CSOT Repelling mosquito's effectively...

2003-05-26 Thread Jay Ice
Another tip to to keep those bugs out of the house is to get a nice size flower 
pot and plant lemon grass or if you prefer a more decorative appeal plant 
lavender. And place this plant near every door/window in your house.

Re: CSFw: E-mail verification

2003-05-26 Thread Malcolm Stebbins
Hi Catherine, I received this identical message, sh-t canned it immediately 
on the suspicion that it was some sleazy attempt to install spyware or a 
phone home cookie, or even a virus or trojan.  Still dunno, wrote Mike D. a 
note about it.  Then got Brooks' cautionary msg; now I read your comment 
about the message itself having a spam filter incorporated.  Can you shed a 
little light on the topics for this computer semi-literate??  I don't doubt 
for a moment that they wish to enter me on their list of legimate email 
domains for less-than-legitimate purposes . . . . .

TIA,  Malcolm

At 01:25 AM 5/26/03 -0400, you wrote:

Sorry, Apple.  If you want to receive mail from a list take your spam 
filter off.


- Original Message -
From: mailto:appl...@riskfreemail.comappl...@riskfreemail.com
To: mailto:ccr...@adelphia.netccr...@adelphia.net
Sent: Monday, May 26, 2003 1:06 AM
Subject: E-mail verification

You recently sent a message to 
mailto:silver-list@eskimo.comsilver-list@eskimo.com with a subject Re: 
CSWhy does this happen To help cope with the ever increasing volume 
of junk e-mails, I am using http://www.riskfreemail.com/Risk-Free Mail 
which has placed your message on hold.

Please enter the code below so I would add you to my Allowed Senders list.
Enter the code you see below :

or click http://www.riskfreemail.com/?action=confirmcnf_id=51966here.

Protect your Inbox from spam and viruses with 
http://www.riskfreemail.com/Risk-Free Mail.

Would you please help us to limit the amount of spam and fraud mail and 
verify the code and enter it in the space provided. You will not be 
required to do this ever again you will be added now to our list of 
legitimate e-mail domains.

Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.470 / Virus Database: 268 - Release Date: 4/8/03

inline: bba4a3.jpg
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.470 / Virus Database: 268 - Release Date: 4/8/03

Re: CSfw: Don't Let Congress Overturn Dietary Supplement Health and Education

2003-05-26 Thread Malcolm Stebbins

Of course you're imagining things; they just happen to be the correct things.
Feel better now?  Thaat's right, just go back to sleep now.  It's 
ok.  Trust them.

After all, who brought you toxic sludge?

At 05:24 AM 5/26/03 +0530, you wrote:

Can someone help put this in perspective?  Recent headlines focusing on
government, 'dietary suppliments' and SARS suggest CS and CS related
products are high on the hit list of the profit mongers.  Or am I
imagining things?

John Draper wrote:

Please Phone, mail or email your Senator today.
Click on this link:


Then scroll all the way down and fill out your name and address.
Your letter will be emailed to your Senator.

Don't Let Congress Overturn the Hard-Fought Victory of the
Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994

A new bill called the Dietary Supplement Safety Act
(S.722) has been introduced in the U.S. Senate. Despite its
title, it would allow no more consumer protection than
current law ­ the Dietary Supplement Health and Education
Act (DSHEA) ­ provides. It would, however, significantly
undermine many of the freedoms that American consumers of
dietary supplements hold dear. Click here to view S.722.

Oppose this Legislation!

The Food and Drug Administration must not be granted new and
unprecedented authority to subject safe and beneficial
products to additional and unnecessary scrutiny. This bill
would subject nearly all vitamins, minerals, herbal products
and other supplements to a level of scrutiny that is both
unwarranted and unnecessary. Products that have been used
safely for hundreds ­ and in some cases, thousands ­ of
years would be subject to clinical evaluation using
standards that are at the complete discretion of the FDA.

The government must not be allowed to limit the freedom of
choice of American consumers when it comes to their health.
By questioning the safety of any dietary supplement that
receives even one complaint, hundreds of products that have
been safely and beneficially used could be removed from the
marketplace. Under this new legislation, the FDA has
complete discretion to make this determination, regardless
of whether the product was used under conditions cautioned
against by the manufacturer on the label.

The government must not be allowed to single-out dietary
supplements. By almost every measure, and by a wide margin,
dietary supplements can be used more safely than
conventional foods and OTC drugs. Yet this legislation
exempts foods in these product categories from being
classified as stimulants. Specifically, the bill unfairly
excludes the most common stimulant ingredient in foods ­


This bill could be added to existing Senate legislation at
any time. We need you to take two vital steps to immediately
let your Senators know you oppose this bill.

Call your Senators now.To reach your Senators' offices, call
them either through the Capitol Hill switchboard at (202)
224-3121 or directly at their Washington, D.C. or local
offices. To find contact information for your elected
officials, simply click on the Elected Officials link above.
When you reach your Senator's office, ask to speak with the
staff member in charge of health-related issues and give
them this simple message:

As your constituent, I urge you to oppose any efforts by
your fellow Senators to pass S. 722, the so-called Dietary
Supplement Safety Act, recently introduced by Senator
Richard Durbin. I am deeply concerned that rather than
passing this new act - which would unnecessarily expand the
authority of the Food and Drug Administration - Congress
should instead investigate and oversee ways in which the
Food and Drug Administration can make full use of its
current and more-than-adequate authority as granted by the
Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994.

E-mail your Senators now. Simply enter your ZIP code in the
Take Action Now button above to locate your senators and
representatives, make any changes you feel necessary to the
sample letter, and click submit. A copy of your letter
will be sent to the two U.S. Senators from your state. A
copy of the letter will also be sent to you confirming which
Senators received the letter.

Don't delay ­ this bill has the potential to radically amend
one of this country’s most important and beneficial laws,
the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.470 / Virus 

Re: CSMosquitoes

2003-05-26 Thread shirley holder
Jeanne, what is Miracle 11 neutralizer?

