Re: [SMW-devel] Reminder of Architecture Overview update

2011-11-01 Thread Markus Krötzsch
On 31/10/11 19:20, Samuel Lampa wrote:
 On 10/31/2011 07:43 PM, Markus Krötzsch wrote:
 The extension of this code would make sense in SMW. One could also
 imagine that this is later used for importing SPARQL results into SMW
 data for general forms of SPARQL queries.

 I'm not sure I followed this part:
 importing SPARQL results into SMW data for general forms of SPARQL

 ... though it sounds interesting. Could you please elaborate?

The queries we use for connecting SMW to SPARQL stores are of a special 
form since they only cover the page-selection part of #ask. So they 
always select a single variable and we always expect results to bind to 
URIs of wiki pages only.

 Overall, though, I think, supporting full roundtrip of SMW-RDF data
 structures, is indeed interesting, and would enable a whole bunch of new
 use cases ...

Fully reliable round-tripping won't be possible when considering single 
entities (as one has to in SPARQL results since they may not, in genera, 
provide enough context). For example, a URI of a wiki page (Type:URL) 
and the wiki page itself (Type:Page) could not be distinguished in RDF. 
One would need to know the wiki type of all imported data to make this 
work reliably.

 Just got to think about one ... that combined with a general and robust
 SMWSemanticData importer (into wiki pages), it would be enable to make
 explicit facts that are only implicit in the wiki, by the means of
 SPARQL CONSTRUCT queries, and persisting these new explicitized facts in
 the wiki ... that is, one thing of which is typically done by reasoners
 these days ...

Possible, but I am not sure that the detour through SPARQL would be 
helpful there. One could also persist results of #ask queries in the 
same way. The main problem in both cases is not the initial computation 
but view maintenance/update.


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Semediawiki-devel mailing list

Re: [SMW-devel] Reminder of Architecture Overview update

2011-11-01 Thread Markus Krötzsch
On 31/10/11 19:17, Samuel Lampa wrote:
 On 10/31/2011 07:55 PM, Markus Krötzsch wrote:
 On 31/10/11 18:13, Samuel Lampa wrote:
 On 10/31/2011 06:52 PM, Samuel Lampa wrote:
 === Q2: Status of SMWData/SMWDataItem as API? ===

 Also I wondered what status the SMWData/SMWDataItem classes are
 to have, as a general API? ... Are they the supposed API, or is SMW
 going towards preferring to talk SPARQL with all extensions ... or even

 I ask this since it does not seem clear that I will really*need* to use
 the SMWData/SMWDataItem combo as a representation, if I do the wiki
 updates either with the Wiki Object Model extension or an own writer

 I would still prefer to use it, if it is pushed as a preferred API for
 these kind of things, but I wondered whether that is so for the
 foreseeable future?

 The thing that makes me wonder, is since we're basically talking about
 two slightly different (though very much overlapping) representations:
 RDF (as represented by SMWExpElement rel. classes), and Semantic
 MediaWiki facts (as repr. by SMWData/SMWDataItem).

 My problem, in the context of RDFIO, is that it seems I actually need
 both of these to capture the information from both worlds ... since:

 a. I need to store the URI:s, which only SMWExpElement classes do
 b. I need to store the wiki page titles that I choose to use (as part of
 RDFIO:s algorithm), which only the SMWData/SMWData combo does.

 ... thus it seems there's at least two options:

 1. RDFIO creates an own more general data container, which wraps both
 the SMWData/SMWDataItem one, and the RDF one (possibly both the
 SMWExpElement one, and ARC2:s data structures), with in-built converters
 between all of these,

 2. SMWData/SMWDataItem classes are updated to contain the Original
 URI, and then this format will be the only needed one, in addition to
 possibly the ARC2 format, just for making use of it's parsers.

