Re: Using Solar to Make CS

1998-05-25 Thread Cisco

I am coming to OZ in a few monthsI would like to meet you


Darryl wrote:
 So you been to and it is just like Downtown LA!your a
 MORONdid you see a Radio Shack?.
 Better than that about 40 electronic stores in one street, and Continental
 and other US carriers are daily ... a UPS parcel would be there in 24
 hours, you could even get things there quicker from Australia !
 How bout...$1.79 per gallon US
 We pay near double that in Australia, and manage to get by OK about $5.00 per gallon of Milk$6.00 per pound for
 good meat, and $3.00 for a good apple(one)...ever try to get a part for
 your Rife machine here? or have you ever tried to get .999 Silver
 I could get it to you in 24 hours.
 eh how about a transistor for your output circuit or a simple
 probe for your bout an average income of $5.50 per
 hourdid you also see 35% unemployed.have you been to YAP,
 Saipan, Majuro, Chuuk, Phonipe, Maug Islands, Peleau.
 Guam yes
 Yap yes
 Truk yes
 Saipan yes
 how about
 It is spelt Indonesia
 and I speak fluent Indonesian
 Apa Kabar Cisco
 Kenapa kamu di Guam?
 Untuk apa kamu mara mara ke saya ?
 Kenapa kamu hanya bohong disini ?
 Monkin kamu hanya marbok  lagi?
 hey that is cool place, people gettin killed for not liking
 the government...
 they did not get killed for not liking the government ...they died while
 they were looting and other looters set fire to the shops.
 .and 3500 per year die from Maleriaand 2000 from
 its a big country
 tourists go.
 yes I have been to most parts regularly
 did ya see the pain in the childrens eyes or the elderly
 dying with no hope...
 No not once must be talking about another country ??
 did you do more than drink beer
 I do not drink
 and walk around
 spending yer moneyhow about it...what did you look for...what did
 you see and what did you dodid you seek the actual people back from
 what yer allowed to see as a tourist
 I have never known of any area in Indonesia off bounds to anyone?
 or did you play tourist
 No I make regular  trips to all parts of Indonesia
  Guam aint to bad
 No its more like a regular state of the USA
 but it aint Indonesia nor is it Papua New Guinea.but
 have you really lookedhave you really tried to seeI doubt
 ityer a selfcentered person as I said beforeyou see what you
 want and you have all the answersgo into politicsyou fit the
 moldno insight, little fortitude, and no visionhey Clinton could
 use you as a GRIT!
 Well seems like you want to just abuse me for trying to tell people they
 can easily make C/S with a $20.00 Solar panel.
 Darryl wrote:
  Well Cisco I know you don't want to reply to my emails anymore, or simply
  will not ...but you must understand when you give out such authoritative
  advise over such a wide range of things, if no one else is prepared to
  tackle you when you are wrong again,  there is always me.
  Here we find that you are advising people to spend US $450.00 plus to do
  job that only $20.00 or $30.00 can easily do, in this case I am talking
  about Australian Dollars nearly half what you would spend with US dollars
  in your remote site at Guam!
  Sorry folks about the exclamation mark, but I have been to Guam on many
  occasions and it is not any more remote than downtown LA, and very
  if at all more expensive.
  Cisco you have to understand that making C/S is possible with a few 9
  batteries in series, or for those with only a modicum of electronic
  expertise, a simple voltage multiplier will
   pump 9 volts to 30 volts from a single 9 volt battery either way a
  dollar investment in the less than $ 30.00 dollars Australian or even
  than $20.00 US . for a suitable solar panel to do the same thing
  Australian dollars will easily do it.
  You see current required is only about 10 milli amps in a well designed
  circuit to generate the best quality C/S this can be done with the
  cheapest of Solar Panels ...even putting out as low as 4.5 volts, and a
  suitable  voltage pump   will still be in the less than $20.00
   [ Australian  ]I think you have confused what you need to charge
  batteries in your boat that goes to all the  outer islands , with
  C/S, which is a far easier task.
  I have done my best to say this as politely as possible, if I am
  to be still uncivil by the above then I would ask those reading this to
  consider that I too came to this list learn and contribute, when stuff is
  real wrong and newcomers have come to learn then what is the value of
  having some one who can contribute sitting back and saying well this
  is very wrong, and it is going to mislead a lot of people, but I am
  hamstrung by the need to apologise for 

