[Rails] E-Mail Header with SMTP Configuration

2009-11-09 Thread Adam Meyer

Hi everyone

My app is sending mails with ActionMailer with smtp sending through
When I set up the E-Mail I set the @from paramter

@from= "Administrator <#{APP_CONFIG['admin_email']}>"

But the emails are arriving only with "ad...@domain.com" and not
"Administrator " does google prohibit configuration of
email headers while sending them by it???

Or do I misunderstand anything else?

Thanks in advance...
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[Rails] Re: Force app to use www only

2009-11-09 Thread Adam Meyer

Priyanka Pathak wrote:
> Adam Meyer wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I want to go live with my application. But something is wrong with my
>> site when using www.domain.com or domain.com. It seems that it use
>> different instances of the app and create different sessions.
>> How can I configure my app to redirect to www.domain.com when someone
>> calls domain.com?
>> Thanks in advance
>> Adam
> Hi,
>  In .htaccess you specify the rewrite url rule to redirect 
> domain.com to www.domain.com
>  Place below code in .htaccess
>RewriteEngine On
>RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www
>RewriteRule (.*) http://www.%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [L,R=301]
> Thanks,
> Priyanka Pathak

Thanks, I realized it with a .htaccess. The vhost configuration sent me 
in a loop.

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[Rails] Force app to use www only

2009-11-08 Thread Adam Meyer

Hi everyone,

I want to go live with my application. But something is wrong with my
site when using www.domain.com or domain.com. It seems that it use
different instances of the app and create different sessions.

How can I configure my app to redirect to www.domain.com when someone
calls domain.com?

Thanks in advance

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[Rails] Re: Confusing routing behavior

2009-11-05 Thread Adam Meyer

I have it! It was because of

#  protected
#  def ssl_required?
#ENV["RAILS_ENV"] == "production"
#  end

in the image controller. But why?
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[Rails] Re: Confusing routing behavior

2009-11-05 Thread Adam Meyer

What happens in dev mode locally

Processing ImagesController#create (for at 2009-11-05 
21:52:27) [POST]
  Session ID: 2e54b69d91dafe551b5edabc637c019b
  Parameters: {"x"=>"52", "y"=>"21", "action"=>"create", 
   [4;36;1mImage Create (11.8ms) [0m[0;1mINSERT INTO "images" 
("name", "size", "created_at", "content_type", "kwiker_id", "thumbnail", 
"category_id", "filename", "height", "parent_id", "width", "fake_sold", 
"real_sold") VALUES(NULL, 336787, '2009-11-05 21:52:30', 'image/png', 
4100684228, NULL, NULL, 'c8e367cf60f5f85cd598a9c5c364def122066836.png', 
565, NULL, 755, NULL, NULL) [0m
   [4;35;1mImage Load (0.7ms) [0m[0mSELECT * FROM "images" WHERE 
("images"."thumbnail" = 'thumb' AND "images"."parent_id" = 67) LIMIT 
1 [0m
   [4;36;1mImage Create (0.7ms) [0m[0;1mINSERT INTO "images" 
("name", "size", "created_at", "content_type", "kwiker_id", "thumbnail", 
"category_id", "filename", "height", "parent_id", "width", "fake_sold", 
"real_sold") VALUES(NULL, 309301, '2009-11-05 21:52:30', 'image/png', 
NULL, 'thumb', NULL, 
'c8e367cf60f5f85cd598a9c5c364def122066836_thumb.png', 112, 67, 150, 
Redirected to /grusskarten/deinenachricht/67
Completed in 3076ms (DB: 14) | 302 Found 

Processing GrusskartenController#deinenachricht (for at 
2009-11-05 21:52:31) [GET]
  Session ID: 2e54b69d91dafe551b5edabc637c019b
  Parameters: {"action"=>"deinenachricht", "id"=>"67", 
   [4;35;1mOrder Load (0.2ms) [0m[0mSELECT * FROM "orders" WHERE 
(kwiker_id= 4100684228 AND status = 0) LIMIT

As it should be...
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[Rails] Confusing routing behavior

