Re: CS>abscessed gums and chaparral

2008-09-05 Thread Norton, Steve
Here is the info 
 - Steve

- Original Message -
From: bbanever 
Sent: Tue Sep 02 22:28:13 2008
Subject: Re: CS>abscessed gums

Hi Steve,
Thanks so much for the info.  By 0.5 in I assume you mean 1/2 inch above 
the chapparral, correct?

- Original Message - 
From: Norton, Steve   
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 8:58 AM
Subject: RE: CS>abscessed gums

Sorry to not reply last night but I was on my Blackberry and it isn't 
user friendly in providing links. Here is the link to Ryan Drum's article:
Here is an excerpt from the article:
Chaparral contains over 600 medicinally active ingredients; some of 
these are extremely antimicrobial against both Gram positive and Gram negative 
bacteria. In one case, a 10-yr-old male presented with an abscessing lower 
molar; the gum was very swollen and tender. I used a strong (1:1) 50% alcohol 
extract of chaparral directly on the inflamed area at thirty minute intervals 
for 8 hours and then once every 4 hours. The swelling subsided at the end of 
eight hours and all signs of inflammation resolved in 48 hours. The 
inflammation did not recur. I was using both the strong anti-inflammatory and 
the antimicrobial activity of the Chaparral. I suspected that some coarse food 
particle(s) had lodged deep between the gum and the tooth and driven aerobic 
bacteria into an anaerobic growth phase. No initiating trauma was identified. 
If there had been less acute inflammation, I may have used a different 
I bought my chaparral powder from:  
I made a 50% alcohol extract (tincture) using vodka. To make a 
tincture, put the chaparral powder in a jar and add vodka to 0.5 inches higher 
than the chaparral. Store in a darkened place and wait 2 weeks, shaking the 
tincture once every day. At the end of the two weks just filter out the powder 
and you have it.
 - Steve

From: bbanever [] 
Sent: Monday, September 01, 2008 5:07 PM
Subject: Re: CS>abscessed gums

 I'd be interested in the link to the herbalist for the chaparral.  
I have a cavity that needs filling as I type, so I'm a good candidate.


CS>Steve, abcesed gums, and chaparral

2008-09-05 Thread Shirley Reed
  Hi Steve,  I am interested in this  so can you please send it to me??
tia   pj

Re: CS>Nevilles Journey

2008-09-05 Thread Neville

- Original Message - 
From: "Wayne Fugitt" 

Sent: Friday, September 05, 2008 11:31 PM
Subject: CS>Nevilles Journey

This, I am NOT looking forward to.  Think I will leave my 'pooter off for a 
couple of days...

Emorning wayne.


[I have some cautions and suggestions for you.  And a list of hazards. 
Please stand byWayne]

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2008-09-05 Thread Neville
Sense of humour, invaluable, god forbid if we ever lose that, thanks ode. 
Sorry, but it's just too easy to break out into uncontrolled hysterics when 
frustration reaches a certain level.

Good morning anyway.


- Original Message - 
From: "Ode Coyote" 

Sent: Friday, September 05, 2008 6:40 PM

  If you have that OHM meter, why bother to decode the resistor?...just 
measure it.
 The used to use primary colors on them, now it's hard to tell what a 
color is, never mind which end to start from.

Keep at it.   You'll be half ignorant like me pretty soon.

PS  It all runs on smoke.  If you let the smoke out, it won't work 


At 10:20 PM 9/4/2008 +0930, you wrote:

Morning Ode,

Yep, no worries, have been doing a lot of downloading and filing, watching 
tutorials, reading and re-reading the info all you people have given me, 
and studying most of the day.  Playing around with a multimeter on my 
unit.  At least I now know what the votage and current is between the 
electrodes, or is it amps, doesn't matter anyway, still reading. 
Resistors are a little more tricky as I have never taken any notice of 
those in electronic gizmos, so need to see a few and read more to get a 
better mental picture of which end to look at as the ones in my units are 
a bit hard to distinguish the colour bands to know which end the numbers 
start.  Once I get my head around it it will be ok.  I've just got this 
thing in my head about 'spiking' the power in combination with 
stirring...just a wild idea till I learn a bit more about the other stuff. 
After the basics am going to do some study on capacitors.  Probably only 
attempting to re-invent the wheel I guess but when I know more about 
capacitors I will know if that knowledge is of any value, if not then 
nothing lost...only time.


- Original Message - From: "Ode Coyote" 
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 7:15 PM

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Re: CS>Iodine, Allergic ? ( other food problems )

2008-09-05 Thread Neville


Excuse me butting in, but sulpher causes problems as well and sulpher is in 
plenty of stuff we ingest, used as preservative.  Of course I could be 
opening my mouth half cocked here by butting in.  So I'll butt out now.

Hoo Roo.

- Original Message - 
From: "Clayton Family" 

Sent: Saturday, September 06, 2008 12:40 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Iodine, Allergic ? ( other food problems )

On Sep 5, 2008, at 5:53 AM, Wayne Fugitt wrote:

 Glad you used the word,  sensitive.  One of my daughters appears to be 
allergic to iodine, she thinks she is, and has had reactions, will not 
eat shrimp, and anything that contains very much iodine.

bear with me now: what if the reaction she has to the iodine is because of 
getting way too much of another halogen, like maybe bromine, or maybe even 
chlorine?  They react similarly chemically, so maybe it is a simple thing 
to figure out.  There is a lot of bromine in processed food.

While I am not disagreeing with you, my daughter, and many others, it is 
very hard for me not to do it.  It is beyond my belief and all my years 
of study, to believe anyone can be allergic to a proven, known, necessary 
nutrient.  It is almost like someone saying,

I am allergic to protein
I am allergic to fat
I am allergic to carbohydrate !

What if someone said," I am allergic to Water"  ?

I have met people that stated.   "I cannot take any vitamin C".

I know people that are so sensitive to mold that they can't take the type 
of vit C that is produced by fermentation. They have to take some made by 
another process, or maybe rose hips, fruit, etc.

I firmly believe that there is a problem with

Body Chemistry
Intercellular Communications,( or all three )

Anyone that knows anything at all, should understand these can become 
out of order, work less than perfect, and all kinds of symptoms, 
ailments, and disease will be the result.

yep, the hundred dollar question.

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Re: CS>adrenal fatigue

2008-09-05 Thread Smitty
> Does anyone have any info on adrenal fatigue ?
> Thanx.  dee

You might look here =


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2008-09-05 Thread Neville

Morning Dan,

OK, yep well you are right, the adaptor is 24v rated, the resistor is in 
circuit after the led, and I am still working on the ohms, kilohms x100 or 
1000 thing, still studying that bit.  Don't like the sound of that 60mA 
part. Although, going by all the anecdotal writings that abound in the 
public domain, I appear to get a good product though, going by taste, 
(minimal), colour, (DS water usually clear, Pure water seems to give varying 
colours from clear/pink/gold, but never darker), and TE.  I assumed this was 
fairly good stuff.  After spending many hours reading all the 'rumours', (I 
have to call them rumours as it's impossible to find 'dead set facts', if 
you get my meaning), I have sort of made up my own mind as a result until I 
find someone who actually can definitely confirm what is 'good' and what is 
'not', you see what I mean here, an abundance of 
info/misinfo/anecdotal/could be this/could be that/this is a pretty 
colour/that is a pretty colour etc etc.  Oh, the rainwater CS tastes like I 
have eaten a jam tin though.


- Original Message - 
From: "Dan Nave" 

Sent: Saturday, September 06, 2008 12:02 AM

25.5 volts at the electrode is OK, but you don't have a 24 volt input,
you have more.
You can't have more voltage than there is at the input in this sort of
circuit.  You could say
24V rated wall wart or something like that...

A resistor of .4 ohms is a dead short really, you may have been on the
K-ohm range in which case it would be .4K ohms, or 400 ohms.  (K stands
for 1000)

If this is the case you have 25.5 V divided by 400 ohms which gives you
62.5 milliamps as a maximum current that will flow in the circuit.
Adding the LED will use up about 1.5 volts of your total voltage so you
would have 24 / 400 = 60ma.

Make sure the LED is connected with the correct polarity  or else it
will block all current flow.  If it lights up, it is in the correct

Current is labeled Amps, or milliamps (for Amps/1000).


-Original Message-
From: Neville []
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2008 8:33 AM

Hi bob,

Yep yep, no worries, I always get mine from China anyway.
Can get 2 sets there for the price of 1 here so I never buy
them here in Australia anymore.
I don't throw them out when machine tells me they are empty
either, I just tell the printer that I have installed new
ones and get a heap more printing done.  I wonder how many
people throw half empty cartridges away just because the
printer says they are empty, my experience is that they are
about 2/3 empty, still life in them yet, well mine anyway.

By the way, have been doing some calculating and now know
what my units do, (saying that with tongue in cheek while
waiting with baited breath)...25.5volts at electrodes from
24volt input, 00.4 ohm resistor, (decimal point maybe?),
gives me 63.75 amps?, (again decimal point could be in the
wrong place so would be 6.375 I spose), 1 LED in the circuit as well.
Only one question left, the 'amps' would be termed 'current'
would it not?


