Re: Lyme/tick

1998-03-08 Thread Debbie McDonald
Susan M. Yensen wrote:
 Deb, where were you that you got a tick this time a year?  Or maybe it
 isn't snowing in your backyard.
Hi Susan,
  Actually , it was snowing here in north texas today. First time since
last fall, we are in the elnino belt. It is most common for ticks to
survive here all year round. He was intact, live and kicking when I
pulled him off. I flushed him. I am not diagnosed with lyme. Deb

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1998-03-08 Thread Susan M. Yensen
,I disagree with your conclusion that store-bought CS is no good.  I
have had very good success with diverticulosis--wiped out two cases of
the problem--and it is only 5PPM.

It may be true that more serious diseases may require more potent
forms of CS, but I would say that 5 PPM is more than adequate for most
nagging problems.

Appreciate your posts--not intended as a flame.

All the best,
Tom Miller

Hi Tom,

Glad to hear from you.  Could you tell us about your experience with 5ppm
CS and what you treated and how much a day and how long.  Also if on an
empty stomach.  Did you have any adverse reaction at all?  Was there a
particular brand that you found better than  other?

We are all learning here and need the sharing of experiences to be a little
more exact so that perhaps others might see a way to help themselves and
also different protocols for use.  Perhaps after a time we may then know
more about this long ago well used solution that has been lost.

Life is Fragile. Handle with Prayer

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1998-03-08 Thread Keith Prukop
has any one tried cs in their hot tub?  should be good for the skin.  i
put some cs in my water jug which also has some lemon juice in it.  will
the acid of the lemon juice effect the cs?  keith

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Re: PPM meter testing results

1998-03-08 Thread Susan M. Yensen
Hi Dameon,

Do not inject CS made with salt!!!  Even in 1916 they knew better.

Life is Fragile. Handle with Prayer

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1998-03-08 Thread Susan M. Yensen
Deb, where were you that you got a tick this time a year?  Or maybe it
isn't snowing in your backyard.

No one can tell you what to do.  Do you already have Lyme?  Always consult
a physician when you are in doubt.  Perhaps there is an infectious disease
Dr. in your area that you could ask for help.  the CS doesn't give you
immunity to anything.  Ticks are nasty little buggers and you might not
have gotten the whole thing out--depending on how long it was there.  In
that case you need to go and have the head of it removed.  If you have the
tick you removed see if it is all there with a magnifying glass.  Always
smush ticks and flush them-they are much too hardy for us humans!
Just suggestions.

Life is Fragile. Handle with Prayer

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Re: Ringing in ears

1998-03-08 Thread Susan M. Yensen

about 1 year ago I was taking CS, like a cup a day of, 30ppm. I began
hearing ringing in my head after about 3 days , after stopping the CS it
subsided. I tried these large doses again, and got the same symptoms.

I also had a feeling of a full head like a pressure about my sinuses
and flushed face feeling.

Any input is definitely appreciated.

Hi Gary,

I have learned some things about CS that might be your difficulty, mnight
not.  One is that a person with CNS damage as with longstanding Lyme may
have to go slowly on the CS to build up to a dose.  One might also have to
use the CS and gradually as you are going up recognize the changes in you
CNS wise.  If you have  a reaction of this sort then stay or back off a
little and see if it resolves.  (CNS stands for central nervous system)

It also could be Herx heimer reaction.  In that case it would most likely
respond to digestive enzymes ON AN EMPTY STOMACH BETWEEN MEALS upping that
dose for relief and the taking of Molybdenum which also helps the Herx and
is now recognized as the mineral for die-off(toxic) reactions
The point is that Herx,die-off all these names are indicating toxicity in
the body.  Toxins can get around easily and you have to rev up your detox
system to allow your body to rid itself.  Gallons of water actually are
even bnecessary depending on how your system works.  Taking other drugs
during the process of being toxic is not a good idea either.

Generally those who are sensitive to the CS need to build up and some may
not be able to take it.  In the old Materia Medica it mentions the CNS
sensitivity so it isn't really anything new.

Usually if you have mobilzed toxins by any means they will go to the
nearest mucuos membrane and inflame it--your case the sinuses, can be gut
lining, vulvo vaginitis, the mouth, any mucous membrane.