2009-11-05 Thread Adam Meyer

Hi everyone

I have a strange routing behavior. And I don't know when it started
I have a form for image upload using attachment_fu. The code in the view

<% form_for(:image, :url => "/images/create", :html => { :multipart =>
true }) do |form| %>

<%= form.file_field :uploaded_data, :size => 15, :class => "formLoader"

<% end %>

and the controller code is

  def create
# Used by start/index
@image = Image.new(params[:image])
@image.kwiker_id = session[:kwiker]
  if @image.save
   redirect_to('/grusskarten/deinenachricht/' + @image.id.to_s)
flash[:error] = 'Das Bild konnte nicht hochgeladen werden.'
redirect_to(:controller => 'start')

so it should route me to /grusskarten/deinenachricht/
if succesful. But I run into a 404 error. The prod.log says

Processing ImagesController#create (for at 2009-11-05
21:38:20) [POST]
  Session ID: 33d68daef3fd8a51b3ec968b916ace06
  Parameters: {"x"=>"70", "y"=>"23", "action"=>"create",
"controller"=>"images", "image"=>{"uploaded_data"=>#https://test.kwikit.de/images/create
Filter chain halted as [:ensure_proper_protocol] rendered_or_redirected.
Completed in 0ms (DB: 2) | 302 Found

Processing ImagesController#show (for at 2009-11-05
21:38:20) [GET]
  Session ID: 33d68daef3fd8a51b3ec968b916ace06
  Parameters: {"action"=>"show", "id"=>"create", "controller"=>"images"}

ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound (Couldn't find Image with ID=create):

Why does he routes me to ImagesController and action => show?
It happens only on my production server.
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[Rails] Re: Sending Mails with mutations ä,ü ,ö

2009-11-04 Thread Adam Meyer

T. N.t. wrote:
> Adam Meyer wrote:
>> Hi everyone
>> I am sending mails with rails in German. The Problem is that the German
>> letters ä,ü,ö are arriving correctly at the receiver.
>> When the subject contains the word
>> Für
>> the receiver gets
>> Für
>> Does anybody knows this issue?
> This is strange. ActionMailer (or is it TMail?) should encode this 
> correctly like =?utf-8?Q?=C3=84=C3=96=C3=9C?= (this is ÄÖÜ). For me it 
> does it very well. What version do you use and what is your code?
> Regards, T.

I am riding on 2.2.2 with Actionmailer and my code is

  def invoice(kwiker, url, name)
@subject+= 'Rechnung für Bestellung bei kwikit.de Grusskarten'
@body[:url]  = "http://#{APP_CONFIG['site_host']}/"

part :content_type => "text/plain", :body => 
render_message("invoice.html.erb", body)

attachment :content_type => "application/pdf",
   :body => File.read(url),
   :filename => name

and this is in my production.rb

   ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :smtp

   ActionMailer::Base.perform_deliveries = true
   ActionMailer::Base.raise_delivery_errors = true
   ActionMailer::Base.default_charset = "utf-8"
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[Rails] Sending Mails with mutations ä,ü,ö

2009-11-04 Thread Adam Meyer

Hi everyone

I am sending mails with rails in German. The Problem is that the German
letters ä,ü,ö are arriving correctly at the receiver.

When the subject contains the word


the receiver gets


Does anybody knows this issue?

Thanks in advance.

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[Rails] Re: My App doesn't send mails

2009-10-18 Thread Adam Meyer

Adam Meyer wrote:
> Thanks for all replies. I'll check it out and come back to you soon.

It does run now. I fixed it with the website


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[Rails] Re: Routing Error if using ssl_required

2009-10-18 Thread Adam Meyer

Adam Meyer wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am running into a routing error when activating ssl.
> Everything works fine, when I put
> ssl_required :index
> into the controller I get a routing error
> Routing Error
> No route matches "/meinkwikit" with {:method=>:get}
> I installed the ssl plugin and putinclude SslRequirement into my
> application_controller.
> Does anybody know what I am doing wrong?
> Thanks in advance
> Adam

Solution: Server routed all *:443 requests to another rails app.