- Original Message -
From: "bob Larson" 
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2008 10:42 PM

> eBay: ink cartridge refill kits and stale dated (but sealed
and fine)
> cartridges save a ton of money.
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Neville []
>> Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 10:09 PM
>> To:
>> I've printed so much info out about CS etc that I am tired of
>> replacing ink
>> cartridges, (costing me a fortune).  I am going to have to
pinch the new
>> ones I got for my daughter back now to continue .  Yep, it's all
>> fun isn't
>> long as I can keep it as 'fun'.
>> Neville.
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Check out

2008-09-05 Thread jessie70
Thanks for this, but it is not the site. It was an excellent site that had and more words in the name. This site looks like it's 
related but it has a lot of advertising that the other site didn't have. Jess

- Original Message -
Date: Friday, September 5, 2008 10:07 am
Subject: CS>Check out

> _Click here: nutritionalhealing.com_ 
> ( 
> **It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. 
> Find your travel 
> deal here. 
> (

Re: CS>Particle size - Comments please

2008-09-05 Thread Marshall Dudley
There is no problem storing CS in plastic, as long as the proper kind of 
plastic is used, and it is clean.  30 ppm for EIS is about the limit of 
what can be produced and remain stable.  It is very difficult to make 
stable 30 ppm.  Basically it has to be composed of 13 ppm of silver 
oxide 13 ppm of silver hydroxide, and 4 ppm of colloid.  That is the 
saturation level of silver oxide and silver hydroxide.


B Magnatta wrote:
I know CS shouldn't be stored in plastic but we needed some and had to 
buy what we could afford.  It said 30 parts per million.  Is that 
possible with out it being something else? It tastes nasty, lol.  I 
poured the CS into my glass bottle.
SincerelyBarb M. 
/---Original Message---/
/*From:*/ Ode Coyote 

/*Date:*/ 9/5/2008 12:18:53 PM
/*Subject:*/ RE: CS>Particle size - Comments please
   The diameter of a silver ion is around 0.000252 microns.

At least 80% of even a yellow brew is ions.
At 02:54 PM 9/4/2008 -0500, you wrote:

>Ok, I am responding to my own query. If I have something wrong, let me
>know. This may only be an exercise without use except as my attempt to
>understand CS and it's limits as best as I can. What I have found:
>* Nothing on the permeability limits of sublingual although I expect
> it to be less than the intestinal permeability.
>* The permeability of the intestines allows the passing of molecules
> up to 9200 Daltons, typically.
>* While Daltons is a measure of molecular weight, 9200 Daltons 

> equates to 13 Angstroms.
>* As a sanity test, NaEDTA is used to measure intestinal 

> Being a relatively large molecule (approximately 11 Angstroms) it
> has  roughly a 5% (to maybe 18%) absorption rate. One can measure the
> levels of  NaEDTA in the blood stream against the expected amount that
> should have been absorbed and determine if the permeability of the
> intestines is to high or too low. This correlates well with the previous
> statement.
>* CS with a yellow color has particle sizes in the .01 to .001 micron
> (10 to 100 Angstroms).
>* This would mean that most if not nearly all the CS particles in a
> yellow batch is not absorbable by the digestive system. (assuming a
> symmetrical distribution such as an even or Gaussian distribution)
>* There are factors such as pH and electrical charge that can 

> or decrease absorption.
>* This would also mean that little CS is absorbed sublingually.
>Comments? Ideas?
>  - Steve N
>-Original Message-
>From: Norton, Steve

>Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 8:06 AM
>Subject: CS>Particle size
>Does anyone know what the maximum size particle is that can be absorbed
>into the body either sublingually or through the stomach and intestines?
>  - Steve N
>No virus found in this incoming message.
>Checked by AVG -
>Version: 8.0.169 / Virus Database: 270.6.16/1652 - Release Date: 9/4/2008
>6:54 PM

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Re: CS>Particle size - Comments please

2008-09-05 Thread Marshall Dudley

Ode Coyote wrote:

  90% of an **inhaled** dose of finely divided silver **dust** was 
excreted by dogs in 30 days though the feces. [Phalen and Morrow 1973]

 The only way that silver can do that, is though the blood stream.


That is correct. When there is a foreign particle in the lungs, the body 
produces hydrogen peroxide to oxidize it.  That produces silver oxide 
and silver hydroxide which permeate the lung tissue and pass into the 
blood stream.  Then the liver removes them from the blood stream, and 
dumps them into the intestines, and they are excreted in the feces.


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Re: CS>adrenal fatigue

2008-09-05 Thread Craig Chamberlin

Hi Dee,

I have this particular issue (along with hypothyroidism) and there is a 
simple fix for it...but you need to get tested for cortisol levels and 
it needs to be a 24 hour saliva test.  Very simple.  It is also a good 
idea to get your thyroid tested for t3, t4, free t3 & t4 as it may be 
involved as well.

Just google saliva tests and free t3 tests, you'll find plenty of info.

The solution for adrenal fatigue is to take some supplements (search for 
Dr. James Wilson) and desiccated adrenal (I take Standard Process).

Kind regards,


Dee wrote:
Does anyone have any info on adrenal fatigue (sol?) I know it has been 
posted but as it didn't concern me at the time I didn't take too much 
notice.  I have looked it up but can't find any protocols to help cure 
it.  Thanx.  dee

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Re: CS>OT > multiple chemical sensitivity and infections?

2008-09-05 Thread Norton, Steve
An errant finger stroke caused me to lose your reply but I am glad you find the 
resonses helpful. I just wanted to support Peter and Kathryn's suggestions 
regarding the use of calcium Bentonite and/or Zeolite if you are not already 
using them. They are amazing substances for removing toxins from the body. If 
you have difficulty ingesting substances you may want to use the Bentonite in a 
bath or use powdered Zeolite internally. The powdered Zeolite usually contains 
some larger particles than the liquids and that would be better if you do have 
increased intestinal permeability. If cost is an issue, you might consider the 
calcium Bentonite used for Koi ponds in the bath but not internally. The Koi 
Bentonite often comes from the top 12 inches of a Bentonite deposit. The second 
12 inches is used for feed to animals and the deposit 24 inches and below for 
human ingestion,
I often suspect that they run out of the top 12 inches and that the differences 
between the cheaper and more expensive Bentonites are not so great but I have 
no proof. 
No, I have not had a leaky gut. I ran across the condition while researching 
another issue. I found it interesting that under this condition the incrreased 
permeability of the intestines allows toxins, undugested food particles and 
bacteria into the bloodstream. This then triggers an immune system response and 
so even food can be treated as an intruder by the body, hence the apparent 
allergy to foods. It also increases the toxin load on liver and internal 
inflammations.. I was also suprised by the number of conditions that can cause 
the problem.
  - Steve N

- Original Message -
From: Norton, Steve 
Sent: Thu Sep 04 15:24:51 2008
Subject: RE: CS>OT > multiple chemical sensitivity and infections?

You are probably regretting having mentioned your sensitivity because then we 
all try to provide help/suggestions that you may have already looked into. I 
apologize if this response is a bother but have you been tested for what they 
refer to as a leaky gut? It is a condition where the intestines pass through 
particles that are too large and it can  cause symptoms such as you describe. 
There is an intestinal permeability assessment test that can detect the 
problem. The permeability of the intestines can be increased by a number of 
things including NSAID use. Treatments include glutamine, Vitamin A, Zinc, 
deglycyrrhizinated Licorice, Silymarin, Aloe and Slippery Elm.
 - Steve

From: Sara [] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 12:20 PM
Subject: Re: CS>OT > multiple chemical sensitivity and infections?

my MCS is exactly that; and i can't deal with supplements either. unless i take 
them infrequently. if i could take all the great stuff that is rec. by 
Teitelbaum and others, i prob. wouldn't be this sick. however...taking them is 
severe punishment. including antiyeast stuff. so my task is to figure out how 
to kill what's infesting me without killing ME, no easy task. most docs think i 
am making myself this sick, and who am i to contest that. it's a tricky 
tightrope to navigate. sorry to be such a wet blanket. and thanks for your 


CS>Re: Iodine and other Allergies.

2008-09-05 Thread Steven Foss
Dear Silver List,

Iodine allergies are as well known as contact allergies to Silver.  Reactions 
to shrimp, shellfish, kelp, etc. have been traced to iodine. Even when used as 
a disinfectant in a purified form, Iodine is very well know to cause allergic 
reaction.  My sister almost died from an unknown iodine allergy during a 
medical test using radioactive iodine to check her kidneys, she literally 
passed out on the table. 

(Immune systems have also been know to attack thyroid hormones for that matter 
causing low thyroid.)

Most people when allergic to wheat gluten, corn gluten, etc are allergic to the 
proteins (gluten specifically to the sugar binding proteins called lectins).  
Being allergic to protein is true with bee venom (foreign proteins), grass 
pollens, and the majority of milk and egg allergies. 

