[rt-users] PostgreSQL schema discrepancies

2008-12-19 Thread Kevin Murphy
This message is for RT database hackers, in case 3.8 database upgrade 
scripts do not already address some long-standing discrepancies between 
fresh PostgreSQL schemas and vintage 3.X schemas.  I haven't checked 
MySQL because I don't use it.

I wrote a script to compare my live (old below) PostgreSQL schema with 
the 3.6.7 etc/schema.Pg (new below) and found a few differences.  I'm 
currently at RT 3.6.7 using PostgreSQL 8.3.5, and I've been upgrading 
both steadily since the summer of 2003 (RT 3.0.3).

Most of the differences are benign, but a couple are not.  The 
differences are not the result of my skipping a database upgrade script 
-- the changes just don't occur in etc/upgrade/*/*.


*) Old (live) transactions.data is much smaller (100) than new (255):
NEW: data character varying(255)
OLD: data character varying(100)
This problem was discussed here in 2006: 
I checked, and my users have experienced problems because of this.

*) Old (live) transactions.objecttype is much smaller (64) than new (255):
NEW: objecttype character varying(255) NOT NULL
OLD: objecttype character varying(64) NOT NULL

*) Old (live) customfields.maxvalues lacks default value and NOT NULL 
NEW: maxvalues integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL
OLD: maxvalues integer

*) Old (live) objectcustomfieldvalues.objecttype has NOT NULL 
constraint, new does not:
NEW: objecttype character varying(255)
OLD: objecttype character varying(255) NOT NULL

*) Old (live) has no index on groups:
NEW: CREATE INDEX groups2 ON groups USING btree (type, instance, domain);
OLD: n/a

*) Old (live) has a couple of extra indexes on objectcustomfieldvalues:
NEW: n/a
OLD: CREATE INDEX ticketcustomfieldvalues1 ON objectcustomfieldvalues 
USING btree (customfield, objectid, content);
OLD: CREATE INDEX ticketcustomfieldvalues2 ON objectcustomfieldvalues 
USING btree (customfield, objectid);


*) Integer booleans for, e.g., 'disabled' columns:
NEW: disabled integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL
OLD: disabled smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL
I assume these smallint fields are all used as booleans, so this seems 

*) id columns have different internal PostgreSQL definition:
NEW: id integer DEFAULT nextval('attributes_id_seq'::regclass) NOT NULL
OLD: id integer DEFAULT nextval(('attributes_id_seq'::text)::regclass) 
It's interesting that PostgreSQL has propagated a differing internal 
translation of id INTEGER DEFAULT nextval('attributes_id_seq') through 
the ages.  Presumably this is benign.

-Kevin Murphy


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Re: [rt-users] Upgrade 3.6 - 3.8; database corruption?

2008-12-18 Thread Kevin Murphy

Hi Ruslan,

I don't know if you saw the end of my previous message in this thread, 
so here it is again (rt-validator 3.8.2rc1 output).   There are many 
CachedGroupMembers problems.  Should I attempt to allow rt-validator to 
fix them (if it can?)  See also the seemingly unrelated SQL error.

As mentioned previously, my RT database works fine with RT 3.6.X but 
produces the weird rights errors with 3.8.X.  This database has been in 
use since 2003.  There have been many RT and PostgreSQL upgrades since 
then, but there has never been a database problem, to my knowledge.

I ran the rt-validator from 3.8.2rc1 on my 3.6.7 database, and this is 
what I got:

*Name RT::DatabaseType used only once: possible typo at 
sbin/rt-validator line 133.

Record #15423 in CachedGroupMembers references not existent record in
   ImmediateParentId = '6585' = GroupId
   MemberId = '6329' = MemberId
   Via = '15420' = id*

[... and 109 more like the previous ...]
*Principal #22 is member of #6585 when #6585 is member of #6166,

but there is no cached GM record that 22 is member of #6166.
[... and 219 more like the previous ...]