Re: Using Solar to Make CS

1998-05-25 Thread Cisco

So you been to and it is just like Downtown LA!your a
MORONdid you see a Radio Shack?.How bout...$1.79 per gallon US
Low Leadhow about $5.00 per gallon of Milk$6.00 per pound for
good meat, and $3.00 for a good apple(one)...ever try to get a part for
your Rife machine here? or have you ever tried to get .999 Silver
hereeh how about a transistor for your output circuit or a simple
probe for your bout an average income of $5.50 per
hourdid you also see 35% unemployed.have you been to YAP,
Saipan, Majuro, Chuuk, Phonipe, Maug Islands, about
Indoneasia...hey that is cool place, people gettin killed for not liking
the governmentand 3500 per year die from Maleriaand 2000 from
TBdid you go to that part of the Islands or just the part where
tourists go.did ya see the pain in the childrens eyes or the elderly
dying with no hopedid you do more than drink beer and walk around
spending yer moneyhow about it...what did you look for...what did
you see and what did you dodid you seek the actual people back from
what yer allowed to see as a tourist or did you play tourist Guam
aint to badbut it aint Indonesia nor is it Papua New Guinea.but
have you really lookedhave you really tried to seeI doubt
ityer a selfcentered person as I said beforeyou see what you
want and you have all the answersgo into politicsyou fit the
moldno insight, little fortitude, and no visionhey Clinton could
use you as a GRIT!


Darryl wrote:
 Well Cisco I know you don't want to reply to my emails anymore, or simply
 will not ...but you must understand when you give out such authoritative
 advise over such a wide range of things, if no one else is prepared to
 tackle you when you are wrong again,  there is always me.
 Here we find that you are advising people to spend US $450.00 plus to do a
 job that only $20.00 or $30.00 can easily do, in this case I am talking
 about Australian Dollars nearly half what you would spend with US dollars
 in your remote site at Guam!
 Sorry folks about the exclamation mark, but I have been to Guam on many
 occasions and it is not any more remote than downtown LA, and very little,
 if at all more expensive.
 Cisco you have to understand that making C/S is possible with a few 9 volt
 batteries in series, or for those with only a modicum of electronic
 expertise, a simple voltage multiplier will
  pump 9 volts to 30 volts from a single 9 volt battery either way a
 dollar investment in the less than $ 30.00 dollars Australian or even less
 than $20.00 US . for a suitable solar panel to do the same thing $20.00
 Australian dollars will easily do it.
 You see current required is only about 10 milli amps in a well designed
 circuit to generate the best quality C/S this can be done with the
 cheapest of Solar Panels ...even putting out as low as 4.5 volts, and a
 suitable  voltage pump   will still be in the less than $20.00
  [ Australian  ]I think you have confused what you need to charge your
 batteries in your boat that goes to all the  outer islands , with making
 C/S, which is a far easier task.
 I have done my best to say this as politely as possible, if I am considered
 to be still uncivil by the above then I would ask those reading this to
 consider that I too came to this list learn and contribute, when stuff is
 real wrong and newcomers have come to learn then what is the value of
 having some one who can contribute sitting back and saying well this stuff
 is very wrong, and it is going to mislead a lot of people, but I am
 hamstrung by the need to apologise for a contrary or even corrective view,
 so much that it is better to tolerate totally wrong stuff than speak up!
 Guess I have to take my chance again or just simply leave here, but some
 things remain certain, there is no such thing as distilled water being 
 dead , and putting C/S into the soil is the surest way possible of killing
 the beneficial microbes needed to convert nutrients to plant available
 nutrients, and if all this is too much to believe, you definitely do not
 need a $450 US dollar solar panel to generate 10 milli amps to make the
 best possible C/S.
 I know there are more than a few equally competent electronic people here
 reading this stuff who can totally corroborate my latest input  I hope
 they speak up this time.
 This unit would run one of those toy fans ya put in yer hatdont even
 go therethat is a hour wont even charge a 9vdc
 battery.the unit I have described we use for full solar power to
 maintain our life styleno $20 unit is gonna produce the power you
 need.look further into itit is not so simple. I use 3 Solar
 panels to charge ONE bank of batteries.they are 2 X 4 feet in
 diamention.this wont do the trickgood thought but not the one it
 will take to 

Re: silver-digest Digest V98 #143

1998-05-25 Thread WinoIN
Every time I download one of these files and try to read it there is a problem
about not all the files being there or something. this happens with other
downloads also not just this one. I don't know what it is that is wrong but it
is OK.
I just need to UN-Subscribe to the Digest version of the silver-list.
Thanks- I tried
jerry w

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Memorial Day

1998-05-25 Thread Cisco
To all,

To those who have before us and to those that will follow...God Bless.
Less we forget those who have given their all to protect our right to be
wrong..Remember them. Never forget.


