RE: CSBrewer's yeast and insects

2002-08-12 Thread Ivan Anderson

I mean no disrespect, but I hope you eat eggs and milk, because the
B12 found in yeast is unlikely to be type active in humans.

My opinion is that humans should eat the meat and fat that the body
has evolved (or been designed) for.


 -Original Message-
 From: Jeannie []
 Sent: Saturday, 10 August 2002 10:59 p.m.
 Subject: Re: CSBrewer's yeast and insects

 Finally, some accurate infomation. Thanks!

 We prefer the flakes, and it is a great flavoring in many
 things.  Since we are vegan, we feel the need of a good
 source of B vitamins, especially B12.


 Ode Coyote wrote:

  In a way that's true depending on what you're getting.
  There's brewers yeast, primary grown brewers yeast,
 debittered brewers yeast and nutritional yeast which is
 entirely different and much better but sometimes called
 brewers yeast.
  The nutritional yeast actually tastes good. It's GREAT
 sprinkled on popcorn.
  Nutritional Yeast Nutritional Yeast is an inactive yeast
 and dietary food supplement with a distinct, pleasant aroma
 and delicious cheesy taste. It is different from baking
 yeast and has no fermenting power. Six teaspoons (about 10
 gm) provide: 6 mg each of vit. B1, vit. B2 and vit. B6; 5
 mcg vit. B12; 35 mg niacin; 5 gm protein (50% by weight); 4
 gm carbohydrates; and 30 calories. Contains no fat. Store
 in a cool dry place or refrigerate. Will keep indefinitely
 if stored properly. Available in flakes or powder at
 natural food stores 
   Brewer's Yeast
   Brewer's yeast, which is often called nutritional
 yeast, was originally a by-product of the brewing of beer.
 While still used for brewing, it is also now grown as a
 plant product for its nutritional value. Nutritional yeast
 is not exactly the same as brewer's yeast. Brewer's yeast
 was originally used as a nutritional supplement, then other
 yeasts were made available for this purpose. Brewer's yeast
 differs from live baker's yeast in that its live yeast
 cells have been destroyed, leaving the nutrients behind.
 Live yeast cells can actually deplete the body of B
 vitamins and other nutrients.
   Nutritional yeast contains high levels of many
 important nutrients, including all of the B vitamins
 (except for B12), 16 out of 20 amino acids, and 14
 different minerals. The amino acids (proteins) in yeast
 help the body repair tissue and fight disease. Brewer's
 yeast has a very high protein content, with one tbsp.
 providing 4.6 g, making it a rich source of protein for
 vegetarians. It is also high in phosphorus.
  t 11:56 AM 8/9/02 EDT, you wrote:
   In a message dated 8/9/2002 2:25:14 AM Eastern
 Daylight Time, writes:
You should never eat bakers yeast but brewers is fine.
   brewers yeast is the yeast that is left over after
 the beer is made...right?
  -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of
 colloidal silver.
  Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
 To post, address your message to:
 Silver-list archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

One thing you can't recycle is wasted time.

Jeannie McReynolds
Oregon Coast

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2002-08-12 Thread Wayne Fugitt

Is this a fungus or actually a disease?

A friend has been diagnosed with this condition and was given only one option,

Laser surgery.

This does not sound like this is in the best interest of the patient.

If anyone has had any first person experience with this, I would like to 
know more about this ailment,  Histoplasmosis.

Any reason why CS would not handle this little critter?


RE: CSDMSO and Arthritic Shoulder

2002-08-12 Thread Ivan Anderson
Perhaps it is a compromised interior body terrain that allows for the
over-growth of fungi. Low pH, poor calcium utilisation etc. This would
also be fertile ground for tumour growth as well as the exotoxins that
may initiate cancers.

If you correct for the fungi, then you probably also correct for the
cancer, as well as improve the immune system's response to it.


-Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Sunday, 11 August 2002 10:41 a.m.
Subject: Re: CSDMSO and Arthritic Shoulder

I'll say this, maybe you guys should check into Doug Kauffmann and his
book that says that most cancer isn't cancer but a sickness that
mimicks cancer that is related to mold/fungus.  They did the tests.
What they are saying is, the med community is treating people for
cancer when in most cases, it's not cancer.  They treat for mold and
the cancer goes can it be a cancer then?
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The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSHistoplasmosis

2002-08-12 Thread Ivan Anderson
Histoplasmosis is a disease of the lungs (can infect other internal
organs by dissemination) caused by the fungus Histoplasma capsulatum.
Can be fatal.

