Re: CS> LED lights&Belly Button - Nutmeg - 15 May

2008-05-15 Thread Sandee George
Hi There Steve - I live on the Island of Grenada the second largest
producer of
the Nutmeg in the world - we use it here all the time for this problem as
well as many other medicinal challenges - we do not have the scientific
studies etc.,  that are found abroad in the larger countries, as far as I
am aware, we have our own old-time remedies which we know work and so we
use them when chal-lenges present themselves - this is all the
information I can give you personally - you will have to be your own
judge and follow your own intuition.
Be well and healthy

Peace is easy . . . It is a mind set

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Re: CS> LED lights&Belly Button

2008-05-15 Thread Tad Winiecki

On May 14, 2008, at 1:21 PM, Marshall Dudley wrote:

I bought one of the dual units from V a couple of weeks ago.  I was 
hoping it would help my wife's lower back pain, but it did not seem to 

Marshall- Don't give up on the LED's and the back pain, it may improve 
over time.  But I had my lower back "go out"- excrutiating muscle 
pains- 3 times about 15 years ago but none since as I started taking 
Magnesium, Boron, and colloidal minerals.


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Re: CS> LED lights&Belly Button

2008-05-15 Thread Faith Gagne
Hi Nancy.  I am very interested in the magnesium you take.  Would you mind 
telling me much you take daily, what kind (brand) do you take, and do you 
take a proportionate amount of calcium with it?   I tend to have back aches 
and I also have a problem with sleep which I understood could be helped with 
magnesium.  And also potassium.  I eat a banana almost every day.  I take 
Boron also.  Thanks very very much.  Faith G.

- Original Message - 
From: "Tad Winiecki" 

Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2008 8:10 AM
Subject: Re: CS> LED lights&Belly Button

On May 14, 2008, at 1:21 PM, Marshall Dudley wrote:

I bought one of the dual units from V a couple of weeks ago.  I was 
hoping it would help my wife's lower back pain, but it did not seem to 

Marshall- Don't give up on the LED's and the back pain, it may improve 
over time.  But I had my lower back "go out"- excrutiating muscle pains- 3 
times about 15 years ago but none since as I started taking Magnesium, 
Boron, and colloidal minerals.


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Re: CS>Borax, mange, Lyme

2008-05-15 Thread Marshall Dudley

M. G. Devour wrote:

That's pretty amazing info, Rowena.

I wonder what a good oral dose is to chelate body accumulation of 
flouride. We have flouridated city water here and, though I drink 
distilled, I still have to bathe in the junk. Activated charcoal 
filters will take out chlorine but not flouride, if what I remember 
hearing a few years back is still true.

I could use pineal gland cleanse, by golly! 


Mike D.


Mike, chelation works for metals only. Fluoride is a halogen.  It bonds 
with metals, such as calcium (actually it will react with damn near 
anything).  Unfortunately, once it has bonded to calcium in bones and 
teeth, I don't know of any way to get rid of it.


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Re: CS> LED lights&Belly Button - Nutmeg - 15 May

2008-05-15 Thread Day Sutton
What was wrong with the belly button?  How much Nutmeg did it take to cure

On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 7:31 AM, Sandee George  wrote:

> Hi There Steve - I live on the Island of Grenada the second largest
> producer of
> the Nutmeg in the world - we use it here all the time for this problem as
> well as many other medicinal challenges - we do not have the scientific
> studies etc.,  that are found abroad in the larger countries, as far as I
> am aware, we have our own old-time remedies which we know work and so we
> use them when chal-lenges present themselves - this is all the
> information I can give you personally - you will have to be your own
> judge and follow your own intuition.
> Be well and healthy
> Regards
> Sandee
> Peace is easy . . . It is a mind set
> --
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Day Sutton

Re: CS>Borax, mange, Lyme

2008-05-15 Thread Marshall Dudley
The water board was just forced to start fluoridation of the water in 
Alcoa Tennessee by the mayor.  There are rumors of payoffs, and citizens 
are considering a lawsuit.  Makes sense since it is the home of Alcoa 
Aluminum, which is the leading producer of fluoride waste that would 
cost them huge amount of money to dispose of if they were not allowed to 
dump this toxic waste into the water supply.


Faith Gagne wrote:
Gee Mike, my town just voted on whether or not to fluoridate the 
water.  I voted no as did eveyone else I know.  I have yet to find out 
the results of the vote.  We are really behind the times since 
fluoride is banned in 97% of Europe and in China!  So what is our 
problem?Faith G.

- Original Message - From: "M. G. Devour" 
Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 12:00 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Borax, mange, Lyme

That's pretty amazing info, Rowena.

I wonder what a good oral dose is to chelate body accumulation of
flouride. We have flouridated city water here and, though I drink
distilled, I still have to bathe in the junk. Activated charcoal
filters will take out chlorine but not flouride, if what I remember
hearing a few years back is still true.

I could use pineal gland cleanse, by golly! 


Mike D. 


I thought the group would be interested in this information.
Although it is for the treatment of dogs, my ears pricked up when I
spotted the reference to Lyme also. I haven't heard about that
connection before, though Lyme sufferers may have. Rowena

. I must make a strong statement that the formula (borax+h2o2 or sodium
perborate) works bests and it is broad spectrum. You can use it to
control mange, mites, fleas, and lyme disease (initiated by those 

insects). I have actually compared side to side with neem oil, mineral
oil, apple cider vinegar and others here in Bangkok and this is the 

wide spectrum cure I have found. Borax prevents denaturation of DNA/RNA
in dogs and I currently use this as life extension for dogs. For 

a ribose sugar, deoxyribose sugar, and various sugar that causes
accelerated aging in dogs can be slowed down with supplementation of
dogs indirectly when you do the borax wash. " "Prepare peroxide 1%
solution, add 2-3 tablespoon of borax to that cup. Stir and wait for a
couple of minutes for the borax to dissolve. The formula doesn't 

an exact science. The importance is to add enough borax until the
solution is no longer soluble and well past saturation."  . . .

Borax's toxicity is about 3000 mg/kg, which is the equivalent toxicity
to about that of salt. (check wikipedia). The idea is to make a 

of borax so that the solution can cover the entire body and penetrate
through the skin of the dog to kill the demodex mites, for example. To
use a spot treatment by pure powder will take an infinitely long 
time as

it does not get to it through the dog's skin. . . .

You see borax will both kill the eggs, modifying the hormones and their
eggs by drying them all at once. The weakness of borax is limited
solubility and limited penetration of the skin which you need either
vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, benzoyl peroxide (toxic), MSM or DMSO
solution. Ideally 10% DMSO should be preferred

The one magic that borax has over its neighbors is that the borax 
that the dogs leaves in the house will kill the eggs even after the 

no longer has mange and re-infection is therefore next to impossible.
However, borax has limited effect on killing the larger mites and 

but not mange. I found that adding 1/8 teaspoon per liter of water of
borax added to the dog's water will cause the larger fleas to dry up 
die at the same time. My dog for some reason likes to eat something 
more than 1 gram of the sodium perborate crystals whenever he feels 
and the fleas just die off. The borax modifies the dog's blood and 

the mange inside out. This is why borax, i.e., sodium perborate, is
required for mange, but not anything else due to preventive 
of the mange by the powder of the borax that destroys the eggs where 

dog sleeps and where it walks around throughout the house. . . .

Just want to tell you that there are many ways you can treat mange, but
the issue is one of toxicity, re infection, toxic levels, which portion
kills it and how, and which is the penetrant which is the key to it 
Penetrant is important, the chemical must reach the target demodex 

the skin. Usually hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, DMSO, and MSM will do
that. It must be reminded again that borax, to work most 
effectively, is
to prepare a solution without washing it off, followed by a small 

of borax powder to be applied if you wish. Any other application other
than this such as using as purely powder form is NOT going to work.

Also info re b

Re: CS>Borax, mange, Lyme

2008-05-15 Thread Day Sutton
Careful with the DW.  I got heart arrythmya, and I'm pretty sure now that it
was caused by drinking Distilled Water/Purified Water for about 7 years..
What makes me think that is that taking supplimental Iodine and Magnesium
has kept it under control.  I still get episodes from time to time..

On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 10:42 AM, Marshall Dudley 

> M. G. Devour wrote:
>> That's pretty amazing info, Rowena.
>> I wonder what a good oral dose is to chelate body accumulation of
>> flouride. We have flouridated city water here and, though I drink distilled,
>> I still have to bathe in the junk. Activated charcoal filters will take out
>> chlorine but not flouride, if what I remember hearing a few years back is
>> still true.
>> I could use pineal gland cleanse, by golly! 
>> Peace,
>> Mike D.
> Mike, chelation works for metals only. Fluoride is a halogen.  It bonds
> with metals, such as calcium (actually it will react with damn near
> anything).  Unfortunately, once it has bonded to calcium in bones and teeth,
> I don't know of any way to get rid of it.
> Marshall
> --
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Day Sutton

Re: CS> LED lights&Belly Button - Nutmeg - Universe 47

2008-05-15 Thread Rowena
Sorry Day, but I think that once you have a belly button you are pretty much 
stuck with it apart from plastic surgery, and even they tend to preserve them 
if possible. 
Still the belly button is useful to locate the navel, and the navel to locate 
the universe, oh, no, I meant the big blood vessel, the aorta thingy.  By 
shining the LED down the belly button, you are, besides showing up the cobwebs, 
shining it very close to the hugest passing flow of blood.  This would have the 
effect of cleaning the blood supply of a number of unwelcome guests; I have 
been given the suggestion to hold it there twenty minutes while all the blood 
supply of the body passes by and gets the treatment.  And while the nutmeg was 
for the prostate, for which the LED is also useful, I'm sure the belly would 
also appreciate a bit of nutmeg every now and then.


  What was wrong with the belly button?  How much Nutmeg did it take to cure 
it? Day Sutton

  On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 7:31 AM, Sandee George  wrote:

Hi There Steve - I live on the Island of Grenada the second largest
producer of
the Nutmeg in the world - we use it here all the time for this problem as
well as many other medicinal challenges - we do not have the scientific
studies etc.,  that are found abroad in the larger countries, as far as I
am aware, we have our own old-time remedies which we know work and so we
use them when chal-lenges present themselves - this is all the
information I can give you personally - you will have to be your own
judge and follow your own intuition.
Be well and healthy


2008-05-15 Thread Dee
Hi Dan, just to say I have bought the Medisana humidifier, and it says to use 
500ml of water.  As I am going to use CS in it, does it *have* to be 500ml?  I 
ask because I buy my CS and this could work out somewhat expensive.  Do I have 
to use a full tank, or could I get away with less?  Many thanks in advance.  

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RE: CS>Medisana

2008-05-15 Thread Dan Nave
Maybe you wanted to ask Dave...

Dan Nave ~ dnave ~ Dave

> -Original Message-
> From: Dee [] 
> Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2008 10:36 AM
> To:
> Subject: CS>Medisana
> Hi Dan, just to say I have bought the Medisana humidifier, 
> and it says to use 500ml of water.  As I am going to use CS 
> in it, does it *have* to be 500ml?  I ask because I buy my CS 
> and this could work out somewhat expensive.  Do I have to use 
> a full tank, or could I get away with less?  Many thanks in 
> advance.  Dee  
> --
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Medisana

2008-05-15 Thread Dee
Oops, sorry! Yes I meant Dave.  Dee 

---Original Message---
From: Dan Nave
Date: 15/05/2008 17:40:30
Subject: RE: CS>Medisana
Maybe you wanted to ask Dave...
Dan Nave ~ dnave ~ Dave
> -Original Message-
> From: Dee []
> Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2008 10:36 AM
> To:
> Subject: CS>Medisana
> Hi Dan, just to say I have bought the Medisana humidifier,
> and it says to use 500ml of water.  As I am going to use CS
> in it, does it *have* to be 500ml?  I ask because I buy my CS
> and this could work out somewhat expensive.  Do I have to use
> a full tank, or could I get away with less?  Many thanks in
> advance.  Dee
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
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> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Borax, mange, Lyme

2008-05-15 Thread Clayton Family

On May 15, 2008, at 9:42 AM, Marshall Dudley wrote:

Mike, chelation works for metals only. Fluoride is a halogen.  It 
bonds with metals, such as calcium (actually it will react with damn 
near anything).  Unfortunately, once it has bonded to calcium in bones 
and teeth, I don't know of any way to get rid of it.


Yes, that is about right, and in addition, it is hard to even get out 
of water from what I hear. It is one of the most reactive elements on 
the planet, scary stuff.   It seems like the body is doing the best it 
can, getting it into the bones and out of harm's way.

I was wondering if you knew if there was anything I could add to the 
bathwater that might bind it up. Usually I just add a bunch of salt, 
which at least puts more ions in the water for competition.  I don't 
have any whole house filter for the water or anything.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Medisana

2008-05-15 Thread Carol Ann
Hi Dee,
While I am neither Dan nor Dave.I too have the Medisana.  I use not much - 
unadulterated CS only in the tank.  Don't have to use a tank full at all.  Try 
just enough to cover the bottom of the tank wellmaybe 2 or 3 ounces. 

Dee   wrote:v\:* {  BEHAVIOR: url (#default#vml) }  v\:* 
{  BEHAVIOR: url (#default#vml) }PLAINTXT-NONE---  ;
Oops, sorry! Yes I meant Dave.  Dee 
 ---Original Message---
  From: Dan Nave
 Date: 15/05/2008 17:40:30
 Subject: RE: CS>Medisana

 Maybe you wanted to ask Dave...
 Dan Nave ~ dnave ~ Dave
 > -Original Message-
 > From: Dee []
 > Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2008 10:36 AM
 > To:
 > Subject: CS>Medisana
 > Hi Dan, just to say I have bought the Medisana humidifier,
 > and it says to use 500ml of water.  As I am going to use CS
 > in it, does it *have* to be 500ml?  I ask because I buy my CS
 > and this could work out somewhat expensive.  Do I have to use
 > a full tank, or could I get away with less?  Many thanks in
 > advance.  Dee
 > --
 > The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 > Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
 > To post, address your message to:
 > Address Off-Topic messages to:
 > The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
 > List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..

Re: CS>Borax, mange, Lyme - fluoride

2008-05-15 Thread Rowena

The toxic effects of fluoride can also be counteracted to some extent with 
green forage and liberal grain feedings  (horses)

So you had better get out into the green fields, Mike.

Nobody seems to be promising help in getting rid of fluoride.
could also only suggest nutrition to counteract. says 
reverse osmosis removes it (it would be a very slow shower!) 
Activated Alumina Defluoridation Filter 
These filters are used in locales where fluorosis is prevalent. They are 
relatively expensive (lowest price I saw was $30/filter) and require frequent 
replacement, but do offer an option for home water filtration.  these people seem 
to be directing one to a filter that removes fluoride from showers, but when 
you look at the site, it removes all 
sorts of things but not fluoride, which it says is in such small quantities 
that for showers it doesn't matter, though it does for drinking.


I wonder what a good oral dose is to chelate body accumulation of 
flouride. We have flouridated city water here and, though I drink 
distilled, I still have to bathe in the junk. Activated charcoal 
filters will take out chlorine but not flouride, if what I remember 
hearing a few years back is still true.

I could use pineal gland cleanse, by golly! 

RE: CS>Medisana

2008-05-15 Thread Dee
Thank you so much Carol Ann, I believe it turns off when empty too.  Is that
right do you know?  Dee 

---Original Message---
From: Carol Ann
Date: 15/05/2008 18:15:01
Subject: RE: CS>Medisana
Hi Dee,
While I am neither Dan nor Dave.I too have the Medisana.  I use not much
- unadulterated CS only in the tank.  Don't have to use a tank full at all. 
Try just enough to cover the bottom of the tank wellmaybe 2 or 3 ounces.

Dee  wrote:
Oops, sorry! Yes I meant Dave.  Dee 
---Original Message---
From: Dan Nave
Date: 15/05/2008 17:40:30
Subject: RE: CS>Medisana
Maybe you wanted to ask Dave...
Dan Nave ~ dnave ~ Dave
> -Original Message-
> From: Dee []
> Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2008 10:36 AM
> To:
> Subject: CS>Medisana
> Hi Dan, just to say I have bought the Medisana humidifier,
> and it says to use 500ml of water.  As I am going to use CS
> in it, does it *have* to be 500ml?  I ask because I buy my CS
> and this could work out somewhat expensive.  Do I have to use
> a full tank, or could I get away with less?  Many thanks in
> advance.  Dee
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..

RE: CS>Borax, mange, Lyme

2008-05-15 Thread Dan Nave
You might be able to use Sodium thiosulfate (DeChlor).  It may
defluorinate as well.  Maybe Marshall could determine this. Just add the
appropriate number of drops of DeChlor from the aquarium store to the
"To dechlorinate tap water for aquariums or treat effluent from waste
water treatments prior to release into rivers. The reduction reaction is
analogous to the iodine reduction reaction. "


> -Original Message-
> From: Clayton Family [] 
> Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2008 12:00 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Borax, mange, Lyme
> On May 15, 2008, at 9:42 AM, Marshall Dudley wrote:
> > Mike, chelation works for metals only. Fluoride is a halogen.  It 
> > bonds with metals, such as calcium (actually it will react 
> with damn 
> > near anything).  Unfortunately, once it has bonded to 
> calcium in bones 
> > and teeth, I don't know of any way to get rid of it.
> >
> > Marshall
> >
> >
> Yes, that is about right, and in addition, it is hard to even 
> get out of water from what I hear. It is one of the most 
> reactive elements on 
> the planet, scary stuff.   It seems like the body is doing 
> the best it 
> can, getting it into the bones and out of harm's way.
> I was wondering if you knew if there was anything I could add 
> to the bathwater that might bind it up. Usually I just add a 
> bunch of salt, which at least puts more ions in the water for 
> competition.  I don't have any whole house filter for the 
> water or anything.
> kathryn
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Medisana

2008-05-15 Thread Carol Ann
No, I don't know, sorry.  Thus far it has run until I turn it off manually.  A 
little (few ounces) goes a long way.  I've not left it running all night 
either.  My use thus far has been about 1 hr per session of CS inhalation. When 
done, or when I see the liquid has expired, I just turn it off. 

Dee   wrote:v\:* {  BEHAVIOR: url (#default#vml) }  v\:* 
{  BEHAVIOR: url (#default#vml) }PLAINTXT-NONE---  ;
Thank you so much Carol Ann, I believe it turns off when empty too.  Is 
that right do you know?  Dee 
  ---Original Message---
  From: Carol Ann
 Date: 15/05/2008 18:15:01
 Subject: RE: CS>Medisana

Hi Dee,
While I am neither Dan nor Dave.I too have the Medisana.  I use not much - 
unadulterated CS only in the tank.  Don't have to use a tank full at all.  Try 
just enough to cover the bottom of the tank wellmaybe 2 or 3 ounces. 

Dee  wrote:   v\:* {  BEHAVIOR: url (#default#vml) }   v\:* { 
 BEHAVIOR: url (#default#vml) }Oops, sorry! Yes I meant Dave.  Dee 
 ---Original Message---
  From: Dan Nave
 Date: 15/05/2008 17:40:30
 Subject: RE: CS>Medisana

 Maybe you wanted to ask Dave...
 Dan Nave ~ dnave ~ Dave
 > -Original Message-
 > From: Dee []
 > Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2008 10:36 AM
 > To:
 > Subject: CS>Medisana
 > Hi Dan, just to say I have bought the Medisana humidifier,
 > and it says to use 500ml of water.  As I am going to use CS
 > in it, does it *have* to be 500ml?  I ask because I buy my CS
 > and this could work out somewhat expensive.  Do I have to use
 > a full tank, or could I get away with less?  Many thanks in
 > advance.  Dee
 > --
 > The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 > Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
 > To post, address your message to:
 > Address Off-Topic messages to:
 > The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
 > List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..  


Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..

Re: CS> LED lights&Belly Button

2008-05-15 Thread Tad Winiecki

On May 15, 2008, at 7:02 AM, Faith Gagne wrote:

Hi Nancy.  I am very interested in the magnesium you take.  Would you 
mind telling me much you take daily, what kind (brand) do you take, 
and do you take a proportionate amount of calcium with it?   I tend to 
have back aches and I also have a problem with sleep which I 
understood could be helped with magnesium.  And also potassium.  I eat 
a banana almost every day.  I take Boron also.  Thanks very very much. 
 Faith G.

Faith-  I am able to get a really good multi-mineral here from Highland 
Labs, I don't know if you can get them online because I get it 
privately, but there is a mineral capsule I use for 1/2 that has 1000 
mg Calcium hydroxyapatite and 400 mg Magnesium oxide and aspartate, and 
then a fizzy mineral powder for the other half that has Calcium citrate 
and Magnesium Citrate, same amounts (I only take half a day's 
requirements of each).  Then in addition I try to take some other 
Magnesium, 200-400 mg a day.  I've tried Mg chloride, malate, citrate, 
and currently glycinate.  Some of those I got from Beyond A Century-

The Highland Lab minerals have Boron.

I also have used mostly Organa colloidal minerals for the last few 
years, lately I'm not getting them when ordered, I don't know why.  I 
got one Trimedica quart this time though.


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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Medisana

2008-05-15 Thread Tad Winiecki

On May 15, 2008, at 8:36 AM, Dee wrote:

Hi Dan, just to say I have bought the Medisana humidifier, and it says 
to use 500ml of water.  As I am going to use CS in it, does it *have* 
to be 500ml?  I ask because I buy my CS and this could work out 
somewhat expensive.  Do I have to use a full tank, or could I get away 
with less?  Many thanks in advance.  Dee

Dee-  I'd like to encourage you to plunge in and get a generator and 
start making your own.  It's really easy.  I even made some with some 
silver wires and a solar cell that has alligator clips, which would be 
useful in a real emergency when there was no electric power.

Does the Medisana humidifier come with a mask?


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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Borax, mange, Lyme

2008-05-15 Thread M. G. Devour
Hi guys & gals,

What I was responding to was this, on the page that Rowena sent a link 
to in the first post of this thread:


"A small pinch of boron can therefore be added to drinking water to 
remove fluoride. I sometimes used borax mouthwash, to help reduce 
fungus and bacteria in the mouth also. A small quantity of borax 
chelates of fluoride and can be soothing and helps normalize sleeping 
patterns. I once had sleeping problems and with small borax use, 
fluorides were removed that was accumulated in the pineal gland, 
allowing the pineal gland to function normally creating melatonin, 
which controls sleep. However I later found that some colorless iodine 
painting and some boron doses are synergistic."

English is not the fellow's first language, obviously, but he seems to 
be well regarded and some of his info consistent with other things 
we've seen and heard.

So, I was wondering if a regular oral dose of Borax, perhaps in a 
capsule or two, might have this cleansing effect on the glands? It 
would be cool if it was true.

Be well,

Mike D.

> On May 15, 2008, at 9:42 AM, Marshall Dudley wrote:
> > Mike, chelation works for metals only. Fluoride is a halogen.  It
> > bonds with metals, such as calcium (actually it will react with damn
> > near anything).  Unfortunately, once it has bonded to calcium in bones
> > and teeth, I don't know of any way to get rid of it.
> >
> > Marshall

Kathryn wrote:
> Yes, that is about right, and in addition, it is hard to even get out of
> water from what I hear. It is one of the most reactive elements on the
> planet, scary stuff.   It seems like the body is doing the best it can,
> getting it into the bones and out of harm's way.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Medisana

2008-05-15 Thread Dee
Thanks again Carol Ann.  Dee 

---Original Message---
From: Carol Ann
Date: 15/05/2008 20:48:46
Subject: RE: CS>Medisana
No, I don't know, sorry.  Thus far it has run until I turn it off manually.  A 
little (few ounces) goes a long way.  I've not left it running all night 
either.  My use thus far has been about 1 hr per session of CS inhalation. When 
done, or when I see the liquid has expired, I just turn it off. 

Re: CS>Borax, mange, Lyme

2008-05-15 Thread Faith Gagne
Good luck with that.  I hope the citizens sue Alcoa aluminum.  It is time to 
stand up to these abuses of the planet and of the people.  What is the 
problem that people are not able to sue more readily to protect themselves 
and their families?  Faith G.

- Original Message - 
From: "Marshall Dudley" 

Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2008 10:48 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Borax, mange, Lyme

The water board was just forced to start fluoridation of the water in 
Alcoa Tennessee by the mayor.  There are rumors of payoffs, and citizens 
are considering a lawsuit.  Makes sense since it is the home of Alcoa 
Aluminum, which is the leading producer of fluoride waste that would cost 
them huge amount of money to dispose of if they were not allowed to dump 
this toxic waste into the water supply.


Faith Gagne wrote:
Gee Mike, my town just voted on whether or not to fluoridate the water. 
I voted no as did eveyone else I know.  I have yet to find out the 
results of the vote.  We are really behind the times since fluoride is 
banned in 97% of Europe and in China!  So what is our problem?Faith 

- Original Message - From: "M. G. Devour" 
Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 12:00 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Borax, mange, Lyme

That's pretty amazing info, Rowena.

I wonder what a good oral dose is to chelate body accumulation of
flouride. We have flouridated city water here and, though I drink
distilled, I still have to bathe in the junk. Activated charcoal
filters will take out chlorine but not flouride, if what I remember
hearing a few years back is still true.

I could use pineal gland cleanse, by golly! 


Mike D.

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Re: CS> LED lights&Belly Button

2008-05-15 Thread Faith Gagne
Thank you Nancy.  I take a calcium/magnesium by TwinLab but it says in the 
fine print on the label that it may not be well absorbed.  I ordered it 
on-line and didn't read the entire label until I had taken it for a week or 
so.  I won't buy it again.   I take Boron seperately. I will check the site 
you've listed below.  Faith G.

- Original Message - 
From: "Tad Winiecki" 

Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2008 4:55 PM
Subject: Re: CS> LED lights&Belly Button

On May 15, 2008, at 7:02 AM, Faith Gagne wrote:

Hi Nancy.  I am very interested in the magnesium you take.  Would you 
mind telling me much you take daily, what kind (brand) do you take, and 
do you take a proportionate amount of calcium with it?   I tend to have 
back aches and I also have a problem with sleep which I understood could 
be helped with magnesium.  And also potassium.  I eat a banana almost 
every day.  I take Boron also.  Thanks very very much. Faith G.

Faith-  I am able to get a really good multi-mineral here from Highland 
Labs, I don't know if you can get them online because I get it privately, 
but there is a mineral capsule I use for 1/2 that has 1000 mg Calcium 
hydroxyapatite and 400 mg Magnesium oxide and aspartate, and then a fizzy 
mineral powder for the other half that has Calcium citrate and Magnesium 
Citrate, same amounts (I only take half a day's requirements of each). 
Then in addition I try to take some other Magnesium, 200-400 mg a day. 
I've tried Mg chloride, malate, citrate, and currently glycinate.  Some of 
those I got from Beyond A Century-

The Highland Lab minerals have Boron.

I also have used mostly Organa colloidal minerals for the last few years, 
lately I'm not getting them when ordered, I don't know why.  I got one 
Trimedica quart this time though.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS> LED lights&Belly Button - Nutmeg - Universe 47

2008-05-15 Thread mborgert

What has nutmeg on the belly button got to do with anything.
You are always s informative.
-- Original message from "Rowena" : -- 

Sorry Day, but I think that once you have a belly button you are pretty much stuck with it apart from plastic surgery, and even they tend to preserve them if possible. 
Still the belly button is useful to locate the navel, and the navel to locate the universe, oh, no, I meant the big blood vessel, the aorta thingy.  By shining the LED down the belly button, you are, besides showing up the cobwebs, shining it very close to the hugest passing flow of blood.  This would have the effect of cleaning the blood supply of a number of unwelcome guests; I have been given the suggestion to hold it there twenty minutes while all the blood supply of the body passes by and gets the treatment.  And while the nutmeg was for the prostate, for which the LED is also useful, I'm sure the belly would also appreciate a bit of nutmeg every now and then.

What was wrong with the belly button?  How much Nutmeg did it take to cure it? Day Sutton
On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 7:31 AM, Sandee George  wrote:
Hi There Steve - I live on the Island of Grenada the second largestproducer ofthe Nutmeg in the world - we use it here all the time for this problem aswell as many other medicinal challenges - we do not have the scientificstudies etc.,  that are found abroad in the larger countries, as far as Iam aware, we have our own old-time remedies which we know work and so weuse them when chal-lenges present themselves - this is all theinformation I can give you personally - you will have to be your ownjudge and follow your own intuition.Be well and healthyRegardsSandee


2008-05-15 Thread Shirley Reed
  Won't Lugol's iodine take fluoride out?   pj

Re: CS>fluoride

2008-05-15 Thread Hanneke

Here is an article about Lugol's , and a bit further down the page   fluoride.

At 09:33 AM 16/05/2008, you wrote:

  Won't Lugol's iodine take fluoride out?   pj
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Borax, mange, Lyme

2008-05-15 Thread cking001
On 5/15/2008 5:27:33 PM, M. G. Devour ( wrote:
>So, I was wondering if a regular oral dose of Borax, perhaps in a 
>capsule or two, might have this cleansing effect on the glands? It 
>would be cool if it was true.

DaddyBob on other lists recommended
"wet finger phalanx dipped in 20 mule team borax"
then licked off the finger, as a reasonable dose.

He claims benefits.

Squint as you approach me, lest you be blinded by my beauty

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Borax, mange, Lyme

2008-05-15 Thread Clayton Family

this is pretty cool, thanks for clearing it up.

On May 15, 2008, at 4:32 PM, M. G. Devour wrote:

Hi guys & gals,

What I was responding to was this, on the page that Rowena sent a link
to in the first post of this thread:


"A small pinch of boron can therefore be added to drinking water to
remove fluoride. I sometimes used borax mouthwash, to help reduce
fungus and bacteria in the mouth also. A small quantity of borax
chelates of fluoride and can be soothing and helps normalize sleeping
patterns. I once had sleeping problems and with small borax use,
fluorides were removed that was accumulated in the pineal gland,
allowing the pineal gland to function normally creating melatonin,
which controls sleep. However I later found that some colorless iodine
painting and some boron doses are synergistic."

English is not the fellow's first language, obviously, but he seems to
be well regarded and some of his info consistent with other things
we've seen and heard.

So, I was wondering if a regular oral dose of Borax, perhaps in a
capsule or two, might have this cleansing effect on the glands? It
would be cool if it was true.

Be well,

Mike D.

On May 15, 2008, at 9:42 AM, Marshall Dudley wrote:

Mike, chelation works for metals only. Fluoride is a halogen.  It
bonds with metals, such as calcium (actually it will react with damn
near anything).  Unfortunately, once it has bonded to calcium in 

and teeth, I don't know of any way to get rid of it.


Kathryn wrote:
Yes, that is about right, and in addition, it is hard to even get out 

water from what I hear. It is one of the most reactive elements on the
planet, scary stuff.   It seems like the body is doing the best it 

getting it into the bones and out of harm's way.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Borax, mange, Lyme

2008-05-15 Thread Nenah Sylver

- Original Message - 

Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2008 6:43 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Borax, mange, Lyme

DaddyBob on other lists recommended
"wet finger phalanx dipped in 20 mule team borax"
then licked off the finger, as a reasonable dose.

Everything I have read suggests that borax is none other than the mineral 
boron, which is an essential nutrient.


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