Jeanne Shuford rus...@charter.net wrote:I use Miracle II neutralizer diluted 
2 oz. to a gallon of water in a spray bottle, all natural, not harmful to 
anything else but the pesty bugs.  works great   Jeanne Shuford
ps never have a bug on anything that way use it in garden , on trees, in house, 
and on me.   


Do you Yahoo!?
The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.

CSTHE DISPENSATORY of The United States Of America - 1918

2003-05-26 Thread Ron

The United States Of America

Twentieth Edition

Entered, according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1877, By George B. Wood, 

In the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington

Copyright: 1888, 1894, 1899, 1907 1918

This 2010 page book (7 x 10.5), containing 35 pages of Index of Diseases, 
and a 167-page index of substances used to remedy illness of the day. The 
extensive list of substances included: plant, mineral/element, chemical 
formulas, and yes - of course Colloidal silver. Because Doctors, Hospitals and 
Clinics used this book, each entry usually has associated with it the 
preparation and administration of the substance.

A couple notes of antiquity. 

Thomas Graham is credited in 1862 with originating the term crystalloid and 

There were 5 widely used preparations of colloidal silver.

After briefly reading this book, one can't help to wonder how many natural 
cures, beside CS, have been lost in the pages of history books. 

I will in the next few days scan  upload to a website the applicable pages on 
Colloidal Silver.

Ron N 

Re: CSOT Repeling mosquito's effectively/Malcolm

2003-05-26 Thread Ode Coyote

 I don't know what kind because if well fed and warm, they don't turn into 
beetles and once winter comes the hole is still warm until  the outside is 
cold enough to kill em. I never saw any beetles at all.
 All I know is that the larvae were big so it must have been big beetles. 
Probably those big ones with the huge pincers that wander around.  Maybe 
several kinds.

 Dig a fairly deep narrow hole, shovel crap into it and keep enough water 
in it so it stays semi liquid and the larvae have to come up for air. The 
next batch wanting to breathe will submerge the last batch making the whole 
thing churn. Flies and eggs don't have a prayer..only a compulsion!  I 
bet some beetles will find it.

 It's too easy.


At 07:27 PM 5/25/2003 +0200, you wrote:

Hallo Ode,
That is a new one for me. What kind of beetles?. Reason I ask is that my 
sister has a dairy farm and in summer the flies are horrific. It would be 
really good to have a natural system to deal with the pests.

Ode Coyote wrote:
 Back in the old days before I built my house and lived in an old school 
bus in the woods I used an outhouse and beetle larvae to totally 
eliminate flies. It was pretty gross to look in that hole at the 
seething turmoil below...so I didn't look very often.

 It attracted every fly for miles and not a single one survives the 
attempt to lay its eggs.

 No flies anywhere.
 I learned this from a history of the Egyptian scarob beetle, why they 
were sacred...and couldn't kill the larvae for long anyhow.

 Now I use an in house  flusher and I have flies.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSOT Repeling mosquito's effectively/Malcolm

2003-05-26 Thread Ode Coyote

 Diesel doesn't have the effect that gasoline has...vapor wise.
 I tried gassing a yellow jacket nest in my garden with a propane 
tank...didn't work even with a match added.
 Next, i took a length of PVC pipe and stuck it onto a garden hose and 
inserted the whole thing deep into the nest.  Drownded most of em.
 Then I got a spray can of ether [starting fluid] and a lighter and hung 
out with that flame thrower, tossed rocks at the nest and burned them up as 
they came out.

 Then got a heavy log type object and compacted the nest solid.

 Working on making a Bee gun to turn wood bees into has beens...shoots 
bird seed.  Left alone, those guys will turn your rafters into sawdust in a 
hurry. They even chew up treated wood!!!  They hollowed out the ash wood 
handles on my  wheelbarrow!!   Been playin Bad Bee Minton too. They're hard 
enough to hit that it's like a sport.


At 03:41 PM 5/25/2003 -0700, you wrote:

Hey there Coyote;
I don't smoke or chew, so I'm stuck with mud - so to speak.  I hit a 
yellowjacket's nest in the ground once with the cat's blade, Boy were they 
pissed!  Took a gallon of diesel in a plastic jug and upended it into the 
hole, and ran like hell.  Came back that evening to rescue the machine, 
and here were all these yellowjackets humming up and down in front of the 
blade, a cloud of them, worshipping the biggest meanest yellowjacket ever, 
I guess.

Take care, Malcolm

At 07:09 AM 5/25/03 -0400, you wrote:

  The old remedy for bee sting is a dab of wet tobacco.

 Dousing the wasp nest with gasoline knocks em right out...The vapors do 
the job instantly. Not one gets away.   Any action that includes a match 
and subsequent fire is up to you.

 BTW  A blast of butane freezes any bug in mid air.  Great for bug 


At 04:17 PM 5/24/2003 -0700, you wrote:
When I felt particularly murderous I tied a propane torch to a pole and 
incinerated them as they launched (most of them, anyway.)  This was mud 
daubers, for paper wasps nests, which are actually rather beautiful 
constructions, I wouldn't risk the fire.  I once stumbled into a bald 
hornet's nest in an old log, and had to run down the gully and jump into 
the creek up to my nose to avoid getting stung really badly.
Colloidal silver is not worth diddly for beestings, but mud seems to 
help ease the pain and swelling.

Take care, Malcolm

At 05:39 PM 5/24/03 -0500, you wrote:

ok, I see natural repellents here on mosquitos and flies, what about wasps?
Hubby just beat a brand spanking new hive they were building (they were 
too pleased about it) down and it looks like they are attempting to 
I hate the darn things (I remember my first wasp sting at 4 yrs old and 

hated the horrid creatures ever since).