So anything you can do to assist you kidneys, liver or skin--the largest
detox organ will help.  If you are really sick then you might consider
colonics--if you live in a place where they do these fine if not them do
them yourself.  That is a very large --miles actually of mucous membrane
lined smooth muscle tissue that will exchange trash out of your system for
you.  Some people advocate the use of coffee enemas, read up, it's up to
you.  these are just thoughts to consider

Life is Fragile. Handle with Prayer

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Re: CS Questions

1998-03-08 Thread Tom Miller
Susan M. Yensen wrote:
 CS.  How do I test for the PPM?  I went out and bought some from the health
 food store this weekend but not knowing how to check for the PPM until I read
 your letter, I now realize that it is way off.  (5ppm)  I seem to have all of
 the symptoms. They have ruled out MS, Lupus, Syphillis and anemia.  My
 symptoms are:  headaches, achey legs and forearms, extreme fatigue, and pain
 in my joints.  Of course, the symptoms seem to grow weekly.  There is
 definitely a cycle of about 3 1/2 weeks.  This has been ongoing for 5 months.
 I will appreciate your input and guidance.
 I hope someone talked with you about this, I found this mail just now.
 Lets see.
 You test the ppm with a ppm meter--see Mike's critique today
 5ppm of CS is probably destroyed by stomach acid and you probably paid a
 pretty penny for it.  My opinion is to forget the store bought stuff.  I
 know I went to the list  because I trust these people more than anybody who
 can put a label on a bottle.
 I can't tell you what to do of course because I  am just me with my own
 experience I can tellyou that many people do not get diagnosed with Lyme
 from the antibody tests, many are and are undertreated as most don't know
 about the life cycle of a spirochete.
 If your antibody is negative by Elisa, there is another test that you could
 have done Called PCR--remember OJ?  recently published (i don't know
 where--Mike's wife knows this person)  all in the family here.  Article is
 that the spirochete hides inside the red cell therefore no antibodies are
 being made during this time.  this has been found in Lyme and in MS and
 I'll bet AlS too if they looked.  The other thing is Chlamydia pneumoniae
 found in various people with neur-immuno symptoms.  At any rate it is an
 Many have found that CS is effective in treating these things, made at home
 with distilled water and silver electrodes and DC current, very simple and
 inexpensive--except for Mike who is doing all the tesinggr  we need to
 donate to him but i don't have his address.
 The CS needs to be adequate ppm 20-30 seems to be OK but others have had
 all different ppm's.  The main thing is to take it consistently until you
 are symptom free.  And then take it some more.  I now know several people
 who take a maintenance dose--I do not know how they arrived at that dose.
 If your MD puts you on antibx that's fine, if you want to use CS that's
 fine too.  this is an old e-mail so I won't send you any more until you
 tell me what you are going to do.  Some do both.
 Let us know what you need. sorry for the tardiness of this reply
 Life is Fragile. Handle with Prayer


I disagree with your conclusion that store-bought CS is no good.  I
have had very good success with diverticulosis--wiped out two cases of
the problem--and it is only 5PPM.

It may be true that more serious diseases may require more potent
forms of CS, but I would say that 5 PPM is more than adequate for most
nagging problems.

Appreciate your posts--not intended as a flame.

All the best,
Tom Miller

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Lyme and CS

1998-03-08 Thread Aqua920
I have been lurking here for a few months and I have a question for those
with Lyme and other difficult infections who have been taking CS.  I have been
receiving Lyme abx treatment continously for over five years and I have
reached a plateau.  I was misdiagnosed by 15 docs in the previous six years.

I started a store bought high potency 1100 PPM CS in early December.  I
have been having the monthly flares of flu symptoms ever since.  Everyone with
Lyme knows this cycle. I am not very tired, so I am hoping this is die-
off(herx) of the spirochetes.  I have also tried a 30 ppm product which I have
seen recommended on this list, but I seemed to get only a homeopathic type
relief of symptoms, no die off.
My home brewed CS also produced the same result as the 30 ppm.   

 Last month I had hair analysis done mainly to check mercury level, which
was slightly elevated.  Doc suggested blue green algae, Vit C and selenium.
He is board certified in environmental illness. He is not my Lyme Doctor. My
silver was moderately elevated, but he is not concerned since silver has low
toxicity.  He has no problem with CS short term, but not sure about long term
toxicity.   I plan to have this rechecked. 

Lyme doc says don't bother with CS, but I am hearing too many good reports
to listen to his advice.  BTW, my dentist originally suggested CS, and sent me
some info on tape of two docs discussing their good experiences with patients
from mild infections to AIDS.

My  question for those who have treated chronic Lyme with CS, did your
die-off cycle and if so how long?   