Histoplasmosis in AIDS usually presents as a disseminated
infection.1,5 The most common manifestation (and sometimes the only
presentation) is fever and weight loss, which occurs in about 75
percent of patients. Respiratory complaints (cough, shortness of
breath) occur in about 50 per cent of patients. Chest radiographs are
normal in 30 to 40 percent of patients; most of the remaining patients
have diffuse nodular infiltrates. Local or generalized
Iymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, colonic lesions, and skin
(Figures 2 and 3) and oral ulcers also occur. The involvement of the
gastrointestinal tract, usually in the form of ulcers, may lead
patients to present with abdominal pain or gastrointestinal bleeding.
Between 5 and l0 percent of patients have an acute septic shock-like
syndrome that includes hypotension and evidence of disseminated
coagulopathy. This presentation carries a very poor prognosis. Central
nervous system involvement with meningitis or cerebral mass lesions is
a rare but important complication. Laboratory findings may include
anemia, neutropenia, or thrombocytopenia (reflecting bone marrow
invasion by the fungus) and elevation of hepatic enzymes. The CD4+
lymphocyte count is almost invariably less than 200/mm3 and usually
less than 100/mm3. The major differential diagnosis for disseminated
histoplasmosis is mycobacterial infection.

Not sure how laser surgery would help unless we are talking about
ocular Histoplasmosis:
These scars, which in the case of Ocular histo are what cause the
sight degeneration, usually later in life. Ocular Histoplasmosis
occurs when abnormal blood vessels grow through the healed histo scars
and into the interior of the eye. This condition, which is secondary
to Ocular Histoplasmosis is called Sub Choroidal Neo-Vascularization.
This may cause bleeding or increased scarring. If the scars are
located close to the macula or center of vision, which is usually the
case, reduction or loss of central vision may occur. for discussion of laser
surgery etc.

Usually antifungal medication is prescribed. Nebulising with CS/DMSO
mix may prove helpful, perhaps adding beta glucan and olive leaf
extract. If disseminated, then oral CS, olive leaf extract (Seagate
brand preferred) and beta glucan could be of help.


-Original Message-
From: Wayne Fugitt []
Sent: Tuesday, 13 August 2002 12:08 a.m.
Subject: CSHistoplasmosis

Is this a fungus or actually a disease?

A friend has been diagnosed with this condition and was given only one

Laser surgery.

This does not sound like this is in the best interest of the patient.

If anyone has had any first person experience with this, I would like
to know more about this ailment,  Histoplasmosis.

Any reason why CS would not handle this little critter?

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.380 / Virus Database: 213 - Release Date: 24/07/2002

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSHistoplasmosis

2002-08-12 Thread CKing001
his·to·plas·mo·sis (-'plaz-`mo-s?s) 
n. pl 
-mo·ses (-'sez) A respiratory disease with symptoms like those of influenza that
is endemic in the Mississippi and Ohio river valleys of the U.S., is caused by
infection with a fungus of the genus Histoplasma (H. capsulatum), and is marked
by benign involvement of lymph nodes of the trachea and bronchi usually without
symptoms or by severe progressive generalized involvement of the lymph nodes and
the reticuloendothelial system with fever, anemia, leukopenia and often with
local lesions (as of the skin, mouth, or throat)

A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand.

On Mon, 12 Aug 2002 07:07:54 -0500, Wayne Fugitt wrote:

Is this a fungus or actually a disease?

A friend has been diagnosed with this condition and was given only one option,

Laser surgery.

This does not sound like this is in the best interest of the patient.

If anyone has had any first person experience with this, I would like to 
know more about this ailment,  Histoplasmosis.

Any reason why CS would not handle this little critter?


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CShepatitis-c geno type 1 non responder to peg and herpes questions

2002-08-12 Thread cmccauley

is there anybody out there who has tried peg or any
other interferon combo treatments and did not respond?
if so please e-mail me I a am new to cs i'm just
trying CS I have purchased the new advanced CS made
through a mesoprocess When i was on peg i did
partially respond my viral load was over a million and
my final load dropped down to the low thousands. I
would not even dare try to make CS on my own as i am
still unsure of what could happen down the road. thank

p.s. any advice on getting rid of cold sores would be
helpful also  thank you


I personally have not tried peg-entron (sp?) but since I am Hep C positive
and have many friends who are also, I have been asked to.  Also, a very
good friend of mine just stopped  taking it and it did nothing but make her
very, very ill.  She said that her viral load went down while she was on
it, but it rose again after she stopped and is now back at the same place
it was before she started.  She is not the only friend I have that has
gotten very sick while taking that 'poison'.