By the rude bridge that arched the flood,  Their flag to April's breeze
unfurled,  Here once the embattled farmers stood, And fired the shot heard
round the world. --Emerson

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.470 / Virus Database: 268 - Release Date: 4/8/03

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.470 / Virus Database: 268 - Release Date: 4/8/03

Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.470 / Virus Database: 268 - Release Date: 4/8/03

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.470 / Virus Database: 268 - Release Date: 4/8/03

Re: CSTHE DISPENSATORY of The United States Of America - 1918

2003-05-26 Thread Ode Coyote

  Quite a few of the pharmeceuticals we have today were derived from those 
old natural cures.  [plucking tails from old wives?]

It's still an ongoing process.


 It's hard to patent a plant.  After all it's not leather or even wild naugas.
..a little more chem cow for your coffee?


At 06:39 AM 5/26/2003 -0600, you wrote:


The United States Of America

Twentieth Edition

Entered, according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1877, By George B. 
Wood, M.D.

In the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington

Copyright: 1888, 1894, 1899, 1907 1918

This 2010 page book (7 x 10.5), containing 35 pages of Index of 
Diseases, and a 167-page index of substances used to remedy illness of 
the day. The extensive list of substances included: plant, 
mineral/element, chemical formulas, and yes - of course Colloidal silver. 
Because Doctors, Hospitals and Clinics used this book, each entry usually 
has associated with it the preparation and administration of the substance.

A couple notes of antiquity.

Thomas Graham is credited in 1862 with originating the term crystalloid 
and colloid.

There were 5 widely used preparations of colloidal silver.

After briefly reading this book, one cant help to wonder how many natural 
cures, beside CS, have been lost in the pages of history books.

I will in the next few days scan  upload to a website the applicable 
pages on Colloidal Silver.

Ron N

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSCryllic Language Pack

2003-05-26 Thread ian_ontario
Can any one tell me why I am being asked to install a Cryllic Language pack 
from some email senders on the list? Am I the only one getting these kind of 
messages on my computer. I run W2000 and Use Office2000 Outlook.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Jay Ice 
  To: silver-list 
  Sent: Monday, May 26, 2003 12:36 AM
  Subject: CSOT Repelling mosquito's effectively...

  Another tip to to keep those bugs out of the house is to get a nice size 
flower pot and plant lemon grass or if you prefer a more decorative appeal 
plant lavender. And place this plant near every door/window in your house.

Re: CSMosquitoes

2003-05-26 Thread Jeanne Shuford
Shirley, go to www.miracle2.net  when you get done reading all about it contact 
me and i will tell you what it did for me and my home and garden.   Jeanne 
by the way i do not sell it nor have anything to do with it but buy it

  - Original Message - 
  From: shirley holder 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Monday, May 26, 2003 4:47 AM
  Subject: Re: CSMosquitoes

  Jeanne, what is Miracle 11 neutralizer?

  Jeanne Shuford rus...@charter.net wrote: 
I use Miracle II neutralizer diluted 2 oz. to a gallon of water in a spray 
bottle, all natural, not harmful to anything else but the pesty bugs.  works 
great   Jeanne Shuford

ps never have a bug on anything that way use it in garden , on trees, in 
house, and on me.   


  Do you Yahoo!?
  The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.

CSRe: Cryllic Language Pack

2003-05-26 Thread C Creel
Hi Ian,

  You said:

 There were no attachements to
the emails and antirus software turns up nothing. I am at loss to explain
this.  Any ideas. 

  If this happened to you on the post I forwarded, it is the forwarded post,
not my email.
I use plain text Times New Roman font.

  Does this one ask you to install  that character set?



The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSRe: Cryllic Language Pack

2003-05-26 Thread ian_ontario

No there is no request here to install the Pack.  Sounds like this is
something in someones emails that has infected the list through forwarding.
Doesn't look like there is any way to trace it back.

- Original Message - 
From: C Creel ccr...@adelphia.net
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Monday, May 26, 2003 10:52 AM
Subject: CSRe: Cryllic Language Pack

 Hi Ian,

   You said:

  There were no attachements to
 the emails and antirus software turns up nothing. I am at loss to explain
 this.  Any ideas. 

   If this happened to you on the post I forwarded, it is the forwarded
 not my email.
 I use plain text Times New Roman font.

   Does this one ask you to install  that character set?



 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

 To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

 Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

 List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSOT Repeling mosquito's effectively/Malcolm

2003-05-26 Thread Marshall Dudley
Malcolm Stebbins wrote:

 When I felt particularly murderous I tied a propane torch to a pole and
 incinerated them as they launched (most of them, anyway.)  This was mud
 daubers, for paper wasps nests, which are actually rather beautiful
 constructions, I wouldn't risk the fire.  I once stumbled into a bald
 hornet's nest in an old log, and had to run down the gully and jump into
 the creek up to my nose to avoid getting stung really badly.
 Colloidal silver is not worth diddly for beestings, but mud seems to help
 ease the pain and swelling.
 Take care, Malcolm

Another good remedy for stings is meat tenderizer.  Get one that contains
Papuan.  It breaks down the poison quite effectively, whereas most remedies do
nothing to break down the poison, but instead simply try to limit the body's
reaction to them.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSAre you being asked to install Cryllic Language Pack now?

2003-05-26 Thread C Creel
You recently sent a message to silver-list@eskimo.com with a subject Re: 
CSWhy does this happen To help cope with the ever increasing volume of 
junk e-mails, I am using Risk-Free Mail which has placed your message on hold.

Please enter the code below so I would add you to my Allowed Senders list.

  Enter the code you see below : 
or click here.

Protect your Inbox from spam and viruses with Risk-Free Mail.

Would you please help us to limit the amount of spam and fraud mail and verify 
the code and enter it in the space provided. You will not be required to do 
this ever again you will be added now to our list of legitimate e-mail domains.