*[Wed Dec 17 15:59:28 2008] [warning]: DBD::Pg::st execute failed:
ERROR:  syntax error at or near WHERE
   ^ at sbin/rt-validator line 1060. (sbin/rt-validator:1060)
[Wed Dec 17 15:59:28 2008] [crit]: couldn't execute SELECT m.id, g.id,
   Groups g JOIN Attachments m
   g.Domain = ?
   AND g.Type = ?
   AND g.id = m.Creator

   Error: ERROR:  syntax error at or near WHERE
   ^ at sbin/rt-validator line 1060.
couldn't execute SELECT m.id, g.id, g.Instance
   Groups g JOIN Attachments m
   g.Domain = ?
   AND g.Type = ?
   AND g.id = m.Creator

   Error: ERROR:  syntax error at or near WHERE
   ^ at sbin/rt-validator line 1060.*


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Re: [rt-users] Upgrade 3.6 - 3.8; database corruption?

2008-12-17 Thread Kevin Murphy
Ruslan Zakirov wrote:
 Start from SELECT * FROM ACL WHERE RightName = 'OwnTicket'; Check
 objects in the list may be there are some relevant details.

 Kevin Murphy wrote:
 I just upgraded from RT 3.6.6 to 3.8.1 on Mac OS X Server 10.4.11, using
 PostgreSQL 8.3.5.
 Creating a ticket, I see a couple candidate owners who shouldn't be in
 the Owner drop-down menu, even including a non-privileged user.

1) I'll need some hints.  I presume I follow into the groups (Group) and 
??? (AdminCC, Requestor,Cc) tables?  The query output (of my 3.6.7 
database) looks like this:

 id  | principaltype | principalid | rightname | objecttype | objectid | 
delegatedby | delegatedfrom
   2 | Group |  11 | OwnTicket | RT::System |1 
|   0 | 0
 174 | Group |4562 | OwnTicket | RT::Queue  |   16 
|   0 | 0
 213 | Group |6585 | OwnTicket | RT::Queue  |   18 
|   0 | 0
 261 | Group |  94 | OwnTicket | RT::Queue  |   13 
|   0 | 0
 236 | Group |7882 | OwnTicket | RT::Queue  |   19 
|   0 | 0
 284 | Group |  23 | OwnTicket | RT::Queue  |   13 
|   0 | 0
 307 | Group |7949 | OwnTicket | RT::Queue  |5 
|   0 | 0
 328 | Group |  30 | OwnTicket | RT::Queue  |6 
|   0 | 0
 352 | Group |8610 | OwnTicket | RT::Queue  |9 
|   0 | 0
 375 | Group |8615 | OwnTicket | RT::Queue  |   20 
|   0 | 0
 394 | Group |  30 | OwnTicket | RT::Queue  |1 
|   0 | 0
 411 | Group |  30 | OwnTicket | RT::Queue  |5 
|   0 | 0
 423 | Group |9022 | OwnTicket | RT::Queue  |3 
|   0 | 0
 447 | Group |  48 | OwnTicket | RT::Queue  |   21 
|   0 | 0
 469 | Group |6136 | OwnTicket | RT::Queue  |   21 
|   0 | 0
 508 | Group |   11105 | OwnTicket | RT::Queue  |   22 
|   0 | 0
 632 | AdminCc   |   11566 | OwnTicket | RT::Queue  |   25 
|   0 | 0
 645 | Group |   11603 | OwnTicket | RT::Queue  |   25 
|   0 | 0
 695 | Group |   3 | OwnTicket | RT::Queue  |   23 
|   0 | 0
 709 | Requestor |   11551 | OwnTicket | RT::Queue  |   23 
|   0 | 0
 619 | Group |   11603 | OwnTicket | RT::Queue  |   24 
|   0 | 0
 665 | Group |   11548 | OwnTicket | RT::Queue  |   23 
|   0 | 0
 602 | Group |4557 | OwnTicket | RT::Queue  |   24 
|   0 | 0
 737 | Cc|   11549 | OwnTicket | RT::Queue  |   23 
|   0 | 0
 755 | Group |  23 | OwnTicket | RT::Queue  |   12 
|   0 | 0
 778 | Group |  48 | OwnTicket | RT::Queue  |   12 
|   0 | 0
 795 | Group |   11105 | OwnTicket | RT::Queue  |   24 
|   0 | 0
 814 | Group |   11105 | OwnTicket | RT::Queue  |   26 
|   0 | 0
 837 | Group |   10980 | OwnTicket | RT::Queue  |   13 
|   0 | 0
 860 | Group |   13972 | OwnTicket | RT::Queue  |   27 
|   0 | 0
 886 | Group |4557 | OwnTicket | RT::Queue  |   27 
|   0 | 0
 904 | AdminCc   |   14380 | OwnTicket | RT::Queue  |   28 
|   0 | 0
 913 | Cc|   14379 | OwnTicket | RT::Queue  |   28 
|   0 | 0
 927 | Group |   12221 | OwnTicket | RT::Queue  |   23 
|   0 | 0
 943 | Group |   15773 | OwnTicket | RT::Queue  |   29 
|   0 | 0