I personally will NOT put that stuff in my body.  Not after seeing what my
friends went through.  And I won't even begin to mention the costs
involved, especially if you have no insurance or Medicaid.

If you would like to talk with her, I can have her email you.  Let me know.

Regarding the cold sore/herpes virus, I also have been cursed with that
(not the mouth cold sore type either!) and I usually get those sores at
least once a month.  Sometimes more often.  Since I started taking the CS
I've been making, I only had one sore start to form.  I started to get the
tingle in the back of my leg but it never developed past that.  Usually
when I get that tingle, I get a sore two days later.  But this time it
didn't happen.  Was it the CS?  It's the only thing I've done differently
this month so I tend to think it is.  Just my opinion though.   Any time
without one of those sores is a blessing and if the CS can keep them away,
I'll take it.   If the CS can do all the other wonderful things it seems to
be able to do, I'll take it forever.  Again, just my opinion.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSHistoplasmosis

2002-08-12 Thread Marshall Dudley
My sister and I both had it when I was in the 2nd grade.  It goes by the
common name of Fungus in the lungs.  Back then all they could do is to
say to rest and wait.  I had it for almost 2 years.  Now I understand
that there are fungal antibiotics that can be taken by mouth that will
route it out.  I suspect that oral CS would not be very effective as it
would likely not reach the fungus.  But I suspect that nebulized CS
would work quite well.

I don't understand th laser surgery at all.  That makes no sense to me.


Wayne Fugitt wrote:

 Is this a fungus or actually a disease?

 A friend has been diagnosed with this condition and was given only one

 Laser surgery.

 This does not sound like this is in the best interest of the patient.

 If anyone has had any first person experience with this, I would like
 to know more about this ailment,  Histoplasmosis.

 Any reason why CS would not handle this little critter?


Re: CShepatitis-c geno type 1 non responder to peg and herpes questions

2002-08-12 Thread Brooks Bradley
Dear Christiane,
Our experimental research involving Hepatitis-C  and Type II
Herpes (also Type I) indicated that all were susceptible to Colloidal Silver
protocols.  In the case of the Herpes insults, the ancillary use of Lysine
proved to increase both the speed of response and the degree of effective an order of magnitude.  The speed of response, especially,
seemed to be dosage-sensitive;  in that introducing larger oral dosages of
Lysine ( 1000 to 2000 mg daily)  particularly at inititation stages of these
experimental protocolssometimes, gave spectacular results.
Somewhere in the archives you should find a posting I made some
months ago-which elaborates somewhat on this topic.  Additionally,  it has
long-ago been demonstrated that lysine-containing salves are quite effective in
ameliorating many of the adverse effects of the presenting lesions themselves.
 Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.
p.s.  In Vitro experiments have demonstrated (to our satisfaction)  a very
powerful control response  on all Herpes type well
mycoplasma-based pathogens--whenever actual exposure within a common
environment occurs. wrote:

 is there anybody out there who has tried peg or any
 other interferon combo treatments and did not respond?
 if so please e-mail me I a am new to cs i'm just
 trying CS I have purchased the new advanced CS made
 through a mesoprocess When i was on peg i did
 partially respond my viral load was over a million and
 my final load dropped down to the low thousands. I
 would not even dare try to make CS on my own as i am
 still unsure of what could happen down the road. thank
 p.s. any advice on getting rid of cold sores would be
 helpful also  thank you

 I personally have not tried peg-entron (sp?) but since I am Hep C positive
 and have many friends who are also, I have been asked to.  Also, a very
 good friend of mine just stopped  taking it and it did nothing but make her
 very, very ill.  She said that her viral load went down while she was on
 it, but it rose again after she stopped and is now back at the same place
 it was before she started.  She is not the only friend I have that has
 gotten very sick while taking that 'poison'.

 I personally will NOT put that stuff in my body.  Not after seeing what my
 friends went through.  And I won't even begin to mention the costs
 involved, especially if you have no insurance or Medicaid.

 If you would like to talk with her, I can have her email you.  Let me know.

 Regarding the cold sore/herpes virus, I also have been cursed with that
 (not the mouth cold sore type either!) and I usually get those sores at
 least once a month.  Sometimes more often.  Since I started taking the CS
 I've been making, I only had one sore start to form.  I started to get the
 tingle in the back of my leg but it never developed past that.  Usually
 when I get that tingle, I get a sore two days later.  But this time it
 didn't happen.  Was it the CS?  It's the only thing I've done differently
 this month so I tend to think it is.  Just my opinion though.   Any time
 without one of those sores is a blessing and if the CS can keep them away,
 I'll take it.   If the CS can do all the other wonderful things it seems to
 be able to do, I'll take it forever.  Again, just my opinion.