This isn't so astounding; all proteins, fats, oils, etc coming into the body 
are foreign bodies. How the digestive tract, Liver, and the immune system react 
to this foreign matter varies from individual to individual.  

I had one client's son who could only eat distilled water, white rice, and a 
"milk" made from lamb's meat. The child should have had beri-beri, scurvy, and 
a host of other deficiency disease, but did not. The child would go into 
anaphylactic shock from infancy (rules out the psychological factor),  when 
other foods were introduced, even when in dilute or minute quantities, and 
unknown to the child. 

A favorite website on Iodine.

I am not biased against iodine, but as allergies go it is a very common 
allergy.  One can even be allergic to sunlight, it is rare disease called Solar 


Steve Foss 


Re: CS>Iodine, Allergic ? ( other food problems )

2008-09-05 Thread Marshall Dudley

Wayne Fugitt wrote:

Morning Sol,

I read your long message,  Very Interesting indeed.

It is almost like someone saying,

I am allergic to protein
I am allergic to fat
I am allergic to carbohydrate !
Protein is not a good example.  The majority of food allergies are to 


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Re: CS>OT > multiple chemical sensitivity and infections

2008-09-05 Thread Peter Converse

Hey Kathryn,

It's funny that when we are going through things like I have and you have 
that we believe, some days, that we are the sorriest persons alive. Then we 
are shown many others who are in the same or similar boat and some who are 
even much worse off than ourselves. Prayer, perseverence, dogged 
determination, unflappable faith, willingness to experiment, a network of 
like-minded friends, endless hours of research/application (trial and 
error), and a complete   set of life priority adjustments can go a long 
way..remember how many supplement bottles filled the kitchen cupboards 
and how many ended up in the trash? What a journey! After all is said and 
done we emerge much stronger and smarter than before and able to assist 
others in a much more meaningful way and we learn the true definition of 
empathyexperientally...our hearts are forever changed. Praise God who 
upheld us in His righteous right hand and let no weapon formed against us 
prosper! Of course, all is never quite ALL said and goes on and 
the challenges change...step by step, day by day.



- Original Message - 
From: "Clayton Family" 

Sent: Friday, September 05, 2008 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: CS>OT > multiple chemical sensitivity and infections

Hey Peter,  thanks for the laughs, I guess alot of us have been there.
It cost me a great deal of money spent on practitioners to realize that
I was basically being poisoned and dying from an infection the drs
refused to treat (until I went to the environmental doc, who diagnosed
me). How much I would have saved in time, money and health if I had
only not been so skeptical of the alternative detoxing methods. Later
on after I did many hours and months of research I understood why the
detox stuff works, and how it related to my particular situation. I
wish I had been able to just jump in wholeheartedly with faith, but
 I am just not that type- gotta see it myself.

I had to start nearly every single thing I did to get well at a minute
amount compared to everyone else, due to my level of illness. I had to
start at a small dose and go up slowly. Even when I took the diflucan,
the first low dose put me in bed sick as a dog for days. So, I cut up
the pills and started with a much lower dose, and gradually increased
it during the first weeks. I was still in bed for almost the whole
month while it was killing off the aspergillus or whatever wide variety
I had going on.

If I had to do it over again, I would do much much more to bind the
toxins in the gut, as the gut re-abosrbs them continually, awhich makes
it very difficult to get well.  The activated charcoal, clays zeolites,
etc will help do that.  It really takes concerted effort. Plus, I just
love the sweating-I would feel enormously better after my salt sweat
baths, even if I did feel a little light headed.

There are some good protocols around, like at the yahoo groups
saunadetox and detox. I had a calendar and a checklist so I could keep
track of what I was doing. It helped me feel like I wasmaking progress
even if it was slow.

Best Wishes,


On Sep 5, 2008, at 7:44 AM, Peter Converse wrote:

Hi Sara,

A very gentle and gradual detoxification approach may get you headed in 
the right direction such as Richard Loyd's foot bath (2 tub method) and 
Lee Crock's Energy Cleaner or a copy of it. Zeolite in a ramped-up 
protocol may help as may charcoal, bentonite, French green clay and 
colonics. I bought a colonics machine 8 years ago when I was almost as 
good as dead and used it faithfully (I wasn't so disciplined as much as I 
was reluctant to deteriorate or die at the time). Next, came the FIR 
Sauna, slowly building up my times and intensities. Years of detoxifying 
made it possible for me to reintroduce previously off-limits herbs, 
supplements, foods etc. as I also was desensitized to offending 

There is light at the end of the tunnel.and it's not an oncoming train 
(laughter is good medicine too!)



- Original Message -
From: Sara
To: silver list
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 3:28 PM
Subject: Re: CS>OT > multiple chemical sensitivity and infections

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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2008-09-05 Thread Brickeyk
In a message dated 9/4/2008 2:55:44 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  

electronic components: Bad Boys Rape Our Young Girls But Violet  Gives
Willingly; Get Some Now

My electronic class (Air Force) left off the GSN part. Also I forget if its  
black brown or brown black. Our school had the half clothed Indian maiden 
named  Sohc-ah-to-a. Trig functions were never a problem there after. Sine o/h 
Cosine  a/h tangent o/a. I printed your e-mail and will keep it in the garage 
where  I do my CS generation. Just the other day I decided to add a resistor to 
my 2  1/2 gallon aquarium CS generator that old Bob helped me put together and  
he has in his handbook. If I got distracted I would end up with black  sludg
e. I wanted to limit the current to 8 ma. Over the years the 8 ma CS seems  to 
work for me. I got my stack of mixed resistors and had a tough time finding  
the right resistors as I forgot the color code. My $3 meter also helped to  
identify the right ones. First batch I forgot the time and ended  up with a 
of black 18 PPM per my PWT. Added several capfulls of  H2O2 which cleared it. 
Plan to use it for sinus flushes and CPAP.
I have been trying 17 drops MMS activated plus DMSO activated foot  baths for 
toenail fungus. Also I used mySilver Pulsar (SOTA) with probes in  separate 
tubs. The Silver Pulsar needed a resistor as its zap was too much even  at its 
minimum output. Used the color code again for a 2.2K resistor. I can  now turn 
the volume up to near maximum. Royalrife says the DC offset  voltage pulls 
mold toxins out like the ionic foot baths advertised. I  know fungus is a 
problem as I have high uric acid levels which are said to  be created by 
fungus. CS 
falls flat trying to treat a fungus. I am  wondering how come the success of 
CS for cancer (Trem) when they now say cancer  is a fungus (DR Simoncilli). MMS 
is said to be effective against fungus  problems

**It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel 
deal here.  

CS>adrenal fatigue

2008-09-05 Thread Dee
Does anyone have any info on adrenal fatigue (sol?) I know it has been 
posted but as it didn't concern me at the time I didn't take too much 
notice.  I have looked it up but can't find any protocols to help cure 
it.  Thanx.  dee

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Re: CS>Particle size - Comments please

2008-09-05 Thread Norton, Steve
Inhaling silver dust? Now that scares me.

- Original Message -
From: Ode Coyote 
Sent: Fri Sep 05 08:30:10 2008
Subject: RE: CS>Particle size - Comments please

   90% of an **inhaled** dose of finely divided silver **dust** was 
excreted by dogs in 30 days though the feces. [Phalen and Morrow 1973]
  The only way that silver can do that, is though the blood stream.


  At 03:09 PM 9/4/2008 -0700, you wrote:
>Hi; this is a little too mechanistic to account for the body's ability
>to break down and recombine not only proteins sugars and fats but also
>mineral constituents of what we ingest.  Nevertheless, it's been stated
>here in the past that 80 - 90% of CS is excreted through the bowel; I
>don't know if this is really true or not, but there are a few confusion
>factors to muddy the issue for ya.
>On Thu, 2008-09-04 at 14:54 -0500, Norton, Steve wrote:
> >
> > Ok, I am responding to my own query. If I have something wrong, let me
> > know. This may only be an exercise without use except as my attempt to
> > understand CS and it's limits as best as I can. What I have found:
> >
> >   * Nothing on the permeability limits of sublingual although I
> > expect it to be less than the intestinal permeability.
> >   * The permeability of the intestines allows the passing of
> > molecules up to 9200 Daltons, typically.
> >   * While Daltons is a measure of molecular weight, 9200 Daltons
> > roughly equates to 13 Angstroms.
> >   * As a sanity test, NaEDTA is used to measure intestinal
> > permeability. Being a relatively large molecule (approximately
> > 11 Angstroms) it has  roughly a 5% (to maybe 18%) absorption
> > rate. One can measure the levels of  NaEDTA in the blood
> > stream against the expected amount that should have been
> > absorbed and determine if the permeability of the intestines
> > is to high or too low. This correlates well with the previous
> > statement.
> >   * CS with a yellow color has particle sizes in the .01 to .001
> > micron (10 to 100 Angstroms).
> >   * This would mean that most if not nearly all the CS particles
> > in a yellow batch is not absorbable by the digestive system.
> > (assuming a symmetrical distribution such as an even or
> > Gaussian distribution)
> >   * There are factors such as pH and electrical charge that can
> > increase or decrease absorption.
> >   * This would also mean that little CS is absorbed sublingually.
> >
> >
> > Comments? Ideas?
> >
> >  - Steve N
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Norton, Steve []
> > Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 8:06 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: CS>Particle size
> >
> >
> > Does anyone know what the maximum size particle is that can be
> > absorbed into the body either sublingually or through the stomach and
> > intestines?
> >
> >  - Steve N
> >
> >
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>List maintainer: Mike Devour 
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>Checked by AVG -
>Version: 8.0.169 / Virus Database: 270.6.16/1652 - Release Date: 9/4/2008 
>6:54 PM

CS>Check out

2008-09-05 Thread JuGargo
_Click here:  nutritionalhealing.com_ (  

**It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel 
deal here.  

Re: CS>Particle size - Comments please

2008-09-05 Thread Norton, Steve
Thanks to you and Marshall for your responses. My own experiences told me 
something was wrong with the analysis and I was missing something.
 - Steve N

- Original Message -
From: Ode Coyote 
Sent: Fri Sep 05 07:47:03 2008
Subject: RE: CS>Particle size - Comments please

   The diameter of a silver ion is around 0.000252 microns.
At least 80% of even a yellow brew is ions.


