Re: [sage-combinat-devel] Re: Categorification of tableaux

2010-08-31 Thread Nicolas M. Thiery
Hi Jason!

For once, I am trying hard to procrastinate on the Sage-Combinat
e-mails in order to focus on finishing our paper with Florent and
Anne, instead of the converse; hence my slow answer.

Thanks for your long post! It sounds all fine to me. I'll just insert
a couple micro comments below. I hope someone goes on and implements
this! It would be great if you could do with Andrew as reviewer (or
the converse, or with whatever pair programming scheme fits you).

On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 12:11:47PM -0400, Jason Bandlow wrote:
 The 'metaclass' trick is so that both of these will work, and the
 parents will be set appropriately.  Anyway, here is what I roughly think
 the element classes should look.

And I should mention that the metaclass trick is nothing but a
syntactic sugar so that one can use the same name Tableau for both:

 - the function used to create a tableau
 - the base class for all tableaux.

Currently in Sage, those two gadgets are usually distinct (think
Partition/Partition_class which makes it inconvenient for the user to
access Partition_class, say for an isinstance test.

 class Tableaux(UniqueRepresentation, Parent):
 class SemistandardTableaux(UR, Parent, Tableaux): # similar
 class StandardTableaux(UR, Parent, SemistandardTableaux): # similar

No need to specify again UR and Parent; those are inherited through

 Finally we have the specific parent classes.  I think they should look
 roughly as follows.
   The parent classes 
 class Tableaux_all(Tableaux):
   def __init__(self):
 super(Tableaux_all, self).__init__()
   # I don't know a good category, since general tableaux (which
   # allow, for example, real-number entries) are not enumerable.

I guess Sets() is the best we can do.

 class SemistandardTableaux_all(DisjointUnionEnumeratedSets,
   def __init__(self):
 self, Family(NonNegativeIntegers(),
 facade=True, keepkey = False)
  # Note that I'm not clear on what facade and keepkey do.
  # They may not be necessary or advisable.

 * With keekkey = True, the elements of the disjoint union would be of
   the form (5, Partition([3,2])). That's only useful when one wants
   to construct the disjoint union of a collection of sets which are
   not originally disjoint (e.g. building n copies of a given set).

 * facade = True/False controls whether, for x in
   SemiStandardTableaux(), x.parent() is SemiStandardTableaux() or

 class SemistandardTableaux_size(SemistandardTableaux):
   def __init__(self, size):
 super(SemistandardTableaux_size, self).__init__(
   category = InfiniteFiniteEnumeratedSets())

Interesting category :-) But yes, the category should be set to one or
the other depending on what makes sense.

Nicolas M. Thiéry Isil

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[sage-combinat-devel] Re: WeylCharacterRing

2010-08-31 Thread bump
Bruce wrote:

 Thanks Dan. I would be happy to try if I knew what to do!

In order to try the patch (short of waiting for the patch to get
merged into sage)
you need  a patched version of sage.

Can you compile sage from scratch?

That is, download sage-4.5.2.tar from here:

Then compile the program by the instructions on that page. It is
you have either a Mac or a Linux machine.

If you can do this, you can patch the program and then recompile it.
may require further help from us but it is certain that can be done if
are able to build sage from scratch.

If this is difficult you can meanwhile avoid style=coroots and have
in a polynomial ring.


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[sage-devel] Re: Random banter about Sage standards

2010-08-31 Thread Rob Beezer
On Aug 29, 5:41 pm, Bill Hart wrote:
 Why attack Sage. It is what it is. Why defend it. It certainly didn't/
 doesn't get everything right. One thing is for sure. Whatever is wrong
 with Sage, it is almost certainly too late to fix it. Whatever is
 right with Sage certainly made it popular.

Whatever is right is easy.  When you want to explore a mathematical
topic programmatically you don't need to start from scratch.  There's
high-precision arithmetic (Bill Hart did that), there's graph
isomorphism (Robert Miller did that), there's exact linear algebra
(William Stein, Robert Bradshaw, David Kohel, etc, etc did that).  You
can write what interests you and pull in great code for the parts you
need but can't write or don't want to write.  And when it is wrong
(not if), you can isolate the problem, and if you can't fix it,
there's a good chance somebody else will care enough to fix it.
Sometimes even promptly.  And in the process Sage gets incrementally
better.  That's the beauty of Sage for me and I don't believe it can
be said about any other project.


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Re: [sage-devel] Re: Random banter about Sage standards

2010-08-31 Thread Tim Daly

I think the claim was that it is becoming the M$ of mathematical
software. I suspect that means default standard or something.
Actually, I didn't ask. Tim, what does it mean?
I was making the assumption that Sage managed achieve success by being 
adopted and replacing the 4Ms. The bulk of the discussion rests on that 

If that assumption is not true and Sage disappears, nobody cares.

Tim Daly

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: Random banter about Sage standards

2010-08-31 Thread Tim Daly

If I understand you correctly, you want to set the goal for Sage much
higher than just a free, open alternative to the Ma*s.

