RE: CS>Betr.: RE: CS>addendum to CS and my cold

2002-11-29 Thread Ivan Anderson
Well Jef,
I don't mean to make you anxious. I can't see why you would be, CS is
a great arrow to have in the quiver and as far as I can see, is
perfectly safe and very effective.

The 'magic powder' (as my daughter calls it) is a micronised blend of
beta glucan, C salts (potassium, calcium, magnesium), alpha lipoic
acid, MSM and caesium chloride, in a powder form. I am thinking of
adding L-carnosine and kelp, and perhaps a few other goodies. This is
a pretty good immune potentiator and protectant, a blood sugar
normaliser, with anti-oxidant and anti-aging properties =)

I take 1/2 a teaspoon in water first thing in the morning, and add 1/2
teaspoon to a litre of water (with a little lemon juice for flavour)
which I drink throughout the day.
I might also add that I take 4000 IU of Vitamin D per day (divided by
two) 500mg of cal/mag and two multivits, which rounds out my daily
supplement intake. I don't mind if I miss a day or two here and there.

I hope to eventually formulate a supplement that contains all the
necessary ingredients to sustain (or achieve) good health (probably in
two distinct powders or concentrated liquid form) which will be cheap
to purchase and easy to take, and will do away with the need to
consume a myriad of different tablets, and so increase the likelihood
that people will stick with it long enough for it to do some good.

Probably more than you wished to know... but I hope I covered all


> -Original Message-
> From: Jef Ackermans []
> Sent: Friday, 29 November 2002 1:45 a.m.
> To:
> Subject: CS>Betr.: RE: CS>addendum to CS and my cold
> Hello Ivan. You make me very anxious. Want you tell us
> what's your "magic powder"
> Thanks
> Jef
> >>> 28-11-02 11:05 >>>
> Yes,
> Wrong assumption, no doubt fuelled by overzealous reports and over
> hyped sales pitches.
> Colloidal silver can only protect you from those pathogens it can
> contact, so nasal infections can be expected.
> The method, amount and period of administration will also have some
> bearing upon the amount of silver presence in the blood,
> i.e. a little
> many times throughout the day will result in prolonged
> availability as
> opposed to a single large dose.
> Personally, I do not rely on silver as a defence mechanism,
> preferring
> instead to bolster and hone my immune system by taking my 'magic
> powder' dissolved in my drinking water. CS is brought into action on
> the rare occasion that I actually develop an infection.
> Regards
> Ivan.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Lurkers

2002-11-29 Thread M. G. Devour
Thank you Charles! It's good to hear from you.

Be well!

Mike D.

> Mike i have been a lurker for almost a year now, and with your
> permission will remain a lurker for many more years.  
> I don't jump in but i read every word you guys write and find it
> extremely interesting and helpful.  
> I have found that (besides the lots of times humor) if i read long
> enough everything i have ever wondered about with this topic and a
> whole lot more comes up and there is no need for questions.  You all
> do such a good job that i have no need for questions.   
> I purchased my equipment from one of your respected vendors and am
> very happy with it. i make enough cs to cover my childrens' families
> as well as my own and we give some away also.  
> please all of you keep up the good work and i will remain as a lurker
> forever -  thank you all for such great information,  Charles
> Shuford

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Lurkers

2002-11-29 Thread Ivan Anderson

Nice to have one message from you at least Charles.
Nice one it is too.

Now you will be able to tell your Grandchildren "I posted to the
Silver-List" and so be held in high esteem by future generations 


-Original Message-
From: Jeanne Shuford []
Sent: Friday, 29 November 2002 4:20 a.m.
Subject: CS>Lurkers

Mike i have been a lurker for almost a year now, and with your
permission will remain a lurker for many more years.

I don't jump in but i read every word you guys write and find it
extremely interesting and helpful.

I have found that (besides the lots of times humor) if i read long
enough everything i have ever wondered about with this topic and a
whole lot more comes up and there is no need for questions.  You all
do such a good job that i have no need for questions.