Description: Binary data

CSC Creel...risk free mail

2003-05-26 Thread Jay Ice
Do you use risk free mail. I seen a risk free icon on the bottom of your
last message so that's why I asked. If you do, give me your e-mail address
and I will put you down as the referral so you can get commision.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSdietary supplements....

2003-05-26 Thread Jay Ice
Is there a list of vitamins I look on for there target supplements or is it
every vitamin available. How do I find out the e-mail address to my senator?

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSOT Repeling mosquito's effectively/Malcolm

2003-05-26 Thread Brooks Bradley
			Look Out Marshall!  You are approaching my condition.  Your speller 
is wobbling.papain is the more desired spelling, I believe.

Regards,  Brooks.

Marshall Dudley wrote:

Malcolm Stebbins wrote:

When I felt particularly murderous I tied a propane torch to a pole and
incinerated them as they launched (most of them, anyway.)  This was mud
daubers, for paper wasps nests, which are actually rather beautiful
constructions, I wouldn't risk the fire.  I once stumbled into a bald
hornet's nest in an old log, and had to run down the gully and jump into
the creek up to my nose to avoid getting stung really badly.
Colloidal silver is not worth diddly for beestings, but mud seems to help
ease the pain and swelling.
Take care, Malcolm

Another good remedy for stings is meat tenderizer.  Get one that contains
Papuan.  It breaks down the poison quite effectively, whereas most remedies do
nothing to break down the poison, but instead simply try to limit the body's
reaction to them.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSUh Oh...supplement removal begins...

2003-05-26 Thread Jay Ice
Australia has already removed every vitamin and mineral supplement from
shelves. We may be next.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

RE: CSMosquitoes

2003-05-26 Thread edkas...@pacbell
Just a question

How does it differerante between pesty bugs and good bugs ?

  -Original Message-
  From: shirley holder [mailto:shirquin...@yahoo.com]
  Sent: Monday, May 26, 2003 1:47 AM
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: Re: CSMosquitoes

  Jeanne, what is Miracle 11 neutralizer?

  Jeanne Shuford rus...@charter.net wrote:
I use Miracle II neutralizer diluted 2 oz. to a gallon of water in a
spray bottle, all natural, not harmful to anything else but the pesty bugs.
works great   Jeanne Shuford

ps never have a bug on anything that way use it in garden , on trees, in
house, and on me.


  Do you Yahoo!?
  The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.480 / Virus Database: 276 - Release Date: 5/12/2003

Re: CSRe: Cryllic Language Pack

2003-05-26 Thread C Creel
No there is no request here to install the Pack.  Sounds like this is
something in someones emails that has infected the list through forwarding.
Doesn't look like there is any way to trace it back.

  In don't think it's an infection.  Risk Free Mail is a service people use
to avoid spam.  It requires all senders of email to respond once
(theoretically) to be unblocked from sending email to the recipient.  In
this case, the recipient is a list member signed on as


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSGold silver colloidal solution made with bulk CS method, Using ozonated DW

2003-05-26 Thread Harvey Norris

--- ascottsil...@aol.com wrote:
 Hi Harvey,
 That's quite the elaborate set up you have there. I
 hope no one in your house 
 uses a heart pacer. What is the reason for using all
 of the magnets and 
The north magnetic pole of a magnet is often cited as 
responsible for water structuring whereby the phase
angle of the H2O molulecule is enlarged. This is said
to make any carrriers in the water, (ie silver
colloids) more assimulatable. So I brew my CS over N
magnets. The large induction coils are used to
current limit the currents through the CS itself.
They have a high impedance at AC, (20,000 ohms apiece)
so that the internal resistance of the source is
probably comparable to the actual resistance across
the CS solution.

Last night's single cell batch was tried using single
bar electrodes at 1 1/4 inch spacing at battery 20.5
volt open circuit, becoming 20 volts enabling 1.01 ma
on battery test. The induction coil system was set for
a 1.04 current limit between coils with a 9 volt
variac input.  Initial tests read 19.3 volts enabling
1.01 ma. 13 hours later the coil system then reads a
2.4 volt input enabling 1.03 ma.( this will not exceed
1.04 ma because of the current limited source) A
battery test is then again made to note the increase
of conductivity.  The coil system will not tell you
this info, it only shows the amount of voltage drop
from start to finish, but the battery system instead
shows only a very small voltage drop, but with an
increased amperage reading due to increased
conductivity. Thus the battery test gives an indicator
of % of conductivity increase. The finished battery
test shows 19.2 volts enabling 4.3 ma, so the
conductivity from start to finish has increased 430 %,
not taking into context the voltage drop of the

For some reason when batches are made in bulk with 5
cells in parallel, after two days or so the combined
solutions give a gold tint. Normally the single cells
come out with very little tint at all for the amount
of conductivity being registered, and in fact at ~ 1
ma C.L. the solution seems very clear for that amount
of registered conductivity. The single cell solutions
are consumed soon after production, so I have not had
a chance yet to determine if this gold discoloration
is common to those  single cells made with the same
technique.  One of the possible discrepancies here is
the fact that with cells in parallel, one might have
one cell consuming more amperage then another cell,
but again in the 5 cell batches, which then use a ~5ma
current limit from the input by variac after going
through coil system, all the cells show approximately
equal oxide deposits, so the currents are thought to
be near equal.


Do you Yahoo!?
The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSC Creel...risk free mail

2003-05-26 Thread C Creel
Do you use risk free mail. I seen a risk free icon on the bottom of your
last message so that's why I asked. If you do, give me your e-mail address
and I will put you down as the referral so you can get commision.

  No, I don't Jay.  I forwarded an email to the list from Risk Free Mail
that I received.
Someone here uses it.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSdietary supplements....

2003-05-26 Thread ian_ontario
However, this email did trigger the event.