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[Rails] Re: My App doesn't send mails

2009-10-17 Thread Adam Meyer

Tony Amoyal wrote:
> These are my mail settings:
> config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :sendmail
> config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = true
> # Enable serving of images, stylesheets, and javascripts from an asset
> server
> # config.action_controller.asset_host  = "http://
> assets.example.com"
> config.action_mailer.sendmail_settings = {
>  :location=> '/usr/sbin/sendmail',
>  :address => 'mail.mydomain.com',
>  :port=> 25,
>  :domain  => 'www.mydomain.com',
>  :arguments  => '-i -t'
> Check your production log after sending an email (you can do this
> easily by tailing the log in one console and running the rails console
> in another with the command "RAILS_ENV=production ruby script/
> console")
> Then just type in your ruby command to send an email and see what your
> production log says.
> I had an issue where my emails were not being sent due to strict
> policies with AOL.  I debugged the issue using a tcp dump and tpick (i
> am on ubuntu).
> to capture:
> tcpdump -s 0 -i eth0 -w tcp_dump.pcap tcp port 25
> ...assuming you are using port 25...then send your email and read the
> pcap dump with
> tcpick -C -yP -r tcp_dump.pcap
> I am a bit of noob with debugging email but I did spend a couple days
> doing it.  Hope this helps.

Hello again,

I checked out a lot of different configuration.
When I follow the instructions on


and choose the sendmail conf.
My production log tell me that the email was sent.
But I do not get any email, even not in spam folder.

when I try to take the gmail conf

ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = {  :address => "smtp.gmail.com", 
:port => 587,  :domain => "domain.com",  :user_name => 
"u...@domain.com",  :password => "password",  :authentication => :plain 

with the action_mailer_tls plugin I get the following error

 ArgumentError in KwikersController#create

wrong number of arguments (3 for 2)

RAILS_ROOT: /Users/adam/Webs/kwikit/kwikit
Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace

vendor/plugins/action_mailer_tls/lib/smtp_tls.rb:8:in `check_auth_args'
vendor/plugins/action_mailer_tls/lib/smtp_tls.rb:8:in `do_start'
app/models/kwiker.rb:142:in `do_pending'
app/controllers/kwikers_controller.rb:45:in `create'

[Rails] Routing Error if using ssl_required

2009-10-17 Thread Adam Meyer

Hi everyone,

I am running into a routing error when activating ssl.
Everything works fine, when I put

ssl_required :index

into the controller I get a routing error

Routing Error

No route matches "/meinkwikit" with {:method=>:get}

I installed the ssl plugin and putinclude SslRequirement into my

Does anybody know what I am doing wrong?

Thanks in advance

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[Rails] Re: Select statements do not work on MySQL

2009-10-14 Thread Adam Meyer

Conrad Taylor wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 12:28 AM, Adam Meyer <
> rails-mailing-l...@andreas-s.net> wrote:
>> > you might need to contact your hosting support.
>> >
>> Obviously with my specific parts.
>> It's really unbelivable.
> What happens when you attempt to access the database via the MySQL 
> client
> program?  For example
> mysql -u your-non-root-user -p your-non-root-password
> your_database_development
> After connecting, try doing something like the following:
> select * from 
> -Conrad

Hey Conrad, I am at work now. Check it out when at home and come back to 
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[Rails] Re: Select statements do not work on MySQL

2009-10-14 Thread Adam Meyer

Dhruva Sagar wrote:
> No, what I meant was to check for the permissions of the database user 
> from
> the database configurations.Not from rails side. From mysql there might 
> be
> some configuration errors, some missing grant's or something, if you 
> can't
> directly access those permission settings from some cpanel or something 
> then
> you might need to contact your hosting support.
> This doesn't seem to be a problem from rails side in my knowledge.
> Thanks & Regards,
> Dhruva Sagar.
> Mike Ditka <http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/m/mike_ditka.html> 
> -
> "If God had wanted man to play soccer, he wouldn't have given us arms."
> On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 12:46 PM, Adam Meyer <