 Number one is the one I've been pondering so far ... I just wanted to
 point out this now and ask whether there would be any interest in
 storing also the original URI directly in the SMWData/SMWDataItem
 classes ... (which would not need to be required, for data that has no
 counterpart in the outside world, though ... or maybe can just be
 prefilled with the URIResolver URI:s ... this maybe on-the-fly, in a
 getter method)?

 ... it seems that would make the SMWData/SMWDI combo more general, and
 of course would make RDFIO add a lot less overhead :)

 (I know we discussed this on SMWCon already, but these things weren't
 really that clear to me then, about the partly but not completely
 overlap between RDF and SMW data representations ... so wanted to point
 it out ... )

 I suggest to go for (1) if you need the full information in one object.
 You should think of SMW data items as small and simple values, similar
 to an integer or a char in a programming language. They should be used
 like constants of datatypes. They should only be used for storing data,
 not for converting data or for augmenting it. They are pure data and
 know nothing about HTML, wikitext or RDF. [Exception: the SMWDIContainer
 type is a placeholder for compound data; it is not really considered as
 an atomic value in SMW but just used for transporting compound data in
 the API]

 With this view in mind, making an object that holds a URI and a dataitem
 does not seem a bad idea (like making an object that holds an integer
 and a string).

 Alternatively, you could of course represent URIs in an SMW data item as
 well and relate them to wiki page with a property, stored together in an

 Ok, many thanks for the feedback!

 The suggestions sounds reasonable - keeping in line with the modelling
 approach already taken.

 The only little caution I'd like to make, is that the decision keeping
 data objects atomic makes them follow the Anemic Model antipattern [1] a
 bit. But that is of course a question about model design approach
 overall, and not this specific case only - that is, whether one wants to
 follow Domain Driven Design patterns [2] or not.

Reading [1], I think there is a misunderstanding in the way you seem to 
apply this text to SMW (probably due to my ill-chosen examples of 
property and wiki page out of all dataitems). The text states that 
domain specific behaviour of domain objects should be implemented in the 
classes that represent the objects. This is what we do. Our domain 
objects are strings, numbers, geographic coordinates. This is the very 
data that we want to manage in SMW, it just happens to be rather atomic, 
simple and (application) domain independent. Note that we do not 
artificially try to abstract or simplify the objects to get this 
representation -- these simple concepts are really the kinds of things 
that SMW users deal with.

Yet we include all related code into the objects whenever such code is 
needed. For example, you can have a look at SMWDITime to see a lot of 

Re: [SMW-devel] Reminder of Architecture Overview update

2011-11-01 Thread Samuel Lampa
On 11/01/2011 04:41 PM, Markus Krötzsch wrote:
 On 31/10/11 19:17, Samuel Lampa wrote:
 The only little caution I'd like to make, is that the decision keeping
 data objects atomic makes them follow the Anemic Model antipattern [1] a
 bit. But that is of course a question about model design approach
 overall, and not this specific case only - that is, whether one wants to
 follow Domain Driven Design patterns [2] or not.

 Reading [1], I think there is a misunderstanding in the way you seem to
 apply this text to SMW (probably due to my ill-chosen examples of
 property and wiki page out of all dataitems). The text states that
 domain specific behaviour of domain objects should be implemented in the
 classes that represent the objects. This is what we do. Our domain
 objects are strings, numbers, geographic coordinates. This is the very
 data that we want to manage in SMW, it just happens to be rather atomic,
 simple and (application) domain independent. Note that we do not
 artificially try to abstract or simplify the objects to get this
 representation -- these simple concepts are really the kinds of things
 that SMW users deal with.

 Yet we include all related code into the objects whenever such code is
 needed. For example, you can have a look at SMWDITime to see a lot of
 calendar/date specific code. We could also have similar methods for
 strings (e.g., substring computation) and for numbers (e.g., for
 rounding) but this was not necessary so far. Our data items do not
 include parsing/rendering functions that are specific to syntactic
 formats like HTML, wikitext, JSON, RDF, SQL, ... which I think is good
 (and established) design (you don't mix all parsing/serialisation code
 into one class).

