[Rails] Re: Just can't get Ruby on Rails to work in Leopard

2009-04-05 Thread Daniel Drehmer

When I installed here, making rails work with mysql was painful too..

I tryed to install and re-install both the gem and mysql for about
9000 times, using several different giant terminal commands

Could only make it work after installing a 32-bit version of mysql and
downloading the gem using macports, which gave an error in the
installation, but actually worked when I tested.

On 6 abr, 03:20, Scott Corgan  wrote:
> I have all the latest gems, rails, and ruby installed. I keep getting
> the same error, even when the re route of the mysql library. I don't
> know what else to do.
> Maybe an uninstall, clean install, and fix might work?
> On Apr 5, 11:51 am, Frederick Cheung 
> wrote:
> > On Apr 5, 6:16 pm, Jferg  wrote:
> > > When I moved from 2.0 to 2.1.1 I followed  a similar set of steps - I
> > > googled first for any hazards - the one I found was fixed by me
> > > installing another gem based on error logs.  Though I did not upgrade
> > > MySQL yet and I don't use it in my dev environment much - yet.
> > > The one problem I saw with 2.2 was having to upgrade Ruby to 1.9 - I
> > > think that is required.
> > Rails 2.2 doesn't support ruby 1.9 (rails 2.3.2 is the first version
> > with ruby 1.9 support, but that ruby 1.9 is by no means compulsory)
> > Fred
> > > If you are handy with XCode  you can always roll your own - Hive Logic
> > > probably has build it yourself directions for everything you'd 
> > > need:http://hivelogic.com/articles/view/ruby-rails-leopard
> > > Hope this helps.
> > > - John
> > > On Apr 5, 3:19 am, Scott Corgan  wrote:
> > > > I've tried a million different tutorials and I just can't figure this
> > > > out. I have all things needed to create the development environment
> > > > and I just can't get the server to function correctly I suppose.
> > > > Here's the error I am getting:
> > > > "The bundled mysql.rb driver has been removed from Rails 2.2. Please
> > > > install the mysql gem and try again: gem install mysql.
> > > > /!\ FAILSAFE /!\  Sun Apr 05 00:17:39 -0700 2009
> > > >   Status: 500 Internal Server E rror
> > > >   dlsym(0x1c44680, Init_mysql): symbol not found - /usr/local/lib/ruby/
> > > > gems/1.8/gems/mysql-2.7/lib/mysql.bundle"
> > > > And then when I got to localhost:3000 and click on the "About your
> > > > application's environment", I get a red box that says "We're sorry,
> > > > but something went wrong.We've been notified about this issue and
> > > > we'll take a look at it shortly" that drops down.
> > > > I can't find a solution anywhere.
> > > > Does anyone have any suggestions? Please help! I've spent hours and I
> > > > can't find anything.
> > > > Thank You!
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[Rails] [REQ] archive of reverse_proxy_fix plugin (svn down since 2+ weeks)

2009-04-05 Thread Mathieu Chappuis


Anyone using reverse_proxy_fix (from Brian Hogan) can provide an
archive of this plugin. (update for Rails 2.3)


Main repository is down since 2+ weeks. (unfortunately nobody made any
mirror or clone on github)

http://svn.napcsweb.com/public/reverse_proxy_fix  [:-(]

Thanks for your help, I really need that piece for hosting stuff under
IIS ( gna! )


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[Rails] Problem in copying file

2009-04-05 Thread Tushar Gandhi

I am facing a problem to copy the file.

I am getting path of the file like this
I want to copy this file locally. I am trying to do this by using


I am getting an error
Invalid argument -

I know that this is not a directory path. Is any one knows how to copy
this file?

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[Rails] Wizard like data entry

2009-04-05 Thread Indu RS

Hello after having searched the forums I couldn't find any solution to
this problem:

I want to implement a multi step form across models.

Step 1: Enter requested username/ password/image etc - User model
Step 2: Enter Employer Job Conditions information - EmployerJobCondition
Step 3: Enter Canditate Job Conditions information -
CandidateJobCondition model
In the third step only I want to store all the informations.

The problem is if a user is created in step 1 and then exits his browser
during step 2, thus a record in the users table is dangling, no good.Any
suggestion for wizard like data entry? Ive looked at the Wizard plugin
(http://github.com/crankin/wizard/tree/master), however it doesnt seam
like it addresses the issue mentioned above.
Pls help by giving suggestions for the above mentioned problem .
Thanks in advance.
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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[Rails] Re: Help to get on with jquery

2009-04-05 Thread Newb Newb

HeChian wrote:
> You can try this:http://ennerchi.com/projects/jrails
> On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 2:02 PM, Newb Newb
> wrote:
>> >
> --
> Yes! I'm HeChian :)
> http://hechian36.pixnet.net/blog

Thanks for the reply
Does jquery and jrails are diffrent?
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[Rails] Re: Just can't get Ruby on Rails to work in Leopard

2009-04-05 Thread Scott Corgan

I have all the latest gems, rails, and ruby installed. I keep getting
the same error, even when the re route of the mysql library. I don't
know what else to do.

Maybe an uninstall, clean install, and fix might work?

On Apr 5, 11:51 am, Frederick Cheung 
> On Apr 5, 6:16 pm, Jferg  wrote:
> > When I moved from 2.0 to 2.1.1 I followed  a similar set of steps - I
> > googled first for any hazards - the one I found was fixed by me
> > installing another gem based on error logs.  Though I did not upgrade
> > MySQL yet and I don't use it in my dev environment much - yet.
> > The one problem I saw with 2.2 was having to upgrade Ruby to 1.9 - I
> > think that is required.
> Rails 2.2 doesn't support ruby 1.9 (rails 2.3.2 is the first version
> with ruby 1.9 support, but that ruby 1.9 is by no means compulsory)
> Fred
> > If you are handy with XCode  you can always roll your own - Hive Logic
> > probably has build it yourself directions for everything you'd 
> > need:http://hivelogic.com/articles/view/ruby-rails-leopard
> > Hope this helps.
> > - John
> > On Apr 5, 3:19 am, Scott Corgan  wrote:
> > > I've tried a million different tutorials and I just can't figure this
> > > out. I have all things needed to create the development environment
> > > and I just can't get the server to function correctly I suppose.
> > > Here's the error I am getting:
> > > "The bundled mysql.rb driver has been removed from Rails 2.2. Please
> > > install the mysql gem and try again: gem install mysql.
> > > /!\ FAILSAFE /!\  Sun Apr 05 00:17:39 -0700 2009
> > >   Status: 500 Internal Server E rror
> > >   dlsym(0x1c44680, Init_mysql): symbol not found - /usr/local/lib/ruby/
> > > gems/1.8/gems/mysql-2.7/lib/mysql.bundle"
> > > And then when I got to localhost:3000 and click on the "About your
> > > application's environment", I get a red box that says "We're sorry,
> > > but something went wrong.We've been notified about this issue and
> > > we'll take a look at it shortly" that drops down.
> > > I can't find a solution anywhere.
> > > Does anyone have any suggestions? Please help! I've spent hours and I
> > > can't find anything.
> > > Thank You!
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[Rails] Rating Plugin dilemma !

2009-04-05 Thread Dharmdip Rathod

Which rating plugin is better to use ?
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[Rails] Re: Help to get on with jquery

2009-04-05 Thread HeChian
You can try this:http://ennerchi.com/projects/jrails

On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 2:02 PM, Newb Newb

> What version of jquery has to be used for rails 2.2.2?
> any links to getting started with jquery with rails.
> i have not tried any jquery still now.i want to give it a try.
> pls help me to get on with jquery on rails.
> Thanks
> --
> Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
> >

Yes! I'm HeChian :)


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[Rails] How to Apply patch

2009-04-05 Thread Charanya Nagarajan

I would like to use the plugin In-Place-Editing in my app.But it
requires a patch to be applied as given in
"http://www.yjchen.url.tw/tips/in-place-editing-for-rails-20/"; .I got
the patch file and the plugin.I would like to know how can i apply

Thanks in advance
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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[Rails] Help to get on with jquery

2009-04-05 Thread Newb Newb

What version of jquery has to be used for rails 2.2.2?
any links to getting started with jquery with rails.
i have not tried any jquery still now.i want to give it a try.
pls help me to get on with jquery on rails.

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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[Rails] Unit test problem,

2009-04-05 Thread Ps_gem Sh_gem

Hi, I am new in ROR. I have 4 fixtures in my '../test/fixtures' folder:
user.yml, aggregationfeedmaps.yml, aggregations.yml, and feeds.yml. I
have few test files in unit tests folder like user_test.rb,
feeds_test.rb, aggregation_test.rb and such.