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Re: Using Solar to Make CS

1998-05-25 Thread Cisco

This unit would run one of those toy fans ya put in yer hatdont even
go therethat is a hour wont even charge a 9vdc
battery.the unit I have described we use for full solar power to
maintain our life styleno $20 unit is gonna produce the power you
need.look further into itit is not so simple. I use 3 Solar
panels to charge ONE bank of batteries.they are 2 X 4 feet in
diamention.this wont do the trickgood thought but not the one it
will take to make silver.


It's not me wrote:
 Here's a company that sells a fairly cheap solar panel that puts out 12 V,
 166 ma.  I don't know if 3 would put out enough juice to run your machine or
 not, but they are about $20.00 each.  Let us know if you try it and it
 -Original Message-
 From: Nancy B.
 To: Silver-List
 Date: Sunday, May 24, 1998 4:32 PM
 Subject: Using Solar to Make CS
 Repost: did this go through the first time?  I haven't seen it.
 Colloidal silver made with solar energy
 Has this topic come up before?  I'd like to know how feasible it would be
 convert a 27 volt battery powered or 24 ac to dc powered CS generator to
 solar (perhaps interchangeable).  I use the simple homemade generator with
 two silver wires attached to the electric source (a 24 volt ac to dc
 generator concealed in a plastic box) by alligator clips and wire, with an
 external light bulb I ignore most of the time.
 I know Radio Shack sells little solar gizmos but how much voltage can you
 get out of them?
 Is it feasible to make colloidal silver this way in the event of a black
 (for whatever reason:  you ran out of batteries, ran into hurricanes,
 tornadoes, Y2Ks, you didn't pay your electric bill, you ran away,...) ÜÜÜ
 I really don't want to be without this stuff for more than a few days at a
 time.  I like it so much better than antibiotics, and it may be the only
 thing that works if the antibiotic crisis (bacterial resistance) continues
 as it has been.
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Re: CS and digestive bacteria

1998-05-25 Thread Reid Smith
I've had that problem when taking CS orally.  I just take a capsule or two
of Acidophilus (8 Billion count each) daily.  I get 120 caps for about 13.75
American, so it works out to about 11 to 22 cents per day depending on how
much I take.  I also eat yogurt regularly.

   The liquid acidophlus is supposed to be better and if you don't swallow
the CS you don't have the problem with it possabally killing of the good
bacteria. Just swish it around in the mouth for 2-3 minutes.

Take Care 


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1998-05-25 Thread Reid Smith
You stated that you would have some information on m.s. soon. Have you
posted it yet? If so where ?
Peter Koziol

   Sorry I've been to tired here the past two days to get it scanned in BUT
I'll try and get it done today and send it to you when it's finished.

Take Care 


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Re:Making yogurt

1998-05-25 Thread Debbie McDonald
Buy a half gallon of milk. Bring it almost to a boil. Cool it to the
point that you can easily put your hands in the pot. Put starter yogurt
in the milk container. Add the warm milk. Fill a playmate cooler with
body temp water(run your wrist under the water like you do for a baby's
bottle). Put the milk container in the cooler. Close the lid and let it
sit overnight. Voila! half gal yogurt   Deb

 Debbie McDonald

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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new drugs

1998-05-25 Thread Tai-Pan
Hi list,
  Some new humor on this grand holiday. Enjoy.

  Subject: Viagra
  Date: Fri,8 May 1998 02:34:31 -0700
  X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.0.1460.8)

  With Viagra such a hit, Pfizer Labs is bringing forth a whole line of
drugs oriented towards improving the performance of men in today`s

DIRECTRA - A dose of this drug given to men before leaving on a car trip
caused 72% of them to stop and ask directions when they got
lost,compared to a control group of 0.2 percent.

PROJECTRA - Men given this experimental new drug were far more likely to
actually finish a household repair project before starting a new one.