Yes, I know. I installed and configured the Production Server on my own.
I set the grantt's as it is shown in this HowTo:

 CREATE DATABASE your_database_development;
$ GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON your_database_development.* TO 
'your-non-root-user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY

Obviously with my specific parts.
It's really unbelivable.
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[Rails] Re: Select statements do not work on MySQL

2009-10-14 Thread Adam Meyer

Dhruva Sagar wrote:
> Perhaps you should look up at the database user priviledges that you 
> have.
> Thanks & Regards,
> Dhruva Sagar.
> Marie von 
> Ebner-Eschenbach<http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/m/marie_von_ebnereschenbac.html>
> - "Even a stopped clock is right twice a day."
> On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 12:27 PM, Adam Meyer <

Hey Dhruva,

thanks for your reply. But it does not help.
I used this HowTo to configure it.


Even if I insert the root account information for the MySQL into the 
database.yml it does not work.

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[Rails] Select statements do not work on MySQL

2009-10-13 Thread Adam Meyer

Hi everyone,

I run into a problem after deploying my app to prod env on a Apache
server with Passenger and MySQL5.

The application works nearly fine, the only problem is that any select
statements do not work on the database. For example if a user registers
the app creates a new user entity in the user table. So creating
entities does work good. But if I do a "User.find(1)" I get a nil back.
And this happens at the complete app. Any find methtod (Select
Statement) does work.

Do anybody has an idea?
I thought it is the encoding and I switched the mysql db and the app to
UTF8 but it didn't help.

Thanks in advance.


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[Rails] Re: My App doesn't send mails

2009-10-13 Thread Adam Meyer

Thanks for all replies. I'll check it out and come back to you soon.
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[Rails] My App doesn't send mails

2009-10-04 Thread Adam Meyer

Hey everyone

I put my developed app first time in production mode. Now I see that the
Mails are not sent by the app. The strange think is, that it already
sent mails in development environment. But only sometimes.

How can I debug the mail sending by actionmailer? I have no idea where
to start.

Thanks in advance...

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[Rails] Re: Access to session variable in model

2009-09-30 Thread Adam Meyer

Hello again,

sorry but I have no Idea how to solve it. I try to explain the problem. 
I am using attachment_fu for picture upload and output. I wanna change 
the attachment-fu to save the pics in a specific folder. Therefor my 
image.rb looks

class Image < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :categories
  belongs_to :category
  belongs_to :products
  belongs_to :kwikers

  has_attachment  :content_type => :image,
  :storage => :file_system, :path_prefix => 'public/assets/uploads',
  :max_size => 10.megabytes,
  :resize_to => '1024x1024>',
  :thumbnails => { :thumb => '150x150>'},
  :processor => :MiniMagick # attachment_fu looks in this order: 
ImageScience, Rmagick, MiniMagick

   def uploaded_data=(file_data)
 return nil if file_data.nil? || file_data.size == 0
 self.content_type = file_data.content_type
 extension = file_data.original_filename.slice(/\.\w+$/)

 self.filename = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(Time.now.to_s)  + extension

 File.extname(file_data.original_filename) if respond_to?(:filename)
 if file_data.is_a?(StringIO)
   self.temp_data = file_data.read
 self.temp_path = file_data.path

   # Changes the folder structure
   def full_filename(thumbnail = nil)
 file_system_path = (thumbnail ? thumbnail_class : 
 File.join(RAILS_ROOT, file_system_path, 
created_at.strftime("%Y/%m/%d"), thumbnail_name_for(thumbnail))

I want to replace the created_at.strftime("%Y/%m/%d") in the 
full_filename method with the value which is set in 
session[:kwikerhash]. But I don't know how. The view file calls a method 
image.public_filename(:thumb) for example.

What can I do to let the full_filename method take the value from the 

Please help.

