  ha scritto:
> Hi Giuseppe,
> it's one of the new v5 probes. The RIPE Atlas team was not able to send out 
> new probes for a while, due to a shortage of new probes.
> Did you apply for a new probe some time ago?
> New probes are currently being shipped. If you are about to receive a new 
> probe, you can already see it in your userprofile, even before it arrives.
> -- 
> ripe-atlas mailing list
ripe-atlas mailing list

Re: [atlas] Proposal: Remove support for non-public measurements [ONLY-PUBLIC]

2022-12-23 Thread Guy Meyer

I am currently out of the office until January 2nd.

If this is an urgent message please reach out to my manager Robert Kisteleki or 
myself directly at +31 643419539.

Happy holidays :)
Guy Meyer

On 15 Dec 2022, at 05:57, Alexander Burke via ripe-atlas  

> Hello,
> From the linked page:
> A total of 173 users scheduled at least one, 81 users have at least two, one 
> specific user scheduled 91.5% of all of these.
> That is surprising. What do those numbers look like if you zoom out to the 
> past 6/12/24 months?
> If you can count on one hand the number of users using >90% of the private 
> measurements over a longer timeframe than two weeks, then I submit that the 
> choice is clear.
> Cheers,
> Alex
> -- 
> ripe-atlas mailing list
ripe-atlas mailing list

Re: [atlas] Proposal: Add support for STARTTLS measurements [STARTTLS]

2022-12-23 Thread Guy Meyer

I am currently out of the office until January 2nd.

If this is an urgent message please reach out to my manager Robert Kisteleki or 
myself directly at +31 643419539.

Happy holidays :)
Guy Meyer

On 15 Dec 2022, at 05:11, Alexander Burke via ripe-atlas  

> Hello,
> As a security and privacy specialist, I am absolutely in favour of RIPE Atlas 
> gaining the ability to detect and measure phenomena such as STARTTLS 
> stripping, certificate replacement, etc.
> Cheers,
> Alex
> -- 
> ripe-atlas mailing list
ripe-atlas mailing list

Re: [atlas] Proposal: remove per-hop “late” packets from traceroute [LATE-PACKETS]

2022-12-23 Thread Guy Meyer

I am currently out of the office until January 2nd.

If this is an urgent message please reach out to my manager Robert Kisteleki or 
myself directly at +31 643419539.

Happy holidays :)
Guy Meyer

On 15 Dec 2022, at 03:55, Malte Tashiro via ripe-atlas  

> Hi Robert,
> I support this proposal. I only recently learned through side channels how to
> correctly interpret this field, as I apparently misunderstood the description 
> in
> the documentation, so replacing it with a counter is a good idea in my 
> opinion.
> Best,
> Malte
> -- 
> ripe-atlas mailing list
ripe-atlas mailing list

Re: [atlas] Proposal: Remove support for non-public measurements [ONLY-PUBLIC]

2022-12-23 Thread Guy Meyer

I am currently out of the office until January 2nd.

If this is an urgent message please reach out to my manager Robert Kisteleki or 
myself directly at +31 643419539.

Happy holidays :)
Guy Meyer

On 16 Dec 2022, at 21:39, Daniel Suchy via ripe-atlas  

> Hello,
> I support Gert here, network operators (LIRs) can have valid reasons to make 
> some their measurements non-public. So I don't support removal of this 
> feature. It's a bad idea...
> If some probe host has problem with that, why don't mark such probes as 
> not-available for private measurements (this can be implemented easily)? And 
> I think there will be only minority of probes marked like that. Majority of 
> hosts will not care at all...
> And keep in mind that Atlas is funded by LIRs and their money. All the 
> big-data infrastructure (and also making of hardware probes) costs real (and 
> not small) money. Existence of rivate measurements might be one reason, why 
> LIRs allow spending money for this useful project. Probe hosting is only 
> small piece in expenses within this project...
> - Daniel
> On 12/16/22 19:13, Gert Doering wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, Dec 15, 2022 at 10:41:42AM -0800, Steve Gibbard wrote:
> Atlas, and the RIPE NCC, have two fairly separate constituencies:  
> researchers and operators.
> This.
> Operators (like me) are willing to host Atlas anchors and probes, and
> thus contribute to the system.
> I might be troubleshooting something in our network where I have no
> interest in making the results public.  So I value the option to have
> non-public measurements.
> There's no "right to see all measurements" here - if someone wants to
> see something, they are free to run their own measurements with their
> own credits.  What I do with my credits (which do not come for free)
> and who can see the results should be my decision.
> Gert Doering
> -- NetMaster
> -- 
> ripe-atlas mailing list
ripe-atlas mailing list

Re: [atlas] Low cost, low energy consumption probe

2022-12-23 Thread Guy Meyer

I am currently out of the office until January 2nd.

If this is an urgent message please reach out to my manager Robert Kisteleki or 
myself directly at +31 643419539.

