2000-10-31 Thread A :. A :.
moi comprende vous.  
moi behave moi self.
moi no expose a vous rev.


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CS>Unidentified subject!

2000-10-31 Thread A :. A :.
by  jumpin' christ... you just HAVE to love somebody with the big
swinging brass ones to 
try and gouge out $75 for a quart or so of "energised" water that they
spent "thousand of dollars" on the equiptment to develop. and this on
the authority of (they) "heard"  of a fish that didn't suffocate.  what
more ringing endorsement could any reasonable being
possible want? please take my millions of dollars and do with it what
you will and evidence be damned.
you are really drunvalo melchizidek in another inicarnation aren't you?
i'd bet yer at least friends.
i live in winterhaven california. 
come visit   :-(
(640 first ave.  space #3)



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CS>is it a joke?

2000-10-31 Thread Nick Grant
Hi whoever you  are  - Rev.

I looked up the Universal Life Church just to see what I could it
some sort of joke?  Do you use it for getting around government issues like
vaccination etc?

No wonder I haven't heard of it in New Zealand.   How bizarre.

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Re: CS>Re:MSM quantity

2000-10-31 Thread A :. A :.
i take an apparently miserly 2000 mgs per day of both MSM and
Glucoseamine .
is it enough? i'm combatting bursitis with it, btw. speaking of btw,
rev,  i honestly and sincerly hope you are composing a coherent
rebuttal.  lawsy knows, i sho' does relish 
bein'  eddicated by mah betters:-)


--- Begin Message ---
We have volunteers (upwards of 72 years old) who have
taken 4 rounded teaspoons of MSM per dayfor over two years, continuing
to the present.and none have reported any type of compromising
condition.  It should be noted that a minimum of 10 ounces of water was
consumed each time 1 teaspoon--or larger--quantity was consumed.  (A
majority of  volunteers consumed their daily dosages as three separate
intakes.  e.g.  one dose of 2 teaspoons in the early A.M.;  one dose of 1
teaspoon near noontime;  and one dose of 1 teaspoon shortly after the
evening meal).
This information arises from assessments surrounding
experimental volunteers, participating in medical researchesnot from any
form of prescribed health protocol.
Sincerely.  Brooks Bradley.

Judith Thamm wrote:

> Could someone tell me how much MSM you can take a day? I have a friend
> in extreme pain on a morphine based drug.  He finds he gets very short
> term relief from MSM, but doesn't know how much he could take.
> Currently he is taking only 1 level tsp twice a day.
> How much could he safely take?
> Judith.
> --
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--- End Message ---

Re: CS>rosemary jacobs

2000-10-31 Thread Ted Windsor
Hi tracy:
As I understand Rosemary Jacobs story, she was given silver medication by her
doctor, it apparently was silver nitrate not colloidal silver, if this is not
correct I stand corrected.
Rev. Ted

Nick Grant wrote:

> Hi group
> Someone I gave a bottle of CS to, has come across Rosemary Jacob's story on
> the web.  You probably are familiar with it, but I am not.  She makes scary
> reading.  PLEASE tell me I am not poisoning others, my children and myself.
> I need to know that who ever answers this, has done a little reading up on
> her and her story.
> Convince me.
> Tracy.
> --
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>rosemary jacobs

2000-10-31 Thread Nick Grant
Hi group

Someone I gave a bottle of CS to, has come across Rosemary Jacob's story on
the web.  You probably are familiar with it, but I am not.  She makes scary
reading.  PLEASE tell me I am not poisoning others, my children and myself.

I need to know that who ever answers this, has done a little reading up on
her and her story.

Convince me.


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Re: CS>Re:MSM quantity

2000-10-31 Thread hlee
If the MSM you friend is taking is pure (that is, does not contain the usual
fillers that may be found in a lesser quality blend) then 1 level tsp is
equal to about 4000mg.  How much can be taken in 1 day?  It depends on the
individual since each body is different and has been 'abused' in various
different ways.  I've read where you can take up to 30,000mg total a day.
The caveat here is that if you increase the dosage at to rapid a rate you
may bring on severe detox effects.  The usual dosage increase rate is 1/4 or
1/2 tsp a week at a time.

It's not entirely correct to think in terms of how much you can safely take.
Your concern should be the detoxification process.  MSM is a food product,
not a supplement or drug.  If you take more than your body needs at the
time, you're simply wasting money and exposing yourself to some ugly detox

You may find the following link of interest; it's where I buy mine (and
about the lowest cost you'll find anywhere):


-Original Message-
From: Judith Thamm 
Date: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 4:42 PM
Subject: CS>Re:MSM quantity

>Could someone tell me how much MSM you can take a day? I have a friend
>in extreme pain on a morphine based drug.  He finds he gets very short
>term relief from MSM, but doesn't know how much he could take.
>Currently he is taking only 1 level tsp twice a day.
>How much could he safely take?
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>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>...tetanus

2000-10-31 Thread Marshall Dudley wrote:

> Would a CS IV do anything to aid tetanus?
> Serita

It shouldn't aid it at all.  It should kill it.


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CS>Alkaline Water Info

2000-10-31 Thread MarMar1212
Some time ago when we were on the topic of alkaline water, I mentioned Coral 
Calcium and several of you e-mailed me for more information.  My computer 
crashed and I did not get the info out to whoever it was that e-mailed me.  
It is still not up and running, so I've been using a different computer. 


Anyway, here is my web site that has some real interesting information about 
the importance of alkaline water.  


When you get to the web site, go to the top and click on  "Documents".  Read 
the articles that talk about Coral Calcium...there's some interesting stuff 
in there.  You can also click on "Testimonials".  One of the tesimonials is 
from a friend, Sandra Foley who was bedridden 4 years ago and perfectly well 
now.  She has worked with terminally ill patients for some time now in the 
U.S.A. as well as other countries and has seen so many miraculous healings.

Bottom line, no matter how we get our water alkaline, whether we make a 
machine to do it, or buy a product, we need to drink alkaline water!  
Sickness cannot live in that environment.


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CS>Energized/Restructured water

2000-10-31 Thread linda sexton
On October 5, at the National Convention in Anaheim, CA, Nikken
introduced what may prove to be the most exciting product technology
since the introduction of magnetics in 1989. The PiMag Water System is
much more than an ordinary water filtration system. Discovered by
Japanese scientists more than 30 years ago, pi water was referred to as
"living water" because of the effects it had on plants and other growing

things. This technology has been in use in Asia for many years and
astounding health benefits have been documented. In addition to
transforming ordinary tap water into pi water, the PiMag Water System
also utilizes an ultrafiltration stage that features the same material
used in medicine to create an artificial kidney. This ultrafiltration
membrane filters particles, including microscopic bacteria, as small as
one-tenth (0.1) micron. In addition, this system utilizes three kinds of

ceramics, which incorporate Far-Infrared technology, contributing to the

benefit of the "living water". A further step in the process is achieved

by the addition of a component that features Nikken's Magnetic
Technology, surrounding magnetic energy around the water. Additionally,
primary stages of filtration are achieved with carbon at various points
throughout the system.

The result? The best tasting, most healthy water you have ever put in
your mouth. We have pretty good well water at our home- or at least we
thought- until we hooked up a PiMag Water System to our kitchen sink.
The flavor is unbelievable, and we are already noticing a difference in
the way we feel after just a few days.   Breaking down the
clusters --more easily digestible---   Linda Sexton.

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Re: CS>structured water NOT hooey?

2000-10-31 Thread Ted Windsor
Please clarify your question, are you asking is the energizers for sale, not
at this time as we are continueing to make improvements on them. If your
asking is the Kinetic water For sale? the answer is yes, $75.00 per ltr, I
posted this before.  If your asking are units that improve the quality of
water in your house for sale, the answer is yes, contact me off list.
Rev. Ted

russ e rosser wrote:

> On Tue, 31 Oct 2000 15:59:48 -0800 Ted Windsor  writes:
> > Thank you Rus:
> > When you have invested your life savings in a project, please let me
> > know
> > and I will ask you to give it away free.
> > Blessings
> > Rev. Ted
> Again I ask:  Are your findings available to anyone at some price, or do
> you intend merely to hoard them?  Your actions will answer.
> --Russ
> --
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>structured water hooey? (Everything Is Resonance)

2000-10-31 Thread hlee

  For sure, the way one thinks structures his perceptions and those perceptions 
structure the persons experience reinforcing those thoughts in a sort of 
feedback loop of verification. It's possible that the actual structure of 
personal reality is quite mutable, therefore, some things work for some people 
and not for others...including FDA approved drugs and such...including 
  It's all about resonant frequencies and cancellations of them...but all 
frequencies exist "now" and thought systems pick amongst them determining which 
ones are available to perception and amplification.
  If a priest or healer can structure water, a strongly negative person can 
unstructure it as well. A positivly charged person can drink dead water and 
bring it to life. A person that believes expense is the measure of value will 
benefit from anything that is costly.
  I have stopped looking for reasons to be healthy/happy and have gone to 
simple excuses. After all, no good reason is needed to do what you want to and 
reasons are but the accepted excuses.
  Anything can be validated. There are always exceptions., what was I thinking? It's obvious that I don't always know on an 
'everyday' conscious level.

  "Seeing is believing" is not a time linear statement of cause and 
just looks that way due to time linear thought. Time linear thought is 
validated by the experience of it and 'proven' by time linear experiments set 
to prove that experience is reality.
  Light does not move...perception creates time, space and the illusion of 
  Since the forties, it has been 'proven' that nothing "is" as it appears to fact, nothing "is".
  ..or... the universe we think we see consists of thought in action. There are 
no nouns, only verbs that symbolize nouns via the perception of them...mind 
sets. Existence is an experience, is an activity.
  Forget guilt and reasons, just be aware of thoughts and all looks different.

  Absolute chaos and perfect order are the same thing, each containing the 
  Ode Wan Coyote

  At 01:27 PM 10/30/00 -0800, you wrote:
  >i'm a paid up member of the psionics list
  >and the other one you mentioned and am familiar with homeopathic
  >my gripe with miracle water is it's all sizzle and no steak so far on
  >the big promise/small
  >show scale.
  >Sorry Dennis,
  >You are quite correct in the statement about sunlight and magnets having an
  >effect. So do turbulence, healers hands (similar to magnetic) and exposure
  >to more energetic water. The effects are reliable but not outstanding so
  >far. About half the world believes in energetic water. In
  >alternative-suppresses North America we're less informed, that's all.
  >Armchair 'hooey' comments are not valid. The structured water principle is
  >quite correctthe principle is much like homeopathy, in which NO molecule
  >theorectically is present at a dilution of 100,000:1 but the remedy still
  >works. In addition, a frequency put into water can achieve the same
  >homeopathic effect, but in this case you're using a machine generated freq
  >rather than a natural one. Please see references to the BioPET device on
  >A vega testing unit (BICOM is one) can determine if you're allergic to a
  >substance without contacting you with that substance. The unit may use a
  >sample on the input side OR a stored frequency of that sample to determine
  >if you are affected by that freq. This follows earlier experimentation by
  >(Dr. William Gilbert, I think) during which he proved through body cavity
  >resonance, that your system responds to even the PROXIMITY of allergens AND
  >pathogens such as TB or cancer, and that effect can be measured even through
  >connecting wires, and with blind studies. The primitive body cavity
  >resonance technique to determine health is still used today by doctors.
  >Similarly, water from a healing spring (energized water), when added to
  >'dead' (processed) water and vigorously shaken, can be shown to take on
  >similar structure to resemble the energized water. (Homeopathy again, and
  >Holy water similarities) A large Austrian company builds a machine that
  >energizes water using riffles, vortices, magnets, and runs past highly
  >energized water inside a container. The others use remarkably similar
  >Living water has been shown to have a few degrees more hydrogen separation
  >than dead water. OK we don't know why it works but it does. I believe we do
  >use that extra energy. There are no extra electrons. The degree of
  >seperation in ozonated water can reportedly go as high as 109 degrees,
  >103-104 for normal spring water, and 99-100 degrees for microwaved or 'dead'
  >processed water. Likewise microwaved or overprocessed food have very little
  >or no frequency, but fresh veggies and fruits posess reliable frequencies.