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[Rails] Re: Access to session variable in model

2009-09-30 Thread Adam Meyer

Sijo Kg wrote:
> Hi Adam Meyer
>> Is there a possibility to get access to session values in model files?
>   You can't do that and if any means doing that means violating MVC . 
> What you can do is to pass the session variable from controller to model 
> For example in the image.rb you have  a
> def do_this(session_id)
> end
>So from controller you can pass it like
> @image_model_obj.do_this(session[:kwikerhash])
> Sijo

Hi Sijo

you're right. But if I set a value to @kwikerhash in the controller I 
have also access to it in the view.

This is fucked. Because its a method which I override from the 
attachment_fu plugin.

So I need to create the same method with parameters.

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[Rails] Access to session variable in model

2009-09-29 Thread Adam Meyer

Hi everyone

I am using attachment fu for image uploading. I try to customize the
path for pictures be saved.

If I call session[:kwikerhash] in the image.rb where there method for
path definition is I get an undefined method or variable error. If I
fill a global variable @kwikerhash in the controller with the session
value and try to use it in the image.rb it says that @kwikerhash is nil.

Is there a possibility to get access to session values in model files?

Thanks in advance.


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[Rails] Re: Running App in Production Env

2009-09-23 Thread Adam Meyer

Marnen Laibow-Koser wrote:
> Adam Meyer wrote:
>> Okay, I got it, but please do not ask how.
> I'll bite.  How?
>> There was a problem with the migration to production.sqlite3 but I fixed 
>> it!
> And the problem was...?  And you fixed it by...?
>> Thanks dude!
> Best,
> --
> Marnen Laibow-Koser
> http://www.marnen.org
> mar...@marnen.org

Because the I changed some settings for storing the db because of having 
it accross all deployments. I put it into shared and symlinked it. There 
was a mistake in it.
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[Rails] Re: Running App in Production Env

2009-09-23 Thread Adam Meyer

Okay, I got it, but please do not ask how.
There was a problem with the migration to production.sqlite3 but I fixed 

Thanks dude!
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[Rails] Re: Running App in Production Env

2009-09-23 Thread Adam Meyer

Colin Law wrote:

> What is the name of your application controller?
> Are you sure it is running with the same version of rails as in 
> development?
> If so how do you know?
> Colin

Hey Colin

sorry but I don't understand your questions?

I already deployed the app a couple of times to my server in dev mode. 
Now I switched to prod and I run into trouble.

I deleted the capistrano folder structure on my server and made a cold 
deploy, now I get the following error while the cap deploy:

executing `deploy:migrate'
  * executing "ls -xt /srv/www/kwikit/releases"
servers: ["kwikit.de"]
[kwikit.de] executing command
command finished
  * executing "cd /srv/www/kwikit/releases/20090923195330; rake 
RAILS_ENV=production  db:migrate"
servers: ["kwikit.de"]
[kwikit.de] executing command
*** [err :: kwikit.de] rake aborted!
*** [err :: kwikit.de]
*** [err :: kwikit.de] no such file to load -- application
*** [err :: kwikit.de]
*** [err :: kwikit.de]
*** [err :: kwikit.de] (See full trace by running task with --trace)
*** [err :: kwikit.de]
 ** [out :: kwikit.de] (in /srv/www/kwikit/releases/20090923195330)
command finished
failed: "sh -c \"cd /srv/www/kwikit/releases/20090923195330; rake 
RAILS_ENV=production  db:migrate\"" on kwikit.de

I have no idea what to do...

I have more than one controller, the server is running in same rails 
version as my notebook. It works on deploying with dev anyway.
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[Rails] Running App in Production Env

2009-09-23 Thread Adam Meyer

Hi everyone,

yesterday I switched the environment on my production server from dev to
prod via changing the vhost file for the Apache.

I changed

RailsEnv development


RailsEnv production

and deployed the application via capistrano.

But now I get a passenger error see at http://test.kwikit.de

What ist the problem? Do I need to do a cold deploy with capistrano or
what ist the solution?