At 02:54 PM 9/4/2008 -0500, you wrote:

>Ok, I am responding to my own query. If I have something wrong, let me 
>know. This may only be an exercise without use except as my attempt to 
>understand CS and it's limits as best as I can. What I have found:
>* Nothing on the permeability limits of sublingual although I expect 
> it to be less than the intestinal permeability.
>* The permeability of the intestines allows the passing of molecules 
> up to 9200 Daltons, typically.
>* While Daltons is a measure of molecular weight, 9200 Daltons roughly 
> equates to 13 Angstroms.
>* As a sanity test, NaEDTA is used to measure intestinal permeability. 
> Being a relatively large molecule (approximately 11 Angstroms) it 
> has  roughly a 5% (to maybe 18%) absorption rate. One can measure the 
> levels of  NaEDTA in the blood stream against the expected amount that 
> should have been absorbed and determine if the permeability of the 
> intestines is to high or too low. This correlates well with the previous 
> statement.
>* CS with a yellow color has particle sizes in the .01 to .001 micron 
> (10 to 100 Angstroms).
>* This would mean that most if not nearly all the CS particles in a 
> yellow batch is not absorbable by the digestive system. (assuming a 
> symmetrical distribution such as an even or Gaussian distribution)
>* There are factors such as pH and electrical charge that can increase 
> or decrease absorption.
>* This would also mean that little CS is absorbed sublingually.
>Comments? Ideas?
>  - Steve N
>-Original Message-
>From: Norton, Steve 
>Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 8:06 AM
>Subject: CS>Particle size
>Does anyone know what the maximum size particle is that can be absorbed 
>into the body either sublingually or through the stomach and intestines?
>  - Steve N
>No virus found in this incoming message.
>Checked by AVG -
>Version: 8.0.169 / Virus Database: 270.6.16/1652 - Release Date: 9/4/2008 
>6:54 PM

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Particle size - Comments please

2008-09-05 Thread B Magnatta
I know CS shouldn't be stored in plastic but we needed some and had to buy
what we could afford.  It said 30 parts per million.  Is that possible with
out it being something else? It tastes nasty, lol.  I poured the CS into my
glass bottle.

SincerelyBarb M. 

---Original Message---
From: Ode Coyote
Date: 9/5/2008 12:18:53 PM
Subject: RE: CS>Particle size - Comments please
   The diameter of a silver ion is around 0.000252 microns.
At least 80% of even a yellow brew is ions.
At 02:54 PM 9/4/2008 -0500, you wrote:
>Ok, I am responding to my own query. If I have something wrong, let me
>know. This may only be an exercise without use except as my attempt to
>understand CS and it's limits as best as I can. What I have found:
>* Nothing on the permeability limits of sublingual although I expect
> it to be less than the intestinal permeability.
>* The permeability of the intestines allows the passing of molecules
> up to 9200 Daltons, typically.
>* While Daltons is a measure of molecular weight, 9200 Daltons roughly
> equates to 13 Angstroms.
>* As a sanity test, NaEDTA is used to measure intestinal permeability.
> Being a relatively large molecule (approximately 11 Angstroms) it
> has  roughly a 5% (to maybe 18%) absorption rate. One can measure the
> levels of  NaEDTA in the blood stream against the expected amount that
> should have been absorbed and determine if the permeability of the
> intestines is to high or too low. This correlates well with the previous
> statement.
>* CS with a yellow color has particle sizes in the .01 to .001 micron
> (10 to 100 Angstroms).
>* This would mean that most if not nearly all the CS particles in a
> yellow batch is not absorbable by the digestive system. (assuming a
> symmetrical distribution such as an even or Gaussian distribution)
>* There are factors such as pH and electrical charge that can increase
> or decrease absorption.
>* This would also mean that little CS is absorbed sublingually.
>Comments? Ideas?
>  - Steve N
>-Original Message-
>From: Norton, Steve
>Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 8:06 AM
>Subject: CS>Particle size
>Does anyone know what the maximum size particle is that can be absorbed
>into the body either sublingually or through the stomach and intestines?
>  - Steve N
>No virus found in this incoming message.
>Checked by AVG -
>Version: 8.0.169 / Virus Database: 270.6.16/1652 - Release Date: 9/4/2008
>6:54 PM
The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Particle size - Comments please

2008-09-05 Thread Ode Coyote

  90% of an **inhaled** dose of finely divided silver **dust** was 
excreted by dogs in 30 days though the feces. [Phalen and Morrow 1973]

 The only way that silver can do that, is though the blood stream.


 At 03:09 PM 9/4/2008 -0700, you wrote:

Hi; this is a little too mechanistic to account for the body's ability
to break down and recombine not only proteins sugars and fats but also
mineral constituents of what we ingest.  Nevertheless, it's been stated
here in the past that 80 - 90% of CS is excreted through the bowel; I
don't know if this is really true or not, but there are a few confusion
factors to muddy the issue for ya.

On Thu, 2008-09-04 at 14:54 -0500, Norton, Steve wrote:
> Ok, I am responding to my own query. If I have something wrong, let me
> know. This may only be an exercise without use except as my attempt to
> understand CS and it's limits as best as I can. What I have found:
>   * Nothing on the permeability limits of sublingual although I
> expect it to be less than the intestinal permeability.
>   * The permeability of the intestines allows the passing of
> molecules up to 9200 Daltons, typically.
>   * While Daltons is a measure of molecular weight, 9200 Daltons
> roughly equates to 13 Angstroms.
>   * As a sanity test, NaEDTA is used to measure intestinal
> permeability. Being a relatively large molecule (approximately
> 11 Angstroms) it has  roughly a 5% (to maybe 18%) absorption
> rate. One can measure the levels of  NaEDTA in the blood
> stream against the expected amount that should have been
> absorbed and determine if the permeability of the intestines
> is to high or too low. This correlates well with the previous
> statement.
>   * CS with a yellow color has particle sizes in the .01 to .001
> micron (10 to 100 Angstroms).
>   * This would mean that most if not nearly all the CS particles
> in a yellow batch is not absorbable by the digestive system.
> (assuming a symmetrical distribution such as an even or
> Gaussian distribution)
>   * There are factors such as pH and electrical charge that can
> increase or decrease absorption.
>   * This would also mean that little CS is absorbed sublingually.
> Comments? Ideas?
>  - Steve N
> -Original Message-
> From: Norton, Steve []
> Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 8:06 AM
> To:
> Subject: CS>Particle size
> Does anyone know what the maximum size particle is that can be
> absorbed into the body either sublingually or through the stomach and
> intestines?
>  - Steve N

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No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG -
Version: 8.0.169 / Virus Database: 270.6.16/1652 - Release Date: 9/4/2008 
6:54 PM

RE: CS>Particle size - Comments please

2008-09-05 Thread Ode Coyote

  The diameter of a silver ion is around 0.000252 microns.
At least 80% of even a yellow brew is ions.


At 02:54 PM 9/4/2008 -0500, you wrote:

Ok, I am responding to my own query. If I have something wrong, let me 
know. This may only be an exercise without use except as my attempt to 
understand CS and it's limits as best as I can. What I have found:
   * Nothing on the permeability limits of sublingual although I expect 
it to be less than the intestinal permeability.
   * The permeability of the intestines allows the passing of molecules 
up to 9200 Daltons, typically.
   * While Daltons is a measure of molecular weight, 9200 Daltons roughly 
equates to 13 Angstroms.
   * As a sanity test, NaEDTA is used to measure intestinal permeability. 
Being a relatively large molecule (approximately 11 Angstroms) it 
has  roughly a 5% (to maybe 18%) absorption rate. One can measure the 
levels of  NaEDTA in the blood stream against the expected amount that 
should have been absorbed and determine if the permeability of the 
intestines is to high or too low. This correlates well with the previous 
   * CS with a yellow color has particle sizes in the .01 to .001 micron 
(10 to 100 Angstroms).
   * This would mean that most if not nearly all the CS particles in a 
yellow batch is not absorbable by the digestive system. (assuming a 
symmetrical distribution such as an even or Gaussian distribution)
   * There are factors such as pH and electrical charge that can increase 
or decrease absorption.

