Re: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V100 #539

2000-07-22 Thread Dean T. Miller
Hi Mary,

On Sat, 22 Jul 2000 21:20:16 -0400, "Michael"

>If i may jump in here,
>The signs of to much silver in the body is diarehha, dehydration, needle
>pains, muscle twitches, and brain fag.In homeopathy silver is used as a
>remedy to treat as "similar" symptoms a patient may experience.
>  In reading from my book it lists the following
>Mind:  impulsive, fears, anxieties and so forth
>Head:  Headache with coldness and trembling.  Brain fag with general
>debility and trembling.
>Face:  Sunken, old, pale, and bluish.
>Mouth:  Gums tender and bleed easily.  Pain in teeth.
>There is more but I am hoping you get the point of this.

Good.  Now the next step is to give us some verified examples of
people who have these conditions AND have "excessive" silver in their

I'm aware of only one person who has a bluish skin (the famous argyria
victim from the '50's who used a silver compound on the advice of an
MD).  Does she have the other conditions described?  

If not, what, then, is "to much" silver?  Since several toxicity
databases seems to say that there is no toxicity apparent with pure
silver (not silver compounds, elemental silver), then perhaps whoever
came up with the above list should inform them (the CDC, EPA, etc.).

-- Dean -- from (almost) Duh Moines  (CDP, KB0ZDF)

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Lou Gehrig's disease?

2000-07-22 Thread spiroflx
Lou Gehrig's disease has often tested out to be Lyme Disease, when a live
blood culture was done such as that done by Lida Mattman PhD, researcher in
Warren MI.  Lida's culture is the Gold Standard for testing for Lyme IMO.

I found an abstract of Mattman's report on the Web at PubMed Web at:;

If you cannot access this, let me know and I'll post it.

Print out and let your friend read the long document by Dr Joseph Burrascano
MD found at.
This is an excellent overview of Lyme disease, with a checklist of symptoms,
diagnostic hints, and treatment guidelines.

If that gentleman was a friend of mine I would try to persuade him to get a
referral to an infectious disease specialist with plenty of experience
treating Lyme patients.

But a treatment protocol such as the 4-part plan proposed by Robert Beck PhD
would be my personal choice for dealing with a complex of diseases like Lyme
or "Lou Gehrig's disease." That protocol includes CS, blood electrification,
magnetic pulsing and drinking ozonized water.


- Original Message -
From: "Michael" 
Sent: Saturday, July 22, 2000 9:20 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V100 #539
. . . Another thing that I find interesting is that I am getting IV
twice a week and there is a man there that can hardly walk and he looks to
be in his late forties that has been diagnosed with Lou G. disease and he
has been everywhere looking for help and now is getting the IV chelation and
also he gets the hydrogen peroxide drip and he said he was told he had a
high level of silver which was causing his problem.  I didn't mention that I
was taking CS.  Of course he has been to a lot of Drs. and has been told a
lot of different things.  Feel like he is being steered wrong.  Does anyone
know of anything for Lou G  Disease? . . .

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V100 #539

2000-07-22 Thread Ted Windsor
Where does this information about to much silver in the body come from?  I
suspect the FDA or such other organizations.  I have used colloidal silver for
several years and have yet to experience any such symptoms.

Michael wrote:

> If i may jump in here,
> The signs of to much silver in the body is diarehha, dehydration, needle
> pains, muscle twitches, and brain fag.In homeopathy silver is used as a
> remedy to treat as "similar" symptoms a patient may experience.
>   In reading from my book it lists the following
> Mind:  impulsive, fears, anxieties and so forth
> Head:  Headache with coldness and trembling.  Brain fag with general
> debility and trembling.
> Face:  Sunken, old, pale, and bluish.
> Mouth:  Gums tender and bleed easily.  Pain in teeth.
> There is more but I am hoping you get the point of this.
> Mary
> - Original Message -
> From: 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, July 22, 2000 4:13 PM
> Subject: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V100 #539
> > In a message dated 7/22/00 11:12:59 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
> > writes:
> > Hi, I tried to grab this, even wrote to Mike to see if he could stop this
> > post.  Would like to say this man, I write about below probably has been
> to a
> > lot of Quacks with his problem and only one Dr. said he had Lou Gehrig's
> > disease and another did a hair analysis and said he had high levels of
> silver
> > and maybe that was his problem.  I certainly am not going to stop taking
> CS,
> > in fact I am going to up my dosage.
> > I don't believe that is his problem because silver is not a heavy metal.
> > Sorry i posted this.Mary
> >
> > << Another thing that I fine interesting is I am getting IV chelation
> twice a
> >  week and there is a man there that can hardly walk and he looks to be in
> his
> >  late forties that has been diagnosed with Lou G. disease and he has been
> >  everywhere looking for help and now is getting the IV chelation and also
> he
> >  gets the hydrogen peroxide drip and he said he was told he had a  high
> level
> >  of silver which was causing his problem.  I didn't mention that I was
> taking
> >  CS.  Of course he has been to a lot of Drs. and has been told a lot of
> >  different things.  Feel like he is being steered wrong.  Does anyone know
> of
> >  anything for Lou G  Disease? >>
> >
> >
> > --
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >
> > To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
> >  -or-
> > with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> >
> > To post, address your message to:
> > Silver-list archive:
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >
> >