 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

 To post, address your message to:

 Silver-list archive:

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSBrewer's yeast and insects

2002-08-12 Thread Brooks Bradley
Dear Ivan,
Your cogent remark relating to Vitamin B-12 sources
recommends serious consideration ( we believe), as our nutritional
experiments conducted some years past.revealed that a majority of
our vegetarian volunteers (myself included) were experiencing active
B-12 deficiencies.  Additionally, a majority of these were presenting
with cobalt deficiencies..even those consuming typical One-a-Day
type vitamin supplements.  While several approaches effectively resolved
the deficienciesthe most direct solution came through B-12
supplements, cobalt intake enhancement and most easily (on a continuing
basis)-- through dietary modifications.
In my own case, I chose (and happily so) to employ
sub-lingual B-12 and eggs.  I am now a modified vegetarian, but still
refrain from animal meat products...consuming only fermented dairy
products and eggs.

Ivan Anderson wrote:


 I mean no disrespect, but I hope you eat eggs and milk, because the
 B12 found in yeast is unlikely to be type active in humans.

 My opinion is that humans should eat the meat and fat that the body
 has evolved (or been designed) for.


  -Original Message-
  From: Jeannie []
  Sent: Saturday, 10 August 2002 10:59 p.m.
  Subject: Re: CSBrewer's yeast and insects
  Finally, some accurate infomation. Thanks!
  We prefer the flakes, and it is a great flavoring in many
  things.  Since we are vegan, we feel the need of a good
  source of B vitamins, especially B12.
  Ode Coyote wrote:
   In a way that's true depending on what you're getting.
   There's brewers yeast, primary grown brewers yeast,
  debittered brewers yeast and nutritional yeast which is
  entirely different and much better but sometimes called
  brewers yeast.
   The nutritional yeast actually tastes good. It's GREAT
  sprinkled on popcorn.
   Nutritional Yeast Nutritional Yeast is an inactive yeast
  and dietary food supplement with a distinct, pleasant aroma
  and delicious cheesy taste. It is different from baking
  yeast and has no fermenting power. Six teaspoons (about 10
  gm) provide: 6 mg each of vit. B1, vit. B2 and vit. B6; 5
  mcg vit. B12; 35 mg niacin; 5 gm protein (50% by weight); 4
  gm carbohydrates; and 30 calories. Contains no fat. Store
  in a cool dry place or refrigerate. Will keep indefinitely
  if stored properly. Available in flakes or powder at
  natural food stores 
Brewer's Yeast
Brewer's yeast, which is often called nutritional
  yeast, was originally a by-product of the brewing of beer.
  While still used for brewing, it is also now grown as a
  plant product for its nutritional value. Nutritional yeast
  is not exactly the same as brewer's yeast. Brewer's yeast
  was originally used as a nutritional supplement, then other
  yeasts were made available for this purpose. Brewer's yeast
  differs from live baker's yeast in that its live yeast
  cells have been destroyed, leaving the nutrients behind.
  Live yeast cells can actually deplete the body of B
  vitamins and other nutrients.
Nutritional yeast contains high levels of many
  important nutrients, including all of the B vitamins
  (except for B12), 16 out of 20 amino acids, and 14
  different minerals. The amino acids (proteins) in yeast
  help the body repair tissue and fight disease. Brewer's
  yeast has a very high protein content, with one tbsp.
  providing 4.6 g, making it a rich source of protein for
  vegetarians. It is also high in phosphorus.
   t 11:56 AM 8/9/02 EDT, you wrote:
In a message dated 8/9/2002 2:25:14 AM Eastern
  Daylight Time, writes:
 You should never eat bakers yeast but brewers is fine.
brewers yeast is the yeast that is left over after
  the beer is made...right?
   -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of
  colloidal silver.
   Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
  To post, address your message to:
  Silver-list archive:
  List maintainer: Mike Devour

 One thing you can't recycle is wasted time.