Happy holidays :)
Guy Meyer

On 19 Dec 2022, at 17:10, Stijn Jonker via ripe-atlas  

> Hi Ernst, Hi Others,
> I would be interested as well maybe even exploring the USB model/option. 
> However I would be keen to pursue only if it would be low maintenance as the 
> current HW probes (i.e. config via portal, sw updates covered etc). To be 
> fair I think an additional option might be that instead of sending out probes 
> for free, that somehow you can order a probe directly or via Ripe or some 
> reseller by providing a kitlist. As I would be keen to deploy some additional 
> probes here and there (think ±12 locations at the end) but don't dare to ask 
> for additional probes...
> So maybe instead of reinventing the wheel, @ripe would it be an consideration 
> to provide an kitlist/place to purchase the previous or current V5 HW model?
> -- 
> Met vriendelijke groet,
> Stijn Jonker
> On 19 Dec 2022, at 16:42, Ernst J. Oud  wrote:
> Hi,
> I have probes running on VMware (CentOS), Ubuntu (native) and on Docker for 
> Windows. These small PC’s consume a lot more than the Ripe supplied HW probes.
> So I looked for a cheap and *very* low energy alternative.
> TP-Link sells the WR802N mini travel router for around USD 20 (o.a. on 
> Amazon) that runs the latest version of OpenWRT fine and the Atlas probe SW 
> has been ported to it. With some acrobatics I managed to turn it into an 
> excellent alternative. Runs fine, energy consumption 700 mW (!). The device 
> is as small as the Ripe supplied probe.
> Since the flash memory of this device is too small for some of the required 
> libraries, the acrobatics involved copying them to RAM and putting links to 
> them in flash. This means that with FTP after a power outage a couple of 
> files need to be copied to the device and that one command must be given 
> after that.
> There is a more expensive version with a USB port so that a USB stick can be 
> used to store those files. Will investigate that option.
> If someone here wants a detailed write-up let me know and I will invest the 
> time to write it.
> Regards,
> Ernst J. Oud
> -- 
> ripe-atlas mailing list
> -- 
> ripe-atlas mailing list
ripe-atlas mailing list

Re: [atlas] Low cost, low energy consumption probe

2022-12-23 Thread Guy Meyer

I am currently out of the office until January 2nd.

If this is an urgent message please reach out to my manager Robert Kisteleki or 
myself directly at +31 643419539.

Happy holidays :)
Guy Meyer

On 21 Dec 2022, at 13:06, Stijn Jonker via ripe-atlas  

> Hi Michel,
> For the $dayjob, I have access to today 13, soon even more locations with 
> good (redundant) internet connectivity but very little compute hardware. To 
> the extend that there is no hypervisor, however I personally really like the 
> Atlas project. Will this add great value to the Atlas project, possibly not 
> as the locations are kind a meh / non-exotic. So I perfectly understand me 
> requesting a bunch of probes would be an issue.
> As such from personal pocket (depending on cost on the total #) I'm happy to 
> source/buy a bunch of probes. For instance, if it would work, I would be 
> happy to buy some TP-Link MR3020 (the V3 probe), which seems to be ±22 euro 
> here, and some USB sticks (and POE to USB cables) and last enroll them into 
> Atlas. 
> Happy to discuss offlist further.
> -- 
> Met vriendelijke groet,
> Stijn Jonker
> On 21 Dec 2022, at 13:51, Michel Stam  wrote:
> Hello Stijn,
> What kind of locations are you looking at for your probes? We don’t bite if 
> asked, but yes is not guaranteed :)
> The v5 hardware probe is a custom design based off the Turris Mox.
> If we would do something like this we would need to split the Atlas 
> application from the OS firmware, which for hardware probes currently is 
> bundled. This to some extent ensures that the probe is not doing anything 
> else (security).
> There’s a couple of considerations to be had here, mostly with regard to 
> support and security.
> Can you detail why you want to BYOP (Build-Your-Own-Probe)?
> Regards,
> Michel
> On 19 Dec 2022, at 18:10, Stijn Jonker via ripe-atlas  
> wrote:
> Hi Ernst, Hi Others,
> I would be interested as well maybe even exploring the USB model/option. 
> However I would be keen to pursue only if it would be low maintenance as the 
> current HW probes (i.e. config via portal, sw updates covered etc). To be 
> fair I think an additional option might be that instead of sending out probes 
> for free, that somehow you can order a probe directly or via Ripe or some 
> reseller by providing a kitlist. As I would be keen to deploy some additional 
> probes here and there (think ±12 locations at the end) but don't dare to ask 
> for additional probes...
> So maybe instead of reinventing the wheel, @ripe would it be an consideration 
> to provide an kitlist/place to purchase the previous or current V5 HW model?
> -- 
> Met vriendelijke groet,
> Stijn Jonker
> On 19 Dec 2022, at 16:42, Ernst J. Oud  wrote:
> Hi,
> I have probes running on VMware (CentOS), Ubuntu (native) and on Docker for 
> Windows. These small PC’s consume a lot more than the Ripe supplied HW probes.
> So I looked for a cheap and *very* low energy alternative.
> TP-Link sells the WR802N mini travel router for around USD 20 (o.a. on 
> Amazon) that runs the latest version of OpenWRT fine and the Atlas probe SW 
> has been ported to it. With some acrobatics I managed to turn it into an 
> excellent alternative. Runs fine, energy consumption 700 mW (!). The device 
> is as small as the Ripe supplied probe.
> Since the flash memory of this device is too small for some of the required 
> libraries, the acrobatics involved copying them to RAM and putting links to 
> them in flash. This means that with FTP after a power outage a couple of 
> files need to be copied to the device and that one command must be given 
> after that.
> There is a more expensive version with a USB port so that a USB stick can be 
> used to store those files. Will investigate that option.
> If someone here wants a detailed write-up let me know and I will invest the 
> time to write it.
> Regards,
> Ernst J. Oud
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