CHILDAGRA - Men taking this drug reported a sudden over-whelming urge to
perform more child-care tasks, especially cleaning up spills and little

COMLIMENTRA - In clinical trials, 82% of middle-aged men administered
this drug noticed that their wives had a new hairstyle. Currently being
tested to see if its effects extend to noticing new clothing.

BUYAGRA - Married and otherwise attached men reported a sudden urge to
buy their sweeties expensive jewelry and gifts after taking this drug
for only two days. Still to be seen: Whether the drug can be continued
for a period longer than the store`s return policy limit.

NEGA-VIAGRA - Has the opposite effect of Viagra. Currently undergoing
clinical trials on over sexed politicians.

NEGA-SPORTAGRA - This drug had the strange effect of making men want to
turn off televised sports and converse with other family members about
current events and family things.

FLATULAGRA - This complex drug converts a person`s noxious intestinal
gases back into food solids. Special effect is it can be overdosed for
long car trips. A problem side effect is the occurance of constipation
in some people.  

FLYAGRA - This drug has been showing great promise in treating men with
OFD (open fly disorder). Especially useful for men on Viagra and other
treatments for memory loss. 

PRYAGRA - About to fail its clinical trial, this drug gave men in the
test group an irresistable urge to dig into the personal sffairs of
other people. An apparent over-dose turned three test subjects into 
special prosecutors and some into peeping toms. 

LIAGRA - This drug causes some people to be less than truthful when
being asked about their sexual affairs. Women seem to be more sensitive
to it than men. Comes in three strengths,Regular, Strong and


  Bless you all,   Bob  Lee
oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

An observation and a comment

1998-05-25 Thread CJ
Observation:It seems to me that the $450 solar panel was to
recharge the batteries and not to directly make the silver from the
energy from the panels but rather make the silver using the batteries
that where charged from the panels

But I could be wrong...

A comment:Could both of you boys take your pissing contest off

[Asbestos suit on - flame away!]


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

off-topic Wondering?

1998-05-25 Thread william busser
Hi All!
I was wondering if anyone knew the address to a newsgroup that deals
specifically with herbs, or herbs and alternative medicine?
Thanks in advance for any help

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Re: CS and digestive bacteria

1998-05-25 Thread Marsha Hallett

Frank Matzka wrote:

 There has been some talk of taking oral CS may disrupt the good bacteria
 we all have in our digestive systems.

 Now that I'll be taking CS fairly regularly I figured that to counteract
 any decline in the good bugs, that I would counteract by eating some
 live yoghurt every day. Also there recently came on the market here in
 South Australia a product called Yakult which has live Lactobacillus
 casei Shirota strain. I have no idea how good this stuff is but if you
 believe the brochures it is just the stuff for re establishing a healthy
 intestinal population.

 Any thoughts on the my theory ?

 Also do we have any expert yoghurt makers out there? This Yakult stuff
 is about 70c for a small daily dose bottle (30 mls) and if anybody is
 familiar with it or it's making I'd like to try to cultivate my own.

 Thanks in advance.


Dear Frank,  I`ve been taking CS for over 2 years now, and have had no
intestinal problems at all. I don`t take yogurt or extra bugs. I read
somewhere that CS is absorbed completely before it gets to the intestine,
and thus spares the intestinal flora. Those who have a colon infection have
to take CS the other direction. I wonder if the good bugs are so-called
as they do no harm, perhaps CS does kill `em, and we just don`t need them.
Who`s to know?
 Best wishes,

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Re: Using Solar to Make CS

1998-05-25 Thread Darryl


I am coming to OZ in a few monthsI would like to meet you


You are more than welcome  in biker mode if you prefer... in a
quest for knowledge... or as a seeker of truth... up to you old son


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: Using Solar to Make CS

1998-05-25 Thread Darryl


I am gonna be niceOK... I am not gonna say exactly what I
is gonna be hard but eh that is ok.

Well I am glad you are being nice! 

I been at this since 1974I have gone to more countries than you can

Don't bet your life on that, anyway Cisco that is not a qualification for
advising people to spend $450.00 plus to make C/S as you did in earlier
post you criticised someone else who quite rightly found it could
be done for $20.oo buckspeople are interested in making C/S not
charging yacht batteries ... I will wait on what others have to say about
your advise.
I deal with more people than will ever enter your limited
life. Basically I have forgotten more then you know about Rife and CS!