 Jeannie McReynolds
 Oregon Coast

 Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
 Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
 Version: 6.0.380 / Virus Database: 213 - Release Date: 24/07/2002

 Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
 Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
 Version: 6.0.380 / Virus Database: 213 - Release Date: 24/07/2002

Re: CSAsked for CVA Rx

2002-08-12 Thread Rod Stevenson
I wouldn't have thought it would be much use, personally.  French maritime
pine bark extract, pycnogenol can help - the quicker it's used after the CVA
(as with just about anything else you might find) the better. ...just
looked up 'anything else' all I could find was Vit E, to reduce platelet
adhesiveness (thin the blood)
- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, August 11, 2002 3:34 AM
Subject: CS(no subject)

 cs and strokes.

 Can CS help people who have had strokes?

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

 To post, address your message to:

 Silver-list archive:

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSOur Wonderful FDA At Work Again

2002-08-12 Thread Bill Missett
WASHINGTON (AP) -- A health advocacy group accused the government Monday of
allowing fake meat made from fungus to be sold even though it makes people
sick and demanded the product, known as Quorn, be recalled.

The Center for Science in the Public Interest said it had received reports
from 33 people who had suffered vomiting, diarrhea and other ailments after
eating Quorn. A North Carolina man broke out in hives and had trouble
breathing, the group said.

Quorn is the trade name for mycoprotein, which is used as a substitute for
ground beef and chicken, and in lasagna and fettuccine Alfredo.

Quorn mycoprotein has been proven to cause severe digestive reactions,
Michael Jacobson, CSPI's executive director, said in a letter to the Food
and Drug Administration. Those reactions have led to fainting and
dehydration, which could be life-threatening.

Because mycoprotein makes some people sick, it cannot be considered
Generally Recognized as Safe -- as designated by the FDA.

Labels on Quorn products say mycoprotein comes from a member of the mushroom
family. But critics say that's a stretch and that the FDA should have
studied it more before it hit the shelves in American supermarkets.

The FDA's stance with regard to Quorn has been 'get sick first, ask
questions later,' Jacobson said. This product was cavalierly waved through
by the FDA with an alarming lack of curiosity even though the government
had seen evidence that it made people sick.

CSPI, citing documents it obtained under the Freedom of Information Act,
said one study showed nearly 10 percent of people who ate Quorn reported
feeling nauseated or sick to their stomachs.

An FDA official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the agency was
reviewing the information provided by CSPI and would evaluate all available
data on Quorn before deciding how to proceed.

Quorn, introduced in Britain in 1985, arrived in U.S. supermarkets in
January. Its popularity in Europe now rivals that of soyburgers and other
meat substitutes.

Copyright 2002

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Senate bill S 2053 -- NO!!

2002-08-12 Thread Russ Rosser
Dear Senator Sessions--

You have taken the conscientious side of crucial issues before, so I am 
confident that you'll understand our repugnance at pharmaceutical 
conglomerates' ongoing, successful efforts to manipulate the government for 
profit, at the expense of public health. 
Already, these manufacturers are allowed to spike vaccines with biocidal 
poisons (under the classification of preservatives).  Already, vaccines are 
exempted from FDA requirements to prove safety and effectiveness.  Now comes 
Senator Frist's bill S 2053 to eradicate civil accountabilty for the damage 
inflicted on children under these exemptions.  

Lacing vaccines with known poisons extends product shelf-life, but the full 
profitability of this practice is less obvious:  Beginning at early childhood, 
these poisons surreptitiously increase public disease rates on which pharma 
profits depend.  The toxins employed are among the most controversial; ethylene 
glycol is linked to kidney damage[1] and metabolic disruption[2]; aluminum to 
brain disorders/Alzheimer's[3]; formaldehyde to headaches, depression, memory 
loss, fatigue[4] and CANCER[5]; and mercury to brain damage[6] and autism[7] 
(children can receive 42 times the EPA safety limit in a single vaccination).  
As public awareness of vaccine toxicity has grown**, so has the number of 
product safety lawsuits.  Sen. Frists's bill is a mercenary counter-attack 
against plaintiffs.  It would restrict their access to the civil courts, 
thereby funneling all vaccine injury cases into the National Vaccine Injury 
Compensation Program.  Simultaneously, it would debauch that program with 
arbitrary provisions, such as excluding ANY vaccine ingredient from 
classification as an adulterant or contaminant.  Futhermore, it would 
REVERSE the burden of proof, set unrealistic damage limits, and altogether 
eliminate class-action suits...each stipulation meticulously crafted to secure 
impunity for the routine maiming American children.  
One other point, with regard to the bigger picture:  This bill coheres the 
martial-law takeover now being orchestrated in the guise of terrorism 
legislation.  It would further restrict public recourse against *mandatory 
mass-innoculation* by the military (please read the Model States Emergency 
Health Powers Act following future incidents.  The US 
has already requisitioned 300 million doses of live-virus smallpox vaccine, a 
$509M windfall for Acambis Pharmaceuticals[8].  Thus far, the funding, training 
and personnel behind major US terrorism is traceable to CIA (9-11  OKC), FBI 
(the first WC bombing) and high-level, political conspirators bent on 
transforming the US into a dictatorship under non-elective entities like 
Homeland Security, FEMA and foreign NATO forces[9].  Therefore, please refuse 
all participation with these anti-American, fascist operatives.  
Thank you for your attention.