I purchased my equipment from one of your respected vendors and am
very happy with it.
i make enough cs to cover my childrens' families as well as my own and
we give some away also.

please all of you keep up the good work and i will remain as a lurker
forever -  thank you all for
such great information,  Charles Shuford

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>ORMUS and stills

2002-11-29 Thread Ivan Anderson
Thanks for the offer ed.

Can't really help you with any specks or even specs  other than to
tell you that I had a bit of a war of words with a chap on another
list, some years ago, who swore that distilled CS was indeed better.
I, of course, regaled him with chapter and verse that silver could not
possibly pass with the steam into the distillate.

Sometime later I did read a treatise upon ORMUS minerals in which it
was declared the these unusual elements (to say the least) would
indeed distil with water vapour.

I filed it away for future reference, and hereby apologise to that
man, should he be listening.

I guess the only way to see if this might be true is to try it, but
scientific measurement, I fear will be fruitless, as these elements do
not register in the normal way, if at all, even when you have a pile
of the stuff sitting in a dish in front of you. See David Hudson
patents and lectures.

wondering also

> -Original Message-
> From: edkas...@pacbell []
> Sent: Friday, 29 November 2002 7:12 a.m.
> To: *Silver-List*
> Subject: RE: CS>ORMUS and stills
> I am keenly interested in this stuff. I produce CS using
> 110VAC to a DC
> Bridge. Comes out pretty clear. I also have a professional
> distilling unit
> that is capable of pulling a deep vacuum (if needed) I use
> the unit for
> producing herbal products.
> If the idea that distilled CS is better I'm willing to give
> it a try.
> If someone gives me the specks I can run a few batches of
> pre-distilled CS
> and then Distilled CS and have both tested. Within
> limitations I'll pay for
> the testing whatever and post the results on list
> ed kasper, santa cruz ca

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2002-11-29 Thread Ivan Anderson
Thanks for your kind words George.

Yes I did state that 0.57uS equalled 1ppm as silver (at 10ppm), but noted
that this was a theoretical number. This multiplier holds true when one
measures silver nitrate for example. However the measurement of colloidal
silver in actual practice reveals a multiplier of about 1 to 1.2. I do not
know why this should be so (perhaps we are measuring clusters of ions) nor
why there should be a range of multipliers, other than stating the obvious
that different processes produce different CS characteristics.

In my own case the multiplier is about 1.0 (which is quite convenient), I
produce >90% ionic CS.

The only way to achieve accurate results, is to calibrate by testing for
silver by another method and then if you keep your process the same your
conductivity conversion factor should be pretty accurate.

I am fortunate to posses a Silver Ion Selective Electrode which enables me
to accurately measure the concentration of silver ions, with out the worry
of interfering species,

  -Original Message-
  From: []
  Sent: Friday, 29 November 2002 9:36 a.m.


  In the comparison of PWT -- TDS readings I posted on 11/18, the TDS
readings are what the meter measured . What I multiplied by .57 was the raw
reading of the PWT.  Thus:
30 x .57 =  17.10 16
19.49 x .57 == 11.11   10
27.49 x .57  =  15.67   14

  For the PWT results: where the third decimal place was more than 5, I
rounded up.

  In response to my posting, someone responded that you had changed the
multiplier from .57 to 1.2 Is this correct?

  I believe there are a good number of non-technical types like me on the
list who would find an explanation by you of how to achieve accurate PWT
readings as useful as are most of your other posts.



2002-11-29 Thread Ivan Anderson

Hi James,
Unfortunately, any H2O2 that remains unused will interfere with the
reading, making it higher than it should be.


-Original Message-
From: James Allison []
Sent: Friday, 29 November 2002 9:56 a.m.

I would like to know what the meters each read on some 100% ionic that
is done with the H202 added as per an earlier message.  Anybody?

Yours in health,
James Allison

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Cleaning Electrodes

2002-11-29 Thread Ivan Anderson
Try Hydrogen peroxide JBB.


