Re: [Samba] 100GB incremental backups

2003-03-21 Thread Jon Niehof
The backup software uses the Unix ctime value of files when checking
Can you set the backup software to use mtime instead?

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Re: [Samba] Ghosting Linux Partitions.

2003-03-18 Thread Jon Niehof
This is a bit OT, but I have used Ghost with ext2 partitions with no
 problems whatsoever. I'm not sure if ext3 is supported or not.
Same diff; any ext2-based tools work just fine with a clean 
ext3 partition. So just make sure to shut down cleanly 
before using ghost.

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Re: [Samba] Re: Re: Hiding a share

2003-03-03 Thread Jon Niehof
Correct. That is why samba has a 'browseable = [ Yes | No]' option.
Go figure.

Which, in turn, leaves the share still visible in Network Neighborhood 
etc, as I initially reported.
Go figure. :)
IMX browseable = No in the share section doesn't hide the 
share from appearing in Net Neighborhood (didn't test to see 
if it hides the *contents* of the share--i.e. if you need to 
know full path into the share to access files in it.) 
browseable=No in the global section works as expected. This 
is with 2.2.7a; YMMV, NRWS, DNEYS, etc.

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Re: [Samba] Thanks Samba Community!!!

2003-03-03 Thread Jon Niehof
So it isnt the rpm packaging per se, but I would bet that it is related. 
RH did a lot in 8 and I think it was overly ambitious.
It's pretty much a rule of thumb to *never* use a RedHat .0 
release. Believe it or not 8.0 was a lot better in this 
respect than many previous ones.

Hopefully 8.1 is out soon since 7.3 (which I've been *very* 
impressed with) is EOL'd at the end of this year.

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Re: [Samba] forcing smbmount to unmount question

2003-02-27 Thread Jon Niehof
is there any way to force it to unmount?
You can first try using lsof to see what's open on that 
mount. Failing that:
umount -f

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Re: [Samba] Starting a process from a windows client

2003-02-25 Thread Jon Niehof
I am hoping to run a Unix process from code running on a windows client, I
am told this can be done using Samba, does any one have any example code to
do this?
I can't imagine how this would work. Perhaps ssh would be 
what you're looking for? There's an excellent windows client 

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Re: [Samba] RE: NEWBIE Samba installation issues

2003-02-25 Thread Jon Niehof
I did what Gabriel suggested and it didnt' find a C compiler as most of 
you have said to me.I'm using redhat 7.3 currently on my system and 
I would of thought that a C compiler would of been installed with it??? 
But since this isn't the case... I'll have to find a c compiler first 
before i can do anything else by the sounds of things.  Can anyone 
suggest where to look for one keeping in mind that I don't have a compiler?
You probably didn't install "development" packages when 
installing RedHat. Install the gcc package from your redhat 

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Re: [Samba] Unable tp map to a samba share from home

2003-02-24 Thread Jon Niehof
I have a filtered restriction on port 139 Why ?
*puts on mindreader cap*

I suspect what you're trying to say is that you have a samba 
server running at home (as a guess--on comcast's cable modem 
service) and are trying to access it remotely, but it fails 
because port 139 is filtered.

*If* that is the case, I would further suspect that comcast 
is intentionally filtering smb/cifs traffic on their net so 
as to somewhat impede rampant file trading and also to 
protect folk who run unsecured windows machines on their 
networks. Those boxes get rooted, customers blame comcast. 
Worse, those boxes become DDoS zombies, *everyone* blames 

SMB over the Internet is a Bad Idea IMO. Look into a VPN or 
SSH tunnel if you *really* need it.

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Re: [Samba] smbfs and lfs (2.4.20)

2003-02-24 Thread Jon Niehof
is there a reason for this ?
and: is there a patch for 2.4.20 (i only found an old patch for 2.4.16)
The smbfs maintainer's page is at:

2.4.18 patch applies fine to 2.4.20. Be sure to also apply 
the patch to the samba sources and recompile smbmount. The 
2.2.3a patch applies to 2.2.7a okay.

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Re: [Samba] Restrict access to [homes] share

2003-02-23 Thread Jon Niehof
I would like to restrict access so that a user can only read/write to their 
own share only.
As others mentioned filesystem permissions and path 
statements can help. For me
valid users = %S
works just great.

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Re: [Samba] 2.2.7a - lot of open/close calls

2003-02-21 Thread Jon Niehof
I'me trying to track down a performance problem as I posted yesterday and
as I increase the log level I've noticed this...