Please help


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[Rails] Re: German letter ä, ö, ü in rfpdf

2009-04-15 Thread Adam Meyer

Salil Gaikwad wrote:
> Hi all,
>  anyone found any solution for  German letter ä, ö, ü in rf pdf
> i'm facing same problem and i must have tto use PDF::Writer on linux.
> Regards,
> Salil

Hi Salil,

I made use of the prawn plugin mentioned above. It is very easy and 

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[Rails] German letter ä, ö, ü in rfpdf

2009-01-27 Thread Adam Meyer


I need PDF creation in Rails and decided for RFPDF.
Everything works quite nice the only problem is that I can't display
ä,ö,ü in the pdf documents.

I found a tutorial that says that I have to create a font config file
with MakeFont.

I did it, but now I don't now where to put al this files.

Does anyone has experience with creating PDFs in Rails with ä,ü,ö


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[Rails] Cookies are not saved

2008-11-17 Thread Adam Meyer


I'm developing my first RoR application and working first time with
cookies on RoR.

I create a product object, save it and set the id into the cookie

  def create
@image = Image.new(params[:image])

respond_to do |format|
  if @image.save
@product = Product.new
@product.image_id = @image.id
@product.order_id = @order.id
cookies[:product_id] = @product.id.to_s
flash[:notice] = 'Image was successfully created.'
format.html {redirect_to('/karte/waehlen')}
format.xml  { render :xml => @image, :status => :created,
:location => @image }
format.html { render :action => "new" }
format.xml  { render :xml => @image.errors, :status =>
:unprocessable_entity }

Then I redirect to the "karte" controller and "waehlen" action

The karte controller looks like this

class KarteController < ApplicationController
def waehlen
  @product = Product.find(cookies[:product_id])
  @image = Image.find(@product.image_id)

I try to get the product_id from the cookie.

The waehlen.html.erb looks like

  <%= image_tag(@image.filename, :size => "190x153") %>

I get a NoMethodError

You have a nil object when you didn't expect it!
The error occurred while evaluating nil.filename

Extracted source (around line #12):

12:   <%= image_tag(@image.filename, :size => "190x153") %>

I checked the Cookie folder on my filesystem. There is no Cookie.

Do I have activate cookies? I already browsed for the problem, but I
find only information about read/write cookies and other options.

Cheers Adam
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[Rails] Re: ERROR: could not find gem rmagick locally or in a reposi

2008-11-17 Thread Adam Meyer

Frederick Cheung wrote:
> On 17 Nov 2008, at 07:20, Adam Meyer wrote:
>> exctracted the zip to D:\InstantRails\rMagick
>> and when I run update
>>> gem update --system
>> Updating RubyGems
>> Nothing to update
> That command is just for updating rubygems itself. does
> gem install rmagick
> not work ?
> Fred

Hi Fred,

if I type in

gem install rmagick

I get

uilding native extensions.  This could take a while...
ERROR:  Error installing rmagick:
  ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.

D:/InstantRails/ruby/bin/ruby.exe extconf.rb install rmagick

This rmagick gem is for use only on Linux, BSD, OS X, and similar 
Use the rmagick-win32 gem to install RMagick on Windows.
See http://rmagick.rubyforge.org/install-faq.html for more information.
*** extconf.rb failed ***
Could not create Makefile due to some reason, probably lack of
necessary libraries and/or headers.  Check the mkmf.log file for more
details.  You may need configuration options.

Provided configuration options:

Gem files will remain installed in 
D:/InstantRails/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rmagick-2.7.2 for 
Results logged to 

If I type in

gem install rmagick-win32

it says

ERROR:  could not find gem rmagick-win32 locally or in a repository

I know that I need the windows version. I already downloaded it, but I 
don't know where to put the gem file to make ruby find it locally. I put 
it to


hmm, no clue...
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[Rails] ERROR: could not find gem rmagick locally or in a repository

2008-11-16 Thread Adam Meyer


I'm trying to install the

RMagick 2.7.1 (ImageMagick 6.4.5-3) Win32 Installation

got here http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=12&a … e_id=27880

I'm following the steps but can't find the gem rmagick locally. I
exctracted the zip to D:\InstantRails\rMagick

and when I run update

>gem update --system
Updating RubyGems
Nothing to update

it says that there is nothing to update.

I'm running a Windows XP with Ruby 1.8

What can I do?


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