Re: loading drivers at install time

2007-03-24 Thread Jaroslaw Polok
>> Further data points:
>> Under the "Boot Options" in the BIOS, I see:
>> +---+
>>   - Boot Option #1   [PATA: SR244W  ...]
>>   - Boot Option #2   [Intel(R) MB RAID]
>>   - Boot Option #3   [IBA GE Slot 0500 v...]
>>   - Boot Option #4   [[EFI Shell]]
>> +---+

IBA GE Slot 0500 v...
 - is Preboot eXecution Environment stack on your network
   [ ]

EFI Shell
 - is (simple) Extensible Firmware Interface shell
   (allowing probably for diagnostics/firmware updates
... etc)
[ ]


_ Jaroslaw_Polok ___ CERN - IT/FIO/LA _
_ ___ tel_+41_22_767_1834 _
_ +41_78_792_0795 _

Re: yum test option?

2007-04-12 Thread Jaroslaw Polok
Hello all.

>> However, I want to do a manual yum install of a package and
>> I don't see a "test" option in the man page, similar to the
>> rpm --test option - an option I relied on heavily to keep
>> from shooting myself in the foot.
>> Is there a way to do a "test" with yum?  So far google hasn't
>> helped, or I'm not looking in the right places.

You could use yum-tsflags yum plugin which allows
passing arbitary flags to RPM transaction.

1) Install it: yum install yum-tsflags
2) Enable it: in /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/tsflags.conf
3) Example usage:

   # rpm -q xsane
   package xsane is not installed

   # yum --tsflags="test" install xsane
   Is this ok [y/N]: y
   Downloading Packages:
   (1/1): xsane-0.92-13.i386 100% |=| 1.3 MB   00:00
   Running Transaction Test
   Finished Transaction Test
   Transaction Test Succeeded
   Running Transaction

   Installed: xsane.i386 0:0.92-13

   # rpm -q xsane
   package xsane is not installed

The above is equivalent to using --test on rpm command line.

Best Regards


_ Jaroslaw_Polok ___ CERN - IT/FIO/LA _
_ ___ tel_+41_22_767_1834 _
_ +41_78_792_0795 _


2007-04-24 Thread Jaroslaw Polok
> Why not try the Virtualization Guide coming with SL5 ;-)

You could also try experimental SL(C)4 setup we use here at CERN
[if you want to use it on SL(C)4]:

base Xen setup:

virtualization framework:


_ Jaroslaw_Polok ___ CERN - IT/FIO/LA _
_ ___ tel_+41_22_767_1834 _
_ +41_78_792_0795 _

Re: Yum autoupdate: overwriting configuration files

2007-05-31 Thread Jaroslaw Polok

Patrick Jussel wrote:
> Hello!

First: wrong list: for questions about SL CERN please ask on cern.linux

> The last times when yum-autoupdate updated our Scientific Linux Cern 4
> machines both packages "cups" and "postfix" did not continue to run
> properly. It seems, that yum-autoupdate overwrites the configuration
> files, which is not the preferred way of course (in my opinion). So my
> question now is: is this a bug or a feature, and how can I prevent yum
> from overwriting configuration files?

yum-autoupdate does not overwrite given package conf files:
the package does (or doesn;t) it itself.

Which config files have been overwritten in your case ?

_ Jaroslaw_Polok ___ CERN - IT/FIO/LA _
_ ___ tel_+41_22_767_1834 _
_ +41_78_792_0795 _

Re: how to reload audio drivers from CLI?

2007-07-02 Thread Jaroslaw Polok

> I just wonder how to reload audio drivers from
> the command line?

Just execute as root:

/sbin/modprobe -r MODULE && /abin/modprobe MODULE

To see what the MODULE argument should be check your
/etc/modprobe.conf content (most likely this will be


_ Jaroslaw_Polok ___ CERN - IT/FIO/LA _
_ ___ tel_+41_22_767_1834 _
_ +41_78_792_0795 _

Re: SL5 example site?

2007-07-10 Thread Jaroslaw Polok
Hello all

> I'm especially interested in adding installer classes
> to anaconda cleanly.  It isn't clear how the RHupdates/ directory really
> works vs. building a new anaconda rpm.

As Connie already pointed out RHUpdates/ works only for
NFS installs.

However one can make updates.img (in /images for
SL5, or in /SL/base/ for SL4 and 3) out of the content
of RHUpdates (see /build/scripts/
and then this image is used for any install type.

Its content supercedes what is in anaconda, so you will
possibly need to create a corresponding directory
structure in RHUpdates first.

Best Regards


PS: We have an updates.img for SLC4 at:
(as an example ..)
_ Jaroslaw_Polok ___ CERN - IT/FIO/LA _
_ ___ tel_+41_22_767_1834 _
_ +41_78_792_0795 _

Re: Installing SL 4.5 on machines with SATA hard disk

2007-11-12 Thread Jaroslaw Polok

> Does anybody know any other solution or workaround?

If your system BIOS permits it, change "disk access" mode
(can be called differently depending on BIOS manufacturer)
to "RAID" or "Native / Legacy Mode IDE" (again, this can be
called differently .. )



PS: Above works for most (all ?) Intel AHCI chipsets ..
depends what you have in your box ..
_ Jaroslaw_Polok ___ CERN - IT/FIO/LA _
_ ___ tel_+41_22_767_1834 _
_ +41_78_792_0795 _

Re: [4.4 also] Re: 5.0 heads up: samba-3.0.25b update seems to need krb5-1.6

2007-11-21 Thread Jaroslaw Polok
> rpm -U --force samba-client-previous.version
> samba-server-previous.version samba-common.previous.version

rpm -U --oldpackage ...

would probably do ...


_ Jaroslaw_Polok ___ CERN - IT/FIO/LA _
_ ___ tel_+41_22_767_1834 _
_ +41_78_792_0795 _

Re: PXE non interactive boot prompt for GPT partition table

2007-12-05 Thread Jaroslaw Polok
> and read (something like) "/de/sdb has some GPT
> table, I cant do much with it unless you reformat it. Do it [Yes] [Ignore]".


> Is there a way to say that in the kickstart file so that I'm not
> prompted for this at install?

Try using:

ignoredisk --drives=sdb

in your kickstart file (this should work correctly
from SL 4.5 on, even if not documented ;-) - for SL 4.4
version it may also work if you do not use clearpart
directive in your kickstart file)


_ Jaroslaw_Polok ___ CERN - IT/FIO/LA _
_ ___ tel_+41_22_767_1834 _
_ +41_78_792_0795 _

Re: Help! Can not build VSFTPD on my system!

2008-02-04 Thread Jaroslaw Polok

Looks like (quite common) problem of picking up library
for wrong architecture in linker path ...

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] vsftpd-2.0.5]# make
>>> gcc -o vsftpd main.o utility.o prelogin.o ftpcmdio.o postlogin.o 
>> privsock.o tunables.o ftpdataio.o secbuf.o ls.o postprivparent.o 
>> logging.o str.o netstr.o sysstr.o strlist.o banner.o filestr.o 
>> parseconf.o secutil.o ascii.o oneprocess.o twoprocess.o privops.o 
>> standalone.o hash.o tcpwrap.o ipaddrparse.o access.o features.o 
>> readwrite.o ssl.o sysutil.o sysdeputil.o -Wl,-s `./`
>>> /lib/ could not read symbols: File in wrong format

It should link against /lib64/libpam* in your case.
(most likely you have /lib in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH ...
get rid of it and then it'll link fine: or look at to see why it picks up 32bit libraries
instead of 64bit ones ...)


_ Jaroslaw_Polok ___ CERN - IT/FIO/LA _
_ ___ tel_+41_22_767_1834 _
_ +41_78_792_0795 _

Re: [5.1] Where to find kstars?

2008-03-03 Thread Jaroslaw Polok
> P.S.: I'm also a bit shocked to learn that yum can find no Amarok 
> package...

Most likely because it does not work nicely with
not-the-latest  GTK ...

I have my private (old) amarok (1.4) rpms for SL(C)4 at:

.. you may give it a try if you do not find newer ...
(be aware that on SL(C)4 the GUI - with few thousands
song collection - is barely useable ... scrolls ..
VEEERY slowly ... (but plays OK) due to old GTK libs
... I guess)

_ Jaroslaw_Polok ___ CERN - IT/FIO/LA _
_ ___ tel_+41_22_767_1834 _
_ +41_78_792_0795 _

Re: apt-get problem

2008-03-14 Thread Jaroslaw Polok

Salamanka A. Serge wrote:

I guess this folder should be used:

but not sure

In SL CERN 3.0.8 apt is using slc30x by default although the folder 
slc308 exists (have a look here ) , so 
you may give a try.

However be aware that we at CERN have stopped support for SL CERN 
version 3 (SLC3) in October 2007: in above mentioned repository you will

not find anything any updates newer than that ...


Re: SL45 & cups

2008-03-22 Thread Jaroslaw Polok

Hello all.

I wonder whether there's a hidden switch when building rpm to make it 
work right with z-stream tags. If there is, the CentOS folks haven't 
found it either... I'm going to check whether TUV's rpm binaries get it 
right, unless someone beats me to it.

unfortunately it is not really consistent: most src rpms use %dist tag
which just needs to be defined at build time: the problem is that 
sometimes the tag is there .. but is not used in build process...

The only way we found so far is just grepping on src.rpm name
looking for .el4_5 .el4_6 ... etc in %release and then using
--define %dist to rpmbuild accordingly ...



Re: yum update error SL(C) 4.6

2008-03-31 Thread Jaroslaw Polok
Horton-Smith, Glenn wrote:
> Hi.  I was getting the same error.  It seems to be related to the "Dag" 
> repository.  
> ($basearch/dag/.) 
>  If I disable that, e.g. by using "--disablerepo dag" in the yum command line 
> or simply by moving away dag.repo from /etc/yum.repos.d, the error goes away.
> Anyone from the SL team know what the problem is with this repo, which is 
> after all hosted (or at least mirrored) at

Looks like the dag repo metadata was broken
last weekend: after next repository resync it should be
OK again...

_ Jaroslaw_Polok ___ CERN - IT/FIO/LA _
_ ___ tel_+41_22_767_1834 _
_ +41_78_792_0795 _

Re: Many SL users running on ia64 ?

2008-04-15 Thread Jaroslaw Polok
Troy Dawson wrote:
> I just wanted to second Martin's words.
> We originally had Itanium because a lab or two had some Itanium
> clusters, but those went away for whatever reason, and we eventually
> dropped support due to nobody wanting it.

Indeed, one of the labs being CERN, we still have a CERN version
for ia64 available at: (currently this is SLC4.6)

.. this receives all the regular updates and will continue to
exist for still some time (until SL(C)4 support is stopped at
CERN - not anytime soon ;-))

As for the version 5 ... for time being we do not plan to use it
in immediate future on ia64 .. so I do not think we will provide it
for SL community either ...

Best Regards




Our own numbers show only 100-105 ia64 systems running
SLC4 (out of which 95 are our own at CERN ..)

_ Jaroslaw_Polok ___ CERN - IT/FIO/LA _
_ ___ tel_+41_22_767_1834 _
_ +41_78_792_0795 _

Re: "4-head" display configuration

2008-05-27 Thread Jaroslaw Polok

> We have an NVIDIA Quadro NVS 290 graphics adapter.

We use NVIDIA Quadro NVS 400 / 440 for quad-view setups:

I'm not sure that NVS290 can do this ?
(according to:
NVS440 - Max Displays/Board = 4
NVS290 - Max Displays/Board = 2 ...)

> We have installed the kernel-module-nvidia package, so we have some kind
> of driver, but maybe not the best one.

We use 96.43.01 nvidia driver at present (but 87 series worked too,
with slightly different xorg configs, with "UseDisplayDevice" option
AFAIR ..).

> So far, we haven't even succeeded in configuring a dual head display.

Frankly saying I never got too much luck with nvidia's own
config tool , therefore I always did it manually ;-);

You may need to change the following:

- BusID lines in Device sections
  (you may see these on your system using /sbin/lspci)

- ConnectedMonitor in Device sections
  (ie if you use DVI connected LCDs that would be "DFP,DFP"
   rather than "CRT,CRT")

The config we use for 4 outputs is as follows:

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "Default Layout"
Screen  0  "Screen0"
Screen  1  "Screen1" RightOf "Screen0"
Screen  2  "Screen2" Below "Screen0"
Screen  3  "Screen3" RightOf "Screen2"
InputDevice"Mouse0" "CorePointer"
InputDevice"Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
Option "Clone" "off"
Option "Xinerama" "on"
Section "Module"
Load  "dbe"
Load  "extmod"
SubSection "extmod"
  Option "omit xfree86-dga"
Load  "fbdevhw"
Load  "glx"
Load  "record"
Load  "freetype"
Load  "type1"
Load  "dri"
Section "Monitor"
Identifier   "Monitor0"
VendorName   "Quadview Input 0"
ModelName"Monitor 1400x1050"
HorizSync31.5 - 90.0
VertRefresh  50.0 - 90.0
#Option "dpms"

Section "Monitor"
Identifier   "Monitor1"
VendorName   "Quadview Input 1"
ModelName"Monitor 1400x1050"
HorizSync31.5 - 90.0
VertRefresh  50.0 - 90.0
#Option  "dpms"

Section "Monitor"
Identifier   "Monitor2"
VendorName   "Quadview Input 2"
ModelName"Monitor 1400x1050"
HorizSync31.5 - 90.0
VertRefresh  50.0 - 90.0
#Option  "dpms"

Section "Monitor"
Identifier   "Monitor3"
VendorName   "Quadview Input 3"
ModelName"Monitor 1400x1050"
HorizSync31.5 - 90.0
VertRefresh  50.0 - 90.0
#Option  "dpms"
Section "Device"
Identifier  "Videocard0"
Driver  "nvidia"
VendorName  "HP"
BoardName   "NVIDIA Quadro NVS 440 (GPU-0/0)"
Option  "NoPowerConnectorCheck"
BusID   "PCI:3:0:0"
Option  "ConnectedMonitor" "CRT,CRT"

Section "Device"
Identifier  "Videocard1"
Driver  "nvidia"
VendorName  "HP"
BoardName   "NVIDIA Quadro NVS 440 (GPU-0/1)"
Option  "NoPowerConnectorCheck"
BusID   "PCI:3:0:0"
Option  "ConnectedMonitor" "CRT,CRT"
Screen 1

Section "Device"
Identifier  "Videocard2"
Driver  "nvidia"
VendorName  "HP"
BoardName   "NVIDIA Quadro NVS 440 (GPU-1/0)"
Option  "NoPowerConnectorCheck"
BusID   "PCI:4:0:0"
Option  "ConnectedMonitor" "CRT,CRT"

Section "Device"
Identifier  "Videocard3"
Driver  "nvidia"
VendorName  "HP"
BoardName   "NVIDIA Quadro NVS 440 (GPU-1/1)"
Option  "NoPowerConnectorCheck"
BusID   "PCI:4:0:0"
Option  "ConnectedMonitor" "CRT,CRT"
Screen 1
Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen0"
Device "Videocard0"
DefaultDepth 24
SubSection "Display"
Viewport   0 0
Depth 24
Modes"1400x1050" "1280x1024" "800x600" "640x480"

Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen1"
Device "Videocard1"
DefaultDepth 24
SubSection "Display"
Viewport   0 0
Depth 24
Modes"1400x1050" "1280x1024" "800x600" "640x480"

Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen2"
Device "Videocard2"
DefaultDepth 24
SubSection "Display"
Viewport   0 0
Depth 24
Modes"1400x1050" "1280x1024" "800x600" "640x480"

Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen3"
Device "Vide

Re: hugemem

2008-06-02 Thread Jaroslaw Polok

> This leads me to another help request. Someone know how I can get the
> .config of default and hugemem kernel? to study the differences?

If you have both installed: Look at /boot/config-VERSION-RELEASE


_ Jaroslaw_Polok ___ CERN - IT/FIO/LA _
_ ___ tel_+41_22_767_1834 _
_ +41_78_792_0795 _

Re: Scientific Linux & LHC ?

2008-09-26 Thread Jaroslaw Polok

The grid is too, but for all I know some of it may run under XEN or some
other emulation, so I suppose it could be SL4 under something else.

It usually is SLC4 under SLC4 too (at CERN we added RHEL5
Xen to SLC4) ;-)

_ Jaroslaw_Polok ___ CERN - IT/FIO/LA _
_ ___ tel_+41_22_767_1834 _
_ +41_78_792_0795 _

Re: Adding driver to installation

2008-11-25 Thread Jaroslaw Polok

Hi all

Not sure how the procedure at Driver Update Program worked
for others, but we sucessfully use it now on SL(C)5.2
here at CERN for few drivers

(updated e1000e, e1000, ixgbe (with ioatdma) etc)

We intend to have it also for other add-on kernel
modules (whenever possible ... some modules may
not be cross-kernel version compatible due to usage
of functions not in stable RHEL 5 kernel ABI ..)

.. of course we will still need to produce driver disks
for installations - but with the recent driver disk kit
from RH this is also easier: not only such driver disk
image contains kernel modules but also rpms and yum
repository information: as a result during install time
updated/add-on driver can be used and after install
corresponding rpms are installed on the system
(and since these are packaged according to DUP guidelines
.. there is no need to upgrade them with each and every
kernel upgrade)

Sounds like less of work with kernel upgrades, right ? ;-)



_ Jaroslaw_Polok ___ CERN - IT/FIO/LA _
_ ___ tel_+41_22_767_1834 _
_ +41_78_792_0795 _

Re: Adding driver to installation

2008-11-27 Thread Jaroslaw Polok

Mark Stodola wrote:

It can be found here:

The documentation for ddiskit is rather sparse.  

Indeed, but fortunately the whole thing is not that complicated ;-)

> I've yet to try the depmod.conf overriding to
handle kernel updates when replacing a stock driver. 

It does work, that's how we ship our replacement e1000(e) and other 
drivers (just a file in /etc/depmod.d/, containing, for e1000 this:

override e1000 * weak-updates/e1000)

I'm still looking 
for a way to roll either the update disk itself or what it generates 
into the install media so it is hidden from the user altogether.

While looking at DUP and digging in anaconda loader
sources I've "discovered" something which does not
seem to be documented at all , but which may be useful
for you...:

If you make a driver disk with ddiskit and store it
at the root of install initrd.img as dd.img
it will be auto-loaded and used by anaconda without
any further action needed (ie no dd=.. specifying on
command line): quite useful especially for network
drivers with PXE installs ...

Note: there is one rule to be respected for the above:
Even if such driver disk will contain drivers made
according to DUP - so kernel-version independent -
it MUST be built against the right install kernel
version ! (otherwise anaconda will silently skip it ...)



_ Jaroslaw_Polok ___ CERN - IT/FIO/LA _
_ ___ tel_+41_22_767_1834 _
_ +41_78_792_0795 _

Re: SL 4 CERN - glibc update

2009-04-24 Thread Jaroslaw Polok

Nicola Maggi wrote:

Hello to everyone,
Excuse me in advance if I'm asking here something about Scientific
Linux CERN but I wasn't able to find any related mailing list for
users who are outside CERN.

It the same as for users inside CERN:
(see on there is a link for subscription)

I have a SL CERN 4.7 installed on a test machine, and I require to run
some tests with a c++ library that requires glibc 2.5.
My SL has installed this version of glibc packets:
glibc  2.3.4-2.41.el4_71
glibc-common 2.3.4-2.41.el4_71
glibc-devel  2.3.4-2.41.el4_71
glibc-headers 2.3.4-2.41.el4_71
glibc-kernheaders   2.3.4-2.41.el4_71

Could anyone help me update those packets?
I've tryed yum-update glibc but it seems like the SL4 repository only
contains those ones.

Generally speaking updating glibc to newer version
on a given distribution (like from 2.3.4 to 2.5)
is a non-trivial task: your distribution packages
rely on 2.3.4 version and may/will not function properly
if you upgrade it to 2.5:

If you need to test something that requires glibc 2.5
why don't you install SLC5 (or SL5) that contains it
instead ?

Best Regards

_ Jaroslaw_Polok ___ CERN - IT/FIO/LA _
_ ___ tel_+41_22_767_1834 _
_ +41_78_792_0795 _

Re: SL 4 CERN - glibc update

2009-04-27 Thread Jaroslaw Polok


I read somewere around that it would be possible to build glibc-2.5 in
a separate folder and don't let my system use it,just some
application?Have you or someone else some info or any hints about were
to start searching?

You could modify the compat-glibc spec file from
RHEL5/SL(C)5 to make it build 2.5 on 4:


_ Jaroslaw_Polok ___ CERN - IT/FIO/LA _
_ ___ tel_+41_22_767_1834 _
_ +41_78_792_0795 _

Re: SL 4.x problems with ATI fglrx after kernel-update

2009-06-11 Thread Jaroslaw Polok

Hi all

we currently have no real RedHat or CentOS systems running at Aachen. So, we
cannot check if the problem with the drivers is "ScientificLinux"-made or a
general problem of this kernel version.

This seems to be generic problem with the -78.0.22.EL
kernel (-89.EL too BTW): we see it as well here at CERN

Unfortunately we are not able to find any fix/workaround:
so far we tested the catalyst 9.5/9.4/9.3/9.2/9.1/8.8/8.7/
8.28.8 fglrx driver and none works on SL(C)4 anymore.

(Also none of fglrx driver versions we've tested -
9.5/9.4/9.2/8.7 - works on SL(C)5 with kernel -128.1.10.el5)

So if anybody on this list got a version of fglrx that
works: please let others know...

As for unresolved symbols in driver: this is due to
picking up wrong fglrx X11 driver version from ATI/AMD
package: ie not the one for X11 release that 4 uses: x710



PS: We've asked RedHat about and they also do not know
which version(s) of fglrx could work on 4/5 ...
_ Jaroslaw_Polok ___ CERN - IT/FIO/LA _
_ ___ tel_+41_22_767_1834 _
_ +41_78_792_0795 _

Re: dual head with ATI Radeon 43xx

2009-06-19 Thread Jaroslaw Polok

Mark Stodola wrote:
I run a 3650 on SL5.2 just fine.  I don't see any reason why a higher 
end card on a slightly newer revision wouldn't work, except maybe kernel 

Unfortunately this is what we seem to see now (2.6.18-128.1.10.el5 
kernels and also on SL(C)4 2.6.9-89.EL): ATI drivers producing just

black screen ...

If anybody gets a working ATI/AMD fglrx driver
on fully updated SL(C)4 and/or SL(C)4 (ie all updates,
latest kernels) I would be grateful to know what is the
exact version used ...



_ Jaroslaw_Polok ___ CERN - IT/FIO/LA _
_ ___ tel_+41_22_767_1834 _
_ +41_78_792_0795 _

Re: GoogleEarthLinux.bin fails to install [ADDITION]

2009-07-20 Thread Jaroslaw Polok

$ sh GoogleEarthLinux.bin
Verifying archive integrity...Error in MD5 checksums:
09923ec56a4b8ccbbe77f4fc280e3490 is different from 

has anyone successfully installed any version of google earth?

Yes, just the current one (5... something) - be aware
that it will not work with selinux enabled (unless
somebody has a selinux policy written for it ?)

It seems to me that the problem may be with your system
setup: the installer script for calculating md5 sums
needs following utilities:

sh, head, wc, tr, md5sum, echo and cut

(coming from bash and coreutils packages)

Verify that your installation of the above is not

# rpm -V coreutils bash

(there should be no output)

and verify that /usr/bin/ and /bin/ where above utils can
be found are on your PATH

# echo $PATH

You may also want to verify if your md5sum utility is the
system one (and not some wrapper script for example):

# which md5sum

and check if you have an utility called 'md5'
(google installer will try to use that one if found)

If above still does not help try running
GoogleEarthLinux.bin installer using 'sh -x' ... this should show
you the exact commands executed ..



_ Jaroslaw_Polok ___ CERN - IT/FIO/LA _
_ ___ tel_+41_22_767_1834 _
_ +41_78_792_0795 _

Re: SLC4 64bit no multicore kernel installed

2009-08-26 Thread Jaroslaw Polok
Daniele Benedetti wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've installed the SLC4 64bit from the standard menu installation using 
> the network at CERN.
> I have a standard cern desktop HP dc-5850 with a AMD Phenom X4.

> I discovered that the installed kernel does not support multicore;
> this is what I see from /proc/cpuinfo

If a non SMP kernel has been installed and made default , it may
indicate that your system has multicore disabled in BIOS:

Some HP DC 5850 were delivered that way at CERN

Please check in the system BIOS the 'multicore' (or VT ? .. sorry don;t
remember how the actual option is called .. ) is enabled.

Best Regards


PS: Since you are at CERN, and are using CERN version
I invite you to use our support line for CERN
_ Jaroslaw_Polok ___ CERN - IT/FIO/LA _
_ ___ tel_+41_22_767_1834 _
_ +41_78_792_0795 _

Scientific Linux CERN: End of support for ia64 (Itanium II) architecture on 31st of March 2010

2010-01-22 Thread Jaroslaw Polok
Dear Scientific Linux CERN ia64 users.

Due to a low demand and very marginal usage of
ia64 architecture in Scientific Linux CERN users
community we would like to announce that we will stop
the support for it on the 31st of March 2010.

- No further Scientific Linux CERN 4 (SLC4) and
  Scientific Linux CERN 5 (SLC5) updates will be
  provided for ia64 platform after that date.

- No future versions of Scientific Linux CERN for
  ia64 will be released.

- Current versions of SLC for ia64 will be removed
  from our installation service.

  Existing ia64 SLC4/SLC5 CERN users are encouraged to
  migrate to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4/5 systems.
  Please contact if
  assistance with this migration process is needed.

  We would like to thank all ia64 users, especially
  the CERN Openlab members for the support, feedback
  and hardware supplied through the past years.

Re: SL and EPEL experiences?

2010-01-27 Thread Jaroslaw Polok

Jim Green wrote:
> Hi all
> I'm considering adding the EPEL repository
> to a SL54 network of around 50 machines.  Do any of the SL users
> here have any experience of EPEL, especially incompatibilities,
> problems etc ...

We do: For our SL version - SLC(ern) we actually add
the EPEL repo by default to our installations:
No problems seen so far and no incompatibilities/conflicts:
But that is to be expected: EPEL policy is to add
only supplementary packages without changing/updating
what is provided by the system.
(that's to say we also use protectbase yum plugin
to make sure that our system repositories take
precedence over all others .. just in case and because
we ship some packages which are in EPEL too - for
historical reasons mostly ...)

So far few hundred users are running since few months
with this configuration and we haven;t received any
complaints/problem reports.



_ Jaroslaw_Polok __ CERN - IT/OIS/ODS _
_ ___ tel_+41_22_767_1834 _
_ +41_78_792_0795 _

Re: SL and EPEL experiences?

2010-01-27 Thread Jaroslaw Polok
> EPEL really only starts causing problems
> when you decide to mix it with Dag/RPMForge as their packages can leapfrog
> each other and break depsolving.

Indeed, we've seen same problem here and dropped
Dag/RPMForge from the list of repositories we propose
to SLC5 users: replacing system packages/libraries by
newer versions breaks the compatibility between
SLC/SL/RHEL/CentoOS ... so in the longer run it was
causing us more problems than bringing benefits ..



_ Jaroslaw_Polok __ CERN - IT/OIS/ODS _
_ ___ tel_+41_22_767_1834 _
_ +41_78_792_0795 _

Re: Nvidia woes...

2010-04-28 Thread Jaroslaw Polok
Alan Bartlett wrote:

> I don't use nVidia graphics cards and also should mention my
> connection to the ELRepo Project "up front" but have you tried using
> the kernel independent, kABI tracking kmod packages that the ELRepo
> Project provides? [1]

We do use some NVIDIA's but mostly with 96xx legacy series
driver (however we may start using the 195 current series
on our future hardware):

So far we use nvidia packages we maintain ourselves but it would
be interesting for us to change this situation...

Speaking of which I'm little bit confused about nvidia kernel
modules and kABI: checking
and using kABI testing script gives following result on your

kmod-nvidia-190.53-1.el5.elrepo.x86_64.rpm, nvidia.ko:

./ ./lib/modules/2.6.18-164.el5/extra/nvidia/nvidia.ko
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 ABI Checker

ABI Checker version: 1.2

Whitelist: /usr/src/kernels/2.6.18-194.el5-x86_64/kabi_whitelist

WARNING: The following symbols are used by your module
WARNING: and are not on the ABI whitelist.

symbol: acpi_walk_namespace
symbol: agp_bridges
symbol: acpi_get_handle
symbol: acpi_os_wait_events_complete
symbol: acpi_evaluate_object
symbol: acpi_bus_get_device
symbol: acpi_install_notify_handler
symbol: acpi_evaluate_integer
symbol: acpi_remove_notify_handler

Are you using a different ABI Checker script ?
.. since the version 1.2 does not seem to be happy
about nvidia kernel modules here 

Best Regards


_ Jaroslaw_Polok __ CERN - IT/OIS/ODS _
_ ___ tel_+41_22_767_1834 _
_ +41_78_792_0795 _

Re: Machine-parseable errata?

2011-01-11 Thread Jaroslaw Polok
>>> I'm using OCS Inventory to create a database of packages and their versions
>>> for my SL machines.  I'd like to write a script that goes through the
>>> database and flags the ones that are out-of-date, indicating how important
>>> an upgrade is.  Is there a source of package versions and
>>> errata that is easy to parse by machine?

Not exactly what you have in mind , but probably could be
changed to use data from OCS database instead of
collecting data itself:


_ Jaroslaw_Polok __ CERN - IT/OIS/ODS _
_ ___ tel_+41_22_767_1834 _
_ +41_76_487_9487 _

Re: HP LaserJet M1212nf MFP

2011-05-23 Thread Jaroslaw Polok
On 05/23/2011 08:33 AM, Zack Yovel wrote:
> Anyone know if this model (HP LaserJet M1212nf MFP) can be installed on linux 
> and
> how?

Seems that it is supported by hplip project:


note that you will need to replace the SL included hplip
version (1.6.7 on 5 , 3.9.8 on 6) by at least 3.10.4
according to docs on HP site ...




_ Jaroslaw_Polok __ CERN - IT/OIS/ODS _
_ ___ tel_+41_22_767_1834 _
_ +41_76_487_9487 _

Re: Install SL6 on RAID 0 on GA-890GPA-UD3H (chipset: AMD SB850 )

2011-05-26 Thread Jaroslaw Polok

On 05/26/2011 10:28 PM, Orion Poplawski wrote:
> On 05/26/2011 07:29 AM, Zack Yovel wrote:
>> 1. Hyper-V does not support RHEL. The only linux distro it supports is SUSE.
> I'm running a couple of CentOS 5.6 instances under Hyper-V.  Horrible clock 
> drift
> issues, but otherwise okay.

You may want to add:

divider=10 clocksource=acpi_pm

to kernel arguments in /etc/grub.conf

to correct the clock drift problem.

Best Regards


_ Jaroslaw_Polok __ CERN - IT/OIS/ODS _
_ ___ tel_+41_22_767_1834 _
_ +41_76_487_9487 _

Re: mount.cifs in sl6

2011-07-14 Thread Jaroslaw Polok
mount.cifs and umount.cifs are included in cifs-utils
package .. so you should be able to just:

# yum install cifs-utils

to have these installed on your system.


_ Jaroslaw_Polok __ CERN - IT/OIS/ODS _
_ ___ tel_+41_22_767_1834 _
_ +41_76_487_9487 _


2011-07-19 Thread Jaroslaw Polok
Hello all

On 07/19/2011 11:09 AM, Bernhard Linseisen wrote:
> For an extensive answer you probably should ask the people at CERN IT 
> directly, but so far I can tell you:

Thank you Bernhard for the answer , very nice summary !

I will just add a little:

> About the default RPMs I don't know.

Default set of packages for SLC installation differs from base SL or RH / 

One of our users requirement is to be able to easily install a
system which provides same package sets and configuration as our
centrally managed interactive computing clusters.

[ this set changes in between major releases and sometimes also
  in between minor ones ]

> If it is suitable outside depends what you mean by "suitable". 
> If "suitable" means "it runs" then I'd say yes. (At least it was like that 
> when I tried SLC5.

I'm sure this is still the case: installation process detects if
a given system is on a CERN network (during firstboot launch) and
then performs (or not) CERN specific configuration adjustements
( AFS / Kerberos / time servers / sendmail / ... etc ...)

> The question is more: Why would you need SLC6 instead of SL6?

I couldn;t agree more: as it was already mentioned CERN provides
SLC support to CERN users (well, of course if resources and time
permits we also respond to outside users, but with lower priority)

[ I guess this is similar in case of FNAL and the SLF used
there or DESY and SLD variants .. ]

Best Regards

Jarek [ CERN Linux Support ]
_ Jaroslaw_Polok __ CERN - IT/OIS/ODS _
_ ___ tel_+41_22_767_1834 _
_ +41_76_487_9487 _

Re: SL6.1 MRG/realtime patch - good and bad news

2011-10-17 Thread Jaroslaw Polok


Since we are "guilty" for these MRG builds let me comment on this too..

*However*, all is not perfect. For the majority of the time, everything is rosy 
we've got three big dual-Xeon machines all merrily running 24hours/day. Then, 
day, a reboot of the machine brought the system back up with a kernel panic (not
syncing: Attempted to kill init!).

We see similar problems with some of the systems running MRG kernel-rt here at 
CERN: in all cases so far these kernel Ooopses do happen on system boot and 
rebooting system again (sometimes twice) temporarily 'fixes' the situation.

I would be interested in seeing more debug output from panics you see, to
compare with what we experience...

Would be interested in anyone shedding light of exactly what "dracut" is,

Here: - you'll find all information about

Best Regards


PS: Please use rather in your MRG
repo setup not - that one may
point to different repositories in the future ...

_ Jaroslaw_Polok __ CERN - IT/OIS/ODS _
_ ___ tel_+41_22_767_1834 _
_ +41_76_487_9487 _

Re: comparison of packages on different repositories

2011-12-14 Thread Jaroslaw Polok

Hello all

Please add "SLC 6", the CERN flavour of SL. Contains many additional packages,
some only useful at CERN, others generally useful, but avialable
only to users inside CERN.

Some correction: only small part of packages (alike
oracle-instantclient where redistribution restrictions
apply) is available to CERN users
only, these are in 'cernonly' repository part. All others
are available to everybody.



_ Jaroslaw_Polok __ CERN - IT/OIS/ODS _
_ ___ tel_+41_22_767_1834 _
_ +41_76_487_9487 _

Re: Firefox 10 system wide preferences

2012-03-29 Thread Jaroslaw Polok

> I'm not looking for theoretical replies, but rather someone who is _actually_
> doing it and has it working.  There must be someone out there who's got this
> worked out on SL/CentOS/TUV.

We do.

with Firefox 10/Thunderbird 10 is is enough to drop files in
preferences directories (without altering original ones): these
are processed in sort order on startup.


(of course change lib64 to lib on 32bit platform)

Now, unfortunately it does not work for browser startup page,
apparently because of:

(yes I know it is an old bug for FF 3.0 , but looking at
spec file for FF 10 a workaround for this bug is still applied ,
which may not be necessary anymore)

The workaround used prevents browser home page customization from js 
to get rid of it you would need to rebuild firefox disabling/changing it in spec
file or repack all/some  /usr/lib64/firefox/langpacks/langpack-*.xpi files
changing content of chrome/*/locale/branding/



_ Jaroslaw_Polok __ CERN - IT/OIS/ODS _
_ ___ tel_+41_22_767_1834 _
_ +41_76_487_9487 _

Re: Firefox 10 system wide preferences

2012-03-29 Thread Jaroslaw Polok
On 03/29/2012 03:51 PM, Jaroslaw Polok wrote:
> Hello
>> I'm not looking for theoretical replies, but rather someone who is _actually_
>> doing it and has it working.  There must be someone out there who's got this
>> worked out on SL/CentOS/TUV.
> We do.
> with Firefox 10/Thunderbird 10 is is enough to drop files in
> preferences directories (without altering original ones): these
> are processed in sort order on startup.
> /usr/lib64/firefox/defaults/preferences/somefile.js
> (/usr/lib64/thunderbird/defaults/pref/somefile.js)
> (of course change lib64 to lib on 32bit platform)
> Now, unfortunately it does not work for browser startup page,
> apparently because of:
> (yes I know it is an old bug for FF 3.0 , but looking at
> spec file for FF 10 a workaround for this bug is still applied ,
> which may not be necessary anymore)

Sorry, writing faster than processing info ;-): a different workaround but still
causing same problem is in place instead.

> The workaround used prevents browser home page customization from js 
> preferences:
> to get rid of it you would need to rebuild firefox disabling/changing it in 
> spec
> file or repack all/some  /usr/lib64/firefox/langpacks/langpack-*.xpi files
> changing content of chrome/*/locale/branding/

_ Jaroslaw_Polok __ CERN - IT/OIS/ODS _
_ ___ tel_+41_22_767_1834 _
_ +41_76_487_9487 _

Re: Red Hat to provide Red Hat Enterprise Linux to CERN

2014-04-16 Thread Jaroslaw Polok

On 16/04/14 18:18, Paul Griffith wrote:

Does this have any impact on SL or is it just a slow news day ?

I would say .. this is old news day .. we have been using RHEL
(mostly in the area of databases plus few applications) since
RHEL 3 ...

So no - no impact on SL whatsoever

And for comparison: we run more than 14.000 SLC systems
at CERN...

Best Regards


Re: a year later - CERN move to Centos - what are we doing?

2016-01-13 Thread Jaroslaw Polok
If you use CERN CentOS 7 - please contact us at in 
case you encounter problems, if you use CentOS 7 - please use centos

mailing lists...

Now CERN Linux el7 comes in and I see the machines installed as 7.1 stay there,
no automatic update to 7.2. Odd.

Then here, I see same with CentOS7 - no automatic updates by default, no 
updates to latest point release, 7.1 machines stay at 7.1. (I do not have any 
SL7 to compare)

So I am puzzled by all this. Maybe I should ask google: "is centos7 supposed to self 
update to latest point release?"

In both cases you should get automatic updates to latest release (while 
using default yum repository definitions), if this is not the case: 
please report the problem.

Then I takes quite a bit of work to get automatic updates to work at all on 
(CERN el7 seems to be okey):

a) The yum.cron package is crazy - each time I need to use yum, I have to wait
until it finishes some useless background tasks. Then "yum remove yum.cron" has
no effect because all the cron jobs are part of the main yum package. Go figure.

b) the CERN yum-autoupdate package, which we use for SL6 updates, depends
on a yum plugin not available anywhere (except from a CERN repo) and then 
does not work out of the box because of strange interaction with systemd - only 
works after a reboot.

bb) then it does not send any email about updates - the el6 yum-autoupdate did 
where did this function go?!?

again: if you encounter such problem(s) - please report.

(Hmm... maybe I should try these auto update scripts from the SL7 repository?)

So as they say, 1 step forward, 2 steps back.

... I think this discussion went totally off-topic for the SL mailing 
list ..

Best Regards