When I wrote test for model 'user' using fixture user.yml it worked
fine. But when I  tried to run test for my other models using fixtures
aggregationfeedmaps.yml, aggregations.yml, and feeds.yml it shows this

FixtureClassNotFound: No class attached to find

my test file 'feeds_test.rb':

require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper'

#class FeedsTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
class FeedsTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
  # Replace this with your real tests.
  fixtures :feeds

  def test_truth
assert true

  def test_updatefeed
 feed1 = feeds(:feed_1)
#assert_equal(Time.now, feed1.lastupdate)


my fixture file: 'feeds.yml'

# Read about fixtures at http://ar.rubyonrails.org/classes/Fixtures.html
  id: 1
  sourcelink: http://sports.yahoo.com/ncaaf/teams/aad/ical.ics
  feeddata: testdata
  lastupdate: 2009-02-17 22:42:25
  used: 1

  id: 2
  sourcelink: http://sports.yahoo.com/ncaaf/teams/aae/ical.ics
  feeddata: testdata
  lastupdate: 2009-02-17 22:42:25
  used: 2

test_truth test passes but test_updatefeed shows the
FixtureClassNotFound error
Any help what is going on? Any help on the topic would be highly
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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[Rails] Re: general ways to create a filterable search

2009-04-05 Thread Phillip

You are asking about some basic programming issues, so this is
targeted that way.

You will do well to implement session variables here. You will need to
capture the user's selected options in the session and reflect those
choices back to the form when the page is redrawn. You can use the
same form as the original search. You can have separate session
variables for each parameter or collect them in a hash. It may be
easier to work with separate variables, depending on your experience.

Use whatever controller you want to analyze the selected options and
build or select which query to use.

For those who have never done this, suppose one of the options was an
integer for size. You would pass params[:option_a] or params[:search]
[:option_a] to your controller. In the target action, you would set:

 # setting a session variable from form input; since all
parameters are of the form string,
 # you need to convert it if you want an integer. This is done for
illustrative purposes here,
 # as a string data type could just as well be used in the
database unless you were doing some math
 # operation in the database. If you were passing an id, you would
 # to make sure it was an integer when passed to the query
 session[:option_a] = params[:search][:option_a].to_i

Then you would run the appropriate query such as:

 # using '?' makes SQL injection attacks more difficult
 @filter = Product.find_by_sql(["SELECT * FROM products WHERE

In the view containing the form, you would make session[:option_a]
available to the appropriate input:

  <% size = ''
 unless nil == session[:option_a]
size = session[:option_a].to_s  # it would typically work here
without the conversion method
 end %>
  >   ...or the
rails form_helper equivalent.

This allows you to use the same form and to remember the previous
input through each iteration.

You will also want to be familiar with input validation techniques to
handle mistakes and input from users who might try to use your site in
unintended ways. You will need to use HTMLEntities for text values,
even if you use an option list to submit data:

 def search_me
 # the name for the session variable and the parameter don't have
to match, but it makes programming easier
 session[:color] => HTMLEntities.encode_entities(params[:product]
[:color], :basic, :named)

and in the form:

   <% user_text = ''
  unless nil == session[:color]
 user_text = HTMLEntities.decode_entities(session[:color])
  end %>
 ... etc

You can define searches in your model or controller (or view), but
searches should be called from the controller. If you try to define a
search in the model using session[:option_a], it will not work.


 def breakfast

This does not answer all your questions, but maybe will help someone.

One of the big problems for programmers new to the MVC model is "what
goes where?". There are various opinions, but much of it is up to you.
As you experiment, you will need tools to expose the state of your
application and what variables are being passed. To make the most of
the framework, you will need to follow rails idioms as closely as
possible, but it is not always possible with complex scenarios.

You can view the form variables being passed in the logger and you can
use session/console to test your queries. Here is a handy accessory
for this type of work:


There is also the TextMate Footnotes plugin. Either of these may
require some 'advanced' tinkering to work satisfactorily.

You should also be familiar with logger.debug(). There is a RailsCast
on using bindings with logger.debug - very handy.

If there are any advanced programmers reading this, please feel free
to offer corrections or better ideas.

On Apr 4, 3:07 am, Adam Akhtar 
> Ive done a lot of searching on this and found lots of topics on what
> search tools to use but couldnt find something re: how you generally
> implement search into your project regardless of the choice of tool
> (ferret etc).
> I want users to be able to do a basic search and if they want supply
> some extra conditions. I return the results and the user can further
> filter those results by checking boxes, entering min max values etc. The
> results are filtered instantly as happens instantly via ajax like
> kayak.com without reloading the page(great site for airtickets by the
> way) does. Im just wondering generally how i go about this. As you will
> find out I dont have the vaguest of ideas on how.
> Assuming i have a products model
> Do I  create a search model with no db attached (im expecting a lot of
> searches and encouraging users to use the refine function - i dont
> expect saving searches to be us

[Rails] Re: How to debug a Rails application in emacs?

2009-04-05 Thread Rick

This is a little bit dated but the way to go is here:


The only basic difference when running in emacs is you want to start
your server (script/server) from inside a shell window like this:

M-x shell
$ cd your_project_root
$ script/server

I've used this method with ruby 1.8.7 / rails 2.2.2 and it definitely
works.  Unfortunately for me, I'm working with ruby 1.9.1p0 and ruby-
debug hasn't quite made it there yet.

Not sure what you're using for emacs but I've found aquamacs (cocoa
build on emacs 22.3.1) to work quite nicely on OSX.  What are you
doing to get your "rails-mode" functionality?  I've used rinari and am
currently working with emacs-rails - both located by google.

I've needed to noodle emacs-rails a bit to get it to do something
reasonable with menu driven rspec variants.

Let me know how it works out for you.

On Apr 5, 2:56 am, Houman Dunnil  wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I've just installed rdebug in emacs and it works fine for ruby
> scripts, but I cannot get it to work in a Rails application. Is this
> doable? If so, what are the instructions for it?
> Thanks in advance,
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[Rails] Re: CSS Background-color Weirdness

2009-04-05 Thread Rob Biedenharn

On Apr 5, 2009, at 11:38 PM, jabauer wrote:

> For some reason the stylesheet I have associated with my layout will
> not change the background-color for the content retrieved from my with
> <%= yield %>.  To make matters stranger, I can style *any* part of the
> html in my view that isn't the background-color.  Has anyone had this
> problem before?  I have been searching for posts, but have come up
> empty handed.
> Many thanks for your help.  I've appended the code for the layout and
> css to this post.  The relevant div is "main-wrapper".
> --Jean--
> P.S. The XHTML and CSS both validate, so I don't think that is the
> problem.
> Here is the code for the layout:

><%= yield -%>

> #main-wrapper {
>   padding: 0 20px;
>   margin: 0 auto;
>   background: #ccb27f;  
> }

Did you want to say:
background-color: #ccb27f;

Could you have an early  tag in the template that's being  


Rob Biedenharn  http://agileconsultingllc.com

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[Rails] help me.... about net/http

2009-04-05 Thread anton effendi
Hai All.

I have big problem in net/http.. please help me

* In my application have net/http for send xml...
my question => why my site only can handle one request? so only one user
can request to my server.. if 2 user request... then the last user
always wait or RTO

I want in my application have one controller to check the other controller
run or not (the xml run or not)
ex: controller a --> controller which send xml
  controller b --> monitoring. for check the another controller...
---> i wrote  net/http for request controller a (on same server)... it
always will RTO why??? if other server always ok... :(

Please help me
Thank you very much

Wu You Duan

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[Rails] CSS Background-color Weirdness

2009-04-05 Thread jabauer

For some reason the stylesheet I have associated with my layout will
not change the background-color for the content retrieved from my with
<%= yield %>.  To make matters stranger, I can style *any* part of the
html in my view that isn't the background-color.  Has anyone had this
problem before?  I have been searching for posts, but have come up
empty handed.

Many thanks for your help.  I've appended the code for the layout and
css to this post.  The relevant div is "main-wrapper".


P.S. The XHTML and CSS both validate, so I don't think that is the

Here is the code for the layout:


The Early American Foreign Service Database
<%= stylesheet_link_tag 'eafsd' %>

Relation Browser

<%= yield -%>

Designed and Built by Jean Bauer and Powered by Project Quincy.

And here is the css --

body {
font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
background-color: #142933;

#allcontent {
width: 900px;

#header {
background: #66471F;
height: 150px;
margin: 20px;
padding-bottom: 20px;

#header img {
display: block;
margin: auto;

#nav {
margin: 0 auto;
padding: 0 20px;

#nav ul {
padding: 20px 10px 20px 0px;
list-style-type: none;
margin: 0 auto;

#nav ul li {
display: inline;

#nav ul li a {
padding: 10px 20px 20px 20px;
text-decoration: none;
color: #CCB27F;
font-weight: bold;

#nav ul li a.active {
background: #CCB27F;
color: #142933;

#main-wrapper {
padding: 0 20px;
margin: 0 auto;
background: #ccb27f;  

#main-wrapper h3 {
color: #1B1B1B;

#content {
width: 600px;
padding: 20px 15px;

#content img {
padding: 0 0px 20px 20px;

#sidebar {
width: 200px;
margin-right: 0;
padding: 20px 15px;


#footer {
background: #66471F;
padding: 10px 20px;
margin: 20px;
color: #CCB27F;

#footer a {
color: #CCB27F;
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[Rails] Re: Installing SQLite3 on windows

2009-04-05 Thread Arpit Gup

James Byrne wrote:
> Arpit Gup wrote:
>> Please let me know what I can do ? I tried to copy sqlite3.dll file from 
>> web and pasted in my config folder
> Probably not a good idea.  Can you confirm that you have sqllite3 itself 
> installed ad working?  And please post the output from 'gem list' and 
> 'gem environment'.