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Re: Lyme/tick

1998-03-08 Thread Marsha Hallett
Debbie McDonald wrote:

 Dear listers with lyme experience. Two days ago I removed a tick from
 arm, it could not have been there too long. It left a small, barely
 there spot. I put alchohol on it first and then some CSG?? The next
 day the spot is more red and last night it was itchy. I did not itch
 This morning it is still itchy and red and raised but not grown any
 larger. I am taking my usual CS, should I be doing more, is this
 to you that this tick was a carrier. I have enough health problems
 without adding that to my list. My PC physician is a dip. Should I go
 and insist on meds right away to go along with any CS I use?? Flailing


Dear Deb, Sounds to me liek the bug was carrying something! How much CS
are you taking right now? Maybe doubling your dosage would be a good
thing to do before whatever it gave you really gets a foothold.
Good luck!

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Re: CS and Lyme

1998-03-08 Thread Marsha Hallett
CHawtho111 wrote:

 Hello List!

  I have been busy cleaning up the wreckage of my Lyme past. I am
 to report my success with Lyme and another man that I had been working
 Myself, I am well completely from Lyme. I was on the CS for (6)
 months. The
 first three months I Herx'd like there was no tomorrow. I thought I
 was going
 to die from the Herx itself. I knew this was my only chance for
 recovery so I
 just went for it. I started with about three tablespoons of 10 ppm CS
 times a day for the first week. Within ten days I was in a major Herx
 lasted three months.  Then each week I increased my intake of CS by
 tablespoon each dose and kept doing so until I was taking a total of
 (10) ounces per day. I just kept increasing until all my symptoms were
 Well, here I am two months off of CS and I feel wonderful.

   The other man I was supporting through his treatment with CS is
 living life for the first time in twenty years. He has seen many
 doctors and
 tried many different ways to eliminate his Lyme to no avail. But now
 four months on CS he is well too!  The CS works but I found you must
 enough, long enough to ensure a complete recovery. I thank God every
 day for
 CS, it gave me and others our lives

 PS... I am not Blue, Grey or any other unusal colors!!

 Bottoms up

Dear Candace, Hooray!!!
By the way, I got your letter, but my reply to you was returned. (??? )
Call me!

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1998-03-08 Thread Debbie McDonald
Dear listers with lyme experience. Two days ago I removed a tick from my
arm, it could not have been there too long. It left a small, barely
there spot. I put alchohol on it first and then some CSG?? The next
day the spot is more red and last night it was itchy. I did not itch it.
This morning it is still itchy and red and raised but not grown any
larger. I am taking my usual CS, should I be doing more, is this suspect
to you that this tick was a carrier. I have enough health problems
without adding that to my list. My PC physician is a dip. Should I go
and insist on meds right away to go along with any CS I use?? Flailing

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RE: Web page prototype...

1998-03-08 Thread Dean Woodward
I am a new member of the list. I don't have Lyme (thanks be to God!), but my 
wife sure does, and I am doing everything in my power to help her. I'm in the 
listening mode at the moment, and certainly want to know a lot more about CS.

The only suggestion I would make is that your web page include citations and 
links to any formal research into use of CS for any disease, including Lyme. If 
this stuff is as good as it appears, then the world is going to find it out. We 
all know the old saw If it sounds to good to be true, it probably ain't 
grin. However, something in my personal experience makes me sit up and take 
notice when metals and health get involved. Briefly, when I was a kid back on 
the farm my father and I were having terrible boils - I mean really big, bad 
ones, and lots of them. A local country doc suggested that we take tin tablets. 
We did, and the boils immediately went away never to return during my father's 
lifetime, and so far during mine (I am 73). Coincidence? I think not!

Dean Woodward

-Original Message-
From:   M. G. Devour []
Sent:   Sunday, March 08, 1998 12:52 AM
Subject:Web page prototype...

I've published the rough framework of a web site for the silver list. 
For the time being the URL is as follows:

I have a number of technical questions on web development and I'm 
sure some of you would like to contribute links and information to 
the content. I welcome any level of collaboration.

I don't want to clutter the list up with technical chatter, though. 
So if you'd like to work with me on finishing the web site, please 
let me know. I'll put together a distribution list so we can chat off 
list about the details.

On-list, I'd like to hear any comments and suggestions you all have 
for content, style, accessability, and organization. 

There is no real content yet. I'd like that to change! I need your 
help. Thank you!

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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Re: Web page prototype...

1998-03-08 Thread Gary Grunau

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
In re to my last letter. Please feel free to link to it. If the americans 
knew what was coming down we might get more motivated to get our 
alternative meds in order. I don't know the best way to present it to the 
Silver bunch, butthe info is worth knowing.