- Original Message - 
From: Jay Ice guess...@msn.com
To: silver-list silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Monday, May 26, 2003 12:32 PM
Subject: CSdietary supplements

 Is there a list of vitamins I look on for there target supplements or is
 every vitamin available. How do I find out the e-mail address to my

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

 To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

 Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

 List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSdietary supplements....Jay--Senator

2003-05-26 Thread Hank Adams
Jay one place you can find your Senator is  http://www.radarmatrix.com at the 
links on the bottom of the page just click the Senate one.
Sincerely Yours,

  - Original Message - 
  From: Jay Ice 
  To: silver-list 
  Sent: Monday, May 26, 2003 11:32 AM
  Subject: CSdietary supplements

  . How do I find out the e-mail address to my senator?

  The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

  Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

  To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

  Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

  List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSDrug companies' secret reports outrage doctors

2003-05-26 Thread C Creel
Drug companies' secret reports outrage doctors

By Liz Kowalczyk, Globe Staff, 5/25/2003

Several months ago, a pharmaceutical company salesman told Dr. Mario Motta
something that surprised him. The salesman, who had scheduled a 15-minute
appointment with Motta, said he knew that the doctor had been prescribing a
competitor's cardiac drugs -- and he wanted Motta to switch.

Motta had never discussed his personal prescribing habits with the salesman.
''I said `How would you know that?' '' Motta recalled. ''I couldn't get it
out of him, so I told him to leave.''

Drug makers, in a level of detail unknown to many physicians, are spending
millions of dollars to develop secret reports about individual doctors and
their patients, according to consultants to the drug companies.

Most physicians know drug companies collect some information about which
medications they prescribe. But they are often surprised by the depth of
detail pharmaceutical makers now are buying about almost every US physician,
mostly from large pharmacy chains. The details include whether doctors are
switching specific patients from one drug to a competitor within days of it
happening, and whether they treat many poor patients and may want free

With many doctors now holding sales representatives to strict time limits
when they visit, these ''prescriber profiles'' allow reps to tailor their
pitches to individual physicians. They are an increasingly important tool in
drug company marketing to doctors, which accounts for the largest portion,
$16 billion, of the $19 billion that pharmaceutical companies spent on
marketing in 2001, according to IMS Health, a Connecticut-based compmany
that collects prescriber data.

''Average sales calls are shorter, and physicians are seeing fewer sales
reps,'' said E.M. ''Mick'' Kolassa, a professor at the University of
Mississippi and managing partner of Medical Marketing Economics, which
provides consulting services to drug companies. ''Because of this, the sales
call has become a more precious commodity and companies need to make sure
they're putting their resources in the right place.''

But even though patient names are removed from the data, some doctors
believe these secret reports -- which they say sales reps almost never
discuss openly with them -- are an unwelcome intrusion into the
doctor-patient relationship. Doctors worry that the reports allow sales reps
to push expensive drugs more effectively in a health care system that
already is struggling with soaring costs.

''The amount of information they have about us and our prescribing is
staggering,'' said Dr. Mark Rohrer, an internist and geriatrician at St.
Elizabeth's Medical Center in Boston. ''The important thing is how it's
used. If it's used by a rep to pressure me to provide a different drug than
the one I'm prescribing, especially if there's a generic alternative, I
don't think that's right.''

Several drug makers, including Eli Lilly and Wyeth, and the Pharmaceutical
Research and Manufacturers of America, the industry trade group, would not
comment on prescriber profiling.

Michael Barnes, vice president of business intelligence solutions at
Dendrite International Inc., which provides prescription data to drug
companies, said the data are used to promote safety.

For instance, the Food and Drug Administration buys Dendrite's prescribing
data, which allows the agency to monitor cases in which large groups of
patients are taking drugs that could have dangerous interactions, he said.
The agency can then direct the company to educate doctors about the
potential harm.

Prescriber profiles, albeit in a more rudimentary form, are a key element in
the whistleblower lawsuit David Franklin filed against his former employer,
Parke-Davis, now part of Pfizer, alleging illegal and off-label marketing of
the company's top-selling epilepsy drug, Neurontin. Federal investigators
are in settlement talks with Pfizer, which declines to discuss the case.

Franklin, who worked as a medical liaison for Parke-Davis from April to July
1996, said his supervisors would provide him with a doctor's prescribing
record for the previous month before he went on a sales call.

A month later, they would send him the physician's new prescriptions, so he
could see if the information he gave to the doctor led him to prescribe more
Neurontin or other Parke-Davis drugs. Now sales reps can see within days if
a doctor is responding to a pitch, he said.

If a doctor was prescribing a competitor's product, Franklin knew that his
presentation should focus on undermining that product, he said.

Sales people also reviewed doctors' prescribing habits to determine who was
loyal and should receive trips and gifts. The industry has since put in
place voluntary guidelines discouraging lavish trips and gifts.

''The doctors it didn't work on didn't get the gifts anymore because it was
throwing money away,'' he said. ''Your physician would be stunned to find
out what pharmaceutical 

CSRe: Drug companies' secret reports outrage doctors

2003-05-26 Thread jrowland
 ...If it's used by a rep to pressure me to provide a different drug than
 the one I'm prescribing, especially if there's a generic alternative, I
 don't think that's right...and whether they treat many poor patients 
 and may want free samples...
Amazing how the sales methods parallel street drug suppliers.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSLast 50 minutes!!

2003-05-26 Thread Robert Berger
Hi Eis'ers,

For those who have Wplot32, I will attach the data plot of my latest

For all others I will give a word picture for you. The anode is 5 high
by 8 wide formed into an arc of 2 radius. The Cathode is a single rod
3/64 diameter x 7. A submerged pimp was run continually.

On 5/24/03 I ran a two gallon brew using, 1 gallon of 1.29 Vcs @4.69
PPM, and 1 gallon of 18 Vcs @ 4.62 PPM.

Initial conditions: I start = 2.64 ma. at 2 hrs. I(2) = 5.61 ma. and Ag+
= 5.94 PPM
At 3 hours I(3) = 11.01 ma. and Ag+ = 8.58 PPM.

