good bye

2018-05-26 Thread ToddAndMargo

Hi All,

So many of you guys have helped me over the years that I feel
I should jot down a quick note of thanks before I unsubscribe.

I am now on Fedora everywhere and no longer have any RHEL clones
anywhere.  RHEL is out of date deliberately and I was trying
to force the issue, which about drove me insane.

So, so many bugs have been fixed in Fedora that I am still
gitty after upgrading in December.

And the irony of KVM being a Red Hat project and KVM not
being able to run its fixed and improvements under RHEL
has not escaped me.  (qemu-kvm runs really sweet under
Fedora and the USB redirection actually works!)

So, I guess this is goodby.  Thank you for all the
help all these years!

If anyone wishes to write me, please write directly to
my eMail address


Re: Is there a qemu-kvm mailing list?

2017-12-19 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 12/18/2017 11:25 PM, Tom H wrote:

On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 11:47 PM, ToddAndMargo <> wrote:

Anyone know of a qemu-kvm mailing list?

Thank you!

Re: Is there a qemu-kvm mailing list?

2017-12-18 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 12/18/2017 09:26 PM, Sean Crosby wrote:

Thank you!

Re: Is there a qemu-kvm mailing list?

2017-12-18 Thread ToddAndMargo
On 19 December 2017 at 15:47, ToddAndMargo < 
<>> wrote:

Anyone know of a qemu-kvm mailing list?

On 12/18/2017 09:20 PM, Sean Crosby wrote:
Not entirely qemu-kvm, but qemu in general - 


Any idea where I go to sigh up and to look at archives?

Is there a qemu-kvm mailing list?

2017-12-18 Thread ToddAndMargo

Anyone know of a qemu-kvm mailing list?

Re: systemd saned issues

2017-11-22 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 11/21/2017 05:30 AM, R P Herrold wrote:

and you have still not learned to trim

I did not trim as a sufficient amount of time had passed since
my initial post.  I don't keep everything around that
does not apply to me, so I do not expect others to
do so.  And since such time had passed, I left the initial
post there in case someone was interested and did not know
what I was talking about because they had erased the initial

It was a judgment call.  I did not mean to offend, but to
be helpful.

Re: systemd saned issues

2017-11-22 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 11/21/2017 05:30 AM, R P Herrold wrote:

On Tue, 21 Nov 2017, ToddAndMargo wrote:


Plus, my version of sane-backends, does not have systemd
support compiled in.

not that it is compiled in at all, but rather, as the bug
showed how to check, just missing systemd support config files

I got that from
 "particularly, I do not see explicit systemd support

 $ rpm -ql sane-backends | grep syst

Did the Red Hat engineer make a mistake?

Oh, and it is purposefully NOT "explicitly" compiled in
either, not just a missing config file:
 "Nowadays when you use scanner, scanning program communicate
 with scanner directly, not through daemon. The saned daemon
 is used usually for remote scanning (like remote client
 accesses server, where scanning device is connected), which
 is not usual."

He doesn't know about PDF Studio, which is an AWESOME piece of
PDF editing software.  As soon as I get updated to the latest
version, I will give him the link to the unlimited trial
so he can play around with it.

and you were asked to file a bug against the appropriate
component, rather than hi-jacking a bug on a completely
different issue in systemd

What makes you think I did not?

2017-11-21 05:44 EST by Todd

2017-11-11 21:41

When Red Hat engineers ask me to do something, I am reallyconscientious 
on doing it.  They are a paid service and I

am not paying them, so when they "volunteer" to help me,
I bend over backwards to hang on their every word and request.

and you have still not learned to trim

a while ago you remarked:

My problem is that I have been trying to pound a square peg
into a round hole.  RHEL is a really poor choice for a system
that has a lot of innovation going on on it.

Perhaps you should consider moving to Fedora, as they are
suited to your needs

That is definitely on the table.  The stress involved
in trying to maintain an OS that is purposefully minimally
maintained has overwhelmed me.  I need two solid days
(of lost billing and neglecting my family responsibilities)
to port over.  It is not small undertaking -- financially,
technically, neglected family.  Maybe in March, when I have
the stinkin' federal taxes finished.

Note that the issue with saned and systemctl cuts across
both RHEL and Clones and Fedora.  It is far more likely to be
fixed in Fedora, then I can ask that it be ported into
RHEL, especially since I do believe it is the same guy
supporting both.

** Please ** conform to FOSS norms here --- I have seriously
considered just devnulling your content, as you use this venue
far beyond its scope

The purpose of my follow up post was to let everyone know
what my mistake was and that I had that part under control.

I always do followups to help others with the same issues
and to stop others from helping me when I have figured
things out. Not doing so, I consider "rude".

I have customer that call for appointments all the time that
do not call me back when I give them dates and times.  It
is because they have figured it out on their own and have
no further need of me.  IT IS RUDE AS ALL HELL to leave me
hanging with spots for their appointments and not cancelling
so I can give their spots away to others. Especially when
they call saying it is an "emergency" and I am trying to bend
over backward to accommodate them. I consider not following
up to be in the same light.

-- Russ herrold

I have no idea what you mean by "FOSS norms".  If you find
my posting to be offensive, you should seriously consider
going through with your threat and kill filing me.  Getting
angry over what I post doesn't help either of us.


Re: systemd saned issues

2017-11-21 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 11/18/2017 02:45 AM, ToddAndMargo wrote:

Hi All,

SL 7.4

I can start /usr/sbin/saned from the command line:

/usr/sbin/saned -a saned -d128; echo $?; ps ax | grep -i [s]aned
29857 ?    Ss 0:00 /usr/sbin/saned -a saned -d128

But not from my systemd scripts, which I picked up from
"man saned".

Note that I can not use the name saned\@.service due to
a very long standing bug:

'systemctl' does not properly run the 'start', 'restart' or 'status' for 
a .service file containing an '@'

In my case it gives:
     Failed to start saned@.service: Unit name saned@.service is
     missing the instance name.

So I called 'saned\@.service" "saned\@sane.service"

Description=saned incoming socket



Description=Scanner Service

ExecStart=/usr/sbin/saned -a saned -s
# User=root
# Group=root
# If you need to debug your configuration uncomment the next line and
# change it as appropriate to set the desired debug options


Error message is

# systemctl daemon-reload; systemctl stop saned.socket; systemctl stop 
saned\@sane.service;  systemctl start saned.socket; systemctl start 
saned\@sane.service; systemctl -l status saned\@sane.service; ps ax | 
grep [s]aned

● saned@sane.service - Scanner Service
    Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/saned@sane.service; indirect; 
vendor preset: disabled)

    Active: active (exited) since Sat 2017-11-18 02:42:54 PST; 46ms ago
   Process: 31110 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/saned (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
  Main PID: 31110 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

Nov 18 02:42:54 systemd[1]: Started Scanner Service.
Nov 18 02:42:54 systemd[1]: Starting Scanner 
Nov 18 02:42:54 saned[31110]: saned 
(AF-indep+IPv6) from sane-backends 1.0.24 starting up

ps command is empty

How do I troubleshoot this?  Why did it succeed and exit?

Many thanks,


saned\@.service was the correct name

I was starting the wrong service.  I should have started:

# systemctl   enable saned.socket   (one time only)
# systemctl -l start saned.socket

Plus, my version of sane-backends, does not have systemd
support compiled in.

Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

Re: EPEL and revisions

2017-11-11 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 11/11/2017 06:28 AM, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:

In my experience, Nux! will respond to a request in a couple
of days.  If RHEL does respond, it will be in a couple of years.
Nux! is the best bet.

Who is "Nux!" ?

Re: Tip: when your terminal gets all screwed up

2017-11-10 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 11/10/2017 06:48 PM, jdow wrote:

On 2017-11-10 16:38, ToddAndMargo wrote:

On 11/10/2017 04:21 PM, jdow wrote:

On 2017-11-10 15:14, ToddAndMargo wrote:

Dear List,

Ever cat a binary file by accident and your
terminal gets all screwed up.

I had a developer on the Perl 6 chat line give me
a tip on how to unscrew your terminal and set it
back to normal.  (He way helping me do a binary
read from the keyboard.)

stty sane^j

Note: it is , not "enter".


Make "\033]0;" the first bit of your prompt. Never worry about it again.

ESC-0 sets the terminal to have no attribute bits set. So it clears 
funny display. I've had that as a standard part of my prompts for 
decades, even back in the CP/M days.

{^_^}   Joanne


Here is what I have in my .bash_profile file:

if [ "$PS1" ]; then
   # extra [ in front of \u unconfuses confused Linux VT parser
   PS1="\e[0 [[\\u@\\h:\\l \\w]\\$ "


Thank you!

Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

Tip: when your terminal gets all screwed up

2017-11-10 Thread ToddAndMargo

Dear List,

Ever cat a binary file by accident and your
terminal gets all screwed up.

I had a developer on the Perl 6 chat line give me
a tip on how to unscrew your terminal and set it
back to normal.  (He way helping me do a binary
read from the keyboard.)

stty sane^j

Note: it is , not "enter".


EPEL and revisions

2017-11-10 Thread ToddAndMargo

Dear List,

I learned something I did not realize about EPEL
(Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux):

"EPEL packages are usually based on their Fedora counterparts
 and will never conflict with or replace packages in the base
 Enterprise Linux distributions."

So basically, if you need something fixed or updated that is
already in RHEL, EPEL will not update beyond RHEL.

And if you really, really need something fixed, you are at
the mercy of RHEL or you  have to ask Nux!, who is a
blooming genius that this kind of thing.

In my experience, Nux! will respond to a request in a couple
of days.  If RHEL does respond, it will be in a couple of years.
Nux! is the best bet.

Interesting and makes sense when you think about it.


Re: Rage against the EL Machine

2017-11-08 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 11/08/2017 03:52 PM, O'Neal, Miles wrote:
I'm not real sure what this discussion has to do with Scientific Linux, 
but I'll give this a shot.

On 11/08/2017 05:25 PM, ToddAndMargo wrote:

I can't afford to have my Contacts and Tasks wiped out
by the OS being too out of date to accept fixes and
an OS vendor that won't fix it.  So it works both ways.
RedHat is quite up front about the point of RHEL, which is long term 
stability and support. EL is NOT about being anywhere even close to 
leading edge, much less bleeding edge. If you buy a heavy duty pickup 
truck, you do not get (and should not expect) sports car performance.

We use EL for both servers and workstations in hardware design[1] (and 
we are not alone in this). That's because that's what the third party 
tools support. There is no way those vendors can validate complex tool 
chains against a new build every six months. Yes, we are frustrated that 
we can't use the latest email client, web browser, or aardvarkial 
sanitization discomboobulator, but it comes with the turf. Conversely, 
many software groups prefer something that is very up to date, such as 
Fedora, Ubuntu, etc. They need a sports car, and recognize they can't 
haul a half ton microscope in it.

And you know what? For the job they really need to do (all sorts of 
things around hardware design and basic business and communication 
functions), the EL-based workstations work great.

And you know the Cxxx series of chipsets have been around
for a while now.  Just not long enough to be out of
production at which point it will appear on Red Hat
compatibility list.

Nonsense. Our friends over at Red Hat are continuously supporting
leading edge *server* hardware. 

Niko!  The C236 chipset *IS* a server grade chipset!
And it has been around for a long time.  No doubt Red Hat
will eventually support it in about five years, which is
typical of them and useless to me.