2) Should I take this off-line with Ruslan, because there's going to be 
a lot of back-and-forth and lengthy posts?

3) Out of curiosity and complete ignorance, I ran the rt-validator from 
3.8.2rc1 on my 3.6.7 database, and this is what I got:

Name RT::DatabaseType used only once: possible typo at 
sbin/rt-validator line 133.
Record #15423 in CachedGroupMembers references not existent record in 
ImmediateParentId = '6585' = GroupId
MemberId = '6329' = MemberId
Via = '15420' = id

... and 109 more like the previous ...
Principal #22 is member of #6585 when #6585 is member of #6166

[rt-users] Upgrade 3.6 - 3.8; something wacky with users?

2008-12-16 Thread Kevin Murphy
I just upgraded from RT 3.6.6 to 3.8.1 on Mac OS X Server 10.4.11, using 
PostgreSQL 8.3.5.

Creating a ticket, I see a couple candidate owners who shouldn't be in 
the Owner drop-down menu, even including a non-privileged user.

I followed the instructions (but see next paragraph), as far as I know 
(I've done many RT upgrades over the years), and I didn't see any 
errors.  The installation of CPAN dependencies went fine, the make 
upgrade went fine, there were no errors when I ran the database upgrade 
script.  I read the UPGRADING file but didn't see any actionable items 
for me.  I don't see anything unusual in the PostgreSQL, system, or 
Apache logs.

The only unusual occurrence was that I initially ran 'sudo make upgrade' 
on top of the existing RT directory, but I then decided to move that 
directory out of the way and run 'sudo make upgrade' again.

RT 3.8 looks great, but hopefully I don't have a corrupted database.  I 
*do* have a backup of the database, of course.

I'd like some advice on how to proceed.

Thanks for any tips,
Kevin Murphy


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Re: [rt-users] Upgrade 3.6 - 3.8; database corruption? (was: something wacky with users)

2008-12-16 Thread Kevin Murphy
Kevin Murphy wrote:
 I just upgraded from RT 3.6.6 to 3.8.1 on Mac OS X Server 10.4.11, using 
 PostgreSQL 8.3.5.
 Creating a ticket, I see a couple candidate owners who shouldn't be in 
 the Owner drop-down menu, even including a non-privileged user.

Yikes!  I repeated the upgrade from scratch with a fresh restore of the 
pre-upgrade database, with identical results.  Is it possible that the 
database upgrade scripts corrupted something?

Prior to the upgrade, I did a pg_dumpall, and I used that dump to 
rebuild the database.

I then followed the upgrade instructions.  These database updates were 

* 3.7.1
* 3.7.3
* 3.7.10
* 3.7.15
* 3.7.19
* 3.7.81
* 3.7.82
* 3.7.85
* 3.7.86
* 3.7.87
* 3.8.0
* 3.8.1

-Kevin Murphy


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Re: [rt-users] Upgrade 3.6 - 3.8; database corruption?