Thanks for the clarification! I was obviously a bit quick to make an 
overall judgement, without studying other parts of the SMW code.

What you describe sounds fine. I indeed agree with separation of concerns.

Just as a sidenote I know that one very successful approach is to have 
domain controller classes, for the different domains (or more 
properly subdomains) or concerns, that aggregates and concerts all 
activities belonging to each concern, whether that be through rich 
domain objects, service objects, and any combination of those, but most 
importantly that all this concentrated and managed from the domain 
controller object (think SMWDisplayDomain, SMWExportDomain etc ...).

... so, I'm indeed not a proponent of gather every possibly related 
functionality in normal domain objects. :)

 The big fallacy of [1] is to suggest that object code must always be
 much larger that application/service code. If taken too serious, this
 could lead to a design that tries to merge all functionality into a few
 objects, thus contradicting the fundamental programming paradigm of
 separation of concerns. For example, SMW used to have HTML rendering and
 RDF serialisation methods for data in a single class, in spite of the
 fact that these functions are not at all related but merely work on the
 same input data.

 This earlier design of SMW has also undermined another important idea of
 OO design: the definition of clear interfaces with limited visibility.
 The code for parsing, rendering, representation and serialisation used
 to have full access to all internal fields of the objects. Before the
 introduction of data items, it was quite unclear for some objects where
 the data is actually stored (there were multiple redundant/overlapping
 internal representations, sometimes optional, to reflect the internal
 state of the object; all code would directly read/write to any of the


Next sidenote, that the Domain controller object approach I'm familiar 
with, also makes it easy to add facade objects, specific to the 
different concerns, which manage visibility and the like, to all 
functionality related to that particular domain.

 A third main reason for keeping single objects small is that SMW is
 meant to be extendible. If each new storage backend or display format
 would rely on adding code to domain object classes, it would be very
 hard to extend the system.

Good point too.

 Overall, I still think that SMW follows most of the guidelines of
 Domain-Driven Design but for a domain (data management) that is very
 different of what the author of [1] had in mind.


 Another special
 observation about SMW is that most of our business logic is related to
 parsing and serialisation -- tasks that should normally be separated
 from the data that they work on.

An interesting observation ... got to think a bit on that :)

 But maybe one has to take a step back
 and ask what the domain layer and application layer in SMW really
 are to compare it to the DDD idea. :-)

Yeah, an interesting thing to ponder as well! :)

(Sidenote no. 3 is that the domain controller object approach simply 
has the application layer in the domain controller objects ... thus 
tying together application and domain layer very 

Re: [SMW-devel] Reminder of Architecture Overview update

2011-10-31 Thread Samuel Lampa
On 09/25/2011 11:05 AM, Markus Krötzsch wrote:
 RDF data is represented by a smaller set of classes under SMWExpElement.
 These classes represent triples for the purpose of serialisation (they
 abstract RDF before fixing a concrete syntax such as RDF/XML or Turtle).

Got two questions:

=== Q1: Any SMWExpElements / SMWData converter? ===

Are there converters from/to the SMWExpElement related classes and the 
SMWData/SMWDataItems combo already?

I ask since so far I have been thinking about using the 
SMWData/SMWDataItem combo as native format in RDFIO, but it strikes me 
that the SMWExpElement related classes much more closely matches the 
data structure that you get from ARC2's RDF parsers.

Thus, I was thinking that if I can do only the conversion from ARC2 data 
structures to SMWExpElements classes, and then there is already some 
converters to SMWData/SMWDataItem, I wouldn't need to reinvent that 

=== Q2: Status of SMWData/SMWDataItem as API? ===

Also I wondered what status the SMWData/SMWDataItem classes are supposed 
to have, as a general API? ... Are they the supposed API, or is SMW 
going towards preferring to talk SPARQL with all extensions ... or even 

I ask this since it does not seem clear that I will really *need* to use 
the SMWData/SMWDataItem combo as a representation, if I do the wiki page 
updates either with the Wiki Object Model extension or an own writer class.