Now remember I pledged not to get into this nasty stuff ...and I won't.

I have BSME from San Diego State University, and I hold a Master
Journeyman Milwright card, a Master Welder Card, a Master
Hydroilics/Pnuematics Card. I wrote the Clayton Journalsand I have
built and designed (helped) three new types of Rife units as well as
three different types of CS makers.. I deal with three countries, 15
islands and 3000 people and you pass gas...I am just a ex-Marine
trying to help people not insult them, and I dont claim to be no
masiahas you do.

I do not think I insulted you I just said you were wrong, and your advice
was wrong about the need to spend $450.00 US dollars to get a solar panel
to make C/S , finding out when people are wrong is the normal way people

My work along with 45 others reaches into villages where people dont
know what a computer isyer wrong againcause you dont READ what
people sayPERIOD. 

cisco when I ask you for names you can not supply them who are
the 45 other people ???
Where are these villages? 
When do you get time to visit them in your boat, as you seem to spend all
your time on it, or the Internet ?

We are talking about building a BATTERY CHARGING
SYSTEM and the toy unit described will not do the deedPERIOD. 

Why do you need a battery charger to make C/S ?  as I said this is more
suited to charging a boat battery than people here would need to make C/S

One is
needed which will sustain because the sun dont always shinecourse
that is not what you read is it? 

Then it that case a very small rechargeable battery [ about another $10.00
] can be charged by the solar panel costing no more than $20.00 when it is
not making C/S.
You can make at least 200 shots of 5 ppm in 250ml on a simple cheap 9 volt
battery, say another $10.00 for a rechargeable 9 volt battery.

This person didnt want to run out of
CSI am telling people how not to go withoutyou dont know what
yer talking about againI have to make 15 gallons per week to help
people from my own home..

From your home or yacht?

 I guess you can say that too I have people
coming from the Rife List to see what I do they will know when they
leave I am no liar.what exactly do you do besides judge?

Try to make sense of stuff!

For some reason you feel your a cybercop who has his own ideas and can
tell the world they dont know what they are talking aboutso tell me
oh wise onegive us the benefit of your actual field workwhere
have you gone, what place, what islandwho have you helped, tell us
the general location, and where is your actual work being done...
because I dont offer up our people to you like sheep so their government
can kill them makes me the foolwrong again. I dont offer up people
to prove pointsI dont sacrifice my people to serve little peoples
needs...I worked for years to build trustI dont lie nor will I risk
my people for your little demeaning BS.I ask once you stop bothering
meyou dont have the expertise to do itnow I am not telling you
leave me alone, I am demanding it.

Well you said you would not respond to me anyway ... I am putting up stuff
for others to gain from, not trying to knock you down . I think you
should acknowledge you actually could be wrong about something's...even
learn from here ...even learn from me  I am no cybercop, or
intellectual, but why should I stay quite when something's here are
misguiding people let others fully investigate the three points I have
contributed to date. 

 I live on a sail boat where we are required to charge our batteries by
Solar and Wind Generators. I have built 9 Solar CS/Generators and
personally deivered those systems to people who dont even speak
english...and couldnt make them work had we not shown thembut we
dont charge for our help and we dont belittle people for not having YOUR
education and ability to do nothing and insult all.sorry Holmes I
dont like you and I dont think your worth 

Re: Using Solar to Make CS

1998-05-25 Thread Darryl


So you been to and it is just like Downtown LA!your a
MORONdid you see a Radio Shack?.

Better than that about 40 electronic stores in one street, and Continental
and other US carriers are daily ... a UPS parcel would be there in 24
hours, you could even get things there quicker from Australia ! 

How bout...$1.79 per gallon US

We pay near double that in Australia, and manage to get by OK about $5.00 per gallon of Milk$6.00 per pound for
good meat, and $3.00 for a good apple(one)...ever try to get a part for
your Rife machine here? or have you ever tried to get .999 Silver

I could get it to you in 24 hours.

eh how about a transistor for your output circuit or a simple
probe for your bout an average income of $5.50 per
hourdid you also see 35% unemployed.have you been to YAP,
Saipan, Majuro, Chuuk, Phonipe, Maug Islands, Peleau.