> -Original Message-
> From: Jonathan B. Britten []
> Sent: Friday, 29 November 2002 2:21 p.m.
> To:
> Subject: CS>Cleaning Electrodes
> List, 
> If this topic has come up in the past, apologies.   I am  
> looking for
> suggestions for faster and better electrode cleaning.  If 
> the 'trodes
> are not sparkling, the brew may have sludge, even with the best
> machines.   Suggestions?   I am weary of the absasive 
> "scrubbies."   Is
> there a better, faster way? 
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of 
> colloidal silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: 
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: kidney stones

2002-11-29 Thread Wksharples
I've had kidney stones myself...once I had surgery to remove them 
If you feel you may have them, you can take hydrangea and lecithin...
it makes the stones soft so they pass easier...I've done it and it works with 
no pain.
also, drink TONS of water.

Re: CS>Cleaning Electrodes

2002-11-29 Thread Wksharples
i just wipe with paper towel.
I also filter my cs through a coffee filter when done processing it.

CS>H2O2 Site?

2002-11-29 Thread Ian Roe

Is there an H2O2 web site or 'download' or pdf file that spells out the health 
benefits, practical uses, doses etc for hydrogen peroxide OR does someone have 
a file that that attach and mail to me at . I 
would really be grateful.  I'm going downtown to get my first gallon of 35% 
today and hope to begin an adventure I have not been on before.  

I understand that 35% is dangerous stuff and if you send attached information, 
I would appreciate the handling warnings and the 'don't do this you idiot list' 
and the containers, type of gloves I will need etc.

Sincerely YOurs,

Ian  Roe

Re: CS>Lurkers

2002-11-29 Thread Jeanne Shuford
HEE HEE IVAN, best to keep your mouth shut when me if   totally ignorant of
the subject.  have much to learn.

- Original Message -
From: "Ivan Anderson" 
Sent: Friday, November 29, 2002 6:14 AM
Subject: RE: CS>Lurkers

> Nice to have one message from you at least Charles.
> Nice one it is too.
> Now you will be able to tell your Grandchildren "I posted to the
> Silver-List" and so be held in high esteem by future generations 
> Ivan.
> -Original Message-
> From: Jeanne Shuford []
> Sent: Friday, 29 November 2002 4:20 a.m.
> To:
> Subject: CS>Lurkers
> Mike i have been a lurker for almost a year now, and with your
> permission will remain a lurker for many more years.
> I don't jump in but i read every word you guys write and find it
> extremely interesting and helpful.
> I have found that (besides the lots of times humor) if i read long
> enough everything i have ever wondered about with this topic and a
> whole lot more comes up and there is no need for questions.  You all
> do such a good job that i have no need for questions.
> I purchased my equipment from one of your respected vendors and am
> very happy with it.
> i make enough cs to cover my childrens' families as well as my own and
> we give some away also.
> please all of you keep up the good work and i will remain as a lurker
> forever -  thank you all for
> such great information,  Charles Shuford
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: kidney stones

2002-11-29 Thread Tel Tofflemire
Kidney stones can be avoided with vitamin C and and life style changes , like
Jane said.  Once you have stones you can take larger doses of vitamin  C to
eliminate them over time.  It works for some people.
Dewey , AZ wrote:

> In a message dated 11/28/02 12:25:00 AM,
> writes:
> << know of any other complimentary natural protocols that could be used for
> this condition? >>
> Uric acid build up. That means change lifestyle when it comes to eating
> habits. More fruits and veggies and less process food and meat. A fresh
> squeezed lemon a day in morning when first rising in warm water with no added
> sugar helps eliminate kidney and gallstones. Its better than what the
> allopaths suggest! Check back in the other digests, I believe I wrote
> something on this before.
> Jane
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>H2O2 Site?