Re: CS>Re: FDA

2000-10-31 Thread Serita-w
Hi Russ,
And who is gong to pay for it if they can't patent it and make a huge
profit and run our costs sky high in the process? ("They have to get
their expenses back"!!) As bad as that is they won't accept valid test
results from other countries!!
Even if we don't, can't disband the FDA, we need to make some MAJOR

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Measuring PPM's of CS and CG

2000-10-31 Thread Duncan Crow
Hi folks;

So can we agree, in absence of a standard, that using the inexpensive Hannah 
meter is OK, provided that we let the batch settle for say 96 hours, then test 
it without shaking it or anything...

Test your water, make the batch, let it settle 96 hours, test it again, 
subtract the water measurement from the 96-hour measurement to get the result.

Would this proposed 'standard' form of measurement be acceptable to most 


  - Original Message - 
  From: Ted Windsor 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 3:53 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>Measuring PPM's of CS and CG

  Thank you Robert, this is what I have been trying to say, but it fell on deaf 
  Rev. Ted 
  Robert Bartell wrote: 

I have a relatively inexpensive tester that I use, a TDS 1 Meter from Hanna 
Instruments.  The TDS translates to Total Dissolved Solids. Hanna Instruments 
has a US location in Woonsocket, RI 02895.  Homepage : 
. I note that the instrument I have was made in Portugal.  Purchased mine from 
(thru) bill fernaldt Anyhow, as 
it was explained to me, you use this to test the DW (distilled water) and get a 
reading to start with. (Most of the DW I tested with it shows 1 PPM).You make 
the CS (colloidal silver) batch and test it.  That reading plus 1 from the 
distilled water should be approximately the correct PPM since the only new 
solids that have been introduced into the DW is the CS from the generator, 
regardless of what kind of generator you have. This appears to be a 
"conductivity" type tester to me, but I'm no techie. If the reading is too low, 
I "cook it" few minutes longer, and if higher than 11 PPM, then I just add some 
DW to dilute it.  At least this is the way I manage to get a consistant 10 PPM 
product. I also use the low voltage method.I have a 3x9 volt battery setup and 
another unit that uses a wall transformer to give me 24 volts DC @ 400 mA to 
the probes. Now, this method and this tester may not be the ideal (the very 
best way to go) protocol.  I'm sure there are much more sophisticated and 
expensive laboratory equipment and procedures available.  However, the question 
I have for the tech people is quite simple:  What's wrong with this for the 
average home based maker of CS? Is this tester sufficiently adequate for our 
use?  Or do the benefits of HV generators and other testing methods  
significantly outweigh this  method?Comments, please? Regards, Robert Bartell


2000-10-31 Thread M. G. Devour
Hi folks,

I wish to remind everyone...

First, as a general rule, items that are off topic can and should be 
explored briefly, but need to be wound down or diverted to other forums 
or private e-mail after a day or so. Current examples of this are the 
structured water and magnetics threads. This is not a place to hold 
lengthy discussions on things not related to CS.

Secondly, with the quadrennial major elections in the United States 
just a week away, a little political bleedover is nearly irresistable. 
Please resist the best you can, however! Thank you!

Politics is one of the "big three" prohibited discussion topics, along 
with Religion and Commercial Promotion.

Specifically, the discussion of our FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
has generated scattered references to Libertarian Party candidates and
platform, some traffic on the (il)legal status of the IRS, plus general 
grousing about the US (and other) government policies. 

These side-track comments are outside the limits. Even the FDA related
remarks, though generally on-topic, still need to be taken off list at
some point when they've been covered adequately.

As *INTERESTING* as all that stuff is to a few of us, I am
uncomfortable hearing references to political parties and candidates
on the list, even from my fellow Libertarians! (Hi guys!)

Many of our members are not interested in hearing about American
politics, or any politics, on the list. Others will be offended because
they support some *other* candidate, party or policy. All-in-all it
gets too deep too fast with the risk of a flame-fest.

I ask everyone to moderate their own input to keep things civil and
reasonably harmonious. As ever, I don't want to hafta pick up that big 
stick I keep nearby. 

You're a remarkable group, folks. I never stop learning from you. 
May we continue to be so blessed.

Be well,

Mike (glad the elections will be over soon!) Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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CS>Priest-Penitent privileges...guaranteed

2000-10-31 Thread Duncan Crow

That's how I did it.

And you get guaranteed priest-penitent privileges in most states, by law.

In Canada, the judges don't like to go there unless absolutely necessary,
but we are legally protected ONLY in Quebec and Newfoundland.

Shall I Mount the Pragmatic Adjuvant Wholist Alliance Site now?  I have a
few pages done...

reverend Duncan Crow

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CS>FDA, Health Canada antics

2000-10-31 Thread Duncan Crow
I hear SOTA's site is down

Due to on-going political circumstances and pressures related to
governmental organizations, our website will be "under construction" until
further notice. We are very sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. Our
office is open to service you otherwise. Thank-you!

I'd recommend that others should remove testimonials from their sites and
leave them to these egroups.

Time to CYA~!

Heat's getting kind of oppressive in here, dontcha think?



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Re: CS>structured water NOT hooey?

2000-10-31 Thread russ e rosser

On Tue, 31 Oct 2000 15:59:48 -0800 Ted Windsor  writes:
> Thank you Rus:
> When you have invested your life savings in a project, please let me 
> know
> and I will ask you to give it away free.
> Blessings
> Rev. Ted

Again I ask:  Are your findings available to anyone at some price, or do
you intend merely to hoard them?  Your actions will answer.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Fw: The Law That Never Was

2000-10-31 Thread John Draper


The Law That Never Was

TGeoff Metcalf's interview answers and questions with Bill
Benson, author of "The Law That Never Was" By; Geoff Metcalf
- WorldNet Daily February 2000

A criminal investigator for the Illinois Department of
Revenue for approximately 10 years, William J. Benson of
South Holland, Illinois has been at the vanguard of debate
and controversy surround the 16th Amendment for almost tow
decades. In 1984 he embarked upon a year-long project to
examine the process of the ratification of the 16th
Amendment and to determine whether or not it had been
lawfully adopted as part of the U.S. Constitution. The
culmination of Benson's work is the book, "The Law That
Never Was."

Question: You have been engaged in this 16th Amendment
battle for almost 20 years. How did it start?

  Answer: I was a former investigator for the Illinois
Department of Revenue. I discovered a great deal of
corruption within that department and for that the Director
fired me. I told him if he fired me, I would sue him for
violation of First Amendment rights. Six and half years
later we were in court. We had a jury of six; it was a civil
trial. They awarded me $353,000 for violation of First
Amendment rights.

I began working with my attorney, Andy Spiegal. We had a
willful failure to file case in Indiana. Red Beckman had
some documentation that showed there was some serious
problem with the 16th Amendment. He got the documentation
from a man named Dean Hurst, from Cheyenne, Wyoming. I
purchased that documentation and made every attempt to have
Andy get it before the court, and the Judge said no.

The judge gave us three real good reason why he did that:
The documentation is not notarized, it is not certified, and
you do not have a witness to testify to.

That evening I said, "Okay, the judge has given us our
marching orders. The only thing we have to do is go to all
48 states and get the documentation" to see if the documents
have any validity. The attorney said, "Bill, you're crazy,
you can't do that." I said, "Sure you can."

Question: How long did it take to do that?

  Answer: It took a full year. There is not one state - not
one - that has ratified the 16th Amendment to the United
States Constitution. One of the most amazing documents I
found was in the national archives in Washington D.C. - a 16
page memorandum written by Ruben J. Clark, then the attorney
for Secretary of State Philander Chase Knox, on February 15,
1913. What he says is that in the certified copies of the
amendment passed by the legislatures of the several states
ratifying the 16th Amendment, it appears that only four of
those resolutions - Arizona, North Dakota, Tennessee and New
Mexico - have quoted absolutely accurately and correctly
what was proposed by Congress. The other 33 resolutions
contain either errors of capitalization, spelling or

Question: So what's the big deal?

 Why are errors of capitalization, spelling or wording so

  Answer: On page 15 of the 16-page memorandum, the attorney
says, "further under the Constitution, a Legislature is
prohibited from altering 'in any way' the resolution
proposed by Congress." The right of the Legislature is
merely to approve or disapprove the amendment. The last page
is also interesting because it says the department has not
received the copy of the resolution passed by the state of
Minnesota, but the secretary of the governor of the state
has officially notified the department that legislators of
that state have ratified the proposed 16h amendment.

Question: Here's the obvious question that comes up all the
time. Say it was a bureaucratic oversight, a procedural
glitch or something. Why are we still saddled with this

 The reality check is, if you don't comply you end up in a
whole world of hurt, as you know from personal experience.
Answer: Oh, there isn't any question about it. And that is
why I continue to defy the federal government. That is why,
when we were in Washington (at the National Press Club) I
said, "I have waited 15 years to get behind these
microphones, and I challenge the United States, I challenge
the Justice Department, to come and get me. Take me, and
leave these people alone." Let's get the 16th Amendment
argument on the table once and for all before a jury and let
them decide.

Question: Why don't they just drag you into court and
resolve the controversy once and for all?

  Answer: I wish they would. This has been going on now for
18 years. They cannot win with the 16th Amendment argument.

Question: Bill, at this event you guys had in Washington
D.C. at the National Press Club in July, 1999, it seemed
like a collection of former Geoff Metcalf guests, including
Joe Bannister.

Joe Bannister is a former IRS agent - a badge-carrying,
gun-carrying agent who after listening to my radio program
with interviews of other people and hearing discussions
about this issue

Re: CS>...tetanus

2000-10-31 Thread Serita-w
Would a CS IV do anything to aid tetanus?

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CS>Water, water everywhere...

2000-10-31 Thread Carol & Mike Fuller
Hi water lovers

Thanks for the contributions on structured, energised, kinetic, living
water etc.  Its refreshing to see the tide slowly turning with regards to
acceptance of the true value of water.

Just a small observation for those who take their water seriously; water
has a need to keep moving at all times.  If it is forced to stop, it
stagnates and eventually loses its life force, or whatever name you want
to call it.  If you go to the trouble of revitalising water, using
whatever means you think appropriate, or collecting living water from a
good source, then take a little extra care with its storage.  To keep the
flow happening, I use an unglazed ceramic (terra cotta) container with
curved sides.  The evaporation from the walls cools the outside layer of
water, causing it to sink down the curved sides to the bottom.  The
displaced warmer water is forced up the middle and outwards at the top,
thus creating a toroidal flow.  This should be continuous as long as the
temperature keeps falling.

Some anecdotal evidence of the potency of revitalised water:
The aforementioned ceramic container used to be the bottom half of a water
filter system where you pour water into the top half and it slowly filters
through a carbon (+ something else?) block into the bottom half, ready for
drinking.  At least that was the theory.  The water continually tasted
mouldy and I was always having to clean the containers to minimise this.
I used sodium metabisulphite regularly (at least once a month) and would
leave the container in the hot sun for a couple of days before scrubbing
it.  I even used the container without the filter but that made no
difference.  All efforts failed so I eventually went to a different system
of filtration.

When I first purchased my WTV water unit, placed in the shower, I needed
somewhere to store the drinking water we collected from it.  For some
reason I decided to try the ceramic container so I filled it with the
revitalised water.  Over the next three days there was an absolutely foul
smell emanating from it.  After scrubbing off the putrid ooze that had
appeared on the outside (only) of the container and refilling it with more
revitalised water, the smell slowly dissipated.  A few days later we were
drinking sweet water from our new water storage container.  Since that
time (a few years) all I've had to do is rinse the outside of the
container to remove any dust accumulation.  There has never been any mould
or whatever since changing the water that goes in it.