For the text of Frist's bill S 2053, please see:  

For and an exhastive analysis of S 2053, please see:
**For an EXTENSIVE list of parents'  doctors' organizations opposing mandatory 
child vaccination, see:
...and especially

[1]  From Ottowah Dept. of Health:
Ethylene rapidly absorbed and broken down in the body to form a 
substance that is toxic to the kidneys. 
[2]  From CDC:
Ethylene glycol affects the body's chemistry by increasing the amount of acid, 
resulting in metabolic problems. 
[3] 16 medical studies cited:
[4]  Highlights from U. S. Dept. of Labor info:

[5]  From National Safety Council:
there is no known threshold level below which there is no threat of cancer.
Formaldehyde has been shown to cause cancer in laboratory animals, and the U.S. 
Environmental Protection Agency has classified formaldehyde as a probable 
human carcinogen.
[6]  From Kansas Department of Health and Environment:
Elemental mercury and mercury compounds pose an extreme health hazard, 
particularly to developing fetuses, young children...permanent damage to the 
[7]  Medical articles abound linking mercury/Thimerisol to autism.  Suggested 
starting point:
[8]  For insight into collusion between Acambis, Hitler and the Bush family, 
please see:

[9]  For 2 hours of documented evidence, please see 

Russ Rosser

Re: CSOur Wonderful FDA At Work Again

2002-08-12 Thread Beth
Eeew! I am assuming this is the brand, Quorn? We carry Quorn meatless chicken 
nuggets and patties at the health food store where I work. I love these things 
even though I am not a vegetarian. I'll have to read the box tomorrow.

CS question: I have been getting sharp pains in one of my ears since this 
afternoon. I am going to put a few drops of CS in the ear tonight. Is this ok 
to do?

Beth Brawn

  - Original Message - 
  From: Bill Missett 
  Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 3:36 PM
  Subject: CSOur Wonderful FDA At Work Again

  WASHINGTON (AP) -- A health advocacy group accused the government Monday of
  allowing fake meat made from fungus to be sold even though it makes people
  sick and demanded the product, known as Quorn, be recalled.

  The Center for Science in the Public Interest said it had received reports
  from 33 people who had suffered vomiting, diarrhea and other ailments after
  eating Quorn. A North Carolina man broke out in hives and had trouble
  breathing, the group said.

  Quorn is the trade name for mycoprotein, which is used as a substitute for
  ground beef and chicken, and in lasagna and fettuccine Alfredo.

  Quorn mycoprotein has been proven to cause severe digestive reactions,
  Michael Jacobson, CSPI's executive director, said in a letter to the Food
  and Drug Administration. Those reactions have led to fainting and
  dehydration, which could be life-threatening.

  Because mycoprotein makes some people sick, it cannot be considered
  Generally Recognized as Safe -- as designated by the FDA.

  Labels on Quorn products say mycoprotein comes from a member of the mushroom
  family. But critics say that's a stretch and that the FDA should have
  studied it more before it hit the shelves in American supermarkets.

  The FDA's stance with regard to Quorn has been 'get sick first, ask
  questions later,' Jacobson said. This product was cavalierly waved through
  by the FDA with an alarming lack of curiosity even though the government
  had seen evidence that it made people sick.

  CSPI, citing documents it obtained under the Freedom of Information Act,
  said one study showed nearly 10 percent of people who ate Quorn reported
  feeling nauseated or sick to their stomachs.

  An FDA official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the agency was
  reviewing the information provided by CSPI and would evaluate all available
  data on Quorn before deciding how to proceed.

  Quorn, introduced in Britain in 1985, arrived in U.S. supermarkets in
  January. Its popularity in Europe now rivals that of soyburgers and other
  meat substitutes.