I would still prefer to use it, if it is pushed as a preferred API for 
these kind of things, but I wondered whether that is so for the 
foreseeable future?

// Samuel

Samuel Lampa
  Bioinformatician @ Uppsala University

Get your Android app more play: Bring it to the BlackBerry PlayBook 
in minutes. BlackBerry App World#153; now supports Android#153; Apps 
for the BlackBerryreg; PlayBook#153;. Discover just how easy and simple 
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Semediawiki-devel mailing list

Re: [SMW-devel] Reminder of Architecture Overview update

2011-10-31 Thread Markus Krötzsch
On 31/10/11 17:52, Samuel Lampa wrote:
 On 09/25/2011 11:05 AM, Markus Krötzsch wrote:
 RDF data is represented by a smaller set of classes under SMWExpElement.
 These classes represent triples for the purpose of serialisation (they
 abstract RDF before fixing a concrete syntax such as RDF/XML or Turtle).

 Got two questions:

 === Q1: Any SMWExpElements / SMWData converter? ===

 Are there converters from/to the SMWExpElement related classes and the
 SMWData/SMWDataItems combo already?

 I ask since so far I have been thinking about using the
 SMWData/SMWDataItem combo as native format in RDFIO, but it strikes me
 that the SMWExpElement related classes much more closely matches the
 data structure that you get from ARC2's RDF parsers.

 Thus, I was thinking that if I can do only the conversion from ARC2 data
 structures to SMWExpElements classes, and then there is already some
 converters to SMWData/SMWDataItem, I wouldn't need to reinvent that

Yes, the SMWExpElement classes are meant as an abstraction of RDF terms 
and triples. They are used (1) as a pre-serialisation format for 
producing RDF (in any syntax) and (2) as a post-parsing format for 
interpreting SPARQL results.

* Due to (1), there is a complete implementation for the conversion

SMWDataItem/SMWSemanticData = SMWExpElement

This is done in the class SMWExporter (various methods, should be easy 
to find).

* Due to (2), there is an incomplete conversion

SMWExpElement = SMWDataItem

It is incomplete since we only need to interpret URIs as wiki pages when 
reading SPARQL results. Other types of RDF terms are not relevant in the 
SPARQL results we interpret. This conversion is implemented in 
SMWExporter::findDataItemForExpElement(). This method could be extended 
to create SMWDataItems for other types of input on a best-effort basis.

Since SPARQL results are plain lists (no graphs), there is no method yet 
for turning sets of triples into (necessarily many) SMWSemanticData 
objects. This could be added to SMWExporter as well, if needed.

The extension of this code would make sense in SMW. One could also 
imagine that this is later used for importing SPARQL results into SMW 
data for general forms of SPARQL queries. Note, however, that a main 
design goal for such an extension would be to round-trip the data that 
SMW exports as good as possible.

 === Q2: Status of SMWData/SMWDataItem as API? ===

 Also I wondered what status the SMWData/SMWDataItem classes are supposed
 to have, as a general API? ... Are they the supposed API, or is SMW
 going towards preferring to talk SPARQL with all extensions ... or even

 I ask this since it does not seem clear that I will really *need* to use
 the SMWData/SMWDataItem combo as a representation, if I do the wiki page
 updates either with the Wiki Object Model extension or an own writer class.

 I would still prefer to use it, if it is pushed as a preferred API for
 these kind of things, but I wondered whether that is so for the
 foreseeable future?

