[Rails] Is there any problem extend ApplicationHelper in application controller

2011-11-22 Thread Tom Mac
  I have a function in ApplicationHelper say an example

def url_needed
  if current_user.is_staff?

And in ApplicationController what I did is

   def check_for_the_feature
   flash[:notice] = 'You have no permission to do this.'
   self.extend ApplicationHelper
   redirect_to url_needed

Is there any problem extending helper like this.


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[Rails] how to convert Date to this json format

2011-08-26 Thread Tom Mac
   I have to create a json date like


This is just an example.
My case startdate = Time.now-2.day
 enddate  = Time.now

  I dont know how to convert this to the above format. Please help


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[Rails] how to handle admin section of a saas application

2011-05-23 Thread Tom Mac
  Mine is a sass model application. Various companies can register. Each
company has there own admin and ordinary staff and respective actions
etc. I have implemented this with proper privileges,permissions. This is
the way till I could manage. My new requirement is a super admin (he can
do functionality to any companies. For an example, manually activate
account company1's admin user)
My question is what approach should I take to implement this?
1) Implement all functionalities of this super admin to a super admin
name space. If I follow this approach will there be a lot of code

2) Treat this super admin as another system user (For example my
existing user types are company_admin, staff) and give him privilege and
permissions to the required actions.

   This two ways come into my mind. Is there any other approaches?
Please give me some insights on this


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[Rails] Re: ActiveRecord::Relation

2011-04-07 Thread Tom Mac
   i am talking exactly about this. Now only I found this


  I am getting this not only in console but application also. Has 
anything changed in Rails3.0.5?

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[Rails] Re: ActiveRecord::Relation

2011-04-07 Thread Tom Mac
Hi Fred
  Thanks . I tried from sample application also like
  def index
@articles = Article.where(:hidden = true)
puts @articles.inspect

  Here also the query executed. I dont know why.

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[Rails] How to secure paypal signature, username and password stored in app_config

2011-03-31 Thread Tom Mac
   I store paypal api username, password and signature as simple text in
config/app_config.yml. I would like to know whether this can be
protected , than just storing it as text which anybody can read from


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[Rails] Re: How to secure paypal signature, username and password stored in app_config

2011-03-31 Thread Tom Mac
   I am using app_config.yml exactly like
   Please help


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[Rails] remove .git folder from svn

2011-01-31 Thread Tom Mac
  I use svn. I have git clone active merchant to vendor/plugin. This I
did with a purpose to commit back my changes. But the problem is when I
synchronize with svn it takes more time due to .git folder in
vendor/plugins/active_merchant. My question is how can I ignore .git
folder as well as .gitignore file in vendor/plugins/active_merchant when
i synchronize with svn


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[Rails] Re: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid

2011-01-13 Thread Tom Mac
 but in terms of getting your
 application running can you not just truncate the string to a valid
 length before saving the record?

 Yes that is possible any way not the best. Relating to this two 
1) Is there any other gem than mysql. I found ruby-mysql but could not 
try since it requires ruby = 1.8.7 . Mine is 1.8.6
2) In mysql what is the next option than a text field that handles very 
large data


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[Rails] Re: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid

2011-01-13 Thread Tom Mac
Thanks for your reply. Meanwhile I have done it.

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[Rails] ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid

2011-01-12 Thread Tom Mac
   I am using rails2.2.2 with mysql5.1. I have a text field 'EmailBody'.
And when I try to store data more than 65536  (Say for example 65550) in
linux it works properly by truncating it to 65536 characters and save
successfully to table.  But when I test this same application on a
windows machine I get the error ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid. I am
attaching the error I am getting on a windows machine. Is it a adapter
prblem. Please help

Thanks in advance


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[Rails] Re: rvm and phusion passenger

2011-01-06 Thread Tom Mac
   Thanks for the reply. I followed

I started with
passenger start -a -p 3000 -d

And I am getting an error. Complete trace is attached. Please have a 



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[Rails] rvm and phusion passenger

2011-01-05 Thread Tom Mac
I have two rails applications currently running on systemruby which is
version 1.8.6. And I am using phusion passenger with apache to run the
applications. My new requirement is to run one of the applications in
Ruby1.8.7. For that I have set up 1.8.7 with RVM. But I dont know how to
modify my existing /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf to run one application in
Ruby1.8.6 (Sytem ruby) and second one in ruby1.8.7 (from RVM). Please
help me


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[Rails] paypal chained payment

2011-01-02 Thread Tom Mac
  I want to implement paypal chained payment with adaptive payments API.
I am totally new to paypal. Kindly guide me to start with. I have heard
of gem active merchant. Can I use that for the purpose? Or any other
gems? Also please point me to any examples describing adaptive payment
with chained payment using rails. My rails version is 2.3.8

Thanks in advance

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[Rails] Is this error related to connection pool

2010-12-07 Thread Tom Mac
   My environment is
   ruby 1.8.6
   rails 2.2.2
   mysql 5.1

  I have a very lengthy controller action which fetch mail from pop
But some times I get error. Mainly three error. And I have to restart
the application again to remove this errors. But after some time the
same errors again happens

1)  Mysql::Error (Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10048)):




2) Mysql::Error (Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10055)):



3) Errno::ENOTCONN (A request to send or receive data was disallowed
because the socket is not connected and (when sending on a datagram
socket using a sendto call) no address was supplied.):
   /lib/pop_ssl.rb:535:in `connect'
   /lib/pop_ssl.rb:535:in `do_start'
   /lib/pop_ssl.rb:507:in `start'
   /lib/pop_ssl.rb:382:in `start'

Please help to solve this issue

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[Rails] Re: phpmyadmin equivalent in ruby

2010-11-23 Thread Tom Mac
Thanks for you all. Hi Michael Pavling you specified

 If you *have* to use it, at least put it somewhere obscure *and* use
 some extra layer of protection (through htpasswd or similar).

Could you please explain it a bit more?


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[Rails] phpmyadmin equivalent in ruby

2010-11-22 Thread Tom Mac
Why I asking this is to avoid php installation on server. Is there any
phpmyadmin equivalent in ruby and also can be available as a linux

Thanks in advance

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[Rails] max_allowed_packet mysql

2010-11-18 Thread Tom Mac
   I am using rails 2.3.8 with mysql 5.1. In my attachment model the
validation was
  validates_attachment_size :attachment, :less_than = 2.megabytes,
:message = Upload file size should not exceeds 2 MB

 And my /etc/my.ini  has

max_allowed_packet = 16M

The above worked perfectly.  But now I need file limit size as
10 MB instead of 2 MB. So I changed validation like
  validates_attachment_size :attachment, :less_than = 10.megabytes,
:message = Upload file size should not exceeds 10 MB

And now when I tried to attach a file with size 9.2 MB it gets stuck for
long. No attachment happens. Please help


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[Rails] mail server application

2010-10-06 Thread Tom Mac
   I would like to know there is any opensource mail server application
in rails. I have found this   http://mailr.org/

But seems no recent update to this project. Please suggest an
equivalent one

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[Rails] Re: commiting doc folder to svn

2010-09-30 Thread Tom Mac
  I was asking about should I commit to svn the folder generated by

  rake doc:app

ie  doc/app folder completely
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[Rails] commiting doc folder to svn

2010-09-29 Thread Tom Mac
   I would like to know expert opinion on this. Should I commit folders
like doc/app into svn? What is the general strategy

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[Rails] wild card modal email forwarding to rails application

2010-09-16 Thread Tom Mac
  May be a long story. Sorry for that.My requirement as this. I have a
saas application. The different people can create accounts. Each account
holder can create users under them . An example is during account
creation one user gives email as adm...@mydomain.com'. Then after login
to application he creates say two users and gives (valid) emails as
us...@gmail.com and us...@yahoo.com.

  At a later stage from the application he send mail to both the above
users and they get mail in there gmail and yahoo inboxes. Also what is
sent to them etc are stored to db also as a thread. Upto this everything
works fine.

   So coming to my requirement suppose us...@gmail.com replies to this
email. Then adm...@mydomain.com gets email in his inbox(This also can be
done). And also it has to be reached to my rails application . Dont know
how to do this???.And also to be logged to my db.

The above is the original requirement. As part of that what I would
like to know is can I reply mail to user_thread...@mydomain.com  (An
example is user_...@mydomain.com) . The thing is user_...@mydomain.com
is not a valid email. Like that there may be use...@myexample.com
,use...@myexample.com  All these are dynamically created when replying.
And what I need is,  all these mails has to be reached at
mydomain.com and forwarded to my rails application. From there I can get
the thread_id from this mail (example 100 from user_...@mydomain.com)
and also the mail contents so that everything like subject,body etc can
be stored to my db.

   Dont know I could make you understand my requirement. Please tell if
you did not understand. Guide me with your valuable comments

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[Rails] receive mail with sendmail

2010-09-16 Thread Tom Mac
 Could any one please give links to any blogs (etc) which gives a
detailed description on receiving emails to rails application with
sendmail. I am using fedora12. I request help on configuring mail server
(if needed) or can use mail server of another domain and forward it to
my application.  Dont know how to, since I am prety new to this. If what
I am asking is blunder please excuse

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[Rails] slow loading application phusion passenger

2010-09-14 Thread Tom Mac
  I have successfully used phusion passenger with my rails application.
But the problem is it takes more time to load the first page. And also
if I load a page and wait for some time then again next time it takes
more time to load the page. Why this happens? Please help

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[Rails] sending email with attachments

2010-08-30 Thread Tom Mac

Could anyone please give an example of sending mails with attachments in
rails using actionmailer?
   I have a user in users table whose attachments is stored in
attachments table it self( Relation is  user has_many attachments ;
attachment belongs_to user). Sender for example is ad...@example.com.
suppose user1 has two attachments test1.pdf and test2.doc

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[Rails] Re: sending email with attachments

2010-08-30 Thread Tom Mac
   A detailed requirement of the above is as

  I have a message model, message_participant model, and attachments 
model. The relations are

message has_many message_participants
message has_many attachments

   attachment using paperclip I am storing in database it self. I have 
in hand a message object which has subject, body etc. So clearly this 
message has a sender and many recipients. This I can find out. My 
requirement is to send each of the message recipients this message with 
its attachments

   I have all the data in my hand . What I need is, to send same email 
with attachments to the recipients

Please help

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[Rails] find does not raise exception

2010-08-25 Thread Tom Mac
   I have the code

  def index
@messages = message_thread.messages


  def message_thread
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
  logger.warn No permission or thread_id nil
  render :file = #{RAILS_ROOT}/public/404.html

And even if params[:id] does not have any values I dont get any
exception . I can't figureout why. Please help

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[Rails] Re: find does not raise exception

2010-08-25 Thread Tom Mac
Hi Edmond
Thanks for your reply. The problem is not that. Even it enters in 
rescue, it does not render :file = #{RAILS_ROOT}/public/404.html. But 
it continues execution and I get problem at @messages = 

  as nil.messages


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[Rails] upgarde from rails 2.3.5 to rails 2.3.8

2010-08-18 Thread Tom Mac

 I upgraded my rails application rails 2.3.8 from 2.3.5 like below

  gem install rails -v=2.3.8

Now in environemnt.rb   RAILS_GEM_VERSION changed to  '2.3.8'. Now
when I tried to a previous migration like

rake db:migrate VERSION=20100714122104

 I got warning like
DEPRECATION WARNING: Rake tasks in vendor/plugins/delayed_job/tasks,
vendor/plugins/paperclip/tasks, vendor/plugins/seed-fu/tasks,
vendor/plugins/simple_captcha/tasks, vendor/plugins/tabs_on_rails/tasks,
and vendor/plugins/xss_terminate/tasks are deprecated. Use lib/tasks
instead. (called from

 I would like to know why this message shown? Is it any problem? If
it is, how to resolve it?

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[Rails] Re: help needed to create a complex form

2010-08-18 Thread Tom Mac
   Thanks for replying.I could do it partially with the following 
modifications to my models and views


  has_many messages
  accepts_nested_attributes_for :messages

  belongs_to message_thread
  has_many :document_messages
  has_many :documents, :through = :document_messages
  accepts_nested_attributes_for :documents,:reject_if = lambda {|a| 
  validates_presence_of :subject

  No other change. But the  problem is from the view I am not 
selecting any file for upload and not entering values for  'subject' . 
So surely the validation will fail and rerender my new action . My 
'create' action like

  def create
@message_thread = MessageThreads.new(params[:message_thread])
if @message_thread.save
  flash[:notice] = Message sent successfully
  redirect_to home_url
  flash.now[:error] = @message_thread.errors.full_messages.join(br 
  render :action = 'new'

  The problem is now the file_field disappears. What might be the 
cause?I am struggling with this for hours.Please help

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[Rails] help needed to create a complex form

2010-08-17 Thread Tom Mac
  My models are message_thread, message, document  (document with
attachments I am using paperclip)


  has_many messages

  belongs_to message_thread
  has_many :document_messages
  has_many :documents, :through = :document_messages

  has_attached_file :attachment,
:storage = :database
  has_many :document_messages
  has_many :messages, :through = :document_messages

 What i need is to create a message_thread with one message and that
message with 2(or more) attachments. I tried like

  def new
@message_thread = MessageThread.new
@message = @message_thread.messages.build


  %form_for @message_thread, :url = { :action = create },:html =
{:multipart = true,:class = mail-tenant} do |f| %
p%= f.text_field :mail_to %/p
  % f.fields_for :messages do |message| %
%= message.label :subject,'Subject' %
%= message.text_field :subject,:maxlength = 255 %
div class=attachments
  % message.fields_for :documents do |document| %
div class=fileinputs
%= document.file_field :attachment,:class = file %
%= document.hidden_field :company_id,:value =
  %end% !--  end of f.fields_for :documents --
   %end% !--  end of f.fields_for :messages --
div class=two-button
  button type=submit class=button2spanSend/span/button
pOr a href=#Cancel/a/p
  %end% !-- form ends here --

   But I am getting error
 ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch in MessagesController#create

Document(#-614356858) expected, got Array(#-608120208)

Please help me to solve this. I have a vague idea of using
accepts_nested_attributes_for . But please tell here can I use it

Thanks in advance

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[Rails] An implementation level question

2010-08-11 Thread Tom Mac
  I have a message model and message_participants table.
message_participants table because same message goes to various
  Messaging between either company to users  OR user to company. So an
initial design of tables made like

messages table

| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
| id| int(11)  | NO   | PRI | NULL| auto_increment |
| subject   | varchar(255) | YES  | | NULL||
| message_thread_id | int(11)  | YES  | | NULL||
| message   | text | YES  | | NULL||
| company_id| int(11)  | YES  | | NULL||

message_participants table

| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
| id| int(11)  | NO   | PRI | NULL| auto_increment |
| direction_in  | tinyint(1)   | YES  | | NULL||
| direction_out | tinyint(1)   | YES  | | NULL||
| type  | varchar(255) | YES  | | NULL||
| company_id| int(11)  | YES  | | NULL||
| user_id   | int(11)  | YES  | | NULL||
| message_id| int(11)  | YES  | | NULL||

Here about 'type' field I am not sure. My question is should I treat
message_participants like STI or polymorphic? I can't decide it.

Relation is

message has_many message_participants
message_participants belongs_to message

Please guide
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[Rails] attaching multiple files at a time on a has_many through

2010-08-10 Thread Tom Mac
My models are

class MessageThread  ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :messages
  accepts_nested_attributes_for :messages

class Message  ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :message_participants
  belongs_to :message_thread
  has_many :document_messages
  has_many :documents, :through = :document_messages
  accepts_nested_attributes_for :documents

class Document  ActiveRecord::Base
  has_attached_file :attachment,
:storage = :database
  default_scope select_without_file_columns_for(:attachment)
  has_many :document_messages
  has_many :messages, :through = :document_messages

class DocumentMessage  ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :message
  belongs_to :document

I have to make an email compose interface. So my messages controller
new and create(sample) action like

  def new
@message_thread = MessageThread.new
@message = @message_thread.messages.build

  def create

And the new form I tried like

  %form_for @message_thread, :url = { :action = create },:html =
{:multipart = true} do |f| %
p%= text_area_tag 'mail_to',nil,:cols = 10, :rows = 3,:style =
  % f.fields_for :messages_attributes do |message| %
%= message.label :subject,'Subject' %
%= message.text_field :subject,:maxlength = 255 %
  %#=end %
div class=attachments
%message.fields_for :documents do |a| %
  %=a.file_field attachment[]%
  %=a.file_field attachment[]%
div class=two-buttons
  button type=submit class=form-button2
pOr a href=#Cancel/a/p

   And I am getting error

 NoMethodError in MessagesController#create

undefined method `with_indifferent_access' for :String

Please help me to correct this

Thanks in advance
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[Rails] upgrading from rails2.3.5 to rails2.3.8

2010-07-27 Thread Tom Mac
  Please guide me to upgrade my rails application which is 2.3.5 version
to 2.3.8 step by step.

Thanks for your help
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[Rails] Re: rails asset cache

2010-07-26 Thread Tom Mac
   Could anybody please clarify my doubt?


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[Rails] Re: rails asset cache

2010-07-25 Thread Tom Mac
   Again I am facing a problem. I am using firefox with firebug.A 
portion of my code like
%= stylesheet_link_tag styles,home, :cache = cache/all %

Now in my local machine from firebug under net tab I disabled Browser 
cache .Then result I got like

GET home http://localhost:3000/home 200 OK localhost:3000 14.4 KB (?) 
GET styles.css?1279620123 
200 OK ...

   Again from local machine I enabled Browser cache and got result 
like(Only the below line I got)
GET home http://localhost:3000/home 304 Not Modified localhost:3000 14.4 
KB ...

   But the above same procedure when I did from another machine which is 
not local, I got the same result for both the steps. Caching did not 

I got 200 OK for both steps. I am running in staging mode. Please 
help me to resolve this


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[Rails] rails asset cache

2010-07-23 Thread Tom Mac
I have a of line code like
%= stylesheet_link_tag styles,:cache = cache/styles %

And it produces source as

link href=/stylesheets/styles.css?1279620123 media=screen
rel=stylesheet type=text/css /

config.action_controller.perform_caching = true

My concern is what is 1279620123 after question mark(?) above. If such a
random number always appended,  whether caching in browser happens or
not?Please give me a good idea

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[Rails] named scope and has_many

2010-06-24 Thread Tom Mac
   I have the models User and Payment. The relation between them

user has_many payments
payment belongs_to user

 payments table has a field paid_date. Now for finding out the last
paid_date for a particular user I did like

class payment  ActiveRecord::Base
   named_scope :last_payment_date, :select = 'MAX(date_paid) as

  Then  @user = User.find(id)

  I get the correct answer. But actually is this correct? Because
sql generated is

SELECT MAX(date_paid) as date_paid FROM `payments` WHERE
(`payments`.user_id = 8) AND (`payments`.user_id = 8)

 I would like to know why (`payments`.user_id = 8)  appears twice

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[Rails] calculate the number of months difference between two dates

2010-06-24 Thread Tom Mac
Please share if there any such easy methods in rails. I have dates like

date1 = Date.today
date2 = Date.today - 3.months  (Example can be anything)

 Now how to get month difference as 3  (date1 - date2)

Thanks for any help
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[Rails] papaerclip file name and special characters

2010-06-09 Thread Tom Mac
 I have a problem checking the uniquness of filename. My rails
controller  code is

if params[:document][attachment] 
  flash[:error] = File already exists
   #store file

I am using database storage. Now suppose if I am saving the file
cli entlist.gif paperclip save the attachemnt_file_name as
  Again I am trying to upload the same file and in the above code it
goes to the else part and save the file since
params[:document][attachment].original_filename  will be
cli entlist.gif

I cant use validatesuniquness because of some reasons and have to use
the above code. Please tell me how can I solve this issue?

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[Rails] Re: button type=button

2010-06-07 Thread Tom Mac
   Finally I solved like

  button type=button onclick=if (check_valid()) {
new Ajax.Request('%= some_url(@id) %', { 
   });}; class=form-button2 fixed3spanAdd /span/button

And may I conclude that there is no helper which gives exact raw html 
like  button type=button

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[Rails] Re: button type=button

2010-06-06 Thread Tom Mac
   You are right. But still the problem. Please help if possible

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[Rails] Re: button type=button

2010-06-04 Thread Tom Mac
   Did not get ny reply. Please help. It is urgent

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[Rails] button type=button

2010-06-03 Thread Tom Mac
   I would like to construct a button like
button type=button onclick=javascript:test(); class=form-button2
fixed3spanAdd /span/button

And I used the helper button_to_remote for this like

%= button_to_remote(spanAdd/span,
{ :url = some_url(@id),
:condition = check_valid(),
:with= 'ids='+user_ids},
{:class = form-button2 fixed3}
) %

   I get the functionality correctly But it produces html like

input typebutton class=form-button2 fixed3/ So
ignoring css style

   Please tell me which helper to use to get html like   button

Thanks in advance
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[Rails] STI and controllers

2010-05-25 Thread Tom Mac
  This is an implementation question. I have the STI models like
Class FileCabinet  ActiveRecord::Base
Class TenantFileCabinet  FileCabinet
Class CompanyFileCabinet  FileCabinet

And file_cabinets table is

| id | int(11)  | NO   | PRI | NULL| auto_increment |
| company_id | int(11)  | YES  | | NULL||
| type   | varchar(255) | YES  | | NULL||
| tenant_id  | int(11)  | YES  | | NULL||

My documents table is below(I use paperclip)

|id  | int(11)  | NO   | PRI | NULL| auto_increment 
| attachment_file_name| varchar(255) | YES  | | NULL|   
| attachment_content_type | varchar(255) | YES  | | NULL|   
| attachment_file_size| int(11)  | YES  | | NULL|   
| attachment_updated_at   | datetime | YES  | | NULL|   
| company_id  | int(11)  | YES  | | NULL|   
| attachment_file | longblob | YES  | | NULL|   

And between file_cabinet and documents there is has_many :through
relation. My document_file_cabinets table is

| id  | int(11)  | NO   | PRI | NULL| auto_increment |
| document_id | int(11)  | YES  | | NULL||
| file_cabinet_id | int(11)  | YES  | | NULL||
| deleted | tinyint(1)   | YES  | | 0   ||
| company_id  | int(11)  | YES  | | NULL||
| document_name   | varchar(255) | YES  | | NULL||

My purpose is to add documents to company file cabinet (those
can be done and viewed by company admin) and each tenant also have there
own file cabinet. To which documents are added by admin. My question is
since this an STI which controller should I use and how? Is it file
cabinet controller OR company_file_cabinets_controller and
tenants_file_cabinets_controller? Please guide me.

Thanks in advance
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[Rails] Re: attachment_fu and paperclip comparison needed

2010-05-23 Thread Tom Mac
  I did not get a reply to this. Any comment please?

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[Rails] attachment_fu and paperclip comparison needed

2010-05-14 Thread Tom Mac
  Could anybody please give a comparison on which of these to use? For
example in attachment_fu documentation I saw files can be stored finally
4 ways like
File system
  Database file
  Amazon S3
  Rackspace (Mosso) Cloud Files

 Like that many more. So if a get a proper comparison that will be
very beneficial

Thanks in advance
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[Rails] STI

2010-05-14 Thread Tom Mac
   While googling i found this old blog.

 But the problem specified there still exists with even rails 2.3.5
. Why it is not resolved Any specific cause? Please share your thoughts

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[Rails] Re: sorting a listing page

2010-05-09 Thread Tom Mac
I still could not get an exact choice. I found this

But suppose if have a column like full_name but it is not a db 
column ( i have db columns firstname and lastname) then what I will do? 
If anybody has any other choice than please help.

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[Rails] Re: sorting a listing page

2010-05-07 Thread Tom Mac
   In short I am searching the best grid plug/gem in rails

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[Rails] sorting a listing page

2010-05-06 Thread Tom Mac
I have a list page for users. I am using will_paginate for
pagination. So an example is

full_name(f_name+l_name)   email  unit(this an integer colum is

Clinton Trone   cl...@test.com   2
Evette Pace e...@test.com2
Brett B br...@test.com   10

 My requirement is to sort by any of the headings ie
first_name, email or unit on clicking them. Also I need Alphabetical
sorting .Like there will be
 All,A,B,C ...Z,Other
   in the list page. Then on clicking suppose D the paginated list has
to sorted by letter 'D' like that. I have no idea how to implement this.
Please help

Thanks in advance
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[Rails] exception handling

2010-04-26 Thread Tom Mac
  I have controller edit action like

def edit
@user = User.find(params[:id])
   rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
logger.warn User with id #{current_user.id} tried to edit user with
id #{params[:id]}
render :file = #{RAILS_ROOT}/public/404.html

And suppose if current_user has noa ccess to user with id = 10.Then
when try
This will render the 404.html

 Now my problem is suppose if the user try something like
Then what I get is a routing error. I dont know how to handle this.
Please help.

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[Rails] Re: exception handling

2010-04-26 Thread Tom Mac
  Thanks. But how can I handle in code?

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[Rails] Re: date in a textfield

2010-04-15 Thread Tom Mac

 class Contract  ActiveRecord::Base
   def formdate_string
   def formdate_string=(fdate_str)
 self.formdate = Time.parse(fdate_str)

 This happens when in the new does not get value And as one of the 
post in the railscast page suggest it can be solved with an instance 
varibale like

   def formdate_string
 @formdate_string || (formdate.to_s(:db) unless formdate.nil?)

   def formdate_string=(fdate_str)
 @formdate_string = fdate_str
 self.formdate = Date.parse(@formdate_string)
rescue ArgumentError
@formdate_invalid = true

   @formdate_invalid  can be used in def validate

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[Rails] Re: persist the same url even if validation fails

2010-04-13 Thread Tom Mac
   I could solve it by modifying routes like

  map.connect '/staff_registration/:code', :controller = :staff, 
:action = :registration_completion,:conditions = { :method = :put }
  map.staff_registration '/staff_registration/:code', :controller = 
'staff', :action = 'registration'

And modified action registration_completion like
def registration_completion
@user = User.find_by_perishable_token!(params[:code])
@staff = @user.staff

And also form_for like
% form_for @user, :url = staff_registration_url(:code = 
params[:code]), :html = {:method = :put} do |f| %

   This problem was there in my mind for months. Now it is solved. 
Posting it for whom search with similar problem

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[Rails] Re: dynamically linking to ajax.googleapis jquery

2010-04-11 Thread Tom Mac
Hi Joe

   Thanks for your elaborate answer. It was useful

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[Rails] dynamically linking to ajax.googleapis jquery

2010-04-08 Thread Tom Mac
I am using jquery and jqueryui in my application And in layout I use

%= javascript_include_tag
%= javascript_include_tag
http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8/jquery-ui.min.js; %
%= stylesheet_link_tag

My question is, there any problem by linking to css and js like
these. I am totally a newbie regarding this? Is this a performance issue
in production. And I have one more concern(Dont know I am right) suppose
if in any case those sights down then will it fail? What is the normal
procedure for doing this? Whether I have to download all the sources to
my application?

Thanks for your time
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[Rails] has_many :through and named_scope

2010-04-07 Thread Tom Mac
   I have the models roles, users and user_roles. The relationship among
them is

user has_many user_roles
user has_many roles, :through = :user_roles


role has_many user_roles
role has_many users, :through = :user_roles


belongs_to :user
belongs_to :role

 Suppose a login user1 has roles [admin, staff] And login user2 has
only one role say [participant] Now how can I check the cases

1)a login user is an admin or staff
2) a login user has_role participant?

  And also I would like to know whether this can be written using
named scopes.(I am totally new to named scopes)

Thanks in advance
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[Rails] deciml

2010-04-05 Thread Tom Mac
   In my table I have
t.decimal :rent, :precision = 12, :scale = 2

But when ever I enter a large value like

To the table it is stored as 99.99

 I would like to know how active record validation can be
applied here?

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[Rails] Re: Re: deciml

2010-04-05 Thread Tom Mac
Thanks for all your reply

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[Rails] Re: To translate this query to railsway

2010-03-30 Thread Tom Mac
Hi Hitesh

 has_one :membership
 has_one :role, :through = :membership
 has_many :memberships
 has_many :users, :through = :memberships
 has_many :permissions
 has_many  :privileges, :through = :permissions
 belongs_to :user
 belongs_to :role
 has_many :permissions
 has_many :roles, :through = :permissions
 belongs_to :privilege
 belongs_to :role

   Thanks for your reply. All otheres except User are right. User is

 has_many :memberships
 has_many :role, :through = :memberships


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[Rails] Re: seed data

2010-03-29 Thread Tom Mac
  Thanks for your reply

 Could you explain what you're trying to do in a step by step scenario? 
 may helper others on the mailing list to better assist you.

   What I tried is as my first post. Now just as a test a I did like

State.create(:id = 1,:name = Alabama, :abbr = 'AL',:fips = '01',
:country_id = 1)

   But after this step whenever I do rake db:seed_fu

I dont get what I expected for the id fields. I expect id to be 
generated like

 If you really need the id to be pre-defined (though why you need to do
 this I do not know, it is generally a bad idea)  

  Why I need the id to be predefined means suppose at a later stage 
if already that id may e saved to a number of tables as foreign key. But 
suppose if execute rake db:seed_fu  then if the id changed to 5,6,7 
instead of 1,2,3
the total solution may be a big fail
So when I checked the way which I mentioned in my first post 
accidently I noticed this. Then post a message to a get a clarification 
since I dont know where the fault is

 I think one more thing to ensure the ids are the values that I 
expected is, after creation call a function like

  @country.update_id_to(1) .


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[Rails] seed_fu and has_many :through

2010-03-29 Thread Tom Mac
   In my application to seed data I am using seed_fu

I have tables roles,privileges and permissions( It joins roles and
privileges). Now at application startup I have to seed these tables with
data. But during runtime some additionals rows may be added to
permissions. But I dont how at a later stage if I run rake db:seed_fu
all data that I set later to permissions may be wipeout. I dont know how
to handle this.

   As an example

1   admin
2   contact
3   employee

1   add_contact
2   edit_contact
3   delete_employee

permissions (role_id,privilege_id)
1  1
1  2
3  2   .etc

  Suppose this may be seeded at startup. Later additional entries
may go to permissions.  One of my question is how can I use seed_fu to
fill data for permissions table?  Can I do it as usual like create
db/fixtures/permission.rb and

Permission.seed_many(:id, :id, [
  { :role_id = 1, :privilege_id = 1 },
  { :role_id = 1, :privilege_id = 2 },
  { :role_id = 3, :privilege_id = 2 }

 One more question is if I follow like above and at a later stage if
run rake db:seed_fu again all data that where added later to permission
will be lost. And also how can I ensure that all the id values above
should be what I expected. Please guide me

Thanks in advance
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[Rails] Re: seed_fu and has_many :through

2010-03-29 Thread Tom Mac
Hi Colin

Suppose I have the development phases like phase1,phase2, etc. So 
for example in Phase1 I have to seed data to say table1 (rake 
db:seed_fu) And it is deployed.
Now again in phase2 again I have to seed data to table2 . Then also to 
sseed data I run
rake db:seed_fu

But when ever I run this command it seeds data to table1 (once 
more) and table2 (for the first time). Is n't it? I think I can answer 
your question. But could you please give answer to my original questions 
posted in this thread.

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[Rails] To translate this query to railsway

2010-03-29 Thread Tom Mac
   I have the tables

users, roles, memberships( join table between users and roles. Between
users and roles there is has_many :through relation ship)

privileges, permissions (join table between roles and privileges.
Between roles and privileges there is has_many :through relation ship)

privileges table entries like
1   add_user
2   delete_user ,.

roles tables entries like

 Now to find whether a given user(with id=2) has a privilege like
'add_user' I wrote a query like

select memberships.id from memberships inner join permissions on
memberships.role_id=permissions.role_id where memberships.user_id=2 and
permissions.privilege_id=(select id from privileges where privilege_name

   And I get the correct result. Now I would like to know how I can
write the above query in an activerecord style.Please help

Thanks in advance
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[Rails] Re: seed data

2010-03-28 Thread Tom Mac
   So my question is how can I ensure that even after running  rake 
db:seed  (rake db:seed_fu) a number of times my primary key ie, id here, 
does not get modified? Should I need to write an update_id function 

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[Rails] seed data

2010-03-26 Thread Tom Mac
   I am using seed_fu to seed initial data to tables
(http://github.com/mbleigh/seed-fu) . And in db/fixtures/state.rb

I have values like (I am filling only two data for simplicity)

State.seed_many(:name, :abbr,:fips,:country_id, [
  { :name = Alberta, :abbr = 'AB',:fips = '01', :country_id =
2 },
  { :name = Alaska, :abbr = 'AK',:fips = '02', :country_id = 1

It works and when I do  select * from states; I get result as

| id  | abbr | name  | fips | country_id |
| 1 | AB   | Alberta   | 01   |  2 |
| 2 | AK   | Alaska| 02   |  1 |

But now I modified state.rb as

State.seed_many(:name, :abbr,:fips,:country_id, [
  { :name = Alberta, :abbr = 'AB',:fips = '01', :country_id =
2 },
  { :name = Alaska, :abbr = 'AK',:fips = '02', :country_id = 1
State.create(:id = 1,:name = Alabama, :abbr = 'AL',:fips = '01',
:country_id = 1)

And now when I do select * from states; I get unexpected result as

| id  | abbr | name  | fips | country_id |
| 5 | AL   | Alabama   | 01   |  1 |

   What I expect was  id=1 But I got id as 5 . Why this ?

Thanks in advance
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[Rails] attr_accessor as boolean

2010-03-24 Thread Tom Mac
   I have in my user model

attr_accessor :no_password_validation_needed
with_options :unless = :no_password_validation_needed do |p|
p.validates_length_of :password, :minimum = 6
p.validates_confirmation_of :password

 And from controller I do
@user.no_password_validation_needed = false

 And it works perfectly and now validation happens. If it is
@user.no_password_validation_needed = true
Then also I get the expected result as now validation not happens

But now when
@user.no_password_validation_needed = 2  #or any other value

Now I get unexpected result as validation not happens That is
same result when true? Why this?What modification should I make?Please

Thanks in advance
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[Rails] h() method in form partial

2010-03-23 Thread Tom Mac
   I have a doubt. Dont know it is valid. Just asking. I am trying to
reuse the same partial _form for both new and edit. So from new.html.erb
I call partial like

%= render :partial = 'user_fields', :locals = {:f = f}%

and in _user_fields.html.erb an example field as

  %= u.label :first_name,'First Name' %
  %= u.text_field :first_name,:maxlength = 50 %

  My question is if I call this same partial in edit.html.erb also,
how can I apply the h() method like below (since this fields being
populated with value from db being an edit form)

  %=h u.label :first_name,'First Name' %
  %=h u.text_field :first_name,:maxlength = 50 %

Thanks in advance
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[Rails] Re: Saas design considerations

2010-03-23 Thread Tom Mac
hi saljamil
 and its children. I used named scopes in the model to pass the user_id
 from controller and get back data specific to that user (his org and
 children orgs). Send me an email if you need some code examples.

   I would like to get some code examples. Please send your mailid. 
My id is to.tom.mak at gmail.com

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[Rails] how to customize logger messages in rails 2.3.5

2010-03-22 Thread Tom Mac
   I would like to know how I can customize logger message format in
rails 2.3.5

Thanks in advance
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[Rails] Re: how to customize logger messages in rails 2.3.5

2010-03-22 Thread Tom Mac
 You can overload call method from Formatter.
 class Logger
class Formatter
  Format = %s [%s] %s %sn
  def call(severity, time, progname, msg)
   Format % [severity, format_datetime(time), progname, msg]
  $LOG.error('This is much shorter.')
  # ERROR [2006-03-31T19:35:01.058646 ] This is much shorter.

   Thanks for your reply. Where should I place this code? In 
environment.rb or any initializer?


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[Rails] Re: Re: how to specify relationship between these models

2010-03-21 Thread Tom Mac
Lots of thanks for all your reply. What I am finally doing is 
following. (Is it you people suggested?). I have still problem in 
creating the view for adding a staff. Please correct me if what I am 
doing is wrong way.

phone  etc


Now in staff controller
  def new
@user = User.new


% form_for @user,:url = staff_index_url, do |u| %
%= u.text_field :first_name,:maxlength = 50 %
  % u.fields_for :staff do |s| %
%= s.text_field :address_street1,:maxlength = 50 %
  %= submit_tag ok%


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[Rails] how to specify relationship between these models

2010-03-19 Thread Tom Mac
   I have a user model which I used as authlogic. What I need to
implement is I have to add staff also to the system. And I designed
tables like

phone  etc

   My question is is this the right approach? And if yes what
would be the relation from users to staffs? I think we can say

staff belongs_to user
But what is the reverse?

Thanks in advance
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[Rails] Re: how to specify relationship between these models

2010-03-19 Thread Tom Mac
 Thanks for your reply. This I have already thought of. But one 
thing I can't understand is why everything is stored in a single table 
say users here? Can we store each items for say staff,director etc  to 
there own tables? Or Am I wrong?

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[Rails] Re: rerender a page if validation fails

2010-03-18 Thread Tom Mac
   I get error when I enter   http://localhost:3000/users/1   from url

But if it is   http://localhost:3000/users/1/edit   No problem.
So my question is why in the else case it shows in the url

  instead of


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[Rails] rerender a page if validation fails

2010-03-17 Thread Tom Mac
   I have in routes.rb like
map.resources :users

Now I am trying to edit a user. What the url shows now is
  But my problem is , when I click on update button and if
validations fail I am re rendering the edit page.  And it happens
properly. But the url becomes


   I can't figure it out . Please give a solution. Why this
happens? So if a user goes to url and press enter it will show

Unknown action

No action responded to show. Actions: create, edit, new, and update

My controller code for update is

  def update
 @user = User.find(params[:id])
  respond_to do |format|
  if @user.update_attributes(params[:user])
  flash[:notice] = 'User was successfully updated.'
  format.html { redirect_to home_url }
  format.xml  { head :ok }
  flash.now[:error] = @user.errors.full_messages.join(br /)
  format.html { render :action = edit }
  format.xml  { render :xml = @user.errors, :status =
:unprocessable_entity }

Thanks in advance
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[Rails] Logging in Rails

2010-03-16 Thread Tom Mac
I dont know much about logging in rails? Could anybody please
explain how to do that in a live application? Or point me to any latest
links which gives a detailed description of how to do this for different
environments in rails? Why I am asking this is, I don't know where to
start. But have a vague idea about the levels info,debug, etc. But dont
know how to apply that (Or use it) in my application which is in an
initial stage.Please help

Thanks in advance
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[Rails] Re: Logging in Rails

2010-03-16 Thread Tom Mac
   Thanks for all reply. When googling I saw this


Since a beginner I am asking what will be the advantage if using 
above? And also I would like to know what are the latest happenings like 

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[Rails] Re: Re: Logging in Rails

2010-03-16 Thread Tom Mac
Hi Colin

 Thanks for replying back. One more thing I need to clarify is when 
to use the different levels for logging? For example say in controller 
we can write
logger.info some thing  or logger.warn something
   How can we know that we should chose this here say info or warn 
here? Is there any criteria for this? My question may be blunder please 
excuse. Could you please pont to a good example?

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[Rails] Re: Re: xss

2010-03-16 Thread Tom Mac

 Life is much easier if you just store what they typed and deal with it
 when you use it...

And again going through the plugin doc I found an example like

class Message  ActiveRecord::Base
   xss_terminate :except = [ :body ]

 Means we can exempt some fields from sanitization. So isn't 
that sufficient? Any other thoughts?

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[Rails] xss

2010-03-15 Thread Tom Mac

   I have found this rails plugin which automatically removes XSS from
models upon saving. This is great. My concern is, which is the best
choice, 1) use plugin like this Or 2) allow the content to be entered in
to db as it is and later escape it from view using h method or sanitize
. Why I am asking this is , the latest railscast 204 says rails3
automatically sanitize html. But why cant use this type of plugin for
not at all entering such malicious user inputs to the database? Please
share your thoughts

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[Rails] Re: xss

2010-03-15 Thread Tom Mac
   No comments yet!