Re: CS>intro and question WOOPS!

2000-07-22 Thread Brita V. Jones
How much water do you use, and what type of water?


I bought a 30VDC wall transformer from Radio Shack, along with a 6 inch
pigtail and some alligator clips.  All for about $30.  I am using this in
place of the three 9 volt batteries.  I let it run for about 20 minutes with
12 AWG silver rods spaced 1 1/2 inch.  Makes Cs without depending on

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The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Thyroid and hair loss

2000-07-22 Thread Daniel Holly
Tribulus Terrestris

Free priority shipping on all U.S.A orders

$18.15   100ct

Each 2 capsules contain:

Tribulus Terrestris extract   625 mg
Tribulus Terrestris is an herb commonly known as "Puncture Vine" or Caltrop
fruit, grown in various parts of the world and used medicinally for it
virilizing effects. Studies have shown a better than 50% increase in
testosterone levels when taking the Tribulus Terrestris herb.

The Chemical Pharmaceutical Institute in Sofia, Bulgaria conducted Clinical
studies on Tribulus which showed improved reproductive functions, including
increased sperm production and Testosterone levels in men. Among women,
Tribulus increased the concentration of hormones including Estradiol, with
Testosterone being very slightly influenced, thereby improving reproductive
function, libido and ovulation. A significant benefit of Tribulus is the
stimulation of hormone production to a balanced level, without over
stimulating the secretion of hormones.

Tribulus Terrestris has been used for centuries in Europe for hormone
insufficiency in men and women. It has been used in the treatment of liver,
kidney and urinary tract disease, and all types of skin disorders by Chinese

 When scientists began studying the remarkable curative power of Tribulus
Terrestris, they discovered that it significantly elevates the level of
several hormones: Testosterone; Luteinizing Hormone (LH is a gonad
stimulating hormone produced by the pituitary gland); Follicle Stimulating
Hormone (FSH); and Estradiol.

 The fruit and root of Tribulus( "Puncture Vine" or Caltrop fruit) contain
pharmacologically important metabolites like phytosteroids, flavonoids,
alkaloids and glycosides. These active components have a stimulating effect
on the immune, sexual and reproductive systems, with improved muscle
building, stamina and endurance. Other positive changes observed in a number
of cases were a reduction in cholesterol, enhanced mood and well-being.
Tribulus exhibits a mild diuretic effect.

 The liver is a major synthesizer of hormones. They are synthesized from
cholesterol, so a herb such as Tribulus that has a stimulating effect on the
liver, will have a major influence on cholesterol and other products of the
liver. Tribulus' role as a liver tonic is very important - breaking down the
cholesterol and fats that inhibit healthy liver function. The cholesterol
and fats are converted to hormones and energy resulting in increased
performance and stamina. This role of improving liver function, stamina and
endurance is particularly beneficial to athletes and bodybuilders.

 No adverse effects to the central nervous or cardiovascular systems were
noted in any of the clinical studies; no toxicity and no deviations in blood
count occurred. No known negative effects presently exist when Tribulus is
used as a dietary supplement.

The increase in testosterone levels by Tribulus will promote protein
synthesis, positive nitrogen balance as well as faster recuperation and
recovery from muscular stress. Tribulus therefore has a positive effect on
strength and stamina.

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- Original Message -
From: "Katie Jay" 
Sent: Sunday, July 23, 2000 1:36 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Thyroid and hair loss

> Is it safe? Are natural steroids dangerous?
> Katie
> - Original Message -
> From: 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, July 22, 2000 5:24 PM
> Subject: Re: CS>Thyroid and hair loss
> > In a message dated 7/21/00 11:13:19 AM Mountain Standard Time,
> > writes:
> >
> >
> >  WHAT IS TTL??
> >
> >  Thanks!!
> >
> >
> > TTL is Tribulus Terrestris Extract used for promuscle buildup, hair
> > restoration/growth, arthritis pain relief and sexual performance
> > improvement.  I imagine many health stores carry this herbal
> > product first popularized by Russian athletes.  I get mine from
> > SCA Int. in Texas, 1-877-864-3142, because of tablet strength
> > (250 mg) and his guarantee for certain afflictions (claims only
> > one in a thousand request a refund).
> >
> > Frank
> >
> >
> > will stop arthritis pain
> >  > in 3 weeks, grows hair for women, will 'thicken' men's hair,
> > increasing the number of
> >  > hairs growing from each follicle.  A natural steroid made
> >  > from hitchhiker plants
> >  > >>
> >
> >

Re: CS>Thyroid and hair loss

2000-07-22 Thread Katie Jay
Is it safe? Are natural steroids dangerous?

- Original Message - 
Sent: Saturday, July 22, 2000 5:24 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Thyroid and hair loss

> In a message dated 7/21/00 11:13:19 AM Mountain Standard Time, 
> writes:
>  Thanks!!
> TTL is Tribulus Terrestris Extract used for promuscle buildup, hair
> restoration/growth, arthritis pain relief and sexual performance
> improvement.  I imagine many health stores carry this herbal
> product first popularized by Russian athletes.  I get mine from 
> SCA Int. in Texas, 1-877-864-3142, because of tablet strength
> (250 mg) and his guarantee for certain afflictions (claims only
> one in a thousand request a refund).
> Frank
> will stop arthritis pain
>  > in 3 weeks, grows hair for women, will 'thicken' men's hair, 
> increasing the number of
>  > hairs growing from each follicle.  A natural steroid made
>  > from hitchhiker plants
>  > >>
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V100 #539

2000-07-22 Thread Michael
If i may jump in here,
The signs of to much silver in the body is diarehha, dehydration, needle
pains, muscle twitches, and brain fag.In homeopathy silver is used as a
remedy to treat as "similar" symptoms a patient may experience.
  In reading from my book it lists the following
Mind:  impulsive, fears, anxieties and so forth
Head:  Headache with coldness and trembling.  Brain fag with general
debility and trembling.
Face:  Sunken, old, pale, and bluish.
Mouth:  Gums tender and bleed easily.  Pain in teeth.
There is more but I am hoping you get the point of this.
- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, July 22, 2000 4:13 PM
Subject: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V100 #539

> In a message dated 7/22/00 11:12:59 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
> writes:
> Hi, I tried to grab this, even wrote to Mike to see if he could stop this
> post.  Would like to say this man, I write about below probably has been
to a
> lot of Quacks with his problem and only one Dr. said he had Lou Gehrig's
> disease and another did a hair analysis and said he had high levels of
> and maybe that was his problem.  I certainly am not going to stop taking
> in fact I am going to up my dosage.
> I don't believe that is his problem because silver is not a heavy metal.
> Sorry i posted this.Mary
> << Another thing that I fine interesting is I am getting IV chelation
twice a
>  week and there is a man there that can hardly walk and he looks to be in
>  late forties that has been diagnosed with Lou G. disease and he has been
>  everywhere looking for help and now is getting the IV chelation and also
>  gets the hydrogen peroxide drip and he said he was told he had a  high
>  of silver which was causing his problem.  I didn't mention that I was
>  CS.  Of course he has been to a lot of Drs. and has been told a lot of
>  different things.  Feel like he is being steered wrong.  Does anyone know
>  anything for Lou G  Disease? >>
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Thyroid and hair loss

2000-07-22 Thread WriteTyler
In a message dated 7/21/00 11:13:19 AM Mountain Standard Time, writes:

TTL is Tribulus Terrestris Extract used for promuscle buildup, hair
restoration/growth, arthritis pain relief and sexual performance
improvement.  I imagine many health stores carry this herbal
product first popularized by Russian athletes.  I get mine from 
SCA Int. in Texas, 1-877-864-3142, because of tablet strength
(250 mg) and his guarantee for certain afflictions (claims only
one in a thousand request a refund).

will stop arthritis pain
 > in 3 weeks, grows hair for women, will 'thicken' men's hair, 
increasing the number of
 > hairs growing from each follicle.  A natural steroid made
 > from hitchhiker plants
 > >>

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS for acne (was Ozone thread)

2000-07-22 Thread CKing001
There are good prices for bulk and capsulated MSM here:
I've dealt with these folk most satisfactorily.

It's a small world, but I'd hate to have to paint it!

On Sat, 22 Jul 2000 09:15:01 -0400, "Tim Eastman"  wrote:

>We are using a very pure form of MSM but it's from a network marketing
>source which is artificially priced to support their commission structure. I
>have a principle problem with that but it's just a hot button for Tim
>Eastman; nothing more. We're looking for another source.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>today's humor

2000-07-22 Thread w8w8
God.  That's the funniest I have ever heard.  Please explain it.
Nothing came thru


>Humor that you all can relate to.  Hope no one minds.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>today's humor

2000-07-22 Thread Frances Mehner
Humor that you all can relate to.  Hope no one minds.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS

2000-07-22 Thread Frances Mehner
Helen, have you tried mixing MSM with the silver and irrigating your
nose?  My computer man tried it and within two hours his sinuses were
draining a bunch of junk and he's doing sooo much better.  Just use the
straight silver with msm in the nose.  Let me know if it works.  I would
suggest you take a lot more than 3 tablespoons.  Keep us posted. 
Thanks. wrote:
> Hi, I am currently taking 4 T of CS 3 times a day but it has done nothing for
> me, so see from the list that i will have to increase it.  I have chronic
> sinus problems and am in the ENT's office at least once a month for more
> antibiotics and a  medrol pack ever 3 months.  Have been taking the CS for at
> least 3 months.  Use the CS in a spray bottle for the nose and nothing has
> changed and think I will try the super doses of CS that have been mentioned
> here and see if it helps.
> Another thing that I fine interesting is I am getting IV chelation twice a
> week and there is a man there that can hardly walk and he looks to be in his
> late forties that has been diagnosed with Lou G. disease and he has been
> everywhere looking for help and now is getting the IV chelation and also he
> gets the hydrogen peroxide drip and he said he was told he had a  high level
> of silver which was causing his problem.  I didn't mention that I was taking
> CS.  Of course he has been to a lot of Drs. and has been told a lot of
> different things.  Feel like he is being steered wrong.  Does anyone know of
> anything for Lou G  Disease?
> Thanks, Mary
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS

2000-07-22 Thread HelenW8262
In a message dated 7/22/00 11:12:59 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
Thanks Dean, for answering below.  I have been wanting to buy some of the 
Beck machines but can't deside which ones to buy.  Is there something, 
somewhere that tells what each of them are for?   Thanks,   Mary

<< >I didn't mention that I was taking 
 >CS.  Of course he has been to a lot of Drs. and has been told a lot of 
 >different things.  Feel like he is being steered wrong.  Does anyone know 
 >anything for Lou G  Disease?  
 If the tests show large metal concentrations, then chelation therapy
 is needed.  But I'd bet he has lots of parasites -- and Dr. Clark or
 Beck's procedures will probably help. >>

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V100 #539

2000-07-22 Thread HelenW8262
In a message dated 7/22/00 11:12:59 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
Hi, I tried to grab this, even wrote to Mike to see if he could stop this 
post.  Would like to say this man, I write about below probably has been to a 
lot of Quacks with his problem and only one Dr. said he had Lou Gehrig's 
disease and another did a hair analysis and said he had high levels of silver 
and maybe that was his problem.  I certainly am not going to stop taking CS, 
in fact I am going to up my dosage.
I don't believe that is his problem because silver is not a heavy metal.  
Sorry i posted this.Mary
<< Another thing that I fine interesting is I am getting IV chelation twice a 
 week and there is a man there that can hardly walk and he looks to be in his 
 late forties that has been diagnosed with Lou G. disease and he has been 
 everywhere looking for help and now is getting the IV chelation and also he 
 gets the hydrogen peroxide drip and he said he was told he had a  high level 
 of silver which was causing his problem.  I didn't mention that I was taking 
 CS.  Of course he has been to a lot of Drs. and has been told a lot of 
 different things.  Feel like he is being steered wrong.  Does anyone know of 
 anything for Lou G  Disease? >>

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Snookered Again

2000-07-22 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 7/22/00 2:13:01 PM EST, writes:

<< Hi Roger;
 Send me your s-mail address and I will mail you a copy.
 Robert L. Berger
 12303 E.89th St.
 Kansas City, MO 64138-5150
 "Ole Bob"


Glad to.

Roger Altman
RR1 Box 102
Natural Bridge, NY

And thanks a lot.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>intro and question WOOPS!

2000-07-22 Thread Trem

Hello Brickey,

Your current is WAY high.  You would do much better at  one tenth or one 
hundredth that current value.  No wonder it's black.  Put a resistor in 
series with one lead to limit the current.

As an example, our generators limit the current to 1 milliampere and silver 
puppy uses .7 milliampere in his generators.

Constant Current Colloid Generators

At 02:43 PM 7/22/00 -0400, you wrote:

I use a meter and stop when it reaches 300 ma, as the next scale is 10 amps.
I am trying a batch for 1 hour like Marsha does.  It is already pretty black
after 40 minutes.  It is beyond 300 ma also.  I don't know the circuit
diagram of the transformer from Radio Shack.  No PPM test only the meter
reading.  Looks like some more for my hot tub.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Snookered Again

2000-07-22 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi Roger;

Send me your s-mail address and I will mail you a copy.

Robert L. Berger
12303 E.89th St.
Kansas City, MO 64138-5150

"Ole Bob"

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>intro and question WOOPS!

2000-07-22 Thread Brickeyk
I use a meter and stop when it reaches 300 ma, as the next scale is 10 amps.  
I am trying a batch for 1 hour like Marsha does.  It is already pretty black 
after 40 minutes.  It is beyond 300 ma also.  I don't know the circuit 
diagram of the transformer from Radio Shack.  No PPM test only the meter 
reading.  Looks like some more for my hot tub.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Uses

2000-07-22 Thread WriteTyler

Your input would be most welcome and appreciated.  What are your
experiences so far?  Do you have a web site to recommend as well?


In a message dated 7/22/00 7:35:11 AM Mountain Standard Time, writes:

< Hi,  I know there are long lists of potential applications for CS but I
 > wondered
 > if those of you who have been successful would consider creating a thread, 
 > such hasn't been done, of your uses and results.  What have you used CS
 > for and what was the outcome?
 > --

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS

2000-07-22 Thread Marsha Hallett

> Hi, I am currently taking 4 T of CS 3 times a day but it has done nothing
> me, so see from the list that i will have to increase it.  I have chronic
> sinus problems and am in the ENT's office at least once a month for more
> antibiotics and a  medrol pack ever 3 months.  Have been taking the CS for
> least 3 months.  Use the CS in a spray bottle for the nose and nothing has
> changed and think I will try the super doses of CS that have been
> here and see if it helps.
> Another thing that I fine interesting is I am getting IV chelation twice a
> week and there is a man there that can hardly walk and he looks to be in
> late forties that has been diagnosed with Lou G. disease and he has been
> everywhere looking for help and now is getting the IV chelation and also
> gets the hydrogen peroxide drip and he said he was told he had a  high
> of silver which was causing his problem.  I didn't mention that I was
> CS.  Of course he has been to a lot of Drs. and has been told a lot of
> different things.  Feel like he is being steered wrong.  Does anyone know
> anything for Lou G  Disease?
> Thanks, Mary

Dear Mary,
Is the CS store bought, or home made? Some store bought stuff is nothing
more than water with yellow food coloring...

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Re: CS

2000-07-22 Thread Ted Windsor
Try taking 4 oz. saturate the body, then take one oz per day till your problem 
resolved.  Works for me.
Ted wrote:

> Hi, I am currently taking 4 T of CS 3 times a day but it has done nothing for
> me, so see from the list that i will have to increase it.  I have chronic
> sinus problems and am in the ENT's office at least once a month for more
> antibiotics and a  medrol pack ever 3 months.  Have been taking the CS for at
> least 3 months.  Use the CS in a spray bottle for the nose and nothing has
> changed and think I will try the super doses of CS that have been mentioned
> here and see if it helps.
> Another thing that I fine interesting is I am getting IV chelation twice a
> week and there is a man there that can hardly walk and he looks to be in his
> late forties that has been diagnosed with Lou G. disease and he has been
> everywhere looking for help and now is getting the IV chelation and also he
> gets the hydrogen peroxide drip and he said he was told he had a  high level
> of silver which was causing his problem.  I didn't mention that I was taking
> CS.  Of course he has been to a lot of Drs. and has been told a lot of
> different things.  Feel like he is being steered wrong.  Does anyone know of
> anything for Lou G  Disease?
> Thanks, Mary
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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RE: CS>intro and question WOOPS!

2000-07-22 Thread w8w8
Robert:  Brickey evidently bought a Radio Shack 1000mA (1.0 Ampere)
  but not regulated multi-voltage AC-to-DC adapter (Part Number 173-1668

  selling for $21.99) that supplies 13.5 volts and 30 volts.  Since the
  adapter converts the AC line voltage to DC, no diodes are necessary.

  Brickey:  Thanks for pointing out that Radio Shack has such an
  Sounds like a lot of those people using three 9Volt batteries would be

  interested in such a unit.   Just remember that if you short the
leads, you
  will blow out your adapter.  You also might get a bad burn that you
  have to use CS on.  I would suggest either a fixed spacer between your
  so that they cannot short out, or a light bulb in series with one of
  leads, or preferably both.

  The adapter (the I just bought) produces 35.7VDC at no load.  Using a
  series bulb, the current is limited to  196.0 mA during short circuit
  conditions. This is well below the 1000mA rating and should be more
  enough current to make CS for a long time to come.

Thought for the day:  Is it true that welfare for crocodiles is known as


  >From: "Robert Ratliff" 
  >Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2000 03:20:52 -0400

  >Have you tested it for strength? Does it turn golden color? You don't
  >diodes to convert to DC?
  >Best Regards, Robert Ratliff
  >-Original Message-
  >From: []
  >Sent: Friday, July 21, 2000 2:43 PM
  >I bought a 30VDC wall transformer from Radio Shack, along with a 6
  >pigtail and some alligator clips.  All for about $30.  I am using
this in
  >place of the three 9 volt batteries.  I let it run for about 20
  >12 AWG silver rods spaced 1 1/2 inch.  Makes Cs without depending on

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS

2000-07-22 Thread Dean T. Miller
Hi Mary,

On Sat, 22 Jul 2000 13:04:42 EDT, wrote:

>Hi, I am currently taking 4 T of CS 3 times a day but it has done nothing for 
>me, so see from the list that i will have to increase it.  I have chronic 
>sinus problems and am in the ENT's office at least once a month for more 
>antibiotics and a  medrol pack ever 3 months.  Have been taking the CS for at 
>least 3 months.  Use the CS in a spray bottle for the nose and nothing has 
>changed and think I will try the super doses of CS that have been mentioned 
>here and see if it helps.

I don't know the characteristics of your sinus problem, but CS didn't
help with mine.  Only the Zapper worked (antibiotics, various things
to reduce swelling, etc. didn't work).

One use of CS that does seem to help with my sinus situation is eye
drops.  I mix CS half and half with saline solution and use a drop in
each eye, 2 or 3 times a day.

>Another thing that I fine interesting is I am getting IV chelation twice a 
>week and there is a man there that can hardly walk and he looks to be in his 
>late forties that has been diagnosed with Lou G. disease and he has been 
>everywhere looking for help and now is getting the IV chelation and also he 
>gets the hydrogen peroxide drip and he said he was told he had a  high level 
>of silver which was causing his problem.  

Who told him it was silver -- and how did he get it into his body?  CS
apparently gets cleared out of the body within a few days (according
the Roger Altman's tests).  I can understand how he could get high
levels of aluminum, copper, lead and other metals -- but not silver
(unless he's worked in a photo lab all his life or used silver solder
in jewelry making).

>I didn't mention that I was taking 
>CS.  Of course he has been to a lot of Drs. and has been told a lot of 
>different things.  Feel like he is being steered wrong.  Does anyone know of 
>anything for Lou G  Disease?  

If the tests show large metal concentrations, then chelation therapy
is needed.  But I'd bet he has lots of parasites -- and Dr. Clark or
Beck's procedures will probably help.

-- Dean -- from (almost) Duh Moines  (CDP, KB0ZDF)

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2000-07-22 Thread HelenW8262
Hi, I am currently taking 4 T of CS 3 times a day but it has done nothing for 
me, so see from the list that i will have to increase it.  I have chronic 
sinus problems and am in the ENT's office at least once a month for more 
antibiotics and a  medrol pack ever 3 months.  Have been taking the CS for at 
least 3 months.  Use the CS in a spray bottle for the nose and nothing has 
changed and think I will try the super doses of CS that have been mentioned 
here and see if it helps.

Another thing that I fine interesting is I am getting IV chelation twice a 
week and there is a man there that can hardly walk and he looks to be in his 
late forties that has been diagnosed with Lou G. disease and he has been 
everywhere looking for help and now is getting the IV chelation and also he 
gets the hydrogen peroxide drip and he said he was told he had a  high level 
of silver which was causing his problem.  I didn't mention that I was taking 
CS.  Of course he has been to a lot of Drs. and has been told a lot of 
different things.  Feel like he is being steered wrong.  Does anyone know of 
anything for Lou G  Disease?

Thanks, Mary

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Re: CS>Uses

2000-07-22 Thread Marsha Hallett

> Hi,  I know there are long lists of potential applications for CS but I
> wondered
> if those of you who have been successful would consider creating a thread,
> such hasn't been done, of your uses and results.  What have you used CS
> for and what was the outcome?

Okay, You asked for it! :o)
I have used it successfully for: Lyme disease, colds, flu (prevented it from
happening, when everyone else was ill), acne, conjuntivitis, urinary tract
infections, infected ingrown toenail, sunburn, spider bites, (if they WERE
Brown Recluse, and I suspect they were, I didn`t need skin grafts, as the CS
deactivated the toxin)
and in my pets, Giardia in a cockatiel and various infections in my 2 Pugs.
Now I`m getting ready to see if it`ll stop Human Papilloma Virus, once I
know whether or not I have cervical cancer.

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Re: CS>Uses

2000-07-22 Thread MAMA2BEAR
I am drinking about a cup of CS daily along with cranberry capsules.  No more 
bladder infections.

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Re: CS for acne (was Ozone thread)

2000-07-22 Thread Henry Reed
I also am interested in the details of that formulation. pj

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Re: CS>Uses

2000-07-22 Thread Frances Mehner
I would love to be included if you start this list and start it
elsewhere. Otherwise I'll get it on this list.  I have been saving as
much as I can to share with others.

Bob Squires wrote:
> Tyler;
> I too have been considering the same thing using my web site that 
> we
> have just begun . Do you think that this would be of value to everyone . I am
> involved with a number of over seas ministries. So I get a bit of feedback on 
> the
> healing effects of these electronic therapies. Is this what you had in mind.
> With Gods Love
> Bob
> wrote:
> > Hi,  I know there are long lists of potential applications for CS but I
> > wondered
> > if those of you who have been successful would consider creating a thread, 
> > if
> > such hasn't been done, of your uses and results.  What have you used CS
> > for and what was the outcome?
> >
> > --
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >
> > To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> > with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> >
> > To post, address your message to:
> > Silver-list archive:
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Uses

2000-07-22 Thread Bob Squires

I too have been considering the same thing using my web site that we
have just begun . Do you think that this would be of value to everyone . I am
involved with a number of over seas ministries. So I get a bit of feedback on 
healing effects of these electronic therapies. Is this what you had in mind.

With Gods Love
Bob wrote:

> Hi,  I know there are long lists of potential applications for CS but I
> wondered
> if those of you who have been successful would consider creating a thread, if
> such hasn't been done, of your uses and results.  What have you used CS
> for and what was the outcome?
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Redundant Question

2000-07-22 Thread Ode Wan Coyote
 ##  My take on the argryia question is that it's very rare even when 
using silver compounds [like 1 in a 1000?] If I'm not mistaken, all the 
testing done was on current cases of argyria. They did not attempt to 
induce the condition in anyone. What they didn't say was how many 
candidates for the condition [those that used silver compounds in high 
doses for a long time] DIDN'T develop the condition.  They were unable to 
induce argryia in dog studies even with near fatal doses.

 It seems to me that when any metal is exposed to acid, it forms a salt. 
[comments?]  What happens when CS hits the strong acids in the stomach?

 A good argument for keeping it in the mouth area for a while?

 Frankly, the amount of silver ingested with electro colloidal silver is 
so low that you'll have to drink it by the gallon every day for many years 
to even get close to the dosages mentioned in the studies...salts or no.


At 10:10 PM 7/21/00 +0100, you wrote:

Hi Tim

It is unlikely that you will find 'proof' that CS does NOT cause argyria,
as the few documented cases of argyria were usually the results of
_long-term_ abuse of silver containing compounds. We will all have to wait
thirty years or more for an overwhelming weight of anecdotal reports to
amass to feel _certain_ that CS use will not result in argyria. In the
meantime, for those of us users who want reassurance about the 'risk' we
expose ourselves to, a 'level-headed' appraisal of the toxicology of silver
(including CS) can be found here:

Disclaimer: I have not read the entire publication from which this is an
extract. I cannot vouch for the validity or accuracy of the information
contained therein. Suffice to say that in my personal opinion, there is
sufficient argument proposed in the extract to satisfy my own doubts about
the safety of my own CS use.

On Thu, 20 Jul 2000 22:51:06 -0400, "Tim Eastman"  wrote:

>I know all the "how come's" but could someone please pass along some
>documentable reasonings as to why CS does NOT produce Argyria or at least
>point me to some medical level "White Papers" on the internet. I know some
>of you are testors and quality control gurus in our CS discussions - feel
>free to step in. Yes I know we've gone over it and over it. But a
>non-propagandish report would be in order and I'd just pass it along.

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Re: CS>for the eyes?

2000-07-22 Thread Ode Wan Coyote
 Of course it has suspended solids,all sort of minerals. That water comes 
straight from the aquifer. [well water]
 What is being said is that having a Tyndal Effect is no indication of 
what's causing it, so, it's not a test for the presence of silver. It is a 
test for the presence of nearly anything that can be suspended in water.


At 11:13 AM 7/21/00 -0400, you wrote:

Ode Wan Coyote wrote:

>## sorry , not reliable at all.  My tap water has a good strong Tyndal
> Effect.

I wouldn't drink it.  Are you allowing time for the bubbles to settle 
out?  Tap

water should have NO tyndall, since it indicates suspended solids.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS for acne (was Ozone thread)

2000-07-22 Thread Tim Eastman
James, I am interested in the source and amount of the Adaptin (MSM) that
you use in your acne topical. We also have a teen who could benefit from
your protocol.

We are using a very pure form of MSM but it's from a network marketing
source which is artificially priced to support their commission structure. I
have a principle problem with that but it's just a hot button for Tim
Eastman; nothing more. We're looking for another source.

So your mix ratio is
30ml plus/minus of CS
MSM = [??] tsp? tbs?
And what is your aqueous cream base?

Is the end result in a "face cream" consistancy?
I am really new at all this so please bear with me.

Thanks James.
Tim Eastman
  -Original Message-
  From: James Houston-McMillan []
  Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2000 10:07 AM
  To: Silver List
  Subject: CS>Ozone vs negative ions, CS for acne
  From this experiment I think you can see how static discharge could make
  I also have a teenager at home with pimples. I made a cream using +-30ml
CS into which I disolved MSM and then mixed that with aqueous cream, it
works like a charm.
  James Houston-McMillan

Re: CS>Snookered Again

2000-07-22 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 7/21/00 3:07:05 PM EST, writes:

<< Subj: CS>Snookered Again
 Date:  7/21/00 3:07:05 PM EST
 From: (Robert L. Berger)
 Reply-to: (silver-list)
 Hi Ya'all,
 Unless you have had some experience in a pool hall the title may be
 I just received the Vol.5, No.6 issue of  "Preventive Medicine Digest"
 and it contains an article by Dr.Jeffrey Lauber, M.D. extolling the
 virtues of colloidal silver.
 However, he states that ," A pure colloidal silver solution should be
 yellow, approximately urine-colored.  ... Products that are very
 pale yellow or clear probably contain little or no silver. Both products
 should be avoided."
 I guess that we have all been waisting our time trying making clear,
 weak T.E. CS with ppms of 10 to 20. In fact we are doing it 
 "Ole Bob"


Is it possible to access this article without being a subscriber? 


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Re: CS>intro and question WOOPS!

2000-07-22 Thread Dean T. Miller
Hi Robert,

On Sat, 22 Jul 2000 03:20:52 -0400, "Robert Ratliff"

>Have you tested it for strength? Does it turn golden color? You don't use
>diodes to convert to DC?

>-Original Message-
>From: []
>I bought a 30VDC wall transformer from Radio Shack, along with a 6 inch
>pigtail and some alligator clips.  All for about $30.  I am using this in
>place of the three 9 volt batteries.  I let it run for about 20 minutes with
>12 AWG silver rods spaced 1 1/2 inch.  Makes Cs without depending on

I suspect the wall transformer mentioned is the switchable 13.5/30
volt, regulated power supply at 1 Amp (about $21).  I use that supply
(at 13.5 volts) for my Zapper.

-- Dean -- from (almost) Duh Moines  (CDP, KB0ZDF)

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RE: CS>intro and question WOOPS!

2000-07-22 Thread Robert Ratliff
Have you tested it for strength? Does it turn golden color? You don't use
diodes to convert to DC?

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Friday, July 21, 2000 2:43 PM
Subject: Re: CS>intro and question WOOPS!

I bought a 30VDC wall transformer from Radio Shack, along with a 6 inch
pigtail and some alligator clips.  All for about $30.  I am using this in
place of the three 9 volt batteries.  I let it run for about 20 minutes with
12 AWG silver rods spaced 1 1/2 inch.  Makes Cs without depending on

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List maintainer: Mike Devour