I did following and it worked:
1.  I downloaded sqlite3 dll zip from 
http://www.sqlite.org/sqlitedll-3_6_12.zip and unzipped into C:\ruby\bin 
and then ran
2.  gem install sqlite3-ruby -v 1.2.3

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[Rails] Re: Sending email

2009-04-05 Thread Schalk Neethling
I reckon as long as you have a SMTP server running on your local machine 
at port 25 you should be good to go.

tashfeen.ekram wrote:
> if i dont own a domain and am just interested in sending emails from
> dev environment on my laptop would the config look like this:
> config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = true
>config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp
>config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = {
>  :address => "localhost",
>  :port => 25
> On Apr 5, 6:00 pm, Schalk Neethling  wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> Setting that has always worked for me without fail is:
>> config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = true
>>config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp
>>config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = {
>>  :address => "mail.yourdomain.com",
>>  :port => 25,
>>  :domain => "yourdomain.com"
>> HTH,
>> Schalk
>> tashfeen.ekram wrote:
>>> sorry message got truncated.
>>> i have looked around but find no solutions...
>>> On Apr 5, 3:58 pm, "tashfeen.ekram"  wrote:
 I am on ubuntu machine. i want to just do simple testing of sending
 i first tried postfix, then mailtrap (http://rubypond.com/articles/
 2007/11/16/trap-rails-from-sending-mail-via-smtp/) to no avail. i keep
 getting timed out error.
 for postfix my settings were:
 config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = {
   :address=> 'localhost',
   :port   => 25,
   :domain => 'www.example.com'
 i tried changing to port 2525 to use mailtrap and got the same error.
 is there something essential i am missing?
 i just want to be able to send emails to test funcinality. not receive
 and nothing else. i searched around but i can not
>>  volume4_schalk.vcf
>> < 1KViewDownload
> > 

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fn:Schalk Neethling
org:Overt Strategy Consulting
adr:Florauna;;Berg ave 642;Pretoria;Gauteng;0182;South Africa

[Rails] Re: Installing SQLite3 on windows

2009-04-05 Thread James Byrne

Arpit Gup wrote:

> Please let me know what I can do ? I tried to copy sqlite3.dll file from 
> web and pasted in my config folder

Probably not a good idea.  Can you confirm that you have sqllite3 itself 
installed ad working?  And please post the output from 'gem list' and 
'gem environment'.
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[Rails] Re: Sending email

2009-04-05 Thread tashfeen.ekram

if i dont own a domain and am just interested in sending emails from
dev environment on my laptop would the config look like this:

config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = true
   config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp

   config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = {
 :address => "localhost",
 :port => 25

On Apr 5, 6:00 pm, Schalk Neethling  wrote:
> Hi there,
> Setting that has always worked for me without fail is:
> config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = true
>    config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp
>    config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = {
>      :address => "mail.yourdomain.com",
>      :port => 25,
>      :domain => "yourdomain.com"
>    }
> HTH,
> Schalk
> tashfeen.ekram wrote:
> > sorry message got truncated.
> > i have looked around but find no solutions...
> > On Apr 5, 3:58 pm, "tashfeen.ekram"  wrote:
> >> I am on ubuntu machine. i want to just do simple testing of sending
> >> emails.
> >> i first tried postfix, then mailtrap (http://rubypond.com/articles/
> >> 2007/11/16/trap-rails-from-sending-mail-via-smtp/) to no avail. i keep
> >> getting timed out error.
> >> for postfix my settings were:
> >> config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = {
> >>   :address        => 'localhost',
> >>   :port           => 25,
> >>   :domain         => 'www.example.com'
> >> }
> >> i tried changing to port 2525 to use mailtrap and got the same error.
> >> is there something essential i am missing?
> >> i just want to be able to send emails to test funcinality. not receive
> >> and nothing else. i searched around but i can not
>  volume4_schalk.vcf
> < 1KViewDownload
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[Rails] Re: Test: Expected response to be a <:redirect>, but was <200>

2009-04-05 Thread elle

Installed debugger and re-looked at my tests. I didn't assign values
for new category and for update category => therefore, the tests
All good now. Thanks Fred once again :)


On Apr 4, 8:33 pm, Frederick Cheung 
> On Apr 4, 4:42 am, elle  wrote:
> > I have 2 tests for: test_should_create_category and
> > test_should_update_category that include:
> > assert_redirected_to category_path(assigns(:category))
> > But when running the test I get:
> > Expected response to be a <:redirect>, but was <200>
> > The thing I don't understand is that I do get redirected -- so why is
> > the test failing?
> Well for the real answer step through your code in the debugger, but
> I'd guess its something like a failing validation because your test
> isn't posting the right parameters.
> Fred
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[Rails] RE: OpenID relative_url_root problems

2009-04-05 Thread Schalk Neethling
If anyone experiences the problem I described below, please see the 
ticket here:


And apply the patch here:



Hi there,

I am trying to get OpenID authentication working and for the most part
seems to have gone fine except, when authentication I keep getting:

undefined method `relative_url_root' for ActionController::Base:Class

I am testing from my local machine on Windows Vista using Mongrel. Any
ideas why I am getting this error?

Thank you in advance,

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on Rails: Talk" group.
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fn:Schalk Neethling
org:Overt Strategy Consulting
adr:Florauna;;Berg ave 642;Pretoria;Gauteng;0182;South Africa

[Rails] The find methods for a model class

2009-04-05 Thread Leon


I am doing some examples in a book on Roby on Rails. When a model
class is create with generate model command, it will create some
find_xxx methods on the fields. When the model have the relationships
with other models, the more find_xxx methods will be generated. How do
I know exactly how many and what kinds of find_xxx methods are


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[Rails] Re: Setting Up Reminders

2009-04-05 Thread tashfeen.ekram

That is great.

I would like to use Runt and represent the object the object in a
database when i need it for future use. Any suggestions on how to
represent this? There are only a finite number of things i need to be
able to account for and not the full possibilities offered by the

On Mar 29, 10:58 pm, Philip Hallstrom  wrote:
> > I was hoping to get some advice on something I am trying to build.
> > I want to be able to allow users to be able to set up reminders. They
> > will be allowed to choose to have reminders either once a day (or more
> > than once) at particular times, reminders every other day, every
> > wednsday, etc all though at specific times of the day (for example a
> > reminder at 9AM every Tuesday).  I would like to have some sort of
> > cron job running to check what reminders need to be sent. I was hoping
> > to get advice on what plugins might be useful and any othe advice on
> > setting this up. still learning the ropes of rails. :)
> You might find these useful...
> http://runt.rubyforge.org/Runtis an implementation of select temporal patterns
> http://chronic.rubyforge.org/Chronicis a natural language date/time parser 
> written in pure Ruby.
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[Rails] Re: conditional count mysql query.

2009-04-05 Thread Schalk Neethling
Hi there Morgan,

Something such as the following should do the trick:
Article.count(:conditions => "status = 'active'")


Morgan Morgan wrote:
> so i have a database filled with stats and i need to return a number
> from those stats for processing.  how would i go about counting how many
> of a certian thing there are in a particular column..
> example: say i wanted to see how many records showed female in the users
> table but i didn't actually want to pull a bunch of info, i just want
> the number returned.
> thanks..  i hope this makes sense.

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on Rails: Talk" group.
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fn:Schalk Neethling
org:Overt Strategy Consulting
adr:Florauna;;Berg ave 642;Pretoria;Gauteng;0182;South Africa

[Rails] Re: conditional count mysql query.

2009-04-05 Thread Matthew MacLeod

On 6 Apr 2009, at 00:10, Morgan Morgan wrote:
> example: say i wanted to see how many records showed female in the  
> users
> table but i didn't actually want to pull a bunch of info, i just want
> the number returned.

Use the count method: Person.count("gender", :conditions=>["gender=?",  

There are more calculation methods available in the ActiveRecord  
Calculations model if you check the documentation.


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[Rails] Re: conditional count mysql query.

2009-04-05 Thread Simon Macneall

isn't it just
User.count(:conditions => {:sex => 'female'})
syntax may be a bit wrong, but you should be able to google to sort it out.


On Mon, 06 Apr 2009 07:10:11 +0800, Morgan Morgan 

> so i have a database filled with stats and i need to return a number
> from those stats for processing.  how would i go about counting how many
> of a certian thing there are in a particular column..
> example: say i wanted to see how many records showed female in the users
> table but i didn't actually want to pull a bunch of info, i just want
> the number returned.
> thanks..  i hope this makes sense.

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[Rails] conditional count mysql query.

2009-04-05 Thread Morgan Morgan

so i have a database filled with stats and i need to return a number
from those stats for processing.  how would i go about counting how many
of a certian thing there are in a particular column..

example: say i wanted to see how many records showed female in the users
table but i didn't actually want to pull a bunch of info, i just want
the number returned.

thanks..  i hope this makes sense.
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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[Rails] Which Oracle connector for AR?

2009-04-05 Thread RobR

What DB connector do I need to talk to a network accessible Oracle
server: 1) with ActiveRecord?, 2) to perform basic SQL.  I'm more
familiar with what it takes to get MySQL working with AR.  Currently I
have AR 2.1.1, Ruby 1.8.5.  I'll have to ask what Oracle client/server
is available.

This question pertains to a RedHat 5 system which is not managed by me
and is only allowed RedHat managed packages, unless I install them in
my user space (/home).