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Re: Web page prototype...

1998-03-08 Thread Harvey Flatbush
At 06:52 AM 3/8/98 -5, you wrote:
I've published the rough framework of a web site for the silver list. 
For the time being the URL is as follows:

Congratulations Mike, you have done a beautiful job and with a beautiful
sense of humor thrown in.  The colors and layout are great. You are doing a
great job with the list. The woerds 'Silver List' looks like freshly molded
silver right out of the mold right down to the little burrs along the
edges.  Good touch Mike.

Now, what about expenses? We ought to see some contributions here on this.
You can count me in. If I remember correctly, several people chimed up
about contributions when you took over the list. I hope they followed
through. I also think it would be a good idea if you was to post your
address again.  I still have your address, is it the same as before on

Anyway friend, I had to wish you well and thank you for the job you are doing.



 --  Harvey Flatbush  --
 --  Ione, Washington -- 

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1998-03-08 Thread jackie lay
I congratulate the individuals who have sucessfully treated lyme with CS.
I have had lyme off and on since 1976.  I tried the CS and got so sick that
I had to stop because I was taking too much time off work.  I admire your
tenacity to continue the treatment through the Herx.

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Re: Web page prototype...

1998-03-08 Thread M. G. Devour
On  8 Mar 98 at 6:02, Harvey wrote:

 Congratulations Mike, you have done a beautiful job...

Thank you. It's a beginning.

 The words 'Silver List' looks like freshly molded silver right out
 of the mold right down to the little burrs along the edges.

Err, about those jagged little burrs... If somebody can tell me how 
to get that beautiful hi-res look without absolutely *mongo* file 
sizes, I'd appreciate the help!

 Now, what about expenses?

The sixty bucks that Eskimo asks for a year's worth of shell account 
and smartlist management also allows up to 10 megs of web space as 
part of the deal. So no additional costs are being incurred. We're 
just making use of what we've already bought.

My time is given freely. There is no need to compensate me for my
labor. Your help, intellectual contributions, and moral and spiritual
support for me and one another is what I most value.

 If I remember correctly, several people chimed up about
 contributions when you took over the list. I hope they followed

A number of people have sent contributions, such that the basic 
account costs are pretty much paid for. I appreciate the help!

I *may* ask in the future for contributions that will help with 
testing, equipment purchases, or other items that will help further 
our explorations. 

I am thinking of things like total elemental analysis of some of our
CS samples, or helping Jim Einert put a photographic and video
interface on that dark field microscope of his, for a couple of

 Anyway friend, I had to wish you well and thank you for the job
 you are doing.

Kind words! You're all most welcome. The most help I want and need
is on content and writing. I've brought in the tree, it's time for
all to help decorate it! g

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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Re: CS and Lyme

1998-03-08 Thread Zan
If  you  have  not  turned  blue/grey   no  one  will with  properly  made
Great  story!!!


-Original Message-
From: CHawtho111
Date: Sunday, March 08, 1998 1:37 AM
Subject: Re: CS and Lyme

Hello List!

 I have been busy cleaning up the wreckage of my Lyme past. I am
to report my success with Lyme and another man that I had been working
Myself, I am well completely from Lyme. I was on the CS for (6) months. The
first three months I Herx'd like there was no tomorrow. I thought I was
to die from the Herx itself. I knew this was my only chance for recovery so
just went for it. I started with about three tablespoons of 10 ppm CS three
times a day for the first week. Within ten days I was in a major Herx that
lasted three months.  Then each week I increased my intake of CS by one
tablespoon each dose and kept doing so until I was taking a total of about
(10) ounces per day. I just kept increasing until all my symptoms were
Well, here I am two months off of CS and I feel wonderful.

  The other man I was supporting through his treatment with CS is now
living life for the first time in twenty years. He has seen many doctors
tried many different ways to eliminate his Lyme to no avail. But now after
four months on CS he is well too!  The CS works but I found you must take
enough, long enough to ensure a complete recovery. I thank God every day
CS, it gave me and others our lives

PS... I am not Blue, Grey or any other unusal colors!!

Bottoms up

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS and Lyme

1998-03-08 Thread CHawtho111
Hello List!

 I have been busy cleaning up the wreckage of my Lyme past. I am writing
to report my success with Lyme and another man that I had been working with.
Myself, I am well completely from Lyme. I was on the CS for (6) months. The
first three months I Herx'd like there was no tomorrow. I thought I was going
to die from the Herx itself. I knew this was my only chance for recovery so I
just went for it. I started with about three tablespoons of 10 ppm CS three
times a day for the first week. Within ten days I was in a major Herx that
lasted three months.  Then each week I increased my intake of CS by one
tablespoon each dose and kept doing so until I was taking a total of about
(10) ounces per day. I just kept increasing until all my symptoms were gone.
Well, here I am two months off of CS and I feel wonderful.