Actually, it was meant to be a consumer and workstation chipset. While 
it is based on a server chipset, it's been somewhat gutted. But either 
way, unless the hardware vendor partners with RedHat, the latter is 
unlikely to support it. Should vendor be yelling at you if your employer 
got caught in a Congressional budget crunch and couldn't pay for massive 
magnets? No, because that's not how it works.

Intel does classify it as a "server grade" chipset.  It is
meant low end model meant for small business servers and
top reliability workstations.


My problem is that I have been trying to pound a square peg
into a round hole.  RHEL is a really poor choice for a system
that has a lot of innovation going on on it.

It does sound like you're trying to pound a square peg into a round 
hole, but it's not the peg's fault. One must pick the right peg for the 
hole that needs to be filled.


RHEL and Clones is best not used as a workstation, unless the
software yo are going to run on it expressly support out-of-date
operating system or software that currently work and your intention
is to freeze it.  And can do such with any OS by turning of
the updates.

In my case, the software I run requires the OS to keep on top
of things.  Having my business' Tasks and Contacts deleted
and the OS not supporting the patch is a *total annoyance*.

And it is my fault for choosing an OS that is out-of-date
by design.  Square peg, round hole.

Re: Epson Perfection V19 scanner

2017-11-08 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 11/07/2017 06:22 PM, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:

On Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 8:43 PM, ToddAndMargo <> wrote:

On 11/07/2017 04:59 PM, David Sommerseth wrote:

"Continual Improvement" also means "continual failure". Been there,
done that. Most businesses, and many home users, simply cannot afford
the cost of leading edge technologies.

I can't afford to have my Contacts and Tasks wiped out
by the OS being too out of date to accept fixes and
an OS vendor that won't fix it.  So it works both ways.

And speaking of been there and done that, I see what you
speak of ALL-THE-TIME in the Windows World.  On my Windows VM's,
I disable the updates as I do not have the patience for
the hassles they cause.  (They are hardly ever used and
have limited access to the Internet.  Mostly they are
for research purposes).  So I know from where you come.

And speaking of FUD, why is it the XP is SO dangerous
because it is not supported by M$ and still gets broken into
less that Windows 7?Hmmm.  Marketing guys work on
that one really well!

And you know the Cxxx series of chipsets have been around
for a while now.  Just not long enough to be out of
production at which point it will appear on Red Hat
compatibility list.

Nonsense. Our friends over at Red Hat are continuously supporting
leading edge *server* hardware. 

Niko!  The C236 chipset *IS* a server grade chipset!
And it has been around for a long time.  No doubt Red Hat
will eventually support it in about five years, which is
typical of them and useless to me.

laptop and many business class
chipsets evolve, and hae unannounced upgrades far too frequently, to
expect the same support.

RHEL and Clones are perfect for running a computer as
an appliance, which is what you describe.

My problem is that I have been trying to pound a square peg
into a round hole.  RHEL is a really poor choice for a system
that has a lot of innovation going on on it.

Re: Epson Perfection V19 scanner

2017-11-07 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 11/07/2017 06:22 PM, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:

Same with Perl 5, although I find very few bugs in
P5 as it is mature.

Perl has has a serious issue with modular dependency hell. You don't
run into it, or run into one update breaking other components, if you
stay within a stable distribution that does serious regression
testing. You also have options to access more recent base versions of
Perl, Python, and other dynamic, highly evolving, and less stable
toolkits by activating the software collections channels.

As you say: Perl 6 is not mature.Even Fedora does not consider it to
be mature for mainline use. If you're out there at that bleeding edge,
well, good luck with anything resembling stability. The CPAN modules,
in particualr, are likely to add new components that solve one
dependency and break previous releases of other modules. pip for
Python, gradle and ant and maven for Java, all share the same problem.
Testing, resolving, and backporting fixes to handle those dependencies
is one futz of a lot of work.

Hi Nico,

I learned programming on Pascal and Modula2.  In
hindsight, C would have been better.  Anyway,
I live and die in Top Down and subroutines.

I jumped to Perl 6 as Perl 5's subroutine declarations
are a freaking nightmare.  Perl 6 is a beautiful clean up
for me.

And you are right, it is bleeding edge.  But I took to
it like a duck to water.  And the developers over on the chat
line are the most incredible fellows.  (So are the guys over
here; no one get their nose out of joint).  So far I have been
able to work around every bug I have tripped across (about 20
so far).

And the programs I have been and are writing are on Fedora
Servers where the anti-kaisen nature of RHEL and Friends
(clones) is not an issue.  I can get problem fixed.

By the way Geany works beautifully over "ssh -X" with no
clipboard issues like you get from xrdp.

The more I learn Perl 6, the more I wonder where it has
been all my life!

And has been pointed out to me on this group, an OS is stable
*ONLY IF* it is stable with what you want it to run on it.

I am loath to rip out SL7.4 as I have it all cherried out
the way I like and I do not have the expenses or time
to rip it out.  I should though as all my new customers
are on Fedora Servers. (The C236 issue and not supporting
new software.)  So I just leave a lot of the annoyances
in place hoping they won't kill me before I dump SL.

The thing about a Kaisen Linux OS is that you do not have to
update it.  At which point you no longer have the constant
new problems introduced.  (The Windows 10 folks are crying
blood over M$'s crazy updates.  What a nightmare.)

The thing about a Kaisen OS is that you have to ask yourself
if the two steps forward is worth the one step backwards.
And figuring THAT out is why the two of us get paid the
medium sized bucks.

I love virtual machines to test new releases.  My VM of
Fedora 27 Beta is sweet -- haven't found any issues it it yet
(the operative word is "yet").

My experience with Fedora is that it more like 10 steps
forward and 1 step backwards.  Lib-notify for example.
I reported it and it got fixed.  It would not have in RHEL
and Clones unless I had a subscription and then maybe it would
have taken several years.  Then again, the issue does not
exist in RHEL and Clones.

The uses you describe for RHEL and Clones sound perfect.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.  (Hell, I still work on
DOS machines.)

In what I use it for, which is a combination Server, Virtual
Machine test bed, and workstation, it is a nightmare.  My
system is the opposite of a set and forget system.  I
still shutter over getting 32 bit Wine to work.

RHEL and Clones are a double edged sword.  It has
its purposes.  I made a big mistake using it as
it does not fit my needs very well.  I have been
trying to pound a square peg into a round hole.

I think when I do finally jump SL for Fedora, the biggest
issue I will have is that I will have lost the support
from the guys on this group.  Their knowledge and willingness
to help are a considerable factor.


Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

Re: Epson Perfection V19 scanner

2017-11-07 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 11/07/2017 04:59 PM, David Sommerseth wrote:

On 07/11/17 23:10, ToddAndMargo wrote:

On 11/07/2017 10:09 AM, David Sommerseth wrote:

On 04/11/17 01:14, ToddAndMargo wrote:

I do realize that RHEL is just next to unmaintained code.

Hey, cut the FUD crap please.  And this isn't the first time you come
with such bullshit either.

It is a long running observation and not FUD or bull s***.

I strongly disagree in your observations, when you label the efforts of
producing a rock solid Linux distribution which is designed to survive a
decade long installation.

RHEL is fully maintained and updated according to their release process.
   Bugs and security issues are fixed during the complete life cycle of
each major release.  That is quite far from "unmaintained code".
Insisting on running RHEL 4 today is running unmaintained code.

This is true.  RH has their own proprieties.  One if them is getting
paid for their consulting.  The open source model is such.  And since
I can not afford to put them on my payroll, I am dead last on
getting anything fixed.  (I can barely afford to keep a roof over
my head with this never ending recessions, which has slowly started
to break by has not tricked down to me yet.)

Which gives you even less reasons to complain about what RHEL is and how
it is designed to be as a Linux distribution.

And I did not say "unmaintained code".  I said "next to
unmaintained code".  There is a difference.

And both are wrong in regards to the context of RHEL and how it is


1) It does not operate on modern C236 small business based server
motherboards.  That would be

I do NOT see that being listed here:

Hence, there is NO reason to be surprised here.  To get through the
certification takes lots of efforts, both from Red Hat and the hardware
vendor.  And neither have put efforts into this specific system.

Many years ago, I worked a bit on the test suite which is used for the
RHEL certification.  At that time, it could take up to a week to finish
a complete certification run.  And after that came evaluation of the
results the certification run provided.  That evaluation also indicated
if anything needs to be improved before being certified.

7.2 not compatible with C236 and RSTe motherboard
Reported 2016-07-06  (by me)

And if you read the bug report, you will find that their reason
for NOT fixing the issue is that they do not have the hardware
available DESPITE the fact that I told them who to call, phone
number and all, over at Supermicro to get free hardware.

This is probably a way more arrogant and ignorant attitude of you than
you are aware of.  You really don't think Red Hat already have
established vendor relation with Super Micro?  There are 1019 various
certified systems from Super Micro as far as I can see.  It would not
even surprise me if Red Hat have at least one designated hardware
partner contact just for Super Micro.

Red Hat isn't a tiny garage company doing fun stuff.  They're an
enterprise with 10k+ people hired spread over 90 offices across the
world.  How much have you been paid in RHEL subscriptions?  And why
should they focus on your needs when NYSE is on their doorstep asking
for some other and more important hardware to be certified?

So, EVEN IF I WANTED TO, I can not use EL Linux on ANY
new C236 based small business server.  And I reproduced
the issue on two separate server for them.

Why?  Again, because "EL Linux as 'next to unmaintained'".

No.  Not (next to) unmaintained.  UNSUPPORTED due to NOT BEING
CERTIFIED.  You picked the wrong hardware.  Deal with it.


You ever have the experience of find your business' tasks
and contacts missing when you fire up your machine and
can't figure out why it keeps happening?  (Good thing I am a
back up whore.)  I almost had a heart attack.

Again, because "EL Linux as 'next to unmaintained'".

No.  Because you are using RHEL in an inappropriate and unsupported way.
  You do not accept that the blue car is blue.

3) You get you ass made fun of and requests out right
rejected because you are so out of date.  The folks over on
NMap's list think you are out of your mind for operating
anything that is so out of date and refuse to help you.

Case in point.  Here are two rejections from Simple Scan:

Upstream GNOME development IS NOT RHEL package maintenance.  Again, blue
cars are blue.

Before each single package RH ships, either through the various
repositories or as a new minor release, these packages are sent via a
boatload of regression and functional testing.  And then a set of
install/uninstall/reinstall/upgrade/downgrade tests.  This is to ensure
the package has a predictable stability.  I do not say this is flawless

Re: Unknown tag: Recommends: yelp ???

2017-11-07 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 11/07/2017 03:34 PM, John Pilkington wrote:

On 07/11/17 22:17, ToddAndMargo wrote:

On 11/07/2017 01:40 PM, John Pilkington wrote:

On 07/11/17 20:45, ToddAndMargo wrote:

On 11/07/2017 04:07 AM, John Pilkington wrote:

On 07/11/17 11:11, ToddAndMargo wrote:

Dear List,

SL 7.4

What am I doing wrong?

$ rpmbuild --rebuild simple-scan-3.26.1-1.fc27.src.rpm
Installing simple-scan-3.26.1-1.fc27.src.rpm
error: line 25: Unknown tag: Recommends: yelp

$ rpm -qa yelp\*

Many thanks,

You could try editing the specfile to 'Requires' ?

Thank you and  was afraid of that.

I have a specfile (for MythTV) that works in mock under fc25 in 
builds for both SL7 and fc25.  It's based on one from rpmfusion and 
includes the lines

Requires:  python-MythTV
%{?fedora:Recommends:  mesa-vdpau-drivers}

But that might be using an rpmfusion macro.  And of course other 
problems might emerge;  fc27 is several steps away from el7.