  Copyright 2002

  The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

  Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

  To post, address your message to:

  Silver-list archive:

  List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSnewbies with doubts about cs

2002-08-12 Thread mars larz
I am a newbie in the cs neighbohood i have big doubts and am searching as much 
as i can about its saftey and benefits  for all it's supposed to be cracked up 
to be. i've only been taking the stuff for a couple of days with caution so i 
can not say for sure that i's going to work for my conditions in 
particular.anyway i made up search catagory  on msn  and called it 
silver nature's purifer   at the top of the catagory list was a site called 
Cera water library. This is a must read article exposing how Nasa  the 
Soviets and various  public facilities are all using forms of silver to purify 
and sanitize water and every thing else.  This information is making me think 
more positive about cs. tell me what you think.  

thank you

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Re: CSnewbies with doubts about cs

2002-08-12 Thread Marshall Dudley
That is old widely known information.  Where is this url? It might have
some more information on it that is new or not widely known.


mars larz wrote:

 I am a newbie in the cs neighbohood i have big doubts and am searching
 as much as i can about its saftey and benefits  for all it's supposed
 to be cracked up to be. i've only been taking the stuff for a couple
 of days with caution so i can not say for sure that i's going to work
 for my conditions in particular.anyway i made up search
 catagory on msn  and called it silver nature's purifer   at the top
 of the catagory list was a site called Cera water library. This is a
 must read article exposing how Nasa  the Soviets and various public
 facilities are all using forms of silver to purify and sanitize water
 and every thing else.  This information is making me think more
 positive about cs. tell me what you think.

 thank you

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 HotJobs, a Yahoo! service - Search Thousands of New Jobs

Re: CSOur Wonderful FDA At Work Again

2002-08-12 Thread Marshall Dudley
Many people on this list have used CS and 3% H2O2 (separately) in the
ear and reported very good results.


Beth wrote:

 Eeew! I am assuming this is the brand, Quorn? We carry Quorn meatless
 chicken nuggets and patties at the health food store where I work. I
 love these things even though I am not a vegetarian. I'll have to read
 the box tomorrow. CS question: I have been getting sharp pains in one
 of my ears since this afternoon. I am going to put a few drops of CS
 in the ear tonight. Is this ok to do?  Beth Brawn

  - Original Message -
  From: Bill Missett
  Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 3:36 PM
  Subject: CSOur Wonderful FDA At Work Again
   WASHINGTON (AP) -- A health advocacy group accused the
  government Monday of
  allowing fake meat made from fungus to be sold even though
  it makes people
  sick and demanded the product, known as Quorn, be recalled.

  The Center for Science in the Public Interest said it had
  received reports
  from 33 people who had suffered vomiting, diarrhea and other
  ailments after
  eating Quorn. A North Carolina man broke out in hives and
  had trouble
  breathing, the group said.

  Quorn is the trade name for mycoprotein, which is used as a
  substitute for
  ground beef and chicken, and in lasagna and fettuccine

  Quorn mycoprotein has been proven to cause severe digestive
  Michael Jacobson, CSPI's executive director, said in a
  letter to the Food
  and Drug Administration. Those reactions have led to
  fainting and
  dehydration, which could be life-threatening.

  Because mycoprotein makes some people sick, it cannot be
  Generally Recognized as Safe -- as designated by the FDA.

  Labels on Quorn products say mycoprotein comes from a member
  of the mushroom
  family. But critics say that's a stretch and that the FDA
  should have
  studied it more before it hit the shelves in American

  The FDA's stance with regard to Quorn has been 'get sick
  first, ask
  questions later,' Jacobson said. This product was
  cavalierly waved through
  by the FDA with an alarming lack of curiosity even though
  the government
  had seen evidence that it made people sick.

  CSPI, citing documents it obtained under the Freedom of
  Information Act,
  said one study showed nearly 10 percent of people who ate
  Quorn reported
  feeling nauseated or sick to their stomachs.

  An FDA official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said
  the agency was
  reviewing the information provided by CSPI and would
  evaluate all available
  data on Quorn before deciding how to proceed.

  Quorn, introduced in Britain in 1985, arrived in U.S.
  supermarkets in
  January. Its popularity in Europe now rivals that of
  soyburgers and other
  meat substitutes.

  Copyright 2002

  The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of
  colloidal silver.

  Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

  To post, address your message to:

  Silver-list archive:

  List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSOur Wonderful FDA At Work Again

2002-08-12 Thread Marshall Dudley
Keith wrote:

 Beth Said:CS question: I have been getting sharp pains in one of my
 ears since this afternoon. I am going to put a few drops of CS in the
 ear tonight. Is this ok to do?Beth Brawn Yes.  It is safe to use
 pure CS anywhere inside or outside your body.  to relieve soreness
 from breast feeding,  and much more...