   * This would also mean that little CS is absorbed sublingually.

Comments? Ideas?

 - Steve N

-Original Message-
From: Norton, Steve 

Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 8:06 AM
Subject: CS>Particle size

Does anyone know what the maximum size particle is that can be absorbed 
into the body either sublingually or through the stomach and intestines?

 - Steve N

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG -
Version: 8.0.169 / Virus Database: 270.6.16/1652 - Release Date: 9/4/2008 
6:54 PM

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2008-09-05 Thread Ode Coyote

  If you have that OHM meter, why bother to decode the resistor?...just 
measure it.
 The used to use primary colors on them, now it's hard to tell what a 
color is, never mind which end to start from.

Keep at it.   You'll be half ignorant like me pretty soon.

PS  It all runs on smoke.  If you let the smoke out, it won't work anymore.


At 10:20 PM 9/4/2008 +0930, you wrote:

Morning Ode,

Yep, no worries, have been doing a lot of downloading and filing, watching 
tutorials, reading and re-reading the info all you people have given me, 
and studying most of the day.  Playing around with a multimeter on my 
unit.  At least I now know what the votage and current is between the 
electrodes, or is it amps, doesn't matter anyway, still 
reading.  Resistors are a little more tricky as I have never taken any 
notice of those in electronic gizmos, so need to see a few and read more 
to get a better mental picture of which end to look at as the ones in my 
units are a bit hard to distinguish the colour bands to know which end the 
numbers start.  Once I get my head around it it will be ok.  I've just got 
this thing in my head about 'spiking' the power in combination with 
stirring...just a wild idea till I learn a bit more about the other 
stuff.  After the basics am going to do some study on 
capacitors.  Probably only attempting to re-invent the wheel I guess but 
when I know more about capacitors I will know if that knowledge is of any 
value, if not then nothing lost...only time.


- Original Message - From: "Ode Coyote" 
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 7:15 PM

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2008-09-05 Thread jessie70
did someone on the list recommend a website called that 
gave a lot of info on mental health, addictions, etc.?  If so, please repost. I 
cannot find it online now. Thanks, Jess

RE: CS>Iodine, Allergic ? ( other food problems )

2008-09-05 Thread B Magnatta

Well they're saying she is allergic to water.

Sincerely, Barb M 
---Original Message---
From: Nenah Sylver
Date: 9/5/2008 11:03:13 AM
Subject: RE: CS>Iodine, Allergic ? ( other food problems )
It is beyond my belief and all my years of
study, to believe anyone can be allergic
to a proven, known, necessary nutrient.
It is almost like someone saying,
I am allergic to protein
I am allergic to fat
I am allergic to carbohydrate !
What if someone said, "I am allergic to Water" ?
Well put, Wayne. Often, people do not realize
that what's happening is not an "allergy,"
but is the result of what the nutrient is doing in
the body. For instance, iodine can cause
toxic metals like mercury, lead and cadmium
to be released from the fat cells into the
bloodstream. This can manifest as fatigue,
muscle aches, fever, diarrhea, brain fog, etc.
This is actually a DETOX process, and not
an allergy to iodine itself.
An important distinction.
Sometimes, the form in which the mineral
occurs is problematic. One woman was
unable to take Lugol's (normally effective
for most people, and well tolerated), but
she could assimilate her iodine from lobster.
An expensive, but life-saving diet. With
others, it's the opposite.
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Re: CS>Iodine, Allergic ? ( other food problems )

2008-09-05 Thread Harold MacDonald

To Wayne et al;
I agree with him all the way.
I don't take quite as many supps as Wayne,but close.
I did the Broda Barnes test for thyroid about 15 years ago and it was 92.5 
on waking in the AM.

At least for one time my dr. was right when he wouldn't go for thyroid meds.
So,I did a radical shift in my diet and before long  it was  normal.
I also was able to take off 34 lbs in 6 months which was necessary.
In closing I have to say that CS/EIS has been a blessing and I don't know 
what I would do without it.

PS;I am in my mid 80s now.

- Original Message - 
From: "Wayne Fugitt" 

Sent: Friday, September 05, 2008 3:53 AM
Subject: CS>Iodine, Allergic ? ( other food problems )

Morning Sol,

I read your long message,  Very Interesting indeed.

It is almost like someone saying,

I am allergic to protein
I am allergic to fat
I am allergic to carbohydrate !

What if someone said," I am allergic to Water"  ?

I have met people that stated.   "I cannot take any vitamin C".

Guess what ?   They are all dead now, or have cancer, and will die soon !

Sad, but true !

I firmly believe that there is a problem with

Body Chemistry
Intercellular Communications,( or all three )

Anyone that knows anything at all, should understand these can become 
out of order, work less than perfect, and all kinds of symptoms, ailments, 
and disease will be the result.

several nutritionists have stated,

not surprised that many people are sick.

surprised that anyone is healthy !

 Now the bad news..

Why has things changed ?

Age,  certainly

The food chain ?  It is broke, or nearly so.  Even organic food leaves 
lots to be desired.

( another book, I will write the introduction, but not the whole book )

I must have 200 different supplements, minerals, herbs.  So many, I cannot 
get around to all of them in a week , . or two weeks.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Iodine, Allergic ? ( other food problems )

2008-09-05 Thread Clayton Family

On Sep 5, 2008, at 5:53 AM, Wayne Fugitt wrote:

 Glad you used the word,  sensitive.  One of my daughters appears to 
be allergic to iodine, she thinks she is, and has had reactions, will 
not eat shrimp, and anything that contains very much iodine.

bear with me now: what if the reaction she has to the iodine is because 
of getting way too much of another halogen, like maybe bromine, or 
maybe even chlorine?  They react similarly chemically, so maybe it is a 
simple thing to figure out.  There is a lot of bromine in processed 

While I am not disagreeing with you, my daughter, and many others, it 
is very hard for me not to do it.  It is beyond my belief and all my 
years of study, to believe anyone can be allergic to a proven, known, 
necessary nutrient.  It is almost like someone saying,

I am allergic to protein
I am allergic to fat
I am allergic to carbohydrate !

What if someone said," I am allergic to Water"  ?

I have met people that stated.   "I cannot take any vitamin C".

I know people that are so sensitive to mold that they can't take the 
type of vit C that is produced by fermentation. They have to take some 
made by another process, or maybe rose hips, fruit, etc.

I firmly believe that there is a problem with

Body Chemistry
Intercellular Communications,( or all three )

Anyone that knows anything at all, should understand these can become 
out of order, work less than perfect, and all kinds of symptoms, 
ailments, and disease will be the result.

yep, the hundred dollar question.

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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Iodine, Allergic ? ( other food problems )

2008-09-05 Thread Nenah Sylver
It is beyond my belief and all my years of 
study, to believe anyone can be allergic 
to a proven, known, necessary nutrient.
It is almost like someone saying,

I am allergic to protein
I am allergic to fat
I am allergic to carbohydrate !

What if someone said, "I am allergic to Water" ?


Well put, Wayne. Often, people do not realize
that what's happening is not an "allergy,"
but is the result of what the nutrient is doing in 
the body. For instance, iodine can cause 
toxic metals like mercury, lead and cadmium 
to be released from the fat cells into the
bloodstream. This can manifest as fatigue,
muscle aches, fever, diarrhea, brain fog, etc.

This is actually a DETOX process, and not
an allergy to iodine itself.

An important distinction.

Sometimes, the form in which the mineral
occurs is problematic. One woman was
unable to take Lugol's (normally effective
for most people, and well tolerated), but
she could assimilate her iodine from lobster.
An expensive, but life-saving diet. With
others, it's the opposite.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>OT > multiple chemical sensitivity and infections

2008-09-05 Thread Clayton Family
Hey Peter,  thanks for the laughs, I guess alot of us have been there. 
It cost me a great deal of money spent on practitioners to realize that 
I was basically being poisoned and dying from an infection the drs 
refused to treat (until I went to the environmental doc, who diagnosed 
me). How much I would have saved in time, money and health if I had 
only not been so skeptical of the alternative detoxing methods. Later 
on after I did many hours and months of research I understood why the 
detox stuff works, and how it related to my particular situation. I 
wish I had been able to just jump in wholeheartedly with faith, but 
 I am just not that type- gotta see it myself.

I had to start nearly every single thing I did to get well at a minute 
amount compared to everyone else, due to my level of illness. I had to 
start at a small dose and go up slowly. Even when I took the diflucan, 
the first low dose put me in bed sick as a dog for days. So, I cut up 
the pills and started with a much lower dose, and gradually increased 
it during the first weeks. I was still in bed for almost the whole 
month while it was killing off the aspergillus or whatever wide variety 
I had going on.

If I had to do it over again, I would do much much more to bind the 
toxins in the gut, as the gut re-abosrbs them continually, awhich makes 
it very difficult to get well.  The activated charcoal, clays zeolites, 
etc will help do that.  It really takes concerted effort. Plus, I just 
love the sweating-I would feel enormously better after my salt sweat 
baths, even if I did feel a little light headed.

There are some good protocols around, like at the yahoo groups 
saunadetox and detox. I had a calendar and a checklist so I could keep 
track of what I was doing. It helped me feel like I wasmaking progress 
even if it was slow.

Best Wishes,


On Sep 5, 2008, at 7:44 AM, Peter Converse wrote:

Hi Sara,
A very gentle and gradual detoxification approach may get you headed 
in the right direction such as Richard Loyd's foot bath (2 tub method) 
and Lee Crock's Energy Cleaner or a copy of it. Zeolite in a ramped-up 
protocol may help as may charcoal, bentonite, French green clay and 
colonics. I bought a colonics machine 8 years ago when I was almost as 
good as dead and used it faithfully (I wasn't so disciplined as much 
as I was reluctant to deteriorate or die at the time). Next, came the 
FIR Sauna, slowly building up my times and intensities. Years of 
detoxifying made it possible for me to reintroduce previously 
off-limits herbs, supplements, foods etc. as I also was desensitized 
to offending substances.

There is light at the end of the tunnel.and it's not an oncoming 
train (laughter is good medicine too!)


- Original Message -
From: Sara
To: silver list
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 3:28 PM
Subject: Re: CS>OT > multiple chemical sensitivity and infections

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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Talk is cheap

2008-09-05 Thread Dan Nave
Morning Wayne,

I think YOU know it.

But if it isn't transmitted to anyone else, it will die with you.

That was my point. 


> -Original Message-
> From: Wayne Fugitt [] 
> Sent: Friday, September 05, 2008 9:39 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Talk is cheap
> Morning Dan,
> I like your message, but not the subject.  
> I will comment on that.
>  >> At 08:28 AM 9/5/2008, you wrote:
> >Morning Wayne,
> >When you die, will anyone *know* how to do your plant feeding method?
> Yes, most of it is etched in stone, handwriting on the wall.
> The problem is like health, nutrition, and most everything else.
> Separating the News, from the Truth, from the Lies.
> On virtually every website relative to growing, I can find 
> omissions, half truths, and outright lies.
> I do have a few things I have learned the scientists do not 
> appear to know about.
> Reason being, I stepped of the cliff, in the zone of the unknown.
> These are all on my website, few can find them, and even 
> fewer will know it when they see them.
> Relative to your subject, .  "Talk is Cheap".
> My talk is not cheap.  I paid the price, sweated blood, and 
> worked many thousands of hours.
> I have measured my success in thousands of hours of study.
> Not to mention the cost of the textbooks.
> I paid $ 185.00 each for two communication boards.  It 
> required one week of hard work for me to master the code to 
> communicate with these boards.  After that, they still sit on 
> the bench.
> I would give them to someone who was disserving.
> Plus, I rather spend $ 500.00 to build something as 100 or 
> 200 to buy the same thing.
> I bet you and others know exactly why.  Some think I am a 
> fool, and I do not even care.
> Poor economics ?  I never studied that.  
> I hesitate to say it, will not call any names, but I strongly 
> suspect that others on the list made the journey with the 
> same route I made.
> I never said or suggested I know everything.  There are gaps 
> in my knowledge, and I keep looking for people to fill those 
> gaps, or other methods.
> The most important thing I learned, .. it to know who to ask.
> Wayne
> =
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Talk is cheap

2008-09-05 Thread Wayne Fugitt

Morning Dan,

I like your message, but not the subject.  

I will comment on that.

>> At 08:28 AM 9/5/2008, you wrote:

Morning Wayne,
When you die, will anyone *know* how to do your plant feeding method?

   Yes, most of it is etched in stone, handwriting on the wall.

The problem is like health, nutrition, and most everything else.

Separating the News, from the Truth, from the Lies.

On virtually every website relative to growing, I can find omissions, 
half truths, and outright lies.

I do have a few things I have learned the scientists do not appear to 
know about.

Reason being, I stepped of the cliff, in the zone of the unknown.

These are all on my website, few can find them, and even fewer will 
know it when they see them.

Relative to your subject, .  "Talk is Cheap".

My talk is not cheap.  I paid the price, sweated blood, and worked 
many thousands of hours.

I have measured my success in thousands of hours of study.

Not to mention the cost of the textbooks.

I paid $ 185.00 each for two communication boards.  It required one 
week of hard work for me to master the code to communicate with these 
boards.  After that, they still sit on the bench.

I would give them to someone who was disserving.

Plus, I rather spend $ 500.00 to build something as 100 or 200 to buy 
the same thing.

I bet you and others know exactly why.  Some think I am a fool, and I 
do not even care.

Poor economics ?  I never studied that.  

I hesitate to say it, will not call any names, but I strongly suspect 
that others on the list

made the journey with the same route I made.

I never said or suggested I know everything.  There are gaps in my 
knowledge, and I keep looking for people to fill those gaps, or other methods.

The most important thing I learned, .. it to know who to ask.



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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: RE: CS>thyroid meds and body temp

2008-09-05 Thread Nenah Sylver
I'm aware that osteoporosis can accompany HYPOthyroidism.


Get Mark Starr's book, Hypothyroidism Type 2. He's done all the research and
lays it out for you.





From: [] 
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 4:49 PM
Subject: Re: RE: CS>thyroid meds and body temp


Nenah, she is no longer suffering from congestive heart failure, but is
still having problems and a lot of bone loss. I know that coincides with
menopause, but doesn't it also go along with overactive or hyperthyroid?
Thanks, Jess

CS>Interesting paper

2008-09-05 Thread Marshall Dudley

   Does the Antibacterial Activity of Silver Nanoparticles Depend on
   the Shape of the Nanoparticle? A Study of the Gram-Negative
   Bacterium /Escherichia coli/^{triangledown}


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Particle size - Comments please

2008-09-05 Thread Marshall Dudley

Norton, Steve wrote:

Ok, I am responding to my own query. If I have something wrong, let me 
know. This may only be an exercise without use except as my attempt to 
understand CS and it's limits as best as I can. What I have found:

* Nothing on the permeability limits of sublingual although I
  expect it to be less than the intestinal permeability.
* The permeability of the intestines allows the passing of
  molecules up to 9200 Daltons, typically.
* While Daltons is a measure of molecular weight, 9200 Daltons
  roughly equates to 13 Angstroms.
* As a sanity test, NaEDTA is used to measure intestinal
  permeability. Being a relatively large molecule (approximately
  11 Angstroms) it has  roughly a 5% (to maybe 18%) absorption
  rate. One can measure the levels of  NaEDTA in the blood stream
  against the expected amount that should have been absorbed and
  determine if the permeability of the intestines is to high or
  too low. This correlates well with the previous statement.
* CS with a yellow color has particle sizes in the .01 to .001
  micron (10 to 100 Angstroms).
* This would mean that most if not nearly all the CS particles in
  a yellow batch is not absorbable by the digestive system.
  (assuming a symmetrical distribution such as an even or Gaussian
* There are factors such as pH and electrical charge that can
  increase or decrease absorption.
* This would also mean that little CS is absorbed sublingually.

Comments? Ideas?

 - Steve N

-Original Message-
From: Norton, Steve [_mailto:stephen.nor...@ngc.com_]
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 8:06 AM
Subject: CS>Particle size

Does anyone know what the maximum size particle is that can be 
absorbed into the body either sublingually or through the stomach and 

 - Steve N

Yellow CS has a particle size of from about 160 to 700 angstroms, and 
gold color is around 750 angstroms.

Here is some good data, from Analytical Biochemistry 262, 157-176 (1998) 
"Light Scattering Submicroscopic Particles as Highly Fluorescent Analogs 
and Their Use as Tracer Labels in Clinical and Biological Applications" 
by Juan Yguerabide and Evangelina E. Yguerabide:

Absorption peak in nm - absorption color - transmission color for Silver 
particles with a diameter in nm of:

38 - 431 nm - violet - yellow
47 - 440 nm - violet - yellow
60 - 449 nm - blue-violet - yellow
75 - 465 nm - blue - yellow/orange
90 - 488 nm - blue - pink
118 -527 nm - green - pink
144 - 590 nm - yellow/green - brown
186 - 465 peak but has a tail of 90% of the peak the extends beyond 700 
nm - blue, green, yellow, orange and red - violet tells us that at 
10 nm diameter the absorption peak is at 395 nm, which is in the near uv 

Now a nm is 10 Anstroms or 1/1000 of a micron. 

A least squares fit applied to this data gives the following equation 
for peak wavelength absorbed vs particle size of:

y = 0.797254 x^3  +  -0.0131913 x^2  +  1.70651x + 379.539


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2008-09-05 Thread Dan Nave
25.5 volts at the electrode is OK, but you don't have a 24 volt input,
you have more.
You can't have more voltage than there is at the input in this sort of
circuit.  You could say 
24V rated wall wart or something like that...

A resistor of .4 ohms is a dead short really, you may have been on the
K-ohm range in which case it would be .4K ohms, or 400 ohms.  (K stands
for 1000)

If this is the case you have 25.5 V divided by 400 ohms which gives you
62.5 milliamps as a maximum current that will flow in the circuit.
Adding the LED will use up about 1.5 volts of your total voltage so you
would have 24 / 400 = 60ma.

Make sure the LED is connected with the correct polarity  or else it
will block all current flow.  If it lights up, it is in the correct

Current is labeled Amps, or milliamps (for Amps/1000).


> -Original Message-
> From: Neville [] 
> Sent: Friday, September 05, 2008 8:33 AM
> To:
> Hi bob,
> Yep yep, no worries, I always get mine from China anyway.  
> Can get 2 sets there for the price of 1 here so I never buy 
> them here in Australia anymore. 
> I don't throw them out when machine tells me they are empty 
> either, I just tell the printer that I have installed new 
> ones and get a heap more printing done.  I wonder how many 
> people throw half empty cartridges away just because the 
> printer says they are empty, my experience is that they are 
> about 2/3 empty, still life in them yet, well mine anyway.
> By the way, have been doing some calculating and now know 
> what my units do, (saying that with tongue in cheek while 
> waiting with baited breath)...25.5volts at electrodes from 
> 24volt input, 00.4 ohm resistor, (decimal point maybe?), 
> gives me 63.75 amps?, (again decimal point could be in the 
> wrong place so would be 6.375 I spose), 1 LED in the circuit as well. 
> Only one question left, the 'amps' would be termed 'current' 
> would it not?
> Neville.
> - Original Message -
> From: "bob Larson" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, September 05, 2008 10:42 PM
> > eBay: ink cartridge refill kits and stale dated (but sealed 
> and fine)
> > cartridges save a ton of money.
> >
> >> -Original Message-
> >> From: Neville []
> >> Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 10:09 PM
> >> To:
> >> Subject: Re: CS>TO WHOM IT CONCERNS.
> >>
> >> I've printed so much info out about CS etc that I am tired of
> >> replacing ink
> >> cartridges, (costing me a fortune).  I am going to have to 
> pinch the new
> >> ones I got for my daughter back now to continue .  Yep, it's all
> >> fun isn't
> >> long as I can keep it as 'fun'.
> >>
> >> Neville.
> >
> >
> > --
> > The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing 
> Colloidal Silver.
> >
> > Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> >
> > To post, address your message to:
> >
> > Address Off-Topic messages to:
> >
> > The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> >
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >
> > 

CS>Printing, What does it tell me ?

2008-09-05 Thread Wayne Fugitt

Morning Neville,

At 09:09 PM 9/4/2008, you wrote:
I've printed so much info out about CS etc that I am tired of 
replacing ink cartridges, (costing me a fortune).

  I have a very good friend,  He is relatively intelligent in many respects.

A former policeman, directory of security, knows a lot about cars,
does very well trading gold and silver, has a mind set very strong,

and. has a super instinct whereas he can spot a bad guy a 
mile away.  I have been with him and seen him do it.

Awesome to say the least.

Since he has had a computer, he must have printed a train car load of paper.

And he knows nothing about a computer and nothing about file 
management. ... Period.

I print nothing, never have.

I do not even have a stupid printer connected to any of my 6 computers.

I do not want one, just a piece of crap.

I did print AutoCad drawings once upon a time.

If something needs printing, I prepare the document, send it to the 
office, and my son prints it and mails it.

Usually it is some valuable article someone else needs, or an invoice 
for my mail order business.

Printing everything makes it clear.  One does not know about file 
management,  cannot manage their computer, and in most every case,

They do not know have to manage their mail either.

Not hearsay evidence, or speculation.  Proof from my observations of 
my friends, . and spying on my enemies also.

Plus, it is being cruel to the environment and wasting trees.
They serve to keep the earth cool.  It is much cooler around my place 
that it is up town and in open areas.


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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Nevilles Journey

2008-09-05 Thread Wayne Fugitt

Morning Neville,

You are on a journey without a route.

>> At 08:32 AM 9/5/2008, you wrote:

...25.5volts at electrodes from 24volt input, 00.4 ohm resistor, 
(decimal point maybe?), gives me 63.75 amps?, (again decimal point 
could be in the wrong place so would be 6.375 I spose), 1 LED in the 
circuit as well. Only one question left, the 'amps' would be termed 
'current' would it not?

I have some cautions and suggestions for you.

And a list of hazards.

Please stand by


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2008-09-05 Thread Neville

Hi bob,

Yep yep, no worries, I always get mine from China anyway.  Can get 2 sets 
there for the price of 1 here so I never buy them here in Australia anymore. 
I don't throw them out when machine tells me they are empty either, I just 
tell the printer that I have installed new ones and get a heap more printing 
done.  I wonder how many people throw half empty cartridges away just 
because the printer says they are empty, my experience is that they are 
about 2/3 empty, still life in them yet, well mine anyway.

By the way, have been doing some calculating and now know what my units do, 
(saying that with tongue in cheek while waiting with baited 
breath)...25.5volts at electrodes from 24volt input, 00.4 ohm resistor, 
(decimal point maybe?), gives me 63.75 amps?, (again decimal point could be 
in the wrong place so would be 6.375 I spose), 1 LED in the circuit as well. 
Only one question left, the 'amps' would be termed 'current' would it not?


- Original Message - 
From: "bob Larson" 

Sent: Friday, September 05, 2008 10:42 PM

eBay: ink cartridge refill kits and stale dated (but sealed and fine)
cartridges save a ton of money.

-Original Message-
From: Neville []
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 10:09 PM

I've printed so much info out about CS etc that I am tired of
replacing ink
cartridges, (costing me a fortune).  I am going to have to pinch the new
ones I got for my daughter back now to continue .  Yep, it's all
fun isn't long as I can keep it as 'fun'.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Talk is cheap

2008-09-05 Thread Dan Nave
Morning Wayne,

When you die, will anyone *know* how to do your plant feeding method?


you wrote:

> ( another book, I will write the introduction, but not the 
> whole book )

> -Original Message-
> From: Wayne Fugitt [] 
> Sent: Friday, September 05, 2008 5:54 AM
> To:
> Subject: CS>Iodine, Allergic ? ( other food problems )
> Morning Sol,
> I read your long message,  Very Interesting indeed.
> At 06:40 PM 9/4/2008, you wrote:
> >Fish and kelp fertilizers are increasingly used by home 
> gardeners also. 
> >Iodine I am extremely allergic/senstive to,
>   Glad you used the word,  sensitive.
> One of my daughters appears to be allergic to iodine, she 
> thinks she is, and has had reactions, will not eat shrimp, 
> and anything that contains very much iodine.
> While I am not disagreeing with you, my daughter, and many 
> others, it is very hard for me not to do it.
> It is beyond my belief and all my years of study, to believe 
> anyone can be allergic to a proven, known, necessary nutrient.
> It is almost like someone saying,
> I am allergic to protein
> I am allergic to fat
> I am allergic to carbohydrate !
> What if someone said," I am allergic to Water"  ?
> I have met people that stated.   "I cannot take any vitamin C".
> Guess what ?   They are all dead now, or have cancer, and 
> will die soon !
> Sad, but true !
> Now,.. my two bit opinion, based on a few facts and 
> 50 years of study.
> If you are braced and ready...( no charge 
> of course ) The genius doctor will tell you much less, and 
> charge you much more.
> I firmly believe that there is a problem with
> Body Chemistry
> Metabolism
> Intercellular Communications,( or all three )
> Anyone that knows anything at all, should understand these 
> can become compromised, out of order, work less than perfect, 
> and all kinds of symptoms, ailments, and disease will be the result.
> It seems that several nutritionists have stated,
>   I am not surprised that many people are sick.
>   I am surprised that anyone is healthy !
>   Now the bad news..
>   I will admit I am not as healthy as I once was.  But for 
> many, many, years, I had extreme mental energy, was never 
> sick,  I had extreme endurance, and felt great all the time.  
> I could work, 2 , 3, or 4 days straight and never go to bed.
> One of my scientists friends stated, I have beat the American 
> Odds, 3 million to one.
> Why has things changed ?
> Age,  certainly
> The food chain ?  It is broke, or nearly so.  Even organic 
> food leaves lots to be desired.
> ( another book, I will write the introduction, but not the 
> whole book )
> I must have 200 different supplements, minerals, herbs.  So 
> many, I cannot get around to all of them in a week , 
> . or two weeks.
> I can tell you so much bad news about plants, food, and 
> growing, I really hate to do it.
> Much is from experience, not from theory and books, even a 
> few mistakes I have made, relative to plants and destroying 
> some plants, I had worked hard to grow.  These were not 
> annual plants, they would have lasted many years. It was a 
> few years later when I realized my mistake.
> Anyone know any good news ?  Relative to food, the food 
> chain, food quality, and on and on !
> Wayne
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Rose Hips Questions

2008-09-05 Thread Dan Nave
That's the conclusion I have come to as well.



> -Original Message-
> From: sol [] 
> Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 6:53 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Rose Hips Questions
> Dan,
>I think they have to be ripe.
> sol
> Dan Nave wrote:
> > Someone gave me some rose hips.  These are still green.  Do 
> they have 
> > to be more mature (ripe) in order to be useful as a food or vitamin 
> > source, or can they be harvested anytime?

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2008-09-05 Thread bob Larson
eBay: ink cartridge refill kits and stale dated (but sealed and fine)
cartridges save a ton of money.

> -Original Message-
> From: Neville []
> Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 10:09 PM
> To:
> I've printed so much info out about CS etc that I am tired of
> replacing ink
> cartridges, (costing me a fortune).  I am going to have to pinch the new
> ones I got for my daughter back now to continue .  Yep, it's all
> fun isn't
> long as I can keep it as 'fun'.
> Neville.

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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>OT > multiple chemical sensitivity and infections

2008-09-05 Thread Peter Converse
Hi Sara,

A very gentle and gradual detoxification approach may get you headed in the 
right direction such as Richard Loyd's foot bath (2 tub method) and Lee Crock's 
Energy Cleaner or a copy of it. Zeolite in a ramped-up protocol may help as may 
charcoal, bentonite, French green clay and colonics. I bought a colonics 
machine 8 years ago when I was almost as good as dead and used it faithfully (I 
wasn't so disciplined as much as I was reluctant to deteriorate or die at the 
time). Next, came the FIR Sauna, slowly building up my times and intensities. 
Years of detoxifying made it possible for me to reintroduce previously 
off-limits herbs, supplements, foods etc. as I also was desensitized to 
offending substances. 

There is light at the end of the tunnel.and it's not an oncoming train 
(laughter is good medicine too!)


  - Original Message - 
  From: Sara 
  To: silver list 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 3:28 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>OT > multiple chemical sensitivity and infections

  I really hesitate to be frank here, because it sounds so crazy. but i have 
been reacting very badly to anything organically grown for years, including 
clothing. i have some theories but don't really know why. could be they 
fertilize with fish source stuff, and anything from the ocean tends to really 
bother me, with heavy metals and pollutants and possibly iodine. anyway, it's 
ironic that the stuff that could be best for me hurts me so much. as a note, i 
seem to react to stuff in concentrations that even insects can deal with. it's 
what i call a sci-fi illness.

- Original Message - 
From: Peter Converse 
To: Sara ; 
Sent: Monday, September 01, 2008 2:37 PM
Subject: Re: CS>OT > multiple chemical sensitivity and infections

Hi Sara,

If you can handle a daily intake of 3 tbsps. of virgin organic coconut 
oil/day, (  is the site, I think, for the 
best VOC oil I have ever used) this has helped many people with hypothyroidism. 
Glandular extracts are another option. Getting any flouride out of your diet 
and replacing with another mineral ending in "ide" can help restore the 
thyroid. Armor Thyroid is another option. Killing the bugs and deoxifying the 
contaminants that initiate the endocrine dysfunction may, in time, lead to a 
normalization of thyroid, pituitary, hypothalamus and adrenal glands. A 
balanced amino acid formula to address any deficiencies may be a helpful 
adjunct for a while.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Sara 
  Sent: Monday, September 01, 2008 12:17 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>OT > multiple chemical sensitivity and infections

  Thanks to all for responding! i am indeed very sensitive to iodine. i 
took compounded synthroid for a few months and it really helped, but i became 
too sensitive to it to continue.

  i look forward to more thoughts on these things.

- Original Message - 
From: Dee 
Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2008 7:37 AM
Subject: Re: CS>OT > multiple chemical sensitivity and infections

what about supplementing with iodine, which is what I did with great 
success. Unless you are allergic of course. dee

> Sara,
> Many problems—more than one might think, including allergies—are 
> or exacerbated by an under-functioning thyroid. Mark Starr’s book, 
> Hypothyroidism Type 2: the Epidemic explores this in detail. It’s 
> more than just killing bugs, even though that of course is important. 
> Low thyroid function can cause fibromyalgia. People with Lyme tend to 
> have low thyroid function. And MCS, from over-exposure to toxins, can 
> knock out the thyroid gland (which in turn will create more MCS). 
> all intertwined.  
> Dr. Broda Barnes’s hypothyroid test is simple: Take your armpit 
> temperature every morning, for one to two weeks before rising from 
> bed. If your temperature averages lower than 97.8ºF, you need thyroid 
> supplementation. Desiccated thyroid hormone supplement works much 
> better than the synthetic thyroxin.  
> Best,
> Nenah

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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Iodine, Allergic ? ( other food problems )

2008-09-05 Thread Wayne Fugitt

Morning Sol,

I read your long message,  Very Interesting indeed.

At 06:40 PM 9/4/2008, you wrote:
Fish and kelp fertilizers are increasingly used by home gardeners 
also. Iodine I am extremely allergic/senstive to,

 Glad you used the word,  sensitive.

One of my daughters appears to be allergic to iodine, she thinks she 
is, and has had reactions, will not eat shrimp, and anything that 
contains very much iodine.

While I am not disagreeing with you, my daughter, and many others, it 
is very hard for me not to do it.

It is beyond my belief and all my years of study, to believe anyone 
can be allergic to a proven,

known, necessary nutrient.

It is almost like someone saying,

I am allergic to protein
I am allergic to fat
I am allergic to carbohydrate !

What if someone said," I am allergic to Water"  ?

I have met people that stated.   "I cannot take any vitamin C".

Guess what ?   They are all dead now, or have cancer, and will die soon !

Sad, but true !

Now,.. my two bit opinion, based on a few facts and 50 years of study.
If you are braced and ready...( no charge of course )
The genius doctor will tell you much less, and charge you much more.

I firmly believe that there is a problem with

Body Chemistry
Intercellular Communications,( or all three )

Anyone that knows anything at all, should understand these can become 
out of order, work less than perfect, and all kinds of symptoms, 
ailments, and disease will be the result.

It seems that several nutritionists have stated,

 I am not surprised that many people are sick.

 I am surprised that anyone is healthy !

 Now the bad news..

 I will admit I am not as healthy as I once was.  But for many, 
many, years, I had extreme mental energy, was never sick,  I had 
extreme endurance, and felt great all the time.  I could work, 2 , 3, 
or 4 days straight and never go to bed.

One of my scientists friends stated, I have beat the American Odds, 3 
million to one.

Why has things changed ?

Age,  certainly

The food chain ?  It is broke, or nearly so.  Even organic food 
leaves lots to be desired.

( another book, I will write the introduction, but not the whole book )

I must have 200 different supplements, minerals, herbs.  So many, I 
cannot get around to all of them in a week , . or two weeks.

I can tell you so much bad news about plants, food, and growing, I 
really hate to do it.
Much is from experience, not from theory and books, even a few 
mistakes I have made, relative to plants and destroying some plants, 
I had worked hard to grow.  These were not annual plants, they would 
have lasted many years. It was a few years later when I realized my mistake.

Anyone know any good news ?  Relative to food, the food chain, food 
quality, and on and on !


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>multiple chemical sensitivity and infections

2008-09-05 Thread Dee

It might be normal, but it isn't pleasant to have to put up with!  dee wrote:

But Nenah isn't it normal to have hot flashes in menopause? Jess

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Re: CS>Particle size - Comments please

2008-09-05 Thread Dee
And in my case it gets even *more* complicated because when I got yellow 
CS it wasn't the CS or the DW which caused this, but the actual plastic 
bottles I put it in.  So the particle size would be bigger, but it 
wouldn't have been silver that made it so.  Would it?  dee

Norton, Steve wrote:

Ok, I am responding to my own query. If I have something wrong, let me 
know. This may only be an exercise without use except as my attempt to 
understand CS and it's limits as best as I can. What I have found:

* Nothing on the permeability limits of sublingual although I
  expect it to be less than the intestinal permeability.
* The permeability of the intestines allows the passing of
  molecules up to 9200 Daltons, typically.
* While Daltons is a measure of molecular weight, 9200 Daltons
  roughly equates to 13 Angstroms.
* As a sanity test, NaEDTA is used to measure intestinal
  permeability. Being a relatively large molecule (approximately
  11 Angstroms) it has  roughly a 5% (to maybe 18%) absorption
  rate. One can measure the levels of  NaEDTA in the blood stream
  against the expected amount that should have been absorbed and
  determine if the permeability of the intestines is to high or
  too low. This correlates well with the previous statement.
* CS with a yellow color has particle sizes in the .01 to .001
  micron (10 to 100 Angstroms).
* This would mean that most if not nearly all the CS particles in
  a yellow batch is not absorbable by the digestive system.
  (assuming a symmetrical distribution such as an even or Gaussian

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