Hi John,

At some point I am going to have to break down and learn
how to make my own RPMs.

What got me here was that "yelp" is installed and I am
being tagged for it being missing.  Something else to

I think the problem is that rpmbuild for el7 doesn't understand 
'Recommends:'.  As Tom H said, it's new.  Iff that's the only problem 
you can perhaps just comment out that line - but IIUC you will need to 
build a new src.rpm from the edited specfile, and then try to rebuild 
from that.

But I suspect that a bare 'Recommends:' implies that no build for el7 
from the fc27 srpm has yet succeeded.

I think you called it.  I am trying to get the latest
running so I can ask for bug fixes and enhancements.
The developers won't even read past the version number,
even if the problem is easy to check in the current version.

Right now Simple Scan works, but is awkward to use.  Not
as awkward as xcuss (x common unix scanning system, also
known as xsane).

I should probably add your "%{?fedora" tag all over the place.

Thank you for the help!

Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

Re: Unknown tag: Recommends: yelp ???

2017-11-07 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 11/07/2017 01:40 PM, John Pilkington wrote:

On 07/11/17 20:45, ToddAndMargo wrote:

On 11/07/2017 04:07 AM, John Pilkington wrote:

On 07/11/17 11:11, ToddAndMargo wrote:

Dear List,

SL 7.4

What am I doing wrong?

$ rpmbuild --rebuild simple-scan-3.26.1-1.fc27.src.rpm
Installing simple-scan-3.26.1-1.fc27.src.rpm
error: line 25: Unknown tag: Recommends: yelp

$ rpm -qa yelp\*

Many thanks,

You could try editing the specfile to 'Requires' ?

Thank you and  was afraid of that.

I have a specfile (for MythTV) that works in mock under fc25 in builds 
for both SL7 and fc25.  It's based on one from rpmfusion and includes 
the lines

Requires:  python-MythTV
%{?fedora:Recommends:  mesa-vdpau-drivers}

But that might be using an rpmfusion macro.  And of course other 
problems might emerge;  fc27 is several steps away from el7.


Hi John,

At some point I am going to have to break down and learn
how to make my own RPMs.

What got me here was that "yelp" is installed and I am
being tagged for it being missing.  Something else to

I should probably add your "%{?fedora" tag all over the place.

Thank you for the help!

Re: Unknown tag: Recommends: yelp ???

2017-11-07 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 11/07/2017 04:07 AM, John Pilkington wrote:

On 07/11/17 11:11, ToddAndMargo wrote:

Dear List,

SL 7.4

What am I doing wrong?

$ rpmbuild --rebuild simple-scan-3.26.1-1.fc27.src.rpm
Installing simple-scan-3.26.1-1.fc27.src.rpm
error: line 25: Unknown tag: Recommends: yelp

$ rpm -qa yelp\*

Many thanks,

You could try editing the specfile to 'Requires' ?

Thank you and  was afraid of that.

Re: Unknown tag: Recommends: yelp ???

2017-11-07 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 11/07/2017 05:12 AM, Tom H wrote:

On Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 6:11 AM, ToddAndMargo <> wrote:

SL 7.4

What am I doing wrong?

$ rpmbuild --rebuild simple-scan-3.26.1-1.fc27.src.rpm
Installing simple-scan-3.26.1-1.fc27.src.rpm
error: line 25: Unknown tag: Recommends: yelp

$ rpm -qa yelp\*

Fedora has introduced weak dependencies, "recommends" and "suggests",
like Debian/Ubuntu/etc.

You can either remove the "recommends" or change it/them to
"requires", with the latter solution being the safer one.

Thank you!

Unknown tag: Recommends: yelp ???

2017-11-07 Thread ToddAndMargo

Dear List,

SL 7.4

What am I doing wrong?

$ rpmbuild --rebuild simple-scan-3.26.1-1.fc27.src.rpm
Installing simple-scan-3.26.1-1.fc27.src.rpm
error: line 25: Unknown tag: Recommends: yelp

$ rpm -qa yelp\*

Many thanks,

Re: Epson Perfection V19 scanner

2017-11-03 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 11/03/2017 04:55 PM, ToddAndMargo wrote:

I posted the follpwing two RFE's:

RFE: save overwrite prompt

RFE: delete, save, new scanner


RFE: please update simple scan

RHEL 7.26 maybe?  9.6?

I do realize that RHEL is just next to unmaintained code.
And that the economic model is to give the code away
for free and charge for the consulting.  So, since I
can't afford the consulting, it is unlikely anything I
ask for will ever be worked on.  Oh well ...


2017-10-30 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 10/30/2017 06:20 AM, Vladimir Mosgalin wrote:

Hi ToddAndMargo!

  On 2017.10.27 at 16:57:38 -0700, ToddAndMargo wrote next:

I was wondering why one would go through all the effort
to do a "ExecStop" in systemd if shutdown was going to send
SIGTERM to everyone anyway.  Well because the process might
not have long enough to shutdown before the SIGKILL or have
all its sub process complete properly either.

There are lots of reasons to have ExecStop (especially for databases).
First is handling the case when database can't accept SIGTERM correctly
and needs specific command to shutdown instead (e.g. Oracle DB). Second
is need to do some pre/post shutdown cleanup, e.g. you want to send some
notification to someone else before shutdown. Third is manual picking of
process to terminate, systemd can either kill very first process with
SIGTERM or kill all, but there are cases when you need to kill something
else. For example, this is tree of running processes:

(1) wrapper
 (2) control manager
 (3) child 1
 (4) child 2
 (5) child 3

systemd can kill either (1) or (1-5) depending on settings, but killing
(1) is useless and killing (3-5) directly might harm the service state,
the only way to correctly shutdown is to send signal to (2) (or 1 and 2
at once).  Here you'll need ExecStop again.

I'd say that the only annoyance here is that ExecStop must be
synchronous, it must actually wait till everything shutdowns before
returning, otherwise systemd will treat it as failed shutdown attempt
and kill the service remains right after ExecStop returns. So if you're
going to stop by sending SIGTERM to some specific process, you need a
wrapper script for ExecStop which waits till everything has shutdown
properly. You can't use one that calls shutdown in background and
returns without waiting.

Anyhow, just like ExecStop allows these kinds of customizations, you can
also define "TimeoutStopSec" parameter (e.g. TimeoutStopSec=5min) and
systemd will wait that time either after sending SIGTERM (if there is no
ExecStop) or after ExecStop and before sending SIGKILL (ExecStop command
will be aborted in that case when the time has ran out).

Wow!  Thank you!


2017-10-27 Thread ToddAndMargo
On Fri, Oct 27, 2017 at 3:57 PM, ToddAndMargo < 
<>> wrote:

Dear List,

In the situation I am facing, a database is not shutdown by the
systemd script that started it at boot. (Its start point was
actually hacked into a related bash file called by another
systems script without a shutdown hack.)  There is no "ExecStop"
line.   NO, IT WAS NO  MY DOING !!!

I am not saying which (proprietary) database as I don’t want to
get into any legal cross hairs.  Anyway, someone else is using
the database.  The database works fine.

The vendor is not systemd literate and keeps complaining about
it only works under SysV.  And no, they won’t give me the SysV
rc.d scripts and let me convert it for them.  And, yes, I know,
you can still use SysV if you must.  But, again, as I said,
it is not my doing.

I am thinking there is a possibility of data corruptions.

Question: does the general shutdown take care of this issue?
Am I presuming too much to think this is handled by the general
shutdown global SIGTERM?  The database does properly respond

Do I understand the global SIGTERM correctly?

Many thanks,

On 10/27/2017 02:31 PM, Paul Robert Marino wrote:
you understand the global sigterm correctly but there is a problem with 
relying on that. while it is true that a global sigterm is issued it is 
followed shortly afterward by a global kill. what that means is it may 
not give the database sufficient time to shutdown before killing it. 
whenever databases are involved you can not count on the global sigterm 
to shut it down correctly in time

Hi Paul,

Now I understand.  Thank you!

I was wondering why one would go through all the effort
to do a "ExecStop" in systemd if shutdown was going to send
SIGTERM to everyone anyway.  Well because the process might
not have long enough to shutdown before the SIGKILL or have
all its sub process complete properly either.


Re: Epson Perfection V19 scanner

2017-10-27 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 10/25/2017 12:48 AM, ToddAndMargo wrote:

Dear List,

Anyone out there get an Epson Perfection V19 scanner
to work with SL 7.4?  Did you do anything special?

Many thanks,

$ scanimage -L
is a EPSON Epson_Perfection_V19


1)  I installed the scanner on a native Fedora 26 machine
and it worked.  Well, no so well, but that is the
design of the scanner.  So my issues are software
related and my old scanner was never defective.

2)  I sent the scanner back.  I will not do a "preview" as
it is missing that part in the firmware.  It also is
slower than hell.  I presume this is because it is
USB2 bus powered.  Windows users complain a lot
about these issues too.  The scanner is just too cheap.

So poop.  Now I get to figure out why my scanner takes EIGHT
scans every time I ask for one.  xscan is cumbersome to
use at its best.  I may switch to Simple Scan for most of
everything.  I get tired of having to fix stuff all the
time, but it is my job, so I should quit bitching and
be glad I have a job ...


Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows


2017-10-27 Thread ToddAndMargo

Dear List,

In the situation I am facing, a database is not shutdown by the
systemd script that started it at boot. (Its start point was
actually hacked into a related bash file called by another
systems script without a shutdown hack.)  There is no "ExecStop"
line.   NO, IT WAS NO  MY DOING !!!

I am not saying which (proprietary) database as I don’t want to
get into any legal cross hairs.  Anyway, someone else is using
the database.  The database works fine.

The vendor is not systemd literate and keeps complaining about
it only works under SysV.  And no, they won’t give me the SysV
rc.d scripts and let me convert it for them.  And, yes, I know,
you can still use SysV if you must.  But, again, as I said,
it is not my doing.

I am thinking there is a possibility of data corruptions.

Question: does the general shutdown take care of this issue?
Am I presuming too much to think this is handled by the general
shutdown global SIGTERM?  The database does properly respond

Do I understand the global SIGTERM correctly?

Many thanks,

abrt-cli list

2017-10-27 Thread ToddAndMargo

Dar List,

I am getting a lot of these from

   # abrt-cli list --since 1508946679

   id a1fc3a2e673aef967d0497fcc505bdd7dbd51c9f
   reason: irq 18: nobody cared (try booting with the "irqpoll" 

   time:   Thu 26 Oct 2017 08:58:55 AM PDT
root=/dev/mapper/luks-4dc5d930-f4c3-42de-80c5-274f70b944a1 ro 
crashkernel=auto rd.luks.uuid=luks-4dc5d930-f4c3-42de-80c5-274f70b944a1 
rd.luks.uuid=luks-b8ecc95b-85fa-4111-9ef8-78a8b4934b79 rhgb quiet 

   uid:0 (root)
   count:  1
   Directory:  /var/spool/abrt/oops-2017-10-26-08:58:55-1448-1
   Reported:   cannot be reported

Do I care? and should I report it to Red hat?


Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

Epson Perfection V19 scanner

2017-10-25 Thread ToddAndMargo

Dear List,

Anyone out there get an Epson Perfection V19 scanner
to work with SL 7.4?  Did you do anything special?