SMWDataItems are supposed to be the main atomic data representation API 
in SMW. SMWSemanticData is the main annotation (property assignment) API 
in SMW. Both are assumed to stay in this position for the foreseeable 

SMWExpElement is based on the RDF data model and is therefore not 
suitable for representing SMW data where we have special elements like 
wiki pages, properties or geographic coordinates that are not 
represented explicitly in RDF. We need an API that distinguishes data 
items by their functional role in SMW (e.g., wiki page vs. property vs. 
URI) where this distinction does not exist in RDF.

For these reasons, data items and semantic data containers are the main 
API for passing around data in SMW.


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Semediawiki-devel mailing list

Re: [SMW-devel] Reminder of Architecture Overview update

2011-10-31 Thread Markus Krötzsch
On 31/10/11 18:13, Samuel Lampa wrote:
 On 10/31/2011 06:52 PM, Samuel Lampa wrote:
 === Q2: Status of SMWData/SMWDataItem as API? ===

 Also I wondered what status the SMWData/SMWDataItem classes are supposed
 to have, as a general API? ... Are they the supposed API, or is SMW
 going towards preferring to talk SPARQL with all extensions ... or even

 I ask this since it does not seem clear that I will really*need* to use
 the SMWData/SMWDataItem combo as a representation, if I do the wiki page
 updates either with the Wiki Object Model extension or an own writer

 I would still prefer to use it, if it is pushed as a preferred API for
 these kind of things, but I wondered whether that is so for the
 foreseeable future?

 The thing that makes me wonder, is since we're basically talking about
 two slightly different (though very much overlapping) representations:
 RDF (as represented by SMWExpElement rel. classes), and Semantic
 MediaWiki facts (as repr. by SMWData/SMWDataItem).

 My problem, in the context of RDFIO, is that it seems I actually need
 both of these to capture the information from both worlds ... since:

 a. I need to store the URI:s, which only SMWExpElement classes do
 b. I need to store the wiki page titles that I choose to use (as part of
 RDFIO:s algorithm), which only the SMWData/SMWData combo does.

 ... thus it seems there's at least two options:

 1. RDFIO creates an own more general data container, which wraps both
 the SMWData/SMWDataItem one, and the RDF one (possibly both the
 SMWExpElement one, and ARC2:s data structures), with in-built converters
 between all of these,

 2. SMWData/SMWDataItem classes are updated to contain the Original
 URI, and then this format will be the only needed one, in addition to
 possibly the ARC2 format, just for making use of it's parsers.

 Number one is the one I've been pondering so far ... I just wanted to
 point out this now and ask whether there would be any interest in
 storing also the original URI directly in the SMWData/SMWDataItem
 classes ... (which would not need to be required, for data that has no
 counterpart in the outside world, though ... or maybe can just be
 prefilled with the URIResolver URI:s ... this maybe on-the-fly, in a
 getter method)?

 ... it seems that would make the SMWData/SMWDI combo more general, and
 of course would make RDFIO add a lot less overhead :)

 (I know we discussed this on SMWCon already, but these things weren't
 really that clear to me then, about the partly but not completely
 overlap between RDF and SMW data representations ... so wanted to point
 it out ... )

I suggest to go for (1) if you need the full information in one object. 
You should think of SMW data items as small and simple values, similar 
to an integer or a char in a programming language. They should be used 
like constants of datatypes. They should only be used for storing data, 
not for converting data or for augmenting it. They are pure data and 
know nothing about HTML, wikitext or RDF. [Exception: the SMWDIContainer 
type is a placeholder for compound data; it is not really considered as 
an atomic value in SMW but just used for transporting compound data in 
the API]

With this view in mind, making an object that holds a URI and a dataitem 
does not seem a bad idea (like making an object that holds an integer 
and a string).