Guam yes
Yap yes
Truk yes 
Saipan yes 

how about

It is spelt Indonesia
and I speak fluent Indonesian

Apa Kabar Cisco
Kenapa kamu di Guam?
Untuk apa kamu mara mara ke saya ?
Kenapa kamu hanya bohong disini ?
Monkin kamu hanya marbok  lagi? 

hey that is cool place, people gettin killed for not liking
the government...

they did not get killed for not liking the government ...they died while
they were looting and other looters set fire to the shops.

.and 3500 per year die from Maleriaand 2000 from

its a big country

tourists go.

yes I have been to most parts regularly

did ya see the pain in the childrens eyes or the elderly
dying with no hope...

No not once must be talking about another country ??

did you do more than drink beer 

I do not drink

and walk around
spending yer moneyhow about it...what did you look for...what did
you see and what did you dodid you seek the actual people back from
what yer allowed to see as a tourist 

I have never known of any area in Indonesia off bounds to anyone?   

or did you play tourist

No I make regular  trips to all parts of Indonesia 

 Guam aint to bad

No its more like a regular state of the USA 

but it aint Indonesia nor is it Papua New Guinea.but
have you really lookedhave you really tried to seeI doubt
ityer a selfcentered person as I said beforeyou see what you
want and you have all the answersgo into politicsyou fit the
moldno insight, little fortitude, and no visionhey Clinton could
use you as a GRIT!

Well seems like you want to just abuse me for trying to tell people they
can easily make C/S with a $20.00 Solar panel.


Darryl wrote:
 Well Cisco I know you don't want to reply to my emails anymore, or simply
 will not ...but you must understand when you give out such authoritative
 advise over such a wide range of things, if no one else is prepared to
 tackle you when you are wrong again,  there is always me.
 Here we find that you are advising people to spend US $450.00 plus to do
 job that only $20.00 or $30.00 can easily do, in this case I am talking
 about Australian Dollars nearly half what you would spend with US dollars
 in your remote site at Guam!
 Sorry folks about the exclamation mark, but I have been to Guam on many
 occasions and it is not any more remote than downtown LA, and very
 if at all more expensive.
 Cisco you have to understand that making C/S is possible with a few 9
 batteries in series, or for those with only a modicum of electronic
 expertise, a simple voltage multiplier will
  pump 9 volts to 30 volts from a single 9 volt battery either way a
 dollar investment in the less than $ 30.00 dollars Australian or even
 than $20.00 US . for a suitable solar panel to do the same thing
 Australian dollars will easily do it.
 You see current required is only about 10 milli amps in a well designed
 circuit to generate the best quality C/S this can be done with the
 cheapest of Solar Panels ...even putting out as low as 4.5 volts, and a
 suitable  voltage pump   will still be in the less than $20.00
  [ Australian  ]I think you have confused what you need to charge
 batteries in your boat that goes to all the  outer islands , with
 C/S, which is a far easier task.
 I have done my best to say this as politely as possible, if I am
 to be still uncivil by the above then I would ask those reading this to
 consider that I too came to this list learn and contribute, when stuff is
 real wrong and newcomers have come to learn then what is the value of
 having some one who can contribute sitting back and saying well this
 is very wrong, and it is going to mislead a lot of people, but I am
 hamstrung by the need to apologise for a contrary or even corrective
 so much that it is better to tolerate totally wrong stuff than speak up!
 Guess I have to take my chance again or just simply leave here, but some
 things remain 

Re: Using Solar to Make CS

1998-05-25 Thread Darryl
Well Cisco I know you don't want to reply to my emails anymore, or simply
will not ...but you must understand when you give out such authoritative
advise over such a wide range of things, if no one else is prepared to
tackle you when you are wrong again,  there is always me.
Here we find that you are advising people to spend US $450.00 plus to do a
job that only $20.00 or $30.00 can easily do, in this case I am talking
about Australian Dollars nearly half what you would spend with US dollars
in your remote site at Guam! 
Sorry folks about the exclamation mark, but I have been to Guam on many
occasions and it is not any more remote than downtown LA, and very little,
if at all more expensive.
Cisco you have to understand that making C/S is possible with a few 9 volt
batteries in series, or for those with only a modicum of electronic
expertise, a simple voltage multiplier will 
 pump 9 volts to 30 volts from a single 9 volt battery either way a
dollar investment in the less than $ 30.00 dollars Australian or even less
than $20.00 US . for a suitable solar panel to do the same thing $20.00
Australian dollars will easily do it.
You see current required is only about 10 milli amps in a well designed
circuit to generate the best quality C/S this can be done with the
cheapest of Solar Panels ...even putting out as low as 4.5 volts, and a
suitable  voltage pump   will still be in the less than $20.00 
 [ Australian  ]I think you have confused what you need to charge your
batteries in your boat that goes to all the  outer islands , with making
C/S, which is a far easier task.