Many thanks,

$ scanimage -L
is a EPSON Epson_Perfection_V19


2017-10-12 Thread ToddAndMargo

Dear List,

   Anyone have a favorite flat bed scanner that is SL friendly?

Many thanks,

Re: How do I access mtp from the command line?

2017-10-07 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 10/07/2017 12:27 AM, Jos Vos wrote:

On Fri, Oct 06, 2017 at 03:44:51PM -0700, ToddAndMargo wrote:

With a lot of help from Vladimir, here is my write up:

SL 7.4: how to operate MTP devices from the command line;

First download and install libmtp and libmtp-examples from:

EPEL has ready-to-use libmtp packages, as well ass jmtpfs (FUSE
and libmtp based filesystem).  Never used it myself.

Sounds like a much simpler way to go.

The current libmtp did not recognize my wife's tablet.
Red Hat fixed that and posted it on the link I gave.  See

Re: How do I access mtp from the command line?

2017-10-06 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 10/06/2017 03:17 PM, ToddAndMargo wrote:

On 10/06/2017 03:11 PM, Vladimir Mosgalin wrote:

ou can use fuse-based mtp implementation; it will allow you to mount
your device into filesystem and use whatever tools you like. E.g.
simple-mtpfs works (you can rebuilt srpm from Fedora or get it straight
from source Install
libmpt-examples (for mpt-detect) and simple-mtpfs and do something like

Nux! has it!

$ dnf --enablerepo=* whatprovides simple-mtpfs
...    | 2.6 kB 00:00
simple-mtpfs-0.2-3.el7.nux.x86_64 : Fuse-based MTP driver
Repo    : nux-dextop


I should note that I have a link from dnf to yum in SL
and a link from yum to dnf in Fedora, as I am always
mixing them up.

I do not do SL server anymore due to

I instead have switched to Fedora Servers.  Both have their
issues.  I find Fedora Servers more stable.  And if RHEL
won't run on a C236 chipset, then it beside the point
which is better.

And RH refuses to help.  I get it.  Open Source's economic
model is to give the software away for free and charge for
the maintenance.  And since I can not put them on my payroll,
it is a no win situation.

Re: How do I access mtp from the command line?

2017-10-06 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 10/06/2017 03:11 PM, Vladimir Mosgalin wrote:

ou can use fuse-based mtp implementation; it will allow you to mount
your device into filesystem and use whatever tools you like. E.g.
simple-mtpfs works (you can rebuilt srpm from Fedora or get it straight
from source Install
libmpt-examples (for mpt-detect) and simple-mtpfs and do something like

Nux! has it!

$ dnf --enablerepo=* whatprovides simple-mtpfs
...| 2.6 kB 00:00
simple-mtpfs-0.2-3.el7.nux.x86_64 : Fuse-based MTP driver
Repo: nux-dextop


Re: How do I access mtp from the command line?

2017-10-06 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 10/06/2017 03:11 PM, Vladimir Mosgalin wrote:

Hi ToddAndMargo!

  On 2017.10.06 at 14:51:30 -0700, ToddAndMargo wrote next:

reference bug in RHEL:

Krusader will not recognize my wife's tablet.  But Thunar
does as mtp://[usb:002,010]

Question: how do I access mtp://[usb:002,010] from
the command line?

You can use fuse-based mtp implementation; it will allow you to mount
your device into filesystem and use whatever tools you like. E.g.
simple-mtpfs works (you can rebuilt srpm from Fedora or get it straight
from source Install
libmpt-examples (for mpt-detect) and simple-mtpfs and do something like

sudo mtp-detect
sudo simple-mtpfs -o allow_other,direct_io /home/user/Kindle

after you're done, unmount with "fusermount -u /home/user/Kindle"

If you are going to read/write huge files like movies, make sure you got
plenty of space in /tmp or redefine TMPDIR, otherwise the operation will
fail (MPT doesn't operate on whole files so it needs space to store
chunks which will be assembled to real files).

Thank you!

Re: Weird curl, Firefox issue

2017-09-20 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 09/20/2017 10:26 AM, R P Herrold wrote:

On Tue, 19 Sep 2017, ToddAndMargo wrote:

Any idea why I can get to the right web site with
Firefox, but not curl?

$ curl -L -vvv -o

lynx notes there is "** bad HTML **" getting there during one
of the 3xx redirects

-- Russ herrold

Hi Russ,

I see it.  Thank you!

Bad HTML: SELECT end tag not within FORM element *

Entering HText_setLastOptionValue: value:"日本語
", checked:off

HText_setLastOptionValue: LAST_ORDER value="日本語"
val_cs=43 "utf-8" (submit_val_cs 43 "utf-8")


Re: Weird curl, Firefox issue

2017-09-19 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 09/19/2017 07:09 PM, ToddAndMargo wrote:

Hi All,

Any idea why I can get to the right web site with
Firefox, but not curl?

$ curl -L -vvv -o 

Sends me to what looks a lot like:

Many thanks,

https on the curl makes no difference.

This might help

$ curl -L -vvv -o 
  % Total% Received % Xferd  Average Speed   TimeTime Time 
 Dload  Upload   Total   SpentLeft 
  0 00 00 0  0  0 --:--:-- --:--:-- 
--:--:-- 0* About to connect() to port 443 (#0)

*   Trying
  0 00 00 0  0  0 --:--:--  0:00:01 
--:--:-- 0* Connected to ( port 
443 (#0)

* Initializing NSS with certpath: sql:/etc/pki/nssdb
*   CAfile: /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt
  CApath: none
* SSL connection using TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
* Server certificate:
*   subject:,OU=IT,O=AO Kaspersky 

*   start date: Jul 06 00:00:00 2017 GMT
*   expire date: Mar 31 23:59:59 2018 GMT
*   common name:
*   issuer: CN=thawte SSL CA - G2,O="thawte, Inc.",C=US
> GET /viruses/rescuedisk/ HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.29.0
> Host:
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
< Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
< Location:
< Server:
< Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
< X-Server: can1/
< Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2017 02:12:36 GMT
< Content-Length: 176
* Ignoring the response-body
{ [data not shown]
100   176  100   1760 0 91  0  0:00:01  0:00:01 --:--:-- 

* Connection #0 to host left intact
* Issue another request to this URL: 

* Found bundle for host 0x1b0bfd0
* About to connect() to port 80 (#1)
*   Trying
* Connected to ( port 80 (#1)
> GET /viruses/rescuedisk?qs=on HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.29.0
> Host:
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
< Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
< Location:
< Server:
< Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
< X-Server: can1/
< Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2017 02:12:36 GMT
< Content-Length: 159
* Ignoring the response-body
{ [data not shown]
100   159  100   1590 0 76  0  0:00:02  0:00:02 --:--:-- 

* Connection #1 to host left intact
* Issue another request to this URL: ''
* Found bundle for host 0x1b0bfd0
* Re-using existing connection! (#0) with host
* Connected to ( port 443 (#0)
> GET /?qs=on HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.29.0
> Host:
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Cache-Control: private
< Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
< Server:
< Set-Cookie: 

< X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
< X-Powered-By: Kaspersky Labs
< X-Server: can1/TRT1
< X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
< X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
< X-Powered-By: Kaspersky Labs
< Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
< Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2017 02:12:36 GMT
< Content-Length: 72525
{ [data not shown]
100 72525  100 725250 0  31194  0  0:00:02  0:00:02 --:--:-- 

* Connection #0 to host left intact

Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

Weird curl, Firefox issue

2017-09-19 Thread ToddAndMargo

Hi All,

Any idea why I can get to the right web site with
Firefox, but not curl?

$ curl -L -vvv -o 

Sends me to what looks a lot like:

Many thanks,

Re: software raid after the fact?

2017-08-24 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 08/23/2017 05:57 PM, Konstantin Olchanski wrote:

On Fri, Aug 18, 2017 at 10:46:32AM -0700, ToddAndMargo wrote:

Is there a way to create software raid 1 after the fact?
Meaning, you already installed SL on a stand alone drive.

Yes, in the nutshell:

Hi Konstantin,

  That was above and beyond the call of duty!  THank you so much!


Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

Re: Firefox crashes start up

2017-08-20 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 08/20/2017 12:51 AM, Andrew C Aitchison wrote:

On Thu, 17 Aug 2017, ToddAndMargo wrote:

On 08/17/2017 03:52 AM, David Sommerseth wrote:

On 17/08/17 06:30, ToddAndMargo wrote:

Hi All,

SL 7.3

tar.bz2?  Is this a downloaded from Mozilla?

yup.   I have to be up to date, as I support multiple Windows
customers and they all all up to date.

Scientific Linux 7.2 (RHEL clone)
$ cat /etc/redhat-release: Scientific Linux release 7.3 (Nitrogen)
uname -r: 3.10.0-693.1.1.el7.x86_64

I just ran an update on Scientific Linux 7.3.  Firefox will
no longer start, including safe mode or the profile manager.
Firefox goes straight through to the crash reporter.


Any words of wisdom?

In the mean time, is there a way to tell YUM to uninstall
yesterday's updates?

You can "rollback" and "undo" "yesterday's" (Wednesday's ?) updates with
the "yum history" command *if the history_record config option has been 
set (I don't know whether or not it is set by default)*.

If not, the packages updated with dates are listed in /var/log/yum.log
- you could downgrade them explicitly, though the log doesn't (on SL6)
record the replaced version number so you would have to find those
some other way.

Andrew C AitchisonCambridge,UK

Thank you!

Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

Re: Firefox crashes start up

2017-08-19 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 08/16/2017 09:30 PM, ToddAndMargo wrote:

Follow up.

I temporarily went back to the RPM whist I troubleshoot the
pre-compiled binary.  I also install Chromium (man it is weird).

I also reported the problem to the Mozilla Bugzilla:

Thank you all for your help and suggestions!


Chromium won't install extensions

2017-08-19 Thread ToddAndMargo

Hi All,

Google is failing me here.

chromium.x86_64 0:60.0.3112.101-2.el7

When I try to install an extension into Chromium, I get

Could not install package: 'ERROR_RE_ENCODING_THEME_IMAGE'

Any words of wisdom?


Re: software raid after the fact?

2017-08-19 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 08/18/2017 12:50 PM, David Sommerseth wrote:

On 18/08/17 20:58, ToddAndMargo wrote:

In case anyone is wondering, to get your status:

 # cat /proc/mdstat

Look for "U"'s to make sure each drive is "up"

I also recommend:

  # mdadm --detail /dev/$MD_NAME

That will give you a more human readable overview, with more parsed details.

I love it.  Thank you!

# mdadm --detail /dev/md126
  Container : /dev/md/imsm0, member 0
 Raid Level : raid1
 Array Size : 1855870976 (1769.90 GiB 1900.41 GB)
  Used Dev Size : 1855871108 (1769.90 GiB 1900.41 GB)
   Raid Devices : 2
  Total Devices : 2

  State : active
 Active Devices : 2
Working Devices : 2
 Failed Devices : 0
  Spare Devices : 0

   UUID : 8a24242c:7643b5eb:b3d1c42a:ce718205
Number   Major   Minor   RaidDevice State
   1   800  active sync   /dev/sda
   0   8   161  active sync   /dev/sdb


Re: Firefox crashes start up

2017-08-19 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 08/19/2017 03:26 AM, Andrew C Aitchison wrote:

On Fri, 18 Aug 2017, ToddAndMargo wrote:

On 08/17/2017 01:03 PM, David Sommerseth wrote:

On 17/08/17 18:33, ToddAndMargo wrote:

On 08/17/2017 09:23 AM, ToddAndMargo wrote:

Mozilla Firefox 55 source tarball

Yes I do.  All bugs and security flaws frozen in place for those
that don't like to upgrade their software and those that get
tired of having to respin an RPM every month or so due
to the rapid pace of Firefox's development.  EL Linux
is an anti-Kaisen OS and Red Hat gets CRABBY about having
to update things and often does not.