Alternatively, you could of course represent URIs in an SMW data item as 
well and relate them to wiki page with a property, stored together in an 


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Semediawiki-devel mailing list

Re: [SMW-devel] Reminder of Architecture Overview update

2011-10-31 Thread Samuel Lampa
On 10/31/2011 07:55 PM, Markus Krötzsch wrote:
 On 31/10/11 18:13, Samuel Lampa wrote:
 On 10/31/2011 06:52 PM, Samuel Lampa wrote:
 === Q2: Status of SMWData/SMWDataItem as API? ===

 Also I wondered what status the SMWData/SMWDataItem classes are supposed
 to have, as a general API? ... Are they the supposed API, or is SMW
 going towards preferring to talk SPARQL with all extensions ... or even

 I ask this since it does not seem clear that I will really*need* to use
 the SMWData/SMWDataItem combo as a representation, if I do the wiki page
 updates either with the Wiki Object Model extension or an own writer

 I would still prefer to use it, if it is pushed as a preferred API for
 these kind of things, but I wondered whether that is so for the
 foreseeable future?

 The thing that makes me wonder, is since we're basically talking about
 two slightly different (though very much overlapping) representations:
 RDF (as represented by SMWExpElement rel. classes), and Semantic
 MediaWiki facts (as repr. by SMWData/SMWDataItem).

 My problem, in the context of RDFIO, is that it seems I actually need
 both of these to capture the information from both worlds ... since:

 a. I need to store the URI:s, which only SMWExpElement classes do
 b. I need to store the wiki page titles that I choose to use (as part of
 RDFIO:s algorithm), which only the SMWData/SMWData combo does.

 ... thus it seems there's at least two options:

 1. RDFIO creates an own more general data container, which wraps both
 the SMWData/SMWDataItem one, and the RDF one (possibly both the
 SMWExpElement one, and ARC2:s data structures), with in-built converters
 between all of these,

 2. SMWData/SMWDataItem classes are updated to contain the Original
 URI, and then this format will be the only needed one, in addition to
 possibly the ARC2 format, just for making use of it's parsers.

 Number one is the one I've been pondering so far ... I just wanted to
 point out this now and ask whether there would be any interest in
 storing also the original URI directly in the SMWData/SMWDataItem
 classes ... (which would not need to be required, for data that has no
 counterpart in the outside world, though ... or maybe can just be
 prefilled with the URIResolver URI:s ... this maybe on-the-fly, in a
 getter method)?

 ... it seems that would make the SMWData/SMWDI combo more general, and
 of course would make RDFIO add a lot less overhead :)

 (I know we discussed this on SMWCon already, but these things weren't
 really that clear to me then, about the partly but not completely
 overlap between RDF and SMW data representations ... so wanted to point
 it out ... )

 I suggest to go for (1) if you need the full information in one object.
 You should think of SMW data items as small and simple values, similar
 to an integer or a char in a programming language. They should be used
 like constants of datatypes. They should only be used for storing data,
 not for converting data or for augmenting it. They are pure data and
 know nothing about HTML, wikitext or RDF. [Exception: the SMWDIContainer
 type is a placeholder for compound data; it is not really considered as
 an atomic value in SMW but just used for transporting compound data in
 the API]

 With this view in mind, making an object that holds a URI and a dataitem
 does not seem a bad idea (like making an object that holds an integer
 and a string).

 Alternatively, you could of course represent URIs in an SMW data item as
 well and relate them to wiki page with a property, stored together in an

Ok, many thanks for the feedback!

The suggestions sounds reasonable - keeping in line with the modelling 
approach already taken.

The only little caution I'd like to make, is that the decision keeping 
data objects atomic makes them follow the Anemic Model antipattern [1] a 
bit. But that is of course a question about model design approach 
overall, and not this specific case only - that is, whether one wants to 
follow Domain Driven Design patterns [2] or not.