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[Rails] Re: Re: to get only the updated fields

2010-03-09 Thread Tom Mac
   I solved it as Michael suggested And it was working .But now i 
notified another issue. That is why reopening the thread. The issue is, 
even if the validations fail, mail is sent to user (What I need is only 
if update happens successfully on changed attributes then only mail to 
be sent)

controller code is

@user = User.find(params[:id])
res = @user.update_attributes_and_notify(params[:user])
if res == true
   do this
elsif res == false
   do this
elsif res == 'nochange'
  do this

User model code is

  def update_attributes_and_notify(attributes,user)
self.attributes = attributes
if changed?
  return 'nochange'

and if I change the line in model

   deliver_user_edit_details! if save
  I get error
undefined method `call' for nil:NilClass

  What would be the reason? Please help

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[Rails] config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host = }

2010-03-09 Thread Tom Mac
   In my application I have a mail sending part in which a user get mail
with a link to activate his account. What I am currently doing is as a
part of test I created a staging environment And in
config/environments/staging.rb I write like
config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host = Ip_address_here

 It is working fine And the user get a mail with content say to

  Now a problem I find is suppose if have to test the same
application in another server in another location I have to edit the
above to match the IP address of that machine  And one more problem is
if it is hosted in a public IP a user belong to that network get a mail
like say Click
http://72.x.x.x/actiavate/token to activate. But it may not work from
that network. So agin I have to edit and change it
   My question: Is this the standard way ?.Please advise me the correct
approach to do this. Or Can I use ActionController::Request class for

Thanks in advance
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[Rails] Re: config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host = }

2010-03-09 Thread Tom Mac
Hi Dieter
   Your answer, if I undersood correctly is to specify like

config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host = localhost:3000 }

 in enviroment. This is what I do now. But my question is how to 
make it dynamic. Means some thing like

config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host = 
request.host_with_port() }

  And also only at a single place to make it DRY

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[Rails] Re: field_error_proc

2010-03-04 Thread Tom Mac
   I can't solve this. could anybody please give a solution?


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[Rails] field_error_proc

2010-03-03 Thread Tom Mac
   I have in my environment
ActionView::Base.field_error_proc = Proc.new { |html_tag, instance|
span class=\fieldWithErrors\#{html_tag}/span }

It is working perfectly. But what I need is only for the login form
I have to change this and need to show only the flash error message. Is
this possible.

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[Rails] Re: to get only the updated fields

2010-03-03 Thread Tom Mac
Hi Conrad

Thanks for your reply. But this is not working for 
update_attributes. What I tried is in update action

@user = User.find(params[:id])
if @user.update_attributes(params[:user])
   send_mail if @user.changed?  #But this is always returns false Not 


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[Rails] Re: access authlogic current_user in actionmailer view

2010-03-03 Thread Tom Mac
   I have already tried that. Anyway I could solve it y passing 
current_user from controller and called that mail sending in model from 

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[Rails] aliased render

2010-03-03 Thread Tom Mac
  In my routes.rb I have
map.login '/login',:controller = :user_sessions, :action = :new

Now I have controller action as

def create
@user_session = UserSession.new(params[:user_session])
if @user_session.save
  redirect_to some_url
  render :action = :new,:layout = 'my_layout'

  The problem in the else case when render action new again what I
get in browser is


But what I need is http://localhost:3000/login Or in the worst case

 How can I do this? Please help

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[Rails] Re: Re: to get only the updated fields

2010-03-03 Thread Tom Mac
   Thank you. I have one more  thing to clarify . If I write a 
before_save filter as you suggested, then will mail be sent when ever 
there  is an update or save to this User model ? That is not what I want 
if it behaves like that.Please excuse if I am wrong

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[Rails] Re: aliased render

2010-03-03 Thread Tom Mac
I got a solution from another old thread in a different forum like

map.login '/login', :controller = 'admin/user_session', :action = 
:conditions = { :method = :get }
# This line does the trick:
map.connect '/login', :controller = 'admin/user_session', :action = 
:conditions = { :method = :post }

Then in new.html.erb

% form_for @user_session, :url = login_path do |f| %

This is perfectly right. But if I have a route like
map.root :controller = users,:action = new
  And if my form is like
% form_for @user do |f| %

 Please guide how I can apply this here.

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[Rails] Re: access authlogic current_user in actionmailer view

2010-03-02 Thread Tom Mac

  Still I can't solve it.Please help

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[Rails] to get only the updated fields

2010-03-02 Thread Tom Mac
   I remember once I read about to get only updated fields from an
update_attributes method. Means say I have a model user with
name,age,sex etc And when the user updates the information I have to
first check whether he actually updated anything(There is a chance that
update button from view simply being clicked) and if only any updates
happened I have to get that updated fields and send a mail stating that
these fields are updated. How can I do this. Suppose in the above
example if only  name updated

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[Rails] how to do Loging in Rails

2010-02-28 Thread Tom Mac
   My question may be too silly. But I Don't know how to work with
logging functionality in Ruby and Rails. The thing is Ruby/Rails is my
first technology as a professional. I read some basics like logger.info,
logger.debug etc But I did not understand how to apply those to my
application covering all the environments like development,production,
etc. Where to start? And how to activate it for various environments?Has
this any connection with exception notification etc. These are a bundle
of questions coming to my mind. Please guide me. Also please provide me
with some links

Thanks in advance
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[Rails] placing database.yml to svn

2010-02-26 Thread Tom Mac
I would like to know is there any serious problem if committing
database.yml file to svn? What I am currently doing is committing
database.yml.sample file to svn. So an extra step needed in each
production setup(locally example I have not deployed originally) that I
have to edit mv database.yml.sample to dtabase.yml
Please share your thoughts

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[Rails] Re: Re: Re: Benchmarking an Profiling of Rails apps

2010-02-25 Thread Tom Mac
 Thanks for reply back. Meanwhile I got this too
Thanks again

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[Rails] Re: rdoc

2010-02-24 Thread Tom Mac
   Thanks. I dinot understand answer to 4 th question. Also what about 
question 3.
Thanks again

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[Rails] Re: Benchmarking an Profiling of Rails apps

2010-02-24 Thread Tom Mac
 I am asking related to this. Is for benchmarking and profiling 
newrelic is used? In other words can I use newrelic to do these two 

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