To Wayne et al;
I agree with him all the way.
I don't take quite as many supps as Wayne,but close.
I did the Broda Barnes test for thyroid about 15 years ago and it was 92.5 on waking in the AM.
At least for one time my dr. was right when he wouldn't go for thyroid meds.
So,I did a radical shift in my diet and before long  it was  normal.
I also was able to take off 34 lbs in 6 months which was necessary.
In closing I have to say that CS/EIS has been a blessing and I don't know what I would do without it.
PS;I am in my mid 80s now.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Wayne Fugitt" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2008 3:53 AM
Subject: CS>Iodine, Allergic ? ( other food problems )

Morning Sol,

I read your long message,  Very Interesting indeed.

It is almost like someone saying,

I am allergic to protein
I am allergic to fat
I am allergic to carbohydrate !

What if someone said,    " I am allergic to Water"  ?

I have met people that stated.   "I cannot take any vitamin C".

Guess what ?   They are all dead now, or have cancer, and will die soon !

Sad, but true !

I firmly believe that there is a problem with

Body Chemistry
Intercellular Communications,        ( or all three )

Anyone that knows anything at all, should understand these can become compromised, out of order, work less than perfect, and all kinds of symptoms, ailments, and disease will be the result.

several nutritionists have stated,

not surprised that many people are sick.

surprised that anyone is healthy !

 Now the bad news..............

Why has things changed ?

Age, ........ certainly

The food chain ? It is broke, or nearly so. Even organic food leaves lots to be desired.
( another book, I will write the introduction, but not the whole book )

I must have 200 different supplements, minerals, herbs. So many, I cannot get around to all of them in a week , ......... or two weeks.



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