Red Hat are fairly quick at releasing the six-weekly updates to ESR - 
IIRC 2 days after Mozilla for 52.3 (SL took almost a week after that).

I never meant to say they did not.  I meant to say they can be
crabby and drag their feet at times.  The few times I asked
them about this or that exploit they had not fixed, they
were a bit rude and refused.

shouldn't you be paying Red Hat and keeping uptodate with their

My office is not PCI compliant, as I do not take credit cards.
A check or cash will do fine.  In 22 years of ding this I have
only been asked to take a credit card three times.  One of
them solved the issue by writing me one of those weird credit
card checks that comes with your credit card statement.

The PCI compliant locations are at customer sites.  And they are
all Windows based.

Windows is a truly awful operating system, especially now
that Windows 10 has hit.  But since small business has
no access to business app on Linux (quick book, etc.),
they are stuck with Windows.

M$ has won the Applications War.  It doesn't matter how bad
an OS runs, if you can't run you apps on a better OS, you
are stuck with M$.  My opinion, the customer doesn't care
what his app run on .  They just have to run.

Point of Sale systems, especially those that take credit cards,
are really foolish to run on Windows, but there are no alternatives
for small business.  It is what it is.

I personally do not think PCI actually help all that much
with security.  It does a little; sometimes a lot when they
customer is really flaky.  It is mainly a paper chase to
keep the lawyers at bay.

I had a lady who was set up with a stand alone card reader
last week figure out how to get her non-PCI compliant
POS software on her non-PCI compliant computer on her
non-PCI compliant network to take credit cards.  It
was easier than using the compliant terminal.  When
her boss get back from vacation, we are going to have
"a talk".  (The software vendor said he could switch
the feature off if we wanted him to.)

More significantly, perhaps you shouldn't run a browser (or a mail 
reader) on the same machine as the credit-card handling ...

That would be wonderful.  But, since the customer has to
check all kinds of business posting on the eMail and social
media, as well as their cloud based time card ... I think
you get the idea.  They are pretty good about not doing
anything except business and I know this to be a fact as
my FIM (File Integrity Monitoring) software rats them out
if they do.  (And yes, their managers have had "stern"
conversation when they are caught playing video poker on
their machines.)

The solution would be to have an off POS (Point of Sale)
network leg computer for that kind of stuff, but the POS
software have to send eMail and its cost a second computer
and and and ...  (I try, but they don't listen.)

Until I get this figured out, I have been using weird old Midori.
Maybe I will go to the dark side and install Chromium

Do you know anyway to uninstall the recent updates that
caused this?

I'd try
 yum downgrade firefox-52.2.0
 yum downgrade firefox-45.8.0

That would work for me.  But I am not on the RPM for
firefox.  The reason being that I support Firefox on
bazillions of customer over two counties.  I need to
see what they see.

I suppose I could temporarily run on the RPM and troubleshoot
the tar ball from its own directory until I get it fixed.
(You just untar it and run it directly from directory it creates.)

Thank you for the help!  Sorry for the rambling.

Re: software raid after the fact?

2017-08-18 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 08/18/2017 11:56 AM, ToddAndMargo wrote:

 > On 8/18/2017 1:46 PM, ToddAndMargo wrote:>> Hi All,
 >> Is there a way to create software raid 1 after the fact?
 >> Meaning, you already installed SL on a stand alone drive.
 >> -T

On 08/18/2017 11:44 AM, Betts, Wayne wrote:

Hello T,

I have successfully used a utility called Raider a couple of times:  It is proof that what you want to do 
can be done.  Read the README, which is not terribly long.  I don't 
remember the details of the systems used it on, but I recall being 
impressed at the details it handled.  Everything it does can be done 
by hand with various core utilities (which is what raider uses anyway) 
and it isn't terribly hard to understand, but Raider handles a lot of 
the details automatically, making the process less error-prone than 
trying to go through everything by hand.

While it is possible to use Raider on a live, fully functioning system 
to minimize downtime (other than a necessary reboot), you can and 
often should run Raider in single-user mode.  There is a power down to 
physically swap disks and boot from the new degraded array(s), after 
which the new RAID array(s) begin syncing.

Of course, it is strongly recommended that you first clone the disk 
(or at least make a remote backup of any important files) with a 
utility you trust and are familiar with.  (I often use Clonezilla, but 
there are a lot of options for this.)


Thank you!

In case anyone is wondering, to get your status:

# cat /proc/mdstat

Look for "U"'s to make sure each drive is "up"

Re: software raid after the fact?

2017-08-18 Thread ToddAndMargo

> On 8/18/2017 1:46 PM, ToddAndMargo wrote:>> Hi All,
>> Is there a way to create software raid 1 after the fact?
>> Meaning, you already installed SL on a stand alone drive.
>> -T

On 08/18/2017 11:44 AM, Betts, Wayne wrote:

Hello T,

I have successfully used a utility called Raider a couple of times:  It is proof that what you want to do can 
be done.  Read the README, which is not terribly long.  I don't remember 
the details of the systems used it on, but I recall being impressed at 
the details it handled.  Everything it does can be done by hand with 
various core utilities (which is what raider uses anyway) and it isn't 
terribly hard to understand, but Raider handles a lot of the details 
automatically, making the process less error-prone than trying to go 
through everything by hand.

While it is possible to use Raider on a live, fully functioning system 
to minimize downtime (other than a necessary reboot), you can and often 
should run Raider in single-user mode.  There is a power down to 
physically swap disks and boot from the new degraded array(s), after 
which the new RAID array(s) begin syncing.

Of course, it is strongly recommended that you first clone the disk (or 
at least make a remote backup of any important files) with a utility you 
trust and are familiar with.  (I often use Clonezilla, but there are a 
lot of options for this.)


Thank you!

software raid after the fact?

2017-08-18 Thread ToddAndMargo

Hi All,

Is there a way to create software raid 1 after the fact?
Meaning, you already installed SL on a stand alone drive.


Re: Firefox crashes start up

2017-08-18 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 08/17/2017 01:03 PM, David Sommerseth wrote:

On 17/08/17 18:33, ToddAndMargo wrote:

On 08/17/2017 09:23 AM, ToddAndMargo wrote:

Mozilla Firefox 55 source tarball

The latest is 52 in sl-testing:

firefox-52.3.0-2.el7_4.i686 : Mozilla Firefox Web browser
Repo: sl-testing

I have to be up to date, especially with me doing PCI
(credit card) consulting.

SL has really become a bad match for what I am doing.
I really should be on a Kaisen OS not a an
anti-Kaisen OS, but I can not afford the
cost of an upgrade to Fedora at the due to the
never ending recession.  So I mumble a lot.

You do realise that firefox-52 packaged for SL7 is the Firefox ESR edition?

Yes I do.  All bugs and security flaws frozen in place for those
that don't like to upgrade their software and those that get
tired of having to respin an RPM every month or so due
to the rapid pace of Firefox's development.  EL Linux
is an anti-Kaisen OS and Red Hat gets CRABBY about having
to update things and often does not.

Even though it's a while since I've looked at the PCI-DSS stuff; but I
do not ever recall it requiring specific versions of software.  

I required that you be up to date on all your software.
On the Windows side, I run Kaspersky's "vulnerability Scan"
which looks at all your installed software and lets you know
what is out of date (Acrobat Reader, Java, Firefox, Java,
etc.).  Without Kaspersky. I'd have to go through each
program one at a time, which is pain in the neck.

I do
remember it saying something about running up-to-date OS and
applications though.  Firefox ESR releases are the browser equivalent to
"Enterprise Linux".  So ESR releases should really fit the bill for PCI-DSS.

On an EL Linux install only.  On Windows, no one will put up
with all the bugs and missing features.  This is why I have
to stay current.

The ESR would probably get you off the hook liability wise,
but since PCI is not about security, but rather about liability
shifting, if you get hacked, the lawyers could make a case that
you knowingly used a version of Firefox with know security flaws.

The lawyers are trying to make the case that you should have to
pick up the financial liability for all the costs of the breach.
It could be argued back that the ESR slipstreams security
patches into its release, but it would be counter argues that
in reality, they seldom do.

Until I get this figured out, I have been using weird old Midori.
Maybe I will go to the dark side and install Chromium

Do you know anyway to uninstall the recent updates that
caused this?

Re: Firefox crashes start up

2017-08-17 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 08/17/2017 09:23 AM, ToddAndMargo wrote:

Mozilla Firefox 55 source tarball

The latest is 52 in sl-testing:

firefox-52.3.0-2.el7_4.i686 : Mozilla Firefox Web browser
Repo: sl-testing

I have to be up to date, especially with me doing PCI
(credit card) consulting.

SL has really become a bad match for what I am doing.
I really should be on a Kaisen OS not a an
anti-Kaisen OS, but I can not afford the
cost of an upgrade to Fedora at the due to the
never ending recession.  So I mumble a lot.

Re: Firefox crashes start up

2017-08-17 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 08/17/2017 03:52 AM, David Sommerseth wrote:

On 17/08/17 06:30, ToddAndMargo wrote:

Hi All,

SL 7.3

tar.bz2?  Is this a downloaded from Mozilla?

yup.   I have to be up to date, as I support multiple Windows
customers and they all all up to date.

Scientific Linux 7.2 (RHEL clone)
$ cat /etc/redhat-release: Scientific Linux release 7.3 (Nitrogen)
uname -r: 3.10.0-693.1.1.el7.x86_64

I just ran an update on Scientific Linux 7.3.  Firefox will
no longer start, including safe mode or the profile manager.
Firefox goes straight through to the crash reporter.

Running ff from the command line gives:

 (firefox:19909): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_ref:
 assertion 'object->ref_count > 0' failed

 ExceptionHandler::GenerateDump cloned child 20002

Any words of wisdom?

If you're trying to run a Firefox binary not built for EL7, that build
may depend on a glib2 library version not being available on the EL7
system.  The GLib-GObject reference indicates ABI incompatibilities, and
that is related to glib2.

You will most likely have far better success by downloading the latest
firefox src.rpm (yumdownloader --source firefox) and download the
Mozilla Firefox 55 source tarball.  Unpack the source RPM, replace the
source tarball with the one from Firefox (including updating
firefox.spec with proper versions and source references) and do a mock
build.  It'll compile for quite some time (beefy hardware helps, with
CPU power, lots of RAM and fast harddrives).  Then try to install the
freshly built x86_64.rpm.

That may be what I have to do.

In the mean time, is there a way to tell YUM to uninstall
yesterday's updates?

Thank you for the help!


Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

Re: freeze at irq16

2017-08-05 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 08/05/2017 04:11 AM, David Sommerseth wrote:

On 05/08/17 09:18, ToddAndMargo wrote:

On 08/01/2017 11:17 AM, ToddAndMargo wrote:

Hi All,

Twice now in a month, on booting up my SL 7.3 computer,
after entering my LUKS passphrase, it freezes
at "Disabling IRQ 16".  alt> doesn't
do a thing. Everything is frozen.  The one fingered
reset works.

Am I starting to lose my motherboard or is this a "feature"
of 7.3?

Many thanks,

I tried adding "irqpoll" to my kernel run line (grub.cfg).

After rebooting, I noticed that right after "Disabling IRQ16", I got an
"irq18 nobody cares (try booting with irqpoll option)".  Then it ran for
a bit and OH NO "Kernel panic: CPU 4 PID 0 comm: swapper/4 tainted" and
my keyboard's light started flashing.

The kernel panic reproduced twice before I removed "irqpoll" and I was
able to boot again.

Did this tell us something?

Have you looked into the BIOS/UEFI settings in regards to which devices
uses IRQ 16 or IRQ 18?  What kind of motherboard is it?

My motherboard is a Supermicro X8SAX

I will have to ask supermicro what those two IRQs are for.

Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

Do we have a bug reporter?

2017-08-05 Thread ToddAndMargo

Does SL have a bugzilla, a does CentOS?

Re: freeze at irq16

2017-08-05 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 08/01/2017 11:17 AM, ToddAndMargo wrote:

Hi All,

Twice now in a month, on booting up my SL 7.3 computer,
after entering my LUKS passphrase, it freezes
at "Disabling IRQ 16".  alt> doesn't
do a thing. Everything is frozen.  The one fingered
reset works.

Am I starting to lose my motherboard or is this a "feature"
of 7.3?

Many thanks,

I tried adding "irqpoll" to my kernel run line (grub.cfg).

After rebooting, I noticed that right after "Disabling IRQ16", I got an 
"irq18 nobody cares (try booting with irqpoll option)".  Then it ran for 
a bit and OH NO "Kernel panic: CPU 4 PID 0 comm: swapper/4 tainted" and 
my keyboard's light started flashing.

The kernel panic reproduced twice before I removed "irqpoll" and I was 
able to boot again.

Did this tell us something?

freeze at irq16

2017-08-01 Thread ToddAndMargo

Hi All,

Twice now in a month, on booting up my SL 7.3 computer,
after entering my LUKS passphrase, it freezes
at "Disabling IRQ 16".  alt> doesn't
do a thing. Everything is frozen.  The one fingered
reset works.

Am I starting to lose my motherboard or is this a "feature"
of 7.3?

Many thanks,


Yesterday it worked.
Today it is not working.
Windows is like that.

Re: Coming soon to EL Linux!

2017-07-23 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 07/23/2017 06:22 AM, Lars Behrens wrote:

Working with both Fedora 25 and 26 last week, I noticed
that if I copy something to the clipboard from a program
and then exit the program that the clipboard is not lost.
Yippee!  That X11 "feature" drives me nuts!

Are you using a clipboard application like clipit or xcfe4-clipman? If
so, you usually can adjust that behaviour there.


Hi Lars,

The ones I have used always cause some other problem
somewhere else, like killing my ability to paste
images into Thunderbird, yada, yada, yada.   I have
always had top pull them back out.

But thank y for the tip anyway.


Coming soon to EL Linux!

2017-07-21 Thread ToddAndMargo

Hi All,

What goes on in Fedora eventually winds up in EL Linux.
Well, maybe not "eventually".  It may take a while, a long

Working with both Fedora 25 and 26 last week, I noticed
that if I copy something to the clipboard from a program
and then exit the program that the clipboard is not lost.
Yippee!  That X11 "feature" drives me nuts!

Eventually, maybe we will get the fix.  Well, maybe in the
year 2238.



Re: EXT: reiserfs?

2017-07-14 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 07/14/2017 07:40 PM, ToddAndMargo wrote:

I am going to rerun it and see it I can change
it to ext2 or xfs.

Stinker won't let you change it.

Is there a way to read reiserfs in SL 7.3?

Re: EXT: reiserfs?

2017-07-14 Thread ToddAndMargo

On Jul 14, 2017, at 8:04 PM, ToddAndMargo <> wrote:

Hi All,

I need to read a reiserfs partition on a flash drive.
Any words of wisdom?


On 07/14/2017 07:20 PM, Hinz, David (GE Healthcare) wrote:
> An interesting choice. Why?

Not my choice.  It is the Knoppix live usb creator's
doing.  I am going to rerun it and see it I can change
it to ext2 or xfs.  I don't remember see that the first
time through.

Re: 7.5?

2017-07-14 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 07/12/2017 03:50 PM, David Sommerseth wrote:

So this is part of why they don't rush
out a fix.

Reported under 7.2, slated for 7.5.   H.
There is a difference between being careful
and procrastinating

Re: 7.5?

2017-07-12 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 07/12/2017 01:56 PM, ToddAndMargo wrote:

What I have been doing is slowing moving everything over to Fedora
(26 just came out).

Fedora is the other end of the double edged sword.
You get all the new bugs introduced with new revisions.
Weyland for instance.  So the 64 thousand dollar question
is, which is worse: old stuff with frozen bugs or new
stuff with the old bugs fix and new ones introduced.

So far, since they do fix bugs in Fedora on a somewhat
timely manner, Fedora is the winner with RHEL being
about 10 times more aggravating, especially since my
office computers doubles as servers and workstations
(LibreCAD and all).

Serious error.
All shortcuts have disappeared.
Screen. Mind. Both are blank.

Re: 7.5?

2017-07-12 Thread ToddAndMargo

2017-07-12 21:44 GMT+03:00 ToddAndMargo <>:

Hi All,

On a previous post, I was asked why I was always asking about releases.
I responded that Red Hat would fix my bugs, but slate them for future
editions.  Here is an example:

 "It's currently planned for 7.5."

It was reported under 7.2.  They have fixed it, but won't
release it until 7.5.

I do sincerely appreciate them fixing bugs, but the delays involved
are something to behold.

When I asked them if there was some workaround till them,
there response was:

 "The best way would be to contact your support
 representative, who'll then guide you through the
 possible options."

And I clearly stated I was coming from the community.

The "double edged sword" of EL Linux can be a real pain
in the neck at times: stability by freezing packing
versus aggravation for not fixing bugs in those
frozen packages.  EL Linux defeats the purpose of
Kaizen (continual improvement).

EL Linux is still a good package though, despite its


On 07/12/2017 01:13 PM, Oleg Sadov wrote:
> A possible solution -- creating of your own respin and support the
> parallel branches of packages that you corrected, before fixing them
> by the TUV. For example, in our SL respin -- NauLinux we supported our
> own branches of kernel and Evolution (corresponded to upstream
> updates) about half a year until TUV repaired the bugs which we
> described in RH bugzilla, just because it was important for our users.

Unfortunately, it is over my head.  :'(

What I have been doing is slowing moving everything over to Fedora
(26 just came out).  I am working on my second Fedora server
this afternoon for a customer.  RHEL doesn't work on the C236 chipset.

They won't work on the issue as they don't have the hardware.
I gave them Supermicro's phone number to ask for some.  Supermicro
will assist big companies with those issues.  But Red Hat did not

And since the Server I am buildig today is a real close match,
I offered to run whatever tests on it that they liked before
installing Fedora.  THEY GOT CRABBY WITH ME.

There is something weird about Red Hat lately.  It is
getting harder to get them to fix anything and they
get CRABBY about it.

Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

abrt message?

2017-07-12 Thread ToddAndMargo

Hi All,

SL 7.3

Whenever I "su" to root, I get this message.

ABRT has detected 1 problem(s). For more info
run: abrt-cli list --since 1499813517

# abrt-cli list --since 1499813517
id cb5d0f1321370b5113631236cf6788374b5508ac
reason: file-roller killed by SIGSEGV
time:   Tue 11 Jul 2017 10:12:47 PM PDT
cmdline:/usr/bin/file-roller '/tmp/mozilla_tony0/Part 1-2.2'
uid:500 (todd)
count:  1
Directory:  /var/spool/abrt/ccpp-2017-07-11-22:12:47-31925

File-roller seems to be running fine.  I use it a lot. Is this
anything to be concerned about?

Many thanks,

Re: tip: Secondary Selection clipboard

2017-06-30 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 06/20/2017 01:38 PM, ToddAndMargo wrote:

Hi All,

I have been using UNIX and Linux for over 25 years and
did not realize X11 has four clipboards.  I recently
discovered the Secondary Selection keyboard.

It really saves a bunch of time when I am programming as
I don't lose my cursor's hot spot.

Here is a great 8 minute video demonstrating all four
clipboards.  It is must learn for anyone using Linux.

To support this clipboard, your program has to use the
GTK Toolkit.


 I just tested the secondary selection clipboard in Fedora 26 Beta.
It is not working.  Rats!


Did your SANE get really slow?

2017-06-29 Thread ToddAndMargo

Hi All,

SL 7.2 fast bugs and rolling

Did your scanner suddenly get really slow using xsane and copy?

$ rpm -qa xsane


I prefer the name "Common Unix Scanning System" (CUSS)
over SANE.  Sort of like "Common Unix Printing System"
(CUPS).  But, for some unknown reason, the SANE folks
don't seem to like it.  I wonder what the issue is?


Re: Proper forum suggestion?

2017-06-26 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 06/26/2017 11:00 AM, Stan Orlov wrote:


We've just installed Scientific Linux with the hope to migrate some of our 
solutions from Windows to Linux. I ran into a problem with VNC and posted to 
this list, but nobody replied to it.  I am stuck and really hope to find 
guidance online. Can anyone suggest a list/forum that would be better suited 
for such questions?


Hi Stan,

I use Ultra VNC for Windows under Wine to great advantage.
There are some Wine quirks, but I get around them.



Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

Re: 7.4

2017-06-25 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 06/24/2017 01:51 AM, David Sommerseth wrote:

On 24/06/17 02:23, Todd Chester wrote:

On 06/23/2017 03:04 PM, Steven Haigh wrote:

On Saturday, 24 June 2017 3:32:02 AM AEST ToddAndMargo wrote:

On 06/23/2017 07:28 AM, Sean A wrote:

Are you all referring to RHEL 7.4 Beta?

Given recent history on the past 2 releases, I would put my money on
GA in Nov. 2017.  Scientific probably not until Jan 2018.

Just 7.4.  When Red Hat Bugzilla notifies me they
have fixed something, they say they fixed it in 7.4.

The way RH sounds, RHEL is already on 7.4, but I
haven't checked.


$ cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.3 (Maipo)

Sounds to me like RH has lost interest in fixing anything in 7.3

A clarification on how the Red Hat releases and updates work is probably
in order.

Red Hat have a few Errata categories - depending on how critical and
sever an issue is.

Important and critical bug fixes are fixed in erratas during the life
time of the point releases (7.0, 7.1...7.3).

Trivial and minor bug fixes, which does not impact stability, security
and such will most commonly be postponed to the next point release.
That also includes new features.

If something is targeted for the next point release or is put in an
errata for the current release is most commonly evaluated and decided on
a case-by-case scenario by Red Hat's product manager and the package

You may want to enable the fastbugs repository, which will update all
packages not been considered important enough for the current main
repositories, but still important enough to ship to those who might care.

A bit more info:

What you typically will notice when enabling fastbugs, is that the
packages required to update from a 7.x with fastbugs to the next point
release will be noticeably smaller compared to not having fastbugs enabled.

But, you will notice that the updates will often be a bit fewer when the
next point release is talking shape and especially after the public
betas have been released.  That said, important fixes will still flow to
the current stable releases where it is needed and supported.

Hope this clarified more than added more confusion.

Hi David,

Thank you for the tutorial!

I checked out sl7-fastbugs.repo


So I do have it.  I haven't seen any of the bugs I
reported show up.  Then again, RH specifically stated
that they release them in 7.4.  So, I will have to wait.
Aw shucks.


Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

Re: 7.4

2017-06-23 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 06/23/2017 07:28 AM, Sean A wrote:

Are you all referring to RHEL 7.4 Beta?

Given recent history on the past 2 releases, I would put my money on 7.4 GA in 
Nov. 2017.  Scientific probably not until Jan 2018.

Just 7.4.  When Red Hat Bugzilla notifies me they
have fixed something, they say they fixed it in 7.4.

The way RH sounds, RHEL is already on 7.4, but I
haven't checked.


2017-06-18 Thread ToddAndMargo

Hi All,

   Any rumors on when 7.4 will hit SL?


Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

Is RH ever going to update Thunderbird?

2017-05-02 Thread ToddAndMargo

Hi All,

We should be on release 52.0.1.  Is Red Hat being hard headed again?
Freeze all the bugs in place and call it stable?

# cat /etc/redhat-release
Scientific Linux release 7.3 (Nitrogen)

# rpm -qa thunderbird

# yum upgrade thunderbird
No packages marked for update

$ yum list thunderbird
thunderbird.x86_64  45.8.0-1.el7_3  @sl-rolling-security

Many thanks,

Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

Re: Which C hooks go to which clipboard?

2017-03-09 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 03/09/2017 10:18 AM, Stephen Isard wrote:

On Thu, 9 Mar 2017 00:10:33 -0800, ToddAndMargo <> wrote:

there are also more formal references like:

Sorry I pointed you in the wrong direction to start with.

Hi Andrew,
is the ctrl-c/v/x clipboard.

But, looking at

He talks a lot about changing the ownership.  Is the the mouse over and
middle click clipboard (primary)?  I may still have the wrong clipboard.
Am I missing something?

Yes, mouse over and middle click is primary.  xclip will let you transfer text 
primary and clipboard.

For instance,
xclip -o -sel clip |xclip -sel p
will put the clipboard selection into the primary, from which you can paste it 
the middle button, and
xclip -o -sel p |xclip -sel clip
will put the selection that you have highlighted with the mouse into the 
from which you can ctrl-v it into an openoffice document or whatever.

Obviously, you want to give these incantations names or bind them to keys if you
intend to use them a lot.

Hope that's useful.

Stephen Isard

Hi Stephen,

I am trying to write a module in Perl 6 to do it myself
without using xclip.  I have the source code for xclip,
but I don't read C, so it is a hair puller.

What I really need is the right "man pages" for "clipboard"
and "primary", so I can write my own inline code.  Andrew
has pointed me in the right direction.

One thing I did get from xclip's code is that he
is only checking the first letter of is command line


Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

Re: Which C hooks go to which clipboard?

2017-03-08 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 03/08/2017 11:43 PM, Andrew C Aitchison wrote:

On Wed, 8 Mar 2017, ToddAndMargo wrote:

Hi All,

Looking at "man XStoreBuffer XFetchBuffer XRotateBuffers",
which clipboard is the ctrl-c/v clipboard ("clipboard")
and which is the mouse over and center click clipboard

Sorry, it seems that those routines are obsolete hangovers from X10 !
seems to be particularly clear;

there are also more formal references like:

Sorry I pointed you in the wrong direction to start with.

Hi Andrew,

No problem!  Thank you!


Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

Which C hooks go to which clipboard?

2017-03-08 Thread ToddAndMargo

Hi All,

Looking at "man XStoreBuffer XFetchBuffer XRotateBuffers",
which clipboard is the ctrl-c/v clipboard ("clipboard")
and which is the mouse over and center click clipboard

Many thanks,

Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

Re: Anyone know a reference to X11's clipboard hooks?

2017-03-08 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 03/08/2017 12:59 AM, Andrew C Aitchison wrote:

On Tue, 7 Mar 2017, ToddAndMargo wrote:

Hi All,

Can anyone point me to a reference to the hooks for
reading and writing into both of X11's clipboards?

For the cut and paste buffers:
man XStoreBuffer XFetchBuffer XRotateBuffers
(all the same page)

man xcutsel
man xclipboard
man XmClipboard

might also be useful start points.

Thank you!  I have been looking for that for days!

Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

Anyone know a reference to X11's clipboard hooks?

2017-03-07 Thread ToddAndMargo

Hi All,

Can anyone point me to a reference to the hooks for
reading and writing into both of X11's clipboards?

Many thanks,


Yesterday it worked.
Today it is not working.
Windows is like that.

Is there a qemu-kvm forum?

2017-03-03 Thread ToddAndMargo

Hi All,

I have a Windows 10 PE fash drive that won't fully start
(stops at the blue window logo before the Annoy Balls start
circling).  The drive will boot natively.  I am stumped.

Google is failing me here.  Is there a qemu-kvm forum hiding
out there somewhere?

Many thanks,

I am Windows
I am the Blue Screen of Death
No one hears your screams

Re: What does this SELinux command do?

2017-02-27 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 02/27/2017 08:06 PM, ~Stack~ wrote:

On 02/27/2017 07:29 PM, ToddAndMargo wrote:

 setsebool -P mmap_low_allowed 1

It allows applications to access the low portions of the kernel memory

Personally, I can't think of a good reason to allow that. Maybe someone
else can?

I know I would need a good reason to enable it.


I am thinking "bug" in the program that triggered
the warning

Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

What does this SELinux command do?

2017-02-27 Thread ToddAndMargo

 setsebool -P mmap_low_allowed 1

Re: M.2 drivers?

2017-02-13 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 02/12/2017 11:49 PM, Konstantin Olchanski wrote:

On Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 04:52:59PM -0800, ToddAndMargo wrote:

I am asking as several motherboards I have looked at only
have one M.2 slot and raid would need two.

I may be misunderstanding here, but I think that if
you need two drives, you need a PCIe carrier to
put them into instead of the M.2 slot.

Maybe I misunderstand for the M.2 slot works.

The best I can tell, on-mobo socket M.2 M-key can be configured
as either SATA (stealing the connection to one of the sata connectors)
or as x1, x2 or x4 PCIe. On the mobos that I have this is controlled
by a BIOS setting (SATA vs PCIe).

In other words, in SATA mode, the M.2 socket is a funny looking SATA
port (combined data and power), while in PCIe mode, it is just a funny looking
PCIe x4 slot.

The "x4" part means the connector has provisions for 4 PCIe "lanes" (in and out signal 
"lvds pairs").

Same as with normal PCIe slots, not all PCIe lanes are necessary connected
to anything - quite common are x16 slots wired for 8 lanes, x8 slots wired for 
4 lanes
and x4 slots wired for 1 lane. (sometimes you can see how only half of the 
has metal pins).

The Intel CPU and chipset ("north bridge") have only so many PCIe lanes 
For each motherboard their routing to external devices (network interfaces,
additional SATA interfaces, etc) and to the PCIe slots (and M.2 slots) can
be documented or not. Some mobos allow flexible routing, i.e. "x16 and x16
to 2 PCIe slots, nothing to other slots" or "x8 to every slots", etc.

The actual connectivity can be see in the very small print of "lspci -" 
root permission) - shown is the device capability (number of PCIe lanes 
on the device) and actual connection (how many PCIe lanes are active).

All this seems to be very poorly understood:

I was recently amused to open a few decomissioned professionaly built servers
that had x8 PCIe RAID cards installed in "wired for x4" PCIe slots,
while slots "wired for x8" were empty. Neither the people who build the 
machines noticed
this not the people who used them for 10 years ever noticed that the RAID cards
were in the wrong slots.

So I wonder how many people buy super expensive fancy PCIe x4 SSDs for ultimate 
only to have them run at x1 speed because the mobo is not setup or wired 

The bottom line, with your x16 quad M.2 PCIe riser card, you better check that 
all 4 M.2 SSDs
are actually connected at x4 speed. (each SSD should show up in "lspci").

Some mobos have better description of PCIe routing than others - read the mobo 
very carefully. (read *before* buying, to avoid nasty surprises, like the 
network on the RaspberryPi machines).

Thank you for the education.  Now I understand!

Serious error.
All shortcuts have disappeared.
Screen. Mind. Both are blank.

Re: M.2 drivers?

2017-02-12 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 02/12/2017 08:34 AM, Konstantin Olchanski wrote:

On Sat, Feb 11, 2017 at 10:07:01PM -0800, ToddAndMargo wrote:

Any of your guys use M.2 drives?
Any trouble getting SL7 to boot off them?

Yes, we use Kingston (Toshiba) 120GB M.2 SATA SSDs as boot disks. On older 
we use Kingston SV300 plain SATA SSDs.

No special problems to report. 0 failures. SMART attributes make sense.

(Generally, Kingston (Toshiba) SSDs have good reliability,
out of two pagesful of SSDs, in almost 5 years only 2 failures,
the very first SSD (SV100) bricked by firmware update, one SV300 turned
into a space heater (if powered, heats to more than 50 degC, does not work,
internal short in the controller chip. by luck no flames, no fire).

Do you use them in RAID One at all?

Yes, we have many pairs of SVP200 and SV300 SSDs in RAID1 (linux mdadm).
One pair is ZFS RAID1.

Why asking? Do you expect linux mdadm raid1 malfunction on SSDs?

Hi Konstantin,

I am asking as several motherboards I have looked at only
have one M.2 slot and raid would need two.

I may be misunderstanding here, but I think that if
you need two drives, you need a PCIe carrier to
put them into instead of the M.2 slot.

Maybe I misunderstand for the M.2 slot works.

Do you have a favorite PCIe 16x carrier?

Socket M.2 M-key is PCIe x4 (or SATA). So this is 4x M.2 carrier? I got some 
M.2 carriers (dual M.2, I think) with some ASUS motherboards.

But I cannot use them, as we only have SATA SSDs due to excessive cost of PCIe 

Our typical machine configuration is 120GB SSD for system partition, pair
of 6 or 8TB HDDs for home and data storage (mdadm raid1). A nightly cron job
to rsync backup the SSD contents. (still worried about SSDs bricking 

Thank you!

Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

M.2 drivers?

2017-02-11 Thread ToddAndMargo

Hi All,

Any of your guys use M.2 drives?

Any trouble getting SL7 to boot off them?

Do you use them in RAID One at all?

Do you have a favorite PCIe 16x carrier?

Many thanks,

I am Windows
I am the Blue Screen of Death
No one hears your screams

selinux reports

2017-02-02 Thread ToddAndMargo

Hi All,

I just noticed I have "SELinux Alert Browser"has 26 reports.

Does it do any good to report them?  The "report bug"
button doesn't seem to do anything.  Maybe bugzilla


I am Windows
I am the Blue Screen of Death
No one hears your screams

Re: cdrom not white listed ????

2017-01-30 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 01/27/2017 12:46 PM, ToddAndMargo

  I just submitted:

--- Comment #2 from Ademar Reis <> ---
Todd, DVD/CDROM passthrough is disabled by design in RHEL7. That's actually
what Bug 760885 was tracking and it was correctly fixed (you can see the
justification for it there).

So unless I'm missing something in your report, things are working as expected
and I'm closing this BZ. Feel free to reopen if you have something else to add.

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Re: cdrom not white listed ????

2017-01-27 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 01/23/2017 11:32 PM, Karel Lang AFD wrote:

just quick search reveals quite a lot of things - eg.:

it says:
CD-ROM passthrough from to the host to a guest has been disabled in 
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 Beta for all front ends. QEMU reports 
"Driver 'host_cdrom' is not whitelisted" in this scenario.'

it also says it was fixed .. so maybe was reintroduced?


On 01/24/2017 04:42 AM, ToddAndMargo wrote:

On 12/21/2016 04:05 PM, ToddAndMargo wrote:

Hi All,

SL 7.2

I am drawing a blank on Google here.

I am, trying to boot a qemu-kvm virtual machine off
of /dev/sr0 (my DVD).  But I get the following error

 Error starting domain: internal error: qemu unexpectedly
 closed the monitor: 2016-12-22T00:00:30.330333Z qemu-kvm:
 -drive file=/dev/sr0,format=raw,if=none,media=cdrom,
 id=drive-sata0-0-0,readonly=on: could not open disk
 image /dev/sr0: Driver 'host_cdrom' is not whitelisted

"Not whitelisted" 

What am I doing wrong?

Many thanks,


I just submitted:

Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

Re: cdrom not white listed ????

2017-01-23 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 12/21/2016 04:05 PM, ToddAndMargo wrote:

Hi All,

SL 7.2

I am drawing a blank on Google here.

I am, trying to boot a qemu-kvm virtual machine off
of /dev/sr0 (my DVD).  But I get the following error

 Error starting domain: internal error: qemu unexpectedly
 closed the monitor: 2016-12-22T00:00:30.330333Z qemu-kvm:
 -drive file=/dev/sr0,format=raw,if=none,media=cdrom,
 id=drive-sata0-0-0,readonly=on: could not open disk
 image /dev/sr0: Driver 'host_cdrom' is not whitelisted

"Not whitelisted" 

What am I doing wrong?

Many thanks,


Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

perl 6 modules?

2017-01-14 Thread ToddAndMargo

Any of you guys program in Perl 6?

If so, how did you get your modules to install?

Many thanks,

I am Windows
I am the Blue Screen of Death
No one hears your screams

Re: I need to add something to my global PATH

2017-01-13 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 01/13/2017 06:13 PM, jdow wrote:

On 2017-01-13 17:42, ToddAndMargo wrote:

Hi All,

Google is failing me here. All I get is how to alter the path locally.

I want to add something to the PATH so the EVERYONE see it.

Edit /etc/profile

And one I make the changes, how do I reload the thing without having 
to reboot?

That's easy, logout and log back in.

So far as I know you can't do this without the logout. /etc/profile is 
read on login. Changing an existing bash instance seems to require 
manually fiddling with the PATH environment setting inside the running 
bash instance.


Thank you!  I used pathmunge inside profile

Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

I need to add something to my global PATH

2017-01-13 Thread ToddAndMargo

Hi All,

Google is failing me here. All I get is how to alter the path locally.

I want to add something to the PATH so the EVERYONE see it.

And one I make the changes, how do I reload the thing without having to 

Many thanks,

I am Windows
I am the Blue Screen of Death
No one hears your screams

Re: Perl 6 just hit

2017-01-02 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 01/02/2017 01:47 AM, Maarten wrote:
I'll just continue with bash before I start with anything else since I 
just recently started playing around with bash.

Hi Maarten,

I write it both Bash and Perl5.

Bash is wonderful if you are doing a lot of system calls.
Bash relies on other programs to do its heavy lifting.
And it is stripped down, which I find constraining

Perl has unbelievable string capabilities.  System
calls can be a bit tricky, especially when passing quotes


Re: Perl 6 just hit

2017-01-02 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 01/02/2017 07:16 PM, ToddAndMargo wrote:
I write it 


Computers are like air conditioners.
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Re: Perl 6 just hit

2016-12-29 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 12/28/2016 01:09 PM, Paul Robert Marino wrote:

  there is one for active Perl 6
projects but they don't want any one who doesn't already have an
active Perl 6 project to attend. I asked them very politely for a
clarification on their policy and didn't not get a response. I didn't
get a reply but I know other Perl 5 programmers who showed up looking
to get porting tips, and were asked to leave because they weren't
currently Perl 6 programmers, which is a very poor approach to take if
you really want to rebuild the Perl community.

I have found in all my years in this biz that when so called "experts" get
arrogant and condescending, it is usually because they don't
know what they are doing.  The real experts love to talk and talk
about what they have learned.  Sort of like letting the air out
of a compressed air container.

There is a Perl 6 mailing list with a bunch of great guys
over at

Computers are like air conditioners.
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Re: Perl 6 just hit

2016-12-29 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 12/28/2016 01:09 PM, Paul Robert Marino wrote:

Well I'm hoping my multi-threaded code will actually be able to use
multiple CPU cores on Linux. its worked on Solaris for a long time but
for some reason its always been CPU core bound on Linux.
Also I would like to start a local Perl 6 work group for Perl 5
programmers looking to port their code. there is one for active Perl 6
projects but they don't want any one who doesn't already have an
active Perl 6 project to attend. I asked them very politely for a
clarification on their policy and didn't not get a response. I didn't
get a reply but I know other Perl 5 programmers who showed up looking
to get porting tips, and were asked to leave because they weren't
currently Perl 6 programmers, which is a very poor approach to take if
you really want to rebuild the Perl community.

These Perl 5 to Perl 6 converters might be of interest to you:

Computers are like air conditioners.
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Re: Perl 6 just hit

2016-12-27 Thread ToddAndMargo

On Tue, Dec 27, 2016 at 8:28 PM, ToddAndMargo <> wrote:

Hi All,

Perl 6 just hit EPEL: rakudo-star.x86_64 0:0.0.2016.11-1.el7


Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

On 12/27/2016 05:53 PM, Paul Robert Marino wrote:

I guess that means I really should start writing in Perl 6

I am looking forward to the improved way of passing variables to
subroutines.  :-)

Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

Perl 6 just hit

2016-12-27 Thread ToddAndMargo

Hi All,

Perl 6 just hit EPEL: rakudo-star.x86_64 0:0.0.2016.11-1.el7


Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

cdrom not white listed ????

2016-12-21 Thread ToddAndMargo

Hi All,

SL 7.2

I am drawing a blank on Google here.

I am, trying to boot a qemu-kvm virtual machine off
of /dev/sr0 (my DVD).  But I get the following error

 Error starting domain: internal error: qemu unexpectedly
 closed the monitor: 2016-12-22T00:00:30.330333Z qemu-kvm:
 -drive file=/dev/sr0,format=raw,if=none,media=cdrom,
 id=drive-sata0-0-0,readonly=on: could not open disk
 image /dev/sr0: Driver 'host_cdrom' is not whitelisted

"Not whitelisted" 

What am I doing wrong?

Many thanks,

Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

Re: gui for scp ??

2016-12-14 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 12/10/2016 06:27 AM, Lars Behrens wrote:

Am 10.12.2016 um 04:25 schrieb ToddAndMargo:

Anyone know of a GUI for scp?  scp works, but it is
a pain in the neck getting everything right on the
command line.

IMO you should be able to work with your usual filemanager, e.g. Thunar.

Just connect with ssh://server-address in the address line, then you can
drag'n'drop or cut'n'paste like you are used to.


Hi Lars,

I have been using this like crazy since you told me about it.
Makes my life a lot less stressful.  Thank you again!


Computers are like air conditioners.
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Re: gui for scp ??

2016-12-10 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 12/10/2016 06:27 AM, Lars Behrens wrote:

Am 10.12.2016 um 04:25 schrieb ToddAndMargo:

Anyone know of a GUI for scp?  scp works, but it is
a pain in the neck getting everything right on the
command line.

IMO you should be able to work with your usual filemanager, e.g. Thunar.

Just connect with ssh://server-address in the address line, then you can
drag'n'drop or cut'n'paste like you are used to.


Hi Lars,

This I did not know!

Thunar works.  Krusader does not.  Thank you!

Interesting, Thunar changed ssh:// to sftp://

Thunar even took the alternate port number:


Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

xsensors is now working in Scientific Linux 7.2 and Xfce 4.12

2016-11-16 Thread ToddAndMargo

Hi All,

 xsensors GUI Failed:
Fixed and closed.

xsensors is a real treat.  You don't have to boot into BIOS to check
temperatures and fan speeds. And it is now working in Scientific
(RHEL 7.2 clone) and Fedora Core 24.


Here are my notes on it:

xsensors: GUI for motherboard sensors

# yum --enablerepo=* install lm_sensors
# dnf --enablerepo=* install lm_sensors

# yum --enablerepo=* install xsensors
# dnf --enablerepo=* install xsensors

to set up the sensors to monitor, one time run

# /usr/sbin/sensors-detect

Then create a launcher for

$ xsensors

Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

xsensors is now working in Scientific Linux 7.2 and Xfce 4.12

2016-11-16 Thread ToddAndMargo

Hi All,

 xsensors GUI Failed:
Fixed and closed.

xsensors is a real treat.  You don't have to boot into BIOS to check
temperatures and fan speeds. And it is now working in Scientific
(RHEL 7.2 clone) and Fedora Core 24.


Here are my notes on it:

xsensors: GUI for motherboard sensors

# yum --enablerepo=* install lm_sensors
# dnf --enablerepo=* install lm_sensors

# yum --enablerepo=* install xsensors
# dnf --enablerepo=* install xsensors

to set up the sensors to monitor, one time run

# /usr/sbin/sensors-detect

Then create a launcher for

$ xsensors

Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

How I upgrade Krusader to 2.5.0 on Red Hat

2016-11-02 Thread ToddAndMargo

Hi All,
In case anyone wants to upgrade Krsuader on Red Hat (RHEL and clones, Fedora), here
is what I did.  Keep in mind that you will lose all your settings and bookmarks
in the upgrade (

1) download the srpm from

2) make sure you have the EPEL repo loaded if your are using RHEL or clones
$ su -c "yum install epel-release"

3) install the dependencies

$ su -c "yum install  qt5-qtbase-devel kf5-kio-devel  kf5-karchive-devel kf5-kbookmarks-devel kf5-kcodecs-devel kf5-kcompletion-devel kf5-kcoreaddons-devel kf5-kconfig-devel  kf5-kdoctools-devel kf5-ki18n-devel  kf5-kiconthemes-devel  kf5-kitemviews-devel  kf5-knotifications-devel   kf5-kparts-devel  kf5-solid-devel   kf5-ktextwidgets-devel   kf5-kwallet-devel   kf5-kwidgetsaddons-devel  kf5-kwindowsystem-devel   kf5-kxmlgui-devel  kf5-kguiaddons-devel   extra-cmake-modules"

4) rebuild the srpm:
$ rpmbuild --rebuild krusader-2.5.0-1.fc26.src.rpm

5) copy over the two rpm's from the rebuild (shows in the text of the rebuild)

6) install the rpm:
$ su -c "rpm -Uvh krusader-2.5.0-1.el7.x86_64.rpm"

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Re: I need help with a curl command

2016-08-30 Thread ToddAndMargo

On 08/30/2016 06:02 AM, Michał Dalecki wrote:

On 30 Aug 2016, at 06:15, ToddAndMargo <> wrote:

Hi All,

Using "curl" command, how do I generate


found on

Many thanks,

Firefox give me this when I click on the download button:

I can’t see what firefox gives you.

But just using
curl -s 
 -w %{redirect_url}
you can get the url

to download that file just use:
curl $(curl -s 
 -w %{redirect_url}) -O


How in the world did you figure that out  ??!!

Thank you!!!

Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

I need help with a curl command

2016-08-29 Thread ToddAndMargo

Hi All,

Using "curl" command, how do I generate


found on

Many thanks,

Firefox give me this when I click on the download button:

Red Hat's new virtualization

2016-08-27 Thread ToddAndMargo

Hi All,

Will we be seeing any of this?

And does it have anything to do with qemu-kvm?

Many thanks,

Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

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