System shutdown of 49 hours with CS in the covered tank.

On restart I = 7.76 ma.
After 50 minutes of brew the I(final) = 12.61 ma. That is were current
limiting set in.

Tested after 2 hour rest: Cf = 48.6 uS/cm; pH = 7.2;  Ag+ = 39.6 PPM.
That's right the last 50 minutes!!!
Weak T.E. and crystal clear.

Ole Bob

5x8 Anode repro.PLT
Description: application/unknown-content-type-plt_auto_file

Re: CSI am the cyrillic culprit( sp?)....

2003-05-26 Thread someone
 Jay Ice guess...@msn.com:

 My msn e-mail address uses cyrillic(ISO) default
encoding. What ever the
 heck that means? I'm getting really mad about this
computer crap. All I
 wanna do is send and recieve e-mails. Geez why does
it have to be so damn
 complicated. I have memory leaks and probably
spyware. What ever that is?
 I'm going to run my re-stabilized bank account into
the ground again
 tryinmg to fix this. Any ideas how to find a
legitamate website that will
 really tell me whats wrong. With out trying to take
me down to my last
 cent? I really don't want to pay some computer guy to
look at it and just
 delete a file and charge me $250.00 if this is a
problem I can solve.
 Thanks guys and sorry about this dilema.

There's no need to pay anyone. It's not really
complicated at all. Just relax and ask questions of
those who can help you.

To help you eliminate potential spyware, download
Spybot - Search  Destroy at http://spybot.eon.net.au/.
It's free, and many people are very happy with what it

If you don't have an antivirus program, get AVG 6.0
Free Edition at http://www.grisoft.com.

Is there a good reason why you are using MSN as your
email service? Do you use read and send your email
using your web browser or a standalone email program? I
seems that it's the former. You are sending HTML
messages again. Did you switch from Incredimail to MSN
via a browser? There are better options, IMO.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSI am the cyrillic culprit( sp?)....

2003-05-26 Thread Jack Dayton
Jay Ice5/26/03 11:32 AM

I really don't want to pay some computer guy to look at it and just delete a
file and charge me $250.00 if this is a problem I can solve. Thanks guys and
sorry about this dilema.
I guess my last reply got Lost in (hyper) Space
but I suggested that :
€ 1 buy a Dummies book for either your computer
or  e-mail program and spend some time READING --
nobody said it was going to be easy.
€ 2 Join a computer user group in your area,
be sure to choose the one for your platform.


Re: CSI am the cyrillic culprit( sp?)....

2003-05-26 Thread Bill Missett
Re: CSI am the cyrillic culprit( sp?)I don't understand why this is a 
problem.  Close the prompt and get on with your life!  

I get the same thing all the time, asking me if I want a Japanese version, when 
Jonathon Britten (I think that's who it is) sends messages from Japan.

Sayanora and adios...
  - Original Message - 
  From: Jack Dayton 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Monday, May 26, 2003 5:32 PM
  Subject: Re: CSI am the cyrillic culprit( sp?)

  Jay Ice5/26/03 11:32 AM

I really don't want to pay some computer guy to look at it and just delete 
a file and charge me $250.00 if this is a problem I can solve. Thanks guys and 
sorry about this dilema.

  I guess my last reply got Lost in (hyper) Space
  but I suggested that :
  ? 1 buy a Dummies book for either your computer
  or  e-mail program and spend some time READING --
  nobody said it was going to be easy.
  ? 2 Join a computer user group in your area,
  be sure to choose the one for your platform.


Re: CSCryllic Language Pack

2003-05-26 Thread Jack Dayton
ian_onta...@hotmail.com5/26/03 6:24 AM

Can any one tell me why I am being asked to install a Cryllic Language pack
from some email senders on the list? Am I the only one getting these kind of
messages on my computer. I run W2000 and Use Office2000 Outlook.
Well that explains it:
  I run W2000 and Use Office2000 Outlook.
try OS 9.1. I don't get messages like that.  :-)


Re: CSUh Oh...supplement removal begins...

2003-05-26 Thread Jack Dayton
 Jay Ice 5/26/03 9:34 AM

 Australia has already removed every vitamin and mineral supplement from
 shelves. We may be next.
Did you confirm that?


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSUh Oh...supplement removal begins...

2003-05-26 Thread Jay Ice
I have a friend on the instant messenger I talk to and she says it happened
a few weeks ago. Only confirmation I have but why would she lie?

- Original Message -
From: Jack Dayton jack...@harbornet.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Monday, May 26, 2003 6:51 PM
Subject: Re: CSUh Oh...supplement removal begins...

 Jay Ice 5/26/03 9:34 AM

  Australia has already removed every vitamin and mineral supplement from
  shelves. We may be next.
 Did you confirm that?


 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

 To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

 Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

 List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CScyrillic response/Bill Misset

2003-05-26 Thread Jay Ice
HUH? Where did that come from? I wouldn't care except that it bothers others
on the list. People are beginning to think it's a virus when it's only the
russian alphabet. So I would rather have the problem dealt with and resolved
before it gets outta hand. At least that is the way I see it.

Bill Missett wrote:

Close the prompt and get on with your life!

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSDoes the size REALLY matter....

2003-05-26 Thread Jack Dayton

I can't believe that you asked that question, -
I'm not quite sure how to answer that on the CS list.
I'm sure that would be considered Off Topic.

(I just couldn't resist !)  :-) :-)


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSDoes the size REALLY matter....

2003-05-26 Thread Jay Ice
At first I'm like what the heck is he talking about. That was pretty funny.

- Original Message - 
From: Jack Dayton jack...@harbornet.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Monday, May 26, 2003 7:07 PM
Subject: Re: CSDoes the size REALLY matter

 I can't believe that you asked that question, -
 I'm not quite sure how to answer that on the CS list.
 I'm sure that would be considered Off Topic.
 (I just couldn't resist !)  :-) :-)
 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org
 To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
 List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSRe: Cryllic Language Pack

2003-05-26 Thread Melody D Harris
this is really confusing me.
do i need to do anything?

a confused, low-IQ CS lover 
and believer and user

melody harris
29 palms, ca

On Mon, 26 May 2003 12:35:53 -0400 C Creel ccr...@adelphia.net
 No there is no request here to install the Pack.  Sounds like this 
 something in someones emails that has infected the list through 
 Doesn't look like there is any way to trace it back.
   In don't think it's an infection.  Risk Free Mail is a service 
 people use
 to avoid spam.  It requires all senders of email to respond once
 (theoretically) to be unblocked from sending email to the recipient. 
 this case, the recipient is a list member signed on as
 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal 
 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: 
 To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Silver-list archive: 
 List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CScyrillic alphabet/Joseph Fritz

2003-05-26 Thread Jay Ice
I have McAfee. It came with my very much regretted 2 year contract from MSN.
MSN is garbage. I am constantly having problems.

- Original Message -
From: Joseph Fritz sil...@chaosrealms.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Monday, May 26, 2003 7:11 PM
Subject: Re: CSI am the cyrillic culprit( sp?)

 Are you using anti virus software? If so which ones? I was using Norton
 2002 pro but just switched to Panda platinum 7 It found 11 things Norton
 missed. Also you might want to get pest patrol it is an anti spy ware /
 Trojan program Not sure about the encoding thing look thru settings etc.


 Hope these help.
 Sincerely Joseph Fritz

 At 02:32 PM 5/26/2003 -0400, you wrote:
 ?xml:namespace prefix=v /?xml:namespace prefix=o /
 My msn e-mail address uses cyrillic(ISO) default encoding. What ever the
 heck that means? I'm getting really mad about this computer crap. All I
 wanna do is send and recieve e-mails. Geez why does it have to be so damn
 complicated. I have memory leaks and probably spyware. What ever that is?
 I'm going to run my re-stabilized bank account into the ground again
 tryinmg to fix this. Any ideas how to find a legitamate website that will
 really tell me whats wrong. With out trying to take me down to my last
 cent? I really don't want to pay some computer guy to look at it and just
 delete a file and charge me $250.00 if this is a problem I can solve.
 Thanks guys and sorry about this dilema.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSRe: Does the size REALLY matter....

2003-05-26 Thread Mary Lou Borgert
on 5/25/03 10:01 PM, ascottsil...@aol.com at ascottsil...@aol.com wrote:
Andy can one use silver bars?
Hi Jay,

My understanding is that people like to use coins because they have a larger
surface area then wire. The greater the surface area, the more CS you can
produce in a given amount of time. I don't think that one will work better
(produce a better product) then the other. It's just a volume vs. time

Hope this helps
Andy (^_^) 

From: Jay Ice
Date: Sun, 25 May 2003 21:33:59

I'm about 2 years behind on bringing this up but
everything just registered. So to my question. I remember
reading that 
the choice for silver coins had 2 reasons.
1)  precious metal 
2 ) ability to kill pathogens
But how could it kill pathogens if the size of a coin is much
bigger than 
the size of the stuff I make.So does the size really have have something
to do 
with it?

CSRe: Removal of vitamins and supplements in Australia

2003-05-26 Thread Hanneke
Hi all,

Haven't been on line for a couple of days and behind on emails and digests
but I would like to quickly correct something I read about : removal of all
vitamins  in Australia.

About 4 to 5 weeks ago, between 1500 and 1600 products/vitamins and
supplements, produced by one particular manufacturer (PAN) were recalled
because of alleged shoddy working practices, with allegations of certain
supplements not containing what was on the label, and/or not the amounts.
Information I give here is what has appeared in the media.  It was a safety
measure as to ensure quality for over the counter sales.  So no, not all
were removed but for quite a few stores it meant bare shelves as they were
carrying products all manufactured by the same company.  Supplements and
vitamins are slowly restocked but my guess is that it may take a while
before supply and availability is fully restored .

Although my personal belief is that the availability of vits and supplement
is under threat world wide (CODEX) and the initial gutfeeling on the event
of the recall was:  wow, here we go... It's not a reality...( yet?).


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSUh Oh...supplement removal begins...

2003-05-26 Thread d.linen

Jack Dayton wrote:
  Jay Ice 5/26/03 9:34 AM
  Australia has already removed every vitamin and mineral supplement from
  shelves. We may be next.
 Did you confirm that?

I have friends in Australia and could ask them if it's true.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSUh Oh...supplement removal begins...

2003-05-26 Thread TJ Garland

I just sent a shipment of CMO thru Oz customs last week. No problems.

TJ Garland, CMO supplier
  there are no incurable illnesses-only incurable people.

From: Jay Ice guess...@msn.com
Reply-To: silver-list@eskimo.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CSUh Oh...supplement removal begins...
Date: Mon, 26 May 2003 18:59:08 -0400

I have a friend on the instant messenger I talk to and she says it happened
a few weeks ago. Only confirmation I have but why would she lie?

- Original Message -
From: Jack Dayton jack...@harbornet.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Monday, May 26, 2003 6:51 PM
Subject: Re: CSUh Oh...supplement removal begins...

 Jay Ice 5/26/03 9:34 AM

  Australia has already removed every vitamin and mineral supplement 

  shelves. We may be next.
 Did you confirm that?


 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

 To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

 Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

 List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.  

Re: CSOT Repeling mosquito's effectively/Malcolm

2003-05-26 Thread Charles Sutton
I have heard that DC current neutralizes snake, bee, and wasp poison.
Anyone heard of this??

- Original Message - 
From: Marshall Dudley mdud...@execonn.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Monday, May 26, 2003 11:20 AM
Subject: Re: CSOT Repeling mosquito's effectively/Malcolm

 Malcolm Stebbins wrote:

  When I felt particularly murderous I tied a propane torch to a pole and
  incinerated them as they launched (most of them, anyway.)  This was mud
  daubers, for paper wasps nests, which are actually rather beautiful
  constructions, I wouldn't risk the fire.  I once stumbled into a bald
  hornet's nest in an old log, and had to run down the gully and jump into
  the creek up to my nose to avoid getting stung really badly.
  Colloidal silver is not worth diddly for beestings, but mud seems to
  ease the pain and swelling.
  Take care, Malcolm

 Another good remedy for stings is meat tenderizer.  Get one that contains
 Papuan.  It breaks down the poison quite effectively, whereas most
remedies do
 nothing to break down the poison, but instead simply try to limit the
 reaction to them.


 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

 To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

 Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

 List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSRe: Cryllic Language Pack/C. Creel

2003-05-26 Thread C Creel
Dear Malcolm,

  You said:

H, I'm not so sure that's the whole story, but I'm paranoid by
inclination.  Furthermore, I just received an email from you, Catherine,
that had the header above about the Cyrillic . . .  and contained nothing
except the blah-blah from risk-free-mail  is this the way denial of
service DOS attacks start??  Who is this possibly bad apple and how long
have they been a list member and WTF is going on here???

  I sent a copy of that to the list.  There is nothing to worry about.  Go
to www.riskfreemail and you will see that.  It is merely a service people
to avoid spam.  I don't have it, but I did send the list a post from a
person who does
have it.  There is no cause for concern.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSI am the cyrillic culprit( sp?)....

2003-05-26 Thread C Creel
Go to http://www.lavasoftusa.com/  They have freeware that you can use to
identify and remove spyware from your computer on a regular basis.

   Cyrillic is a character set like Times New Roman and Arial are character
Jay has used Incredimail.  He could have chosen a font he likes from there
that happened to be Cyrillic.

   It does not indicate spyware, a virus, or anything weird.  It's a font.

  I hope this clarifies it for people.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

RE: CSRe: Does the size REALLY matter....

2003-05-26 Thread carpae . diem

The increased area of the coin should be great, but...
Is not the silver in most coins sterling, and would them contain
nickel=poison? Also relativly unrefined silver has a long history of driving
silver-smithes mad, from mercury poisoning.
Poorly refined silver is often very high in mercury content...
So, it might be a good idea to make sure that the coin has only .999 or
better pure-silver
listed as 100% of its content.

Just Thinking,
  -Original Message-
  From: ascottsil...@aol.com [mailto:ascottsil...@aol.com]
  Sent: Monday, May 26, 2003 1:01 AM
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: CSRe: Does the size REALLY matter

  Hi Jay,

  My understanding is that people like to use coins because they have a
larger surface area then wire. The greater the surface area, the more CS you
can produce in a given amount of time. I don't think that one will work
better (produce a better product) then the other. It's just a volume vs.
time thing.

  Hope this helps
  Andy (^_^)

  From: Jay Ice
  Date: Sun, 25 May 2003 21:33:59

  I'm about 2 years behind on bringing this up but
  everything just registered. So to my question. I remember
  reading that
  the choice for silver coins had 2 reasons.
  1)  precious metal
  2 ) ability to kill pathogens

  But how could it kill pathogens if the size of a coin is much
  bigger than
  the size of the stuff I make.So does the size really have have something
  to do
  with it?

CSRe: Does the size REALLY matter....

2003-05-26 Thread AScottSilver
Hi Mary,

Silver bars should work just fine but make sure they are high quality silver. 
They need to be at least .999 pure silver if you are planing on drinking the 
stuff that you make. Sterling silver is not considered a good enough grade 
because it contains trace metals that may be harmful. Hope this helps.

Best wishes,
Andy (^_^)

From: Mary Lou Borgert 

Andy can one use silver bars?


RE: CSRe: Does the size REALLY matter....

2003-05-26 Thread AScottSilver
Hi Alexander,

Many coins are made from .999 or better silver. Check it out at:
A HREF=http://www.ccsilver.com/;www.ccsilver.com/A


From: carpae.diem

increased area of the coin should be great, but...
Is not 
the silver in most coins sterling, and would them contain 
nickel=poison? Also 
relativly unrefined silver has a long history of driving silver-smithes 
from mercury poisoning.
refined silver is often very high in mercury 
So, it 
might be a good idea to make sure that the coin has only .999 or better 
as 100% of its content.

Re: CSOT Repeling mosquito's effectively/Malcolm

2003-05-26 Thread Brickeyk
I am probably one of the few that like wasps as they eat other insects on my 
christmas trees.  If I just want them to move I spray their nests with water.  
Sometimes I need to spray them for several days to get them to move.  They 
will not attact through a water spray.  

Re: CSUh Oh...supplement removal begins...

2003-05-26 Thread Tel Tofflemire
Since when did we start advertising on the Silver list ?
Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ

TJ Garland wrote:

 I just sent a shipment of CMO thru Oz customs last week. No problems.

 TJ Garland, CMO supplier
there are no incurable illnesses-only incurable people.

 From: Jay Ice guess...@msn.com
 Reply-To: silver-list@eskimo.com
 To: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Subject: Re: CSUh Oh...supplement removal begins...
 Date: Mon, 26 May 2003 18:59:08 -0400
 I have a friend on the instant messenger I talk to and she says it happened
 a few weeks ago. Only confirmation I have but why would she lie?
 - Original Message -
 From: Jack Dayton jack...@harbornet.com
 To: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Sent: Monday, May 26, 2003 6:51 PM
 Subject: Re: CSUh Oh...supplement removal begins...
   Jay Ice 5/26/03 9:34 AM
Australia has already removed every vitamin and mineral supplement
shelves. We may be next.
   Did you confirm that?
   The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
   Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org
   To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
   Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
   List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

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