Some related questions:  A porous ceramic bottle is a great way to carry
water, keeping it cool and fresh.  Would storing CS in one create a
stronger colloid as the water evaporated?  Or would the silver ions
impregnate into the bottle wall, thus creating a bottle that could
sterilise water just by filling it?  Any other thoughts?


Mike Fuller

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Re: CS>Re:MSM quantity

2000-10-31 Thread BROOKS BRADLEY
We have volunteers (upwards of 72 years old) who have
taken 4 rounded teaspoons of MSM per dayfor over two years, continuing
to the present.and none have reported any type of compromising
condition.  It should be noted that a minimum of 10 ounces of water was
consumed each time 1 teaspoon--or larger--quantity was consumed.  (A
majority of  volunteers consumed their daily dosages as three separate
intakes.  e.g.  one dose of 2 teaspoons in the early A.M.;  one dose of 1
teaspoon near noontime;  and one dose of 1 teaspoon shortly after the
evening meal).
This information arises from assessments surrounding
experimental volunteers, participating in medical researchesnot from any
form of prescribed health protocol.
Sincerely.  Brooks Bradley.

Judith Thamm wrote:

> Could someone tell me how much MSM you can take a day? I have a friend
> in extreme pain on a morphine based drug.  He finds he gets very short
> term relief from MSM, but doesn't know how much he could take.
> Currently he is taking only 1 level tsp twice a day.
> How much could he safely take?
> Judith.
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>...ordination

2000-10-31 Thread Dean T. Miller
On Tue, 31 Oct 2000 15:59:41 -0800 (PST), (A :.
A :.) wrote:

>it isn't just a claim, bubba  :-)
>it's as legal as kaopectate and just as binding.
>my daughter's ordained too and has married people. universal life church
>is online and it's

Yup.  I've been a ULC minister since '79, and have helped at several
marriages (ministers don't marry people, people marry each other with
a minister being essentially a primary witness to the marriage, and
can legally attest to the marriage).

-- Dean -- from (almost) Duh Moyn  (CDP, KB0ZDF)

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2000-10-31 Thread A :. A :.
umm... serita?
i was talking about what happened when someone tried to get folks to
sign a copy of the bill of rights, not about bearding the FDA in its
shucks, you write something up and i'll be happy to sign it.


--- Begin Message ---
OK Dennis, you don't have to sit out side a mall!  But  if everyone took
just one page and filled it with friends, relatives, co=workers and
etc., a lot of names could be gathered! And you don't have to get a
PERMIT, only the owners or managers permission and if one won't give it
another one will. There are the small independant health food store
owners, too, they don't want their livelihood taken away.

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--- End Message ---

Re: CS>OT-Taxes

2000-10-31 Thread B V Jones
snip>i've tried to explain to people and got told
"i don't want to know"

I know what you're saying.  For the few who do think it matters, here's a
brief intro attachment with a link to a very short report by Texas
Congressman Ron Paul on recent WTO mandate



File has not been scanned

Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.198 / Virus Database: 95 - Release Date: 10/04/2000
--- Begin Message ---
October 30, 2000

Dear friend of liberty,

Between March and June of this year, thousands of you helped as we
tried to get passed H.J. Res. 90 which called for the United States to
withdraw from the World Trade Organization (WTO).  During the
debate, we argued that the WTO will be the trade ministry for a
world governmental system and, therefore, the demise of our system
of government would be significantly accelerated.  Our opponents,
in a committee hearing and on the U.S. House floor, dismissed our
argument as "unthinkable" and as something that "will never happen."
Well...only a few months later

"An extraordinary event occurred this week in Washington during
the final days of the 106th Congress, an event which did not receive
comment in either the media or the halls of Congress, save for my
office.  This event had been termed "unthinkable" only a few months
ago," writes Congressman Ron Paul in a statement released today.

To read the rest of Congressman Paul's statement, please go to and click "U.S. Congress Bows 
to W.T.O."

Kent Snyder
The Liberty Committee


with the words

unsubscribe LibertyStudyCommittee

on the first line of the body of the message.
Please leave the rest of the message blank.

--- End Message ---


2000-10-31 Thread Serita-w
OK Dennis, you don't have to sit out side a mall!  But  if everyone took
just one page and filled it with friends, relatives, co=workers and
etc., a lot of names could be gathered! And you don't have to get a
PERMIT, only the owners or managers permission and if one won't give it
another one will. There are the small independant health food store
owners, too, they don't want their livelihood taken away.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>T'was a dark and stormy night, and the skeptic asked:

2000-10-31 Thread A :. A :.
is there some special reason you won't  give out ANY information?  would
it be too revealing to give specifics on its properties?  could i divine
how it's made from what it does?  sure wouldn't be a good idea to market
a product with THAT characteristic if you wanted to make a million off
peoples need.  
it's probably just because i'm a shortsighted spiritual mollusk, but why
a machine that cost "thousands"  when a radionics box or a prayer will
do the same?
...and i never caught which  seminary you graduated from...
you DID graduate from a seminary, didn't you, and not just buy some
cheap knock off degree like i did for the credibality value among a
certain segment?  
but i digress
please post some substantiating deatails?
pretty please with sugar,  chocolate chips  and whupped cream with a
cherry on top?


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Re: CS>Re:OT - dedicated to some ;) who will recognise themselves...

2000-10-31 Thread Serita-w
So did I, Judith, Thanks.  Serita

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Re: CS>OT-Taxes

2000-10-31 Thread A :. A :.
they sat someone outside a shopping center once with copys of the bill
of rights and asked people to sign. no one did,  several people called
them commies, and one or two even threatened them. 
willy even gave the UN the sole right to tell us who to declare war on.
nobody is gonna wake up.  i've tried to explain to people and got told
"i don't want to know".  some degrees of stupidity are just plain
pity really. we're such a clever species in
so many other ways.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>gov't help (N0T)

2000-10-31 Thread A :. A :.
someone laughingly asked  here on the list a year ago if anyone could
imagine the gov't.  confiscating silver and prosecuting for cs makers
and i said yes, i could.  it's gettiing to sound more likely by the day,
isn't it?


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Re: CS>structured water NOT hooey?

2000-10-31 Thread A :. A :.
now now russ...  don't be so testy   :-)
all i inow about  CG is what i read in posts here on the list.  just
because i'm suspicious of reverend funnywater doesn't make me a bad guy


--- Begin Message ---
> I have two
> 4mm gold rods that I will subject to HVAC ARC CO2 process this week. 
> Then we
> will know if there is a color change and a conductivity change in 
> uS.
> I will be back!!
> "Ole bob"

...Then, MAYBE we'll get some facts, as we evidently never will from a
certain "man of God" supposedly already has all the answers!

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

--- End Message ---

Re: CS>A Plan?

2000-10-31 Thread Duncan Crow will get you the dotcom for free, and provide redirection
to the free site(s) of your choice using a tasteful bottom frame.  When the
address is redirected the main dotcom name stays on the browser location

Anyone with a paid account can host a site without any other banners.

- Original Message -
From: "russ e rosser" 
Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 2:02 PM
Subject: Re: CS>A Plan?

| On Tue, 31 Oct 2000 11:28:09 -0600 Dave Jones 
| writes:
| > Agreed, Russ...But who among us would even know where to
| > begin with such a huge project?  Where do we start?
| >
| > looks like it is available.
| Let's fwd this throughout the relevant list servers.  We can also support
| John Hammel's efforts, International Advocates of Health Freedom.  I know
| him, and he's got the obsessive type of dedication necessary to fight
| such a megalith.  (TW, he says we've got until Dec. 10th to prevent a
| fatal strike by the WTO against *OUR* access to potent dietary
| supplements!)
| > I could probably get it hosted for free (or nominal cost) if someone
| > wanted to register it.
| > The internet is a medium that could reach millions worldwide.
| > Any ideas?
| > DAJ
| As always, out "secret weapon"  would be the Truth! --Russ
| --
| The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
| To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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| To post, address your message to:
| Silver-list archive:
| List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2000-10-31 Thread A :. A :.
it isn't just a claim, bubba  :-)
it's as legal as kaopectate and just as binding.
my daughter's ordained too and has married people. universal life church
is online and it's


--- Begin Message ---
You should really ask Dennis as he claims to be ordained.

You can learn more here...

In fact, you too can become an ordained minister and thus claim separation of
church/state privileges and possible tax advantages.
People in alternative healing practices often use ordination as a shield from
government interference.
Fantasy isn't our crutch--it's arcane!

On Tue, 31 Oct 2000 18:54:41 +1300, "Nick Grant"  wrote:

>To Chuck ( I think)
>What is the Universal Life Church?  I have never heard of it.  But then I
>don't live in the good ol'e U.S.A.  (I presume that's where you are from.
>Most people on the internet seem to be!

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

--- End Message ---

Re: CS>structured water NOT hooey?

2000-10-31 Thread Ted Windsor
Thank you Rus:
When you have invested your life savings in a project, please let me know
and I will ask you to give it away free.
Rev. Ted

russ e rosser wrote:

> > I have two
> > 4mm gold rods that I will subject to HVAC ARC CO2 process this week.
> > Then we
> > will know if there is a color change and a conductivity change in
> > uS.
> >
> > I will be back!!
> >
> > "Ole bob"
> ...Then, MAYBE we'll get some facts, as we evidently never will from a
> certain "man of God" supposedly already has all the answers!
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Measuring PPM's of CS and CG

2000-10-31 Thread Ted Windsor
Thank you Robert, this is what I have been trying to say, but it fell on
deaf ears.
Rev. Ted

Robert Bartell wrote:

> I have a relatively inexpensive tester that I use, a TDS 1 Meter from
> Hanna Instruments.  The TDS translates to Total Dissolved Solids.
> Hanna Instruments has a US location in Woonsocket, RI 02895.  Homepage
> : . I note that the instrument I have was
> made in Portugal.  Purchased mine from (thru) bill fernaldt
> Anyhow, as it was
> explained to me, you use this to test the DW (distilled water) and get
> a reading to start with. (Most of the DW I tested with it shows 1
> PPM).You make the CS (colloidal silver) batch and test it.  That
> reading plus 1 from the distilled water should be approximately the
> correct PPM since the only new solids that have been introduced into
> the DW is the CS from the generator, regardless of what kind of
> generator you have. This appears to be a "conductivity" type tester to
> me, but I'm no techie. If the reading is too low, I "cook it" few
> minutes longer, and if higher than 11 PPM, then I just add some DW to
> dilute it.  At least this is the way I manage to get a consistant 10
> PPM product. I also use the low voltage method.I have a 3x9 volt
> battery setup and another unit that uses a wall transformer to give me
> 24 volts DC @ 400 mA to the probes. Now, this method and this tester
> may not be the ideal (the very best way to go) protocol.  I'm sure
> there are much more sophisticated and expensive laboratory equipment
> and procedures available.  However, the question I have for the tech
> people is quite simple:  What's wrong with this for the average home
> based maker of CS? Is this tester sufficiently adequate for our use?
> Or do the benefits of HV generators and other testing methods
> significantly outweigh this  method?Comments, please? Regards, Robert
> Bartell

Re: CS>Measuring PPM's of CS and CG

2000-10-31 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi Robert,

The Hanna meter measures conductivity, and if you will check a batch of
your CS as soon as you make it and every 2 to 4 hours later you will
find that it steadily decreases until stable maybe even days later.

After you have settled on a protocol that you are happy with the have
the CS tested either by AA of by a spectrophotometer.
If you have followed my suggestion in paragraph one you will the know
what you are making. Other than that you are "shooting craps."

Colloidal silver is NOT a totally dissolved solid.

"Ole Bob"

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re:OT - dedicated to some ;) who will recognise themselves...

2000-10-31 Thread Marsha Hallett

> The devil has made me do it!
> Judith.
Dear Judith, Oh, I needed such a chuckle!!!