I have done my best to say this as politely as possible, if I am considered
to be still uncivil by the above then I would ask those reading this to
consider that I too came to this list learn and contribute, when stuff is
real wrong and newcomers have come to learn then what is the value of
having some one who can contribute sitting back and saying well this stuff
is very wrong, and it is going to mislead a lot of people, but I am
hamstrung by the need to apologise for a contrary or even corrective view,
so much that it is better to tolerate totally wrong stuff than speak up!
Guess I have to take my chance again or just simply leave here, but some
things remain certain, there is no such thing as distilled water being 
dead , and putting C/S into the soil is the surest way possible of killing
the beneficial microbes needed to convert nutrients to plant available
nutrients, and if all this is too much to believe, you definitely do not
need a $450 US dollar solar panel to generate 10 milli amps to make the
best possible C/S.
I know there are more than a few equally competent electronic people here
reading this stuff who can totally corroborate my latest input  I hope
they speak up this time.   



This unit would run one of those toy fans ya put in yer hatdont even
go therethat is a hour wont even charge a 9vdc
battery.the unit I have described we use for full solar power to
maintain our life styleno $20 unit is gonna produce the power you
need.look further into itit is not so simple. I use 3 Solar
panels to charge ONE bank of batteries.they are 2 X 4 feet in
diamention.this wont do the trickgood thought but not the one it
will take to make silver.


It's not me wrote:
 Here's a company that sells a fairly cheap solar panel that puts out 12
 166 ma.  I don't know if 3 would put out enough juice to run your machine
 not, but they are about $20.00 each.  Let us know if you try it and it
 -Original Message-
 From: Nancy B.
 To: Silver-List
 Date: Sunday, May 24, 1998 4:32 PM
 Subject: Using Solar to Make CS
 Repost: did this go through the first time?  I haven't seen it.
 Colloidal silver made with solar energy
 Has this topic come up before?  I'd like to know how feasible it would
 convert a 27 volt battery powered or 24 ac to dc powered CS generator to
 solar (perhaps interchangeable).  I use the simple homemade generator
 two silver wires attached to the electric source (a 24 volt ac to dc
 generator concealed in a plastic box) by alligator clips and wire, with
 external light bulb I ignore most of the time.
 I know Radio Shack sells little solar gizmos but how much voltage can
 get out of them?
 Is it feasible to make colloidal silver this way in the event of a black
 (for whatever reason:  you ran out of batteries, ran into hurricanes,
 tornadoes, Y2Ks, you didn't pay your electric bill, you ran away,...)
 I really don't want to be without this stuff for more than a few days at
 time.  I like it so much better than antibiotics, and it may be the only
 thing that works if the antibiotic crisis (bacterial resistance)
 as it has been.

Re: CS and digestive bacteria

1998-05-25 Thread It's not me

I've had that problem when taking CS orally.  I just take a capsule or two
of Acidophilus (8 Billion count each) daily.  I get 120 caps for about 13.75
American, so it works out to about 11 to 22 cents per day depending on how
much I take.  I also eat yogurt regularly.


-Original Message-
From: Frank Matzka
Date: Sunday, May 24, 1998 6:28 PM
Subject: CS and digestive bacteria

There has been some talk of taking oral CS may disrupt the good bacteria
we all have in our digestive systems.

Now that I'll be taking CS fairly regularly I figured that to counteract
any decline in the good bugs, that I would counteract by eating some
live yoghurt every day. Also there recently came on the market here in
South Australia a product called Yakult which has live Lactobacillus
casei Shirota strain. I have no idea how good this stuff is but if you
believe the brochures it is just the stuff for re establishing a healthy
intestinal population.

Any thoughts on the my theory ?

Also do we have any expert yoghurt makers out there? This Yakult stuff
is about 70c for a small daily dose bottle (30 mls) and if anybody is
familiar with it or it's making I'd like to try to cultivate my own.