2002-11-29 Thread Tel Tofflemire
35% H202 will burn your skin, even cut to 10 % H202 will cause
irritation.   RE: 35 % H202 ,  I keep it in the freezer, it remains
liquid and will  not freeze in a home freezer, and stays fresh and
Dewey, AZ

Ian Roe wrote:

> Hi: Is there an H2O2 web site or 'download' or pdf file that spells
> out the health benefits, practical uses, doses etc for hydrogen
> peroxide OR does someone have a file that that attach and mail to me
> at . I would really be grateful.  I'm
> going downtown to get my first gallon of 35% today and hope to begin
> an adventure I have not been on before. I understand that 35% is
> dangerous stuff and if you send attached information, I would
> appreciate the handling warnings and the 'don't do this you idiot
> list' and the containers, type of gloves I will need etc. Sincerely
> YOurs, Ian  Roe

Re: H202

2002-11-29 Thread mary lee gladieux
re: H202

Here is some info for you.Mary Lee

Educate-Yourself - Forbidden Cures.url
Description: Binary data

Re: CS>ORMUS and stills

2002-11-29 Thread Jason Eaton

Indeed, mysteries prevail...  Unfortunately, the ORMUS products that are
available that CAN be studied are not the same as Hudson's products.  I had
the privilege many years ago to examine some of Hudson's monotomic gold and
Iridium - when Hudson's dream was still alive and fresh in the mind of those
investing in his project.  Holding the Iridium in your hand was like burying
your hand in a large bin of sea salt for hours, only the feeling was
hundreds of times more potent.

I have always been interested in the monoatomic elements, as reportedly the
healing clays are rich with them.  This is one reason why I have been so
diligent in attempting to find natural and unprocessed clays to study, as my
understanding is that any processing of substances with monoatomic elements
greatly effects them -- just like Aloe Vera.

On a related note, I just had a wonderful meeting with Thierry Brunet and
his wife from France, of the "Buruli Busters" ( ) organization.  His mother heads the
non-profit relief effort in Africa, and he has been touring the world
meeting with the top pelotherapy practitioners and clay scientists of the

We have yet another recent documented case of severe mercury poisoning (
this one nearly lethal, with symptoms including comas, a stroke, and
neurological abnormalities )being eliminated within one week of clay baths
made with larger amounts of Montmorillonite, and Illite taken internally.
Final questions remain on the best way to pull the mercury from the
head/brain region, but all symptoms have been completely eliminated.  Blood
tests have been taken for a comparison, but the results are not back as of
yet.  An analysis will be done on the "used clay" itself, as well.

I believe at this point I have sufficient evidence, although anectodtal, on
the efficacy of silver as combined with clay against at least viral
conditions, due to repeated successes done by comparing the action of silver
alone, clay alone, and silver and clay combined against various forms of
herpes breakouts.  In the future, we hope to test the clay silver
combination with the Buruli ulcers.

Silver alone is not likely to be effective against this condition due to the
fact that it is nearly impossible to deliver anything to infected tissues
( while in the beginning treatment stages ).  Somehow, although no scientist
or expert to date has discovered how, the illite, when placed on the body
externally, is reaching the infection site through prolonged treatment.  I
believe that silver added to this mica clay, at least in the later stages of
treatment, will vastly improve tissue healing, and may help to avoid the
unpleasant side effects often encountered about mid-way through the
treatment ( the immune system tends to breakdown and the individual can
become quite ill for a period of time ).

Such work on my end has been very slow going.  I've been having problems
identifying the difference in efficacy of the various clays, and think I've
finally isolated one factor in the smectite class of clays:  It appears that
high sodium bentonites/montmorillonites are far less effective then their
"virgin" counterparts when used on the body.