  The other man I was supporting through his treatment with CS is now
living life for the first time in twenty years. He has seen many doctors and
tried many different ways to eliminate his Lyme to no avail. But now after
four months on CS he is well too!  The CS works but I found you must take
enough, long enough to ensure a complete recovery. I thank God every day for
CS, it gave me and others our lives 

PS... I am not Blue, Grey or any other unusal colors!! 

Bottoms up

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: PPM meter testing results

1998-03-08 Thread M. G. Devour
On  8 Mar 98 at 2:42, Dameon wrote:

 ... Every penny counts, so I await your verdict before spending the
 moola [on the ppm meter]

Hi Dameon,

I'll give my qualified endorsement right now. Go ahead and buy it!

The meter is physically well made. The electronics are stable and 
give reproduceable readings. The price is great.

The *ONLY* thing I don't know yet is whether the calibration for the 
standard salt solution and various CS preparations will be the same. 
Once I can directly compare the results from the meter with the 
testing lab and/or other methods I will know this.

We may each have to lab test our product in order to calibrate our
meters. Once you have a CS sample of known concentration, you can
adjust the meter to give you that value. 

Then you can make up a salt solution of any reasonable concentration
and record the meter reading that it gives you. In the future, you'll
only have to measure the salt standard once in a while to make sure 
the meter hasn't drifted. If you keep the standard in a closed jar it 
should never change.

 By the way, this is the guy with Cystic Fibrosis, in case you've

We keep you in our prayers here Dameon. You're not forgotten!

 You advised me to get a silver machine from Thomas Miller and it
 just arrived yesterday. I haven't used it yet, but it looks as
 solid as any I've seen and the price was *very* right.

Tom Clayton recommended it and I agreed with him. It's seems to be a
basically good design with several advantages.

Miller advocates the use of salt and disputes the safety of the
golden CS that many of us are making. I have a few remarks to make
about this, but that's for another post. People have reported plenty
of good results with *both* kinds of CS, and neither side has given
us enough information to *prove* their criticisms. If you choose to
proceed, I suggest you make it according to his directions.

Now that you have one you can do a product evaluation for us! 

 My disease, at this point, offers no room for error and I feel that
 accuracy in my approach to experimentation is important; the lung
 infections I'm trying to smash are quite nasty and may need a very
 high PPM of silver over a sustained period. Injection is not out of
 the question. 

Your experiments will be fascinating to study. Be certain that you
satisfy yourself of the safety of what you're doing and consult with
your physician(s) as you deem appropriate.

 The bacteria's name is Pseudomonas aeruginosa and is the main
 killer of CF victims because of it's voracious nature. 
 And then there's staph... forever staph.

Reading the above is chilling. B! Good luck, sir!

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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Re: courage

1998-03-08 Thread theodore G. Windsor
Hi Jackie:

Why don't you start using CS again at a smaller amount, for example start
with an 1/8 of a tsp, if this is to much reduce it some more, this stuf
works just take a little over a longer period and slowly increase it as your
body saya you can.

In Good Health


I congratulate the individuals who have sucessfully treated lyme with CS.
I have had lyme off and on since 1976.  I tried the CS and got so sick that
I had to stop because I was taking too much time off work.  I admire your
tenacity to continue the treatment through the Herx.

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Re: PPM meter testing results

1998-03-08 Thread likowski
Thanks Mike. I've been keeping an eye on the discussions within the
group about this meter; it's great to have someone like you helping us
all out by testing the gear -- especially the *really poor* one's, like
me. Every penny counts, so I await your verdict before spending the
moola. By the way, this is the guy with Cystic Fibrosis, in case you've
forgotten. You advised me to get a silver machine from Thomas Miller and
it just arrived yesterday. I haven't used it yet, but it looks as solid
as any I've seen and the price was *very* right. I really feel the need
for a PPM meter so I know just how much silver I'm dealing with. My
disease, at this point, offers no room for error and I feel that
accuracy in my approach to experimentation is important; the lung
infections I'm trying to smash are quite nasty and may need a very high
PPM of silver over a sustained period. Injection is not out of the
question. The bacteria's name is Pseudomonas aeruginosa and is the main
killer of CF victims because of it's voracious nature. 

And then there's staph... forever staph.


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