Thanks in advance.


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CS for MS - MS may be infectious in nature

1998-05-25 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 Colloidal silver is possibly useful for treating MS:

 CS may be an effective treatment for Multiple Sclerosis, since
 (at least some) MS has reportedly been found to be infectious
 in nature:

 1) MS has been found to be caused by Chlamydia pneumonia.

 2) In other studies, MS has been found to be a spirochetal disease
like Lyme Disease.

 Below are some references.



 MS can be caused by a vitamin B12 deficiency or a B12 blockage
 which can be caused by B12 analogues (inactive forms of B12).
 B12 analogues can be produced by certain micro-organisms, and
 at least hypothetically, these could colonize the human digestive
 tract.  CS could possibly control any such organisms. 

 Note:  Spirulina algae, often used as a food, also contains
 B12 analogues, and if consumed frequently, may eventually be
 unhealthy, even for people who don't have MS.  Although the
 body normally stores up to a five year's supply of vitamin B12,
 analogues may block the use of these stores -- thus a normal
 B12 blood test could be misleading.  Blood tests for detecting
 B12 analogues are rarely done, except in research projects.

 The coenzyme forms of vitamin B12 will probably circumvent any 
 B12 analogue blockages.  The coenzyme forms of B12 are the
 methyl-, hydroxo-, and S-adenosyl- cobalamins.  B12 injections
 also may circumvent B12 analogue blockages.

 From: (James Bare)
 Date: Tue, 17 Feb 1998
 Subj: MS- A breakthrough!

 I just finished talking with a woman who has MS. She has been in a
 clinical trial for the past 11 months. Prior to the start of the
 trial she had been in a wheel chair for 11 years, she was unable to
 open her hands and could not walk.  

 She now can walk, is able to drive and can use her hands again for
 the first time in years. She is still weak, has residual symptoms,
 and must use a wheel chair for prolonged outings,  but is still
 showing improvement. 

 MS has been found to be caused by Chlamydia pneumonia. 

 A major paper is about to be released on this breakthrough in some
 Neurology Journal. The tests were done by Vanderbilt University.
 Treatment has been something of an antibiotic cocktail with the use
 of some sort of special machines to bypass the blood brain barrier. 

 Biggest problem is the antibiotics can cause liver toxicity. 

 The Chlamydia produce excess porphyrin (can cause severe CNS
 symptoms), and also upset the cells mitochondria.  

 Chlamydia live inside of cells as a parasite. 

 So does anyone know of a frequency for this parasitic organism?.


 From: Reid Smith
 Date: Wed, 18 Feb 1998
 Subj: Re: MS- A breakthrough!

  I just finished talking with a woman who has MS.  She has been in
  a clinical trial for the past 11 months.  Prior to the start of
  the trial she had been in a wheel chair for 11 years, she was
  unable to open her hands and could not walk. 
  She now can walk, is able to drive and can use her hands again
  for the first time in years.  She is still weak, has residual
  symptoms, and must use a wheel chair for prolonged outings, but
  is still showing improvement.  MS has been found to be caused
  by Chlamydia pneumonia.

 I was diagnosed with MS in the begining and tested positive for
 Chlamydia then a second test showed negative. That shows you just
 how good their tests are. That was the only thing that they could
 find wrong with me at the time. I'd be interested in knowning what
 antibotics they are using. Also Chlamydia was said to cause heart
 problems and heart attacks. 

 Biggest problem is the antibiotics can cause liver toxicity.
 So does anyone know of a frequency for this parasitic organism?.

 Try 1520, 610-620, 880, and 5000.  The first four work in me or at
 least help. The third was reported by someone else on the list to
 help MS victoms. I'll check and see how the chlamidia frequency
 works in me. 

 From the list:

 Chlamydia 430,620,624,840,2213

 Take Care 


 You can visit my website at

 Date: Sun, 22 Feb 1998
 Subj: Re: use of silver for cpms

 Researcher Reveals Possible
 Lyme  Multiple Sclerosis Connection
 by Kim Weber, From the Tick Talk - May/June 1997

 Known for her work in pathology and her extensive research in cell
 wall deficient bacteria, Lida H. Mattman, Ph.D., is rocking the
 medical community with her discoveries in Lyme disease and Multiple
 Sclerosis. On May 6th in