Kind Regards,


- Original Message -
From: "Ivan Anderson" 
Sent: Friday, November 29, 2002 3:29 AM
Subject: RE: CS>ORMUS and stills

> Thanks for the offer ed.
> Can't really help you with any specks or even specs  other than to
> tell you that I had a bit of a war of words with a chap on another
> list, some years ago, who swore that distilled CS was indeed better.
> I, of course, regaled him with chapter and verse that silver could not
> possibly pass with the steam into the distillate.
> Sometime later I did read a treatise upon ORMUS minerals in which it
> was declared the these unusual elements (to say the least) would
> indeed distil with water vapour.
> I filed it away for future reference, and hereby apologise to that
> man, should he be listening.
> I guess the only way to see if this might be true is to try it, but
> scientific measurement, I fear will be fruitless, as these elements do
> not register in the normal way, if at all, even when you have a pile
> of the stuff sitting in a dish in front of you. See David Hudson
> patents and lectures.
> wondering also
> Ivan.
> > -Original Message-
> > From: edkas...@pacbell []
> > Sent: Friday, 29 November 2002 7:12 a.m.
> > To: *Silver-List*
> > Subject: RE: CS>ORMUS and stills
> >
> >
> > I am keenly interested in this stuff. I produce CS using
> > 110VAC to a DC
> > Bridge. Comes out pretty clear. I also have a professional
> > distilling unit
> > that is capable of pulling a deep vacuum (if needed) I use
> > the unit for
> > producing herbal products.
> >
> > If the idea that distilled CS is better I'm willing to give
> > it a try.
> > If someone gives me the specks I can run a few batches of
> > pre-distilled CS
> > and then Distilled C

Re: CS>H2O2 Site?

2002-11-29 Thread Jonathan B. Britten  has some information about this.  Check their web site. 
They recommend a procedure for bathing n diluted H202;  they take a very
balanced, moderate approach to this experimental modality. 

> Ian Roe wrote:
> Hi:
> Is there an H2O2 web site or 'download' or pdf file that spells out
> the health benefits, practical uses, doses etc for hydrogen peroxide
> OR does someone have a file that that attach and mail to me at
> . I would really be grateful.  I'm
> going downtown to get my first gallon of 35% today and hope to begin
> an adventure I have not been on before.
> I understand that 35% is dangerous stuff and if you send attached
> information, I would appreciate the handling warnings and the 'don't
> do this you idiot list' and the containers, type of gloves I will need
> etc.
> Sincerely YOurs,
> Ian  Roe

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Cleaning Electrodes

2002-11-29 Thread Jonathan B. Britten
I had vaguely remembered that. . .   I will try.  I have been taking a
50/50 mixture so I have plenty of H202 on hand.  Will try. 

Thanks again. 

Ivan Anderson wrote:
> Try Hydrogen peroxide JBB.
> Ivan
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Jonathan B. Britten []
> > Sent: Friday, 29 November 2002 2:21 p.m.
> > To:
> > Subject: CS>Cleaning Electrodes
> >
> >
> > List,
> >
> > If this topic has come up in the past, apologies.   I am
> > looking for
> > suggestions for faster and better electrode cleaning.  If
> > the 'trodes
> > are not sparkling, the brew may have sludge, even with the best
> > machines.   Suggestions?   I am weary of the absasive
> > "scrubbies."   Is
> > there a better, faster way?
> >
> >
> > JBB
> >
> >
> > --
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of
> > colloidal silver.
> >
> > Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> >
> >
> > To post, address your message to:
> >
> > Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>My CS test results

2002-11-29 Thread MARIANO DELISE
For allof us non technical types, I believe you are saying what my body has
been telling me that it is advantageous to add H2o2...Is this correct?
- Original Message -
From: "Ivan Anderson" 
Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 6:05 PM
Subject: RE: CS>My CS test results

