Hey Kathryn,

It's funny that when we are going through things like I have and you have that we believe, some days, that we are the sorriest persons alive. Then we are shown many others who are in the same or similar boat and some who are even much worse off than ourselves. Prayer, perseverence, dogged determination, unflappable faith, willingness to experiment, a network of like-minded friends, endless hours of research/application (trial and error), and a complete set of life priority adjustments can go a long way......remember how many supplement bottles filled the kitchen cupboards and how many ended up in the trash? What a journey! After all is said and done we emerge much stronger and smarter than before and able to assist others in a much more meaningful way and we learn the true definition of empathy....experientally...our hearts are forever changed. Praise God who upheld us in His righteous right hand and let no weapon formed against us prosper! Of course, all is never quite ALL said and done...life goes on and the challenges change...step by step, day by day.



----- Original Message ----- From: "Clayton Family" <clay...@skypoint.com>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Friday, September 05, 2008 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: CS>OT > multiple chemical sensitivity and infections

Hey Peter,  thanks for the laughs, I guess alot of us have been there.
It cost me a great deal of money spent on practitioners to realize that
I was basically being poisoned and dying from an infection the drs
refused to treat (until I went to the environmental doc, who diagnosed
me). How much I would have saved in time, money and health if I had
only not been so skeptical of the alternative detoxing methods. Later
on after I did many hours and months of research I understood why the
detox stuff works, and how it related to my particular situation. I
wish I had been able to just jump in wholeheartedly with faith, but
<sigh> I am just not that type- gotta see it myself.

I had to start nearly every single thing I did to get well at a minute
amount compared to everyone else, due to my level of illness. I had to
start at a small dose and go up slowly. Even when I took the diflucan,
the first low dose put me in bed sick as a dog for days. So, I cut up
the pills and started with a much lower dose, and gradually increased
it during the first weeks. I was still in bed for almost the whole
month while it was killing off the aspergillus or whatever wide variety
I had going on.

If I had to do it over again, I would do much much more to bind the
toxins in the gut, as the gut re-abosrbs them continually, awhich makes
it very difficult to get well.  The activated charcoal, clays zeolites,
etc will help do that.  It really takes concerted effort. Plus, I just
love the sweating-I would feel enormously better after my salt sweat
baths, even if I did feel a little light headed.

There are some good protocols around, like at the yahoo groups
saunadetox and detox. I had a calendar and a checklist so I could keep
track of what I was doing. It helped me feel like I wasmaking progress
even if it was slow.

Best Wishes,


On Sep 5, 2008, at 7:44 AM, Peter Converse wrote:

Hi Sara,

A very gentle and gradual detoxification approach may get you headed in the right direction such as Richard Loyd's foot bath (2 tub method) and Lee Crock's Energy Cleaner or a copy of it. Zeolite in a ramped-up protocol may help as may charcoal, bentonite, French green clay and colonics. I bought a colonics machine 8 years ago when I was almost as good as dead and used it faithfully (I wasn't so disciplined as much as I was reluctant to deteriorate or die at the time). Next, came the FIR Sauna, slowly building up my times and intensities. Years of detoxifying made it possible for me to reintroduce previously off-limits herbs, supplements, foods etc. as I also was desensitized to offending substances.

There is light at the end of the tunnel.....and it's not an oncoming train (laughter is good medicine too!)


----- Original Message -----
From: Sara
To: silver list
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 3:28 PM
Subject: Re: CS>OT > multiple chemical sensitivity and infections

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