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[Rails] Rails or separate packages, RedHat

2009-04-05 Thread RobR

So, as I introduced myself to ActiveRecord, I asked our IT department
to install activerecord and this hierarchy popped up on the system:

then I was able to do this
irb(main):003:0> require 'rubygems'
=> true
irb(main):004:0> require 'activerecord'
=> true

Now I realize FasterCSV, and perhaps migrations would be handy.  I'm
not building a web application at the moment, rather I'm building a
command line api to our DB using ActiveRecord for ORM.  However
perhaps one day in the future I'll be allowed a rails developed web

So, do I ask the IT department to install Ruby on Rails or continue
asking for particular packages?  I'd rather just get the whole thing.
If so, will an install of "rails" override or interfere with already
installed rails libraries?  They will only install RedHat 5 managed
packages without a huge fight.  Other packages, I have to compile and
install in my own user space (/home).

This is on a RedHat RHEL 5 system (uname = 2.6.18-128.1.1.el5).

Cheers and thanks!
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[Rails] Re: Sending email

2009-04-05 Thread Schalk Neethling
Hi there,

Setting that has always worked for me without fail is:

config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = true
   config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp

   config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = {
 :address => "mail.yourdomain.com",
 :port => 25,
 :domain => "yourdomain.com"


tashfeen.ekram wrote:
> sorry message got truncated.
> i have looked around but find no solutions...
> On Apr 5, 3:58 pm, "tashfeen.ekram"  wrote:
>> I am on ubuntu machine. i want to just do simple testing of sending
>> emails.
>> i first tried postfix, then mailtrap (http://rubypond.com/articles/
>> 2007/11/16/trap-rails-from-sending-mail-via-smtp/) to no avail. i keep
>> getting timed out error.
>> for postfix my settings were:
>> config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = {
>>   :address=> 'localhost',
>>   :port   => 25,
>>   :domain => 'www.example.com'
>> }
>> i tried changing to port 2525 to use mailtrap and got the same error.
>> is there something essential i am missing?
>> i just want to be able to send emails to test funcinality. not receive
>> and nothing else. i searched around but i can not
> > 

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fn:Schalk Neethling
org:Overt Strategy Consulting
adr:Florauna;;Berg ave 642;Pretoria;Gauteng;0182;South Africa

[Rails] OpenID relative_url_root problems

2009-04-05 Thread Schalk Neethling
Hi there,

I am trying to get OpenID authentication working and for the most part 
seems to have gone fine except, when authentication I keep getting:

undefined method `relative_url_root' for ActionController::Base:Class

I am testing from my local machine on Windows Vista using Mongrel. Any 
ideas why I am getting this error?

Thank you in advance,

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on Rails: Talk" group.
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fn:Schalk Neethling
org:Overt Strategy Consulting
adr:Florauna;;Berg ave 642;Pretoria;Gauteng;0182;South Africa

[Rails] Re: Sending email

2009-04-05 Thread tashfeen.ekram

sorry message got truncated.

i have looked around but find no solutions...

On Apr 5, 3:58 pm, "tashfeen.ekram"  wrote:
> I am on ubuntu machine. i want to just do simple testing of sending
> emails.
> i first tried postfix, then mailtrap (http://rubypond.com/articles/
> 2007/11/16/trap-rails-from-sending-mail-via-smtp/) to no avail. i keep
> getting timed out error.
> for postfix my settings were:
> config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = {
>   :address        => 'localhost',
>   :port           => 25,
>   :domain         => 'www.example.com'
> }
> i tried changing to port 2525 to use mailtrap and got the same error.
> is there something essential i am missing?
> i just want to be able to send emails to test funcinality. not receive
> and nothing else. i searched around but i can not
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby 
on Rails: Talk" group.
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[Rails] Sending email

2009-04-05 Thread tashfeen.ekram

I am on ubuntu machine. i want to just do simple testing of sending

i first tried postfix, then mailtrap (http://rubypond.com/articles/
2007/11/16/trap-rails-from-sending-mail-via-smtp/) to no avail. i keep
getting timed out error.

for postfix my settings were:

config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = {

  :address=> 'localhost',

  :port   => 25,

  :domain => 'www.example.com'


i tried changing to port 2525 to use mailtrap and got the same error.
is there something essential i am missing?

i just want to be able to send emails to test funcinality. not receive
and nothing else. i searched around but i can not

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on Rails: Talk" group.
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[Rails] Re: Just can't get Ruby on Rails to work in Leopard

2009-04-05 Thread Frederick Cheung

On Apr 5, 6:16 pm, Jferg  wrote:
> When I moved from 2.0 to 2.1.1 I followed  a similar set of steps - I
> googled first for any hazards - the one I found was fixed by me
> installing another gem based on error logs.  Though I did not upgrade
> MySQL yet and I don't use it in my dev environment much - yet.
> The one problem I saw with 2.2 was having to upgrade Ruby to 1.9 - I
> think that is required.

Rails 2.2 doesn't support ruby 1.9 (rails 2.3.2 is the first version
with ruby 1.9 support, but that ruby 1.9 is by no means compulsory)

> If you are handy with XCode  you can always roll your own - Hive Logic
> probably has build it yourself directions for everything you'd 
> need:http://hivelogic.com/articles/view/ruby-rails-leopard
> Hope this helps.
> - John
> On Apr 5, 3:19 am, Scott Corgan  wrote:
> > I've tried a million different tutorials and I just can't figure this
> > out. I have all things needed to create the development environment
> > and I just can't get the server to function correctly I suppose.
> > Here's the error I am getting:
> > "The bundled mysql.rb driver has been removed from Rails 2.2. Please
> > install the mysql gem and try again: gem install mysql.
> > /!\ FAILSAFE /!\  Sun Apr 05 00:17:39 -0700 2009
> >   Status: 500 Internal Server E rror
> >   dlsym(0x1c44680, Init_mysql): symbol not found - /usr/local/lib/ruby/
> > gems/1.8/gems/mysql-2.7/lib/mysql.bundle"
> > And then when I got to localhost:3000 and click on the "About your
> > application's environment", I get a red box that says "We're sorry,
> > but something went wrong.We've been notified about this issue and
> > we'll take a look at it shortly" that drops down.
> > I can't find a solution anywhere.
> > Does anyone have any suggestions? Please help! I've spent hours and I
> > can't find anything.
> > Thank You!
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[Rails] Re: How to debug a Rails application in emacs?

2009-04-05 Thread Michael Satterwhite

Houman Dunnil wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I've just installed rdebug in emacs and it works fine for ruby
> scripts, but I cannot get it to work in a Rails application. Is this
> doable? If so, what are the instructions for it?
> Thanks in advance,

Although the real guru's here may correct this, I'm doubting you're 
going to be able to do it in emacs.

The debugger works through the console that is used to start the test 
server. It's enabled by using the --debugger (or -u) option:

 ruby script/server --debugger

The debug output and control will then be seen on the console where you 
started the server.

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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on Rails: Talk" group.
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[Rails] Re: auto_increment question???

2009-04-05 Thread Michael Satterwhite

kingduggan wrote:
> Hello All,
> So I am new to rails and the first project I am creating is a
> ticketing system to log customer support. All I am trying to do is
> have the primary id of each new ticket auto increment like ticket id
> 1001, 1002, 1003, ect. and display the ticket id in the show tickets.
> I am confused because I'm not sure if this would be created doing a
> migration or in the model tickets after the migration has been done??
> Any help would be great.

Unless I'm not understanding the question, you already have this.

With ActiveRecord, (by default) every record has an id that will be 
unique. You don't have to do anything to get it. While you can override 
it, every table has a field named 'id'. This will be incremented and 
maintained by the system. In MySQL it will be an 'auto_increment' field 
and defined as the primary key.

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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on Rails: Talk" group.
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[Rails] Re: Error reverting back to a previous version of rails

2009-04-05 Thread Hassan Schroeder

On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 3:13 AM, Stephen Fagan
>> I want to revert back to a previous version of rails (1.2.3) but the
>> project I want to work on was created in 2.0.2.

>> c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rails-1.2.3/lib/initializer.rb:328:in
>> `send': undefined method `session=' for ActionController::Base:Class
>> (NoMethodError)

> I have narrowed it down to this piece of code in config\environment.rb:

> If I comment this out the server boots no problem but I get an error
> when I open up localhost:3000 in the browser. Has nyone a sloution

1) drop the idea of moving backwards -- I mean WTF? Why?  :-)

2) look at the difference between 1.2.3 and 2.0.2 ActionController
code and add the functionality missing in 1.2.3

3) #2 could also be done by running your tests and doing whatever
necessary to make them pass.

Hassan Schroeder  hassan.schroe...@gmail.com

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[Rails] Re: problem with visual scriptaculous puff

2009-04-05 Thread Tam Kbe

Thanks a lot Jaryl. that did it!
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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[Rails] Re: Use a value from a different model

2009-04-05 Thread P

no crappy data.

I really think i have a normalization issue :(
I'll try to change everything and see how it goes.

thanks 8

On 5 avr, 19:08, Frederick Cheung  wrote:
> On Apr 5, 5:55 pm, P  wrote:
> > Hi,
> > thanks hassan for the quick reply.
> > I applied your suggestions + had to change a few other things (folder
> > name for the views, some routes...) but that didn't help either :(
> it should also be belongs_to :purchase_type rather than purchaseType
> but I don't think that will actually make a difference (and if you
> made that change you would have to rename the column to
> purchase_type_id).
> Have you checked that you don't simply have bad data in your database
> (ie a saving with a purchaseType_id for which there is no
> corresponding PurchaseType ?
> Fred
> > any other idea?
> > thanks
> > P.
> > On 5 avr, 18:46, Hassan Schroeder  wrote:
> > > On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 8:46 AM, P  wrote:
> > > > the controller (saving_controller):
> > > > class SavingController < ApplicationController
> > > s/b SavingsController
> > > > class PurchaseType < ActiveRecord::Base
> > > >        has_many :saving
> > > s/b has_many :savings
> > > Try changing that and let us know what happens :-)
> > > --
> > > Hassan Schroeder  hassan.schroe...@gmail.com
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[Rails] Re: Just can't get Ruby on Rails to work in Leopard

2009-04-05 Thread Jferg

Assuming your only issue is MySQL Support on OS X Leopard, did you
happen to note this blog?


I assume when you first got your Leopard install it was pre-Rails
2.0?  I followed these instructions and simply installed MySQL for OS
X from the MYSQL install directions and had no issues:

When I moved from 2.0 to 2.1.1 I followed  a similar set of steps - I
googled first for any hazards - the one I found was fixed by me
installing another gem based on error logs.  Though I did not upgrade
MySQL yet and I don't use it in my dev environment much - yet.

The one problem I saw with 2.2 was having to upgrade Ruby to 1.9 - I
think that is required.

If you are handy with XCode  you can always roll your own - Hive Logic
probably has build it yourself directions for everything you'd need:

Hope this helps.

- John

On Apr 5, 3:19 am, Scott Corgan  wrote:
> I've tried a million different tutorials and I just can't figure this
> out. I have all things needed to create the development environment
> and I just can't get the server to function correctly I suppose.
> Here's the error I am getting:
> "The bundled mysql.rb driver has been removed from Rails 2.2. Please
> install the mysql gem and try again: gem install mysql.
> /!\ FAILSAFE /!\  Sun Apr 05 00:17:39 -0700 2009
>   Status: 500 Internal Server E rror
>   dlsym(0x1c44680, Init_mysql): symbol not found - /usr/local/lib/ruby/
> gems/1.8/gems/mysql-2.7/lib/mysql.bundle"
> And then when I got to localhost:3000 and click on the "About your
> application's environment", I get a red box that says "We're sorry,
> but something went wrong.We've been notified about this issue and
> we'll take a look at it shortly" that drops down.
> I can't find a solution anywhere.
> Does anyone have any suggestions? Please help! I've spent hours and I
> can't find anything.
> Thank You!
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[Rails] Re: Easy way to convert URL back to route name?

2009-04-05 Thread pharrington

Alternatively, you can just use the current_page? method:

if current_page? foo_url
  #do some ish
elsif current_page? bar_url
  # other stuff...

On Apr 4, 12:27 am, Dave Cantrell 
> Hi all,
> I'm looking for a way to do the reverse of what the named route helpers
> do. Namely:
> Given routes:
> map.foo '/foo/:id', :controller => 'foo', :action => 'show'
> map.bar '/bar/:id', :controller => 'bar', :action => 'show'
> Given urls:
> /foo/1
> /bar/1
> I'd like to be able to do something like this in my layout:
> if requested_foo_path
>   # ... show something specific to foo
> elsif requested_bar_path
>   # ... show something specific to bar
> end
> There's probably a better way to do this, but I'm new to rails so any
> help appreciated.
> Thanks!!
> --
> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.
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[Rails] Re: Use a value from a different model

2009-04-05 Thread Frederick Cheung

On Apr 5, 5:55 pm, P  wrote:
> Hi,
> thanks hassan for the quick reply.
> I applied your suggestions + had to change a few other things (folder
> name for the views, some routes...) but that didn't help either :(

it should also be belongs_to :purchase_type rather than purchaseType
but I don't think that will actually make a difference (and if you
made that change you would have to rename the column to
Have you checked that you don't simply have bad data in your database
(ie a saving with a purchaseType_id for which there is no
corresponding PurchaseType ?


> any other idea?
> thanks
> P.
> On 5 avr, 18:46, Hassan Schroeder  wrote:
> > On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 8:46 AM, P  wrote:
> > > the controller (saving_controller):
> > > class SavingController < ApplicationController
> > s/b SavingsController
> > > class PurchaseType < ActiveRecord::Base
> > >        has_many :saving
> > s/b has_many :savings
> > Try changing that and let us know what happens :-)
> > --
> > Hassan Schroeder  hassan.schroe...@gmail.com
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[Rails] Re: Use a value from a different model

2009-04-05 Thread P

thanks hassan for the quick reply.
I applied your suggestions + had to change a few other things (folder
name for the views, some routes...) but that didn't help either :(

any other idea?


On 5 avr, 18:46, Hassan Schroeder  wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 8:46 AM, P  wrote:
> > the controller (saving_controller):
> > class SavingController < ApplicationController
> s/b SavingsController
> > class PurchaseType < ActiveRecord::Base
> >        has_many :saving
> s/b has_many :savings
> Try changing that and let us know what happens :-)
> --
> Hassan Schroeder  hassan.schroe...@gmail.com
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[Rails] Re: Use a value from a different model

2009-04-05 Thread Hassan Schroeder

On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 8:46 AM, P  wrote:

> the controller (saving_controller):
> class SavingController < ApplicationController

s/b SavingsController

> class PurchaseType < ActiveRecord::Base

>        has_many :saving

s/b has_many :savings

Try changing that and let us know what happens :-)

Hassan Schroeder  hassan.schroe...@gmail.com

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[Rails] Re: Disable routing?

2009-04-05 Thread Frederick Cheung

On Apr 5, 4:37 pm, Chris Benson  wrote:
> Thanks Fred, but it's a shared hosting environment, and I don't have
> access to anything outside my /home area.
That's not necessarily a problem. For example if you were using apache
the a .htaccess in the DocumentRoot of your website can do things like

> I'm looking for a way to tell Rails routing, "Ignore these two
> directories."
I'm pretty sure that by the time Rails has got the request it's too
late - rails isn't going to load php to execute your wordpress app for


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[Rails] Use a value from a different model

2009-04-05 Thread P

I cannot find the issue and it drives me crazy :(

let's simplify. I have 2 models: saving and purchase_type
a *saving* corresponds to a *purchase_type* e.g. new sourcing or
a saving has exactly one purchase_type and a purchase_type has many

when I try to display the list of savings and their purchase type
(name, not Id), i get the dreaded "You have a nil object when you
didn't expect it!".

The weirdest thing is that it works for category and subcategory, but
not for purchase type.
Is this a camel casing issue? All the relevant code is below

I'm getting mad, please help :)


Here's the index.rhtml (extracts -- RoR tells me the issue is on the
line with *):
<% @saving.each do |s|%>

*   <%=s.purchaseType.name %>

the controller (saving_controller):

class SavingController < ApplicationController
def index
@category = Category.find(:all).collect {|c| [ c.name, c.id ] }
@subcategory = Subcategory.find(:all).collect {|c| [ c.name,
c.id ] }
@purchaseType = PurchaseType.find(:all).collect {|c| [ c.name,
c.id ] }

sort_order = params[:sort_by]
sort_order ||= 'id' # for default sort
@saving = Saving.search(params[:search], params[:page], 

the saving model (saving - table name = savings):

class Saving < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_presence_of   :supplier,

validates_numericality_of   :a_saving, :a_spend

belongs_to :category
belongs_to :purchaseType
belongs_to :subcategory

def self.search(search, page, sort_order)
search='%' if search=='' || search=='Type your search term'
paginate:page => page,
:conditions => ['supplier like 
:order => sort_order


the purchase_type model (model name = PurchaseType -table name =

class PurchaseType < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_presence_of   :name
has_many :saving

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[Rails] auto_increment question???

2009-04-05 Thread kingduggan

Hello All,

So I am new to rails and the first project I am creating is a
ticketing system to log customer support. All I am trying to do is
have the primary id of each new ticket auto increment like ticket id
1001, 1002, 1003, ect. and display the ticket id in the show tickets.

I am confused because I'm not sure if this would be created doing a
migration or in the model tickets after the migration has been done??

Any help would be great.



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[Rails] Partial-Form validation from multiple pages (f.e. login-partial)

2009-04-05 Thread Lp

Hello - hard question:

I have my login-partial in my application.html.erb-layout.

Now I want to validate it, if the user pushes the submit button and
show error-messages for it, if e.g. the passwordfield is empty.

But how do I do that? For getting the error messages, I must use

render :action => 'create'

But there I have to know, from which action I came from. Beside
different pages, need different seperate instance variables (which
arn't reproduced with render :action).

Second try with

redirect_to :back

looses the errors-array...!

How can I solve this problem? Found nothing in the net =(
Beside: I'm using restful_authentication-plugin


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[Rails] Re: Disable routing?

2009-04-05 Thread Chris Benson

Thanks Fred, but it's a shared hosting environment, and I don't have
access to anything outside my /home area.

I'm looking for a way to tell Rails routing, "Ignore these two

On Apr 5, 7:07 am, Frederick Cheung 
> On Apr 5, 8:03 am, Chris Benson  wrote:> I have a 
> Rails application that a couple of folders in the root (of
> > public) for Wordpress and Mediawiki that I want to completely exclude
> > from Rails routing.  How do I have the routing function of my Rails
> > app ignore anything in the /blog or /wiki directories?
> > Example:
> > When someone types inhttp://mydomain.com/blog, I want the Rails app's
> > routing to ignore it.
> Typically you don't do this inside rails, you do this in apache, nginx
> etc. by telling it to only proxy through to rails what you want to
> through (so normally you would let nginx or apache handle static
> files)
> Fred
> > Thanks,
> > Chris
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[Rails] Re: Just can't get Ruby on Rails to work in Leopard

2009-04-05 Thread Frederick Cheung

On Apr 5, 3:23 pm, Scott Corgan  wrote:
> I mean I've tried re installing. I've tried installing with MacPorts.
> I just keep getting the same error no matter what. Do you know of any
> sites that can just walk me through step by step on how to get this
> working in Leopard besides the Hivelogic article. That doesn't work
> for me. I'm kinda new at Rails so I dunno how I can be more specific.
Well to me, specific means (for example) exactly how you installed the
mysql gem, how you installed mysql etc.


> On Apr 5, 4:00 am, Frederick Cheung 
> wrote:
> > On Apr 5, 8:19 am, Scott Corgan  wrote:
> > > I can't find a solution anywhere.
> > > Does anyone have any suggestions? Please help! I've spent hours and I
> > > can't find anything.
> > Really hard to be helpful if we don't know what you've tried :-)
> > (Other than to say that your mysql gem is screwed)
> > Fred
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[Rails] Re: Just can't get Ruby on Rails to work in Leopard

2009-04-05 Thread Scott Corgan

I mean I've tried re installing. I've tried installing with MacPorts.
I just keep getting the same error no matter what. Do you know of any
sites that can just walk me through step by step on how to get this
working in Leopard besides the Hivelogic article. That doesn't work
for me. I'm kinda new at Rails so I dunno how I can be more specific.

On Apr 5, 4:00 am, Frederick Cheung 
> On Apr 5, 8:19 am, Scott Corgan  wrote:
> > I can't find a solution anywhere.
> > Does anyone have any suggestions? Please help! I've spent hours and I
> > can't find anything.
> Really hard to be helpful if we don't know what you've tried :-)
> (Other than to say that your mysql gem is screwed)
> Fred
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[Rails] Re: Where to store scrape results?

2009-04-05 Thread Adam Akhtar

Excellent thanks once again Andrew! Appreciate your advice.

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[Rails] Re: Where to store scrape results?

2009-04-05 Thread Andrew Timberlake

On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 12:17 PM, Adam Akhtar
> Thanks Andrew for ruling out any doubts i had regarding using yaml.
> I will cache the reuslts then for around 2 hours in a db.
> Im now wondering how this will affect the performance of filtering.
> My guess is that when a user selects some filters on the results screen,
> these get passed as params back to the controllers index. Logic there
> will determine its a request to filter existing results and will access
> the cache in the db and grab the yaml. Then use yaml to turn the info
> into the relevant objects and then use enumerators find_all method to
> filter the results...
> do you think that approach is ok or is there a better way of doing it?
> many thanks once again. you have been a great help.
> --
> Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
> >

Sounds good to me.
I always focus on getting the job done in the simplest way possible
first. Then work on optimisation if you see a bottleneck.
Your biggest problem is likely to be fetching all the other sites for
scraping which caching will hopefully help with.

Andrew Timberlake

"I have never let my schooling interfere with my education" - Mark Twain

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[Rails] Re: Installing SQLite3 on windows

2009-04-05 Thread Arpit Gup

I got the same error as James and then I tried to run

>> gem uninstall sqlite-ruby
>> ...
>> gem install sqlite3-ruby

as per your suggestions, but I get following error:

C:\Documents and Settings\Arpit\Desktop\Denali\denali>gem uninstall 
ERROR:  While executing gem ... (Gem::InstallError)
Unknown gem sqlite-ruby >= 0

C:\Documents and Settings\Arpit\Desktop\Denali\denali>
C:\Documents and Settings\Arpit\Desktop\Denali\denali>gem install 
Building native extensions.  This could take a while...
ERROR:  Error installing sqlite3-ruby:
ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.

c:/ruby/bin/ruby.exe extconf.rb install sqlite3-ruby
checking for fdatasync() in rt.lib... no
checking for sqlite3.h... no

'nmake' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Gem files will remain installed in 
.2.4 for inspection.
Results logged to 

Please let me know what I can do ? I tried to copy sqlite3.dll file from 
web and pasted in my config folder

Thanks in advance.

Matt Gregory wrote:
> James Byrne wrote:
>> gem uninstall sqlite-ruby
>> ...
>> gem install sqlite3-ruby
> Thank you!  That was very helpful.

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[Rails] How to debug a Rails application in emacs?

2009-04-05 Thread Houman Dunnil

Hi folks,

I've just installed rdebug in emacs and it works fine for ruby
scripts, but I cannot get it to work in a Rails application. Is this
doable? If so, what are the instructions for it?

Thanks in advance,

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[Rails] Re: Rails and Firefox on crack with redirections

2009-04-05 Thread Phillip

This could be handy:

<% req = request.env
req.each do |key,value| %>
<%= "#{key}" %><%= "#{value}" %>
<% end %>

On Apr 4, 1:01 pm, Fernando Perez 
> > Without going into the specifics of what you have or have not done, I
> > think you might need to do a little more digging: is firefox
> > requesting the wrong page from your app, is it requesting the right
> > page but doing something funny, is it just serving a page from its
> > cache ?
> > Fred
> Firefox requests the page that was protected by the before_filter.
> Safari doesn't do that.
> It's only when I use the refresh button (or ctrl+r shortcut) that
> firefox instead of refreshing the current index page, goes to the former
> /show/my_url.
> If I "refresh" manually the index page by simply pressing the Enter key
> when focus is in the address bar, it doesn't act stupidly.
> --
> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.
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[Rails] Re: A problem with my cucumber

2009-04-05 Thread Phlip

Gavin wrote:

> Recently installed the cucumber gem.
> Followed the steps as shown on Railscasts -
> http://railscasts.com/episodes/155-beginning-with-cucumber
> "script/generate cucumber" works fine but when I try to run "cucumber
> features -n" I get an error:
> -bash: cucumber: command not found

Cuke is teetering on the brink of this forum demanding it get its own forum:


Try more advanced cucumber questions there.

Until then, your RubyGems binary folder is not on your path - El Goog will tell 
you what that folder is. Something like /var/lib/gems/1.9.0/bin , but I can't 
find you my own example because Debian's Ruby packages blow goats.

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[Rails] [ANN] assert{ 2.0 } 0.4.8 unit-tests Ajax using assert_rjs syntax + assert_xhtml

2009-04-05 Thread Phlip


assert{ 2.0 } now contains "alpha" replacements for these assertions from the 
"arts" project:

 assert_rjs_ :alert, 'This is an alert'
 assert_rjs_ :call, 'foo', 'bar', /baz/  #  matches foo("bar", "baz")
 assert_rjs_ :remove, 'offending_div'
 assert_rjs_ :replace, 'person_45', 'This replaces person_45'
 assert_rjs_ :replace_html, :label_7, /Top_Ranking/

Notice these assertions are not yet drop-in compatible with assert_rjs classic 
hence the trailing _. More replacements are naturally forthcoming.

The improvement is they use racc and rkelly, which form a real JavaScript 
This solution is much better than Regexp (and better than certain lexers I have 
tried in the past!). The assertion is more accurate, so it can use both Regexp 
and assert_xhtml to pin down each important detail of generated JavaScript.

One common Ajax scenario revolves around sending Element.update() commands 
containing the output of View partials. These can be very complex, so testing 
them _before_ they get into a real web browser can be mission-critical. The 
following test intercepts an Element.update("staff_access", "..."), where the 
"..." contains an entire . (Not my idea, but you must admit it gets the 
job done!)

Everything inside the do...end blocks is assert_xhtml notation ( described 
http://assert2.rubyforge.org/svn/README ). The assert_rjs_ intercepted the 
payload, interpreted it, and rendered it as HTML. This allows us to test that 
secret payload just as freely as we would have tested HTML after a simple GET:

   def test_deleting_a_staff_sets_active_flag_to_false_instead_of_destroying_it
 aaron = staff(:aaron)
 xhr :post, :xhr_delete_staff, :staff_id => aaron.id

 assert_rjs_ :replace_html, :staff_list, /quentin/ do
   form :name => :staff_access, :verbose! => true do
 without!{ tr :id => "staff_#{ aaron.id }" }

 assert{ Staff.find_by_id(aaron.id).active? == false }

The test shows :verbose! => true - use it to get a glimpse of your actual HTML 
partial, without all the JavaScript delimiters cluttering it up.

The test also shows without!{} testing that aaron did indeed disappear from the 

Both :replace and :replace_html use this syntax. If anyone needs any other 
"arts" assertion here - or even a new kind of JS assertion - ping me and I will 
add it.

Get assert_rjs_ with:

   gem install racc rkelly nokogiri assert2

   require 'assert2/rjs'

(Note that assert2 contains more than one reusable module, so it does not 
automatically require every dependency. This lets you only install the gems you 


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[Rails] A problem with my cucumber

2009-04-05 Thread Gavin

Hi all -

Recently installed the cucumber gem.

Followed the steps as shown on Railscasts -

"script/generate cucumber" works fine but when I try to run "cucumber
features -n" I get an error:

-bash: cucumber: command not found

any clues?
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[Rails] Re: Disable routing?

2009-04-05 Thread Frederick Cheung

On Apr 5, 8:03 am, Chris Benson  wrote:
> I have a Rails application that a couple of folders in the root (of
> public) for Wordpress and Mediawiki that I want to completely exclude
> from Rails routing.  How do I have the routing function of my Rails
> app ignore anything in the /blog or /wiki directories?
> Example:
> When someone types inhttp://mydomain.com/blog, I want the Rails app's
> routing to ignore it.
Typically you don't do this inside rails, you do this in apache, nginx
etc. by telling it to only proxy through to rails what you want to
through (so normally you would let nginx or apache handle static

> Thanks,
> Chris
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[Rails] Re: Just can't get Ruby on Rails to work in Leopard

2009-04-05 Thread Frederick Cheung

On Apr 5, 8:19 am, Scott Corgan  wrote:

> I can't find a solution anywhere.
> Does anyone have any suggestions? Please help! I've spent hours and I
> can't find anything.
Really hard to be helpful if we don't know what you've tried :-)
(Other than to say that your mysql gem is screwed)


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[Rails] Re: problem with visual scriptaculous puff

2009-04-05 Thread Jaryl Sim

You might be specifying the :update hash value in your link_to_remote
(or other JS helper). If you remove it, it should work.

On Apr 5, 1:52 pm, Tam Kbe  wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to using the puff effect of Scriptaculous in part of my
> website.
> I have it working in some part of my website as follows:
> respond_to do |wants|
>      wants.html do
>         flash[:notice] = 'client successfully removed from list.'
>      end
>         wants.js { render(:update){|page| page.visual_effect :puff,
>                "edit_single_client_di...@client.id}".to_sym}}
>      end
> end
> Which works fine. If I put is some other part of website I got this
> 'puffing' instead of the real content of the DIV I'm trying to "puff" as
> a result (this is excerpt instead of the real thing):
> try {
> $("recipient_list_div").update("\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\t\t\u003Ctable
> \u003E\n\t\t\t\u003Ctr\u003E\n\t \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t \n\t\t\t \n\t\t\t
> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\u003Ctd nowrap=\"nowrap\" width=\"95\"
> height=\"10\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t \u003Cdiv
> id=\"recipient_client_1\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Cdiv\u003E\n \u003Cb
> class=\"spiffy\"\u003E\n \u003Cb
> class=\"spiffy1\"\u003E\u003Cb\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\n
> \u003Cb
> class=\"spiffy2\"\u003E\u003Cb\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\n
> \u003Cb class=\"spiffy3\"\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\n \u003Cb
> class=\"spiffy4\"\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\n \u003Cb
> class=\"spiffy5\"\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\n \u003Cdiv
> class=\"spiffyfg\"\u003E\n\t\t\u003Ctable
> width=\"100%\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\u003Ctr\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\u003Ctd
> width=\"97%\" align=\"left\" \u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\u003Cdiv
> class=\"recipient_list_style\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tTammam
> Kbeili\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\u003C/td\u003E\n\t\t 
> \t\t\u003Ctd
> width=\"3%\" align=\"right\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\u003Cimg
> alt=\"Ajax-loader-green\" height=\"15\"
> id=\"add_icon_ajax_indicator_recip1\"
> src=\"/images/ajax-loader-green.gif?1238481847\" style=\"display:none\"
> width=\"15\" /\u003E \t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t \u003Ca href=\"#\"
> onclick=\"new Ajax.Updater('recipients_list_div',
> '/sms/remove_client_to_recipients_list?client_id=1\u0026amp;recipient_sessi 
> on_id=recipients_list',
> {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true,
> onLoading:function(request){$('add_icon_ajax_indicator_recip1').show();$('r 
> emove_client_icon_recip1').hide();}});
> return false;\"\u003E\u003Cimg alt=\"Remove_icon_recip\" border=\"0\"
> height=\"15\" id=\"remove_client_icon_recip1\"
> src=\"/images/remove_icon_recip.png?1238564525\" title=\"remove
> user:Tammam Kbeili from recipients list\" width=\"15\"
> /\u003E\u003C/a\u003E\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\u003C/td\u003E\n\t\t\t\u003C/tr 
> \u003E\n\t\t\u003C/table\u003E\n
> \u003C/div\u003E\n\n \u003Cb class=\"spiffy\"\u003E\n \u003Cb
> class=\"spiffy5\"\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\n \u003Cb
> class=\"spiffy4\"\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\n \u003Cb
> class=\"spiffy3\"\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\n \u003Cb
> class=\"spiffy2\"\u003E\u003Cb\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\n
> \u003Cb
> class=\"spiffy1\"\u003E\u003Cb\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003C/b\u0 
> 03E\n\u003C/div\u003E\n\n\n\t\n\n\t\t\t\t\t
> \t\n\t\t\t\t \u003C/div\u003E\n\t\t
> \t\t\u003C/td\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t \n\t\t\t
> \n\t\t\t \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\u003Ctd nowrap=\"nowrap\"
> width=\"95\" height=\"10\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t \u003Cdiv
> id=\"recipient_client_35\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Cdiv\u003E\n \u003Cb
> class=\"spiffy\"\u003E\n \u003Cb
> class=\"spiffy1\"\u003E\u003Cb\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003C
> Not sure what this is happening. I'm guessing it might be interfering
> with something I have on that page such as style or script.
> I also tried this in different formats
> Is there any such known issue with Scriptaculous and rails?
> Thanks,
> Tam
> --
> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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on Rails: Talk" group.
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[Rails] New Relic & RightScale - Ruby on Rails Life Cycle Tools

2009-04-05 Thread Edward M. Goldberg

Cloud Computing and Rails are a natural good fit.  With tools provided
by New Relic integrated into the RightScale Deployment and Monitoring
platform you have a Best Practice Monitoring system.

I Deploy and Watch servers all day as part of the http://myCloudWatcher.com
service.  When I started to build the demo for this next RightScale
Webinar I learned more about my application in the first few hours
with the tools then I had ever seen before.

Please come join me at the Webinar and learn how you can instrument
you next Deployment and provide top quality service with your next

The Webinar will be live:

What: Live Webinar

When: Thursday, April 9, 2009 at 11 am PT / 2 pm ET
Who: RightScale & Steve Hudson, Director at New Relic

Or you can watch the movie later on the RightScale WebSite:


The New Relic Tools Web Page:


Edward M. Goldberg

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on Rails: Talk" group.
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[Rails] Just can't get Ruby on Rails to work in Leopard

2009-04-05 Thread Scott Corgan

I've tried a million different tutorials and I just can't figure this
out. I have all things needed to create the development environment
and I just can't get the server to function correctly I suppose.
Here's the error I am getting:

"The bundled mysql.rb driver has been removed from Rails 2.2. Please
install the mysql gem and try again: gem install mysql.
/!\ FAILSAFE /!\  Sun Apr 05 00:17:39 -0700 2009
  Status: 500 Internal Server E rror
  dlsym(0x1c44680, Init_mysql): symbol not found - /usr/local/lib/ruby/

And then when I got to localhost:3000 and click on the "About your
application's environment", I get a red box that says "We're sorry,
but something went wrong.We've been notified about this issue and
we'll take a look at it shortly" that drops down.

I can't find a solution anywhere.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Please help! I've spent hours and I
can't find anything.

Thank You!

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on Rails: Talk" group.
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[Rails] Disable routing?

2009-04-05 Thread Chris Benson

I have a Rails application that a couple of folders in the root (of
public) for Wordpress and Mediawiki that I want to completely exclude
from Rails routing.  How do I have the routing function of my Rails
app ignore anything in the /blog or /wiki directories?


When someone types in http://mydomain.com/blog, I want the Rails app's
routing to ignore it.


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[Rails] Re: problem with visual scriptaculous puff

2009-04-05 Thread Jaryl Sim

I don't know why my last message didn't get through. You can try not
setting the :update option in your link_to_remote or whatever
Prototype helper you are calling.

On Apr 5, 1:52 pm, Tam Kbe  wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to using the puff effect of Scriptaculous in part of my
> website.
> I have it working in some part of my website as follows:
> respond_to do |wants|
>      wants.html do
>         flash[:notice] = 'client successfully removed from list.'
>      end
>         wants.js { render(:update){|page| page.visual_effect :puff,
>                "edit_single_client_di...@client.id}".to_sym}}
>      end
> end
> Which works fine. If I put is some other part of website I got this
> 'puffing' instead of the real content of the DIV I'm trying to "puff" as
> a result (this is excerpt instead of the real thing):
> try {
> $("recipient_list_div").update("\n\n\t\n\n\t\n\t\n\n\t\t\u003Ctable
> \u003E\n\t\t\t\u003Ctr\u003E\n\t \n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t \n\t\t\t \n\t\t\t
> \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\u003Ctd nowrap=\"nowrap\" width=\"95\"
> height=\"10\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t \u003Cdiv
> id=\"recipient_client_1\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Cdiv\u003E\n \u003Cb
> class=\"spiffy\"\u003E\n \u003Cb
> class=\"spiffy1\"\u003E\u003Cb\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\n
> \u003Cb
> class=\"spiffy2\"\u003E\u003Cb\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\n
> \u003Cb class=\"spiffy3\"\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\n \u003Cb
> class=\"spiffy4\"\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\n \u003Cb
> class=\"spiffy5\"\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\n \u003Cdiv
> class=\"spiffyfg\"\u003E\n\t\t\u003Ctable
> width=\"100%\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\u003Ctr\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\u003Ctd
> width=\"97%\" align=\"left\" \u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\u003Cdiv
> class=\"recipient_list_style\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\tTammam
> Kbeili\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\u003C/div\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\u003C/td\u003E\n\t\t 
> \t\t\u003Ctd
> width=\"3%\" align=\"right\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\u003Cimg
> alt=\"Ajax-loader-green\" height=\"15\"
> id=\"add_icon_ajax_indicator_recip1\"
> src=\"/images/ajax-loader-green.gif?1238481847\" style=\"display:none\"
> width=\"15\" /\u003E \t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t \u003Ca href=\"#\"
> onclick=\"new Ajax.Updater('recipients_list_div',
> '/sms/remove_client_to_recipients_list?client_id=1\u0026amp;recipient_sessi 
> on_id=recipients_list',
> {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true,
> onLoading:function(request){$('add_icon_ajax_indicator_recip1').show();$('r 
> emove_client_icon_recip1').hide();}});
> return false;\"\u003E\u003Cimg alt=\"Remove_icon_recip\" border=\"0\"
> height=\"15\" id=\"remove_client_icon_recip1\"
> src=\"/images/remove_icon_recip.png?1238564525\" title=\"remove
> user:Tammam Kbeili from recipients list\" width=\"15\"
> /\u003E\u003C/a\u003E\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\u003C/td\u003E\n\t\t\t\u003C/tr 
> \u003E\n\t\t\u003C/table\u003E\n
> \u003C/div\u003E\n\n \u003Cb class=\"spiffy\"\u003E\n \u003Cb
> class=\"spiffy5\"\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\n \u003Cb
> class=\"spiffy4\"\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\n \u003Cb
> class=\"spiffy3\"\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\n \u003Cb
> class=\"spiffy2\"\u003E\u003Cb\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\n
> \u003Cb
> class=\"spiffy1\"\u003E\u003Cb\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003C/b\u0 
> 03E\n\u003C/div\u003E\n\n\n\t\n\n\t\t\t\t\t
> \t\n\t\t\t\t \u003C/div\u003E\n\t\t
> \t\t\u003C/td\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t \n\t\t\t
> \n\t\t\t \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\u003Ctd nowrap=\"nowrap\"
> width=\"95\" height=\"10\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t \u003Cdiv
> id=\"recipient_client_35\"\u003E\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\u003Cdiv\u003E\n \u003Cb
> class=\"spiffy\"\u003E\n \u003Cb
> class=\"spiffy1\"\u003E\u003Cb\u003E\u003C/b\u003E\u003C
> Not sure what this is happening. I'm guessing it might be interfering
> with something I have on that page such as style or script.
> I also tried this in different formats
> Is there any such known issue with Scriptaculous and rails?
> Thanks,
> Tam
> --
> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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on Rails: Talk" group.
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[Rails] Re: Testing: Application controller and helper

2009-04-05 Thread Phlip

Shaum Sona wrote:

> How do we test application controller and application helper in rails?

Two answers.

The best answer is you should use Test-Driven Development, where you write a 
test that fails because a minor ability of a feature is not there, and you get 
the test to fail for the correct reason. Then you write a little code to 
the ability and pass the test.

The great thing about TDD is you are not required to make sure the test 
calls the exact method that provides the ability. Sometimes that's a good goal, 
yet TDD provides such comprehensive test coverage that the ideal of "unit" 
testing becomes less important.

You TDD the application controller and helper by firing up the usual functional 
tests on your usual controllers and views, and TDDing their features.

The second answer: El Goog would have lead you to "rails helper tests":


The third answer is I don't see why a functional test cannot simply reach out 
ApplicationController alone...


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[Rails] Re: Where to store scrape results?

2009-04-05 Thread Adam Akhtar

Thanks Andrew for ruling out any doubts i had regarding using yaml.

I will cache the reuslts then for around 2 hours in a db.

Im now wondering how this will affect the performance of filtering.

My guess is that when a user selects some filters on the results screen, 
these get passed as params back to the controllers index. Logic there 
will determine its a request to filter existing results and will access 
the cache in the db and grab the yaml. Then use yaml to turn the info 
into the relevant objects and then use enumerators find_all method to 
filter the results...

do you think that approach is ok or is there a better way of doing it?

many thanks once again. you have been a great help.

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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on Rails: Talk" group.
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[Rails] Re: Error reverting back to a previous version of rails

2009-04-05 Thread Stephen Fagan

Stephen Fagan wrote:
> I want to revert back to a previous version of rails (1.2.3) but the
> project I want to work on was created in 2.0.2. I have uninstalled 2.0.2
> and gem installed 1.2.3 but when I run script\server I get the following
> error. (I'm guessing its to do with my environment file but I'm pretty
> new to Rails so Im not sure.)
> c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rails-1.2.3/lib/initializer.rb:328:in
> `send': undefined method `session=' for ActionController::Base:Class
> (NoMethodError)
> Anyone any ideas?
> Thanks

I have narrowed it down to this piece of code in config\environment.rb:

config.action_controller.session = {
:session_key => '_linkitb_session',
:secret  => 

If I comment this out the server boots no problem but I get an error 
when I open up localhost:3000 in the browser. Has nyone a sloution to 

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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on Rails: Talk" group.
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[Rails] Including related data in restful results

2009-04-05 Thread Don French

I am trying to create a restful XML output for a model but also want
to include the data from a related table. For example, I have a model
called person and the person has multiple photos. I want to include
the url of each photo so that the restful user can then retrieve the
photos if needed.  I know I could create a separate url like person/
123/photos and that would work, but is an additional  query. Either
would include a url of the actual photo photo/987. Again I could also
do person/123/photo/987

Would I be better off to have the one url of person/123 return the
person info along with the photos or separate urls as mentioned above?
Also the pros and cons of the extended photo url

Don French
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[Rails] Re: Where to store scrape results?

2009-04-05 Thread Andrew Timberlake

On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 10:31 AM, Adam Akhtar
> Hi thanks for your replies.
> My main concern is performance. The data is not scraped beforehand in
> advance, its scraped on demand by my users. They submit a search query
> whch i then perform on several site, scrape their results and aggregate
> them for the user. My site is basically a meta search engine.
> Storing results in a db
> pros: i get to use msql find conditions when the user wants to filter
> the results even more.
> cons: ill only be temporarily storng these results. As soon as the user
> does a new search there gone forever. I dont know the peformance hit of
> storing a 1000 results in a db consisting of several fields. Is a db
> still a wise choice?
> Using YAML:
> pros: not sure, but hey, i like using it!
> cons: no msql conditions so id have to create my own methods
> does the above change anything?
> --
> Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
> >

The benefit of YAML is that once you've scraped the data, you probably
already have a structure in place which can easily be saved and
You could combine the two by storing the YAML in the database.

>From a performance perspective, consider caching the results of the
scraping for at least some period of time so that you don't have to
scrape on every search (unless the source websites change VERY

Andrew Timberlake

"I have never let my schooling interfere with my education" - Mark Twain

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[Rails] Re: Where to store scrape results?

2009-04-05 Thread Adam Akhtar

Hi thanks for your replies.

My main concern is performance. The data is not scraped beforehand in 
advance, its scraped on demand by my users. They submit a search query 
whch i then perform on several site, scrape their results and aggregate 
them for the user. My site is basically a meta search engine.

Storing results in a db

pros: i get to use msql find conditions when the user wants to filter 
the results even more.

cons: ill only be temporarily storng these results. As soon as the user 
does a new search there gone forever. I dont know the peformance hit of 
storing a 1000 results in a db consisting of several fields. Is a db 
still a wise choice?

Using YAML:

pros: not sure, but hey, i like using it!
cons: no msql conditions so id have to create my own methods

does the above change anything?

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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on Rails: Talk" group.
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[Rails] Error reverting back to a previous version of rails

2009-04-05 Thread Stephen Fagan

I want to revert back to a previous version of rails (1.2.3) but the
project I want to work on was created in 2.0.2. I have uninstalled 2.0.2
and gem installed 1.2.3 but when I run script\server I get the following
error. (I'm guessing its to do with my environment file but I'm pretty
new to Rails so Im not sure.)

`send': undefined method `session=' for ActionController::Base:Class

Anyone any ideas?

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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on Rails: Talk" group.
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[Rails] Testing: Application controller and helper

2009-04-05 Thread Shaum Sona

How do we test application controller and application helper in rails?

Thanks in advance..

Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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[Rails] Re: Where to store scrape results?

2009-04-05 Thread glennswest

You can easily create a table, and stick it in as a row.
in rails sqlite is easy enough, if you site is bigger you
can use db2.
If its like most sites, you make a "result" table
that is associated to a user table.
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