2001-10-29 Thread Mike Laborde


Southerners are racists!!!


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-Original Message-
From: Komrade Phillip L. Harbison

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2001-10-29 Thread Mike Laborde

Disclaimer: I, of course, was JUST JOKING with my original comments.

Have you ever been to Palisades Park in/outside of Oneonta, AL and seen the
Confederate memorial there?



-Original Message-

Deo vendice.

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2001-10-29 Thread Baker, Lee

How does your friend like working for labor bosses??


UA  '92

-Original Message-
From: William H Evans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2001 3:42 PM
Subject: Re: [RollTideFan] NAME THIS COUNTRY

You knew what type of intelligence I was talking about.  :-)  

'Soviet Intelligence' refers to spying on the former Soviet Union. 
Strangely, he got his degree within a few months of the USSR folding. 
This has been a constant source of derision to him from me since he
graduated.  As has his working for Gephart.

He speaks all of the flavors of Russian, Ukrainian, Arabic, etc. and he
can spell all of the J-K states (Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan,
Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, etc.) without a scorecard.  And he correctly
predicted to me for years that we would eventually be the target of a
small band of terrorists from that part of the world.

bill evans
Hartselle, AL

On Mon, 29 Oct 2001 16:07:57 -0500 Mike Laborde
 --comments imbedded--
 -Original Message-
 From: William H Evans
 ...he graduated from AU in 1989 with a degree in 'Soviet 
 Where do I begin with this sentence? I guess I can translate a 
 little. ..He
 graduated from AU in 1989 means he drove by Tooter's Corner in 1989 
 his window open.
 a degree in 'Soviet Intelligence' - - This is a tough one to 
 First, a degree in this subject would take about 15 minutes to 
 achieve due
 to the lack of subject matter. Second, 'Soviet Intelligence' is an 

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2001-10-29 Thread Phillip L. Harbison

Mike Laborde wrote:
 From: Komrade Phillip L. Harbison
 Looks like all the lefties are out today! ;-)

I'm a libertarian, not a lefty.  I am not opposed to military
spending.  I'm not opposed to kicking the crap out of anyone
who attacks us.  Hell, I don't even mind being the aggressor
if there is a worthwhile goal (like taking Iraq's oil and
ridding the world of an a-hole like Saddam Hussein).  You
will find no flower power signs at the B3ARCUB hacienda,
but I would give the Russians some of the oil if it helped
their experiment in capitalism.

Ron Rice wrote:
 Excellent post Phil.  Less military is not a bad thing.

I'm not advocating less military.  In fact, I think military
spending is woefully inadequate.  I am simply saying we need
to spend our money wisely.  Spending money on weapon systems
and bases the military doesn't even want is foolish.  Spending
money on an ABM system while neglecting maintenance, training,
and intelligence is foolish and possibly fatal.

But before we can fix our military budget, we need to change
the military philosophy of the civilian government.  Why is
the only remaining superpower still preparing to fight the
cold war in two theatres?  We are planning to fight World War
II again and failing to plan for contemporary threats.  Our
best military experts are telling us this, so why are we not

Who are the contemporary threats?  I don't think the Russians
are a problem.  Our best bet is to do everything we can to
see that their experiment in capitalism is a raving success.
It will take some time, but I believe the same policy will
eventually work for China.  So who does that leave?  About a
dozen totalitarian or fanatical regimes around the world bent
on regional (if not world) domination including Iraz, Iran,
the Taliban, Al Queda, and the PLO.

How do we deal with these threats?  The key is the 4 R's.

Readiness: We need to be ready to fight at a moments notice.
Our enemies must know that any attack will be provoke an
immediate and disproportionate response.

Reconnaisance: We should do our homework BEFORE a conflict
erupts.  We should know who our enemies are, where they are,
what they are planning, and how we can best attach them or
foil their plans.  Sun Tzu said all battles are won before
they are fought.  He also said the best generals are those
who win without even having to fight.  We've forgotten that
lesson and allowed the marvels of satellite recon to lull
us into complacency.

Reach: We should be able to project overwhelming force to
any corner of the world on short notice.  This is one area
where our spending is both misguided and inadequate.  What
we need is more mobility.  We need more carriers so we can
maintain a floating air base near any hot spot.  We must be
able to operate without the cooperation of the surrounding
states.  That requires transport systems that can ferry
massive forces from the nearest carrier group, and planes
like the Joint Strike Fighter (VTOL) that can operate near
the conflict point from minimal air bases.

Resolve:  When we deploy our troops, we should pursue our
battle plan with the tenacity of a pit bull.  We cannot
allow the first news footage of casualties to weaken our
resolve.  Our withdrawal from Somalia probably did more to
encourage the 9/11 attacks than anything other than our
military presence in the land of two holy places.

 We could have had 20 times the armed services we have and
 it wouldn't have prevented Sept. 11th. 

True, but adequate emphasis on human intelligence might have
prevented it.

Phil Harbison
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2001-10-29 Thread Rick McMahan

Our quote for the day...

The middle of the road is the usable surface.  The extremes, right and
left, are in the gutters. President Dwight D. Eisenhower


 -Original Message-
 From: Mike Laborde

 Looks like all the lefties are out today! ;-)

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2001-10-29 Thread Phillip L. Harbison

William H Evans wrote:
 He kept telling me Why build a missile defense system
 when we can't protect ourselves against a terrorist attack?

He's right. :-)

 Iraq and N. Korea aren't going to be attacking us in a
 conventional sense with ICBM's.

North Korea supposedly has a missile that could reach the
Alutien Islands.  They might melt a lot of ice and snow and
kill some baby seals.  I'll let Greenpeace worry about that.
Just as long as Russell's beer remains cold. :-)

 Let's spend that money on intelligence so we'll know what
 they are planning.

This guy is pretty smart for an aubie. :-)

 I called him up on Sept. 12 to tell him You were right.

We have neglected human intelligence to our peril.  While
we marveled at satellites that could pick up Nixon's five
o'clock shadow as he got off the plane in Beijing, or see
the Titleist logo on a golf ball, Al Queda we plotting
our demise in the caves of Afghanistan.  You would think
by now we could have payed someone to get close enough to
Assmama to plant a GPS transponder so our cruise missiles
would have accurate targeting information.

Javvy wrote:
 a degree in 'Soviet Intelligence' [...] First, a degree
 in this subject would take about 15 minutes to achieve due
 to the lack of subject matter.

Underestimating the enemy invites disasters like Pearl Harbor,
Yalu River, Vietnam, and the 9/11/01 terrorist attacks.

Piratespt wrote:
 Deo vendice.


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Phil Harbison
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2001-10-29 Thread William H Evans

These two points are the keys to this thread.  It is a matter of
priorities in a changing world.  Aircraft carriers and 100 megaton
hydrogen bombs do little to dissuade a small band of terrorists from
doing their dastardly deeds.  

If they had to spend some time wondering if their organization had been
infiltrated by US intelligence (even if it hasn't), it would at least
cause them problems.  

Some on-target intelligence *could* give us some advance warning next
time.   knock on wood 

On a slightly different note that applies back to Jeff's original post:
The US Army helicopter design/maintenance groups are in Huntsville.  For
the past three years I have been hearing that they didn't have enough
spare parts to even use the choppers for training.  It would have been
nice if Clinton had taken the savings from streamlining the military and
used them to buy some spare parts to keep what we already have in

A grounded Apache is only useful as a paper weight.

bill evans
Hartselle, AL

On Mon, 29 Oct 2001 18:23:40 -0500 Phillip L. Harbison  
  We could have had 20 times the armed services we have and
  it wouldn't have prevented Sept. 11th. 
 True, but adequate emphasis on human intelligence might have
 prevented it.
 Phil Harbison

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2001-10-29 Thread Phillip L. Harbison

Scott Rogers wrote:
 There are no pristine, saintly political figures [...]

James E. Carter on line 1. :-)

Bill Evans wrote:
 After the election last November, I e-mailed him about the
 St. Louis polls being held open after hours in Democratic

Why would you object to registered voters exercising their
right to vote?  We have a big problem with voting throughput
here in Atlanta and I would bet STL has the same problem.
Most blue collar people have to work during the day when
the polls are open.  If the polls are only open from 7AM to
6PM, they have a window of about 30 minutes in the morning
and 30 minutes in the evening to vote.  That puts a big
strain on the system.  Of course the obvious solution is to
LEGALLY expand the voting hours, and Atlanta has done that.
I think some of our precincts stay open until 7 or 8 PM.  I
think anyone in line by closing time also gets to vote no
matter how long that takes.  Is that not reasonable?

Phil Harbison
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2001-10-29 Thread William H Evans

-- comments embedded --

On Mon, 29 Oct 2001 19:02:40 -0500 Phillip L. Harbison 
  Iraq and N. Korea aren't going to be attacking us in a
  conventional sense with ICBM's.
 North Korea supposedly has a missile that could reach the
 Alutien Islands.  They might melt a lot of ice and snow and
 kill some baby seals.  I'll let Greenpeace worry about that.
 Just as long as Russell's beer remains cold. :-)

It might reach the Aleutians with a favorable wind and if the stars are
in alignment.  Otherwise it is likely to take out the N. Korean launch

  Let's spend that money on intelligence so we'll know what
  they are planning.
 This guy is pretty smart for an aubie. :-)

Like I said: I felt compelled to call him and say You were right.

Dos va donya,

bill evans
Hartselle, AL

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2001-10-29 Thread William H Evans

Phil - I agree with you on Jimmy Carter.  He may have been an ineffective
President, a less than Presidential leader, and totally lost on the
economy, but his character is beyond reproach.  We had a huge argument
about this on AU-Sports about two months ago.

Carter also did some things that he caught flack for at the time but that
turned out to be the correct thing to do: He tried to kill the B-1
program and started the Tomahawk cruise missile program.

His point was this: Why don't we continue to use these proven B-52's and
put some cruise missiles on them so they don't have to come with 1500
miles of their targets?

The few B-1's that we currently have will have been in mothballs for 40
years before they retire the B-52's in 2050.

The objection to them keeping the polls open in St. Louis was that they
ONLY did it in Democratic districts.  Then they bussed in every likely
Democratic voter they could find.

But as Scott Rogers reminded us, politics is NEVER a polite, gentlemanly
pursuit.  Hanky-panky is the norm, unless your initials are JEC.

bill evans
Hartselle, AL

On Mon, 29 Oct 2001 19:16:12 -0500 Phillip L. Harbison
 Scott Rogers wrote:
  There are no pristine, saintly political figures [...]
 James E. Carter on line 1. :-)
 Bill Evans wrote:
  After the election last November, I e-mailed him about the
  St. Louis polls being held open after hours in Democratic
 Why would you object to registered voters exercising their
 right to vote?  We have a big problem with voting throughput
 here in Atlanta and I would bet STL has the same problem.
 Most blue collar people have to work during the day when
 the polls are open.  If the polls are only open from 7AM to
 6PM, they have a window of about 30 minutes in the morning
 and 30 minutes in the evening to vote.  That puts a big
 strain on the system.  Of course the obvious solution is to
 LEGALLY expand the voting hours, and Atlanta has done that.
 I think some of our precincts stay open until 7 or 8 PM.  I
 think anyone in line by closing time also gets to vote no
 matter how long that takes.  Is that not reasonable?
 Phil Harbison
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 [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a BLANK subject line and the single 
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2001-10-29 Thread Jeff Todd

Former Chicago Mayor Richard Daley encouraging 

"Vote early, and vote often".


  -Original Message-From: 
  William H Evans [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: 
  Monday, October 29, 2001 4:33 PMSubject: Re: [RollTideFan] NAME 
  THIS COUNTRYSince he is a Democrat, he likes 
  it.He works at Gephart's St. Louis office. After the election 
  lastNovember, I e-mailed him about the St. Louis polls being held open 
  afterhours in Democratic districts.He actually lamented that they 
  used to be able to get away with stufflike that in Chicago and St. Louis 
  without getting caught. I would havestrangled him if I could have 
  gotten my hands on him that day.bill evansHartselle, AL[EMAIL PROTECTED]On 
  Mon, 29 Oct 2001 15:49:54 -0600 "Baker, Lee"[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  writes: How does your friend like working for labor bosses?? 
   Lee  UA '92 
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  less!Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: 
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2001-10-29 Thread PIRATESPT

Jimmy Carter was perhaps the smartest man to ever be President...and had the 
biggest heartbut he was a micromanagerand bad economic and foreign 
affairs advice and events destroyed himdont try to tar him with that 
Clintonesque brushof everybody does itpolitics is hard ball...but it 
doesnt have to be low ball.

 But as Scott Rogers reminded us, politics is NEVER a polite, gentlemanly

 pursuit.  Hanky-panky is the norm, unless your initials are JEC.

C'mon guys, even he admitted in the infamous Playboy interview that he

lusted in his heart. Being human, I am sure that was a momentary lapse

never repeated. Hence, iksnay the aintsay tatusay.

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