... so for the moment I'm happy to follow the existing model design 
approach :)

// Samuel


Samuel Lampa
  Bioinformatician @ Uppsala University

Get your Android app more play: Bring it to the BlackBerry PlayBook 
in minutes. BlackBerry App World#153; now supports Android#153; Apps 
for the BlackBerryreg; PlayBook#153;. Discover just how easy and simple 
it is!
Semediawiki-devel mailing list

Re: [SMW-devel] Reminder of Architecture Overview update

2011-10-31 Thread Samuel Lampa
On 10/31/2011 07:43 PM, Markus Krötzsch wrote:
 The extension of this code would make sense in SMW. One could also
 imagine that this is later used for importing SPARQL results into SMW
 data for general forms of SPARQL queries.

I'm not sure I followed this part:
importing SPARQL results into SMW data for general forms of SPARQL 

... though it sounds interesting. Could you please elaborate?

Overall, though, I think, supporting full roundtrip of SMW-RDF data 
structures, is indeed interesting, and would enable a whole bunch of new 
use cases ...

Just got to think about one ... that combined with a general and robust 
SMWSemanticData importer (into wiki pages), it would be enable to make 
explicit facts that are only implicit in the wiki, by the means of 
SPARQL CONSTRUCT queries, and persisting these new explicitized facts in 
the wiki ... that is, one thing of which is typically done by reasoners 
these days ...

// Samuel

Samuel Lampa
  Bioinformatician @ Uppsala University

Get your Android app more play: Bring it to the BlackBerry PlayBook 
in minutes. BlackBerry App World#153; now supports Android#153; Apps 
for the BlackBerryreg; PlayBook#153;. Discover just how easy and simple 
it is!
Semediawiki-devel mailing list

Re: [SMW-devel] Reminder of Architecture Overview update

2011-09-25 Thread Yury Katkov
+1 for continuing the Architecture Guide.

On Sun, Sep 25, 2011 at 8:18 AM, Samuel Lampa samuel.lamp...@rilnet.comwrote:

 Sorry for repeating this, but wanted to remind about the need to update
 the rest of the Architecture Overview article [1]. I guess that even
 just updating the text that is there (there are two sections not updated
 to 1.6) would go a long way?

 The problem now is that even parts supposed to be updated for 1.6
 changes still contain pointers to the supposedly ditched SMWDataValue
 for example (see: [2]), which makes it somewhat confusing.

 I'd love to have a shortlist of the foundational classes I need to know
 to represent triple data with SMW classes ... Should I basically be fine
 with SMWDataItems (elements) and SMWSemanticData (aggregates of facts
 per subject)? ... or is there some other foundational class I should add
 to the shortlist?

 (Should not forget to say that the 1.6 changes looks very nice! :)
 ... if we can just get the know how to use it all ;) )

 // Samuel


 Samuel Lampa
  Bioinformatician @ Uppsala University

 All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously valuable.
 Why? It contains a definitive record of application performance, security
 threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this data and makes
 sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
 Semediawiki-devel mailing list

Yury V. Katkov
WikiVote! llc
All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously valuable.
Why? It contains a definitive record of application performance, security
threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this data and makes
sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Semediawiki-devel mailing list

Re: [SMW-devel] Reminder of Architecture Overview update

2011-09-25 Thread Samuel Lampa
On 09/25/2011 11:05 AM, Markus Krötzsch wrote:

 I'd love to have a shortlist of the foundational classes I need to know
 to represent triple data with SMW classes ... Should I basically be fine
 with SMWDataItems (elements) and SMWSemanticData (aggregates of facts
 per subject)? ... or is there some other foundational class I should add
 to the shortlist?

 For representing input data, that's all. Query outputs are represented
 in SMWQueryResult (basically an iterator for a 3D-array) but the data
 returned there is also based on DIs.

 RDF data is represented by a smaller set of classes under SMWExpElement.
 These classes represent triples for the purpose of serialisation (they
 abstract RDF before fixing a concrete syntax such as RDF/XML or Turtle).

Ok, many thanks for the hints! Will have a closer look at that ...

// Samuel

All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously valuable.
Why? It contains a definitive record of application performance, security
threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this data and makes
sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Semediawiki-devel mailing list