
1999-07-01 Thread BROKENHEARTED
 The alcohol is the ingredient here that you would want to avoid putting
 into your system.and I never understood why people use a hair dryer for
 an ear infection.

I disagree with this statement.  If you have water in your ear that you
just cannot get out, a little alcohol in the ear will do the trick!
Just put a couple of drops in, and it mixes with the water and helps it
evaporate.   The warth of the hair dryer gives comfort.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net

Re: CS and plastic?

1999-07-01 Thread Ivan Anderson

 I've been wondering about this. I put 8 oz of CS in a tupperware
 to soak my feet to treat nail fungus and it turned orange once
 reddish another time, and coats the sides and bottom. It always
stayed a
 gold color in glass. So, does it lose its effectiveness? or what?

 On an aside, the instructions I've read about making cs say to only
 store cs in glass (unless it's hvac cs), because the silver reacts
 plastic. But I keep reading of people who put cs in nasal spray
 containers, which are made out of soft plastic. What about keeping
 in glass bottles with plastic tubes in them? Is that risky?

I have had no problem generating or storing in soft plastic myself. I
have a
20 L, LVDC, 20 ppm (slight yellow colour) test batch stored in the
containers the water came for 10 months now, no change in condition.
More in smaller containers. I use polypropylene mostly. I am very
careful not to clean them with detergent or any thing other than d.
water and plain kitchen paper towels.

Must say my commercial product is sold in amber glass bottles, taking
no chances there.


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1999-07-01 Thread Mark Germain

I joined this list to find out more about CS concerning my cat. Does
anyone out their know the kind of CS I should get for my cat  the
dosage. He weighs 13 lbs. Is their some information out their concerning
CS  how it helps cats? My name is Mark Germain mgerm...@nvc.net

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net

Re: CSkills all ?

1999-07-01 Thread Ivan Anderson
These are very good questions Terry.
Who can answer them?

Silver has always been a part of the diet, mushrooms and wheat have
(used to have?) relatively high amounts.
The oral rfd (reference dose) for silver allowed by the EPA is
5micrograms/kg/day with a critical dose estimated at 14 ug/kg/d.
Based on this rfd, a 150lb adult should not exceed 350 ug/d. This is
equivalent to 70ml (about 2.4 oz) of 5 ppm CS, or 17.5ml (0.6oz) of 20
ppm CS. (Dr John Hill)

It is probable that the body has always contained some appreciable
amount of silver, more in the past than now, but, would it have been
high enough to eliminate an infection in full swing or, in conjunction
with a healthy immune system, stop infections before they had a chance
to establish.
Would the later allow the development of antibodies to specific

Does taking amounts of CS large enough to rid oneself of some
infection, mean that the immune system is not working and making
antibodies also.

My guess is that the immune system is continually working and
fashioning antibodies against new pathogens, silver assisted or not.
However maybe it would be wise to limit ones intake of silver to a
small maintenance dose when one is well, and to up it dramatically for
a short time as the need arise.
I don't know about the symbiosis between good and bad organisms.
Enderlein and others maintain that the body exists as a symbiosis
between human cells and primitive organisms. Our cells needs these to
process properly. But when the internal environment is compromised in
some way (pH levels, toxins etc.) then these organisms may evolve to
higher forms and exist as bacteria and yeasts etc., and cause disease.
Restoring the environment causes these pathogens to devolve to their
benign form.
Is using CS a palliative therapy? Is any treatment other than those
which aim to restore a healthy environment, stop gap measures?
Could be.

- Original Message -
From: Terry Wayne tw...@yahoo.com

 Actually, this brings up a question: I remember reading how when the
 first white missionaries went to Hawaii, the natives there died like
 flies from measles, chicken pox, etc. (not that flies die from these
 things). It was explained in what I read that this was because the
 natives had no specific antibodies for these specific diseases,
 before having had these diseases in their society. Assuming this to
 true (although Dr. Carey Reams insisted that the body doesn't create
 antibodies for each disease, but healthy bodies have general
 to fight off everything); I say, assuming this to be true, does cs
 the body of all pathogens? Doesn't that go counter to the idea of
 symbiosis (the balance between good organisms and bad ones)? The
 other idea is that we need cs (like we need selenium) for the
 health of our immune systems. So can we use cs to the point of
 unbalancing our metabolisms?

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net

CS1st batch of homemade CS!

1999-07-01 Thread Sheila Underhill
Hi all,

Made my 1st batch of CS last night w/the 3 battery method. Observed the
yellowish cloud forming between the wires using a flashlight, but a lot of
it seemed to be sinking, and there was a yellowish film of dusty-looking
particles (w/some darker ones) at the bottom after 1/2 hr, when I stopped
it.  I poured it through an unbleached coffee filter, and was able to keep
most of the stuff at the bottom from entering the filter by pouring

The finished product is clear, but I can see some cloudiness when passing a
flashlight beam through it. No settling out occurred overnight. I am a
little worried that the cloud that formed between the wires seemed to
gravitate to the bottom, since I think smaller particles would stay in

Any comments or helpful hints?  Thanks.


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RE: CSNo Subject

1999-07-01 Thread BANDER, MARGIE F

My husband just got all of his mercury fillings removed yesterday.  He first
went to an alternative doctor to get DMPS which is a chelation drug that
will bind with the mercury and remove it from the body.  After the chelation
he went to the dentist who removed all of his fillings and replaced them
with something his body wouldn't react to.  The next day he had IV vitamins
to replace what the chlation had removed.  Hope this helps.


-Original Message-
From: kato...@aol.com [mailto:kato...@aol.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 1999 5:14 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CSNo Subject

Hi everyone,
can anyone give me suggestions of the best place to find info on what
to do for your system when having mercury fillings removed? I had my first 
set done and then got quite sick with this sinus infection and don't know if

they are connected, but want to make sure it doen't happen again.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net

Re: CSNo Subject

1999-07-01 Thread Marshall Dudley


 My husband just got all of his mercury fillings removed yesterday.  He first
 went to an alternative doctor to get DMPS which is a chelation drug that
 will bind with the mercury and remove it from the body.  After the chelation
 he went to the dentist who removed all of his fillings and replaced them
 with something his body wouldn't react to.  The next day he had IV vitamins
 to replace what the chlation had removed.  Hope this helps.


It is my understanding that the removal of the fillings can release a lot of
mercury.  Shouldn't the chelation follow the removal instead of preceed it?


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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net

CSA Question

1999-07-01 Thread BANDER, MARGIE F
I have a stupid question.  What is MSM?  I hear a lot of people reference
it, but what does the acronym stand for?


Margie Bander
Database Administration Team

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net

RE: CSNo Subject

1999-07-01 Thread BANDER, MARGIE F

He is scheduled to have several more doses of chelation afterward as well.
This initial dose was to  get a baseline prior to the removal of mercury.


-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley [mailto:mdud...@execonn.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 1999 9:21 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CSNo Subject



 My husband just got all of his mercury fillings removed yesterday.  He
 went to an alternative doctor to get DMPS which is a chelation drug that
 will bind with the mercury and remove it from the body.  After the
 he went to the dentist who removed all of his fillings and replaced them
 with something his body wouldn't react to.  The next day he had IV
 to replace what the chlation had removed.  Hope this helps.


It is my understanding that the removal of the fillings can release a lot of
mercury.  Shouldn't the chelation follow the removal instead of preceed it?


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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net

CSColloidal Silver Generator

1999-07-01 Thread BANDER, MARGIE F
Does anyone know of a good colloidal silver generator.  I am wanting to
purchase one.  If so, could you give me there web site, phone number, or any
information you have.


Margie Bander
Database Administration Team

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net

Re: CSColloidal Silver Generator

1999-07-01 Thread Marsha Hallett

Does anyone know of a good colloidal silver generator.  I am wanting to
purchase one.  If so, could you give me there web site, phone number, or
information you have.


Margie Bander
Database Administration Team

Dear Margie, It is a LOT cheaper to just make one with 4 batteries, 2 clips,
2 pieces of silver wire, and some distilled water. Cost, about 20 bucks.
After that, all that is needed to be replaced is water, and fresh once a
year or so.
PLMK if you want the exact directions.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net

Re: CSColloidal Silver Generator

1999-07-01 Thread James Vernon, Allison
 Does anyone know of a good colloidal silver generator.  I am wanting to
 purchase one.  If so, could you give me there web site, phone number, or
 information you have.

There are many sites listed on the net.  I have a colloidal silver searching
index on my links pages that will help you greatly.

James Vernon, Allison

Allison's Apothecary
Home of the $49.95 Colloidal Silver Generator

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net

RE: CSColloidal Silver Generator

1999-07-01 Thread BANDER, MARGIE F

Exact directions would be great.  I assume PLMK stands for Please Let Me
Know.  There are too many acronyms in this world.  My husband is an
engineer and I'm sure with your directions he can figure it out.


-Original Message-
From: Marsha Hallett [mailto:liah...@pacbell.net]
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 1999 10:44 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CSColloidal Silver Generator

Does anyone know of a good colloidal silver generator.  I am wanting to
purchase one.  If so, could you give me there web site, phone number, or
information you have.


Margie Bander
Database Administration Team

Dear Margie, It is a LOT cheaper to just make one with 4 batteries, 2 clips,
2 pieces of silver wire, and some distilled water. Cost, about 20 bucks.
After that, all that is needed to be replaced is water, and fresh once a
year or so.
PLMK if you want the exact directions.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net

CSCheck out free cheap make your own colloidal silver maker instructions

1999-07-01 Thread SLee600407
 A HREF=http://www.gilanet.com/fasterhorses/y2k/collsilvermaker.html;Click 
here: free cheap make your own colloidal silver maker instructions

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net

Re: CSCheck out free cheap make your own colloidal silver maker

1999-07-01 Thread M. G. Devour
slee600...@aol.com wrote:

 Click here: free cheap make your own colloidal silver maker

The link points to directions for a minimal CS maker. There are a 
couple of points I'd take exception with, though:

The author does not make it clear enough that special care should be 
taken with water purity.

Distilled water is essential in anything short of a life or death
situation. If you're preparing to rely on CS in a survival situation 
you should also prepare to store some distilled water.

Using tap water, or any other available water, will generate a 
reasonable concentration of *something* in just a few minutes, but 
again, I wouldn't use it internally except in an absolute emergency. 

Using distilled water, it'll take a good bit longer, easily an hour
or more, *and* require occasional wiping off of the electrodes.

So, the directions are simple and the design is cheap. But it could 
use a little fleshing out and detail to make it safe for the 
uninitiated. JMHO.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@mail.id.net   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net

Re: CSDigestV99-332

1999-07-01 Thread M. G. Devour
Tchai wrote:
 What is this digest - can i get more info on CS from this ? Where do
 i find it ? Thanks and regards Tchai

It's the same messages we all see, but grouped together into a few 
*big* messages sent during the day, instead of all the individual 
ones sent separately.

It makes it easier to handle the volume for some folks.

Look closely at the footer at the end of this (and every) message for 
instructions to switch from the list to the digest and back again.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@mail.id.net   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net

Re: CS and plastic?

1999-07-01 Thread Tchai Mumford
Please let me know what type of plastic you are talking about. We store ours
in 100ml amber bottles with a sealed lid - like those you would find
medicine in. I'm now worried that the plastic could toxify the solution. How
long should the CS remain active/effective in plastic ? Do you have any
industrial name for the plastic you are talking about so that we can check
it ?

- Original Message -
From: bober...@postoffice.swbell.net
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: 01 July 1999 02:46
Subject: Re: CS and plastic?


 The only type of plastic that you can use with CS is the type found on


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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net

Re: CSDigestV99-332

1999-07-01 Thread Tchai Mumford
Hi Katarina,
What is this digest - can i get more info on CS from this ? Where do i find
it ?
Thanks and regards

- Original Message -
From: kato...@aol.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: 29 June 1999 03:37
Subject: CSDigestV99-332

 Hi, was anyone else unable to download digest V99-322?
 Was anyone able to download it who wouldn't mind copying it and sending it
 to me? I was hoping it might have answers to some of my questions.
 Thanks so much.

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Re: CSA Question

1999-07-01 Thread EJohns9525
In a message dated 7/1/99 10:26:18 AM Central Daylight Time, 
margie.f.ban...@stl.monsanto.com writes:

  have a stupid question.  What is MSM?  I hear a lot of people reference
 it, but what does the acronym stand for?
 Margie Bander
 Database Administration Team


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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net

CSNew use

1999-07-01 Thread EJohns9525
Hello all,

I'm always looking for a new way to use this stuff I make.  Have used it 
for ringworm and we brush our teeth with it.  For 32 yrs my husband has worn 
lineman boots for his work and for 32 yrs he has been plagued with a horrible 
itch on his ankles when he takes those hot things off in the summer.  He just 
claws the skin until it's raw at times.  I've started spraying his ankles 
every morning before he puts his boots on and it does not itch at all.  I 
wish I had all the money we have spent over the years on remedies that did 
not work.  


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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net

CSmaking progress

1999-07-01 Thread Tchai Mumford
Hi all.
Good news for us - we have been asked by the South African Medical Control
Council (MCC) to meet with them to discuss CS. We don't know yet, though, if
it is for good intentions or to be arrested !
I'd like to put some questions forward, most you've all probably heard and
tired of answering but would appreciate any input on these matters.

1. We all know that CS is safe. We have taken it with great results and no
side effects. How can it be proved that CS is safe and what could we tell
the MCC if they ask the safety of CS.
2. Where can we find success stories that we can show or prove the
workability of the product ?
Is there an archive of success stories ?
3. I see that most of the list agrees that 5ppm is the most optimum CS to
take - the greater the ppm, the larger the particle size. What is the
optimum particle size ?
4. What is the benefit of higher ppm CS - there have been some who have
taken 200ppm. Is this used for more vicious diseases (AIDS, Cancer, etc) and
would the particle size be the same ?
5. Are there any limitations on the amount and duration one can consume of
CS ?
6. What is the best method of filtering CS - we use coffee filters (2
together) which reduces the ppm. we have heard that ceramic filers are the
best. If so, what filter size is best ?
7. This is one question i'd really appreciate someone to explain in detail -
What is PPM ? I understand that it is parts per million. If we produce,
for example, 5ppm CS and we take 5ml, is this the same as taking 25 mcg
silver ? Then, we presume, if we take 10ml, it is still 5ppm CS, but a total
of 50mcg Silver ? From this, can we assume that it would be better to double
the volume (ml) instead of trying to double the ppm ?
8. Are there any really good books on CS that have current information on
production, etc. I have purchased a copy of Dr Beck's manual on CS - is this
a reliable source (with due respect).
9. Please explain the difference between a bacteria  a virus.
Your comments, once again, will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks and regards
Tchai Mumford
email : tc...@iafrica.com
Tel : +27 83 400 1177
Fax : +27 11 791 3625

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net

Re: CSppm

1999-07-01 Thread boberger

First off, Good color says that you have medium to large particle size. Clear
CS has the smallest particle size.
1. Stop boiling the water!
2. I measure PPM and my fee is $7.50 for the first sample and $5.00 for each
additional sample in the same shipment.
3. Have checked the Tyndall Effect with a laser pointer??
4. If you can reverse the polarity about every 5 minutes you will have less
sludge and it should give you clear CS.


Tim Lunsford wrote:

 I need to know what my ppm is here is my process.. I heat 16 ounces of
 distilled water to a boil then pour in a pint jar place my electrodes (which
 are 1/4 inch wide) 5 1/2 inches deep they are 1 inch apart I let this brew
 at 30 volts for 15 minutes I get a working CS and good color but I need some
 idea of what my ppm is.. Thanks in advance Tim

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 List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net

Re: CSmaking progress

1999-07-01 Thread M. G. Devour
Here is Dan Smith's posting on his test results that indicate his CS 
is increasing the amount of silver found in his feces.

Begin included message

Date forwarded:   Wed, 3 Jun 1998 16:30:26 -0700 (PDT)
Date sent:Wed, 03 Jun 1998 15:48:30 -0700
From: Daniel F. Smith dfsm...@maranatha.net
To:   silver-list@eskimo.com
Copies to:Mercury Poisoning from Dental Amalgam
Subject:  Silver levels in Biospecton Test 
Forwarded by: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Send reply to:silver-list@eskimo.com


I just got my results back from a 26 element screening of a feces
sample by Biospectron of Sweden.


(The normal price for the test is $165.00 US )

The silver level was 4.324 mg/kg or 4 ppm silver!!

This relates to a 'normal' of 0.021 mg/kg or 270 times the 'normal'

I have 18 Amalgam fillings, which makes my mercury levels 0.208 mg/kg
or about 9 times normal.  The silver from amalgams should be about
half the mercury level.

Tin levels are 2.3 times normal with 5.29 mg/kg which would also be
from amalgams normally.

I suspect the extremely high silver levels are mostly from the silver
colloidal that I have been making and taking at 2-3 teaspoons a day of
yellow colloid at about 50k ohms in a bottle cap.  I havn't had any
colds or flu since I started the silver.

I also have an unusual 2 times normal silicon reading that I am at a
loss to explain.

Does anyone have any ideas or input for me?


Daniel F. Smith

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net

RE: CSCheck out free cheap make your own colloidal silver maker

1999-07-01 Thread Anthony W. Nettis
I totally agree about the distilled water part - - I believe that water
quality is the most difficult variable to control with respect to generating
CS.  I always use distilled water - - and even still I wind up throwing out
batches now and again because the quality of store purchased distilled water
can vary from one container to the next.

-Original Message-
From: M. G. Devour [mailto:mdev...@mail.id.net]
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 1999 2:27 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CSCheck out free cheap make your own colloidal silver

slee600...@aol.com wrote:

 Click here: free cheap make your own colloidal silver maker

The link points to directions for a minimal CS maker. There are a
couple of points I'd take exception with, though:

The author does not make it clear enough that special care should be
taken with water purity.

Distilled water is essential in anything short of a life or death
situation. If you're preparing to rely on CS in a survival situation
you should also prepare to store some distilled water.

Using tap water, or any other available water, will generate a
reasonable concentration of *something* in just a few minutes, but
again, I wouldn't use it internally except in an absolute emergency.

Using distilled water, it'll take a good bit longer, easily an hour
or more, *and* require occasional wiping off of the electrodes.

So, the directions are simple and the design is cheap. But it could
use a little fleshing out and detail to make it safe for the
uninitiated. JMHO.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@mail.id.net   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net

CSDistilled water only...........

1999-07-01 Thread Tom Bassett
To the New CS makers,

I've been making CS for 10 months, a couple batches
a week. Using steam distilled water is THE MOST IMPORTANT 
part of generating a successful batch of CS.

Takes me about an hour to make 20 ounces. Less time if a 
tablespoon of previously made CS is added. Never saw the
benefit to heating the water, so no inputs on that subject.

For the seasoned CS makers:
Monitoring and limiting run current to 1 milli-amp made a 
BIG difference in consistency and quality batch to batch. 
Run time increases to about 2 hours though.
I almost always get clear CS with good Tyndall effect.

Stay healthy,
Tom Bassett

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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@id.net