2008-12-16 Thread Kevin Murphy
Kenneth Marshall wrote:
 The only database changes in this list are 3.7.3/schema.Pg
 which just increases the size of a variable length field to
 64k from 255. I do not see how that could have the effect
 that you are observing.

I don't know either, but two updates from 3.6.6  to 3.8.1 resulted in 
identical problems - users appearing incorrectly in Owner menus, users 
able to see queues they shouldn't.

Happily, upgrading to 3.6.7 worked.  I just went through the exact same 
upgrade procedure a third time, but this time from 3.6.6 to 3.6.7 (the 
only difference being the manual checking for database upgrade 
scripts).  This time the resulting RT instance behaves normally.

Because of my 3.8 lust, I'm willing to spend a couple hours 
troubleshooting per the advice of Ruslan and others on the list.

-Kevin Murphy


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[rt-users] How to access custom field description from a scrip

2008-12-10 Thread Kevin Murphy
When a custom field value changes on a ticket, I'd like to parse a 
default priority value out of the custom field value's description 
field.  I looked at some of the source code quickly, but I didn't notice 
a class method for directly accessing the description. I'm using RT 3.6.

Kevin Murphy


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Re: [rt-users] ExternalAuth installation problems and can Authenticating RT against Active Directory be done with version 3.8?

2008-11-20 Thread Kevin Murphy
Thanks Mike,

I did follow as per instructions with 'perl Makefile.PL', 'make', and
'make install'. I just reported here up until my first error as I
assumed the next error was related to the first reported.  Anyway, I
continued on to edit the /opt/rt3/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm by adding 'Set(
@Plugins, qw(RT::Authen::ExternalAuth) );' as per the readme file.
After that, if I attempt to restart Apache, the server fails and the
error logs report the following:
Can't locate Net/LDAP.pm in @INC (@INC contains:
/opt/rt3/local/plugins/RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/lib /opt/rt3/bin/../lib
/etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.8 /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8
/usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.8 /usr/share/perl/5.8
/usr/local/lib/site_perl . /etc/apache2) at
/LDAP.pm line 2.\nBEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
/LDAP.pm line 2.\nCompilation failed in require at
.pm line 28.\nBEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
.pm line 28.\nCompilation failed in require at /opt/rt3/bin/../lib/RT.pm
line 624.\nCompilation failed in require at (eval 2) line 1.\n

Thanks again

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mike
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 12:38 AM
To: Kevin Murphy
Cc: RT-Users@lists.bestpractical.com
Subject: Re: [rt-users] ExternalAuth installation problems and can
Authenticating RT against Active Directory be done with version 3.8?

Kevin Murphy wrote:
 Hi RT List,
  I attempted installing with CPAN, but that resulted in:
 Warning: Cannot install RT::Authen::ExternalAuth, don't know what it
 Try the command
 i /RT::Authen::ExternalAuth/
 to find objects with matching identifiers.

I don't know why this would be. But manual installation is just as good 
so it doesn't matter much.

 So, I followed the manual install instructions, but when I run
 Perl Makefile.PL
 The response is
 Cannot determine perl version info from 
 Cannot determine author info from lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth.pm
 Cannot determine license info from lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth.pm
 Using RT configuration from /opt/rt3/lib/RT.pm:
 ./etc   = /opt/rt3/local/plugins/RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/etc
 ./html  = /opt/rt3/local/plugins/RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/html
 ./lib   = /opt/rt3/local/plugins/RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/lib
 Cannot determine perl version info from lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth.pm
 Writing Makefile for RT::Authen::ExternalAuth

I don't know what's causing the cannot determine warnings, I guess I 
just haven't yet accounted for a newer version.

 Can anyone inform me of what I am doing wrong here?

Nothing, you just stopped too early. Once you've done `perl Makefile.PL`

you need to do `make` and `make install`.
Kind Regards,


Mike Peachey, IT
Tel: +44 114 281 2655
Fax: +44 114 281 2951
Jennic Ltd, Furnival Street, Sheffield, S1 4QT, UK
Comp Reg No: 3191371 - Registered In England

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Re: [rt-users] ExternalAuth installation problems and can Authenticating RT against Active Directory be done with version 3.8?

2008-11-20 Thread Kevin Murphy
Thanks Brian,

I did run 'cpan  install Net::LDAP' after seeing that error and I
thought it installed... but I just learned how to use 'instmodsh' to
list all the perl modules, saw it wasn't there, and ran the install
again... where I saw it failed on 'make' do to an additional module I
chose 'yes' to when I should have chosen 'no'. I closed the cpan
session, reopened it and ran the install Net::LDAP again, chose 'no' and
it installed this time.  And, now the server is running again with
'Set(@Plugins, (qw(RT::Authen::ExternalAuth)));' added on
RT_SiteConfig.PL file.



-Original Message-
From: Brian Friday [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 3:18 PM
To: Kevin Murphy
Cc: RT Users
Subject: Re: [rt-users] ExternalAuth installation problems and can
Authenticating RT against Active Directory be done with version 3.8?

It appears Kevin that you do not have Net::LDAP installed based on  
your error messages below.

Make sure you have installed the Net::LDAP modules and any others that  
it needs and you should
get further.

- Brian

On Nov 20, 2008, at 1:38 PM, Kevin Murphy wrote:

 Thanks Mike,

 I did follow as per instructions with 'perl Makefile.PL', 'make', and
 'make install'. I just reported here up until my first error as I
 assumed the next error was related to the first reported.  Anyway, I
 continued on to edit the /opt/rt3/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm by adding 'Set(
 @Plugins, qw(RT::Authen::ExternalAuth) );' as per the readme file.
 After that, if I attempt to restart Apache, the server fails and the
 error logs report the following:
 Can't locate Net/LDAP.pm in @INC (@INC contains:
 /opt/rt3/local/plugins/RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/lib /opt/rt3/bin/../lib
 /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.8 /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8
 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.8 /usr/share/perl/5.8
 /usr/local/lib/site_perl . /etc/apache2) at
 /LDAP.pm line 2.\nBEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
 /LDAP.pm line 2.\nCompilation failed in require at
 .pm line 28.\nBEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
 .pm line 28.\nCompilation failed in require at /opt/rt3/bin/../lib/ 
 line 624.\nCompilation failed in require at (eval 2) line 1.\n

 Thanks again


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[rt-users] ExternalAuth installation problems and can Authenticating RT against Active Directory be done with version 3.8?

2008-11-19 Thread Kevin Murphy
Hi RT List,


I am in the process of setting up RT3.8 for an evaluation as we seek a
replacement for our current horrendous support ticketing system.

Apologies if the issues are simple configuration ones, but I am not
familiar with Perl or CPAN (aside from following instructions to get a
Bugzilla installation up running with Apache mod-perl).

I set up an Ubuntu 8.10 LAMP server and installed RT 3.8.  That went
smoothly and RT is running.

I run into problems with ExternalAuth...

I have read the ExternalAuth wiki page
(http://wiki.bestpractical.com/view/ExternalAuth) and a thread
describing how this was accomplished
(http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/rt/users/77286) but my major
problem at this point is that I can't seem to get ExternalAuth
installed.  I attempted installing with CPAN, but that resulted in:


Warning: Cannot install RT::Authen::ExternalAuth, don't know what it is.

Try the command

i /RT::Authen::ExternalAuth/

to find objects with matching identifiers.


So, I followed the manual install instructions, but when I run 

Perl Makefile.PL


The response is 


Cannot determine perl version info from

Cannot determine author info from lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth.pm

Cannot determine license info from lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth.pm

Using RT configuration from /opt/rt3/lib/RT.pm:

./etc   = /opt/rt3/local/plugins/RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/etc

./html  = /opt/rt3/local/plugins/RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/html

./lib   = /opt/rt3/local/plugins/RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/lib

Cannot determine perl version info from lib/RT/Authen/ExternalAuth.pm

Writing Makefile for RT::Authen::ExternalAuth


Can anyone inform me of what I am doing wrong here?






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[rt-users] RT 3.8 email delivery options

2008-09-23 Thread Kevin Murphy
I'm using RT 3.8.1 on Debian etch.

On the Settings page, I see Email delivery [Use system default (...)].

How do I change that system default?

[Aside: I can't find anything about email delivery options in 
RT_Config.pm or the wiki or a quick google of lists.fsck.com.  You know, 
RT could really use a manual with basic information that keeps abreast 
of releases.  I'm aware of the manual on the wiki, but it obviously 
doesn't address 3.8.X; nor does it contain any version or date 
information to indicate its applicability.]

What I'd really like to do is suspend email delivery for all users or a 
group of users temporarily while I do a large offline import of tickets.

I think I've asked about this for 3.6, but 3.8 seems to offer 
tantalizing new possibilities 

Kevin Murphy


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Re: [rt-users] RT 3.8 email delivery options

2008-09-23 Thread Kevin Murphy
Kevin Murphy wrote:
 On the Settings page, I see Email delivery [Use system default (...)].
 How do I change that system default?

Answering my own question:

Add this to RT_SiteConfig.pm (indirectly if you do it the Debian 
package's way):

Set($EmailFrequency, 'Suspended');

(and reload Apache?)


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[rt-users] Best way to disable mail notification during mass ticket creation?

2008-04-14 Thread Kevin Murphy
When creating large numbers of tickets via Tools/Offline, is there a 
good way of disabling associated mail notification?  I'm using RT 
3.6.6.  In 2006, Jesse suggested using a temporary override template (in 
my case named 'Admin Correspondence') hardwired to a nobody address.

It would be great to have a checkbox on the Tools/Offline page to 
disable mail notification.  Anything else is going to be potentially 
disruptive of normal RT usage.

Maybe there's no good way to do this.  Not knowing anything about RT 
internals, it seems like the right RT implementation of this might 
require something like per-session scrips, the ability to override 
global (and queue) scrips, and possibly even a new privilege.   Ugh.

-Kevin Murphy


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Re: [rt-users] Best way to disable mail notification during mass ticket creation?

2008-04-14 Thread Kevin Murphy
Kevin Murphy wrote:
 When creating large numbers of tickets via Tools/Offline, is there a 
 good way of disabling associated mail notification?
On second thought, this is a pretty darn rare requirement.  I retract my 
question and comments :-)



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Re: [rt-users] Re: What's new in 3.6.2?

2006-12-20 Thread Kevin Murphy

Paul Johnson wrote:

Alessio Fattorini wrote:

I have 3.6.1, what's new?
What bug fix? What features?

Did you check the changelog?  It comes with the tarball...

That's not a practical suggestion.  Jesse's release notes are vastly 
more helpful for users.  I've always thought that the RT download page 
should have a release notes link next to each tarball and that the real 
release notes should also be included with the source tarball (in 
addition to the change log, of course).

And it is disappointing that the release notes were stripped from the 
mail archive.  Maybe a resend with the text inline would be appropriate?

Kevin Murphy


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2006-12-19 Thread Kevin Murphy

Kurt A. Brust wrote:

What is the best way to do this? also what should be backed up?
Just use pg_dump to create a self-consistent snapshot of the database.  
Hopefully you have some general backup scheme to back up your systems, 
which will safeguard your RT customizations (RT_SiteConfig.pm at a 
minimum) as well as the database snapshot you create.

E.g., I have a crontab for the 'postgres' superuser, which backs up my 
RT database (called rt3) to a single compressed SQL file:

# Do a dump every day at 6:45pm
45 18 * * * /usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_dump rt3 | gzip -c 

This dump can be slurped right into psql to restore the database if 
needed: gunzip -c rt3.daily.dump.gz | psql

You could also use the 'custom' option on pg_dump, which can be used in 
concert with the pg_restore utility for greater flexibility.

See the man page for pg_dump.

When you do major postgresql version upgrades, you need to do 
dumps/restores, so it's good to know how to do this.

-Kevin Murphy


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Re: [rt-users] content search is a problem

2006-10-27 Thread Kevin Murphy
Here's a patch I use to prevent content searches from searching named 
attachments (uploaded files).  This patch is to 3.6.1, but I haven't 
tested it much.

I create a modified version of $RTHOME/lib/RT/Tickets_Overlay.pm in 

This patch is contingent on a configuration variable, so the following 
has to be added to RT_SiteConfig.pm:

# If $DontSearchFileAttachments is set to a true value, then 

# attached files are not searched.  Although this is usually 

# users expect, it is not the 

Set($DontSearchFileAttachments, 'true');

Here's the patch:

--- old/Tickets_Overlay.pm  2006-07-18 17:51:35.0 -0400
+++ new/Tickets_Overlay.pm  2006-10-23 20:14:39.0 -0400
@@ -679,14 +679,36 @@

#Search for the right field
-ALIAS = $self-{_sql_trattachalias},
-FIELD = $field,
-OPERATOR  = $op,
-VALUE = $value,
+if ($field eq 'Content' and $RT::DontSearchFileAttachments) {
+   $self-_SQLLimit(
+   ALIAS = $self-{_sql_trattachalias},
+   FIELD = 'Filename',
+   OPERATOR  = 'IS',
+   VALUE = 'NULL',
+   SUBCLAUSE = 'contentquery',
+  );
+   $self-_SQLLimit(
+   ALIAS = $self-{_sql_trattachalias},
+   FIELD = $field,
+   OPERATOR  = $op,
+   VALUE = $value,
+   @rest,
+   SUBCLAUSE = 'contentquery',
+  );
+} else {
+   $self-_SQLLimit(
+   ALIAS = $self-{_sql_trattachalias},
+   FIELD = $field,
+   OPERATOR  = $op,
+   VALUE = $value,
+   @rest
+  );

ALIAS1 = $self-{_sql_trattachalias},


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[rt-users] How to specify a custom field in $DefaultSearchResultFormat

2006-10-24 Thread Kevin Murphy

Some questions about displaying custom fields in search results:

1) Is this possible to do for queue-specific custom fields without code 
2) What's the syntax for use in $DefaultSearchResultFormat in 

3) What about if the field name has a space in it?

My impression is that the wiki entries alluding to this functionality 
are a bit obsolete and/or need some clarification.

Kevin Murphy


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[rt-users] RT update

2006-10-23 Thread Kevin Murphy

Hi gurus,

Is the next release of RT coming soon?

Because of extreme busyness, I'm still on 3.6.0.

Should I go ahead and upgrade to 3.6.1 or wait for the next release?  
We're not currently experiencing any problems with 3.6.0, but I was 
about to start making more use of custom fields, and I gather 3.6.1 has 
improvements in that area.

Kevin Murphy


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Re: [rt-users] User's Owned Tickets show incorrect URL string forsubject

2006-07-05 Thread Kevin Murphy

Josh Barron wrote:

At the very least could someone point me in the right direction to where
the page is generating that URL string?  Maybe I could try to debug it
from there?

Also, to Kevin, are you running version 3.6.0?


Yes, I'm running 3.6.0.

It appears to be a bug in etc/initialdata, but that gets loaded into the 
database (by rt-setup-database) when RT is installed, so that doesn't 
directly help us.


@Attributes = (
   { Name = 'Search - My Tickets',
 Description = '[_1] highest priority tickets I own', # loc
 Content =
 { Format = 'a 

ct', Priority, QueueName, ExtendedStatus,
   Query   =  Owner = '__CurrentUser__' AND ( Status = 'new' OR 
Status = 'open'),

   OrderBy = 'Priority',
   Order   = 'DESC' },

it looks like $RT::WebPath should be __WebPath__

I'm sure an RT guru could pretty easily delete the 'Search - My Tickets' 
record from the attributes table in the database and then re-insert the 
above record using a modified etc/initialdata file, but I don't know how 
to do it safely without spending time reading code.

I'm just talking out of my ^%# here, so I may be totally wrong on any or 
all of the above comments.

Kevin Murphy


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Re: [rt-users] User's Owned Tickets show incorrect URL string forsubject

2006-07-05 Thread Kevin Murphy

Gilmar Santos Jr wrote:

But RT allows users to customize the search format display (it's a per
user configuration), and it may be the problem's source.
If it is, then these configurations must be deleted. (DELETE FROM
Attributes WHERE Name = 'SearchDisplay', in MySQL, may in PostgreeSQL
too, but i'm not sure :) ). Use this with caution, *all* user's
SearchDisplay will be deleted and the default (set in RT_Config.pm, or
overridden in RT_SiteConfig.pm) used.
Yes, my problem (and probably Josh's) is that the attributes table entry 
where name is 'Search - My Tickets' exists and has a content column 
populated with the mimed/frozen version of the seemingly bad content 
data in etc/initialdata.

If I replace that with the mimed/frozen version of the fixed version 
of that record in etc/initialdata, then the N highest priority tickets 
I own display is correct.

-Kevin Murphy


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Re: [rt-users] User's Owned Tickets show incorrect URL string for subject

2006-07-03 Thread Kevin Murphy

Josh Barron wrote:

When doing a search for tickets you own, or on the
RT at a glance page, if you mouse over or try to click on the
hyperlinked ticket subject you get the following URL:
http://ticket/Display.html?id=2.  Obviously that URL isn't going to

Yes, I've reported this problem twice on this list and received no response.

-Kevin Murphy


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Re: [rt-users] Minor problem after 3.6.0 upgrade: highest priority tickets subject links broken

2006-06-26 Thread Kevin Murphy


Nobody replied to my earlier post (below).  Anybody else experience this?

Kevin Murphy

(Upgraded from RT 3.4.4 to 3.6.0, using PG 8.1.4.)

On the RT at a glance page, the subject links in the 10 highest 
priority tickets I own section are broken, because they don't include 
the WebPath.

All other subject links (in the unowned tickets section, and in search 
results) are good.

Hard to believe this is a real issue; maybe something went awry with my 

What's the easiest/best way to tweak this?  Any official means of 
configuring the relevant format is not obvious.


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Re: [rt-users] help with 3.6.0 upgrade from 3.4.4

2006-06-21 Thread Kevin Murphy

Todd Chapman wrote:

On Wed, Jun 21, 2006 at 10:42:22AM -0400, Kevin Murphy wrote:

When I run:

/usr/local/rt3/sbin/rt-setup-database --dba postgres 
--prompt-for-dba-password --action schema --datadir etc/upgrade/3.5.1

I get:

Creating database schema.
Couldn't find schema file for Pg

Wot op?

Just ignore that. It just means there was no schema upgrade.
You will get a similar message for acl upgrade.


OK.  It returns with a nonzero exit status, though, which is why I asked.



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[rt-users] Message could not be recorded

2006-04-27 Thread Kevin Murphy
Have mercy on me.  I'm a sleep-deprived new father not supposed to be 
back at work yet, and I could use a hint on this one ;-)  I looked 
through the wiki but didn't have success.

I just created a new feedback queue for testing, and everything seems to 
work, except:

When a requester replies to a resolved email, the ticket is not 
re-opened, and the requester receives an email with the subject Message 
not recorded.

In the Apache error log, I see:

[Thu Apr 27 15:01:52 2006] [crit]: RT::Attachment-Create couldn't, as 
you didn't specify a transaction 
[Thu Apr 27 15:01:52 2006] [err]: RT::Ticket=HASH(0x431f2a0) couldn't 
init a transaction Transaction Created 
[Thu Apr 27 15:01:52 2006] [crit]: Message could not be recorded 

Please throw my befuddled brain a bone.

I'm using RT 3.4.4.

Kevin Murphy


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