Is this a topical application?  I would advise not using CS on the
breasts until the baby starts having normal bowel movements. It is my
understanding that the breasts are a good source of the probiotics the
baby needs to set up in the intestines for proper digestion, and CS
would surely kill those.


Re: CSOur Wonderful FDA At Work Again

2002-08-12 Thread Keith
Beth Said:

CS question: I have been getting sharp pains in one of my ears since this 
afternoon. I am going to put a few drops of CS in the ear tonight. Is this ok 
to do?

Beth Brawn

Yes.  It is safe to use pure CS anywhere inside or outside your body.   

The people using the CS I make have used it for:  Sore throats, ear infections, 
warts, Acne, 2 cases of Arthritis, diaper rash, an eight year old genital 
heat/yeast rash, burns, cuts heal faster, yeast infection, mosquito bites, 
spider bites, a ten year old toe fungus, plant fungus, eye infections, flea 
bites, mouthwash, after shave, food preservation, cut flowers, water 
purification, pet's eye infection, allergies, nebulizer breathing treatments 
for Asthma and Bronchitis, Poison Ivy,  Kidney infection, to relieve soreness 
from breast feeding,  and much more...

Keith Pittman

Re: CShepatitis-c geno type 1 non responder to peg and herpes questions

2002-08-12 Thread MARIANO DELISE
I have a friend who has been getting cold sore regularly for as many years
as I can remember.  She started taking CS last December.  She also had the
tingle feeling of a cold sore beginning two times since then, but they never
emerged.  That was it, so I would say the CS did it!
- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 8:40 AM
Subject: Re: CShepatitis-c geno type 1 non responder to peg and herpes

 is there anybody out there who has tried peg or any
 other interferon combo treatments and did not respond?
 if so please e-mail me I a am new to cs i'm just
 trying CS I have purchased the new advanced CS made
 through a mesoprocess When i was on peg i did
 partially respond my viral load was over a million and
 my final load dropped down to the low thousands. I
 would not even dare try to make CS on my own as i am
 still unsure of what could happen down the road. thank
 p.s. any advice on getting rid of cold sores would be
 helpful also  thank you

 I personally have not tried peg-entron (sp?) but since I am Hep C positive
 and have many friends who are also, I have been asked to.  Also, a very
 good friend of mine just stopped  taking it and it did nothing but make
 very, very ill.  She said that her viral load went down while she was on
 it, but it rose again after she stopped and is now back at the same place
 it was before she started.  She is not the only friend I have that has
 gotten very sick while taking that 'poison'.

 I personally will NOT put that stuff in my body.  Not after seeing what my
 friends went through.  And I won't even begin to mention the costs
 involved, especially if you have no insurance or Medicaid.

 If you would like to talk with her, I can have her email you.  Let me

 Regarding the cold sore/herpes virus, I also have been cursed with that
 (not the mouth cold sore type either!) and I usually get those sores at
 least once a month.  Sometimes more often.  Since I started taking the CS
 I've been making, I only had one sore start to form.  I started to get the
 tingle in the back of my leg but it never developed past that.  Usually
 when I get that tingle, I get a sore two days later.  But this time it
 didn't happen.  Was it the CS?  It's the only thing I've done differently
 this month so I tend to think it is.  Just my opinion though.   Any time
 without one of those sores is a blessing and if the CS can keep them away,
 I'll take it.   If the CS can do all the other wonderful things it seems
 be able to do, I'll take it forever.  Again, just my opinion.


 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

 To post, address your message to:

 Silver-list archive:

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSnewbies with doubts about cs

2002-08-12 Thread jrowland
Marz writes:

 at the top of the catagory list was a site called Cera water library.

How about the link?
Found nothing for Cera water library; but did come across Royal
Doulton's (yes, THAT Royal Doulton) seemingly reasonable prices for
water candles that:

 ...provides absolute mechanical filtration to .9 of a micron.

 99.999% rejection of bacteria and cysts...


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour


2002-08-12 Thread jrowland
James writes:

 The British equivalent of the AMA recently issued a warning that vit. C, in
 doses around 500 mg/day causes cancer.  For me, that means it probably works
 really good to prevent disease.

...and the EU, not to be outdone when it comes to, e.g. cancer:

  European Commission March, 2001 report:

 Taking into account the pathways and realistic scenarios of human exposure,

 radiological exposure to depleted uranium [a key munitions component]

 could not cause a detectable effect on human health (e.g. cancer).


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour