Re: CSStorage containers for CS

2008-07-20 Thread marmar845

Hi Kathryn -- thanks for your input. Yes -- you are referring to the hard plastic containers, yes? I was looking for information on which plastics are OK for storing CS, and which are not. Best I can remember, the soft, opaque plastic ones (such as milk jugs) are not OK. Am I remembering right? MA

-- Original message from Clayton Family --  Many of us buy water in plastic bottles, like aquafina or whatever, and  pour the water out and fill up with CS. I do this a lot and have never  had a problem yet. ---KathrynOn Jul 18, 2008, at 10:40 AM, wrote:I know this has been discussed on the list before, but as we have no   archives -- I need to pass information on pertaining to appropriate   storage containers for CS. Some forms of plastic are OK, others are   not -- would someone be kind enough to elaborate on this for me?   Thanks in advance. MA  --  The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.   Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:   To post, address your message to:   Address Off-Topic messages to:   The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...   List maintainer: Mike Devour   

Re: CSStorage containers for CS

2008-07-20 Thread marmar845

Hi Dee. Thanks for your reply. Yes -- the PET bottles are the hard, clear plastic ones, right? I'm trying to find out if the opaque plastic jugs are still considered to be a poor choice for storing CS. Thanks. MA

-- Original message from "Dee " -- 

Hi MA, I am wrestling with this problem (still, I hear you say?) and I actually bought new PET bottles because of having problems with CS going yellow in used bottles. I have found that if I put one lot of CS in the new bottle, it still went yellow, but when this lot is tipped out and I put in another lot; this seems to be ok. I am now on the fourth day and the batch is still clear, so I am hopeful that I have solved the problem. The upshot of all this rambling is; that PET bottles are supposed to be OK for CS but I have had problems with first batches. Some think that glass is better but others have no problem with PeT plastic. Dee 

---Original Message---

Date: 07/18/08 16:41:12
Subject: CSStorage containers for CS

I know this has been discussed on the list before, but as we have no archives -- I need to pass information on pertaining to appropriate storage containers for CS. Some forms of plastic are OK, others are not -- would someone be kind enough to elaborate on this for me? Thanks in advance. MA

Re: CSRestless Leg Syndrome

2008-07-20 Thread Dee
I cannot see how this can possibly work.  What is the science behind it? 

---Original Message---
From: chaha
Date: 07/19/08 20:14:12
To: Silver List
Subject: CSRestless Leg Syndrome
“My husband was having severe leg cramps at night. Without telling him, I
placed a soap bar under his sheets for two nights before he noticed. It
worked! He’s had no more cramps. We still can't believe it! “
“I have had severe leg cramps for years. When I read about putting a bar of
soap in bed, I got a bar of Ivory and put it under the bottom sheet near my
legs. It’s been a month since I did that, and I have not had one leg cramp.

Re: CSStorage containers for CS

2008-07-20 Thread Dee
Huh?  Dee 

---Original Message---
From: Clayton Family
Date: 19/07/2008 19:02:27
Subject: Re: CSStorage containers for CS
On Jul 19, 2008, at 9:15 AM, Dee wrote:
 That was my thought Ode, although I thought that new bottles would be
 ok as I had had problems with used bottles.  I think this last lot is
 ok so I'll let you know how it comes out with re-using.  I'm thinking
 that maybe if I filled the bottles up with DW and left for a few days
 before filling with CS?  The trouble is, this could get expensive as I
 buy my DW at £1.80 per litre.  Dee

 ---Original Message---

 From: Ode Coyote
 Date: 19/07/2008 13:45:15
 Subject: Re: CSStorage containers for CS

That speaks of a contaminant in the new bottle that the first batch
 CS uses up.


Re: CSStorage containers for CS

2008-07-20 Thread Dee
Oh I wondered what that was!  Well what I bought was called Caledonian
spring water and was supposed to be from natural sources and the plastic was
PET but I still got yellow CS even after rinsing with DW.  It was only after
putting a batch of CS in and then throwing it and putting in a new batch,
that it was ok.  Dee 

---Original Message---
From: Clayton Family
Date: 19/07/2008 19:03:42
Subject: Re: CSStorage containers for CS
soryy I hit the wrong button, and sent an empty msg.
I do not buy mineral water, I buy regular spring water in 1/2 liter
bottles. I have never had a problem with it.
On Jul 19, 2008, at 9:15 AM, Dee wrote:

Re: CSStorage containers for CS

2008-07-20 Thread Dee
Hi MA.  I think you have to look at the  little triangle on the bottom of
the bottle and it has to say either 1 or 2 to be able to be used.  I know
that the other numbers (i.e. 3, 5) are not suitable.  Dee 

---Original Message---
Date: 20/07/2008 07:30:26
Subject: Re: CSStorage containers for CS
Hi Dee.  Thanks for your reply.  Yes -- the PET bottles are the hard, clear
plastic ones, right?  I'm trying to find out if the opaque plastic jugs are
still considered to be a poor choice for storing CS.  Thanks.  MA

Re: CSRestless Leg Syndrome

2008-07-20 Thread mborgert

It does work
Do not know how
-- Original message from "Dee " -- 

I cannot see how this can possibly work. What is the science behind it? Dee 

---Original Message---

From: chaha
Date: 07/19/08 20:14:12
To: Silver List
Subject: CSRestless Leg Syndrome


“My husband was having severe leg cramps at night. Without telling him, I placed a soap bar under his sheets for two nights before he noticed. It worked! He’s had no more cramps. We still can't believe it! “

“I have had severe leg cramps for years. When I read about putting a bar of soap in bed, I got a bar of Ivory and put it under the bottom sheet near my legs. It’s been a month since I did that, and I have not had one leg cramp.


2008-07-20 Thread Teri Kavakos

At 11:30 PM 7/19/2008, you wrote:

….do anyone know how to turn his legs white again?

Keep washing with bluing shampoo like Shimmer Lights but be sure to 
condition the coat for several weeks as this is very drying to the coat. As 
to why his legs turn red it is from his saliva as he licks the moisture off 
his legs.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRestless Leg Syndrome

2008-07-20 Thread Faith Gagne
It did not work for me.  I tried it a few times and NOTHING happened.  Faith G.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2008 9:54 AM
  Subject: Re: CSRestless Leg Syndrome

  It does work
  Do not know how
-- Original message from Dee 

  I cannot see how this can possibly work.  What is the science behind 
it?  Dee 

  ---Original Message---

  From: chaha
  Date: 07/19/08 20:14:12
  To: Silver List
  Subject: CSRestless Leg Syndrome


  “My husband was having severe leg cramps at night. Without telling 
him, I placed a soap bar under his sheets for two nights before he noticed. It 
worked! He’s had no more cramps. We still can't believe it! “
  “I have had severe leg cramps for years. When I read about putting a 
bar of soap in bed, I got a bar of Ivory and put it under the bottom sheet near 
my legs. It’s been a month since I did that, and I have not had one leg cramp.




CSSilver resistant bacteria

2008-07-20 Thread trem
Saw this on one of lists I'm subscribed to.


Hi everyone,

When looking up some information about a bacteria, I came across some 
information at PubMed about silver resistance genes. There were actually 
several bacteria mentioned in article titles - Salmonella, E. coli, Serratia. 
There may be more, especially among enteric (intestinal) bacteria. This 
information does not seem to be common knowledge in the althealth if colloidal silver is not working for you or someone you know, 
resistance may be part of the reason why.

Here is information from one article abstract, PubMed number 12829274. There 
are also a number of related articles available.

Bacterial silver resistance: molecular biology and uses and misuses of silver 
FEMS Microbiol Rev. 2003 Jun;27(2-3):341-53

Resistance to silver compounds as determined by bacterial plasmids and genes 
has been defined by molecular genetics. Silver resistance conferred by the 
Salmonella plasmid pMGH100 involves nine genes in three transcription 
units...[snip]...Of 70 random enteric isolates from a local hospital, isolates 
from catheters and other Ag-exposed sites, and total genomes of enteric 
bacteria, 10 have recognizable sil genes. The centrally located six genes are 
found and functional in the chromosome of Escherichia coli K-12, and also occur 
on the genome of E. coli O157:H7. The use of molecular epidemiological tools 
will establish the range and diversity of such resistance systems in clinical 
and non-clinical sources. Silver compounds are used widely as effective 
antimicrobial agents to combat pathogens (bacteria, viruses and eukaryotic 
microorganisms) in the clinic and for public health hygiene. Silver cations 
(Ag+) are microcidal at low concentrations and used to treat burns, wounds and 
ulcers. Ag is used to coat catheters to retard microbial biofilm development. 
Ag is used in hygiene products including face creams, alternative medicine 
health supplements, supermarket products for washing vegetables, and water 
filtration cartridges. Ag is generally without adverse effects for humans, and 
argyria (irreversible discoloration of the skin resulting from subepithelial 
silver deposits) is rare and mostly of cosmetic concern.

Best wishes,

Re: CSWhat is High in Potassium ? also clays

2008-07-20 Thread Clayton Family

I agree, Wayne,

most fresh fruits are wonderful, and without our even knowing, we get 
healed from so many things, just by eating good fresh foods.  I 
struggled with some legs cramps over the winter and now they are gone. 
How, I am not too sure. I did take supplements trying to see which one 
would work, not sure if it was that or not.  But I keep the E-mergen-C 
in a pocket and if I get leg cramps while exercising, they clear right 
up with that now. That suggests to me a potassium lacking, or more 
likely higher usage of K when exercising.  However, I am also 
tolerating more of other minerals too, and over time that may also be 

I took some Azomite for awhile, but ended up having a reaction to it. 
Then it was suggested to me to stir it up with some CS water before 
drinking it down. I have not done that yet, not sure what I am waiting 
for, but just not in the mood. Had the same thing happen with the 
bentonite I tried out.

Smiling right back at you,


On Jul 19, 2008, at 10:45 PM, Wayne Fugitt wrote:

Some are very low and should not be compared. But most fruits and 
vegetables all have close to the  same.

  Different opinions welcome but try to make yours as clear as I did 
mine.  grin

 Almost forgot the important part get the potassium before 
you get the leg cramps,

  Not After.  ( Other minerals and electrolytes also )



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSStorage containers for CS

2008-07-20 Thread Clayton Family
Yes, they are clear, and should have a number in a triangle, but I 
don't see one. The aquafina water is purified water, and the bottles 
are the same as plastic pop bottles. I am not sure the milk type jugs 
are ok, I don't remember.

On Jul 20, 2008, at 1:28 AM, wrote:

Hi Kathryn -- thanks for your input.  Yes -- you are referring to the 
hard plastic containers, yes?  I was looking for information on which 
plastics are OK for storing CS, and which are not.  Best I can 
remember, the soft, opaque plastic ones (such as milk jugs) are not 
OK.  Am I remembering right?  MA

-- Original message from Clayton Family --

 Many of us buy water in plastic bottles, like aquafina or whatever, 
 pour the water out and fill up with CS. I do this a lot and have 

 had a problem yet. ---Kathryn


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSbreast cancer

2008-07-20 Thread Tel Tofflemire
I agree with this post on Lugol's Iodine, RE: Brest cancer.  Also I have had 
100% positive results with my Black Salve, I have great pictures with it 
working on me. 

Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ.

--- On Fri, 7/18/08, Dee wrote:

From: Dee
Subject: Re: CSbreast cancer
Date: Friday, July 18, 2008, 2:48 AM

#yiv184163477 v\:* {

#yiv184163477 v\:* {

I had great success with Lugols with overheating i.e. Getting really 
suffocatingly hot even when all others are cool.  I now am 'normal' as far as 
this goes, but do feel the cold in the winter now!  Still, you can't have 
everything.  I now keep my iodine intake up using kelp, but I think if your 
levels are low then Lugols is the way to go.  A proviso here: make sure you are 
not allergic to it first.  Dee 

---Original Message---

From: Shirley Reed
Date: 17/07/2008 22:57:50
Subject: CSbreast cancer
   People also need to know that both fibroid cysts in the breasts  and 
hypothyroidism usually precede breast  cancer and that a sufficient intake of 
the two forms of iodine in Lugol's Solution will eliminate both conditions.   
pj  Let him (her) that has ears to hear, hear, and whoever has a computer to 
research this, do so.


RE: CS MMS ..Mixing equal amounts of ACID

2008-07-20 Thread Tel Tofflemire
MMS is mineral solution, it need an acid to bond with, Vinagar, Lemon Juice, 
I have been useing it for a while, I can't tel if I am getting any benifits yet?

Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ.

--- On Mon, 7/7/08, bob Larson wrote:

From: bob Larson
Subject: RE: CS MMS/CS/Teeth - Making a Difference
Date: Monday, July 7, 2008, 6:26 PM

that's citric acid.  can use lemon or lime juice or vinegar instead.

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Monday, July 07, 2008 5:20 PM
Subject: Re: CS MMS/CS/Teeth - Making a Difference

I thought everyone was familiar with MMS...  when using MMS  you have to 
activate it with Citrus.  You wait 3 minutes after adding the Citrus drops to 
the MMS.  Then I added about a 1/4 C. distilled water.  Yes, I use all of it in 
one brusing.  When using MMS you need to follow the protocals.  You can google 
MMS and Jim Humble and read more about MMS.  It's a miracle product, but you 
need to be aware of proper use.
Hi Conni,
This sounds promising. What are citrus drops though? What do you mix the 
MMS and citrus drops in and do you use all of it for one brushing?
Shelli wrote:

 I believe it was last week or so that someone commented that they had 
 been brushing their teeth with MMS and were having great success.  So 
 for the last week I've been brushing my teeth with MMS (18 drops MMS 
 and Citrus Drops (5 drops for every drop of MMS)).  I'm scheduled for 
 a teeth cleaning next week and was looking forward to it as my teeth 
 were looking pretty dinge and were aching some.   I've only brushed in 
 the morning.  My teeth are 3 to 4 shades lighter and they feel really 
 clean.  You also indicated that your gums used to bleed whenever you 
 brushed; as did mine.  They no long bleed.  I've also used the dental 
 floss so that the MMS could go deeper into the gums.  I don't think my 
 teeth have looked this white in 10 years.  Can't wait to see how they 
 will long in a few months.

 Though some of you mine be interested. 



Click to find great rates on home insurance, save big, shop here.


Re: CSStorage containers for CS

2008-07-20 Thread Wayne Fugitt

At 02:01 PM 7/20/2008, you wrote:
Yes, they are clear, and should have a number in a triangle, but I don't 
see one.

I think all my very good bottles have HDPE in addition to the number.
( High Density Poly-Ethylene  )

I was looking for information on which plastics are OK for storing CS, 
and which are not.

  The HDPE  and LDPE  are often available free, here and there.

  Or you can order a CASE and end the problem forever,  ( or a long, long, 
time )

  The problem is, I give away CS and my bottles never find their way home.

   I have thought of saying,

   The CS is free but the bottle is  $ 2.00

   I have high quality glass bottles for local storage.  Many colors too.



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRestless Leg Syndrome

2008-07-20 Thread Dianne France
I have forwarded this information on to my brother who has problems with this.  
Science or not if it works for some it works.  He would welcome relief.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2008 9:54 AM
  Subject: Re: CSRestless Leg Syndrome

  It does work
  Do not know how
-- Original message from Dee -- 

  I cannot see how this can possibly work.  What is the science behind 
it?  Dee 

  ---Original Message---

  Date: 07/19/08 20:14:12
  To: Silver
  Subject: CSRestless Leg Syndrome


  “My husband was having severe leg cramps at night. Without telling 
him, I placed a soap bar under his sheets for two nights before he noticed. It 
worked! He’s had no more cramps. We still can't believe it! “
  “I have had severe leg cramps for years. When I read about putting a 
bar of soap in bed, I got a bar of Ivory and put it under the bottom sheet near 
my legs. It’s been a month since I did that, and I have not had one leg cramp.




Re: CSSilver resistant bacteria

2008-07-20 Thread M. G. Devour
I agree it is quite interesting, Michael.

The only silver resistant bacteria we've heard about before were found
in mineral deposits where silver was in high concentration in the
growth medium. Resistance was quickly lost by future generations of the
bugs when removed from the silver rich environment. At least a few
common types of bacteria were found to behave this way if I remember
the stories right.

If at least a few bacteria pathogenic in humans turn out to have this
ability as well, *and* it can be turned on by the kind of exposure to
silver that occurs with routine CS use, then this can become a problem.

I suspect (and hope!) we're not on the verge of wholesale silver
resistance of run-of-the-mill bacteria in everyday life. Not if
ongoing, mult-generational exposure is needed to turn on that defense
mechanism, and removal from the silver-rich environment breaks the
cycle. In a word, I won't panic yet.

Worth watching, definitely. Thanks for the heads-up, Trem.

Be well,

Mike D.

Michael Zangari wrote:
 This is one of the most important stories I've read in the last decade.

 Trem wrote:
 Saw this on one of lists I'm subscribed to.
 Hi everyone,

 When looking up some information about a bacteria, I came across some
 information at PubMed about silver resistance genes. There were actually
 several bacteria mentioned in article titles - Salmonella, E. coli,
 Serratia. There may be more, especially among enteric (intestinal)
 bacteria. This information does not seem to be common knowledge in the
 althealth community... so if colloidal silver is not working for you or
 someone you know, resistance may be part of the reason why.

 Here is information from one article abstract, PubMed number 12829274.
 There are also a number of related articles available.

 Bacterial silver resistance: molecular biology and uses and misuses of
 silver compounds. FEMS Microbiol Rev. 2003 Jun;27(2-3): 341-53

 Resistance to silver compounds as determined by bacterial plasmids and
 genes has been defined by molecular genetics. Silver resistance
 conferred by the Salmonella plasmid pMGH100 involves nine genes in three
 transcription units...[snip] ...Of 70 random enteric isolates from a
 local hospital, isolates from catheters and other Ag-exposed sites, and
 total genomes of enteric bacteria, 10 have recognizable sil genes. The
 centrally located six genes are found and functional in the chromosome
 of Escherichia coli K-12, and also occur on the genome of E. coli
 O157:H7. The use of molecular epidemiological tools will establish the
 range and diversity of such resistance systems in clinical and
 non-clinical sources. Silver compounds are used widely as effective
 antimicrobial agents to combat pathogens (bacteria, viruses and
 eukaryotic microorganisms) in the clinic and for public health hygiene.
 Silver cations (Ag+) are microcidal at low concentrations and used to
  treat burns, wounds and ulcers. Ag is used to coat catheters to retard
  microbial biofilm development. Ag is used in hygiene products including
  face creams, alternative medicine health supplements, supermarket
  products for washing vegetables, and water filtration cartridges. Ag is
  generally without adverse effects for humans, and argyria (irreversible
  discoloration of the skin resulting from subepithelial silver deposits)
  is rare and mostly of cosmetic concern.

 Best wishes,
 www.dnafrequencies. com

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSRestless Leg Syndrome (Ivory Soap or D3)

2008-07-20 Thread chaha
Hi, Dee,

Who knows how it works, but such a simple cost of opening a new bar of ivory 
soap, it's definitely worth the try!  The People's Pharmacy have other home 
remedies for things like nose bleeds - take your car keys and drop them down 
the back of your shirt; gin soaked raisins for arthritis.  These crazy things 
seem to work for some.  

Worth a try in my opinion.  But as far as working, it depends on what the cause 
of the problem is.  If this doesn't work, you're on to the next idea.  

Take care,


Hi, Faith,

Don't remember what you said - do you have restless leg syndrome or was it 
something else?  

I used to have back issues and couldn't figure out why, including some muscle 
spasms.  Was going to the chiropractor at least every 6 weeks.  Now that I 
added vitamin D3, haven't been there in over 8 months.  Keep looking until you 
find what works.  It's out there!

Take care,


Re: CSSilver resistant bacteria

2008-07-20 Thread Michael Zangari
This is one of the most important stories I've read in the last decade.

The novelist, journalist and psychologist 
Michael Zangari

--- On Sun, 7/20/08, trem wrote:

From: trem
Subject: CSSilver resistant bacteria
Date: Sunday, July 20, 2008, 12:04 PM

Saw this on one of lists I'm subscribed to.
Hi everyone,

When looking up some information about a bacteria, I came across some 
information at PubMed about silver resistance genes. There were actually 
several bacteria mentioned in article titles - Salmonella, E. coli, Serratia. 
There may be more, especially among enteric (intestinal) bacteria. This 
information does not seem to be common knowledge in the althealth community... 
so if colloidal silver is not working for you or someone you know, resistance 
may be part of the reason why.

Here is information from one article abstract, PubMed number 12829274. There 
are also a number of related articles available.

Bacterial silver resistance: molecular biology and uses and misuses of silver 
FEMS Microbiol Rev. 2003 Jun;27(2-3): 341-53

Resistance to silver compounds as determined by bacterial plasmids and genes 
has been defined by molecular genetics. Silver resistance conferred by the 
Salmonella plasmid pMGH100 involves nine genes in three transcription 
units...[snip] ...Of 70 random enteric isolates from a local hospital, isolates 
from catheters and other Ag-exposed sites, and total genomes of enteric 
bacteria, 10 have recognizable sil genes. The centrally located six genes are 
found and functional in the chromosome of Escherichia coli K-12, and also occur 
on the genome of E. coli O157:H7. The use of molecular epidemiological tools 
will establish the range and diversity of such resistance systems in clinical 
and non-clinical sources. Silver compounds are used widely as effective 
antimicrobial agents to combat pathogens (bacteria, viruses and eukaryotic 
microorganisms) in the clinic and for public health hygiene. Silver cations 
(Ag+) are microcidal at low concentrations and used to
 treat burns, wounds and ulcers. Ag is used to coat catheters to retard 
microbial biofilm development. Ag is used in hygiene products including face 
creams, alternative medicine health supplements, supermarket products for 
washing vegetables, and water filtration cartridges. Ag is generally without 
adverse effects for humans, and argyria (irreversible discoloration of the skin 
resulting from subepithelial silver deposits) is rare and mostly of cosmetic 

Best wishes,
www.dnafrequencies. com


CSrare disease- Adult onset Stills.

2008-07-20 Thread Ernie Patai
Hello Listers,


I was wondering if anyone has heard of Adult onset Stills disease or
anyone who has had experience with this.


I have a friend who has this rare disease over seas which she was recently
diagnosed with.


Thank you all.


Ernie Patai 




Re: CSRestless Leg Syndrome

2008-07-20 Thread mborgert

I had not used the soap for awhile,one week, I thought I was doing ok no leg cramps, but my husband said my restless legs were everywhere for that week. He did not want to tell me, so it is back to the soap, small price to pay.
I tried everything under the sun, but this beats all, plus I always drink 16oz of water during the night at 10,12,2am. 
-- Original message from "Dianne France" --  

I have forwarded this informationon to my brother who has problems with this. Science or not if it works for some it works. He would welcome relief.


- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2008 9:54 AM
Subject: Re: CSRestless Leg Syndrome

It does work
Do not know how
-- Original message from "Dee " -- 

I cannot see how this can possibly work. What is the science behind it? Dee 

---Original Message---

From: chaha
Date: 07/19/08 20:14:12
To: Silver List
Subject: CSRestless Leg Syndrome


“My husband was having severe leg cramps at night. Without telling him, I placed a soap bar under his sheets for two nights before he noticed. It worked! He’s had no more cramps. We still can't believe it! “

“I have had severe leg cramps for years. When I read about putting a bar of soap in bed, I got a bar of Ivory and put it under the bottom sheet near my legs. It’s been a month since I did that, and I have not had one leg cramp.

Re: CSSilver resistant bacteria

2008-07-20 Thread Michael Zangari
Thank you for the additional information and the balanced perspective.

The novelist, journalist and psychologist 
Michael Zangari

--- On Sun, 7/20/08, M. G. Devour wrote:

From: M. G. Devour
Subject: Re: CSSilver resistant bacteria
Date: Sunday, July 20, 2008, 5:36 PM

I agree it is quite interesting, Michael.

The only silver resistant bacteria we've heard about before were found
in mineral deposits where silver was in high concentration in the
growth medium. Resistance was quickly lost by future generations of the
bugs when removed from the silver rich environment. At least a few
common types of bacteria were found to behave this way if I remember
the stories right.

If at least a few bacteria pathogenic in humans turn out to have this
ability as well, *and* it can be turned on by the kind of exposure to
silver that occurs with routine CS use, then this can become a problem.

I suspect (and hope!) we're not on the verge of wholesale silver
resistance of run-of-the-mill bacteria in everyday life. Not if
ongoing, mult-generational exposure is needed to turn on that defense
mechanism, and removal from the silver-rich environment breaks the
cycle. In a word, I won't panic yet.

Worth watching, definitely. Thanks for the heads-up, Trem.

Be well,

Mike D.

Michael Zangari wrote:
 This is one of the most important stories I've read in the last

 Trem wrote:
 Saw this on one of lists I'm subscribed to.
 Hi everyone,

 When looking up some information about a bacteria, I came across some
 information at PubMed about silver resistance genes. There were actually
 several bacteria mentioned in article titles - Salmonella, E. coli,
 Serratia. There may be more, especially among enteric (intestinal)
 bacteria. This information does not seem to be common knowledge in the
 althealth community... so if colloidal silver is not working for you or
 someone you know, resistance may be part of the reason why.

 Here is information from one article abstract, PubMed number 12829274.
 There are also a number of related articles available.

 Bacterial silver resistance: molecular biology and uses and misuses of
 silver compounds. FEMS Microbiol Rev. 2003 Jun;27(2-3): 341-53

 Resistance to silver compounds as determined by bacterial plasmids and
 genes has been defined by molecular genetics. Silver resistance
 conferred by the Salmonella plasmid pMGH100 involves nine genes in three
 transcription units...[snip] ...Of 70 random enteric isolates from a
 local hospital, isolates from catheters and other Ag-exposed sites, and
 total genomes of enteric bacteria, 10 have recognizable sil genes. The
 centrally located six genes are found and functional in the chromosome
 of Escherichia coli K-12, and also occur on the genome of E. coli
 O157:H7. The use of molecular epidemiological tools will establish the
 range and diversity of such resistance systems in clinical and
 non-clinical sources. Silver compounds are used widely as effective
 antimicrobial agents to combat pathogens (bacteria, viruses and
 eukaryotic microorganisms) in the clinic and for public health hygiene.
 Silver cations (Ag+) are microcidal at low concentrations and used to
  treat burns, wounds and ulcers. Ag is used to coat catheters to retard
  microbial biofilm development. Ag is used in hygiene products including
  face creams, alternative medicine health supplements,
  products for washing vegetables, and water filtration cartridges. Ag is
  generally without adverse effects for humans, and argyria (irreversible
  discoloration of the skin resulting from subepithelial silver deposits)
  is rare and mostly of cosmetic concern.

 Best wishes,
 www.dnafrequencies. com

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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