- Robert


Yes, but why am I trying to do that?

Computation mathematics is a new field of study, at least in the 
symbolic area.
It is the child of the union of mathematics and computers. Unlike other 

of software, computational mathematics software (CMS) has the property that
it will always be able to give timeless answers, making it useful forever.

Being useful forever does not imply that the software survives forever.
You can argue that this is good darwinian attrition. But CMS software is
very hard to build and requires a great deal of very scarce expertise that
can disappear at any time (e.g. changing jobs, being hired into a company
like MapleSoft/Wolfram/Magma/etc., companies being bought or closed)
When that happens, and it will, then that portion of the software becomes
unmaintainable or unavailable.

The natural response to dead software is to write new software. You can
see this in CMS-land as there are over one hundred attempts at building
CAS programs (I collected them at one point, similar to the Sage goal).
But due to the expertise issue these programs don't get very far. Sage wants
to rewrite the Trager/Bronstein integration but that seems unlikely as the
required expertise (Bronstein) is dead and the code isn't documented (yet).

Sage is trying to avoid the darwin problem by gluing together existing 

This is a very clever idea, a second generation response.

What I am trying to do is ask the question...
What does a computational mathematics system need to do to live forever?
in particular, in this forum,
What does Sage need to do to live forever?

Sage is exciting, fast moving, has no time to do it right, would die of
documentation ossification, couldn't possibly prove anything (as if proofs
are foreign to mathematics), needs to be released twice a day, is in a
foot-race with the 4Ms for mind-share, needs quantity not quality, will
let the next-generation-slubs document their work, is 3ns faster than 
M*, etc.

I am one of the first generation dinosaurs trying to impart some of the 
learned to the next generation. I am taking the long view, trying to 
figure out

how to impart computational mathematics to my grandchildren. Will they still
be writing new polynomial packages and arguing over ZZ? Will they have to
watch yet another hundred threads discussion the same issues? Will they 
that William Stein should move his comments to the flame thread? Or will 
they have

a broad legacy of excellent CMS work upon which to build?

My experience tells me that William will move on, python will move on, the
funding will dry up, the students will be hired into real jobs and Sage 
will die

of code rot as GCC/python/architecture/build-complexity/etc all work away
at its foundations. The system will devolve into tracking down hard bugs in
other peoples code, people will find that hard without documentation
and not worth doing because it isn't flashy. Suppose William had instead
proposed that Sage was a project to find and fix all the bugs in Maxima.
How many people would join? Now imagine Barry Brightspot proposing
a project to find and fix all the bugs in Sage

To those who work on Sage... Why? Do you just want to build yet-another-CAS?
Do you just want a platform for your thesis work? Do you just want to
write code that gets thrown away? Or would you rather have your name
appear in the credits list of Sage-2090 as one of the Newtons of
computational mathematics?

I am advocating that Sage set its goals much higher than replacing the Ms.
If you don't, then my experience tells me that the project will die. If 
you do

then the project may die anyway but other people can build on the remains
rather than from scratch. Or you just might have a formula for the 

What do *you* think needs to be done to make Sage live forever?
I have thought about this question for a long time and I'm trying to 
pass it on.
Your experience may tell you that my suggestions are wrong but you'll 
only be

able to know after the fact and by then it will be too late.

Anyway, I've said about all I want to say so I'm abandoning this topic.
Good luck and thanks for all the fish.

Tim Daly

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[sage-devel] Re: Random banter about Sage standards

2010-08-31 Thread Harald Schilly
On Aug 30, 11:59 pm, Tim Daly wrote:
 Now apply the same lesson to Sage. Assume that 30 years from now, none
 of the
 original developers are connected with the code and there is no one to
 ask. It will happen.

I didn't read this thread but just about that comment: I think the
solution to that is constant reinvention. Hopefully new people will
join the project and from time to time parts of the system will be
rewritten. Sometimes forced (python 2 - python 3) or sometimes just
out of necessity (coercion system). So, just like a living organism,
old parts die or are replaced by new parts that do the same or do it
better ... (right now, for example, I want to code a smartphone client
that communicates with sage,but the simple server api doesn't do what
I want. I guess I'll have to rewrite it. that's an example for old
code that will be rejuvenated out of necessity.)


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[sage-devel] Problem with Trac server

2010-08-31 Thread Niles
Not sure if this is already a known problem, but I get an error
message when trying to load the Trac front page this morning:

ProgrammingError: could not create temporary file base/pgsql_tmp/
pgsql_tmp7382.1: No space left on device


10 minutes later, I'm still getting the same error (well, different
tmp filename).

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[sage-devel] Re: Problem with Trac server

2010-08-31 Thread Dima Pasechnik
same here...

On Aug 31, 7:59 pm, Niles wrote:
 Not sure if this is already a known problem, but I get an error
 message when trying to load the Trac front page this morning:

 ProgrammingError: could not create temporary file base/pgsql_tmp/
 pgsql_tmp7382.1: No space left on device


 10 minutes later, I'm still getting the same error (well, different
 tmp filename).

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[sage-devel] ipython pipeline

2010-08-31 Thread Jason Grout
Over on matplotlib-devel, there is a thread about some of the stuff 
coming down the ipython development pipeline.  The thread is here:

and the exciting stuff starts around here (graphics in the terminal):

and here (long-distance real-time collaboration at the command line):

and here (elaborating on the remote collaboration involving front-ends 
written in different languages):

Fernando, if you're reading this: I'm curious if you have any thoughts 
on how the Sage notebook might be impacted by this.



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[sage-devel] OSX Clickable App

2010-08-31 Thread Jason Grout
Continuing the discussion that dribbled off into nothing:

I have lots of students with macs now, and some are interested in 
getting Sage working on their computer.  Ivan posted what looked like a 
fantastic app for Sage, but then posted about a problem with the browser 
not being recognized.

Ivan: I tried your app that you posted (  I set the path 
in TargetsSage MenuRun Script to point to my local sage directory.  I 
clicked Build and Run.  It gave one error (ln: 
File exists), so apparently it's trying to link the file again. 
However, I get an error on running:

Process: SageMenu [9375]

Identifier:  com.yourcompany.SageMenu
Version: 1.0 (1)
Code Type:   X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process:  launchd [172]

Date/Time:   2010-08-31 11:00:36.076 -0500
OS Version:  Mac OS X 10.6.4 (10F569)
Report Version:  6

Interval Since Last Report:  2592413 sec
Crashes Since Last Report:   55
Per-App Interval Since Last Report:  769 sec
Per-App Crashes Since Last Report:   2
Anonymous UUID:  49A13133-2C59-4152-B547-914C35B2D99F

Exception Type:  EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
Exception Codes: 0x, 0x
Crashed Thread:  0  Dispatch queue:

Application Specific Information:
abort() called
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 
'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '*** -[NSPlaceholderString 
initWithString:]: nil argument'

*** Call stack at first throw:
	0   CoreFoundation  0x7fff8875fcc4 
__exceptionPreprocess + 180
	1   libobjc.A.dylib 0x7fff882240f3 
objc_exception_throw + 45
	2   CoreFoundation  0x7fff8875fae7 
+[NSException raise:format:arguments:] + 103
	3   CoreFoundation  0x7fff8875fa74 
+[NSException raise:format:] + 148
	4   Foundation  0x7fff83f04aaa 
-[NSPlaceholderString initWithString:] + 102
	5   SageMenu0x00011c81 
-[AppController awakeFromNib] + 456
	6   CoreFoundation  0x7fff8870e47d -[NSSet 
makeObjectsPerformSelector:] + 205
	7   AppKit  0x7fff81e3faa3 
-[NSIBObjectData nibInstantiateWithOwner:topLevelObjects:] + 1445

8   AppKit  0x7fff81e3dcd9 loadNib + 226
	9   AppKit  0x7fff81e3d1e9 
+[NSBundle(NSNibLoading) _loadNibFile:nameTable:withZone:ownerBundle:] + 248
	10  AppKit  0x7fff81e3d021 
+[NSBundle(NSNibLoading) loadNibNamed:owner:] + 326
	11  AppKit  0x7fff81e3a5a3 
NSApplicationMain + 279

12  SageMenu0x00011774 start + 52

Any ideas as to what is wrong?



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[sage-devel] Busted maxima interface - anyone got a clue?

2010-08-31 Thread Dr. David Kirkby
As some of you know, I run the long doctests 100 times on my Sun Ultra 27 on 
sage 4.5.3.alpha0.

Looking at the results from 100 runs, there was one or more failures on 11 of 
100 times. Of the 11 runs where one or more doctests failed, 4 of them

devel/sage-main/sage/modular/overconvergent/ (twice)
devel/sage/sage/tests/ (once)
devel/sage/sage/calculus/ (once)

were caused by this bug

discussed at

It is marked as critical, and has been open 4 months, but it seems to have got 
no attention at all.

Perhaps someone who knows a bit about the pexpect/maxima interface might take a 


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[sage-devel] Re: OSX Clickable App

2010-08-31 Thread kcrisman

On Aug 31, 12:01 pm, Jason Grout wrote:
 Continuing the discussion that dribbled off into 

 I have lots of students with macs now, and some are interested in
 getting Sage working on their computer.  Ivan posted what looked like a
 fantastic app for Sage

It is.  I've also been testing this - you should try out the very
latest version:
There are still a few things to work out, but what we need are
*TESTERS* to track down dumb bugs (such as one I found when I tried
out a previous version).  Try this again with the latest one, and I'm
sure he can fix it if it breaks still.

To all on Sage-devel: The number one request we had for ease of
adoption was to have a double-clickable app for both Windows and Mac;
the server solution is just not right (for now) for many situations.
If we can make it so that SAGE_APP_BUNDLE=yes becomes the default
(once this is ready to go, which it very nearly is), we will be in
great shape.  So please help test!

Incidentally, there are now no third-party pieces to it - it's all in
XCode/Objective-C, not that I know much of that language, but the
point is the stuff is native on the machine - and one just needs XCode
on the build machine, not on the binary using machine.

- kcrisman

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Re: [sage-devel] OSX Clickable App

2010-08-31 Thread Ivan Andrus
 Continuing the discussion that dribbled off into nothing:

Thanks for resurrecting this.  Hopefully we can get it to go somewhere.

 I have lots of students with macs now, and some are interested in getting 
 Sage working on their computer.  Ivan posted what looked like a fantastic app 
 for Sage, but then posted about a problem with the browser not being 

I have changed the UserAgent (in sort of a hacky way) since that seemed best.  
It works okay for me, but it would be nice to know how it works for others.  I 
suspect some won't even want to use the browser portion of the application.

 Ivan: I tried your app that you posted (  I set the path in 
 TargetsSage MenuRun Script to point to my local sage directory.  I clicked 
 Build and Run.  It gave one error (ln: 
  File exists), so apparently it's trying to link the file again. However, I 
 get an error on running:


 Any ideas as to what is wrong?

It looks you were using an old version.  The latest can be found (prebuilt) at
where it is updated sporadically.

I think what was happening is that it was trying to link it again (as you 
suggested) but that this failed.  Then since the original link didn't exist on 
your system, the application crashed.  If I am right about this then a Build  
Clean should fix the problem.

Thankfully, this should no longer be an issue since the application functions 
without a sage binary (at least functions enough to use the preferences to set 

Once we think this is ready to start being distributed I can finish things up. 
I still haven't integrated it into sage -bdist, but that shouldn't take long, 
and once that's done I can make a patch and put it up on trac for review.  
Other than that any feedback/feature requests are welcome since it will be 
easier to change it now than after it's officially part of Sage.  I have 
already fixed a few bugs that kcrisman found, but I'm sure there are more.


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Re: [sage-devel] Re: OSX Clickable App

2010-08-31 Thread Ivan Andrus
On Aug 31, 2010, at 7:13 PM, kcrisman wrote:
 On Aug 31, 12:01 pm, Jason Grout wrote:
 Continuing the discussion that dribbled off into 
 If we can make it so that SAGE_APP_BUNDLE=yes becomes the default
 (once this is ready to go, which it very nearly is), we will be in
 great shape.  So please help test!

I should have mentioned that the biggest thing that I still want to add is 
making sws files clickable (well I have that part already—they just don't do 
anything :-)  For that I need something like what is suggested in

I've been putting it off because I don't know the notebook code at all and 
could really use some pointers.  Does anyone have ideas on how to implement 
that or want to do it for me?


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[sage-devel] Re: OSX Clickable App

2010-08-31 Thread Jason Grout

On 8/31/10 12:14 PM, Ivan Andrus wrote:

Continuing the discussion that dribbled off into nothing:

Thanks for resurrecting this.  Hopefully we can get it to go somewhere.

I have lots of students with macs now, and some are interested in getting Sage 
working on their computer.  Ivan posted what looked like a fantastic app for 
Sage, but then posted about a problem with the browser not being recognized.

I have changed the UserAgent (in sort of a hacky way) since that seemed best.  
It works okay for me, but it would be nice to know how it works for others.  I 
suspect some won't even want to use the browser portion of the application.

Ivan: I tried your app that you posted (  I set the path in TargetsSage 
MenuRun Script to point to my local sage directory.  I clicked Build and Run.  
It gave one error (ln: 
/Users/grout/Downloads/osx/SageMenu/build/Release/ File 
exists), so apparently it's trying to link the file again. However, I get an error on running:


Any ideas as to what is wrong?

It looks you were using an old version.  The latest can be found (prebuilt) at
where it is updated sporadically.

Making it independent of Sage is a nice way of not having to update it 
for every Sage release.

Do you think it's stable enough to point my students/postdoc mentor to 
it?  I'm sure I'll hear about any problems if I do that.

I'm uploading a dmg of 4.5.2 made from the current sage -bdist script to 
sage.math (46% done).  I planned on giving that URL to students.  Would 
you suggest giving a link to your dmg instead?

Also, how do I get it to just open up my normal browser (firefox)?  I 
have lots of customizations to my firefox that I'd like to use (for 
example, tabs on the side, etc.).  It would be great if there was a 
preference item which let me choose between opening up the built-in 
browser, or opening up the system default browser.



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[sage-devel] Re: OSX Clickable App

2010-08-31 Thread Jason Grout

On 8/31/10 12:14 PM, Ivan Andrus wrote:

Continuing the discussion that dribbled off into nothing:

Thanks for resurrecting this.  Hopefully we can get it to go somewhere.

I have lots of students with macs now, and some are interested in getting Sage 
working on their computer.  Ivan posted what looked like a fantastic app for 
Sage, but then posted about a problem with the browser not being recognized.

I have changed the UserAgent (in sort of a hacky way) since that seemed best.  
It works okay for me, but it would be nice to know how it works for others.  I 
suspect some won't even want to use the browser portion of the application.

Ivan: I tried your app that you posted (  I set the path in TargetsSage 
MenuRun Script to point to my local sage directory.  I clicked Build and Run.  
It gave one error (ln: 
/Users/grout/Downloads/osx/SageMenu/build/Release/ File 
exists), so apparently it's trying to link the file again. However, I get an error on running:


Any ideas as to what is wrong?

It looks you were using an old version.  The latest can be found (prebuilt) at
where it is updated sporadically.

I think what was happening is that it was trying to link it again (as you 
suggested) but that this failed.  Then since the original link didn't exist on 
your system, the application crashed.  If I am right about this then a Build  
Clean should fix the problem.

Thankfully, this should no longer be an issue since the application functions 
without a sage binary (at least functions enough to use the preferences to set 

Once we think this is ready to start being distributed I can finish things up. 
I still haven't integrated it into sage -bdist, but that shouldn't take long, 
and once that's done I can make a patch and put it up on trac for review.  
Other than that any feedback/feature requests are welcome since it will be 
easier to change it now than after it's officially part of Sage.  I have 
already fixed a few bugs that kcrisman found, but I'm sure there are more.

When I click stop server, and then start server, I see this error 
message in the log:

Setting environment variables
Warning: Attempted to overwrite SAGE_ROOT environment variable
Checking install location
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ./local/bin/sage-location, line 5, in module
SAGE_ROOT = os.environ['SAGE_ROOT']
  File /Users/grout/sage-4.5.2//local/lib/python/, line 
22, in __getitem__

raise KeyError(key)
KeyError: 'SAGE_ROOT'
Starting Notebook
| Sage Version 4.5.2, Release Date: 2010-08-05   |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.|

Please wait while the Sage Notebook server starts...
2010-08-31 12:36:19-0500 [-] Log opened.
2010-08-31 12:36:19-0500 [-] twistd 9.0.0 
(/Users/grout/sage/local/bin/python 2.6.4) starting up.
2010-08-31 12:36:19-0500 [-] reactor class: 
2010-08-31 12:36:19-0500 [-] 
starting on 8000
2010-08-31 12:36:19-0500 [-] Starting factory instance at 0x10a299440




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[sage-devel] Re: OSX Clickable App

2010-08-31 Thread kcrisman
 I'm uploading a dmg of 4.5.2 made from the current sage -bdist script to
 sage.math (46% done).  I planned on giving that URL to students.  Would
 you suggest giving a link to your dmg instead?

The current dmg is probably better until this is tested more.

 Also, how do I get it to just open up my normal browser (firefox)?  I
 have lots of customizations to my firefox that I'd like to use (for
 example, tabs on the side, etc.).  It would be great if there was a
 preference item which let me choose between opening up the built-in
 browser, or opening up the system default browser.

See, Ivan, I wasn't the only one who wanted that!

I think his rationale is that it would be nice to Command-Tab between
Sage and other browser windows; however, most of us are so used to it
running from a server in a regular window that (imho) this should be
the default.

And adding this to sage-bdist is nearly trivial.  We already get your
older (much smaller) version with SAGE_APP_BUNDLE=yes, so we just swap
this guy (when ripe) into extcode and then make SAGE_APP_BUNDLE=yes
default in sage-bdist.

- kcrisman

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[sage-devel] Re: OSX Clickable App

2010-08-31 Thread Jason Grout

On 8/31/10 12:40 PM, kcrisman wrote:

I'm uploading a dmg of 4.5.2 made from the current sage -bdist script to
sage.math (46% done).  I planned on giving that URL to students.  Would
you suggest giving a link to your dmg instead?

The current dmg is probably better until this is tested more.

Okay.  Harald: can we post up DMGs of the app versions for each OSX 
version on the website?

Also, how do I get it to just open up my normal browser (firefox)?  I
have lots of customizations to my firefox that I'd like to use (for
example, tabs on the side, etc.).  It would be great if there was a
preference item which let me choose between opening up the built-in
browser, or opening up the system default browser.

See, Ivan, I wasn't the only one who wanted that!

Here's one major reason for wanting firefox: often I do the full-screen 
view in front of a class, especially when working on a projector with 
only a 800x600 screen.  I can't do full-screen with the included browser 
(at least not as well as firefox).

I think his rationale is that it would be nice to Command-Tab between
Sage and other browser windows; however, most of us are so used to it
running from a server in a regular window that (imho) this should be
the default.

I don't know which should be the default, but having the system browser 
work should definitely be an easily-changed option.

Ivan: Thanks for all of your work on this!


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Re: [sage-devel] Re: OSX Clickable App

2010-08-31 Thread Ivan Andrus
On Aug 31, 2010, at 7:46 PM, Jason Grout wrote:
 On 8/31/10 12:40 PM, kcrisman wrote:
 I'm uploading a dmg of 4.5.2 made from the current sage -bdist script to
 sage.math (46% done).  I planned on giving that URL to students.  Would
 you suggest giving a link to your dmg instead?
 The current dmg is probably better until this is tested more.
 Okay.  Harald: can we post up DMGs of the app versions for each OSX version 
 on the website?

 Also, how do I get it to just open up my normal browser (firefox)?  I
 have lots of customizations to my firefox that I'd like to use (for
 example, tabs on the side, etc.).  It would be great if there was a
 preference item which let me choose between opening up the built-in
 browser, or opening up the system default browser.
 See, Ivan, I wasn't the only one who wanted that!
 Here's one major reason for wanting firefox: often I do the full-screen view 
 in front of a class, especially when working on a projector with only a 
 800x600 screen.  I can't do full-screen with the included browser (at least 
 not as well as firefox).

I completely understand wanting to use a real browser—they have all kinds of 
features I don't envision ever being implemented for  I'll go ahead 
and start coding it up.

What you can do at the moment is uncheck Show in Dock in Preferences and it 
will only show up as a MenuExtra, and will use your default browser.  Another 
way is to forcibly set SAGE_BROWSER in .bashrc since that will override what sets it to.  That may be a bit much for students though.

 I think his rationale is that it would be nice to Command-Tab between
 Sage and other browser windows; however, most of us are so used to it
 running from a server in a regular window that (imho) this should be
 the default.
 I don't know which should be the default, but having the system browser work 
 should definitely be an easily-changed option.

The one problem I haven't figured out yet is how to tell when the server has 
finished launching.  Right now I key off the fact that it gives me a 
specifically formatted URL.  I could do polling on the log file or something, 
but I don't really like that.  Is there a way to tell sage to run a particular 
script (passing the port it's on) when it gets done starting the server?

 Ivan: Thanks for all of your work on this!

No problem.  We cougars have to stick together.


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Re: [sage-devel] Re: OSX Clickable App

2010-08-31 Thread Ivan Andrus
On Aug 31, 2010, at 7:37 PM, Jason Grout wrote:
 When I click stop server, and then start server, I see this error message 
 in the log:
 Setting environment variables
 Warning: Attempted to overwrite SAGE_ROOT environment variable
 Checking install location
 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ./local/bin/sage-location, line 5, in module
SAGE_ROOT = os.environ['SAGE_ROOT']
  File /Users/grout/sage-4.5.2//local/lib/python/, line 22, in 
raise KeyError(key)
 KeyError: 'SAGE_ROOT'
 Starting Notebook
 | Sage Version 4.5.2, Release Date: 2010-08-05   |
 | Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.|
 Please wait while the Sage Notebook server starts...
 2010-08-31 12:36:19-0500 [-] Log opened.
 2010-08-31 12:36:19-0500 [-] twistd 9.0.0 (/Users/grout/sage/local/bin/python 
 2.6.4) starting up.
 2010-08-31 12:36:19-0500 [-] reactor class: 
 2010-08-31 12:36:19-0500 [-] starting 
 on 8000
 2010-08-31 12:36:19-0500 [-] Starting factory instance at 0x10a299440

Ah, I wasn't exporting SAGE_ROOT, so sage-location didn't have it.  Thanks for 
catching that.  I've fixed it, but won't put a new version up tonight (it's 
time for me to go home).


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[sage-devel] Re: OSX Clickable App

2010-08-31 Thread kcrisman

 No problem.  We cougars have to stick together.

But you're still BCS wannabes.

- kcrisman

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Re: [sage-devel] ipython pipeline

2010-08-31 Thread Fernando Perez
Hi Jason,

On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 7:13 AM, Jason Grout wrote:

 Fernando, if you're reading this: I'm curious if you have any thoughts on
 how the Sage notebook might be impacted by this.

The notebook itself, not at all: sagenb doesn't use any ipython code
itself.  It has features that ipython introduced, like the formatting
of the ?/?? output, or the use of the % syntax for special commands
--though with different semantics to IPyhton's magics, but all of it
is a separate implementation based on Twisted.

In the long run, if our approach works very well, and sage wants to
move away from twisted (one of the reasons we want to leave twisted is
for python3 support), sage could decide to use this ipython as its
backend and expose its own app semantics to its notebook.  But it will
be a while before that needs to be considered.

In the short term, the bigger benefits would be to terminal-based
users: these new, richer local clients for ipython (two-process
terminal, curses-based, Qt-based) are all 'just ipython', and in that
sense could be used by Sage too (assuming it shipped the dependencies,
like Qt and zeromq).  The sage command line is a customized ipython,
so sage could equally decide to customize this new ipython and expose
a new set of local clients to run sage locally.

I hope this helps,


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[sage-devel] Re: Sage trac account names mapped to real names

2010-08-31 Thread Niles
I've noticed a separate list of developers on the DevMap at . . . is there a plan to integrate these two lists?

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Re: [sage-devel] Busted maxima interface - anyone got a clue?

2010-08-31 Thread Alex Ghitza

On Tue, 31 Aug 2010 17:56:35 +0100, Dr. David Kirkby wrote:
 Looking at the results from 100 runs, there was one or more failures on 11 of 
 100 times. Of the 11 runs where one or more doctests failed, 4 of them
 devel/sage-main/sage/modular/overconvergent/ (twice)
 devel/sage/sage/tests/ (once)
 devel/sage/sage/calculus/ (once)
 were caused by this bug
 discussed at
 It is marked as critical, and has been open 4 months, but it seems to have 
 no attention at all.
 Perhaps someone who knows a bit about the pexpect/maxima interface might take 

Unfortunately, I'm not one that knows enough about the Maxima interface
to fix this.  However, I do know that
modular/overconvergent/ has no reason to use Maxima.
As soon as the trac server is working again, I'll have a patch for this
small issue up at



Alex Ghitza --
Lecturer in Mathematics -- The University of Melbourne -- Australia

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Re: [sage-devel] Re: Random banter about Sage standards

2010-08-31 Thread Dr. David Kirkby

On 08/30/10 09:51 PM, Robert Bradshaw wrote:

On Sun, Aug 29, 2010 at 3:47 AM, Dr. David Kirkby

There are two different goals that people have here. One is to build a
solid, bug free piece of mathematical software, ideally conforming to
all the good software engineering principles, building everywhere,
well tested, etc. The other goal that people have here is to make Sage
into something useful for their current research and teaching needs.
While these two goals certainly complement each other, they have
vastly different priorities.

IMHO, if Sage is to be a viable alternative to the 4M's, it needs to address the 

If so, what should we do better?

* I think a good start would be to try to attract some compute science
students to do some projects looking at how quality could be improved. In
essence, I don't believe Sage has the right mix of skill sets.

Welcome, all CS students! On a more serious note, we have had one CS
student look at the security of the notebook for a master's thesis,
but more would be nice.

That's something William and others need to actively seek out though - ask in CS 

One CS student project is useful, but that must be a very small fraction of the 
total number of student projects.

He can buy me a copy of

if he wants.

Some of what we do may be due to ignorance, but, as I've said before,
it's often a question of allocation of resources (mostly time).

But if anyone is going to spend a lot of time doing something, it would make 
sense to reduce ones level of ignorance.

I believe the time/effort used to find out how to write better software, would 
reap benefits in the medium and long term.

* If there was funding, then pay someone with a strong background in a
commercial environment with knowledge of how to develop software. Someone
good would cost a lot of money. He/she should be interviewed by someone who
knows the subject well. Perhaps ask a prof from the CS dependent to be on an
interview panel.

If there was funding, most people would probably rather spend it on
someone who could develop new algorithms to further the state of
mathematical research. If there were funding for many people, perhaps
a percentage could go to funding someone with as CS background just to
focus on software development issues.

I suspect you are right - people would rather spend the money on someone 
developing algorithms. But what area? Ask 20 random Sage developers and you are 
likely to get 15 different answers.

I think this was clear when William tried to get a list of the most annoying 
bugs. There were barely any common ones. People have different interests. As 
such, an extra person  working on algorithms in field X is probably only going 
to benefit a small fraction of the Sage community. In contrast, someone whole 
could improve the procedures could benefit everyone.

A year spent cleaning up Sage's procedures would benefit everyone - a year spent 
developing algorithms would probably have far less overall positive impact.

* Have regular bug fix only releases, where the aim is just to increase
the quality, and not to add features.

Nathann Cohen has said -1 to that idea. William has said it would put
people off, and at least one other developer (forget who) did not like it.
But I feel it's probably one of the easiest ways to improve Sage.

I'm unconvinced that this would help, and agree it could put people
off. We could bump all non-bugfix tickets to the next release but I
don't think it'd increase the actual number of bugs fixed. (Bug-fix
Sage days work well though.)

By bug-fix release, I should elaborate. I would include

 * Bug fixes
 * Added documentation.
 * Extra test code

I think having releases where new features were not introduced, but those three 
areas were addressed, it would result in a concentrated effort to reduce the bugs.

But, that was NOT the main reason for suggesting it.

My reason was that basically by having 'bug fix' releases, you would create some 
releases which are more stable than others. Those would be more suitable for 
people who don't want to keep upgrading every couple of weeks. They might chose 
to have stability in preference to features. I believe there are a lot of people 
in that category.

* Have a system like gcc, where the releases numbers x.y.z mean something.
Only have z != 0 on bug-fix-only releases. Make it clear on the web site
that the the x.y.0 are less well tested.


But to do that effectively, one needs to have bug-fix only releases - just like 
gcc does.

* Make release candidates available for anyone to report on.


I was pretty sure you were against that a few weeks ago - saying they should 
subscribe to sage-devel and would be aware of them. Perhaps it was someone else. 
Sorry if I'm mistaken.

I think making the release candidates public for a couple 

Re: [sage-devel] Busted maxima interface - anyone got a clue?

2010-08-31 Thread Dr. David Kirkby

On 08/31/10 11:13 PM, Alex Ghitza wrote:

On Tue, 31 Aug 2010 17:56:35 +0100, Dr. David 

Looking at the results from 100 runs, there was one or more failures on 11 of
100 times. Of the 11 runs where one or more doctests failed, 4 of them

devel/sage-main/sage/modular/overconvergent/ (twice)
devel/sage/sage/tests/ (once)
devel/sage/sage/calculus/ (once)

were caused by this bug

discussed at

It is marked as critical, and has been open 4 months, but it seems to have got
no attention at all.

Perhaps someone who knows a bit about the pexpect/maxima interface might take a

Unfortunately, I'm not one that knows enough about the Maxima interface
to fix this.  However, I do know that
modular/overconvergent/ has no reason to use Maxima.
As soon as the trac server is working again, I'll have a patch for this
small issue up at


It's nice to know that running the tests 100 times and reporting the failures 
managed to unearth a bug.

As you say, trac is down - it looks like /var is full on whatever machine runs 
the server. /var is often used for log files. Perhaps someone with root access 
on whatever machine it is could clean up /var.


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Re: [sage-devel] Re: Sage trac account names mapped to real names

2010-08-31 Thread Mitesh Patel
On 08/31/2010 04:49 PM, Niles wrote:
 I've noticed a separate list of developers on the DevMap at . . . is there a plan to integrate these two lists?

Harald, what do you think?

There are directions at the bottom of the world DevMap page for
submitting updates:

On the trac page:

It shouldn't take too long to make the account names here link to
searches for matching tickets.

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Re: [sage-devel] Busted maxima interface - anyone got a clue?

2010-08-31 Thread Dr. David Kirkby

On 08/31/10 05:56 PM, Dr. David Kirkby wrote:

As some of you know, I run the long doctests 100 times on my Sun Ultra
27 on sage 4.5.3.alpha0.

I should have said it was on 4.5.3.alpha2.

The last of the 32-bit Solaris x86 / OpenSolaris fixes were merged in 
4.5.3.alpha2, so that's the first release of sage that passes all doc tests - 
some of the time at least!


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Re: [sage-devel] Busted maxima interface - anyone got a clue?

2010-08-31 Thread Mike Hansen
On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 4:07 PM, Dr. David Kirkby wrote:
 As you say, trac is down - it looks like /var is full on whatever machine
 runs the server. /var is often used for log files. Perhaps someone with root
 access on whatever machine it is could clean up /var.

I did that this morning, although apparently it was only enough to get
the server back up and working -- not enough to upload files.  I
removed some old logs and you should be able to upload patches again.
I'll look into moving it to a spot with more room once I have some


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Re: [sage-devel] Re: Random banter about Sage standards

2010-08-31 Thread Dr. David Kirkby

On 08/31/10 11:32 PM, Dr. David Kirkby wrote:

If you look at the Wolfram Research Library, where are a whole load of
optional packages available contributed by users. I assume they have
gone through at least some form of review before being put on the
Wolfram web site.

Acutally, it's quite funny, since 2004 there has been a very nice
library for a polar plot of a list of data.

Then in Mathematica 6, Wolfram Researhc added ListPolarPlot[]

The funny thing is, the old contributed code for creating polar plots of
a list of data is *much* better than what's in the core Mathematica code.

I conclude that Ted Ersek, from the Naval Air Warfare Center, Aircraft Division, 
actually needed to create polar plots of lists of data, and knew how they should 
be presented. In contrast, the person who wrote the code for the Mathematica 
core was probably told to do so by their manager. They did not seem to 
appreciate how people might want to plot the data.

That's one way open-source does have an advantage.


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Re: [sage-devel] Busted maxima interface - anyone got a clue?

2010-08-31 Thread Alex Ghitza

Hi Mike,

On Tue, 31 Aug 2010 16:11:50 -0700, Mike Hansen wrote:
 I did that this morning, although apparently it was only enough to get
 the server back up and working -- not enough to upload files.  I
 removed some old logs and you should be able to upload patches again.
 I'll look into moving it to a spot with more room once I have some

Thanks for looking into this.  I have tried again, and failed again with
the same error message:

 Trac detected an internal error:

OSError: [Errno 28] No space left on device:

This particular patch is not very time-sensitive so I can wait :)


Alex Ghitza --
Lecturer in Mathematics -- The University of Melbourne -- Australia

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Re: [sage-devel] Busted maxima interface - anyone got a clue?

2010-08-31 Thread Alex Ghitza
On Wed, 01 Sep 2010 00:07:43 +0100, Dr. David Kirkby wrote:
 It's nice to know that running the tests 100 times and reporting the failures 
 managed to unearth a bug.

I'm not sure I would call this a bug, but it is definitely something
that's very easy to overlook, and hard to detect without running the
tests a large number of times.


Alex Ghitza --
Lecturer in Mathematics -- The University of Melbourne -- Australia

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Re: [sage-devel] Busted maxima interface - anyone got a clue?

2010-08-31 Thread Alex Ghitza
On Tue, 31 Aug 2010 16:11:50 -0700, Mike Hansen wrote:
 I did that this morning, although apparently it was only enough to get
 the server back up and working -- not enough to upload files.  I
 removed some old logs and you should be able to upload patches again.
 I'll look into moving it to a spot with more room once I have some

OK, it now worked for me.


Alex Ghitza --
Lecturer in Mathematics -- The University of Melbourne -- Australia

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