> Thanks Rob, good work.
> The addition of H2O2 ionises any particulate silver and any Tyndal
> effect found in the 100% ionic batch needs further investigation, as
> discrete ions should not scatter the light beam.
> Ivan.
> -Original Message-
> From: Robb Allen []
> Sent: Thursday, 28 November 2002 11:59 a.m.
> To:
> Subject: CS>My CS test results
> Hello,
>>From the time I first started making my own CS I have
> occassionally had it tested at our local college.  {atomic level
> tests}  My latest tests that I had them do was to see if indeed
> whether or not H202 mixed at 1 drop for every 2 ounces did actually
> decrease the partical size.  I had three tests done:
> 1. First a test on 1 gallon of my CS unaltered.
> 2. A test on a second gallon  of my CS after adding 64 drops of H202
> [I ordered this test to be done within 30 minutes of adding the H202]
> 3. A test on a third gallon of my CS after adding 64 drops of H202
> after waiting for at least 24 hours.
> I have not received yet the paper showing partical sizes..but I
> did talk to them on the phone. First of all my CS unaltered was 75%
> ionic and measured 18 ppm.
> Tests 2 and 3 were dramatically differentnumber 2 was 88%
> ionic and 3 was 100%.  This actually proves what I had suspected: that
> the reaction actually takes much longer to complete than what I had
> originally been told.  I suspected this for 2
> reasons...first..the older my CS got after adding H202 it had
> less of a tyndall effectand second.the older it gets
> after adding H202 the stronger it tastes.
> I have some mixed H202/CS that is more than 2 weeks old and it hasn't
> precipitated or shown any other signs of "going bad"anybody
> who doubts the advantage of adding H202 should have their own tests
> done.  I'll post all of the numbers when I get them in the mail.  Robb
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>My CS test results

2002-11-29 Thread Tel Tofflemire
Anyone want to answer this ?
How much H202 and at what % to improve CS ?The strongest I have ever bought
is 35 % food grade H202 , its kind of expensive.  But how much do you need to
put in CS ? Say a quart ?  We can figure up or down from that.  Do you think 3
%  H202  in the brown bottle store bought would hurt anything...?
Dewey, AZ


> For allof us non technical types, I believe you are saying what my body has
> been telling me that it is advantageous to add H2o2...Is this correct?
> Nancy
> - Original Message -
> From: "Ivan Anderson" 
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 6:05 PM
> Subject: RE: CS>My CS test results
> > Thanks Rob, good work.
> >
> > The addition of H2O2 ionises any particulate silver and any Tyndal
> > effect found in the 100% ionic batch needs further investigation, as
> > discrete ions should not scatter the light beam.
> >
> > Ivan.
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Robb Allen []
> > Sent: Thursday, 28 November 2002 11:59 a.m.
> > To:
> > Subject: CS>My CS test results
> >
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> >>From the time I first started making my own CS I have
> > occassionally had it tested at our local college.  {atomic level
> > tests}  My latest tests that I had them do was to see if indeed
> > whether or not H202 mixed at 1 drop for every 2 ounces did actually
> > decrease the partical size.  I had three tests done:
> > 1. First a test on 1 gallon of my CS unaltered.
> > 2. A test on a second gallon  of my CS after adding 64 drops of H202
> > [I ordered this test to be done within 30 minutes of adding the H202]
> > 3. A test on a third gallon of my CS after adding 64 drops of H202
> > after waiting for at least 24 hours.
> >
> >
> > I have not received yet the paper showing partical sizes..but I
> > did talk to them on the phone. First of all my CS unaltered was 75%
> > ionic and measured 18 ppm.
> > Tests 2 and 3 were dramatically differentnumber 2 was 88%
> > ionic and 3 was 100%.  This actually proves what I had suspected: that
> > the reaction actually takes much longer to complete than what I had
> > originally been told.  I suspected this for 2
> > reasons...first..the older my CS got after adding H202 it had
> > less of a tyndall effectand second.the older it gets
> > after adding H202 the stronger it tastes.
> > I have some mixed H202/CS that is more than 2 weeks old and it hasn't
> > precipitated or shown any other signs of "going bad"anybody
> > who doubts the advantage of adding H202 should have their own tests
> > done.  I'll post all of the numbers when I get them in the mail.  Robb
> >
> >
> > --
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >
> > Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> >
> > To post, address your message to:
> >
> > Silver-list archive:
> >
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >