Re: MUSCLE Reprograming handy-card

1999-12-20 Thread Morten Norman

I'm looking for a solution to reprogram my handy-sim-card. I've
heard, it is possible to got more space for sms while have less
space for telephone-book. I have also a chip-drive (micro) from
towitoko. Is this possible and is this the right mailing-list?

If you want a program, I can't help.

If you want to *write* the program, start by looking at the
GSM 11.11  specification, that describes the SIM card.

I think has a download area without charge,
but they want you to register or something.


Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

MUSCLE pcsc-lite Windows port?

1999-12-16 Thread Morten Norman

Has anyone considered porting MUSCLE PC/SC-lite to Windows?
Shouldn't be too much work linking it into DLL(s) and care for
loose ends.

I know it may look obscure, but there are advantages:

* Multi-platform solution ("Unix"/Linux/Mac/Win32)
* Open GPL'd source.
* Fun.
* Small binaries.
* Doesn't use/allocate resources until activated.
* Doesn't keep the card powered on when no application runs. (Thus
  using the reader's emergency power down as standard procedure when
  the user removes the card.)
* Reader drivers may be written in user space, thus not requiring
  a low-level guru for the task.
* Drivers often portable between the supported platforms.

Is there any interesting disadvantages I might overlooked, except
the obvius fact that there already exists a Windows PC/SC?


Morten Norman

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

Re: MUSCLE crypto JavaCard

1999-10-21 Thread Morten Norman

a source for a cheap (or maybe not expensive) reader with a
PIN pad and documentation is very welcome.

IX2-SC KB  has PIN-pad.  About USD100 +VAT and shipping (from Sweden).

It's roughly the IX36-SC KB, but the modem replaced with an RS-232
(for your existing modem).  Look at my Intertex driver at  as a start.
(ixraw.c talks to the reader.)

Full developer docs are available under NDA.


Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

Re: MUSCLE crypto JavaCard

1999-10-19 Thread Morten Norman



It's not JAVA cards, it's byte compiled BASIC. But they are $2.95-$6.95
in quantity ONE (yes, 1).  Supports DES/3DES, IDEA etc.
Windows devkit on their ftp. I haven't tried it myself though.

It's a German company, so I guess they have no problem to ship a working
crypto card to UK.  Companies in the US are still tied by outdated export
regulations for crypto, I guess.


At 15:11 1999-10-18 +0100, you wrote:

I am looking for a JavaCard which has a crypto engine on it.  Could
somebody recommend one? How about cards without crypto?

Is it also possible to program JavaCards without the vendor specific
development tool? MUSCLE is not designed for it, right? Muscle is rather for
writing programs which use JavaCards?



Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

Re: MUSCLE Mac Support

1999-05-18 Thread Morten Norman

Ignorant question:  (I'm not too familiar with Mac and OCF ;-)

Are you building OCF on top of MUSCLE for Mac?  Or are you building a
PC/SC on top of an existing Mac OCF?

The main reason for asking, is that I'd like to know if/how my Intertex
IX36 driver for MUSCLE will port to Mac...  The current version probably
will, since it uses MUSCLES serial driver.

But my next version (in progress) will support simultanous modem + reader
operation, by using some pty/tty magic.  And I doubt the Mac has pty:s.

Will MUSCLE provide the reader drivers for the Mac?


At 14:03 1999-05-17 -0500, you wrote:

I was looking into writing a PC/SC to OCF interoperability layer so that
applications could talk using a C PC/SC like API which would JNI over to
the OCF framework.  This would be a quick hack for Macintosh users and all
applications developed for Linux or Windows could quickly be ported to
Macintosh and vice-versa.  Any thoughts 


Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

MUSCLE SIM cards outside Europe?

1999-04-22 Thread Morten Norman

Need an update here, since my last experience of AMPS/DAMPS etc. is *old*.

In Europe, GSM is very common.  Thus the GSM SIM  is a *very* widespread
T=0 smartcard...

(SIM = Subscriber Identity Module.  I get it from the cellular operator, and
can use it in *any* GSM phone.  It also stores my short numbers and SMS data.)

But how common are SIM cards in other countries?  Are there AMPS/DAMPS etc.
cellulars using smartcards, or are they still "locked" to the subscriber?

If the SIMs are common everywhere, it may be worth using them as "poor mans
smartcards" since they are easy to get.  They more or less have a 7816-4
filesystem for numbers etc, and PIN protection.


Morten Norman

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

Re: MUSCLE T=1 again

1999-03-19 Thread Morten Norman

I am in need of a reader and linux (openbsd, really) ifd or ctapi driver for
T=1.  Any suggestions?

Take a look at the  ix_ix36  driver in the current MUSCLE release.
All Intertex modem/readers does T=1, and the driver should work for all
of them.  (Products at

("should" == I have only *tested* with IX36, and driver is version 0.0.1.
And I have not actually verified T=1 under linux, but the reader supports
it, and all the ctapi has to do is asking for T=1.)

But why not just add T=1 support for a "dumb" reader?  Is it harder than
I thought?


Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

Re: MUSCLE Re: Todos and 115.2

1999-03-16 Thread Morten Norman

Then it's probably only their RS232 -- TTL converter for the I/O pin
left to blame.  If you like hardware, and wants to confirm it, hook up
an oscilloskope.  One channel to the RS232 side, and one to the smart card
I/O side.  Then, just look what the converter does to your nice 115k2...

Just an ignorant question: does any of the readers have an own power
supply, or ar both the "stealing what it can from the COM port" kind?

The ones feeding on the COM port has a tricky power budget, and often works
with small margins to the RS232 spec.  They also use often use discrete
converters, which are fairly easy to design at 9600 bps, but requires more
care to do 115k2.  Thus if they are not designed for more than 9600, they'll
hardly do much more.

A reader with its own supply is more likely to have a full-blown TTL-RS232
converter (like an ADM207), since it can afford the power (and $$ ;-) for it.


At 22:08 1999-03-15 -0500, you wrote:
  I think this reader belongs to the category "dumb readers".  To make
  things simple and cheap, they usually have a fixed 3.57 MHz clock to
  the card, thus yielding 9600 bps as default I/O speed.  Then they more
  or less just connects I/O to the COM port.

Yes, that's correct.  My driver now sends the pps to raise the card speed,
and sets the port speed to match.  It works with a PC3 dumb reader, but not
with the Todos.  So there is something about the Todos that prevents this
from working.
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Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

MUSCLE Re: Todos and 115.2

1999-03-15 Thread Morten Norman

I've just discovered that the Todos reader won't run at 115.2 Kbps.  I
haven't tried lower speeds other than 9600.

I think this reader belongs to the category "dumb readers".  To make
things simple and cheap, they usually have a fixed 3.57 MHz clock to
the card, thus yielding 9600 bps as default I/O speed.  Then they more
or less just connects I/O to the COM port.

Still, the smartcard may be capable of other speeds (like 115k2).  This
has to be handled by the driver changing COM port speed, since the reader
just "feeds through" the I/O.

If it doesn't work even if the driver controls speed, AND THE CARD SUPPORTS
THE SPEED, the reader might have too slow 5V to RS232 conversion HW to
support it.

Looking for the best modem in the world?  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Judge for yourself, but don't miss our candidates.

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

Make missing libtool in MUSCLE PCSC 0.98

1999-03-12 Thread Morten Norman


since nobody else complained yet, maybe it's just on my platform?
(Debian 2.0)

During MUSCLE PCSC 0.98 make, I got two fails because make didn't find
".//libtool" in the local directory.  Happens in the  resmgr-remote  and
the  resmgr-local  directories.

I didn't bother to investigate.  Just copied the  libtool  from the modules
directory and continued without problems...

Nobody else got this?


Looking for the best modem in the world?  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Judge for yourself, but don't miss our candidates.

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

Re: MUSCLE Bounced mail

1999-03-05 Thread Morten Norman

Although they are written in OpenBSD, if someone wants to, or wants me
to, extend them to Linux and integrate with PAM, I think we can do
that.  If we can use smartcards for Kerberos, SSH and PGP in Linux, I
think it would be great (secure and convenient) ... 

Pls. tell me what you think. 

I vote "interesting"!  Linux needs applications like this.

Funny, I have had thoughts for a while about hooking up a smartcard to a
file system.  Even considered to make an application sometime.

Now I'm sitting here reading a report from people who already done it.
Amazing.  Nice work!

Best Regards

Morten Norman

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

Re: MUSCLE applications? (was: Re: Bouncer)

1999-03-03 Thread Morten Norman

Single sign-on on Linux would be a valuable application.
The market for this application is huge especially when
the migration from NT to Linux becomes a stampede.

Dennis Wier

This gives some hope!

There already is a demonstration PAM (Pluggable Authentication
Modules) application in MUSCLE!  I guess someone will extend it when it's
"application time".

My experience of PAM is almost nil, but as I understand, most Linuxes
already uses it.  It's just that it asks for a password in the default

Was it plug'n play they called it? :-)


Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

MUSCLE applications?

1999-03-01 Thread Morten Norman

I'm just curious...

Are there any people writing PC/SC smartcard *applications* for Linux yet?

My experience from smartcard development, so far, is that some big actor(s)
decides to use the technology.  Then they launch "it all":  application +
reader + smartcard + infrastructure (card issuing, contracts etc.).  PC/SC
and multivendor projects are changing things, but rather slow.

Thus I'm very curious to see how things are going to develop the "Linux way",
where things more or less grows step-by-step, but fast (if they are accepted).

Are there any potential killer applications for Linux in the pipeline?
Will we mainly port or adopt things from other platforms, or make new
applications targeted to be accepted by individuals or small groups?


Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

MUSCLE driver for Intertex reader/modem released

1999-02-25 Thread Morten Norman

This is a ct-api driver, but I have only implemented the parts that are
used by PC/SC.

Drop me a note if you want the archive by email.

Best Regards

Morten Norman

From the README:

This is the 0.0.1 release of Februari 23 1999.  Consider it early alpha...

Tested with PC/SC 0.0.5 on a Debian 2.0 system with an IX36-edas DL+ SC
and a 3K/8K card (ATR: 3b 02 14 58).

* test.c, patched for "wrong" ATR: Activates card, finds right ATR and
  loads the 4K driver as supposed.  Communicates with the card, but gets
  warnings/errors.  I don't know if it's due to the IX driver, or that
  3K/8K differs too much from the 4K.

* test_insertion: works.


* "COM port sharing", that supports use of the reader and the modem at
  the same time.  The modem/reader has full support for this, but needs
  a driver on the computer side. (Only available for Windows so far.)

  This should be rather easy in a unix system.  Just a "dummy" device
  that makes a /dev/smartcard and a /dev/modem from /dev/ttyS1.  The
  only problem is that I need to learn how to do this first...

  I know exactly how to handle the modem/reader data stream, but I'm
  not a device driver guru :-(.  Any pointers to good information, and
  examples are appreciated.  Or if you want things to happen *really*
  fast: give me a working code skeleton that gives me the data streams,
  one byte at a time. :-)

* IRQ-like card status (insert/pull-out) notification.  This will come
  with the "COM port sharing".

* Flashy use of the display and optional keypad.

* 115k and 230k serial speed.  The original serial driver did only support
  19200, and I prefered to stick with that.  This will be a bottleneck for
  some cards, that negotiates a higher speed with the reader.
Looking for the best modem in the world?  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Judge for yourself, but don't miss our candidates.

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)


1999-02-22 Thread Morten Norman

 You will get at least one soon, when I have my driver for the Intertex
 modem + reader working.  I write for the external version, but it will
 work with the Intertex PCMCIA too.

why does it work for PCMCIA also??? Why do you think that?? or is it
installed like a serial card (because it's modem+reader) ??


Your assumption is right.

PCMCIA card service has to do its job and "install" it as a modem when
it's inserted.  To my driver, it will then just look like a modem on a
COM port, or in the ISA slot.  It just needs to know where it is, but
/dev/modem should be a fair guess...

Best Regards


Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)


1999-01-19 Thread Morten Norman

An ICC_STATE_BLOCK sounds reasonable.  But can I add it there without
breaking the PC/SC specification?

Do you know a better solution at the top of your head, if the reader
has interrupt support?

From my point of view, the reader *does* support interrups.  It just
shares this interrupt with the serial driver, which complicates things
a bit.  Maybe not worth it just so save a 4 Hz poll loop, but I have
reasons to fiddle with the serial driver anyway.  (This smartcard
reader happens to be a V.90 modem too, and it supports simultaneous
operation on one COM port, with the proper driver.)


At 08:56 1999-01-18 -0600, you wrote:
I merely call the IFD_GetCapabilities function in the IFD_Handler to get the
card status from SCARDTRACK.  I'm currently using the Tag ICC_STATE.  If you
want to block at the driver level you might use the tag ICC_STATE_BLOCK or
something.  You would do this in the IFD_Handler's GetCapabilities function. 
That is the best I can come up with since there is really no function listed to
do this.

When your block
finishes, the higher level block will see the change and return.  There is
probably a better way of doing this for readers that support interrupts.


On Mon, 18 Jan 1999, you wrote:
The function GetStatusChange just blocks until this event occurs using a
simple select statement and then the
function returns.  I'm currently checking card status every 1/4 second and
blocking until change occurs.

Is it possible to add an option to forward this "blocking call"
to the smartcard readers' driver?

I'm about to write a driver for the Intertex readers, and they can signal
a status change by sending two characters over the serial line.

I'm too new to this to tell the best implementation, but I guess a new (?)
CT-API command will do. (CT_Data() probably needs to be reentrant then.)

GetStatusChange() calls it:

  If supported, it waits for the reader and returns at status change.

  If "unknown command" is returned, there is no support from the reader,
  and you have to loop instead.

Or a new CT_GetStatusChange() maybe?  But this breaks backward compa-
tibility with all of the current drivers.


Morten Norman

Looking for the best modem in the world?  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Judge for yourself, but don't miss our candidates.

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)
David Corcoran   Internet Security/Smartcards

205 Industrial Blvd  2252 US Highway 52 West Apt C4
Sugar Land, TX 77478 West Lafayette, IN 47906

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Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)