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>OT-rights

2000-10-31 Thread Dave Jones
It isn't the rights you have NOW that worries me.
It is the rights the constitution gave us that have ALREADY BEEN TAKEN
that tick me off.
People didn't stop government from taking those, why will they intervene
to save what we have left?

FDA, IRS, DEA, Social Security (taking another 13% of your pay), any
program NOT outlined in the constitution is EXPLICITLY ILLEGAL by the
same constitution.

I'd sure as hell rather put my 13% in a IRA or 401K.  Then I KNOW it
will be there when I retire.

Look into the rights Big Brother took away when you weren't looking.
It is scary.


Frances Mehner wrote:
> Everyone needs to learn and claim their constitutional rights before
> they lose them.  Most people are happily asleep.  That would shut the
> IRS down.
> russ e rosser wrote:
> >
> > > Anyone have ideas on how to get a
> > > petition
> > > or something going that would be taken seriously?
> > >
> > > DAJ
> >
> > The FACT that the IRS Act is illegal is winning in court:
> >
> >
> >
> > Full documentation on the the FDA'a *illegality* might prove to be an
> > effective "information bomb".  (From there, we could move on the BATF,
> > etc.)
> >
> > --Russ
> >
> > --
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >
> > To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
> >  -or-
> > with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> >
> > To post, address your message to:
> > Silver-list archive:
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Sifu Dave Jones
I don’t like violence, but I do understand it.
That is why I don’t like it.

Re: CS>OT-Taxes

2000-10-31 Thread russ e rosser
Try .com

On Tue, 31 Oct 2000 15:34:18 -0700 Frances Mehner 
> can't access that address.  Do you have one that works?
> Tried it with www, also
> russ e rosser wrote:
> > 
> > > Anyone have ideas on how to get a
> > > petition
> > > or something going that would be taken seriously?
> > >
> > > DAJ
> > 
> > The FACT that the IRS Act is illegal is winning in court:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > Full documentation on the the FDA'a *illegality* might prove to be 
> an
> > effective "information bomb".  (From there, we could move on the 
> > etc.)
> > 
> > --Russ
> > 
> > --
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal 
> silver.
> > 
> > To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail 
> message to:
> >  -or-  
> > with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> > 
> > To post, address your message to:
> > Silver-list archive: 
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>structured water NOT hooey?

2000-10-31 Thread russ e rosser
> I have two
> 4mm gold rods that I will subject to HVAC ARC CO2 process this week. 
> Then we
> will know if there is a color change and a conductivity change in 
> uS.
> I will be back!!
> "Ole bob"

...Then, MAYBE we'll get some facts, as we evidently never will from a
certain "man of God" supposedly already has all the answers!

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>OT-Taxes

2000-10-31 Thread Dave Jones
Found it 


Frances Mehner wrote:
> can't access that address.  Do you have one that works?
> Tried it with www, also
> russ e rosser wrote:
> >
> > > Anyone have ideas on how to get a
> > > petition
> > > or something going that would be taken seriously?
> > >
> > > DAJ
> >
> > The FACT that the IRS Act is illegal is winning in court:
> >
> >
> >
> > Full documentation on the the FDA'a *illegality* might prove to be an
> > effective "information bomb".  (From there, we could move on the BATF,
> > etc.)
> >
> > --Russ
> >
> > --
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >
> > To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
> >  -or-
> > with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> >
> > To post, address your message to:
> > Silver-list archive:
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Sifu Dave Jones
I don’t like violence, but I do understand it.
That is why I don’t like it.

CS>Re:MSM quantity

2000-10-31 Thread Judith Thamm
Could someone tell me how much MSM you can take a day? I have a friend
in extreme pain on a morphine based drug.  He finds he gets very short
term relief from MSM, but doesn't know how much he could take.
Currently he is taking only 1 level tsp twice a day.

How much could he safely take?


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>OT-Taxes

2000-10-31 Thread Frances Mehner
Everyone needs to learn and claim their constitutional rights before
they lose them.  Most people are happily asleep.  That would shut the
IRS down.

russ e rosser wrote:
> > Anyone have ideas on how to get a
> > petition
> > or something going that would be taken seriously?
> >
> > DAJ
> The FACT that the IRS Act is illegal is winning in court:
> Full documentation on the the FDA'a *illegality* might prove to be an
> effective "information bomb".  (From there, we could move on the BATF,
> etc.)
> --Russ
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>OT-Taxes

2000-10-31 Thread Frances Mehner
can't access that address.  Do you have one that works?
Tried it with www, also

russ e rosser wrote:
> > Anyone have ideas on how to get a
> > petition
> > or something going that would be taken seriously?
> >
> > DAJ
> The FACT that the IRS Act is illegal is winning in court:
> Full documentation on the the FDA'a *illegality* might prove to be an
> effective "information bomb".  (From there, we could move on the BATF,
> etc.)
> --Russ
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Should we abolish the FDA?

2000-10-31 Thread George Martin
Thanks to  Robert   Sterling  Editor,   The   Konformist   Monday,   November   01,1999  (a  working analysis with what may  be  new 
 angles of argumentation against the FDA posted for feedback)


Ideas like abolishing the FDA may sound absurd on their face, but unless
cases against a given system are  examined, supporting  it is probably
irrational.  Many  people  accept the case for the FDA on its face, after
all, who would  want unsafe  and/or  bogus  drugs?  But the claim  that
the  FDA ensures  safety and a system of tort liability does  not  is not
automatically true.

The  following are a few features of what may be  valid and  unique points
against the FDA, posted in order  to  ac- quire critique and/or
supplemental supporting points:

FDA  Approval provides promotion and  legal  protection for the wealthiest
members of the  pharmaceutical-industrial complex (PIC).   The illusion is
that the FDA is a  watchdog of PIC, and to some degree this is true, but
the bottom line is that (a) the FDA maximizes the profits of a few
manufac- turers,  (b)  minimizes  profits of  or  eliminates  smaller
manufacturers  and  (c) steers consumers to drugs  that  are marketed
primarily because they are patentable  (which  en- sures  maximum  profits
due to exclusive sales  rights)  NOT primarily because they are safe and

*   The FDA causes patentable drugs to be favored over  non- patentable
drugs, even if the non-patentables are shown to  be as or more effective
and safer in any number  of studies conducted by research facilities not
associated with the company that plans to sell the drug (FDA over- sight
is  merely the review of testing funded  by  the same  company seeking
approval and the resultant  prof- its).   No company will fund research for
FDA  Approval of  a non- patentable drug if all other  companies  can also
sell the drug without having paid for the  Promo- tional  approval.
Patent rights and  the  surety  of large profits derived therefrom, not
safety and effica- cy,  define  the structure  of  contemporary  medicine.
The  fact that FDA-Approval protocols inherently  favor patentable drugs is
the single largest feature  promot- ing this harmful situation.

This situation causes safer and equally-or-more  effec- tive
non-patentable therapeutics like SAMe (which  has been more thoroughly
tested in the sum of studies  done by  independent research facilities than
 many  FDA-Ap- proved  drugs)  to be valued and prescribed  less  than
dangerous FDA-Approved drugs like Prozac.   The  result is that consumers
are steered away from safer  products that  haven't  been FDA Approved
toward  far-more-dan- gerous  products that are being promoted by their
FDA- Approved  status.This ensures that  patent  holders make  maximum
profits while consumers are  exposed  to maximum  harm.   The irony is that
this is done in  the name of consumer safety and keeping businesses in
line! Notice that this perversity is not an attribute of  FDA corruption,
but of the FDA working according to plan.

*FDA Approval acts as a legal shield in cases where FDA- approved
drugs  are causing harm to some.The  fact that a drug is FDA Approved
and has not been revoked is seen  by jurors in court cases against a drug
manufac- turer as powerful evidence that the drug is not  culpa- ble  in
the case at hand, regardless of the  facts  in that case.   The fact of
this is verified when the  FDA does  revoke approval, as it did of the drug
 Fen-Phen, whereupon a flood of libel suits followed, even  though Fen-Phen
 was  just as harmful the day before  and  nu- merous  studies  showing its
harmful nature  were  pub- lished years before FDA revocation.   The fact
that law suits  start en mass after approval is revoked  is  the very
measure of the legal protection provided  by  FDA Approval.   Lawyers know
that juries will be swayed  by FDA  directives  more so than by any
research  or  the facts in a given case.

There  are  many FDA-Approved drugs  that  are  causing serious  harm to
individuals who should be  compensated for  such  harm, but are not because
judges  throw  out evidence  and juries are prejudiced simply because  the
drug is "FDA Approved."

*FDA  Approval  and the "bullet proof" legal  status  it provides
approved drugs establish  logical  incentives for  fraud  that would be
expressed  in  the  following thinking  on the part of a drug manufacturer:
"Gee,  in our studies that we will submit to the FDA for approval it  looks
 like  this drug may be harmful,  but  if  we simply  fudge the numbers a
little to get it  past  the FDA-review panel, then it will be 'safe' and
insulated from  liability, and it will take years for the FDA  to revoke
it, if they ever do, and by then we'll have made millions anyway." However,
in a free market they  would think: "Gee, it looks like this drug might not

Re: CS>FDA - OT?

2000-10-31 Thread russ e rosser
One thing to consider is *how* organizations like the FDA, Federal
Reserve Bank, etc. get a toe hold, which they leverage into a strangle
hold.  In this case, I'll bet it arose from the *need* for such an agency
to police the heath charlatans that actually used to abound in this
country.  The problem is that power attracts money, which itself begets
more power, & so on.  

The FDA may be hopeless and have to be "banned" altogether, but that's
like unilateral disarmament to prevent "killing."  IMO, the real
challenge is how to bring it--and all government--under the rule of
logic/science/reason/conscience/justice/Truth/God without returning to

As the Founding Fathers built "checks & balances" into the government,
and subjected the whole to public oversight, it seems that mass
*exposure* of specific FDA irrationalities offers the best hope of
*rectifying* abuses of power without dismantling a potentially beneficial
enforcement arm of the public's good will.


On Tue, 31 Oct 2000 14:16:40 -0500 (CDT) writes:
> Russ,
> There are so many ways to go. There are magazines that would write 
> it up
> - even if they did it in the guise of "making fun". There are talk 
> shows
> that would host a guest. Someone personable and articulate, for a 
> start.
> But you have to do something to become newsworthy.
> You have to get their attention!!
> If someone with a computer could design petitions for others to down
> load so they would be uniform (I don't have a computer, I have a 
> webtv.)
> and if each person would make the effort to fill just one page = sit 
> out
> side Wal-Mart or K-Mart or large grocery stores, or in a mall with a
> card table,(you MUST get permission) and let the local press know. 
> Get a
> spot on the local news that this is being done, 
> It's better to have two or three people together at a card table.
> If possible, print up "The Story of The FDA" or "...The IRS" or
> whatever. and pass it around.
> That's just for starters. I'm sure other people would have other - 
> and
> better - ideas. Form an e-Mail 'think tank". Open a list devoted to 
> just
> this.Plan well, before executing.
> Serita
> --
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> silver.
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> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive: 
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>A Plan?

2000-10-31 Thread russ e rosser
On Tue, 31 Oct 2000 11:28:09 -0600 Dave Jones 
> Agreed, Russ...But who among us would even know where to
> begin with such a huge project?  Where do we start?
> looks like it is available.

Let's fwd this throughout the relevant list servers.  We can also support
John Hammel's efforts, International Advocates of Health Freedom.  I know
him, and he's got the obsessive type of dedication necessary to fight
such a megalith.  (TW, he says we've got until Dec. 10th to prevent a
fatal strike by the WTO against *OUR* access to potent dietary

> I could probably get it hosted for free (or nominal cost) if someone
> wanted to register it.
> The internet is a medium that could reach millions worldwide.
> Any ideas?
As always, out "secret weapon"  would be the Truth! --Russ

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Re: CS>OT-Taxes

2000-10-31 Thread russ e rosser
> Anyone have ideas on how to get a 
> petition
> or something going that would be taken seriously?

The FACT that the IRS Act is illegal is winning in court:

Full documentation on the the FDA'a *illegality* might prove to be an
effective "information bomb".  (From there, we could move on the BATF,


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Re: CS>structured water NOT hooey?

2000-10-31 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi Ya'all,

Russ has a point. I have spent several thousand dollars on equipment and
testing in developing CS generators and testing other peoples protocols, and
wverything I have done  has been reported on the list.

As I have said before I SELL NO PRODUCTS.  I do test ppm for people when

Another note, there has been a lot of talk about gold CS. Well I have two
4mm gold rods that I will subject to HVAC ARC CO2 process this week. Then we
will know if there is a color change and a conductivity change in uS.

I will be back!!

"Ole bob"

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CS>Re:OT - dedicated to some ;) who will recognise themselves...

2000-10-31 Thread Judith Thamm
The devil has made me do it!

On the last day of school, some students bring in gifts for their

The first child is the son of the candy store owner. The teacher
the gift and says, "I bet this is candy!" and she is right.

The second child is the daughter of the florist. The teacher smells
gift and says, "I bet these are flowers!" and she is right.

The third child is the son of the liquor store owner. The teacher
to shake the gift and realises it is leaking. She tastes the liquid.

"Is it wine?" she asks, and the little boy shakes his head. She tastes
it again. "Is it champagne?" she asks.

"No" says the little boy.

"OK, then what is it?" the teacher asks.

The little boy looks up at his teacher happily and says, "It's a

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Re: CS - livestock

2000-10-31 Thread d.linen

I was not trying to put a negative on your idea at all. I was just
pointing out she was not just one person although she was a driving
force in her organization. 
I do think your idea is a good one and wish you luck.

Diane wrote:
> Very true, Diane, but I believe interested people are as numerous as her
> atheist organization, and I'm sure many of those were passive,
> And if people give of themselves it doesn't have to be expensive.
> Remember she had legal and court expenses and we don't.
> Serita
> --
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Re: CS: the Acid/Alkaline Water Charger (Russian model)

2000-10-31 Thread Duncan Crow
Thanks Dean;

What made me a bit skeptical about that plan was the amount of current they
were using, and probably well water. I felt that the high power and
stainless steel may certainly make a toxic batch.  He did say they did not
drink the batch made this way. The 'good stuff' turns light blue and the'bad
stuff' is very murky brown.  That reads toxins to me but I wasn't sure.

- Original Message -
From: "Dean T. Miller" 
Sent: Monday, October 30, 2000 10:04 PM
Subject: Re: CS: the Acid/Alkaline Water Charger (Russian model)

| Hi Duncan,
| On Mon, 30 Oct 2000 17:51:14 -0800, "Duncan Crow"
|  wrote:
| >I checked with the Russian Hydrologist...when making living and dead
| >with stainless steel rods, 220v and a bridge rectifier they make a batch
| >a plastic bucket and use half for disinfectant and half on the plants.
| >disinfectant half is especially useful for getting rid of body fungus,
| >and I can say that you wouldn't necessarily be disinfecting items
| >'on the fly' (by placing items in the bucket being zapped). I'm
| >not familiar with. I did get rid of a bit of athlete's foot a couple of
| >times with CS tho'.  One application.
| What you're describing is a water ionizer.  They're used quite a bit
| in Japan (and maybe Korea).  I just put a Jupiter Ionizer in service
| and it certainly does produce both alkaline and acidic water.  The
| acidic stuff is the disinfectant, while the alkaline stuff you drink
| (or put on plants).
| -- Dean -- from (almost) Duh Moyn  (CDP, KB0ZDF)
| --
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| List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>The Limitations of a Quick and Dirty Method of Making CS

2000-10-31 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 10/31/00 2:54:47 PM EST, writes:

<< Now, this method and this tester may not be the ideal (the very best way 
to go) protocol.  I'm sure there are much more sophisticated and expensive 
laboratory equipment and procedures available.  However, the question I have 
for the tech people is quite simple:  What's wrong with this for the average 
home based maker of CS? Is this tester sufficiently adequate for our use?  Or 
do the benefits of HV generators and other testing methods  significantly 
outweigh this  method? 
 Comments, please?
 Robert Bartell

Bob: My only objection to it is the problem of CS stability over time, 
particularly if you produce relatively large particles as you appear likely 
to do with the setup you described above. The LVDC apparatus I used in the 
past never went above 140 ma, but the drop out rate was pretty high after 3-4 
weeks. So if you make a fresh batch every 2-3 weeks, most LVDC setups should 
be OK. If you want to store it longer than that, you're better off with a 
more sophisticated setup. I believe some can be purchased, but others are 
more knowledgeable that I am in that area. Roger

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CS>Measuring PPM's of CS and CG

2000-10-31 Thread Robert Bartell
I have a relatively inexpensive tester that I use, a TDS 1 Meter from Hanna 
Instruments.  The TDS translates to Total Dissolved Solids. Hanna Instruments 
has a US location in Woonsocket, RI 02895.  Homepage : 
. I note that the instrument I have was made in Portugal.  Purchased mine from 
(thru) bill fernaldt

Anyhow, as it was explained to me, you use this to test the DW (distilled 
water) and get a reading to start with. (Most of the DW I tested with it shows 
1 PPM).
You make the CS (colloidal silver) batch and test it.  That reading plus 1 from 
the distilled water should be approximately the correct PPM since the only new 
solids that have been introduced into the DW is the CS from the generator, 
regardless of what kind of generator you have. This appears to be a 
"conductivity" type tester to me, but I'm no techie. If the reading is too low, 
I "cook it" few minutes longer, and if higher than 11 PPM, then I just add some 
DW to dilute it.  At least this is the way I manage to get a consistant 10 PPM 
product. I also use the low voltage method.
I have a 3x9 volt battery setup and another unit that uses a wall transformer 
to give me 24 volts DC @ 400 mA to the probes.

Now, this method and this tester may not be the ideal (the very best way to go) 
protocol.  I'm sure there are much more sophisticated and expensive laboratory 
equipment and procedures available.  However, the question I have for the tech 
people is quite simple:  What's wrong with this for the average home based 
maker of CS? Is this tester sufficiently adequate for our use?  Or do the 
benefits of HV generators and other testing methods  significantly outweigh 
this  method? 
Comments, please?


Robert Bartell

Re: CS - livestock

2000-10-31 Thread DotsieBoo
In a message dated 10/31/00 11:02:00 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

<< I still don't see why we can't start a grass-roots movement to disband
 the FDA. >>
There already is a movement for health freedom,

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Re: CS - livestock

2000-10-31 Thread Marshall Dudley wrote:

> Roger and Dave'
> Yes, the LP turned down funds from the GOVERNMENT but didn't the
> government get those funds from you and me through illegal taxation? As
> I see it they turned down a chance to use the PEOPLE'S money for the
> benefit of the people.
> Advertising and campaigning costs a lot. and who asked ME if it was okay
> to give MY money to the other parties? Or any parties at all???

The campain funds come from that check box on the 1040 that asks if you want
to contribute a dollar for campaign funding.  They did ask you.  But I do
agree that the income tax is illegal and should be abolished.


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Re: CS - livestock

2000-10-31 Thread Serita-w
Very true, Diane, but I believe interested people are as numerous as her
atheist organization, and I'm sure many of those were passive,
And if people give of themselves it doesn't have to be expensive.
Remember she had legal and court expenses and we don't.

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CS>FDA and pets (cows too)

2000-10-31 Thread Duncan Crow
In addition to the possible human health concerns, use of these
products to treat
a serious illness in animals (including pets)
could potentially endanger the health of the animal by delaying timely,
appropriate treatment.

But there is NO better solution than a silver one, intravenously, for
Parvovirus in dogs.

| FDA has taken action against colloidal silver products, and is
continuing to
| investigate the promotion and use of colloidal silver
| products in dairy and other animals. If necessary, FDA will take further
| appropriate regulator action.

Too effing bad...
I guess the A in FDA means Amok, Amok the line has been drawn.



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Re: CS>FDA - OT?

2000-10-31 Thread Serita-w
There are so many ways to go. There are magazines that would write it up
- even if they did it in the guise of "making fun". There are talk shows
that would host a guest. Someone personable and articulate, for a start.
But you have to do something to become newsworthy.
You have to get their attention!!
If someone with a computer could design petitions for others to down
load so they would be uniform (I don't have a computer, I have a webtv.)
and if each person would make the effort to fill just one page = sit out
side Wal-Mart or K-Mart or large grocery stores, or in a mall with a
card table,(you MUST get permission) and let the local press know. Get a
spot on the local news that this is being done, 
It's better to have two or three people together at a card table.
If possible, print up "The Story of The FDA" or "...The IRS" or
whatever. and pass it around.
That's just for starters. I'm sure other people would have other - and
better - ideas. Form an e-Mail 'think tank". Open a list devoted to just
this.Plan well, before executing.

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Re: CS>fish tanks

2000-10-31 Thread Duncan Crow
So we'd best not ask for a permit whole family had a good laugh
over that one. The feds are up the cows orifices there no end to it

- Original Message -
From: "Ode Coyote" 
Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 7:15 AM
Subject: Re: CS>fish tanks

|   Oddly enough, it is forbidden by the FDA to feed dairy cows CS in any
| form. It's one of the first FDA documents I came across about CS on the
| web.  They didn't say why, leaving one with the impression that CS
| the milk.[which it doesn't]  That's about par for the FDA.
|  Ken

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CS>Subject: Re: CS>structured water hooey? (Everything Is Resonance)

2000-10-31 Thread Duncan Crow

Hi Ivan;

I think that's how that BICOM-type vega testing unit would work to cure
pathogenic infection...AND it can be used, without shots, to alleviate
allergies. We don't use it much here for those 2 purposes but in Russia
thay've sworn by it for quite awhile...detect AND eliminate the 'bad'
frequency/pathogen through elimination of its frequency signature..

was intrigued by the mention of the
Benveniste injection of white noise into a sample, then
recording what comes out with a second transducer which
captures the modulations induced from the sample.

It struck me that you could phase conjugate the entire 2nd
signal back onto the 1st signal...the 180 degree phase
shifted waves would cancel, thus leaving the 'essence' of
the sample in what was leftperhaps there would be
detectable frequencies???

sample output was collected in a CE (collector emitter)
transistor circuit adjusted to flip the signal by 180
degrees.  The idea being that this signal when played into
the body would cancel out the tumor frequency.



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RE: CS>fish tanks

2000-10-31 Thread Heather King (LCA)
It was also me. I noted that for my koi pond, the use of CS was wonderful on
the fish themselves in a separate container, but that ammonia levels spike
very quickly, even in the "hospital" bucket because of the lack of bacteria.
NEVER use CS for algae control if you're trying to achieve a biological
balance in the water of your pond or tank. (It's great for fountains with no
living things). Algae grows because the conditions are right for it: food
(nitrates, ie: fertilizer) and light. The best algae control for a healthy
tank or pond is mechanical. Clean the visible amounts from the glass with a
scrubber & allow the filter to remove what it can. Partial water changes
will help to keep the nutrient levels diluted. Get an algae eater or moon
snails. Large fish such as koi will be overcome very quickly by ammonia
poisoning, so I'd imagine that it wouldn't take long at all for the smaller
tank varieties to succumb as well. If you value your fish at all, always
treat them with CS in a separate container & monitor your ammonia levels
with test kits to make sure you didn't get too much in the tank with the
fish transfer. Trust me, I found this out the very hard, very expensive way.
Replacing well-grown koi took me over a year & cost me $500 to get things
back to the way the way they were.


-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley []
Sent: Monday, October 30, 2000 7:51 AM
Subject: Re: CS>fish tanks wrote:

> Hi all,
> There was a post on this list about 3 - 4 wks ago from someone who gave 25
> personal and family experiences with CS. At the bottom was a list of 6
> "things to avoid". One was "Putting too much in an aquarium".
> Obviously he found out the hard way. Maybe this person will come forward
> explain.

That was me.  The things to avoid were from experiences of people here, as
well as
theoretical observations.  For instance, I am unaware of any people feeding
CS to
cows and having a problem, but since CS kills bacteria and yeasts, and cows
these in their cud to break down the cellulose, there is very likely a
problem.  I
DO know that feeding CS to honeybees will kill them, starving them even
they are bloated with honey, as I have done that test.

Same with the fish.  It is well known that the biological filter is
important to
the health of a fish tank.  CS kills bacteria, and if sufficiently strong is
likely to do the biological filter in.  I am not aware of any who has been
to risk killing their fish to test it though.  I believe that there is a
theraputic dose that will not kill the filter, but as far as I know this has
been confirmed yet.


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Re: CS>OT-Taxes

2000-10-31 Thread Serita-w
OK Dave,
How many people out there KNOW the LP wants to end the income tax? Or do
any of the other things that were mentioned??
It takes money to advertise, people don't learn by osmosis. You have to
stick it right under their noses in bright red letters before they pay

Have you heard the story of the old miner who bragged about how his mule
wasn't stubborn? He always did as he was told. So one day he was
challenged to prove it. So he picked up a club and hit the mule right on
the head. When he did that he was asked "why?' He said "..Well.. first
you have to get his attention"

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2000-10-31 Thread Dave Jones
Sorry, all.

I had a typo there.  It should read:
They are trying NOT to be a part of the problem now, to show they really
to want to be part of the solution.

Didn't want to confuse anyone...


Dave Jones wrote:
> OK, ya got a point, Serita.
> But the LP is trying to end the IRS, and that would put an end to the
> problem.
> They are trying to to be a part of the problem now, to show they really
> do want to be part of the solution.  Not taking your money unless you
> give it to them.
> If enough LP people get in office, the IRS, and even capital gains taxes
> would go away.
> But, towards more solutions: Anyone have ideas on how to get a petition
> or something going that would be taken seriously?
> --
> Sifu Dave Jones
> I don’t like violence, but I do understand it.
> That is why I don’t like it.
> wrote:
> >
> > Roger and Dave'
> > Yes, the LP turned down funds from the GOVERNMENT but didn't the
> > government get those funds from you and me through illegal taxation? As
> > I see it they turned down a chance to use the PEOPLE'S money for the
> > benefit of the people.
> > Advertising and campaigning costs a lot. and who asked ME if it was okay
> > to give MY money to the other parties? Or any parties at all???
> > Serita
> >
> --
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> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Sifu Dave Jones
I don’t like violence, but I do understand it.
That is why I don’t like it.

Re: CS - livestock and other FDA musings

2000-10-31 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 10/31/00 12:28:11 PM EST, writes:

<< Subj: Re: CS - livestock
 Date:  10/31/00 12:28:11 PM EST
  Madylin Murray O'Hair(O'Hare?) fought - as one person - and won against
 the biggest issue of all - public prayer! And how many religious groups
 were against her? 
 I don't see why a large group of people couldn't start educating others
 about what the FDA is really about. The problem - as I see it - is that
 most people have been brain-washed to believe the FDA is protecting
 They really don't know what is going on.

Serita: Excellent point. Where do I sign up? Roger

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

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Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: FDA

2000-10-31 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 10/31/00 12:19:26 PM EST, writes:

<< Subj: CS>Re: FDA
 Date:  10/31/00 12:19:26 PM EST
 From: (russ e rosser)
 > FDA is not aware of any substantial scientific evidence that 
 > supports the safe
 > and effective use of colloidal silver ingredients or
 > silver salts for any animal disease condition. Also, in the October 
 > 15, 1996
 > Federal Register, FDA proposed to establish that
 > all over-the-counter human drug products containing colloidal silver 
 > ingredients
 > or silver salts for internal or external use are not
 > generally recognized as safe and effective and are misbranded.
 ...Meaning they won't deign to bestow official recognition until it's
 subjected to the usual test protocol, involving a min. of 10 years &
 $30M...  --Russ

Russ: I believe it's $300M. Oh well, what's another zero to a bureaucrat. 

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS - livestock

2000-10-31 Thread d.linen
Madylin O'Hair may have been just one person but her athiest
organization had quite a bit of money and people to help her. She got
the most publicity however. When she and her son and granddaughter
disappeared 5 years ago, 500,000 dollars in gold disappeared too. So she
didn't do some of the projects without funds or help of others. It may
be of interest to know that when the IRS auctioned off her belongs
several years ago, among them was a Bible. 

Diane wrote:
> Roger.
>  Madylin Murray O'Hair(O'Hare?) fought - as one person - and won against
> the biggest issue of all - public prayer! And how many religious groups
> were against her?
> I don't see why a large group of people couldn't start educating others
> about what the FDA is really about. The problem - as I see it - is that
> most people have been brain-washed to believe the FDA is protecting
> them!!
> They really don't know what is going on.
> Serita
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>what is...

2000-10-31 Thread CKing001
You should really ask Dennis as he claims to be ordained.

You can learn more here...

In fact, you too can become an ordained minister and thus claim separation of
church/state privileges and possible tax advantages.
People in alternative healing practices often use ordination as a shield from
government interference.
Fantasy isn't our crutch--it's arcane!

On Tue, 31 Oct 2000 18:54:41 +1300, "Nick Grant"  wrote:

>To Chuck ( I think)
>What is the Universal Life Church?  I have never heard of it.  But then I
>don't live in the good ol'e U.S.A.  (I presume that's where you are from.
>Most people on the internet seem to be!

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>livestock and the LP: Do you know which one has a candidate for prez?

2000-10-31 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 10/31/00 12:06:08 PM EST, writes:

<< The LP is the only minority party which turned down federal matching
 funds for the campaign, just because they are trying to do EXACTLY all
 of the things you listed.
 Browne qualified for about $450,000 in federal matching funds in 1996
 and another $750,000 in 2000 -- and turned down all $1.2 million. 

Good for him, and he'll get my vote as well. Roger

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2000-10-31 Thread Dave Jones
OK, ya got a point, Serita.  

But the LP is trying to end the IRS, and that would put an end to the
They are trying to to be a part of the problem now, to show they really
do want to be part of the solution.  Not taking your money unless you
give it to them.
If enough LP people get in office, the IRS, and even capital gains taxes
would go away.

But, towards more solutions: Anyone have ideas on how to get a petition
or something going that would be taken seriously?


Sifu Dave Jones
I don’t like violence, but I do understand it.
That is why I don’t like it. wrote:
> Roger and Dave'
> Yes, the LP turned down funds from the GOVERNMENT but didn't the
> government get those funds from you and me through illegal taxation? As
> I see it they turned down a chance to use the PEOPLE'S money for the
> benefit of the people.
> Advertising and campaigning costs a lot. and who asked ME if it was okay
> to give MY money to the other parties? Or any parties at all???
> Serita

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS - livestock

2000-10-31 Thread Serita-w
Roger and Dave'
Yes, the LP turned down funds from the GOVERNMENT but didn't the
government get those funds from you and me through illegal taxation? As
I see it they turned down a chance to use the PEOPLE'S money for the
benefit of the people.
Advertising and campaigning costs a lot. and who asked ME if it was okay
to give MY money to the other parties? Or any parties at all???

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>A Plan?

2000-10-31 Thread Dave Jones
Agreed, Russ.

That would be a solution.  But who among us would even know where to
begin with such a huge project?

Where do we start? looks like it is available.

I could probably get it hosted for free (or nominal cost) if someone
wanted to register it.
The internet is a medium that could reach millions worldwide.
The key would be to use this medium to our advantage *somehow*

Any ideas?

russ e rosser wrote:
> The participants on this & other alternative therapy lists are numerous,
> pro-active and linked; we just need a tenable & consensory blueprint for
> *action*.
> --Russ
> On Tue, 31 Oct 2000 12:10:42 -0500 (CDT) writes:
> > Dave,
> > "Waiting" is passive. There are a lot of lists and a lot of people
> > if
> > something were started. What about a nation-wide partition - The
> > wheel
> > that squeaks gets the grease - Make enough noise and you can't be
> > ignored.- Well, maybe,  But there are people out there that are
> > unhappy
> > with the FDA and (like sheep) might follow if some one ELSE did
> > something!!
> > Serita
> >
> >
> > --
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
> > silver.
> >
> > To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message
> > to:
> >  -or-
> >
> > with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> >
> > To post, address your message to:
> > Silver-list archive:
> >
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >

Sifu Dave Jones
I don’t like violence, but I do understand it.
That is why I don’t like it.

Re: CS - livestock

2000-10-31 Thread Serita-w
 Madylin Murray O'Hair(O'Hare?) fought - as one person - and won against
the biggest issue of all - public prayer! And how many religious groups
were against her? 
I don't see why a large group of people couldn't start educating others
about what the FDA is really about. The problem - as I see it - is that
most people have been brain-washed to believe the FDA is protecting
They really don't know what is going on.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>FDA - OT?

2000-10-31 Thread russ e rosser
The participants on this & other alternative therapy lists are numerous,
pro-active and linked; we just need a tenable & consensory blueprint for


On Tue, 31 Oct 2000 12:10:42 -0500 (CDT) writes:
> Dave,
> "Waiting" is passive. There are a lot of lists and a lot of people 
> if
> something were started. What about a nation-wide partition - The 
> wheel
> that squeaks gets the grease - Make enough noise and you can't be
> ignored.- Well, maybe,  But there are people out there that are 
> unhappy
> with the FDA and (like sheep) might follow if some one ELSE did
> something!!
> Serita
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal 
> silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message 
> to: 
>  -or-  
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive: 
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2000-10-31 Thread russ e rosser
> FDA is not aware of any substantial scientific evidence that 
> supports the safe
> and effective use of colloidal silver ingredients or
> silver salts for any animal disease condition. Also, in the October 
> 15, 1996
> Federal Register, FDA proposed to establish that
> all over-the-counter human drug products containing colloidal silver 
> ingredients
> or silver salts for internal or external use are not
> generally recognized as safe and effective and are misbranded.

...Meaning they won't deign to bestow official recognition until it's
subjected to the usual test protocol, involving a min. of 10 years &
$30M...   --Russ

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>FDA - OT?

2000-10-31 Thread Serita-w
"Waiting" is passive. There are a lot of lists and a lot of people if
something were started. What about a nation-wide partition - The wheel
that squeaks gets the grease - Make enough noise and you can't be
ignored.- Well, maybe,  But there are people out there that are unhappy
with the FDA and (like sheep) might follow if some one ELSE did

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>collodial gold

2000-10-31 Thread A :. A :.
maybe it's like CS and colour is related to particle size?


--- Begin Message ---
In a message dated 10/31/00 10:07:51 AM EST, writes:

<< According to my references colloidal gold is very colorful, often a
 saturated violet.  What I ended up with was completely clear.

Marshall: Me too. Mine was 1.5 PPM Roger

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

--- End Message ---

Re: CS>structured water NOT hooey?

2000-10-31 Thread russ e rosser
On Mon, 30 Oct 2000 15:35:24 -0800 Ted Windsor  writes:
> we have spent thousands of dollars perfecting this 
> unit and you
> would like me to tell you how to make it?  

Do you mean that your findings are available for a price, or that you
just intend to hoard them?  Are you on this list to mutually exchange
unorthodox, beneficial info, or merely to pick the brains of others who
share their findings freely?


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>colloidal copper

2000-10-31 Thread russ e rosser
On Tue, 31 Oct 2000 07:05:31 -0800 Ode Coyote  writes:
>   I've read several times that colloidal copper and zinc are nearly 
> as
> effective a germ fighter as colloidal silver.but...have a 
> toxicicity
> problem that silver does not.
> Don't recall the source.

Water Oz --, I think.  --Russ

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>fish tanks

2000-10-31 Thread A :. A :.
very clever those folks.  i noticed they said
colloidal silver "ingredients"  in CS.  if you have enough of the prime
mover in cs you have a bar of silver again.


--- Begin Message ---
Ode Coyote wrote:

>   Oddly enough, it is forbidden by the FDA to feed dairy cows CS in any
> form. It's one of the first FDA documents I came across about CS on the
> web.  They didn't say why, leaving one with the impression that CS poisoned
> the milk.[which it doesn't]  That's about par for the FDA.
>  Ken

It appears they are aproaching it the same was as for use with humans:

Colloidal Silver Not Approved for Treating Animals

FDA has received reports that products containing colloidal silver are being
promoted for treatment of mastitis and other
serious disease conditions of dairy cattle, as well as for various conditions of
companion animals. For example, FDA's Center
for Veterinary Medicine has received reports from the agency's regional milk
specialists and state inspectors that colloidal silver
products have been found on some dairy farms. Also, recent articles in some farm
newspapers and journals promote the use of
colloidal silver in treating mastitis and claim that no milk discard is needed.

FDA is not aware of any substantial scientific evidence that supports the safe
and effective use of colloidal silver ingredients or
silver salts for any animal disease condition. Also, in the October 15, 1996
Federal Register, FDA proposed to establish that
all over-the-counter human drug products containing colloidal silver ingredients
or silver salts for internal or external use are not
generally recognized as safe and effective and are misbranded.

Use of colloidal silver ingredients in food-producing animals constitutes a
potentially serious public health concern because of
the possibility of residues in milk or meat. According to several scientific
publications mentioned in the October 15, 1996
Federal Register proposal, the human consumption of silver may result in argyria
-- a permanent ashen-gray or blue
discoloration of the skin, conjunctiva, and internal organs.

In addition to the possible human health concerns, use of these products to 
a serious illness in animals (including pets)
could potentially endanger the health of the animal by delaying timely,
appropriate treatment.

Colloidal silver-containing products have not been approved by FDA for use in 
animal species. Promoting the use of
colloidal silver for treating animal diseases causes such products to be
misbranded veterinary drugs under the Federal Food,
Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the Act). Labeling colloidal silver products to treat
animals causes such products to be new animal
drugs which are adulterated under the Act.

FDA has taken action against colloidal silver products, and is continuing to
investigate the promotion and use of colloidal silver
products in dairy and other animals. If necessary, FDA will take further
appropriate regulator action.

Source: CVM Update, FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

--- End Message ---

Re: CS - livestock

2000-10-31 Thread Dave Jones wrote:
> Serita: As long as we're on the subject of cows, I can't think of a more
> sacred cow than the FDA. You've got as much chance of disbanding it as you
> have putting in a candid for president who will fight for real campaign
> finance reform, or to abolish the (unconstitutional) income tax. Good luck
> anyway, I'd love to see it (hell, all of the above) happen one day. Roger


The LP is the only minority party which turned down federal matching
funds for the campaign, just because they are trying to do EXACTLY all
of the things you listed.
Browne qualified for about $450,000 in federal matching funds in 1996
and another $750,000 in 2000 -- and turned down all $1.2 million. 

Sifu Dave Jones
I don’t like violence, but I do understand it.
That is why I don’t like it.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS - livestock

2000-10-31 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 10/31/00 11:02:00 AM EST, writes:

<< Subj: CS - livestock
 Date:  10/31/00 11:02:00 AM EST
 FDA rules state you can't use CS on cows, but they allow drugs known to
 be harmful to be added to animal feed to fatten them for market and
 allow other things to be added to our milk and then refuse to let it be
 labelled so we don't know whether we are buying adulterated milk or not.
 Par for the course!!
 I still don't see why we can't start a grass-roots movement to disband
 the FDA.The longer we wait to actually try to do something the harder it
 will be  -- You know "the impossible just takes a little longer!"

Serita: As long as we're on the subject of cows, I can't think of a more 
sacred cow than the FDA. You've got as much chance of disbanding it as you 
have putting in a candid for president who will fight for real campaign 
finance reform, or to abolish the (unconstitutional) income tax. Good luck 
anyway, I'd love to see it (hell, all of the above) happen one day. Roger

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2000-10-31 Thread Dave Jones
Aloha, all:

About the only way to dump the FDA is to have the Libertarian party win
some important elections.  
The FDA is an illegally formed government agency.  
It is in direct violation of the 9th & 10th amendments to the
The problem is, few people know it is illegal, and fewer still seem to
care enough to do anything about it, they are a bunch of sheep.
The minority that do care, or WANT to do something, don't know what to

If you really want the FDA to go away, or the government to stop
promoting dangerous & ineffective drugs & immunizations just for
profits, then look into voting for leaders who want the same thing.

If you don't know want the Libertarian party is, try 


OK, I'm done.
BTW:  I do _not_ work for the Libertarian party, I just make an effort
to make intelligent choices.

Sifu Dave Jones
I don’t like violence, but I do understand it.
That is why I don’t like it. wrote:
> FDA rules state you can't use CS on cows, but they allow drugs known to
> be harmful to be added to animal feed to fatten them for market and
> allow other things to be added to our milk and then refuse to let it be
> labelled so we don't know whether we are buying adulterated milk or not.
> Par for the course!!
> I still don't see why we can't start a grass-roots movement to disband
> the FDA.The longer we wait to actually try to do something the harder it
> will be  -- You know "the impossible just takes a little longer!"
> Serita
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS - livestock

2000-10-31 Thread Serita-w

FDA rules state you can't use CS on cows, but they allow drugs known to
be harmful to be added to animal feed to fatten them for market and
allow other things to be added to our milk and then refuse to let it be
labelled so we don't know whether we are buying adulterated milk or not.
Par for the course!!
I still don't see why we can't start a grass-roots movement to disband
the FDA.The longer we wait to actually try to do something the harder it
will be  -- You know "the impossible just takes a little longer!"

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>collodial gold

2000-10-31 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 10/31/00 10:07:51 AM EST, writes:

<< According to my references colloidal gold is very colorful, often a
 saturated violet.  What I ended up with was completely clear.

Marshall: Me too. Mine was 1.5 PPM Roger

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>fish tanks

2000-10-31 Thread Marshall Dudley
Ode Coyote wrote:

>   Oddly enough, it is forbidden by the FDA to feed dairy cows CS in any
> form. It's one of the first FDA documents I came across about CS on the
> web.  They didn't say why, leaving one with the impression that CS poisoned
> the milk.[which it doesn't]  That's about par for the FDA.
>  Ken

It appears they are aproaching it the same was as for use with humans:

Colloidal Silver Not Approved for Treating Animals

FDA has received reports that products containing colloidal silver are being
promoted for treatment of mastitis and other
serious disease conditions of dairy cattle, as well as for various conditions of
companion animals. For example, FDA's Center
for Veterinary Medicine has received reports from the agency's regional milk
specialists and state inspectors that colloidal silver
products have been found on some dairy farms. Also, recent articles in some farm
newspapers and journals promote the use of
colloidal silver in treating mastitis and claim that no milk discard is needed.

FDA is not aware of any substantial scientific evidence that supports the safe
and effective use of colloidal silver ingredients or
silver salts for any animal disease condition. Also, in the October 15, 1996
Federal Register, FDA proposed to establish that
all over-the-counter human drug products containing colloidal silver ingredients
or silver salts for internal or external use are not
generally recognized as safe and effective and are misbranded.

Use of colloidal silver ingredients in food-producing animals constitutes a
potentially serious public health concern because of
the possibility of residues in milk or meat. According to several scientific
publications mentioned in the October 15, 1996
Federal Register proposal, the human consumption of silver may result in argyria
-- a permanent ashen-gray or blue
discoloration of the skin, conjunctiva, and internal organs.

In addition to the possible human health concerns, use of these products to 
a serious illness in animals (including pets)
could potentially endanger the health of the animal by delaying timely,
appropriate treatment.

Colloidal silver-containing products have not been approved by FDA for use in 
animal species. Promoting the use of
colloidal silver for treating animal diseases causes such products to be
misbranded veterinary drugs under the Federal Food,
Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the Act). Labeling colloidal silver products to treat
animals causes such products to be new animal
drugs which are adulterated under the Act.

FDA has taken action against colloidal silver products, and is continuing to
investigate the promotion and use of colloidal silver
products in dairy and other animals. If necessary, FDA will take further
appropriate regulator action.

Source: CVM Update, FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>collodial gold

2000-10-31 Thread Marshall Dudley
Opps, sorry read that as silver.  I own a bunch of silver ones and forgot they
come in gold.


"A :. A :." wrote:

> if you can get one ounce solid gold maple leaf
> coins for $6.50  i'll take a thousand.
> i knew canada was cheaper, but...  WOW   :-)
> Dennis
> Subject: Re: CS>collodial gold
> Resent-Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 20:32:18 -0800
> Resent-From:
> Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 23:31:23 -0500
> From: Marshall Dudley 
> Reply-To:
> To:
> References: <>
> "A :. A :." wrote:
> > canadian maple leaf gold coins come in 1/10
> > ounce coins for about $30 and have no copper in them. don't buy american
> > coins. they have been stepped on with copper.
> >
> > Dennis
> That can't be right. 1 oz. maple leafs are about $6.50.
> Marshall
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>collodial gold

2000-10-31 Thread Marshall Dudley
According to my references colloidal gold is very colorful, often a
saturated violet.  What I ended up with was completely clear.


Ivan Anderson wrote:

> Marshall,
> The Au+++ ion is likely to be quite small. A measure of conductivity may
> have proved useful.
> Ivan
> - Original Message -
> From: "Marshall Dudley" 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, 31 October 2000 05:20
> Subject: Re: CS>collodial gold
> > Ivan Anderson wrote:
> >
> > > There is no reason that I can see, why a CS generator cannot
> generate
> > > colloidal gold, it may just take a good while longer.
> >
> > Could be, but I did try running gold with 30 VDC for a week and got no
> > tyndall.
> >
> > Marshall
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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Re: CS>collodial gold

2000-10-31 Thread George Martin
Nah!  It's just that the exchange rate makes it seem cheap...

On Tue, 31 Oct 2000 05:46:59 -0800 (PST), A :. A :. wrote:

=>if you can get one ounce solid gold maple leaf
=>coins for $6.50  i'll take a thousand.
=>i knew canada was cheaper, but...  WOW   :-)

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>structured water hooey? (Everything Is Resonance)

2000-10-31 Thread A :. A :.
interesting post   :-)
but i still detect the aroma of seasoned
icthioids in denmark in rev's tale.  since water can be structured by
anything from sunlight to thought, and if radionics devices can be drawn
with ink, why bother spending "thousands" as he allegedly did, of bux
for a machine to do it?  trying to get substantiating information out of
him is like dealing  Joe Newman the free energy quack.  lots of
sssizzle, and no
steak. i'm not looking for any trade secrets 
just verifiable information.  how he plays in the (structured) water is
his affair.


--- Begin Message ---
 For sure, the way one thinks structures his perceptions and those perceptions structure the persons experience reinforcing those thoughts in a sort of feedback loop of verification.  It's possible that the actual structure of personal reality is quite mutable, therefore, some things work for some people and not for others...including FDA approved drugs and such...including homeopathy.
It's all about resonant frequencies and cancellations of them...but all frequencies exist "now" and thought systems pick amongst them determining which ones are available to perception and amplification.
If a priest or healer can structure water, a strongly negative person can unstructure it as well. A positivly charged person can drink dead water and bring it to life.  A person that believes expense is the measure of value will benefit from anything that is costly.
I have stopped looking for reasons to be healthy/happy and have gone to simple excuses. After all, no good reason is needed to do what you want to and reasons are but the accepted excuses.
Anything can be validated. There are always exceptions., what was I thinking? It's obvious that I don't always know on an 'everyday' conscious level.

"Seeing is believing" is not a time linear statement of cause and just looks that way due to time linear thought. Time linear thought is validated by the experience of it and 'proven' by time linear experiments set to prove that experience is reality.
Light does not move...perception creates time, space and the illusion of movement.
Since the forties, it has been 'proven' that nothing "is" as it appears to fact, nothing "is".
..or... the universe we think we see consists of thought in action.  There are no nouns, only verbs that symbolize nouns via the perception of them...mind sets. Existence is an experience, is an activity.
Forget guilt and reasons, just be aware of thoughts and all looks different.

Absolute chaos and perfect order are the same thing, each containing the other.
Ode Wan Coyote

At 01:27 PM 10/30/00 -0800, you wrote:
>i'm a paid up member of the psionics list
>and the other one you mentioned and am familiar with homeopathic
>my gripe with miracle water is it's all sizzle and no steak so far on
>the big promise/small
>show  scale.
>Received: from ( by
> with WTV-SMTP; Mon, 30 Oct 2000
>	12:11:18 -0800 (PST)
>Received: by (WebTV_Postfix) id DDF8C16C; Mon,
>	30 Oct 2000 12:11:17 -0800 (PST)
>Received: from ( []) by
> (WebTV_Postfix) with ESMTP id
>	226A211D; Mon, 30 Oct 2000 12:10:58 -0800 (PST)
>Received: (from smart...@localhost) by (8.9.1a/8.8.8)  id
>	LAA20672; Mon, 30 Oct 2000 11:58:46 -0800
>Resent-Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 11:58:46 -0800
>Message-ID: <006601c042ab$f8bf2090$>
>From: "Duncan Crow" 
>References: <>
>Subject: Re: CS>structured water hooey? (Everything Is Resonance)
>Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 11:59:54 -0800
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>X-Priority: 3
>X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
>X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2919.6600
>X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2919.6600
>Resent-Message-ID: <"JHa2q2.0.l25.qBT_v"@mx1>
>X-Mailing-List:  archive/latest/28998
>Precedence: list
>Sorry Dennis,
>You are quite correct in the statement about sunlight and magnets having an
>effect.  So do turbulence, healers hands (similar to magnetic) and exposure
>to more energetic water. The effects are reliable but not outstanding so
>far.  About half the world believes in energetic water. In
>alternative-suppresses North America we're less informed, that's all.
>Armchair 'hooey' comments are not valid. The structured water principle is
>quite correctthe principle is much like homeopathy, in which NO molecule
>theorectically is present at a dilution of 100,000:1 but the remedy still
>works.  In addition, a frequency put into water ca

Re: CS>structured water NOT hooey?

2000-10-31 Thread A :. A :.
give it... upchuck?;-D


--- Begin Message ---
Make your handle Twiddle, and you can be 
Twiddle DeeDee!
Doing strange things in the name of art...

On Mon, 30 Oct 2000 20:18:57 -0800 (PST), (A :. A :.)

>i got my Doctor of Divinity degree from the 
>Universal Life Church, btw.  y'all?

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

--- End Message ---

Re: CS>collodial gold

2000-10-31 Thread A :. A :.
if you can get one ounce solid gold maple leaf
coins for $6.50  i'll take a thousand.
i knew canada was cheaper, but...  WOW   :-)


--- Begin Message ---
"A :. A :." wrote:

> canadian maple leaf gold coins come in 1/10
> ounce coins for about $30 and have no copper in them. don't buy american
> coins. they have been stepped on with copper.
> Dennis

That can't be right. 1 oz. maple leafs are about $6.50.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

--- End Message ---

Re: CS>structured water hooey? (Everything Is Resonance)

2000-10-31 Thread Ode Coyote
 For sure, the way one thinks structures his perceptions and those perceptions structure the persons experience reinforcing those thoughts in a sort of feedback loop of verification.  It's possible that the actual structure of personal reality is quite mutable, therefore, some things work for some people and not for others...including FDA approved drugs and such...including homeopathy.
It's all about resonant frequencies and cancellations of them...but all frequencies exist "now" and thought systems pick amongst them determining which ones are available to perception and amplification.
If a priest or healer can structure water, a strongly negative person can unstructure it as well. A positivly charged person can drink dead water and bring it to life.  A person that believes expense is the measure of value will benefit from anything that is costly.
I have stopped looking for reasons to be healthy/happy and have gone to simple excuses. After all, no good reason is needed to do what you want to and reasons are but the accepted excuses.
Anything can be validated. There are always exceptions., what was I thinking? It's obvious that I don't always know on an 'everyday' conscious level.

"Seeing is believing" is not a time linear statement of cause and just looks that way due to time linear thought. Time linear thought is validated by the experience of it and 'proven' by time linear experiments set to prove that experience is reality.
Light does not move...perception creates time, space and the illusion of movement.
Since the forties, it has been 'proven' that nothing "is" as it appears to fact, nothing "is".
..or... the universe we think we see consists of thought in action.  There are no nouns, only verbs that symbolize nouns via the perception of them...mind sets. Existence is an experience, is an activity.
Forget guilt and reasons, just be aware of thoughts and all looks different.

Absolute chaos and perfect order are the same thing, each containing the other.
Ode Wan Coyote

At 01:27 PM 10/30/00 -0800, you wrote:
>i'm a paid up member of the psionics list
>and the other one you mentioned and am familiar with homeopathic
>my gripe with miracle water is it's all sizzle and no steak so far on
>the big promise/small
>show  scale.
>Received: from ( by
> with WTV-SMTP; Mon, 30 Oct 2000
>	12:11:18 -0800 (PST)
>Received: by (WebTV_Postfix) id DDF8C16C; Mon,
>	30 Oct 2000 12:11:17 -0800 (PST)
>Received: from ( []) by
> (WebTV_Postfix) with ESMTP id
>	226A211D; Mon, 30 Oct 2000 12:10:58 -0800 (PST)
>Received: (from smart...@localhost) by (8.9.1a/8.8.8)  id
>	LAA20672; Mon, 30 Oct 2000 11:58:46 -0800
>Resent-Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 11:58:46 -0800
>Message-ID: <006601c042ab$f8bf2090$>
>From: "Duncan Crow" 
>References: <>
>Subject: Re: CS>structured water hooey? (Everything Is Resonance)
>Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 11:59:54 -0800
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>X-Priority: 3
>X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
>X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2919.6600
>X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2919.6600
>Resent-Message-ID: <"JHa2q2.0.l25.qBT_v"@mx1>
>X-Mailing-List:  archive/latest/28998
>Precedence: list
>Sorry Dennis,
>You are quite correct in the statement about sunlight and magnets having an
>effect.  So do turbulence, healers hands (similar to magnetic) and exposure
>to more energetic water. The effects are reliable but not outstanding so
>far.  About half the world believes in energetic water. In
>alternative-suppresses North America we're less informed, that's all.
>Armchair 'hooey' comments are not valid. The structured water principle is
>quite correctthe principle is much like homeopathy, in which NO molecule
>theorectically is present at a dilution of 100,000:1 but the remedy still
>works.  In addition, a frequency put into water can achieve the same
>homeopathic effect, but in this case you're using a machine generated freq
>rather than a natural one. Please see references to the BioPET device on
>A vega testing unit (BICOM is one) can determine if you're allergic to a
>substance without contacting you with that substance. The unit may use a
>sample on the input side OR a stored frequency of that sample to determine
>if you are affected by that freq. This follows earlier experimentation by
>(Dr. William Gilbert, I think) during which he proved through body cavity

Re: CS>fish tanks

2000-10-31 Thread Ode Coyote
  Oddly enough, it is forbidden by the FDA to feed dairy cows CS in any
form. It's one of the first FDA documents I came across about CS on the
web.  They didn't say why, leaving one with the impression that CS poisoned
the milk.[which it doesn't]  That's about par for the FDA.

At 10:51 AM 10/30/00 -0500, you wrote:
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> There was a post on this list about 3 - 4 wks ago from someone who gave 25
>> personal and family experiences with CS. At the bottom was a list of 6
>> "things to avoid". One was "Putting too much in an aquarium".
>> Obviously he found out the hard way. Maybe this person will come forward
>> explain.
>That was me.  The things to avoid were from experiences of people here, as
well as
>theoretical observations.  For instance, I am unaware of any people
feeding CS to
>cows and having a problem, but since CS kills bacteria and yeasts, and
cows need
>these in their cud to break down the cellulose, there is very likely a
problem.  I
>DO know that feeding CS to honeybees will kill them, starving them even
>they are bloated with honey, as I have done that test.
>Same with the fish.  It is well known that the biological filter is
important to
>the health of a fish tank.  CS kills bacteria, and if sufficiently strong
is very
>likely to do the biological filter in.  I am not aware of any who has been
>to risk killing their fish to test it though.  I believe that there is a
>theraputic dose that will not kill the filter, but as far as I know this
has not
>been confirmed yet.
>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
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>To post, address your message to:
>Silver-list archive:
>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>colloidal copper

2000-10-31 Thread Ode Coyote
  I've read several times that colloidal copper and zinc are nearly as
effective a germ fighter as colloidal silver.but...have a toxicicity
problem that silver does not.
 Don't recall the source.
 There was an ion producing solar powered 'float' for swimming pools on the
market many years ago selling for $300...very pricy for the time. I assume
they used copper ions but the actual metal was not mentioned in the ads.

At 10:22 AM 10/30/00 -0500, you wrote:
> wrote:
>>  The comment on colloidal copper in swimming pools was interesting...does
>>  anyone know of a colloidal copper mix suitable for fish tanks, or at
>>  approximately what level fish start to get uncomfortable??  I know they
>>  survive some mineral...but I don't want to hurt the little guys with
>>  experimentation. A little copper colloid in the tank may help keep the
>>  levels more stable.
>>  Anyone keep fish at home or have knowledge of this subject?
>> You might try fusing a copper disk or slug to a pure silver coin and
>> it in the aquarium.  I would think it would work like the
>> product does in the swimming pool.
>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
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>To post, address your message to:
>Silver-list archive:
>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>collodial gold

2000-10-31 Thread Ivan Anderson

The Au+++ ion is likely to be quite small. A measure of conductivity may
have proved useful.


- Original Message -
From: "Marshall Dudley" 
Sent: Tuesday, 31 October 2000 05:20
Subject: Re: CS>collodial gold

> Ivan Anderson wrote:
> > There is no reason that I can see, why a CS generator cannot
> > colloidal gold, it may just take a good while longer.
> Could be, but I did try running gold with 30 VDC for a week and got no
> tyndall.
> Marshall

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>tranfer of ions

2000-10-31 Thread Ivan Anderson
Yes, yes, yes.

- Original Message -
From: "Duncan Crow" 
Sent: Tuesday, 31 October 2000 22:32
Subject: CS>tranfer of ions

> I think the common denominator is that the silverlon, CS and jewelry
> actually in contact with a limited amount of, but some,  liquid in the
> wound, or etc just enough to cause the ionic reaction..
> That would fall into line with the ionic transfer in the presence of a
> liquid..right?
> ciao
> Duncan
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message
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> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>tranfer of ions

2000-10-31 Thread Duncan Crow
I think the common denominator is that the silverlon, CS and jewelry is
actually in contact with a limited amount of, but some,  liquid in the cut,
wound, or etc just enough to cause the ionic reaction..

That would fall into line with the ionic transfer in the presence of a



The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Algae, CS

2000-10-31 Thread Duncan Crow
I think the common denominator is that the silverlon, CS and jewelry is
actually in contact with a limited amount of, but some,  liquid in the cut,
wound, or etc just enough to cause the ionic reaction..

That would fall into line with the ionic transfer in the presence of a



The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Algae, CS

2000-10-31 Thread Duncan Crow
I think the common denominator is that the silverlon, CS and jewelry is
actually in contact with a limited amount of, but some,  liquid in the cut,
wound, or etc just enough to cause the ionic reaction..

That would fall into line with the ionic transfer in the presence of a



The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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