Re: [sage-combinat-devel] Re: Permutations... again.

2012-11-24 Thread Nathann Cohen
Helloo Andrew !

 I'm sure that I should drop this but...

At this level it may not hurt anymore :-)

 When ever anything gets big enough I think this starts to break down. For
 example, when I whined about the lack of documentation for the pickle jar
 the people who put this is place didn't feel the need to step in and
 this. Even though I am just a sage-combinat customer:), I posted a patch
 trac and it is being reviewed (really!).

HMmm..   I don't agree with that. I do not work with that many Sage
developpers but I am totally convinced that any of them feels responsible
about his own code to fix it when a bug is found. But you talk of
documentation, and there I totally expect that it may not work anymore, as
it is less urgent and dangerous. At least for the classes I am patching
now, I am pretty convinced that the explanation lies in the fact that
nobody here wrote them. I think that we are rather on the ascending path
than the final explosion.

 I agree that's nice, but what I am complaining about is a general lack of
 documentation in sage, particularly for the metaclass framework, rather
 documentation for code in sage/combinat. If you check, the code in
 sage/combinat has a relatively high coverage rate.

Well documenting the methods when it comes to categories is not really
helping, it asks for a more detailed explanation. This way of writing
doctests works nicely for the graph stuff, where you only want to know what
the method parameters mean and what the output is quickly, but the category
stuff only asks for a 10 pages explanation with paragraphs, definitions and
a long list of corner-cases situations.

 One other point I really do not like about the combinat model is that,
 unfortunately, you all know each other.

 I am really quite amazed that you see this as a bad thing!

Ahhah. Sorry. I love to present as a bad thing something that is definitely
good, and the opposite too. Sometimes I get convinced that it helps to
think... There are many situations where you do not see the very bad sides
of a good situation. It looks so good, it just has to have good sides only
!. But I insist that it is not only good in this case, especially when
documenting code. Florent and I have done the same thing a couple of times
: he has a patch to write and I do not know what is it, or barely, and I
try to write its documentation while he explains it to me, and while I ask
him questions.
This way, you know what a totally ignorant users needs to know when he
first meets the class. But the same way that -- after a while -- Sage
developpers are totally unable to see things through the eyes of a newcomer
and take a LOT for granted, it is hard to explain to somebody new something
that you have taken for granted for weeks while talking with a colleague.

Of course it is great to be able to talk together. I like this very much,
even though I keep complaining about everything. Nicolas and Florent teach
me many things quicker than I would have been able to teach myself
otherwise(we find bugs by just doing that), but there is, in this way of
working, a problem that does not exist when you cannot talk with each other
: the guy who does the review will get the very same input the users will :
the doc, and nothing else.

  I think that was you are really complaining about are bug fixes which end
 up in the sage-combinat queue but are not posted to trac.


 I fully agree that
 patches should be posted to trac as soon as they are ready for review and
 that people shouldn't keep half finished patches lying around in the
 sage-combinat queue, or elsewhere. I don't see any harm, however, in a
 being both on trac and also in the sage-combinat queue if it is relevant.

Oh. I'm talking about the development model, and actually of... politics.
If you keep adding fixes to the combinat queue, the bug will be fixed as
far as the combinat guys are concerned, and they will not have any need to
send it to trac. There is no need, and so it does not get done. Of course
there is nothing wrong with having bugfixes in Sage-combinat. There is, for
instance, no problem at all with including inside of Sage combinat a
positively reviewed patch that will be merged . later, when Jeroen will
feel like doing it. But the point is that if you insist a bugfix patch
should not be there unless it is already positively reviewed, or not at
all, then I am pretty sure everybody will send those patches to trac,
because like everybody you need to have the bugs you meet FIXED in the code
you work with.

 2) Something I discussed with Florent : everybody in Sage-combinat should
 have at most 2 or 3 patches in the queue. Nothing more. If you want to
 another one, get your patches merged into Sage

 As Anne said, it would be a good idea to try to integrate patches in the
 queue more quickly.

That will not happen by just asking, though. That's what a development
model is. That's what politics is all about. 

Re: [sage-combinat-devel] Re: state of the queue: 5.4, 5.5.beta0

2012-11-24 Thread Christian Stump

 Thanks for doing this for me Travis and Nicolas! I've just synced and 
 everything is fine.

I now have again a reliable connection to test the queue.
Unfortunately, it still didn't work for me to install sage combinat on
a plain 5.5.rc0. I had to disable Travis' 12587 due to tons of
conflicts and to update my new version of the universal cyclotomics
(which hopefully make it into main sage soon, thanks to Frédéric!),
and then it worked again.

Since others didn't have this problem, I don't update the queue as
long as Travis doesn't ask me to do so (I also tent to make mistakes
in the process, so it might me my fault)...

Best, Christian

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Re: [sage-combinat-devel] Re: Permutations... again.

2012-11-24 Thread Nicolas M. Thiery
Hi all,

In very short:

   You are totally independent of Sage, you don't *NEED* to
   contribute to have your version of it evolve

Not quite true: we do pay a heavy price for each and every patch that
is not merged: we have to keep rebasing them. I can tell you that it
*hurts*. We all agree that we should get more patches in *and* we are
working on it.

Another fact: many of the patches in the Sage-Combinat queue have
strong dependencies. This not just because we screwed up our splitting
of the task; it is intrinsic to the things we are developing. In the
dependencies are things that are basically out of our control
(e.g. the patches around #715) that are super technical and that just
take time to get into Sage. Given this, there is nothing we can do but
keep those patches alive. That being said, I certainly take the blame
for not finishing faster the more functorial patch faster.

Last fact: many of us spent weeks, if not months, at Sage days this
year training newcomers. Don't worry, we *are* getting strong feedback
from outsiders.

Nicolas M. Thiéry Isil

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Re: [sage-combinat-devel] Re: Permutations... again.

2012-11-24 Thread Andrew Mathas

 YES, but if you were working with the Sage TRAC server the patches would 
 HAVE to be finalised. Please please, that's the whole point !

 Nathan, I think that this is the whole point that you are not seeing: we 
do work with sage and we do use trac. Extensively. Personally, I want my 
patches posted to trac as quickly as possible and merged into sage. 


ps As I am sure you know, putting a patch up on trac in no way guarantees 
that it will ever be finalised. 

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Re: [sage-combinat-devel] Re: Permutations... again.

2012-11-24 Thread Nathann Cohen
Hello !!

 Nathan, I think that this is the whole point that you are not seeing: we
 do work with sage and we do use trac. Extensively. Personally, I want my
 patches posted to trac as quickly as possible and merged into sage.

Yeah, perhaps I am wrong on that. I said a lot of things about stuff I do
not really understand during the last two days. I never worked with
Sage-combinat because I never saw the point. What I say is actually just a
result of conversations I had with Nicolas and Florent. Iar them talk abou
patches, try to work with Florent to write documentation, and I see how it
goes... I guess you may have as many combinat experiences as you have
combinat users ^^;

 ps As I am sure you know, putting a patch up on trac in no way guarantees
 that it will ever be finalised.

Well. Indeed, but if you have no other way to share it with a colleague
before, that's still a strong force to motivate you :-)


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Re: [sage-combinat-devel] Re: Permutations... again.

2012-11-24 Thread Sébastien Labbé

I have been using the sage-combinat branch from 2008 to 2010 (all of my 
patches were in sage-combinat before getting on the sage trac) and then 
stop using it. Here is my view of this. First I believe the following 
principle is simple but very important :

Principle #1 : The priority (ordering) of patches to be merged into Sage 
should be given to the next patch which is ready and have positive review.

To me the main disadvantage of Sage-Combinat queue is that it does not tend 
to respect Principle #1. 

Here is why I claim this. First let us introduce some definitions. 

Definition #2 - Conflict. There is conflicts between two patches if they 
is a conflict when applying one patch after the other or if the doctest of 
one patch is broken by the other.

Principle #3 : When someone creates a patch in the sage-combinat queue, he 
or she will put the patch somewhere it does not disturb others, so 
somewhere it does not create conflicts with other patches. That means the 
patch will most probably be added after related patches susceptible to 

The consequence of Principle #3 is that the creator of a patch in the 
sage-combinat queue accept that *the time before inclusion of its own patch 
into Sage is larger than the time of inclusion of all patches it depends 
on*. Moreover, those patches depends on others which depends on others and 
so on...

Definition #4 - Slow patch : A patch is slow if it stays on the needs 
work or needs review status for a long time.

The problem is that a certain patch might depend on a slow patch, so that 
it can be considered as a slow patch even if it is during a period of time 
while you are promptly working on Sage.

I understand that a group of developpers working on similar research 
subject might work on similar patches/files and are suceptible to 
conflicts. Thus, it might be a good idea to share a common queue to 
anticipate and see conflicts in advance. For example : the sage-combinat 
queue. But, this tends to respect Principle #3 which violates Principle #1.

Another reason which tends to violate Principle #1 is that changing the 
series file (changing the order of patches) takes a non negligeable amount 
of energy so that you might prefer to keep the ordering as it is and 
defined following Principle #3.

Indeed, testing if a patch commutes with others is not that fast to check : 
one must unapply the patches, change the series file, reapply all the 
patches, run sage -br (with hundreds of modified files!!!) Then, once the 
commutativity is proved, one must recheck that the patch still work before 
putting it under review (unapply patches to go back to you patch, sage -br 
(with hundreds of modified files again). You might after build the 
documentation doing sage -docbuild reference html (with again hundreds of 
modified files again!!!)

Hence, I believe that a development model where there exists a sane 
competition to be the first to be merged (creating conflicts to eventual 
slow patches) might be better than a system which tries to avoid conflicts 
(favorising slow patches).

I am looking forward to discuss with Nicolas, Florent and Nathann about it 
during the next meeting of Sage users in Paris region.



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Re: [sage-combinat-devel] Re: state of the queue: 5.4, 5.5.beta0

2012-11-24 Thread Hugh Thomas

Hi Christian--

The queue applies fine for me on plain 5.5.rc0.  Maybe your guards are not 
set correctly?  This is what is usually the problem for me when the queue 
seems to have suddenly gone wonky.  

If that is the case, it can be fixed in one step by running:

sage -combinat qselect.  



On Saturday, November 24, 2012 2:34:06 AM UTC-8, Christian Stump wrote:


  Thanks for doing this for me Travis and Nicolas! I've just synced and 
 everything is fine. 

 I now have again a reliable connection to test the queue. 
 Unfortunately, it still didn't work for me to install sage combinat on 
 a plain 5.5.rc0. I had to disable Travis' 12587 due to tons of 
 conflicts and to update my new version of the universal cyclotomics 
 (which hopefully make it into main sage soon, thanks to Frédéric!), 
 and then it worked again. 

 Since others didn't have this problem, I don't update the queue as 
 long as Travis doesn't ask me to do so (I also tent to make mistakes 
 in the process, so it might me my fault)... 

 Best, Christian 

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