[2003/02/21 08:19:06, 2] smbd/open.c:open_file(245)
  dm389245 opened file mr00257.bat read=Yes write=No (numopen=1)
[2003/02/21 08:19:06, 2] smbd/close.c:close_normal_file(213)
  dm389245 closed file mr00257.bat (numopen=0)

why does samba open and close the file so many times? this is the login
script file it is opening btw

*Samba* is not opening and closing the file that many times; 
the client side is. COMMAND.COM and cmd both process batch 
files "one line at a time"; I haven't tested this but I 
suspect cmd opens the file, reads a line, closes the file, 
executes the line.

You can check this for yourself from the Windows side with 

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Re: [Samba] Samba, rsync and a newbie sorting it out...

2003-02-19 Thread Jon Niehof
Uh, not quite.  If you use rsync to only copy modified files and not all 
files after the first backup then you DO still get some benefit from 

not sure what you mean by pulling all of the files over the network.
What I mean is that partial transfers of modified files, one 
of the main advantages of rsync, won't happen--e.g. 2MB file 
foo has minor change. When running rsync entirely on the BSD 
box, checksums are run across the entire 2MB of the local 
copy, then across the entire 2MB of the copy on the windows 
machine--which involves pulling the entire 2MB over.

That being said, I do much prefer your solution of using putty and ssh 
on the windows machine.  It is much cleaner.'s clients could 
also be used for this and they are free for home use last time I 
looked.  Could be wrong.
I've been insanely happy with PuTTY; full-featured and 
completely unencumbered license-wise.

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Re: [Samba] Samba, rsync and a newbie sorting it out...

2003-02-19 Thread Jon Niehof
I'd like to use rsync as a way to back up Windows devices on a network, 
pulling data off of the Windows boxes and putting it onto a Samba share. 
Is this even possible? I suspect I either need some sort of rsync 
implementation on Windows (ha!) or I need to have Samba know to "reach 
into" the boxes and get the info for rsync-ing. Doable? A fool's errand?
I'd recommend installing rsync 
on the windows machines, installing PuTTY 
creating ssh keys for the windows machines to log into the 
BSD box, and make a scheduled task on the windows machines 
that'll fire off and rsync to the BSD box. No samba involved.

The naive might consider sharing out the relevant 
directories on the Windows machine, mounting them on the BSD 
machine, and then rsyncing "locally." Unfortunately that 
involves pulling all of the files over the network and so 
rsync gains you nothing.

If you wish, you could install a full cygwin environment, 
including an ssh server, install rsync into that 
(, and have the 
BSD box do the "reaching out" via a cron job.

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Re: [Samba] Samba:connection only works one time

2003-02-17 Thread Jon Niehof
using samba 2.2.5; security=server
connecting as user1 (user logged in on PC) works (12:28:55),
disconnecting and connecting as another user2 (not the user logged in on
PC) works too (12:30:22), but disconnecting and connecting again as
user1 (user logged in on PC) fails (12:34:29) as well as user2
It seems it works only once and never again after one time logged in as
user2 ?

My experience (and, based on feedback from the list, others' 
experience) is that security=server Just Doesn't Work in any 
reliable fashion. It's just a really, really nasty hack. Use 
security=domain if at all possible. Otherwise you'll have to 
figure out some other approach.

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Re: [Samba] Samba/Windows XP and SSH tunnelling

2003-02-10 Thread Jon Niehof
I'm using PuTTY as an SSH client and it works fine. I can connect to the 
samba server and port forward port 139 without any problems.
Are you forwarding *just* 139? Can you provide a list of 
everything you're forwarding, what it's forwarding to, etc? 
Perhaps as a plink command line?

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Re: [Samba] CUPS or LPRng?

2003-02-10 Thread Jon Niehof
To be fair, I'm using Debian, so I used the .deb packages. They went in with
no hassle. You may have a hard time with it using a lesser distro. :-)

Ooooh, them's fighting words :)
I've been running Debian for about five years now but I do 
install everything from source. FWIW the main problem was in 
documentation--the CUPS documentation isn't exactly good 
about telling you when/how to install postscript filters.

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Re: [Samba] CUPS or LPRng?

2003-02-10 Thread Jon Niehof
Not only did it fix their issues, but it gives them a nice
web-based administration interface where they can delete jobs if one does
happen to get stuck.  Setup was much easier than I thought it would be and
definitely easier than LPRng if you haven't done work with lpd before.  We
were using HP Laserjet printers which were natively supported by CUPS.

As a counterexample I had a *hell* of a time getting CUPS 
going and the web interface still dies on me whenever I try 
to do anything from it. Now that it's configured though it's 
 been solid and reliable as long as I stick to command line.

CUPS really seems to be the wave of the future though and 
certainly a lot of the filter/driver support is centered on it.

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Re: [Samba] version 2.2.7

2003-02-05 Thread Jon Niehof
Is the version samba_2.2.7 betther than samba_2.2.2 ? 
Is recommended the upgrade?
It's bigger, so it must be better, right?
Take a look at the changelog (WHATSNEW.txt in the source 
distro) to see what's changed that might affect you.

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Re: [Samba] Windows 2000 Terminal Server Environment

2003-02-03 Thread Jon Niehof
I am running Citrix Metaframe XP on Windows 2000 server and would like to
have the ability to access files on my AIX Unix server.  Are there any
issues with Samba in a Windows Terminal Server environment?

In addition to the suggestions already given:
1) Run the latest Samba 2.2.7a--there are some problems in 
2.2.5 with opening certain files (especially databases) over 
the samba share. This comes up rather dramatically in 
multi-user environments

2) Run at least SP2 on the terminal server. There were a few 
fixes (not all available as separate hotfixes) pertaining to 
multiple users on one terminal server having the same file 
open on the smb server--if one user closed the file, it was 
closed for all.

Otherwise I've been very happy with this configuration 
(although we're using Linux on the samba end).

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Re: [Samba] Smbmount for Solaris 8?

2003-01-30 Thread Jon Niehof
I see that smbmount is for Linux only.

smbmount relies on kernel support for the smb filesystem 
which (to the best of my knowledge) isn't in Solaris. I 
believe you can use smbclient to copy files in an FTP-like 

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Re: [Samba] Disappearing Windows machines ...

2003-01-29 Thread Jon Niehof
After I enable Samba on my Linux box, the windows machines on the network
slowly (over hours) start disappearing from view of the network
neighbourhood and windows services provided by windows machines become
inaccessible too. Within 24 hours, windows services are totally crippled.

Add the following to the global section of smb.conf:

local master = no

for some reason samba as the master browser results in Not 
Happy Things, at least in my experience.

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Re: [Samba] File size limit = 2G?

2003-01-28 Thread Jon Niehof
So it appears that Samba supports large filesystems, but not large
files. Is this a configuration issue or a 32bit limitation in Samba??

This isn't a samba (server) issue; rather it's an smbmount 
and kernel (client) issue. You need the patches at

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Re: [Samba] Fw: Neu Textdokument (2)

2003-01-27 Thread Jon Niehof
The virus message came from the SAMBA EMAIL SERVER to me as well as many
others. I don't need to read many messages about how someone's email
server caught a virus that was passed through the SAMBA EMAIL SERVER by
someone posting to the list.

It's not the listserv's problem that we got spammed; it's 
the idiot autoresponders.

Heck, the samba list doesn't even munge the from line so 
there's really no excuse to send the message to the list.

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Re: [Samba] samba help

2003-01-27 Thread Jon Niehof
Alejandro Glez de Chaves Guerrero wrote:

What I try in this project is to extensive the PHP language with a library that
it conects to a SAMBA file server and makes the functions that alows us the
SMBCLIENT on the actually systems.

The samba website has a "development" section; scroll down 
near the bottom and there are a number of very helpful 
links. Then there is, of course, the source code.

Good luck.

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Re: [Samba] help quick answer

2003-01-24 Thread Jon Niehof
like this 
smbmount //SERVER/public /server/public/ -o codepage=cp850 -o guest 
ask me for passwod 
but smbmount //SERVER/public /server/public/ -o guest don't

smbmount //s/p /s/p -o guest,codepage=cp850

(pardon the abbreviation to avoid line wrap)

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Re: [Samba] Installation configure problem

2003-01-23 Thread Jon Niehof
configure:812: checking for gcc
configure:842: checking for cc
configure:925: checking whether the C compiler (cc -O  ) works
configure:941: cc -o conftest -Oconftest.c  1>&5
1506-333 (S) License failure: acquire: No servers available for this vendor
(network license server/library).

Your C compiler doesn't work; looks like it's trying to 
check up on whether it's properly licensed. This isn't a 
samba problem; it's a configuration issue on your machine.

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Re: [Samba] RE: xp doesnt log out

2003-01-22 Thread Jon Niehof
'%u' is samba specific. Although you would probably be able to use 
'\\server\%username%' (This would use the windows username).
That is, \\server\%%username%
or, in a batch file, \\server\%%%username%
Tricky buggers, those %'s :)

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Re: [Samba] is use rhosts = yes still supported?

2003-01-17 Thread Jon Niehof
"It seems like the first call into authorise_login never
checks the rlogin (bails at checking for non-blank password
in check_user_equiv) and then drops into guest mode; there
is then a second call which *does* check (and successfully
finds the .rhosts entry) but by this point we're being a
guest so it doesn't do me any good :) I need to have it be
the same username as on the server to have permissions work
out properly."

Throwing in a few more DEBUG statements highlights the 
problem--for some reason the 2K server *never* passes down a 
username unless I use the share%username syntax. This works 
but doesn't exactly give me a warm fuzzy feeling as I'd 
rather have it handled by logged in username. For now though 
it does the job.

Why isn't there support for rhosts in security modes other 
than share?

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Re: [Samba] Group file ownership...

2003-01-17 Thread Jon Niehof
set this in your share configuration

force group = users

Is there any way to force the group 
ownership of created files?

Also, is there any way to force file ownersip to a given user 
on newly created files?

You can also do this on the filesystem level by setting the 
UID or GID bits on a directory. Then all new files created 
in that directory will have the same owner or group, 
respectively, of the directory. Useful if you want different 
directories within a share to be handled differently.

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Re: [Samba] security = server "random" failures

2003-01-16 Thread Jon Niehof
Sounds about standard for security=server.  It's not a nice hack.  Make
sure nothing is timing out the connection.

Well, it's straight over a crossover cable between two 
servers, so I can't *think* of anything offhand.

Samba 3.0 includes more protections for security=server, but it is still
fundamentally flawed.  Why can't you use 'security=domain'?

The 2K box isn't a domain controller, just standalone.

Yes, eventually we'll migrate to The Right Way to do it 
(domain) but for now I'm going for quick hack (thus the 
rhosts approach from the other end).

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Re: [Samba] is use rhosts = yes still supported?

2003-01-16 Thread Jon Niehof
I'll look into it - Given I was told I could drop it if I so cared, I
didn't think anybody would notice ;-)

Well, since I'm still on 2.2.7a, just file me under "won't 
complain either way."

Details of my immediate problem:

The smb.conf for background:
workgroup = IMAGE.COM
server string = ALEX File Server
hosts allow = 192.168.2. 127.
use rhosts = yes
guest account = nobody
map to guest = Never
log file = /var/log/samba.%m
max log size = 200
security = share
wins support = yes
dns proxy = yes
local master = no
comment = Legal Clients
path = /raid/legal
public = no
browsable = yes
writable = yes
printable = no
hosts allow =
guest only = no
oplocks = True
level2oplocks = True
mangle case = yes
default case = lower
preserve case = no
create mask = 0775
directory mask = 0775

# cat /home/administrator/.rhosts administrator

When I attempt to connect the share (from 2K box, logged in 
as administrator) I'm prompted for a password. If I enable 
guest access, there is no prompt for the password and it 
falls straight into the guest user. Using security=user gets 
into the session.c authentication which doesn't reference 
lp_use_rhosts at all.

It seems like the first call into authorise_login never 
checks the rlogin (bails at checking for non-blank password 
in check_user_equiv) and then drops into guest mode; there 
is then a second call which *does* check (and successfully 
finds the .rhosts entry) but by this point we're being a 
guest so it doesn't do me any good :) I need to have it be 
the same username as on the server to have permissions work 
out properly.

Now, I don't understand the internals of samba well enough 
to comprehend this two-call process so I'm having a rather 
rough time figuring out what's wrong here.

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[Samba] is use rhosts = yes still supported?

2003-01-16 Thread Jon Niehof
I simply cannot get use rhosts = yes to work; whether I have 
security set to user or share it will only work if I have 
the share set to public (and then it maps to the guest 
user). I do have .rhosts files set up with proper 
permissions and ownership; I can post details but if this 
isn't supposed to work anymore there's no point.

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[Samba] security = server "random" failures

2003-01-15 Thread Jon Niehof
I have a Windows 2K SP2 terminal server and a Samba 2.2.7a 
server. The Samba server uses security=server with the 2K 
terminal server as the password server. Users log in to the 
terminal server and attempt to access (always the same) 
share on the Samba box. When there are no sessions open to 
the Samba server the connection from the terminal server 
always works; subsequent connections (with the first one 
open) fail about 70% of the time.

Log snippets (one success, followed by one failure, log 
level 1).

[2003/01/15 15:57:55, 1] smbd/service.c:make_connection(636)
  tyr ( connect to service LEGAL as user test2 
(uid=1014, gid=103) (
pid 529)
[2003/01/15 15:57:56, 1] smbd/password.c:server_validate(1175)
  password server TYR.IMAGE.COM rejected the password

I found in the mailing list archives the following tidbit 
from Andrew Bartlett, dated 13 Aug 2002:
"Don't use 'security=server' when you have a real PDC. 
That's what security=domain is for.  Furthermore, due to 
bugs only (possilby) corrected in Win2k SP3 you must use 
Samba 2.2.5 or above, as the PDC will otherwise randomly 
refuse authenticaion."

Does this statement still apply to 2.2.7a? I'm loathe to 
install SP3 because of EULA concerns and, of course, 
throwing big chunks of patches into a production server.

Anything else that might make this work?

--Jon Niehof, Paladigm Inc.

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